3 May, 2024


The Best Laid Election Plans & How They Might Pan Out  

By Rajan Philips

Rajan Philips

The Sri Lankan parliament finally stands dissolved (to adapt SWRD’s famous line on the still more famous B-C Pact: “the Pact stands abrogated”). Parliament escaped premature dissolution in October-November 2018 when the Supreme Court cut short Maithripala Sirisena’s amateurish attempt at executive overreach. It could and should have been dissolved soon after the court verdict by (two-thirds) parliamentary consent, but Ranil Wickremesinghe, rather than taking a very favourable political tide at the flood, chose to prolong the parliament’s life to suit his inscrutable calculations for one last presidential run. In the end, he couldn’t run anywhere and opened the gate for the resounding return of the Rajapaksas. Now, Mr. Wickremesinghe is talking like a political Cardinal, advising the people to ‘vote wisely’ in the upcoming parliamentary election. People generally vote wisely, no thanks to him. The problem is with the unwise choices that they are presented with and the unwise ways in which those who are elected act after the elections. The coming election will likely be no different.

Buoyed by the presidential election victory the SLPP and its leaders are well positioned to best lay out the plans for the parliamentary election. The UNP alliance, or whatever that will come of it, seems worse positioned than it was for the presidential election in November. Sajith Premadasa’s newness raised false hopes then. Now, reality has set in even among its most faithful supporters. The JVP keeps striking all the right notes, but still hasn’t found an electoral base anywhere in spite of all the trying. The TNA will have its own battles to fight against rivals who will have much to criticize the TNA for the last five years without having to offer anything meaningful for the next five years. The Muslim political parties and the upcountry Tamil political parties are unevenly divided between the two main alliances.   

The SLPP’s problem might be that it is aspiring for too much power with too many plans. The single-minded purpose that propelled Gotabaya Rajapaksa to the presidency now appears to have been lost. That purpose, even promise, was to make government clean and efficient, and to remove the country’s physical bottlenecks – from garbage to drainage to power supply to drinking water to sewerage treatment and to traffic. Now, there are too many distractions and too little focus. For the President’s entourage of family and supporters, winning the presidency itself is not enough. 

The new constitutional theorem is that to have a stable government in Sri Lanka, the SLPP must have not only the executive presidency but also a two-thirds majority in parliament. This is recipe for ad hoc constitutional amendments that would be worse than the spate of amendments that President Jayewardene pushed through as he kept changing his own constitution. For those with memories of the 1970s, two-thirds majority is synonymous with parliamentary tyranny. Half a century later, it will be ‘double jeopardy squared’, for one political party to simultaneously control the executive presidency and two-thirds majority in parliament. What are both needed for anyway?

The latest reasoning is about the role of independent commissions and an apparently too independent a member of the Election Commission. Does the country have to go through a whole election and a constitutional change to rein in just one member of a statutory body? There also appears to be some confusion, or double standards, about what high post officials can and cannot do outside their official duties. To what extent could or should they be padlocked, in the case of members of statutory commissions? Can someone continue with her or his professional practice after being appointed as a Provincial Governor? By that token, ministers who are lawyers can still show up in court and provide service to the public for a thumping fee. And that is a whole world different from case of the University Grants Commission reportedly barring a law professor from appearing in habeas corpus cases in Jaffna after a complaint by the Sri Lankan Army. 

Do we need a constitutional change or changes to put an end to these double standards? Or, will a two-thirds majority come in handy to regularize the irregular? To modify an earlier political turn of phrase from the 1950s, there are seeds of authoritarianism in all of this, and perhaps in spite of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and not because of him.               

The President has notably promised that there will be no going back to the 18th Amendment. Should that be a relief? Is he striking a different line from the rest of the family, rather the SLPP? The promise will surely prompt editorial praises that Mr. Rajapaksa is not showing any signs of being the authoritarian president that his critics had warned he would be. There are two ways to look at this. Either the alarms and criticisms were misplaced and overblown, or they are having a mellowing effect on President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Time will tell. At the same time, even the diehard constitutional busybodies will know that trying to bring back 18A risks provoking a huge backlash, one that the new President will do well to avoid. 

There is also another way to look at it. Campaigning for a two thirds majority is politically not very smart. What happens if you don’t get a two-thirds majority? Then you will have no mandate to even talk about changing the constitution. As a campaign issue, it gives the (UNP) opposition a rallying point to do better than they are expected to do. 

No doubt, there are changes needed to rectify the mostly drafting errors in the 19th Amendment and also to reform the current electoral system. On both counts, the government could and should work with the opposition to bring about the required changes after the parliamentary elections. In fact, these changes could have been easily done by the now dissolved and lame duck parliament after the November presidential election. The same way the 19th Amendment was passed between the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2015. Inexplicably, the new Administration sat on it for three months. Just as Ranil Wickremesinghe sat on it for a whole year, for reasons that only he can fathom.    

Untimely headwinds

The government has done a neat finesse on the MCC for the election, but it will have to play its card soon after the election. The MCC Experts Committee has done its mite per directions, and given the government the cover it needed before the election. It will turn out to be another downsized Mahaweli Development Scheme that was undertaken in 1970. There is not much room left in the political spectrum for history to repeat itself with an accelerated MCC, similar to the Accelerated Mahaweli Development Scheme of 1977. Mixing metaphors, the political landscape is all over the map! 

Whatever happened to the children of 1956, the children of 1977 from across the political spectrum have now become Sri Lanka’s cosmopolitan anti-imperialists. And they form a core constituency of Rajapaksa politics. Like market socialism, there is now a case for anti-imperial capitalism. Anti-Americanism is par for the course in Sri Lankan politics even for, especially for, US-Sri Lankan dual citizens. The not so minor flies in the ointment are crime, corruption, and nepotism. Add to them, from last week, Dayan Jayatilleke’s fourth dimension – universal human rights. And this week, the International Criminal Court authorized the investigation of alleged war crimes by US and Taliban forces in Afghanistan. The signposts for the future are cropping up. But there are miles and miles to go before anyone gets there.

Donald Trump, running out of arguments for the November election, will use the ICC decision as a political weapon in his campaign. Just as the Sri Lankan government will use Geneva and the UNHRC as weapons in the unfolding election campaign. It is one thing to run against the UNHRC in an election, but it would be quite a different thing to run away from it after the election. 

The annual trek to Geneva will be a fact of Sri Lankan political life unless the Sri Lankan government and Tamil political leaders take it upon themselves to address postwar accountability head on. To revert to Dayan Jayatilleka’s formulation of the fourfold framework, the need to find a practical balance between national sovereignty and universal human rights, is a constraint not only for the government but also for the Tamil leadership. The lesson from the Palestinians cannot be clearer. It is not enough not to keep missing opportunities, you should also look to creating new opportunities. 

None of this will be front and centre in the current election. But they will be after the election. The real headwinds in the campaign are going to be from outside. The coronavirus and its economic fallout may have unpredictable effects in the election. Come to think of it, Sri Lankans have never gone to a poll in a time of such global uncertainty over health and the economy as they are going to do now. It really is a double whammy. 

The irony also is that Mahinda Rajapaksa called an early presidential election in 2014/15 to avoid facing the electorate amidst an economic downturn that he expected for 2015/16. Now, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is wading into a parliamentary election in the midst of a global pandemic (which is what it is in all but name) and economic panic. Given its size and location, Sri Lanka might escape the worst. But isolation is not the answer. It never is, even if it were possible. 

No political party can have a winning message in a situation like this. But the test is for the government to show competence. Anything less will not go unpunished. A prudent question for the President is whether targeting a two-thirds majority is appropriate for the present situation. Never mind it is not appropriate in any situation. No political party in Sri Lanka has ever campaigned expressly for a two-thirds majority. Not even Dr. Colvin R de Silva for the United Front in 1970, or JR Jayewardene for the UNP in 1977. Should it be different now?   

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  • 9

    The normal procedure is the recycling of the existing 224. See how some known thug politicians have become mouth pieces of their leaders in order to get a minister post. UNP has the problem of chasing out incompetent leech from the top chair and all the people with baggage are rallying around him. Island wide people elected can not become the DEFENCE MINISTER and he can not get the cabinet that he wants. That is the situation of the executive presidency. Former used to cry out to the voter saying They do not let me do that and this.
    Interdicted Judges and deputy politicians talk how International community interfered in the Judiciary, parliament and in the cabinet decisions.

    • 14

      Rajapakshes political masturbation ruins the nation.
At least for a 5 years it was stopped, but stupid people dominated srilanka brought them back to power.
As any other myths would work in their day today life, now they believe, Gotabaya is different by his politics. This myth goes on so long the elections are held. After than we would be compelled to see, usual persecutions, state terror, barbarism led by their monks, be back to their usual mechanisms.
I notice some thing in today s atmosphere created by Rajakshes, but I really dont know what it is – my undermind says, it will be even dangerous than the situation faced by lybians under Gadafi. We will get cornered in the world. No finance donators would easily offer the state, any kin dof loans as they dream. China would, because many countries will line up today to stand against china. China s pill is being passed to the countries whose leaders are either tribal or the like. Rajakshes got caught by Chinese debt trap, and we the srilankens are known today not for our exports or intelligence in world arena but for “number one country to be caught by CHINESE debt trap”. Under authoritarian regime from 2005-2015, Rajakshes got built an Airport, a harbour, or some stadiums -out of which not a single huge project succeeded to bring investors as expected by them. Even Good Governance govt failed to win the investors, since the image made by BP Rajakshes are not easily erasable for a better future. They are masters to harm own people. They are also masters to twist the opinion in the society for their rise up.
Local media mafia is equally powerful than drug and alcohohl mafia which take every 4th among the youth in the country today.

      • 13

        We dont need to repeat but people should be fed with facts and figures of RAJAPKAHSE abusive politics
        1) They came to power telling all the unexpected and unthinkable blatant lies, but people are caught. In the end they even abused the very same people by bringing a myths such as buddhist relics being brought keleniya temple. People just believed it and breaking even the gates of the viharaya entered themselves to worship those reliques. That was a joke being planted by RAJAPAKSHE biased political goons to abuse the nation – in that manner as well. People would eat COW DUNG or elephant DUNG in tonnes, if they would have been asked. Such a stupidity is not seen even in tribes hit africa.
        2) Just returned from SRILANKA for 2 wks stay, and I feel the people are misled, but many of them dont even heart out, since they know barbarians are back. Rulers from Rajakshes family would even eat them out if they would become dissidents to their politics.
        Tuk tuk drivers were nice and they spoke out and said, that they would never vote the idiots into parliament
        I think the kindness of the people are being targeted by Rajakshes for their family politics.
        Even today Mahinda Rjaakshes shamelessly see the eyes of very same people, thought price hikes reach sky levels with the course of time.
        I myself bought some veges and rice the price levels are really high.
        People are made to believe it was the weather that made that high prices
        They dont talke about fertilizer o rother subsidies as pledged in the election campaigns

        3) As indian Kovur then made it clear, Lanken in general are made fools by opportunistic leaders fo rtheir political gains. Some believed then, if Pirith noole would have been used to tie around water collectors in the town areas, malayriaproblems woudl have been settled. How dare the people be that fools ?

    • 7

      Rajan Phillips,

      A new set of 225 imbeciles to be elected by 15 million imbeciles?

      Will the Coronavirus get them?

      It is the scientists who develop the vaccines and anti-viral drugs, that will help to finally contain this along with one’s own immune system, the first line of defense, when infected, that will save the victims.

      Given below is a comment by a Sri Lankan Britisher , Mani, on The Coronavirus, on the President GR asking for a scientific approach.

      “Mr President, I am a British Sri Lankan Jaffna Tamil. It is not the experts in Sri Lanka who have prevented this virus reaching Sri Lanka, simply it is pure luck on the side of Sri Lanka that has so far held back the virus. Countries which are many fold advanced than Sri Lanka are being infected by this virus and in Britain it has just begun,unprecedented measures are going to be implemented in London and in all the major cities. The survival of humanity now depends on the Scientists who were ignored for so long in preference to artificially titled doctors.”

      • 1

        Rajan Phillips,

        “Will the Coronavirus get them?”

        “It is not the experts in Sri Lanka who have prevented this virus reaching Sri Lanka, simply it is pure luck on the side of Sri Lanka that has so far held back the virus.”

        Update, Monday 9th March by Dr. John Campbell. He says:
        We need to move from reactivity to proactivity.


        Coughs and sneezes spread diseases

        Catch it, bin it, kill it.

        Elbow bumps are friendly, welcoming, polite, correct, pragmatic, responsible, considerate, cool

        Global containment now needed

        Good health care should be of the people, by the people, for the people

  • 4

    Thank Heavens the great Patriot UNP Uncle Karu braved the Water Bottle and even Miriskudu Missiles, to protect the UNP PM Dr Ranil and his UNP Cabinet to live another day.
    Sorry another 3 months..

    Otherwise our inhabitants wouldn’t have had the delight of watching Dr Rajitha, Mr Ranwaka , Mr Ramanayaka waving their Hand Cuffs to the suckers , through the windows of Black Marias.

    We would not have heard how SC Judges and the CID Boss fixed Political Trials and jailed good Public servants and good Buddhist Monks.

    We wouldn’t have heard about the juicy lives of Colombo Elite fair sex ,who were on WhattsApp with the UNP pin up Boy MP and Dr Rani’s Jr Minister from Gampaha.

    We wouln’t have seen the Best Finanace Minster in the World , the UNP Heavy Mr Karunanayaka hiding from the new CID ,frightened of spending the Weekkend in Welikada.

    Wouldn’t have been able to watch the UNP, the great Old Bourgeois Party breaking up into Elite and Dalit Factions for good with different symbols ..

    Wouldn’t have seen our Muslim Leaders doing Business with Terror Groups which have been banned in their own Muslim Countries ..

    But I regret one thing which really hurts .
    That is the the loss of 300 Lives and 800 maimed from our Catholic Community ,because of that great Patriotic Uncle ,who even risked his life to save Dr Rani and his Cabinet which was made up of a good portion of Muslim Politicians who have had connections to Terror Suspects..

    • 6

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “Thank Heavens the great Patriot UNP Uncle Karu braved the Water Bottle and even Miriskudu Missiles, to protect the UNP PM Dr Ranil and his UNP Cabinet to live another day.”

      However it was Maaveeran (the Legendary) Douglas who protected Mahinda from Miris attack during the October coup of 2018. Is it why he was appointed as Minister of Fisheries ? Does Mahinda expect him to physically go to war with South Indian fisher folks who poach. Perhaps the Navy could hide behind his bum.

      • 1

        Tamil bums are good hiding places indeed.
        Dagi is a solid bloke who could face any attack.

  • 14

    Bond-scam Ranilpaksha is the root cause of the existence of Rajafucksha Mafia!

    • 10

      Where there are rascals dominated, anything would have been made as head lines.
      Actually bond scam reported, came to reveal by previous good governance govt was part and parcel of Rajapakshe regime. Even that became known to the world, as tsunami term became to the nation after it really hit, by the good governance govt. And the losses experienced are desposited in the CB for future use, meaning it is not a loss, but BP Rajaakshe together with that Kabral man, did it in multiple times and, local media is silent about that.
      I think LOCAL media should be responsible for all the mess created in the country today. Good politicians are being branded while highl criminals are being promoted. What a country, nation, whose majority let it happening further ?
      I wish Covid 19 virus be infected any one in and close Rajaakshes and be them destroyed as natural cause, then only we can see it right, we are allowed to see it right in this Rajakshe punished country. Bp should be premeditaed for his abusive politics.

    • 11

      Meer, YOU get it or not, If Ranil to be blamed that much, ballige putha Rajakashe should be caught by the manner Jamal Khashoggi faced it. Or Lasantha was brutally murdreed on broad day light. Please listen to your heart and see it right. Bond scam were part and parcel of BP Rajakshes. Rajaspkeh should be kept in jails for the rest of their lives. Today Gotler has become the caricature of Mahinda… umba balayata ave maa nisa- you became president not because of your own power but mine…. this is what bps struggle today. We also should openly burnt down that sirisena to create the environnment bps to behave so. If there had been no Sirisena, rajakshes would have been caught by crime investigations. This country is now led by the alleged high criminals no second to former Parkistan leaders. May be in 2 more decades will take to drive away Rajakshes and make a real good state where peace and reco… will be in their agenda.

    • 0

      Meer, get it right please, even if Wickramasinghe was the PM in previous govt, some decisions depended SOLELY on SIrisena as the leader of the country. That is where Mr WICKRAMASIGNE became helpless. There if you guys, only attack him for few billions of losses in BOND scam, but not attacking ballige putha Mahinda whose rule robbed CB huge sums over the years, that is something wrong to my eye.
      I think even today, SIRASA attacks loudly attacked Ranil but never attacks Rajapkashes … are they not deals?
      Sirisena gave more frequencies allowing Sirasa to cover this story,regardless of ethics and morals, so we highly criticise HIRU TV and DEHRANA TV but not yet SIRASA… sirasa is highly abusive so as Derana.
      All these will come up in next days and I am not sure, if BPs Rajakshes would allow proper investigations.
      I dont respect Gotabaya even if he comes from not traditional politics. He is equally idiotic so as his brother.
      That is it. All these men should be hung by their balls bringing to Galle face green in order to allow national healing.

  • 13

    an interesting article.
    the kallathoni of a president has called for the 25th April polls hoping that his criminal racist fostering party will be able to obtain the needed 2/3 majority to play with bandu the pandu to complete the destruction of the already destroyed bankrupt once upon a time granary of the east where exporting of rice to the rest of the world was a done thing.
    ever since 1956, the once-prosperous island has been put into reverse gear and it had no other choice but to trek and trek down the pallan to go suicide.?
    no wage increases for the beleaguered masses who are on a war mode to keep their man-made malnourished fragile bodies intact.?
    the once mighty unp with their ever-continuing in-house fighting might help this good for nothing hora badu government to obtain the 2/3 majority that they are yearning for.?
    I am one my knee pleading to the gods of every vintage that these dreams of the patta horu imbeciles should ever bear fruit.?
    why is the Sinhala race always yearn to greedily eat and eat kavun and make themselves the world’s biggest greatest modaya’s?
    cheers, R.J.

    • 9

      R.J. They want their names entered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s Greatest Modayas!

    • 1

      Wage increase is the most stupidest thing that can be done by the govt. So people go on buying sprees, take loans. in order to pay those loans, and to take mental stress away, they keep on eating and women become barrels. Men become drunkards and druggies. See North America and Europe kept on increasing Salaries (not wages) and benefits and perks so that every one can buy a car. After that they kept on outsourcing every thing or sending manufacturing overseas so they get cheaply manufactured stuff home.
      China used that opportunity and they did not increase salaries instead the govt making profits and used that wealth to develop the country.
      Now, every one is hating China because they became very advanced.
      So, Sri lanka has got that western situation. They say go overseas and send us money and then we import everything for you.
      Now the sri Lankan govt can not wait until women send the money. Every month, they borrow money in billions to pay in 90 days, 180 days and 360 days etc. That bankrupt sri lanka.

  • 7

    What are you trying say. All verbose nothing clear. More than language idea should be clear

    • 6

      Dilshan, exactly. All wind. As the bard said ‘A poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’

  • 8

    Rajan, are you speaking tongue in cheek, my good man?

    Quote: The single-minded purpose that propelled Gotabaya Rajapaksa to the presidency now appears to have been lost. That purpose, even promise, was to make government clean and efficient, and to remove the country’s physical bottlenecks – from garbage to drainage to power supply to drinking water to sewerage treatment and to traffic.

    Good heavens, do you really believe that? GR’s single-minded purpose was to go after the CID sleuths and journos who tried to expose his and his family’s corrupt, criminal and murderous actions when they ruled between 2005-2015. Nothing else. The evidence speaks for itself:

    1. Stoking fear in the media by faking charges against the Swiss Embassy employee Francis who’s only alleged “offence” was to have stamped CID sleuth Nishantha Silva’s visa
    2. Goons confiscating Francis’ phone, searching for and exposing phone records of journalists who might have been in contact with Ms Francis without obtaining court orders
    3. Summarily recalling the husband of a journalist who is a career diplomat to try and get the journo down so she can be harassed
    4. Arresting Shani Abeysekera, another diligent CID sleuth in charge of high-profile cases against the Rajapakses and harassing him
    5. Promoting charge-sheeted judge Nawaz as President of the Court of Appeal to “look after” the Rajapakse cases including Lalith Weeratunge’s Sil Redhi case
    6. Appointing the PCOI to “look into” cases of “political revenge” between 2015-2019 so that people accused of crimes against Sri Lanka can be exonerated and “cleansed” again
    7. There are many more, but space doesn’t allow me….

    It is probably better to have stated that the single-minded purpose of the electorate must now be to consign the Rajapakse regime to the garbage dump and drain every last bit of the scum.

    • 9

      Justin Case

      “There are many more, but space doesn’t allow me….”

      It is much easier to jot down the ones that Gota hasn’t violated yet.

    • 8

      Justin Case. You forgot two most important and may I number them as follows:
      8. Prevented CID arresting Karanngoda -the ex Navy Commander who is listed as an accused in the “Abduction” of 11 youths, in spite of FOUR (04) arrest warrants. Incidentally the CID informed Courts that he (Karannagoda) was not in the address. Was he not watching the cricket game of Ananda/Nalanda along with Defense Secretary attended by the VVIP President GR? Was CID “DEBARRED” from being in that venue? One of the “Arrest Warrants” was also directed through the present Defense Secretary, Maj.Gen. Kamal Gunaratne.

      9. When the case against ex CEO of Sri Lankan Airline was taken up in courts, the Magistrate asked CID, why they were not taken into custody earlier. Still CID did not file a “B” report with sufficient evidence and as a result both the accused, Kapila Chandrasena and the wife were given “Bail”. Pl. note one of the “Persons of Interest” to be “Questioned” for having withdrawn money from Nimal Perera’s account (the money supposed to have received from Singapore account belonging to Chandrasena’s wife) has “PASSED AWAY” at the age of 27 years having suffered a “HEART ATTACK”. Perhaps, that Chief Medical Officer, Samarasekera, who held the “Postmortem” on Thajudeen, would have “Certified” that death was due to a “Heart Attack”. Only “GOD” will know; but “HE” is not present anywhere in Sri Lanka.

      • 3

        CMO Samar’asekera must be digesting in the stomachs of the crocodile reared in a river or pond some where in the vicinity of Medamulana.

    • 2

      If Dharisha Bastian’s husband is a career diplomat, I am pretty sure they must have handed over files full of information to foreign agents.

  • 8

    Sajith lost even before he started to play! Food for though for the few above 75% IQ citizens of Lanka…

  • 5

    “Come to think of it, Sri Lankans have never gone to a poll in a time of such global uncertainty over health and the economy as they are going to do now”
    Fishing in troubled waters !!!

  • 7

    The only good result of this election is that Ranil W. who did not have the grace to go when the sign was clear will now be booted out. One can only hope that the ethnically divided electorate will vote wisely. The Sinhalese must see how the Rajapakses have taken them for a ride by stoking ethnic passions. The Tamils must see that the old Federal Party has not delivered. The leaders on both sides looked after themselves. We have the to choose again between the same two rotten bunches. The JVP which sounds sensible, wii not be trusted due to their history. It is a sad tale. The slide into hell will not be reversed by the elections. We will go more into debt, to whom is difficult to say. The China strategy may not work after coronavirus. So, where do we take the begging bowl?

  • 8

    Rajan Philips

    RE: The Best Laid Election Plans & How They Might Pan Out

    “Parliament escaped premature dissolution in October-November 2018 when the Supreme Court cut short Maithripala Sirisena’s amateurish attempt at executive overreach. It could and should have been dissolved soon after the court verdict by (two-thirds) parliamentary consent, but Ranil Wickremesinghe, rather than taking a very favourable political tide at the flood, chose to prolong the parliament’s life to suit his inscrutable calculations for one last presidential run. In the end, he couldn’t run anywhere and opened the gate for the resounding return of the Rajapaksas

    It is all about the self-interest of those in power to maintain their hegemony. The deceived imbeciles, mean IQ 79, need to keep following them, and bow and then, a few changes happen.

    Ranil W, the leach, will not let it go. So, there is chaos in the UNP, and good opportunities for the Mafia Tribe. and the imbeciles, mean IQ 79, will go along with it, just the same way they prostrate to the monks, listen to the priests and the Ulama, on the illusions of Nibbana, Nirvana, Extinction and Heaven.

  • 13

    Rajan Philips

    “The coronavirus and its economic fallout may have unpredictable effects in the election. “

    The Daily News headline informs us:

    “President instructs officials: Ramp up COVID-19 defences” Saturday, March 7, 2020

    Are we going to see single handed general Kamal Gunaratne on a Battle Tank patrolling the streets of Colombo?

    • 4

      Native Vedda: Our President is an “IT” specialist. Under his “Digital” techniques, a “CHIP” will be embedded in every citizen so that all of them would be “Immunized” and become “ROBOTS”. Problem SOLVED. Isn’t it? We are on our way to a New World. Please don’t stand on our way.

      • 1


        “We are on our way to a New World. Please don’t stand on our way.”

        I do recognise Gota’s knowledge and proven abilities.
        Being a self proclaimed strongman, will he now ban copulation of couples who wishes to procreate future generation of their own children and order the woman to have themselves inseminate with his sperm into their reproductive system in order to have strong population? Will he establish local sperm banks to supply his sperm only? You do realise despots do have their own grant ideas.

  • 6

    I do not think any thing that Rajan Phillips say matters to the Politicians. Only thing they want is status and fast cars. See V8 engines are fixed only for heavy lifting vehicles, Truck, Buses, and racing models type of vehicles. I here, Super Luxury vehicles of Politicians have V8 engines. They are fuel Guzzlers.
    Bond scammers and Bond scam profit takers are ganging up behind the ELEPHANT SYMBOL because they are in the working committee of UNP and they have high hopes in the future.
    Some other thieves and Bond scam profit takers are ganged up with Sajith who desperatley wants the Leadership of the UNP. Sajith is still introuble because Mangala is every where.
    President was elected because of Bhikkus talking to laypeople about the destruction happening to Sri Lankan every thing because of Yahapalanaya. That is why Mangala was really upset and told THAT IN SRI LANKA, THERE ARE NO THREE GEMS BUT THERE ARE ONLY TWO GEMS. Some how pohottuwa says it is their popularity that elected the new president.
    The revenge eating hoppers and quitting the organization is coming behind Maithripala Sirisena. So, Prasanna Ranatunga us bickering that MS should not be in the Pohottuwa. But, the truth is a different one.
    On the other hand, pohottuwa when appointing the cabinet,it showed that they are the same old people. For example, Prasanna Ranatunga is for ports, so Arjuna Ranatunga won’t be accused for any wrong doings. So, both teams are in good terms. There are more than one such case.
    There are other manoevers going on. But, the voter is no one’s mind including the those in the media.
    So, that is the bottom line. Expect something closer to the real situation after March 19th.

  • 7

    Which one of these is the more “Useless Fellow” – Ranil Wickremasinghe or Sajith Premadasa? I think it will be a tie!

    • 4

      Stan – I beg to defer. Ranilpaksha, of course!

  • 11

    The results of this elections may turn tables for some , The only man responsible for it is Dayasiri , He is a mess and have messed the The Entire SLFP .
    The worst blunder was removing CBK.
    You dont mess with a women politician of iron, deny her right of her father’s political party , which even a strong man like MR never did and expect to offer her loliies to to rectify .
    SLFP’s destruction began with Dayasiri the discreet racist .
    People like Dilan and SB may say stuff out of turn , but any given time they are more gentleman than Dayasiri .
    Dilan have faced enough insults for promoting racial harmony , for that matter even SB will never stoop to that low level.
    You have to be bogotten from a genetic strides of low of the lowest to indulge in racism and bigotry.
    Do not worry, soon there is going to be a huge change in UN , if countries and leaders wont criminalize and send the murderer of racial riots to electric chairs , be sure in the future 7.odd billion is going to demand it and it will happen.

    • 4

      Animal POlitics is in place after good kind respectful politicians are no longer there in lanken politics.
      Who to be blamed if not for very same punnakku eaters dominated srilanka. I dont thin even tribal africans would behave so. If a myth about relics or anything near to that would have been spread, punnakku eating people would just follow it not questioning twice.
      That is the nature of sinhala community in that country. They but talk high about Rawana and sinhala heritage that goes to 2500 but behaves as if majority of them are utra fools. They let astrologists to decide their life. They just let any abusive witch doctors to heal their souls. How stupid they should have been to let them repeatedly caught by the tricks being played by ASTROLOGISTs and othe like abusive men.
      Even blind born, men can deceive masses today, when they would explain things to the manner parrots are trained to speak out.
      There is a man in Galle, or near galle, him being interviewed by MEDIA men for their own rates, and make his opinions public for a wave effect. No matter the impact would damage almost everything, media mafia bosses after under this kind of tactics of their survivals.
      I think over 90% of lankens are caught by MYTHS and astro predictions. If neigbouring living leelawthi would go for BODDHI pujas, you too easily join them ,even going beyond. …. Kelaniya temple is filled with worshipers, that create a place no second to mannig market. I am afraid, I did not notice any kind of previous kind of mental harmony in that place this time. I would better go to a quietly situated place in rural areas, so that i can expect that. That Pro Rajakshe man Prof. Pundith someone, being in robes have damaged the viaharaya and the cult recognition earned by it for the decades..

  • 1

    `People did not vote for the Prez because of the love for MR & co; they did not like what happened in 4/21 and the bond scam. Wahabies who carried out the Praharaya were openly working for SJ. The situation hasn’t changed.
    DJ is a spineless man to go behind Pohottuwa when a golden opportunity has been given for SLFP to regain their lost glory of SWRD days.

    • 0

      If they did not like what happened in 4/21, but why not they go on protest asking to lock up ballige putha sirisena who kept the DEFENCE ministry also not allowing then PM Wickramasigne and IGP taking part in the security councily meetings.
      Now with hidden info come up, there is no doubt, that SIRISENA and MAHINDA BALUPASKSHE were the master mind of the easter sunday bomb attack.
      I have no doubt, Gotler should be GREATEFUL to those dead and injured for his election. Else, no people would ever allow Rajakashes criminals are back and let them continue loot from where they were stopped.

      Tome, if the innocient people dead and injured paid it, MAHINDA Rajakashes and ABUSIVE SIRISENA to be hung to the very same manner Irakis executed Sadam Hussein.

      • 0

        There is a thing called Ditta Dhamma Vedaniya Karma; surely that will follow the perpetrators in the near future.

  • 0

    Never heard that DJ is a corrupt man. Same goes with Thilanga who seems to be an honourable man from Colombo.; he may have done is bookie thing, but not heard of stealing from government coffers. I stand to be corrected if I am wrong. Therefore take the advice of Mahanayakes and get uncorrupted young professionals from provinces to the fold and rebuild the party. It may also be advisable to keep a safe distance from the eagle who may need their help at the end.

    An advice from a humble well wisher!.

  • 6

    Poor Sajith can’t catch a break. Ravi Karunanayake has run off with the Swan and even the CID can’t find him!

  • 0

    One just cannot miss GR filling high positions with his Yes-persons. His intereference with the Judiciay is obtinately obdurate. Signs of extreme rightwing governnce is visible.
    In recent articles Rajan Philips’ criticism of political parties show his bias towards the Rajapaksa family owned SLPP. which in turn is based on the Bodu Bala Sena mission of a Buddhist-Sinhala Sri Lanka.

    • 1

      Pillai, it is better than the Tamileelam dictatorship you supported.

  • 3

    Podu Jana Peramuna will get two thirds majority one way or another. After the election if it doesn’t get that majority, it can invite a few UNPrs and others to join them. So it is a no brainer..

    • 3

      Don’t give false hopes to out poor Dalits Mr Gamage.

      TNA has vowed to give 40 Seats .
      Akila Boy and Dr Rani are contesting in 22 Districts with that formidable Green Elephant who is now nearly 80 years old as I understand.

      I m not sure what Symbol the UNP Dalit Faction Lead by the new Opposition Leader from Keselwatta will adopt, after Akila Boy told him to get lost , when asked to borrow the Elephant.

      At last the UNP supporters in their stronghold Gamaaha have come up with a beauty to rescue the besieged Dalit Faction.

      They want KK to use Booruwa as their Symbol instead of the Telephone, now that UNP Deputy Ravi has failed to get the Swan deal approved by Keselwatta Kid.
      I think it is a bloody good compromise ,
      And the UNP Dalits will like it because it is Poor man’s Horse..

      So Pohottiuwa will be struggling to get even that 113, unless few MPs from the UNP Dalit Faction cross over.

      But then Prez Nandasena wouldn’t give them the sort of Santhosaams which the ex Prez Eagle Sira approved.

    • 0

      I think more dumb question is “Does really 2/3 necessary for Slap Party to do all what its wants after election? Is that why Rapist Army is in all executive positions? Is that why out of entire North now LTTE arms are starting to appear? Is that why AI has reported that from the start of year about 150 rapes are reported? How the King did became president without any country’s citizenship? Who staged the October 2018 coup? After all, is there a question like that if would Ranil need any time to amalgamate himself into Slap Party cesspool after the election?”

      What gimmick these essays & questions & answers & comments…..are for last 72 years!

      All 72 years history of Lankawe is bloody shame!

      Comedy Thamai!

  • 0

    ” The irony also is that Mahinda Rajapaksa called an early presidential election in 2014/15 to avoid facing the electorate amidst an economic downturn that he expected for 2015/16.

    The coronavirus and its economic fallout may have unpredictable effects in the election. Come to think of it, Sri Lankans have never gone to a poll in a time of such global uncertainty over health and the economy as they are going to do now. It really is a double whammy. ”

    Is that this essay trying to say that Old was very correct in conducting the election two years early though he lost it? Is this essay saying that he was very wise & conscious of the environment in which he was running the government? Is that because of the brain washing effect of the Colombo Media, under which the author has been merged under, which sings 24/7 of the Royals’ as the angels Buddha had sent to Lankawe? Then how did New King slipped out his control and dig the pit to Old King, making the 18A go wasted?

    Let us assume that that the author is really on the point and Old King was fearing his performance on the economy and it’s down turn so he conducted the election two years early. We are ready to show blind eye for the pressure he was facing from American State Secretary, which eventually made him leave one slipper in TTC and run away or the OISL report which has listed his Royal Family as war criminals. It is not our point that “he didn’t fear of economic downturn when his smart business likes works of Colombo Pong Cing, Airport, Seaport, and Stadium then why would he fear about it on election time?”. Further we are willing to assume he has had sure methods to hide his $18B bank deposits falling into the hands of the IC law enforcements units, without the help of Ranil or Mangala.

  • 0

    Let’s come back to one point then what the purpose of having passed 18A for him to stand for election third time? Why did he consult Sumanadasa Abeygunawardena? Is that the economic situation he thought at 2015 going to make the ultimate king or the Sumanadasa’s planets are going to free him from UN Electric Chair? How much one describes that a thief is scared of owners while he is stealing their property? How much Ranil was right on conducting the LG election just before the UNHRC meeting? Didn’t he think UNHRC will take lesson when he loses that election and that will make to win the EP election?
    Is this big analysis and loaded political points warrant to these criminals just gambling on the Modayas’ stupidity?
    Old King was waiting for the best opportunity to crown him as the Dutugamunu. He thought his white elephants deployments were well received by Modayas. He thought it was high time to declare him as the King and seek life time diplomatic immunity from the OISL report. The election was partly forced on him by world, like India forced on him the NPC election.
    It is the same way the new Paradesi (Country- less) president is conducting this election hoping to have him made as king for ever so to seek life time immunity for even Ahimsa’ case. Ranil Nariya is the Prime Minister (Sumanadasa) consulting the King on this Wild game.

  • 2

    I don’t know how this Election will pan out.

    All I know is Dr Rani’s Yahapalana best Finance Minister has been on the run the whole weekend trying to avoid CID Hand Cuffs.
    His mates Aloysious and Palisena are also on the run with him hiding from the CID.

    With Dr Rani and Keselwatta Kid finally agreeing to use the SWAN symbol , they can now start the Campaingn in earnest?.
    But How can they do that when their most lethal weapon and the chief UNP organizer , the Darling of the Colombo Elite , next to Wig Ranjan is on the run?.

    Bathudeen has come come swinging demanding the Prez to appoint a Presidential Commission to clear him from both Easter Sunday Suicide Attacks and Deforestation of Wilpattu National Park.
    He warns the Prez not to alienate voters with those false allegations.
    Perhaps because Bathudeen has joined Keselwatta Kid Faction for the Election.

    Now the Chairman of Dr Rani’s own Suicide Parliamentary Committee Chairman Kumarasiri says both ex President Eagle Sira and the Yahapalanana PM Dr Rani are responsible for the Easter Suicide Attacks ‘

    Will Dullepa ask the CID to arrest them too?.
    Or is Duleepa holding back to allow both Sira and Dr Rani to participate in the Election camapaign now that the heavy hitting Super Stars like Galleon Ravi, Ranjan Ramanayaka and Dr Rajth are a bit restrained with those hefty Bail from the Colombo Magistrate.

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