2 May, 2024


President’s “Power Cartel” & Economic Challenge 

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Covid-19, with all its horrendous health and economic disasters, has been a blessing in disguise to a President who wants to rule with an iron fist and with or without a parliament. I have already described his militaristic management of Covid-19 as dress rehearsal for what is going to be the single most characteristic feature of his presidency (Colombo Telegraph, 11 April 2020). The country is now governed by a “power cartel”, Immanuel Wallerstein’s domesticated version of State Cartel. This power cartel with Gotabaya Rajapaksa as its numero uno, consists of controversial personalities from the tri-forces – army, navy and air force, two other Rajapaksa siblings Mahinda Rajapaksa and Basil Rajapaksa and a motely group of academics, businessmen and “political bikkus”. There is an appointed cabinet functioning under this cartel, but that cabinet is no more than a mouth piece of these real powerholders. Already, GR had declared in no uncertain terms that all heads of public offices and their assistants must either carry out the orders issued from the cartel through the presidency or express their criticism and quit. In essence, command and coercion, and not consultation and compromise is the chief modality of Sri Lanka’s governance.

It is to gain some semblance of legitimacy to this coercive project that the cartel wants an elected government led by GR’s second in command, Premier MR. Victory at the next election with two-third majority is an imperative, because the constitution needs to be redrawn to bestow all powers to the President and make him the JR incarnate and more. With the support of the tri-forces, Sinhala Buddhist business and financial moguls, a subservient media and politicised prelates, the cartel is confident that GR would achieve what he wants. The only stumbling block that is delaying this inevitability is a dysfunctional election commission, with at least one of its members standing firm and refusing to be coerced. The matter is now before the highest judicial body in the country, and whether that body also would be coerced to pronounce a favourable verdict only time will tell. The future of the parliament hangs in the balance.  

Even if the court’s decision goes against the wishes of the cartel, and the election date is postponed beyond June 20, GR is not going to reconvene the dissolved parliament, and the cartel would continue to rule the country come what may. MR has already sounded that possibility, although not directly. Every move by GR in appointing top men from the tri-forces as head of various task forces, including health, was taken to cover that eventuality.  It is with this political backdrop the country is now facing the biggest challenge in the economic history of the nation.  

Covid-19 pandemic has not disappeared and is still alive and spreading, contrary to officially published report cards. According to one independent source, there had been a systematic underestimation of the actual number of Covid-19 infections, tested cases and deaths in order to contrive and sell a success story about the militarily managed Corona-control operation. It had to be done to justify the case for an early election. For example, according to the independent source, the actual number of detected patients as at 24th May were 1,702 and not 1,141 as was officially reported. Corona testing had been done only in restricted clusters and repetitively. The Director General of Health Services, Dr. Jasinghe’s inconsistencies in reporting the actual situation only shows the predicament of responsible officers working in a coercive political environment. Nevertheless, work on economic recovery cannot wait until the pandemic disappears completely. In the absence of any vaccine, people have to accept the virus as part of life, take precautionary measures such as strict personal hygiene, social distancing and self-isolation if symptoms found, and move on. This will be the living pattern of human condition in post-Covid-19 ‘new normalcy’.                  

On the economic front, the enormity of task confronting the country cannot be underestimated. There are both external and internal constraints that have to be faced and overcome, even to achieve a modicum of success. Externally, unless Sri Lanka’s trading partners also recover simultaneously there will be less stimulus for recovery from that quarter. Covid-19 has treated every country it visited with equal severity. Having embraced the open economy model, some of the country’s critical sectors like tourism, and the apparel industry, will struggle to survive let alone recover.  Even the export of labour to Middle East an attractive source of revenue will remain stagnant for some time. With economic sanctions against China looming, international trade will receive another massive hit, which will impact Sri Lanka negatively.     

The country desperately needs foreign investment, but that investment is not going to flow in unless world economic prospects improve. Sri Lanka will have to offer extraordinarily attractive terms to entice foreign investors. The country is financially broke and it is in sheer desperation that the Central Bank has opened the doors for illicit money to enter with zero scrutiny, which in turn has alerted international institutions like Transparency International and the Financial Action Task Force, which may black list Sri Lanka as unsafe destination for foreign investors.  Whether the Governing body of the Central Bank was coerced by the power cartel to take that unsavoury decision one does not know. The bank is also entering into a currency swap deal with its counterpart in Delhi to the tune of more than one billion dollars. India is in a stronger wicket to gain more through this swap arrangement. Whether the East Terminal of Colombo Port will be part of the price paid for swap negotiations with Delhi one has to wait and see.              

Given these external constrains, economic recovery has to be driven through internal stimulants. To shift the focus to domestic arena there are certain impediments that have to be removed, such as shortage of resource inputs, high cost of marketing, rapaciousness of middlemen and so on. Economists and experts can draw up plans and submit policy blueprints for action, but ultimately it is the ordinary people and their energy and contribution that will make the economy grow, stagnate or fall. If the ordinary hard working men and women do not feel free to act and are subjected to various threats, harassments and obstacles, prospects of a healthy recovery will remain distant. GR’s dream of ‘prosperity with splendour’ will remain just a dream. 

Beyond the economic impediments is the socio-political impediment of communal hatred and disunity that will make economic recovery slow and spasmodic. The country cannot achieve internally stimulated economic recovery while the nation remains disunited. The power cartel appears to underestimate the significance of this phenomenon. If there is one common thread that ties all constituents of the power cartel it is its belief in a Sinhala Buddhist political and economic order.                   

Among the constituents of the cartel, the priestly class of politicised bikkus, has no clue about the economy. All it wants is for Buddhists to dominate every branch of the country’s polity. The role of this class is different from that played by prelates of ancient past who tried to instil virtuosity in governance. Virtuosity does not mean dominance by Buddhists, although Buddhism should retain its foremost place. In the pluralist polity of Sri Lanka political bikkus have become a divisive element and a bulwark against the collective effort needed at the moment to achieve economic recovery. This is not to condemn the entire Buddhist clergy, but to question the partisan role of “political bikkus”, who are advising the cartel. One writer wrote a few weeks back that the country is a “de facto theocracy”, which is not true. What is actually happening is that politicised monks are poisoning the atmosphere of inter-religious and inter-communal harmony in society. However, it is heartening to hear voices of sanity from the sangha, publicly criticising the damaging role of “political bikkus”. We hope the President and other members of the cartel listen to these voices. 

It is worth remembering in this context, that it was a politicised monk who assassinated a former prime minister, SWRD. It is also worth repeating a story that circulated among the literati around that time about Sir John Kotelawala, the prime minister who preceded SWRD. Sir John was reported to have visited SWRD in the hospital, and while wishing the victim speedy recovery had reminded him that he (Sir John) ‘tied the dogs to the gate’, SWRD let them loose and they bit him. Whether this conversation actually happened, I cannot vouch, but knowing Sir John as a loose cannon, the story sounds credible.   

Among the President’s other men are the army generals who are now heading civilian task forces, including health. The army’s military management of Corona curfews, lockdowns and shutdowns brought mixed results. They had put thousands of families in unnecessary difficulties and deprived them of their breadwinners. Until 4th May for instance, more than 46,000 individuals had been arrested and over 12,000 vehicles had been seized. This over-policing has cause immense mental distress and povery. The Maligawatha tragedy was a product of this blind imposition of lockdowns. In areas where there are concentrations of minorities, the behaviour of the army and police had been unusually ruthless. Apart from its traditional role as guardians of national security, it has now been allowed to taste power over civilian rule. Will it give up that power if an election is conducted and a new government elected? The army’s role has added to the prevailing disunity and dissatisfaction.    

All in all, Covid-19, instead of bringing people and communities together to collectively strive for economic recovery, has divided and disunited them. Can the economic challenge be met with this disunity? It appears that the cartel believes in achieving economic recovery solely through the effort of Sinhala Buddhists. This short sightedness will cost the nation dearly and prolong the trough.   

*Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business and Governance, Murdoch University, Western Australia

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Latest comments

  • 33

    All signs indicate that there will be full- fledged dictatorship very soon.

    Initial steps had already been taken.

    Only doubt is whether it will be a constitutional dictatorship or a dictatorship outside the constitution.
    .Coming days will be decisive.

    A challenge is awaiting all the democratic forces in the country

    Is it not prudent and necessary to engage with the democratic forces within SLPP,If there is such a democratic faction within the SLPP.

    We are in the unfortunate position to protect and defend the discredited 1978 constitution with all its defects

    • 13

      “All signs indicate that there will be full- fledged dictatorship very soon.”
      Very good. Shouldn’t you be happy?
      That’s what we badly need to curb Wahabi Islamic Hezbullahish terrorism and stop the reemergence of the Tamil dog terrorism.
      So embrace it with whole heart.

      • 12

        i read somewhere you should be a medical doctor. Is the medical education in the country today that poor ? If you are honest to you, can you ever behave the way you do ? My gosh, how stupid the people have been made thanks to RAJAPKASHE racism injection.
        It is high time to drive away Rajaakshe rascals who has been making it worse for the last 7 months. Nothing is achieved sofar, but big talks.. and self-congradulations. We are not in Zimbabwe to behave this way ? I thought srilanken at large would have brains.

        • 4

          The doctor is Chiv. Chow is a patient in the the asylum where Dr. Chiv is specialist. You kno , patients are allowed free internet.

    • 8

      “All signs indicate that there will be full- fledged dictatorship very soon.”

      That is GREAT!! Then “Para’ people will not be able to play hell in the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo as they did since Independence under the rotten Democratic system imposed by Brits.

      • 22

        Eagle shit, would you ever repair your brain in a garage. The mental hospitals can not fix your rotten brain.

        • 8

          Eagle Eye
          is an old man in his early 80ties.
          let s forgive him. Real buddhists would suggest so.

      • 18

        Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

        “Then “Para’ people will not be able to play hell in the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo ……….. “

        Who are these Native Sinhalayo?

        • 7

          Mr Native Vedda,
          SO called NATIVE SINHALYOS are in his fantasies ONLY. Let him be with that. This man will have to shed the last breath, while singing the racial tones to the minorities. His is not representing sinhalayas.. not at all.
          The kind of ultra racists should not point the finger at the the others while living as ECONOIMIC refugee further in Down Under right.
          Right at the moment, EE should be isolated in his mental asylum not being able to wayout. So is the case with our first citizen-Gotler these days – it is believed, GOTABAYA is held in his place – house arrest not being able to face the NATION… see, karma is shaping it right now for us. Wait and see, the days ahead will be much more difficult to them with rapidly growing numbers of COVID 19 infected.

          28 May 2020 Updates
          • 61 new cases in Sri Lanka [source]
          27 May 2020 Updates
          • 150 new cases in Sri Lanka [source]
          26 May 2020 Updates
          • 137 new cases in Sri Lanka [source]
          25 May 2020 Updates
          • 41 new cases and 1 new death in Sri Lanka [source

      • 4

        Yeah I love it Eagle , These Para ballas can go to hell. or Europe…lol

      • 6

        eager-less. ?
        are you not playing hell in and out of bed with an alluring Tamil meenachi.?
        What a hypocrite you are.?

      • 6

        With ground situation- the curve is far from flattening but rapdily going up…thanks tot he leadership…. What have they bubbling today ?
        if anyone would make jokes about to have kept under control – then the authorities should warn them taking to psychiatric hospitals.

        • 61 new cases in Sri Lanka [source]
        • 150 new cases in Sri Lanka [source]
        • 137 new cases in Sri Lanka [source]
        • 41 new cases and 1 new death in Sri Lanka [source]
        Right at the moment, need oft he hour is to call back gentle sorta of good leaders that can get on with interntional community well. CBK and RANIL Wickramasighe should come forward because without go around with begging bowl, no other so called leaders can help the nation coming out of the pit Rajapakshes have pushed the nation into.

        Managala Samaraweera is also a gentle sort of politician. The kind of politicians can undoubtedly bring more funds into the country, as done following TSUNAMI disaster. Were current leaders in place at the time tsunmi hit the nation, only Swaziland and Belarus apart from Chinese investment injectors would hurt further wound.

      • 0

        Native Chingkallams? When did they become native. A people largely descended from Indian Thamizh and other Southern Indian immigrants . A language which is mixture of the native Thamizh, and imported Sanskrit and Pali that arrived with Buddhism. Thamizh people and the Thamizh language are the largest contributors to the formation of the Chingkallams and the Chingkalla languge . 35-40-% of the Chingkalla vocabulary is derived from Thamizh , its grammar , lexicon , syntax and alphabet is 100% Thamizh derived. The Chingkalla culture , food habits, dress and even the gods they worship ( other than Lord Budda) are all Thamizh Hindu gods. Even the word Sinhala is derived from The ancient Thamizh word for the island Chingkallam meaning the red land or copper coloured land and has nothing to with lions . humans, half human or full animal from the northern parts of India. The native language of the island was Elu a simple semi Thamizh Dravidian dialect. This is why the island was called Eezham in Thamizh. Serendib is from Thamizh Cheeran theevu ( the island of the Naga) Taprobane is derived from the Tamaraparani river still flowing in Southern Thamizh Nadu and Lanka meaning resplendent if from the Thamizh word Illangu ( hence Illankai) meaning shinning or glittering .

  • 26

    “Victory at the next election with two-third majority is an imperative, because the constitution needs to be redrawn to bestow all powers to the President and make him the JR incarnate and more. “

    You got it all wrong, man. How naive of you to think that MR will agree to give up the Powers that the Constitution gives him and just watch while his younger brother runs riot with the Military guys controlling everything while his (MR’s) own henchmen, including MR’s heir apparent Namal, are sidelined and completely ignored.

    Not a chance, ole fella. In fact, 2/3rd majority will most certainly bring out the worst among the brothers. Just wait and see.

    • 11

      A stupid remark like that can only come from a fool still sticking to Muhandiram (the native headmen post in the coastal districts of Sri Lanka, the Portuguese Jewish blood suckers gave to their shit eaters).
      The Rajapakse brothers and the broader family have shown clearly that they are united as one to defend and develop our mother land.
      We are with them all the way.

      • 5

        No surprise in Chow Chow from China admiring the Rajapakses and barking for them.

      • 6

        Ranting master CHOW will have to face the music next days.
        The Rajapakse brothers and the broader family have shown clearly that they are united as one to defend and develop our mother land.

        What have they achieved during the last 7 months ?
        1) Containment of the virus wihtin the country…. NO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NO
        2) Fertilizer subsidiary/concession – NO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NO
        3)Allowance of 5000 (25 dollars)bucks ended up being provided it only to Bitch’ s sons supporters so it ended up in vain….
        4) The man, Great Dr Senaratne, who recognition was commended by even WHO is not in prison cell – but today health situation is thousand times worst than in the times of GOOD GOVERNANCE by which they introduced – SUWASARIYA amubulance to the island nation across the country – and it is 100000000% successful
        Thanks to that and other services only, the current govt is hung and seen to have done something…
        5)People have been now been changing their tones even that BASTARD son of the bitch, Iraj Weerarante and Madumadawa are making every effort to paint the picture in favour of RAJAPKASHE RASCALTY.

      • 3

        You wrote” The Rajapakse brothers and the broader family have shown clearly that they are united as one to defend and develop our mother land”, which motherland are you referring to? Is it the 7 eleven country or Hambantota? It is all to swindle whatever is left over during their last administration.
        Wait and see what will happen to the economy when majority of the foreign workers (poor domestics and others) return to the country because of Covid-19. There will nothing left to eat forget about your development retard. The returnees will see this swindlers.

    • 19

      Work out statistical whether SLPP will get a two-third majority. The votes polled for Gota is not 66% of votes polled it is little greater than 50 %. With the way he is running the country with vindictive aristocratic attitude with an objective of militarization my prediction this percentage may fall below 40%

      • 3

        Mr Kuviyam,
        Your thinking here is woolly
        . You haven’t worked out the ways in which the different systems of electing representatives work.
        I’m hoping that lots of people will reject the racist and dictatorial ways in which Gota is maintaining himself in “power”.
        However, it is perfectly possible for the SLPP to win more than 66% of seats in a Parliamentary Election under the present system while getting only 52.25% of the total votes polled nationally.
        I saw this comment of yours more than a day ago, and decided that I must discuss this with you. It is so important that I will not give you a response here (where not many will see it). I will write it in a few hours and put it at the bottom of the comments that I see at the time of submission.

        • 2

          Mr Kuviyam,
          The above comment is meant very seriously. I’m adding this bit because I messed up on the bold letters – as I write, everything below this is in bold. Using this comment I will correct that.
          When you finally see this, you will not be able to see what I’m now seeing on my computer. Nor, I hope will any others. But if I leave it till after the comment has got approved, lots of people will be irritated.
          Ao, there’s a significant difference between appearance and reality.

        • 3

          Sinhala Man,
          please read my comment added to
          My thoughts regarding so called bond scam were different. I never thought RW would ever allow such losses, but for some reasons it occured. So, now my question would be – how easy srilannkens be part of cheating media that work with vicious politicians.

          • 0

            I’m afraid, leelagemalli, that the lead you have given doesn’t lead anywhere.

    • 13

      A thought-provoking piece by Dr.Amir Ali. Interesting term, “power cartel”. There have been the usual comments on his religion from the usual illiterates.
      It is true that the economy is in serious trouble. This government is very good at flooding the social media with sunshine stories about “self-sufficiency” . If this couldn’t be achieved in the 70’s when people’s aspirations were much lower ( a bicycle and a small house? ) how will it be possible in this age of satellite TV and supermarkets?
      “The bank is also entering into a currency swap deal with its counterpart in Delhi to the tune of more than one billion dollars. ” Isn’t it ironic that this very regime alerted the Forces to turn back expected boatloads of Indian refugees ? I strongly suspect that the recent arrival of patients from Seychelles is another drama for the baiya voters.
      Still, the currency swap is above in the right direction. Why not go the whole hog and use a common currency. At least that will stop irresponsible spending. If anything, our leaders since 1956 have been either murderers or totally incompetent.
      As to food , how can we be self-sufficient even in rice with the hopelessly fragmented paddy lands an shortage of workers. Maybe the answer is a sort of collectivisation, but with foreign labour and management.
      Chinese? Indian? Who cares what colour the cat is……

  • 14

    Dr. Ameen
    This is what happens when you look at a country from distance and write based on selective information. How independent is your independent sources? I am yet to see an independent writer or an independent news source. I agree with your observations of stern leadership and the players involved. That is a fact and everyone could see. The problem is your analysis or reasoning out why those symptoms could be seen. What Sir John said “I tied down the dogs, Banda untied those”. The fact is when someone is tied down, hate & revenge brewed and when untied, it would explode. When Tamil community was tied down politically and in governance, they exploded damaging everyone. This is why I believe consultation, communication and compromise should be the part of the resolution. Tamils never followed that path and paid the price. When we are minority, our bargaining should be done by becoming a part of the majority or the main system and then change it gradually sitting within the system. Muslims in Sri Lanka had that approach and suddenly changed the path last year. I hope they would come back to correct path as still they have time.

  • 11

    Poor leadership of previous government tied down the majority Sinhalese to win the minority. So, this is the result. GR untied the majority. So I blame former Government for the erratic behaviour of a section of bhikkus. GR is an intelligent person. He knows what bhikkus want and he will give it without damaging progress of the country or inter-racial harmony. You try to interpret GR’s message to public sector as a sign of dictatorship. Looks like you only go to Australian public sector organisation. Look at how much public suffer at public institutions to get a routine work done? How much deadwood figures in these places who are considered as senior only due to number of years in the service without gaining any skills and competencies? I like if GR can sack them to teach a lesson to others.

  • 10

    People gave GR a job. He will do it no matter what law or social norms or typical governance practices prevent him doing so. You judge him after 5 years. Opposition wants to postpone election which is the only option to maintain balance of control. It is shooting own foot. He will gladly accept it. Longer he has the control of decision making, he will show more colours. Majority will get closer and closer to him. Majority of writers and commentators in CT indirectly support him. GR love it. Majority Sinhalese love it.

    • 24

      People did not give him a job unconditionally. People wanted him to obey the rule of law, justice, constitution in doing his job. You don’t need to wait five years to judge him. Anytime people can remove him. Opposition wants to postpone the election for correct reasons because it is the people who should be able to judge him in a normal condition. People need more information about country’s current status of economy, what promises they made prior to the election and whether he had completed or what progress made on those promises etc. first let the courts to decide he is obeying to the law and constitution.

      • 4

        You are partially correct. People gave him a job to do. When he sees there are governance regulations prevent him delivering it, as an intelligent person, he explains it to people rather than just idling. So people will support him to alter these non-progressive regulations. In the public sector, AR&FR manual has enough regulations but employees don’t follow those because no one has the backbone to enforce it. GR has the guts to enforce it. Do it or leave is his message. Can you imagine any President, just before an election asking Police to arrest people and confiscate their vehicles if Curfew is violated? Some of the people are own supporters. Even MR does not have the guts to do so. This is why people should support him to do this job. Leadership is judged at crisis time not during peace time.

        • 4

          Also, GR is asking his advisers to find all loopholes in current law for him to use to deliver what he promised to people. Also he uses every ounce of power in his hand to do the job. So, I repeat he is yet to violate law. that is why SC can not punish him. As anyone, he might have made mistakes in the past, but as a true leader he learnt from the mistakes. He will not repeat same mistakes as expected by his opponents. He will change the system for betterment of law abiding citizens that no one can unscramble it. He will set the system that corruption and inefficiency is detected, avoided and corrected by the system itself. Then even his part members can not do anything rather than following it. This is the leader Country wanted.

          • 2

            I missed one. GR got a bankrupt country. Do you expect him to do miracles and show progress within 6 months? He has shown enough reforms within the current bureaucratic system? Did you see progress after 4 years with former rulers? If that happened, we not taking about GR at all. Give him time and power. Then, judge him. Your commenting like typical, ignorant party follower who expect a job from a politician. An intelligent follower would ask to establish an industry so there will be jobs for a purpose. GR is only addressing system changes, Benefits will come automatically. System change need time. So, understand his approach.

        • 4

          This idiot seems unable to find a pen name even.
          He writes bullshit under bullshitty pen names.

    • 5

      Let me correct YOU POLATU…. it was not kind of people’s voluntary voting but naive people, voters were misled by Rajaakshes mantra once again. Today wimal buruwanse is searching for new cages to hide himself for his own protection. Not a single pledge made before the nation is yet fulfilled so what more talks to the very same audience .
      You the kind of backlickers no different to a toilet paper would not be respected by MANY in the near future. Gota pacifiers will not save him … he will have to ended up being a heart patient longer he would behave that submissive to his mafia brothers dual.

      Sooner or later begging bowl will have to introduced by accepting the blunders made by BP Mahinda Rajakahe by raping SIRISENAYA.
      Else, as a nation sitting on an edge would have to fall as nothing can reverse.
      Get well PUNNAKU Drinkers, mother lanka will never forgive you no doubt.

  • 32

    “Even the export of labour to Middle East an attractive source of revenue will remain stagnant for some time”

    This is pathetic. These young and old women work like slaves and prostitutes…and the country still have to rely on Sinhala House maids foreign earnings !

    Whereas Tamil Nadu across the Palk Strait has signed £15billion inward investment with various multinational companies.

    All Sri Lankan can do is build another white elephant cricket grounds in Homagama on borrowed money

    • 21

      Do not worry China is there to give any amount of money on loan to Sri Lanka and grab the country like Hambantota harbor

    • 10

      “Whereas Tamil Nadu across the Palk Strait has signed £15billion inward investment with various multinational companies”
      Who are you trying to educate,.Rajash? The 3-wheeler drivers who think India is 80% Tamil? Or their grandmothers who spend a week in Bihar and claim India is an insanitary hellhole?
      Good luck anyway.

      • 8

        Old codger
        absolutely agree with you
        I cant educate those with Toilet Nadu mindset

    • 10


      “All Sri Lankan can do is build another white elephant cricket grounds in Homagama on borrowed money”

      We don’t need jobs, we don’t need development, we don’t need democracy, we don’t need justice, we don’t need secular liberalism, ……

      You are wrong the strongman Gota is on a permanent begging mission. Gota begs:

      Excerpts from:
      Address by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa from the Presidential Secretariat at the
      virtual ‘High – Level Event on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID – 19 and beyond’

      As this is a crisis beyond the control of government and business, international support by way of unconditional budget support and compensatory debt deferment facilities for official debt will have to come from multilateral and bilateral official lenders so that private debt and equity markets will not lose confidence. “
      This dialogue must concentrate on how developing and middle income countries are assisted with emergency funding facility, while encouraging countries to focus on human development aspect including education, health, women and children, new export industries, food security and environment for a better and stable world.

      Please read this:

  • 21

    A waste of time commenting on this as these muttal swabasha Yakko hora boru cases will only know the fine art of robbing and depriving the needy of ever living comfortably.
    At this moment there are no brainy practical yokels in this mob who are capable of using their birth-given brains to guide and lead the sad sorry nation from its never-ending saga’s of being in a pickle [ broke ] and now with these godfather’s gift to the world the dreaded never to disappear coronavirus.?
    They now have to cajole, seduce and woo the last governor of the Central Bank, a great gentleman with impeccable integrity to lead a team of clued-up economists etc to get this already sunk isle of 64 going onto 65 years out of these shortcomings.
    Harsh all around cutbacks will be definitely adhered to achieve these objectives.?
    As long as the rajapuka’s are in power along with their criminal horu boru gangsters, it is and will only be a huja barai wet dream.?
    Another pipe dream down the drains in the pallans.

    • 8

      Swabasha heroes are the ones who defended out motherland against invasions of Portuguese, Dutch and British marauder Jew ancestors of yours.
      We showed them the cross, and they ran away. The only pity is that they left a legion of half casts with droopy noses.

      • 4

        eager-less. ?
        are you not playing hell in and out of bed with an alluring Tamil meenachi.?
        What a hypocrite you are.?

    • 8

      Can’t understand why the descendants of Dravida slaves who fled this country as ‘Economic Refugees’ blaming that Sinhalayo are discriminating have become so noisy?

      • 4

        eager-less P….y,
        Me a slave, you got it all wrong.?
        When we were growing up we had domestics belonging to your race coming out of all our pores.?

        Even whilst living in New Zealand we were able to afford Kandyan domestic and now aboding in Melbourne at the aged care your mangy tribe are the ones among other nationalities wiping the bottoms of the old white aunties and uncles.
        I only allow Sinhala lasses to get close to me and I never deface on my own doorstep.

  • 17

    Ameer Ali,
    Last time you posted here you attributed the Easter cowardice to aggrieved Wahabists expressing their frustration. I pointed out that its a strange expression of alienation to attack Christian churches when the grievance is against Sinhala Buddhists.
    As usual, you start this post with a lie. You say “Covid-19, with all its horrendous health and economic disasters”! How the frucking hell do you describe Covid 19 as ‘horrendous’ when annually, around 1.5 million people are killed around the world by Inflienza A&B? In Sri Lanka so far we have had 10 deaths. If thats ‘horrendous’, we will have it.
    Stop lying to back untenable arguments. It only proves you are a fraud.

    • 17

      Mr./Ms Chow aka Helios,
      I know you are allowed to use the internet facilities at the asylum. But please remember that we, the long-suffering public are paying for it. So please do try not to send us to sleep with your inanities. I thought your main enemies were Jews and mulattoes. Now you’ve added Muslims. What next? Schizophrenic nut-cases?

      • 6

        You and your mater at the top of the list, you stinking hyena.

        • 4

          How many more aliases do you have? Is your brain damaged because you were the weakest pup of the six your mom produced?

          • 0

            You are mistaken. Six is the number of women your notorious father (GS) unsuccessfully tried to be amorous with at the ARTI. It may also be close to the number of abortions Viji arranged for the other half of GS.
            So get your numbers right

      • 5

        These men would do any low work to protect Rajaakshes. I really dont know why ?
        Even tribes in african continent were like that until Ethiopians broke it today. Now Ethiopian maintains a fast growing economy with direct trade pacts being made with EU, US and the Chinese. Last time, now even 3 months ago, I happened to buy roses imported from Ethiopia – this was bought in Rotterdam.

        • 0

          Ethiopia wasn’t always like a mess .It is an ancient state which was civilized before even Germany. European invasions destroyed it.

  • 31

    Madamulana Mafia has ransacked SL. Most disastrous is what happens since November. SL hopping from one disaster to another. Every economic decision is based on how Madamulana Mafia can profit. If they can profit they will do anything – clear rotten salmon cans from the port, raise price of rice, span tax on essentials.

    When will SL be free from the cursed Madamilana Mafia?

    • 4

      Even for profits, it was great that Rajapakshes eliminated Tamil terrorist barbarians who slaughtered Native Sinhalayo for three decades to carve out a separate State for the descendants of Dravida slaves.

      “If they can profit they will do anything”

  • 27

    Amir says “………………………all powers to the President and make him the JR incarnate ………” Oh no! Do not insult JR, whatever it is, he did not come to power with a history of murders, corruption and frauds.

    • 8

      History began from him.


      • 12


        Your pride, the strongman Gota has not stopped begging yet,
        India, China, …… USA, ….. multilateral and unilateral ….
        What’s the matter with you people who have 2500 years of unbroken written history now been reduced to a nation of beggars, under the control of Gota?

        • 5

          See how the tides turn. Once upon a time you carried the toilet buckets of the beggars (,st the time people bucj he We gave you toilet training, free education and free health. Your barbarian terror campaign for 30 long years reduced us to beggars. We rescued you and again giving you free education and free health. No shame to accept those from beggars?


          • 3


            Stop being a smart ass, just accept how those Sinhala/Buddhist dumasses/thieves bankrupted the country by being dumbass racists and swindlers.

    • 9

      JR is the ‘God Father’ of murders, corruption and frauds. He is the guy responsible for the killings of Demala people in 1983 using underground Mus limb thugs.

  • 18

    Does allowing black money into the country have some connection to “patients from Seychelles”?

  • 14

    Sri Lanka’s Economic Peril
    Sri Lanka is a beautiful island in the Indian ocean with natural resources, Heritage buildings, and a talented workforce. All these are not in a position to help the deteriorating country’s economy. After independence in 1948, many factors contributed to the declining of the economy. The primary factor for the deterioration of the economy is the ethnic policy developed by the government of the majority of people after independence. Each ethnicity is responsible for economic growth. The people who follow Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholics, Christians, and Islam have their own culture and traditions. The government should respect that in a multi-ethnic country, But each ethnicity is a contribution in one way to the growth of the economy. Cultivation of the farmland of the people was acquired by the military that affected the economy of the country. Fear is created among the working-class by the army controlled by privileged Politicians. Unless the ethnic people are happy, one can not expect a growth in the economy.
    Getting Loans from countries pushes the country to a lousy debtor. Signing a pact with countries that have a hidden agenda of invading countries is another factor that causes economic peril. The Politics in Sri Lanka has deteriorated to allow level applying intimidation, victimization, political vendetta,.Corrution the power of a family dynasty.

  • 17

    Ranil not challenging the Pohottuwa members’ right to sit in the Parliament when they were elected under a SLFP coalition was the beginning of the downfall. As per the constitution one cannot sit in the Parliament if he or she did not belong to a political party which contested the election or did not come in as an independent. When SLFP members joined Pohottuwa and came into the Parliament this clause was violated and “Deal Ranil” looked the other way. Pohottuwa was not a political party when the last general election was held.
    Since the election of Gotabaya, most of the Govt policies that were activated or reversed (previous Yahapana policies) have been reversed again as the Rajapakse Family Govt cannot see far beyond its own nose. Almost all the decisions taken by this Govt have been with the next general election in mind. It has nothing to do with the welfare of the citizens of the country, especially at a pandemic time. Even the decision to increase the price on rice is a political move. Its sad to see a hard working farmer who has to pay for the land, seed, fertilizer, labour etc gets Rs 50- while based on the new price of Rs.98- the rice mafia gets Rs 48 profit. How reasonable is this? Whom is the Rajapakse Family Govt looking after?

  • 12

    How much of “SERMONS” have been delivered and “VOLUMES” have been written for the last few decades on establishing Governments of the people, for the people and by the people? What has been the outcome? Nothing but “FAILURE”. Why? The answer in one word is “OBSTINACY” of those who “Captured” power to run the Public Affairs. Permit me to describe that in simple and understandable language, especially to those who held and are in “Power” – This is the same old shit but in different colors. Period.

  • 8

    ……………If there is one common thread that ties all constituents of the POWER CARTEL it is its belief in a Sinhala Buddhist Political and Economic order…………
    Dr. Ameer Ali is quite right; But may I say it is the Sinhala Buddhist Political,Economic and SOCIAL order.

    But the question is can Economic recovery be achieved, solely and single handedly through the effort of Sinhala Buddhists alone while short circuiting others?
    And that too in the post Covid-19 scenario?

    Is the Covid-19 a blessing in disguise for the Power Cartel or only for one sibling – President Gota?
    Where there is confusion there is profit!

  • 11

    Dr. Ali,

    Always perceptive and in this analysis acutely so. I have only one more thought to add. The Leader here, already half a Fuhrer will shortly be fully that in his ambition, though never in his achievement. The authentic Fuhrer, was the world’s most mesmerizing orator and very captivating leader. He led Germany the foremost state in Europe, populated by the most efficient people. For economic development he had a remarkable Economist in Schacht as President of Reichbank and Finance Minister. Nearer home we have mere caricatures. A few might have read Mein Kamph without understanding the context.

  • 13

    Those days all non-UNP parties considered UNP as the “Podu Sathura” – the Common Enemy. Now all should realize who the present day “Podu Sathura” is, and join up to get rid of it.

  • 14

    It is high time all forward-thinking educated Professionals irrespective of ethnicity and religion get together and start a movement to educate the rural masses through social media and rural societies. No political alignment. No bashing. No corruption Think about the future of the country and the forthcoming generatiuons Do all those who carry many letters of qualifications after their name do it

    • 8

      Mr Kuviyam,
      this is utopic. But the reality with lanken thinking it would not work. There are lot more culprits than we just guess at. I really dont know why, they may have it in their blood. I mean here blood of all not only sinhalayas. I have experienced it also with Pakis in UK and Germany. Looking back this is the real issue in entire south asian countries today. If INDIANS could manage to build up a consensus through their traditional music and films, why cant we as 22-mio folk ? I think local media should start working for the people than against – they are the once to transport the message from A to B within srilanka. If local TV news would turn out to be taking the side of people rather than that of their pay masters (Basil Rajapkshe et al has been finaniciign local private channels for ages, also during Good governance period). Not just TV channels but also printed media institutions work VERY CLOSELY with Rajapkshes for their political survival… this is not the case with CBK and Mr Wickramasinghe… that is why they have been made unpopular in the country but not in outside world. Day before yesterday I had the chance to exchange with few gentlemen came from Paris, France. They were praising Ms CBK and Mr Wickramasinghe on and on.

      • 5

        Laalagemalli. social media marketing and guerilla marketing are new techniques used in Politics in this digital world, Building awareness among rural masses needs lits of thinking and developing new techniques Sri Lanka is not digitally developed but I observe GOA is trying to do that because of his UNIX e[xeriencd if I right. I watch several in interviews on Youtube I love Good, bad and ugly like spitting images

  • 7

    Rajafucksas eliminated LTTE? When was that Mrs Kegal Perera? It was SF.

    Madamulana Mafia is scared of the rice mafia. They would have run for cover if LTTE confronted them.

  • 0


    This is where you got wrong. How long SF was in this kind of leadership positions leading the war? Why he could not finish it. It was because that your beloved west and India did not allow it to be finished. Rajapkshas managed that and allowed SF to finish it. GR and MR got USA and India to give them necessary Intelligence Information to finish it. Without GR and MR this would not have achieved. It is fair to say Rajapakshas finshied LTTE. It is bitter but truth fro you.

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