3 May, 2024


America Wobbles, China Chuckles, Lanka Drifts

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

On Sunday I said and I now repeat: “Trump is the last warning the world will get before fascism resumes its global march”. The Trump Base has exhibited its power – 72 million votes, retaining the Senate, Governorships and State Legislatures and winning over seven more House seats. It proved itself the most powerful single force in American politics; more powerful than liberalism or the left. Interestingly, it proved more powerful than Trump himself; it did better downstream (Senate, House and governorships) than its presidential candidate. Since Trump is politically amoral, deceitful and self-obsessed had the GOP offered a less repugnant candidate that more women, the middleclass and blacks could have related to would it have won? Neo-fascist populism (N-F-P) was not defeated, its candidate was. Everywhere Republican Senators and House candidates polled better than its presidential candidate. Still it is moot whether N-F-P would have won the presidency with a less obnoxious candidate because only a rabble rouser could not have incited and energised the Base. A less obnoxious person may have won over some genteel folk but he would not have energised the rabble that Trump set on fire. Without that inferno Republicans would have done less well all round.

Reflect on it as it paints an alarming scenario. A hard realist who looks reality in the eye will see that America has changed. America has the largest economy, most powerful military and exercises the greatest diplomatic clout in the world, the global significance of America transforming into a mere simulacrum of democracy will be far reaching. But first I need to define what I mean by N-F-P. the defining feature of Classical Fascism (CF) of the inter-war genre, symbolised by Mussolini but more identified with Nazism is the obliteration of all independent organisations and their incorporation as arms of the state. Political parties, trade unions, churches, learned societies and universities was pulverised and reconstituted as facets of a totalitarian state; totalitarian literally. Nazism was anti-sematic but CF was often but not necessarily associated with racism. Some “democracies” too are extremists, vide Hindutva Modi’s India. Stalinism after the Moscow trials of the 1930s was a totalitarian in the image of fascism. 

The ‘neo’ of N-F-P is that political conditions are so different in this Century that it cannot replicate some aspects of CF. N-F-P in power will be intolerant and repressive but it cannot achieve the same totalitarianism as Nazism or Stalinism. A Trump second term would have been anti-democratic but it would not have been able to obliterate a fighting opposition. The other way in which N-F-P differs from classical fascism is populism. Populism is a powerful force in ultra-right-wing politics. Liberals and capitalist parties like European Centrists and US Republicans are prostrating themselves before extremists and the so-called ‘Trump Base’, respectively. Hitler on the other hand crushed German populism which had been his handmaiden in the rise to power.

Though Trump is now the butt-end of terabytes of scorn and cartoon-humour in Chinese social media, and though the Chinese government chuckles in self-satisfaction at US democracy gone awry, the truth is that when America goes off-balance it becomes dangerous for the whole world, China included. No one, traditional allies included trusted Trump, he created foreign policy chaos, but it remains to be seen to what extent Biden will be able to reverse this. China’s exports have fallen from 33% of GDP 15 years ago to 17% but not because of a fall in the absolute volume of exports but a statistical consequence of burgeoning domestic demand. China has made a strategic decision to restructure supply chains reduce dependence on US and the West for “stranglehold technologies”. It will be a decade before China (think Huawei) achieves supply chain independence of the West’s best, but things are on the move. Xi Ping’s is not increasing state ownership but raising the level of state leadership of all sectors of the economy including finance, energy and high-tech. The sudden cancellation of the Ant Group IPO targeted for 14 Nov, it would have been the world’s largest IPO ever, is proof of deeper state regulatory intervention in the financial sector.

Where does all this change on Himalayan mountain tops leave those trapped in deep gullies like ourselves? I am a sanguine; I reckon that the Trump to Bidden transition will not affect us. Once the oaf is gone and America has a rational being at the helm, the US Ambassador in Colombo poor woman, and the next Secretary of State (who won’t be a Pompeo like thug) will be intelligible and we will live in a predictable world. China at least for now is more concerned with economic restructuring that foreign financial initiatives which may spell less attention to Belt & Road investment and in the post-Trump world strategic confrontation by both sides in the Indian Ocean Theatre may ease. This could mean that Lanka’s ability to self herself to bidders may be disadvantaged. Still, we have no option but to swim, even if against the current in everlasting debt while doing our darndest to build up some degree of import substitution at least in agriculture, fisheries and the informal sector. Reflating thriving exports, remittances and tourism is very challenging. Next Sunday I will write about everlasting global debt.

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  • 9

    Neo-fascist populism (N-F-P)
    Does that mean “ordinary” people nowadays are beginning to fantasize that they’re little Hitlers because of their unhappy lives ?

    • 1

      NFP is familiar to srilanka too but for how long?..
      Even if America is recognized as the richest grand nation , most whites living in america are behind unknown god. Latter behaviour is similar to that of far poor India where even rats and monkeys are yet placed above the society, perhaps to the manner we srilanken do it with sivuru wearing pinguththarayas. All these practices keep the average away from facts and figures, most of them are entwined to the myths as was the case in medieval times. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

  • 3

    China won, Russia lost in US election.

    Since 2017 Russia got away with aggression and expansion thanks to US focus on China. Won’t be anymore.

    The next populist hot spot will be France. For good reasons.

    • 6

      Aggression– like the proxy war in Syria using ISIS, manipulating a fascistic coup in the Ukraine, expanding NATO, locating missiles closer and closer to Russia!
      Can we have some of your “good reasons”?

      • 1

        Come on SJ! When Trump was busy with China, Putin destroyed Ukraine, Syria, grabbed oil fields in Saudi, built Nord Stream 1 and 2, deployed medium range missiles in Europe, interfered in US elections, etc., etc.

        You seem to have a soft corner for Russian aggression.

        Thankfully Biden has already shifted attention from China to Russia. Good timing. Putin will go before Biden. Perfect time to kick the Russian can down the slope!!! But that gives China the space to expand. Did you hear China grabbed a large chunk of Endian land this year without firing a shot? Please read.

        • 2

          How did Putin destroy Ukraine? Were there Russian armed forces there?
          Russia and Iran and Lebanese Hisbollah together saved Syria from ISIS Islamic terror funded by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and fully backed by the US and Turkey.
          Did Saudi Arabia of all countries let Russia “grab its oil fields”?
          For meddling in elections in other countries the USA has taken the gold medal for a good part of a century.
          Try your fairy tales with a sleepy 3-year old. With luck you may have a buyer. No guarantees.

    • 0

      LTTE completely wiped out. New Sinhalese Aryans country emerged after Gotabaya became President of Heladiva and he took oath in front of the Ruwanveli Saya. Now Sri Lanka became Kingdom. The whole world now knows Sri Lanka (Heladiva) belongs to Sinhalese Aryans. This Rajapakse Dynasty will rule this country for more than 150 years

  • 10

    Ever since 1956 Ceylon has been aimlessly drifting on the high seas thanks to the petty minded gon harak blue and the purple clad multi faceted fools.
    It’s now made worse by the incompetent rajapuka who are at the steering wheel not having a clue as to which way they got to steer the already sunk vessel.
    The USA on the other hand thanks to Trump whose clowning boorish thuggery antics have also lost the plot and the new president will have a hard task to rectify these man made obnoxious doings.
    It will be one hell of a home coming for the new team that’s expected to take the reins on the 20th January 2021.
    The whole nation and it’s economy are lost and also on the verge of a lost cause
    China being squint eyed are grinning from ear to ear 👂 after creating the much dreaded dreadful covid-19 virus which has and is still causing many a bandu pandu globally.
    The whole world is lost not knowing what to do but they are keeping silent and enjoying the fun.

  • 5

    They have also been able to square by the balls many a Kota uda bankrupted by themselves sordid hellhole s of shithole s by acting as the kind godparents who have come to the aid by lending the much needed funds at high rates of commerical interest and these funds are taken back to homeland China as they use their own equipment raw materials and even supply their own hard core prisoner work force
    Mother Lanka the land of the Buddha’ even has chinese prostitutes who are also raking in the much needed cash and the rajapuka goons have no way of putting a stop to this unholy disgusting happening s.
    They are also smooth operation who grab the assets and the worthwhile land masses of the beggar recipients who have no other choice but to pawn them all in the name of development.
    Very soon just around the corner China will replace the american s as the no.1 nation of the world and at the present moment of them they have just finished squ

  • 4

    Squeezing the balls of the Australia n government who attempted to bring them to book for the covid-19 virus.
    By their reacting and doing things without thinking of the consequences the whole of Australia has gone haywire and even today a high ranking cabinet minister of the Australia n government was on his knees begging the Chinese to review their actions.
    The lesson for one and all to adopt is never mess 🤠 around 😜 with a Chinaman

    • 6

      Does the Australian government have any balls to squeeze, especially when is takes instructions of the big boss?
      Have you checked on who does and does not want a proper inquiry into the origin and spread of COVID-19?
      Do you know the issue that triggered the row between the two?
      Life is not easy when one does the dirty work for another.

    • 1

      “today a high ranking cabinet minister of the Australia n government was on his knees begging the Chinese to review their actions.”

      Other countries in ‘Quad’ circus will have to do the same thing.
      India’s exports to China grew 15 per cent in August, with shipments worth $1.68 billion. China has been Australia’s largest trading partner and now accounts for 32.6% of its exports. Japan exports to China worth US$ 144,053 million (19.5%)
      China owns about $1.1 trillion in U.S. debt.
      China’s Foreign Exchange Reserves was measured at 3,128.0 USD bn in Oct 2020. Richest country in the world!

  • 6

    Something to cheer up disheartened minds:
    “US plan for containing China relies on taming international organizations and reeducating Americans, leaked doc reveals”
    For details of this predictable but simpleminded stuff characteristic of the US since WW2 see:

  • 4

    USA may be a super power but for 99% of the US citizens it’s a third world country

  • 7

    China is Chuckling because the entire world is wobbling with Corona virus that originated in China

    • 4

      Even Trump had dumped this line months ago!

      • 0

        SJ: Even Trump had dumped this line months ago!

        sorry who is Trump?

      • 0

        “Corona virus that originated in China “-Rajash
        Even Trump had dumped this line months ago! – You.
        Even China didn’t deny it yet, but from day one you are. Some Chinese puppets have been blowing the horn saying China had the medicine, but China is last one in that within develops countries. China first refused to allow WHO to examine its virus research laborites but latter lent, after President Trump quit WHO. That is clear evident WHO employees are being bribed by China to act in its favor. Then it was proved right everything the Australian journalists said from the start. So China deported them.

    • 1

      Why does not the second wave affect on China although it is not an island?
      Their numbers of infections remain as before.
      Is there at all a second wave? 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

  • 3

    The “World Powers” were and are having a “Ball Game” with the rest of the countries that are trying day in and day out struggle to survive. In particular, America uses “Water Boarding” tactics while China uses “Death Traps”. In short, America is a “THUG” while China is a “Disguised Dragon”. Since of late Russia is “Non-Existent” in the “Game”, but will not give up. The rest of the “Powers” has “Grouped” into “One Class” looking more for their “Welfare” than the worry of others. In this “Ball Game”, each of the “Powers” has “Contracted” its own “Players” to play the “Game” in the respective countries they wish to “Dominate” for various reasons. such as “Economic”, “Political” and “Strategic” dominance. For better understanding for those in the South Asian Region, it could be like “IPL” and the newest “LPL” in cricket terminology. To make it shorter, it is an “AUCTION” and the “BIDDINGS” are based on the “STRENGTHS” of the Political Players within. Aren’t we “CAUGHT” in the “GAME” played by the rules of “Auctioning” and “Biddings”? Yes, we are. Can we get “FREED”? No, not until the “PEOPLE” realize and get out of imposed “SLAVERY” by the “Contracted Players”.

  • 7

    “Stalinism after the Moscow trials of the 1930s was a totalitarian in the image of fascism. “
    So we see the reason why the Trotskyists refused to choose between Nazi Germany and the USSR in WW2.
    “Some “democracies” too are extremists, vide Hindutva Modi’s India.”
    Is Modi’s Hindutva populism any less fascistic than the SB ideology here?

    • 1

      Hindians though call it a democracy but majority of them being caught by under poverty levels behave like ultraslaves, similar to POHOTTUWA stupid people in srilanka. Even Gota proved well his inability to rule the nation as promised, their slaves as thugs and high criminals and their supporters were jubilant yesterday competing the first anniversary of their comeback. But nothing is achieved for the benefit of the masses to the eyes of the experts.
      In the same time rich america proves to be pro- fascists. Total ignorants not knowing to respect the election victory of Democrats. .
      What became clearer is homo sapiens nature is not far from other fellow animals. Standing against the wild nature of human beings would nt be successful even if harder steps would have been taken. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

      • 0

        Dear LM,
        It’s great that you’re continuing to monitor what appears in Sinhala, and write in Sinhala as well.
        However, be on your guard. I almost wrote to Sepal A. again, but re-considered. Your views on Kamala Harris seemed to reflect too much what Sepal was saying.
        What matters is how people act at crunch time; let us never forget his NOTA at the time of Parliamentary Elections. Some of these guys are too clever for us.

  • 0

    Due to endless wars it was inevitable that the American empire was on the verge of collapse. It took the unethical and and morally corrupt reality show host, who declared bankrupt numerous times, married many times, committed adultery many times, and has a record of playing out students in his fake university, and contractors who worked for him, to convince evangelicals and his naive supporters, that he is a good Christian, and a great businessman. He is indebted to the tune of over $400 million or more. He still refuses to release his tax returns.

    Now the investigations into fraud and his businesses will start, and the world will be shocked at how much he, his family, and his son in law, have enriched themselves from the Oval Office. The amounts will be staggering.

    • 1

      Trump divided the nation, failed to control a pandemic (over 255,000 Americans dead), failed to address the resulting economic crisis, has spent tax payer money like a drunken sailor, resulting in a sky high deficit, and is now exiting using scorch earth policies, that will damage the country for years to come.

  • 1

    America will not wobble on the contrary America is expanding its overseas power base especially in the Indian Ocean region.

    The 4 nation quad including India, Japan, Australia, USA is getting stronger and stronger. ASEAN is leaning towards USA rather than China.

    Foreign investors in China are withdrawing.

    And the beginning of the end of China world domination dream has already started.

    Sri Lanka is well positioned in the current international political climate to flourish as an independent, nonaligned nation.

    I am sure the astute President Gotabhaya Rajapaksha will lead Sri Lanka to a golden era far exceeding the glorious past.

  • 0

    KD is wrong as always.

    China is well in front of most of the foundational technologies. Anyone who lives in Silicon Valley knows that. I would not be surprised if they are about a year from establishing huge silicon foundries regardless of the technology bans.

    China is ahead on AI Tech
    it is ahead in Vehicle Tech – it will not be long before Chinese electric vehicles are all over.
    They are ahead on most other technologies.

    It will be very difficult for the US alone to do much to prevent Chinese emergence.

    US may be ahead in Military tech but that alone will not be enough to control anything as Russia found out.

  • 2

    Kumar: It was after the US Peace Corps. Better charaterized as the US War Corps entered Sri Lanka in October 2018 during the time of US puppet Ranil Wickramasinghe that the MCC project and SOFA related ISIS terrorism took off. Please read:
    The ISIS is US: the Shocking truth behind the army of terror” by Masden et al. and how ISIS builds on the Iran -Contra drugs for guns project.
    Institutional capture by foreign networks of the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau, the National Building Research organiztion (NBRO) . Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute, various health sector instituions and other research institutions in the country to promote the US narrative, the Islamist Terror narrative Easter Attacks happened.
    Institutional capture, data, analysis capture and narrative manipulation and DEEP FAKES is the name of Cyber war. The electricity black out when Gota took power was another hybrid attack.

  • 2

    Even though the orange Orangutan is on his way out the damage he has done cannot be entirely reversed. He has enshrined Neo Fascism so well that Fox news has now become too liberal for the 48% of retarded US voters. These people believe in QANON. They think that those that mailed in their vote should be barred from the the vote count. The mail in voters are the smart normal people who realized that voting by mail was the smart thing to do in a pandemic. The deplorables think COVID19 is about to vanish and wearing a mask is a personal choice because Drumph told them so. These idiots are so stupid that on their death beds while gasping for Oxygen they still refuse to accept that they are dying from COVID19. They prefer to believe they are dying from Cancer. This is mass hysteria worse than Nazi Germany at the height of Hitlers power. How the next president can calm these morons down is un fathomable. In a country where free speech and the right to arm ones self to the teeth prevents the shutting down of gun manufacturers and extreme right wing media. This is a text book case of how to unravel a democracy. Of course the Chinese are rolling on the floor laughing their arses off. They used the same recipe in their future colony.

  • 0

    Are you saying that the Easter Sunday Suicide Bombers were CIA agents?

    • 2

      Let us not rule out anything with the CIA.
      It was the one that brought to life Islamic terrorism.

      • 0

        “Let us not rule out anything with the CIA.”
        Pls, Don’t bluff again to save your masters. Answer to the question-” kit or get out” manner. No Badiyudeen standardization here. – Not like all diasporas are your enemies because you could not settle in UK or all Tamils are tigers because Aanduwa wants some Tamil supporters for it. The question is : ” Are you saying that the Easter Sunday Suicide Bombers were CIA agents? ” What is you prove for your talk?

  • 0

    Political culture is not one day or one election trend. Minimum, it has to hold couple of decades, even in this fast changing world. Prof. Kumar has been changing his theories by the news of CNN, BBC, Aljazeera…. This is not the nature of a political student. His definition of NFP stemming from President Trump, but he lost. Then he is showing the republican victories as NFP victories. He is forgetting to realize that Trump lost still republicans won, which is only conservatism won, not any NFP is seeing a birth. In reality, the vote’s gap between the Democratic presidential candidate and Republican candidate widened more than last few election. Senate too Democrats got more numbers than last election. Some gains accounted to republican in House. But there is no indication that the change in House took place because of President Trump’s image improvement (populism, unlike conservatism is not policy dependent, but stardom, heroism, Savior-title, new cultural trends…. ) There is chance Indian Hindu fanaticism turns into a Nazism or Zionism, if not congress is liberated from the controlling family. If once the fever caught strong, there won’t be any cure. This is the case in most of the OIC countries. We see that in Lankawe and Myanmar with fanatic Buddhism. America is still far away from being entangled into any of these.

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