3 May, 2024


Malevolent Journalism, Benign Cardinal & Beleaguered Muslims 

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

“Sharia Law Played Major Part – Cardinal”, was the sensational and mischievous headline of a report by a columnist, that appeared in Ceylon Today on 4 December 2020. Given the prevailing atmosphere of post-2009 Islamophobia that seems to grow unabated, a headline like this and words put into the mouth of a benign and erudite Catholic Archbishop is typical of malevolent journalism. May we take the liberty to reformulate that headline into a question and ask the Cardinal or the columnist, “Sharia Law Played Major Part in What”? 

The headline was certainly meant to provoke angry reaction from the less discerning, and the establishment thrives on such mischievous journalism, because it diverts peoples’ attention away from the more crucial issues relating to the economy, the pandemic and oppressive rules, which affect their life and livelihood directly. The columnist went on to add that the Archbishop insisted, “Muslims may consider Sharia Law important, but that does not mean it could be interpreted or introduced as the law of the country and forced on other communities or used to intimidate and influence other communities”. These were not the words of the prelate but of the columnist, and it is also doubtful whether those aggressive sentiments were actually expressed by the Catholic Archbishop. At a time when the entire Muslim community is facing an existential crisis from Sinhala-Buddhist ethno-nationalism, no responsible religious leader would like adding fuel to the fire by such provocative remarks. That reporting was intentionally malicious and malevolent. 

However, what is the relevance of sharia to what happened on that fateful Easter Sunday in 2019, if that was the chief concern of the Cardinal? Before answering this question, the confusion surrounding the term sharia needs to be cleared. This word sharia occurs in the Quran only once, and that too not in a legal but ethical sense, meaning, the path to follow. The literal meaning of that Arabic word is to take the horse to water. Therefore, the term sharia law was an invention by medieval Muslim jurists, who were all men, to sanctify humanly derived rules and regulations called fiqh, which no doubt was derived from principles embedded originally in the holy text, the Quran and the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad. There were also other supplementary sources or mechanisms in deriving those laws. The important point is that these man-made laws were written by Muslims for the Muslims and when Muslims were rulers. Today, almost over 350 million or one-fifth of world Muslims are living as minorities in non-Muslim countries, and they are governed by laws of the country of docile, except in personal and religious matters. No Muslim ever imposed on any non-Muslim any of the religious norms and rules governing his or her personal life, such as birth, marriage and death. It should also be remembered that to obey and follow the laws of the land in which Muslims live is part of sharia or the right path.

Sri Lankan Muslims were living like this for more than a millennium without complaint from anybody. How then did this hoo-ha about sharia Laws originate? It originated from four sources. First was ACJU’s halal certification program. This was a program to charge fee from manufacturers and businessmen exporting food products to Muslim countries. Halal certification was adopted internationally for meat products, because importers from the Middle East demanded it. Exporters had no choice but to comply. Sri Lanka is neither a meat exporter nor an exporter of dairy products. Yet, ACJU insisted on halal certification for other food product exports, because it saw in it a lucrative source of revenue. This naturally put up the cost of exporters and reduced their profit. Not only that, even domestic consumers were made to pay a higher price for halal certified products.  

Muslims of this country were eating halal food for centuries without anyone certifying it and even non-Muslims were eating halal meat without any complaint. ACJU’s greed and lack of foresight created a problem, and to anti-certification protestors sharia law became a convenient slogan to target their attack on ACJU. 

The second source for the confusion was Islamist extremism whose advocates craved and fought for an Islamic state governed by so called sharia laws. What were these laws and where are they? No one has answers to these questions. What the world witnessed instead, from Islamists like Taliban and ISIS, was barbaric beheadings, merciless killings and wholesale massacre of innocent men, women and children, which to many observers seem to be the direct product of non-existent sharia laws. 

It was in the midst of this growing confusion that the Batticaloa campus was built, the third source of sharia confusion. The legality of that campus is now under investigation, but sometime before the buildings were completed, its founders mentioned that that university would teach courses in sharia. That gave the impression that it was going to be a glorified madrasa. This was manna from heaven to Islamophobists and they immediately dubbed that campus a sharia university. To reiterate this writer’s earlier contention, that educational project was an ill-conceived and treacherous blunder born out of financial greed, political opportunism and societal ignorance. However, instead of destroying its educational purpose, it should be affiliated to one of the existing national universities and turned into an international institute for postgraduate studies and research in agricultural and veterinary sciences. The place where it is situated is ideal for such research and training.      

The final source of the confusion comes from the Easter Sunday massacre, which understandably is the chief concern of Archbishop Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith. Not only to him but to anyone with even an iota of love towards humanity the memory of that infamy would be destressing for years to come. Moreover, that massacre occurred soon after a similar one in New Zealand should not be lost sight of. A Presidential Commission that is investigating that infamy appears to have reached the closing stages of its task, and the world, along with the Cardinal, is waiting for its findings. Were the killers acted on their own volition inspired by their concocted version of sharia or were there other reasons, or were they simply hirelings of some foreign power, let the investigators provide the answer. Dan Jones, the author of Crusaders (UK: Head of Zeus Ltd., 2019) and who happened to be in Colombo on that fateful day, ends his fascinating account with the following words: “The crusades are over. But so long as there are crusaders – real or imaginary – in the world, the war goes on and on.”  

How did the Muslim community react to this horror? They were totally disgusted and realized the depth of anger it caused among fellow Sri Lankas. Not only did they join in condemning the act, but more than that they went on to deny the dead bodies of the murderers the religious rites of burial. This is the ultimate punishment any Muslim can receive from his community.  

Sections of the media is bringing the sharia slogan once again to the fore, because it wants to help the government it helped installed with an alternative target so that its disgruntled supporters could divert their attention away from criticizing the government for its failure on the economic and health fronts. The anti-sharia virus will replace the Corona virus and will affect Muslims only. To stir the public to agitate for one-country-one-law and make Muslims and their so-called sharia law scape goats is a diversionary tactic by a failing regime. To implicate a benign Catholic prelate in this conspiracy is a master move. Muslims in the country are a beleaguered community today.

Devanagala in the Central Province has become the latest hotspot for a repeat of Alutgama. It would be prudent if respected community and religious leaders could measure their words when facing journalists who are hired to keep the anti-Muslim fire burning. 

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Latest comments

  • 14

    Write has not seen the video of interview of the Cardinal in you tube? He has clearly stated the issues in his own words. Pls check details before witting with assumptions like “and words put into the mouth of a benign and erudite Catholic Archbishop”

    A video is available here and the cardinal does not mince his words like the Muslim MP’s


    • 15

      Who is the name of the columnist of ceylon todsy?, inventive journalist s over to you please reveal the links of these men with Rajapaksche extremists under ground networks. 🤔🤔🤔🤔These are well premeditated acts of them as I know, in order to make another public perception. Rajapakshe survives their kind of mlechcha politics by twisting the gullible mind set.this has been successful for them because people so stupid. They are today far behind
      the tribes in poor Africa. This would not change until mahinda Rajapakshe stays live. Let’s hope karma work on a permanent solution sooner than later. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

      • 12

        Media mafia and mlechcha Rajapakshes henchmen destroy this nation sooner than later. There are enough signs even if they would open BIA now, people on west would nt trust srilanka under current men. Meaning tourism
        industry would nt work well as had been before. This we warned enough. Symbiosis of media mafia and Rajapakshes mlechcha politics will turn out to be a fatal cancer to all srilankens. People over to u, wake up and do what u can to defeat murderous govt. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

      • 7

        Investigative journalists over to u😎😎😎😎😎😎

      • 11

        CT thank you for this.
        Those who cant SURVIVE without spreading seeds for racism and extremism, are behind this. This is public secret to srilankens. Rajapakshes came to power by misleading the commoners that would line up to through MUTTI into rivers, worship fake relics at soc alled once most respectable kelaniya buddhist temple, drink “paniya, drink” on one go, … even if those guinea pigs would not know the least about the side effects of the them.
        My surprise, that bitch s son Jayasuman, as a so called Fake Prof. is in the same boat of idiots, that continuing promotions of myths as of today.

    • 6

      Do not try to push the Easter Sunday terrorist attack under the carpet. No matter who was behind the attack, it is terrorism. Seems like terrorists are playing the victim card!!

  • 25

    Sharia Law, Halal meat, Wahabbism, wearing Burkas and Face Covering must be banned. Life must be made simpler.

  • 15

    Muslims are complaining that WE are misinterpreting Islam.
    We are ignorant of Islam and we can’t read Arabic.
    All we see around are Muslims themselves are devided over the correct interpretation.
    Zaharan himself complained that other Muslims are not following correct Islam while others claimed that Zaharan was wrong.
    In a pre bomb scenario who are we to say that Zaharan is wrong in respect of the correct interpretation and blame the officers who avoided arresting him?


    • 33

      Dear ignorant sinhala extremist buddhist,

      zahran was funded by the war criminals gota & co.
      So you’re entire nonsense arguement falls apart in the first sentence itself.
      Didn’t really expect any honesty from an ignorant sinhala extremist buddhist.

      • 10

        sitrep24 / December 6, 2020
        I AM in full agreement with u. But medi mafia solely handled by pro Rajapakshe media mafia.
        Folks be aware, headline news of today’s srilanka are 200% fake news. They abuse people’s frequencies for their selfish gains. These men are high criminal s. Thry should be locked up forever.
        We are doomed by every means as of today. 🤔😎🤔😎🤔😎🤔😎🤔😎

        • 9

          Commiting suicide in whole familes for the sake of Rajapakas???
          Is Rajapaksa more powerful than Allah?


          • 3


            “Is Rajapaksa more powerful than Allah?”

            Don’t you believe both Mahinda and Gota are more powerful than all ten gods of this island combined?

            • 1

              There are speculation s that MR is currently caused by a fatal health problems. Perhaps an new era ll be dawning sooner than later Devine forces adjust it soon . 😎😎😎😎

          • 0

            In stupid world of SRILANKENS in southern part, it can well be. Rajakashes have ruined it by spreading blatant lies. People are slowly realizing it but those media instituation that make unethical news be their headline news, make it diffiult stupid majority to realize who to be trusted.
            Just imagine, while entire world is getting ready for a vaccine and get their people be vaccinated against COVID infections, what BPs led srilanka has been doing ?

            Now it is said until 6 more months getting a vaccine for SRILANKENs would be not possible. How abusive these men have been ?

      • 6

        Commiting suicide in whole familes for the sake of Rajapakas???
        Is Rajapaksa more powerful than Allah?


        • 2


          Both are one and the same.

      • 3

        Read the comment below by Fahim Knight

      • 0

        Sri Lankans were not surprised by Zaharan. After fighting Praba for 30 years Zaharan was a small sprat and flash in the pan, that can be eliminated.

        What surprised and opened the Sinhalese eyes was (i) Azaam Ameens father as ACJU spokesman saying swords were for grass cutting, and then some other MP in charge of Muslim Ministry saying swords were needed for safety of Muslim daughters. (ii) 4Bn coming in for Sharia Uni

        Then we all knew that there was grave danger and we Singhalese had been too accommodating to these Fanatic Zealots who propagate so fast!! overtaking Tamils and now 10% soon to be 20%. LTTE fought for a country while this was a Jihad (religious war).

        Remember The Sri Lanka flag – Orange stripe was for Tamils and Green was for “All other minorities”. But now Green has become for Muslims and Orange for Tamils and all other Minorities..!!

    • 4

      Soma to some extend I agree with you , yes there is confussion and ignorrance not among the people of other faiths , but among most Muslims , because most of them do not bother to do some reading and try to learn and understand their own religion.
      First and foremost the like of Zaharans and other Terror groups are niether Sunni or Shias , They are Neo(-New) Kawarijites and their creed is based on death sentense to Muslims who do not practice Islsm completely as per their Creed and finally ,as Prophet Muhammed was the Final Prophet, as for Neo Kawarijite( Islamists) creed, everyone must be converted to kawarijite Islamic Creed, including other Muslims or face death.
      It will be indirectly helpping them by persecuting other muslims for the atrocities commited by Kawarijites.
      It is clear almost 90% of the victitims of this group so far have been Muslim.

    • 4


      “All we see around are Muslims themselves are devided over the correct interpretation.”

      What do you see as the correct interpretation of Islam?

  • 21

    Dr. Ameer Ali
    “…..and they are governed by laws of the country of docile, except…….
    You mean “country of domicile”?.
    Regarding ‘Malevolent…mischievous journalism’ in Sri Lanka, media manipulation by SB scribes (misinformation, distortion, fabrication, exaggeration) has been largely responsible for anti-Tamil pogroms, ethnic strife and bloodshed in this country.
    Dr. Thomas Hanitzsch (Chair / Professor of Communication at LMU, Munich) calls it tribal journalism.

  • 27

    The Cardinal should release an immediate statement regarding this and how his words were misconstrued by a racist sinhala extremist buddhist pretending to be a journalist. As this article written by this dirty sinhala extremist buddhist counts as libel, the Cardinal should sue for damages.
    Couldn’t have expected anything less than such a racist problematic article from a dirty sinhala extremist buddhist. Well the reality is setting in to the grass eating ignorant sinhala buddhists of the failures of the leadership they elected into office. So in a sad attempt these dirty sinhala extremist buddhist “journalists” are pulling out all the stops to fan the flames of hate to divert the attention of the ignorant masses to help their lord (zahrans boss aka. gota and co.). I for one have had it with these dirty sinhala extremist buddhists annually throwing this country into destruction to save their own skin.
    May the Lord of Jesus Christ cause ruin to every enemy of His Religion and His followers. May He lay waste to the resources of such criminal pagans and everything they hold dear as they seek to do to every innocent human being they see as being a minority.

    • 3

      Oh how we judge so superficially.
      ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,”words were misconstrued by a racist sinhala extremist buddhist pretending to be a journalist.”…………….
      Judging by name only, these “sinhala extremist buddhists lurk around every corner, so it seems !!
      It is interesting if the Owner of Ceylon Today (CHRISTOPHER Alles) is sued by the Cardinal along with the journo ( as both responsible) for being racist sinhala exteremist buddhists, for libel
      Just for the record :
      Ceylon Today Type Daily Newspaper
      Owner(s) Tiran Alles 100%
      Tiran Prasanna Christopher Alles
      Founder, CEO and shareholder of Ceylon Newspapers (Pvt) Limited.
      Yes the Cardinal should sue both as finally the owner takes the buck.
      I do not curse any creature, big or small, but the some want : “May the Lord of Jesus Christ cause ruin to every enemy of His Religion” – includes CHRISTOPHER Alles, I suppose.

  • 7

    “He has clearly stated the issues in his own words.”
    Even Catholics know that the Cardinal is carrying the dog whistle for Gota and the Raja family. He does not carry the same respect as Cardinal Cooray or Rev. Dr. Oswald Gomis.


  • 7

    Media mafia and mlechcha Rajapakshes henchmen destroy this nation sooner than later. There are enough signs even if they would open BIA now, people on west would nt trust srilanka under current men. Meaning tourism
    industry would nt work well as had been before. This we warned enough. Symbiosis of media mafia and Rajapakshes mlechcha politics will turn out to be a fatal cancer to all srilankens. People over to u, wake up and do what u can to defeat murderous govt. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  • 11

    If the Cardinal says, “Sharia Law Played Major Part,” that means Gota’s government is in grave crisis and it badly needs a second wave of Islamophobia to handle it. Floundering economy, botched handling of the pandemic, and the undermining of the judiciary have led to the growing unrest in the country. Mahara prison killings and how the government is trying to cover up with bizarre conspiracy theories are harbingers of things to come. Gota’s deep state that continued to function even during the Yahapalanaya regime created the first wave of Islamophobia to bring him to power. Intelligence agents working for the deep state infiltrated Zahran’s Jihadist group. They influenced and steered the group to stage the Easter Day attacks. Sirisena’s and Nandasena’s commissions are preposterous attempts to cover up this shocking truth and find scapegoats to be punished. The Cardinal’s role in all this is not exactly that of a man of God.

  • 14

    Let us first acknowledge the writers sincerity of purpose in four statements in his article.
    1. First was ACJU’s halal certification program. ……………ACJU’s greed and lack of foresight created a problem, and to anti-certification protestors sharia law became a convenient slogan to target their attack on ACJU.
    2. The second source for the confusion was Islamist extremism ………………….What the world witnessed instead, from Islamists like Taliban and ISIS, was barbaric beheadings, merciless killings and wholesale massacre of innocent men, women and children, which to many observers seem to be the direct product of non-existent sharia laws.
    3. Batticaloa campus was built, the third source of sharia confusion. The legality of that campus is now under investigation, ………………..To reiterate this writer’s earlier contention, that educational project was an ill-conceived and treacherous blunder born out of financial greed, political opportunism and societal ignorance.

    • 7

      Part II.
      4. The final source of the confusion comes from the Easter Sunday massacre, which understandably is the chief concern of Archbishop Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith. Not only to him but to anyone with even an iota of love towards humanity the memory of that infamy would be destressing for years to come. …………Dan Jones, the author of Crusaders (UK: Head of Zeus Ltd., 2019) and who happened to be in Colombo on that fateful day, ends his fascinating account with the following words: “The crusades are over. But so long as there are crusaders – real or imaginary – in the world, the war goes on and on.”
      This is Nos Culpa. (Hope my Latin after 65 years is correct.) Excellent observations fully endorsed.

      Good foundations for reconciliation, should be devoid of extreme venom.
      Having fairminded persons will definitely help to – someday – bridge the gaps that exist in our ethno-religious divides.
      Extremism does not lend itself to reconciliation of the differences but only acerbate them.
      For how long will these differences simmer, while we argue no end – “ The East is East and the West is West, and never the twain shall meet” Rudyard Kipling.

  • 8

    A fantastic write up.
    Dr.Ameer Ali is a great writer and never prejudise .
    He does not mince his words.
    People should not mid read his
    great writting.
    You need to know a little more than general english to comprehend his standard of english write.ups.
    He is only merely questioning the
    Journal who wrote the article , he id actually not accusing the Cardinal,on the contrary he is talking in defence of The Cardinal

    • 3

      Sorry about the typos.
      Instead of S , its errored as d

  • 10

    MR.AMEER ALI-why should you worry too much staying far away from srilanaka WHEN ELECTED MONKEYS FROM YOUR OWN COMMUNITY VOTED FOR 20TH AMENDMENT AND made it easy for the RAJARAJAPAKSASAS to carry out any thing they wants to do against muslims in lanaka.you have to blame your own MEKARAKAAS who voted for 20th for this situation-ALLA HOOO AKBAR.

  • 6

    Reading Dr Ali I wonder if I should change my heretical opinion about the Cardinal. Dr Ali tells us the Cardinal is a religious man who does not scheme, bears no ill will, acts with carefully considered forethought, is actually worthy of his robe and the reverence that it begets. Seems I must go to confession and seek forgiveness for my sins that devolve around Cardinal Cooray.

    • 6

      “Seems I must go to confession and seek forgiveness for my sins that devolve around Cardinal Cooray.”
      What sins of yours devolving around the (late) Cardinal Cooray?

    • 4

      Sorry. I should have said. Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don, or simply cardinal Malcolm Ranjith. The man who wears sheep’s clothing.

  • 9

    Sharia law – even now Muslims are trying to go above law-of-the land on cremations -as they believe their religion is superior to all other laws..


    Sharia University was been set up and Amir Ali and all were very quite at that time..!

    When Zealots spend 4bn on spreading Whabism and ISLAM – Sri lankan’s NEED TO BE WORRIED.!!
    10% of the population (for now) – why not this Uni be set up in Indonesia , Pakistan? WHY SRI LANKA? ONLY PURPOSE IS TO SPREAD ISLAM AND GROW !!

    The Mahaweli Authority land and subsequent conversion to a long-term lease was a deliberate violation of the State Lands Ordinance. What’s more, the deed of that lease was signed on Feruary 1, 2018, but the effective date was backdated to July 12, 2013.

    In the space of one year—between 2016 and 2017—four BOC accounts maintained in favour the Batticaloa Campus received more than Rs 4.123bn in forex with largely no questions asked. The names of the accounts were Sri Lanka Hira Foundation, Batticaloa Campus (Pvt) Ltd, A M A Lanka (Pvt) Ltd and Malik Abdullah bin Abdulaziz University College of Batticaloa.

    • 1

      “What’s more, the deed of that lease was signed on Feruary 1, 2018, but the effective date was backdated to July 12, 2013. “
      Money is everything for all – no exclusion- “Sinhala Buddhist Intellectuals War (Crime) Hero Politicians” . That is why they have been renting their women for centuries.

  • 7

    How come only these Same Minority viewpoint writers are providing Opinion day-in-day-out, once a week – with their views? To have a balanced viewpoint to Colombo Telegraph we need more Singhala origin voices to provide Opinions. Otherwise this website is a utopian website far from on-the-ground reality.. and allowing people here to live in a bubble !! Editors of CT needs to get more wider Opinions in and limit contribution of one sided writers who keep writing same S**T – different day!!

    • 8

      Unfortunately, CT is the same type of site that the authors here complain about. in fact far worse. it allows these Rajapaksha haters to live in their own bubble. It has the same authors like ameer DJ KD the hoole brothers keep repeating the same nonsense over and over again . Quite a few of them don’t even live in SL. Then there is the resident as called financial expert WA . The only author here that gives some balanced view here is Rajan philipps. the rest are just blowhards that love to hear themselves.

      The people who comment here are also mostly extremists. of either side. It is the same characters all the time. I suppose the purpose of this site is to appeal to the few and far between who no longer read the hyperbole that is tamilnet.

      • 5

        a14455 / December 7, 2020

        is there any difference between the anti-Trump groups and anti-MR sentiments in srilanka ? I think Gotler may have learnt it from Trump…, what has former petrol shed assistant/ asylum seeker in LA changed during his 1st of the office ? Not a tiny change for the benefit of the masses. But as blue flies on a heap of excreta would not leave away from it, you guys seem to be unturn yet today. … shameless stupid people.

        This means you have the audacity to say today that Rajaakshe s election brought all good to srilanka ?

        True most of CT commenters are not Rajapakshe supporters. And it is not overlooked that they think it beyond. With that 6.9 voters being speechless today, you the kind of ultra stupid men to wag the tail in favour of Rajakashes – should be connected with pathological reasons.
        Shame on you, how can you ever be proud of being srilankens ?

        • 5


          you just proved my case. You are a shameless jobless hater. You post your diatribe in every article regardless of the content. I compare you not to the anti trumpers but the pro trumpers who are still trying to overturn the Biden Victory.

          I personally have never voted in a Sri Lankan election. and I have no connection to the rajapakshes . But at the same time I am very aware on this politics of the so called upper class so called educated Sri Lankans. I went to one of those upper class schools when I was living in Sri Lanka. Only the upper crust Royalist Trinitians and thomians have the right to lead Sri Lanka. Actually these schools have if anything failed our country in the time of need. and this site actually represents fools like that,

          • 4

            Time for light relief and a smile.
            ….”Only the upper crust Royalist Trinitians and Thomians have the right to lead Sri Lanka. Actually these schools have if anything failed our country in the time of need.”……
            May be we should have a Triangular Tournament and appoint Ranil Lohan and GL to lead and captain the three teams respectively as they have together pulled these schools reputations down to the gutter.

    • 2

      Don’t look at just the perceived problem without suggesting a solution. In your view who are the majority community writers you like to see? Don’t name racist dogs and CT might consider.

  • 0

    Don’t look at just the perceived problem without suggesting a solution. |If you actually have some in mind. In your view who are the majority community writers you like to see? Don’t name racist dogs and CT might consider.

  • 10

    Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith would be wise to rectify the situation promptly.
    In any event, it is wise for religious leaders not to comment on the beliefs and practices of other faiths, especially in sensitive contexts.
    Regrettably, the damage done by Ceylon Today is irrevocable.

    • 0

      ” Regrettably, the damage done by Ceylon Today is irrevocable.
      Comedy Thamai!
      May I know why are you bobbing up and down like that? You ate some Vadai and Pottu or Kavum and Aappa or Pizza?
      You saw the news just today? So putting up a big drama as the world has sunk in Marianna trench because a Colombo media reported something sinful? You had so much of opinion on Colombo Media and everything is demolished today? Do you know how the Colombo Media started 1958? Can you explain me what the special thing you have seen that others are missing in Ceylon Today?
      “Speaking to the Media at the Archbishop’s House in Colombo yesterday,” This is a press conference conducted by Cardinal! Tell me something please, if Cardinal had said whatever you imagine as he did, is that your position that Ceylon Today should not print it? Do you know many Tamil and English (I don’t know about Sinhala) media reported about Cardinal’s press conference, two days ago?
      Come on, Come on, come on man; that kind of ********* are you?

    • 0

      May I know what is wrong in Cardinal’s talk here? (I am not his fan anyway). Are you just, for your fun, tearing him off with your wolf teeth? Do you aware Hezbollah challenged the Middle Easter countries to bring Economic Sanction on Yahapalanaya because they wanted to investigate Hezbollah for meeting with some suspicious figures, on the late night during those curfews days?
      Do you understand Dr Amir’s essay? He is writing about three elements “Malevolent Journalism, Benign Cardinal & Beleaguered Muslims ‘ How did it happen you picked Ceylon Today’s condemnation only to accept from his comments and opposing Dr. Amir for telling “Benign Cardinal” and completely forgetting about” Beleaguered Muslims”?
      Dr. Amir has been writing in CT for some time to teach all students Science and Tech & convert the Batticola University to an Agricultural campus. What happened to the case of the machineries iHize mported under Social Service Organization? How Hezi did came out of court even without police asking for arrest for investigation for the missing machinery?
      It is not Cardinal, but even India & America like countries might have warned if Hezi train 1000 Sharia graduates an year and export them world over, they would kick on the butt of Appe Aanduwa. So they better listen to Cardinal in time.

      • 3

        Dear SJ
        Here we go.
        Just to wish you good luck.

        • 0

          “Pirantha Palanai Nee Adainthaai, Malare”. (” O the lovely flower, purpose of the birth is now achieved, by being worn by your esteemed hero”)

          The hunting dog is recognized by its nose. Ferryman, who started his journey declaring that his object is creating TRO to save Royals out of International Inquiry, has reached his object. Successfully he started his model life, searching out for a perfect Guru and following his path, honoring guru, pitting commentators against each other. We wrote here the piglet walk with the pig learns what to select and eat, for its life.

    • 2

      “Regrettably, the damage done by Ceylon Today is irrevocable.”

      The cross dresser is not innocent as many politely assume.

  • 3

    lol I just peeked at Tamilnet and it looks more moderate than this

    • 0

      “lol I just peeked at Tamilnet and it looks more moderate than this’

      What your saying is that your assumption was wrong. What did you really expect it to be?

      Tamils are much more moderate and accommodating than the Sinhalese.

      • 5

        Tamilnet was a site I looked at all during the war times and it had some fantastic lies in there always. CT on the other hand has taken that baton. I stopped looking at Tamilnet after the war. so its been a while since I went there for hyperbole.

        Singhalese are one of the most accommodating people in the world without exception. ask any foreigners who come to SL. I don’t believe tamils are any less so. The people on this site are not a proper representation of either the greater sinhalese or the tamil populace.

        This site caters to the editor’s agenda. I consider it similar to Breitbart in the US. The lunatc fringe that masquerades as the “Civil Society”

      • 5


        “Tamils are much more moderate and accommodating than the Sinhalese.”

        I suppose you haven’t met them all.

        I am sorry I see there is not much differences between nasty little Sinhala/Buddhists and nasty little Tamil/Saivaite.

        • 10

          It is a matter of percentages. A certain proportion of every ethnic group is extremist. So Sinhalese being about 75+%, you would expect more of whatever viewpoint each side professes. But the ailment is the same and will never be cured unless the centrists are able to sit together and address the problem from a Sri Lankan perspective. Bickering never solves anything but only leads to more frayed tempers.

          • 1

            ” Bickering never solves anything but only leads to more frayed tempers.”
            Does twisting of, with a hidden motive, the suffering of 72 years of slavery is nothing to compare 30 years Rapist Army war helps to resolves?
            ” ailment is the same ”
            The out of control Rapist Army’s enjoyments and the torture of Tamils faced are same?
            One time there was cartoon from Hindu advocates against Karunanidhi and Periyar; “a man (Periyar) was poking a juvenile, defenseless fawn (Hinduism) with a sharp instrument. People (Hindu advocates) asked guard (CM Karunadhi) to stop the man saying the dear is suffering. Guard replied “if I stop him, his heart will ail”. You talk is just like that cartoon.
            Whose and whose ailments are same? You already declared that anything Tamils suffered last 72 years is old story. But your imagination of Sinhala Buddhism’s suffering during last 30 years is true. Why are you not putting any facts for your conclusion for people understands why are you thinking so? Why no inquiry?
            Could you explain what “Sir Lankan perspective” is? What is now hindering the Rapist Army from to achieve it? You know there is a UN charter of human rights? Where is it fitting into your talks?
            You came with a predetermined idea; you won’t bend, would you?

            • 5

              ……”You came with a predetermined idea; you won’t bend, would you?”………..
              That is the epitome of self-righteousness.

              Some read to understand. Some read to reply.
              Am I wasting time ?

              • 1

                ” Some read to understand. Some read to reply. “
                I like to understand your writing without questioning. But it appears that you are not free in your mind to let others understand you fully.
                I would like to see you go ahead and elaborate whose ailments are same? Did you mean Tamils’ ailment is not anything severe in the last 72 years than Sinhala Buddhists?
                Please I like the explanation only, not any slippery, eloquent bluffing.

                If you have established that Tamils don’t have any problem different from Sinhala Buddhist, I can’t deny that I may have a bundle of question to understand your position. Let me to give you to understand me. That is because I like to see Tamils freed from Sinhala Buddhist hegemony. You too can have any position like me. But, for me to understand your points properly, you must tell me about your standing also. Why do you feel you should keep it subtle or hidden from me, after all we are writing on the same site?

                • 2

                  I will say this and hope you will understand.
                  I am a crusader in the sense that I am a person who tries to make an impassioned and sustained effort to bring about social or political change and thinking, to the middle line to make peace.
                  “I like to understand your writing without questioning.” PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT. Question everything
                  to understand words, context and meaning, not just to reply.
                  If I am a crusader as above, I must be an arbiter with no preconceived standpoints. So I have no specific views on this very complicated issue, but would like others’ if they are rational and well-meant.
                  I would, whenever possible, bring up bigotry or statements that do not appear to be rational. My comments are to bring up such inconsistencies.

                  • 3

                    “But it appears that you are not free in your mind to let others understand you fully.”
                    Again – self righteousness. But……….
                    In response to above, on a personal note, I do not subscribe to ANY religion and would like to say I am devoid of ethnic or religious bias, having been born without knowing which race or religion I am supposed to be, till the
                    elders and others around put divisive ideas into my head.
                    I also respect every religion because in its own way it has brought much solace to countless persons, but find fault when religious labels are bandied about without much thought. Being objective is the key, not subjective.
                    In peace, I leave.

                    • 0

                      ” I do not subscribe to ANY religion “
                      Then please talk about it in detail so that we can believe you that you are true to your word.
                      Then please start yours or join with Sumanthiran, Sampanthar Ayya in campaigning removing the article 9 in the constitution of Lankawe and making it a secular state. We know meaning of Old King’s word, when he said right after the war that there was no minorities in this country.

              • 1

                I am afraid you are with this self-declared ’empty head’.

                • 0

                  Enriched Head, if you are not self righteousness as per your disciple, please take your disciple on the best paths you travel, the pig and and piglet. For his Anti-Americanism, anti-Western ideas, the important matter is joining the Jaffna University paramilitary team. Had he got his EPDP membership yet? (Don’t attempt o wash off that quickly; we are still alive! We are not yet Savams like you)

          • 1

            The ‘certain proportion’ is not a constant for all communities and is variable with time.
            There was a time when Germans seemed predominantly racist.
            I have read a fair volume of Palestinian creative writing. For long I seldom came across anything that was anti-Jewish while being strongly anti Zionist.
            Now I find the occasional anti-Jewish utterance, but again not much of a trend.
            The amount of racist venom I see on these pages is not typical of the communities that the authors of the comments appear to represent.
            I regret to note that CT passively encourages bickering that promotes ethno-religious hostility.
            A lot of prejudice is pumped into people through the media and even textbooks. Some of that venom remains in the system, and comes out every time one feels provoked.
            There are always soft targets. The Jew in post Renaissance Europe.
            Now, the Muslim in much of Europe and even this Country.
            Such hatred is whipped up by the state and mainstream media as well as the Internet.

            • 1

              Dear SJ,
              “The ‘certain proportion’ is not a constant for all communities and is variable with time.”
              Yes I totally agree – hence I used the word “certain” with purpose.
              A certain proportion of every ethnic group is extremist. Meaning some more, some less.
              But when there is a 75% group and another about 15% (leaving out the Muslims), there must be a proportionately higher amount in the 75% who are in in this particular category. Also, in context here in SL, there are only two communities and time as yet, has had no effect.
              “I regret to note that CT passively encourages bickering that promotes ethno-religious hostility.”
              Could not agree with you more, so very very true.
              “Some of that venom remains in the system, and comes out every time one feels provoked.”
              Only here, I have reservations, because the venom comes out far too often, and hackneyed phrases are used indiscriminately, without the slightest provocation.

              • 1

                F, SJ,
                “because the venom comes out far too often, and hackneyed phrases are used indiscriminately, without the slightest provocation”
                This is mass culture, as opposed to individual culture. If you hang around 3 wheeler stands, you will note that the mother-worshiping platitudes on the 3 wheelers don’t apply to other people’s mother’s.

                • 0

                  ……….This is mass culture, as opposed to individual culture…………..
                  Only, should not the CT level be much above mass culture standards.
                  After all, their motto says : In journalism truth is a process.

                  • 0

                    Dear OC,
                    Come to think of it, our SUPREME legislature is a prime example of mass culture.

                    • 0

                      You two, because it is allowing free opinions that are not revering your punditry, keep campaigning against CT until CT is closed down. You are chaffs, cut down the branch you sit & then insist to heed only to your smarty brain talks and reject all others. Why don’t you go and write in other Sinhala, Tamil and English media, there they will reward monetarily for your service of substantiating Sinhala Buddhist Aanduwas. Even Jaffna University & VC Vasanthi would give letter heads and money for EPDP paramilitary gangs to campaign for Aanduwa. Presently CT is the only site at least give 80% chance for free opinions. Why won’t you go there instead of having no honest political opinion but constantly digging in to yank others?
                      Ferryman, all knows here who the other one is, but it is pretty shame on you for trying this yanking out trick.

                    • 0

                      Yes, even 3 wheeler drivers don’t attack each other with chillie powder.

          • 0

            Percentages matter, that is right.

            However, nothing matters in srilanken media mafia which mislead the nation today but in favour of Rajapakshe criminals.

            Self adulations and self proclaimations make them even more popular in that society. How come ? People dont ever think twice ? I think this may be common to all in like minded societies. No expertise of the experts are focused let alone today on COVID containment process ??????????????????????????????
            I thnk not just TAMIL net, but our public domain TV channels such as HIRU and DERANA spread loads of blatant lies as their head line news from dawn to dusk each day, as if they are trained to do so. They dont seem to empower state media with state programs but those orders being grabed by Dilitha Jayweerasa mafia SENDER. How come this continues this way ? I dont live there and to me whatever being telecasted by them are not truths or near truths.

            No law and order or ethical codes ever work on them. I really dont know why the media

      • 1

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      • 1

        Burt, if Tamil Elam is created, will there be Sharia Law in Tamil Elam?

        What happened to all the Muslims in Jaffna? There were 100,000 in 1990 but now zero.

        • 1

          Have you been to Jaffna recently?

          • 0

            Probably he meant zero Arabic speaking Muslims.

            • 1

              Even then he will be wrong, as the Jaffna Mosque is functional and there are a few maulvis around, unless he questions their fluency in Arabic.

        • 0

          No province, even Sinhala only South, in Lankawe has Buddhist only educational policy areas. TNA won the Eastern province in 2013 & let SLMC to run Eastern Province. Then SLMC created Muslims only educational policy areas in East. Now GLP wants to reverse it saying Provinces cannot have that kind of authority. Well, I oppose Royal government interfering in 13A, but I support him on that until the 13A is sorted out.

    • 2


      When did Tamilnet update its news, views, perceptions, …?

      • 1

        Not sure if they did or not . I hadn’t checked in about 10 years. may be they are the same and CT has taken over. I do not know.

        • 2


          “I hadn’t checked in about 10 years. “

          Yet you are making a sweeping observation.
          You thrive on ignorance.
          If you do not know, on what basis are you trying to compare two different media, at two different times, with two different ideology, …………

          Were you able to send your typings to Tamilnet?
          Have they ever published your typings?

          You lot have a lot of problems, most of are psychological.

  • 7

    “These were not the words of the prelate but of the columnist, and it is also doubtful whether those aggressive sentiments were actually expressed by the Catholic Archbishop. At a time when the entire Muslim community is facing an existential crisis from Sinhala-Buddhist ethno-nationalism, no responsible religious leader would like adding fuel to the fire by such provocative remarks. That reporting was intentionally malicious and malevolent. “

    If those words were NOT uttered by the Cardinal, then it is for the Cardinal or his Office to do the Denial and NOT for anybody else, and, least of all, someone who is resident far away in Australia, even if he be his spokesperson in Australia.

    As far as I know, the Cardinal is yet to Deny what has been attributed to him. The Cardinal, who is widely respected for the role he played in calming the situation in the immediate aftermath of the Easter Terror Attacks, owes it to himself and the country in general, and Muslims in particular, to clarify the situation without any further delay.

  • 8

    “At a time when the entire Muslim community is facing an existential crisis from Sinhala-Buddhist ethno-nationalism”
    This writer always want to put the blame on Sinhala-Buddhists for everything that goes wrong with the Muslim community. As the writer himself has pointed out the existential crisis faced by Muslim community is their own making. You reap what you sow!

    • 6

      Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

      “This writer always want to put the blame on Sinhala-Buddhists for everything that goes wrong with the Muslim community.

      Every disaster this island encountered (natural or man made) since 1900 was created by newly concocted people call Sinhala/Buddhists.

      “You reap what you sow!”

      The people reap what the public racist Anagārika Homeless Dharmapala sowed.
      Are you the direct descendant of Anagārika Homeless Dharmapala?

    • 1

      They are not sinhala Buddhist s but slaves.
      Look at the manner they are be6 treated at Mahara, if they killed one cosed to me I would do anything and everything destroying them..
      They did same to wrlikada in 2012 .
      Today people have to fight against Rajapakshe fascism, no longer people ll become like Ruwandians.. Gota made it an anarchy as of today. Slaves are made helpless. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  • 1

    Do not push it too far. SL will invite BJP driven Indian and Israeli forces into the island to defeat extremism with impunity. They will gladly do it and most SLs will love them for it.

    • 3


      “SL will invite BJP driven Indian and Israeli forces into the island to defeat extremism with impunity. “

      Isn’t it obvious?
      Prabaharan won the war for Mahinda with huge support from Hindia in 2009.

      The racist Sinhala/Buddhist could not do a thing without the support of foreigners yet they continue to believe and boast they won the war.

      What a pathetic lot.

      • 3

        Dear NV,
        Pardon me foe the intrusion.
        “The RACIST Sinhala/Buddhist COULD NOT DO A THING without the support of foreigners yet they continue to believe and boast they won the war.”
        Dictionary.com defines a racist as : a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one’s own racial group is superior OR that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
        So racist is called a double edged word – cuts bothways – depending on one’s point of view and usage by one, may have reverse implications.
        …………. COULD NOT DO A THING………….
        Let us acknowledge both sides needed the support of foreigners. Also the SL Army had quite a few non Buddhists, as well.
        I am not taking sides but just being fair by all.

        • 0

          ” Let us acknowledge both sides needed the support of foreigners.”

          You said you are a Sinhala Buddhist. Now what is your “Two Sides” . One is you and the other one is Tamils, is that not correct? You are the new third edge protecting the Sinhala Buddhist. You are ignorant of that Sinhala Buddhists negotiated the Trinco harbor for Unitary State. Now negotiated Hangbangtota harbor for protect them in UN with Veto. When you say something you are very unconscious of what you are talking about. But seems to be, trying sleekly penetrate into the talks. Tamils have no other way but to seek outside help. Sampanthan Ayya last week said that nobody can wedge between Tamils and India-US relationship. Forget about your propaganda rather than trying to make yourself a buffoon. I can’t wait for nice words come into my mouth when a new grease monster creeping into Tamils’ family home. “Sorry”!

          • 2

            Do I laugh or cry at this shadow boxing with ghosts created by one’s own imagination.

    • 5


      There are already close to 500 thugs trained in Israel who are available in Sri Lanka. They have been active in Aluthgama, Beruwela etc. in June 2014 and also in Ampara, Digana etc. in 2018 followed by Minuwangoda, Kurunegala etc. in May, last year. They did an excellent job, didn’t they without any interference from the Law Enforcement Authorities?

      • 1



        Israeli trained or BJB influenced people will not be so ineffective. Casualties will be similar to May 2009 or at least 2002 Gujarat if they entered the scene.

  • 4


    There are already close to 500 thugs trained in Israel who are available in Sri Lanka. They have been active in Aluthgama, Beruwela etc. in June 2014 and also in Ampara, Digana etc. in 2018 followed by Minuwangoda, Kurunegala etc. in May, last year. They did an excellent job, didn’t they without any interference from the Law Enforcement Authorities?

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