3 May, 2024


Is Sri Lanka A Democracy?

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

From about mid-September to late November this year the President was on the back foot; defensive and acknowledging that his Administration had lost pubic support. Then the hard-core around him fought back till Anura Kumara Dissanayake exposed regime and Finance Minister Basil Rajapakasa’s contractual shenanigans in the LNG/Yugadanavi deals. (During the fightback we had three proclamations and appointments of task forces for greening Sri Lanka and reposing much power in the military). Now in the second week of December President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has turned tail again and made a run for cover. This is my interpretation of the impulsive prorogation of parliament. All this shows that state-power can be still be concerned in Sri Lanka and that the checks and balances, the bouquets and brickbats of democratic contest are alive. The press is free enough and the opposition bouncy.

There is another bloke in a similar fix now, Boris Johnson. But there’s a big difference from the perspective of democracy. Parliamentary democracy is secure in Britain; governments come and go, there are infractions on fairness but God Save the Queen and all that, it muddles on. Not so in third world countries where economic weakness keeps the kettle sizzling; in Sri Lanka a dissipated regime is on the boil. Defending the remnants of the democratic order is crucial. The usual approach is for the opposition to band together for this purpose. There is no need to pretend to be putative partners in a future government. Not at all, as in 2015 the task is minimal and it is defensive. Except this each party is free go its way.

There are four entities which can play a role in this regard – the JVP, the SJB, the TNA and the multiple Muslim factions. It is good to set down the programmatic differences between them so that we do not confuse ourselves. The Muslim entities are splintered so it is not easy. I do not speak of them hereafter except once. This summary is my understanding; if I have eared, readers are welcome to amend.

The State

Sajith Premadasa I believe favours the retention of a presidential system but not all in the SJB may be likeminded. The JVP wants it abolished and a return to the parliamentary version. The TNA after years of vacillation now prefers the parliamentary option. All proclaim the virtues of democracy, the separation of powers, an independent judiciary etc. etc. you know the usual litany. All abhor a one-party state. All prefer a mixed electoral arrangement – proportional and directly elected parliamentary representations (details differ).

The Economy

The JVP and the SJB-TNA are poles apart. The latter are aficionados of liberal-capitalism – free-markets, investor-capitalists in the lead, penetration of foreign investors into economy and portfolio finance; the state to be responsible only for welfare (health and education) and infrastructure. The TNA doesn’t understand any of this – maybe just as well. The JVP envisages a bigger role for the public sector and sees the significance of directing economic policy. It accepts the need for private capital in economic development but is wary of a tilt in class balances to the disadvantage of the less privileged. It sees the need for foreign investment but will be watchful. I think it would favour foreign-local joint development. There is nothing new in either of these models, both are well established in Asia. The former in Singapore and Korea, the latter Vietnam and Mongolia. I do not include China as an example of the second model (though it is the prototype) because of gigantic differences in scale and in international significance.

The National Question

Though the JR enacted 13A in its heart of hearts the SJB (except the late Mangala) is uncomfortable with power devolution to minorities and terrified of being identified as soft on the Tamils. Being soft on the Muslims seems to be less dastardly. The raison d’être of the TNA is democratic rights and power devolution to the Tamils, ideally Federalism. The Muslims are ok with anything as long as the community is not harassed. I know the TNA is genuinely against separatism; a lousy status under the Sinhalese is better than being boxed-up in the arid and internationally insulated North and East. The JVP seems to be dumbstruck on devolution though it has dropped its former demand for the repeal of 13A and the abolition of Provincial Councils.

I have not touched on culture, education and women’s issues because my Editor is not infinitely generous with the word-count on Wednesdays – he is less mean on the weekend. What I have tried to do is to explain why ‘everybody getting together’ in the sense of a coalition government is infeasible but everybody uniting against a rogue state for the defence of democracy is essential for the next 18 to 24 months, after which the government, though facing defeat in the next election cycle will not dare hanky-panky to scuttle or fiddle them.

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  • 17

    “Is Sri Lanka A Democracy?”
    No, it’s a feudal theocracy wearing a fancy Western outfit.


    • 8

      Old Cogger is right.

      • 3

        Our Lacille holding forth ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pToq8RMtS8

        Miss the guy :))

      • 2

        Dear Sensitive Commenters over to you.
        As of today, palapable changes are made by Medamulana patriots/ people are upside down, Sir is silent while enitre nation is in a mourning mode
        1) Ranjan Ramanayaka is known to be the fearless most active humainst, but was imprisoned by taking a reveng on him
        2) People are set like the rats subjected tob e caught by a bait – GAS CYLINDER BLAST iss et within each house hold – but the state does nothing to protect the national safety – letalone they talk high about making miracles in the rest of their term
        3) All high crime investigations – agians them were freed/got exonerated by appointing a bitch as the chief fort he courts
        a) Gotabaya s case – against money laundering AVANGARDE and Monument build for their parents by abusing
        b) Mahinda Rajapkshe s case -Silredi on the cost of people s tax funds
        c) Basil Rajapkshe case – bujld of a palace on the cost of the state
        d) Yoshitha Rajapkshe case- Manik malla story- based on funds for CSN TV channel
        e) Rohitha Rajakshe case – abuse collosal amount of state funds for ROCKETs on the cost of the tax payers funds
        f) Mahindananda – one oft he highly corrupted man, alone an inspection would have been more than enough to PUT him in jail fort he rest of his life

        To be continued …

    • 16

      This country is fallen to all lower standards today.

      People wanted them to be back, but today, entire nation is in dark….. even if you would eat Salmon in can… you could go die within days. Arsenic containing food are poisonous.


      Please think twice before going to buy anything being found in market today.

      • 4

        Hi! Leelagemalli!
        I was looking forward to your response on the language question/problem, & cultural ones too, since you seem to be a long-term resident in a country you weren’t born in. I wonder if you’ve become fluent in German & how you relate to what Jit calls the “authentic culture” of the country. And what do you feel about the role of English here? Please find time to contribute on the other site.

        • 4

          Thanks Manel Loku Akka,

          I am afraid, I had been out for a business trip until yesterday. Just returned home last night. I will add mine on to it in next hours.
          I thought your article is one of the best we have got to read in recent times.

          Please take good care of you ! Freezing temperatures make us very uncomfortable these days. But no options it is winter in Europe.

    • 5

      old codger

      Tell us what all those anti Tamil, anti Muslim, anti Secularism, anti Hindia, Anti everything from A to Z , ……. members of Saffron Brigade racists are doing to stop this island from sliding into a “failed state”?

      Are they still living in Sri Lanka or hiding in Hindia?

      For example where are those saffron clad pain in our “……..” like unhappy
      Bengamuwe Nalaka Thera – who opposes everything except more racism, secularism,
      Medagoda Abhayatissa Thero – who opposes Provincial Council, Modi, Hindia, etc.
      Bellanwila Wimalaratana Nayaka – opposed to new constitution even a small amendment.
      Elle Pajero Gunawanse – Anti Hindian pistol wielding organiser of 1983 riots in Borella and Colombo 7, leader of patriotic forces(?), complains about Thesawalamai, nobody could buy land in Jaffna (A friend of mine from Jaffna told me his land was once owned by a Thero until he sold it in 1957/8 .), opposed to Eastern/Western Terminal being sold to Hindia while silent on selling land, piece of country, people’s dignity… to China.

      Weeraketiye half naked Sanjaya a chandiya and – a friend of Namal baby, his father, prince of darkness Sarath Weerasekera.


      Where are those saffronistas?
      Gota should send them to various countries on a begging mission with their begging bowl or alms bowl in their arms. Now I understand Gota has asked Nigeria for a loan.

    • 0

      Why go through all this trouble. Just remove “De” and call it as it sounds.

    • 6

      old codger / December 22, 2021

      “Is Sri Lanka A Democracy?”.
      It has never been a democracy/ but the men in incumbent leadership misle the modaya dominated nation as no others. CBK was right to name them ” uncultured uncivilized bastards. Mahinda Rajapakshe deserve to be hung for being mafia boss of this nation. His dividing tactics destroyed this nation but in the same time he became wealthy. Now there rumours that they ll bring kalu salli stolen state wealth so that they van save the country from free fall. Dubai and other savings will help them soon. That ll then become next election slogan cheating punnaku eaters. Sure they ll fall on their tricks if media would nt do the job in favour of the citizen s.

  • 7

    … if I have eared, readers are welcome to amend.
    Yes Sir. You have erred!

    • 1

      But the title alone is just a question. You must state on which particular attempted answers have I erred.

      • 2

        Dear Professor Kumar David,

        I feel that all that Nathan has indicated is that “erred” has been misspelled as “eared”, whereas what you were asking was if your analysis of the substance.

        • 2

          Thank you, dear Sinhala_Man. It was in jest. I am sure that the Prof. would have accepted the pun/fun.

          • 0

            No problem, Nathan.
            Prof. Kumar is not so full of his own importance to to harbour any ill-will, but the initial reactions show that he was disconcerted.
            Even my hurried response doesn’t read as a proper sentence. No crimes committed, but it confirms that even “mistakes” cannot always be righted.
            Take it in the grim context of the country: our recovery will never undo the damage done.

        • 5

          Dear sinhala man/
          The kind of typos are self explanatory.
          Even dissertations do contain some portions of typos looking back though they were subjected to repeated set of proof reading..

  • 11

    KD, to answer to your question we need answers for does ??1) elections alone mean democracy 2) democracy is about 6.9 million electing a family 3) democracy means one family one law one country 4) power vested in one family and exercised by the family through there cronies. 5) when elected person declares what ever orders given by him should be considered as law. 6) where 90 % of portfolios and budget are decided by elected family 7) where judiciary, media/press are controlled by elected family 8) where elected person has the power to release court sentenced murders and rapist free. 8) where governments organize pogroms and violence against it’s own citizens. The list goes on and on. KD, what we had since independence is DEMOCRAZY, why waste time ???

    • 14

      Hello chiv,
      Your comments are a summary of what Sri Lanka has been (‘has been’ includes what it is now).
      What Sri Lanka will be is a matter for Sri Lankans. That is us.
      The professor discusses the composition of the opposition and what each opposition party stands for. Essentially, he charters a way forward.
      If Sri Lankans continue to stay divided (dwelling on lost battles, separatism and alleged genocides as promoted by the diaspora), Sri Lanka will stay where it is.
      I disagree with the author’s description of ‘a lousy status under the Sinhalese is better than being boxed-up in the arid and internationally insulated North and East’.
      If I were a Tamil, I would refuse to be under the Sinhalese. Ethnicity, religion, regionalism and caste have no place. All Sri Lankans are equal.
      The institution of ‘President’ is JR’s poisoned chalice – all opposition parties should work towards a ‘Westminster’ style democracy.
      I would argue that we should have elections every three years. Not every four years as it used to be. Keep the bas***ds accountable.

      • 3

        I would say, give half the b…tards staggered terms, like the US Congress, so that we have mid-term elections. That should keep them on their toes.

      • 3

        Sunil, I wish the same as you. I am sure Tamils and Muslims will settle for a reasonable agreement where in which they can live with self respect and dignity. I am also sure, you too will agree , its not something unreasonable to expect
        It is all about finding closure, for which all parties should be willing genuinely work together. Will this be just a dream or come true one day.

      • 1

        Sunil Abeyratne
        You say, “if I were a Tamil, I would refuse to be under the Sinhalese.”
        Ha ha ha…. Tamils did not have any problem of being under a minority British government for centuries.
        Our Sinhalese ancestors waged numerous wars against the Western settler colonizers starting from the Battle of Kotte to the last Battle of Wellassa, namely; the Sinhalese-Portuguese war (from 1527 to 1658), the Sinhalese-Dutch war (from 1658 to 1795) and the Sinhalese-British War (from 1795 to 1848). Tamils or Muslims did not take part in any of the wars waged by the Sinhalese against the settler colonizers.
        It is our Sinhalese ancestors who laid down their lives to save our Sinhaladvipa from the Western settler colonizers and South Indian invaders.
        There had been a systematic displacement of native Sinhalese from their ancient maritime kingdoms. Eg: Kingdoms of Nagadipa and Thammanna (name of a tree).
        Starting from the Dutch era, a large number of Tamil/Muslim only or minority-dominant villages have been established displacing the majority native Sinhalese Buddhists. It is the Sinhalese Buddhists who should demand equal rights!!!!

        • 5

          “Tamils or Muslims did not take part in any of the wars waged by the Sinhalese against the settler colonizers.”
          Why do you lie so shamelessly, Champa? Is it deliberate or are you genuinely ignorant?
          Have you never heard of the Muslim fleet that helped Senerath against the Portuguese?
          “our Sinhalese ancestors who laid down their lives to save our Sinhaladvipa from the Western settler colonizers and South Indian invaders”
          Your Sinhalayo ancestors were more interested in killing each other than the invaders. The three sons of Vijayabahu murdered him and divided up the kingdom. Why don’t you go read a real history book?

          • 1

            old codger
            You ask, “why do you lie so shamelessly, Champa? Have you never heard of the Muslim fleet that helped Senerath against the Portuguese?”
            I stand by what I wrote. Tamils or Muslims did not take part in any of the wars waged by the Sinhalese against the settler colonizers.
            Let’s see who is lying.
            ‘King Seneratna or Senerat Astana’ became the King in 1604 AD and ruled only 7 years. In 1611 AD, he relocated to the Kingdom of Bintenne (Mahiyanganaya) to protect the Sacred Tooth Relic. His son, Rajasinha II became the King of Kandy and his nephews Kumarasinha and Vijayapala controlled Uva and Matale respectively. In 1614 AD, a Sinhala fleet captured several Portuguese vessels off Negombo and Chilaw. In 1630 AD, King Kumarasinha of Uva destroyed an invading Portuguese Army led by Constantine de Saa in Badulla. In 1632, King Senerat died in Bintenne and his son, King Rajapasinha II became the King of the entire country.
            There is absolutely no evidence to prove that King Senerath was helped by a Muslim fleet against the Portuguese.

            • 1

              old codger
              You say, “your Sinhalayo ancestors were more interested in killing each other than the invaders. The three sons of Vijayabahu murdered him and divided up the kingdom.”
              King Vijaya Bahu VI did not have sons. It was his elder brother Chakrayudha Bahu who had three sons. (Chakrayuda Bahu died somewhere in 1513 AD.) In 1521 AD, King Jayawira Astana of Kandy persuaded the three nephews of King Vijaya Bahu of Kotte to mutine against the king. As a result, a large number of insurgents entered the palace and King Vijaya Bahu died at the hands of mutineers which is mentioned in the history books as ‘Vijayaba Kollaya (the Spoiling of Vijaya Bahu).
              My Sinhalese ancestors fought with life for nearly FOUR HUNDRED YEARS continuously against three of the world’s most powerful foreign armies.
              Don’t you dare to undermine the noble acts of self-sacrifices made by my ancestors to protect this country.

              • 5

                Dear Champa,

                you have added somewhere that your comments are based on facts.
                i beged to differ…. with the facts based on offsprings of King Vijaya Bahu VI
                Those who are interested a mouse click could clear their doubts.

              • 3

                I accept the error. It wasn’t Senerath but Mayadunne who received help from the ruler of Calicut in the form of a Muslim fleet.
                “The Mahavamsa (expanded with the inclusion of the Culavamsa) which is the recorded chronicle of Sri Lankan history, describes the second war thus:

                It was in 1537 AD. This time the Zamorin sent help to King Mayadunne. He sent 51 warships, 500 guns and 200 soldiers….Zamorin’s armies were stationed in Vedalayi close to Rameshwaram. When Souza (the Portuguese admiral from Goa) discovered this, he began to attack them. This developed into a great sea battle. In the battle, the Zamorin armies were defeated….Whatever gifts the Zamorin had sent to King Mayadunne were also seized by the Portuguese’.”
                This is a quote from the Culavamsa. I am sure you will find more lies to explain that. The truth is that more than half of the Sinhala kings came to power by murdering their relatives, sometimes with the help of foreigners. Can you deny that the Portuguese, Dutch, and British all were initially invited by local rulers to intervene?
                Noble acts my foot!

              • 0

                Dear OC,

                Why dont you add your thoughts on false state,ment on “King Vijaya Bahu VI did not have sons”

                I have the feeling nobody among the COMMENTERs want to verify it ? I am confused

                Meaning Champa is belonging to monarchial circles ?

                • 1

                  Pointing out facts to Champa is pointless. She quotes from the history books that she writes herself, in her sleep.
                  She doesn’t even believe that Kapilavastu is in Nepal.

              • 0

                I have to re-assert my disappointment in your unnecessary excursions in to History.
                I can’t disprove what you say, but why do you have to say these things? I’ve taken a look at some of the links given by others. I find Wikipedia usually reliable for an amateur like me to get an over-view, but I know that this doesn’t amount to primary sources, or whatever you call them.
                However, I’m not accepting your assertions, either. Wikipedia, on balance, seems more reliable, but why should I be reading up these accounts of old murders.
                It’s not clear to me why all this bothers you; the chaos induced by Gota is the real concern.

            • 0

              Oooops…. I have misspelled some names, which should be corrected as follows:-
              1. King Senarathna – not, King Sen(e)ratna
              2. Bintenna – not, Bintenn(e)
              3. King Rajasinha II – not, King Raja(pa)sinha II

              • 2

                The first thing about our history is that we were not as glorious as some like to imagine. We were a minor agrarian culture overshadowed by the big neighbors. Even Angkor in Cambodia gets more visitors than the whole of Sri Lanka.
                Did we ever produce philosophers like Sun Tzu or Kautilya? Name one mathematician or astronomer?
                Before we try and improve our country, we must understand who we are. Don’t blame foreigners for problems we created for ourselves.

        • 7

          Hello Champa,
          Thanks for the comments.
          Your comment ‘Ha ha ha…. Tamils did not have any problem of being under a minority British government for centuries.’ is not relevant
          Some Sinhalese had no problems serving the British either – and were subsequently, well rewarded for their subservience. Many Sinhalese also fought the British and other foreign invaders, unfortunately not with great success.
          The kind of civilisation that existed centuries ago is immaterial now.
          It is time to look at Sri Lanka as it is now. (Refer to ‘The Tamils Are the Original Inhabitants of Sri Lanka’ published in the Colombo Telegraph by a retired judge and a leader. Wonder if has added one iota for the future of Sri Lanka. I’d much prefer to read Professor Kumar David’s article on quantum computers). There can be endless discussions as to why Sinhalese Buddhists were poorly represented in the professions and government administration. This is no longer the case now. The country needs to move on and build a society with equal opportunities for all.

          • 3

            Our problem is unique to srilanka..
            Even new generations lack of proper thinking. Their mind set are mirror image of own parents that supported political crooks.
            Look at the countries that were never colonised .
            Like Thailand and Ethiopia today. .
            Ethiopia is one of fast growing economies in africa. .
            Some part of Thailand is well developed though buddhism is their religion. 🐃🐕🙂🐃🐕🙂🐃🐕🙂

        • 6


          “There had been a systematic displacement of native Sinhalese from their ancient maritime kingdoms. “

          Who are these native Sinhalese?
          Are they the present day descendants of Chola’s Vellaikkara Padai who have converted to Sinhala/Buddhism recently?

      • 4

        Sunil Abeyratne,
        You vehemently protest when your folly is exposed in harsh words. You interpret / twist that as name calling.
        I will avoid giving you an opportunity to bypass my question.
        Here you go.

        If Sri Lankans continue to stay divided (dwelling on lost battles, separatism and alleged genocides as promoted by the diaspora), Sri Lanka will stay where it is.

        You speak of, 1) Lost battles, 2) Separatism, and 3) Alleged genocides.

        Do you think that Tamils should totally forget all harm done to us for the sake of staying united?

        We will bind ourselves together, more cohesively, when we apologise for our past and repent our mistakes.

        • 1

          Hello Nathan,
          Thanks for your comments.
          I apologise if my language has been harsh and also if I have twisted what I intended to convey.

          Here is your comment:
          ‘You speak of, 1) Lost battles, 2) Separatism, and 3) Alleged genocides. Do you think that Tamils should totally forget all harm done to us for the sake of staying united?’

          The simple answer is NO, but we need to learn from it and move on.

          Here are two other questions to you.
          Do you think Sri Lankans should totally forget all harm done by LTTE?
          Do you think Sri Lankans should accept and condone continuing actions in the international arena to extract Shylock’s pound of flesh?
          The ethnic questions will be ultimately resolved in the bedrooms but it is two to three generations away.

          • 6

            Dear SA/
            “Do you think Sri Lankans should totally forget all harm done by LTTE?”.
            .who created civil war in srilanka?.
            Why to put the blame on the minorities? .
            U probably live in Australia and what if they treated u as second class citizens? .
            I do believe u are in ur puberty Mr SA. .
            Just imagine today those who live with all anxieties keeping GAS CYLINDER BOMBS in their houses/ with govt not reacting whole heartedly??????🐕🐃🙂🐕🐃🙂🐕🐃🙂🐕🐃

          • 2

            Sunil Abeyratne,
            It is the other way around.
            When I exposed your folly, you evaded responding, on the pretext that I was name calling.

            “The simple answer is NO, but we need to learn from it and move on”.
            Good proposition.
            What have you learnt.
            (The time to move on comes when remorse is shown.)
            Your questions could wait. I promise to answer them both when you respond.

  • 30

    Sir Lanka is actually a shit-show.
    It has been a shit show since 2005.
    MR and his scoundrels spread the cancer of corruption in Sri Lanka.
    The may have won the battle against LTTE, but lost the war.
    Now are scavenging on remnants of the carcass.

    • 6

      I am in full agreement with u. .
      Not just politicians but the people are to be blamed. .
      We just criticise but it has become a dead canceras of today. .

      Media mafia should take the side of the public/ not promoting crooks🐃🐕🙂🐃🐕🙂🐃🐕🙂🐃🐕🙂

  • 4

    Singapore is no more democratic than SL.

    Singapore is far more feudal than SL.

    • 12


      “Singapore is no more democratic than SL.
      Singapore is far more feudal than SL.”

      Now tell me as to why many people including those are from the west long to live and work in Singapore?

      If it is feudal country how come their education is far better than most advanced countries, HiTech companies are queuing to start business in Singapore and even Weerawansa wants to build this island to match Singapore,…

      What is wrong with you?

      • 3

        NV, people from the west, particularly from democracies do NOT long to live in Singapore. Those who work there are posted to Singapore by their parent companies to do certain tasks, mostly marketing and logistic, for the Asia-Pacific region on a specific time frame like 2 or 3 or 5 years. They just enjoy the change like food, culture, travel etc but do not want to live there forever.

        And their education is not FAR better than most advanced countries either! Their system is so torturing for kids, demanding at least 12-15hrs a day studying, similar to many Asian countries like South Korea, Taiwan, China etc., which only focuses on science, math, and technology. True, kids get high marks at Cambridge exams but is that the ONLY indicator of good education? It is so stressful not only for kids but for parents too, so that some migrate to Canada, Australia, or NZ to get their kids a balanced education. In fact, despite having lower scales to Singapore education outcomes, most innovations are done in western democracies than in Singapore! Could you name just one world class product Singapore ever invented that is sitting on your desk, kitchen or garage??

        • 2


          Please read what the research says:
          Singapore is the world’s best place for expats: study

          Singapore is the fifth most popular expat destination: study

          Tamils and Sinhalese have preconceived ideas and opinions about anything and everything, they have opinion about whole range of stuff from Blackhole, History, Religion, Fascism, Food, ……………… language, ….. they don’t need facts.

          However I respect your opinion or an idea about Singapore.
          Please note I am not in the habit of speculating things of which I have no clue.

          In respect of education Singapore introduced new structure/system… please refer to 9 changes it introduced in 2019.
          Whether the changes Singapore introduced have improved children’s education and reduced their suffering, remained to be seen.

          Given that the country came into existence in 1965 unlike our proud country which has 2500 years old history, in fact there was no civilisation before the arrival of Vijaya, Singapore has done well.

          Take care.

          • 3

            NV, I enjoyed your comments very much :). It is great to see that you live up to what you write, “Tamils and Sinhalese have preconceived ideas and opinions about anything and everything..”. I can smell that from your comments and appreciate how far you tend to believe anything ‘published’. You know NV, social science research done anywhere in the world, is highly weighted on the perception of people interviewed plus additions by the authors. It is a good thing to follow research than snake oil articles in the dump anyway. However, living in a particular society makes more in-depth knowledge about the society you live in and it is much better way of learning than published versions, though not practical for people who do not get a chance to travel. I lived and worked for a leading multinational during 2010-2015 period in the CBD, Marina Bay area to be precise, and lived in a condominium in the Newton district, almost next to Bukit Timah Rd. My comment was based on what I saw, heard and experience from various cross section of people in those years. And I trust the knowledge I got there than anything published. That is why I asked that question in the very end of my comment. You had opted not to answer that anyway, but thank you!

            • 1


              “My comment was based on what I saw, heard and experience from various cross section of people in those years. And I trust the knowledge I got there than anything published. “

              I respect your experience.
              There is one thing that keep me wake day and night.
              There is Black-hole.
              I never been to Black-hole nor lived there.
              However I know there is one because I trust scientists, astrophysicists, space scientists, all those probes reporting back to earth, Fine advanced telescopes in South America, Hawaii, ….

              I am prepared to change my mind if and when scientists report new discoveries, say black-hole was an illusion.

              Nothing personal.
              Happy Holidays.
              Take care.

              • 2

                NV, you are now clearly wandering off to the black hole!! I know you do it purposely, conveniently to avoid my questions! You bring in scientists, astrophysicists, space scientists etc to your arguments to show that you rely everything on science! Fine! Very good window dressing!! But the naked truth about your Singapore arguments is, you quote a website published by the Singapore government which quote ‘research’ done by HSBC! You go out and find out how reliable HSBC is or how much trouble HSBC is in!!

                You talk about astrophysics and then rely on a troubled bank like HSBC to judge your version on ‘Singapore dream’?? I didn’t write my comments based on websites on a desktop mate, I lived there, and I wrote what I saw, what I experienced!! You pass verdicts from the comfortable couch you sit on, typing verdicts from your desktop ‘research’!! At least I challenge you to answer my question in the original post – What is the world class innovation Singapore has given to the world that sits on your desktop or kitchen or in the garage??
                Nothing personal, greetings for the season!! :)

    • 4

      GATAM, Singapore is not a feudal society but a country run by an authoritarian government. Feudal system has the crown at the helm and citizens living on crown land in exchange of certain services to the crown to compensate their rent. Singapore is only a symbolic democracy with elections held normal way but influenced by a very strong political party which believes in authoritarian style rule. Somewhat similar to what JRJ did in his 11 years.

    • 5

      Singapore (5 millions)is law bound country. How can you compare it with that of TOTALLY corrupted srilanka ? Sky earth differences.
      They dont let even a peel of apple on the floor, a fine would be the case. Their rigorous law enforcement rule the nation. The same is the case in Germany (83 mios).
      No chewing eating please -banners are everywhere in the airport of Singapore. If anyone would violate the law, The fine is over 500 S dollars.
      Many countries in Europe are no different by their laws. If I would not pay my bills, I have to pay with interests, nobody can defend not having paid them or delaying it.
      I believe you cant have 100% democracy anywhere so long majority of people would behave like no different to animals.

      • 3

        LM, I do agree majority of people in our country represents the last para of your comment. The very first thing that is needed to make Sri Lanka any better from the current hell hole is to restore the law and order and eliminate corruption so a Singapore style law enforcement or governance model is ideal for that. Singapore is a model country, no doubt! I do not dispute that. However, personally I did not want to live there even for an extended period, let alone forever. Because I did not find my preferred way of liberal democracy, human rights and social cohesion in Singapore while I worked there for 5 years. Please try to understand the fine line in what I try to say – Singapore model is ideal to make Sri Lanka a better country but I do not want to live in Singapore anymore. Hope you’d get my message.

        • 4

          I hate to reply to Fools like LM so I will reply to you

          I lived and worked in Singapore for 7 years from 90 to 97 I fail to understand this allure to it. it is completely run by an iron fist by the PAP . I lived in a non pap ward at the time and they don’t even clean those flats as they voted for the opposition. It is a very oppressive society. It has very good developed infrastructure but now I think Sri Lanka is also getting some very good infrastructure.

          Not one of the clowns here will survive for a month there if they even dared to write anything critical of the ruling party. There is was a Sri Lankan Tamil law maker who used to run the opposition and he spent a good half of his life in jail.

          I made good money there but no way in my life will I choose that chicken coop for the rest of my life. So I left.

          • 5

            a14455 / December 26, 2021
            WOW, I am to be called as a fool by an idiot similar to that Thisskuttiarachchi or th elike that would do anything and everything to please Beliatta cattle thieves ?
            My first time travel to S pore was in early 80ties and I have been to the country 20 times or more. I knew that oldest was paid well also in 90ties, so you to have earned good monies should be a fact.

            I simply respect JIT because he sounds to be brainwashed bastard of your nature. I agree with him to some extent but I will add mine to his above comment separately.

            • 1

              Wow 20 times . I am impressed.

          • 4

            Wow! So you lived in Singapore too, did you? And did you use the Metro to travel at 180 Kmph between Marina Bay and Serangoon? No doubt you did.😂😂😂

            • 5

              Dear Old Codger,

              A14455 is living in the USA. And according to him he has work in Spore for such a long.
              My mental struggle today is – this manA14455 to emulate Gunapala from Walimada and Balawathi from Mathara during last election. All these men and women were misled a man who betrayed the nation and left to US for a period of 15 long years and spent as any other unedcuated asylum seekers. Thanks god his actor brother, MR converted him a re-patriot in 2005. Else the bugger would not have become a wealth Rajakshe forever. Gotabayas charactor is said tobe similar to that Dr Chichi ( the youngest son of bp Mafia boss who live up his fantasies on the cost of the tax payers today).
              We should forgive Gunapala from Welimada and Andreasappu from Matara, but fools of A14455 nature – that behave like ultra fools though they saw the civilized and law bound societies well enough to make a real change in their mind set ?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


            • 0

              Serangoon is an oasis for us Asians to buy the electronic stuff and eat very yummy food of our own cuisines OC! Dont you know that? Its nothing to be sardonic mate!

              • 3

                I loved Senthosa island that much in 80ties anyways, I dont think I would find the same today since I have travelled across the globe for the last 30 years.

                • 0

                  There were improvements taking place for Skyride (cable cars) when I visited there last time in 2013 with my kids and I’m sure now it should be much different to 80s – obviously Universal Studios Jurassic Park was not there. Personally for me, Night Safari is a much better place to be.

              • 3

                That was a private joke. Mr A14455 recently claimed that he has a video of his 8 minute journey by tuk from Dematagoda to Kadawata (15 Km) via the new bridge. Clearly his knowledge of physics is wanting.

                • 0

                  Apologies OC !!

          • 0

            a1, first of all I do not agree with your version on LM that he is a fool. I have read heaps of very sensible comments by him so I consider him to be a person with high IQ. Please be kind to each other anyways! But I do agree with you about that oppressive regime – that is Singapore! I enjoyed a very comfortable metro life there and traveled a lot to other countries too, but it always bothered me why I was living and working there? Be it the Opposition MP Chee Soon Juan or J. B. Jeyaratnam, leader of the Workers’ Party (a Sri Lankan Tamil) or any other civilian, whoever opposed PAP was writing their own jail sentence. It just bothered me a lot. I had signed for 5 years so I had to stay on. The moment it was completed, I escaped and ran away to the western democracy where I live now – absolute dreamland :). HOWEVER, I agree with LM that Sri Lanka now needs a Singapore type authoritarian government to brainwash 6.9m idiots!

            • 1

              Very High IQ is obvious from the uncouth way he writes indeed. Sri Lanka may need an authoritarian but I don’t think that ruler is not in the current crop from what I see. and it is really not a country that can be ruled like that.

              Also Dreamland ? I have lived in Sri Lanka Singapore Australia and now the US . I have not found a dreamland yet. lol. All these countries have their own warts and honestly warts and all I still love the country I was born. I wish these rulers will develop it (not into a Singapore but to a country that has a future)

          • 6

            It is quite unfair of you to call a decent person such as leelagemalli a fool. I think you should take it back.
            If more of our Sri Lankans were decent like LM, Sri Lanka would be a much better place.

            • 5

              Human touch,
              Thank you and greatly appreciated brother !
              Beloved HT, the same I could wish for you and the few souls (Manel,NV, OC, SM, Buddhist and the other few) on this CT.
              Whoever whatever being said and done, to me, a14455 or the like conditioned mind set bearers would not help improving the mind set of the majority, but ruined our home country.
              We can forgive Leelawathies, Balawathies and Kadamandiya community of Simon for their child-like behavrious but the graduates that travelled aroudn the globe, but to behave no different to the average stupid majority in SL, is beyond my bearing. Knowing the facts, how would drive the vehicle against the wall ?
              That is what I thought each time reading from a14455 or the biased men as if they would never respect world standards regardless of their own experience collected in their whole life.

        • 3

          Dear JIT,
          Thank you. what do you think is the biggest barrier before srilanken nation today ?

          We all know that this nation fought a war for a period of 30 years until 2009. Drugs, crimes and all other anti social behaivours became common during that period. Even sangayas turned out tob e more violent paving the way, BBS or the like brutal movements being built to widen the divisions within the nation.

          Respect and dignity of human life is almost no existent among the sinhalaya today. All high criminals are repeatedly elected by the same stupid people (majority) tot he parliament..
          Immediately after the eleminiation of terror in 2009,, if politicians were intelligent, they could invest more for REBUILDING the society which is fallen to all appalling levels by then.. If the average mind set would not be healthy, how can we expect them to vote for qualified and capable ones be elected by their votes ?

          Today after listening to Victor Ivon, a senior journalist, I thought he is right saying, that incumbent govt has no moral right to work on an any new consitution, because the current president has released convicted high criminals from imprisonments, with a large number of other high crimes be stopped by his direct mediation preventing them for further investigations.

          • 3

            In a civilized country, Rajakshes would have been stoned to death by today for all the crimes being committed by them.
            Mahinda after his two terms should have resigned from his active politics, had it been done, things would not have reached this worst, ….he and his men did not allow former govt to continue – and as a result only SORYSENA reacted like a mad person in his last two years.

            Yet today, Journos cover his real crimes – the collossal amounts of debts the people have to bear today is largely made by his misadministration. Please check the records if anyone would not agree.
            Power greedy MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHE became like „ Katussa wore a golden necklace“ through biased media networks.The very same was the case through STASI rule in Germany then by Gobels theories remember ? I think, even if his leadership was assumed tob e instrumental to succeed the relay race of 30-year old civil war, he may be not the right person to achieve economic targets to this nation. A heart surgeon could save a life of heart patients but he would not good at becoming a priest for example. But srilanken media along with so called artist, misled THE person -mahinda rajapkashe, and made him POWER intoxicated so that his later day life would be ruined – which you get to see today.

            • 1

              LM, I will give you a brief answer. The biggest problem why Sri Lanka is not a BETTER nation are multi faceted:
              1. We bow down (vandinawa) priests, elders and teachers. That need to be stopped immediately! Irrespective of whoever the s**t bags they are, we have been trained to respect those scumbags. That need to be ceased and we should ONLY respect those who DESERVE respect.
              2. Stupid patriotism. Sinhala Buddhism. In comparison with the rest of the world so called Sinhal Buddhism is a mustard seed. But we idiot Sri Lankans are fed with the idea that it is an Everest. Let the reality creep in to our minds.
              3. Go into 21st century! It is an open world and no one can hide the information on what is happening on the other side of the world. So accept that and be open to receive different views.
              Last but least, cleanse the Parliament! 99% of the f****rs there are either rogues, rapists idiots or lunatics. I knowww…………. the stupid people choose them but make legislation where criminals cannot get nominations.

              • 2

                Dear JIT,
                Thank you.
                I will give you a brief answer. The biggest problem why Sri Lanka is not a BETTER nation are multi faceted:
                boldThis is the reason, why I repeat almost in many of my comments that the responsibe authorities should start working on rebuilding the society -this was what germans took to hearts immediately after their WWII defeat– since war torn countries claimed untold stories over the decades. They have to invest more on „ human rebuilding“ leaving all the hatreds, racials attacks on minorities, but focusing on ONE SRILANKEN NATION regardless of the race and religion. Srilanka require lot more psychologists, sociologists and the like professional to turn the nation knowledgeable.

                1. We bow down (vandinawa) priests, elders and teachers. That need to be stopped immediately! Irrespective of whoever the s**t bags they are, we have been trained to respect those scumbags. That need to be ceased and we should ONLY respect those who DESERVE respect.


            • 2

              2. Stupid patriotism. Sinhala Buddhism. In comparison with the rest of the world so called Sinhal Buddhism is a mustard seed. But we idiot Sri Lankans are fed with the idea that it is an Everest. Let the reality creep in to our minds.
              Who are tob e blamed ? Is it not the education?, Pinguththarayas, that hide behind SANGA COSTUME today are no different to lay people that committ crimes on broad day light. The size of crimes would not be similar, but their contributions are not negligible. I got to know real monks in Europe and California, unfortunately not in srilanka. Besides, monkhood has become a lucrative business tot hem thanks to MAHINDA DOGGY CHINTHANAYA. That thug BBS head has audacity to boast of his V8 vehicle, with biased media men keep promoting it ????? where are we heading ?
              I challenge you, if you would study the profiles of average monks, their general knowledge about the world is below alarming levels, letalone what more talks about the knowledge of high chapter monks, adulated by the masses ?

              • 2

                3. Go into 21st century! It is an open world and no one can hide the information on what is happening on the other side of the world. So accept that and be open to receive different views.
                Astrologers that are being hired by abusive TV channels are hired to brainwash the nation under the script of Mahinda Chinthanaya. So called heladiva promoters should be warned by feeding them through fact-checks about global issues. We can stay selfglorifying but that would bring us forward. Ethiopians did it for ages, but they too have changed their average mind set and become one oft he fast growing econimies in Black Africa.
                Today, entire powerful nations have isolated srilanka calling it „ no different to Sudan or the like few countries where racism is kept above“: And that is the main reason no to ask for loans. Nor would china help us in this highly critical stage, with funds, though naive, stupid Rajapkshes dreamt of it.


                • 2

                  Last but least, cleanse the Parliament! 99% of the f****rs there are either rogues, rapists idiots or lunatics. I knowww…………. the stupid people choose them but make legislation where criminals cannot get nominations.
                  My answers above will cover the greater answer making AVERAGE mindset (voter eligible) knowledgeable to elect the educated into the parliament. So that they could get back to the real role of „ the lawmakers“ as ist he case in UK, Germany and other powerful countries in europe, america and any other places.

                  • 0

                    LM, I appreciate your long narratives on this. True, there are thousands of things we need to do in order to restore normalcy and decency in SL. The three reasons I quoted were the ones I filtered over a certain period trying to find out as to why it is so bad now, how it went so wrong etc., Those are not the only solutions but will help to overcome our most destructive national habit – subservient nature! In Sinhala – yatahath pahath bhawaya. That national weakness, which came from our ancient feudal system of governance is very much well alive even today. We have been brainwashed to accept whatever the monks/priests preach. Whatever our teachers teach us. Whatever our parents advise us! There is no chance for critical thinking, analysis and questioning of what they preach us. That is what enables the average citizens to understand their civic rights. If people know their civic rights then the politicians cannot dump all their patriotic BS on us while robbing us because people then start questioning. Educated MPs actually don’t make much difference – look at what G.L Pieris, Tissa Vitharana etc have done over the last 20 years!!

      • 4

        LM, how long have you lived in Singapore? Have you experienced the racism practised by the Chinese? Have you wondered why, unlike in Sri Lanka, there is no intermarriage? Have you seen the contempt and ridicule with which the majority Chinese authorities treat Indians? Do you know that the much admired Lee Kuan Yew locked up the Opposition and ran a one-party State, efficient but utterly ruthless?
        If that is what you recommend for Sri Lanka, I’m sure Gota can deliver it.

        • 2

          thank you. I was punchi kolla and I had the chance to see then S pore, it was in early 80ties. Each time, I did not spend much time there not longer than a week. Rule of law in action was rigorous but to live there, where the CHINESE play dominant role, is not for me.
          Just read the quote below.
          Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.

          Martin Luther King, Jr.

          Last I had to travel through S pore was in 2008. Now the population of that peninsular country – nearly 6 mio.

          Also european countries where i have been tarvelling across are law bound, but they would not charge you for a apple peel, just fallen down on the floor without knowledge. German airports would not go after fines for having left ” chewing gum rests “. The chinese are law bound but they are no social enough to understand the “human mind set”:

          • 2

            To tell you Paul, one of my good old friends from Germany (an associate Prof in Biochemistry) found NUS the best place to continue. I have not heard from him for the last 10 years though.

            Yes, I have seen all of what you added above. but dont forget, south asians dont care about law and order – regardless of where they are. They are very much different to south east asians.
            That may be one of good reasons us to rank behind SOMALIA today. Not long ago, I travelled back home, and stayed there 2.5 weeks, there I thought when would our average learn to respect law and order ?…… Gota might have some thoughts to change it, but the bugger without even zero knowledge to become ” MAHATHIR and Lee Quan U through self-glorifications and biased media ” brought the nation to the moments ” after watching a hindi film” as of today…. thiis is painful

            May you and my good commenters (Sinhala Man, NV, Old codger, Buddhist, Simon and all the other good souls) be blessed with happy holidays ! 👼👼

            • 3

              Thank you LM. Happy Holidays for you and yours too.


            • 0

              LM if I ever see you home Ill beat the crap out of you.

          • 0

            Good Lord this monkey finally agreed he was wrong.

            But the Chinese are not the problem. Some of the nicest and best people I have met are Chinese.

            Your comments just show that you are nothing but a Rilawa who only responds to impulses.

  • 2

    Whoever thought of this silly system of some representatives sit as government and the others as opposition and all by law have to deliver speeches in defence and compulsorily vote as desired by the party leader? Some kindergarten teacher?
    A system where very antithesis of democracy (JR Constitution, 18A, 20A) can be freely instituted by the most ‘democratic’ means?


    • 6

      And all sit together for subsidised food at the canteen.


      • 2

        During colonial times, there was a system called the “committee system” where ALL legislators took part in government. Probably the Brits knew us better than we know ourselves.

        • 1

          Old codger
          That is precisely the simple democracy I yearn for.
          We send representatives from geographical areas, they select among themselves a committee (cabinet) which in turn selects a head ( prime minister).
          This party system with a ‘opposition’ is silly to me.
          Now old codger you are a knowledgeable man in all things.
          Is there anywhere a Parliament where representatives always vote confidentially? I am one hundred percent confident that JR Constitution, 18A and 20A would never have seen the light of day if that were the case.


          • 1

            Very difficult to find one. Legislators in any country know on which side their bread is buttered. I think re-election at half-term might be good.

          • 2


            Good to hear, you are trying to convince us you too believe in democracy.
            You cannot be a Sinhala/Buddhist while being a democrat.

            Here in this island we have a system of clientelism where there is no proper democracy, accountability, equal opportunity for the right candidate, …. exist.

            If you really yearn for proper democracy first you must stop being a hypocrite, then a racist and then try to find a way to restore democracy which include liberating Buddhism from Anagarica’s Sinhala/Buddhism and Sinhalese from Sinhala/Buddhists.

            In other words you will have to first round up all the saffron clad Sinhala/Buddhists brigades, and send them to jungle monasteries for about 15 years at least.

            Only then can you begin to talk about secret ballot.

      • 3

        dont you see, that the very same srilankens gather to support Samantha Badda or the like pinguththarayas without thinking twice.
        I beleive, it is the genetics of our people make them indifferent. They are not serious about anything.
        Yet today, with 7 or more death reported to be dying by GAS-CYLINDER-BLASTs… leaving enitre nation in all various anxities, no GENUINE reactions in settling the issue…. though the CRIMINALs returned to power promsing ” NATIONAL SAFETY”.

      • 1

        is this not the conditioned mind set of
        1) Teachers in schools
        2) Police men and women in their offices
        3) Lecturers that dont even talk about appointment of a THAKKADIYA fake monk with no credentials to be the chancellor of one of the old Unis in Srilanka ?
        4) Engineers in many entiries in the country
        5) Above all – so called lawyers that gave their oath before becoming their practices as lawyers –
        I beg you to go for an opinion poll by yourself – your doubts will become clear….

    • 6


      Sometimes you type something worth reading. However most of it are being lost in translation.

      Therefore can you please type your thoughts(?) in structured, lucid, …… Sinhala, Tamil, English or Esperanto?
      Much obliged.

      • 0

        I know you wish me out of CT.


        • 3


          “I know you wish me out of CT.”

          No soman, I never wanted to imitate your thought process.
          We love you, in fact without you life in CT becomes very boring.
          Good and bad are part of our live. Therefore we accept everything in our mundane life, including your good/bad self.

          We are worried when you don’t put your signature typing in CT for two consecutive days.

          Take care
          I am sure our Surgeon General Shvandra will take care of you, your family, the clan, …..

          • 1

            And I am the only Sinhalese in this forum who supports a separate Homeland for Tamils.


            • 0

              Let’s get this clear, Soma.
              I’m not against the Tamil people, although I did not like Prabhakaran and his murderous LTTE. There was a bloody war between those guys and the the Sri Lankan government. I’m glad it’s over, but I was never happy with all that fighting, and I certainly disapprove of all the carnage at the end. It was worse than the dastardly acts of the LTTE that set off bombs everywhere.
              I was scared of getting blown up by LTTE bombs, and I was glad when it was all over. However, I must tell you this. The LTTE had a political aim when they perpetrated all that mayhem. It was a horrible strategy; one that I never approved of.
              However, if, at the end of all this, there is separation, I will sadly accept it. However, until that happens, I will do all that I can to persuade our Tamil brethren to remain part of Lanka.
              How Lanka is to be ruled is something that has to be worked out by all the people of this island. Inevitably some will not be happy. I want that number of the “unhappy” to be as low as possible, and I will be appalled if almost the entire “Tamil” and “Muslim” communities are unhappy with the outcome.
              I may have to accept the outcome.

              • 1

                Dear SM,
                Not for a separate homeland, srilankens should finally rethink it to be a federal solution. Ms CBK was in the opinion that the ethnic issue could long have been resolved if the majority would agree with federal proposals. The problem is that the average and the sanga community would not realize the meaning of a federalism. If Germany, Switzerland and several other grand and smaller countries practise it successfully, why we the srilankens should be doubtful on it ?

  • 1

    Sri;amka is an Idiocracy.

  • 4

    Sorry for the typo, Srilanka is an Idiocracy.

    • 5

      Please wake up.!.
      It would nt have become an idiocracy/ if you senior guys incl my father did your job well. Not only politicians but also animal like citizens should be blamed for the slf created mess. Mahinda is known criminal but combo uni dressed him cloaks?????laksiri fernando or the like spearheaded the act. So the gullible just emulated them.🐕🐕🐕🐕
      This nation need lot more old codger/ sinhala man / simon /native veda /or the like/ just a handful would nt help basta. 😎🐕😎🐕😶😎🐕😶🐃

  • 4

    ………………I know the TNA is genuinely against separatism; a lousy status under the Sinhalese is better than being boxed-up in the arid and internationally insulated North and East………………
    Says Prof: David.
    Actually how about the TULF OF THE 70s? My guess is that they too were not all that serious about a Separate State! Their eloquence and Oratory swayed the Tamil youth and they found themselves hunting with the hounds and running with the hare………
    Well Well Well…..
    Alls well that ends well is not applicable in this case…………..

  • 3

    The original Soulbury Constitution was the best and just.
    It was first altered by nullifying section 29, which prevented any legislation inimical to minorities,
    The “Father of the nation” D.S.Senanayake LIED to Lord Soulbury.
    He was the very first of a succession of liars.

  • 15

    A large portion of the blame for what has happened to Sri Lanka should be apportioned to the stupid bullish public.
    Nowhere in the world can a nation be progressive if it has citizens who don’t wish well for one another. Almost all our people want to see others fail and suffer rather than see themselves prosper while others prosper too. There is no Karuna, Muditha, Upeksha, Maithree in our hearts as we should.
    What we have is Thannha, eershia, avidya, etc and all the negatives.
    That is the root of our problem. This is what the politicians use to divide us to grassroot level and steal from all.
    They say politicians are a reflection of society, this is very true in our case.
    I think we need a serious attitude adjustment at a primary level. We need to understand how to judge people, not by their external attributes, but rather their attitudes and the substance within. We are grossly ignorant of this method.
    We have to learn to use the brain to reason rather than just follow the heart on emotion. We have to learn to analyze situations wisely rather than just listening to bullshit and swallow everything hook, line and sinker.
    We need to climb out of the well we have been stuck inside since very long.

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

      • 0

        thanks for making it short. Well done.
        Ohoma yang good luck.

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 2

      Human Touch,
      I would love to have a cup of tea with you ór the like real souls whenever I get back to the country next time.
      I have so much on my plate whenever I travel back home – last time November, I risked myself a lot by offering a packet of well balanced meal to the beggars (100) around KELANIYA temple. Most of them were beyond any respects – meaning, never respected to keep me safe – grabed my meal packets without paying any respect. My circles criticised me ” why I risked that much to offer a meal etc”. It was my own psychology forced me to go for it. So, I must not expect much from the destitute, now looking at the incumbent leadreship how they promotes ” total ignorance” not maintaining the least respect to ” human life”: One mother was killed by GAS-CYLINDER-BLAST, but not a single word droped down by incumbent president yet…. though his brother – TOMPACHAYA is REPORTED to be travelling to THIRUPATHi by a special jet on the cost of the tax payers … can you imagine ?

    • 0

      Dear HT,
      “What we have is Thannha, eershia, avidya, etc and all the negatives.”

      This is exactly the truth – those who deserve to be tied with hand-cuffs are tied with ” thickly woven pirith noole around their wrists” – this is what our eyes cant believe today whenver we watch SL news on the screen.

      Buddhagama is btw not at all based on true teachings of lord buddha. This is the reason I fully stopped offering any alms to any monks since 2016. To tell, some young fake monks begged me to buy them ” smart phones” for their ” pirikara”. can you imagine ? asked why they would need to have such phone, was responded as they could then watch teledramas ….. .. my god.. how deep our monks are fallen to as of today ?

  • 2

    Let us be serious and apolitical on this topic because it concerns all hues of our
    politics . My view is Majority , very large Majority of the public is in the dark
    about the advantages they get in a Democracy . Top of the list is them being
    respected as the Masters of the System by the System . Can anyone ask himself
    whether he has the right answer ? Are we the Masters or Our Servants are the
    Masters ? Find the answer and and you got it , we have a democracy or some
    other ” cracy.”

    • 2


      “Can anyone ask himself whether he has the right answer ? Are we the Masters or Our Servants are the Masters ? “

      Aiyo, Aiyo, Aiyoooo

      The late only honest British politician Toney Benn believed that those in positions of economic, social and political power should always be asked five questions:

      “What power have you got?”

      “Where did you get it from?”

      “In whose interests do you use it?”

      “To whom are you accountable?”

      “How do we get rid of you?”

      I love and value the last question.
      Does anyone would like to ask Gota these question.

      • 1

        N V ,

        Bunch of Thanks for your attention into my comment . And again my
        appreciation , to your compartmentalising my version . Great job .
        Well , to be honest , my version is purely my experience under different
        kind of systems later followed by case studies . I am rolling in laughter
        looking at your best loved and valued part of the question . Finally ,
        if you didn’t miss Gota’s interview with the BBC , when he was at the
        Defence , his level of communication skill after about two decades in the
        US , needless to talk about his speed of learning through experience !
        How do you call a coconut scraper that was sent to US from Srilanka ?

  • 2

    “Is Sri Lanka A Democracy?”

    Whatever it is …….. it’ll be severely tested soon.


    • 1

      There’s still some headroom for fuel prices. The price of petrol in India is 225 in our rupees. If they can survive, we can. I think higher petrol prices will reduce traffic jams. A good thing, I say.

      • 1


        Shhhhh! …….. Don’t give ideas! ……. if they have to raise, let them do on their own …… if not you’ll be blamed. :))

        Now, that Ranil has no chance of rescuing the economy …….. people have to learn the hard way ……… they can only play “Patriotic Games” when someone else had rescued the economy for the umpteenth time ……….

        I’m beginning to enjoy this! ……….. Would I be lynched or burned?

      • 1

        I haven’t really got into this article and its comments, oc.
        However, I agree. Fuel prices affect mostly the rich, and I’m poor. It is true that when the cost of transporting goods increases it has further effects on us. Political posturing!
        I’m not in this business of posting my views because I’m a politician. Nor have I got a personal agenda when I talk about education.
        And nimal; I don’t have a personal agenda on the STC BoG issue either. I want proper representation for the Branch schools at least in 2024. It’s probable that I’d be dead by then. As I’ve told you, only 5 out of 15 are meant to be elected. Your kinsman, Kavinda, being there as an appointed Member is not a problem, but what the hell are follows like him doing without speaking out against cheating?

    • 2

      nimal fernando

      I am sorry, did you tell Basil to Tax Whats App calls?
      In case if ever there is social unrest what do you think soman will do?
      Do you think he has a list of all rich or not so rich Tamils/Muslims living in this island?

      • 2


        You can’t kill Tamils and Muslims on empty stomachs ……… people have to eat first to gain strength for extracurricular pastimes ………..

        • 1

          nimal fernando

          “You can’t kill Tamils and Muslims on empty stomachs ……… people have to eat first to gain strength for extracurricular pastimes ………..”

          I beg to differ.
          You have to first kill before you start consuming it or to get strength.
          For example, if you are a meat eater you rely on others to do the killing for you. Then have a nap before you start what you want to do. Since I am not a meat eater I don’t rely on others to do the killing for me.

          Anyhow, in this island we don’t need a reason to kill (I don’t see there is any justification for any killing at all and am not a religious hypocrite to refrain from killing). There is a constant claim that this is a Buddhist country, leaders claimed to be practicing Sinhala/Buddhism, and the Saffron brigades want to RESTORE Sinhala/Buddhism (which nobody so far has defined as to what it is, a romantic past) in this island, and all other extraordinary claims. In order to go back to the past almost all saffronistas except a very few genuine (Buddhists monks) opposed to all killings and discrimination, violence, …..

  • 1

    The only visible governing power is outright robbery and such corruption in gas and fertilizer, rice, sugar and milk powder, has not been seen in this land earlier. These greedy robbers will never come right unless they turn to the creator of this universe who can forgive them and transform their lives. Monks have no solution. Whether democracy or idiocracy makes no difference. True theocracy has answer and rest reap what’s sown

  • 1

    Is Sri Lanka A Democracy?

    The answer is definitely No!

    But the question is whether the present political parties in the opposition will ever bring back democracy ,

    if given a chance is doubtful. It will definitely be better than the present regime.

    Which political party practices internal democracy within? It is the dictatorship of the party leader !

    For instance, in the United States of America, the major political parties-the democratic Party and the Republican Party have primary elections where the candidates wish to be nominated as party candidates have to face elections within the respective political parties and win in the primaries first before being nominated as party candidates to elective offices.

    Then, the recall process again as in USA where the elected member could be recalled by the dissatisfied electorates..

    Under democracy ordinary people should be empowered, otherwise it is meaningless.

  • 1

    Democracy, oh, yes democracy
    Sri Lanka’s out-moded rule of charlatans was replaced by ‘those who know best’ a.k.a. epistocrats, and see what happened.
    Today, it is these competent individuals who rob the public coffers, sell national assets for commissions, engage in embezzlement, destroy forest reserves and ecosystems, rape children and women, you name it, they are the culprits. Another high profile rapist was released by the courts! In addition to that, under Gotabhaya’s patronage, a special group of ex-servicemen engage in treasure-hunting in search of gold under the guise of archaeological excavations with the help of the Archaeological Department itself! When they were confronted by villagers and Buddhist monks in Anuradhapura, they produced a letter from the Presidential Secretariat!
    It is the same story with newly graduated university students.
    At the graduation ceremony of the University of Colombo, a ‘group of newly graduated NEANDERTALS’ snubbed their elderly Chancellor, Ven. Muruththettuwe Ananda Thero, which is an act that does not fit in a disciplined society. The University of Colombo has failed to guide its students to follow students’ disciplinary code even at an official ceremony or teach them how to develop problem-solving skills. Alas, some epistocrats call it democracy!

    • 5

      “group of newly graduated NEANDERTALS’ snubbed their elderly Chancellor, Ven. Muruththettuwe Ananda Thero, “
      You really think that guy deserves respect because he’s “elderly”??
      In that case, we will have to respect all the elderly Rajapaksas too. If Ananda Hamuduruwo had any self-respect, he wouldn’t have accepted the appointment, or he should have resigned after the convocation. You can’t respect someone who has no self-respect.

      • 0

        old codger
        Yes, snubbing elderly people, monks or teachers is frowned upon in our society.
        I think the UoC’s Neandertal Batch may face problems in finding jobs.

        • 3

          I approve of the snubbing of Muruththettuwe Ananda.
          He possibly has been a good trade unionist. I don’t know for sure since I was not a nurse. A monk has human and political rights. J.R. Jayawardena was wrong not to meet the union leader purely because he was a monk. Gnanasara deserves to be in jail, and therefore, should be disqualified from being in Parliament. Same as that convicted murderer from the Ratnapura District. It is deplorable that people vote for these guys, but it would be quite in order to disqualify criminals from standing at all.
          Rather like oc, I have no respect for any religious dignitary, or an old man, unless their actions have earned my respect for them. Muruththettuwe Ananda should never have accepted the appointment as Chancellor.

          • 0

            With all respect to those academic staff at CMBO university, I wonder why Prof. Devasiri did not utter a single word again the controversal appointment of the old yellow pet ?

            Our most known yes-man to Rajapkshes – Prof. Laksiri Fernado is also dead silent on the appointment.

          • 1

            It is true that nurses have rights, but, like being a doctor, it isn’t just a means of employment. This “nurse Hamuduruwo” among others, reduced the profession to just another bunch of nit-picking strikers. You may remember the Catholic nuns who worked selflessly in hospitals until Mrs.B ejected them.
            He may be old now, but that doesn’t excuse him from the damage he has done, which includes bringing the Rajapaksas back. This is the sort of sanctimonious hypocrite who should be banned from public life.

    • 1

      “The University of Colombo has failed to guide its students to follow students’ disciplinary code even at an official ceremony or teach them how to develop problem-solving skills. Alas, some epistocrats call it democracy!”
      Undergraduates of University of Colombo (UoC) and Not Students of Koswatte HS.
      Mature age, thinking conditioned by arduous training to think untrammelled, pros and cons of life to lead and style the future of this nation; Sri Lanka!
      Are they not?
      If not why spend money of Tax payers to produce ‘Pussy cats’ or glorified High School students to follow any mad dictum?!
      The venerable Thero, should be respected. Appointing authority??? Honorary D. Lit! Stock Keeping!
      Not worked to achieve, unlike these undergrads!!!
      Emancipated graduates shouldn’t succumb – dictates of individuals, without foresight, venerated person with ulterior political motives, Chancellor to UoC.
      The mentality of appointing authority is cause, for possible lapse!
      That should be rectified, forthwith and demand Mea Culpa.
      How do you think, the conversation would develop, between Chancellor of UoC and Chancellor of University of Stamford or The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) – the home state of the President and FM, if ever that eventuates?
      This considered by D Lit?

    • 4


      “Today, it is these competent individuals who rob the public coffers, sell national assets for commissions, engage in embezzlement, destroy forest reserves and ecosystems, rape children and women, you name it, they are the culprits.”

      How long dis it take you to work it out?
      By the you were one of their cheer leaders in this forum. Blindly you followed and supported our rare mathematician Wimal Weerawansa.

      You supported the clan because you believed they were the only people who could defeat the Tamils, defeat decisively despite all those human rights violations and war crimes. You wanted to simply destroy Tamils. The clan did precisely that, so you had excessive love for them because you are a proud Sinhala/Buddhist.

      Aren’t you another sadist like Gota, Praba, … .. who wants to see/hear innocent people are being killed, in other words a psychopath like them?

  • 1

    The object of politics in Sri Lanka is to steal as much as you can from the public coffers under the smokescreen of Sinhala nationalism created with the aid of the Buddhist priests. There is no other politics. AKD will fall by the wayside because he fails to participate. We will muddle on gifting the national wealth to the likes of the Rajapakse and keep the poor starving.

  • 2

    Lets face it. Politicians play the race card & any moderate who promotes liberal views on race & religion is committing hara kiri because its not acceptable to the majority Sinhala Buddhist vote base. Even a Christian Sinhalese is unacceptable as head of state, which SWRD & CBK realised in their early political days. The ethnic parties, although, promoting segregation indirectly in the pretext of standing up for their respective minorities, can be the kingmakers if it comes to a coalition govt., as played by the Muslim Congress in the past. The JVP has socialist underpinnings, opposing the SJB, which is presumed to be the reincarnation of the UNP, & as for the SLFP, it is lost in the political wilderness under the slimy leadership of Sirisena. So, realistically, I can’t see all these opposition parties on a single platform to defeat a common ‘enemy’.
    After tasting power, I can’t see the Rajapakses going out with a whimper to lick their wounds in the USA or in some other country (I cant see them living in SL after defeat, instead of enjoying all that wealth stashed abroad), so learning from China, Russia, Myanmar, Hongkong & other such countries, will have a bag of tricks up their sleeves, certainly, a formidable force to defeat even after this economic catastrophe.

    • 3


      “The JVP has socialist underpinnings, opposing the SJB, which is presumed to be the reincarnation of the UNP, & as for the SLFP, it is lost in the political wilderness under the slimy leadership of Sirisena. “

      I beg to disagree with you.
      JVP never had any socialist ideology, all it had was Sinhala/Buddhist regressive inconsistent patchwork lessons, a treacherous leadership and was bad for workers and ordinary people. It accused the hard working people of upcountry being fifth column.

      They always jumped on the anti minority racist band wagon.

      This island consists of many people who if build/permitted can be considered micro nations. According to even the present leadership their Socialist (whatever that maybe) could solve all problems in this country. If permitted/elected you are rest assured we will be trapped in another North Korea in South Asia, because AKD is the friendly face of a racist party still controlled by old guards.

      During the the war there was competitive war mongering among various parties, analysts, media, and supporters, JVP was chief among them. Have they apologized to the innocent people who perished in the war?

      • 4


        They oppose only Indian investments, western investments, .. but not Chinese.
        When Somawansa was leading the party he established party to party relation.

        JVP is the least trusted party.

    • 1

      A good assessment, Raj-UK.
      However, I’m not a politician, and I will continue to support the NPP so long as they eschew “playing the race card.”
      I know that the chances of my achieving much are not great.
      Never mind, I know that I will soon say goodbye to this charade. Death will claim me. I will die in the land that I was born in, with ever having visited the country that you’re in, although I’ve spent a lifetime learning about it.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

  • 2

    Prof. KD: When did you write this article? Now we are not talking of “JVP”, instead, it will be “NPP” -“National Peoples Power” for the future. This “NPP” has done quite a lot of changes to the “Archaic” thinking of “Marxist” theories of JVP and has introduced a “New Role” for the State and the Government quite distinct from SLPP, SJB, UNP, and other smaller ethnic-based political outfits. In short, it is an “Alternative” to all the above-named political options, the people have to consider.

    The “Policy Frame-work” has been launched on the 20th and the next step, I believe would be to work out the “Structural and Action Plans” based on the policies outlined. The “Policy Frame-Work” takes a “Democratic” face with “Participation” of all (People plus Public/Private sectors) mainly directed towards “Re-Structuring/Re-Building” the country and the people. The “Invitation” to join is “OPEN” provided they conform to the “Policy FRame-Work” PLUS the “Action Plan”. It is “DEMOCRACY” and “DEMOCRATIC”.

  • 1

    It is

    but you just dont like the majority decisions. you would rather have two votes because you consider yourself educated. lol

  • 2

    Sri Lanka is a DICTATORSHIP DEMOCRACY! It is ruled by Dictators, for Dictators and the civilians are their Chessmen (Chess pieces).

  • 2

    What I have learned is it does not matter what Crazy it is the thing that makes the difference is leadership and vision.

    Singapore is not much of a democracy but the leaders had vision . There is more government ownership in Singapore than in Sri Lanka but the sector is run by the best and the brightest.

    There are fuedal countries that have dragged in to the dirt by their kings and there are countries run well by their kings.

    China which is a communist country is a supremely run well by its one party system.

    So Like I said before only leadership and vision are the solutions no the whatcrazy.

    • 1

      a14455 / December 23, 2021

      OMG, have you ever learned something from law bound societies ? or your LIN MADI MIND SET (frog in a well mentality) conditioned mind set ever permitted you to learn it yet today ? If done so, you would not have praised TRUMPISM, but you did. did not you ? You hang on a man, who was then a petrol shed assistant but roamed in the city packing a ” smart phone in his hand” to show he would be a man with vision. If we did it with a man like ” Juliampittiya amaraya – a high criminal” or murdered ” Makandure Madush- again a high criminal”, would the outcome be different in a place ” uncivilized bastards SM intoxicated srilanka” ?

      -Social Democracy is every where laws are kept above but the name of the out cover of the book is set as ” democracy”. Also in some provinces in the US, though they boast of ” democratic governance” being bound to law and order, they have to act like ” dictators”: It is the same in Germany and neigbouring countries. Police would not be backward as is the case in south asian region if a man would leave a place after causing some tiny colliding damages to a vehicle for example. This happened to me, by accident, however, I had to pay the fine even if my story was fair. After that my lawyers could prove them truth behind the collisions.

  • 2

    Prof Kum, provides a narration of current state of affairs and questions whether there is democracy in this country as per the subject of his article. If there were no democracy in this country from 1931, then how come that we elected representatives to act on our behalf? On the other hand what is right now happening in a good number of territories is that the action of public trustees in authority to govern seem not to care a tuppence for public welfare or public concerns but act like cancerous cells in an animal. In other words “A law unto themselves”. Nevertheless, just because of the outcome of an election is horrible can we say that there is no democracy? The real issue is that the electors too are complacent and they allow their trustees to dance amok.

  • 2

    (1) Cold War/Geo Politics 1 – JVP Blunder in 70’s

    (2) Cold War/Geo Politics – FP/Tamil Nadu “politicians (desperado’s and murderor’s)” treachery/treason yet to be tried yet sitting in the Parliaments & India never brought to the books by the International communities for the betrayal for poisoning our Children as a Proxy.

    (3) Now we are where we were penned into be by the Geo Political Masters.

    It is a miracle She still survives as a Nation after these savages…..credit to the Nation of People …she struggles because it is the Foreigners (including all the Expat Sri Lankans) eating all her Coconuts.. her staple diet and we wonder why cost of living is so high for the average man on the street….we do so many complicated economical calculations for a very simple formula of success….it is like the hedge fund managers who can even sell commodities/products not even the Banks can understand is what the FP did since 1948.

    Toilet Washers Incorporated from London

  • 4


    “There had been a systematic displacement of native Sinhalese from their ancient maritime kingdoms. “

    Who are these native Sinhalese?
    Are they the present day descendants of Chola’s Vellaikkara Padai who have converted to Sinhala/Buddhism recently?

  • 1

    The welfare state destroys Capitalism, and is in fact a function of Socialism. It is the opposite of free markets. Thus the SJB-TNA are Socialists, not Capitalists. We have no Capitalism in Sri Lanka.

    • 2

      “The welfare state destroys Capitalism, and is in fact a function of Socialism.”

      Could we have references to support your arbitrary claim.

      • 0

        In Bastiat’s “The Law” (free to read on the internet), the basis for Capitalism is indirectly established as being derived from the natural laws. Natural law is what exists before manmade laws, and are established by simply describing human existence as follows:
        We observe that man has life, which to manifest properly he must use his physical and mental faculties, and by applying these faculties on the resources of the land he produces that which rightfully belongs to him.
        Thus manifests the ideas of life, liberty and property. The natural laws are laws that serve to only protect that which is naturally occuring.
        Capitalism is the system of governance that enables the protection of the natural state of the individual man, and it extends law further to enforce contracts that are freely and justly entered into between parties.
        There is no place in Capitalism for the protection of a society, because societal protection would necessarily mean individual man is compromised. The welfare state can only exist through the taking of, by force or threat of force, that which rightfully belongs to another.
        When laws are established on this basis there is no room for a central bank, so prices of goods get cheaper (deflation) and people are able to save and grow capital, which can be used to reinvest and grow the economy.

        • 0


          When government is restricted to protecting property and enforcing contracts, and does nothing more, then we have Capitalism. Morals and ethics of society also improves. Read “The Ethics of Money Production” by Jorg Guido Hulssman (free on mises.org).

          Socialism is defined as the State owning the means of production, i.e. the businesses and factories that produce are owned by the government. We don’t have exactly the same, but the act of taxing the legitimate earnings of individuals and businesses implies ownership.
          If a proportion of earnings belongs to the government then there is no reason a 100% of earnings could not be taken by the government. This pseudo slavery/ownership of individuals and businesses was devised by Mussolini and it is called Fascism, a variant of Socialism. It is legalized theft, and what most of the world follows today.

          Suffice to say the experiment fails, as with all Socialism. It was tried in the Plymouth Colony about 200 years before Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto. For a technical explanation why this happens I would read “Economic Calculation of the Socialist Comonwealth” by Mises.

  • 1


    Good to hear, you are trying to convince us you too believe in democracy.
    You cannot be a Sinhala/Buddhist while being a democrat.

    Here in this island we have a system of clientelism where there is no proper democracy, accountability, equal opportunity for the right candidate, …. exist.

    If you really yearn for proper democracy first you must stop being a hypocrite, then a racist and then try to find a way to restore democracy which include liberating Buddhism from Anagarica’s Sinhala/Buddhism and Sinhalese from Sinhala/Buddhists.

    In other words you will have to first round up all the saffron clad Sinhala/Buddhists brigades, and send them to jungle monasteries for about 15 years at least.

    Only then can you begin to talk about secret ballot.

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