3 May, 2024


Ranil & Political Evil

By Sarath de Alwis

Sarath de Alwis

A motion of censure of the President is expected to be debated in parliament on Tuesday 17th May. Ranil Wickremesinghe will also attend parliament on this day as the country’s new Prime minster. Will the censure motion be taken up? If it is debated, will the new Prime minister defend the president?

There are long queues for food fuel and fertilizer. Cost of living is punishingly overpowering. Yet there is freedom in the air. Three or four months ago, a dissenter could not voice a point of view without risking the ordeal of an interrogation by a blackhearted mind assassin serving the deep state.

When the boisterously courageous Harin Fernando made a reference to a ‘failed Nandasena’ a peeved President recalled how ‘Prabhkaran’ was shot like a dog.

On 12th May Ahimsa, the daughter of Lasantha Wickrematunge presented a statement before the Peoples Tribunal on the murder of Journalists at the Hague, Netherlands.

“As I speak to you today, remarkable, and truly historic events are taking place in Sri Lanka. After years of suffering under the tyranny of Rajapaksa misrule and despotism, the people have risen in one strident voice and are demanding that these abusive leaders exit from government.”

Now this same abusive leadership has made Ranil Wickremesinghe the Prime minister. How will he react to this strident national voice demanding change?

Can evil deeds be redressed or rectified by a coalition in which the party of evildoers hold a majority stake?

After his manipulative poker game with a besieged president, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe invited the Samagi Jana Balawegaya(SJB) to join hands with the new government to resolve burning issues, leaving aside party politics.

His letter to the Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa is an invitation to solve the burning issues faced by the people.

Ever since the Rajapaksa hegemony was imposed on this land following the civil war the burning issue that quietly but surely roasted every ‘thinking mind’ was our ability to think as free citizens. Instead, we lived in an Orwellian world.

“If thinking is your fate, revere this fate with divine honour and sacrifice to it the best, the most beloved

It is not unreasonable to presume that Ranil Wickremesinghe has read Friedrich Nietzsche.

While I wouldn’t bother to discuss evil with any of the Rajapaksa brothers, I have no issue discussing ‘evil’ with Ranil.

At some point in life I had the good fortune to listen to Bishop Lakshman Wickremesinghe who together with S. Nadesan QC founded the Civil Rights Movement of Sri Lanka.

Defining evil with the nephew of Bishop Lakshman is not a bizarre idea although it may be pouring water on the back of an extremely sycophantic duck.

Identifying evil is a moral problem. When your own self-regard exceeds reason, it is easy to succumb to evil.

I am afraid that is the predicament of Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Ranil Wickremesinghe seems to think that as Winston Churchill claimed he walks with destiny. But Churchill was never ambiguous. He held fast to his own values.

Churchill did not compromise with Nazi or Fascist evil.

Ranil Wickremesinghe is the cocksure white knight absolutely persuaded of his own ability to rescue the nation caught in a hopeless economic quicksand.

Why do I call him a cocksure white knight?

Why shouldn’t I be more accommodating and call him a well-meaning leader with vast experience, with a name recognition that allows him ready access to mover and shakers in global finance?

If he was the well-meaning white knight, he would have first attempted to forge an opposition concord with Sajith Premadasa and M.A. Sumanthriran.

That is not how he operated. He negotiated a backroom deal and then turned towards the task of building a grand coalition.

The opposition rightly wishes to know whether he is the monkey or the organ grinder.

He compares himself with Winston Churchill. Churchill was already in the Cabinet of Neville Chamberlain. Churchill was the first to warn of the ‘Gathering Storm’. Ordinary people turned to him in their ‘Darkest Hour.’ The reluctant elite of the Conservative party had no alternative but to rely on the one man who had the ‘cojones’ to tame the tyrant. Churchill did not suck up to the tyrant in some dark dingy bunker.

I am fortunate to have a grand daughter who connects me to the new technocratic world of the young. She was intrigued by Ranil’s retreat to the first half of the 20th Century. Fortunately, both films Gathering Storm and the Darkest Hour are available on Netflix.

There is no doubt that Ranil Wickremesinghe has now acquired a small support base. It consists of two distinct groups- the naïve and the cynical.

The naïve are the middle class matrons who hope that Ranil will be able to restock empty shop shelves with butter, whipped cream and all other stuff needed to make cheese cake and other pies in Visa card skies.

Then there is the cynical lot who are ready to use the ‘cardboard’ Churchill to survive the real ‘Dunkirk” of keeping state banks standing, paying public servants, and getting railways and busses to run.

Ranil has no real time link to the young people in ‘GotaGoGama’ who are demanding policy not posturing.

I have nothing against Ruwan Wijewardene. Ruwan’s great grandfather D.S. Senanayake died in Gall Face while riding a horse. People don’t ride horses in Gall face today.

It is ironic that Ranil wants Ruwan to offer succour to protestors at Galle Face. It demonstrates how removed he is from reality and history.

I intend no offence. The reticent unassuming Ruwan is no match for Wasantha Mudalige the convener of the Inter University Students federation whose fire in the belly is the amalgamated fury of a generation that holds Ranil Wickremesinghe’s type and class with the same reverence that a lepidopterist may regard the common moth.

Any other person would have faded out of politics after such ignominious performance as Ranil’s in 2020 general election. A cynical intellect explains his resilience.

Evil cannot be tolerated. Politics is a deliberative process. Even if it is necessary, this deliberative process excludes compromise with evil.

Alan Wolfe, a distinguished professor of political science has written a dispassionate guide to the quandaries we face with Political Evil.

A few years ago my daughter Rashmi gave me a copy of his book ‘Political Evil’ as a birthday present. When I heard that Ranil was being sworn in as Prime minister at a peculiarly poetic time between dusk and midnight, I fished out the book to refresh my understanding of political evil.

Alan Wolfe separates evil in general and political evil in particular. There is no honorable compromise with political evil.

A predator molesting child is evil. He can be punished. What do you do with a predator exercising legitimate coercive power of the state to molest the public mind?

Political evil is a process. It is madness with a method. It is essential that we make sense out of the insanity of autocratic governance.

Self-righteous indignation is another form of political evil. Alan Wolfe makes a point that applies to the current logic of Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe. Moral precision is a precondition for political precision.

Even in these dark days of shortages and deprivations the world demands moral clarity.

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Latest comments

  • 12

    Sarath: Ranil Wickramasinghe, is America’s Manchurian Candidate -appointed while citizens were in curfew with the military on the streets. His party did not win a single seat at the last election.
    RW is America’s Economic Hitman to conduct IMF’s FIRESALE and asset strip Lanka while everyone is distracted with Aragalaya!
    The IMF and Staged economic crisis is preventing elections and real democracy.
    As Dr. Asoka Bandarage writes: “Although bizarrely overlooked by the global media, a Cold War is already in place between China and the Quadrilateral Alliance (United States, Japan, Australia and India) over the control of Sri Lanka and the Indian Ocean.”

    Sri Lanka is under cyber and Hybrid Trade and Economic War attack from the US and an advanced experiment in Over the Horizon Full Spectrum Dominance (FSD), project for Global governance,

  • 11

    BTW: Hiran Fernando is a clown and the US FBI’s Mr.’ Sonic Sonic’ to spread Disinformation and cover up the Masterminds of the Easter Sunday 2019 Suicide attacks!
    Have you read the ‘Disinformation Playbook”?

  • 17

    “……….Churchill did not compromise with Nazi or Fascist evil……..”

    This scarecrow Churchill jumps to the bed with the Nazis…!!!

  • 14

    It is not Ranil & Political Evil. It is Two political Evils of a Coin. We use the coin decide the fate of the country. In the past we replace the head with tail and vice versa but now we are in a position both head and tail are together means the current unstable country going to fall very soon again with one of the Evil.

    • 4

      Yes indeed, the US is far more dangerous than China! America is very good at starting wars in Other Continents and selling weapons!
      Ukraine is a good example of how the US bleeds Europe and Russia simultaneous, as it has done the middle east and Easter Asia for decades, not to mention Africa with the ISIS and Islamic State narratives with France too. US bleeds friends and foes alike while promoting FAKE Democracy and Human Rights.
      Now the US is desperate to start a war between India and China in the IOR and crash the rise of Asia.

  • 25

    “But Churchill was never ambiguous. He held fast to his own values. Churchill did not compromise with Nazi or Fascist evil.”
    Ah, but nowadays Churchill is rather unsteady on his pedestal. He might not have been a Nazi. But he did starve two million Indians to death to save white people, who in his view, were more valuable.The bombing of Dresden that he ordered killed more civilians in a night than Hiroshima.
    What is my point? Nobody is perfect, not even Ranil. What are the alternatives?
    Sajit the talking dictionary? The guy who got screwed by the owner of his party?
    Sarath Fonseka? AKA Gota in a green shirt?
    Maithri, Wijedasa R, Dullas Allahaperuma? Seriously?
    Sumanthiran is credible, but would he be allowed to govern?

    • 6

      Churchill’s bombing of Dresden was callous to put it mildly.
      That makes him a war criminal– much like our friend I guess.

    • 6

      old codger

      I just want to rekindle your amazingly young memory so bear with me:

      Winston Churchill’s shocking use of chemical weapons
      The use of chemical weapons in Syria has outraged the world. But it is easy to forget that Britain has used them – and that Winston Churchill was a powerful advocate for them

      The Guardian
      Giles Milton
      Sun 1 Sep 2013

    • 7

      OC, you would not keep asking ‘what are the alternatives’ in 2022 if Ranil took the measures to build second, third tiers of leaders since he took over the leadership centuries ago…… He did not want to!! He killed all upcoming leaders such as Karu, Sajith, Imitiaz, Kabir, and another whole lot. He did not learn from his uncle JRJ who nurtured future leaders such as RP, Lalith, Gamini, Ronnie, Ranjan etc . Instead Ranil laid the way forward only for himself. Such a selfish idiot! He sowed weed only for ages so how can he expect to harvest paddy now!

  • 19

    Ranil W has been a failed politician who was quick happy to be the Leader of the Opposition for ever with the help of Mahinda R.
    Ranil prevented any capable person from the UNP to become the Head of the UNP. Between 2010 and 2015 Ranil could have groomed his successor. If HE had done so we would not have ended up the crooked & evil Rajapaksas. For SL Tamils none of the Singhalese leaders had tried to solve the Ethnic issues once and for all.

    • 7

      “None of the Singhalese leaders had tried to solve the Ethnic issues once and for all.”
      None of the Tamil leaders wanted it to be solved once and for all either.
      That is a bread and butter issue. Why were the Tamil parties (with the exception of a few militant groups) hell bent on insulating Tamils from sympathetic Sinhalese?

      • 6

        You are trying to say that it is because of Tamil leaders that Sinhalese leadership did not solve the ethnic problem and you justify the massacre of innocent Tamils in 1958, 1977 and 1983.
        why can’t you say that who are militant groups excempted in your list?
        Overall, you are justifier of Sri Lankan state Terrorism?

        • 1

          Something is playing tricks on your comprehension.
          May I suggest consulting a specialist.

          • 3

            Have you consulted from that specialist earlier? Is the specialist from China?

        • 1

          Ajith, I thought SJ was saying it takes two to tango. Tamil leaders played their parts rather well.

    • 4

      “For SL Tamils none of the Singhalese leaders had tried to solve the Ethnic issues once and for all.”

      The only way to solve the ethnic issue once and for all is to ask the descendants of people who came from Hindusthan to return to their ancestral homeland if they are not happy to live with indigenous Sinhala Buddhists who accommodated them by giving them citizenship in their country.

      • 4

        If all including Vijaya’s gang are deported there will be no one left and there won’t be a crisis.

      • 0

        The big question is, like asking “Chicken or the Egg came first”??!!
        Who or which community, was first in this ‘resplendent land’ to be ‘ACCOMMODATED IN THIS LAND BY THE OTHER’??
        One is “folded into the other”, unquestionably!!!
        The basic difference is they speak 2 different languages now, but with a “culture intertwined” with one another?!
        Very similar, if not identical Cultural habits and following,
        1. Tamil (Sinhala) New Year, Same day – Mid-April of year
        2. Tamil THAI PONGAL/Sinhalese HARVEST FESTIVAL- Sun God Harvest Bounty – Mid-January!
        3. Sinhalese VESAK FESTIVAL (Lord Buddha’s enlightenment)/Tamil VAIKASI VISAKAM
        The basic difference is one community adopts and speaks
        A. Sinhalese as their Language, believed to be a derivative/adaptive Language of “Hela-Prakrit”
        B. Tamil as their Language
        Community A has population numbers 4 times that of Community B??!!
        Simply thrusting, majority rule, since 1948, abolishing section 29(C) – minority rights protection!!??
        Democracy of the “enlightened mind/character at its best” display, and electing governments, continuously for self-destruction as could be evidenced!!??

      • 0

        (Part II)
        The ingenious people of this land, are unable to resolve this, as they cannot decide, who begot What, When and where?? It is too complicated for their benign mindset to put it mildly???
        Ingenious, Inventive and intelligent (doubtful – with respects to Robert Knox) Indeed!!
        How could these people help solve the current existential problems faced by Sri Lanka caused by the SELFISH AVARICE/’THANNAWA’ of the majorities leadership of this country, post-independence, 74 years ago??!!
        Now reeling under that effect??!!

    • 3


      “For SL Tamils none of the Singhalese leaders had tried to solve the Ethnic issues once and for all.”

      Hang on, we will find home grown solution with Southern consensus. Hopefully Chinese will help us to finalise and implement it without being seen interfering in our domestic affairs.
      We will witness a Tamil speaking man sitting in the front row …….

    • 3

      I think it is not alone his fault. Entire political environment in today s context should be made responsible for that. All these months proved that current opposition was not strong enough even if they have over 45 seats in the parliament.
      With 3 seats, NPP acts and is seen even more powerful. I wish Dr Harini W would have become stronger- because I see that she can develop into be a Dr Merkel who was the most powerful female politician unitl she voluntarily resigned from politics last year.
      Besides, If SP bring leadership skills, why on earth he refrained from becoming PM even if all is ready for him to become the next ? The ball was on his hand, but he was just reluctant to act timely. And looking back, SP has not reacted fearlessly in many other occassions. He might be educated than his father, but he is still not the leader that we have been searching for.
      As CBK made it very clear, …. leader that should get elected for an interim govt should be coming from academic staffs. The wound is easily curable, so conventional tactics would not fit any more.
      I agree with what CBK has proposed in an interview with a journalist from India.

      Harin Fernando was attacking the rejection of SP was merely based on ” ASAI BAYAI” – no self-confidence – enough to be the leader. As various sources reveal it today,…. SP s was based on a long plan to win the elections in 2024.

  • 16

    The People behind the Galle Face Green “Aragalaya” should declare there AIMS in full. It’s should not be just getting rid of Rajapaksas but also ALL other corrupt uneducated thuggish Parliamentarians.
    We need to have a new constitution that be acceptable to Everyone in SL.
    The way Protesters in Melbourne behaved recently makes SL Tamils feel very sad and makes us feel we need at least a FEDERAL State for North & East of SL

    • 3

      “The People behind the Galle Face Green “Aragalaya””
      Who do you have in mind?
      They wanted a rallying call, and stuck to it alone. That was a mistake in my view. But the protesters were sincere by and large.
      Now they will re-plan their strategy more carefully I hope.

    • 3

      “…makes us feel we need at least a FEDERAL State for North & East of SL”
      On 22nd February 2002, Ranil Wickramasinghe signed a Cease Fire Agreement with terrorist leader Velupillai Prabhakaran and handed over almost one third of the country on a platter to Prabhakaran. After that Prabhakaran ran a ‘de facto’ State in that area. However, Tamils in the North who wanted nothing but their separate State Eelam within Sinhale continued to fight with the Sri Lanka Armed Forces and massacred Sinhala Buddhists violating the CFA. Eventually, Rajapakshe Regime defeated LTTE militarily and unified the country in 2009.
      Now, Tamils are begging the Government of Sri Lanka to give them at least a Federal State.

      • 4

        “Eventually, Rajapakshe Regime defeated LTTE militarily and unified the country in 2009.
        Now, Tamils are begging the Government of Sri Lanka to give them at least a Federal State”
        I think the above statement must be edited as:
        “Eventually, Rajapakshe Regime defeated LTTE militarily in 2009.
        Now, Sinhalayo are bankrupt and starving, and the Government of Sri Lanka is begging Tamilnadu to give them at least free parippu.

      • 0

        Hey Eagle x Turkey buzzard

        Shame, the night school for refugees like yours in OZ did not appraise you about factchecks before hastening to award you a journalists freebi diploma.

        As far as real history knows, your cardboard war hero only cashed in because the Tamil war machine created by the “powers that be”, went beyond their cut.
        The likes of you could not fathom what went on. On the loot pocket money to boost hero’s you put pen to paper and go beyound your depth. In civilized countries they call it internal conflict in the tribal philosophy of your little head , its war and war heros……bringing disrepute to Buddhism you once borrowed but cannot live up to.

        Dream on but no ones begging you for a state. There isn’t any solvent state to beg from.
        The land mass has been sold by deal making criminals.
        When your pseudo patriotic Eagle shit hits the fan again, it’s not your party hopping kangaroo ilk that would have to deal with the Hindian’s.Right now it is we begging for more , due to you and yours

      • 0

        Oh EE, so you are against RW too?? You dont approve him as the PM?? I thought you would wholeheartedly say ‘aye’ to him as you are an obedient servant of Rajapaksa’s – just like Ranil!!

  • 14

    Mr Alwis,
    You have articulated it as no others. I have put that off on and on, but i will read that book on ” political evil writen and published by Elan Wolfe” soon. Special thanks to you on mentioning about it in this article.
    “Any other person would have faded out of politics after such ignominious performance as Ranil’s in 2020 general election. A cynical intellect explains his resilience”.
    In the same time, PINGUTHTHARA Kahakadayas (Alle Baluwansa, Iththakande BP) that ruined this nation are now reiterating, that only candidate could save the nation from current misercy is RW. They are shameless and real enemies of the country. They just abuse the moment, even if their knowledge may be far from the average about the ground political situation of the country.
    SRILANKEN politics is comparable to a garbage dumps filled with predators and the prey. This is very unique to sinhala-buddhists led stagnations of our nature.

  • 4

    We are only proving that we keep looking and acting like a banana republic. One failed leader after another. It is like musical chairs the same players going around and around and one of them gets to sit down. How can any Sri Lanka have hope that yet another failed incompetent leader is back at the helm, and it is predictable he will fail again?

    We can only hope the voters in Sri Lanka will not, once again, get fed up of Ranil W. and vote for a Rajapakasa next time. There will be plenty of them lining up to run for President and get back into position and give us nepotism, cronyism, and commissions, and corruption. What they have fleeced from this country will never be enough. They have got the taste of power and stealing and won’t let go.

  • 1

    The people have risen in one strident voice and are demanding that these abusive leaders exit from government.

    The rise of people made Rajapakse to go and lifted Ranil The Galle face people was o provide provision as cheers to familiarize him as a supporter first step
    He wants to prove Rise and rise again until lambs become lions rise by lifting others, Ranil is front of worldview aand see if facts are tossed. World has seen the acts of leadership in Sri Lanka deprived people of their rights, including the right to live. What he can do is he will struggle borrow with condition and let it be overcome hurdles to be paid trapped in the past and fearful future, Most in the parliament are overage and not trusted by globally.

  • 13

    Ranil Wickremasinghe is better educated and more urbanized than Maithripala Sirisena. But deep inside, there is hardly any difference between the two. They have no integrity, no values, no principles and are simply shameless opportunists. One wears a national dress and speaks in Sinhala while the other wears western attire and can speak in English. But their morals or lack of it are exactly the same. Both these guys will sleep with the devil (that is, kneel down in a prone position), for personal gain and glory!

    • 2

      Dear Capt. M
      How true. Listen to Sumanthiram’s speech in Parliament today when he gave ample evidence of Ranil’s shameless treachery.

    • 2

      Captain, I give you the full salute for that super comment – but you actually deserve a 21 gun salute for summing up the characters of those two despicably wretched political amebas so precisely!!

  • 14

    Ranil knows all this is BS. No one gives money to a country because some failure who will be gone tomorrow is PM today. They give money based on policies and interests of their own country or organisation.

    Before you become a PM, a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher or even a soldier You must have what is broadly called self respect. Just to be in parliament , to be a minister or a PM if you are willing to do anything, you are not fit for any job.

    Ranil was willing to be PM under Sarath Fonseka, then Sirisena and now Gotabaya.

    Is this the great leader of the once mighty UNP ?

    is this the guy claiming to be high class and elite ?

    We all know any of our economic problems cannot be solved in a few months. All this is BS. Ranil is a fraud and not fit to be a leader.

    He is a crawler. He can never make this nation proud or strong. He can only make the nation crawl .

  • 4

    The Motion of Censure is to be taken up in Parliament on the 17th May. IF AND WHEN THE VOTING takes place Ranil would be facing his very first Achilles Heel as Prime Minister………….

    This could well be a turning point to define the political GPS of Ranil for the Nation to witness………..

    • 2

      Dear P.
      He did the usual slimy shameless thing. After R voted to delay motion, Sumanthiran exposed him for the shitbag he is, giving the full story.

    • 1

      Ranil has proved that he is a TURN-COAT…………………at the voting in Parliament today.

    • 3

      The slaves BEING remote controlled by Basil Ballige putha would not a function independently.
      However some sort of pleasure is there, when thinking if BASIL would not be caught by SL courts, he will have no escape in the US. His future is similar to that of Jaliya Wickramsooriya, Rajapakshe cousin who represented as the ambassador in the US, now in the pending list to get convicted to jail.
      Over 98 candidates that are reported to be in SLPP in parliament would EAT punnakku on one go, if they would have been asked to do so. Achilles Heel of SP betrayed the entire opposition as of today.

      RW might be tricky but he is the experienced candidate. But he would not be strong enough to hand-carry the baby from one side the other through the violent steam.

      The day Mahinda and Basil would have been executed in a public ceremony, as is the case in an islamic country in Middle East only – one with some sanity would be able to see anything good working for the benefit of this battered nation.

      The cancer is now reached to metastasized states. All shoiuld work together in a very thoughtful manner.

  • 4

    In the absence of Man ……… the world consist of simple truths. ……… That’s’ it.

    There is only one proven Lankan capable of rescuing the economy: Ranil.

    In 2002, for the first time in the nation’s history, Lanka had a negative GDP. CBK’s government’s economy was in tatters. Ranil became the premier and rescued the economy. ……… Even increased the salaries!

    Economy was good, the people were happy ………. Ranil lost.

    If he didn’t become the premier in 2001 ……. the economy would’ve been as worse as now. He would have won the presidential election in 2005, hands down.

    In 2015, the economy was heading for a disaster, elections were called 2 years early ……….. Ranil became the premier, rescued the economy once again. Increased the salaries, reduced the price of gasoline, as soon as in office: wasn’t an election sweetener just before an election. ……… If he didn’t rescue the economy in 2015 he would’ve been a shoo-in as the president in 2019.

    Ranil was/is a victim of his own success!

    • 4


      But …….. without Ranil, there wouldn’t be long-term Rajapakse governments ……… there economic talents/capabilities would’ve been exposed a long time ago. The economy has to be humming to wallow in nationalism, empty-air self-satisfaction, vanity, purest form of “Sinhala-Buddhism” as envisaged by Native’s favourite uncle good ol’ Annagarika-D (In this age gotta make him more hip …… a la Ice-T)

      If Ranil was never born, Lanka would’ve found it’s true/real “economic-balance” …….. one way or the other ……… for better or for worse ………..

      If Buddha was never born there would be more Buddhists in Lanka ……… people, unknowingly practising his teachings ………. would’ve been less hypocrisy for starters ……………..

      If you want to argue based on/in reality/truth I’m game ……….. if you want to argue on reality/truth based on your pet insecurities, please pick on your wife/husband/partner/surrounding-walls ……….. whatever you usually do …….leave me alone ………..

      Before anything, you first gotta find out who the hell you are.

      I went in front of a mirror and stared at it for 15 minutes and God revealed to me my own identity ……… If I don’t know myself, how the hell could I tell Sinhala_Man who I am?

      • 3

        “God revealed to me my own identity ……… If I don’t know myself, how the hell could I tell Sinhala_Man who I am?”
        I am told SM is currently in Church asking God for his email address.

  • 9

    Removed Medamulana ‘Hora’ and replaced with ‘Maha Benku Hora’ (aka ‘Batalanda Wadhakaya’).

    • 5

      EE Bp,
      The truth as it is… there was no Maha Banku Hora…. it was just a fake naming to cover up Medamulana ballige puthas generated.

      JVPrs just enjoyed the moment, and painted it as a real theft. But those who knew it are well aware of the facts. Ranil challenged not once several dozens of times, to charge the thieves. What have Rajapakshes done sofar ? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. is that not enough you the kind of ultra stupid men to realize it ?
      I am not whitewashing anyone, but to my knowledge Arjuna Mahendran had no blemishes in his CV before he joined to SLCB. He had worked for VARIOUS banks with higher reputation, in Middle east, Hongkong and several other metropoles.
      Arjuna Mahendran was a SRILANKEN born graduate from Oxford.
      The truth as it is, forensic analysis performed on the issue, revealed that the bond scam was generated by then minister of Finance, Medamulana Hora and his condom supporter Cabral.
      If all was different to what I add here, GOTABAYA/Mahinda could well prove otherway around after returning to power 2019.
      It is pointless to share this with you all these facts, because YOU HAVE NO THE CAPACITIES to get it.

  • 3

    The real political evil is people not getting together to solve the problems instead of making things worse. At least the British were united, although there are some that supported Nazi Germany, like some of us. Heil.

  • 5

    Let them do all the talking in Parliament. A good amount of the people is concentrating on the essential supplies: Petrol, Diesel, Gas and Electricity. To that extent, many with whom I talk to, wouldn’t care a tuppence for all the resolutions there can be. The current premier was courageous in taking a job that no one else really dared to. Parties who were die hard opponents say “We don’t like him, but we are not going to “disturb” him. Some may spend their time in retirement, especially in salubrious climes of down-under in venting out their thoughts in writing. Decency demands that we respect their freedom of speech. But we here in Sri Lanka are really suffering and we are in no mood to go through the niceties of free speech. Is it fair to expect to maintain our cool when are at the receiving end? In all fairness, irrespective of previous records, antecedents and perhaps weaknesses let the current premier put his hand on the job for the betterment of the people and I for one, would not comment critically of him for the next six months hoping and praying that he would improve the situation.

  • 6

    Ranil the Amude of Rajapasses wants people to suffer in hell for the Sins of the Rajapakses. He sure is out of his mind.

  • 7

    On a different not I was watching the parliament proceedings and I am more pissed off on the votes as well as the speeches.

    These MF’s are crying about their house been burnt and the dead politicians. Non of these SOB’s did nothing when houses were burnt, people were killed and women raped in 1983. That AH that got killed was shown on TV with a pistol in hand.

    • 1

      “Non of these SOB’s did nothing when houses were burnt, people were killed and women raped in 1983.”

      It looks like you do not know how many Sinhala families risked their lives and kept Tamils in their houses and saved them.
      When Sinhalayo were attacked in Yapanaya in 1958, no Tamil came forward to help or save Sinhalayo.

      • 0

        Keep on day Dreaming Unabashed??!! Very good past time for retired in an alien land??!!

    • 2

      This parliament is a wastage of time for the second day.

  • 2

    The Born-Agains’ and other compradors’ charge that “We lived in an Orwellian world” since MR coming in to power in 2009 is a damn lie, a distortion of truth and an unreasoned whine by them against the reclaim of the country by the Sinhala Buddhist majority. A cursory look at the election shows that he has won overwhelming public adulation and trust, almost to a fault.

    This truth cannot be altered by quoting any Western gutter “philosophers” including Nietzsche. (For the information of DE, the mythical entity he worships as all things good, the “West” is yet to produce a decent philosopher of the calibre of the Buddha ,Jesus Christ or Shankara). Hope RanilW has not wasted his time reading such pulp philosophers!

    DE’s analysis is fundamentally wrong. There is no particular ‘evil’ about this appointment. It is just a union of two desperate individuals. Gotabhaya R, who has, through his lack of vision and capabilities, demolished the past dream of all SL politicians of creating a Singapore – because there is nobody. including him, who is fit enough to wash the feet of Lee Kwan Yew who made it all possible there. In RW, we see a man who has destroyed the oldest political party, and finally himself, through stupidity and greed for power, and was looking for a chance to redeem himself. So GR forgot all his past sins and failures, and gave him the opportunity.

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    Why is the man whose failed policies, racism, terrible judgement, bad decisions, and whose entire family fleeced this country STILL PRESIDENT? He and his family brought this country down to the ground.
    The war criminal who takes his cues and advice from a witch doctor who deals in paniyas, portions, and charmed water, can still call the shots. However much you shuffle a losing hand, you will still lose.

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    As for the Tamils, the Northern Province needs an artificial canal for irrigation purposes which will yield more Dollars or earn foreign exchange. He can construct such canals even in other provinces. It is essential to release the Tamil youth who are languishing in prisons without any charges being framed. Lastly, the Northern Province does not need a lakh soldiers. Are we engaged in war with other countries. The cost of maintaining the military is sufficient to build a canal to the Northern Province. Moreover, the money spent on building Buddhist Vihares in the Northern Province when it is not needed, is enough to develop agriculture. Ranil must also abandon the racist trend practiced by the Rajapaksas. Ranil should be aware that the implementation of the 13th Amendment is for the benefit of all communities and will promote mutual understandings among all the communities.

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    Hey Eagle X old Turkey buzzard

    “Re begging for Federal state in North and East”

    Nice story by one and all.

    Shame, the night school for refugees like yours in OZ did not appraise you about factcheck before hastening to award you a journalists freebi diploma.

    As far as real history knows your cardboard war hero only cashed in because the Tamil war machine created by the powers that be, went beyond their cut.
    The likes of you could not fathom what went on with the pocket money to boost hero’s . In civilized countries they call it internal conflict in the tribal philosophy of yours , its war and war hero.

    Dream on but no ones begging you for a state. There isn’t any solvent state to beg from.
    The land mass has been sold by deal making criminals.
    When such pseudo patriotic Eagle shit hits the fan again, it’s not your party hopping kangaroo ilk that would have to deal with the Hindan’s, Its we begging for more droppings, due to you and yours.

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    Ranil is speaking the guy behind him is sleeping.

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    He is like winston churchill who took over the job from neville chamberlain with only 3 members in parliament from his party.This was what ranil said when he was asked how he could become the PM when he is the only national list MP of his party.WE will wait and see whether winston ranil wickremesinghe will take on the monster economic crisis and defeat it the same way churchil did taking on the monster hitler and defeating him.Hail to winston ranil wicks.

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    Clever move by Gotha to appoint Ranil. Now the Western world cannot claim there is no “democracy” in SL. Foreign investors and the IMF will feel more secure.

    “When the boisterously courageous Harin Fernando made a reference to a ‘failed Nandasena’ a peeved President recalled how ‘Prabhkaran’ was shot like a dog.”

    There is a saying in the stock market, “Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.” Prabhakaran got lucky with CBK. He could fool India. When the Mara BULL entered the scene, he (Prabhakaran) should have folded and gone into exile. Greed is the final demise of all dictators.

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      The Author makes an excellent point in the context of today, quoting Alan Wolfe in that Moral precision is a precondition to political precision. The whole article on evil is wasted on us if we are superficial enough to believe that the appointment of one man would make a “democracy” or fool the west into believing we have one !

      The west will ‘constructively engage’ with at least one man here, but it surely has not forgotten that it is often told to mind its own business(and of course keep sending the money in) This time it is likely that conditions are political too.
      In my humble view Statesmanship and stock market Bulls and Bears are in very different Kingdoms. The west is certainly aware that a correction is due not only in the market but also in the brand of politics we play and are prepared for the long haul at this end. Take your time buddys

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