3 May, 2024


It’s Time To Untether The Kite!

By Vishwamithra

“The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishments.” ~ Gustave Flaubert

A ravaged countryside is waiting to greet you. Its desolate stretches are hardly a welcoming sight. Even the usual harmonious humming of birds of rare species, how melancholy it may sound, has forsaken the landscape. Gloomy skies and a forlorn cloud cover are hanging like a shroud over an earth dying of thirst; infrequency of rain is more predictable than the irregularity of clouds turning dark as a precursor of torrents to come down to drench the soil making it ready and willing to produce and reproduce many shoots of plants, pastoral or otherwise. When that day will be, we don’t know.

A peasant community whose demands are confined merely to timely rains, judicious supply of fertilizer and nothing else, is now left to the unkind impulses of shrewd mill owners. Feeders of a nation are wailing for want of the most basic of basics – fertilizer. Policies of conversion to organic farming have caused the collapse of the very livelihood of the most deep-rooted community in the country. They could have had no reason for bitterness had the fate that befell their livelihood to a stagnating occupation been a natural occurrence such as a drought or floods. Natural disasters do have a reasonable place in the nature of things. But manmade disasters as that imposed cosmetic paradigms on their generation-old occupation of farming should not go either unnoticed or disregarded.

The three-wheeler owners had their share of grief too. Scarcity of petrol and diesel has prompted them to put their main life-implement on logs. Those who depended on daily hires and monthly commitments to transport schoolchildren to and from schools are deprived of their incomes, however meager or satisfactory they were. Prices of all household essentials are soaring and falling sick at a time like this is no option for those whose daily or weekly demands on medicines cannot be sacrificed for lack of cash.

Credit card debts are rising and the vicious cycle of reusing debts is feeding on itself. Wherever they look, what waits is no relief or reason for apathy. The country’s macroeconomic picture is not one that’s pleasing to the eye, nor reprieve to the consumer. The urban sector is reeling beyond redemption and the demand on its sacrifice for the sake of a tomorrow that never promises any respite or recovery has no merit.

On the contrary, those who ask a coiling population to forego luxuries and comforts that were taken for granted have abdicated that right to ask for such uncommon discomfort from a whirling generation. Politicians as one single community of rulers who pronounce policies and principles of balanced and fair governance and deliverers of economic equality do not show any signs of retreat either from their debunked theories or broken promises.

Each and every discernible segment of the population wants quick and immediate solutions. Issues that confront them on a daily basis are multiplying and the day that these issues get resolved is receding far away from the possibility of being fixed. When every hope is dashed and every dream comes crashing down, the possibility of the combination of all these grievances engulfing the entire population and stifling them is one probability that no person would dare challenge.

The youth of today is fast losing their opportunity of sharing wonderful memories of innocent romance and playful days. A village damsel waiting patiently for her lover to arrive in the vicinity for them to get together and share those unique moments of youth’s wonders now seems to be daydreaming. She is too busy helping her parents to make ends meet at home. Her wish of finding government employment is receding with each passing day. The talk in town is that if the government succeeds in securing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance, there shall be too many limits on government recruitment- and there goes her opportunity. If she fails to secure a government job, she needs to look elsewhere and those opportunities are dwindling with each passing day.

The country’s ability to cope with the unkind economic hardships is becoming increasingly difficult and as a result the first to appear at the front of the first line of sufferance are the youth of the country. They have burnt midnight oil in studying and entering the university and obtaining a degree the subjects of which are hardly used in the prospective employment they seek. The obsolete education policy and its implementation have taken their final toll. Hundreds of thousands of degree holders are rotting at home for want of employment and successive governments have failed time and again to offer significant changes to the prevailing education system.

A grieving population has no probable alternative other than to get to the streets and demonstrate their anger, frustration and rage about the fate that the governing parties have willy nilly imposed on them. Those who have not passed the mandatory examinations even to minimally qualify to be a KKS (Karyala Karya Sadhaka – peon) are Ministers, State Ministers and Parliamentarians. The emotions and feelings of sheer envy are strangling this young generation of today. They could be appeased if and when they see emergence of a plausible policy change. But such dreams will, as in the past, continue to reside in that gloomy abode of the impossible.

But the well-to-do families are still enjoying the luxuries, gallivanting around the five star hotels, munching the savories and mini-sandwiches and paying tens of thousands of rupees for their ‘high-tea’. Such indulgences cannot be exaggerated and their frequencies are exceeding the number of meals some families could afford a week. The invisible criterion of an expanding gulf between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ might not catch the eye of an educated economist, but in real life such differences between incomes are a society-killer.

Loss of fun time for a young man and a woman cannot be retrieved, nor can it be relived. Time, the equalizer of all change, fundamentally as a concept and practically as a measure of dawn and twilight, is challenging the entire nation today.

Those politicos, who never tire of making more money on a daily basis from their newly acquired cohorts and ventures launched into thanks to their close proximity to power and powerbrokers, internally laugh at those who suffer at the bottom of the social ladder. A society that is increasingly getting accustomed to measuring all success with dollars and cents is blindly following the acknowledged religious rituals and each holiday season make their annual pilgrimage to visit their unseen gods of this religion or that faith. Devoid of spiritual purity, yet remarkably attired in a bogus veneer of religiosity, men, women and children are snaking down a lane at the end of which is nothing but nothingness and sociocultural abyss. Squid the Russell wrote a poem that is reverberating in my ears: ‘I wish I had arms, To reach down, With a pair Of gleaming scissors, To cut my tether, I wish I had a voice, To tell them what I want, What I think, Because they won’t listen, Won’t pay attention, To my relentless fight, To my constant struggle, Against the confines of my rope, Won’t someone set me free? Can’t somebody help me? To become an untethered kite’?

All of us, all Sri Lankans who call Lanka home, have reached a nadir in our collective life. Fear of the unknown seems to be greater and more overwhelming than the one we are leaving behind. The gushing of life’s waters and the potentiality of a far too challenging fall could be stunning, yet it is a challenge one has to embrace; suffer the temporary hardships whichever way that unpredictable gush is taking us all. The unknown devil eventually might still be preferable to the rut that we seem to have settled into.

That unknown abyss might be far more inviting and pleasant than the current mess that we have created ourselves. There is no need or necessity to hurl criticism or insult at our political leaders anymore. It was we who created them, nurtured them and nourished them with our own meager earnings as bribes or our unwise judgments as votes. Democracy, they say, is the best of all bad systems of government man has invented. In that long line of evolution, man has generally reposed faith, time and energy in these politicians who come before us and pontificate from atop their platforms and pledge allegiance to the constitution, laws and political correctness.

But what have achieved as a nation? Our last President is a fugitive, on a voyage of discovery-he’s trying to discover his new land of comfort, luxury and refuge. In other words, we have elected a President who is not trusted by his own voters and not welcomed by others in the international arena. Gotabaya’s voyage is not a matter for laugh and derision. It is an outright insult to our own intelligence and collective judgment. Such a fate might well be awaiting the present man who is another imposter. Ranil Wickremesinghe is no pious man. His undoing might just be around the corner.

It’s time to untether the kite! But do we have the courage and eagerness to challenge the unchallengeable and go flying like an untethered kite?

*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com

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  • 8

    Oh come on Vishwa, enough of the doom and gloom wailing- or are you part of the USAID funded Colombo NGO’s who were part of the psychological operation (Psy-Ops) to destroy the confidence of a people and nation!
    Yes. there are problems in Lanka, but look around the world where the American Rogue State is staging wars and explosions and appreciate what Lanka has!

    The story of the IMF bailout of BlackRock is what you should be focusing on and how the US staged the Sovereign Bond Debt trap and Default to COLONIZE and asset Strip Sri Lanka and set up military bases as in the Chagos Islands with their Economic Hit men Ranil Rajapakse!

    • 10

      How Ranil is playing the game ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMm0em5Z5Ls

      Native, put ye raving misogyny on the backburner …….. and just try …….. simply to focus on what these gals are saying ………..

      • 9

        nimal fernando

        Alright, did you see the prince of darkness Admiral without a fleet, weeping Weerasekera was being insulted by Captain Zhang Hongwang of Yuan Wang 5 at the port?

        I could not see SJ who was expected to be at the port among the welcoming party.

        I read somewhere Wimal Sangili Karuppan was also went to see the ship.

        • 10

          Native, comrades Wimal and Vasu were there with rear end Admiral to greet the Chinese. Prince of darkness was glowing with a big smile, never seen before, which for some reason, ended up soon in disappointment and weeping.

        • 7

          You haven’t got the picture. These three were duped by Ranil, into making thundering anti-Indian speeches for which he couldn’t be blamed, ( and which made them feel important) while he himself went to Katunayaka to make a pro-Indian speech. So, Wimal et al are happy, the Chinese are happy, and the Indians are happy. Brilliant, eh?

          • 3

            The Indians are even happier with securing improperly awarded contracts for wind power to Adani. (This matter was earlier brought to light by Chairman, CEB who was forced to step down. But the plan was dropped amid protests in India as well about political favouritism.)

          • 3

            Dear OC,
            You didn’t get the picture. All these three people, whom Ranil could not blame, were deceived and he himself went to Katunayake to make a pro-Indian speech (which he thought was important). So Wimal and others are happy, the Chinese are happy, and the Indians are happy. Brilliant, huh?”

            Why are earthly aspirants, fake experts, like Vasideva, Wimal Buruwanse (Kaputan) hired to hold such talks? If some stalwart UNI professor of regional studies had delivered the lecture, the impact would have been more positive and beneficial.

            These two men are like “blue flies” seen on dunghills.
            Remember how Vasideva lashed out at the International Monetary Fund program for bailing out Sri Lanka. That would be enough for any other party in today’s context to stonewall him.
            Another Bally’s son – Wimal Buruwanse has been there to destroy all the years on and on… his knowledge would have fit to that of JINA aunty.

          • 4

            Native and OC,
            Why do our sons of bitches see it always upside down ? when would they change their specs ? Why cant they understand the facts surrounded by anything. No arguments deem necessary if facts are clear to them right ? These two-leged dogs would never see it right ?

            When would the learn to make some progress ?

        • 9


          I was cringing in shame ……… we are beyond redemption. The Chinese have got us by your proverbial ba**s. We are nothing but slaves.

          I watch what’s happening as a source of entertainment/amusement.

          I don’t write anything serious just absolute crap …….. cause there’s no hope for the country.

          • 10

            Exactly, nimal.
            What has your influence done to oc?
            He has lost all sense of shame!
            And now, I fear, that he has lost the heart of Ramona T.F.
            I hope that oc realises that there are many dangers in cultivating the love of the poofter he has come to adore so much!

            • 2

              SM on August 16th:
              “I’m glad to see your comments regaining balance and common sense, oc.”
              SM on August 18th:
              “What has your influence done to oc?He has lost all sense of shame!”
              You really must make up your mind, SM.

              • 8

                Dear old codger,
                I know you
                to be extremely well-informed, and I have learnt a lot from you; I guess it’s good for you to survive to spout words of wisdom on other subjects as well.
                However, since you know me to be Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela who fiercely opposes the dishonesty of Ranil Wickremasinghe, what do you now upbraid me for calling me SM? I have no cards up my sleeve; we have to be honest in all that we say and do.
                I proclaim it where-ever I go, that I repose my faith in the NPP which rejects the present farce, and will put its shoulder to the wheel. There can be no guarantee that they will succeed. The Rajapaksas have stolen so much, and so beggared us, that prosperity will not come in my life-time.
                Don’t take seriously anything said by nihal fernando. He’s fun to have around, but what does Kavinda Dias-Abeysinghe mean when he says all this about “gentlemen“:
                I’m a man, who calls the bluff of you guys, and will die an honest man!

            • 2

              Regarding Germany, you may be partially right. Everything depends on the Russia-Ukraine conflict in Germany. Not just daily necessities, cooking oil, petrol, cooking gas are all 1/3 higher than pre-conflict prices. Erler we used to pay 1 euro for 1 liter of cooking oil, now it has increased to 2.50 euro. The price of a liter of premium petrol rose to 2.50 euros. When I refilled it this afternoon it was now down to 1.70 litres.
              However, the wage increases in Germany have not yet been implemented. More jobs have been lost than all cases. Not only the Russian-Ukrainian war, but also COVID contributes to this. So COVID has also put people out of work. Today tourism affects not only Sri Lanka but also Europe. I wonder how the Greeks live in Europe. Many people in Germany still stay in their home country rather than vacation far away. However, Germany is a relatively wealthy country compared to the UK: health, other services and security are among the best there. Yes, I agree with you that the Russians need the Germans more than the other way around to survive.

            • 1

              “The poofter”


              Don’t be a raving chauvinist …….. You of all people shouldn’t be a homophobe ……… they say the Greeks invented it and the Thomians perfected it!

              Ranil is married with a lovely loyal wife …….. I wouldn’t call him a poofter: effeminate, perhaps …….. even if he is a poofter what does it matter? …….. If he swings both ways his chances of getting a date is doubled! …… If you are feeling lonely why don’t you try it for a change? :))

              Native, now don’t get ideas!

          • 2

            nimal fernando

            Do you want a good show here is one, which I am watching live:


            Gota’s STORMTROOPERS come handy.
            Watch them in action.

            • 0

              “Gota’s STORMTROOPERS come handy.”


              They might be Gota’s …… but Ranil is the one who is using them.

        • 7

          NV: ” I read somewhere Wimal Sangili Karuppan was also went to see the ship”. WHAT? Do you read? He was provided a seat in the front row along with Vasudeva Nanththara, Ratana -the Athana Methana and made a “Speech”. He was also led in the procession that walked to the “Tom Tom Beatings” of the drummers who are not concerned about those marching behind but of the agreed “Payments” after the “Show”.

          How do you like the “REPLY” to the “Welcome Gesture” of the “Ranavirowa” by the Captain of the ship?

          • 1


            Later in the day I have seen a 30 minute video clip.
            It was disappointing day for me as I could not see our regular Mao’s b**** carrier among the crowd.

            “How do you like the “REPLY” to the “Welcome Gesture” of the “Ranavirowa” by the Captain of the ship?”

            Was the captain informing the beggars “about dangerous towns or people, marking places where they could find free food and shelter, identify locations where free medical care was available, …….” by internationally recognized Hobo hand signs?

        • 0

          Look carefully in the glass ball and you may see your image with a black flag.

    • 4

      Did the US put a gun to the Rajapaksa’s heads and order them to rip this country off, take huge commissions, and tell them to make stupid decisions about organic farming without any plan, implement racist policies, have numerous family members in the government, each one scratching the other’s behind, govern like fools, and bring this country down because of crony capitalism, protectionism, and corruption.

      It is easy to blame the US and other western nations at a time like this, but let us look inwards and cast blame where it rightfully belongs – on our incompetent and corrupt politicians who have destroyed this country. IF OUR LEADERS WERE NOT CORRUPT, FOCUSED ON IMPROVING THE COUNTRY INSTEAD OF THEIR OFF SHORE BANK ACCOUNTS, AND MADE THIS COUNTRY SECURE AND STRONG, NO COUNTRY COULD HAVE HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO BRING US DOWN.

      Let us not take our anger and frustration out of other nations, who may or may not be
      involved, and conflate everything bad that happens here to their “interference”.
      We have some scoundrels who messed up and cannot take the responsibility. They had to flee.

  • 27

    Thanks, Vishwamithra,
    I despair more and more each day at how we are forced to tolerate this ridiculous pantomime. Yes, the only solution is to spew invective and hurl abuse at this guy who insists on masquerading before us.
    Some of our dignity gets salvaged when we have guys lik you delivering Philippics of this sort.
    I’ve just unburdened some of my frustrations below Amrit Muttukumaru’s more analytical piece:
    Please keep it up!
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

    • 9

      1) It’s in the fitness of things you have “unburdened some” of your “frustrations” by
“beginning to join the chorus of those who demand the identity of old codger since he has begun to make unbalanced statements.” You have every right to DEMAND this since you have even DISCLOSED your ID number!
      2) https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/any-dealing-with-president-who-lacks-legitimacy-is-political-suicide/
      3) For too long ‘old codger’ has been ALLOWED to pull the wool over the eyes of CT readers.
      4) This mainly relates to ‘old codger’ being in awe of Ranil Wickremesinghe and MINDLESSLY supporting him.
      5) For example, the RESPONSE of ‘old codger’ to your “Since you so much admire Ranil” is – “My interest in Ranil is purely to do with efficiency. Just as I admire a good plumber or electrician, you see.”
      6) To ‘old codger’, Sarath Fonseka receiving “Rs. 100,000/= from a PTL related company” (clearly wrong) is more SERIOUS than the ‘Bond Scam’ taking place under the DIRECT WATCH of Wickremesinghe who is now Executive President!
      7) The ‘DOUBLE STANDARDS’ of ‘old codger’ must be CONDEMNED.
      8) How can anyone have ANY CONFIDENCE in whatever ‘old codger’ says when Wickremesinghe is not FAULTED (i) for UNPRECEDENTEDLY bringing the issuing agency for Treasury Bonds (CBSL) under his direct purview?

      • 9

        Sinhala_Man (continued)

        Sinhala_Man (continued)
        8) How can anyone have ANY CONFIDENCE in whatever ‘old codger’ says when Wickremesinghe is not FAULTED (i) for UNPRECEDENTEDLY bringing the issuing agency for Treasury Bonds (CBSL) under his direct purview? (ii) for having HANDPICKED Arjuna Mahendran a foreign national to be CBSL Governor?
        9) To DOWNPLAY the egregious Bond Scam, ‘old codger’ even goes to the extent of suggesting that the Supreme Court knows MORE on matters such as the ‘Bond Scam’ than the ‘Auditor-General’. Despite ACCEPTING that the “Auditor-General of the day” had determined it had “caused an incalculably large drain of finances over an incalculable period of time”, ‘old codger’ places more confidence on the claimed SC “decision” that “any provable loss is not more than 360 million annually.”
        10) Instead of QUESTIONING the “Auditor-General of the day” via ‘Colombo Telegraph’, why is ‘old codger’ not having the COURAGE to question him DIRECTLY? Of course he can only do so if he comes clean and reveals his/her true IDENTITY!
        11) Describing the ‘Bond Scam’ as ‘EGREGIOUS’ is like ‘waving a red flag’ to ‘old codger’. The latest phobia of ‘old codger’ is “incalculably large drain of finances”.
        (continued below)

  • 7

    “It’s Time To Untether The Kite!”
    Is someone in wait with another in hand?

  • 9

    The President & politician running away to other countries when the country is drowning so called experience where is the trump card to uplift the countries 6 months has passed where light in the end of tunnel they were speaking, Running away from something doesn’t do anything except put distance from solutions. Those who are in the possession no courage to defend the country they are planning to avoid election and accumulating strength to win the next election.

  • 18

    I wonder what the author is saying with these lines: “Her wish of finding government employment is receding with each passing day. ……if the government succeeds in securing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance, there shall be too many limits on government recruitment- …..Hundreds of thousands of degree holders are rotting at home for want of employment “
    Does Vishwamitra agree with the sort of nanny state that provides employment to all degree holders regardless of the utility of the “degrees”? I know that the dream of most school leavers is to land a pensionable government job. But isn’t this a major factor in bankrupting the country? The tuk tuks mentioned earlier are also a symptom of the economic distortions which make a million able-bodied men prefer that to factory work.

    • 16

      old codger

      Please listen to this world renowned intellectual:
      Wimal Weerawansa Derana 360
      Aug 16, 2022

      Can you tell me what was the point (if there is one) this learned person was making in this entire (1 hour and 25 Minutes) interview?

      What is the connection between Konappu Bandara and IMF?

      • 17

        Even I couldn’t see any point in his long harangue, except that he seemed to believe that Unic radios and Fiat cars, and various steel items were “manufactured ” in this country before 1977. One can’t blame him, because he probably is too young to have been employed in the 70’s. BTW, was he ever employed?

        • 14

          old codger

          “BTW, was he ever employed?”

          Good question.
          When he was carrying his pistol what was he doing?
          Was he paid?

          • 6

            Guys, Gotha seems to be real bad news to people who associate with him. 1) Reports say there were multiple explosions in Thailand. 2) Apparently Gotha got real scared and wants to return home ASAP. MIG middle man Udaya says he may return on 24 th.3 ) Ranil thinks, Gotha is not safe in Lanka. Most probably he doesn’t want him to provoke Aragalaya again and dethrone him 4) Udaya also said unlike Mara , Gotha dosen’t have the brain to be a politicial leader.

            • 6

              Reports say due to Gotha’s stupid decision this season’s rice crop is very much stunted and country will face severe food crisis. Apparently SLPP decided to get rid of anything resembling of Gotha , out of their propaganda machine. As a President Gotha caused bankruptcy and as Defence secretary took Lanka to Geneva. Only an Idiot in public will question “who is Lasantha: ,or threaten a journalist with murder. No wonder 6.9 million retards thought he was Silly Lanka’s Einstein.

              • 6

                There are reports Patriot Gotha is reapplying for Green Card in USA. Did he lose to reapply??? Gotha wants to live with his family, happily ever after when thousands are still searching for their dear ones. He need to know , no one has diplomatic immunity in the US. Ask Trump.

                • 3

                  He lost citizenship.
                  Isn’t the “Green Card” somewhat different?
                  I’m not very knowledgeable in this area, so that’s a genuine question..
                  However, much more significant is the fact that he probably was still a U.S. citizen when he was nominated for President. If so, his nomination would have had to be rejected had somebody raised the question. Well, that’s how “MaCo” Mahinda Deshapriya got over it.
                  Something else that was fishy:
                  Why had the eldest brother, Chamal Rajapaksa, made the required deposit in time? And he was present.
                  Eleven days after the results were released, one of the THREE then Commissioners, Professor Jeevan Hoole, wrote a Colombo Telegraph article. Since I have posted that link many times, including once recently, I’m NOT giving it again here.

                  • 2

                    SM, apparently he relinquished U.S citizenship for Silly Lankan Presidency. Did he ??? if so when ?? I am not sure a person can reapply for citizenship or Green Card / permanent residency, after voluntarily giving up. Rumors are he is trying to get through his wife as dependent. If so, she must be still a U.S citizen or permanent resident and did not relinquish like him. In that case he may or may not be eligible for Green Card as dependent. (not sure). GC is permanent residency but not citizenship, it’s usually the first step for non U.S citizens to later become citizen. From all what I know, he was still a citizen of U.S the day he was officially appointed as President.

                  • 0

                    Dear SM,
                    You could call me a ” bloody idiot”again nevertheless I have to raise the following question in public.
                    You and our “sathyagurus” at CT did not consider those critical concerns regarding the presidential nomination. I also don’t understand Dr. Hoole’s comments. I would raise the question today, why on earth he stayed not having done the due ?
                    The other candidate may have slept the entire time without performing his duties properly. Mahinda Deshapriya is extremely corrupt from day one. I don’t respect that ass one bit.
                    It’s too late now, however your dear party, Janata Vimukthi Peramuna was no different than a crocodile eating clay. how would they respond to us today as to why they clean men did not utter a single word aginsst Gota s nomination ?
                    So is Sajith Premadasa who is said to be another stalwart of SJB. On the whole, even our Dr. Harsha de Silva and other respectable candidates in politics at that time did not speak a single word against the credibility of Gota’s nomination. If one checks the archives I always say that even a pet of the Rajapaksas has gone beyond capital crimes.

                  • 1

                    Is Sri Lanka their private property?

                    is it not the time, sinhalese to be replaced with the name ” senetelenese- the most primitive tribe of the indian ocean”:


                    There are speculations that the faceless bugger- GOTA will be brought back to Sri Lanka SOON, how on earth can a man be a face leader in the eyes of the people again? I have no doubt that bugger has undergone forced plastic surgery to change his face. Otherwise, I don’t see that any civilized Sri Lankan will be able to face this nation again.

                    Why on earth do some of our “stupid people” keep hurting this nation and falling for their tricks? It is now said that Basil is the hidden leader of the umbrella of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, where the current president is elected. With the current economic crisis, Basil himself created many more problems to drag people into fuel queues amid dire warnings from the opposition and the country’s financial experts.

      • 9

        Who on earth invite a street monger instead of an economic expert to a program if they the media really want the public be informed about facts? Aiyooooo☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    • 14

      I’m glad to see your comments regaining balance and common sense, oc.
      What do you make of this opinion poll? Flatters my views, certainly.
      Ramona will definitely be happy. What about your buddy nimal fernando?
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 6

        “What about your buddy nimal fernando?”

        Riding his Harley Davidson and feasting on scones!

        Any Tom Dick and all of those Yohan Seneviratnes can ride a Honda …….. can you handle a Ducati? :))

        • 8

          nimal fernando

          I have seen people begging on local busses and trains or outside both, not on or near ships or inside harbour.
          Please watch this clip how our crooks are seen begging at the harbour:
          උණුසුම මැද ආ චීන නැවට ලැබුණු උණුසුම් පිළිගැනීම.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acE4wYkyaRw&t=3s

          Can Ranil use emergency laws to throw these beggars in jail until we economically recover?

          • 9

            Brilliant in its own way, dear Native Vedda.
            I enjoyed listening to Vasu speaking English, and Wimal Weerawansa speaking Sinhala.
            How much was understood by the Chinese?
            Actually, my two grand-daughters, aged 9 and 7, may be able to help out. They are both learning Chinese as a Second Language (in Malaysia); our problem, as proud Maha Kalu Sinhalayas, is that they may end up knowing next to no Sinhalese.
            What to do? Their first “proper schooling” was in a Sinhala Medium class in Colombo, but the elder kid rebelled. There was English Medium in the school. She had been in a nursery class in KL and said that schooling here was no good because the teachers are teaching all the time, and not allowing the kids to learn for themselves.
            Very seriously: Education in Lanka is really bad!

          • 8

            “Can Ranil use emergency laws to throw these beggars in jail”


            Are you serious?

            Ranil is the one who is in jail ………. a hostage of the Phottuwa/Basil/Rajapakses.

            I had some hopes for the Aragalaya ……… now none.

            Ranil came and well and truly Fu***d it because of his stupid ego.

        • 5

          What’s to be done, nimal? I’m still using a pathetic Honda CM 125 that I bought reconditioned in Kurunegala in 1991. It does resemble the typical Harley Davidson in shape; relatively comfortable, meant for poor old men in Japan.
          Ducatis are the two-wheel counterparts of Ferraris, aren’t they? Sports toys of the sort that the Rajapaksa fils flaunted. Yes, go ahead, vulgar fellow. Taunt me with my poverty.
          As for scones, I’ve already referred below to the misfortune for the World that English (and not Spanish) has become the lingua franca. I wonder if you came to terms with The Great Vowel Shift. The safest guide to pronunciation on these pages is Manel Fonseka (native speaker, scholar), but the Brits couldn’t study their own language. It was a Dane, Otto Jesperson, who had to study that cataclysm.
          And spelling: as I said below, Shaw did leave a lot of money behind, but it’s all gone, but so little, probably, that the Rajapaksas wouldn’t have had much to do with that theft:
          That is quite readable.

          • 2

            Geeze Sinhala_Man ……. You shouldn’t take the crap I write so seriously ……….. stop playing the victim.

            I don’t ride a Harley …….. the woman who comes to repair my roof does …….. she climbs the ladder upright without holding on to anything …….. the first time I saw it I freaked out

            She keeps her tiny husband on the pillion and rides all over ………. my kinda woman

            Native needs the steady iron fist of a woman to make a man out of him …….. put some steel into him.

            A friend of mine, a motorcycle enthusiast, has a Ducati ……… and is an avid reader of “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.”

            Honda CM 125 ……. Did you try to see if it can traverse mountains of Hill country ……… like Evel Knievel

            Life is an adventure.

            Everyone have their own poison ……….. what is life for?

            • 2

              nimal fernando,
              decide if it is you, or the ladder-climbing woman you lusted for, who rides the Harley. See what I’ve told oc above.
              The CM125, selected for me by Harin Corea (now PhD Engineering, unsure the specialisation), and my bike mechanic, Mohan Rasiah, from Undergrad days when I had a single cylinder CB125. Now MR’s boast is that he doesn’t have even his O.Levels – explanation he belonged to the only cohort at TCK, that had to sit the National Certificate of Education. From there to Mt Lavinia where they had some course in Motor Mechanism, and before I got to Peradeniya my DFCC sister had noticed him at Honda agents, Staffords, again training.
              Now the fact is that the perfectly trilingual MR’s grandfather, Carupiah, had founded a company named Carsons, just outsied that Anniewatte tunnel, so they were unostentatiously rich, and many fellows like “a14455” thought he was an Engineering Undergrad. That was because he was helping us get sets made for plays that we were producing. Quite legitimate.
              For a half-hour play competition we produced this play:
              I’ve found this now; remember we had no Internet in 1985.

            • 2

              This was one of the judges:
              He was studying Water Buffaloes, but had been a member of the National Youth Theatre in England, and that maintains high standards.
              this another:
              and the American, Margaret Guneratne, who was also the librarian for the former United States Information Service, referred to here:
              I had found Me MacKenna in some books of short plays in the British Council, Kandy. I was the only guy from the Arts Faculty involved in the production. Those reading English were know-alls, and it was difficult to work with the fellows.
              There’s more that I can tell you, nf. The CT moderators are tolerant because all that I tell is true.
              To get back to the bike. Those two guys knew that when there are two cylinders, climbing power is less. They tested it, and said it was in exceptionally good condition for the Rs 26K that was demanded. Yes, it manages the British constructed main roads all right, but some of the roads done by the Rajapaksas have impossible gradients.
              Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela

    • 5

      Dear oc,
      Although Vishwamitra doesn’t reveal his identity
      , I’m very impressed with what he has written here.
      He seems to be perfectly aware that sinecures ought not to be awarded because State policies (or shall we say the actions of ignorant, incompetent, and irresponsible politicians) has led to the existence of these unemployable graduates. I have not gone so far as to DISLIKE your comment, but I don’t think that Vishwamithra is so naive as to imagine that it is healthy to keep producing unemployable graduates who have been allowed to build hopes for themselves and aspire to be the leaders of their cohorts.
      Part of the tragedy are the huge number of “English Medium Graduates” produced by State Universities (you will find the poor sods to be lacking in all confidence) and by various “Private Universities” in Colombo who tend to be quite obnoxious because they know some English and get employed by the “Corporate Sector” which has no values, and which has little respect for – well, people like me, shall I say?

    • 5

      I know that final question posed by me above
      is one which invites trouble for me. I know that I’m a strange fellow who seems always to rub people the wrong way. However, it is true that I’ve been wasted in places where I could do little because our society has got so rotten.
      About tuk tuk drivers, you’ve made the point many times; I’m grateful because I hadn’t realised that it was such a problem until you pointed it out. However, I find the faith that you repose in Ranil W. also disturbing. The guy is part of the problem, not its solution. The condition of our country will get ever worse unless he is thrown out.
      I think that I must move on to this other article, by Ameer Ali;
      he makes almost the same points as Vishwamithra does, but he’s a man who has declared his identity, which to me is important. Many people deride me for challenging them by being so transparent about where I stand, but that was a carefully considered decision, potentially tragic.
      But before that let me keep your “buddy” happy by hurling an insult at him. The vulgar fellow enjoys being insulted!

      • 3

        “About tuk tuk drivers, you’ve made the point many times; I’m grateful because I hadn’t realised that it was such a problem until you pointed it out.The guy (RW) is part of the problem, not its solution.”
        I must point out that it was Ranil and his Finance minister (both poofters) that raised this issue long ago. If being poofters enabled them to spot that 20% of able-bodied men are hanging around at street corners, there must be something to being a poofter. They couldn’t do anything about it because of opposition from vested interests.
        Give credit where it is due.

  • 9

    old codger

    Please listen to this world renowned intellectual:
    Wimal Weerawansa Derana 360
    Aug 16, 2022

    Can you tell me what was the point (if there is one) this learned person was making in this entire (1 hour and 25 Minutes) interview?

    What is the connection between Konappu Bandara and IMF?

    • 4

      Native, just trying to imagine what if Wimal negotiated with IMF.

    • 4

      Dear NV,
      Do you seriously expect me to listen to Wimal W. for 85 minutes?
      I’m not even clicking on that link. I did, in the case of the link to what was being said in the Hambantota harbour. But I told you a white lie there. I didn’t really listen to Vasu and Wimal.
      Incidentally, if somebody is daft enough to ask what the Medium of Instruction in the Malaysian school is, it is English. Malay is taught as a Third Language in that “International School”.
      French and German? That’s what is foolishly done in Lanka. English is a really messy language (I’ve been told that Spanish is better). A crazy spelling system (which Jonathan Swift tried to reform 300 years ago). I’ve been told that Bernard Shaw left a lot of money behind which could be claimed by somebody who could actually get it done. I haven’t checked on that story!
      And English Grammar! 😪

  • 22

    Elections will not deliver justice to the oppressed. The only solution is for the people to rise as one, forsaking convenience or discomfort and eject the parasites from power in one fell swoop. No other solution will work. The time for the same old same old has gone. Bring on the revolution..! It is now or never..

    • 10

      Conducting elections like the ones conducted in November 2019 will not bring anyone forward. First of all, the stupid majority (70% of the country) who have brainwashed should be treated with facts as they come to their heads and work. I think it is high time that school teachers and university lecturers are employed to bring them photol examples so that every simple simon can be easily understood.

      More people in the over-55 age group are in the dark with local newscasts. Many of them have no idea how economic bankruptcy can grow over the years.

      What happened to the huge loans taken from China before they were properly invested. More than 80% of the loans taken are not invested and there are no records of losses.

      Deterioration of society can be reversed only by educating people with facts. As with anyone and everyone, no amount of JVP-style public speaking will accelerate awareness, as such speeches contain so many statistics and percentages that even art students will not be able to understand the message.

      • 7

        “As with anyone and everyone, no amount of JVP-style public speaking will accelerate awareness, as such speeches contain so many statistics and percentages that even art students will not be able to understand the message. “


        You are right on the second part of the statement. Complex messages are difficult to be understood by the peasant class. But remember, even JVP is on the “L” board. So, continuing it only elevates them to evolve to better methods. Teaching is right. But the JVP’s teaching method has to be polished. If people like you criticize. they will change their ways.

        People avoid learning. They like to hear only what they already believe. If you differ from them, they become skeptical about your talk, your purpose……even in your personality. If you persist, they are bored and turn against you. Then they have questions on your talk, unlike their masters’ words, they believed for long. So, the teaching methods to people is something we must adopt from the Gandhian school which successfully gathered a billion people. That is, if they (masses) do not want freedom, we do not want too. People need to understand the value of freedom and the things they could do with freedom. The dictatorial constitution in Ceylon is only our slavery deed for our political masters.

        • 3

          I see the JVPs as instant thrills in the nature of bigmatch teenage boys. What happened to their sure instincts?
          They like statistics and percentages in their informal talks. But this is a country with crores and billions that 1 out of 100 of them do not understand. Mahinda Rajapaksa cannot tell the difference between a million and a billion. Searching the archives will put some gold in my mouth. It is clear black and white.
          They want everyone to graduate. But in the last 40 years they could not approach a significant part of this hell. Either JVPR is wrong or people are alone?

          We must either help them open their eyes or leave them.
          If we know the character of our people well, most of us will do the same thing again in the next election like blind people. Isn’t it time to replace the “lion” in our national flag with a “wild buffalo”? Don’t think that I have no intention of hurting that “innocent animal” in this way. At the very least, people begin to think that failure is based on their behavior.

      • 3

        If one insists to pledge allegiance to Langkang constitution, it is of asking your blood and flesh according to that slavery deed. True democracy is the real freedom.

        That is the lesson we have for them, not Economic Analysis or political or legal punditry. So, get their minds to focus on liberation, instead of servicing their masters for a mouth of Biryani and a sip of arrack. We do not give them (masses) a penny, but only our free lessons. They rebel, collecting with them their austerity, poverty, their resiliency, their willpower to hanging in with their life in any hardship. The first group is we who have got to learn. Then the masses’ learning from us only can bring freedom for us too. Carrying a stick does not make you Shepherd but caring the herd does. Be ready for a long journey and expect many hurdles in your path that you need to overcome. The mantra is winning the trust of the people. As long as we are all Dover Mail coach passengers (Tale of Two Cities), we never can count on each other. Then the Kleptocracy political bosses count on us for their luxury, excess living. Let them (those who take your lessons) cut your hand and examine whether your blood is red or blue. That will invoke their resolve to earn freedom for everybody.

      • 3

        16th November 2019, dear leelagemalli?
        How hard Kumar David tried to educate at least CT Readers, who smugly believe that they do not belong to the 70% that you refer to. I am one of them!
        I tried to understand and then played the humble “abiththaya”, by following his articles and explaining in “simpler language” how to vote strategically, using the Preference System creatively.
        You know that I’m a village teacher; I did my best, but it looked as though I was unsuccessful. Then Jeevan Hoole tried:
        See how hard “shankar” in despair tried to entertain us at least. Even you have not made a comment there, LM.
        More seriously, why didn’t AKD and his team say something? I don’t know, but I will faithfully vote for them. I’m a humble follower, not a leader.
        Ultimately, LM, we can only try. There can be no guarantee of success.
        Panini Edirisinhe

        • 2

          Dear Sensitive Readers and our beloved “sinhala man”@
          Like it or not, believe it or not, we must not move forward without drastically changing our ways, as to do so would be utterly ineffective. Knowing that it is a mammoth task, one must mobilize with new strategies. Why is JVP silent on this?

          We know a big spoon can do it, but can’t any of us go a step further with an “ear clearer (kanhaenda)”? Why can’t the media stand up against the mafia? If the youth gradually come together for a common cause, the media will have to stand behind them. It will work automatically. All we want is media to kneel before the truth. If the youth take the lead, we can achieve it.

          We must train our people to be alert to true information. How can we do it successfully? JVP is young, why can’t they train the youth to infiltrate every corner of the country? Computer literacy is very powerful for young people. So they can’t advertise through social media?

          We can do this through the “Country School and Temple”: the Pinguttas must be admonished to be alert to the “facts”: none of us must argue on the facts. Facts are facts. They can also create regional databases by capturing people’s data. It can help the Sri Lankan administration to store the data.


          • 2

            A handful of commenters like you and I can work like a giant rope (or like giants) if our energies expand day by day. We can do it by being collective with others. You know what “a strand of fiber can’t anchor a large ship at a jetty, but a bundle of such fiber, a rope, can.” And we need to promote our thoughts… you are using their verbiage to your senior citizens…. JVP should start it… don’t fill their verbal diahrrea with “mathematical” aerobatics. They must first study how to subtly gain access to the hearts and minds of the majority.

            If the need of time is not properly understood, nothing will work properly. Dr. Harini Wijesuriya needs more support from her academic colleagues inside and outside the country. We must become a real “rope” … if we really want to transport the message to our “stupid people”: otherwise, the results of the 2020 election will not change. That is crystal clear.


    • 7


      Listen to what this gent is saying! ……… Time to get some blood splattered on your pure white clothes …….

      I’ve been saying that all along …….. three is a party.

    • 3

      The worst rulers of this country were not the Rajapakses but the Ratwattes who are your cousins. So now you are proposing that we go back to the old feudal systems that appointed kings through birth. what a joke!

      • 11

        Rajapakse backlicker, a14455 / August 16, 2022

        Grow up man.
        To the best of my knowledge, I don’t think people queued up and pocketed money in the social market economy in those days. Instead, they offered their wealth to the people. Rajaksha did not give even a penny of the stolen money to the poor. Even the memorials of their parents were built by spending public money. Shameless Rajapaksas be damned, if not now then in the days to come. This nation deserves a better life. A better future for their loved ones. People all over the world are questioning if Singapore was developed beyond European countries, a country with natural resources, if the people are aware and kick corrupt politicians like Rajapaksa, we Sri Lankans can do it in 5 years.

        No one can match Mahinda Paraya’s corruption and crime in the region.

        He divided the nation by enabling super luxury apartments, cars and other large possessions to his henchman families, pushing the majority of the nation from worse to worse

        . His selfish politics created a situation where the citizens would have to demand their livelihood in the future. During the Madamulana Balu reign, that wealth was unequally distributed

    • 3

      Dear Lasntha,
      It looks as though nimal fernando is calling you a “gent”. That’s a word that I was told should never be used.
      Never mind, Lasantha. You never speak flippantly.
      I don’t want a revolution

      • 4

        When I got to this point, dear Lasantha Pethiyagoda, there was one of our notorious power cuts, and I had to post that incomplete comment with UPS power.
        I’d like to see a peaceful transition to another government via a properly conducted “elections”, but seems increasingly unlikely.
        Ranil has been trying hard to to portray the Aragalaya to be a lot of rowdies, but the truth is otherwise. Ranil is the man who is driving the youth to violence, but having unleashed violence, the unprincipled fellow will then he will say that these young guys started the spiral.

    • 3

      Lasantha Pethiyagoda: “..eject the parasites from power”. “Bring the revolution”.

      After both the above, WHAT is next? Who will LEAD and TAKE OVER? Allow the DESTINY of “Aragalaya” (Galle Face). OR, continue with “Aragalaya” of the “Village” level to continue with the “Proper” and “Educative” process to “ARM” the general public of all ages, cultures, professions (skilled, wage earners, self-employed, etc.) to make the “Correct Choices” of their representatives?

      What is your CHOICE of the above?

      • 0

        Dear Friend SIMON,
        there is one another PUSHPAKUMARA style thakkadiyas has ruined the lives of innocient boys in that area. If I would have been legal authority, I would have used the SHARIA law style punishments to them ( asking them to go for penectomy of these sons of bitches). .

        Please reveal more here or on any other threads.

      • 1

        Isn’t it time for Sri Lankans to question again and again what happened to their nation?
        In today’s society, rogues like SORCERY promoters breed like termites and there is no police force that does not perform its duty properly against them.
        These days, it was revealed that the Sevwandi, young sorcery woman, who once again led the nation astray, ruined this society again. The very same thoughts were made stronger afer hearing another set of frauds committed by a sorcery man in Unwatuna. aLONG with the man, Many politicians and police officials are believed to be involved in the heinous crime of abusing school-going boys to produce obscene films for foreign networks.

        If we find poisonous reptiles in our garden, we remove them or kill them on the spot to reduce the danger from them. Likewise, these sorcerers who spread like mosquitoes and blood leeches should be treated. People have been led to believe that invisible forces are leading them… and must be broken by giving them facts about huge frauds.

    • 2

      Dear Professor Lasantha Pethiyagoda,
      These 55 words are the most pregnant on this entire page. The thumbs indicate that many have understood this, but my effort here is to draw the maximum attention to this tragic conclusion.
      In a sense it is fitting for it to be so. Our people have been encouraged to think that we are a country that is looked at as privileged, and enjoying prosperity.
      It is true that the fuel queues have disappeared; some who are sick of what they saw as anarchy are eager to proclaim the end of disorder, but what they say is hardly convincing even for themselves. If we don’t seize the chance now, our people may begin to call this the “new normal” or whatever. So we will sink to the of World society.
      Please start thinking the issues out. They won’t just go away.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

  • 15

    Think for a moment…who elected “Those who have not passed the mandatory examinations even to minimally qualify to be a KKS (Karyala Karya Sadhaka – peon) enabling them to become Ministers, State Ministers and Parliamentarians…? There is no point crying now. Even the degrees did not teach them whom to vote for…no wonder no one has use for these degree holders…

    • 2

      Many seem dissatisfied and there is manipulation locally.
      The Chinese presence says something internationally.
      On both scores the voters can make a choice.
      Non alignment as it was is now on a call to show dependability.

      Instead of bickering and blaming the IMF etc an election may be the way out so that the chosen leaders can decide which way to go.
      This way the people can and should take responsibility for their choice of governace.Whatever it is there is a call to Integrity.

    • 0

      The perks

  • 3

    If one insists to pledge allegiance to Langkang constitution, it is of asking your blood and flesh according to that slavery deed. True democracy is the real freedom.

    That is the lesson we have for them, not Economic Analysis or political or legal punditry. So, get their minds to focus on liberation, instead of servicing their masters for a mouth of Biryani and a sip of arrack. We do not give them (masses) a penny, but only our free lessons. They rebel, collecting with them their austerity, poverty, their resiliency, their willpower to hanging in with their life in any hardship. The first group is we who have got to learn. Then the masses’ learning from us only can bring freedom for us too. Carrying a stick does not make you Shepherd but caring the herd does. Be ready for a long journey and expect many hurdles in your path that you need to overcome. The mantra is winning the trust of the people. As long as we are all Dover Mail coach passengers (Tale of Two Cities), we never can count on each other. Then the Kleptocracy political bosses count on us for their luxury, excess living. Let them (those who take your lessons) cut your hand and examine whether your blood is red or blue. That will invoke their resolve to earn freedom for everybody.

  • 8

    “It was we who created them, nurtured them and nourished them”
    The WE refers to the vast majority of village voters who are misguided by the Clergy and parliamentarins who are drug barons/thugs/murderers/rapists/ uneducated.Like the author, our generation+our parents generations FAILED in preventing power hungry politicians making wrong moves—eg SINHALA ONLY ; Giving up on meritocracy ; Discrimination on Religious and ethnicity ;
    allowing political pressure over Judiaciary & media AND law and order.
    Bring back the good detectives and send home the Military intelligencia behind murders of politicians, journalists/sportsman etc etc

  • 4

    For more than 2000 days the involuntarily missing persons relatives are protesting in Vanni. Evil, to fool UNHRC, he created a fake OMP, involuntarily. It did not function at all. We do not know what happened to it now. He has announced that he wants to create a Diaspora Office, targeting Tamil refugees. This is continuation to new, de-proscribing of some selected organizations, from whom this shameless New Cloth Wearing Emperor expects a large loot. Interesting part is all these refugees’ obtained asylum, describing how the UNP, SLFP government cruelly humiliates Tamils. Now the Evil Emperor is planning to get a large section of savings for him. When these refugees applied for asylum, UNP-SLFP Aanduwas tried maximum to discredit their application by framing unlimited amounts false accusations and portrayed them as the World’s Most Ruthless terrorists. Dirty Rohan Gunaratne, Palitha, Dhanapala, Thero De Silva were some of the leaders in avenging the refugees who fled the country, using the government fund to visit foreign for drinks and other immoral facilities. Rambo, soon after he got a new minister job in 2019, challenged that he will take care of Tamil terrorist in their same way. Sad fact is all these crooks were well aware by challenging to revenge the “So called Tamil Terrorists”, where were they taking the country.

  • 9

    Looks like NGR is going to come back to SL and be a parasite on the Taxpayers. It is FOOLISH for GoSL to spend for his hotel stays and for the private jet to Thailand. He has the looted US$ in millions. He should spend the stollen money and not money from GoSL. Government MPs who lost their properties should NOT be compensated by either insurance money or GoSL’S MONEY.

    • 1

      Stollen? I had no idea he looted Perera and Sons. Does he plan to have his cake and eat it too? https://www.viva.co.nz/article/food-drink/stollen-recipe/

      • 0

        Good recipe though ,it may be the good for white man land for these shelters polish your pussport

      • 0

        Good day.
        The story goes that, “Dulcie Achchie” had excess funds due to sale of precious stone collection and got one of MaRa progeny to invest in shares of Perera and Sons, so they became owners as mjority shareholders!! Thus the original family who held the shares divested their investment and are no more involved in making Cake and baking Bread and Pastry and their famous tea rooms!!! After almost 4 generations and 100 years ownership??
        When the Goliath arrives on site, the minions move away – “International jungle law”!!
        Dulcie Achchie – ‘Master Strategist’ Financial Investor!!

    • 4

      Naman: According to Minister Bandula Gunawardene the expenses for Gota’s abroad are paid by the Government – the PEOPLE. He said this in question to a journalist at the “Media Briefing”.

      This statement has been REFUTED by the Government Information “Mogul” – Mohan Samaranayake and said: “The expenses are met by Gotabahya privately”.

      So pays: (1) By “Himself” and if so “Did he carry with him that huge sum of “Foreign Exchange”? If NOT, “WHO” provides finances? Could be his “Family” (Son in the USA) OR any other “PROXY”? If he pays “Privately” nothing to worry about. Let him stay abroad because it is not an expense for us. If he comes, it will be added BURDON for us.

      • 1

        He has loyal henchmen, KP,Dumida, Ganampiilai, Piiyan, Soorawansa,Johnston garlic Bandula, thick Dineshan, vaniariche

  • 10

    We need to get rid of most of SLPP ministers and appoint good ones from all other parties until an Election can be organised by February 2023.Election commissioner should have the power to disqualify the corrupt +uneducated ones.

  • 7

    We want the ARAGALAYA MOVEMENT to tabulate what they want to achieve by SYSTEM CHANGE.
    Their struggle has been muted since Ranil W took over on behalf of the interests of RAJAPAKSA.
    The clan is indirectly controlling GoSL via SLPP parliamentarians.. This is totally unexpected bad outcome. We, the right minded citizens of SL can NOT stomach it…. especially the SLPP ministers in the cabimet. Ranil W should UNTETHER this LINK as soon as he can and replace with the MPs who have the support of ARAGALAYA MOVEMENT.

  • 3

    I vehemently condemn Ranil, Dinesh and Kamal Gunaratne kneeling down before LTTE diaspora organizations and de-proscribing them. This is a gross betrayal to Sri Lanka. The explanation given in the Gazette Notification published by the Secretary of Defence as the reason for de-proscription of LTTE diaspora organizations is the stupidest reason one can ever imagine.
    The betrayal of Ranil, Dinesh and Kamal Gunaratne to 28,708 servicemen who sacrificed their lives for the country and 40,107 disabled soldiers is the most shameful act any President, PM and military officer can do for money.
    As mentioned in 2020, Basil Rajapaksa and Namal Rajapaksa have cut deals with LTTE diaspora. Basil Rajapaksa was behind the LTTE protest march in Geneva in 2020 and Namal Rajapaksa directly involved in a LTTE protest march in London during a visit by the former President Sirisena.
    The treason committed by Ranil, Dinesh and Kamal Gunaratne have facilitated what Vishvanathan Rudrakumaran of the TGTE said on February 10 this year: “Tamil Eelam will become reality in not too far future”.
    I strongly demand the three cowards to revoke the gazette notification that de-proscribed LTTE diaspora organizations and politically selected individuals.

    • 6

      So, Ranil, Dinesh, Kamala, Basil, Namal, are all cowardly traitors?
      Who else is left? Gota ran away. Dayan perhaps? Omalpe Sobhitha?

      • 3

        OC, looks like Chimpa is the only patriot now left in Bankrupt banana republic. Chimpa has lot to whine 1) “One family, one country, one law ” is now dumped into garbage , where it belongs (by the way where is Ape Man , haven’t heard a whimper since Aragalaya) 2) national anthem will be sung in all 3 languages 3) office to be nominated soon for diaspora, so that Suren and Rudra can visit Chimpa soon 4) Apparently Adani may get more projects to expand business

      • 2

        Good morning.
        “So, Ranil, Dinesh, Kamala, Basil, Namal, are all cowardly traitors?
        WHO ELSE IS LEFT? Gota ran away. Dayan perhaps? Omalpe Sobitha?”
        Well done sir!
        Due respects to you I have One and only ONE!!
        If you ask me another we have the Paediatric Neuro Surgeon, who I understand mistakenly, believes the nurturing of ‘Soil for Agriculture’ is one and the same as human well-being theory!
        Township in North western way is the name!!?? Invigorate your thinking power!!
        Please don’t forget the best of all, amongst the greatest!!??
        Reverend, Athana, Methana, Hithana, Naluwa, the architect of Organic theory sold to Gota and Glyphosate to Maithri the Silysena AKA “The one confusedly mistaking, Democracy for the Constitution!!!??”
        they got it all from 2500 years of Erudition fro Mahawansa!! great culture, Great Minds and profound Intelligentsia??!!
        That’s how we journeyed here as recorded in “worldly Affairs, we are experts??
        People need to be reminded, lest they forget and forgive as good Buddhist do usually
        What for the telling??

    • 2

      Ingenious Insight! What Wonder to Ponder??

    • 3

      Don’t lose your cool over such a trivial matter.
      Stop proving that Ranil, Dinesh and Kamal are smarter than you!
      These are gimmicks staged to get IMF funds.
      (BTW, I am amazed at the statistics you keep at your finger tips.)
      If Namal can cut a deal with LTTE dispora, certainly the LTTE remnants are not that smart. That should help you sleep undisturbed!

      • 2

        But.. but .. Im loosing my cool too , on terra firma but thats trivial.
        We need elections with the many maneuverings on the ground.
        Horse trading for homeboys new stories for the cowboys(and girls) .
        Use diaspora bogey if you like to use a people but we are “at sea”

        More importantly recall Pak ship 1971 ? many ships.
        Dont we need to bring on Admiral so he can have a fleet too?
        We need elections and the sailor hero may be handy too.

    • 2

      “Champa: I strongly demand the three cowards to revoke the gazette notification that de-proscribed LTTE diaspora organizations and politically selected individuals.”

      Poor Champa,
      I am sympathetic with you because you only found 3 cowards after 75 years but in real all Sinhala Buddhist leaders including you, Mahinda, Gota, JRJ, Chandrika, Premadasa, Srimavo, Dudley, DS Senanayaka, SWRD are cowards by killing more than 70,000 Sinhalese youths and innocents and ran away from Sri lanka. Where are you now?

    • 2

      Treason, is an act or offence committed or purported, against the ruling King/Queen??!!
      We don’t have any of them?? Do not get carried away!
      “There is nobody with a Bow and Arrow in Windsor Castle”!!??
      HM Regina Elizabeth was disowned by the 1st madam PM of SL and the world, I am told on the advice of the renowned Bolshevik and very articulate attorney, Late Colvin??
      Sirimavo and Colvin, the old elite of Ceylon were very Far ahead of the times??!!
      So much so we have all these, National “Vasthuwa”, which were nationalised (‘Janasathu’) to become the “ National Wealth of this nation for posterity”, which sadly after 50 years of “kind tendering and nurturing” has and are proving to be national liabilities to bring us to starvation!!??
      So you have none and therefore as cause for treason!!
      None are the Greater Looters and Traitors than the Rajapakse??!!
      ‘Raja Horu’ and Deception is the ‘Rule of thumb’ and ‘Motto of the family’!!
      Have a Great day!!!

  • 6

    What a 74yrs of atrocities …not only people are fleeing even serving prez has to flee, what a fantasy relegion, apparently carnival ice cream is so high,can’t wait for vesak, poya ,poasn, peraheras,…How lovely colour full
    Champions and safe guards of Buddha

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      Can someone please translate?

  • 1

    Imbecile Sinhala Intellectual lowyer, the Evil Emperor has cracked on his nincompoop jokes once again. His previous classic one was telling Anura to return the stolen gun from security personnel. That the kind of junky is our Emperor. Now he has released another one with his stamp. He said that he is 1000 times richer than the SinhaLE Wildlife Sanctuary, his domicile jungle. If the man opens his mouth, the air come out is foul smell of lies. Earlier he said that he cannot afford a new home & as his home is burned so he is living in the Presidential Palace (not ready to leave). Now he said he has $ 1000 dollars. Man, what to do with one’s life after having an imbecile like this as one’s country’s chief. As he has said this to Sinhala Buddhist Modayas, we try to interpret this at that level only, no complex scenarios or assumptions, for this comment. Does that mean he is setting an example, by holding foreign exchange not released to the government to buy oil? Or does he mean that he uses only dollars these days and no Rupees? I do not want to loan per capita to complete Evil Emperor beyond his ability.

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    So, it is here our greatest Evil Einstein did his classic math, that is he divided his $1,000 by the treasury’s zero balance and came out with the answer 1,000. Where is this university called Deakin University, in Australia which offered a PhD for this man? Remember one time an American Vice-president spelled “Potatoe”? What is the Evil Emperor trying to prove with all cheap low-class jokes? (WE are not particular about people making mistakes, which we do too, but what is interesting is watching the Kleptocracy politicians mix it with their lies and fraud. The accusation that Ranil led the Island’s largest embezzlement, the Central Bank robbery is still there, not investigated by either Yahapalanaya or Hitler’s Royal government, but the Evil is blaming Royals that Treasury has only zero dollar) Time to resign, you sir!

    The Colombo Media story outside is that the Royals want the power back and Hitler wants to come back next week. Media, further says that the Evil Emperor has already broken the pact with the Royals. like another Banda-Chelva pact. Royals will not be getting back their 2019 election victory, which the Evil Emperor has stolen by acting with them as a friend.

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    So, Evil wants to launch a secret campaign against the Royals that they left the treasury with zero balance, and they do not deserve getting back the stolen election victory. The cunning gocoo is laying its egg in the crow nest, the stolen election victory of Royals.

    Why has he not talked in rupees so the Sinhala Buddhist Modaya can grasp it better? Is that like a Secret Solution he gave to Sampanthar Aiyya who never understood what he was negotiating with the Evil Emperor? Does he know that if had talked in Rupees, as per his imbecile math, he is 380,000 times richer than the Wildlife Sanctuary.

    Robert Knox said, by mistake, Sinhala Buddhist Intellectuals misunderstand their low-class cunning to higher intelligence. It seems you cannot handle this Mr. Evil. Time to resign, you sir!

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    Ranil’s brainless proposal to open an office for LTTE diaspora in Colombo (?) should be strongly condemned. In case Ranil goes ahead with the proposal, it (the LTTE office) should be bombed and destroyed the very first day. What? Isn’t that what they did to us?
    Sri Lanka doesn’t need money from terrorists who destroyed our economy for decades. There is no such thing as Tamil diaspora. There is only LTTE diaspora. There are over 100 LTTE diaspora organizations all over the world. They are still influencing the international community to pressure Sri Lanka for a separate homeland.
    I couldn’t believe the Ministry of Defence de-proscribing radical LTTE diaspora groups such as GTF, ATC, WTCC, TEPA, BTF & CTC who were even recognized by foreign intel as organizations that promote seperatist ideology in Sri Lanka. Then, there is the Exiled Ex-combatant/Intelligence Group of the LTTE. It is highly likely that they infiltrated all of the LTTE diaspora organizations.
    There are still 39 LTTE massacres that have not been resolved. If the de-listed LTTE terrorists, fundraisers and sympathizers visited Sri Lanka, the Police should arrest all of them at the airport and, detain and question them for their links with the now-defunct LTTE.

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      Finally Chimpa admits to what many of us suspected, that he / she is a SB terrorist. As long, low lives like Chimpa are around diaspora and other forms of resistance will flourish. Chimpa you mean those unsolved murders of Lasantha, Pararajasingham many other journalist, French NGO workers, Easter massacre, …..

      • 2

        I don’t want to attack wild buffaloes, but Champa’s nature is not different from that of a beast. She knows how to put ideas together, but most of them don’t fit. Earlier he spoke highly of Wimal Buruvasne, and no small people would agree at once. I really don’t know how stupid our common people are. I have no respect for our people (irrespective of their race, religion or other barriers): either Champa praises Putin or Rajapaksa. For some hidden reasons, she praises Mahinda, the parasite of the nation. Now I see that it was these men and women like Champa who destroyed the true Buddhism in Sri Lanka in the 80’s or until the 80’s. The naivety of these low lives has done great harm to this nation.

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    I don’t understand why Ranil is so fearful of the Rajapaksas. There are only three ways to remove Ranil from office which could easily be averted. One is democratic, one is undemocratic and the other is a self-trap. The democratic approach is by way of an Impeachment. As it is a long process, Ranil has ample time to thwart it. The undemocratic way is another insurrection similar to that of removing Gotabhaya from office. This is also not feasible as Ranil has made it clear that he would not allow another insurrection. The self-trap is the 22nd Amendment. The moment the 22A is passed in Parliament, both Ranil and Dinesh will be unceremoniously removed from office.

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