Highlighting concerns raised when the Eighteenth Amendment was passed, the recent appointment of the Police Commission shows just how unacceptable the new framework for independent bodies is. The appointments to the new Police Commission includes the Buddhist monk Elle Gunawansa. It is difficult to imagine someone more unsuitable to serve in the Police Commission, of all things. Truth, sometimes, is really stranger than fiction.
Alle Gunawanse was known to be a firebrand Buddhist monk with a tendency to go out of control once he began to speak. There were several monks like Gunawanse, who began their careers by encroaching on state land and putting up a small structure. Their success depended on political patronage. Gunawanse too encroached on crown land in Colombo 7 (Cinnamon Gardens) opposite the BMICH on Bullers Road.
It was well known to contemporaries that Gunawanse had strong links with late Minister Gamini Dissanayake and was a recipient of patronage from the Mahaveli Ministry. His humble structure was replaced by an impressive one from state funds, and in honour of the Maheveli Project received the grand name of Maheveli Maha Seya. He also acquired a Pajero Jeep – the symbol of the new rich of the Jayewardene era. As an extremist he was very much in tune with Gamini Dissanayake’s politics of that period. Gunawanse was known to organise karate classes for his Buddhist Front and ministers had participated in black-belt awarding ceremonies. It is clear that in this (as in any other) opportunistic alliance between politician and monk, it was the politician who reaped the long-term advantages. Gunawanse came in a long line of monks who occupied such positions (e.g. Buddha Rakkitha Thero of the S.W.R.D Bandaranaike era who later featured in the latter’s murder trial).
Sinha Ratnatunga’s ( now the Editor in Chief – Sunday Times) book Politics of Terrorism: The Sri Lankan Experience released in 1988, ascribes to Gunawanse an important role in the events of July 1983. He first appears (p.12) trying to whip up the emotions of the crowd at Borella cemetery. Gunawanse, wanted to harness the anger of the crowd and turn it against the Tamils. Gunawanse played on the alleged mutilated condition of the bodies to incite the crowd, demanding that the bodies be shown – ‘even a little dismembered finger’. That was the beginning of the holocaust.
The monk, who was the leader of the Sinhala Mahajana Peramuna is presented on the evening of the 24th of July asking the Army funeral authorities to show the bodies of the dead soldiers before they are interred. There is an oblique reference to him (p.16) as the monk who had come uninvited to the cemetery, who, that same evening, led a mob down Cotta Road, Borella, with a list in hand. He was subsequently reported being seen at the Cinnamon Gardens Police station, having come in a jeep with a pistol tucked under his robes, demanding curfew passes. The longest reference to Gunawanse’s activities appears on page 32 regarding the events following the late night cabinet meeting on 27th July. ( Read “Sri Lanka: Arrogance of Power – Rajan Hole.” for an in-depth analysis of Gunawanse’s criminal behavior )
Rory Winter / February 20, 2012
I am constantly taken aback by the existence of certain bhikkus in the Sri Lankan Theravada tradition of Buddhism who openly propagate and, indeed, even practise violence. Gunawansa is one of note; then there is Buddharakkita and Talduwe Somarama who gunned down PM Bandaranaike. Clearly there are many other bhikkus who live by the sword. How can they reconcile this with the fundamental doctrine of ahimsa? And why does the Buddhist sangha tolerate them? Is the sangha so corrupt and machiavellian in its behaviour that such an outrage is allowed to go on in the name of the Dhamma? The people of Sri Lanka would be much better off if religion is kept separate from the state!
padraigcolman / February 21, 2012
Rory see my article: http://www.doesthismakesense.com/writers/buddhism-politics-war-violence
Jana g / February 21, 2012
Colombo Telegraph, you must not publish such a think against a Buddhits monk. after all Ven. Gunavansa is buddhist monk and it is not good for our motherland to redicule such a monk.
Smiller / February 22, 2012
Jana G, for how long will you hide such kind of crimes in the name of your motherland? Or are you someone who is sheltering such crimes?
I am a Buddhist monk living in Sri Lanka for many many years. Unfortunately, I don’t have the power to take action against such crimes, for, if any foreigner speak against SL, the Sinhalese people got the habit of countering such actions and criticisms by saying foreigners are jealous of what SL achieved and they don’t want us to develop.
See what Sri Lankan monks have started
*Having wives
*Having huge amount of wealth for themselves
*Being very very aggressive/violent
*Being extreme nationalists and racist [Buddhism is strictly against racism and nationalism; Buddhism emphasizes
equality with indifference]
*misguiding the society
*They have got involved in the corrupted politics
*University bhikkhu students are ragging the foreign monks who come to learn Buddhism; there they are stripping
them during ragging.
*and many many many be a monk and live in monasteries, then you will see the hidden dirts.
I am not saying all the monks are bad, there are also very good monks, but very few in numbers and they don’t like to get involved in such dirts, coz, those dirty monks are criminally too powerful. I have participated hundreds of religious ceremonies, and found out that they are preaching the same sermons everyday – what’s the result? = 000000. Monks should learn what is needed in the society, not just preach rubbish. Preaching rubbish is against the admonition of the Buddha and the Sangha.
Now the war is over, this is the best time to built a peace loving and harmonious Sri Lanka, why not these ignorant Sinhalese monks realize this? Is it that because people like you are sheltering them?
The ancient Sinhalese monks have contributed to the development of the society, religion and state; and those things are not to be found in the Sinhalese Buddhist Sangha today, why? Why can’t the lay society interfere making the good monks their leaderships?
Wake up, wake up, wake up for the sake of yourself and all the others to prosper peacefully. If you really want your motherland to prosper work hard, think carefully, realize what is needed and work to achieve those goals.
raymond / February 22, 2012
Are you by any chance Madam Jena??
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
Sahana / February 23, 2012
Rajaratnam, do you have proof that an evangelical Christian gunned down SWRD? Or is it your small minded nature that the likes of you see a Christian behind every wrong thing in Sri Lanka? Buddhists priests just like others, are human and will commit wrong. There was one convicted just a few days ago of murder and give the death sentence. Does that mean all Buddhist priests are bad? Definitely not. In fact it was absolute irony for SWRD since he changed his religion to become a Buddhist for the sake of politics and played to the gallery and the rest we know is bitter history. That apart, please do not make Sri Lanka a Buddhist Taleban nation. That is the last thing we need. Give this country and all Sri Lankans, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and Moslems a chance at becoming truly multi-cultural.
Kapila / February 23, 2012
Rajarathnam Krishna are you realy Tamil? I Know you! You are from Nugegoda and Your real name is Rajaratna Geerthi..Am I right?? I kno you.. HA Ha ah ha………
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 27, 2012
Gamini / March 31, 2012
I fail to understand why Uvindu Kurukulasuriya has mentioned only Gamini Dissanayake as an associate of this rogue Elle Gunawansa. What about Premadasa who donated a block of land in front of the BMICH to build a replica of Aukana Buddha. Even MR have donated land to Elle Gunawansa near the Palan thuna junction at Battaramulla.
Gamini / March 31, 2012
I wonder why the writer has left out Premadasa who helped this Elle Horawansa, by donating a block of land in front of BMICH to build a replica of Aukana. Even MR has donated a block of land to this rogue at Battaramulla near the palam thuna junction.
Bodinayaka / February 20, 2012
Ela Sadu kenek. Gamin is a great politician. Eco friendly electricity is his vision.
Upul / February 20, 2012
මේ ඇල්ලේ එක පාරක් පිස්තෝලය බිම දලා දිව්වා………
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 21, 2012
suren / February 20, 2012
MR gave all security discussion informations and the moves of Norwegians during the peace-talks. Ella organized anti peace ralliws on the basis of those info.
His weekly visits to the northern army camps were sponsored by the presidents house even during CBKs time
Violence of the Sangha is not a mere myth but a political reality in Lanka.
rw / February 20, 2012
If Gautama Buddha were alive today the first thing he would have done is to dissociate himself from such a psychotic sangha!! :D
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 21, 2012
Ignorance has no limits, I mean of RW.
Katmai / February 24, 2012
This brings up a very interesting question. What is the purpose for a person be a Buddhist monk?
There is definitely a rule against a monk obtaining a drivers license and operating a vehicle, yet it appears Maha Sanha is OK with this monk carrying a gun?
Alas, as long as the Buddhist don’t want to know why, monks don’t have to explain themselves, right?
alok / February 20, 2012
Nooooo doubt, comrade of Mahinda’s…..?
Kamalika Rathnayaka / February 21, 2012
This is what we call reconciliation ? how can Tamil people respect this bugger, since he is bloody racist and a criminal? he him self participated 83 riots against Tamils?
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 21, 2012
Kamalika Rathnayaka has proved her parents’ low quality. Children are the mirror of their parents.
Pingback: A Criminal Monk To The Police Commission « Sri Lanka / February 21, 2012
Pingback: Elle Gunawansa appointed to Police Commission!!! | Thuppahi's Blog / February 21, 2012
Hemal / February 21, 2012
CBK used to say that when she and Vijaya were going around Colombo during the July 1983 riots to save Tamil friends, she saw Elle Gunawansa at Borella with a burning torch (“pandama’) in his hands inciting people against Tamils.
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 21, 2012
Hemal, go see a psychiatrist. I pray to Lord Ganesha that you get rid of hallucinations.
dr / February 21, 2012
with a name like yours why dont you go to hell and see a specilist in nirvana . sounds a real thug.
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
DR can go to a psychiatrist with Hemal, as DR thinks Nirvana is in hell. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhe!
galaboda / February 21, 2012
Alle is a thug. there is no issue. Bloody hell bugger is a Police Commissioner . wow wow. :) :) :)
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 21, 2012
There is an issue. And that’s to say “Galaboda” was born of jealousy, ill-will and stupidity.
sd / February 21, 2012
timely contribution by CT. hope you may unearthmore information on Elle. He is not a buddhist monk but a man in the robes. you may add the history of Nowton Gunarathna, another member of the police commission appointed by MR. He is some one who politisised the sate media to the unpresidented levels. and we may recall that when Dr. Jayadeva Uyangoda was nominated to the Constitution Council as the representative of the miniority parties JHU, the buddhist monks party oppposed and there by effctively blocked the appoinment of the CC.
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 21, 2012
Congratulations Reverend Sir. Just ignore statements of jealousy by anti-Buddhists. A Tamil myself, I’m glad that we got a spiritual person on the Police Commission. Unfortunately, when Buddhist monks take social roles, narrow-minded people ask them to go back to temples and preach. And when they do that, the same narrow-mind ask the monks to come out of temples and take social roles. According to Buddha, Buddhist monks are counselors, unlike clergy of other religions that only preach.
Mohamed Marzook / February 21, 2012
We keep accusing Western countries, international NGOs., etc. for all our problems and on issues of human rights violations but it is clearly seen that this Govt. violates all principles of good governance and build good image of the country so that we can defend ourselves in international forums. What an unwise step taken on this appointment in the eve of the Geneva conference. Is it not clear that the Govt. is to be blamed for all the problems we have nationally and internationally.
Gowrie / February 21, 2012
Had Buddha been alive today he would move to moon as a refugee…
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
Had Buddha been alive, he would disclose the animal nature of anti-Buddhist sub-humans like Gowrie and others on this forum.
Gowrie / February 21, 2012
“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are”..I guess MR showed us yet another friend of his..One can take it either way. The “Bikkus” showed us who their friend is.
Hema / February 21, 2012
Gowrie, The picture tells us, both are criminals and are planing something criminal. LOL
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
Jealousy has no limits. Don’t be jealous of a Buddhist monk.
Gerard Thurai / February 21, 2012
Am I the only one who sees parallels between this and the relationship between Bandaranaike and Buddharakkita Thera, the abbot of Kelaniya. An unholy alliance between an unscrupulous and ambitious politician and a greedy, nationalist monk, gave birth to a bloodbath and the eventual assassination of a Prime Minsiter.
Dr. Maverick / February 21, 2012
****this is my personal opinion****
I wish I could use filthy words to address the man behind the robe if it was him who incited the Buddhists against the Tamils but abstain with due respect for the saffron robe. The man behind the robe has forgotten that Vijaya(n) and Quveni’s mating was the beginning of Sri Lankan History. Vijaya(n) was a Hundu South Indian Prince and Quveni who belongs to the Yaksha tribe. If Sri Lankan history began with their mating, there is no doubt that the blood of Vijaya(n) should run in that man’s blood too. Hence, he broke two principles; 1. Lord Buddha never felt an anger against anybody but this man behind the robe incited w/o controlling his anger. 2. Waging war against his blood brothers
DAS / February 21, 2012
Much earlier,a princess mated with a lion and had two children Sihabahu and Sihaseevali. Sihabahu killed the lion.The brother and sister married and the eldest child of the union was Vijaya. ( Mahavamsa )
punchinilame / February 21, 2012
If MR wants to estalish his “Kingdom” he has made the right choice. Even the Mahanayakes will endorse this
patriotic act of MR. All those who hold contra opinions are fools as far as the direction GOSL is taking and that
too boldly!!.
nissankaliberalparty / February 21, 2012
Punchnilame you are correct
gt / February 21, 2012
Buddharakkita II or Somarama II? All the SL Govt. needs to do is keep suppressing the truth and history will repeat itself.
DAS / February 21, 2012
The Police Commission should consist of a lawyer, a doctor, a human rights activist, an administrater, an accountant, and a forensic scientist – among others.
Their expertise will be necessary.
Judging from the crime scene investigations which are in the ‘stone age’ in sri lanka. In this digital/scientific age, crime scenes are never photographed, persons at crime scenes are not tested soon for evidence of having discharged firearms, immediate collection of weapons and other evidence not done,and detection of fingerprints from them is not done expeditiously,
A buddhist monk who has forsaken the worldly life and adopted vows of poverty and celibacy, but instead has become a political activist, has no place in the commission.
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
In the United States and many eastern and western countries, government agencies have clergy on commissions and panels. Websites and e-media are flooded with Anti-Buddhists such as the ones on this form. GUYS DON’T BE JEALOUS OF REVEREND ELLE. UNLIKE YOU GUYS, HE IS BEST QUALIFIED. LOL.
Bodinayaka / February 22, 2012
Oney sadu kenekta mala panina wedak ne demalu kalea. Mama saduta kemathie
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
A Tamil myself I defend the Most Reverend Elle on this forum. He is best qualified to serve on the Police Commission.
raymond / February 22, 2012
I hope Ella Gunawansa won’t try the same trick that was perpetrated on late SWRD! It remains to be seen? Sooner than later EG should be disrobed. It is a disgrace to society.
Smiller / February 23, 2012
not only disrobe, the monks who ordained him should also be suspended from the Sangha community. Ordaining a criminal is strictly against the Vinaya.
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 23, 2012
Sampath / February 23, 2012
This Rajaratnam Krishna is no Tamil – maybe one of Elle’s supporters. He does not tolerate any other view but his and his alone. Sounds very much like a thug himself. Only Sinhala Buddhists must live in Sri Lanka and all others perish!
Bothale walauwe Barthalamew DS / February 23, 2012
Yes, kull the Vedha, rob the Buddha, then blame the Suddha !
rana / February 24, 2012
Most viewers here said the incidents saw by some other people or stories told by other people. These allegations are false. Ven.Elle Gunawansa done a great job while our forces fighting against LTTE and after the war for wounded and disabled soldiers betterment . If anybody say a criminal to such a monk he should check his mind. These allegations were just fabrications to tarnish the image of SL monks and the Buddhism.
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 27, 2012
Reality / February 24, 2012
Looks like Rajarathnam Krishna is the mouth piece and/or the secretary of the Monk in question. Do you have no other work than spending time countering each and every comment made by readers?
padraigcolman / February 24, 2012
Not a very high level of debate on this thread.
Rajarathnam Krishna / February 27, 2012
roshan ondon / February 24, 2012
you cant keep silent because he is a clergy. after all if he is a clergy (in technical terms) he would have not resorted to all these criminal activities. These are against buddhist principles. They are rogues like some polticians who enter poltics for makong maoney and these people wear robe for the same or even worse.
brad / February 24, 2012