18 February, 2025


A Dastardly Attempt To Use Legal Arguments To Block Government Finances & Sabotage The Anti-Coronavirus Campaign

By Mahinda Rajapaksa

Mahinda Rajapaksa

On the day that a countrywide curfew was declared to prevent the spread of Coronavirus – Friday the 20th March 2020 – UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe issued a media release stating that the previous government led by him had not passed a Budget for 2020 but that they had passed only a Vote on Account which would last till the 30th April 2020. He contends that therefore, after the 30th of April 2020, the present government would not have the legal right to allocate funds for any purpose whatsoever. Former opposition leader Sajith Premadasa has also been repeatedly making the same assertion via the social media.

Under Article 150(3) of the Constitution, the President is vested with the power to allocate funds from the Consolidated Fund to maintain government services after Parliament has been dissolved. Hence the public should not entertain any fears about the availability of funds for the anti-Coronavirus campaign and to maitain other government services. Last month on the 20th February, when we tried to move Parliament to allocate funds to pay the arrears owed by the yahapalana government to the suppliers of essentials such as medicines and fertilizer and to ensure the smooth supply of these goods, the opposition led by Sajith Premadasa which had a majority in Parliament blocked it so as to make it impossible for the new government to ensure the smooth running of the day to day affairs of the country. 

We were able to allocate the funds necessary to maintain essential services only due to the powers over government finance that the President assumes under Article 150(3) of the Constitution after the dissolution of Parliament. In a situation where there wasn’t a single Coronavirus infected patient in the country, the President dissolved Parliament on the 2nd March 2020 under Article 70(1) of the Constitution. Ten days later, when Sri Lanka’s first Coronavirus patient was discovered, the opposition led by Sajith Premadasa demanded the postponement of the election. Article 70(5) of our Constitution requires that the Gazette notification dissolving Parliament should also state the date on which the poll would be held and the date on which the newly elected Parliament would meet for the first time. Once such a proclamation has been issued, the President does not have any power to postpone the poll.  Under Section 24(3) of the Parliamentary Elections Act No: 1 of 1981, the Elections Commission is vested with the power to postpone the poll due to unforeseen circumstances or an emergency. The Elections Commission has postponed the poll accordingly.

The postponement of the date of the poll does not in any way change the financial powers vested in the President under Article 150(3) of the Constitution after the dissolution of Parliament. It can be seen that the two factions in the UNP are vying with one another to make political capital out of the Coronavirus epidemic. The entire country witnessed the manner in which former Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa tried to sabotage the anti-Coronavirus campaign by giving encouragement to the Sri Lankan expatriate workers who made a commotion at the airport refusing to be quarantined. Because they failed to cut off funding for the new government using their majority Parliament, an attempt is now being made to achive that result by concocting legal arguments about the financial powers vested in the President at a time when Parliament has been dissolved. 

We unreservedly condemn this attempt to sabotage the work of the government and the anti-Coronavirus campaign in the midst of the most serious epidemic that this country has ever faced. Despite such conspiracies against the nation launched by opportunistic elements, medical professionals, nurses and other hospital staff, members of the armed forces and all those engaged in the provision of essential services have been working day and night to bring the Coronavirus epidemic under control. I take this opportunity to express my appreciation and heartfelt thanks to them all.

Mahinda Rajapaksa – Prime Minister

Latest comments

  • 20

    you can borrow more money from China now. then after 10 years some more land will be sold to China.

    • 14

      Dear Mahinda maama,
      Dastardly????? Indeed, I feel your pain, if you have to learn such big words to make your point.

    • 8

      Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa,

      RE: A Dastardly Attempt To Use Legal Arguments To Block Government Finances & Sabotage The Anti-Coronavirus Campaign

      “He contends that therefore, after the 30th of April 2020, the present government would not have the legal right to allocate funds for any purpose whatsoever. Former opposition leader Sajith Premadasa has also been repeatedly making the same assertion via the social media.”

      We all know that the mean IQ of the populace is 79, and both you, your brother Ranil W are trying to position yourselves , to win the general election.

      Your brother, President Gootabaya Rajapaksa delivered an address to the nation. It was about him and the Phohattuwa, not much about the Coronavirus-19. Your brother, the President, allowed the school boys to have a match for 3 days, and the monks wanted to go to the butterfly mountain pilgrimage, based on the request by a monk, and the President allowed it, as appeasements.

      This was a Dastardly appeasement. Cobid-19 is going around circles.

      Is your brother, the President, Gotabaya Rajapaksa , a wimp? Has he turned into a Guoooo-tabaya?

      • 5

        Mr. Mahinda Rajaoaksa,

        A total number of 97 COVID-19 positive cases have been identified in Sri Lanka so far, the Health Ministry said. Accordingly, 10 patients have been tested positive for the virus today.

        Certainly, the government needs the money. Ask for more, and please pocket a small or large fraction, like the Hambantita harbor or the Tsunami funds. Can you hit the Chinese for funds?

        Anyway, the Chinese wants discipline. Do you have discipline?

        Any more cricket matches, pilgrimages etc?

    • 6

      We all know that at least those who know it, that CHINESE rape the stupid leaders in developing countries. But those leaders are made to tell the world that they are being protected by chinese. Now or later lanken people would have to realiize, the chinese investments are not because they love our nation but they love their people. Like or not, half of the world is now realizing it, but where there tthe nations are misled by criminal leaders, they will take some more time.
      Nearly 7 mio of voter eligible were misled by having narrated them with fairy tales about the concessions, but none of them are yet made instead, they widen the gap between the collossal amounts of huge debts – by taking further loans.
      Rajaakshes would never love this nation but their families. I have no doubt, even if Gotler would have some good thoughts to introduce the nation with good systems in order to bring the country back into tracks, but Mahinda the man who are surrounded with high criminals, over corrupted gangs would never allow Gota to breath in cleanly.
      Besides, Gota too, not a person with a good vision, if he was one, then he could stop the CORONA crisis at it very begining like poor Nepal and the like did it. Anyways, telling the palatable and stabbing with a knife was what they are taught in that family.. so I really dont keep hopes even if CORONA crisis would leave us in a few weeks now.
      Buduhamuduruwarne… we are caught by Rajapakshe criminals… we are now really ina problem.

      • 1

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      • 0

        Sinhala will give Chinese or anybody Sinhalese name and make them pm or presedent like they do with Malays because they are so inferior and corrupted, but you go to China or any Asian country, they will never allow any racial intermarriage decedents anywhere near to become pm or president. Look at Sri lanka, non of the leaders since 1948 were Sinhalese Buddhists and almost all of them were not Sinhalese. This the reason Sinhalese become Modayas because they kept hiding colonials history and their identities by taking Sinhalese names and presented Sinhalese public as true Sinhalese Buddhists. On top of that, they began to bribe Sinhalese public with jobs, lands and other bribes to promote their families.
        I did not know about Rajapkses or others, but I have to thanks Jews who exposed their identities. and if Jews did not did do that, Sinhalese crooks and criminal would have hid their identities because living luxuries lives from bribes they earned from them.
        However, Sinhalese crooks & criminals could not have all identities very long because when I heard rajapkses’ name around or between 2005\2008, I had no idea who are Rajapaksas including Bandaranaikes and Jayawardernas. But when I first time saw Rajapasas’ picture(todayPM) it reminded picture of face of a native North American and South American who decedents of Chinese tribe from Mongolia. And so I felt suspicious and did not have any Sinhalese friend from Canada to ask why Rajapkasa have a Chines look or look like a Eskimo in Canada. And in about a few week later, in a news paper, I saw Rajapaksas’ wife and his son picture with Rajapaksa names. Then I thought may be it was mistake by Sri lanka news paper and thought those pictures could have belong to Chinese foreign ministers’ wife and son.

    • 13

      the name of god and sake of poor people in this country, that have now been squeezed by every means, sell your wife SHIRANTHI to chinese, but not these poor ones.
      Just because of your mismanagement unitl 2015, srilankens have to pay high costs today…. even if the high cost civil war was over already 10 years ago. You have distributed the loans taken on the costs of the poor people among your thieves.
      Thieves and their names are given below

      Wimal Weerwanse – had been facing criminal investigations
      Udaya Gonthadipila- had been facing criminal investigations
      Nimal Lanza- had been facing criminal investigations
      Namal Rajaakshe- had been facing criminal investigations
      Jonsten Fernando- had been facing criminal investigations
      Rohitha Abegunawardhana- had been facing criminal investigations
      Mahndanandan Aluthgamage- had been facing criminal investigations

      All these bunch of HIGH criminals and their own income levels should be studied by a commission. Then the world and those 6.9 mio voters would be understandable how MAFIA boss wasted the tax payers funds…

      • 3

        “Just because of your mismanagement unitl 2015, srilankens have to pay high costs today….”

        It looks like these descendants of Dravida slaves with low IQ have a difficulty in making the distinction between ‘Good Management’ and ‘Mismanagement’.
        Due to ‘Good Management’ Rajapakses eradicated ‘Para’ Demala terrorism that lasted for three decades. The economy did well with an average growth of 6%. Lot of infrastructure development took place. They produced results for the money they borrowed.
        ‘Mismanagement’ started after 2015, with the ‘Jadapalana’ Government that came to power because of traitor ‘Gamarala’. From the time the ‘Royal Gang’ took control, the economy went down the drain. Despite having all the information in hand, ‘Jadapalakayo’ failed to stop Muslim terrorist attack. Borrowed about Rs. 5 Trillion but no results. The list can go on….

        • 6

          What an idiot you should be Evil Eagle ?.
          Anyone with a bird brain would see it but you would not. With less than a decade or two to go with your being, you ve been in your 80ties, if you have not grasphed it … is shameful.
          Bps became untouchable not because they were born wealthy but LOOT and the discounts they earned by pawning the nation to China.
          This is provable. God father of Bond Scam is Mahina BP…
          God father of all other high crimes is MAHINDA Bp.
          I lost my ancestor house in Matara Area, … investigations proved us, a bunch thugs have supported the notars to grab the land properly. I have a dozen of friends and aquantees, that faced the same during Rajakapskehs rule. No matter, anything would hurt to the human being, if THUGS would have been promoted… was number one tactics rajaakshes to earn publicity. They would even sell out their wives being greedy at the tax payers funds.
          Gimmi Carter and Bill clinton after their two term services being given to their nation, all what they have been doing yet today is DOING lot more good to the nation .. who are really in need. Even CBK and President Jayawardhana did so. They were not greedy at power…. for no reason Rajapakseh ballige puthas to hang on in power ruining this nation is beyond ethics and morals.
          I fight to my last sweat drop to prove that Rajakashes are born to ruin THIS nation.
          Doing that much of harm but paitning it as they did nothing … is in their genetics.
          Ballige puthas should finally get it, that they are not the only ones to give a leadership to this war torn nation.

    • 10

      Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa you need to follow due process even to respond to the covid 19 virus… so get together with Ranil and Sajith follow due process and get to responding to the covid19 virus without playing power politics in the middle of a pandemic and pretending that Ranil and Sajith are blocking the covid19 response efforts…

    • 5

      The easier way is to create a fund called “Helping Corona in Madamulana” just like “Helping Hambantota” during Tsunami. Then Basil can help MR to do the needful. Now MR family has been expanded to another generation they may need more looting to sustain.

    • 0

      Sri lanka will become Chinese. Crooks and sold Sri lanka harbor to Chinese to produce more Chinese decedents. This is good for Chinese and their cousin- tribes in Sri lanka. so increase their power promote their families.

      Sinhalese will to declare blood war on Rajapkses and their modaya voters to get them to dismantle 99-year lease to Chinese.

      Escalating war on Modayas voters is better to teach them or make them learn that selling somebody’s country is a serous crime.
      I was ok with original US agreement which does not station US army in Sri lanka and therefore, there was not threat pose to Sri lanka. But giving land to Chinese to counter Wester countries support to Tamil is not right direction: in the long term, more Chinese born non Sinhalese(like Malays with Sinhalese names destroy Sinhalese identity.) will give more power to all foreigners more access to espionage and end of Sri lanka

  • 13

    Playing the blame game is a total waste of time and energy. The situation is what it is. Now let us focus on the issue here and try to find solutions. or else Virus will answer to all One will be Tons, by
    Superior version of the blame game never worked either.

  • 12

    Dont worry Percy.

    There are 2 UNPs today, tomorrow and right upto the unforeseeable future when the election would be held.
    There are 2 [ Probably more ] TNAs until election day.
    Only 1/2 an SLFP until election day.
    Now lets do the Math.
    2+ 2 + 1/2 = 4.5
    Your friend that Legal Ignoramus,and Self appointed topmost Legal Luminary Gammanpilla will say that it is a 4/5 th Majority even without holding an election!

  • 13

    If the House is on fire we dont count the cost of the water.
    The Govt needs funds to address the emergency right now without legal delays.
    It could consider to print free money at least to help feed the poor who are without money/income/savings ..

  • 9

    Don’t stress Mahinda.

    Let the UNP Opp Leader give Planquenil , his miraculous cure to the inhabitants with free Menstrual Pads and free Bath Packets starting from the next May day.

    And bring Pujitha . Hemasiri, Senanayaka and CID Abey to protect the inhabitants from Cororona Carriers.

    Put Bathudeen and Galleon Ravi to import Dhall and Mackerel .And Dr Rajitha and his Wahabi Mate to import Planquenil-

    Too easy…

    • 0

      Planquenil – This is alaso called Hydrochloroquinine and it is an antimalarial drug. I am wondering as Malaria isliminated at least from part of the world, whether the company salesman is making an effort via Facebook may be to get rid of old lots.
      I every where see news paper articles promoting anri-Malaria drugs for virus attacks.
      It does not work even for Denghue.

  • 18

    Stop your lies Mahinda. You have billions for luxury cars and elections but no money to fight Coronavirus! Tell that to the marines. WHO and WB have also given $1 million each and another $500 million was borrowed from China recently. What happened?

    We all remember how you robbed the entire Help Hambantota Tsunami fund all to yourself when the country was in a major crisis the last time.

  • 17

    Why don’t you use some of the ‘Tzunami funds, Mig Deal money, 40 tons of stolen gold sold to Japan, Bond scams with Nivad Cabba, Dubai Marriot, Seyshells savnigs………… Air Lanka Deals and many more ???????’.

  • 13

    if the prez has the necessary financial powers why seek 1200 million dollar loan from china

  • 11

    You have introduced all kind of corruption in Sri Lanka. How many people stole money in your last terms and all those who looted public money brought you back into power. not because of their love and kindness to you and your family but to punish you and your family. It is like Karma come back to you. now, you and your family will pay the price. You have been greedy for power and now you will pay back with this virus. the more quicker the country goes into economic difficulties the quicker people will start hurting you. How many time people told you retire from this dirty politics and yet, fate and predestination play with you… now is the time to retire with respect and give the country to choose natural choice.. people with talents and skills should rule the country not families.

  • 10

    Should dastardly be spelt with a B in this case?

  • 16

    2oth Feb Parliament, there was no Corona issue. You as the Finance Minister was not even in Parliament to present the request and debate opposition concerns. (The funds were to pay contractors, nothing to do with medicine). If you were so concerned abaout the country, you/ brother should not have dissolved parliament. Election cost is huge.
    So patriotic PM, pls explain the wasteful funds for Mattala airport, Htota Conference centre (only 1 conference in 4 yrs), 6 lane highways , Cricket stadium 500mn etc
    Lets stop this blame game and form a unity Government with all parties to fight this extraordinary situation

  • 12

    —-Hello Tsunami Hora Mahinda,

    ——–You notorious swindler and unprecedented king of thieves !!!!!!

    —-We know your type—–We know you have already formed —Helping Corona Fund — to pocket in

    ———at least 40-50% of US$ 500 million borrowed from China —

    ——6.9 million Sinhala Buddhist idiots that voted Gothapaya and their future generations will pay it back with interest –along with a big chunk of prime land mass in the blessed island to China———–

    —–Now we know why you opposed to Millennium Fund Grants —

    ——–Unlike with corrupted and Corona producing China, you cannot fool Americans to pocket in
    40-50% of American Funds—

    ————Jayawewa to —–Helping Corona Fund—

  • 10

    GLP Moda once again talking about Political ethics. This GLP has turned a worse Naria than Ranil.

    On the name man of the man who claims that he has dodged the UN Electric Chair for the murder of 150,000 Tamils, GLP is writing this essay. When the SLFP MPs asked that man to leave the coup PM job, in return he asked then who was going to save his from all the crimes it did. 19A says a presidential candidate should have only Wildlife Sanctuary membership. But it was a law break King became the EP. This man was in positions like PM, opposition leader without a legal membership in parliament. His Slap Party didn’t have any MPs, but he was the opposition leader and PM for some time.

    Now the opposition is asking to reconvene the parliament so they can approve finance bills. Because these guys have no official MP position they don’t want to reopen Parliament. But Dastardly clinging on legal provisions of faulty 19A to dismiss the parliament early, before its date to keep the parliament closed and refuse democracy for citizens.

    Slaves like GLPs are worse the Coronavirus to the country.

    • 3


      Did GLP write this?…No wonder the English is perfect, The content is Ace..10 out of 10 from me..

      BTW , the Sampathar Party and its Deputy Abraham seem to have gone Cold Turkey, even in the midst of that Corona controversy , where the Swiss Pastor visited Jaffna , although he was carrying the Virus.

      And the Uthugan published an Ad calling the poor Inhabitants to come to meet the Swiss Pastor, if they want to keep away the Corona Virus..

      Now the Govt apparently is desperate to put in measures to protect the poor inhabitants getting infected and spreading the Cororona in the Peninsula.

      Don’t you think this is a good opportunity for Sampathar Party to show solidarity for the poor in the Peninsula .
      And help Mahinda to protect them from this deadly decease .

  • 3

    Last Parliment of two session(2015.1.8) & (2015 .8 17 to 2019 March 2nd) and which ruling regime by name of “good governance” has misled millions of People of whole Country, Nation by UNP led unholy alliances ….since 2015 Jan 8th .

    The political club of TNA .JVP, Muslim Congress (MC) of and other Muslim MP in Parliament was key partners whom an influence rulers of that government.
    The de factor that unholy alliance was composition by political terrorist of JVP in South , LTTE of Tamil terrorist of separatist in North ,& Islamist religion fundamentalist extremist were played key role of UNP regime by FIVE Years since 2015 Jan 8th.

    The core leaders of these alliance unrepented orthodox christen leader of by Ranil Wickamasinge of UNP and MS & CBK of SLFP -Federalist representatives were policy makres of that anti- Sovereignty political forces in Island.
    Being an unholy alliance International terrorism is STILL rampant as is spread of extremism backed by USA led western hegemonies . Therefor JVP, LTTE proxis of that TNA and Local Muslim of nexus Islam fundamentalist of their enemy nation of Islanders?

    Last governess was a Regime of West come to dominate by rest of the Democratic State run of puppets backing by UNP leadership.
    Three outfits of Terrorist of JVP, LTTE and ISIS of local Muslim terrorist to gain political interest via extremist ,violent behaviour and such terrorist usually use political topics,economic,social religion of historical problems; in reality to incite hatred of deceive and attract of that UNP SLFP and other JHU political supports.
    The Ranil Wickransinghe was leader of UNP currently an opposed GR Presidency rule of clean governance.
    Lost leadership of UNP of Ranil Wicks seek the common trick played which Financial sanction against GR and MR governaces . of 2019 November 16.?

  • 6

    The Govt is doing a great job in handling the virus. Those who cannot stand it will always bark and try to disrupt. Please don’t get distracted. Keep up the good work.

  • 11

    “In a situation where there wasn’t a single Coronavirus infected patient in the country, the President dissolved Parliament on the 2nd March 2020 under Article 70(1) of the Constitution.”

    It is a complete lie. There were number of suspected Coronavirus cases in Srilanka and number of passengers cancelled their flights to Srilanka by early February.First confirmed case of Coronavirus infected person was reported from Sri Lanka on 27th January 2020.

  • 10

    Where are the Yellow Robes? why cannot these Mahanayakas hold any pirith ceremony to chase this Korona Devil which is destroying our country.
    the President and the Prime Minister always meet the Mahanayakas to get advise to solve the Minority problems of releasing the lands forcibly occupied by the Sri Lankan Army and releasing the innocent Tamils taken into custody and living in the Jails for over 15 years without producing them to the courts. Why cannot these Mahanayakas give advise to these rulers.Tourism came to 0 level. Over 60 factories closed five star hotels became 0 star hotels. all the Ministers gone underground in fear of the Korona. Minister Rambukwella told that he will destroy the Corona in 24 Hrs. like he destroyed the LTTE and he went into hiding. where are the Ranavirus and Korona Virus? but Korona is spreading widely all over the country. Karma comes round and round.

  • 4

    Are you sure about the powers the constitution gives a President regarding allocating funds ? Generally Ranil is fully aware of the sections of the constitution . Have a chat with him with this regard. We need to fight a Virus not an Election Mr . PM

  • 6

    MR there was no need to rush for elections you as a experience politicians should have foreseen Corona is coming and waited till August 2020 to dissolve parliament but you made a big mistake dissolving parliament on 3rd of March due to your never ending power hunger and you were blind you put your family before the country, also it was announced to the world that Srilanka is Corona free by Weerarathna tourist board director so you see MR what we have to go through because of your stupidity and the suffering we have to go through please don’t blame the opposition for that its your baby now in USA vice president is heading the fight against Corona virus same with UK , Australia , France and other countries and where are you hiding come out and head the fight against corona virus we know you and your family will take the opportunity make money like helping hambantota .

  • 6

    MR you are the mastermind and role model for the bond scam of your predecessor RW.

    Now your brother got the power to run the country with fund allocation without parliament.

    Hopefully, you will add more debt to the treasury and stock it for another 20 years for your personal use and we citizens may need to bear it.

    Really we feel the shame of you and your family and your distant relative RW.

    All of you are curse foe the country.

  • 5

    All these time you went to Thiruppathy, but to of no avail. Why no pay a visit to Kedanarth in North India and seek advice to solve this burning problem.

  • 3

    This pandemic is not to be taken lightly. Western nations are battling it with the utmost difficulty and urgently need medical equipment, that is hard to find, and hospitals are struggling to cope with the number of patients coming in. Our nation is going to be hit badly too, and need all the help it can get to cope with the spread.
    If the Rajapaksa’s want to save people’s lives, they have to put aside their greed, and make many sacrifices, to ensure the help we get is used to save lives, not to fill their bank accounts. Enough of that corruption, this time the country needs to fight an enemy that seems to get the upper hand.

  • 3

    Aiyo! Percy! you are a seasoned politician. You know the manoeuvres of an opposition. . You would have pulled the leg of the Government whenever you had the chance when you too were in the opposition. So don’t cry like nothing. Legality! My Foot! It is the same damned tool that was used by the Yahapalana Government against you fellows and you started using in the temporary government of yours against Champika and Rajitha for starters. We all know today that judges can sentence people to death for a possible promotion. You are making use of the fellows of the same mentality to achieve your end. Incidentally you too belong to the set of blood suckers who where a black-coat. Instead of crying foul ENSURE THAT THE SUPPLIES TO PEOPLE ARE PROVIDED EVEN WHEN A CURFEW IS ON. OTHERWISE PEOPLE WILL COME TO THE STREETS EN-MASSE.

  • 2

    Ms Meera Shrinivasan , the Hindu Reporter in Colombo says in her Twitter, that Prez Nandasean will bring Corona VD under control in a couple of weeks.

    It made my day..

  • 0

    Let’s check how SL is doing to manage the spreading of COVID-19: (62nd day data).

    Entity: Code: Total confirmed cases of COVID-19: Slope of exponential curve over the last 10 days:

    Sri Lanka LKA 78 0.23300 (Slope is in the expected range. Isolation is still not good enough).

    Batch 1:

    United Kingdom GBR 5018 0.22700
    Canada CAN 1231 0.22000
    Australia AUS 1098 0.21600
    Switzerland CHE 6077 0.20400
    Netherlands NLD 3631 0.19100
    Malaysia MYS 1183 0.18600
    India IND 320 0.18000
    France FRA 14459 0.16700
    Taiwan TWN 153 0.14300


    Batch 2: Currently in stabilized range based on the slope of the exponential curve over the last 10 days.

    Norway NOR 1926 0.11600
    Sweden SWE 1746 0.10000
    Singapore SGP 432 0.10000
    Denmark DNK 1326 0.070000
    Japan JPN 1046 0.045000
    South Korea KOR 8897 0.012000
    China CHN 81499 0.0010000

    Raw data used in this analysis was extracted from the following site:

  • 0

    Instead of Politicizing crises to divert public attention populations to accumulate vote , People needs President having vested with the power to allocate funds should not delay all party coordination and agreement on concrete actions to deal with the pandemic’s repercussions

    Singapore and Hong kong are now getting hit with the second wave learning this case monitering what happens globally

  • 0

    All Party coordination…… Are there worthy politicians all round to arrive at concrete actions to deal with pandemic’s repercussions ??
    President has been vested with power by the people. So let him deal with it.

  • 1

    You just claimed to have 7 Billion for the election, and signed nominations in a hurry amidst Corona break down. Your ministers claimed to hold Billions to pay the dues (red bills ????) of previous Govt. You just got a loan fron China and one more is approved to receive soon. Where is dasardtly act??? The first case of Corona was reported in early Jan. The warnings came last year it self. Knowing all this you were in a hurry to dissolve parliament and now you cry foul. Make up your mind what exactly you want ???? You the one who laughed and made fun at Sajith when he warned about the pandemic in early Feb. You refused to call all party leaders in strategising counter measures. Now you try to blame the opposition, who was not at all involved until now. Because of money you decided to call a meeting today. Keep in mind social distance. no hugging and kissing and more important not more than 5 people in a room.

  • 0

    If you could I am sure you would have claimed “zero casualty” , but not this time.

  • 0

    Today amidst corona crisis , your President Brother used his extraordinary powers (given to handle crisis), to pardon ex army personal who was sentenced to death for killing EIGHT civilians in Mirusuvil, Jaffna. Your brother just few days ago was mulling to let minor offenders free during this crisis. Hence you brothers considered this to be a minor offence, and let him off free. Do you think LKY (lee Kuan Yew) would have done the same during a human tragedy ??????

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