3 May, 2024


Aggressive Minority Politics A Threat To National, Regional & Global Peace

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

Anbarasan Ethirajan is a seasoned Correspondent of the BBC who covers Sri Lankan politics from time to time. His latest report is titled Sri Lanka’s Muslim “demonised” after Easter bombings. (August 13, 2019 – BBC News). The overall thrust of his latest report is to present the Muslims as victims of the Sinhala-Buddhists. He weaves his story to cast the Sinhala-Buddhists as the majority persecuting the minority Muslims. This theme of majority persecuting the minority is the usual excuse that hits the headlines, each time inter-religious, inter-ethnic, inter-cultural violence breaks out in any corner of the globe. It opens up space for criminals in minority communities to pose as victims of the majority. Intellectuals and academics use it to white wash minority crimes against the majority.

Blaming the majority helps the minority to get away with their crimes against the majority. In some instances it helps criminals from minority communities to pose as heroes (Example: Prabhakaran). The need to combat the majority at any cost even enables criminal leaders of minority communities to justify their crimes to liquidate their dissidents refusing to toe the official line. The minority passing the buck to the majority also breeds a plethora of human rights activists and globe-trotting UN rapporteurs who, after a hurried visit of few days, write their reports on the stereotyped format of blaming the majority to justify their stipend.

Above all, it is easy to spin a sob story of victimisation even when the minority had been beneficiaries of the highest privileges. Sri Lanka is one of the unique nations which produced billionaires who carried backpacks loaded with explosives to target Christians at prayer in suicidal terror attacks. Even Osama bin Laden, the other billionaire, did not carry out suicidal attacks. He got others to do it. Only Zahran Hasheem, led the suicidal attack on foot. It is also a nation where minority violence originated from the most privileged segments of society.

Ethirajan spins his story around this hacked theme of victimised minorities. In a country of 70 % Sinhalese he focuses on the plight of a Muslim (10%) trader facing virtual boycotts from the Sinhalese customers who were reacting to the Easter Sunday bombing that killed hundreds of mainly Tamil Christian worshippers. He interviews Mohammed Iliyas, a hardware shop owner, serving mainly Sinhala customers. Quoting Iliyas he says: “Since the Easter Sunday bombings, almost 90% of my Sinhalese customers have stopped buying from my shop. My business has gone down significantly and I have lost hundreds of thousands of rupees.”

He adds: “Minority Muslims live among the majority Sinhalese community in this area (Kottaramulla). For decades, Mr Iliyas, who is a Muslim, spent his days serving people from all religious communities.

But that has changed since Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday bombings in April,” says Ethirajan.

It is at this point that he spins his story to project the Muslims as victims of the majority Sinhalese. In doing so he narrated the usual sob story of the majority reacting negatively against the Muslim minority. This is typical of Western reporters projecting the majority Sinhalese as persecutors of the minorities. The story of Iliyas is incontrovertible. But that is not news. It happens in any global community where the majority reacts against the violence of the minority, or vice versa.

The newsworthiness is in the story he skipped. That story is elsewhere. It is in two places mainly. It is first in the big picture where the majority is confronted by the aggressive minorities pursing identity politics to violent extremes – a common feature in global politics today. Second, it is in the third wave of Sri Lankan youth exploding violently to pursue futile political goals.

Of the three, the two initial waves came from the Sinhala youth who flocked to the JVP in the early seventies in search of a socialist paradise. The second was the Tamil youth who took up arms in search of an elusive Eelam in the late seventies and eighties – a violence that lasted for 33 years (from the official declaration of war in the Vadukoddai Resolution in May 1976 to May 2009 in Nandikadal). And the third was the rise of Muslim youth from the most affluent layers of the Muslim society. All three movements were aimed at attacking, and if possible dismantling, the democratic mainstream to impose the will ideologically obsessed youth from all three communities.

Iliyas’s story, as narrated by Ethirajan, is a local manifestation of the global phenomenon of the minority moving aggressively to impose their will on a majority culture. It also raises the question as to whether Iliyas is a victim of the Sinhala-Buddhist majority, or the politically engineered internal politics of Muslims who have been driving their former sedate culture with the calculated intention of radicalising the Muslim community to achieve pie-in-the-sky caliphates in Sri Lanka.

One of the political strategies has been to Arabify the community with Wahhabist extremism with a nudge and a wink from the Muslim leaders.  With funding from Wahhabist Muslim sources from the Middle East they have been deviating deliberately from the traditional Muslim culture to radicalise a community which co-existed peacefully with the other communities for centuries. Prior to the radicalising and Arabification of Muslims in Sri Lanka, mosques survived and thrived with the Churches and Buddhist and Hindu temples with the least amount of tensions.

But the new politicised culture aimed at the Arabification of the East in particular, with madrassas sprouting like mushrooms in other parts for the radicalising of the Muslim youth. This Wahhabification (a local version of Talibanisation) produced a new breed of foot soldiers for politicised Islam. Brain-washed Muslim youth were trained in bomb-making and other terror tactics. The militarisation of the domesticated neighbourhood consisting of traders, butchers, wayside buriyani-makers, tailors etc., posed a new threat for peaceful co-existence with other communities. The traditional saree draped casually over the head was replaced by niqabs and burkas signalling the rise of an aggressive assertiveness within the Muslim community. That is the feminine manifestation of Muslim radicalism. The masculine version reached new heights, creeping up as far as the affluent middle-class youth. They emerged from behind the shadows of imported Imams to assert emphatically their radical Islamic identity. Instead of covering their faces with black cloth they substituted a thick and lengthy growth of defiant Blue Beards. They declared their commitment to Islam through the fierceness of their beards. The public manifestation of a hirsute Islamic identity hit the tonsorial trade very hard. They also wore the thwab / thobe, the ankle-length, long sleeved robe.

The Arabification of Islam was demonstrated publicly in the sartorial idiosyncrasies. It was visible for those with eyes  to see. Practically everyone in the Muslim community was aware of the rise of this new force. Nevertheless, it took everyone by surprise on Easter Sunday when the leading militant Muslim youth walked coolly into Churches for a cause which had not been articulated clearly by their Muslim leaders, or even by the Muslim terrorists in a coherent or cogent ideology. Various theories have been bruited as the cause, some of which lead to even foreign sources. But what emerges as a certainty from the fog of  theories, speculation, conflicting evidence, and the mystifying paralysis and inaction of the state is that the Muslim leaders were aware of the power and the aggressive nature of the Muslim youth and, of course, their external political and financial sources.

Billionaire Zahran Hasheem became the leading model of the affluent terrorists, debunking the pop theories of oppression and poverty as the root causes of political violence. He was, in a sense, the carbon copy billionaire Osama bin Laden.  In Sri Lanka the Muslims were producing a new breed of terrorists riding in Pajeros with money to burn. They wielded sufficient power to summon Muslim leaders and make them obey their commands. They even dared to challenge the state forces by staging violent political protest with impunity. They were in a commanding position to get away as a law unto themselves with the critical segments of the state turning a blind eye.

The politicising of Islam into an Arabic cult (albeit with Sri Lankan characteristics) was the critical turning point that propelled the Muslim youth into violence. Rightly or wrongly, it also turned the image of the Muslims as a new kind of violent separatists seeking to establish a caliphate on Sri Lankan soil. The reaction of the non-Muslim majority was not to traditional Islam (which among other things produced flavoursome buriyani and  wattalappam) but to politicised Islam that turned violent.

The rise of aggressive Islam threatening to challenge and confront the other settled cultures inevitably produced a predictable reaction. It is unrealistic for an aggressive minority attempting to have their way through violence to expect the sympathy of the other peace-loving communities. So the story of Iliyas facing boycotts and distancing by the Sinhalese is predictable. It is not a peculiarity of the Sinhalese only. It is a universal story common to all societies in conflict with each other. The Irish Catholics bombing the hell out of the British Protestants, or the Muslims in the post 9-11 period faced the identical reaction from the communities their leaders targeted. The BBC has streamed overwhelming evidence of this instinctive human trait. Clearly, the BBC narrative to make Iliyas look like a victim of the Sinhalese is to distort the realities of a global phenomenon. I won’t be surprised if the next BBC bulletin reports that the sardines packed in Canada were killed by the Sinhala-Buddhist migrants!

*To be continued…. 

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  • 15

    What is wrong with you. Since 1948, Sinhalese majoritarianism rule the country…. Yet, you how Sri Lanka stands now. it tells more about it.

    • 10

      H. L. D. Mahindapala,

      RE: Aggressive Minority Politics A Threat To National, Regional & Global Peace.

      Interesting selective essay.

      Have you heard about cause and effect? Newton’s Third Law? Absence of Rule of Law equally to all citizens?

      This is the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. Everybody else is a foreigner, stranger, outsider, Para-deshi, Para for short.

      Actually it is the non-respect for the Law and Order, and the selective impunity given to the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” and the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” saffron clad monks, that is the cause of this mayhem.

      In 1949, the Citizenship Act disenfranchised the Para-Indian Tamils.

      In 1956, Para-Tamil Language was not recognized as an official language. Only Para-Sinhala Language was recognized.

      In 1958, Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” and the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” saffron clad monks, had riots against Para-Tamils.

      In 1977, Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” had riots against Para-Tamils.

      In 1983, Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists”, had riots against Para-Tamils, called Black July.

      So, Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” and the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” saffron clad monks, are the cause , and are insults to Buddhism and to the Buddha.

      The Para-Tamils reacted and tried to defend themselves. Got help from Tamil Nadu and India, resulting in a 30–year Para-separatist war.

      After 2010, the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” and the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” saffron clad monks, started attacking Para-Muslims systematically, at several places including Kurunegala, Alutgama, Beruwala, Gintota, Amparai, Digana. Kandy, Minuwangoda, etc. This has tested the patience of the Muslim youth, and got them pushed into extremism and terrorism , just like the LTTE.

      Hadith of Najd


      Of course, the Devil. Satan following Wahhabies, the Wahhabites, aided and abetted in this Wahhabization-Terrorism process. The traditional Muslims were Sufis and Shia, who love God, as opposed to the Wahhabies who love Satan , Devil, per prescient Hadith of Najd and were the first victims.

      • 6

        Mr H. L. D. Mahindapala,

        You must be in your 80s ……. is this all what you have achieved/accomplished in your life? ……….. An irrational blinding hatred?

        I know many people – Sinhala and Tamil – who spew blind hatred from afar but are nothing but utter cowards and will never fight the wars their hatred instigate. They want others to fight their battles/wars.

        I also know young men of both sides who have lost limbs in wars instigated by cowards who hide behind womenfolk when the bullets starts flying.

        But hope for the sake of the country that even a wee little bit of intelligence permeate the thick-skulls of cowards on both sides …….

        I hope even the rabid Tamil-hating Sinhalese Einsteins realise ……. that the best defence/safeguard we have against the ever-present threat from India is nothing but a Tamil population that feels they are full stakeholders of the country.

        Blind-hatred is primordial and easy …….. a few thoughts beyond that comes with evolution …….

    • 6

      What can you expect from a Rajapakse Bum sucking swine waiting near a toilet pit for his daily meal…. than this piece of shit written? The unfounded accusations he hurls at the Muslim community is the same garbage that all the SINHALA RACIST muck heads are propagating all throughout the GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE MAFIA owned news media (Derana, TNL, Swarnawahini, Hiru, Wijeya Publications, Upali Newspapers, and the hundreds of Sinhala Racist YouTube channels they have launched to help the Govi criminals to hold onto 72+ years of power). What these SKUNKS like HLD Mahindapala have forgotten is that it was the (and is the) same Muslims, Arabs “Wahhabists” who helped the Sri Lankan economy to be strong that provided the Sinhalas high paying jobs that which could have been given to their own suffering poor Muslims. For 40+ bloody years, the Sinhala Racists were enjoying the Muslims money inputs into their economy that helped them even to win the battle against the LTTE by having the confidence to buy weapons to kill the poor Tamils in the guise of fighting the LTTE and just look at their UNGRATEFULNESS!!! Almost all the Sinhala racist leaders and their slave pigs depend on the economy with its incoming MONEY(Foreign Revenue) to swim in the CORRUPTION and that same money coming from the none other than the same ‘ENEMY’ that they have created out of the REAL FRIENDS-The Muslims. Its they who donated money in billions unlike the FAKE FRIENDS of the Sinhala Racists who are Jews/Israelis & US (Jewish IMF-WB), India, CHINA and the EU who are LENDING MONEY on interest, that something which put the full burden on the already bankrupted TAX PAYING Sri Lankan population. Mahindapala can think of making the GOVIGAMA ELITE’S Evil Venture in PURE BUDDHIST RAJYA minus ARAB/MUSLIM money…..

      • 3

        The points he is shamefully presenting as problems are nothing but ordinary social changes that happens in every society. The Sinhalas never wore sari or jacket and gown or frocks in the old days. Someone can get an old picture and see for themselves as what they wore. It was the British, Portugese and the Dutch who brought in various cultures to the local populations. Likewise, the Muslims wore Sarees in the old days depicting the Indian culture. But, then the modern days brought in more varied cultural changes which are harmless and and adaptable.How come GOTA the Racist bugger wearing a full suit??? He is a local BLACK MAMBA who should be wearing a striped Duro Sarong and a Skinny baniyan west. To wear a full suit he at least should be fluent in a foreign language like the English. “who is Lasanthaa…” is his Doctorate. Bloody beggar criminal robbing the state and getting rich and then he comes preaching rule of law….my foot! These GOVIGAMA BASTARDY needs MASS MURDERING thugs to take over the system. That’s why even the Ranil Wickremasinghe extended GOVI family is secretly/openly working to bring the White Van mass Murderer as the next President. Sira Govi bugger installed the Shavendra Silva as the Army Commander to do what???? He was appointed to restart the Killings as Shavendra will do the killing of any number/anybody to the order of the GOVI MASTERS. This is what was happening all throughout the history. For last 100 years, it was the GOVI bastards who ar killing the local citizens under various devices and reasons, in thousands. Its the same killing bandits having banded together to do the next level of killings, raping of captives and looting of the nation. Count the number of killed victims and you can tally it with the accusations HLD have against the Muslims.

  • 19

    H. L. D. Mahindapala

    “Aggressive Minority Politics A Threat To National, Regional & Global Peace”

    Your title says it all.
    The Aggressive Sinhala/Buddhist noisy minority does not realise the danger it poses towards peace within and outside this island.

    • 12

      Nothing but muck-in-the-parlour.

    • 4

      Native Vedda and H. L. D. Mahindapala,

      “The Aggressive Sinhala/Buddhist noisy minority does not realise the danger it poses towards peace within and outside this island”

      Cause and Effect! Want to understand the causes?

      It is Para-Sinhala Para “Buddhism” that is a distortion of Buddhism and an Insult to the Buddha. What about the Temple of the Canine Tooth, where the saffron clad Para-Sinhala monks fleece the unsuspecting populace, and make them prostrate to these monks? Is stupidity a virtue? Or, do you need to brainwash them first?


      Buddhism Betrayed?



      With a Foreword by Lal Jayawardena

      224 pages | 9 halftones | 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 | © 1992

      This volume seeks to answer the question of how the Buddhist monks in today’s Sri Lanka—given Buddhism’s traditionally nonviolent philosophy—are able to participate in the fierce political violence of the Sinhalese against the Tamils and Muslims as well.

      • CONTENTS
      Foreword by Lal Jayawardena


      1. Introduction: The Question
      2. The Period of Buddhist Revivalism, 1860-1915
      3. Politics and Constitutional Progress, 1915-1946
      4. Radical Monks and the Legitimation of Monks’ Participation in Politics
      5. The Betrayal and Restoration of Buddhism: Accusations and Remedies
      6. The Betrayal of Buddhism: Report of the Committee of Inquiry
      7. The Social Revolution of 1956 and Its Aftermath
      8. The Restoration of Buddhism and the Transformation of Education in the 1960s and 1970s
      9. The 1970s and 1980s: The Deepening Crisis
      10. The Mavbima Surakime Vyaparaya (MSV): The Movement for the Protection of the Motherland
      11. Monks and Violence Face to Face
      12. The Parameters of Buddhist Nationalism and Buddhist Democracy
      13. Epilogue: Sinhalese Identity: The Legacy of the Past
      Appendix: Testing Some Charges in The Betrayal of Buddhism


      • 1

        Why the hell descendants of slaves brought to the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo by colonial parasites worried about the origin of Sinhalayo and the great chronical Mahawamsa that has recorded the heritage of Sinhalayo over a period of 2000 years? Mind your fking business if you want to live in the Land of Native Sinhalayo who developed the economy and saved this country from ‘Para Demala’, ‘Para Parangi’, ‘Para Landesi’, ‘Para Ingirisi’ invaders. ‘Para Demalu’ and ‘Para Muslims’ live in the Land of Native Sinhalayo because of the compassion and tolerance of Sinhala Buddhists. Don’t tell your problems to Sinhalayo. If you guys have problems with living in this country go and complain to the Governments of Portugal, Netherlands and Britain because they are responsible for your presence in the Land of Native Sinhalayo. Sinhalayo did no invite you guys to this country. Chanting the Mantra ‘Para Sinhala’ or ‘Sinhala Racist Fascist Bigots’ is not going to do any good.

      • 0

        We know the pedigree of Jeyaraja Tambiah, Lal Jayawardena and Kumari Jayawardena. They are members of the Anti-Sinhala Buddhist mafia who were licking the a*s of Christian White Supremacists.

        You asked “Why there are no Tamil Buddhists”
        Buddha has told his teachings are for the wise people. You can guess why Tamils did not become Buddhists.

  • 16

    How long are you planning spinning , lying and make up facts as situation demands. A real low life.

  • 13

    I see your imagination has no limits. National, Regional and Global ?????? Lanka is not worth for even regional level politics, leave alone global. Mahindapala , when men like you get old few things happen other than usual physical limitations like urinary incontinence, hearing/visual deficits and memory/cognitive problems. Some turn nasty, pervasive, grumpy, delusional, suspicious (even worse paranoid), irritable and showing mood and personality changes, among many other. We understand your plight. Go see your Geriatrician/GP and take medicine. Trust me your country men , may not look that bad as you thing.

  • 11

    There comes our Patriotic hero from downunder. Why should he worry about Ethiraj. HLD has to worry about himself and also the racism that was let loose since the British left. Periodic racial riots sponsored by Sinhala government, racially motivated moves to deprive the minority of their birth rights; come on HLD, don’t you think that these pathetic and shameful moves that led to minority agitation. Depriving people based on bogus, rigged, manipulated history, archaeology, ithihasa that led to all these mess. First and foremost there is no clear identity of who and who and what and what. It is not even numerical advantage. Who are the so called majority. What is their origin, how and from where did they come, what us their roots. Come on HLD, before talking of minority first find out the authenticity of the majority. Then you will have an answer.

  • 11

    Chiv, HLD is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia besides age related debility, alcohol related dementia and even some serious childhood trauma. Mind you he is employed by Sinhala leaders to spread their venom. Sadly, this man has got finally poisoned and now no way to detoxify him. He is suffering from irreversible cerebral damage and almost in a vegetative state. Alive but not aware. Until his brain stem lasts we have to stomach him. Had it been back at home then someone for a bottle of arrack would have ended his suffering.

  • 4

    Majority never discriminates minority. They are mindful of their own business. It is all minority propaganda It is the minority that always consfires against the majority whenever and wherever they get together. Take the case of our immigrants in Western countries. They are preoccupied with criticizing the “suddhas” 24/7/365. White man is even not aware of it.


    • 10


      “Majority never discriminates minority. “

      No they don’t instead the noisy minority within the majority kill them.

    • 14

      Soma, you seem not to understand the meaning of discrimination. When one ethnic group in an unfair manner passes laws or executes actions in favour of them, then it becomes discrimination. The first such was the citizenship act. This was directed at the Tamils of recent Indian origin, where they were asked to prove that their fathers and grandfathers were born in the country. In those days in remote areas there was no facility for people to register their births. If this law was applied to all citizens, several Sinhalese and Tamils of Ceylon origin would have lost their citizenship. This is what is called discrimination. Next was the Sinhala only bill. To defend it, it was told that Sinhala person should know what is happening and when administered in English they are in the dark. So what about a Tamil person who is also in the dark when administered in English and then in Sinhala. Tamil person was not given the same right as a Sinhala person, and this is discrimination. Successive governments refused to accede to Tamil grievance of being administered in their language, till it was imposed by India by Indo-Lanka accord to give Tamil official language status. Take the university admission, when Tamil candidates were required to get higher marks than Sinhala candidates, even if they studied in the same school like Royal college with equal facilities for both. Is this not discrimination. Tamil employees were required to gain proficiency in Sinhala for confirmation, increments, promotion and pension when Sinhalese were not required to gain proficiency in Tamil. Is this not discrimination. Sinhala perpetrators of violence on Tamils go unpunished when even innocent Tamils are held in custody without trial. Is this not discrimination.

      • 7

        You are wasting your time with Soma. He has been saying the same mindless crap for years and he will continue until the world ends.

        • 0

          As long as Tamil racist donkeys keep repeating the same crap I will keep repeating the same response. How can there be more than one? I have ready made answers which I copy and paste with very little editing.


      • 3

        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
        “Tamil person was not given the same right as a Sinhala person, and this is discrimination.”
        ‘What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?’

        From the time Portuguese landed in Sinhale, Native Sinhalayo were discriminated. Situation became worse during British colonial rule. British, adhering to their infamous policy ‘Divide and Rule’ gave all sorts of privileges to Wellala Demalu who licked the a*s of White Guys. Wellala Demalu were recruited to Government Service and the whole administrative machinery was controlled by them. These ‘Para Wellala Demalu’ discriminated Native Sinhalayo. People who gave evidences to Sansoni Commission related how ‘Para Demalu’ discriminated Native Sinhalayo.

        • 4

          Eagle Eye,
          Do you think, Don Solomon Senanayake, SWRD Bandaranaiyake, Richard Junious Jeyawardena, Percy Mahendra etc. are all “Wellala Demulu” all who got benefits from British Administration.

          • 2

            All descended from recently migrated Pandarar , Mudaliar , Vellalar and Chetty immigrant Tamils from South India and were beating the anti Tamil drum to increase their power and family wealth. Just like Kundi Palan Aka Eagle Blind now living the good life in Australia thanks to his Tamil wife’s relatives and getting an Age Pension thanks largely to the Christian Australian tax payers , whom he likes to run down as useless western Christians. Gets all the best and benefits from his Tamil wife’s connections. All the best living in a western industrialised Christian nation but hated and runs both. Now for the ancestors of all these so called Sinhalese leaders. Including that Tamil hating woman Srimavo. They are chameleons who were changing their identity and religion according to who ruled and what was most beneficial for them. They arrived as Hindu Tamils and then slowly converted to Christianity during the European rule, than from Christian Tamils to Christian Sinhalese, after that to nationalistic Tamil hating Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists. This is not only their story but the story of half the Sinhalese population. Especially the low country coastal variety.

        • 2

          Eagle Eye

          For a man of your learning and seniority in journalism, your language “Wellala Demalu who licked the a*s of White Guys” is appalling, if not utterly shameful. Maintain decent standards of debating, dear chap, although it is clear you are
          a lifetime loser. Your attitude in the post-Premadasa years makes it clear you have gone bonkers – long ago.

          Tell me, why do you explode within when you see/hear the word
          “Tamil” Are you having unbearable trouble within?


        • 0

          Start with removing foremost place to and State care to buddism.

        • 1

          Eekel Guy, when Portuguese landed in Ceylon, there were three kingdoms. They overran only two of them. Therefore all the Sinhalese were not discriminated by Portuguese. Tamils in Jaffna kingdom were also discriminated. Not only vellala Deamalu but also govigama Sinhalayo licked the a*s of white guys. Prior to that karawe and salagama Sinhalayo licked the a*s of Portuguese and got all sorts of privileges to thrive in business. Similarly when Vijaya and his criminal gang landed in Thambapanni, native Dravidian Saivites were discriminated. Situation became worse when Buddhism was introduced and subsequently when Sinhala language evolved. There was no problem between Sinhalese and Tamils during the reign of Portuguese and Dutch when they were administered separately. It is only for administrative convenience when British brought every one together that the problem started. There would have been no need for divide and rule if the two ares were kept separate. By your stupid outpouring you are justifying the need to keep Tamils and Sinhalese apart to prevent conflict.

      • 0


        Are you man, woman or of neutral gender?


      • 0

        There is no end to this. What about minority within minority? Actually majority is the protector of minority within minority. If not for the Sinhalese low caste in the Tamil community and those practicing Islam would be openly humiliated.


    • 0

      I suppose your comment was actually tongue-in-cheek, right??

    • 2

      Wade waraduna Some, which side of the bed do you wake up every day. Have you not seen the people being butchered in the streets of Colombo in 1983 and in Streets in Aluyhgama and Digana recently.

      What is the majority after all you belonging to a RACE OR CULT??? Not majority in tolerance kindness amd empathy. SHAME ON PROPLE LIKE YOU

    • 3

      Hi Soma Whenever you talk about majority and minority the discrimination starts, this a country for Sinhala Buddhist as per the constitution, this is not a country for Sri Lankan that is where the problem starts

  • 5

    MahindagePal – You are back putting your two cents worth with the Halloween mask on. Anyway, October is around the corner! Jeers.

  • 4

    Ohh dear HLDM!

    Your physical appearance does not corresponds with your writing, thus please stop your second part. From your appearance one may think your are a matured person, but what we see is emptiness and full of contradictions in your write up. Sorry Mr. “Mahinda”pala, if it is from “Mahinda” rajapakse then we have no problem, because entire world knows what his mental capacity is.

  • 10

    Mahindapala is proof that CT is not an anti-Sinhala news outlet as some have been claiming recently. If it were, such a Sinhala supremacist won’t be allowed to publish his articles here.

  • 7

    Sinhala Buddhist Mahavamsa Mindset Racism is the only song they know.

    • 2


      “Sinhala Buddhist Mahavamsa Mindset Racism is the only song they know.”

      Per Mahawamsa, the Sinhala are Para-Sinhala, Para-deshi Sinhala, strangers, foreigners to the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

  • 4

    H.L.D is the most popular contributor in this forum.

    • 2

      Nathan {“H.L.D is the most popular contributor in this forum”}
      A popular bigot? Popular by unpopularity?
      Can you beat this bigotry Gnanasara Thera?
      They do make bigots in various costumes. They are big though.

  • 5

    I think they are preparing for another phase. How about all the United Nation’s Agencies are working with an agenda. One Rapporteur came he wanted to study how strong the freedom for assembly for people in Sri lanka. Similar things happened in venezuela, Equador and Hong Kong. another Rapporteur came some thing FOr justice and another load of BS. A third one, a Muslim, Rapporteur came to find out about Religious freedom. He at least told to the press that Srilanka is OK. It Looks UNHCR heads is the Mouth piece of the American embassy in Sri lanka. Michelle Bechaelt and the embassy are worried about the New Army commander.
    BBC is known as a Propaganda agency which hired disgruntled diaspora from different countries and get them to talk bad about their mother country.
    [edited out]

    • 1

      Just remember, as stupid as most terrorists’ comments are on this forum – these are the more intelligent ones! Most of the ones I know can barely sit the right way round on a toilet seat, let alone write.

      • 1


        “Most of the ones I know can barely sit the right way round on a toilet seat, let alone write.”

        Do you find it difficult to clean the toilets afterwards?
        If so you should demand a substantial pay rise from your employer or you must get your Trade Union to fight for it.
        Ayubowan – May you live Long

      • 0

        I think you’re giving these low-lifes more credit than they are due. If these types remember to first lift the lid on the toilet, they’d be getting ahead of themselves!

  • 3

    Intellectuals and academics use it to white wash minority crimes against the majority.
    Instances, examples, severity?
    … when the minority had been beneficiaries of the highest privileges.
    Evidences, circumstances, frequency?
    … where minority violence originated from the most privileged segments of society.
    Event(s), Period (date/Time)?
    … the Tamil youth who took up arms in search of an elusive Eelam.
    Those damned idiotic youth were in search of an elusive goal. Such was their minority minds!
    … the global phenomenon of the minority moving aggressively to impose their will on a majority culture.
    Any specific citation of this global phenomenon?
    Please don’t continue, unless you wish to divulge more of your racial vein.

  • 1

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    Minorities in this country have become a pain in the neck of Native Sinhalayo. ‘Para Demalu’ who are the descendants of slaves brought from Malabar want to grab one third of the country to create a separate State. ‘Para Muslims’ want to change this Buddhist country to a Muslim country.
    We do not know what kind of grudge Portuguese, Dutch and British had with Native Sinhalayo to bring slaves, dump them in Sinhale and disappear. This is a serious violation of human rights. Sinhalayo are paying the price for the wicked act of colonial parasites.

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      Blind Eye,

      Which one you belong to Durava, Karav or Salagama

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    British Bastar*s Corporation is notorious for biased reporting during the LTTE terrorist campaign against Native Sinhalayo. They always took the side of Para Demalu.

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      The BBC favoured the LTTE only until the LTTE became internationally recognised as a terrorist organisation. And the person who helped the world see that the LTTE was a terrorist organisation was Mr. Lakshman Kadergama, who I think was one of our greatest politicians. He happened to be a Tamilian but he famously said that he is first a Sri Lankan and then he has his race and religion. Amazing! How many of our politicians today would say something like that? Instead, our politicians try to divide and conquer Lanka just the same as the bloody Brits did. We need more politicians like the Sir Lakshman Kadergama.

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        He He. you got his name correct . It is not Kathirgammar but Kadergama. This liar, like all typical Chingkalla Poutham worked very hard for his Chingkalla race and masters. He had no choice as his own people and family had disowned him. Poor Kadergama has such dreams of being great but got bumped of by another fellow Chingkallam. He only happened to be Thamizh( there is no such thing called Tamilian. There is Indian/Hindian but not Tamilian) as he was brought in a Thamizh home but they soon realized he was an opportunistic traitor and disowned him. They had a feeling that a Chingkalla stork left him in a Thamizh home or nest, just like what the cuckoo bird does. Kadergama’s behaviour and mentality was very Chingkallam , no wonder he loved them and they him. Worked hard for them and died for their racist cause , at the hands of a Chingkallam , What joy for him. In future please call him Kadergama and never Kathirgammar , as he so badly wanted to be Chingkallam and Thamizh do not acknowledge as one. He brings great honour to Chingkallams and they love him. On the contrary Thamizh hate him and consider him a disgrace and a traitor who harmed them, for his own personal benefit.

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          Indeed for the great job done, Lakshman Kadirgamar is in heaven now, thanks to Mahinda Rajapakse who ensured a place for him there.

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          If you don’t like the term Tamilian, then I shall refer to them as para demalu. Is that better? Why was Mr. Kadirgama a traitor? Because he was against the most brutal terrorist organisation in the world? Because he was against the LTTE who forced innocent demalu children to join the terrorist army? Or maybe because he didn’t approve of demalu terrorists using demalu children as cannon fodder?

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    The ageing, physically and mentally weak HLDM now hallucinating in Oz is equipped with an eagle eye to detect anything anti-Tamil. Anbarasan Ethirajan was doing his job as a BBC Reporter for his employers. But HLDM wants to mislead the Sinhalese
    Ethirajan and BBC are anti-Sinhalese. As to stipends, wasn’t Mahindapala after his own stipend in Geneve when the Sinhala majority GoSL sent an army of Sinhala
    backers to defend the hopeless cause of the rogue regime accused of serious human rights violations and genocide against Tamil civilians in the 2009 “War”

    R. Varathan

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    H. L. D. Mahindapala – you are back again with your racist rubbish!

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    You have the gaul, if not audacity, to write thus :-

    “We do not know what kind of grudge Portuguese, Dutch and British had with Native Sinhalayo to bring slaves, dump them in Sinhale and disappear. This is a serious violation of human rights. Sinhalayo are paying the price for the wicked act of colonial parasites…”.

    Be grateful, if you cannot be truthful, old timer. The British turned your once rusty
    island into a somewhat modern land – with railways, roads, hospitals, a police force and so on. They gave you cash crops in the form of tea, rubber etc., that kept the country alive in the 19-20th centuries. The Sinhalayo you sing praises of now, were far too lazy to till the land and clear the harsh forests.
    The Brits brought cheap labour from nearby Tamilnadu and turned these wastelands into productive, lush, verdant gardens. The million workers who were “brought in” laboured here for over 150 years. Many of them left their homes and families there never to return. S.Africa, Malaysia, the West Indies which gained from Indian labour willingly made them citizens later. Ceylon/Sri Lanka failed here. True the locals needed to be protected from being overwhelmed. This was possible – by law. But the Citizenship Laws that were inflicted were so discriminatory and laughable it is said even DSS admitted he could not have met the parentage clauses therein. This country is infamous to bring in questionable legislation – PTA, which the UN blasted, being one such.

    R. Varathan

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    Just click “Massacres in Sri Lanka” on Google. and you will know the truth – a part of it at least.

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    As long as Tamil racist donkeys keep repeating the same crap I will keep repeating the same response. How can there be more than one? I have ready made answers which I copy and paste with very little editing.


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    At last ! Someone saying it as it is. Sri Lanka has been too timid to point out the disgraceful behaviour of its ungrateful spiteful and aggressive minorities, fearing the wrath of the so-called ‘international community’ ie the US UK and EU who have become the God Fathers of terrorists all over the world. They have a good reason for doing it – their Number One income comes from selling weapons, so conflicts which they manouvre secretly with their spying agencies and corporate power all around the world keep them rich and powerful forever ! So they will always blame the majority in conflict ridden countries who have to fight in defence to save the life and limb of their denizens

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    Sri Lanka and victimisation goes hand in hand. Have not the Tamils not felt this since independent! Now the Muslim. What the Sri Lanka and its politicians are trying window dress the issues without addressing the co habitation issue according Buddhist principals. Country is rot to the core with racism and religious bigotry. Until these fundamental issues are addressed, the Country will be in gutters for many decades to come. The future looks depressing as dark cloud have gathered, due to leadership emptiness.

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    Blind Eye

    Aggressive Sinhala Buddhism with Minority complex A Threat To National, Regional & Global Peace

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    Blind Eagle, isn’t it interesting to respond to your very writeup. Your slip is showing. You are CT’s Andare.

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    How can any Muslim complain that Sinhala people boycott their shops when Muslims always boycott Sinhala restaurants using the “halal” excuse. I know many Muslims who refuse to even drink tea in Sinhala restaurants even though tea does not need to be halal (it’s mostly older people who think like that). I knew a Muslim man who flew to Mecca on a pilgrimage. He flew Air Lanka and everyone on that flight was a Muslim pilgrim, so the inflight food was specially made halal food. But that Muslim guy said that he refused to eat that food because the cabin crew member serving the food was not Muslim. When I was young, there were many beggars that came to my grandparents house and I was shocked to see my grandmother keep separate plates and glasses for Muslim beggars and Sinhala beggars! This is the problem with organised religion – it makes people think that they’re better than everyone else. The reality is that all humans evolved from the same primate ancestor. Whether para demala, Sinhala, Muslim, or anyone else – none of us are more important than any other primate. In short, I’m a monkey, and you’re a monkey too!

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    Mahindala Palan due you also sleep curled up in fear , just like Dutta Kaimunu did as per the Mahavamsam comic? Stating ” I cannot sleep in peace as the sea is on one side and Thamizh ruling to the north and Anuradhapuram on the side” . What do you say? ” I cannot sleep in peace and am curled up as my Thamizh wife is on the other side of the bed and my half Thamizh children , who only listed to their Thamizh Amma are all in the adjoining rooms. All chattering in Thamizh to each other and to all their Thamizh relations who constantly visit. Is this why you come here and rant and post rubbish?

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    No wonder why Islam is the most hated religion in the world and why they themselves kill each other. They go as refugees to developed countries begging and then demand that they want that they want this all halal and islamic. I read in Australia a refugee muslim woman refused to stand up in front of a judge saying she will only do so to Allah. Then why on earth this warped woman went to Australia instead of going to Allah. Muslims sadly think they are different and superior to others. This is becoming more and more extreme now. They think that their rights and beliefs are superior to all the others. There is a fellow, an Indian Muslim refugee in malaysia, an islamic fanatic, crept into malaysia and now preaching hate lectures against Hindus and Chinese. This fellow is wanted in India for several crimes and now in malaysia creating chaos using Islamic extremism. At least the government there has taken it seriously and even threatened to kick him out . This fellow had also visited SL and had a go at his hate campaign against non-muslims here. If the world has to survive then there is no question that extremist Islam has to be wiped out. They are totally immersed in archaic beliefs and extremism and never ever ready to question what they are doing. Allah and Quran is the last word and nothing beyond that. What Quran said was ok thousands of years ago when Arabs were just primitive people loaded with cruelty, war, abuse of women and what not . But today things have changed so Islam too has to change. If not it will be eternal chaos. I agree other religions too have these archaic and foolish beliefs but they are not a threat to others and do not force it down others’ throats and never scream that non followers are not humans and not entitled to live.

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