13 February, 2025


Beware The Ides Of February Mr President: Times Aren’t Good For You

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

There is only one thing you should do to save yourself from the downward spiral: evict

your close advisors and be the man who once took his own brave decisions and captured the high office he  now holds. Nor should you attempt to remain in the post after your term. That would not be well received and you will lose the honour you’ve won. If I were you, I would be satiated and say,”goodbye! More is tanha.”

In 44 BC, the Ides represented the notorious date of the assassination of Julius Caesar. That was a March. This is a February.

I am getting like a soothsayer’s strange vision from afar, writing all the way from Melbourne – The Most Liveable City in the World. I seem to be  having an extrasensory perception of events unfolding in the body politic of my dear Sri Lanka: Beware, I tell President Maitripala Sirisena. Engage your damage -control system as I can see you sliding down as fast as a kid in a mat slide. Believe me, you are looking  down a spiral. I have sentiments of  loyalty to you as you saved our land from an oppressive regime of kleptocrats and murderers. I was the first to go on social media and praise your speech at Sirikotha after gaining UNP backing to make your way to be President of this country. You had the looks of a saviour that day. But what has happened now?

I would have expected you to be self gratified to the limit after having won the highest public office in the land-shooting up from the lowly grassroots-beginning as a small man. If I were you…? And how many of us can aspire to be that? I would have sat serenely in office, used the wisdom of  practical experience and deftly guided your chosen Prime Minister and his party of great experience-leaving the running of the country and the economy under his leadership. Ranil Wickremesinghe is a gentleman par excellence – a sober, knowledgeable, leader of international calibre like nobody else in Sri Lanka today. Ranil’s personal inadequacies you could have covered up for by your grassroots touch and simple peasant experience. He has his cunning – perhaps more cunning than his uncle. As Machiavelli said, cunning is an asset for a political leader and it is particularly imperative in the capricious selfish political culture that prevails in Sri Lanka.

You both seemed to have been getting on well and a lot has happened that has already changed Sri Lanka for the better. A lot is in the pipeline that is sound. Three years isn’t time enough for economic measures to show up. Typically, such outcomes have a big gestation period.Yet, there are visible signs of an attractive climate for foreign investment. Exports are looking up. Growth rates are up.Fiscal management is good. Debt management is good. Infrastructure is coming up. No Government’s can bring down prices; the economy can. For that reason the economy must grow without being hamstrung by a restrictive legal environment and by  corrupt practices by the many Ministers who were openly and unashamedly operating as commission agents. Above all, your government has achieved the restoration of the  rule of law. Independent Commissions are operative, politicisation that ruined the Public Service is declining and cops are acting without fear. We have a Chief Justice who is an impeccably honest gent. Great!

There is, to be  sure, the negative report too. But, then, you and the Prime Minster face an imperfect situation of much complexity with a sizeable number in Parliament from the other side. A significant number inside is also really outside. Complex situations contain contradictions and potential conflicts.We have to work in an imperfect contextual situation using even questionable characters who fled to your Ministries from the other side.

But you know, none of  your Ministers come out in public to shout for you at meetings? You scream alone as you did in Kandy the other day. You have unwittingly been drawn into a useless battle to build up the SLFP and to merge as a political force on your own merits. You are not an Illangaratne who was a pure bred Bandaranaike-linked SLFPer that had charisma in his  own way. You share part of the sordid  past of the Rajapaksa regime. The public remembers you to have, along with others, raised your hands supporting so many injustices that were perpetrated under the last regime. For instance, jailing of  the courageous man who fought and won the war on the physical battlefield. General Sarath Fonseka was dragged and dumped in the prison cell outfitted with jumpers. He ate out of a tin plate for three years. Such memories live on.You will, therefore, have difficulty in working out  for yourself a charisma and you are abandoning the only ground you had and have to self-create such a holy state within you. That ground was as the man who saved the country from  oppression, massive corruption, murder  and misrule.  You now appear as one who is trying to undermine that salvaging work.

Whoever dragged into this undignified position – dressed as you are in dark blue and looking so thoroughly partisan, uttering mistruths and distortions, and altogether inappropriate for a Head of State? JR used others for his dirty work. He could carry himself. So did Mahinda although the latter would often do it alone by the use of good Sinhala vocabulary. You now seem to have introduced a new era of cloak and dagger in politics. At Kandy, you blamed Ranil for the shelving the corrupt and I saw you act a pleading that Ranil should strengthen your hands in a so-called battle against corruption. It was resonant of  Mahinda asking others to strengthen his hands (deth shakhthimath karanna). Why should you drag Ranil when the powers are with you even to remove him? Besides, Ranil has instructed his own men not to drag you. On the contrary, you are dragging Ranil.

Besides, it is hard for you to build an image as a corruption slayer ready for attack with a sword as, once again, you helped keep in power for ten years one of the most corrupt regimes in the history of this country. I know you were good among the bad. You also have men in your own fold who have black pasts. Obliterating the past takes long time.

You say you want to run the economy, meaning that the UNP-dominant government is not doing a proper job. What knowledge of economic policy do you have? Can you point to one Minister in your government who might have such expertise? On the other hand, the UNP has so many. What skills did you show even when running the Health Ministry when that was under your charge in the previous government?

DS Senananake was virtually unschooled but he had great wisdom to tap the clever men to help him. So many irrigation tanks were built by that man. Minneriya, Kawduluwewa, Parakrama Samudra and so on. They  were all repaired and rebuilt to serve as a restoration of a once proud hydraulic economy. Agriculture was booming. Your own Party man runs the Ministry of Agriculture. Can you ask him to tell us what he has achieved so far? He is also charged with allegations of paying millions per month as rent for unoccupied buildings. He has suddenly realised a shortage of  fertiliser and you think you have shown managerial skill by telephone the Prime Minister of Pakistan to send  fertiliser. This is like fire control. Get all your talking Ministers like Dilan, Prem Jayanth, John Seneviratne, and Dayasiri to show you what they have done. So  you should insist that Ranil, too, gets reports from his set of Ministers. The Public wants to know if they are all running or ruining. Your secretariat can play a broad monitoring role. Re-organize it that way.

I see your campaign at LG elections as not doing that good. It is definitely succeeding in a divorce operation between yourselves and your major partner-the UNP. If you fail at the elections, you will be isolated and forced into the side of  the guillotine men in case you want a further lease of life. Your slogans and strategy only confuses the whole show; they help Mahinda’s show.

There is only one thing you should do to save yourself from the downward spiral: evict

Your close advisors and be the man who once took his own brave decisions and captured the  office he  now holds. Nor should you attempt to remain in the post after your term. That would not be well receive and you will lose the honour you’ve won. If I were you, I would be satiated and say,”goodbye! More is tanha.”

Latest comments

  • 14

    Brilliant exposition.

    • 6

      Shyamon Jayasinghe

      “He has his cunning – perhaps more cunning than his uncle.”

      True, when you look at the events leading up to the break up of LTTE which exposed the organisation’s weaknesses as well as contradictions within it by effectively using Sri Lanka friendly Norwegians. Ranil successfully used Norwegians as the bite. Norwegians of course knew Sun Tzu advice “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.

      By the time Dr Mahinda (LLD) won the VP rigged elections in 2005 LTTE had already lost 75% its fighting spirit and its soul if it had one.

      • 8

        Native Veddha,

        If VP rigged the election of 2005 using Mahinda’s money and VP lost 75% of his fighting capacity I wonder why did VP try to provoke Mahinda for a confrontation?

        Also, can you tell me why didn’t Ranil try to protect Karuna when he was exposed to the LTTE and on the run for his life?

        Moreover, can you tell me why did Ranil halted the LRRP mission to kill Prabhakaran back in Decemeber of 2001?

        • 4

          Shenali mother of all stupid

          “If VP rigged the election of 2005 using Mahinda’s money and VP lost 75% of his fighting capacity I wonder why did VP try to provoke Mahinda for a confrontation?”

          You should have asked him when he was alive. You would have known it by observing his pattern of behaviour if you aren’t really stupid.

          “Also, can you tell me why didn’t Ranil try to protect Karuna when he was exposed to the LTTE and on the run for his life?”

          You should ask Karuna and Ranil who can tell you about both sides of the story.

          “Moreover, can you tell me why did Ranil halted the LRRP mission to kill Prabhakaran back in Decemeber of 2001?”

          Ranil is still around ask him.
          One should also ask oneself whether certain types of covert operations are worth the risk, time and money.

          Tiran Alles who was Basil’s go between. He is still around, ask him where the clan got the money from?

      • 0

        Shyamon, it is possible Ranil is a cunning politician, perhaps more so than his uncle. But he isn’t a clever one.

        Anyone half as clever would have seen the warning lights a mile away and told the former governor to leave his post. Anyone half as clever would have distancedited himself from Ravi K and asked him to clear his name first, before he assumed the UNPresident deputy leadership again.

        Cunning is fine if coupled with honest intent and an unshaken desire to do the right thing at all times. Application of the Law and justice must start at home. Can you say that Ranil has been a shining example of that principle?

        This is why people are fed up and desire a leadership that firmly believes in the application of uniform justice for all and not selective justice. The Premier needs to win the TRUST first before he earns respect.

        There are 22 million peopleuros here and I am sure some of them could do the job better.

    • 2

      I have received unofficially that none of the Forces have died during Jan 2008 to May 2009 due to war, because there had been no fighting between the govt Forces and the LTTE although a propaganda war was hyped by both MR and VP after the LTTE closed the Mawilaru anicut. What happened during this period has been that the LTTE had buried all their weaponry and confined themselves to Kilinochchi their stronghold by August 2008. In Jan 2009 VP with his cadre of LTTE numbering around a 45 thousand and a Tamil civilian population around a three hundred thousand decamps their stronghold Kilinochchi and assemble on the beach front. It was speculated at that time that some ships had berthed off the Eastern coast to ferry VP out. First VP allowed all the Tamil civilians to wade across the lagoon to the Forces controlled side although it was advertised that the LTTE were killing Tamils who tried to escape. Once the civilians made their escape the ships vanished and VP with his cadre were isolated. This was obviously a ploy hatched by the Americans, Indians and their allies. Then they gave the nod for the Rajapaksas to annihilate the lot when they tried to surrender. SF not having a hand in the massacre confessed, but soon had to retract as it would have led to the truth about the war. After an aerial attack the rest were rounded up and massacred. It was the momentous that the Forces clicked that got to the hands of Channel 4. When Gota said that the war was fought with zero casualty, it is true of the Forces but the satellite images stand testimony otherwise as to what happened to VP and the LTTE. Therefore though the Rajapaksas try to take the credit for defeating the LTTE at war is a hoax as they were helped by the Americans, Indians and the UN to decimate the monster that was created by them.

      • 2

        You will receive the first prize for Creative Writing.

        • 1

          LTTE held areas were heavily land mined and no way the Forces could have captured fighting without a heavy casualty figure. For your information it took more than five years to demine the North with International help. Had there been a war as hyped by MR and VP, the number of deaths on both sides would have been tremendous. Then there would not have been an LTTE to vacate Kilinochchi. If what I write is untrue just ask the Forces to list the dead with their names, rank and their addresses for a cross check with the dates to coincide. Then you will understand the truth.

          • 1

            At least now do you understand why MR and VP fought a war without witnesses? also keeping the UN out?

    • 1

      So this is February you old coot? Where do you live in Jupiter or in some underground cave?

  • 11

    Shaymon, what you have said is very convincing. But, all that crap is not necessary for me to decide. I think all that is not necessary. I now know that I have only two choices – Seenuwa or Pohottuwa.

    • 17

      Simply Brilliant writing Shaymon.

      Before January 8 2015 we all heard MS saying if he loses he will go down 6 feet. All what we can see now is he is digging his own grave to go down 6 feet.

      He has started playing to the gallery and win a few opposition votes.

      • 3

        President is planning a coup to get rid of Ranil and split the UNP. If he is guided by the misguided AG, he will find it difficult to achieve his objective.

  • 10

    hahaha… Prof Rajeev, your absolutely right when you branded this octogenarian as a blind UNP theoritician and a Ranil’s catcher. In that sense, Thushara Wanniarachchi has to have a big fight to beat Shyamon Jayasinghe in order to get the ‘best licker of UNP’ title!

    • 5


      Have you found out what Sinhala/Buddhism is? If you haven’t could you tell me the best where I can find out about it?

      I find it strange Sinhala/Buddhists are maintaining deafening silence over government signing FTA agreement with Singapore. Why aren’t you protesting this time against the FTA agreement as you did when FTA with India was signed?

      Bewarned Tharman Shanmugaratnam Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore is a Tamil. He might one day take over the entire island. Have you checked the details of the recently signed FTA?

      Stupid man go and protest against the agreement even if you haven’t read a copy, take Dayan and Wimal with you even though both may not know what is in the agreement. Tell them this is a Tamil Diaspora Conspiracy against peace loving Sinhala/Buddhist people of this island. The only peace loving people in this world.

      • 7

        Dumb Native Veddo: It is because of Ranil’s lack of Economic expertise he signed the FTA with singapore. Sri lanka can not grow and Store it’s rice and coconut. It is dependant on Imports even for rice. Ranil started it in 1994. Even Mahinda Rajapaks’s govt had enough rice. Now rice and coconut are imported and Wheat flour consumption and import is increased by THREEFOLD. the explanation is tourists like wheat flour. BS. they are not going overseas to ear Wheat flour and drink Whiskey, RUM, Gin, Brandy or Beers seent from their own country. Anyway, Sri lanka is an importing country. Manufacturing labour force is less than 3.0%. Why do we need a FTA when we are not exporting. Shyamon Jayasinghe is another SHAMLESS – UNPatriotic party man if it is not just SARCASM. Anyway, some one who knows Ranil says he thinking about collecting some loot and leave.

      • 1

        Native Vedda,


      • 1

        Vedda, have you gone insane? Or become a nut? What Buddhism do you find in Japan, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Bhutan, India, Nepal or Tibet or any part of world for that matter? Your answer will direct you to find what is S/B is! Besides that, I have explain you many times – as much as possible to me – what is Sinhala Buddhism, elsewhere. Your ignorance is not my problem mate!

        Bdw, there were few opposition to the said agreement. Specially from the academic circles. But, as usual, your egoistic prime minister did not give in to those protests.

        • 0


          ” What Buddhism do you find in Japan, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Bhutan, India, Nepal or Tibet or any part of world for that matter? “

          They don’t practice Sinhala/Buddhist fascism.
          The Japs practiced Japanese/Buddhist fascism before the end of second world war. The public racist Aryan Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala loved both Aryan Christian Germany and Japanese/Buddhist fascism.

  • 7

    Yes, the President should read this missy over and over, think about all the good points what Shyamon has raised. When we voted him to be the President by routing out the MR’s murderous one family dynastic dictatorship, we thought a great serviour has arrived at the doorstep of the country. Now, it all seems to be in vein got lost in the high winds. The main reasons for this, those no two cents worth lot are around him, and giving utterly foul advises to him. When there is a coalition government, all sides should make lot of scarifies to achieve the desired outcome for the good of the country and the people. Due their lack of knowledge and experience in co-existance, compromise, reconciliation and co-habitation, when issues prop up, their only way is confrontation to achieve their means. This is not at all healthy way to rule and manage a country in this highly advanced age, for it creates so much unwanted conflicts, mistrust and divisions among the people instead of channeling the energy and might to advance their lives. Please comprise, and move ahead to build a better country for all, even Bangladesh – a once, people said, it’s a basket case – is going to over take us. It’s really crying shame because of all the silly and idiotic politicians and their boot lickers.

  • 7

    The UNP lackey wants the “Methpal Niridu” to step down so his beloved Master can climb up to the President seat without breaking sweat. Staying in Melbourne might have mushed his brain by now or else how can he think we are fools to see Ranil as our President?

    • 4

      Shenal, another name for that lickspittle racialist.

  • 6

    People are with JVP now .
    90% youth prefer JVP?
    Why is it ?.
    Failure of successive government.?
    Vote JVP to send all these people home

    • 5

      Lankan No 03,

      Youth prefer JVP because they don’t know the history.

    • 1

      Lankan No 03

      “90% youth prefer JVP?”

      JVP must havea good spin doctor or the a JVP version of Joseph Goebbels.
      Tell him to be realistic.

      “Why is it ?.”

      JVP’s own Joseph Goebbels must be doing a bloody good job, youth either gullible or JVP Joseph Goebbels is efficient and effective.

      “Failure of successive government.?”

      Does it mean the youth are willing to vote for twice miserably failed terrorists?

      “Vote JVP to send all these people home”

      Once they capture the state they will send every one of you to work in the farms.

    • 3

      SLFPers ,the UNPers and the SLPPers are scared to accept this fact that people will vote en-masse JVP this February because they are fed up with the main parties as Lanka rightly said.

  • 5

    Mr. President, don’t listen to him. As you see, most of the people who praised you at the beginning including UNP now all out for your flesh. In 2015, they only wanted to use you as a bait to make Ranil gain control of the country and then discard. They wanted to ousted you same as Mahinda by abolishing Executive Presidency. They never thought you to have courage to stay this long.
    I didn’t vote for you, true. But I support retaining the Executive Presidency for the sake of the Sinhalese nation. Ranil won’t have any guts to face people as a candidate for Presidency in 2019. Contrary to Shyamon’s utterances, you are doing good. Whether you win or lose LG elections, Sinhalese Buddhists won’t let anybody to weaken the Executive Presidency. Again, things will turn out such a way to have you necessary protection until 2019, in 2019 and beyond. You must remember that the entire country is now solely dependent on your tenacity, I repeat on your tenacity alone. Nobody can break your steel resolve. Please hold onto that.

    • 1

      Champa, is fellatio your favourite pastime?

      • 0

        Goraka Bass

        Champa’s pimp is Wimal.
        She is engaged in the oldest profession for patriotic reasons.
        She wants to drive the Chinese and East European prostitutes out of business.

  • 9

    Politicians belong to Unpatriotic National Party brag that they brought President Sirisena to power and he should be grateful to them. This is not correct. UNP guys voted to President because their leader who was a loser of 27 elections did not have guts to face President Rajapakse. Tamils voted to President because they had a grudge with President Rajapakse for eliminating their ‘Sun God’. Muslims voted to President because of Aluthgama incident which was planned and executed by Norway using Gnanasara. Sinhala voters had a choice. President Sirisena won because of the votes received from ungrateful Sinhala donkeys who got carried away with the slogan ‘Wenesa’ (change). Majority of them were Sinhala youths who voted for the first time. They got carried away with promises like ‘Free WiFi’, ‘Cheap Cars’. They belonged to the ‘Floating Vote’ category. President Sirisena should be grateful to that lot for putting him to power.

    • 5

      Eagle Eye,

      Most of the youths who voted for “Wenasa” did that because they wanted to be keyboard warriors. They wanted to conduct revolutions without breaking a sweat through Facebook. Those pompous idiots were living in a fairy land filled with fairy tales. They thought they knew about the world better than their parents. Their ego and narrow mindedness bring about this disaster.

      • 3


        I fully agree. My guess is these fellows are a product of International Schools in Colombo.

    • 3

      Eagle eye, another nonedescript joker.

      • 4

        Goraka your comments reflect your intelligence. Just abusing people who make comments merely because they. Don’t support your racist pro Eelam is childish. If you have any brains try to counter the argument without indulging in abuse which is typical of the para demala cowards.

        • 1

          Percy the dated and pathetic

          ” Don’t support your racist pro Eelam is childish. “

          You are tired go to bed.
          Your mum will be with you in a couple of minutes to tuck you in and kiss you goodnight.

    • 0

      Eagle Blind Eye

      Isn’t it every citizen’s right to vote for the right candidate who represents him or her at the local or central institution and duty to hold them accountable?

      What are you talking about?

  • 2

    Max moron

    Truth hurts.
    Bootlicker of MS and MR

    • 4

      Annesly Dias: why thieves are so scared to leave. Some say RAVI the LIAR will have to wear the JUMPER. What did Ranil do to D.S. and Dudley Senanayakes’ party. Now it is “UNPatriotic.

  • 4

    Funny thing is President asking the robber to make him strong to punish the robbers.

    Are these two playing a game before the election to fool the voters because Ranil need MY3 for his survival and MY3 need Ranil for his survival.

  • 5

    Brilliant Shyamon…you have hit the nail on the head!
    Maithripala was grateful to Ranil when he was appointed President since he knew it was the UNP vote which put him there. But as time went by, the people around him, such as Maithree Gunaratne, Shiral Lakthilake and co., (all anti-UNP) along with those senior SLFPers who wanted to kick the UNPers out, have taken him down the wrong path.
    If he continues to keep the Yahapalanya venture together, it would be the best not only for him but also for the country.

  • 2

    Shymon J

    You would have voted for Mahinda if you had viewed this video before Jan 8 2015:
    https://youtu.be/VRKj_jgGZJA 8 , 15

    • 2


      Rajapaksa needed an American to order him quit call it a day.
      “When US State Secretary John Kerry spoke to Rajapaksa over the phone, the former president assured him there will be a smooth power transition as stipulated in the constitution,” spokesman Mohan Samaranayake said.

      Sri Lanka election: Attempted ‘coup’ by former president Mahinda Rajapaska to be investigated
      Sunday 11 January 2015

      The powerful saviour of the Sinhala/Buddhists ordered out of his official residence by a foreigner. What a shame.
      If I were him, I would have covered my head and gone on exile for an indefinite period.

      • 1

        Mate NV, try to limit your responses to two per article at the maximum, and try to make sense than saying blah blag Sinhala Buddhist blah blah blah, do you really think Kerry would have given a rat’s little cute behind? If he did and if my Uncle Sam wanted to move in with you, Shyaman, Mangala, and the rest in to this land like no other, he would have waited for the coup to happen and THEN would have brought in the handsome marines, please do read something about US strategy.

        • 0


          Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt – Mark Twain

          Then the Hindians and your favourite Uncle Sam were in this game together. Being a Lanky you would never had heard about “good cop bad cop” tactics.

  • 4

    It appears the President has already started going on the war path, secretively discussing with the AG to file action against the PM and Ravi, when the Commissioners in the Bond Report haven’t even found anything irregular about the PM. If the appointment of Mahendran as the Central Bank Governor was his only fault, one should ask the President, what justifications he had to appoint as SLFP Ministers people who have been found to have committed crimes. There will be serious unrest and turmoil, if the President foolishly goes ahead with what he secretively planned to do.
    Mr. President, you are looking up and spitting on your own face!

  • 2

    Mr. shyamon Jayasinghe: I heard from Galle, That Ranil Wickramsinghe is thinking about quitting after collecting as much as he can. Because, he knows he won’t go to jail.

  • 3

    President is in a difficult situation. All the MPs think they have RAMYA, SURAMYA and S”UBHA. So they can change the house (SLFP, UNP or Phohottuwa) every time when they feel difficult where they are living. Preswident is president and elected by people and not a PRIME MINISTER, probably not selected, but came by force because he is the eternal party leader. Ranil does not know economics. check Educational qualifications of Arjun Mahendran. IT looks he had failed O/L in royal college. then he had been to another college in England. that is all. Ranil has done so many appointments like that and the economy is a mess. the best decision is handing over the economy to an economic council. Otherwise it will be MCC/IMF needs and we will be in trouble. Sri lanka will be a nindagama of some foreign country. As economists are asking. Central bank should be an independent and should come under the parliamentary committee and not the governing party or the ministers. they have done more harmful things. Even USA goes trade protection and not for liberalization. Sri lanka an importing small country talks about trade liberalization and Trade facts. Every western country is self sufficient in their staple food. Sri lanka needs imports in order to eat rice and Polsambol. See we cannot grow even onion or pepper. We have only Salt for that.

  • 5

    16 days more for this delusional Ranilist nonsense from this emigre writer. Then the bubble bursts.

    • 2

      Shyamon Jayasinghe

      Here comes Dr Strangelove’s mechanical prosthetic arm that he couldn’t control.

  • 3

    I heard Ranil is like a Solar Flare now, unthinkable to go nearby.

  • 4

    Sirisena carries the bad legacy from his Rajapakse regime day. That is haunting him like a ghost. The ghost is pushing him to the lap of Mara. Mara is waiting, licking his lips in order to suck Sirisena’s blood.Gota the White Van Man and Mara will receive Sirisena with the kiss of death.
    Ranil is silent. Watching the scene. In the end, Ranil will be the winner

    • 2

      Ranil is silent. His end is near. The seethala kotiya who betrayed his people.Batalandaya!

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  • 2


    is melbourne still the most livable city in the world after they brought in a lot of african immigrants to show the world they are not anti african,and then in usual aussie style treated them as outcasts and gave them no employment etc.The backlash from these kids of the immigrants where the immigration minister is saying you melbournites are not even wanting to go out to restaurants because these gangs follow you back to your house and hammer the crap out of you and loot you are indeed manifestations of the most livable city in the world i suppose.people can’t walk on the road without afghans and greeks mowing them down like flies in their cars too.

    I suppose the most livable cities in the world are the ones where their is least crime because people feel their security is paramount and give it top priority.

    sydney and colombo are much much more safer places to live than melbourne so quit drooling over melbourne. Of the cities that are nearly 5 million people singapore is the safest and therefore the most livable country/city too.How can you live in a city whre goons come and bash you in your own house and ransack the place .(Singapore has only 700 sq.km (srilanka 65000 sq.km)so should be considered more a city than a country.)

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    Gestation period for economic outcome! Can you believe it?!!! In the first place, there needs to be a healthy mother, democratically accepting of the economic conception. There was no democratic consensus, but an enforcement of illegal bonds, and an undemocratic signing of FTA with Singapore, a nation that desperately needs leaseholder nations to fulfill their economic necessities. Our nation has been raped! Only a miracle can save us now.
    Shame on Shyamon Jayasinghe for disregarding the masses of Sri Lanka who will have to trudge uphill through blood, sweat and tears for many a decade, so Ranil’s economic miracle of birth might come to fulfillment. Rich Sinhalese will sit smugly, crossing their fingers. They will convince Sinhalese masses that being serviyakkas for rich Sinhalese will be nationalistically honorable, as long as it is not for….. horrors upon horrors………Muslims!

    • 1

      “Shame on Shyamon Jayasinghe for disregarding the masses of Sri Lanka who will have to trudge uphill through blood, sweat and tears for many a decade,”

      When did you last heard about or seen the masses in your life time? Please wipe your crocodile tears and enjoy your dinner with your usual venison steaks with stroganoff sauce washed down by Côtes du Rhône Blend.

      “so Ranil’s economic miracle of birth might come to fulfillment. “

      If you think there is something wrong with Ranil’s economic policies, please first state his policies in detail and then a critic and provide us some alternative economic policies of your own.

      Then you can shed your crocodile tears for the poor.

      • 0

        Tut, tut Native Vedda……..no need to envy my affinity with the Lankan masses. From your first comment on this article, glad to see you’ve started to copy my way of thinking, though.
        But guess you didn’t read, or are pretending not to have read, my previous comments on the Rajapakserian BRIC plan, in another article. No, I’m not going to look for it to show it to you. Hmmm…….Never took you to be a jealous cat before.
        But there are some masses (relatives), who have big 5-star hotel weddings, houses, cars etc., and then can’t look after their elderly and handicapped. Then you are condemned and scorned when you don’t send enough money from the US to help with what they consider nuisances in their lives.

    • 1

      ramona grandma therese fernando

      “Shame on Shyamon Jayasinghe for disregarding the masses of Sri Lanka who will have to trudge uphill through blood, sweat and tears for many a decade,”

      When did you last heard about or seen the masses in your life time? Please wipe your crocodile tears and enjoy your dinner with your usual venison steaks with stroganoff sauce washed down by Côtes du Rhône Blend.

      “so Ranil’s economic miracle of birth might come to fulfillment. “

      If you think there is something wrong with Ranil’s economic policies, please first state his policies in detail and then a robust critic and provide us some alternative economic policies of your own.

      Then you can shed your crocodile tears for the poor.

      • 0

        Native Vedda,

        To prove to you that I am with the masses, I will tell you that I can eat none of that kind of food and drink. No, simple fare suits me much better. Sanders is my cup of tea, but Trump is good to balance out global money for the moment.
        OK these are the details of Ranil’s economic policies (I have commented on them before,…. ).
        Ranils’ economic policies: 0.1% Oligarchic-Cosmopolitan – Sinhala Buddhist Scornful- Singaporean Rat Race structured – Obama/Clinton satisfying – Singapore survival satisfying – Death of Lankan Natural Rural Heritage – Drip-down economy to 99.9% masses.
        Rajapaksa economy : All Island inclusive prosperity via BRIC- tithe paid to US. Oligarchy raised to 10%. Money flows in small stream to 90% masses.
        JVP economy: Latch onto any entity that can create money out of thin air. Get the Masses to work like busy bees.
        JVP-Ranil : 0.1% Oligarchy to remain. Drip-down money increased to a steady small flow to the Masses. Masses work like busy bees.
        JVP-Rajapaksa : 10% Oligarchy remain. Small-stream flowing money increased to a medium-stream money (add in Sirisena, and the flow will increase). Masses work hard, but feel a lot more fulfilled.


  • 7

    It may be that with eminent immigrants from the third world enriching Melbourne, it has become the most livable city in the world !

    But do you find any politician in that good country who has failed from 1977 ? Men who have tried every trick in the book ? Men with no conscience ?

    It is not that Sirisena gave his arm and leg to become President . It was the Ranil, who wanted to be PM ,who begged of him to come forward to challenge Mahinda.( RW with the UNP out in the wilderness for 20 years , the jealous Chandrika and the comic NGO clan)

    Now Sirisena has found the true Ranil, a cunning stink who will do anything, including sell his country and mother, to stay in power.

    There are things that are more valuable than power.

    After the Central Bank robbery, Ranil and this government has no right to our vote.

    You call Ranil a gentleman ! Then I will call you an intellectually honest wise man whose presence in Australia is a blessing to that country and a moral guide to the Australians ! True ?

  • 2

    You are the best writer columnist of our age Shyamon. Keep writing more eloquent stuff like this. DJ this writer is more than your match

  • 2

    I am amused by Dayan Jayatilleka’s interjections. He is yearning for the come- back of the death squads and white vans; the days when ordinary pedestrians had to turn their arses and hold onto the nearest wall when his hero Gotabhaya passes by. He wants the Satakaya, the Basil, the Wimal Weerawanses, the jewellery-snacthing Minister, Nimal boy with his racing cars-all back in the saddle.
    We have had far too much of a break from those lovely days. DJ loves the court to return to Temple Trees and he loves a President who utters filth and pockets Tsunami money. Ranil is far too humdrum for DJ. well, Mohan Peiris is waiting out.

    • 0

      What about black vans and disappearance of protestors? Yes Ranil and Mangala would like to have people turning their arses the proper way, and you can stand by with the wipes. Yes we like to see Namal back with racing car or not rather than the Sirisena son who would otherwise be an abiththaya in a temple. Are we to embrace a Prime inister who is a fraudster, who brought about YAHAPALANAYA with one thing in mind viz to rob the country. Do we need a PM who protects a criminal likeRavi K and who brought in. A foreigner to rob the Central Bank? You imbecile SHYMAN you are an utter disgrace why don’t you spend your last days thinking of the great beyond rather than prop up an evil, corrupt, government that is bankrupting this country.

  • 3

    Agree with most of the facts given in this article of Shyamon Jayasinghe except for the following two:

    1) Melbourne the most livable city in the world!! and
    2) Description of Ranil Wickramasinghe in the second paragraph.

    True, Melbourne is nice, but how can it be the most livable city in the world if the day time temperature hits 40-45 celsius in the summer.
    Ranil Wickramasinghe, the chief architect of the Bond scandal is now called “Mr Crook.” and as such, the description is all wrong.

    • 0

      Everybody is Jealous when the world says Mr Clean.
      Indrajith i can get you a gratis ticket to Melbourne along with phony political scientist. DJ

  • 0


    “His end is near.”

    The end is nigh and Revelation to Percy.
    Here we have a religious nutter.

    • 0

      Stupid Tamil Vedda
      So you have a religious nutter? Where at home? That makes two of you doesn’t it stupid.

  • 0

    Most liveable City Melbourne. .Sure is , as I understand.
    Where else on the Planet Earth, can one get 800 Bux a fortnight from the Government for doing nothing ,
    And keep getting it as long as one lives..
    Will this Dr Ranil take Srilanka to that same level of liveability with his Economic Whizzadry which the writer seems to be so fascinated with.
    Dr Ranil must be the best Economist and the Best Economics and Finance Manager Srilanka ever had since 44BC. or even before when we had our own great Kings..
    Dr Ranil’s Deputy delivered a “Eulogy” on Yahapalana President which is even better than that of Mr Jayasinghe ..Although the President is still alive and kicking..
    Both men must have had the same Soothsayer’s Vision ..
    Mr Ravi blessed even the UNP supporters , Budu Saranai and God Bless both, in one hit at the end of his Media Plea yesterday…

  • 0

    Your RW eulogy is very very very premature. Et tu Shya?
    The difference between the present GoSL and the previous regime is the near total absence of white-vans and superficial signs of law and order.
    Corruption, nepotism and culture of impunity led to our ills – one of which is the white-vans.
    The bond issue has masked the Russian freighter purchase and Rajitha giving away contract to brother’s company. It is assumed that there is truth in these stories circulating.
    Our ills are there and ‘Beware the Ides of white-vans’!

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