25 April, 2024


Corona: Performativity Of A Pandemic

By Saumya Liyanage

Prof. Saumya Liyanage

‘Like silent rage the most terrible plague is one that does not disclose its symptoms” ~ Antonin Artaud, Theatre and the Plague, 196


The history of epidemic diseases that have adversely affected human race has taught us that the understanding and fighting against an epidemic is not merely a fight through scientific rationality but a battle against many socio-political and cultural catastrophes. The recent Coronavirus known as the COVID-19 pandemic has been widespread all over the world including many developed countries. The elderly generation of the contemporary societies is at risk of being infected and many have already payed the ransom from their own lives. 

I want to write about this Corona pandemic not because I have an expertise on such a medical condition nor am I an epidemiologist who could analyze the nature of the disease. But being engulfed in the daily rituals of social media and Governments’ streams of news conferences, I thought of writing about this social catastrophe and try to understand its socio-political and performative nature that affect our daily lives. Further I want to show some of the performativities that have germinated through Corona viral pandemic and how these social spectacles affect our daily existence. The term ‘performativity’ therefore I use as a way of capturing the current nature of human behavior in the midst of a viral outbreak. The term performativity derives from the term performance and Max Herrmann describes it as a ‘game in which everyone, actors and spectators, participants (Herrmann cited in Fischer-Lichte, 2014, p. 18). The term performative or performativity therefore used to denote the blurring boundaries of traditional understanding of performers-audience relationships and how current social behaviors could be understood through the light of these theatrical concepts. Further it should be noted that the performativity is related to the idea of theatrum mundi (Theatre of the world) where human life and the world is defined as theatre.  

Evolution and Disease    

This is not the first time that human race has faced such a pandemic in the history of disease. The medical history reveals that there are many epidemics or pandemics that have taken thousands of human lives all over the world for centuries (Reid and Taubenberger, 2003, Ferguson et al., 2006). In some historical moments, it is well-known that the Black Death has taken thousands of peoples’ lives without even leaving traces of them. However, writers like Sean Martin and Arno Karlen assume that the reason for our ancestors to get down from trees would be some disease that they have encountered in the early period of human evolution. Viral disease such as meningitis and polio might have affected in their movements on trees and must have forced them to walk on ground (Martin 2015, p. 23). Many ancestral human species who used to live on trees were herbivorous and they relied on many plants, nuts and leaves. However, when the human ancestors have decided to leave trees and walk on open lands, then they have gradually faced new opportunities as well as threats in survival on land. 

As Sean Martin explains, there are three major shifts in the human history that the human faced ‘disease burdens’. In the first instance, when human race started walking on grounds, they have faced their first disease burden because humans have encountered new challenges and threats of diseases that were germinated through soil. Animal droppings have nested parasitic worms. Humans have caught up with sleeping sickness because of parasitic flies and other insects that lived on animal skins. The second disease burden marks the shift from trees to the ground and changing their dietary requirements while walking as hunters-gatherers. When our ancestors started walking on ground, more opportunities for meat and protein were available for them. Therefore, humans were in contact with animals and they used to hunt them, butcher them and eat them. As some authors suggest, this may have caused them to have ‘zoonotic diseases’. Adding protein to the dietary system according to Arno Karlen, have had more lasting effect for humans (Martin 2015, p. 24). It has been found that early humans such as Neanderthals have buried their members alongside with collected flowers. (Anthropologists have found a buried man with flowers in a cave in northern Iraq, 60,000 year ago, and they believe that these burials indicate the inception of culture of human race). The third disease burden of human race begins 12,000 year ago when we started living our lives as farmers. As Sean Martin further argues, the major shift in the livelihood as farmers with domesticated animals have developed another set of diseases which were mainly germinated through them. Butchers have been coming into contact with animal meat and might have exposed to zoonoses. ‘Tilling and ploughing the ground would have exposed the Neolithic farmer to millions of microbes in the soil that could easily enter the human body through cuts or cracks in the skin, or through eating with dirty hands’ (Martin 2015, p. 25). 

When the world started talking about the first Corona viral infectious person in China and how this disease has infected humans, many people discriminatorily started talking about how Chinese people eat cobras, frogs and other animals. In daily conversation people tend to disgust about Chinese people’s dietary habits as if they do not eat meat, chicken, beef or pork. Apparently we have inherited many diseases from animals such as ‘tuberculosis from cattle and birds, anthrax from herbivorous mammals, leprosy from mice, rabies from dogs and bats, chicken pox from chicken, measles from foxes, and common cold probably from horses’ (Ibid, p. 25). 

The Current pandemic of COVID-19 is also being identified as a viral disease infected through bats. Whatever the cause of the infection, the problem related to this viral infection is rapidly spreading throughout the world and many lives have been taken. Amidst all these calamities the media and online platforms talk about this new threat and local gurus and indigenous medicinal men suggest various remedies. This disease has developed further perfomativities in the society and the social discussion and behaviors have been again and again redefined and re-conceptualized according to the developing pandemic.    

Daily life and Performativity 

As the pandemic spreads its tentacles around our lives day by day, the Sri Lankan Government has announced certain measures to reduce the spread of the viral infection. News agencies calculate the death toll of each country and provide numbers of people who have been infected. Further, the fight against Corona is developing into a cat and mouse game between the Government intelligence and with those who have come from Italy and fled from the Airport. It appears to be like a crime scene situation that has increased the suspension and tension among communities. People are being asked to do ‘social distancing’, washing hands as a ritualistic practice and wear masks to cover their faces to avoid further infection. Monks are chanting ‘rathana sutra’ as if they were living in visala mahanuwara and assuming that they are under the rule of king Suddhodana and confronted with a famine. Communities therefore are confined to their own houses where they tend to connect via online to support the fight against the Corona. Each and every person of the society is becoming a social commentator and some house wives are becoming experts in social psychology and health science, providing information and instructions on how to avoid this viral infection and keep healthy behaviors via WhatsApp. 

The main discussion that is promoted in the society at the moment is ‘social distancing’. In this social distancing, people tend to avoid interaction with each other and refrain from public gatherings and meetings. Many leaders in the World have already announced that shopping malls, theatres, cinema halls and sports stadiums to be closed for public gathering. Hence, the responsible public should avoid all sorts of social interactions and stay isolated in their houses. But the paradox of social distancing is that the officials instruct the mases to practice social distancing and at the same time they want people to get together and develop their communal spirit to fight against the threat. In other words, the practical remedy is to keep distance between people and ontologically we need to be communal at the same time and stay together to fight against the ‘monster’. In order to be isolated and practice social distancing, people need food and drink. Therefore, it is evident that why people have already emptied hundreds of supermarket shelves and grabbed toilet papers to rice, milk, canned food and other supplies. Greediness and individualization is paramount for survival. People from the lower social strata are queuing in front of Government owned retails stores to get canned fish and dhal. Others are waiting in petrol stations for hours to fill their vehicles to run away from the Pandemic. They believe that they are safe as well as their families, as long as they have adequate food stocks in their larders to feed hungry kids and elderly at home. The whole nation is getting ready for the mass performance of battle against Coronavirus. 

Witch Hunting & Shut Down 

The Sri Lankan Government has declared curfew for certain areas in the Puttalam district. People who seem to enjoy themselves having parties inside their homes remind me the last moments of the sinking Titanic. The performativity of cat and mouse game appears to be accelerating and intense. Earlier the Government has announced that the public who have arrived from overseas, particularly from Italy and South Korea are to be self-quarantined. In the meantime, the military may be trying to locate those who have not been succumbed to the Government regulations. While Iran for instance releases 80,000 inmates temporarily, we have begun our battle against those who have run away from the self-quarantine. When social distancing and shutting down airports and borders seem to be the solution to prevent viral infection, Cuba has decided to accept the British cruise ship MS Braemar by sending their own medical team and help the crew to transport unaffected people to the UK and elsewhere (Francesca Street, CNN Published 18th March 2020). 

However, the drama is very much intense at the moment by escalating the idea of shutting down Sri Lanka for two weeks. Some politicians and social commentators are in the lead of this discourse and their suggestion is to shut down the country in order to stop the spreading of the disease. But the fact is that this isolation or social distancing does not purely bring the solution to the problem. For instance some countries such as the Great Britain has taken a very few steps to control the Corona outbreaks because they still think that the British society has not reached to the maximum level of the Pandemic curve. As the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his two consultants (scientific and Medical) suggest, they are monitoring the scale of the outbreak and it is not their prime time to impose all the measures. According to their analysis, what they try to do is to flatten the peak point of the pandemic curve and control the spreading of the disease through a longer period of time. As experts suggest, COVID-19 will not be over soon but last for months or may be another year. The nature of a pandemic is to reach its peak through time and space and along this path the most vulnerable sector of the society would be the older people.  

Liminality and Identity  

A year ago, Sri Lankan society was terrorized by covering faces due to terrorist attacks. The law enforcement agency declared not to cover faces in public spaces, schools and other venues. Now the question of terrorism and public safety discourse has been shifted to promote covering faces to prevent Corona spreading. For the last few weeks, there was a shortage of surgical masks because people have purchased surgical masks in large numbers. Variety of masks is a common feature of today’s human attire. We do not bother about identifying a person through face or recognizing a person through facial features. Today our main purpose is whether people have covered their faces in order to prevent from infections. Therefore now the masked face is a must for the public appearance and daily performance. 

With these costume changes and self-quarantine rituals, the whole society is becoming more performative than ever before. Although theatre, film screening and other entertainment venues are closed for public gathering, we are becoming a part of the nationwide performance and this performance is projected to the local and global audience through World Wide Web and local media. The division between poor and elite is blurring into infected and non-infected, masked or non-masked, patriotic or non-patriotic. The Corona warfare is becoming a performance where the spectators are also becoming participants of the event. Therefore the ‘event-ness’ of the disease is more apparent and ‘participants experience themselves as subjects who partially control, and are partially controlled by, the condition–neither fully autonomous nor fully determined’ (Fischer-Lichte, 2014, p. 42). It is very much evident that the current pandemic is no longer a natural phenomenon but it associates with many political and cultural nuances which cannot be analyzed through medical or scientific knowledge. As Jennifer Cooke explains ‘plague is wielded as a political or rhetorical weapon in the service of social discrimination or stigmatisation; it is mobilised to critique regimes, dictators or minority groups’ (Cooke 2009, p. 2).   

Therefore the whole nation is stepping into, if I use Victor Turner’s term ‘liminal State’ where the in-between-ness of Corona viral infection is experienced and performed. Anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep in his book The Rites of Passage (1960) describes three stages of liminal states. The first liminal state is that in this current social context people are being requested to be quarantines or self-quarantines and a sector of social milieu is already being separated or marginalized from their daily lives. The second liminal space is where the ritual of treatment and medical procedures are followed and succumbed to the Government rules and regulations. The state identifies and begins to categorize who are healthy and fit to survive and who are weak or rather abnormal. The second threshold is somewhat an unsettling experience for participants as they have to undergo many medical and governmental procedures in order for them to prove that they are being transformed into the final phase of the ritual. Then the final stage is to reintegrate the newly transformed or quarantined   individual to the social order. In the current context, the final liminal space for the Corona suspect is to free from the 14 day quarantine process and get back to her/his own family or the community with a new identity and presence. It is a larger scale performance that is being carried out in five continents partaking with many actors and directors interventions. As Michael Foucault argues, plague or pandemic is wielded as a political and oppressive apparatus to identify and stigmatization of certain groups of the society and how the medical institutions and governance would be redefined and operated as epistemological tools of surveillance of people’s sickness and wellbeing (Cooke 2009).  


COVID -19 has threatened all nations and it is time for us to rethink how we should fight against such a fatal disease. Talking at a television discussion very recently, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, the Foreign Minister of Singapore clearly demarcated the ways that powerful and weak States would handle the current pandemic situation. According to him there are three pillars that hold the idea of how effectively we are to handle the situation: 1. Quality of Health care, 2. Standards of Governance and 3. Social Capital (CNBC Interview, 11 March-COVID-19). If the current disease outbreak spreads overwhelmingly, exceeding the capacity to control with the existing medical facilities or if the social capital is not educated or competent enough to understand the severity of outbreak and how to handle it as a community, and finally if the Government does not take the current situation seriously and provide adequate financial and infrastructure support, then our lives will be at stake. As proven with research, the public response to disease outbreaks is in general calm and orderly but if the situation escalates into a severe outbreak the situation will be more dramatic and catastrophic. For instance, recent research has found that in such a situation ‘outbreak of disease can trigger social disturbances, including panic, rioting, hoarding of medical supplies, or violence against members of groups believed to have or carry the Disease ’ (Shannon M. Fast1, Marta C. Gonza´lez, James M. Wilson, and Natasha Markuzon, 2015). To sum up this, I would like to show what Antonin Artaud, French theatre director and theorist, half a century ago compared and discussed the affinities between theatre and plague. He wrote that ‘The plague takes dormant images, latent disorder and suddenly carries them to the point of the most extreme gestures. Theatre also takes gestures and develops them to the limit. Just like the plague, it reforges the links between what does and does not exist, between the Virtual nature of the possible and the material nature of existence’ (Artaud, A., 2010, p. 18).  Therefore we need to look at the in-betweeness that we all experience in the wake of the Corona outbreak; it is the transformation or the rites of passage of life and death. 


Artaud, A. and Calder, J., 2005. The Theatre And Its Double. London: Calder Publications.

Cooke, J., 2009. Legacies Of Plague In Literature, Theory And Film. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Fast, S., González, M., Wilson, J. and Markuzon, N., 2015. Modelling the propagation of social response during a Disease  outbreak. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 12(104), p.20141105.

Ferguson, N., Cummings, D., Fraser, C., Cajka, J., Cooley, P. and Burke, D., 2006. Strategies for mitigating an influenza pandemic. Nature, 442(7101), pp.448-452.

Fischer-Lichte, E., 2014. The Routledge Introduction To Theatre And Performance Studies. London: Routledge.

Martin, S., 2015. Short History Of Disease . [Place of publication not identified]: Turnaround Publisher Serv.

O’LOUGHLIN, M., 2016. EMBODIMENT AND EDUCATION. [Place of publication not identified]: SPRINGER.

Reid, A. and Taubenberger, J., 2003. The origin of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus: a continuing enigma. Journal of General Virology, 84(9), pp.2285-2292.

*Saumya Liyanage (PhD), Professor in Theatre and Drama, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Visual and Performing Arts, Colombo, Sri Lanka 

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Latest comments

  • 11

    COVID.19 is the latest viral tool of the New World Order Politicians to eliminate the Pensioners and to limit the future World Population. Their aim is to cut social expenses of the states on older people and to control the world employment crisis of the future younger generation.

    The Pharma Industry is making a FORTUNE IN BILLIONS by doing and undoing a colossal global Human Misery.

    • 4

      Saumya Liyanage,

      The key is identifying the infected , the asymptomatics and isolating them.

      https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/18/scienThe small town of Vò, in northern Italy, where the first coronavirus death occurred in the country, has become a case study that demonstrates how scientists might neutralise the spread of Covid-19.

      A scientific study, rolled out by the University of Padua, with the help of the Veneto Region and the Red Cross, consisted of testing all 3,300 inhabitants of the town, including asymptomatic people. The goal was to study the natural history of the virus, the transmission dynamics and the categories at risk.

      The researchers explained they had tested the inhabitants twice and that the study led to the discovery of the decisive role in the spread of the coronavirus epidemic of asymptomatic people.tists-say-mass-tests-in-italian-town-have-halted-covid-19

      • 5


        “The main discussion that is promoted in the society at the moment is ‘social distancing’. In this social distancing, people tend to avoid interaction with each other and refrain from public gatherings and meetings.”

        Yes. This is exactly what each citizen should do for the next 3 weeks, until the virologists, biologists and the scientists come up with possible strategies and solutions.

        What the monks, Priests and Ulama can do, is ask the people stay away from each other and social distancing.

        • 1


          Now up to 70, looks like a geometric progression. Sad and precarious situation.

          This is what. Happens when many in the populace and the leadership are imbeciles.

          Lost time. The asymptomatics are spreading it, along with those who have symptoms and taking anti-pyretics.

    • 6

      This is wrong. I am from Pharma inducstry. The kind of vaccines that would be necessary not on a consecutive manner.. make them not that lucrative.. and that was the reason why they have not focused on them until COVID 19 hit the countries.
      If according to you, if there were making billions, they would have found a drug long before.
      Viral diseases in general are far from understanding. And the nature of VIRUSES makes it very difficult to find therapies. ::: those who know the basics of microbiology… would see it ,, while the masses would not.. see the numbers go up in Iran, because their politicians dont take them serioius… there are videos, ones with some COVID 19 poisitive dont care and react publicly showing their braveries…. that misleads the masses and as a result they rise up exponentially.
      That was also the case in Italy.

      • 0

        Simon De Silva ,

        It is note worthy that Iran is under sanction from major drug
        producing countries which could contribute to the escalation.
        And in Italy it is being argued that 1. the ageing population
        2. the percentage of smokers 3. misunderstanding the virus
        for seasonal flu and 4. number of Chinese labours moving in
        and out of Italy to and from China , have contributed significantly .

    • 8

      Medamulana Musalaya Virus (MMV-19) is even more dangerous than COVID-19.
      Please see the reasons as described below
      1) Today Very same gota has audacity to criticise ROYAL-THOMIAN match, but Bp himself took part in Anandada Nalanada match held on the 07th Jan remember ?
      On that the world was repeating the threat of the virus

      2) In the nation s speech day before yesterday, BP never praised the manner country s forces worked die hard to allow arriving SRILANKENS to quarantine… .. did you watch the news ?.
      Germany s Leader Dr Merkel thanks almost every minor work in supermarkets.
      3)Today, BPs, enjoy… asif the state funds are their own properties. Media blackouts dont seem to inform the people adequately.

      • 1

        Sam Fernando,
        “Medamulana Musalaya Virus (MMV-19) is even more dangerous than COVID-19.”

        Medamulana Musalaya Virus is the best thing that happen to Sri Lanka. That virus eradicated ‘Para’ Demala LTTE barbarians that slaughtered Native Sinhalayo for three decades.
        If that virus was not removed in 2015, it would have wiped out Muslim barbarians who launched the terrorist attack. Batalanda virus that Gamarala brought was not capable of eradicating Muslim terrorists.

      • 1

        Sam Fernando

        What a gal Musala are you?

        Covid 19 first case ( to a Sri Lankan) reported in March. How can a leader of a county thank workers in day today basis. Workers don’t expect it. They only expect protective measures like providing masks. gowns, sanitary liquids etc which government provides.

  • 5

    Great macro-perspective, and we’ve good testing grounds of these scenarios. In SL I thought all 3 pillars are in disarray; but, through action the Health Care has proved it’s ability to stand-tall. As regards to Governance; lack of Government looks a great strength at this point. Human Capital: theoretically, education is at prime now, but minority IDIOTS seem the driving force.

  • 2

    Great macro-perspective, and we’ve good testing grounds of these scenarios. In SL I thought all 3 pillars are in disarray; but, through action the Health Care has proved it’s ability to stand-tall. As regards to Governance; lack of Government looks a great strength at this point. Human Capital; theoretically, education is at prime now, but minority IDIOTS seem the driving force.

  • 13

    Take Care of each other

    COVID – 19

    Treats every body without discrimination

    Take care of each other without discrimination

    Don’t finish the supermarket shelves without thingking of others.

    Look after the vulnerable , the over 60 s and people with underlying health issues.

    Keep a distance from each other self corantine if you are infected.

    Respect the Medical and Government officials and follow their instructions.

  • 4

    Performativity… Do our new Rich and Sophisticated Expats from Italia and South Korea understand this?..

    They are the ones who escaped our quarantine system , carrying the Corona to our poor Villages where the majority are living in Asbestos Huts without even running water Toilets or Bathrooms. let alone A/C rooms .

    Otherwise our inhabitants ,the great majority wouldn’t have to worry about Corona which doesn’t like 25 C Plus environments..-

    Anyway thanks for the information about our ancestors , although it is different to what I learned from that eminent ex Judge in Lankawe ,Mr Wigneswaran……

    • 7

      Sumane! I thought Srilanka rich country by the way you ill define TN .. ha ha TN restricted with its outstanding health care system.

      • 1

        Sorry for the typo.. Srilanka is a rich country from the way you ill-define

        • 4

          Manisekaran Thangavelu

          Have you noticed Seeman has gone gaga even though he is not that old? He behaves exactly like Gota, both rage with extreme madness.

          It is not safe to be around both of them.

      • 2

        Hi Manisekaran Thangavelu how are you? After Long time noh? Welcome welcome.

        I thought Chennai didn’t need COVID-19 because Cholera, typhoid would kill hundreds daily when you go outside to take a dump noh?

        I can’t say Sri Lanka is a rich when it’s GDP is smaller than most major US or Canadian companies. But I can say definitely that Sri Lanka is a clean country with a better quality of life than you would ever have.

        • 0

          One more false pride . TN health indicators are much better than so called yours! I wish coronova eradicates all racists humbugs across globe. Stay safe seems you are one of them

      • 3

        Manisekaran Thangavelu

        Have you noticed Seeman has gone gaga even though he is not that old? He behaves exactly like Gota, both rage with extreme madness.

        It is not safe to be around both of them.

    • 5

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      ” Do our new Rich and Sophisticated Expats from Italia and South Korea understand this?..”

      Aren’t you kidding?
      Were they headhunted by Exor, FCA Italy, Assicurazioni Generali, …………….. ?.

      Some of the Kallathonie illegal immigrants have recently returned to this island from Italy, (Several absconding Sri Lankan returnees are those who had traveled to Italy illegally – dailymirror.lk 20 March 2020 ).

      A number of them have Tattooed Mahinda’s face on their front and back including on their bum.

      • 1

        Dear Native,

        I thought they work for Lamboghni, Ferrari. , Docle Gabbana and Verace.
        Like Dr Rani’s Volks Wagon, Mitchellin X and Victoria Secrets employees in Lankawe.

        BTW , what is that Mannickam dude from Tamil Nad is on about?.

        Looks like they do not have any Expats returning from Italia to celebrate Tamil New Year there..

        So you think Nad LTTE, See Man is a force to be reckoned with?.

        I know PM Modi has no Muslims in his Cabinet.
        Does he have any Naduans as Cabinet Ministers?..

        • 1

          KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

          Do you know Kenny Rogers (American singer, songwriter, actor, record producer, and entrepreneur) has passed away yesterday.

          What I didn’t know was that Shenali Waduge (your fellow bigoted kallathonie descendant of Tamil Nadu) the most unhappy person this country has ever produced loved his music. Yet she still remains unhappy as ever. Does it mean she hates homegrown musicians or the anti American hate all Sinhala/Buddhist is being hypocritical as has been always?

          What do you think about front bench Rishi Sunak, Priti Patel, Alok Sharma who are supposed to be holding the fort and flying the union Jack for Boris Johnsons? Do you regret not being born in an Indian family?

          “So you think Nad LTTE, See Man is a force to be reckoned with?.”

          He is all f**t and no s**t.
          One should be sceptical of his petty alienating nasty Tamil Nationalism, another polarising Weerawansa in South Asia, ….. who would have done well had he been born in this island.

          “Does he have any Naduans as Cabinet Ministers?..”

          Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar and Nirmala Sitharaman
          Minister of Finance of India.
          You stupid people need both of them if you need physical safety and economic survival.

          • 0

            Dear Native,

            Didn’t know you are a C&W fan.
            In fact I watched Gambler being sung by the guy who wrote the song at a concert in Big Opra in Nashville.
            It was fabulous. but Kenny Rodgers elevated it to the next level with his beautifully coarse voice.

            Please don’t upset your LTTE buddies in both Jaffna and Tamil Nad..

            We need them to keep Sampathar getting his hands on an Eelaam in Jaffna.

            BTW,Did you hear about Keselwatta Kid finding a cure for the Corona?.

            How ecstatic your UNP buddies in Colombo will be now, smelling a Victory in the Election when Prez Nande lifts the curfew?….

            Why are you so obsessed with Shenali Waduge?..Is she a good looking Boy or a Girl, Native ?..

            • 1

              KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

              “We need them to keep Sampathar getting his hands on an Eelaam in Jaffna.”

              Therefore you make sure Gota/Mahinda don’t try their best to be smart asses and both Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar and Nirmala Sitharaman Minister of Finance of India (Tamil Descendants) are being entertained and kept informed about the needs of this island on a regular basis (24/7/52). In other words both Gota/Mahinda appoint themselves as Modi’s new b***s carriers if you really want to stop your women folks being groped by strangers.

              “BTW,Did you hear about Keselwatta Kid finding a cure for the Corona?”

              Not really.
              However according to media Gota has discovered biological solution, giving those Corona victims each an acid (imported from China) bath making them disappear, after 10 years claiming them being dead while fighting Coronavirus,…. . Problem solved.

              It is the swashbuckling single handed Kamal who is supposed to be fighting the virus in the streets, on mountains, seas, ……. colombo streets, … along with his fellow Rana-virus Shavendra.

              By the way your fellow moaning-minnie Shenali Waduge says,
              “In Gota We Trust”.
              Is she Gota’s old flame?

    • 6


      Those who returned from Italy and South Korea are Srilanka born Buddhist Sinhala, not Tamils or Muslims. It is shame on you like blood thirsty Sinhala Buddhists put the blame on others. It is not surprised that you are telling this because you enjoyed when Ptusnami many was robbed or when over 60000 Sinhalese were bulldozed and an American came from the Richest world to bring back Korono to our nation.

      • 1

        Ajith, Where did I mention Tamils or Muslims.

        Why would they want to go to Italia when they can go to Kanada, Australia, Switzerland, and Saudi Arabia.

        I know nothing about any Bulldozing Business.

        Bu I know lot of people robbed the Tsunami Donations,
        And that include NGO mates who bought Girl friends and even Boy Friends with Tsunami Funds in nice coastal towns.

      • 2

        “Those who returned from Italy and South Korea are Srilanka born Buddhist Sinhala, not Tamils or Muslims.”
        An interesting observation. This raises the question why Demalu and Muslims do not go to foreign countries to work and bring foreign exchange. In case of Muslims, they eat the foreign exchange earned by hard working Sinhala men and women to import all kinds of rubbish and get rich. Buying and selling is their game. Is that the case with Demalu too or are Demalu too lazy to go and do hard work in foreign countries?

      • 2

        “blood thirsty Sinhala Buddhists”
        Those who are ‘BLOOD THIRSTY’ in this country are the descendants of ‘Para’ Demala slaves brought and dumped in Sinhale by colonial parasites and eventually accommodated by Native Sinhalayo giving citizenship to live in this country.
        The way those ungrateful ‘Para’ Demalu slaughtered Native Sinhalayo for three decades to grab a piece of land from the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo provide ample evidences to determine who are ‘BLOOD THIRSTY’.

        • 0

          Fossil Eagle,

          You still continue with your senile rantings. At least say something different.
          Most of the “native Sinhalayo” , including yourself, are descended from Indian migrants of the last 500 years, They planted everything from cocoa to cinnamon .
          You have the fking nerve to call tea workers slaves while you enjoy the fruits of their labour. They are here only because your lazy ancestors refused to work. Even now you prefer to send your women to Dubai and get drunk on their money. Pl. go get yourself admitted to a good elders home.
          By the way if you tell me your real name, I could tell you which part of India your whoring low-caste female ancestor came from.
          Come on now, wouldn’t you like to know?

  • 5

    Little less than 200 thousand infected so far. More than 80,000 cured. Less than 8000 deaths. So, SL like small nation should more worry about not to over crowd the hospitals and empty the supplies, and make all doctors & nurses work only for Covid-19 cases to ignore other life-threatening cases than Covid-19’s killing power. Help others isolating yourself before you get infected.

  • 7

    Fighting the virus spread requires a government that practices social democracy with a properly functioning centrally managed healthcare system and a good social safety net. Also, a brutal communist dictatorship can by shear brute force manage this crisis well but with no care or concern to its citizens. The crooked capitalist countries have weak health care infrastructure and weak social safety nets. The key motivation for the right wing governments that lead these countries is money. Thru repeated tax cuts they have not only pandered to the rich who have become insanely more rich but they have cut all government run departments and programs in a vain effort to reign in the drop in revenue which has caused massive deficits. These countries will suffer the most. Their citizens have been fed a daily dose of propaganda by the right wing media machine the dominates their media markets. Ignorant and stupid they will not see what is coming at them. No safety measures or quarantine will be put in place in time. Therefore this will become an epic disaster for these nations. There is a lesson in this for Sri Lankans.

    • 1

      “Also, a brutal communist dictatorship can by shear brute force manage this crisis well but with no care or concern to its citizens.”

      Haven’t you heard the phrase ‘end justifies the means’? The Government of China took all those drastic measures because they care for its citizens. Don’t get jealous with the way Chinese overcome the crisis. May be those who introduced this virus to China thought it will ruin China completely. Has what they did ‘BACKFIRED’?

  • 6

    Saumya Liyanage

    RE: COVID-19

    Thanks for your article.

    Perhaps you should have dwelled a little more on the imbecility of the populace, mean IQ 79, who could not understand the gravity of the situation, it was all about their selfish interests, just like the politicians and the monks.

    An Example is given below.

    The groups who had protested at the airport and evaded quarantine should be considered as traitors as they were directly responsible for the country’s current situation, Transport Services Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said.

    The minister said there were some passengers who had protested in the airport terminal building, demanding that they not be taken for quarantine and to allow them to return home without delay. He also said that some of them had even escaped the quarantine centres.

    “The government will take necessary legal action against these people”, he said.

    Amaraweera commented that these people were the cause of the virus spreading and who were responsible for the country’s current situation.

    • 5

      When most of the Lankan returnees from Italy went there with forged pp’s are like Wimalweerawansa who later went there to meet them with a forged pp courtesy of RW, why wouldn’t they on arrival protest and evade quarantine.
      After all are they not heroes like that guy who aimed a rifle butt clout on PM Rajiv Gandhi during Yankee Dicky’s tenure in office as President.

  • 10

    We are not United nation. So the danger is very high with Corona 19

    • 9

      Unity is seen only among civilized people.
      SO long Rajakshes would be alive, this nation would be gone rotten.

      • 5

        People where they are displined .. it is easy to control. See, even Indians are much obedient than the srilankens.
        Just look at the manner, BPs behaves themselves at the airport, just arriving from Italy. Most of them are labourerers. Italy have not hired srilankens doctors or graduates to their country. Most of them are house keepers or the like unskilled workers. But they are given the chance to experience the civilized society in europe… but lankens that behaved before BIA authorties were like ones came out of forest.
        These people are tamed by BP Rajakshes. I know myself, that BP Wimal BUruwanse have paid a visit to Melano other places in ITALY to fool them. The very same story is the case in Korea.

  • 12

    As an avid reader of the CT articles and a keen observer of the comments, I wonder what some of the CT commentators think as this contagion spreads and escalate into an existential crisis. Would they still keep fighting like the Pirates of the Caribbean to the last man or woman on sectarian issues or realize that viruses like the Covid-19 do not discriminate on the basis of language or religion and that we all must act together for the common good of all. Imagine how much better a medical system we would have had if resources were not wasted on that 30 year war. How much better we would have been had we elected intelligent, honest and committed parliamentarians to develop the island than those we elected in the last 70 odd years. Would Covid-19 make us change our ways in the future?

    • 1

      Dear Goonatilake, You observations are reasonable; but unfortunately, they are superficial. Would Covid-19 make us change our ways in the future, you ask. No, our ways are are stuck in racial disharmony. You imagine how much better a medical system we would have had if our resources were not wasted on that 30 year war. You refuse to go back beyond 30 years. Our resources have been getting wasted for 70 years, not 30 years. That’s what brought about the war. That’s what brought about the brain drain. Now you know why my answer is a ‘No’.

  • 7

    The Sri Lankan government is on track with the postponement of the general election.
    Nothing new to say at this point.
    Sixty people have infected so far.
    The contribution of the Sri Lankan Tri Forces to contain and mitigate the Coronavirus is tremendous. There is a distressing video of soldiers who help at quarantine centres sleeping on the floor and under trees. I wish some may want to donate folding beds to those soldiers so that they can get a proper rest.
    While wealthy countries inject billions of capital to their economies hit by the Coronoavirus, developing countries struggle to maintain quarantine centres and hospitals with a large number of suspected cases.
    In order to control the spread of the Coronavirus worldwide, it is now imperative for rich nations and international organizations to help Asian countries battling against the viral disease.
    If there is a major outbreak in Asia and Africa same as in Europe, many countries will not be able to handle it. Moreover, even though the rich nations managed to control the spread of the viral disease through lockdowns and closed borders, if Asia and Africa was unable to control, there is every chance of the developed world to see the second round of the Coronavirus.
    Therefore, I urge Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization to explore the possibility of releasing funds on an urgent basis to countries like Sri Lanka which is currently at the dangerous stage of community transmission of the Coronavirus.

    • 10

      Our unsung heroes; healthcare workers, airport workers, Police officers and members of the Tri Forces who risk their health to maintain hospitals, quarantine centres and other services should receive the appreciation of all Sri Lankans.

    • 9


      In the meantime, some “Patriotic “ Paras , are contributing to the agony and help spread the virus, for their own self interest.

      This is making the Patriotic soldiers to sleep under the trees.

      An Example is given below.
      The groups who had protested at the airport and evaded quarantine should be considered as traitors as they were directly responsible for the country’s current situation, Transport Services Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said.
      The minister said there were some passengers who had protested in the airport terminal building, demanding that they not be taken for quarantine and to allow them to return home without delay. He also said that some of them had even escaped the quarantine centres.
      “The government will take necessary legal action against these people”, he said.
      Amaraweera commented that these people were the cause of the virus spreading and who were responsible for the country’s current situation.

      In addition, the imbecile schoolboys want to have a cricket match, and the monks want to have the pilgrimage to the butterfly mountain, and the wimpy imbecile President says all right.

      • 4

        The monks are BUTTERFLIES also known as SAMANALAYAS a famous word used by the former Prezy “Moda” Sirisena. The monks are now proving that they belong to this category,what about the Saffronian and his driver molesting a thirteen year old kid. I love these monks they are what they are nothing good and wonderful about them so let the Rajapkses and their cohorts fall at their feet and worship them, after all Pavithra Wanniarchci the Min of Health creeps under the table to kiss MR’s filthy feet that picture went viral

      • 3

        “The groups who had protested at the airport and evaded quarantine should be considered as traitors”

        Let him be in the shoes of those so said traitors who had been away, not seeing their wives and kids for months, if not years. And those panicked guys had no idea what will happen next once taken to quarantine centers. Now it must be worse feeling after seeing Italy where they didn’t allow the relatives to see the dead bodies – Head makes sense, not heart. Sri Lankans give preference to hearts over heads.

    • 9

      Not 60, but there are many, their statistics are false.
      Those who arrived from ND India were not checked. There are lot more scattered in the country that may have infected even thousands. I have no doubt, the numbers are really much higher than the buggers make every effort to paint.
      And the fact is, ARMY should be just an additional force to help with, but in SL, they have put the army before the MINISTRY of Health. How come ? What govt who has failed to impose the least actions regarding the irradication of COVID 19.
      Country wide ban should be imposed, if needed they should provide the FOOD and others needs as in an Emergency situation.
      Lets hope BPs and Rajajapkshes would be the next to be infected and leave this nation. Then only this nation could ever see it beyond. Please god, make every step Mahinda Rajaashe be infected.. for all the high crimes he deliberatly committed…

      • 8

        You are right it is their FALSE STATISTICS. The gullible and idiotic president spoke big of how wonderful the country was doing because of his interference to stem the spread of the virus. It was just the way he thought he is taking the people on a ride. When they said they found one Chinese woman I went on the media and claimed at that time Sri Lanka was nearing over a hundred cases and the government was LYING as usual. I will bet my bottom dollar there must be at the moment hundreds of cases hope it is not going to be in the thousands. When I wrote about the Government doing nothing I had a response from a man from Kandy saying that I was hoping to seek political mileage,then he comes back again and asks me what the country should do. I am not an authority on these matters but an authority in finding out when the Govt and ministers LIE

        • 3


          Thanks for your post.

          When there was 1 case, due to the nature of this virus , it’s latency and asymptoms nature, and infections, that one case was the tip of the iceberg, clearly established now. Given that there are more than 60 cases, doubling every few days, only a complete lockdown for 2 to 3 weeks can contain this, and allow to identify the carriers. It needs to be extended until the curve comes down.

      • 2

        “And the fact is, ARMY should be just an additional force to help with, but in SL, they have put the army before the MINISTRY of Health. How come ?”

        Who the hell are you pretending as ‘Veryangrysinhalaya’ to question how the Government of Sri Lanka handles the Corona crisis?
        ‘Para’ Demalu do not like Sri Lankan Armed Forces handling the job very efficiently.

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

        For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

  • 7

    A decisive leader with the Army Commander as the Head of the Covid-19 Task force has succeeded in reducing the number of new infections from 13 on 17 March to 7 on 19 March. Most of the infections are among people who returned from Italy, Germany & Uk. Local tour guides are also affected. There are hardly any infections among local people.

    There are no deaths in Sri Lanka and the effectiveness of the cheap Malaria drug Hydroxy Chloroquine to control the infection is good news. I hope Sri Lanka will achieve the honor of being the first country to reduce the number of new infections from over 10/day to No infections/day, with the tough new measures.

    • 7

      Who told you THERE ARE NO DEATHS !!!Please name the source. By the way is the murderous Army Commander a relative of yours or is he a Virologist.Its best you feign ignorance than shooting out your mouth,it is detrimental to the country

  • 4

    Re: Conclusion of the Article.
    I fully agree with writer’s concerns about the behaviour of the social capital at a situation of the outbreak.
    As reported in some media, there were some cases where villagers have not allowed for foreigners to visit certain areas and also forced them to leave hotels. The Police should make sure non-repetition of such incidents. It is important not to be judgmental at this point, as it might create unnecessary animosity between locals and expatriates/foreigners.
    The Police is taking action against those who evaded quarantine, partly because it was not compulsory at the time they entered Sri Lanka. However, now that quarantine is compulsory, it is the duty of expatriates and foreigners to comply with the law for their own health and also of others.
    Love the article!

    • 6

      Do you live in Sri Lanka ? don’t you know that the cops could be bribed to let the people roam the streets ? Check it out

      • 1

        Weeraputha, what is not impossible in our rotten hell ?
        Just compare the manner, HOW incumbent president holds his speech ? Not even a man in mannig market would and could hold a better speech.
        I think … he should leave it to ministry of health to decide it for the nation.
        President s actions are beyond all low levels. He should give the leadership to some one in the street.. that could do the job well.

  • 5

    CBG, appreciate your sincere comment. I too ask the same questions frequently. In medical world we see some times individuals/families do make positive changes after a near death experience. Either in their life style, priorities or overall view which changes for the good. The same may be expected following natural disasters, catastrophes, war or pandemics. We Lankans have had all and still the immorality has only got worse. That should say a lot about our politicians who have gradually conditioned those masses beyond the point of no return. Simple example will be an alcoholic patient is mostly in DENIAL until death, what if the family too is in Denial ??????End result patient dies and family is pushed into misery (financial, legal, psychological,dysfunction )

  • 5

    About government’s decision to impose an islandwide curfew to control the spread of the Coronavirus:-
    There is a difference between a curfew and a lockdown.
    A lockdown is keeping people where they are and not allowing people to go out or enter the city while a curfew is keeping people out of streets.
    When a curfew is imposed, it is imperative for large crowds to gather on the street and grocery stores, before and after a curfew, which totally works against the purpose of imposing a curfew.
    Moreover, while the rich have already hoarded food items, it is the poor who find it difficult to find money to store groceries for their families before and after a curfew.

    • 3

      @Champa ,
      Exactly , not just poor , mostly every common man .

      With living cost so high people are struggling to manage their day to day living , you buy a few stuff to last a day or two it costs at lesst 1000 , how can common man spend in one go Rs.30 to 50,.000 ? One has to be extremely rich to do so and its okay , they got the money let them buy even but the entire store .
      But Government , especially Phottuwe is the common man’s party , many have misinterpretated, its not a racist party .
      So.Please take care of The poor and middle class.The Rich can take care of themselves .

  • 4

    Some churches have smartly adopted streaming Mass instead of having home congregation.

    No matter where you congregate its same and the who idea of Worship places shutting down will be lost.

    I appreciate Churches that have adopted live streaming considering the safety of all and still keeping faith and continuing the Services to the Lord in a sensible manner.
    Its something other religions should consider too.

    • 0

      Fahim Knight, You are right. Its time for schools and universities too to have streaming education, instead of tuition classes which have to be cancelled in pandemic. Streaming education is available all over the world. So why are SL universities so lethargic , wasting time of youth, by cancelling of exams, thus frustrating students. Wake up uni. staff.

  • 2

    Even if we make out of Corona onslaught,the economic impact is here to stay. The stock Market has been closed for trading not due to Corona scare alone but the market had lost more than 10% in last few days. The fear is people will make a run (the kingpins closer to govt would have already recovered theirs on inside information) and it will crash beyond recovery. Also US $ shot up to 190 and soon expected to cross 200 LKR. That will make every transaction from now , much more costlier (debts, goods,imports). Our govt is keeping silent so that people will continue to panic on Corona for time being. When public come to realize, the blame will be shifted to any thing and every thing other than govt. Already some mouth pieces has started voicing about large amount of money allocated to pay dues left by old govt. (just imagine how much of foreign exchange MS alone blew on foreign trips , would have come handy at this time of crisis) A emergency bailout was received from China to keep us going. Question is how long and how far ????? On top 7 Billion will be wasted on a SHAM called elections. Looks like who ever comes to power will need the 2/3 to keep the public under control.

  • 2

    Even if we make out of Corona onslaught,the economic impact is here to stay. The stock Market has been closed for trading not due to Corona scare alone but the market had lost more than 10% in last few days. The fear is people will make a run (the kingpins closer to govt would have already recovered theirs on inside information) and it will crash beyond recovery. Also US $ shot up to 190 and soon expected to cross 200 LKR. That will make every transaction from now , much more costlier (debts, goods,imports). Our govt is keeping silent so that people will continue to panic on Corona for time being. When public come to realize, the blame will be shifted to any thing and every thing other than govt. Already some mouth pieces has started voicing 75 Billion LKR allocated to pay dues left by previous govt. (just imagine how much of foreign exchange MS alone blew on foreign trips , would have come handy at this time of crisis) A emergency bailout was received from China to keep us going. Question is how long and how far ????? On top 7 Billion will be wasted on a SHAM called elections. Looks like who ever comes to power will need the 2/3 to keep the public under control.

  • 1

    No need to worry.
    Curfew in place – corona virus can’t escape.
    Even if it does, guards armed to teeth will chase it down and catch it.
    At the end of the day, government will be hailed for achieving the monumental while the poor downtrodden starve after the impact.
    Silly Lankans, how easy is it to manipulate with fear!

  • 4

    Curfew is declared at 6 PM.
    And almost all petrol sheds supermarkets everything is closed by 3 PM .
    This is utterly crazy .
    Two days lot of people are going to be starving .

    At least you need to permit the Uber and pickme foods to operare during curfew hours

    You cant do this to the people, especially deny food, not everyone had the means to buy the entire supermarket .

    This is extremely dissapointing

  • 1

    The Covid-19 virus is not as dangerous as the imbecility of the masses and their leaders. All these dramatic headlines only sell newspapers and encourage rumours and scaremongering. Putting this virus into perspective, it is not as bad as it is made out to be. Here is a link to other viral outbreaks

    • 0

      UK is not revealing the effect of this disease because it will be scare the shit out of you.

      The reason is UK is following herd immunity strategy because UK believes fighting COVID-19 is a futile excercise.

      UK’s chief scientific officer has been quite blunt and open in admitting that UK would try to suppress the casualtiles and suffering and not the disease itself.

      There was rumour going on that UK was using children, who appear to be least affected group, as carriers.

      Netheland is another country that is follwoing herd immunity.

      I know a person who is recovering from COVID-19 and 24 years old.

      The headache was so sereve that he wanted to bang the head on the walls. These kind of thoughts you only see in brain tumor patients.

      The pain was so severe that he could not lift his arms or legs, not even mobile phone, in addtion to heavy fever and breathing dificulties.

      He believes he is born again.

      • 0

        I forgot to add one more effect.

        Covid-19 has made his skin looks like wrinkles that forms with aging.

  • 1

    Lot of people are extremely upset with the way Curfew has been declared and the unethical action of petrol sheds , supermarkets and even all eatries .
    Extremely unethical to shut down so early.
    Some have shut down at 12 noon and never opened ,you need to provide 24 hours least before you declare a 48 hours curfew .

  • 2

    The curfew should have started tomorrow morning and The government should have insisted all service providers to serve the people at least till mid night .

    A failed , totally failed decision and have effected lot of people .

  • 2

    I know its exttemely important to have the curfew .

    But its the way the service providers behaved is what is most disgusting.

  • 1

    @Fahim Knight
    You’e joking right? If faith can go digital and can be streamed assuming that all communities are wired, then why even have a Pope to intervene between God, the Savant and those who slave for Almighty? Why not stream directly between Vaticanm , Netflix and you. There is a reason in Judaeo-Christian, and to a great extent, in Islam as to why all these Abrahamic religions make it mandatory for their disciples to congregate if that duty can be “affordable” as in the case of Haj pilgrimage for that faith. If not mandatory, its strongly recommended the worshipers the houses of God. I can speak volumes for the Judae christian values although very little about the Islamic faith. Irrespective of religions, the social values of congregation has a divine purpose to create bridges, respect for one another of values, purify the inner sanctum and reach out to fellow human beings treating them as one family across local communities and linking them far and wide around the globe in a mass build-up of inter faith and communal dialogue with other multi-ethnic and multi cultures across empires and other civilizations. This has been the historical rule ever since Adam and Moses to Abrham travesed the holy land . I share with you a historical event, that if not for the Orthodox Christian church in Ethiopia that invited and gave refuge to Islam;s holy prophet Muhammad and his followers during his time, there would not be a faith called Islam today as their enemies were hunting to decimate them. It was the social bonds across local congregations and religious networks that lead the Holy Prophet at the time to safety as in the underground railroad served to escaping slaves in America. What was accepetable in those centuries is more applicable today than anytime in history although a few would mock that these religions are stuck in time.

    • 1

      Even if it meant to put the entire nation at risk ? We are living in different times with differnt situations .
      Its total shop to connect the present suggestion of live streaming with God and the commune with Pope ,
      All that is happening here is The priest is still attending to his devotees but thru digital.
      Anyways ,
      I am only suggesting to use streaming as an altetnative that will serve two purpose , while helpping to keep the devotees connected and also be responsible citizens .
      Well usually me being a critic of Saudi on many issues , today I Salute Saudi For the decision of Shutting down Makka .

      If Iran has followed suit they could have saved more lives .

      Wisdom and practicality is a must today

      Trust in God and tie your camel a muslim is told.

      And btw it was only a suggestion .
      And I appreciate the Churches who are sensible.

      God does not want his devotees to sacrifice their life to.a virus and also endenger others .

      God is wise, loving and not wicked.
      And will never want his beloved people to die for nothing .
      Well finally what is your stance WalaGembaRaja?
      Have congregational prayers at all cost .
      Please clarify
      Thank you

    • 1

      WalaGembaRaja, those mass gatherings for prayer would account for there being one death every six minutes in Iran. It is Science that will defeat Covid-19, not prayer besides, isn’t this virus one of the Almighty’s many creations?

  • 0

    Sri Lanka is a tropical country. Coronaviruses don’t survive very well in extreme humidity. In 2003, the SARS virus (another type of coronavirus) disappeared in China right around the summer. Keep in mind, coronavirus has the greatest impact on the elderly. It turns into pneumonia, causing breathing difficulties. Combined with pre-existing medical symptoms, the immune system cannot cope. Those with a robust immune system, such as the young, are unlikely to be impacted by the virus. Refer to statistics: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/. The mortality rate is around 4%. Meaning globally, around 4 out of every 100 people with the virus are dying.

  • 4

    At the moment Lanka needs the government to drive a military approach to managing the country that people fear and respect. The very reasons that draws tourists to Lanka, the laidback, easygoing, open society and fantastic hospitality will be the reason for a major outbreak like Chinese Corona virus to spread. This is time for isolation. Stay indoors for 2 weeks, see how you can survive with minimal resources, and that will give the country a chance to get things under control. Fanatic Moslems who have been trying to find ways to kill Kaffirs may see an opportunity here and may get infected with the virus and try to commit Jihad by spreading it and that should not be forgotten.

    • 1

      Jay Chambers
      Be realistic.
      How many people can afford to stay indoors for 2 weeks without wages in Sri Lanka? Only 5 – 10% of the entire population.
      Out of 22.5 million entire population in Sri Lanka (as at July 2018), 17.2 million people are in the age group of 15 – 65 years.
      Out of this 17.2 million, as at 1Q 2017, only 8.2 million people are employed (as per Sri Lanka Labour Force Statistics).
      From the balance 9 million people, 437,797 are unemployed.
      That means, the remaining 8.6 million people live on daily wages.
      In other words, 50% of Sri Lanka’s population who are at the employment age are not employed and therefore, receive no permanent income.
      Just think about the predicament of these people and their families with dependent children and elders when a curfew is imposed for 2 weeks as you say.
      As Sri Lankan citizens have observed for the last 72 years, our political leaders always go for a solution where they don’t have to take the responsibility.

      • 0


        “Just think about the predicament of these people and their families with dependent children and elders when a curfew is imposed for 2 weeks as you say.”

        There is a choice; 1. Continue to live as if no Corona and kill others & die 2. Face challenges for few weeks, help country, help others and help yourself?

      • 1

        Thanks for critically evaluating my ideas.

        How easy or difficult would it be to provide the minimum rations for the people who need some support as they stay in quarantine under a curfew?

        I am not recommending a total lockdown with people restricted to their homes. Villagers and suburban dwellers can come out to their gardens with family members. They just cannot congregate outside on roads and wayside places. A mechanism for distributing basic rations can be done by elected youth leaders who should be tested for disease symptoms daily and immediately withdrawn if infected.

        This way the houses with patients can be identified and all those living their have to be in real lock down and must stay indoors.

        From what I have seen of the Sinhalese, and especially the way they handled the 2004 tsunami I feel this can be achieved with good leadership but with a stick too. Lankans, like most people, must have the fear of punishment for violating rules in their heads at all times. Unfortunately the self governance and discipline of Scandinavians is not something you can expect from any South Asian country.

        In any case Lanka must get ready for a collapsing tourism season and a pretty bad 2020. Things are not looking too good. Time for the people to realize that they must elect leaders who will tax the commercial vultures who feed on the body of the Lankan people and their rich resources and most of these are Taqqia expert, ISIS loving, Jihadi maniacs who dominate the commerce and who bribe the Lankan leaders to keep their claws in a stranglehold over the Kaffir non-Moslem innocents.

        • 0

          Gay chambers,
          It would help you greatly if the government allowed only children on the streets , no?

    • 0

      We have lessons to learn. Sinha Le will not prevent infection. Humanity is one. Why kill Tamils and Muslims, when corona virus can kill us all. Why protest against Muslim women covering their faces, when all of us are covering our faces now? Is it karma? It is good if Sinhala Buddhist could be human first, and Sinhala Buddhist after that and not be an insult to Buddhism. They have a lot of karma to wash off. First they killed 70,000 of their own during the JVP uprisings and then they killed as many Tamils.

  • 2

    With respect to performavity, I am happy with the way new president handles it. He genuine cares about people. Only the political parties and some politicians try to use the situation.

  • 5

    I did not know that Saumya Liyanage was a professor at a university. I have seen him as an actor in some Sinhala movies. Although he consistently mis-spells the word Disease as Decease throughout (shows he did not bother to get the article proof-read by someone who is familiar with grammar and spelling) his references to works of art are interesting. I also like how he combines art with scientific facts or theories in evolution etc. in the present context of the viral pandemic.

    • 2

      Prof Lasantha Pethiyagoda, take it easy. Those simple spelling mistakes are a matter to confuse the Artificial Intelligence, you & me have got Natural Intelligence, so we should be able to get what he is trying to say.

      Dear Prof. Lasantha Pethiyagoda, now I am more worried about how you handled another professor’s spelling mistake in public. At least we know where the attention of a highly learned Sri Lankan professor goes.

  • 0


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