20 February, 2025


Gota Has Panicked!

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

There was wide public support for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s onslaught on Prison’s Department. For decades our prisons are infested with drug king-pins, officers were corrupt from top to bottom, and prisons were no better than the hell-holes in Mexico and the Philippines. While the public at large and even this usually cautious of the big-stick columnist were pleased by the intervention there was something else we missed till Gota repeated it, letting loose a blitzkrieg on the country’s Central Bank (CB). Something different became apparent: Gota and his key advisors (PBJ, stooges from the military high-command and ambitious Viyathmaga upstarts) were panicking. The President is unable to cope with the strains of his office.

Yes, the Executive Branch of government is panicking. Poroppaya is going to win the elections, no doubt about that, the funk is about something else; the economic scenario stretching over the next 12 to 18 months. PBJ is a knave but no fool, there may be others around Gota too who can see what’s happening to foreign reserves, balance of payments, employment, debt and deficit. The writing is on the wall; it is frightening. It’s no fault of Gota but he will get lynched for it anyway. If Donald Trump is up shit-creek and America is facing recessions and a possible depression, what can little Gota and micro Sri Lanka do? Gota and his top aides are thrashing this way and that like fish out of the water. 

The government has declared virtual bankruptcy and pulled out of the central expressway, Colombo light rail, the 220kV cable from Kerawalpitiya to Colombo and the Kelani Bridge to Athurugiriya elevated highway. Foreign financing is available for all, volumes of specifications and engineering studies have been completed, some projects are part done, but the government can go no further. It is broke. Alarm bells are sounding that public servants’ salaries will be pruned, indirectly at first by slashing overtime. Fees and charges will be raised, subsidies clipped. Import of non-essentials will have to be stopped but essentials like food and medicines will also come under pressure. The world economy is reeling and poor Lanka unfortunately is located on this planet. (Next Sunday 28/6 I will write about the Political Economy of Global Finance Capital). 

Desperation drove him to lash out. It is true that the CB has not switched on the printing press and flooded the country with rupees in the way that the Fed flooded America and the world with dollars. The US can do it and get away for a while (I think the end of that game is near) because the green back is the world’s reserve currency, anyone will take it, it will buy oil and goods and repay debt. If Lakshman did that we will drown in galloping inflation Mugabe style. But has the CB been conservative? After Gota’s tirade it did reduce the statutory reserve ratio (the portion of deposits that banks must keep with the CB) from 2.2% to 2% leaving banks with an extra Rs 115 billion to lend. Previously the CB made Rs 150 billion available to banks at 1% interest rate provided they re-lent to desperate business at 4%. Gota squeezed Rs 265 billion out of the CB that it was previously unwilling to part with. Further squeezing monetary-policy will likely push this up to say Rs 500 billion. After that my dear friend Prof. Lakshman will lose his intellectual and professional credibility or have to say enough is enough and quit. 

But the crux of the matter is this. If a huge amount of rupee liquidity is injected into the banking system will the economy revive? “Lanka’s current economic woes are fiscal, not monetary. There is sufficient and in fact excess liquidity in the market. Therefore, there is only a limited role for monetary policy in this crisis.” (Mangala Samaraweera). Sure, some companies will borrow to stay afloat and keep jobs alive, some will branch into new lines or markets and try to stay afloat in sinking external markets, and some brave souls will build apartments and tourist resorts. Yes some, but only a few brave souls. The bigger picture is that business confidence is gone; investors are afraid that there will be no demand for output or supply chains will be disrupted again. I chat with SME and MicroE people and the feedback is uniform “Minisu viyadang karana buyai; aye varathei kiyala bayai” (Folks are afraid to spend; they are afraid things will go wrong again). This is the big problem. Liquidity is not the problem; markets and business confidence are problems. Gota yelling at banks won’t overcome that. It is not the job of the banks to formulate, enunciate and implement economic policy. It’s the government’s job.

Latest comments

  • 88

    Gota is panic.
    Because Economic recession is real.
    Karuna is new threat.
    Government departments worry.
    Unemployment go up and up
    Buddhists get angry.

    • 21

      Happiest day in your life?


      • 24

        Because if I live in Jaffna, me a Tamil, can come and live in Colombo very soon and work for new colonial masters China. In opposite, if I live outside of Jaffna I can live and work for China masters too, need not to go to Jaffna.
        Somu If you such a damn nervous silly sally cuckoo, why you have been bragging all these time with pogrom on Tamils again if they are not moving to Jaffna?

        • 2

          Nothing terrifies a Tamil than the prospect of living in a Tamil only Homeland.
          Choose the other option: right to live anywhere as equal citizens in the most beautiful part of the most beautiful island.


      • 24


        If you want JR, you get JR.
        If you want Hitler you get Hitler,
        If you want Biriyani and arrack only during elections, you get that too!
        Is there anything wrong with that?

        You seems to be a little bit worried about it? But why?

        • 36

          Time for truth-telling. Gota and his supporters have a finely crafted narrative about how he and his family won the war .
          Now, I am no Tiger supporter, but what did he actually do?
          He had more than 300000 men with tanks against 30000 Tigers. He had an entire Air Force against 3 toy planes. Great victory? We report, you decide as Sirasa says.
          In the present situation, he has no advantage. No bright economic ideas. He will sign the MCC soon enough. SriLankan has already been handed to Ashok Pathirage the executioner (which is a good thing). China might give more loans, but Gota will be forced to sell Maradana to them.
          No wonder he’s in a panic!

          • 29

            Gota ,we must admit, is overwhelmingly popular (for the wrong reasons). Therefore he is the only one who can get away with unpopular decisions. He must prune expenses to a minimum. Imports of non- essentials must be cut. He will have to ration fuel. Expensive cars, Chinese electronics, imported goods, will all have to go. Maybe re-export the bullet proof limos.Sadly, he can’t sell the useless highways and stadiums. Or can he? If he does all of the above, he can claim to have saved the nation (for real this time).
            But how long will he be tolerated by those who have gained by the open economy and bankrolled him, the Dhammikas, Harry’s, Dharmadasas, etc?

            • 10

              old codger

              “Gota ,we must admit, is overwhelmingly popular (for the wrong reasons).”

              For being the blunt instrument of mass killing, between 1987 and 1991, and over many decades until May 2009 and beyond, especially between 2005 and 2015.

              So basically you are advising Gota to go back to the glorious Weeping Widow’s epoch, introduced self sufficiency, put a blanket ban on all imports including raw materials, plant and machinery, computers, life saving machines, spare parts for all machines, ban on import of technology, foreign films and magazines, introduction of FEECS (Foreign Exchange Entitlement Certificate Scheme), ….. ration and long queues for essentials, bullock cart (ගොන් කරත්තය), elephants for heavy lifting, …..

              “Sadly, he can’t sell the useless highways and stadiums. Or can he? “

              He can’t however his brother Basil can.

              “If he does all of the above, he can claim to have saved the nation (for real this time).”

              And his advisers/supporters must explore the possibility of clinically putting some gray matter into his head.

              • 11

                “So basically you are advising Gota to go back to the glorious Weeping Widow’s epoch,”
                I don’t think a young fellow like you would know much about the 70’s by direct experience. Nor would the majority of voters. So the best way of educating people about the open economy is to give them a dose of a closed economy. That said, there were some things about Mrs B’s time that were good if not glorious. There were no traffic jams because there were no cars. Only Anura had one. Everyone wore Duro shirts, except Anura. And let’s not forget that young ladies like Chandrika wore very short skirts, ( yes she was a young lady once). That was because they made 2 skirts out of the ration.

              • 9

                Native (Fake) Vedda,
                It looks like there is something wrong with your brain that mix up things.
                Mass killings were carried out by Demala people, not Gotabhaya Rajapakshe. Have you ever heard a Tamil terrorist group called LTTE? They were the most ruthless barbaric terrorist organization in the world. One of the LTTE cadres has confessed that he killed 3000-4000 Sri Lankan Army personnel who surrendered. They brutally killed 600 Policemen who surrendered. They did not spare even unborn babies. They slit the tummies of pregnant Sinhala women, pulled out babies, threw them up and held the point of a bayonet. Rajapakshes put a full stop to these barbaric acts of Tamil terrorists.

                “For being the blunt instrument of mass killing, between 1987 and 1991, and over many decades until May 2009 and beyond, especially between 2005 and 2015.”

                Please check your brain.

          • 6

            old codger

            Is there a danger of Gota losing his Amude (if at all sellable) to Chinaman?

            Has Gota announced any of his new ideas/policies/objectives, …… to the public? To tell you the truth I have checked many broadsheet papers in all three languages disappointingly couldn’t find any,

            Is it a secret formula that is being kept under lock and key?

            By the way My Elders have vivid memories of the state of state. They pass it on to us kids.

      • 12


        In the last three or four days there is lot of hullabaloo about Karuna Amman’s outrageous claim. He claimed he killed 2000 to 3000 members of armed forces over night.

        Were the army men fast asleep when Karuna’s Bata wearing Baby Brigade ran over Elephant Pass garrison? How could you let him go scot free while other innocent men are being detained for crime they never committed?

      • 6


        I don’t understand why Vasu Nayakkar who opposed Bonapartists all his life has become one now.

        Could you explain.

      • 7


        When did you first get yourself involved in riots against innocent people, was it 1958, 1961, 1977, 1983, ….. or 2019?

        It must have been the happiest day in your life!!!

    • 53

      Actually we, the people, too should be panicked; look at the people who are around him. All geriatric, corrupt horde with pending court cases, and military guys with war crime allegations (not even the honest war heroes). For example one was christened by his own senior minister as the DEMOLISHER of our economy (PBJ). He should be panicked, because by now he would have realized his brother is not going to give him the full reign, but just let him be there as an apolitical figure. By now he should have realized, he is just a parachuter to SLPP, the real power lies with MR; and he is counting days until Namal comes. SLPP thugs are not going to listen to him, because they don’t want to listen to anyone but to MR where real power lies. He has displeased Viyathmaga people and Buddhist clergy by not keeping his promises. He doesn’t have any experience in political strategies. His only expertise as an ex-army guy is to yell at his platoon at the top of his lungs, which he did splendidly last week, when he addressed Central Bank. What more can 6 million people expect from him? GOD SAVE SRI LANKA!

    • 23

      Hey guys, please think it about -if a trainee surgeon WAS appointed to save a life a patient, who would die easily the treatment would not work well – is the situation with srilanken affairs of the day.Trainee surgeon should first learn how to get on with his nurses and other aides while performing the OP, if he would behave the way a butcher would do, the patient would be ended up being similar to a murder. That is what we EXPERIENCE today… please add your thoughts.
      Brother MR looted it tothe core, before being take over by GOOD governance. Good governance did lot more goods than the issue put them in danger – CB Bond scam issue.However the funds are still there for future use, even if any bitch s sons would misinterpret it in favour of RAJAPAKSHE CLANS.
      So in today s context, NOT AN APPRENTICE in politics, a man who sought refuge in the USA for a period of 15 long years until his brother became the president and asked him to get back home as the defence secretary, anyone who lived in this country during the high days of WAR and learnt the abc of LOCAL POLITICS could do something better.

      • 5

        Mr. leela ge …..,
        I think you forgot your covid 19 statistics.
        As of today……….
        Coronavirus Cases – 10,099
        Deaths – 24
        Coronavirus Cases – 192,778
        Deaths – 8,986

        • 11

          Get the facts right. We in Pharma have been updating our knowledge almost everything.
          But thanakola eaters of you rnature look at its surface only.

          If deaths should be the only parameter to see it – until very shortly, NEPAL (4 times poor than to Srilanka) managed it to the core…. but lately on it turned out to be worse there… that is the nature in COVID infection.
          And dont forget Nepal ‘s Population is 29 millions
          Srilanka – 22 mio 10 + 23+ 12 (sofar) .. so Bps GOVT should update it accordingly.

          Vietnam – 100 mio – but not a single person died yet. even if it is connected to neigoburing countries. vietnam is not an island.

          If BOTOX BABIES (Rajaakhes) respected the nation before their OWN GAINS, we could also manage it to the top…. but however, BPs go on self adulatingyt today, Shameless buggers would do anything misleading ” yes sir, you are the best community”:

          • 5

            There are parallels between liberation of German people from Nazis and liberation of Sinhala, Vedda Eththo, Demala, Muslim and Malay people from Tamil LTTE terrorists.

            Adolf Hitler = Velupille Prabhakaran
            Nazi Army = Tamil LTTE terrorists
            Winston Churchill = Mahinda Rajapakshe
            Jews = Sinhalayo

            * Don’t German people respect Winston Churchill for giving the leadership to Allied Forces to liberate German people from Nazis?
            * Despite killing thousands to liberate, German people did not charge Allied Forces as war criminals or Winston Churchill as a war criminal.
            * German people celebrate the day Germany was liberated from Nazis as ‘Victory Day’.
            * Allied Forces were not asked to pay compensation to German war victims.
            * Germans were asked to pay ‘War Reparations’.

            • 9

              Eagle Evil BP@

              I have no doubt that you are demented and you have nothing in your head other than the hatred towards the tamils/muslims.

              Srilanken Rajapkshes can only be comparable to that of Zimbabwe – Mugabe. Please dont insult Winston Churchill not having studying it correctly. Power greedy MaRa should go out of lanken politics. Even today his mediation in lanken politics, destroys almost everything.

              Perhaps, he was good at killing friendly tactics, but for sure, if you are sane, you would not allow a butcher to become a surgeon and save the lives of the people right ? That is the case with MaRa. His real face is unfortunately not yet seen to the poor of the poor in this country.
              Nazi war – was unique and millions died in that war.

              Srilanken CIVIL war is comparable to that of Erethrias, Cypern or the like countries but no means comparable to that of Germany’s Nazi war.

              Besides if you called them Nazi while adulating and and comparing them with “JEWs”. There I really dont think that you have a healthy head. And Jews were the minority btw.

              • 1

                Mr. leelagemalli,
                Because it is not favorable to you, you do not like to compare what happened in Germany and Sri Lanka but there are similarities.
                In Germany Nazi Army engaged in ethnic cleansing. In Sri Lanka, Tamil terrorist organization LTTE was engaged in ethnic cleansing. LTTE went on killing Sinhalayo in the same way Nazis killed Jews. The magnitude and methods may be different but the objective is same.
                There was no ‘CIVIL WAR’ in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, the legitimate Government launched a military campaign against a barbaric terrorist group who were armed to the teeth. There was no fighting between ordinary Sinhalayo and Demala people to call it a civil war. In fact lot of Demala people from North came to Sinhala areas and lived with Sinhalayo.

                • 4

                  Mr Egle Eye,
                  I am not against you. Not at all. But I am against your thoughts. You repeat back and forth. I dont mind it – it is the diversity of the human thinking. So I respect you since we are all human beings. I dont try to change your thinking, but if your changes would have a greater impact on the masses, there you need to think twice.
                  If there had been NO civil war, what was that we had for the 30 long years ?Was that just a fight between two ethnic groups ?
                  In Germany, Nazi army are reported to have engaged in ethnic cleansing. No doubt about that. But how do you call it when it is being done in various ways by our sinhalaya towards the minorities yet today in SL ? Alone the derogatory terms being used to address them – are public secret but you tend to deny it ????????????????????????????????
                  Please check the video below. How racialsome of our election candidates have been.

            • 6

              Moda Sinhalayo Bolda Eagle,

              I see lot of parallelism between you and Jews. Otherwise you wouldn’t be scared of wonder beheth and go out on rampage, loot & set fire to Muslims’ garment stores. But I what I don’t understand is why these Bald Moda Sinhala Buddhist Jews asked for a Hitler and got him? Is that because their sheer respect to Leader Pirapaharan? Then if Leader Pirapaharan = Hitler why did you reject Leader Pirapaharan? Is that your fascination for anything of Whiteman made you go for imported pants and dresses and destroyed the rupees instead of Reda Hatta?

              • 1

                I asked you why there are two kinds of Tamils in Sri Lanka; Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils. All Demala Tamils who live in Sri Lanka are of Indian origin. The so called ‘Sri Lankan Tamils’ in Yapanaya were called ‘Malabars’ by colonial rulers because they are from Malabar region in Hindusthan. Is maintaining this distinction an attempt by Well Laras to show their superiority?

                • 3

                  “I asked you why there are two kinds of Tamils in Sri Lanka,”
                  Eagle baba,
                  You didn’t ask your mom yet? Probably you are scared, because you are only a Veda & don’t have SinhaLE In your body.
                  The one is from India is with lion Blood and work hard in estates so your dad can get free rice biriyani; the local one with tiger blood do a job called Koppai Adiikirathu & send money, so your mom can buy you milk powder. They both are good for you. Unlike Chinese, the Portuguese did good things for you for the free kingdom you gave them. Chinese who took your harbor & Colombo port, still not happy and breaking your computers to bully you and rob more. When acquainted ones part, eyes turn back and shed; but the legs steadily keep walk away. So your eyes are Portuguese and Chinese are legs.
                  (Portuguese may be little bit more creative than you; they told to they brought the Demulues from Malabar, while you were hunting in Ceylon; But never in the history of the world that there was a land or race or even language named as Malabar existed.) Now you run and suck your thumb in front of your mom, she will give you Kiribati, Eagle baba.

                  • 1

                    Have you heard a thing called ‘Beating around the Bush’? You are doing that.

                  • 1

                    Mallaiyuran this racist os married to a demala tamil meenachi for the last 55 years
                    he’s the world’s biggest hypocrie.

            • 3

              You are wrong in your comparisons.

              Nazi army is not the LTTE.
              Nazi army is rather the SL army following the instructions of GR. The Singhalese majority is suppressing the minorities, feeling superior. LTTE being used as a synonym for Tamils (which is totally wrong) could rather be compared to Jews. Tamils are the real victims, as no government has ever understood to integrate this part of the Sri Lankan population.
              Now Muslims are also discriminated. Are Christians the next?
              You have not understood the current world wide movement, that black life matters. In Sri Lanka Tamils life matters too. And Muslims lifes as well. You need to understand that there is no superiority of Singhalese people. Germany is a good (or rather bad) example for the depression and elimination of ethnic/religious groups. Sri Lanka is doing the same. The whole world demonstrates that rassism must be stopped, inspired from the movement in the States. Sri Lanka should learn it too and try to develop a peaceful coexistence with all its ethnic groups without hate.

  • 46

    Lack of Experience reveal his profile.

    Even a gramaseka would know bit more to guess at people s real needs. Trump ‘s is also no comparable to that of President Obama.

    Before going to make real tangible changes, the leaders should first have sure instinct to the job. I have the feeling, srilankens are easy to cheat by politicians.
    GOTABAYA does NOT bring the least qualifications to do the job.
    He proved it before CBSL gathering more than enough. How can a leader of nation behave so silly ?
    It is not president s responsiblity to interfere in ministerial level portforlios of the ministries forwhich he is not resposible. Even if those ” yes sir, you are best sir community” though seem to be breaking the silence, Gota s overeactions proved to everyone, his leadership is not all it’s cracked up to be.

    I think srilankens will march backward.

  • 28

    “It’s no fault of Gota but he will get lynched for it anyway.”

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Or a nicer family.

    Best that Lanka can hope for is for the elections to go ahead, hopefully without theft, and then for those who hope for a morally better Lanka to watch the implosion created by the fraternal battles royal ahead.

    It will however, only be a pyrrhic victory, since the opposition (which is more interested in engaging in class warfare) is also bereft of any quality. So we will be in an intellectual and moral vacuum until the emergence of a smarter, younger, principled leader.

    God knows when.


    • 9

      Gota has no other choice but to get lynched … That happens when one climbs to the top of the ladder without the basics.

      We know how it worked with GAMARALAGE SIRISENA – he spent his times only biting his nails or cratching his back ends not being able to get on with his pions and clerks. Clerks and minor workers in his office were qualified than SIRISENA.
      Gotabaya s is no different. He just forgot where he was standing last week – It is the blunder of PEOPLE to have elected the kind of low lives as the leaders.
      Are there a single good person who goes after BOTOX BABY Mahinda Rajapakshe be considered as normal ?
      Even that MAD OLD Prof: GLP behaves today as if his IQ landed reducing to the levels of WIMAL BURUWANSE.

      I have no idea, how GLP stay siting with the idiots – as a man who then brought CHANGES in to the CONSTITUTION – on introducing Federalism. Very same man being caught by Rascality of Rajapakshe , as if his orifices are cross implanted, reacts today as if it was not the same GLP.

  • 13

    Interestingly, both Prof. Kum and Mangy Boy seem to agree at a distance (Of Course with the requisite social distancing!) that Gotabhaya Rex is unable to cope with the strains of his office. Of Course Not! The main candidates of the Nov 2019 Prez Elections have one thing in common. “My way or Highway” Highway for starters and to end in a Cemetery. So whether it is lambasting anybody and everybody is a trait of these two great candidates and we the voters selected one out of the two. Sri Lanka has chosen to be another hermit state like North Korea and took refuge under COVID 19 to stop importation of everything except fuel and medicine. The fellows are ready for another 70 – 77 type of regime and they love it. Unfinished infrastructure projects? What nonsense. When Japan pulls out China will fill the vacuum and we would have to give various parts of Sri Lanka to be under Chinese Administration. Poor Prof Kum! As a sensible Hongkese he will have to change his style of writing to describe Chinese – Sri Lanka as one which has a lot of beauty spots (As he did before to China).

  • 38

    Gota managed a 7-11 store, frightened journalists, and kept the streets clean….now let’s see just how wonderful he is at handling our economy.

    • 11


      “Gota managed a 7-11 store,”

      That shouldn’t stop him ruining the island.

      • 5

        It all points to the naivety of the voters. In the US, Trump’s businesses had declared bankruptcy SIX times, he played out students in his fake university and was taken to court and fined millions of dollars, and he and his adult children played out donors of his OWN foundation, and again fined millions of dollars. Yet his supporters voted for him, quite delusional, thinking he would make America “great again”. He has made it worse.

        By now we have to conclude a large portion of voters are ignorant, are easily duped, and have bad judgement. That is why we find ourselves saddled with these crooks and conmen. Sri Lanka is no different.

    • 12

      Gota will have to committ suicide being unable to bear the pressure on him, with the loads of debts left by his own brother MISMGT – to be paid off in coming months.
      Thanks Good governance, they saved a lot apart from that FAKE BOND SCAM, which was not that dark as made by local MEDIA making it only issue, LOOTERs to return to power and get rid of their CRIME investigations. That is already achieved but nothing else for public.
      Thanakola Eaters dominated srilanka would NOT learn it, they just got cheated by gotabaya election campaign. Today, PACHARALA – mafia boss of the nation; MAHINDA Rajakashe … goes around and addresses the same public… people live under stress as no times inthe past… however, BPs would never realize the danger before the nation.

  • 14

    Gota has not panicked. This is his normal behavior. With his small brain he thinks shouting and verbal abuse is more effective than confidence building.
    Kumar David write too frequently and too much nonsense. I increasingly find his article are exaggerated and less in substance. No offense.
    I suggest he identify a issue and analyses it with facts and write without exaggeration.

    • 9


      “With his small brain he thinks shouting and verbal abuse is more effective than confidence building.”

      Is it his small brain or his small willy that makes him vulnerable, and compel him resorting to abuse and mass murder.

  • 22

    I am sure that the President’s “Inner Circle” of “Big Heads” know the situation is far worse than they could imagine and must be keeping the “Boss” informed and advised. On listening to all that “Harang” of economic, social and political issues of a wide variety the “Boss” who has reached the age of 70 and also with unsound medical conditions is behaving rather “erratically” and emotionally “imbalanced”. Not only the “Boss”, but many of those in the “Inner Circle” also have reached and exhausted their “Competency Levels” to manage the onslaught of “CRISES” looming not only within but those that directly affect from the outside world. The latest “Victim” of this, is the “Aged Prof.” Governor of the CB who jumped into action on, President’ onslaught. The expectations of the revival of the “Tourism Industry” is far from being. The people with their family burdens in the outside world are at the moment living on a very “Restricted Bidget” and within the days and months to come that very “Restriction” would be reviewed to be “Survival” by the day. The Air Lines and Shipping Lines at the moment are seeing a “Deep Hole” in International Travel business, because of the poor economic conditions the people have to bear with.

  • 18

    During last Chitanta government 80% of the budget was going through the hands of Royal family. That is how those rowdy rascals sucked out the country. But none of those rascals are ready to talk about the 150,000 murders they did in five months. Then Ranil ran his Yahapalanaya government with only one object; that is to save the Old Beauty Queen, Ceylon Cleopatra, even on selling the country to China. Nariya Ranil and Mangala’s destruction to economy to save Old Royals $18B is unfathomable.
    When there is milk power shortage, Elder Brother Prince wanted to import 1,000 Australian cows. When that didn’t work they used some Up Country politician to milk that from Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu Politicians are no longer Karunanidi gang. They don’t want this commission milking deal. For some reason, for this milk shortage, China loan is not yet proposed (I didn’t see that news piece).
    It is not monitory policy; it is not fiscal policy; but destroying the economy (Estate Industry) and revenging Tamils is the first political lesson set by the father of nation, a communal riots leader and war criminal, Don Stephan set the path!
    Long Live Lankawe and its destructive enthusiasm in Tamils lives and economy.

  • 19

    The idiot, that’s me who pollutes this well known and well-respected forum is absolutely right again with his hard-hitting in cricketing parlance pol- addi hitting.
    This fact was stated by the 2 bigger clown idiots by the pen names of Sinhala-man and Soma proud descendants of the much-maligned Sinhala race.
    Since the conclusion of the 16th November poll its not only the kallathoni who is hallucinating totally clueless and is a lost wolf [ nariya ] who just does not know as to what he is to do to get out of this since 1956 mess.
    Exports are down, middle east inward remittances were 32% less in April 2020 the May/June downward trend is still not known unemployment has soared to new shocking levels and to hit the nail where it hurts him most the costs of living is reaching new heights by the second.
    At least the kallathoni will have a consolation as his beloved political party was the primary culprit ever since 1956 for the around collapse of the nation. Now the criminal boru horu SLPP will accelerate at supersonic speed the total bankruptcy completion of the once upon a time in the black rice exporter economy.

  • 23

    Gota is in total panic.

    He knows he cannot win a parliamentary majority (113 seats). He will have to offer ministries to SLMC, ACMC, EPDP and even UNP, SJB and JVP to survive the next 4 years.

    Over 75% state sector employees voted for Gota in 2019. This time only fools would. Their salaries cannot be paid after September because SL cannot get loans. After the election Gota will layoff 500,000 state sector employees to manage the crisis. Trade Union leaders will be killed to shut them up.

    People should be very careful not to fall into Rajapaksa pogroms. When they lose grip on power they always riot.

  • 10

    Don’t worry Kumar and the troupe. GR is not in panic mode. He is giving the last chance to the public officers. Do the job or perish. Public officers can play their perennial game with others but not with GR. Sri Lanka is not alone in economic crisis. All countries have faced this and many developed countries are tapping to their reserves. Of course Sri Lanka does not have reserves. It was not a making of GR because he was not a politician before. All politicians served the country before in last 30 years are responsible for current situation. People are not that idiotic to blame GR for this. GR is their only Savior and this is the last chance for them. I worked in Sri lankan public sector. I know how bad they are. GR already send the message to MR. You do politics and I will do economic administration and governance. Give him missing powers. He will do wonders.

    • 5

      We, the middle of the line people, who are the backbone, will hope you are right. Only time will tell. As always nothing is black or white nor does Nature allow us to make our own destiny but changes courses for us as hurdles.

    • 8

      As government servants one needs to look at things in a broader concept. When it comes to Policy issues the spectrum has to be much broader. If you do not balance the requirements of whether the need is monetary or fiscal there will be repercussions. We blame the failure of finance companies who by nature are greater risk takers . If banks take similar risks with its excess funds of reserve drop and loans are not repaid the hit back is a whole financial system. The issue is what fall back funds can the government create in a hard hit economic state where the fiscal has been made weaker. Will we hit 300% inflation like in Zimbabwe. . Checks and balances are as equally important than a blank cheque.

  • 8

    “Liquidity is not the problem; markets and business confidence are problems.”
    That is correct.
    “It’s no fault of Gota but he will get lynched for it anyway.”
    I am not sure of the latter part.
    Sections of the population are more likely to be lynched.
    The economic crisis could prompt a chauvinistic fascist military rule. Gota could still be ‘in charge’.
    Think of the options if people want an alternative.
    I doubt if even Kumar David’s favourite horse the JVP has a clue.
    Options have to be outside the existing system.

  • 4

    About a month ago I predated 20 countries will go above China on Covid-19 cases by end of May and 30-40 countries by the end of the year. Year end was based on “no really working vaccine or a cure invented. “
    About 17 countries were above China by the start of this month and 4 additions occurred by the middle of the month.
    Now I want make a change to the remaining forecast. By the end of the year, it could be as high as 40-50 as so far no vaccine or medicine is invented.
    These countries will surpass China by our election time in August.

  • 6

    It is all related to the fact that a person with military background/experience, who was commanded and commanding others, has been elected to the top post of the country. He had no other political experience, high end management experience in the civil administration, lacking a national vision which should have been shared with all the stakeholders and inexperienced in root cause analysis at the national level! Since the possibility of evection is so very remote the only hope we have is that he will change himself over time perhaps within a working learning environment in the high office of the president. Community who elected him as well as the general community will have to bare up the cost of his advancement to a more enlightened individual/leader.

    Good luck for this country.

  • 14

    The racist Sinhalese Buddhist does not understand economics, does not appreciate how carefully the economy was managed under the previous regime which kept the loans paid on time while also giving a tidy raise to all government servants and pensioners. New development projects were undertaken and funded while the old ones were completed. If they had been allowed to continue pensioners would have received yet another increment as promised and circularized. When COVID19 hit RW now out of office immediately warned the government and offered to arrange shipments of PPE and scanners for the airport. He was met with derision and howls of laughter from the know nothing morons now in charge. Had the previous government being in charge COVID19 would have been handled quite differently. There would have been a much better level of financial assistance given to the poor asses. But the poor asses did not want that. So now we have falling revenue, a bankrupt treasury, No development and a looming debt crisis. The poor asses are about to get an education in economics they never bothered to learn before.

    • 3

      ” The racist Sinhalese Buddhist does not understand economics,………. economy was managed under the previous regime which kept the loans paid on time.”
      That is lot of misunderstanding of the Economy of a country by your side. Very simple thing is Ranil did not sign MCC. Do you know why he handed over the Hangbangtota to China? He didn’t want to pay back the loan. Ranil resisted taking loans from International, Western Organizations and pay back China’s high interest loans. He gave Hangbangtota to China but refused to give airport to India.

      Do you know when he wanted Rs1B in 2015, Ravi and Aloysius came out with Rs10B. Why didn’t he use it to pay all local loans? The truth was he was on a cold war with West. Many time Secretary Kerry and assistant secretary Nisha Biswas advised him to arrest Old Criminals that will improve Western Investor’s confidence in Government. They took Mangala to Diego and showed what kind of help they could offer to put back law order in back. Fearing Yahapalanaya signed Resolution 30/1 hoping delaying all Western pressure. When Yahapalanaya heard that Old Royal Properties ($18B) in Western lands, they wrote special laws to protect them and watered the Rupee currency. Ranil blocked CBK signing ICC too.

      • 3

        I hate to do this but your arguments are so absurd that I have to set the record strait. We do have memories you cannot rewrite them to suit the moment just to counter argue a comment you don’t like. Rs 10 Billion was what was required to settle the unpaid bills to all the contractors who were forced to contribute to old Rajapukshe’s presidential campaihgn while foregoing their dues which now had fallen into arrears. There was no money to pay anything else. Why didn’t Ranil payoff the high interest loans you ask. Who took them? Were western organizations parading in front of him with low interest loan offers. I don,t recall any such thing. This a throw back to a time when western generosity was prevalent. Those days were long gone. Why didn’t he arrest the crooks? Go ask Sirisena that question. Finally maybe India did not want the airport located in the middle of nowhere. Also, I remember the fuss Sirisena made to try and undermine the port deal with China. The jealous bastard just could not allow this to go ahead. Maybe that was the reason behind the Air port deal not materializing. If Sirisena’s antics were not enough we also had buruwanse and his sidekick, the kept media screaming bloody murder every time something went right. This country is cursed.

  • 7

    The Debt to GDP ratio being sky high, the strategy needs to be based on purchasing power at international prices, moving the highway development to BOT model, halting any moves to waste money on building stadiums, importing cows and building more universities producing unemployed graduates.

    Laying the foundation to attract not only Chinese investments, but investments from all western nations and India needs to be addressed.

  • 8

    Dr. KD :
    Every capitalist country in the world is crying out angrily because of Covid19. Their prez”s dole out money magnanimously (to ensure re-election, but mostly because they love their people). Then they print money to make up for the loss. They figure that as everybody else is doing it, they can too, and soon all global money will come to the same balance it had before. In the meantime, they are looking for alternatives like greater emphasis on home-markets together with isolationism aka Boosting up the National Capability and Spirit. But our Lankan CB has no idea how to evolve with the times, does it.

    • 5

      ramona therese grandma fernando

      “But our Lankan CB has no idea how to evolve with the times, does it.”

      Please feel free to express your ideas on a road map to the much needed evolution of CB.

      • 4

        Get in socialist/communist & Buddhistic minded CB staff……JVP?….no, they have a bad rep……there are other factions. Indo-Chinese countries do it well.

        • 2

          ramona therese grandma fernando

          You are making it up as you went along.
          Stop your bull and just spit it out.

          Explain to us of the nuts and bolt of what you are ranting.

          • 3

            Nv, Nv, Nv,….sigh….alas, you live too much within your own ease of existence such that innovation evades you. What is needed is financial innovation that comes to countries that are very successful (as I have aforementioned)
            Nuts: Lankan money to form its own natural consensus away from being latched too much onto the Western form.
            Bolts: Stop living your Western lifestyle in humble Motherland. I live a humble lifestyle in Western land.
            Nuts and bolts : Look at how conscientious and committed the Indo-Chinese countries are.

            • 3

              ramona therese grandma fernando

              “What is needed is financial innovation that comes to countries that are very successful (as I have aforementioned)”

              You are talking bull again (you never stopped it anyway).

              There is no room for any financial innovation within socialist/communist economies as those countries are supposed to be limited/constricted by its ideological dilemma which is based on Dialectical materialism.

              Please give us examples of socialist/communist countries which indulge in financial innovation and how exactly do they do it. How this is different from M0, M1, M2, M3 ……. MI (infinity = I)?

              • 0

                Sigh,….sigh….you still can’t get the point from your cozy nook of Sri Lanka can you NV? So, I Googled Chromed all about Mo, Mo ….MI and Dialectical Materialism. Wow, you know a hellavalot ! All these terms are of course capitalism apologizing for being so self-centered and individualistic – Elitist,…for the White Man after their colonial undertakings, and pretending to be giving to the Masses and BLM.
                Right now the whole world has to innovate AWAY from rabid capitalism that has beset us for many centuries. Innovating CORRECTLY in finances is the key. Once that is done, the only need for innovation would be in the health, happiness, and space-age realms (including peaceful religions).

                • 1

                  ramona therese grandma fernando


                  You should always remember
                  Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

                  “Right now the whole world has to innovate AWAY from rabid capitalism that has beset us for many centuries.”


                  “Innovating CORRECTLY in finances is the key”


                  Why do you get the urge to comment on subjects you have no clue?
                  Is Shenali Waduge one of your sibling?

                  • 0

                    How? Time for you to sell all of your posessions, give all your money to the pooor, and follow Buddha, failing which the gov. will tax the hell out of you and you shall be gnashing your teeth. Better to give freely and with good heart than it be taxed away from you. Then thou souldst be given treasures from Heaven.

                    • 0

                      ramona therese grandma fernando

                      “Time for you to sell all of your posessions, give all your money to the pooor,”

                      Who is going to buy them?
                      Why do you think those who have money would be eager to buy my two sets of Amudes?
                      Are you begging the Chinaman and Hindian to buy whatever we have accumulated over the years such as Debt, Hatred, violence, ….. ?

                    • 0

                      Chinese will be very willing to trade off your 2 Audis to settle Lankan debt….your 2 amudes you can keep to don when you till the fields. Lands and forests are to belong to the crown for the Masses to till on or forage in.

                    • 0

                      Having some fun, are you?

  • 11

    Well said Atu, the ‘panicking’ is in the mind of the writer. Kumar has been spending all his time in criticizing Gota – not on his performance but for ‘supposed intentions’ such as ‘trying’ to be a dictator. This article is no different. Kumar can not find anything wrong in Gota’s actions so far -not in combating CV19, directions to CB officials, or in cleaning up the narcotics trade – all of which most people will appreciate. So he is resorting to ‘supposed panicking’. Clearly Gota has proved that he can get things done. The 30year old war was not his making but he resolved it. The current financial crisis is also not his making -but he is trying his best to respond to it. Can Kumar point to anyone in SL today who can deliver the best response to the current crisis? As SL citizens should we not support Gota when he is making progress rather than being negative all the time?

  • 12

    President’s outburst on Central Bank senior staff came as a shock to public servants but to the people of this country. Standard and quality of service in government departments started to rot aftermath of the Language policy introduced by SWRD Bandaranayate, opened the sluice gate of providing employment opportunities to political stooges who are mostly not suitable to work in the administrative mechanism established by the British. Quality of said administrative process gradually started to erode to a level of what we witness today.Thanks to the corrupted politicians for bringing the situation to this level. So we can totally understand and justify President Gotabaya’s frustration especially in a time of crisis like this. It is also justifiable to appoint retired military officials in key positions to ensure proper process in place. We as ordinary civilians are faced with severe difficulties in government departments to get any work done.

  • 9

    China gave $ 140 million in loans few days ago, so that our day to day expense can be met. Once we run out more loans are expected for our survival. The election circus will cost almost 10 Billion LKR. In between MR was thinking of building an empty stadium. In today news CEB is alleging ex. minister receiving 500 million LKR in commissions ( truth is they all got kick backs and now it is time for blame game). Another news says suicide bomber spend 45 million LKR in just four months time, on extremist activities. Yet another news says a Mafia guy in prison has transferred millions of LKR while in prison. We also read about high commissioner Sirisenas spending sprees. Now readers here can add all the zeroes and then multiply that in thousands to know how your tax money is being utilized in Lanka. Arent we lucky ??? As I mentioned earlier it may not be a bad idea to loose elections.

  • 5

    This is incredibly funny. The president gave the CB officials a dressing down and the writer thinks he is panicking.
    In my opinion the President should take to task every government official for not doing their jobs. He did it at the RMV, what happened? We can get a driving licence issued to us in 3 hours. Kudos to his excellency.
    Sri Lanka’s SME sector is not where it should be and will never be with our private banking sector.
    In the US banks lend on a good credit score and project proposal. They also go out of their way to see the client is successful by organising buyer/seller meetings etc.
    Wtf do our bankers do? If you dont wine n dine the sod you will never get the loan. You will also have to provide collateral for the loan. Interest is also high.
    And all this with that excuse “we have to protect our depositors”.
    They dont think of the poor depositors when they salary themselves handsomely, have huge entertainment accounts, car loans, house loans, wedding loans etc: at a mere 2% interest.

    • 6


      RMV – what have you been bubbling ? dont spread blatant lies man… there is nothing is change in RMV..yet today. Bitch s sons may be lying. but
      Airport – same as before all the criminal gangs are on modus operandi.

  • 11


    Gota Has Panicked

    *** Are you day dreaming. Hardened CRIMINALS ( which Gotha is ) dont panick. Everything they do is Pre Meditated.
    Just on the side Karunas time is up. The task force will dump his body at Elephant Pass.

    • 3

      I respect your comments sometimes, but you almost killed that Dr GS- octagenarian, who revealed lot more about the past of SRILANKEN hell. I think, he is shy to add his comments today, because you used the all last words to insult him. That was not nice of you…
      See, one another good example, we are all the same in our hell – no matter you belong to SINHALA, TAMIL or Muslim ethinic background, the mentality is more or less the same.

      Today bitch s sons spread lies as if they were truths – based on 2011 s world cup. Match fixing is the most selling novel at the moment in srilanken context… so that they can keep the gaping people away from the grand losses made by botox brothers that ruin the nation. The writer of the novel is that chillie-thrower – Mahidnanandha the bad breath.

  • 10

    Panic is not the suitable word for Gotta and the gang but MORONS

    What has that wiring man in a school in USA got to offer other than non sensible out bursts exhibiting his nakedness and abusive behaviour. The leaders are not elected to be abusive to others and empowerment and confidence building takes different methodologies.

    The Gotta’s exhibit does not go any far to tell us that he is a leader but a military moron.

  • 7

    Every day can’t be a happy day for GOTS. He is a bypass surgery patient. He has to control his stress and MP plus cholesterol. Stress is the worst killer. His actions and outbursts after becoming President proofs that he is stressed. For him, after he became president crisis after crisis is popping out. Now is going to be election results. If he fails to get two-third majority what next? The SLPP party men like wWeerawabs are a headache for him. Now he must be feeling what happy life in CA having a beer with friends over sandwich and soup Well if you want power you must be prepared to face panic Eelam was easy for him because Karuna and many countries helped him to become the present-day Dutigemunu life can’t be easy though out

    • 6

      “He is a bypass surgery patient. He has to control his stress and MP plus cholesterol. Stress is the worst killer. “
      Is there no limit to wishful thinking?
      I remember that during MR’s first term in office speculation was rife for over an year that he was a cancer patient and would not live long.
      There are still those who hope that Prabakaran will come out of hiding and rescue the Tamils.
      What tricks does mind play on intelligence!

      • 2

        dear I am telling you, I think it was a big lie, that he underwent a heart surgery prior to PE. There are no evidence in the web supporting this.
        I have the feeling this is almost like the brain injuries of KUDU DUMINDA after being caught by the shoot by which Hirunika father was gunned down.

        Kalumahaththaya the man now in grab (who was then the lawyer on that issue) made a media display of the pictures fo Kudu duminda s heady injury – to me, and my experts in BMJ a man with such injuries to stay live is not even thinkable.
        Actually, anything and everything can be made go viral in srilanken media , even if no supportive documents as facts are connected with: That is but a punishable act in Germany/UK. If caught, media institutions have to bear a sizable fine.

        • 2

          I was not writing an essay, but commented on the speculation about GR’s health.
          Those who like to believe such fiction never questioned such fantasy. The anger is against anyone who pops the balloon.
          It is a shame that no irresponsible speculator ever says sorry when the story falls flat.
          Mine was a plea for responsible comment, rather lacking on these pages.

          • 1

            Dear SJ, NV, Mr SM and all.. ( I know this is out of the topic but I came across this video just now).
            Please check the video below. How racial he has been.

            If I were born to a minority, I would have made my own FORCEs to destroy the kind of sinhalaya. I hate this guy because I know very well this bitch s son was the mastermind in the late riots on innocient muslims in Weyangoda and Kuliyapitiya.

      • 3


        “I remember that during MR’s first term in office speculation was rife for over an year that he was a cancer patient and would not live long.”

        Of course he is still alive, however is he living with his sanity intact?
        He and his brother Gota snigger just like the last of the Tamil saviour Senthamizhan Seeman.

  • 3

    Prof. Kumar’s talks many times not related. King was not seen as panicked and Nervous. He was seen as bully and violent.
    But the best explanation so far I had come in Media for the CB play is, it was an election stunt to revive the sagging support because of EC dragging its feet away to conduct the election while the iron is hot. By August, country could see many adverse developments. Many stunts like this have to performed before that. It seems another pogrom is unavoidable too. This is make the Sinhala voters praise him “Mattaya Hary tough, Ney”

  • 6

    Government is facing foreign exchange shortage and want to stop the import of lot of items which can be manufactured locally.tourist industry is the main foreign exchange earner.it is advisable to make sex trade legal in sri lanaka.this way you can stop lot of local girls going to middle east as house maids and end up as part time some time full time sex workers.recently some maids returned from oman and kuwaith were seen as pregnent mothers.currently from colpetty to kathragama there are lot of SPA’S in every town entertaining local and foreign visitors sex need.by this way you can stop chines and thailand girls coming to work in sex parlous and give that chance to local girls to make money with out going to middle east.OPEN THE RED LIGHT AREAS CLOSE TO ALL FAMOUS BEECHES AND THIS WILL SOLVE THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROBLEM.DO NOT SAY THIS IS A BUDIST COUNTRY AS MOST ILLEGAL SEX WORKERS WHO ARE OPERATING NOW MORE THAN 75%ARE FROM SINGLA BUDIST COMMUNITY.

    • 8

      You forgot about the old white uncles who frequent the island to sexually educate and practical lessons of the highest calibre to the young Sinhala Buddhist boys and girls.
      They do pay these lucky youngsters in foreign currency, which is then spent by the parents smoking Ganga taking drugs becoming raving alcoholics and visit prostitution dens and encash these easily obtained monies.
      One cannot just forget Bangkok another Buddhist nation where all forms of sex are available all 24 hours around the clock on tap.

    • 6

      I doubt the number.
      Let’s start from your home.
      How many of your immediate family members and relatives currently engage in sex trade and how many more people of your family will join in the future, when it becomes legal?

      • 1

        Dear Champa, Dear Mr SM, please add your thoughts about the issue below:

        What do you make of the following ? whoever whatever good did, it should be commendable right ? These prove, that these abusive men hunt even goodies ?

        I think AR is right- I agree with him and his takes during the GG rule.

        Will you agree ?

    • 2

      Why only females?
      Why not the males as well?

      • 2

        Please read mine added above. Srilanken s gay sex industry is very popular in Switzerland and Germany.

        I had to bit my nails at the time I became aware this, but this is the saddest reality about Hikkaduwa/Negambo/COlombo youth for such a long time. Oldest has become their cash in Hikkaduwa and negambo.

        • 1

          Have a sense of humor.
          Mine was just a sarcastic response to ‘Paragon’.

          • 0

            thank you.


  • 7

    Old Codger
    Are Gota and Pakse brothers the Real War Heroes who were responsible for the Defeat of the LTTE?
    What about the Army Commander at the time, Sarath Fonseka who was praised by MR as the Best Commander in the world?
    There were other factors which set in motion the downfall of the LTTE which began with the Defection of the man in the news now, Karuna in Mar./Apr. 2004. Having been the LTTE Commander of the East, he was privy to a lot of LTTE Military secrets which came quite in handy to the Army in gradually weeding out LTTE hide outs in the East.
    The Tsunami in Dec. 2004 dealt a Crushing Blow to the Sea Tigers who were virtually dominating the Seas till then.
    By the time MR became President following the Election in Nov. 2005, the Army had neutralised quite a few of the LTTE camps in the East which paved the way for the Final Assault on the LTTE in the East in Dec. 2006 which ended in July 2007 with the East being cleared of the LTTE.
    With the East now cleared of the LTTE, the Army was Free to concentrate Fully in the North and in less than 2 years, LTTE was wiped out in May 2009.

    • 1


      “By the time MR became President following the Election in Nov. 2005, the Army had neutralised quite a few of the LTTE camps in the East which paved the way for the Final Assault on the LTTE in the East in Dec. 2006 which ended in July 2007 with the East being cleared of the LTTE.”

      FYI the Hindians had already persuaded Chandrika to go for all out war against LTTE by early 2005 and provided all kind of military assistance including financial support.

      However VP had already started helping the Sri Lankan forces, state and their politicians the day LTTE was born. No wonder the clan claimed victory for themselves.

      You ought to explore Hindian’s role in the war after January 2005.

  • 6

    The subject today is the mismanagement of the Economy. I can’t contribute on such a subject: I read, understand most of what has been said, and am grateful, but I will not try to talk like an expert.
    Gota just can’t write on something as complex That disaster looks likely seems obvious. When the subject is related to Education, I shall comment.

    • 3

      OMG ..thanks god… you are the Mr: SM. I had been very worried of your life. Please read my comments added above today.
      I was surprised why you did not add a comment to Ahimsa’s article /or the one based her father s death.
      Lately on, you seem to keep away from CT – that is no good for me and the few. Your contributions to CT s balance is highly dispensable. Please think twice before being away from this platform if not becuase of any unavoidable circumstances. I miss Amarasiri that much today. So do the others few regarding his long absence. I also miss Simon Silva.

    • 1

      Dear leelagemalli,
      I’m still in Maharagama, but I’m thinking of going back to Uva. I must say that I feel the outlook is gloomy, but why contribute to further deepen the depressing gloom.
      We tried so hard, didn’t we to show people that the Preference system would allow the more conscientious of us to identify new faces, without endangering the outcome of the Presidential poll. The figures were so disappointing. With the UNP split as it is, it looks as though dictatorship will romp home.
      How long can we live in hope? Let me hope that here are a sufficient people with credibility in the SJB to persuade the public to vote for them – but it is becoming obvious that the Rajapaksa strategies are going to succeed. Talk of Karuna Amman: the Sinhalese will record 80% turnout, and of those people, 80% will vote to bring about the Rajapaksa Dictatorship.
      In this gloomy mood should I impose myself on the people? I see no silver lining.

      • 0

        Dear Mr SM,
        Thank you always for your post. I thought you might have been caught by an unexpected problem/or in bad health. So I was bit worried of you and we did not hear from you all these days.
        Anyways, please always take good care of you. Mardhanaya-suppression has returned to the door steps today going beyond the levels we experienced it prior to 2015.
        Dr Harsha Silva’s rally day before y day was interrrupted by an uexpected power cut. So they had no choice but to continue the rally in dark. The kind of harrassments would be common and inevitable in next days but there is no option but to go stand against. I believe in miracles when looking at srilanka. So we should do whatever we can in improving the awareness of the people. I work diehard in that process for such a long time. Please also check my sinhala comments. So my request to you all,not to add any kind of negative comments and please continue educating the people as you ve been upto that sofar.
        ““When the rope was tight, it required little effort on my part to get a reaction from you..

      • 0

        Dear SM,
        can you please tell me who is owner of the following website ?

  • 3

    champa thank you for your comment.leave alone sri lanaka no body from any country get involved in sex trade with whole heart.they are mostly from poor or families who live on hand to mouth earning.some do this to feed their children as their husbands do not support them.this is a human problem.as for me i am doing well and as such i have no need to get in to this trade.

    • 1


      “no body from any country get involved in sex trade with whole heart.”

      Is this very right ? I dont think so – it has become their culture today. Be it in Pataya Bangkok or Srilanka S Hikkaduwa are both the same. Their culture is unique to them. Prostitution is the main job hidden under Room services.
      Last time back in Home country, I noticed it myself, those beach boys harass the tourists on lanken beaches are not all poor. That has become their occupation. I really dont think you are right saying they enter prostitution ONLY because them being very poor.

      One woman (60 yrs) from Hikkaduwa married to a EU national long ago – she shared me lot more inside stories of those who live in costal areas of the island. SHe regrets today to have got married to non-srilanken. She is mentally apart and her story is unique to her. And she said to me further that her brother back in home country (65yrs) dont care about his grand children (men) go after rich tourists for sex sale.This is the attitude of the adults coming from that part but from SRILNAKA.
      Today many of them want to earn easy cash by any means – those youth are that lazy for normal jobs but selling themselves, they earn enough for their family generations.

    • 4

      However, it is pimps and their like that actively promote prostitution.

    • 2

      Next time when Deva going to Geneva in March, go with him to defend Royals crimes in UNHRC. You see, you have to be balanced, you should not attack one party only. Do it the both ways. If you talk for LTTE once, then you can talk for Royals too! $18B deals. Super class Swiss Hotels and Sinhala Cinema supporting actresses.
      And your experience 60years old women & jobs when you back in country. Why do you think people died for the deals with Royals. Ask Karuna too.

      Prostitution and drug trade uses the poor, but the rich merchants controls it.

      • 1

        I usually dismiss EagleEye’s comments. But lately he seems to have a political agenda. His efforts to resurrect LTTE, demonise them and through that demonise the Tamil people is aimed at helping certain political party.
        To Sinhalese people Tigers were demons but to the Tamil people they were saviours until defeated.
        As for mass killing I wish to quote from a speech given by Theresa Villiers MP for Chipping Barnett UK “ We will never know how many lost their lives. Some estimate the dead as about 10,000 whilst some others have suggested as much as 100,000. What is beyond dispute is that during the siege of Mullivaikal thousands of Tamil men, women and children were killed.
        Most of them died when the enclave was completely encircled by the Sri Lankan army. I have spoken first hand to a survivor about the horrific events she witnessed and experienced.
        One commentator described Mullivaikal as “By any standard, one of the worst and most concentrated acts of killing in the post-World War II era”.”

        • 0

          We know that many died.Approximately how many? Data diverging by a factor of 10 sounds weak.
          Do those asking the IC, UN etc. to intervene have a clue?
          Is there any serious analysis or argument based on data for survivors (ike widows, orphans, school records, or even voters’ registers)?
          It is the same story with complaints about land theft.
          There have been worse tragedies elsewhere, but documentation on behalf of the victims is more precise.

          • 0

            Do those asking the IC, UN etc. to intervene have a clue? What clue they need as their qualification to ask the International agencies? Do you understand Government and EPDP like paramilitary successfully bulldozed out bodies and shut the mouth of the witnesses to the real figure from coming out? Did you come to know that this was war without witness and are you being able to understand that government destroyed evidences, so that are IC has to come in? Is anywhere in it, the Resolution 30/1 saying that if Tamils don’t come to have any clue of how many of them were killed by Rapist Army, the Resolution signed by Aanduwa is not valid? Why Tamils should know how many of the next door missing by army, to complain about how many was missing in their house? Can explain please the meaning of this poisonous question of “Do those asking the IC, UN etc. to intervene have a clue?”
            The purpose of Transitional Justice and TRO is for Army to tell how many it killed. Everyone will understand why UNHRC insisted Paranagama’s CID Commission should be dismissed and OMP has to be opened. If you don’t understand what is going on, just ask what is going on in the IC. Just don’t write venomous things.

            • 0

              Check what the man at the T-Gate is up to.

          • 1

            Please ask the following questions as well.
            Who prevented international bodies from getting accurate details? If the information available is questionable who is responsible for that?
            Have international bodies tried. To get more accurate figures using eye witness accounts?
            Who provided the low end of the figures and who pRovided the higher end of the figures?

            • 1

              We cannot expect international bodies to do our homework, unless there is something in it for them.
              There were once people here who collected data meticulously on discrimination, although with a narrow outlook. Do we have any at all now?
              We need to learn from genuine liberation organizations about compiling data.
              Do the so-called leaders bother to organize even corroborative information? They are good at speeches with elections in mind and loyalists from home and abroad are pleased as long as votes are gathered.
              It is time that we stopped blaming others for our own follies.

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                ” We cannot expect international bodies to do our homework, unless there is something in it for them. “
                When the internal government launched 70+ years of war without witness on Tamils, there is no way Tamils collect and maintain the data. Every possible Tamils witnesses are picked with the help of Paramilitaries in Internment camps and killed by Rapist Army. Citizens pay tax for government to take care of their matters like this. Government deposited tax money in foreign Bank accounts. That is why the International Organizations are developed and paid by America, Britain, Japan. Germany, France like countries. They should not just withdraw from their duty as saying the money is paid, so UN has to take care. But they must pressure UN to take care of havoc behavior of cesspool countries. If Cesspool countries not complying or UN is not cooperating, then they should stop the payments to UN and should do something like they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya…. to liberate Tamils

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    Old King went to UNHRC with stolen documents and Vaalaiththodam stopped at Airport and confiscated documents. From that lesson, CID inspector Nissanka de Silva and Dharisha didn’t take with them any documents but mailed them already before leave the Airports-as suspected.
    ” Data diverging by a factor of 10 sounds weak. Was there any chances you contesting Lord Naseby number (7000) in CT, when it was discussed many times for the last 7 years? If yes, Can I see the link? If not, can you give reason please?
    Is there any serious analysis or argument based on data for survivors (ike widows, orphans, school records, or even voters’ registers)? Do you means LTTE’s government documents were not handed over to you when they demised or are you telling that Aanduwa did not coordinate the data collection? How can Tamil parties calling for investigation would have been able to access these documents ? Could you explain in detail how your idea can be put through to work?
    It is the same story with complaints about land theft. Which Land theft you mean? You blame accusers of government are not specific, can we start to set them example from your excellent writings?

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        CT should remove those who have nothing to write but come to spend Curfew Lock down. They are challenging to ridicule comments but don’t reply. That is abusing of free Media, in the manner of Stalin Communism.

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          First sentence: Very true.
          Second: Need advice on dealing with ridiculous comments otherwise.
          Third: See above.

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