19 September, 2024


Is Religion The Opium Of The Masses?

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

“Myself when young did eagerly frequent, Doctor and Saint and heard great Argument, About it and about, but evermore, Came out by the same Door as in I went”

Perhaps there is no phrase of Karl Marx that is better known or more frequently quoted than his quip about religion being the opium of the masses. So let me quote the passage in full.

“Religious distress is an expression of real distress and a protest against this distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, the spirit of a spiritless condition. It is the opium of the masses. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the condition for their real happiness. The demand to give up this illusion is the demand for men to give up a condition which needs illusions”. Marx, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.

The meaning is easy to grasp. In simple words it says religion misleads people into believing that if they put up with distress and suffering that flesh is heir to in this world, they will reap great benefits in the next. Religious quacks, well to do classes and the State feed people this concoction to keep them complacent while the powers that be exploited them. That’s the first point. The second point, that the masses must reject these illusions and rise up to change the world, is then fairly straightforward.

Let’s explore the damage uncritical acceptance of religious concoctions do in society. I am not engaging in an exploration of religious philosophy; just examining what religion does in practical politics. Let me give you a few examples of the greater hold religion, rather than other factors such as ethnicity or nationality have in actual life.

Islamisation for example has had a powerful and irreversible impact on Iran (Persia) but Arabisation has completely failed! Iran is firmly Islamic but the country has proudly retained its Persian cultural and linguistic roots. The stanzas at the start and end of this essay illustrate this. Even Persia’s numerous indigenous peoples and tribes have retained their independent cultures and life styles but they have capitulated to Islam. When the armies of Islam swept across Arabia and the middle-east and they crushed every other sign of a separate identity in their path.

Across Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Guinea, Bali and the Malay Archipelago, nationalism, language, culture and other loyalties count for little in contrast to the hold of Islam which overrides all other loyalties and extremisms. It grip like opium on a lifelong addict. It should surprise no one that religious expectations of what will happen in the afterlife hold people in thrall more than ethnic identity, nationalism, group loyalty or anything else.

Authorities in the Russian republic of Chechnya, have banned music considered too fast or too slow, effectively criminalizing many genres. The Ministry of Culture announced the ban with the agreement of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov. “Musical, vocal and choreographic” works will be limited to a tempo of 80 to 116 beats per minute to “conform to the Chechen mentality and sense of rhythm,” said the Minister of Culture. “Borrowing musical culture from other peoples is inadmissible. We must regulate the future of our children, the cultural heritage of the people and the entire spectrum of moral and ethical standards.” This bigotry has deep Islamic underpinning.

The powerful hold of religion on the minds of Americans cannot be minimised. An Arizona court has enforced a complete ban on abortion referring to a Christian belief that life is created at the moment of conception and that it is sinful to abort except when the life of the mother is endangered. The law upholds an 1864 fundamentalist edict. To go further back the Spanish Conquistadors wiped out hundreds of millions of Aztecs, Mayas and other people across the continent because they did not bow down before the True God. The Buddhas of Bamiyan, two 6th-century monumental Buddhist statues in Afghanistan, were razed to the ground by Islamic fundamentalists. Hindu fundamentalists obliterated the Babri Majid mosque in in Ayodhya, alleged to be built on the site of the birthplace of Rama, a village thug exiled by his father to fulfil a promise made to his wife to crown her son Bharat. Do I need to say anymore to prove that religion has taken an irrational grip on the human mind?

This is not to deny that force is the other major factor crafting history. The examples I have mentioned show that religion works hand in hand with armed force in driving history. The example of the Spanish Conquistadors who used Force to exterminate Godless heathens is a case in point. Early Christians destroyed all previous monuments of “pagan” origin such as the tomb of Alexander the Great in Alexandria. Wasn’t it Rudyard Kipling who said in his poem Mandalay “The Great Lord Budd, a blooming idol made of mud”? The savagery in Sudan and the Darfur region, the senseless violence sweeping across the “bulge” of the east of the African Continent and dozens of examples across the world establish that force, usually hand in hand with faith, is the midwife of history; Niger, Chad, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and so on.

What about godless China and to a degree godless Russia – between 15% and 25% of Russians are non-believers or plain atheists? In Soviet times this number was much higher. I suspect that in Russia and indeed across the world and in the West the number of de-facto atheists is quite large. (Personally, like Marx, I am more a secularist not an atheist. Is there a God? Who the devil knows? Come on Dude, it don’t not matter that much in practical things).

“Come fill the cup what boots it to repeat

How time is slipping underneath our feet

Unborn Tomorrow, Dead Yesterday

Why fret about these if Today be sweet”

Latest comments

  • 7

    Religion is not necessary for man but man is necessary for religion. Man can exist without religion but religion cannot exist without man. More people have died and are dying because of religious beliefs over which wars are fought and millions are killed for no purpose. Religions don’t help people to live happily. Religion creates more enemies than friends.

    • 1

      Kanapathy Varunan,
      If a killer links religion to his killing, fault his understanding of the religion, not the religion itself.

      • 0

        Were not great sages responsible for the killing of rival religious leaders and their followers?
        Tolerance is not a strong point of religions.

  • 7

    Prof. KD, thank you, it really is the opium of politics in Sri Lanka. If they focused on the facts based truths, in their politics, we would have achieved our economic goals int he post war 13 years.
    Those who misled Buddhism for their survival are trying their best to escape the rain of accusations against them today.
    As some buddhist jathaka (fictions) stories make it clear, Mahinda Rjapakshe would not be able to get rid of his ” karmic retributions” in the days to come. Fake monks such as Omalpe Sobitha or the like preach today shamelessly though. Rev. Malcom Ranjith was the other that blinded the chiristan voters for Rajapkshes comeback. Not just sinhala budshist monks but christan religious leaders too should be made complicit for the mess.


    This opium was highly instrumental in bringing the Rajapaksa’s rascal politicians back to politics and let this country be looted… Most of our people are eternal slaves. That they abused cold bloodedly.
    Fortunately for the nation, the SLPP is met with a Pandora’s box of their own problems today.

    They deliberately teamed up with the media whores of DILITHA JAYAWEERA NATURE to mislead the nation. Right now they are fighting each other. A lie won’t go that far.

    • 3

      “Islamisation for example has had a powerful and irreversible impact on Iran (Persia) but Arabisation has completely failed!”
      Not quite, Prof. Persian nowadays uses the Arabic script, and the Quran is in Arabic too.

      • 0

        The rule has been that the Quran is not legitimate in any language other than Arabic.
        Arabs could not rule over Iran for long but Arabic made a lasting impact.

  • 6

    This mad Leela guy is so out of his depth .He is talking about “karmic” force !

    There is no god, there is no rebirth, there is no Karma !

    More foolish you are, more primitive the mind.

    By Sri Lankan law you cannot criticize religion ! So they can never become intelligent or educated.

    Anti religious people should be able to ridicule and criticize this nonsense called religion, which are really not only opium , but also a livelihood for the priests.

    Taken objectively Gnasara guy was jailed for hurting Muslim “feelings” by his statements against their religion. ( you may dislike him or even hate him, that is another thing) The main witness against him was a leader of a Muslim group!

    Then that Christian Elvis Presley Jerome faced the same thing.

    What kind of primitive minds live in this country !

    • 1


      “but also a livelihood for the priests.”

      It’s always the priest at the top of the religious hierarchy. The religion doesn’t matter, the priest is the real vampire.

      “What kind of primitive minds live in this country !”

      Maybe you, Old Codger, and Ranil? I don’t see much difference, tbh.

      • 2

        She gave you an IQ of less than 40. I feel for you🤣🤣🤣

        • 1


          An IQ of 40 is impossible for STEM graduates in the UK, where I studied. You cannot buy a degree there, unlike in India. There is no “reservation” in UK. You cannot claim your parents are Dalits, get a scholarship after scoring less than a Brahmin, and become a “doctor” in 6 months. According to this chart, my IQ is between 124-133: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e18c5d46b2e3698fd4f0399f86e562b0-lq. Although I think these numbers are too high for some categories. 115 for social sciences? Should be 100 maximum. I took one of those classes, they were teaching that you can train a dog to respond to a whistle by offering food. One of these “researchers” will then attempt to “quantify” it by doing some statistical analysis and publishing the results in a social sciences “journal” written in gobbledegook.

          • 2

            Nobody is asking you about your supposed qualifications, or about Dalits.
            Just tell us why you ran away from a “war” to work in sanitation.
            “An IQ of 40 is impossible for STEM graduates in the UK, where I studied. You cannot buy a degree there, unlike in India”. Really? Here’s just one site that will sell you one in UK:
            If you want to lie, make it convincing.

            • 1

              Old Codger,

              I’m sure if you could work in “sanitation” (whatever that is), you wouldn’t be standing in line at the alms-giving, asking monks for food.

              • 1

                “you wouldn’t be standing in line at the alms-giving, asking monks for food.”
                Are you even a Buddhist? Don’t you know that it is the monks that get fed first at neighbourhood almsgivings for the dead?
                Pathetic. You can’t even get that right.

            • 3

              This reminded me of Dayan Jayathilaka who always self-proclaim about his overestimation ( how grannies put him to bed, how he lived in Paris bla bla.. )…
              It is common for some Sinhalese that their genomes are full of supporting genes.
              . Unfortunately, there are also a few cousins of mine who repeat about their popular schools even if they dont have a basic degree in their pockets. The Queen’s Country lets Lester and DS take refuge on their soil, but it seems both have learned nothing but PURASARAMa. Time to drag them both in front of a mirror, right?

              • 2

                I’m sure Lester has never been to an almsgiving in his life, though he claims to be a Buddhist 🤣🤣🤣

    • 3

      “What kind of primitive minds live in this country”
      That brings to mind many other things that d.s. is likely to miss.

    • 1

      Deepthi Silva ,

      ” Anti religious………………………..nonsense called religion . ” About two
      decades back , Scientists encouraged us to eat Margarine and today ,
      we are warned against eating it ! Same thing with Tobacco . And it is
      same with Alcohol . My first question to you is , Where did you learn
      or how did you learn to Believe in Ridiculing part of human history ,
      just because you think you have gained access to Modern Environment ?
      I am not trying to defend Faith Communities but disagree with you for
      trying to laugh at the Ancients who led us to this Modern World with
      their Modern Thoughts at their disposal in their time . It is part of our
      history and we are part of it . You want to laugh at yourself ?

      • 0

        Science is not a set of rules and definitions but a way of understanding things around us by reasoning, experimentation and analysis.
        Science is capable of rejecting its own laws when they do not stand up to facts. No religion can do that.
        It is not disrespect for any that makes one reject things from the past, but respect for the truth.
        Dalton was disproved may times over, but he is still highly regarded.

  • 4

    “In the absence of God, man is condemned to be free.”

    With freedom comes responsibility: the iron-clad obligation to take responsibility for each and every one of one’s actions.

    “Religions”/Cults ……. give the loophole ……. for man to pass on responsibility to God/leader.

    It’ responsibility, that everyone tries to avoid.

    It’s the good ol’ “Bad-Faith” of the little Frenchman with thick glasses ……… that the little man in Bandarawela with the thin glasses wallow in.

    And all those women with good hearts left pregnant and holding the baby …… with no one to take responsibility ……… on the 154 bus-route.

    Why Buddha, before anything, said …….. “Hitha honda gaani hamadama badin.” ……. “A woman with a good heart is always pregnant.”

    Prof Kumar ……… the answers are there all around you ……. if you only look!

    • 1

      nimal fernando

      ““Religions”/Cults ……. give the loophole ……. for man to pass on responsibility to God/leader.”

      For example Tamils passed on their responsibilities to their God cult leader or was it other way around? Cult Leader assumed himself being the God enforcing many responsibilities on stupid people?

      • 0

        “For example Tamils passed on their responsibilities to their God cult leader or was it other way around?”


        How can you distort even the recent history to push forth prejudices that have taken over your mind?

        Tamils didn’t pass them over. They had no choice: he forcibly grabbed them at the end of a barrel of a gun.

        The truth is the truth …… an adult man even with an IQ of 30 :)))))) (not my assessment; when Ranil and women and China are not the topic, I think your IQ is well up there among the Lankans. Everyone have their Achilles heel) shouldn’t try to push claptrap clogging his mind as the truth.

        “Cult Leader assumed himself being the God enforcing many responsibilities on stupid people?”

        Do you mean Ranil?

        btw ……. were you at Ranil’s Avurudu do in Nuweraeliya in the president’s house? Some of my closest relatives were there ……. and in the lunch for just 5 outsiders with him and the wife.

        And here I’m dissing Ranil! …….. That’s intellectual honesty/truth-telling, Native! …….. You wouldn’t know it, even if it fell on your head …….. when it comes to Ranil!

    • 0

      Even though man wants to be free. Fights to be free. ………. Unbeknown to him, he is terrified of freedom.

      Terrified of the responsibility ……. that comes with freedom.

      For most ……. things just happen: they are not responsible. ………. Or it’s God’s will.

      It gets even worse in Bandarawela ……… whenever he goes to meet his maker …… the excuses he’ll come up with! …… Oh Boy!

      • 0

        Not through histories/past ……. or even what is ……… but how would someone approach this whole shindig ……… about God/religion …….. from an angle of metaphysics (is that the right term?)?

        “Man’s existence precedes his essence.”

        “Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.”

        What do all you learned gents/ladies think ……… so plebs out here can pick ye brains ………

  • 4

    Hello Professor Kumar,
    I agree with the vast majority of what you said above. I also find myself wholly in agreement with Deepthi Silva “There is no god, there is no rebirth, there is no Karma !” Deepthi, like me, is an Atheist. We don’t have “beliefs” in the religious sense.
    Your comment “I am more a secularist not an atheist. Is there a God? Who the devil knows?” can be replaced with “Are their fairies, only Santa Claus knows?” So like Thomas Huxley you could claim to be an Agnostic. The problem with Agnostics is that they are very selective in their Agnosticism. In practice they will accept the reality of the external world. As they drink their cup of tea they don’t generally say “Does this cup really exist? I don’t know” In practice Agnostics are Atheists, but in argument they are Solipsists.
    Best regards

    • 2


      “The problem with Agnostics is that they are very selective in their Agnosticism.”


      I call myself agnostic and you are right that, in practice, agnostics are atheists. Rejecting all religions is a low-hanging fruit because it is easy to dismiss them based on their internal contradictions. But isn’t it possible that explanations exist beyond my human understanding of the origins of the universe? Scientific explanations are only an attempt at it, but cannot convincingly close the issue. Hence agnosticism.

      Moreover, I recognize the historical role that religions played in defining acceptable morality. As a matter of pragmatism, before societies fully move away from religions, they ought to develop concepts of universal morality and entrench them culturally.

      • 3


        “As a matter of pragmatism, before societies fully move away from religions, they ought to develop concepts of universal morality and entrench them culturally”

        UN and UNHRC, and other international institutions have been mulling over systemising concepts of universal morality however enforcement of such universal principles have been selective.

        Can the brilliant human mind come up with solutions beyond their narrow confines? Of course the human mind is very logical and effective, coming up with all sorts of reasons to start wars, manufacture arms for the destruction of people property and civilisation then paying lip service to maintaining International law and order, peace …. in a way merchants of death are deciding who should live and who should die (including babies and children).

        Is it myopia or madness?
        Most leaders who have considerable ability and assets to destroy the world many times over should watch Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) in Kingsman: The Secret Service. Richmond Valentine may look and sound like a cartoon character, but not so we have been increasingly seeing such characters in their media outings.

        By the way the question now is who kill more people Atheist, Theist or Agnostics?

  • 2

    ” religion misleads people into believing that if they put up with distress and suffering that flesh is heir to in this world, they will reap great benefits in the next.”
    Is it as simple as that?
    There is no afterlife in oriental religions and strictly not in Buddhism.
    The three ‘book religions’ count on afterlife.
    Rebirth theories do not guarantee a better next life, but there is general fear that there will be punishment in another birth to come.

    • 2

      Hello SJ,
      Every Buddhist that I know and have spoken to about the subject believes in Gods and the Supernatural with a few exceptions – one being the Hamuduruwo in our local Temple and the others well-educated relatives.
      Apart from that Religion for most Asians is not a choice (or for Muslims) – it is Cultural, however Buddhism does teach that “suffering” is the reality for most people and the way out of it is guided by these Four Pillars-
      Dukkha – an explanation of what suffering really is,
      Samudāya – an explanation of why suffering arises,
      Nirodha – an explanation of whether we can and whether we should stop suffering,
      Magga – an explanation of how to stop suffering.
      For Western people that don’t have the Cultural attachments to these Pillars/Sayings it is either Simplistic at best and Psychological nonsense at worst.
      Best regards

      • 5

        Buddhism got mixed up with Hindu polytheism within a century or two of the Buddha’s death. It was the Mahayana school that absorbed that fully. But the Hinayana school too yielded to social pressure. (Undiluted Buddhism is too intellectual to people who want answers to problems from outside their own wisdom.
        In our case most Buddhists wee Hindus of some kind and adopted Buddhism. It was hard to abandon gods and trees that they had worshipped for generations. So they found a way out, they created a hierarchy of deities (Devas), rather like Greek gods, over whom the Buddha reigned supreme and the Devas intervened in mundane matters.
        Then there were the Kings, a good many of them Hindus or whose wives were Hindu and supported various deities.
        The Buddha dismissed the almighty god as irrelevant to what he had to say, and very firm on anatta (no soul) and impermanence.
        The Buddha’s search was founded on the cause of suffering and relief from it. But he found ways within one rather than outside one to address the problem.
        The fact that the Buddhist ‘gods’ are very much unlike in the three Theravada countries (Lanka, Burma and Thailand) should tell us something about their arrival and place in Buddhism. Notions of rebirth also differ vastly.

        • 0

          SJ, You say that the Buddha dismissed the almighty god as irrelevant. If that is so, then he never met God even into eternal life according to you. How did he know that he had no soul (anatta) Then what was the need to do good and not evil. Where is he now. Jesus resurrected as the same Jesus and not another person. Surely someone can shoot another and make him suffer totally outside of himself and not within. When ancestor do evil, their generations too suffer. If notions of rebirth also differ vastly, which one of these do the Buddhists believe

          • 2

            How could he meet someone that does not exist?
            If a person can find within him/her the motivation to do good and avoid the bad (I will not use the emotionally loaded term evil) what need does he have for any external force to motivate him.
            The Buddha never claimed that he was anything super human. He was humble enough to ask people not go accept his words blindly. To each his own salvation.
            One is only responsible for one’s own thought, word and deeds.
            It all starts here and ends here. You are your own heaven and hell.
            Criteria for right and wrong are, by and large, socially determined.
            What matters is to be socially responsible and honest without taking cover behind myths.

          • 2

            “Then what was the need to do good and not evil. “
            Have you not heard of self-interest? If you go around treating others badly, they will do the same to you. It is in your own interest to behave, whether there is a God or not.

          • 1

            Hello DTG,
            Whether you do good or evil is not conditional on the non-reality of a God. Even Atheists can do good (or evil) without the threat of eternal damnation. Apart from that, should I suffer for what my ancestor did in the 11th Century on the First Crusade or should my German friends be blamed for what their Grandparents did in WW2?
            The sins of the Fathers should not be visited on the Children, but Genesis says this ” [God] does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth [generation]. (Exodus 34:7b)”
            Best regards

        • 0

          Prof . Not just Thailand and Burma. Laos and Cambodia too. In most countries, religions spread the underlying superstitions have never been fully replaced. The Thais and Laotians still have those ancestral worshiping and the old Hindu influences and superstitions have never fully ceased. This is even true of most South and Central American countries, the Mayans and Inca and the other belief systems are still there are still very prevalent in Guatemala or Peru underneath the Catholic guise. I think this is inevitable. In general, it is Islam and Catholicism that engaged in the type of ethnic and religious cleansing that eliminated the majority of other belief systems. or drove them underground.

          Also, one way to look at Buddhism is to look at is as a protest against the abuses of traditions of Hinduism, And its caste system that was dominated by the Brahmins. Siddartha was not a Brahmin but of a lower Kashtriya class. I am not convinced that even during King Ashoka’s time India was ever a majority Buddhist country. but once the Mauriya clan’s kingdoms ended the Brahmins reasserted their dominance and took India back to what it was.

          Also, I don’t think that in essence there is a major difference between Hinayana and Mahayana teachings in dharma. just the outward trappings of considering the Buddha a semi-God. demi God or whatever.

          • 3

            Thanks for that clarification.
            I was only dealing with the Theravada schools which should have rejected gods and rebirth in my effort to explain that they were external inputs.

      • 4

        SJ and LS,
        As far as I know, there are very few “”Buddhists ” who don’t believe in gods, an afterlife, or astrology. I know a couple of men who professed not to believe in any of these things, until their children grew up. Then both were coerced by their wives to get horoscopes for the kids to find partners. There is no arguing with culture.

        • 2

          old codger

          “Then both were coerced by their wives to get horoscopes for the kids to find partners.”

          Did they publish their details in Matrimonial columns including the details such as Sinhala/Buddhist Govi, ….

          • 2

            “Did they publish their details in Matrimonial columns including the details such as Sinhala/Buddhist Govi, ….”
            Yes, of course. They wouldn’t get many hits describing themselves as ” caste immaterial”.
            When in Rome…….

        • 4

          I have consistently held that the Sinhala Buddhists are predominantly Hindus by faith.
          They worship more Hindu Gods than an average Hindu.
          They believe in witchcraft more than the average Hindu.
          I can go on.
          I do not know what the Buddha statues are doing in this country. Watching in agony on his behalf the distortion of all his great preachings?

          • 4

            I think the statues are there to keep the devils away.

            • 3

              Has their proliferation anything to do with that of evil in this country?

          • 0


            “I have consistently held that the Sinhala Buddhists are predominantly Hindus by faith.”

            You need to observe SB’s outside of their natural environment and compare them with Hindus in a similar environment. There is very little comparison. SB’s don’t use a horoscope or caste to pick their partner (who is very often from another race). The Hindus are much more strict. They follow a vegetarian diet, often wear traditional clothes in public, hoard gold, and associate with members of their own caste. Arranged marriage is also a given for Hindus.

            • 1

              “SB’s DON’T USE A HOROSCOPE or CASTE TO PICK THEIR PARTNER (who is very often from another race).”
              The above to say the least, is an asinine statement, with a load of Untruth!!!???
              All the SB dailies, weeklies, monthlies in Sri Lanka, must be publishing a LOAD LIES and BULL EXCRETA, for the consumption of the Thana Kola Guzzling, PUNNAKKU Eating 4 legged variety and NOT tailored to entertain the so-called Sinha-Le Buddhists!!!??? The SB priests are the proponents of Astrology, Horoscope and ARCH-ANGELS OF SO-CALLED, CASTE BASED RELIGIOUS NIKAYAS!!!???
              First option to respond is for Lester but doesn’t show the proper inclination or Capacity to do so!!??

            • 1

              With rare exceptions, a SB worships more Hindu gods than an average Tamil.
              The SB faith in Anjanam and Huniyam surpases Tamil Hindu reliance on them. The SB also break coconuts to get the gods punish their enemies, and even have a god dedicated to deliver their curses.
              What are the Sinhalese astrologers doing for a living if they do not advise on matrimonial matters?
              They are more civilised than Tamils in dealing with people of other castes, but they are just as caste conscious.

      • 0


        “For Western people that don’t have the Cultural attachments to these Pillars/Sayings it is either Simplistic at best and Psychological nonsense at worst.”

        What about Christianity with its dichotomies?

        – Good vs evil
        – Angel vs devil
        – God vs human
        – Man vs woman
        – Light vs darkness
        – Sin vs good deed
        – Virginity vs chastity
        – Jew (Chosen) vs non-Jew
        – Hell vs heaven
        – Strong vs weak

        A lot of these dichotomies have their origins in Greek mythology (for example, “pre-destination”) but the Greeks themselves were generally wiser. Ex. Greeks did not draw a connection between skin color and “light vs darkness.” They had slaves of all races. Whereas the Europeans used the “light vs darkness” concept to discriminate against Jews and justify colonialism. Many themes in Rudyard Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden” make reference to Christianity. It’s no accident that the ships of the Spanish “conquistadors” sailed with large flags depicting crosses.

        • 0

          Lester, Why talk untruth like “God vs human and Man vs. woman” This God of love created Adam and Eve to build up a family by procreating his life.

          • 0


            The purpose of mythology is to teach humans some moral lesson. The Bible is essentially a compendium of myths that the Jews borrowed from other cultures. What you call as “Adam and Eve”, for example, comes from the Sumerian “Epic of Gilgamesh.” The person you call as “Jesus” probably emanated from the cult of Dionysus. Dionysus also had an “immaculate conception” (father was Zeus and mother the mortal Semele). Other similarities: Dionysus narrowly survived Hera’s attempt to murder him as an infant. Both Jesus and Dionysus performed to illustrate their divinity. Both figures endured rejection by friends and family in their hometowns. Both suffered grotesque deaths – Dionysus died at the hands of the Titans, who cut up his body and ate it. And both Jesus and Dionysus ascended into heaven where they joined their Fathers.
            How can we sum up the Bible? On one hand, it is a history of the Jews. On the other hand, it is a series of myths culminating with the emergence of a central figure, Jesus, who embodies the myths. It is like a good movie, where we meet the central figure in the sequel.

            • 0

              Lester, Respect your belief system but I am totally opposed to it. You say “”Jesus”” probably emanated from a cult which I think is in your imagination but not in the bible writing the same story by about 60 authors living over a period of hundreds of years. After the resurrection of Jesus showing a powerful solution to sin of humans deceived by the devil, it is now reaching the predicted stage of all nations coming against Israel given to birth the saviour as it is where east of Eden the garden was created for the kingdom family of God to be purified. All humans will see him when he returns to Jerusalem and they need to get ready not opposing him this time as jews accept him as their jewish Messiah due to the jewish marks on his body. Myth will be real then.

          • 1

            “This God of love created Adam and Eve to build up a family”
            Was not Eve an afterthought?

            • 0

              SJ, Eve was in God’s plan for Adam to procreate his kingdom family. Male and female were needed, not like today’s misguided homosexuals who can still be healed if willing

        • 1

          Lester dear,
          “What about Christianity with its dichotomies?”
          “Jew (Chosen) vs non-Jew”
          Can I dare suggest to Your Eminence that a Jew is not a Christian?

        • 1

          Hello Lester,
          I am not a Christian and never have been one. So why do you ask me about Christianity? I know it is difficult for people that come from a Religious background to understand the concept that there are many people that don’t have a Religion.
          It is 2024 in the non-Muslim World and 1445 AH in the Muslim. Rudyard Kipling and the Spanish “conquistadors” are long gone.
          By the way, I just met Cronos and Gaia looking for you. They were hiding this sharp flint, I have no idea what their intentions were for you. Anyway I told them to try the UK😉.
          Best regards

          • 3

            It seems to me that many people in Europe are like atheists, but they enjoy their Christmas and Easter holidays very much. Gone are the days when people sacrificed Sundays to go to church. I think most Polish people still do, but many other nations I know are anti-religious. But often not a single word is said against any religions.
            I think their subconscious is filled with the same thoughts as their parents and grandparents. It is the same in Sri Lanka. The young generation does not care about Sinhala-Buddhism. Above all, if you ask the young chinese, what do they believe, they start talking about their material advantages. What matters to them is having a good job, a home and an affordable life. So China is ruled by law and order, not by religion. Looking at the Chinese, I thought that today, not religion, but the strict enforcement of law and order, could discipline them better than anything else, and that religion should be a nation. THat should be valid to all home sapiens. .. is not that so ?

  • 1

    “Is Religion The Opium Of The Masses?”
    Religion is not only the opium of the masses it is also the opium of the elite.
    Just look at the number of well-to-do and/or educated persons who wear a holy string around their wrists! The Buddhists wear white thread and the Hindus wear red or yellow thread. You can see it on TV all the time.

    • 2

      You have yet to come across SBs wearing yellow cords and five-colour cords around their wrists.

  • 1

    Religion is outdated. The problem is that the human brain is not wired to think logically. The primary drivers of human emotion are fear and greed, not cos x and sin x.

    • 3

      Bravo Lester ! You have found the answer t the human problem !

      A very exceptional mind you got there Lester !

      • 2

        Deepthi Silva,

        You should tell us more about your background, since you are convinced some of us have low IQs. Your assumption is only false if your IQ is higher than ours (relatively speaking). I was under the impression that you are a professor, but after further checking, it is just Leela’s cuckoo imagination in action. Nothing Leela says should be taken as fact.

        • 1

          *is lower than ours

        • 4

          Very good morning from CE,
          May self-proclaimed pundit Lester, pseudo Prof. DS and all that constantly struggle to stand out on CT, the basics of human brain be blessed with a drop of knowledge about the basics of the functions human brain.
          The below links will become your eye openers for sure.



          It is all about acquired knowledge and hard work if human beings revolutionized something on this planet.
          Almost anything and everything is relative, that being said, how do we know that human beings are the most intelligent species on the earth?
          with not even a drop of ocean is obviously has been discovered by them within their short lifespan.? why to become overjoy ?
          South korea overtook us not because their intelligence, but their politics and hard working charactor. It is believed that south koreans are the champions among world for suicide. Most of them are not happy with their achievements and go beyond human abilities. I worke with some colleagues from SK, I know what I am talking about.
          In our countries, speed of hardworking is not yet reached and enlightened because the systems are not yet implemented properly.

    • 4


      “Religion is outdated.”

      Not really, the Public Racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala renewed it about 100 odd years ago, and the Weeping Widow put religion on the 1972 constitution, from politicians to Army/Police chiefs regularly visit Asgiria, Sajith and other party leaders want to built 1113 Vihares in the North East, Vidura sends police/STF, department of Archaeology, Forestry Ministry, ……. a battalion of unemployed saffron thugs to North East to grab fertile land from North East farmers, …..

      You should know Sinhala/Buddhism is being modernised and creatively renewed every day, … for example gynaecologist Safi affair, Ampara ‘wandapethi’, …… ….

      • 1

        Dear NV,
        How did Medamulanaism become the second religion after Sinhalese Buddhism in the South?

        Who is to blame but the media whores?

        Media modeler Dilith Jayaweera should be hanged alone, right?
        Can people with brains wear blood-soaked Loin clothes as SATAKAYA with mustaches and fall for the easy tricks of criminals again and again?
        What is the fate of those who were inscribed Rajapakse pictures on their chest ?
        What made Mahendra Rajapakse to keep quiet and let the imaginary wave continue? had he a foresight, would people have been treated that way ?

    • 3

      Hello Lester,
      If the Human Brain “is not wired to think logically” I would not be sitting on a strong chair built by a local Carpenter, or writing this on a Laptop designed and manufactured by many Human Brains, whilst listening to Mehdi Hasan discussing the latest killing of Palestinian Children by the IDF. Yes Humans can and do think logically, most of the time. I personally am not frightened easily and you can ask anyone here if I am generous or greedy. If Humans have primary drives, I think the Reproductive Drive would be very high up the list – ask OC 😉.
      Best regards

      • 0

        Hello LankaScot,

        When I say the human brain is not wired to think logically, I am referring mostly to language. There is no human language that can approach the preciseness and clarity of set theory. All higher mathematics is essentially a play on set theory. Technology is just a subset of physics, which is a subset of applied mathematics which is a subset of pure mathematics. That is why your carpenter is able to build a chair with predictable results. All aspects of chair-building can be defined mathematically. The carpenter is able to follow a pre-defined set of instructions to build a chair, similar to a computer program. However, the carpenter probably doesn’t understand how to calculate the center of mass of the chair, or the torsion exerted by the hinges of the chair. He is capable of “logical thinking” to the extent that he is able to follow the instructions for building the chair. These instructions are not innate, they are part of his acquired knowledge. Without a counting system, without trigonometry or mensuration, the carpenter could not do his job. Now if you want to see irrational behavior in action, check Youtube for stock market predictions.

        • 3

          Dear Lester-this Set theory you mention, it has no words ?

          I thought all human thoughts are in a language -If I think “this Lester is a small mind thinking he is a big mind ” aren’t those thoughts in words of a language?

          Without a language man might have instincts but what kind of thoughts will he think ? Every thought to have any meaning must have a language it seems.

          Any way I think we both must not waste our time on matters a bit out of our capacities.

          Shall we just bash the Sinhalese or is it more fun to bash a doddering old fool like Leela ?

          • 0

            Deepthi Silva,

            I did not claim to be a big mind. Anyway, the use of terms such as “small” and “big” prove my point. Using just human language, it’s virtually impossible to define how small or how big. Why does 0.00001 m matter? Because various applications demand the use of precision instrumentation. There is a whole branch of mathematics called “numerical analysis” that accomplishes the task.

            “Any way I think we both must not waste our time on matters a bit out of our capacities.”

            Well, for whatever reason, you put me into the same category as some bumbling buffoon whose IQ is very likely 50. You can see this bugger jump up and down at any mention of mathematics. The fool has no constructive argument except to link to a chair from 5000 years ago. He thinks people are still making chairs in the same way. Next time think carefully before making your generalizations.

        • 2

          Hello Lester,
          Set Theory didn’t arrive with Aliens in Spacecraft. All of Human Knowledge is the product of Human Brains whether arrived at empirically, accidentally, pragmatically or by the Scientific Method. AI and computer programs produce Data, Text, Models etc, but Human Brains turn it into Knowledge.
          Don’t underestimate Carpenters, I asked our local Carpenter ( he is 2 houses down) where the hinges were on my Chair. He said there are plenty of “Joints” but no “Hinges”. However he used plenty of hinges on our doors windows and cupboards. Maybe we both misunderstand the word “hinges”.
          Best regards

          • 1

            Hello LankaScot,

            Folding chairs and recliners have hinges. My point regarding human language – it is ambiguous and imprecise. The human brain is wired towards survival, not logical tasks. That doesn’t mean a human can’t acquire knowledge and perform tasks that require logic. Now another interesting point – mathematics is not something that humans created, it is something they merely observed. As Hardy said, ““I believe that mathematical reality lies outside us, that our function is to discover or observe it, and that the theorems which we prove, and which we describe grandiloquently as our “creations,” are simply our notes of our observations.” A Platonic view, in which numbers and mathematical entities exist independently of the physical world and human thought.

            • 0

              Hello Lester,
              The real World exists. Numbers and Mathematical Entities are Human constructs and reflect as far as possible the connections and laws that govern the behaviour of Matter, Motion and Energy. “A Platonic view, in which numbers and mathematical entities exist independently of the physical world and human thought”. If this is true, first of all how could you prove it (without using human thought) and secondly if they don’t exist in the physical world where the hell do they exist. Remember the physical world includes Matter, Electromagnetics, Gravitation and even “Dark Matter” (which I think may turn out to be a type of Neutrino with mass).
              Best regards

              • 0

                Hello LankaScot,

                “If this is true, first of all how could you prove it”

                Because numbers form patterns that are consistent with the laws of the universe. Human thought is arbitrary (look at this website!) but the patterns formed by numbers are consistent and reproducible. That’s the only reason why technology works. Humans are not clever because they discovered technology. Humans *seem* clever because of the large size of their brain which enhances cognitive function. If you look at animals, they exhibit many properties that took humans thousands of years to understand. For example, homing pigeons navigate using magnetic fields. Bats communicate using echolocation (a form of sonar). Birds have clearly mastered aerodynamics. Beavers are natural engineers, in the sense that they build dams. There is nothing clever about humans. They will probably destroy the planet (what they haven’t already damaged) and themselves in a nuclear war within the next 100 years.

                • 0

                  “For example, homing pigeons navigate using magnetic fields. Bats communicate using echolocation (a form of sonar)”
                  Ergo, so, according to Lester, bats know calculus.
                  Lester is even battier than I thought.

                  • 0

                    If you knew calculus, you wouldn’t be begging monks for food.

                    • 0

                      Come on, you aren’t a Buddhist, are you?

                • 1

                  Hello Lester,
                  I use complex numbers to calculate the response of an Electronic Circuit to the application of a signal at its input. Schrodinger’s equation is used to enumerate how sub-atomic particles behave.
                  Both use the Complex number “i”. In schools and colleges it is introduced as an “imaginary number”. Now if this number exists independently of human brains and culture, please tell us what the Square Root of -1 actually is and where we can find it?
                  Best regards

                  • 0

                    Hello LankaScot,

                    The square root of -1 is just the solution to the polynomial equation x^2 = -1.

                    Where can you find it in the physical realm, that is a good question. Maybe its similar to infinity. You cannot find any object or phenomenon that has “infinity” as an inherent property, however, infinity is useful as a logical abstraction.

                • 1


                  “Beavers are natural engineers, in the sense that they build dams.”

                  True however, those who supposed to have defined Hydraulic Civilisation to the world have become so stupid they have to bring Iranian engineers all the way from Iran to build our multipurpose dam and power plant project.

                  What a pathetic lot?
                  You should blame the minorities.

                  • 0


                    Tell us what the Veddas built. TIA.

      • 4

        “I think the Reproductive Drive would be very high up the list – ask OC 😉.”
        You beat me to it.
        We are wired to ĝo and bed as many mates as possible. While going about that, we do make beds, fancy cars, and other stuff.

        • 1

          “Without a counting system, without trigonometry or mensuration, the carpenter could not do his job. “
          What fatuous presumption! You seem to assume that nobody can create anything practical without the knowledge of mathematics that you claim to have.
          Do you think the Egyptian who made this chair in 2000 b.c. knew trigonometry?
          Tell me, O math genius, how many boats or even chairs have you built yourself, even with your alleged math expertise?
          Now please do feel free to sputter as much as you want.

          • 2

            “Without trigonometry or ‘MENSURATION’, the carpenter could not do his job”
            Could you Kindly, please enumerate the relevance, the knowledge of Trigonometry or ‘MENSURATION’, and ‘the carpenter’ – “Wadu Bass”, in a wooden chair!!?? Very Interesting!!??

            • 5

              SOME pundits abuse the language making our IQ expert 🤔/ patient furious..
              Earlier job was done by SM. NOW IT IS PASSED TO DS.

        • 3

          Hello OC,
          For those of us born in the 1950s or before, of course it is a factor, but not so high up the list. And yes there are exceptions, like yourself and Picasso😎.
          Best regards

          • 0


            I sincerely hope you don’t have a low opinion of the Sri Lankan educational system after reading some of the nonsense here. Keeping in mind, these people are amateurs and don’t know the difference between design and implementation. Of course you can make a “chair” or some object with limited knowledge of mathematics. The point of using software is to optimize the process. And that software uses “calculus” and other tools to provide functionality such as 3D rendering. Once again, some of what you read here does not come from actual engineers, just the musings of some idiot with minimal knowledge of applied mathematics.

            • 0

              Lester the math-obsessed,
              Kindly tell us how much calculus Edward Jenner used to invent the Smallpox vaccine?

              1.”Technology is just a subset of physics, which is a subset of applied mathematics which is a subset of pure mathematics. That is why your carpenter is able to build a chair with predictable results. aspects of chair-building can be defined mathematically. “
              2. “Of course you can make a “chair” or some object with limited knowledge of mathematics. “
              I thought nobody could be more illogical than your former sidekick.
              It’s OK, please splutter some more.

            • 2

              Hello Lester,
              A long time ago, in a distant land … I worked with some of the first 3D modellings systems that produced a fly-thru of the submerged Oil Platform Jackets e.g. Ninian South. Cathodic Potential readings were taken on all of the Nodes on the Jacket and rendered using a PDP 11 Mini-computer and displayed on a huge (1980) 24 inch screen.
              My next foray into 3D (around 1994) was using an SGI Indy Computer running Pro-Engineer for Solid Modelling and Production linked to CNC and EDM”s (Electrical Discharge Machine). We were working to sub-micron tolerances at that time, so our Test Equipment was state of the Art.
              We were manufacturing components for the Motor Industry and one of our components was failing. We organised a meeting with the Customers Design Engineers (they designed the component) at our premises. The component had a small sphere connected to a bracket. The sphere was occasionally breaking off from the bracket. One of our Toolmakers took one look at the 3D view and remarked that the sphere join to the bracket was a point of high stress and suggested a fillet. A quick re-design and problem solved. No maths involved.
              Best regards

              • 0

                Hello LankaScot,

                All of the algorithms used in computer software these days use mathematics. Whether it’s Photoshop, AutoCad, or SolidWorks. All programming languages (high level and low-level) are based on mathematics. Including assembly language. Fair to say, a computer would be essentially worthless without mathematics. Whether you’re talking computer graphics, machine learning, networking, or cryptography. The operation of the CPU (hardware) is based on binary arithmetic, boolean logic, numerical algorithms, clock cycles, etc.

                Regarding 3D modeling, I will not go into details. The mathematics used includes linear algebra, geometry (think about translating, rotating, reflecting, etc.), coordinate systems, trigonometry, calculus, numerical analysis, graph theory, and interpolation and approximation: techniques such as Bézier curves and splines for smooth shapes and surfaces.

                True, someone doesn’t have to “know” these to use the computer. But the software (and hardware) would not be possible without mathematics.

                • 0

                  You’re getting to sound like Sajit Premadasa with your catch-phrases.
                  But still, bats don’t know calculus, and carpenters don’t use AutoCad or calculate the stress on hinges.

                • 0

                  Hello Lester,
                  So what, I am well aware of all that you say above, but it is irrelevant, my point was that a Toolmaker’s practical knowledge was superior in that instance to all the mathematics that had gone into designing the component in the first place. So much for “the human brain is not wired to think logically”
                  Best regards

                  • 0

                    And by the way Lester,
                    The designers had used a state of the art FEA (Finite Element Analysis) program to design the component.
                    Best regards

                  • 0

                    Hello LankaScot,

                    The “Toolmaker” is still using mathematics, whether he knows it or not. I still recall a book I came across 35 years ago, “Trigonometry for the Practical Man.”

                    “Since almost any problem in carpentry, machine work, land surveying and measurement, building, mechanics, astronomy, everyday observation and life, etc., can be represented by such plane figures as those just mentioned, all such problems are included in the subject of trigonometry.”

                    This book is not protected by copyright, you can easily find a free copy on the Internet.

                    FEA is used to solve partial differential equations.

                    The original point still stands. The human brain is wired (by evolution) for survival. Survival can be defined in economic terms as coping with scarcity. Finite resources for populations that only become bigger.

      • 5

        LS, thanks again.


        You are becoming my favorite commenter dbd. Your focus is connected to mine in many ways.
        Yours prove to be unbiased, and your experience of being many places on this planet will bless you with balanced thinking about many things that concern us here in Sri Lanka.
        If things go well, I will come to Sri Lanka and meet you on my next trip. Time is an issue, but I wish I could meet you and the OC. As said elsewhere, I am used to visiting my home country regularly.

        • 5

          Hello leelagemalli,
          You’re welcome, like most Scots (and Sri Lankans) we will always welcome visitors and treat them with respect.
          Best regards

    • 0

      Lester, Why harp on religion and decry the human brain. True that primary drivers are fear and greed but can overcome with faith and generosity. LS does not agree with you and thinks that the reproductive drive is strong. Those who think that religion is irrelevant, and that there is no creator God for them, they may well change their thinking in the future. Let it be soon. Some robbers and murderers are already awakening to this truth.

      • 5

        The existence of God (any powerful force behind humans) is just a belief. It is better for you to follow God than to be disappointed in something in order to achieve your goals of the day today life..
        It is common to many people in the country and abroad. In recent times, people in Sri Lanka are falling more prey to unseen forces (any form of witchcraft and sorcery). And above all astrological readings about life. when people become helpless with poverty and other issues such as lack of serving justice etc, they automatically get caught by invisible forces.
        South asians in general are the champions to believe in myths and mystics. They connect to them like a tree bark. If everything about God’s existence is true, then why can’t God alone punish the Sri Lankan mega-criminals who often escape from the courts and other forms of punishment???????

        MaRa continues to live as the god of deliberate mass crimes (extra-judicial killings, frauds and various possible crimes), while that innocent Mangala Samaraweera (a true humanist and honest politician) was killed by COVID 19. How so ?

        Kaputa aka Basil or vice versa and Gotha are proved to have been jobbers who just survived after entering the US, but today, like the Saudi royal families, they are living on looted taxpayers’ funds all along?

        • 5


          If true journalists would reveal about RAJAPAKSHE illegal wealth, over a period, everything would come to light no doubt about that. But main stream media are secretly handled by Basil Rajapakshe et al.
          Mara’s 3 uncultured sons did not work a SINGLE DAY for their living but they are reported to be living in luxury. HOW CAN THIS BE POSSIBLE IF GODS EXIST ?
          ..how is this possible if God exists? I know the youngest son’s PhD superviser from Colombo University… I wonder how did Rohith Rajaakshe be blessed with a PhD without having done any kind of research work for his thesis ? at the begining of His PhD was celebrated at the begining of Gota’s govt… remember ? srilankaen MEDIA buried the truths related to his doctoral thesis under carpet as usual. I have no doubt, RAJAPKSHES are working closely with main stream media.
          The list is endless about pohottuwa doggy politicians. Whether they are regional leaders or ministers, if they have supported Mahinda Rajapaksa in the last 10 years, they have a large part of the wealth… How could this ever happen?

          • 1

            leelagemalli, you end up by saying that the list is endless about pohottuwa politicians. Why blame God when you need to submit them to the judiciary and parliament. You are aware that “sons” did not work to earn to live in luxury. Nor did any research work for phD. When humans tolerate wrong, why should God judge earlier than he intended at the Great White Throne Judgment in Rev.20,11 By that time, believers are with Christ from the first resurrection in Rev. 20,5 All things are made new in Rev. 21

            • 2


              You surely know that filing a complaint in the Sri Lankan police/courts is of little use, but the injustice will continue in that hell.

              What happened to Thadjudin’s mother and her torture of Tantalus? Why on earth can’t you see it? Dont entire world know that THADJUDEEN was killed by RAJAPAKSHE family ?

              In such a case, God can intervene and help.
              Is that happening in the world? not at all.

              Hight crimes occure in our hell, again and again, but those who deliberately commmit them in the same time abuse the tax payer s funds for their existence. RAJAPAKSHES the manner they looted the last coin of the people is beyond all ethics and morals.

              • 1

                her torments of tantalus.

      • 1


        AI will eventually surpass anything the human brain is capable of. We will need new metrics to define human intelligence aka “IQ.” By the way, are you familiar with the “reverse Flynn effect?” One could argue an entirely new paradigm is needed for education. Because the future “economy” will resemble something entirely different from the one we have today.

        • 0

          Lester, Nothing AI can do to define IQ better than God who created all these. “reverse Flynn effect” is a series of thoughts from imaginative unsettled minds of humans who wish to elevate themselves above others. You need to be aware that we are in a new paradigm in all aspects of life including education. The future non cash economy will be used by the final one world leader, the Antichrist, to pursue a false peace with Israel, deceive and then demand to be worshipped creating the mark of the beast, 666, all of which God has warned in the bible. There are more end time events in the bible you have not mentioned.

        • 2

          “AI will eventually surpass anything the human brain is capable of.”

          how can Artificial intelligence evolve without the man s involvement ? Had a man absent on the earth, would AI ever be found out ?

          Why on earth can you ever postutlate that it can reach similar to naturally built human creatures ?
          Academic theses are based on hypothizes and explorative points. Howver, the truth being that what we yet dont know is enormous than what we know.

          This is logically impossible if some hidden forces would not be behind it.

          Human genetics, biochemistry and the intrinsic nature of its build is yet questionable in some phases with some cancer occurences are not yet clear to design therapies.
          There are dermatological ailments that have no whatsoever therapies, but somehow get on with milding the symptoms using already found medicine. The viral deseases and its nature is also complex and COVID-19 related drugs are usually NOT YET avaialble in drug shops
          With this being reality, some pimps make every effort to stand out and twist the gulliable mindset, this is pathetic. Basta!

          • 0

            Leela the Lost,

            AI is already replacing junior level programmers. This is the first time in history technology is replacing skilled workers (as opposed to just unskilled). The company known as “Nvidia” wants to replace nurses with AI: https://gizmodo.com/nvidia-wants-replace-nurses-with-ai-1851347917

            Education in the future will not consist of going to school for 12-16 years. So-called “teachers” will be replaced by modules, excluding laboratory work. Degrees will be replaced by certifications.

            People like Elon Musk are trying to connect human brains to computers to enable the subject to carry out tasks they were unable to perform before. Here is one example, where a monkey is able to play ping pong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsCul1sp4hQ

            If such experiments are possible, it will be possible to connect the human brain to cloud server in the future. People will be able to “download data” just using their brain. The way we “learn” will take on an entirely new meaning.

            AI also has significant implications for genetic engineering. Designer babies will become the new norm. Disease will be prevented at birth by altering the DNA.

            • 0

              *If such experiments are successful

      • 0


        Are you familiar with Adam Smith? His book, “Wealth of Nations” describes human behavior much better than any religious text. He says that humans are basically selfish and cooperate with each other only out of necessity. For example, let’s say you make shoes and I make bread. Rather than learning to make shoes or you learning to make bread, it’s easier for us to simply exchange bread for shoes. Regarding reproduction, it serves a biological purpose, nothing more. Most people reach a certain stage of their life and fulfill this purpose, after which such a “drive” is essentially turned off.

        • 0

          Lester, Our nation cannot get the British results as Britain is God based and bible based though there are unbelievers also. You believe what a man Adam Smith has written in a book, but I believe what God has written in his book. Even the king of England and Scotland today is head of the anglican church though the PM is a hindu. In Genesis, the creator God made Eve for Adam to reproduce and bring forth a kingdom family, though humans sinned and fell into the present state. That is the reason he birthed his sinless son Jesus into the world to save, heal and deliver humans called redemption through his crucifixion taking on his body, all evils of all humans. No human can save himself, which is reality and truth.

          • 1

            “Our nation cannot get the British results as Britain is God based and bible based”
            There are more Christians in Russia than in Britain.

            • 1

              “There are more Christians in Russia than in Britain.”
              Is that why Putin is scoring in Ukraine?
              Is God selective about Church denominations?

              • 0

                “Is God selective about Church denominations?”
                Let’s give DTG a chance to tackle that.🙂

        • 0

          Hello Lester,
          On the 25th April you remarked that “Most people reach a certain stage of their life and fulfill this purpose, after which such a “drive” is essentially turned off.”
          Speak for yourself. In their youth most men have 2 brains, one above the waist and the other above it. At first the lower brain has the most control, however as time goes on the upper one gets a bigger share. Even in your 70s and older the lower brain dozes a little but is easily awakened😉. The “drive” is never turned off (for most men, I can’t speak for women) except at the end of life.
          Best regards

          • 0

            Apologies, should have been “one above the waist and the other below it” Always proof read before you post😢.
            Best regards

  • 3


    “Religion is outdated.”

    Not really, the Public Racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala renewed it about 100 odd years ago, and the Weeping Widow put religion on the 1972 constitution, from politicians to Army/Police chiefs regularly visit Asgiria, Sajith and other party leaders want to built 1113 Vihares in the North East, Vidura sends police/STF, department of Archaeology, Forestry Ministry, ……. a battalion of unemployed saffron thugs to North East to grab fertile land from North East farmers, …..

    You should know Sinhala/Buddhism is being modernised and creatively renewed every day, … for example gynaecologist Safi affair, Ampara ‘wandapethi’, …… ….

  • 8

    Dear LS,
    Having spoken to many Buddhists around the world, I don’t think our average Buddhists (Sinhala buddhists) in Sri Lanka are true Buddhists. They are more hindu or Jaina but in buddhist disguise. Not even 5% of them respect true teachings of the buddha. Sadu-Sadu effect has positioned them somewhere.

    Most of them are only engaged in Jataka stories (fictions)and bound to be rituals. In their Buddhist life, Amisa offerings are placed high, verbal exchanges and activities of the day are not in accordance with the Buddhist way of life. I have come to know true Buddhists in few other places in Europe, California, Japan than in Sri Lanka. Most of them focus on “meditation” part of buddhism. They make every effort to feel relax through medidation.

    Paradoxially, some of my lanken relatives keep louding them being buddhists, but behave like violent non-buddhists. They are self-cheaters. That is why I dont take them serious knowing how they act their day today life. why on earth are the crime rates much higher today or rapidly increasing if they adhere some level of buddhist norms ? Common disipline and inner peace can be achieved by every religion. However, I think it is healthier not to take religious beliefs fanatically.


  • 3

    it is not opium but it is an evil tool of the powerful. Any religion that suggests exclusivity to its followers is just simply evil. That is why I say that the Abrahamic religions that originated in the Middle East are just simply evil. So much evil has been perpetrated in this world in the name of this nonsense exclusivity of a God who has never been seen other than in someone’s nightmare.

    I saw a comment that was made by a Hindu Guru and what he said resonates with me. He said all religions that originated in India were based on the concept of “Seeking the truth” and any religion that deals with certainty is just simply a lie and evil.

    • 1

      a14455, You believe what a Hindu Guru said about religions originating in India, but the creator God of Adam and Eve below his Eden, put them in his garden in Middle East long before birth of Abraham, to reveal truth to humankind whom they were to reproduce. I trust perfect God thinking which is far away from flawed human thinking.

      • 1

        “I saw a comment that was made by a Hindu Guru and what he said resonates with me. He said all religions that originated in India were based on the concept of “Seeking the truth” and any religion that deals with certainty is just simply a lie and evil.”
        That was what was said.
        Why are you putting words in another’s mouth?
        Distortion is part of religious propaganda, I guess.

      • 0

        I don’t believe in the guru but his words resonated with me because I am a seeker. but I know for sure these stupid peasants in the Middle East never actually saw a God other than in their dreams. Also, these same evil clowns colonized and murdered half the world’s population and are still doing it now. So you can believe what you want.

        They ( these same colonizers) went around the world killing and converting poor indigenous people in Asia Africa and Latin America. and for that crime, this strange god of yours is inviting the same murderers and bigots into heaven? Come on man . Id much rather believe in Maximon the Mayan god of adultery. who is far less evil than your fake god.

  • 3

    Forget opium …… could religion be sex?

    Where does sex fit-in ……… in all of these “Religion” business?

    Religion is hard to sell. But sex sure sells!

    In the 80’s, there was this Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh guy ……… he barely could eke out a square meal in India ……. then moved to Oregon and hit the jackpot!

    His message/religion was free love/sex …….. the Yanks couldn’t have enough!

    Most of his followers were the so called ultra-intelligent STEM folk …….. gave his so much money ……. he had few privates jets and 31 Rolls …… a different Rolls-Royce for every day of the month.

    Forget all these esoteric high flung heady mumbo jumbo ……. time to look at it from an business/economic angle.

    We have the Bhagwan right among us: Old Codger ….. who can melt even women with hearts of stone ………. and has the love/sex message down pat.

    DTG can coach him in the finer art of religious-speak/word-play …… then Just gotta find a way to sneak him in to America …… create the razzamatazz around him …….. and let him loose.

    We already have Ma Anand Sheela …… in Pittsburgh.

    Easy as a piece of cake ……. time to hit the big time!

    • 5

      “Most of his followers were the so called ultra-intelligent STEM folk “
      Are you suggesting something to Lester? But the poor guy gets his kicks designing chairs with calculus.

    • 0

      nimal fernando, You say “Could religion be sex” “Old Codger can melt hearts” For sure DTG cannot coach in that mix up in the finer art and becomes a religious non speak instead, in the midst of a crazy world not knowing a loving creator God. He longs for his mixed up and confused creation to which he gave free will to choose and not by force. Hope that this crazy walk and talk of a group of atheists will finally receive truth in their midst before it is too late.

      • 2

        Is you heart close to melting yet?

        • 0

          old codger, I dont know what you mean. God by the Holy Spirit lives in my heart as he promised for his believers, through which he guides all his children.

        • 1

          Hello OC,
          DTG’s heart is not melting, but Pandi Kuttis’ might be😎.
          Best regards

      • 2

        I think that you will know the answer.
        They say God created man in his image.
        Did He have curly hair, thick lips, dark skin, slant eyes, a flat nose etc., OR straight hair, thin lips, light skin and the like?

        • 2

          Hello SJ,
          According to the Geneticists we all had dark skin and developed light skin as a solution to Vitamin D deficiency. Or to put it more correctly those with a light skin mutation were differentially selected for survival in less sunny climates (no Lamarckism here).
          Best regards

          • 3

            “According to the Geneticists we all had dark skin “
            Cheddar Man.
            So, are Nigerians or Ethiopians more god-like?

            • 1

              Hello OC,
              I worked with a Moroccan Berber girl in Qatar – she was a Goddess (beautiful, dark hair and eyes, with a wonderful sense of humour). I showed her some pictures of Irish girls (on Web pages) that could have been her sisters. There must be a historical link, but I haven’t found it.
              Best regards

              • 1

                Such a pity that some of the world’s most beautiful women hide their faces. Or is that why they do it?

              • 2

                This reminded me of my mates from Morocco, Agadia, Kenetra, Casablanca, Marrakesh, etc., with whom I shared a student dormitory in Germany in the mid-90s.
                We were like over 50 nationalities (also from Iceland and many of afro states) in that ensemble representing the whole world.

                Many women in Morocco are forced to think that if you can’t kill a lamb or sharp with your own hands, you can’t be a man. Although they did a lot behind the scenes, most of them were Islamic extremists. Some people wanted to break my Buddha statues that I kept on top of my dorm room shelves that day.
                They often argued even if their female relatives being illiterate, but they are the most intelligent ones iwthin their circles.

              • 1

                Then I had a very good Berber friend. Although he is an Islamic fundamentalist.
                Moroccan Berbers are divided into several tribes that speak one of the three basic dialects of the Berber language: the Rifi of the Rif; tamasite in the Middle Atlas, Middle High Atlas and Sahara; and Tashilhit in the High Atlas and Anti Atlas.

          • 2

            But then hair texture, high cheekbones, lip thickness, relative length of limbs….
            Was it evolution or climate variation that got the better of His own image?
            I hope that DTG will tell us what He looked like when He started his job of creation.

            • 2


              It is not a real design based on facts. That is why it is considered a belief.

              It is believed that Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under Bodhi-tree, but who knows for sure? There are whole lots of gaps where people would not be able to clear their doubts. That is COMMON to many religions.

              Religions in many parts and its contents are transmitted from one generation to another. Depending on cognitive nature of someone, how each would absorb these religious contents make them.
              – religious
              – strong religious
              – extremists/fundementalists

              Not long ago, a man (40 yrs old) arose in Kelaniya temple by name ” bothisathwaya”. Over 200 adherents of him gathered to the place and started likcing his feet like greedy dogs would do. was that one of the good exmaples to see, that people s getting deceived to anyhting is varied also within a family ?
              There were males and females in that collection of gather. The so called bodhisathawaya is now proved to be a mental patient. This is now a fact.

        • 0

          SJ, Image to you is what is externally seen, but it is far deeper with insights, character traits, love and mercy with no evil towards others etc. Heart is also spirit of man in which he dwells by invitation only. Sad that so many miss such valuable assets.

          • 0

            What is then the so-called image of a God?
            Is it left for each of us to imagine?
            In which case, Asian religions have been even more creative than Greek and Roman faiths.

            • 0

              SJ, Dont imagine in your own thinking but if you read the bible from the beginning to the end, you will get a clear image of the creator God of the bible, Jehovah, his thoughts, character and behavior. He is not Allah or gods worshipped in Hinduism and other religions. He is very powerful and if you ask him to reveal himself to you, you will experience him and never again deny him as he continues to guide you, full of love and mercy. Make the effort by waiting on him silently, repenting for your misdeeds. You will be so blessed and transformed by his power alone. We have no real power.

              • 0

                “if you read the bible from the beginning to the end, you will get a clear image of the creator God “
                Well, I did read it, and the impression I get is of a somewhat inconsistent being, who can go from killing all the firstborn in Egypt, or flooding the whole planet (allegedly) to get rid of sinners in Israel, to telling us to turn the other cheek if attacked. In the process, he also instructs us to stone our daughters to death if they get naughty, which is where Allah gets a bad press.

      • 0

        Hello DTG,
        You said “Hope that this crazy walk and talk of a group of atheists will finally receive truth in their midst before it is too late”.
        All this talk of gods and the supernatural can be reduced to one question. Why is there something rather than nothing? Lawrence M. Krauss answers some of this in his book “A Universe from Nothing”. The second question that I would ask would be – how can something come from nothing? Quantum Physics provides some of the answers. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191002102750.htm
        Hawking Radiation is an example. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_fluctuation
        So Physics is beginning to negate the Religious necessity of explaining the creation of the Universe by a God. Apart from that what is the better answer?, – Something from nothing or “God has always existed”
        Best regards

        • 0

          LankaScot, You know there is something only when you experience it and then can act on it. Nothing is because person has not met God due to atheistic belief. Any one with a brain will know that something cannot come from nothing. So if something comes, like humans, they have come from someone with life and character. Dawkings was an unbeliever. Physics is part of God’s creation and cannot negate the Creator God. Science tries to explain God.

          • 0

            Hello DTG,
            Science does not try to explain God (or any of the other ones). Science is a means by which to understand and manipulate the real world, to investigate, to test, to build and hopefully through Engineering, improve the quality of life.
            Richard Dawkins IS an unbeliever. Here is a personal question – how do you explain to the Hindus that none of their gods exist and only your’ God is real?
            Best regards

            • 0

              LankaScot, You have asked something not very accurate that Hindus gods dont exist. They do exist, but their nature has to be unravelled. As you know, I believe the bible as inspired word through numerous authors and which says in Isa. 45,5 “I am the LORD and there is no other; apart from me there is no God.” This is repeated many times in the bible. “I say my purpose will stand and I will do all that I please” More scriptures are there. This God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning Gen.1,1 All other gods worshipped by Hindus need to be some other spirit than Jehovah God. Allah was never even on earth, like Jesus, Krishna and the Buddha. The issue is where this spirit leads one at death and eternally. Like to help, that is all. Bless you.

              • 0

                LankaScot, Wish to clarify further about other gods. I read in the bible God warning about worshipping other gods. Exodus 20, 3 (10 commandments) says “You shall have no other gods before Me” Lucifer had already been cast out of heaven as he wished to be God and to be worshipped and deceived the humans after that to be worshipped in many forms, beginning with Adam and Eve, and even at present. There is no other spirit craving worship other than him. Finally, as the Antichrist as a one world leader, Rev.13,8 says “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, who do not belong to Christ” A major example was when Israel was captive in Egypt, Pharaoh slaving them to build pyramids. According to the gods worshipped there, 10 plagues were the judgments on them, river turned to blood, frogs, lice, wild beasts, cattle plagues, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and death of 1st born, to release Israel out.

          • 2

            “…person has not met God due to atheistic belief.”
            Have you met god? If you haven’t you may be lacking in faith.
            If ever you have a meeting, please check if he has curly hair, sensuous lips and dark skin?

  • 1

    Is Religion The Opium Of The Masses?
    No. It’s the Opium of the asses. Not the masses.

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