By Sarath de Alwis –
“The rhetoric of hate is often most effective when couched in the idiom of love…. Truth is all around us…Truth is wherever man has glimpsed divinity.” ~ From Gore Vidal’s novel on Roman Emperor Julian
The script of ‘Mangala’s Mistake’ is simple and straightforward. It begins with a pervasive silence of our collective complicity with an untruth.
Mangala decides to pierce the conspiracy of silence with the obvious truth. It is a grave mistake.
You cannot argue with the custodians of Sinhala Buddhism. You cannot question its preeminence in the Sri Lankan polity. That is their exclusive preserve.
They operate on the simple principle that only the fish can study marine biology. Mangala is not a fish. Dabbling in Marine Biology is not his business.
Now, poor Mangala finds that he has made a controversial statement. It has snowballed into a painful reproach against our collective pusillanimity. Mangala is pilloried.
Even those who share Mangala’s values do not wish to be reminded of or discuss their neutrality to truth.
Mangala is not a run of the mill politician. If he was, he would not have made this ethically correct, politically erroneous statement that Sri Lanka was a country where Sinhala Buddhists were the majority, but all were equal citizens irrespective of their ethnoreligious diversity.
On the face of it, none can dispute its core content. That is if one subscribes to the overall assumption that we are a plural multicultural democracy.
But it makes an impudent challenge to the Sinhalese Buddhist cosmic order which protects the land destined to be the repository of Theravada Buddhism, protected by ‘Satharawaram deviwaru’ – the four guardian deities.
His bold but hopelessly starry-eyed attempt to defend and promote the idea of a civic nation- an inclusive Sri Lankan nation in the present exceptionally incendiary climate is unfortunate. He would be lucky to have any defenders.
This writer counts himself as one of those defenders. But the price is high. Refusing to take part in ‘a lie’ is a simple courageous step. Such situations are neither new nor unexampled. They have happened before and will happen again. That is how nations progress and defenders of truth are remembered in history.
Mangala can take solace in John Steinbeck the novelist who gave his finest work, the biblical name ‘Grapes of Wrath.’ “It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There’s a punishment for it, and it’s usually crucifixion.”
The Minister of National Integration, Official Languages, Social Progress and Hindu Religious Affairs Mano Ganeshan has firmly reiterated that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country.
Addressing the gathering of the ‘Jathika Maga’ movement at the BMICH, he has said that we were people of one nation, but it was a Sinhala Buddhist country.
Mano Ganesan whose constituency consists of Tamils permanently domiciled in metropolitan Colombo has very sensibly explained why he holds that view.
“It was not good to say that Sri Lanka is not a Sinhala Buddhist country. Although, there are different communities living in the country, we should admit that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country.”
Mark the distinction. Mano Ganesan does not say Mangala is wrong. He merely observes that Mangala’s statement is not good. What Minister Mano Ganesan attempts to tell us is that what Mangala has stated is not good, convenient or politically prudent.
The reference to Sri Lanka’s Buddhist ethos of tolerance by his eminence Cardinal Malcom Ranjith made eminent sense.
However, his parable of the Buddhist older brother and younger siblings of other faiths baffled me. My bafflement is on the simple logic that rejects a hierarchical classification of moral purity – the essence of all religions.
On this issue I am open to correction. I possess no deep insight to comparative religions. It never occurred to me to explore the subject. I have a deep and abiding aversion to all categories of opiates.
The confusion over Mangala’s statement was soon resolved quickly firmly and with absolute finality by Venerable Mawarelle Bhaddiya thero who addressed the ‘Jathika Maga’ parley at the BMICH on Tuesday. He presented an eloquently framed proposition.
කාර්දිනල් තුමාට මෙය පිළිගන්ට පුලුවන්නම් මොකද මංගල සමරවීරට බැරි ? “Cardinal thumata meya piliganta puluwannam mokada Mangala Samaraweerata bari ? “
When His eminence the Cardinal has pronounced that ours is a Sinhala Buddhist country, what is Mangala groaning about?
The persuasive rhetoric of Venerable Mawarelle Bhaddiya thero has an irresistible resonance with the theory of ‘spontaneous consent’ with which the masses concede to the hegemony of a dominant group proposed by the Italian Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci.
He wrote extensively on it, while languishing in one of Mussolini’s prison where he finally died.
Although he does not offer a clear-sighted definition of cultural hegemony (he was weary of his Fascist prison censors) Gramsci explained the process of ‘spontaneous consent’.
Mangala’s rejoinder should have really come from the JVP that calls itself a Marxist party. But how can Sinhala Buddhist Marxists commit that kind of heresy?
The ruling group determines the direction of the social discourse. Subordinate groups are manipulatively persuaded to come on board. Consent is a complex mental activity – a “contradictory consciousness” mixing resistance and resignation or approval and apathy. Oscillating between approval and apathy is the lot of Mano Ganeshan grappling with the serious task of national reconciliation.
In this heated climate we are missing the point. This is not about the sanctity of belief systems.
Underneath the verbiage of heritage and purity of tradition there is a hegemonic consensus that defines access to wealth and power. The real debate is about the power relations that developed in post war Sri Lanka.
In 2012, Professor Nira Wickremesinghe made an incisive inquiry into the state sponsored project to shape the present by postulating history as heritage.
In the post war period, the study of history was quietly abandoned to the mercies of film producers and perception engineers advancing the political project of the state.
The versatile actor Jackson Anthony replaced the Distinguished Scholar Senarath Parnavithane as our interlocutor with a past that was once obscure but now offering immense possibilities harking back to the days of Ravana.
The irony of it all is that the government was in deep slumber just as Kumbhkarna the laid back brother of Ravana was when Islamic terror hit us on Easter Sunday.
One passing thought. A good deed never goes unpunished. I stand by Mangala Samaraweera.
Eagle Eye / May 17, 2019
SdA, a bird told me, in ur previous Avatar, u had been Secretary or some such thing of Mada Bodhi society and travelled in India extensively with many Buddhist priests. What caused the change of heart???
sarath de alwis / May 17, 2019
Not many Buddhist priests. The President of MBS is a good friend. I tried to help him to unite the Mahabodhi movement that functioned in Sri Lanka and India as two competing movements. I failed miserably. I saw the Mahabodhi society as a potential tool for a meaningful cultural dialogue between India and SL. It was no nirvanic pursuit.
nimal fernando / May 18, 2019
Sri Lanka is a country. Just a country.
What is the bloody point in calling it a Sinhala-Buddhist country? What benefits does it bestow on its inhabitants?
Other than ally the insecurities of some citizens.
If ye have insecurities, inferiorities, problems ………… go get them treated/sorted-out ……… and make yourselves whole.
Leave the country just be.
Mangala may be a fool not to follow the other Lanakn pols and play it safe ………… but he is right and very courageous.
Just shoot him. If that solves the lousiness ye feel in ye own lives.
I don’t know a single one of you out there ……….. but just from what you write ……… I know who have happy lives and who don’t
Simple as that. …………. No need to make things complicated.
Upali / May 17, 2019
What Mangala said is the bitter truth. Too bitter difficult to gulp it. Anyway we have to swallow bitter pills to cure this cancer. By vilifying Mangala we encourage Tamils to call the North Hindu Tamil country. Thank you Mangala you Belled the cat.
Suriya / May 17, 2019
Can someone please GAG the financially illiterate finance minister of the Miracle of Modayas who loves to pontificate rubbish?
The fact of the matter is that there is a difference between Sinhala Buddhist culture and Sinhala Buddhist nationalism.
In a Buddhist majority nation there is naturally a Buddhist religious ethos and the fact is that it is harder to weaponize Buddhism or Hinduism which are atheistic and poly-thestic systems of belief and hence better able to accommodate diversity and plurality, than it is to weaponize Mono-theistic Islam or Christianity.
Of course, Christianity because of the “Enlightenment” turn to Reason, has gone through a process of modernization and lost its monthestic force unlike the Wahabi brand of Islam. Finally, atheistic and poly theistic ethico-religious value systems have a better chance of accommodating plurality and diversity and this is what the Cardinal meant when speaking about a local Buddhist culture in Sri Lanka than is to be distinguished from Sinhala Buddhist nationalism
Lola / May 17, 2019
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Ethel Nanayakkara / May 17, 2019
Head on, as always Mr De Alwis. Your insightful and well researched articles really interest and stimulate thinking in the readers. When statements are made about our country being a Sinhala Buddhist nation a subconscious thought momentarily passes through my mind questioning myself ” and so am I a second class citizen in my own mother land too?” And I always ponder what exactly is the connotation behind the statement. I love to think that it is what Suriya above, implies. ” In a Buddhist majority nation there is naturally a Buddhist religious ethos”…. and this facilitates better, diversity and plurality than mono-theistic religions. It is this religious ethos that marks the tolerance and acceptance of others. Thank you Mr Mangala Samaraweera for initiating a good discussion, and kudos to Mr De Alwis for stimulating some thinking on the subject and Suriya thanks to you for your input.
Rajeewa Jayaweera / May 17, 2019
Mangala Samaraweera’s rant notwithstanding, why does he not do something constructive to dismantle the Sinhala Buddhist paradigm and promote secularism?
For starters, bring about a Private Members Bill in Parliament to remove the ban on the sale of Meat Products and Alcohol on Poya Days.
As Finance Minister, remove the ban of the sale of Meat Products on May Day
Start a movement in the deep South starting with Matara ‘Api siyallo Lankikayin’ (we are all Sri Lankan) and then contest the next Parliamentary election from Matara District.
Mangala’s meaningless political rhetoric may impress some but not all.
Native Vedda / May 17, 2019
Rajeewa Jayaweera
“Mangala Samaraweera’s rant notwithstanding, why does he not do something constructive to dismantle the Sinhala Buddhist paradigm and promote secularism?”
I am sure you would be the first Sinhala/Buddhist Aryan to confront him with your racist attitude.
“Mangala’s meaningless political rhetoric may impress some but not all.”
Bigots find it completely difficult to grasp the idea and practice of secularism, liberalism, Democracy (is not tyranny of the majority), ………………….
Helasingha / May 17, 2019
The essence of Mangala’s remark is only politically correct but it ignores the cultural context. Almost every country is distinguished not only by its physical borders but also by its culture. The main cultural components include language and religion of a country. Most countries in the world are distinguished by those two components. For example, the UK is distinguished as a Christian -English country and Saudi Arabia is Islamic-Arab. Such a label does not deny the country’s multicultural and multi-ethnic characteristics. Therefore, a public pronouncement of Sri Lanka as not a SInghala- Buddhist country obviously ignores the cultural context. Mangala’s good intention is defeated by his choice of words.
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2019
Dear Helasingha,
Yes, I know that there is a cultural context that Mangala doesn’t respect very much.
Nor do I.
I’m in Maharagama, cursing myself for the cultural context into which I was born. Tomorrow morning (oh, no, it’s pre-dawn: today, I mean), I have to catch the 6.30 a.m. SLTB bus to Nuwara-Eliya, cough up about three hundred rupees and get to Bandarawela. This is a mission that must be undertaken because of those who are not politically correct.
I then have to make a bee-line to the Bandarawela Police Station with my mobile phone. In it is a horrible WhatsApp ISIS “Beheading Video” that came in a week ago. The WhatsApp Group is called THORA BANDARAWELA, and their logo is the well-known (in Sri Lanka – as you say, the cultural context is important) crest of the S. Thomas’ Colleges (the best-known is at Mt Lavinia). Let the Police make out what they want to out of it. I don’t have the technical know-how to do more. Having done that I feel that I would have done my duty. Some will likely say that I sound smug.
There is some risk that the Sinhala racists who sent it to me will track me down and murder me. It can’t be helped, can it? Everybody born out of a mother’s womb has to die; you know that, don’t you, Helasingha?
double standards / May 18, 2019
what are u ranting on about ? no one is interested in your day to day workings.
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2019
Interestingly, though, Helasingha, it’s not only some Sinhala-Buddhist racists who are responsible for all of this. There’s an Anglican Priest, who is Headmaster of S. Thomas’, Bandarawela who is the most to blame. On Saturday, the 11th afternoon I attached the horrible video on to something called Group Spaces (that’s some innovation within the field of e-mailing) and sent it off to all thirty members of the Executive Committee of the Old Boys’ Association. No response from them, except for one asking why my “article-like emails” were not being responded to.
On Sunday, the 12th, I rang the humbug priest. Actually, we had a quite pleasant ten-minute chat. I told him that he had to take action, but that to help him overcome the practicalities of making a Police Complaint I would do that myself. I asked him to do what he could himself, but he has so far done absolutely nothing. I won’t try to tell you much more about the school context for this – I’m sure that already this is spilling into a two-part comment.
Please post any questions right here asking for further clarifications. I’ll make an honest effort to answer all – provided I’m alive. Having written all this, I’ll email all this to your personal address, Helasingha, my friend.
Bunjappu / May 18, 2019
The reason may well be, the genetics of SINHALA RACE or anyone born to that soil.
Either just leave lip service or do nothing is their nature.
Sinhala man, I am so fed up of lankens even if I am a lanken living in EUROPE.
I stoped watching YT videos about their harrassments. There are so called artists, that talk big, but do nothing to protect muslim SRILANKENs.
We should be very ashamed to be sinhalaya.
Wish you all the best SINHALA man as always.
Uthungan / May 20, 2019
“Almost every country is distinguished not only by it’s physical borders but also it’s religion, language and culture”
SL’s minorities have no problem with what is obvious.
But why is “Buddhism” imprinted constitutionally as “foremost” and given a exclusive special higher status?
That advantages the majority community interests and diminishes and marginalises the minorities to second class status permanently?
SL’s multi-ethnic constitutional characteristic evaporated into thin air in 1972.
Mangala’s good intentions on the contrary for the larger interests for the country and all it’s people stands emblazoned despite the mists and fogs as a beacon of hope and good will for the future whole country at large.
Shevan / May 17, 2019
Well we know what happened when he tried to do away with archaic laws regarding women and liquor
In this instance at least he had the guts to say what others dread to admit openly and his rhetoric political or otherwise should impress any/all who are not with bigoted mindset
Jagath Bandara / May 18, 2019
Whenever I see some so called ‘educated’ people like Rajeewa Jayaweera commenting, I used to wonder, is there any difference between these people and the uneducated village coconut plucker/toddy taper, Vatti amma, or trishaw driver, there is hardly any difference when it comes to habits, attitude, behavior, and thinking. They have the same low mentality and narrow mindedness. Sometimes I feel that the coconut pluckers are much more intelligent than these so called ‘Educated’ like Rajeewa . It must be their inherent nature.
Amila W / May 18, 2019
Rajeewa Jayaweera, are you the same guy who held the entire Muslim community responsible for Easter bombing? If yes, then it says all about you and your capacity – Good luck
upali wickramasinghe / May 19, 2019
Rajeewa Jayaweera ” For starters, bring about a Private Members Bill in Parliament to remove the ban on the sale of Meat Products and Alcohol on Poya Days.”
That is a good suggestion. I am not addicted to alcohol, but I hate restrictions.
It applies ditto to halal food. t
The halal connotation is only for the Mulims, so why are we bothered. If it is not Halal, muslims will not partake, that is their choice.
I was at an outlet of the Food City. Do you know something that I discovered ” So called flesh of Fish had been made a 3D copier while he flesh of the Chicken, Pig and bull is the genuine variety.” made by the mother fowl,mother pig and the mother cow.
Estate Labourer / May 17, 2019
All citizens of this country are constantly being exhorted to identify themselves as Sri Lankans first by politicians, preachers and other well-intentioned people. How can this be possible when racists and religious bigots keep on insisting that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist country? There is a serious contradiction between these two positions.
upali wickramasinghe / May 19, 2019
Estate: the exhortion is on the normal days. this is election time.
chiv / May 17, 2019
Rajeewa is that you???? What the hell happened ??? Are you on a binge????? Just read the comment above yours and see how stupid you sound. Removing the ban on meat product on Poya and May days. is that your first step towards progression. Even my 5 year old nephew can come up with a better counter statement. Truth hurts but can it make someone stupid???? I totally agree with Rajan Hoole . The truth is way back from the time of independence, majority Sinhala Buddhist, have never been on the same line with Mangala. That is why Rajeewa is cocky with his comment.As long there is no true reconciliation, peace will be a mere day dream. Religion had its own purpose but in a country like Lanka, it has been abused and exploited for personal/political gains and now it has lost its purpose as well values. In developed western world there are majority but they do not claim sole official status or privileges, even if they do they will not make that into a law. Even if it is made a law they will have enough laws to protect the minorities. Where as in Lanka Rajeewa blames the whole Muslim community for Easter mayhem (and there by encourages riots) and DJ is suggesting to bring a murderer to get even with Muslims.
K A Sumanasekera / May 17, 2019
Sarath Alwis is just like Mangala Samare and Dr Ranil .Isn’t he?.
Dr Ranil’s first Yahapalana Pledge was to down grade Buddhism ..
Expunge it from the current Constitution.
And bring in his Federal Constitution with a new HIP Buddhism to go along with the needs of Dr Ranil’s Elite , Anglican and the Vellala Faction.
But the plan didn’t pan out the way Dr Ranil intended .
Robbing the CB and giving fat Santhosams to UNP Minsters and the Opposition MPs in the form of Free Car Permits and special allowances didn’t go down well with the Yahapalanan Partner Sirisena.-
There is Buckleys now for Dr Ranil to even expunge Buddhism, let alone bring a new Federal , Constitution after Dr Ranil & Sirisena’s Muslim Faction Partners put the spanner in the works.
No wonder Mangala Samare is pissed off..
With all his buddies in the UNP in Dire Straights, Samare has do something drastic to keep his followers happy ,and re gain his popularity among the Diaspora , and the Muslim Community specially the Muslims in Matara ,without whom Managale would have been History.
What better way to achieve that with one hit, by having a go at the Buddhists Monks and their Buddhism , which has survived continuously for over 2500 years , in this tiny Island which the Balangoda Man left them..
Plato. / May 17, 2019
A politically explosive comment by Mangala wherein he says Srilanka is not a Buddhist country.It has been made a Buddhist country on paper, in the Constitution ,…The Republic of Srilanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place……
What Mangala has said is that Srilanka is a secular state. I TOO AGREE WITH HIM.
Words / May 17, 2019
Mangala? Starry eyed???
More like Dope-eyed! Constantly!!!
And an idiot too…
dingiri / May 17, 2019
I’ve never been a huge fan of Mangala but I agree completely with the point the writer is making. Very well written too compared to some of the rubbish that appear in these pages.
Keep edging forward. We may get there in the end. Incrementally.
No mincing / May 17, 2019
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Sharmini Serasinghe / May 17, 2019
Sarath de Alwis,
“Even those who share Mangala’s values do not wish to be reminded of or discuss their neutrality to truth.” – WRONG!
There are many amongst us who do share Mangala’s values and we shall keep on reminding those who ‘refuse to see’ that Sri Lanka is NOT a Sinhala-Buddhist country!
How in heaven’s name, can a mass of land have an ethnicity/race or a religion?
Is France referred to as a ‘French-Catholic’ country?
Is England referred to as a ‘British-Christian’ country?
Is Pakistan referred to as a ‘Pakistani-Muslim’ country?
Is Myanmar referred to as a ‘Burmese-Buddhist’ country?
For that matter, except for Sri Lanka, is there ANY country in the entire world so hung up by an ethnoreligious identity?
I am a Sinhalese and a Buddhist but, I detest the ethnoreligious label ‘Sinhala-Buddhist’ as it reeks of racism, bigotry and intolerance of the Other.
Those people calling themselves ‘Mahanayakes’ who have violated the Vinaya Pitaka by dividing themselves as per the deplorable caste system denounced by the Buddha will lead the way in destroying the Sinhala-Buddhist ‘species’ with their utter racist and bigoted ideology – Sinhala Buddhism. Good riddance!
Hariharan Wicks / May 17, 2019
Sinhaley has been guarded by the Sinhala and the Buddhist with blood sweat and tears for over 2500 years. Nobody argues that others have no right to coexist. Saudi does not call themselves a Muslim Arabic country. However, try to celebrate Christmas or Vesak or open a christian church or a buddhist temple in Saudi. Do not bad mouth the Mahanayakas because you subscribe to a few liberal western ideas with a ‘pea-brain’. I pity your ignorance.
Rajash / May 18, 2019
Hariharan Wicks – it appears to me that you don’t have even a pea-brain’
John / May 18, 2019
Blair, Camoran, etc have declared that Britain is a Christian country. In Pakistan, it is Panjabies who are at the helm and yes, they identify themselves as Muslim country. It’s the same with the other countries as well. So do some research before write nonsense.
Deva / May 18, 2019
Mangala is absolutely correct and he should be commended by all the right thinking people. We have only a handful of smart, intelligent and bold politicians in Sri Lanka and Mangala is one of them.
How come the Sinhalese who came as immigrants from India (both North and South) and brought Buddhism from India claim to own the whole island as their own country?
The very basic fact is, Sri Lanka is not a Sinhala Country or a Tamil Country or an English Country? It is not a Buddhist Country or a Hindu Country or a Muslim Country or a Christian Country. It is not a Country belonging or dedicated to any one religion or ethnicity. Any one ethnic or religious or linguistic group becoming more in number (majority) in a particular territory or the whole country does not make them the sole owners of that territory or the whole country. Sri Lanka belongs to all the linguistic, ethnic, religious, and ideological groups with their historical and cultural backgrounds who have become citizens of the Sri Lankan state and who are therefore known all over the world as ‘Sri Lankans’. We Sri Lankans irrespective of Race/Religion have no other country but Sri Lanka.
Deva / May 18, 2019
The Rajapakshes and their SLPP along with some Buddhist monks want this to be a Sinhala-Buddhist country (because only the Sinhala-Buddhists vote for them). Cardinal Malcom Ranjith may have said Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist Country or Buddhism should hold the foremost place in Sri Lanka in a different context but the dirty low level Racists who belong to the Opposition (SLPP) have taken full advantage of what the Cardinal mentioned and keeps on quoting the Cardinal making all the minorities hate the Cardinal.
Some say the Cardinal is a Rajapakshe stooge who obtained personal favors from the Rajapakshe government and therefore it is obvious that the Cardinal will be obliged to preach a political sermon in favor of the Rajapakshes. What the Cardinal and the other dirty racists cannot understand is, the Cardinal represents only the Roman Catholic Church and not the entire Christian community of Sri Lanka. There are also the Non-Catholic Christians, Muslims and the Hindus? Another important fact is, just like the people of Sri Lanka, all the four major religions practiced in the country were also imported or came from outside. The only advantage the Sinhala-Buddhists have over the others is the number, they are more in number, nothing else.
sarath de alwis / May 18, 2019
This is one instance when I am delighted to be wrong. The observation referred to was an indictment of the political class associated with Mangala.
upali wickramasinghe / May 19, 2019
Sharmini: Well said. I support Mangala. He is one of he rear persons to speak out against bigotry in Lanka. Well Kennedy did it and becamethe President, Obama did it and becam the President. Both were from minority communities one a Catholic and the other Black American.They fought and won, our politicians are like the mass of cattle in a cattle drive. they follow heir leader to the slaughter house- How great!
JD / May 17, 2019
It is Lord Buddha who said “It is like a woman prostituting her body for a few coins”. So, people give publicity to these. No christian value system Buddhist – Precepts or Seela. Pen is mightier than the sword is from uncivilized Asia. It is Make it sensational and make money – journalism. That kind of things happen. anyway, I am wondering whether Mangala’s Handler asked him to do that. If not why did he mentioned in a situation where people were sentimental. Ranil’s gang started setting fire to already petrol poured buildings Wayamba area. did Mangala want soutthern sinhala People become emotional. Because, there is definite need for Sri lanka go in flames and tears. Every thing in the puzzle was in place to declare R2P.
I think, Sarath De Alwis, Mahabodhi – President post may be some SPy work for some one.
christian church is just behind. It is international politics which want it.
Rajash / May 18, 2019
JD “It is Lord Buddha who said “It is like a woman prostituting her body for a few coins”.
I cant even imagine Lord Buddha using the word “prostituting”
JD can you clarify if this the Sri Lankan Sinhala Lord Buddha who set foot on Sri Lanka ….not sure where ? and lost his dentures that is now in Kandy?
Andare / May 17, 2019
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Andare / May 17, 2019
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Nilame / May 17, 2019
Is Sri Lanka referred as Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka rather than just Sri Lanka by any one in the same context you speak about certain countries?.
If you think that Pakistan is not identified as Urudu Speaking and Islam you have something wrong with your head.
K.Pillai / May 17, 2019
Mangala, no angel, has yet again called a ‘Spade a Spade’.
He is the ONLY leader who diagnosed the 2018 October fiasco a coup d’état. RW is still thinking.
Will Mangala tell us as to whether the actions of the rightwing extreme nationalist Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) accelerated the radicalisation of radical Lankan Muslims?
We know the patrons and protectors of BBS but who came up with the finance?
Kevin Disa / May 17, 2019
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Hariharan Wicks / May 17, 2019
Everybody has a right to his opinion. However, after being in politics for so many years Mangala is still deaf dumb and mute. At a juncture when politicians need to be smart and empathize with the ordinary citizenry who are enraged, ‘philosophical’ statements from an imbecile creates trouble. Mangala has betrayed SL on many occasions, it is not funny any more. This kind of people should not be presented o the international community. Hope his time will come to an end soon. The Bobsy twins Ranil and Mangala should go in to retirement in a country of their choice as soon as possible.
Rajash / May 18, 2019
Hariharan Wicks “Everybody has a right to his opinion. “
you had your right to voice yours……not sure how many would take notice :(
JD / May 18, 2019
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JD / May 18, 2019
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double standards / May 18, 2019
this is a really silly article. Mangala is a elected MP who is very popular and has been in politics of this country for along time. everyone knows his liberal views and he still gets elected every time. this is making a mountain out of a mole hill, and making out all sri lankans are morons argument.
Rajash / May 18, 2019
Sinhala – is a language
Buddhism – is a religion
Buddhism is older than Sinhala language
Sinhala Buddhism is new violent form of Buddhism started by a Christian “SWRD” in the early 1950s to wage war against minority Ceylonese…in order for him to grab power….
another violent form of religious state “ISIS Islam” is spreading its tentacles….. taking on the Violent Sri Lanka Sinhla Buddhist religious state….
1983 is not enough …..Sri Lanka Sinhla Buddhist religious state….wants more blood and arson! so does ISIS ISLAM
cities are burning…in Sri Lanka –
….and they are building Port City …..at billions of ponds foreign debt ….because Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist and ISIS Muslims ….will run out of cities to burn down
John / May 18, 2019
Mangy is the mistake, and disasters itself.
Anagarika Darmapala warned that one day ‘kalu suddhas’ would rule.
People of Mathara, at least vote wise in this upcoming parliamentary election, don’t send any unpatriotic retards, please.
upali wickramasinghe / May 19, 2019
John, I will vote with Mangala. He is honest, speaks his mind.
Raj / May 18, 2019
Mangala is a politician and he holds the Finance portfolio of the current UNP led Yahapalana government. Being a top level cabinet minister, he should know why, where, what, when, and who he is speaking to.
Let’s take few examples, when you attend a funeral, you don’t try to dance at the parlor as if you attend a Wedding ceremony at Shangrila. When you go to school, you don’t dress up like the man with the yellow hat (unless it is a dress-down day at school). When you take your grand mother to the family physician for her periodic check ups, you don’t behave like a teenager taking his girlfriend to a movie.
This is where, not only Mangala, but the entire Yahapalana lot made an unpardonable mistake. Their actions for the last 3 years as the ruling lot are beyond correction! The damage is already done, but don’t continue to add firewood to the fire.
Mangala forgets that he is a politician whose words, actions, and thoughts affect the entire nation. Instead he tries to pretend that he is a universal political philosopher, like Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.
SdeA and those who write pseudo-philosophical comments should also understand this fact without pushing the average reader into seemingly complex but utterly disastrous mental puzzles.
A philosopher may become a politician but a politician, specially from the current ruling lot in SL can never be a philosopher.
Medalankara de Choppe / May 19, 2019
How true
the entire Yahapalana lot made an unpardonable mistake. Their actions for the last 3 years as the ruling lot are beyond correction! The damage is already done
A philosopher may become a politician but a politician, specially from the current ruling lot in SL can never be a philosopher.
Helasingha / May 18, 2019
Hello Singhala man;
I did’t even realise (until now) that the video was sent to you as a warning. I had not read CT many months .So I was unaware of your involvement in the debate of post bombing. Yet I believe that you will live up to 100 despite the threat.
However, it is nothing to do with the cultural context I was talking about (common practice) but vicious individuals.
Wish you safety