26 April, 2024


President Sirisena Undermines Justice

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

An e-mail quip from fellow columnist Rajan Philips hit the nail on the head. He and I are part of an e-mail menagerie where he shot out: “Obama’s most important achievement was getting elected; he did not achieve much after that”. Though I defend Obamacare, the Iran Deal and the Paris Accord, I grant his macroeconomics served the banks, Wall Street and finance capital, not the people. The thrust of the epigram is perfect; electing a black President took America past puberty and the country rose to a point that Lanka will not attain for a generation or more. By placing in highest office an intellectual America lent towards Plato’s ideal of rule by philosopher kings. The subsequent throw back to a falsifier and cave dweller – a Platonic idiom again – is a passing cloud that America will overcome; its historical-human, intellectual-economic and natural-material endowments are too potent to be contained by a trickster. Rome did not fall in a day.

What hit me like a bolt of lightning when I read the one-liner was that it was even more true, far truer of post January 2015 Sri Lanka. The one weighty achievement of January 2015, a triumph of the January 8 People’s Movement, was the blow it struck at totalitarianism; Rajapaksa totalitarianism. That was a conquest; it is the categorical ‘Single Issue’ to which all else is secondary. Prosecuting the corrupt and enacting a new constitution were extras, toppings on the cake that many hoped for but failed to materialise. And as for economic policy, no am I not a mad-hatter leftist envisioning a Ranil-UNP administration delivering socialism! I never suffered such delusions. A Single Issue was what I dearly wanted and that was all I got. 

Though the Obama presidency was a disappointment it would be wrong to describe him as a traitor to democracy or that he harmed the justice system by obstructing prosecution of extortionists and murderers or shielding top brass who subvert the courts. Nor was his Aide caught red-handed pocketing millions in a carpark to share with the boss, or his siblings and daughters up to the neck in crooked deals. Maybe Obama fell short of expectations but he did not use his executive powers to obstruct the law or pillage the nation. 

President Sirisena has flopped to a political zero and is a prisoner of Rajapaksa Populism. He has no role left to play and lacks the grace and temperament to depart as he swore on the election platform and at Rev. Sobitha’s interment. He craves for more, he lusts for crumbs that may drop from the Rajapaksa table. The long and vindictive memory of the Rajapaksa siblings will ensure that the Judas who feasted on egg-hoppers then dug in the dagger will pay the wages of treachery. In the eyes of the Rajapaksas Sirisena is an annoying encumbrance with no remaining bargaining power. His SLFP collected just 12% in February, and after it split, stripped and alone, he cannot bring even 1% to the populist vote bank. 

The SLFP per se can carry some votes to Rajapaksa though Chandrika may split of a small part, but the majority is already on the board. Sirisena misjudges the hand he can play with the shrinking powers of office in the dying days of his presidency. If he were attentive to Buddhism he would recall that avarice is the root of dhukka. He could do better keeping women away from the bottle and in his spare time munching on rancid cashew-nuts. If he tries funny business in matters of state using his effete residual powers he will be called to order by public, courts and organs of state. The SLPP distrusts him; if he undermines its electoral game plan it will go for his jugular. 

Alarming reports in the papers say that President Sirisena is in cahoots with military brass to prevent prosecutors and courts from accessing material relating to crimes by military personnel and in particular an abduction, extortion and murder case now before courts. If fluent in Sinhala you can find an 18-minute YouTube video by Bahu flaying the President. (Declaration of non-collusion: Bahu and I are not in the same party).  .

Class and Rajapaksa Populism

In my column last week, I skipped over the class character of Rajapaksa Populism brushing aside my readers with the remark that they are not interested in leftish jargon. That was unwise, I have been pulled up; I will make amends today. We hear of the alienated Trump Base, the class roots of the French National Front and where the Brexit vote came from. What are the class-wise supports of Rajapaksa Populism? Let me make an important point first. In fascist, semi-fascist and populist enterprises leadership plays an outsize role and stamps its cachet on everything – Mussolini, Hitler, Durante, Trump and Rajapaksa. You cannot change Trump for Pence with the flexibility with which David Cameron made way for Theresa May, or Turnbull was shed for ‘whoever heard of him’ Morison in Australia. 

There are four columns that underpin Rajapaksa Populism. Let’s work our way down in class ascendency, not power or influence. The Lankan bourgeois is split by family, connection, access to enrichment and national or Western cultural orientation. The same is true of the lesser social orders. English speakers are mostly UNP while yakkos and nouveau riche (a hangover from the 1950s) are pro SLFP-SLPP. Oddities like GL are few; reddas outnumber suits. The bourgeoisie and liberal intellectuals, Sinhala and English speaking, are repelled by Populism which is propped by only a minority in the business classes motivated by connection or expectation of future deals.

Below this in wealth and income is a vast petty-bourgeois Sinhala mass in towns, bazaars and metropolitan outskirts. Their place in the economy is retail trade, the informal sector, three-wheeler walas, some lower middle-class people in state and corporate sectors, and members and ex-members of the armed forces. In electoral terms, together with families and dependents this class accounts for 30-40% of the Sinhala electorate. Since the demise of the left (old LSSP and CP) the working class has had no ideological mooring; it is an adjunct of the aforesaid petty-bourgeoisie mindset. This petty bourgeois and working-class block was the mainstay of the Jana Bala horde. Together it accounts for half the Sinhalese electorate and at present Rajapaksa Populism can count on about two-thirds of it.

The massed peasantry, the rural folk, are not to be confused with this ideologically motivated horde, though rural people are influenced by it. But not all of it; the village level UNP vote is large. This vote fluctuates between the main parties from say 40:60 one way to 60:40 the other. Number games are to be taken with a pinch of salt, but give a feel. Say the petty-bourgeoisie cum working class described in the previous paragraph are one half of the Sinhalese electorate and the peasantry the other half. Say that at present Rajapaksa Populism commands the support of 70% of the former and 60% of the latter – peak possibilities. Then if you give the UNP all the Tamil and Muslim votes in the seven Southern Provinces, you can work out why the it was able to hang on to 38% of the vote in these seven in February despite a fed-up-with-UNP backlash and abstentions. (Send me a postcard if you can’t do the maths; I have assumed the minorities are 10% in the seven southern provinces).

To come back to my theme of class, though Rajapaksa Populism has the support of more than half the Sinhala peasantry it is of the greatest importance to note that the peasantry, everywhere in the world, is ideologically not a determining but a determined class. It takes, not constructs, ideology. At the present time a segment has imbibed the insular ideology of the populist petty-bourgeois; it has taken its cue from the suburban chauvinists. And it tails the sangha, vedda, guru and the horu. 

This brings me to the last building block; the underworld. It is untruthful to say that Rajapaksa Populism is financed, swayed or dependent on the underworld of drugs, crime or sex-slavery. But there have been politicians with links to this gangland who have had a prominent place in its political universe. There was that Duminda, convicted of a gangland style murder and now serving time. He was immensely popular; a superstar who may have a future in the event of regime change. And of course, our noxious Mervyn and his restless son, both now conspicuously and craftily quiet. Has Mervyn made enough to retire in perpetuity or will he crawl out of the woodwork if Mahinda rides again?  But I concede, Rajapaksa Populism’s connections with the underworld are not of central significance in depicting populism’s class dynamics. 

To sum up, the determining elements of power politics in Mahinda Populism are two; the outsize significance of the leadership and the racist petty-bourgeois mass in the middle. The greedy rich at the top will always suck blood whatever the regime and the docile peasantry at the bottom is election fodder for use at the hustings whichever the side. Gangland is an emergency tool to keep on the side and out of sight.

It is necessary to make a comment about the economy which is true whichever the regime. Lanka is drowning in debt and will sink unless there is partial cancellation of dollar-denominated debt. There exists no credible economic programme which can in the alternative rescue the country from drowning. Whichever regime tries its luck, whatever magic the Central Bank weaves, year by year indebtedness will grow, we will sink ever deeper: Want to bet? 

The crisis is global; governments, enterprises and households all over the world are in the same trap. The post-2008 global economy has been restructured, intentionally or otherwise, to transfer wealth created in the productive economy to finance capital as bonds and funds, or through asset price inflation (real-estate, bonds, equities) and a surge in unpayable compound interest. More indebtedness of institutions and individuals is the same thing on the other side of the coin. I often use the rhetoric of 1% and 99%; but the truth is easier to remember. The richest 8.6% owns 86% of global wealth. It’s time to invert this pyramid and enforce global debt cancellation.

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  • 3

    “Obama’s most important achievement was getting elected” he did not achieve much after that”.- well you could say that for the first term.Generally sitting President’s get elected second term. But if he has failed miserably I don’t think he would have won the second term

    With all the entertainment Trump is providing he will also get a second term.

    What Obama and Trump learnt in a hard way is that the Presidents don’t call the shots. The white house machinery call the shots.

  • 7

    We listened to this man as much as possible before we elected him President. I didn’t cast my customary three preferences for President in January 2015; I cast just one vote, enthusiastically, but a bit fearfully because we weren’t quite sure that he would win. For two years I enthusiastically supported him, not paying much heed to unacceptable things that he was saying on matters of relatively little importance.
    There may still be decencies in him, but now it’s got to a stage where I can approve of almost nothing that he says or does. For his part he seems to trust none of us. He suffers from paranoia. True that persons in whom he has reposed great faith and venerated (he was calling Ranil W. “Sir” early on) have proved unreliable.
    But let him not blame others. The man who came in with the limited aims of cleaning up and then allowing us to decide where we should head now imagines we must all do as he thinks fit. No investigations in to crimes – how can he get such things done when he distrusts all around him? No concerns about the environment; no effort to tame his key politicians.
    He and I have never seen each other face to face; no need. I am a non-entity. He’s deluding himself. He matters little. The sooner he goes, the better.

    • 4

      ”’The sooner he goes, the better” Agree with you 100% Should be in the list of yobs who ruined the country for crimes against the state as well, including the family

  • 4

    Dr. Kumar David:

    In our globalized world, outdated “Market fundamentalism” of the now dead Washington Consensus (IMF, WB and MCC), and US deep state ( in a Cold war with China in the Indian Ocean), that is undermining Human Rights and Economic Justice and Rights in Sri Lanka today.

    1. Lanka and Indian ocean is being militarized and SL army and Navy is heavily supported by US peace Corps and Pacific Angels US marines to occupy civilian land in northeast.
    Kumar, we need solutions – Out of box thinking is needed so hear are some:

    2.. LK Rupee is crashing because of oil prices and US sanctions on Iran. Sri Lanka needs to follow EU and tell US to go to hell and keep buying oil from Iran.

    3. Also Lanka needs to go for Renminibi and Yuan Bonds and not depend on USD

    Finally, Bondscam Ranil who is a market fundamentalist controlled by Washington and who should be impeached tor looting Central Bank, is a far bigger danger to Sri Lanka than Sira who is a clown and pawn who is caught in the Neoliberal Global Corruption pandemic and Storm that has seen the greatest transfer of wealth from the wretched of the earth to the Global 1 percent.

    Please read “Good Politics Bad Economics” at Project Syndicate.

    • 1

      Laxmi: ” LK Rupee is crashing because of oil prices and US sanctions on Iran. Sri Lanka needs to follow EU and tell US to go to hell and keep buying oil from Iran.”

      I am afraid you are on the wrong track. Lankan rupee crashed because of our politicians in the 1997-2005 era, All JRJ,RP and CBK killed all our industries, all sources of funds to the state, The Distilleries, industry for one which used to be the second treasury for the GOSL.

      CBK established the PERC with the purpose of selling off state ventures. There was a proviso, the privatised ventures were to be stictly under the eye of the Sec/Treasury. In this case P.B.Jayasundara, a bogus economist who contributed to the destruction of the economy.
      The industries thatw ere there in 1977, were got at very low prices. If their technology were archaic action should have been taken to upgrade them. What the govt did was to kill them.
      What happened at Hingurana Sugar was a good example.The Corporation required money to repair the machinery. This is done annually during the non cropping season.The management sought a govt guarantee to get funds from the banks.PBJ refused and closed the complex. What everybody forgot was that there was enough and more alcohol in stock to be mortgaged to the banks for the cash.
      That example indicates the low quality of the politically correct management appointed to oversee the state ventures. This is the same story at Salawa complex. It could have been resurrected. The easiest action by the GOSL and PBJ was to close it.
      This is a mad hatter’s country. We are raving lunatics to bring this thrash back.

  • 1

    “Gangland is an emergency tool to keep on the side and out of sight.”

    Quite right KD! Drug gangland stunts and arrests are like Fake News to distract us from the corruption and crimes of the politicians , and give the impression that the police and law and order mechanisms are working..

  • 1

    Dear Sir, now you are talking. I will not go so far as to say you talking sense now. But at least you are now talking in simple English, which a Putujjana like me can understand. Of course knowing you, I cannot be sure about the rest of the article, which I have yet to read.
    These days we have pleasant weather here in ME. I have the beautiful view of a lagoon through my window. It happens to be a place where countless water birds such as Flamingoes and Ibis land and spend a few hours in transit, having a hearty meal of fish, and getting ready for the rest of the journey South. Right now I can see hundreds of them going about their business.
    Taking the birds as an example, I am going to relax with a cup of tea in one hand and a double cheese Qabus in the other, read the rest of the article and try to comprehend it. This time I have made a vow to myself. I will not get up from my seat until I achieve that.
    See you soon.

    • 0

      edwin rodrigo ~ “……..Flamingoes and Ibis land and spend a few hours in transit, having a hearty meal of fish,……….”.
      Flamingos filter-feed on brine shrimp and blue-green algae as well as larva, small insects, mollusks and crustaceans. Their bills are specially adapted to separate mud and silt from the food they eat, and are uniquely used upside-down.
      Ibises have long, down-curved bills, and usually feed as a group, probing mud for food items, usually crustaceans

      • 0

        K.Pillai, I may be wrong there. I am not an expert on birds. But these birds are white and long necked and the size of a big Sri Lankan crane. There is another species, which is smaller in size. My friends here call them white flamingos. I would be grateful if you could identify them without the aid photos.
        But whatever they are, it is a nice sight to look at.

      • 1

        K.Pillai, Please search for ‘Bahrain Tubli Bay Brds’ in Google and let me know what kinds of birds you find there.

        • 2

          Isn’t it great that some Sri Lankans have time for appreciation of birds, and can talk ornithology despite all the chaos around us?
          I’m not joining in the exchange of ideas; just like to say nice to see guys discussing such subjects. What does the amazing Prof. Kumar David think of the subject of how these migrant birds feed? I won’t be too surprised to find the Prof. to be an authority even on this.
          Prof. Sarath Kotagama was a year junior to me in school; can’t Prof. David and him get together and persuade My3 to take full-time to ornithology? It’ll solve many of our problems.
          Best wishes to all you good and happy people!

  • 6

    President Sirisena has undermined everything under the Sun.
    He is now walking over a Rajapakse Landmine!

  • 0

    Kumar David 0 Comments President Sirisena Undermines Justice

    The title is somewhat unfair Kumar David. Every leader of substance we have had, have undermined justice! Exceptions are the tiny group of the Bahu ilk.
    This undermining of justice by successive governments led to our present predicament.
    It is boring but if one restates the very early ones: We may start with DS Senanayake. creation of the language/religion-divide, SWRD B in 1956 allowed goons to attack sathyyagrahis. the pogrom of 1958 when not a single goon was prosecuted are examples and the rest is history.
    The advent of the culture of corruption/nepotism/impunity took hold and we are paying for it.
    Will follow this up if there is something remotely new in what Kumar David has written here.

  • 3

    why is sira cosying up to the armed forces
    is he expecting their support in his presidential bid

  • 7

    Yes, Sirisena has been a total disaster. Even the suggestion that he did make one solid contribution in defeating totalitarianism in January 2015 is questionable. His betrayal of the principles of good governance and the failure to prosecute the corrupt has made the people who brought him to power lose faith in the whole democratic process. This has only emboldened the Rajapaksa Mafia to seek a return to power. Sirisena’s pathetic record has only made totalitarianism a more attractive option for a growing majority of people made gullible by the despicable monks, Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don – the Godfather Cardinal, and the Media Mafia comprising of Sirasa, Derana and Hiru. Sirisena is the root cause of this great tragedy waiting to befall the country. We can see, he’s now trying to repair the damage to his image through a relentless media blitz with his silly media unit in collaboration with the Satanic Sirasa. But unfortunately for him the campaign is only reinforcing the impression people have of him: A WICKED LITTLE COMEDIAN.

  • 0

    So you see Sir, you get a better response by this style of writing. This time, you have a dozen comments already – and counting, in place of the usual 6 or 7. Still it is pathetic because Dr Siri’s article, which is supposed to be a commentary on your previous highly encrypted article has already got nearly a 100.
    This could be due to the Karma you collected by giving 2 out of 10 to students on their course work on which they have spent hours which could have been better spent having fun on the other shore of Mahaveli.
    In any case one should not try to follow the advice: “IF YOU CANNOT DAZZLE THEM WITH BRILLIANCE – MESMERIZE THEM WITH BULL SHIT”

  • 0

    Sirisena was useful to bring in a change.tamils won’t like rajapakse cause they stopped prabakharan. both had their uses.!

  • 2

    The Charisma: Look at Mahinda. He may not have many things that Ranil/Sirisena combo got. But he has charisma. Just compare a meeting chaired by Mahinda and one chaired by any one or both of the Combo. The moment Mahinda comes on to the stage, the adrenaline of the crowd goes up. The sense of excitement is infectious and palpable. He is like the Lion King surveying all from the vantage point of a high rock as in the Disney Movie Lion King. I have felt it myself. The man is born to lead. It is in his genes, though unfortunately those genes have not been passed on to his off spring Namal. But as everyone knows, the Y-chromosome does not decide any traits. The traits are decided by other genes.
    Ranil with his plans for a VW plant, then a field about to be harvested etc – plans that seem to be having a half life of about a week, reminds me of a classic episode of Samuel/Anesely/Bertie Vinoda Samaya of the yester year. Here, Bertie walks in to a motor garage and timidly looks around. The following conversation takes place:
    Bertie: About how much is a car body? Aneseley gives the prices.
    Bertie: About how much is a car engine? Aneseley gives the prices.
    Bertie: About how much is a gear box?
    And so on the Q & A goes. Finally, getting tired of it Aneseley asks, “Why are you asking for all these prices? You want to start a old spare parts shop?”
    Bertie: No. I have an old tire and I was wondering how much it would cost to make a complete car using it.
    That in short is what Ranil is doing today.

    • 0

      India was ruled by several presdients and PMs, but none ofhtem had so called Charisma.
      What bringt us the charimsa if the person is totally a Mafia king ?

    • 0

      Dear edwin rodrigo,

      I liked the way you built the story up, although others don’t seem to have.
      Yes, the next tragedy for Sri Lanka: Yahapalanaya getting routed by JO.

  • 1

    Siirsena is a humbug. He cheated the people who voted him . He went back on everything he promised. He does not have any talent, honesty or charisma. He should go or made to go, even if that is going under six feet whatever what may mean.

  • 2

    David, I am still having my hopes on Ranil to save the Nation.

    Deep inside me it keeps telling he’s the man for the job and will do it. I know you think otherwise.

  • 2

    Don’t take Sinhala_Man too seriouslym none of us do

    • 2

      Rosemarry Madonza

      You are not alone having the same opinion about Sinhala_Man, however you have support from quite a few fellow morons, such as Chuti Doo, Luke Visidagama, Usha Sriskandarajah, …………………………..

  • 0

    In 2014, at the height of the work by your group to bring in a new candidate- it happened to be Mr Sirisena- I, in an article in the Colombo telegraph, predicted that your equation that the majority in the parliament will back a new constitution will prove false.I used the word jokers to describe the parliamentarians.

    I now say, that the economy can be saved. The problem is the leadership of the two parties. I believe in the ancient family tradition, when you are short of money, cut down on your expenses and try to find substitutes.That is what Mrs B did, criticized by the opposition and by the working class, and what brought the JRJ Govt to power.That is one thing you cannot expect either from the Wickramasinghe administration nor from the Shangrila group.That policy is not attractive to the money bags that back them.

    The sources exist.In 2015, I pointed to Mr Ranawake one solution. He had not responded to date.That solution had the potential to take the load off the import of petroleum fuels and coal.Since the project is based 100% on local effort, it is not attractive to the politicians and the money bags.Still for all it is a practical solution.

    If you are interested in the solution please do contact me ay spupalisw@yahoo.com.

    • 0

      Upali W,
      “The sources exist.In 2015, I pointed to Mr Ranawake one solution. “
      I hope you are not talking about the scheme to produce petrol from Polythene waste.

  • 2

    Rosemarry, I have figured ou sometime ago that Sinhala_Man is not a born Sinhalaya. A Tamil who has taken a Sinhala name.

    We do not take him seriously.

    • 2

      This is exactly what people tell for me also when i am fair by the sinhalese.They say i’am a sinhalese masquerading as a tamil when i say that if tamils can live in traditional sinhalese areas why can’t sinhalese live in traditional tamil areas.

      i have no doubt that panini edirisinghe is a fair minded and tolerant sinhalese just like me a fair minded and tolerant tamil.Unfortunately we are a minority in our communities so i feel that the ethnic problem will continue without being solved.

      There should be a attitudinal change among sri lankans first in order to progress.

    • 1

      Well, I don’t take seriously anything that you are saying. I’m a Sri Lankan who uses Sinhala and English quite fluently.
      To approach being the ideal Sri Lankan citizen one ought to be able to use Tamil as well; unfortunately, I just don’t seem to have the knack for learning languages, and I don’t know any Tamil.
      I am at a loss to work out why everyone seems to falling over each other to pay me these compliments. Unfortunately, I don’t deserve them. The only ancestors that Panini Edirisinhe has been told of have been classified as Sinhalese.

  • 0

    Laxmi: ” LK Rupee is crashing because of oil prices and US sanctions on Iran. Sri Lanka needs to follow EU and tell US to go to hell and keep buying oil from Iran.”

    I am afraid you are on the wrong track. Lankan rupee crashed because of our politicians in the 1997-2005 era, All JRJ,RP and CBK killed all our industries, all sources of funds to the state, The Distilleries, industry for one which used to be the second treasury for the GOSL.

    CBK established the PERC with the purpose of selling off state ventures. There was a proviso, the privatised ventures were to be stictly under the eye of the Sec/Treasury. In this case P.B.Jayasundara, a bogus economist who contributed to the destruction of the economy.
    The industries thatw ere there in 1977, were got at very low prices. If their technology were archaic action should have been taken to upgrade them. What the govt did was to kill them.
    What happened at Hingurana Sugar was a good example.The Corporation required money to repair the machinery. This is done annually during the non cropping season.The management sought a govt guarantee to get funds from the banks.PBJ refused and closed the complex. What everybody forgot was that there was enough and more alcohol in stock to be mortgaged to the banks for the cash.
    That example indicates the low quality of the politically correct management appointed to oversee the state ventures. This is the same story at Salawa complex. It could have been resurrected. The easiest action by the GOSL and PBJ was to close it.
    This is a mad hatter’s country. We are raving lunatics to bring this thrash back.

  • 1

    Rosemary even I had the feeling that Sinhala_Man is not actually a Sinhala man but a Tamil man.

  • 2

    It is probable Pani Edirisinghe is a recently acquired Sinhala name by a Tamil man.

    • 3

      Really, even the well-known Usha Sriskandarajah, thinks that, does she. You’ve written so many articles that I have little doubt of the existence of a person by that name. Not young, but an extremely pretty face. Your comments are a bit harsh on us Sinhalese, but I try to make allowances, given all that you’ve been through. For this comment, I must check the gravatar. About five names ganging up is too much of a coincidence. So five of you racist Sinhalese have decided to give one of the moderate Sinhalese the works. You will next turn on Amarasiri, Native Vedda, Plato, old codger, etc. But then, on none of them can we pin a real identity.
      Usha, please note the peculiar spelling of my surname: my great-grand-father or earlier has to accept responsibility. Panini, the original was a Sanskrit grammarian. Google.

      Please see for yourself two photographs of me taken more than 65 years apart:
      Please study and comment. Sorry to be setting you such a boring task.


      • 4

        Dear Fake Usha and bogus Luke,
        Why don’t the two of you have the guts to publish your email addresses and name, as Sinhala Man does? Only then will you have the right to comment on his ancestry, when you can prove that you yourselves are not recently arrived “Sinhalese” Soysas or Singappullis.

    • 4

      As I suspected. The well-known Tamil activist who lives abroad signs herself: Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah and her gravatar is blue:
      Brian Senewiratne has made a comment there on February 4, 2016. I have not met him, but I know him to be a very old man, something like a first cousin of SWRD Banda. Check the exact relationship, please. He’s a medical doctor, studied at S. Thomas’ Mt Lavinia; lecturer Peradeniya University. He’s married to a Tamil. Full supports the Tamil cause (nothing wrong in that), but also an uncritical admirer of the Tigers. I hope that is not the case, and that if he sees this, he will comment on it. I know many of his relatives, some long departed.
      I think him wrong, but admire his tenacity.
      What do I say to the five of you: Liars, liars, pants on fire!

    • 2

      Usha Sriskandarajah

      Could you tell us what exactly are you doing to promote TGTE and how do you intend to handle the annoying Admiral Film Director Dr(?) Sarath Weerasekera and Prof Channa Jayasumana next year?

      Many believe Channa suffered from Somatization at Geneva who thought he brought some channa all crisp and peppered, sadly could not sell it to the participants. Were you there?

      • 3

        I think you are berating the wrong person.

    • 1

      Usha Sriskandarajah, Stick to what you are comfortable with. Sinhala_Man is a Sinhalese to the bone!

  • 2

    I think Madonza is right. Sinhala_Man (Edirisinghe) indeed a Tamil who has aquired the Sinhala name. Lots of Tamil do this, more are the estate Tamils.

  • 2

    Thank you Mrs Udubaddewa

  • 3

    Dr(?) Sarath Weerasekera and Prof Channa Jayasumana are peanuts for us. Don’t worry no one takes them seriously. I had news firsthand from Geneva; they were a laughing stock – undeducated brutes did not know what they were talking.

  • 0

    President Trump stalking you in your dreams Professor?
    Obama was a failure as President – he got a pass for a lot of things because of his skin colour. When President Trump does the same things that Obama did (the so called “Muslim Ban”) the press were all over him but never said a word when the same thing happened under Obama.
    Don’t believe me? Look it up. The Media conveniently fails to mention this inconvenient truth.
    People are tired of being lectured by the (Self Appointed) Leftist Elites. People don’t want to be told what to do, what to think and who to vote for.
    If people disagree with the Leftist Elites that doesn’t make them Racists, Bigots, Fascists, Nazis or “Deplorables”. When you talk to people like this they will wait until they get to the ballot box and then happily give the Leftist Elites “The Finger” with their vote. That’s how we got President Trump.
    Unfortunately the Leftist Elites are so self unaware they simply can’t understand this – the Author is quite clearly in that position..
    Populism is not Fascism even though the Media implies that it somehow is. The will of the people is called Democracy. We don’t want “Philosopher Kings” – that’s just more Elites talking down to us imho.
    Let me point you at the real Fascists – they’re called ANTIFA. The Irony!

  • 2

    Dear Luke, Usha and Mrs Udubeddewa

    Our buddhi angshaya succeeded!

    Indeed Sinhala_Man (Panini E) is a Tamil. He took the Sinhala name after the 1983 ritos. He was married then and had a Sinhala wife.

    We even have his orignal Sinhala name (to be disclosed after further checks)!

    He was born in Springvale estate Bandarawela as a son of estate Tamil couple. The parents prospered after the ww 2 under Saumyamurthi Thonadaman and even bought a Austin van in the late 50s. Apart from tea plantation work they grew vegetables. Panini had a sejour at St Thomas Bandrawela.

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      Why are you talking to yourself, Dasrath dear? A serious case of split personalities? Bats in the belfry?

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