25 April, 2024


Presidential Election: On Our Thirteen Requests

By C.V. Wigneswaran

C.V. Wigneswaran

Someone asked: “I saw your thirteen demands. As a minority group how could you demand a division of the Country? It seems presumptuous on the part of the five Tamil Political Parties to demand so. Your comments?”

My Response was: They were our sincere and essential requests not demands. These need to be considered by those who aspire to rule this Country as President. The Sri Lankan Tamils are not minorities. They are the majority in the North and East even from pre Buddhistic times. The recent excavations in Keelady in Madurai District prove the antiquity of the Tamils. The remains found in Madurai resemble Mohenjadaro – Harappa civilization in Pakistan. The Tamil language is a Classical Language accepted Internationally. The Tamils have occupied this Country from over three thousand years ago. No doubt several influx of Tamils took place at various times in history. But they added to the population of indigenous Tamils resident from pre Buddhistic times. The five Shivalingams in Thiruketheeswaram, Naguleswaram, Koneswaram, Munneswaram and Thondeswaram (in Dondra) were here long before Buddhism came here and long before the Sinhala language was born in the 6th or 7th Century AD. Merely because history was doctored and distorted during the past hundred years, historical facts cannot be hidden for long.

Let me take you through each of the requests and their purpose.

1. Recognise the individuality of the Tamils and grant a Federal Constitution

The Sri Lankan Tamils are a Nation. A Nation is a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture or language inhabiting a particular country or territory. The doctrine of sovereignty has developed in two distinct dimensions: the first concerned with the “internal,” the second with the “external” aspects of sovereignty. What we refer here is internal sovereignty. That is to live in amity within one Country but looking after our affairs in our traditional areas without external interference or compulsion because we as a Nation are entitled to do so. That is, by virtue of the right of self determination recognized by International Law, the Tamils of the North and East have the right to determine their future political status over their territorial unit without external compulsions. That the North and East are the traditional homelands of the Tamils has been recognised in many Agreements including the 1987 Indo Sri Lanka Accord. Under the Thirteenth Amendment there are severe external control and compulsions. Why should the Sinhalese feel that it is essential that Tamils need to be controlled and kept under surveillance?  Are we not part of this Country? Do we not have a history from pre Buddhistic times here? Are we not entitled to look upon this Country as ours just as others feel so?

Secondly, would difference in population give the group having more numbers the right to control the other groups? Even so the Tamils are the major community more in number than other communities in their traditional areas. The right of self determination is not based on population. It is based on the individuality of each group. Twenty or more Cantons exist in Switzerland each with its individuality in a Country smaller in extent than Sri Lanka.

Such individuality distinguishes the Tamils from the Sinhalese. So we Tamils have a distinct identity and Law recognizes self determination for such distinct units within a country. The ideal form of government in such countries which have distinct units of people is federalism which is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units. Unless the Sinhalese political leaders are only interested in Sinhala domination and Sinhala hegemony, our claim for a federal constitution must be acceptable to the Sinhalese if they think upon us as equals. It is the Sinhala politicians for their personal gains during the past hundred years who poisoned the Sinhalese people against the concept of Federalism. Mr.SWRD Bandaranaike supported Federalism in 1926; the Kandyan Sinhalese supported Federalism before the Donoughmore Commisioners, both before Independence. Many Countries whether USA, Canada or Switzerland have federal constitutions.  Switzerland is smaller in extent to that of Sri Lanka. India is quasi federal. In Sri Lanka the areas where the Tamils have lived for centuries could easily be identified to form a federal unit. It is stupid to say the Tamils would get 1/3rd the sea front far in excess of their population if given federalism. They are not to be considered only from a demographic stand point. Compare the annual rainfall in the North East with the rest of the Country. North East is arid and the living conditions are arduous on land. Only Mother Ocean could help them to prosper.  

Without a federal constitution being enacted the Tamils will always remain in a subordinate position. At every stage the majority community would dictate to the Tamils what to do and what not to do in their own areas. Presently the traditional homelands of the Tamils are being colonized by Sinhalese because we Tamils have no legal control over our areas. If we had proper devolution of powers like under a federal constitution we would have had the power to check on the intrusion of people from other areas coming and expropriating our lands and resources. It is out of our desire to preserve our identity that we clamour for federalism. Not to set up a separate Country. If we do not preserve our identity now we could never do so in the future because certain elements among the Sinhalese Community including diehard Buddhist Monks are hell bent to make the Tamils integrate into the Sinhalese losing their identity.

Lastly we have all the right to ask for federalism since until 1833 the Tamils ruled themselves in their own traditional areas. Even now we occupy a distinct portion of this Country. We are the majority there. So what is wrong in federalism? Some say if you grant federalism the Tamils will separate. Firstly there is nothing wrong with separation because the Sinhalese never occupied the North and East to the exclusion of Tamils and if it is the desire of the Tamils to separate why not? But we are not interested in separation. Secondly the Tamils occupied these areas from pre Buddhistic times and the Sinhala language was very recent having come into usage about thirteen centuries ago only. Mahawansa was not written in Sinhala but in Pali. There was in fact no Sinhala language at the time Mahawansa fiction was written in Pali solely for the glorification of Buddhism. Thirdly the Sinhala leaders gave assurances to the British when they took over the reins of Government from the British in 1948 that they will not do any act prejudicial to the minorities but would look after them “in a husband like manner”.  Soon  after  Independence they deprived the Up Country Tamils of their voting rights. Simultaneously they started colonizing traditional Tamil areas in the North and East with Sinhalese. Then they brought Sinhala Only. They enacted several pogroms and riots to drive away the Tamils from Sinhala majority areas. Then standardization in higher education was adopted. Now planned intrusion into Tamil areas are taking place to disturb the demography in our traditional Tamil areas. There is slow pulverization of the Tamils going on. This is genocide. What is wrong in our asking that we be spared the right of looking after ourselves before we become minorities in our own areas?

2. Proper investigation must take place through ICC and allied organizations with regard to war crimes, human rights’ violations and genocide carried out at the concluding stages of the War

Only if anyone indulged in these crimes should he be upset in agreeing to such inquiry. All the principal actors at that time claim they did no wrong. So why are we delaying these inquiries? Some politicians are claiming they are standing by their brave soldiers who brought victory to their Country. They have not said we would stand by them even if they committed any crime however brutal or hideous they may have been. So what prevents them from allowing the International inquiries? The inquiries are only to ascertain whether any War Crimes or Crimes against Humanity have been committed. If not committed well that is the end. Surely these politicians do not claim that they will stand by the Armed Forces even if some of the members of the Military committed hideous crimes? If they  say so then they would be on the side of criminals. Do these Politicians want to be identified as Criminals themselves? Some say allowing International organizations to conduct war investigations would be a slur on our sovereignty. We complain that successive Sri Lankan Governments have been acting against the interests of Tamils.  So, are they asking those who have been acting against Tamils’ interests should conduct the War Crimes inquiry themselves? That would be a slur on Tamils’ sovereignty! Would it not be? This is like asking the very parents of one of the life partners who have worked for their offspring’s divorce to conduct the Divorce Inquiry!

3. Abolish the Prevention of Terrorism Act

The country has already consented to do so before the World body (U.N.). We are only asking for implementation. There  is no dispute that the Act is draconian.

4. Release all Tamil political prisoners

Once the PTA is found to be contrary to all legal norms both local and International, with it being jettisoned, all those who were arrested and punished under the said Act need per force be freed. I had said in one of my judgments in the Supreme Court that there must be corroboration of the contents of confessions at least, to ensure some sort of decency to the Draconian Law. This had not been followed. So a bad law going must take with it bad arrests, bad convictions and bad punishments. None could complain against the Tamil political Prisoners being freed on this account. In fact I have written to the present President that he should release the Tamil political prisoners before he closes his innings. There is only one Poya Day before the curtain falls on his period of office. He is the last to enjoy all privileges of an Executive President which prompted JR to say he had all powers except to make a Man a Woman and vice versa!

5. Enforced disappearances – Justice to be found through International mechanism

This is a matter that concerned those in the South as well. I do not have to belabour myself to prove to you that Justice must be found for the families of those who were forcibly made to disappear.

6. Resettlement of our People on Private and State Lands after evicting the Forces

Over 60000 acres of State Land are occupied by the Forces. They are cultivating valuable agricultural lands selling their produce in competition with locals. Or they are sending the vegetables and other produce to their Army Camps. If they did not do so our farmers would have benefited. Their Camps are to be seen as you travel along in the Northern Province everywhere. A Mayor from Canada, Hon’John Tory, was surprised at the number of Army Camps remaining in the Northern Province ten years after the War. It is so in the Eastern Province too. Why should we continue to keep so many Military Camps ten years since the War came to an end?  If the Government is  doing so  on grounds of security consideration of the area, these days with modern technology it could be accomplished from within a limited area with modern gadgets. But the decision to have more than a lakh of soldiers in the Tamil areas savours of other priorities on the part of succesive Governments. Still private lands have not been handed over to their legitimate owners or erstwhile occupiers before the war or at least to the local authorities to be handed over to entitled persons. It is high time the Forces left our areas. We are not here to be treated like a vanquished nation. We need to earnestly start our agricultural activities, fisheries, tourism, continue with our education without fear and intimidation and become a free Nation (a group of people with individual distinctive traits relating to land, culture, language etc. distinguishing them from others) within Sri Lanka.

7. To stop immediately Sinhalisation, Buddhistisation and Sinhala Colonisation  in the North and East taking place with State  connivance

This is indeed a very urgent request to be attended to. The question is often asked how could you stop Sinhala and Buddhist intrusion in the North and East when Tamil and Hindu plus Christian and Islamic activities are allowed in Colombo and elsewhere? Let me limit my observations to Tamil Hindu activities as opposed to Sinhala Buddhist activities. Up to 1958 Tamil Hindus were allowed to remain in the South. They had farms, Estates, business places and what not in several parts of the deep South. Kathirgamam was a Hindu Shrine when I went in early forties by bullock cart. There was always the chorus of Arohara then. A friend of my father and his brother owned acres and acres of paddy lands in Tissamaharama. They had tractors in later times. Similarly all seven Provinces south of the North East had a considerable number of Tamils. I knew the identity of Tamils who owned lots of lands in Anuradhapura (Old Town), Polonnaruwa, Kekirawa and so on. The pogrom of 1958 chased the Tamils away from almost all Southern areas except the Greater Colombo area. Even now lands belonging to Tamils in Matara and other areas are held by Sinhalese who chased off the Tamil owners and held the properties by sheer force. Their title deeds will prove it. 

Colombo is a cosmopolitan area. It is not Sinhala nor Buddhist. In fact the total population of all communities and religious groups other than the Sinhala Buddhists in Colombo exceed in number the Sinhala Buddhists. So allowing Tamils in Colombo has nothing to do with Sinhala Buddhist tolerance. Pogroms after pogroms decimated the Tamil population outside the North and East. 1983 riots sent our best Tamil brains out of the Island. They are doing well abroad due to their sheer hard work, studiousness and the existence of meritocracy in those Countries.

When riots and pogroms happened in the South (seven provinces south of North and East) it is to the North and East the Tamils were sent by the Government by boats and other means proving North and East as the traditional homelands of the Tamil speaking people. Having chased out the Tamils from the South the successive Governments seem to be now interested in chasing out the Tamils from the North and East too. So the argument as to why Sinhalese should not intrude into the North and East is not tenable. The Tamils have been chased out of Sinhala areas and now there is an attempt to colonize the Tamil areas with Sinhalese. If the Tamils had been allowed to continue in Sinhala areas without staging all the brutal pogroms and riots against them earlier, this argument might have held water. Not now. The present intrusion is part of a plan to decimate the Tamils in their own areas with a view to commit genocide.

Buddhist temples are coming up where no Buddhists live. The Buddhist monks are able to indulge in  high  handed  acts of encroachment and forcible intrusions  without obtaining the relevant permission from local authorities, by the overt support given by the Armed Forces who are majority Sinhala Buddhists.

The Mahaweli Development Authority having entered the North promising to bring Mahaweli waters to the North is only interested now in setting up Sinhala colonization in the North and East. Not a drop of  water from Mahaweli has come our way. Our Engineers tell us the Mahaweli water would never come to the North as envisaged now.

Departments such as Archaeology, Forest, Wild Life etc are expropriating our People’s lands. Similarly large scale expropriation of our resources are taking place. The Government in the Centre is only interested in fattening itself at the expense of the periphery. Hence our request to stop immediately Sinhalisation, Buddhistisation and Sinhala Colonisation  in the North and East taking place  now with State  connivance.

8. Jurisdiction of Mahaweli Authority and the application of the provisions of Mahaweli Development Scheme in the North and East must be terminated forthwith

The reasons are already clear as to why the jurisdiction of Mahaweli Authority which is only interested in Sinhala Colonisation in traditional Tamil areas, should be terminated.

9. Moragaskande  Irrigation Scheme and its recent programme of Sinhala Colonisation of the Vanni must be stopped

Under the pretext of helping us these Schemes are only helping the majority community to displace the indigenous people from their traditional homelands. 

10. Expropriation of People’s lands and illegal construction of  areas of worship

As earlier said Departments such as Archaeology, Forest, Wild Life etc are expropriating our People’s lands. Further large scale expropriation of our resources are taking place. The Government in the Centre is only interested in fattening itself at the expense of the periphery. Illegal construction of Buddhist places of worship are taking place with the help of the Forces without obtaining local Authorities’ permission. The mode of involvement in these matters is one of threat and violence. This should stop. Lands already expropriated by Departments must be freed from the effects of the Gazette Notifications that allowed these Departments to so expropriate. 

11. Legal obstacles placed on our youth and others receiving help from diaspora and elsewhere must be removed

Lots of obstacles remain in our people obtaining help for youth education and family livelihood projects. All such legal obstacles must be removed.

12. Priority to locals in obtaining jobs

Now lots of people from outside the two Provinces are given employment within the two Provinces overlooking the needs and wants of the locals. This practice must be done away with. The idea among the Governmental authorities seem to be to mix the People as much as possible so that the Tamils will not ask for any exclusive rights. They do not seem to realize that such mixing enures to the benefit of the majority community and to the detriment of the minority groups. They forget that such planned intake of outsiders at the expense of jobs for locals amount to a form of genocide.

13. To proclaim North and East as war affected areas and set up an Independent development mechanism under the supervision of Elected Representatives of the People

Ministers from the Centre trying to develop the North and East without proper planning and proper understanding of the local culture, climate, terrain and conditions must be done away with. Our People should be allowed to fend for themselves giving them adequate powers and authority to do so.

I have given you the thirteen requests and the reasons that prompt us to make those requests. We are the majority in the North and East and we continue to be so for centuries. We have not asked for a division of the Country. The reason you feel it is presumptious on our part is because you have been conditioned to believe this Country is Sinhala Buddhist and the Sri Lankan Tamils are a minority group which entered this Country only a thousand years ago during Chola Conquest. Truth is otherwise. We Hindu (Saivite) Tamils are the original inhabitants of this Country and we have lived in determinable distinctive areas of this Country from pre Buddhistic times. There was a time when many Hindu Tamils converted to Buddhism but after some time Buddhism got integrated with Hinduism. Even now many Buddhists go to Hindu Temples and worship Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Our wanting to look after our affairs without outside intrusions and interference is a very reasonable request if only the Sinhala Buddhists come out of their questionable Mahawansa mentality. 

The war had severely damaged the economy and infrastructure of the North and East. Also, the war had a devastating impact on the Tamil people. Post-war governments have failed in their responsibility to rebuild the war ravaged North and East. The post war development activities did not carry any hope or potential of creating a congenial situation to achieve sustainable peace and create a better and more stable future for the Tamil people in the North-East. The activities and the economic programmes that have taken place in the North East have completely failed to meet the needs of our war affected people. Abject poverty and misery are still dominant in many parts of the North and East. There should have been an interim special economic mechanism to rebuild the North and East soon after the war.  But that did not come to be. On the contrary the successive governments did not even allow the Northern Provincial Council to setup a Chief Minister’s Fund to get assistance from Tamil diaspora to help our war affected people. Private investments from abroad continue to be thwarted. For example a Middle East project in the Vanni to cultivate vegetables and fruits for export has been cruelly prevented from materializing. Relief and assistance to our war-affected people cannot be delayed anymore.  There is a pressing need to take immediate steps to embark on a comprehensive programme of development in the North and East. This can only be done by establishing an Independent Economic development mechanism through which Tamil Diaspora organisations and International Development Organisations would directly be able to engage in aiding the resettlement, rehabilitation and reconstruction process. 

Out of the above requests those that should be immediately solved must be found solutions within three months of the New President taking office. 

*Justice C.V. Wigneswaran -Former Chief Minister, Northern Province and Secretary General Thamizh Makkal Kootanii

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Latest comments

  • 13

    Gota would agree to this, then he will start another war.
    Federal situation is better, and Justice for all is better.
    Now we have a system of justice for people with political power and money.

    • 5

      C.V. Wigneswaran,

      RE: Presidential Election: On Our Thirteen Requests

      “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” is a philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and perception.

      The Para-Sinhala are not hearing it.

      The Para-Tamils are being colonized by the Para-Sinhala, just the same way the land was colonized by the Para-Portuguese, Para- Dutch and the Para-British earlier, and the Native Vedfdah Aethho were colonized at earlier times he Para-Sinhala and the Para-Tamils.

      “1. Recognise the individuality of the Tamils and grant a Federal Constitution”

      How long was thing going on? Para-Sinhala won’t . The last Separatist war the Tamils bungled up. Both the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils are equally stupid, mean IQ 79.

      Have you heard the expressions, Sinhalaya Modaya, Sinhala are fools, AND Tamulan Mootal, Tamils are fools?

      PS. Have any Tamil or Sinhal;a got to Nirvana, Nibbana or to Heaven? Any conclusive data?

      • 7

        “The Para-Sinhala are not hearing it.”
        “How long was thing going on? Para-Sinhala won’t . “

        True! Native Sinhalayo do not want to hear this talk about ‘Separate State’, ‘Federal Solution’, ‘Devolution of Power’ coming from the descendants of slaves brought to Sinhale illegally by ‘Para’ colonial parasites.
        Thanks to compassion shown by Native Sinhalayo, these ‘Para’ Malabars got citizenship in Sinhale. Otherwise these guys could have become Stateless because colonial parasites brought them from Malabar, exploited them to make money and abandoned them putting the responsibility on Native Sinhalayo.

        Racist bigot Chelavanayakam who came to Sinhale as a ‘Kallathoni’ started distorting the history of Native Sinhalayo to support his bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’ and Vigie is trying hard to keep it moving by adding more lies.

        • 0

          EE/HLDM – Your excessive reliance on your mentally sick concoction Tamils in the North came from Malabar a few centuries ago is a joke that you must bring to halt. Don’t you realise you are being laughed at by the more discerning readership. That you have a bone to settle with Tamils is clear – but, as an academic and once leading Editor of prestigious dailies, you must set better standards of debate. That Tamils have been in various parts of the island – predominantly in the NEP – is undeniable history. Don’t waste time trying to reinvent the wheel. With your low pranks you might convince some hard core Sinhala Buddhists extremists – but the better attuned Sinhala intelligentsia consider you a joke.

          Justice CVW’s comments in this thread are aimed at a more serious audience with the aim at arriving at a peaceful solution to the National Question, hopefully, soon. Please be civil and decent These features are not beyond you.

          R. Varathan

      • 6

        So you are looking for “conclusive proof on Nirvana ?” thats shows your complete lack of understading of the concept. This word “conclusive proof” has no meaning – it varies from person to person and time to time – Nirvana is no such path.

      • 3

        Amrasiri the Donkey: Read Abhidharma. IT is available even in English. Abhidharma explains what nirvana is, gives evidence to String theory, Super strings and quantum dynamics.

        • 3

          JD ,

          “PS. Have any Tamil or Sinhala got to Nirvana, Nibbana or to Heaven? Any conclusive data?”

          No, not yet.

          The ultimate goal of the Abhidharma is Nirvana and hence the Abhidharmikas systematized dharmas into those which are skillful (kusala), purify the mind and lead to liberation, and those which are unskillful and do not. The Abhidharma then has a soteriological purpose, first and foremost and its goal is to support Buddhist practice and meditation. By carefully watching the coming and going of dhammas, and being able to identify which ones are wholesome and to be cultivated, and which ones are unwholesome and to be abandoned, the Buddhist meditator makes use of the Abhidharma as a schema to liberate his mind and realize that all experiences are impermanent, not-self, unsatisfactory and therefore not to be clung to.

    • 11

      As long as the Tamils are concerned, both Gota and Sajith are the two sides of the same coin. Both are Sinhala Buddhist Nationalists.

    • 5

      Right to life is more important for minorities than these 13 demands. If Tamils don’t vote for Sajith it will be another 2005. You know what comes next.

      • 2


        Do Para-Tamils have intelligence and common sense? Repeatedly make the same mistake is stupidity.

        Is stupidity a virtue for Para-Tamils, just like it is for the Para-Sinhala? After all, they have more or less the same genetics.

  • 18

    Mr CVW has been absolutely spot on with his explanation to the 13 demands of the tamil parties. It is very sad that majority of the Sinhala Buddhist population have been brainwashed by successive governments since independence to believe that the tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka are inferior/different.

    My conclusion is that until this cancer of inferiority/superiority mentality exists, Sri Lanka can never become successful economically/politically.

    The main political parties on both sides of the divide, have to take the blame for what Sri Lanka is today.


    • 2

      The day that all these old hats without brains, but who are greedy up to the graveyard, this conflict will go on, wasting both money and precious time of younger generation who are innocent and suffering because of these FOOLS.
      see how can people use their designations once they have retired for ex. professor, general etc., it shows how little their brains and thinking power are. Sri Lanka is a beautiful country, but while these FOOLS keep on fighting putting tantroms like small children, the eagles out there capitalise all these trivial issues and they are the winning team bargaining every inch of the land and using our land, ports and air for their benefit. Remember HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, we can now realise how everything happened in 1815 until 1948, and even now, all conspiracies are taking place but we keep on fighting until we die and RIP. Please leave this land for our younger generation at least for them to live peacefully. so please don’t brainwash them, when we were young our parents showed us how to live in harmony with everyone, we didn’t;t have this this mood set, even now, shame on you. trying to divide this little dot on the world map. if there’s a GOD he will send all papayas to the HELL. God bless you !

  • 14

    Thank you Justice Wigneswaran for stating the rationale for each of the request the five parties made to the major candidates for the presidency. You left out the 1977 riots where Tamils from all provinces suffered and had to take refuge in the North and East. When many went back to claim the property Sinhala persons have occupied and taken over. Even to the extent those with whom they left the property for safe keeping has got the Deeds changed. This happened to two of my relatives – one from Ratmalana and the other from Anuradhapura.
    Please let the request remain and be reconfirmed by the 5 parties and not give into the two major candidates who are contesting as to who can be more tougher against the Tamils. They are not the solution. They have become part of the problem. If the Sinhala Buddhist does not act rationally and want to push their domination on the Tamils, we need to depend on ourselves and the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO REGAIN OUR RIGHTS.

    • 1

      For a moment place yourself as a Sinhalese living in south of Srilanka. Then think why do majority of the Sinhalese and their politicians refuse to meet Tamils’ demands since 1920s. Why do they fail to honour any verbal and written agreements undertakings and pacts; denies Tamils’ claim of discrimination and denial of their rights; why do they have a minority complex and fear of Tamils; what made them to think that they are a master race rule to govern the entire island and ” non Buddhists are racially and religiously inferior and infidels of a degraded race “. If you and your friends, as Sinhalese, could find reasons and answers to the above, then there could be more possibilities for the Tamils to find correct ways and means to convince the Sinhalese successfully. Unless the Sinhalese are thoroughly convinced by Tamils to come out of their fear myths resentments hostilities and intransigence, no one including the international community could regain tamils’ rights.

      • 2


        Very pertinent questions.
        For some answers, read Buddhism Betrayed by Dr. Stanley Thambiah, printed 1980. Chicago University Press, with a forward by Lal Jayawardana.

      • 0

        How much this “international community gain rights of Palestinians except bringing immigrant from Russia and ordering them to bulldoze Palestinian homes and kill them .

    • 2

      Your argument looks superficially very attractive but division of power itself does not a guarantee HR in a society plagued by a rigid caste system. Also, some demands specifying rigid separation of races are clearly discriminatory. Instead, I believe that it is time to scrap 13 A and looking for practical solutions by treating the ethnic issue as a basic HR issue. If the language is the biggest problem, then make it compulsory for public employees to be bi-lingual.

      I strongly believe that TNA’s experiment of appointing CVW as the CM of N PC became one of the biggest political failure. Since he was a retired SC judge, I also had big hopes that he would be able bring peace & prosperity to people who suffered most from the three decades old civil war. I thought that he would try to work with Gvt to encourage the return of diaspora to invest capital & the vast knowledge bring income & jobs to war ravaged region. Instead, he turned out to be the biggest flop by wasting time extremely valuable time on ethnic bickering.

      Economic & social problem of N & E are the same as everywhere: Lack opportunities to earn an income good enough for a decent living. Other issues are mostly cultural and therefore can be resolved by treating as HR related. Division of power via 13 A can resolve neither. Rather, it has the potential of making it even worse if the leaders become racists like CVW.

      • 2

        D. P.,
        You may be smart, but not clever! Knowing that Justice Wigneswaran will not debate you, you are using an equally respected, Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam to spew nonsense.
        1) The divide between Sinhalese and Tamils is a political issue, not a HR issue.
        2) It is not division of power Tamils are worried about. It is about our right to exercise it.
        3) You yourselves are not free of castes. Do not take cover under our caste prejudices.
        4) What is discriminatory is the State apparatus; Put it out before we shed our demands.
        5) When you dispense equal rights to both communities there won’t be demand for 13A.
        6) Language was never a problem, until you began to dispense rights based on languages.
        7) Justice Wigneswaran is apolitical. Choosing him for PM was not a political decision.
        8) A retired judge was chosen PM by us not for you to plunder the wealth of our diaspora.
        9) Bringing jobs to the war ravaged region is Government’s job. It robs us of even our jobs.
        10) Your leaders are the racists. We all pay the price for your racism.

    • 0

      Yes, the international community is waiting to make you all Sri Lankans their slaves on their very land like what happened in 1815 until now. Shame on you, because of these old hats, the younger generation is suffering for ever. God is waiting patiently to send these papayas to HELL. the day a girl is born in some families, it’s a burden on their shoulders because of their unreasonable marriage system, the girls’ parents have to make all the sacrifices to find the dowry to get her married to another beggar, who is not even privileged to use that dowry for the benefit of the newly wedded, but give all that to get their sisters married to other beggars wh in waiting, so from the day they are born, they don’t live and they don’t let others live in peace, I have so many friends who criticise and curse their own lot and praise the way we live on the other side. so no wonder the majority of their people live peacefully on the other side. Hope at least the younger generation or the millennials and the z generation will live happily ever after the day all these old hats perished and live their next life in HELL.

    • 0

      Wigneswaran tell us a lot of Balderdash about Tamil history in Sri Lanka. There were pockets of Dravidians, most along the coastal areas as remarked in the book by Karthigesu Indrapala. But they were NEVER a majority. In any case it is not history that matters, but who were residing in the North when Ceylon became a British Colony. Captain Percival, and British records are quite clear that the Moors were the dominant group, and then came the Malabars and the Sinhalese. October 22nd was the BLACK OCTOBER when the Tamil terrorists drove out the Muslims from the North, doing their “ethnic cleansing”.
      Wigneswaran wants to keep it ethnically ONLY FOR THE TAMILS.
      After having admitted that Colombo is a flourishing cultural mosaic, he does not explain why Jaffna too should not strive to becomes such a vibrant city like Colombo and not a mono-ethnic dump that even Wigneswaran and is kith and kin do not want to live in.
      The Muslims will return to the North in large numbers, Insha Allah.

      • 3

        Stop lying and distorting the truth , You keep on stating the same untruths and half truths , thinking a lie often told will become the truth . Karthigesu Indrapala had stated later all what he had written and stated is incorrect , as new scientific methods , DNA testing and evidence have proven what he stated earlier is all incorrect and Tamils were the original people residing in the north . Moors or you maen low cast immigrant South Indian Dravidian converts to Islam , who only largely migrated to the island a few centuries ago , largely during the late Dutch and early British period . They are not Moors , as this is an incorrect name , they never arrived from any part of North Africa or Arabia but from South India. When these people become a majority in the North . May be in a few villages in the Mannar region but not anywhere else. Any one can create fake web sites and Sinhalese and Muslims extremists are very busy creating these fake web sites to justify their fake claims.

  • 11

    I think all Sinhalese must become Tamils..
    Mr Vigeswaran says they have been there over 3000 years.

    Otherwise how can that 70 % inhabitant population survive going forward when 19,000 Sq Kilometers of the Land Mass will be controlled by Mr Vigneswaran’s Clan.

    Can 30,000 Sq Kilometers sustain 15 Million inhabitants ?
    Is it fair to have 5000 Sinhala people in One Sq Kilometer , when Mr Vigneswara;s people are on only 1500 to a Sq Kilometer..

    And Mr Vigeswaran even says One Third of the coast line for his 10% population is also well justified.
    Looks like even our little Protein Hit will be taken away by Mr Vigneswara’s Clan..

    Wonder whether the UNP Candidate Keselwatta Kid has singed off on Mr Vigeswaran’s 13 Demands?

    • 13

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “I think all Sinhalese must become Tamils..”

      No need Sinahala/Buddhists are the converted descendants of Kallathonie Tamils from South India.

      “Can 30,000 Sq Kilometers sustain 15 Million inhabitants ?”

      If you find it difficult you can always go back to South India your ancestral motherland where millions of non South Indians are swarming the state. Millions of Bengalis, Nepalis, ……… too are migrating to India. Indians will be happy to have all 21 millions of you back in their country.

      PLease go.
      When you go take your brethren with you.
      Go, Go, Go, Go, …………….. first boat should carry Weerawansa, Udhaya, Channa, Gnanasara, soman, Helass, …………….. Gota, Mhinda, Basil, Ravi Perera the Sinhalam speaking Demela, ……….. and you.

      • 6

        Dear Native,

        In this Eco Friendly age where Sustainability has become everything, your Vellala Clan want to keep One Sq Kilometer for 1500 of them.
        And force 5000 of us the majority to live like Johnwest’s Sardines with 5000 to one sq Kilometre..

        But you have been unable to justify this unreasonable demand of not only the ex Vellala CM Wigneswaran ,but also the whole TNA Clan , from Sivajilingams to Vellala Kid Abraham via Ponnambalam and Sridharan,.

        BTW, Where is Sampathar?.
        Has Sampathar started mounting the Podiums with his mate Dr Ranil to praise Keselwatta Kid . after Dr Ranil made that quip to the Media Scrum yesterday that he will be still the PM on the 17th..

        Has Vellala Wiggy sold his properties in Cinnamon Gardens?..

        • 4

          Mr. Sumanasekera,

          Sinhala people of so called lower castes because of their hatred towards Govigama Sinhalese, vent their anger towards the so called Vellala Tamils in this manner.

          Late S.J.V. Selvanayagam not only appointed candidates from the so called lower castes to contest national elections under Federal Party banner, even got one elected to the parliament in the fifties ( I think Kopay electorate).

          • 0


            Govigama Sinhalese are now as bad as us Dalits, after Dr Ranil’s Yahapalanaya.
            That is why they are now hand in hand creating this Nandasena Wave to wash away the UNP Elite and the Anglicans.

            That reminds me .
            I always liked Keselwatta Kid because he came from Keselwatta,
            Wonder whether he is Govigama too.

            BTW, Good to hear that late Mr Chelva or Selva had a soft spot for Lower Castes.And got one elected to Kotte from Kopai.

            I don’t know the caste structure of our Thamil Bros.
            But what I have heard from my Elders, is the treatment of the Lower Castes by the so called Upper Classes is not very pleasant in this day and age.
            Specially when all the Human Rights dudes both local and imported are right behind Chelva’s successor Sampathar and his TNA..

            Has the TNA elected any one from Kopai to sit in Kotte?…

            • 1

              Mr. Sumanasekara,
              The so called caste structure that existed before eighties was like oil and water that did not mix, but there was not any kind of subjugation. Also since fifties no so called caste difference was practised in school admissions and the children who studied and played together grew up not to identify as such in their adulthood. It is a concocted story on your part about your elders. Further I’ve seen while working in Anuradhapura in late eighties, the pottery maker caste were not allowed inside the fence of so called Govigama houses.

              It was a aberration when senior Premadasa ascended the presidency and the likes of late Athulathmuthali and G. Dissanayake were plotting against him. Even when junior Premadasa visited one head of Sinhala-Brutalism (aka: Sin-Hela Buddhism) called malwatte recently he was given a chair of little lower than that was of the latter. A picture of this appeared in most of Srilankan dailies.

              One of the qualification to be a candidate of TNA is good education and not the so called caste and no one speaks about it.

              Since you are calling us Thamil Bros, you sure must know the agony of subjugation by language, religion ( why the hell, the saffron clad shaven headed scum bags establish small concrete heaps called vihares in North and Eastern provinces where no Sinnedhalese live thereby paving the way for colonization and thus enabling ethnic dilution leading to ethnic cleansing), education, government employment and finally pogroms.

              Even with all the atrocities committed against Thamils still they only ask for Federalism in Srilanka for which people like you and the racist Sinnedhelese
              shout loud that, that will lead to separatism, like the way when late Selvanayagam agreed for district councils with late Dudley Senanayake the racist Sinnedhelese started the cry then that, that will lead to federalism.

              By the way the word Kotte was derived from the Thamil word “koattai” meaning castle.

        • 2

          KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

          Have you read all three manifestos?
          Could you summarise the salient points from each of the manifesto.
          I am still looking for Sivagilingam’s manifesto.
          If and when you locate it please let me have copy..
          Where do I find AKD’s manifesto?

          • 0

            Dear Native,

            Good Question, Mate, Thank You..
            I listed all of Nandasena’s Manifesto, point by point in another column to compare them with Dr Ranil’s 2015 Manifesto and his achievements.for the past 5 years. .-

            Rtd Judge Vellala Wigneswaran has been kind enough to present to us the TNA Manifesto which your other mate Sivajilingam is running with.

            You should ask your Comrades Dr Kumar, Dr Alwis and Dr Laksiri about JVP AKD’s Manifesto..

            The most important Manifesto of your odds on favorite to get the big Prize , Keselwatta Kid apparently is going to give it you soon.

            I am also so keenly waiting to see what other big surprises the Kid has listed besides,
            Free Menstrual Pads,
            Free manure,
            Jobs to all who apply for jobs and Samurdhi for the rest,
            24/7 personal service from a little Flat in Keselwatta with regularr peeing into our Dalits Bedrooms where there are no Curtains,
            And of course to force the Ministers to drag Logs in Wwater..

            Not sure what the last one means, but it certainly will come handy in the Monsoons.
            One more thing which I am anxiously waiting is Kelwatta Kids response to TNA & Wigneswran’s new13 Demands?.

            Now that Dr Ranil has declared himself as the new PM on the 17th, will the Kid just say Dr Ranil is going to take care of it..

            BTW , This Sivajilingam Dude…Is he from the Vellala Faction or the Dalit Faction of the TNA?..

            • 1

              KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

              As usual you have not answered my questions.

            • 1

              KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

              Now Gota should appeal to the voters by promising other things, such as free toilet rolls, free three cooked meals a day, free soap, shampoo, …. free bottle of whisky to every household, free electricity, free holidays abroad, free telephones, free escort services, free massage services, ….. free drugs, ……………………. free funeral services, ………. free wedding services, free accomodation, free houses, ….

              Only then rational voters could make informed choices.

  • 11

    The reality needs to be understood and accepted. The President of SL will always be a Sinhala Buddhist in my lifetime. Logic says so. So all those minority interest groups will need to decide which candidate is most likely to be supportive of their aspirations.

    Their aspirations cannot and must not come in the form of ‘demands’.

    If they wish to boycott the elections, so be it.

  • 12

    This is not what tamils wants, instead this is the election manifesto of wiggy and clan’s forhcoming election. Deep inside wiggy knows this is sinhala buddhist country.

    • 10

      Why not just round up all other races who are non-buddhist and gas chamber them once and for all.
      And live off the crums of your “SINHALA BUDDHIST LIBERATORS”
      You foolish morons deserve every bit of what is in store for you.
      What goes around comes around.


      • 9

        Well there are people who are reluctant to accept that this is a sinhala buddhist cointry. You are one of them. Thats the attitude slaves migrated to this wonderful land of freedom built up by the sinhalese.

        • 4

          Udesh, Quite often you come up with unfounded claims. Your finding that this is a Sinhala Buddhist country is one such bunkum. Why wouldn’t people be reluctant to accept it. Have you heard of the five Eeswarams that precede Buddhism. Who built them, – the Sinhalese?

          • 1

            Probably in your wildest dreams you might be thinking tamils built it. These were built by sinhala kings, you can refer to archelogy of it. Hence we also go to shiva temples as at today.

            • 3

              These Eshawarams are prehistoric and there were no Sinhalese people or even kings at that time. None of your ancient kings ever called themselves Sinhalese or Aryans as they were not. They were local Tamil Naga or from Dravidian South Indian dynasties. The king who converted to Buddhism was a Tamil Naga , his father was king Mutta Sivan , this is a pure Tamil name , meaning the great or venerated Lord Siva. Even your so called Duta Gamini had a Tamil Naga father as he was called Kaavan Thisan or Kakai Vanna Thisan. meaning the black king or the great protector in Tamil, Thisan was a very common name during the Sangam era , as evidenced by the Keeladhi excavations in Tamil Nadu. Sinhalese language and people only came into existence from the 7TH century AD. We refer to reliable archeology not the fake archeology from the so called Department of Archeology that is the handmaiden of Sinhalese extremism. Sinhalese worship and go to Hindu temples even today , as their ancestors were Tamil Hindus. This is why they worship Tamil Hindu/Dravidian gods like Siva , Murugan, Ayannar( Ayanayake) Pattini , Pillaiyar or Ganesha.. Everything about the Sinhalese reeks of Tamils but yet they are brainwashed to hate Tamils

              • 2

                What a fairytale again. Just simply tell me in which part of india did sinhala language spoken. Shame on you. Why dont you pack your bags and getout of our beautiful country. There are peace loving tamils and muslims in the who respect the history and the reality. So for you just getout

    • 6

      “This is not what Tamils want” – Absolutely right. Tamils want to kick out Sinhala racists from their home land so that they could live in dignity and safety.

      • 4

        You are wrong. Sinhalese never lived in Tamil nadu. We never migrated like wiggy’s ancestors like slaves.

        • 4

          Not only Sinhalese never lived in Tamil Nadu, Sinhalese did not live in Sri Lanka 1500 years ago. There were no Sinhalese when Vijaya and his gang arrived. The people who inhabited the land at that time were Veddhas who spoke their own language and Dravidians who spoke Tamil or some form of it, both of whom were Saivites. Sinhala ethnic group slowly evolved from these people firstly as semi-Tamil and subsequently when Sinhala language was invented 1500 years ago, into a new identity based on that language. Archaeological, genetic and linguistic studies prove this. Evolution of Sinhalese is similar to evolution of Malayalees both as off shoot of Tamil ethnicity. Unfortunately Sinhalese have been brain washed with lies and half truths making their minds clouded with racism.

          • 3

            Dr. Sankaralingam , these Sinhalese racists despite being of Tamil Dravidian origin, want to constantly rundown and spread misinformation and lies about Tamils and Dravidians , as they are brainwashed with lies and Mahavamsa myths, and like you stated , despite all their education , their minds are clouded with racism and they cannot come out of it.
            Recent Keeladhi excavations in Tamil Nadu proves what I stated , that the Dravidians in South India were not chased out but were already there and had moved out

            This is from today’s Hindu.

      • 4

        You see you must convince your self that this is a sinhala buddhist country. Deep inside you know it. So why are you lying to your self. Why not go to Tamilnadu which is your country and live like a king there. You’ll have very rich language and a rich culture. Why come here and feel secondary. Just think and think honestly.

  • 5

    wiggy has rewritten history
    he should have bee a history prof not a judge
    now we know why his children married sinhalese

  • 5

    Tamilian antiquity in Sri Lanka is a subject that cannot be decided upon in any conclusive manner. But it cannot be gainsaid that there were waves of migration over centuries not only from Tamil Nadu alone but also from other parts of Dravidian South India. These migrants or perhaps some conquerors before them have been voluntarily assimilated by the Sinhala polity. This was a marked phenomenon in about the 14th century when a large influx of Indian South West coast people migrated into the SL South West coastwho were largely assimilated. Some leading political families today belong to this category. In stark contrast, we have the Tamil Hindu community living for a very long time as a distinct people who didn’t opt to be assimilated. CVW wants to call them a distinct nationality aspiring to remain so in areas of North and East. This is justifiable and any request he makes to the Government based on his conviction deserves serious consideration. I think the Gnanasara doctrine of ‘assimilate or we annihilate’ will not work. Federalism, which was once advocated by the Kandyan Sinhalese could again be seriously discussed along with other alternatives ensuring greater devolution not merely to N&E but to other areas as well. Even asymmetrical devolution could be discussed. CVW should not insist on the three month time frame.

    • 8

      Federalism was not only advocated by Kandyan Sinhalese , it was proposed by SWRD Bandaranaiyaka and Banda-Chelva pact was based on that principles. The recent (2002 Oslo Peace accord) also accepted by both LTTE and Srilanka government to find a political solution based on Federalism. SLPP chairman Prof. GL Peries was the chief negotiator in this talks.

      • 0

        Federalism was opposed by Prabhakaran, and also by the TULF which backed him. Thiruchelvam was assassinated, and Chandrika lost an eye. No Sinhalese politician is going to give Federalism to the Tamils and get destroyed in the process. Because, the moment they get Federalism, those Tamil leaders will be bumped off by their boys who will want more. Note that Wiggi also wants “self-determination”. That is NOT federalism . Also Prabhakaran is Wiggie’s hero. Will you trust such politicians?.
        He talks of Swiss Cantons. he doesn’t know history. Swiss Cantons were independent regions which GAVE UP their rights to confederate, and it was NOT a case of a big nation splitting up.

  • 6

    Tamil politicians should stop grinding the floor ( not grain ) time after time. ( araichcha mavai araippathu ) Fed up of hearing these cries that wouldn’t bring any relief or solutions. It reminds me of school days when class teacher cane you, you start crying; more you cry, more you are caned. Same with the Sinhalese. More you ask, more and more you are hammered by the Sinhalese. Tamils should stop this hundread year old approach and start thinking afresh. New ways and approach to be found; new strategy and tactics are needed now. To succeed Tamils should restudy the opponents of their rights, opponents’ reasons for creating one race one nation one blood, cause of their fear of being swamped by Tamils , reasons for their intransigence and their boomiputra buddhaputra mindset built from nineteenth century by many journalists dramatists novelists, monks and politicians, reasons for their minority complex in spite of being a majority community etc; Sinhalese have gone through the stages of nationalism communalism racialism racism chauvinism and finally reached fascism. Successive rulers and Tamil Muslim politicians have played a role in bringing the communities against each other. It is obvious that State is against Tamils for political reasons but all Sinhalese are not against Tamils. Tamils should identify meet and talk with those Sinhalese and both need to find alternative ways to end institutionalised racism, intransigence , hate, religious fanaticism and violence. This is not an easy path but I believe this is the only way out for the Tamils as well as other communities to live as equal citizens with fundamental rights dignity peace and prosperity.

    • 0


      Grinding flour not floor. Typo error

  • 8

    He does not say anything about resettlement of +50% Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival) presently living outside NE.
    We can accept them only within a unitary state as at present. The moment North and East are recognised as a federal unit Tamils in areas outside that federal unit must be relocated.


    • 3

      Soma there is an easier solution than relocating your so called +50% Tamils living outside into north and east. That is incorporating areas outside north and east where Tamils are living into that federal unit. Do you not think that this may not happen.

      • 6

        Dr. Gnana
        I was waiting until someone says this. Now take the map of Sri Lanka and mark where the Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival) live. Now forward this to International Community who will tell you IN VIEW OF THE DEMOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF TAMILS ( all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival) ACROSS THE ISLAND THEIR IS NO CONCEIVABLE SOLUTION TO THE ETHNIC PROBLEM IN SRI LANKA. You will find that easiest solution of all is to continue living as we do now if the Tamils wish to live where they are.
        However remember


    • 5

      You keep repeating this rubbish in all your posts. There are more Scots outside Scotland than within it, but do the borders of Scotland change? No, because Scotland is the historic homeland of the Scots. Do the Scots outside Scotland have to move back to Scotland? NO! Same with Tamils, the North East is the historic homeland of the Tamils. You need to move on with your tired numbers argument!!

      • 3

        There were more Chinese living in Malaya (75%) than in Singapore (25%). Did this prevent the birth of a new nation seceding from Malaysian federation. With new archaeological finding surfacing disproving earlier position, it is rank racism on the part of Sinhalese to claim that they are the sole owners of the entire land.

      • 1

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

        For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 3

      It is a pity that federalism is interpreted as Divison even after the Courts have ruled it out by Sinhal judges.’. The crux is that the Sinhalese want to consider themselves as the ruling class.

  • 2

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    For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

  • 2

    It doesn’t matter what he says. Whether Tamils were on the island for 300 or 3000 years. Within 30 years, Muslims will be the dominant minority. Muslims will be at least 20%, while Tamils will be lucky to be at 10%.

    • 3

      Dream on racist it will never happen, despite all the ethnic cleansing, chasing away more than a million indigenous Thamizh to the west and making more than a million Indian origin estate Thamizh stateless and deporting hundreds of thousands of them to India , Thamizh are still the second largest majority and are outright majority in 7 of the 24 districts in the island and make up 95% of the population in the north and the largest community in the east. You may dream of this but it will never happen

    • 3


      “Muslims will be at least 20%, while Tamils will be lucky to be at 10%.”

      You do not seem to understand the power of Jihadi Love. The way things are in 50 or so years time you will see (provided if you live that longer and I wish you a long life) 50% Muslims, 40% Sinhalese, 10% Tamils.

      Are you planning to fit chastity belt for each Sinhala woman to prevent them carrying Muslim babies?

    • 5


      You are right and you know why . Too much F..k..g

  • 6

    Wiggy does not believe in his own demands. He knows they are impossible to grant. He is just posturing, trying to show that he is the ‘saviour of the Tamils’. With leaders like this is it any wonder the Tamils have always been losers?

    • 6

      Time has changed and Tamils will not be losers anymore. When Prabaharan was alive due to his intransigence, Tamils were tarnished, but after he was killed, Sinhalese have exposed themselves as the real cause of the problem. Ask for yourself, why after ten years of meekness, Tamils have suddenly got the courage to challenge Sinhala psyche.

      • 4

        My good Dr, Tamils have been on the losing side for 5000 years. The original Dravidians (before the Aryans invaded) – inhabitants of the great Indus Valley civilization – were dark-skinned people. They bear genetic and other similarities to the Australian Aboriginees, who crossed over to India during the Ice Age. The Aryans demolished this civilization, enslaving the inhabitants. Those fair skinned, high-caste beauties like Eelamist Usha S Sri-Skanda Rajah are progeny of the Aryan-Dravidian copulation. The Dravidians also incorporated the Aryan caste system into their own culture. Naturally, Tamils have always opposed this outside invasion but with limited success. From a historical viewpoint, it is extraordinary that this fight continues even today, in places like Sri Lanka. Tamils are in a position similar to the Jews during the early 20th century. Economically successful, but politically asphyxiated. The Jews eventually won through international pressure, but that is only because of the Holocaust.

        • 6

          Stupid creature all Dravidians are not dark skinned , the people of the Indus valley civilisation had various skin tones. Get your facts correct. The latest facts established the Aryans never demolished their civilisation , but gradually crept in and then inter married, the Dravidians were abandoning it and moving further south due to climatic changes. They were not genetically similar to the Aborigines but were mixed , as the original Dravidians or Elamites arrived from western Asia and then gradually many of them not all mixed with the Aboriginal population there. The higher strata amongst them were hardly mixed compared to the lower strata . It is amazing how ignorant people are , Dravidians are a lank haired Canaanite people, they did not originate in Ethiopia , they are the original Mediterranean and Sumerian culture , the Dravidians mixed with the Semitic Akkadians and Amorites and they also mixed with Indo-Aryan types(Lydians who are the Neo-Hittites. they are Canaanites an they are not Mongoloids or Australoid . They were in the Mediterranean in ancient times. The Mediterranean Peoples (Dravidians) (Extracts from The Original Indian” An Enquiry by Dr. A. Desai. How the Mediterranean people came to be called Dravidians makes interesting story. The Pre-Hellenistic Lycians of Asia Minor, who where probably the Mediterranean stock called themselves Trimmili. Another tribe of this branch in the island of Crete was known by the name Dr(a)mil or Dr(a)miz. In ancient Sanskrit writings we find the terms Dramili and Dravidi, and then Dravida . which referred to the southern portion of India. South India was known to the ancient Greek and Roman geographers as Damirica or Limurike. Many of the low caste or Dalit Tamil have more of the Australoid mixture and this is seen in their features , however the most of the middle and upper castes have typical Mediterranean Caucasoid face structures and features and their skin colour may vary from dark to light brown .tanned. Some have Indo Aryan mixture.

          • 1

            Sankaran aka Pandi Kutti,

            Why don’t you quote from official sources, instead of Tamilnet, if you are so sure?

            “As to the second point, there are very few languages elsewhere in the world with a system of contrasts anything like those found in Australia…. Perhaps most similar to Australian languages are the Dravidian languages of southern India. Tamil, for example, has five places of articulation in a single series of stops, paralleled by a series of nasals, and no fricatives (thus approaching the Australian proportion of sonorants to obstruents of 70% to 30%). Approaching the question from the opposite direction: according to the latest WHO data on the prevalence of chronic otitis media (Acuin 2004:14ff), Aboriginal Australians have the highest prevalence in the world – 10-54%, according to Coates & al (2002), up to 36% with perforations of the eardrum. They are followed – at some distance – by the Tamil of southern India (7.8%, down from previous estimates of 16-34%) to develop.” This is from the Department of Speech Pathology & Audioogy, School of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide and Research Centre for Linguistic Typology La Trobe University, Melbourne

            Dravidians are originally dark by complexion, nothing wrong with this. It is laughable to say that they are the founders of any Meditarranean or Sumerian culture. Alexander the Great’s descendants are still there in Pakistan, they are called the Kalash. Do they look Tamil to you? /watch?v=T9fuOT5AXTo

            • 3

              Stupid armchair racist from London you are trying to rundown the Tamils and Dravidians with your fake identities , when most Sinhalese are descended from largely low caste Dravidians.( Tamils) but brainwashed to think they are Aryans. So are most North Indians , they are Dravidian or Dravidian hybrids, it is only the extreme north west of India that western Asian genes predominate but even here , Dravidian genes are around 30-70 % depending on the region and caste. This is why most South Asians look very similar and behave very similarly and this includes Sinhalese like you . Australian languages are not Similar to Dravidian languages but very different but you find words that have crept in due to ancient trade and migration. There is nothing to be ashamed of dark skin and Tamils are the only people in India who are proud of their dark skin and call black or dark skinned beautiful , All other Indians including the Sinhalese who are Dravidian , are ashamed of who they are and try to invent fake Aryan or Arab ( in the case of Sri Lankan Muslims) origins. The Dravidians arrived from the eastern Mediterranean into India and this is a fact. and then many of them mingled with the Aboriginal population already living there , this is also a fact. The population in the Indus valley civilisation ere all not dark skinned but were mixed. This is also a fact. You are one of these Sinhalese racists who constantly wants to run down the Tamils and the Dravidians , despite the fact that most Sinhalese are descended from Dravidian Tamils. I am no Pandi Kutti or Nai Kutti and as a Brahmin it is an abomination for me to take such names , even in jest. I can fight my own fights and do not have to rely on fake identities with calling me a Christian with some animal identity

            • 3

              There is nothing more ridiculous than a sinhalese mocking tamils as dark skinned dravidian losers. When Sinhalese themselves are the same people. Its blatantly obvious to the point that even a blind bat can see it.
              And did you know that the buddha was an african? His oldest depictions show him as a man with afro hair. I did some research on this and it seems during his time there were ethiopians and ancient egyptians living in India. Though africans are not dravidians, they are still a dark race of people. So it makes you look even more like a modaya to call yourself a ‘sinhala buddhist aryan’ and mock ‘dark skinned dravidians’.

              • 4

                The people of Europe ,Asia ( this includes the middle east or western Asia) , Australia, the Americas and Oceania are all descended from one lot of people who originally left Africa together as one group and moved first in to what is called the Arabian Gulf. These people are first out of Africa group , It is from here that they branched off and gradually moved to various parts of the world. Therefore despite all current different skin colour and looks , the ancestors of all these people , are all descended from the same original out of Africa group. Therefore they all carry the same amount of original African genes , no more or no less. This is the same for the European , Chinese, Japanese, Dravidian, Indo Aryan , Australian Aborigine, Eskimo, American Indian or anyone. The difference in skin colour or looks does not make any difference . All these people carry the same amount of the original African genes. Later modern African migration occurred due to slavery( ancient and modern , Roman/Ottaman empire , slave traders , western and Arabs) and forced migration this, more recent African DNA is actually found in modern day Europeans, especially the Mediterranean lands and now even in Britain , France USA , South American and Western Asians (especially Arabs) and not amongst Indians , Dravidian or Indo Aryan or other Asians. Indians hardly carry any modern day African genes, other than the original out of Africa DNA , that all ancient non African people have in them However Indian people have a lot of Indian Australoid( not Australian ) and Mongoloid genes in them and this is a fact. Only stupid ignorant people , keep on stating the Dravidians because of their darker skin should have more African DNA than the others , when in reality it is not. It is the people of Europe and Western Asia or the Middles East/North Africa who have more of modern African mixture and DNA and this is a fact. Therefore these stupid ignorant North Indians and Sinhalese should shut up .

          • 3

            Here are some of the links regarding the origin of Dravidians Moderator please allow as many anti Tamils here are trying to promote lies and fake history


            The Tamil work for god or Siva is also Eesan , which means the one who delivers, provides or gives , This term to describe god is still commonly used by both Hindu and Christian Tamils. Eesan. This is very similar to the ancient Hebrew word Yeshua meaning deliverer or rescuer, It is from Yeshua that Jesus is derived meaning the same thing. The ancient Tamil word for Sungod was El and a male was called Ellan or Ellalan and the female version was Ellama , Telugus and Kannadigas say Yellama and Ellama/Yellama is still worshipped as a goddess.

      • 2

        Ask for yourself, why after ten years of meekness, Tamils have suddenly got the courage to challenge Sinhala psyche.

        They imagine they are challenging it, but they are not After being one of the most pampered minorities in the world they are still not satisfied. See reply to Sellam below..

        • 5

          You are indeed one nasty piece of racist goods . Racism and anti Thamizh hatred is constantly oozing out from all your posts . Pathetic creature with a fake id

          • 3

            Hello Pandiya you are a typical expatriate Tamil burning with venom because you , lost the language issue, lost Z score admissions, lost peaceful negotiations, lost the war, lost lost lost. Well at least you are a consistent loser.

            • 3

              This answer of yours proves what I stated is correct. . You are indeed a nasty piece of racist. Just Thamizh demands and rights is an issue to you and denying Thamizh rights, use of Thamizh language and entry to university for Thamizh students is a victory for you. Pathetic racist creature, constantly posting anti Thamizh garbage under a fake Muslim identity instead of his or her Chingkalla identity to deliberately create friction between Thamizh and Muslims. We may have now lost the battle not due to the Chingkallams , as they are pathetic and not capable of anything but thanks to India, China, Pakistan and many western nations , like the USA and Britain but ultimately will win the war , as the world now realizes it was not the LTTE or the Thamizh that was the problem but the Chingkallams , as most of them are racist to the core like you and are the real cause of the problem. They have also realized that the Chingkallams are liars and unreliable. They promise to do many things and once they get what they want , will not honour this promise or keep their word. Thamizh realised this long ago. Are jealous that I am living in the west , instead of your genocidal hell hole ? Longing to get out? Or you may be one of these Chingkallams, who are living the good life in the west and all the perks it offers but want chaos racism genocide to go on in the island. Fake arm chair patriots

    • 3

      What do you mean by impossible demands? As long as somebody has to’ Grant’ it will be impossible, but if you decide to share it will be possible like the children of a family sharing their parents’ wealth.

      • 4

        Ignore him or her. A nasty piece of extremist goods posting lies and half truths under a fake identity

      • 2

        Anaga I know what you mean and I accept that. See my reply to Sellam below and ignore the little pig.

  • 5

    Former Chief Justice and Former Chief Minister of Northern Province explained clearly the requests made by five Tamil political parties for discussion with the presidential candidates. None of the presidential candidates did not respond to that request because they are slaves of Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism and they are afraid of Sinhala voters. They only talk about Kalmunai parades Saba and Sainthamaruthu parades Saba promotions but not about devolution of power or release of prisoners or investigation of crimes against humanity during war.
    It is a well known truth even they do not have backbone to investigate the murder of Lasantha or Thayaudeen or even 60000 Sinhala people who were dumped under the soil. They do not have the backbone to investigate the Dalada Maligawa bomb blast Karuna Amman or International arm supplier to LTTE and Rajiv Gandhi murder accused KP (even India). They couldn’t even find any one of the Easter Bomb terrorists. This is the status of Sinhala politics. This is the status of our democracy.
    So, for my Tamil and Muslim Politicians, it is always advisable to keep low during this competition and leave the people to decide the who they wish to votes. They are much knoweldgeable to understand the situation and to act wisely. The country and people suffered badly again and again in the political war and Tamils and Muslims are the ones who are the victims of horror and violence. Voting is your right or not you have to vote in this election. Whether you vote or not the blame only fall on you, not on the majority community. It is unavoidable. It is true the future of the country depends on who comes to the power and let the Sinhala people to make their choice.

  • 8

    Even if the 13 requests are given to the Tamils and a federal state, who is going to govern. You know Mr.Wigy the Tamils were unable to run the Northern provincial council as there were internal disputes bribery, favouritism and what not.. The few of the 13 requests were demanded by the Tamils over and over again for a decade. This is not new Mr.Wigy but coming from a new leader. It won’t take you very far and do not waste your energy and time. Be realistic. What happened to the Trio from the TNA. They have made their fortunes.

    • 1

      The reigns of the provincial council were with the government and how can it be governed by members?.

  • 2

    If the majority Sinhalese could adopt a system of government similar to Singapore giving the minorities a major status in the administration of the nation, there is no need for a demand for federalism. In the UK parliament, there is a Pakistani origin being the secretary for treasury , an Indian origin a Home Secretary and several ethnic minorities being in the cabinet and administrative jobs. Why can’t there be in Sri Lanka

    • 9

      This will happen if you drop those demands. We are waiting to embrace you with open arms.


      • 4

        Soma, What happened to those Tamils who surrendered into your ‘open arms’ in May 2009? When you answer this question honestly, we will think of dropping our demands!

        • 2

          Every one of them, numbering about 14,000 were rehabilitated and released to the Tamil.society. Tigers who died in the fighting, those who swallowed the cyanide pill and managed to creep into Canada, Australia, UK, Switzerland etc. are unaccounted. There are about 300 hard core terrorists under remand custody whose cases are pending. Their cases are unduly delayed because Tamil politicians want to call them ‘political prisoners’


          • 0

            Soma, Read back my question. Read your answer back. Have you answered the question I asked you, or your own question. Don’t waste my time writing nonsense.

        • 0

          Why there should be internal disputes within the minority.

      • 0

        Do it and then see. Give the premiership to wiggy and you will see wonders.

    • 3


      ‘giving the minorities a major status in the administration of the nation’

      There has not been a single Government since 1948 without Tamil Ministers, MPs, Chairmen, Heads of Departments, DIGs, Ambassadors etc. The same applies to Muslims and Christians. You really want your own country don’t you?

      • 3

        Bawa, Yes then they were clerks and chief clerks. One or two ministerships were given on a memorandum of understanding basis. Then most of the Sinhala people were illiterate( even now) and he Tamils who were most educated (not now) carried out the administration of the country but the leadership was Sinhalese.

        Give the premiership to a Tamil (Wiggy) and a couple of ministry and then see what happens. yet a regional administration is good for the people as the administration is close to them.

  • 3

    Who ever follows this stupid ideas or demands does not want Tamils to come out their suffering. All the good Tamil leaders like Amirthalingam, Kathirgamer & Neelan have been bumped off .

  • 3

    Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims all should live one Sri Lanka. But the same you have to understand 70% is Sinhalese (majority) and rest tamils and muslims (minority) . If minority try to give hard time to majority then it will not work. Unless if there is a Sinhalese leader who has no balls.

    • 10


      Can put your hand on Heart and tell me who has been Brutalising who for the last 71 and if you cannot acept your failures then in my Book you are another Racist Sinkalam I m sorry. You have all the State Apparatus in your hand and all we have at the moment is bare hands.

  • 5

    This mind boggling and full of ” non achievable” demands put forward by these worthless fellows who are well qualified. Their intellectual capacity is Zilch , Zero or nought. The questions or demands should not give me this or do this first. The Tamils need to understand that North and East is never ever going to amalgamated as per JR / Ghandhi pact. Even during the well disciplined and hard core LTTE days, the Eastern cadres separated and could not function as one unit. Now, with the ill discipline mindset of so called Tamil leaders what chances are there? Do not even park this idea, give it up.
    Wake up Tamil mass and think critically where you want to be and how are going to get there. Yet again your (Non) leadership is letting you down.
    Be part of the unitary state and enjoy the prosperity.

    • 5

      Yes to Mahavamsa infused Chingalla racists like you any just Thamizh demand is unreasonable and unrealistic, as this is what your pea sized racist brain tells you. The north and east were amalgamated for thirty years and only thanks to Thamizh traitors like Karuna , who is even rejected by the eastern Thamizh and Chingkalla led racist governments it was separated again. Nothing in unattainable , may for you , as you are a racist with zilch intellectual capacity and a pea sized racist brain

    • 2

      If Vigneswaran has no intellectual capacity. Then what does that make yours? Almost certainly in minus numbers.

  • 4

    Hi “Wiggy”

    Someone asked: “I saw your thirteen demands. As a minority group how could you demand a division of the Country? It seems presumptuous on the part of the five Tamil Political Parties to demand so. Your comments.

    *** 13 Requests is very generous in the context of Sri Lanakn politics and state of affairs. You are very mild and if any one asked me that question I would have broken the nose of that person just like Gotha . I am sure you saw his inteview with the Indian Journalist. He is a hot tempered man due to inadequacies in his childhood and that is his nature
    There is no point in asking these guys any question as they are not going to give you anything as even Sajith has backtracked and has embraced a War CRIMINAL Shanvendra, The key to all out problems is India as the only jurisdiction that reigns supreme in Sinhala Lanka is Indian Jurisdiction.
    I appeal to all of you to abstain from voting in the upcoming General Election and let Gotha in by default and he will be a LAME DUCK President. Heis a sick man which is obvious from his frequent vistis to Singapore ( which might be a ploy) and all he wants is the Presidency to escape Proseuction and he probably feels he might not be around for very ling and mught bite the dust during the presidency. He is certainly not going to pull any punchess.

  • 3

    Just a comment: Sri Lankans have no problems living as non Federalist minorities in the US, Australia or Canada and getting rich. We don’t a federal state of Sri Lankans to succeed there: we integrate and we compete.

    These demands are ill-timed , archaic and overly Tamil-centric. More self government may be seen as the answer but the answer is simper a greater or better government. (Good Governance?)

    No point upsetting the Sinhalese by making demands or requests. Simply request that the Constitution and laws of the land are followed and all people are treated equally. Nothing less nothing more.

  • 1

    “We must once again ensure that people of the Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, and other communities of this country are able to live together harmoniously, with honour and dignity in an undivided country, under one law.”

    This is the promise of a presidential candidate : hold him to it.

  • 4

    Hi Wiggy

    I have just read this piece of news;

    Nephew Namal offers to be substitute for Gota in debate

    *** Can you ask your Sahalan “Vasu” to ask Gotha the following

    1) Is it because he is feeling down and out nd is not confident if he can keep his promises
    2) Has a vocal chrd paralysis
    3) Middle of the debate he may have to catch a plane to Singapore for urgent treatment

    Answers please to kali@heaven.com

  • 0

    Your honor
    Your proactive reports are unfairly forcing
    My clients to think!
    My clients were taught to move with the flow!
    They were told not to think
    The origin of their language or faith!
    You unfairly demoralized our poor souls
    By referring our history
    Starting from three digits!
    You forget the fact
    Our history could also be changed
    You also put me to play defense
    Because I also have some clients
    Their history of faith in our land
    Started with two digits!
    Your honor
    All I’m begging is
    Can you kindly consider starting our history
    From a single digit?
    Do you know why?
    Because we are our own masters!

  • 0

    Even if the 13 requests are given to the Tamils and a federal state, who is going to govern. You know Mr.Wigy the Tamils were unable to run the Northern provincial council as there were internal disputes bribery, favouritism and what not……
    This exactly the argument put forward by the British when India fought for independence. The fact of the matter is bad governance is better than slavery.

    KA Sumanasekera

    Otherwise, how can that 70 % of the inhabitant population survive going forward when 19,000 Sq Kilometers of the Land Mass will be controlled by Mr Vigneswaran’s Clan.

    Can 30,000 Sq Kilometers sustain 15 Million inhabitants? Is it fair to have 5000 Sinhala people in One Sq Kilometer, when Mr Wigneswara’s people are on only 1500 to an Sq Kilometer?

    By the same logic the 80 million Tamils living in just 120,000 sq. km (Density 555 per sq.km) across the Palkstraigt may decide to invade Sri Lanka where 22 million people occupying only 65, 610 sq.km (Density 340 per sq.km) That is a fair proposition?

    What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gender as well. That is if one person is allowed to do something or to behave in a particular way, then another person must be allowed to do that thing or behave in that way, too. … as ye sow, so shall ye reap idiom.

  • 1

    The correct thing for the Tamil Political Leaders is to tell the Tamils to go to the Polls and cast their votes to any candidate they wish to see as their President. Tamils do know how to choose the LESS EVIL one. Putting forward proposals to the Presidential candidates is NOT the right thing to do. It’s like shooting their own feet.
    Tamils should turn up at the polls in toto.

  • 4

    I agree that Tamils are hard-working and diligent. Even after the devastation of a long-drawn civil war, a casual visit to Jaffna proves how disciplined they are on the roads, always giving way, courteous and giving consideration for others while accepting minor delays and not overtaking every vehicle in front like in other cities of the south of SL.

    Wigneswaran, however is not being practical in claiming superiority over the Sinhala people. It will only help alienate Tamils in areas where they live among the Sinhala people. While it is almost guaranteed that if given full autonomy, the North and East will flourish like SL can never aspire to, within the socio-political framework that currently exists, it is hard to convince the Sinhala people.

    Nationalism must be dismantled by all ethnicities, as it merely fuels differences and never highlights similarities. The Muslims suffer immensely due to their need to distinguish themselves apart from the society in which they live. That should be a lesson for Tamil politicians who aspire to achieve positions of power on the basis of historical truths. It is similar to an Australian aborigine wanting a separate state due to having inhabited that land for sixty-thousand years.

    • 3

      Prof Lasantha Pethiyagoda, Your comparison of the conduct of Muslims with that of Tamils, is shallow thinking. So is your imagination that Tamil demands are comparable to an Australian aborigine wanting a separate state. You might want to look at these again. Thank you.

      • 3

        What you state is correct, the Tamils are an ancient people from the island and they had their own kingdom and chiefs and ruled themselves and their lands in the island until European colonisation , just like the Sinhalese. whose kings and aristocracy were largely of Tamil descent. The Sinhalese have gained their independence , thanks to the British but the Tamil have not. They have gone from the frying pan to the fire , again thanks to the British. Instead of comparing the Eelam Tamils to people like the Scots or Catalans , he shrewdly compares them to the Island’s Muslims who have no ancient history in the island and are largely descended from Dravidian converted immigrants from South India , now falsely claiming to be of Arab heritage when 99% of them, are definitely not. and the Australian Aborigines , an ancient nomadic people who had different concepts of land and nationhood. If Sinhalese can have nationhood so can Tamils, as they were a nation. Sinhalese only achieved this now thanks to the British who gave this to them in a platter and denied this to the Tamils. If Tamil just demands for language, lands employment and security is not met and then demand for their lost nationhood is just and not absurd and trying to compare their situation with people who have different histories and circumstances to justify denial of Tamil rights is absurd. This is what the Sinhalese are very good at.

    • 3

      I don’t think Vigneswaran or Pirabharan or any other political leadership thinks that Tamils are superior or inferior to Sinhalese. Tamils also did not willingly thought separation is the best option for them. Tamils concerns based on the riots that happened in 1958, 1962, 1977 and 1983 are happened or sponsored by the state machinery. So, the security of Tamils, their language, their culture can be assured by a form of power sharing where the central state which is always dominated by Sinhala political leadership. Have you got any other mechanism or governing system that guarantee safety of the Tamils, language and religion? You know that Sinhala political leadership use the racism as a vehicle of coming to power, not economic policies. Don’t you think this kind of politics should be eradicated from this soil for better Srilanka. United Srilanka is better than Unitary (Sinhala dominant) Srilanka.

  • 4

    Sinhalese as a people have to be taken to a lab and their brains need to be reset. Because since the day they are born, they are brainwashed to hate tamil (their own ancestors). Their entire identity as they grow up is based on hatred of tamils. With such a people, it is not possible for tamils to live in peace, prosper and have their share on the island. They will go to great lengths to lie, distort and alter the history of the island to make it seem like sinhala buddhists were the indigenous people, and that tamils only arrived much later. Which makes no logical sense seeing how Sri Lanka is right next to tamil nadu. And on top of that they are deeply jealous of minorities who work hard and prosper. And we have seen the devastation caused by that jealousy from 1948 to this day. So the requests made by Wigneswaran will not be honoured by any of the racist sinhalese leaders. Even if there was one (some say Anura) who was willing to honour the requests, he will be branded a traitor of the sinhala race and that will be his end. So its only from international community action against Sri Lanka, that things will change. I do sense that the karmic tides are shifting in favour of tamil people.

    • 1

      So according to you, if Sinhalese were brainwashed to say that Tamils came to Sri Lanka first and the history of Sri Lanka is Tamil, then they can pass your test of no racism, friendliness, right?
      That is exactly what I am saying, the ethnic conflict in SL between Sinhala and Tamil is about history. The Tamils believe they are the first in SL and that Sri Lanka was a Tamil country and that Sri Lanka should be a Tamil country. So the where is the problem?
      Thanking you for putting across the root cause of the problem in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka and in the world over, the ultra Tamil nationalists have created a history narrative where the Tamils are brainwashed into thinking their language is the oldest in the world, the whole sub continent were Tamils, and hence Sri Lanka was Tamil and Sinhala Telugu, Malayalam everything evolved from Tamil etc etc. Some Tamil jokers whom they regard as scholars of history consider Tamils began living in South Asia 50000 years and HOMO DRAVIDA is a form of human. Non Tamils will find this as ridiculous and funny. But this is the problem. The historical revisionism created by ultra Tamil nationalists is the root cause of the problem in SL.

  • 2

    Our 13 requests, what a joke. This donkey knows the goverment will nevert allow a single. This is merely for his and his collegeues political gain. Thats it. Now what they are doing is making racist speeches to make the tamil people emotional. Tamils go blindly and cast their vote. This is the samething happening to sinhalese. What a joke this country is becoming. Atleast as at now nobody got killed or murdered

  • 0

    Why not a federal form of government for Sri Lanka?
    Can the Majority Singhalese justify that after 1948 Sri Lanka was developed purely by the Majority community? If India once ruled by the British could have a federal form of government after its independence, then why not Sri Lanka Provincial council is an eyewash with depleted powers to deceive the minority community. The agreement with India to join North and East was violated through the Judiciary. Judiciary plays to the tune of the Majority community. How many pacts were torn into pieces? Can the international community trust the Singhalese? Why can’t Sri Lanka could have the same system as in India.? It was the biggest mistake British made when they gave Independence to Sri Lanka. They adopted a policy so that they wanted Lanka to have ethnic problems after independence. They knew about the communal riots between Singhalese and Muslims during their rule. Singhalese is a violent community although they preach Buddhism, Hence British should not have trusted the Singhalese. and that community let them down. Even in the Eelam war, many countries supported Sri Lanka and LTTE fought a lonely battle. Sri Lanka did not respect the Geneva convention and murdered the fighters who surrendered carrying a white flag. They killed the family of LTTE leader even the 12-year-old son after feeding him with biscuits An act takes vengeance Is this what Buddha preached them. Even India cheated the Tamils and because of it, Sri Lanka won the war The agreement was that Sri Lanka will give all rights to t North and East. Again the majority community cheated, What is wrong in giving the rights to the Tamils. They had their own Kingdom before the British combined the kingdoms that and ruled the country as unitary country They trusted the Singhalese.

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