21 January, 2025


Reflections On A Mahinda-State Versus A Gota-State, Puzzle: Two Versions Of Rajapaksa Authoritarianism

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

Of course I am disappointed by the presidential election outcome for two reasons. I wished for at least 700,000 votes for Anura to kickstart an alternative to the rotten two-party hegemony of the post-1975 decades; second, I wanted Gota defeated as I perceived in him as an autocrat. The first was unexpected as I was confident Anura would do much better. Regarding the second, those who read me between the lines would have realised that I did not expect Sajith to win outright and was pinning my hopes on a second-preference count. In the event even Anura’s total absence would not have mattered, the swing to Gota was huge among the Sinhalese and especially the Sinhala-Buddhists (SB).

I have mulled over the statistics and confidently assert that 72% of SB voters opted for Gota. Well over half non-Buddhist Sinhalese also supported him thanks to the untiring efforts of our blessed Cardinal. The former votes alone would have pushed Gota just over the 50%+ mark; the latter cemented a comfortable first-count majority. Tamils, and more so Muslims, voting for Gota were negligible in number. Statistically and politically this is a historic election and has changed Sri Lanka in ways irreversible for a long time to come. I will not discuss the setback for a democratic-left option due to the NPP/JVP’s poor showing; that will be the topic of a separate essay, later.

It is incorrect to refer to this election as a return to 1956. No! First, SWRD’s SB vote was in no way comparable. No, 70+% of the SB population did not align with the SLFP (the landslide was in part thanks to a no-contest pact with the left). The key was that 1956 was a first-past-the-post (FPTP) election. In an FTFP contest, technically, a party can win every single seat in parliament if it secures 50%+1 vote in every electorate. I have to work from memory as I cannot afford the time to dig out and analyse statistics, but I am confident the SLFP in 1956 did not garner even 60% of the Sinhalese vote, probably in the high 50s. The second difference that recent writers all too readily forget is that in political character the ‘1956 movement’ and the ‘2019 rush to Gota’ are poles apart. The former was populist, vernacular-nationalist (Sinhala Only), progressive in class terms even posing as leftist, and distinctly democratic in its social overtones. Gota is none of this. Even his ‘Sinhalaism’ is couched in national-security statist terms. In all respects what SWRD is to Gotabaya is what centrist-populism is to potential authoritarianism. 

I know some readers will say: “Gota is a new President; give him a chance”. That’s fair and I agree; but there’s nothing wrong in getting one’s guard up, just in case. Defence can be scrapped if not needed; to be caught flat-footed is calamitous. I am not prepared to relax to the extent that I concede that the authoritarian danger I wrote about these months has evaporated. On the contrary, because of the highly ethnically polarised election results, the danger has increased. Two versions of authoritarianism have emerged globally in the post WW2 period; a nativist-nationalist-statist version and, alternatively, a populist paradigm. And if you want to put a face on each you can colour them the Gotabaya version or the Mahinda paradigm, respectively.

And that brings me to my point. Is Gota really interested in holding state power for one full term, or even two, or is he only “the one who comes before preparing the way and making straight the path for him who is to follow”? Does Gota really want to be president and implement his programme or will he swiftly carry out constitutional changes needed for Mahinda’s return for a third term, and eventually life presidency? No one knows, least of off all the two protagonists. The answer is as yet unknowable. It depends not only on their own ambitions but also on the schemes of the family cabal and the forces that stand behind each of them. Mahinda’s base is an adoring populist mass, Gota’s the Shangri-La class of business and military types, professionals and technocrats, oddly garnished with cohorts of militant yellow-robed racist hate-mongers. In a showdown, MR’s populist mass will win hands down, at least that’s the current balance; Shangri-La cannot match Mahinda’s mass. After all there is no denying Gota won the presidency thanks to Mahinda.   

But not all the cards are stacked in Mahinda’s favour. The main obstacle standing in his way is the Constitution and 19A. It’s not breaking news that most of our MPs are available for sale on cash-down terms (money or Cabinet post), or on hire-purchase (nomination for a seat in the next election). Like my fellow citizens I am no admirer of Sri Lanka’s Members of Parliament. If it is decided to bring Mahinda back to the presidency pronto, then a constitutional amendment is possible even before the election using the cash-down method. Or it may be less messy to wait for the 2020 elections, which Mahinda will win by a landslide, and screw the constitution at a more leisurely pace. If FPTP or part-FTFP is restored, the landslide will be a repeat of 1956, 1970 or 1977.  

That equation will have to include an agreement between MR, GR, the family cabal and Gota’s business-military types about when Gota should quit and hold presidential elections facilitating MR’s expeditious resumption of the presidency. Or perhaps the equation will allow Gota to complete his term; but isn’t that risky? Won’t he and his loyalist hangers-on then want the constitutionally allowed second term?  If term-limits are rescinded why Mahinda and not Gota as life president, they will boldly ask? There are knowns, known-unknows and unknown-unknowns. No one knows nor can know how all this will spin. So, let’s leave speculation to one side and turn to a known-knowns.

Whether it’s the MR manifestation or a spectral Gota haunting, Sri Lanka is in for a long grip of authoritarianism; but the two versiosn will be different. The Mahinda version will be populist as were his 2005-2015 presidencies; there will be a velvet glove of welfare and concessions to popular pressure. Argentina’s Peron or Mahathir’s long former spell as PM spring to mind except that neither was corrupt. A Gota autocracy will reflect the style of the man and the expectations of those who want him “to get on with the job”. It will be less class conciliatory, make short shrift of liberal niceties and get on with the job in the name of efficiency.  He has expressed a commitment to modernisation and global opening-up, technology especially IT, renewable energy and environmental protection and comes over as a problem-solver and a doer who has proved himself, controversially as Defence Secretary and creditably as urban reorganiser.

He is painted, justifiably to go by experience, as a threat to democratic rights and freedoms. An old friend and one-time university leftist, now a devoted Gota admirer, joked that he hoped they retained one last white van for me! Though both are avatars of authoritarianism, the two will impact on personal lives and social spaces differently. The Gota version, it is feared, will be harsh, the Mahinda option avuncular. What the two have in common is that, given the electoral antecedent, both when under pressure will stabilise themselves by an appeal to nativist Sinhala-Buddhist ideology. That ideology will not go away because it was the people themselves who willed it. I am aware that this is a pessimistic thesis, but my task is to tell you the truth not lull you with soporifics. 

Does this mean that we must throw up our hands and do nothing? Absolutely NO! Even on the darkest nights there are things to do. I will conclude by stating the most urgent; recall my comment about “getting ready, just in case”. The imperative in this phrase is the “getting ready”, not the “just in case”. A defensive non-regime alliance, not only political but also including the political parties (UNP, JVP, minority parties) and civil society, journalists and artists, must be formed. The programme must be minimal: Resist the creep of dictatorship by legislative statutes, state repression and in ‘vans’ of any colour. The JVP has to take the lead since the UNP is comatose after its knockout.  

Come on everybody let’s get started. Defeatism following a defeat is suicide; know your enemy, know the terrain and know yourself.

Sun Tse say:

If you know your enemy and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your enemy, you may win or you may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always lose.

The Art of War (2nd Century BC)

Latest comments

  • 27

    Prof. Kumar David,

    RE: Reflections On A Mahinda-State Versus A Gota-State, Puzzle: Two Versions Of Rajapaksa Authoritarianism

    The difference is the Degree of authority and the number of white vans abs the personnel, in the Rajapaksa Waffen SS Division. Some already went ahead and abducted a Swiss Embassy Employee.

    The CID says, it was not them. The police is “investigating”. Both Gotabaya and Mahinda knows who did that. Now it is about damage control. Does antibody care when a tree falls in the forest?

    • 5

      Mr. Amarasiri aka mean IQ 12,
      Can understand the frustration you all are facing.
      You people wanted to educate (mislead) general public to elect uneducated Sujith and save undemocratic foolish yahapalanaya government by voting AKD.
      It didn’t work. General public was far ahead than you.
      After almost 5 years we will have a democratic president and a government in place.
      And that “government” will have power to”govern”
      If you don’t know….
      Whole idea of “”government”” is the acceptance of “”power to govern”” by general public.
      Sajith / Ranil / MY3 didn’t had that

      • 13

        Pasqual, your staple Food should be cow dung, is that so ?-
        If Sajith to be branded as uneducated, former PETROL Station assistant aka, high criminal Gotler has not he least education, but so called diploma ….. and fabricated Degrees pleasing his punnakku eaters. Just listen to Sajith and then again most abusive rascal Gotler the way how he responds to the Interviewers ? THat alone would Show you – the educational Background of the both are sky-earth… however, grass eater mentality was better pleased by and grabed by Rajapakshe clan for their Escape. You the cowdung Eating People would never see, but time will Show you and learn a lession. Wait until April 2020.
        Good luck ballige putha !

        • 0

          desperate sinhalaya,
          Cool down mate……
          We have not started rounding up of lunatics….. YET.
          When we do…..
          You might be able to share a cell with Amarasiri and Sinhala_man. (A person who is advertising he is a MAN)

          • 0

            So there , you see the impunity with which they boast that they will act.
            And what have I done, may I know, Pasqual? So, according to you we cannot write, talk – even think, I guess . You guys resent our thinking more than all else, don’t you? Because you cannot THINK. Why didn’t you say all this when you were seeking the vote of the ignorant and illiterate.
            Yes, illiteracy in Sri Lanka is really high. The mere ability to write one’s name in not what one means that a person is literate. Yet, I do not advocate a “literacy test” for voters or even Members of Parliament. It you do that, you are opening the way for the barely literate to exploit the illiterate.
            I think it is necessary for an overwhelming majority of legislators to be both educated and intelligent. I remember there was a Lands Minister, Gunewardena with about six initials – good man, didn’t pretend that he properly understood any animals other than canines. No pretence about the man, except he was supposed to have “faclitated” a good deal of State-Assisted Colonization in the North-East. A very simple man. He’d have been on your side if still living.
            Yes, I’m literate – not you Pasqual!

            • 0

              Ha ha ha….
              Anything else you wants to advertise…?
              You are advertising that you are a MAN.
              You are advertising that you are LITERATE..
              Anything else..???

              • 0

                I also happen to be very poor because I’ve not been robbing the many places that you people have been.

      • 2

        The below O/L standard gangsters are yet to meet the real enemy. For 30 years, the Govigama Mafia Ruling Elite families thrived on robbing the nation and keeping the state power under their stinky bloody undies for nearly 70 years taking the Sinhala population on a big ride on the hunch-backed donkey- The Sinhala Supremacist agenda. The irony is that the Sinhala Racists do not know that they are being scammed by the Zionists on the Islamophobia and the half a century war on the Tamils are really IN NEED OF MUSLIM Middle East Money more than ever to keep the economy from the near drowning. Any move made against Pakistan and Iran made by the Zionist alliance comprising US, Israel and India will lead to full blown War which might destroy the Sinhala Racist slut’s evil dream of making a fully loaded fascist state. Petroleum ships coming to SL ports will be a thing of the past. There will be Muslim govt backlash against the Sinhala Bouddha Rajya. Sans foreign revenue and Boycott and blockade of shipping to and fro from the shitty racist country will be doomed. There will be no friends for the racists in the world arena excepting to the deceptive US/Israeli backing. China is watching every move. All evil powers will clash on Gota’s dumb moves. Lets pray for the end of Govigama hegemony after the big World Power war games which is on its way.

        • 1

          It’s not a phobia if the threat is real, i’m referring to this so-called “islamophobia” term, we saw how murderous is that cult.

      • 7

        Sinhala racist sluts including the Rajapakse clan, racist monks and mahanayakes, minions and pickpockets have completely forgotten that the Sri Lankans will go totally bankrupt if the Muslim generosity is clamped down and the foreign revenue that pours in from the Muslim countries are stopped forthwith as a reprisal to Gota team’s Anti Islamic activities targeting all Muslims (including the Arabs who help SL economy) which has gone beyond the red line. The Hero Gota is a thief and cannot bring money from the moon to save the sluts. Already, the state coffer is empty and has to service the big loans. The Chinese have been betrayed by the ever unreliable GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE sluts and will soon see the TWINKLE, TWINKLE SHOOTING STARS when the US Zionists opens the WW3 with a big bang….This is the beginning of the End of Govi hegemony. The enemies will surely say a “big Thank You” to the Dumb Sinhala Racists who voted for Gota.

      • 10

        Way it is going, Sri Lanka will go back to the 1970 to 1977 period where people searched dust bins for food. To cover up their mess they will hide behind patriotism. Finally international community bar China and few other pariah states, will give authority for India to intervene to arrest these fellows and put the country back to normal. At that stage even most die hard Sinhala nationalists would not object to it.

      • 6

        S. C. Pasqua

        “Whole idea of “”government”” is the acceptance of “”power to govern”” by general public.”

        How does “Representative Democracy” fit in your scheme of governance?

      • 0

        S.C. Pusqual – I agree that your staple food is cow dung while his Excellunacy Gotler consumes pig shit (Gotler’s own words!). Please get lost from this column!

    • 12

      I do agree with the possible nature of GoRa rule. Official actions (interrogation of journalists, investigation offices of web sites, transfer of highly respected CID officer with a demotion, kidnapping, etc) of the first week tell all. This is predictable b’cos very serious economic troubles offer no other choices but to implement very painful measures that guarantee a massive election loss. Unlike UNP which accept this democratic reality and still face election, GoRa most likely will go for the option of authoritarian system. Another near certain prediction: Do not expect a fair & peaceful election next time around!

      My objection to KD’s essay is his failure to see why AKD of JVP wouldn’t have followed GoRa’s path. Authoritarianism is built into Marxism even in the absence of economic hardships! One of the points I tried to emphasize in my responses to JVP friendly essays during pre-election days is exactly this.

      • 10

        D.P. and Prof. Kumar,

        The Rajapaksa Waffen SS, National Socialism.

        From the grapevines..,

        The first white van abduction has commenced with the abduction of a foreign diplomat in Sri Lanka, bringing back the white van terror of the decade. An officer of the visa section of the Swiss Embassy in Sri Lanka has been abducted a day before yesterday 25th by an armed white van gang in Colombo.

        The armed has questioned as how Nishantha Silva was granted visa..

        On her way home from the embassy on Tuesday evening, a white van carrying armed men has abducted her near her home. She was questioned in the van for nearly three hours about how CID OIC Inspector Nishantha de Silva, who fled to Switzerland with his family was granted visa and who has helped him to get visa to flee to Switzerland. Nishantha Silva was a OIC attached to the CID who was investigating crimes of Gotabaya during the ten year decade of vandalism during 2005 – 2015.

        The kidnappers had seized her mobile..

        The specialty of this is that after the abduction of the visa officer, she was not detained anywhere but continue to drive during the entire interrogation. The kidnappers had seized her mobile phone and copied the data. She was later released.

        The Swiss Embassy has lodged a complaint with the Criminal Investigation Department and has informed all countries at the diplomatic level.

        • 0

          Latest development:
          Gvt & its friends are trying to deny the allegation of abduction & forced interrogation. But their line of defense follows two seemingly contradictory paths: Raising the possibility of a conspiracy to throw mud on the Gvt; or the incident was a mere fabrication – making the accuser the accused (Derana).

          Why the Gvt fails to provide CCTV evidences (can be done within 24 hours) to prove either one one of their stand? My answer: CCTV records prove the allegation and therefore, on one hand, Gvt is trying to drag it on until it disappears from news and on the other hand, they must be trying very hard to influence the family of the victim not to push charges.

      • 6

        D. P@
        how can we compare PROVED tyrannts with AKD ? We perfectly know HOW Gotler et al works Right ?’
        They would do anything and everything to be in good books of GRASS EATERS of the country, knowing that is the only way them to return to power. People are whole sale manner misled. Even some teachers, retired teachers known to me are misled and now they are speechless.

        • 1

          desperate s,
          Two different personalities, to be sure but not the action – for GoRa it will be dictated by the necessity while for the JVP it will be by the necessity and theory.

    • 10

      Prof. Kumar,

      Ranil W. the leader of the opposition is sitting on his butt, while the Rajapaksa Waffen SS is on the SOP, standard operating procedure.

      UNP Parliamentarian Sajith Premadasa on Saturday urged the government to conduct an impartial investigation into the alleged detention and questioning of a local employee of the Swiss Embassy.

      Issuing a statement, he said that the incident has left a black mark on the country’s history of diplomacy.

      Mr Premadasa also urged the government to conduct investigations on the incidents and not to subject public servants to political victimisation.

      “We urge the government to conduct investigations on these incidents and to create the atmosphere which it pledged to build during elections,” Mr Premadasa said in his statement.

      He said that it is unfair to criticise a new government as it must be given a considerable period of time to fulfill the mandate, but said that considering the disturbing incidents after the new government took office, he decided break his silence.

      He also charged that several prominent police officers and the media are also being intimidated.

    • 6

      AMARASIRI bro @ controversal Champawathie has now become ” S. C. Pasqual.” she has lost her face and tried to reicanate as an another Avatar.
      This Woman is so stinky, please beware of the customers. Please dont let abuse the Kind of PROSTITUTEs you… and ruin this Society.

      • 3


        Thanks for the Avtar, heads up. Was wondering how the IQ dropped so low of the so -called SC Pascal. . Well, it is part of the IQ distribution, some have to be at the bottom, and it shows.

    • 2

      All is clear to the world, but thriisann ballo, as PM and led groups stress the media that nothing like SWISS employee aduction occured, how brutal these men have been. Now their move to repeal 19 Amd and reverse all what they had been doing prior to 2015. What a mess and miserable situation. All these will have dire consequences to the day today life of the people, even if they were fooled by every means. Trade embargo will have to be imposed against srilanka, if things regarding basic human rights would be not safeguarded by the GADAFI style regime, if they would not listen to International community. Apita aba saranayi.

    • 2

      please be aware, next days, BP Rajakashes will impose CT bans again as had been the case prior to 2015.

      But we are always with you. I am ready even to go tto UNHRC headquarters with provable facts about the mishandlings of the current young regime. We cant allow these buggers to ruin our nation again.
      . CT,

  • 3

    I see Parallels when Mahinda Rajapakse contested the Presidency in 2005 and When it was exposed Gotabhaya Rajapakse was going to contest the presidency. It looks in both times, Propaganda team wanted to say that those Rajapakses would bring more fear to people. In the case of Mahinda Rajapakse contesting in 2005, they wanted to say that Mahinda Rajapakse would awake the Dangerous and ruthless LTTE tigers. So, do not vote him. When Mahinda Rajapakse tried to negotiate with Pabakaran, they demolished a Sailors carrying bus in Habarana and closed the Mavil Aru gate. They continue to do the same propaganda with Gotqabhaya Rajapakse. This Swiss embassy incident and tthe Embassy Staffer went missing should be another propaganda story which helps the same group.
    Anyway, it is Ranil’s group who publicised that Sajith removed Rs 1.5 billion from the Central cultural fund. what happened to that money. Did Sajith Put it back ?
    Some say, already a part of the MCC money $ 480 million is spent. It was reported that Mangala got $ 750,000 Santhosam from MCC because he signed MOU for signing the comprehensive MCC-compact agreement. MCC bonus was for Politics, Ports and Transport. What happened to that money ?

  • 3

    In what world, a PM with 40 year experience would be asking security once he became just a discarded piece of something. With the 19th amendment, he had screwed up Sri lanka. How come the people elected Supposed to be Executive President can not hold the Position of Defence minister. In the real world, PM and Those who supported to write that crooked 19th amendment should be taken to the Galla-Face in front of a firing Squad for being Traitors to the Mother land.
    What happened to Ranil’s UNF which was consisted of TNA and all the muslim parties. That had NGOs too. IS that not enough. I heard even some Pohottuwa MPs discussed with Sajith thinking that Sajith, minority parties (TNA, Muslim politicians) , INGOs/NGOs Mangala, Rasjitha, CBK and Ranil would bring him a Land Slide victory.Gamperaliya, Sri Lanka-enterprise (because, there is one American company too) all became farce.

    • 4

      19th amendment will be rolled back soon. At least the necessary portions.

      • 6

        That would be a Dream. for you grass Eating folks. Wait and see. There will be upside down results in the General election. You guys are dreaming. ENtire world will stand against ballige putha Rajakashes sooner than later. We support Swiss govt to bring that to UNHRC and put trade Embargo against Rascal GOVT led by proven Multi murder gotler.

      • 6

        S. C. Pasqual

        “19th amendment will be rolled back soon. At least the necessary portions.”

        Stop dwelling in half baked stupid idea.
        Start rolling back representative democracy, stage a coup, suspend parliament, bring in the single handed generals, … Kamal has already warned the stupid people to obey orders, …… impose exit visa, censor all forms of communications, encourage neighbours spying on neighbours, form National Socialist Factory Cell
        Organization in every factories, offices, other work places, …

        • 2

          Dear Native, wie geht es Dir denn so. ? I trust this Pasqual to be an another avartar to that notorious CHAMPA.

          I am livinng in Switzerland back and forth. I will try to support ANY anti facists, anti Rajakashes even more whole heartedly not being able to digest THE MOST updated RAJAPAKSHE abduction of swiss employee.

  • 3

    So another “Pundit’ on SL Politics is talking here. There are many before him and there will be may after that emerge courtesy of the likes of ” Colombo Telegraph”. Is their analysis factual, are they biased, questionable…… you decide !

  • 14

    I thank Prof. Kum for being candid in his political leanings, a tilt towards the left. Some say “If you are under 40 and you are not a leftist you have no heart and if you are over 40 and you are not a capitalist you have no brains”. Apparently Prof. Kum has not done the swing from left to right as many have done in the past and he perhaps has made the saying not applicable to him. The continued reference to race and religion in his article as a man of learning worries me as a person who wishes this country to be one Sri Lanka, its people identified as Sri Lankans. He hits the ceiling by dragging the Cardinal for the voting preference. Prof Kum! Using our common sense what would you expect the families of victims and those near and dear to them in the 4/21 blasts would vote for under given circumstances? Even Indian political analysts say that India played a role in the regime change in 2015 and found the Sirisena Wickremasinghe administration inept. Even the Catholic die hard UNPers wanted a change within the UNP and field anybody other than Ranil for the Presidential race because they felt he let them down in terms of security. In that sense to describe the security with “Sinhalaism” by Gota has no sense and it leads to the misunderstanding that Prof Kum is not concerned with the security of the country. There is no doubt that ethnicity cum religion rather than religion alone played a major part in the voting pattern and that did not come up as a natural spur but whipped up by political leaders of both sides of the divide. Very Sad.

  • 8

    if jvp starts to get ready they will be the first to be crushed

  • 6

    there is nothing we can do now ,my friend.Till another 5 years .ready,steady,go.Go where?This is democracy,majority of the people made the decision,thanks to ranil who clung on to leadership.

    PS.You should have got ready in feb 2018 after the LG election drubbing the UNP and SLFP got,Not now.And what about your spoiler anura kumara.You would have been going in that direction anyway due to your emotional involvement with ideology,defying ground realities that socialism is dead now.

    • 4

      Prof Kumar David,

      “Emotional involvement with ideology, defying ground realities that socialism is dead now” , says shankar, Above, but is actually dying.

      Just look at what had happened since independence in 1948. The Sinhala Buddhists, Tamils and Muslims have gone in the direction of nationalism, racism, religions ideologies and have become very intolerant and stupider. The monks run amok. The monks, the priests , Ulama and Mullahs preach, the goodies of after life, and nobody is delivering.

      In socialism, the overall productivity is low because the individual will to produce is low, and the people do the minimum to survive or not being abused.

      Productivity is the core problem. On the other hand, in capitalism, the most productive members produce, invent and innovate more as they get to keep most of what they produced or created, balanced by taxation.

    • 3

      PLEASE dont be that pessimistic.We still can do lot more.
      The election will be Held in April.
      If we educate the People well, Opposition can win the General election.
      Rajakshes have misled the People for their come back.
      Social media today are under pressure. They practise some sort of censored behaviour already today…. can you imagine ? .
      Those practised their media freedom has come to cease somehow.
      And there are lot more that only sing the song in favour of gota only.

      • 0


        einstein said doing the same experiment expecting differing results is a sign of insanity.So going with the same old UNP MP’s and leadership for the april general election and expecting a different result from the presidential one is insane.

        Get rid of ranil.ask him to retire as he is seventy years old.Give the UNP leadership to sajit who should check each person contesting and carefully select the best person.

  • 14

    in a matter of time both will fight.
    like Rnail.and M3.

    • 5

      Or Mahinda Rajakshe will face the ” natural death” already now he cant utter a set of words…. Karma seems to be working onhim:::: WE are so happy if the bugger would be exploded into piece inthe next few weeks iteself.

  • 17

    Before all this if I am Gota I would ask the Speaker to write to US Embassy and confirm my withdrawal of US Citizenship to establish my credibility

    • 4

      Buddhist – You said it well and true in two lines. It appears everyone has forgotten that this uneducated “Excellunacy” Gotler is a D U A L C I T I Z E N of US/Sri Lanka!

    • 1

      That already happened in August. https://ceylontoday.lk/news-more/6176

    • 0

      Election is over.
      Please don’t waste CT space.
      We have solved that issue on 16th November.


      • 0

        Yes, Soma. the Election is over, and I don’t see how it can be annulled with 7 Million having voted for him. I fear that we will have to accept it, and I’m certainly not going to go protesting about it.
        I’ve never dabbled in politics of this sort. I try to discuss ideas.
        However, that does not mean to say that this whole business is satisfactory. In the comment before that, it looks as though the newspaper, Ceylon Today, has taken the matter on itself to certify something as important as the revocation of Gota’s citizenship. Important because of the context.
        People like me will let that be, and lump it. No more on this from me, but Gota has clearly not satisfied the requirements, as I see it. This is shocking because if all so simple if the genuine documents are there, they should have been displayed.

  • 2

    It’s not Sun Tse Stupid. It’s Sun Tzu.

    Although you are or were living in Chinese Hong Kong, I don’t think you have ever read The Art of War by Sun Tzu. You are just quoting for the sake of quoting. A person who actually read it would never say Sun Tse.
    [edited out]

    • 1

      Sun Tzu ‘s name is rendered in Chinese as Sun Zi or Sun Tsi as well.

  • 1

    Yippity Yappity ad nauseam. Trump won. Get over it. Gota won, get over it little snowflakes.

    13th amendment will be implemented Modi will see to it.

    Tippity Tappity. Blahs blahs Comrade. Please name a single successful socialist nation(not democratic socialist).

  • 5

    Please go back and read your useless articles before election. Even you can understand how ridiculous those are now.
    for you…
    A President elected with a overwhelming majority is not democratic.
    What ever you say…
    There will be a general election soon.
    and GR/MR Will get 2/3 majority.
    Then we can roll back 19th amendment.
    And whatever you say…
    Minority parties will side with the government.
    Mark my word.

    • 3

      Of coruse not democratic…. it was just misleading and grab power by abusing the vulnerable mindset.
      Blatant lies were sowed to mislead the Nation.

  • 1

    Anura got nothing much because the whole fear of the Sinhalese was on the India merge, and Anura had some probability of being aligned with the divisory UNP. Even long-standing JVP’s preferred the Gota unification this time around. But we hope Gota will take on the Socialist approach and do the needful for the Sovereign Island.

  • 7

    An excellent article that hits the nails on both heads of the bully brothers as they should be aptly known in this world-renowned bog of a sewage canal.

    They say a known devil is better than an unknown angel.

    Both are power crazy they want their kith and kin to sit and control the ruination of the once-thriving isle which since 1956, where their blue shirred comrades controlled with their racist taunts where the Tamil’s had to face widespread mayhem.

    Now the purple attired racist goon’s will add their 2 cents to the already set destruction process till there will be nothing left in the bankrupt kitty.

    The elder brother when he was in the royal seat of power valiantly tried every trick in the book available to him to be the president till death do him part.

    Luckily he was cut and chopped of his private parts in 2015.

    How this nation get’s out of it’s present knickers in a knot situation is anybody’s guess. ?

    GROBR – good riddance from bad rubbish is all I can grown and moan.

  • 10

    Can someone from Demala and Muslim communities tell us:
    • What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?
    • What is it that the minorities do not enjoy because they are the minority which the majority enjoys because they are the majority”?
    • What is legally, constitutionally and legislatively given to the majority that is not given to the minorities”?

    • 10

      An answer, but from a Sinhalese:

      1. Political patronage given to Sinhala language and Buddhism, self determination in North and East

      2. Political patronage for Tamil language and minority religions, complete political power.

      2. Neither minority nor majority should enjoy special rights. However, Buddhism is given the ‘ foremost’ place in the constitution.

      By th way a lot of the discrimination is ingrained in the minds of the majority and demonstrated in day to day life, not necessarily due to the constitution per se, but indirectly facilitated by it through its flaws

    • 3

      Hello Eagle Eye,
      Thanks for raising this!
      Can somebody please respond?

    • 2

      Mr. Eagle eye,
      I am not a Tamil or Muslim.
      But taking the liberty of answering your question.
      Lets consider your family and home.
      Lets assume you are the eldest… And you have couple of siblings.
      Obviously… you being eldest have lots of power in your house. And responsibilities too.
      In most of the time your siblings don’t question you.
      But after some time they usually start fighting with you for power.
      What can you do to keep your peace. and your power.
      You can give them separate rooms. And in those rooms they will have power to govern.
      And you will have a peaceful place to live in.
      Same in a country.

    • 6

      This shows your ignorance of why these minorities are asking for their language rights. One simple example, have you ever been to any government office, banks, police stations in North-East to do your day to day business. From peon to officers are sinhalese and they will ask you questions in your sinhala language and we poor Tamils/Muslims not know what the hell they are asking. How would you react to this if you were asked in Tamil to do your business in a sinhalese area. The populations in North-East are predominantly Tamil speaking whereas majority of top officers are sinhalese to implement your stupid language. I am not going to waste my time to tell ignorant morons like like you what we dont enjoy.

      • 0

        velu Rasiah

        Isn’t that their problem though? if you are living in a Sinhalese majority speaking country that has a government that speaks mostly Sinhala shouldn’t these minorities learn Sinhala as well? You go to england, you don’t tell them to learn garbage like tamil but, instead you learn english. Same with here, instead of telling the Sinhalese majority to learn some ear-bleeding language from shithole south india they should be learning Sinhalese.

        • 1

          That’s why they demand eelam where majority speaks tamil, and after civil war ends it’s mahinda rajapaksa who was actually pioneered to learn tamil by sinhala children, and he himself spoke tamil in several times although with some mistakes but it’s great effort

          • 1


            “, and he himself spoke tamil in several times although with some mistakes but it’s great effort”

            Did he?
            How often did he speak in Tamil?
            How fluent is he in Tamil?
            When did he start speaking in Tamil?

        • 1

          Only thing garbage is you and your response. If Tamil is garbage so is Sinhalese ,as almost half its vocabulary is derived from Tamil , it grammar , lexicon , syntax and alphabet if purely derived from Tamil. The Sinhalese people are largely descended from Tamils , that to largely from low caste /untouchable immigrants from your so called shit hole South India. This county was never a exclusive Sinhalese country and the north and east was always Tamil and is still predominantly Tamil /Tamil speaking . This is the land of Tamils and the Tamil Muslims not Sinhalese land , where they are in a majority in all eight districts and districts . The Sinhalese who were only confined to the southern , western and central parts of the island and had no peep or any authority in the two Tamil speaking provinces , only became a majority in the whole island thanks to the British who amalgamated the Tamil and Sinhalese parts of the island in 1833 to create Ceylon. Before that you had nothing to with Tamil lands in the north and east. So your shitty bloody racist Sinhalese officers have to learn Tamil if they want to work in the north and east . Understood racist garbage. What has England got do with the Tamil language? Why do they also use your garbage Sinhalese. Nasty piece of racist shit. Tamil like the Sinhalese are recent immigrants in these lands and are not native but Tamils are indigenous and native to the north and east of the island and it was their land and Muslim Tamils have been living there for the past 400 years.

        • 1


          “if you are living in a Sinhalese majority speaking country that has a government that speaks mostly Sinhala shouldn’t these minorities learn Sinhala as well?”

          If you are living in country where a majority of stupid village idiots exist that has a government that institutionally racist and mostly manned by stupid morons, should these minorities learn to behave like stupid village idiots and stupid morons as well?

          “Same with here, instead of telling the Sinhalese majority to learn some ear-bleeding language from shithole south india they should be learning Sinhalese.”

          True you don’t have to.
          By the way part of your grammar and vocabulary came from shithole south india and the other parts came from equally shithole North india.
          What are you going to do about it?

          You must stop typing from your bum.

  • 5

    Modi knows that at least for another 20-25 years Rajapakses will rule this country. So it is better to be in good terms with Rajapakses to slow down the drift towards China.

    He may have talked about Tamils to please Tamil Nadu politicians. Gotabhaya did not respond to that.

  • 13

    Last election was not held in Europe. It was in rotten Srilanka where average people would have not the least knowledge about the an authoritarian state but could easily get caught by them. If u thought AKD would win, unfortunately u too among those slaves that just live life ignoring the most important/ decisive point which was to protect democratic values by electing SP. I am anti Ranasinghe Premadasa but I believe SP can develop to better leader. Worst thing was people were not train enough for preferential voting. So looking back the election was failure in a country where people were not adequately made aware of the proper voting. This repeated and media men did not enough except for election day awareness program s. Latter was not enough for a nation whose 95/%would not be avoided being caught easily even for banal or thrivial tricks by anyone.

  • 5

    However dolorous the content, this article makes wonderful reading. At least those who want the next generation to use English well ought to encourage their progeny to read these articles by Professor Kumar David.
    However, it must also be stated that the brilliance of this writing stems also from its sincerity. Here we have a man whose hopes have been dashed, but is yet honest enough to acknowledge that those disappointments stemmed from his not realising how the lofty ideals that he still holds onto steadfastly, seem to matter little to the young, and even to his old-time friend who cruelly jokes about a last white-van being reserved for Kumar.
    To stress again the brilliance of the writing, notice how consistently he develops the imagery from boxing in the fourth paragraph, to return to it again in the penultimate with the statement that the UNP is “comatose” after its knockout.
    How much these observations from Hong Kong correspond with the reality that I see in Uva is something that I must examine later.

      • 0

        Ms M,
        It is good that you didn’t say that you believe this silly video. It is really sad to see these foolish monks making stupid statements like these today when even tenth graders know the impossibility of having cavities inside the earth due to the extreme pressure & temperature as the depth increase. Snakes that evolved from lizards by losing limbs cannot be trained even to respond to names b’cos their brain is very primitive in complexity and small in size compared to the body mass (brain does,’t fill the cavity).

        Attaining “nibbana” – if it really possible – has to be viewed as a complete detachment from secular life, not as attaining some miraculous inhuman physical powers such as the ability walk in the sky. I don’t believe that anybody, Buddha included, could ever perform such miraculous tasks.

        • 0

          the saddest truth is, people are there to believe anything if combined with BUDDHA. Actually, this is not the real buddhism. I now more believe that real buddhism is being practised by western people. Or some americans in California. All others abuse buddhism to live up their propensities. Dont you think so ? That high priest in Kelaniya is one of the most known fake monks. How dare the bugger monk come forward and endorse what that FB FREAK uttered. Is this modern day srilanka ? Ihave not lived there for such a long time. I only come and go each year since I am forced to do so because of my family.

      • 0

        Thanks, Ms Maralathoni.
        I listened to all ten minutes – then it was over, although incomplete. It seemed tobe followed by some of those accounts of a dead boy being reborn.
        I thought it all standard popular Buddhism fare. Was there something that you particularly wanted me to focus on?
        Interesting, but not remarkable, I thought. Please tell me what to look for in it.

  • 10

    Even Emeritus Prof. like you would also think, that AKD would score above others, then, we can read the minds and thoughts of the average well. You guys assess so, not having down proper homework regarding the abusive mentatilities of the average (rank and file) of the Nation.’To me, during my last trip Paid to srilanka revealed, that even local University Degree holders were in the view, that RW-MS govt would not do, nor would AKD fractions or others but one time authoritarian, and killing experts RajapaksheS: People s conditioned mindset was created by them over the last 5 years by taking the Advantage of the media freedom brought by RW led govt. In the same time, biggest traitor of the Nation, whose credentials are not even good for a Gramasewaka of the day, None other than Sirisena saddly supported former goons. If I opened my mouth up during my trip Paid to sl, then i would have been branded as one working for KOTIYA being out of the Country. ‘I did to someextent, but I never wanted to exaggerate
    I like one good JOURNALIST in SL, he is called Dilshan someone (a Young fearless man) made a public speech Clearing the danger before the Nation, if drakulas would be back to power. But all These did not go to the mind set of the Floating voters, that Play a crucial role in the lanken style elections. Besides, most enjoy SOCIAL MEDIA in my home Country are just stupid youth that have no idea, but to promote what they instantly believe is Right. That Iraj, one another so called SIHALA extremists next to Madhu Madawa handled the youth voters by feeding them allthrough their artistic Talents. However, there had been no Nothing against anti-media fraudsters that continously spread blatant lies or ambiguious sort of News items, but in favour of Rajaakshe criminals. ‘

  • 7

    To much of speculations , though few of them could turn out to become realities.
    However Mr.David ,we need to accept one reality,this election was won by Mr.G.R present Mr.President of Sri Lanka on almost completely majority votes especial Buddhists and also Catholics.( with Catholics , can you blame them ? What would have another community done in their place with their situation? wanting justice ?)
    UNP had a it served on a platter , they hardly had to even work hard to come to power , but they failed miserably .
    Right now The Sinhalese Majority who voted for GR are well aware what the end results will be after the genral elections and the power changes and administrations too.
    Now The rest need to understand either way , it is going to be a different form of goverence and clearly the Sinhalese Majority have given an open approval and all in all this number of Votes is enough for the present government to secure the coming general elections and honestly for the first time they do not need any other minority votes nor other pro UNP Sinhala Votes and most probably it seems JVP votes are also going to swing towards the present government.
    The bad thing I fear is if that happens and if The Minority becomes opposition like in 1977 , it would be dangerous.
    So my sincere wish is the opposition also be made up with more numbers of Sinhalese, although it is impossible to have a large number of Sinhalese Majority in opposition while expecting a jumbo Sinhalese government, at least by few numbers hopefully the opposition should have more Sinhalese MPS.
    The rest of the people must brace for unexpected changes after 2020 general elections , people as usual should not get frustrated quickly, the new type of goverence is what the majority voters have given as their mandate and I do not see any changes at least for next 20 years in goverenence after 2020 general elections .

  • 3

    Dont change 19th A pl

    • 3

      I think 19th A will go.
      Something no one can stop , it would have happened faster if UNP candidate had won, they would have just reversed back to JR system, now it will go in time , but the change will be very different.

  • 11

    Why are Sri Lankans so incredibly naive?
    You’ve seen what a Rajapakse Government looks like. Yet you just voted them back in!
    And somehow it will be different this time? Right.
    79 IQ Sri Lankans have the Government they deserve – Enjoy!
    One question – doesn’t the younger brother defer to the older brother in Sri Lankan culture? Then Mahinda is the one calling the shots and his brother is a placeholder.

    • 5

      @UK Citizen
      We do not have social security like for you guys ,
      Not naive .( We are niether stupid )
      Most common -Sri lankans stuck here are frustrated , we were totally deprived of everything , the common honest man has been push to the edge of the cliff by the past government .

      In the name of freedom of speech and bogus democracy they & their cronies have been parasites feeding on us and fattening themselves.

      I wont be surprised next General Election if they will end up only with 3 or 5 seats .

    • 3

      There are worse things than a Rajapakse robbing the state and attacking journalists, there is the spectre of LTTE-style Islamic terror. Have you forgotten the white cloth and swords found all over the country after the Easter bombings? The last thing the Sinhalese people (both Christian and Buddhist) need is another long terror campaign.

      GR will not make the same mistakes as his brother. He has already started cleaning up the cities, something that Yahapalana could have done if they wanted to. The UNP scare-mongering about no more elections will not work. There will soon be a general election won’t there?

      So, haters of GR will continue to badmouth him with rumours and downright lying, but soon his improvements to all aspects of life will silence them. Even the UNP will be forced to admit that he has done well. Watch this space.

    • 3

      UK citizen@
      I think that hs lot do with their superstitous nature of their life style.

      Just go back to that KELANIYA TEMPLE RELICS SAGA – People as they have been Eating punnakku for their entire life – they just believed it… and lined up themselves to go and see the relics.

      wHAT Came out by today- that lamp was made out of PILIMATHALAWA area.- and the man who was seenin TV screens were FB Freak, whose profile revealed to the world…. him to be fake Person.

      However INCUMBENT priest of Kelaniya Temple-wearing a Professor title, had the Audacity to endorse what the Freak uttred.

      I am a SCIENCE graduate – instantly I heard About the SAGA, I myself Question, how could a Reptile bring that DHATHU karanduwa to above mentioned Freak ? if the repltile was typical a Reptile. Besides, those NAGA was cited in literiture were human beings …. a tribe lived once upon a time in SRILANKA. The mentioned Freak to fabricate the Story, and People not to Question the way I did it – is suspicious or not ?

      If one object to be transported from A to B, there should a way- the Professor Monk could raise the Question before going to the media the manner he did it. The Kind of monks are placed above inthe Society- and you ask why our People are that NAIVE ?

    • 1

      There was time when daughter (chandrika) who hold office as a president with mother (sirimavo) as a prime minister,

  • 8

    It is too early to assess Gota’s presidency with Mahinda presidency until the presidential elections because they don’t have the parliamentary power. They are waiting for the two third majority in parliament to do all the changes that are needed to create a permanent Mahinda kingdom.

    • 1

      Native Sinhalayo are more than happy to have a permanent Mahinda Rajapakse kingdom as against the nine mini-Kingdoms and a Senate representing ‘Uwa Rajawaru’ from those mini-Kingdoms as proposed by Sajith.
      If a Mahinda Rajapakse Kingdom is not to the liking of ‘Para’ people it is their problem.

      • 1

        Eagle aiyo,
        native sminhalyo happily lived with three kingdoms even before Christian born Percy Rajapakse family arrived from native India and American citizen is happy to get a loan from native India neh.

  • 3

    The world has change since 1990 of globalization of order of that Politically Economically and Socially shifted New ERA of Democratic revolution not that for immediate Socialist revolution .
    Last election 2019 November 16th has reflected in Island political-resulted orientated in different form of New Trend that struggle.The Masses were fed-up of that gang of UNP ruling of Island collaboration with JVP, TNA,LTTE, Muslim Congress and other Muslim religion extremism.
    By that all mischievous under the name of “good governance” and “rule of Law” guided by IMF and World Bank was incommode of democratic ruling of Island by majority WILL of People of Island.
    We are NOT that ERA in 1956, 1970 or nor that 1994 of Banadarake-Kumaratunge of feudal clan, who rule and ruin Island 11 Years of misdeeds by CBK leadership.
    Hence since 1994 that CBK of SLFP by ran on War with LTTE-TNA proxies as on businesses deals of sales of weapons .
    In fact number of SLFP’s and UNP cornices were benefits and financial returns out of WAR POLITICS. Political of War become lucrative business deals who are around SLFP of CBK family rulers at that time.
    The Trostkist of Tamil-LSSPs , TNA+ LTTE of Diaspora, Wikamagahau Kuranrathan of NLSSP’s and other were happy about that 5.5 millions votes were support for division if Island. By and large blessing of UNP leadership and dealership Sajit-P….Ranil of Wick… has approve Island partition for “Tamil Homeland”.
    That was sad story of 2019 election undermined harmony between nationalities among Sri lanakn by encouraging and promoting by clique of Sajit-Ranil dealership of UNP …!@ by $$$$.
    While that UNP unholy alliances of anti-Establishment of political Terrorism of many extremist are bargaining of Nation sovereignty Island People and its democratic by Tamil Terrorism of TNA and Muslim religion fanaticism.

    • 4

      What a load of Shop you are commenting ? What a waste of bandwidth.

      The only one thing most of UNP politicians, (ALIES who are now bitter enimies)AND THEIR TWO BIT ? CRONIES did was fattening themselves at the common man’s expense .
      Nothing else , they promised balls on toast to minorities and that is exactly what the minorities got.

      Majority were anyways never with them .*( The yahapalanayos)

    • 2

      Piyadasa Yalagala

      “The world has change since 1990 of globalization of order of that Politically Economically and Socially shifted New ERA of Democratic revolution not that for immediate Socialist revolution .”

      Globalisation has no effect on this island where the country is being is insulated by Sinhala/Buddhism. Now it is being owned and operated by fascists.

  • 0

    Deciphering the interview to Hindu seems to be relatively easy. In Sonia’s time Royals and Congress made deal in sharing the Chinese commission and thus they found common path to go along. Shivshankar Menon played the broker role. 2009, India sent it ships to Mullaitivu for shelling, donated Chemical Bombs, Managed UNSG, Ban Ki Moon though his brother in law, Nambiar, defeated the May 2009 resolution by giving a hand to Thero De Silva at UNHRC, subdued Obama Administration’s resolutions and helped to dismiss the OISL original Report which accused Old Royals as war criminal. But this common ground approach-mutual benefits approach was changed by Ranil, mainly to take on Western Governments which helped him to come to power.
    Hindu Interview is clearly saying the King is agreeing to take care of India’s concerns, but India will have to reciprocate the same way Sonia did. King suggested that he will seek with Mr Modi too, the same secret pacts of commission sharing. Whether this International Criminal pact is acceptable to PM Modi, the way Sonia agreed, is a question is question remaining to be answered by Indian Officials.
    Indian – Sri Lanka accord will be implemented on security side of India, but accepting the North East as Tamils ancestral land, will be dismissed. So China may not berth atomic submarines in Lankawe Ports, but North East Tamil will be again left voiceless.
    Modi has said, in the joint press interview, full implementation of 13 A was agreed in the talks. Kind did not deny it there.

  • 1

    Give us a break, Professor. We listened to this shit for four and a half years. I can hear the rest of the cabal Thisaranee, Vishvamitra, Sarath Alwis etc. also clearing their throats, their hearts boiling with venom, hatred and rage.
    Why don’t you guys totally leave Rajapaksas and those of us who voted for them alone for some time. If you want to say something tell us why did you all so miserably failed.
    We are Sinhalese, little islanders and we are determined to preserve our 2500 years of Mahavansa heritage. If that is extremism be that so. That is a built in protection mechanism. In the end we shall prevail.


    • 1


      “We are Sinhalese,”

      You are not Sinhalese. I know one I see or hear one. You are a descendant of Kallathonie South Indian converted into your 100 years old new concocted political identity of Sinhala/Buddhist, fast mutating into Sinhala Buddhist Fascist or Fascism.

      ” little islanders and we are determined to preserve our 2500 years of Mahavansa heritage”

      I don’t think there is anything left for you to preserve accept your clanking b***s, hope Gota didn’t sell them to Modi when he was summon to Hindia.

      What did Gota give to Modi in return for the $550 Million sweetener he received from him? .

      Pathetic Gota, Pathetic Little islanders, Pathetic Sangha, ……

  • 4

    I sincerely hope Mr.President will not completely reject The US grant ,
    it is very successful in Indonesia , just because some countries Politicians have mismanaged it, you can not sum the MCC grant by comparing with those who have failed , What I hear is, it is very successful in Indonesia, so why not talk to Indonesia seek advice and if the grant will help us, we must take it , we need investments and grants and not loans that of us our grants and not loans that make us obligated and presured with interest.
    The President being an ex American citizen, am sure knows how America works , he should carefully study the conditions and take the grant, its interest free and we do not have to pay back .
    Sri Lanka needs USA for many good reasons and our people’s benefit matters more than pleasing other nations .
    If it is safe and beneficial The President must use his excutive powers and approve it.

    It’s my sincere opinion as a citizen.

    • 0

      Fahim Knight,
      Of course he will not cancel it. SOFA agreement will be signed once dust settled.
      Issue is “Acceptance of power to govern” by general public which Sajith / MY3 / Ranil didn’t had.

  • 3

    I see a lot of comments here saying that the people who voted for Gota have an IQ of 79. Based on what? Was there an actual IQ test done at polling stations of Sinhala Buddhist voters? So which means those who believe that the Prophet split the Moon in Half and who attribute that as a miracle have a better IQ? Give me a break.

    • 2

      @Jeba ,
      Just leave peoples superstious beliefs out , though I agree with you Superstion has always been the cause for man’s obstacle for progress , but 99% of the people are superstious, the English is like hell ,
      You won’t find no 13 rooms
      in many hotels in England .

      If you have managed to become enlighten and remove yourself from what has been fed to you and programmed since a child , say Thank God , Thank Heavens and thank your blessing and you are unique among the 1% of the world’s population.
      So just leave others beliefs to them .

    • 0

      Search for “Average IQ by country”
      You will find a nice map which explains a lot. You will also find that the average IQ in Sri Lanka is 79.

      • 0

        Dear UKCitizen,
        What you have come up with is borne out exactly by this blog:
        I hadn’t taken all this talk seriously, but I’m now beginning to wonder! I had always imagined that “average IQ” was 100 for almost any society, with about 80 indicating that IQ for that individual was pretty low, and about 120 indicating a highly intelligent person. The lower extremes would have people variously described as cretins, imbeciles, and idiots, and the upper extremes geniuses, etc, with psychologists using these terms with very precise definitions.
        There are so many blogs (which are likely to contradict one another) that I’m typing in the “impressions” that I’ve acquired over the years, without researching, or even checking.
        There may be considerations of validity involved. Visiting the Vedda village of Dambana recently, I was struck by their intelligence. I wouldn’t last a day if abandoned in those jungles, and in an IQ test appropriately developed for that environment, they’d be streets ahead of me, but I’d be ahead if the test centred upon things like computer literacy.
        I guess that there could be variations depending on ethnicity, although I shy away from it instinctively remembering the extremes to which it was taken by Hitler (and now Tamils?).
        The difficulty we’ve had explaining something as straightforward as Preferential Voting at our Presidential Elections did make me wonder about low IQ amongst the Sinhalese. No, not the result itself, the fact that so few could understand the system.
        Conclusion: best not to hurl too many insults – generates much more heat than light.

        • 0

          The relevance of IQ is very simple to prove.
          Top of the list Singapore with an average IQ of 108. Look at what they have been able to do.
          The we have Sri Lanka with an average IQ of 79. The state of the place speaks for itself!
          If we assume a Bell Curve for IQ – then half the people in Sri Lanka have an IQ lower than 79!
          Look at the countries with even lower average IQ. If you want to get an idea what goes on there then watch a YouTube Documentary called “The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia”. Well worth your time.

          • 0

            UK citizen

            i am willing to sacrifice myself and copulate with as many village lasses as possible to increase the overall IQ levels of the country.If sinhala man also does the same and amarasiri and co also joins then we can solve this problem quickly.

            ps.these are not insurmountable problems.See what they did with dogs with selective breeding.See the alsation or german sheperd as it is known in the west.

          • 0

            Dear UKCitizen,
            Yes, I find your arguments are rational.
            I’m most grateful to the horny shankar – he not only appears to think that Amarasiri and I have reasonable IQs but also appears to be paving the way for us to enjoy carnal pleasures. But will I be able to perform upto expectations at my age?
            Apparently, Indian Viagara can, in practice, be purchased freely from most pharmacies without the prescription that the laws demand.

          • 0

            UK citizen

            i saw the video cannibal warlords of liberia that you mentioned.i refuse to go to liberia with my special talents to increase the IQ.I will sacrifice myself only for my country,not that i have anything against liberia,blimey.
            people are defecating on the beach and when the western reporter ask why the govt is not doing anything,he is told that the municipal commissioner himself comes and does it on the beach.This reminds me of what a westerner told me and why india even now does not have toilets for so many.leaders must set the correct example for others to follow.After india got independence this westerner was going in a train and he saw many people squatting in the open fields and he asked a indian on the train why the govt is not doing something about it.The indian pointed to someone squatting and said “do you know who that is”.The westerner said”no”.”he is the PM of india” the indian replied.

  • 0

    “there’s nothing wrong in getting one’s guard up, just in case. Defence can be scrapped if not needed; to be caught flat-footed is calamitous”.

    Exactly how MR+GR vote base is behaving. The threat UNP,TNA,JVP combine pose on the stability of the unitary state keeps their guard up. KD’s proposed actions may ramp it up further.

    • 1


      “. The threat UNP,TNA,JVP combine pose on the stability of the unitary state keeps their guard up.”

      The only way to test its stability is for Gnanasara the saffron clad thug to start a riot against “OTHERS”, letting loose the armed forces in ensuing orgy, ….. let somass, Eagle Blind, wannihami, …….. participate in that or take a leading role until it stops naturally.

  • 2

    Both are against 13th Amendment. Eventually they have to pay the price if they fail to implement the 13th Amendment and what surprises is even the Buddhist monks extremists like Wimal Weerawansa, etc will see stars when India physically intervenes..

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