3 May, 2024


What Can Ranil Get Done?

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

The spirit of my heading is not a mocking: ‘He can’t get anything done; his Interim Administration (IA) is an exercise in futility’ gesture. Not at all, it is a serious even bookish question about what RW’s IA with a bit of luck is likely to achieve and what, even a congenital optimist will grant, it cannot do. And in between there are a raft of maybe and may-not-be options. I have never been a UNP supporter but I will not let my political views stand in way of the assessment offered here.

I think RW will pull a few rabbits out of the hat and get a few things done re the impending catastrophe. Maybe that’s one reason why he said “the next two months could be the worst”. If he eases the pain he can crow “See I did it!” Tamil Nadu has flagged-off ship-loads of rice, milk-powder and medicines and Delhi flagged-off mercy-tankers of petroleum/oil. Japan has offered a $1.5 billion grant which we will not be able to repay. The IMF and the Americans have not yet dropped anything in the begging bowl but charity is being pondered. For some incomprehensible reason, though we know we are a crummy lot, the rest of the world has a soft corner for Ceylon-Sri Lanka. And then there are the virtues of nonalignment. If RW plays coy he can get the Chinese and QUAD to compete for mating rights. Petrol and gas shortages may ease and if so RW will claim credit and wolf-whistle at Sajith to come over for a cuddle and a tumble. This is not unrealistic; it is a possible two-month subplot; indeed so far he has outsmarted the SJB. However, crucially, if he fails to ease the fuel snarl up within two weeks he will be toast; public opinion will turn against him and there will be more trouble on the streets.

If this subplot seems manageable, the next is much tougher. Food! Gotabaya’s imbecile fertiliser dogma has brought the country to the threshold of starvation. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres singled out Afghanistan and Lanka as countries where people will go hungry this year. Furthermore, even if we had dollars the global scene is very bad. Many UN agencies warn of a food crisis; between 1.5 billion and 400 million will go hungry. An FAO information note points out that Russian wheat accounts for 16.8% of world wheat exports and Ukraine’s share is 11.5%. In 2021; either Russia or Ukraine (or both) ranked among the top three global exporters of wheat, maize and sunflower oil. (China and India, in that order are the world’s largest wheat producers). Russia is the world’s top exporter of nitrogen fertilizers, second in potassium fertilizer and the third in of phosphorous fertilizer. The UN warns of an unavoidable dire fate. Bread price in this Gota-blighted island has doubled. RW et al can do nothing about any of this except pray harder.

Why not make a conspiracy-theory movie with a plot that our fertiliser scuttling imbeciles were working in cahoots with Russia and Ukraine to hold the world to ransom? I have a grumpy buddy in Australia who will buy the global rights if it’s gloomy enough. Seriously though, the Treasury and the Central Bank have been robbed dry by the villainy or idiocy, respectively, of MR plus Royal Family, or GR. This then is RW’s third hurdle (after fuel shortages and the food calamity). The nation’s reserves are gone, the future is bleak and RW and his merry-men cannot overcome this. At some stage people will say of RW either: “The bugger tried and did a few things, but the real villains are the goddamn Paksas”, or they will roll him up with the Paksa-brigands and nearly-225 other sons of bachelors and damn him too.

Alas I am not done with bad omens. The worst pertains to a medium-term programme to rebuild the nation’s economy. In a series of columns spread over weeks I have made some points that people have agreed with. Prominent is the inescapable fact that we as a nation consume and have for some 70+ years consumed more than we produce. Ceylon-Sri Lanka is broke because we ate our way through much more than the output of our economy. A significant cut in consumption is already in full swing. Steep inflation, hefty increases in fuel prices and a fall in the value of LKR by 50% without an increase is wages, amounts to substantial restructuring of the economy away from consumption. Savings of all description, insurance and pensions, indeed anything monetary in public hands have de facto been slashed in value. Inevitably there will be more to come. Cutting the consumption side in economic restructuring is well underway; but production, productivity, restoring a fiscal primary-balance and a positive current-account are issues that still have to be addressed.

Does this sound like taking the side of the well-heeled against the yakos? No, the capitalist class was into crooked games up to its eyeballs. The worst was JR’s neoliberal period (RW was a part of it), oiled by anti-Tamil pogroms, subversion of the judiciary and an authoritarian constitution. But to stay within the narrow remit of the economic argument, the JR era of neoliberal opening-up for much sought-after global investors and unchecked laissez faire in domestic economics was a disaster. Investors did not arrive in anything like expected numbers, plunder of national resources was heightened and pauperisation of Northern and Eastern farmers was a factor in the rise of Tamil nationalism.

Having got this anti-capitalist harangue off my chest, the question remains “What to do now?” Two things that will have to be done even if God Almighty becomes Finance Minister is consumption will have to be pruned and production and productivity raised. The left will wail at the first; but what the hell comrades Lenin did it, Stalin did it with an iron fist, Stalinist governments did it in Eastern Europe, the great helmsman tried in China but mucked it up because he was half-mad by then, Castro did it fairly successfully (think healthcare, education and poverty alleviation) though US aggression undercut any thought of democracy. The big difference is that Lanka is not a post-revolutionary society; our task is to push in progressive social-democratic directions. The left, if faithful to its past, will not steal; furthermore it can help people understand why they are sacrificing and that the usufruct will be ploughed back for the benefit of their children.

To get back to RW. Ok I am prepared to grant that he is not a crook, unlike the Paksa-Plunderers, SLPP hangers-on and the majority of current MPs and one-time Provincial Councillors – you know what I am saying; adverbs and adjectives fail me and my Editor has a phobia against four-letter words. The question at issue is can an Interim Administration led by RW, buttressed by cross-overs from here and there and everywhere, with a less than second-rate Cabinet, carry through a programme curtailing consumption and engendering increased economic output? The answer is that the question is beside the point because the IA has no mandate beyond dealing with urgent tasks pertaining to the prevailing crisis. RW plus alliances he concocts (the SJB has now put its head down offered to back the IA) must win an election to gain legitimacy for any medium- or long-term programme on his drawing board. So, in tennis parlance; point-and-set to early elections.

The other bourgeois-democratic option, the Sajith bandwagon, cannot form a government till it wins a general election or cobbles together a working-majority or teams up with RW in an electoral front. That makes it ‘game’ too to early elections. Now let’s give our mind to match-point. What will appease an angry populace and mollify Gale Face Green? I cannot imagine any government without an electoral mandate surviving and executing a programme of reforms and reconstruction, unchallenged, for a goodly length of time. That surely is match-point for holding an election as quickly as the Elections Department can arrange it.

Do I have a programme I will stick my neck out for? Well here goes. “Gota Go” is unconditional, but timing is negotiable within limits provided the funeral date is announced now. That will appease the masses and mollify GFG. Every day Gota stays is perilous; he will undercut Aragalaya and conspire with fellow Ganna Akka deifying devotees in the military. So long as he remains at the helm, emergency, curfew and military-on-the-streets will be Lanka’s lot. Rumour has it that a crisis about draft 21A where the President is not debarred from holding a ministry. A section of the SLPP it alleged is making a last ditch attempt to resuscitate Paksa-Power via a Basil reincarnation. If true these cut the ground under RW who will be pressured into an alliance with Aragalaya? Good but does he have Imran Khan’s fighting motivation? All this, including crucially the indispensable abolition of the Executive Presidency, belong to the political domain. All are no-brainers.

Far, far more complex is the economic dimension; we need a via-media acceptable to the mass and feasible in prevailing circumstances. Switching this essay to a left perspective, I have aimed these last three paras at the NPP, JVP and Frontline, but iit will interest others as well. I concede that the state-form will retain capitalist features for the foreseeable future; but what capitalism? There are as many “capitalisms” (and “non-capitalisms”) as there are fingers on my two hands; Egypt or England, Pakistan or Peru, (and Vietnam or Venezuela). The concept of state-form has become complex and convoluted the world over in this era, especially in the last forty years. However this is not the occasion for a review of state theory in the Twenty-first Century.

What kind of semi-capitalism in Lanka; neoliberal, laissez faire, state-directed, franchises to the capitalists or populist concessions to the masses? Markets do indeed rationalise production decisions and up to a point investment options; neither central planners nor computer algorithms can replicate that. But markets also need to be regulated, controlled and directed in the social interest. This is a balance that calls for intelligence, expertise and vision. To manage a Twenty-first century economy one needs a core cadre with adequate internal expertise at the heart of political power, but one also needs relationships with assemblies of experienced specialists outside.

In addition to old economic skills, to run a government one must understand non-fungibles that have risen to prominence in recent decades; finance-capital, monetary policy, global trade and institutional practices. In addition there are intangibles; design, research, digital systems, technical innovation. I do not expect a left political entity to transform itself into a panoptic faculty of specialists, nerds and wizards; of course not! What it needs, aside from a competent core, is to stimulate sympathetic connections and external working relations in these domains. This way of thinking is a paradigm shift for Lanka’s young-left, but there’s time enough to adjust. The left contingent elected to parliament at the next election will be large; a sign of things to come and a portent of responsibilities it will have to bear in the future when it comes into administrative office.

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Latest comments

  • 6

    It seems to me that of the scarcities that we are faced with, fuel is by far the most important. It is needed for transport of people and things, to produce electricity, to cultivate paddy and other crops, to catch fish and to generate the power needed to produce some of our daily needs. Russia has become one of the main exporters of oil, gas and coal but for political reasons, they cannot sell to some countries. India is getting plenty of this oil and at cut rates, so that Modi was able to cut the price of fuel in India. Imran Khan planned to do the same but he was ousted by the US just for trying; his successor has had to increase the price of petrol! Ranil has to approach Russia for our fuel needs and if he can sign a long term deal and ensure a supply, we can begin our long journey to recovery.

    • 3

      KD: Although there has been plenty rain for Hydro power ,Sri Lanka’s electricity bills are through the roof this year ??!— after the sale of the Yugadanavi Power Plant to American New Fortress. This midnight crooked deal of the Goat must be reversed and National ENERGY SECURITY restored.
      But RW is totally crooked and has been threatening 15 hours of electric power cut to keep up the fear psychosis and cripple the economy despite the available hydro. Where do these data about electicity generation costs come from?!
      What is Sri Lanka’s ENERGY MIX? The numbers and data of debt, energy and food scarcity are being rigged to paint a dire picture and sell assets to like Yugadanaiv.
      Its like the Covid numbers game! This is a world of cyber war hacking of data systems and external control of energy, transport, land and telecom.
      RW is Washington’s economic Hit man to assset strip Sri Lanka. There is NO transparency in the IMF talks.

      • 0

        KD: the Aragalaya Protestors say that Elon Musk should buy Lanka for 50 billion – the point being NO to IMF DEBT BONDAGE!
        IMF works for the Global 1 percent and forces austerity on the poor.

        Better liberal and efficient Elon than corrupt Ranil and Goat — since US citizens and puppets run Lanka at this time in any case!

    • 4

      You may succeed in getting the oil and you will be “cut off”, from all others from the west!! Then what??
      If that is the case, why did not the “API THAMAI KERE”, wizards kept it off all this time???!!!
      Because they realised, one needs Dollars or Roubles to do that??
      That is the one item hard to come by??
      Ask your masters to do some more TAX CUTS AND REBATES TO FRIENDS and make more money!!!
      This is because, 6.9 million elected the unelectable to Govern??!!
      Intelligence, par excellence!!!

  • 7

    So here is the thing! Certain things holds true at any scale. For example, “a horse has bolted” is a phrase that can be used in situations like this. When something hidden in world history has revealed itself it just cannot be undone. Although the Indian establishment is trying so hard to pretend it never happened. Gothama Buddha, the world historical figure is not Indian. This is stark reality in the age of the Internet. They are struggling to find a solution. The Indians need to graciosly hand the history back to Sri Lanka and ask for compansatoy damages from the UK. The same holds true for Tamils. The British humiliated the Tamils world wide; They need to justice from the UK as well. The time is of the essence here because the kingdom wont stay united for long. When it disintigrates there will be no one to ask for damages. The mud will stay stuck on all who deserve to be compensated forever..

    • 6

      Whatever you’re smoking is very powerful.

    • 2

      Uhh ! tell me more from internet !

    • 2

      Has Lord Brahma the Indians believe as the Lord of Birth and Life, given you permission to change the place of Birth of Prince Siddhartha? Internet is all fake and we have people doing skulduggery to websites and systems cannot believe it!!

  • 8

    KD , I feel uneasy at the current situation Obviously none of the Rajapaksas are in any mood to leave. I think RW is just buying time but for who’s advantage?? Simultaneously a well planned witchhunt is taking place to scare future protesters. RW is using his connections to outsiders for loans donations, believing people at the end,will only remember how much a dead country was ( or tried) revived. It’s like in a dyeing patient any slight improvement ( true / imagined )is good mews, for family but clinically insignificant in recovery. I believe early elections are the only answer, Not that recovery is guaranteed but hoping to start fresh with a cleaner slate and then hold both voters and the parliamentarians they elect responsible/ accountable.

    • 3

      Ranil has talked down today, about 6.30 pm, to the various interest groups in society, charitably offering them sops.
      Ten minutes in Sinhala. He’s planning a long stay. There are other recordings of this speech; this is the Rupavahini edition. I have already made two long comments there, but I don’t feel up to the struggle. I already see some who are abroad talking through their hats, making a case for weakening our resistance.
      Thanks, chiv, you will never be one such; and Professor Kumar David is one guy who will remain faithful to what he knows to be the truth, however sophisticated his thinking.
      Panini Edirisinhe in Bandarawela

      • 2

        This reports Ranil’s message in English:
        To me his intentions seem clear, but I don’t see this experiment of his lasting more than a couple of months. We must consistently agitate for an end to this Interim Administration. But such agitation must be done responsibly so that it doesn’t provide an excuse for the use of our Armed Forces against us.
        See the irresponsible talk of many people who claim to be anti-Rajapaksa below this Ameer Ali article:
        Happily these fellows are not on the island; if they were, they would provide the necessary excuse for the Interim Administration to use violence on us dissenters.

      • 1

        It’s good to see that there are a few people who talk sense:
        That’s the transcript of a n interview with Kumar Gnaratnam. I have no time to comment on it. I assume that our readers are intelligent enough to understand without my “guidance”.
        Panini Edirisinhe

        • 0

          The reason why I hoped that some would read through this interview is because there is so much mis-understanding about what goes on in the Universities in relation to the FSP.
          I may not agree with everything that they say, but don’t you sense the seriousness and the sincerity of these people.
          Many of the “Colombo Elite” persuade themselves that this Party is behind the horrendous ragging that takes place in out Universities. Many of the sick sadists who are responsible for this may appear to those refined sensibilities to come from the same rural background as these activists, but that ragging has nothing to do with any political ideology. I grant that there may be a little over-lap, but those who confuse these issues seem incapable of reasoning.

  • 8

    … so far he (Ranil) has outsmarted SJB, says, Kumar David. Outsmarting SJB (Sajith) can be an achievement only for Ranil.

    • 4


      “Outsmarting SJB (Sajith) can be an achievement only for Ranil.”

      Poor Mummy’s boy has to learn a lot. He has no talent, no vision, no staying power, ….. father’s brand name would not last forever. His messages are a bundle of confusion. …

      Therefore we are left with crooks, liars, dumb asses, murderers, violent criminals, stupid, oik, ………………… mostly known as caveman.

  • 12

    The problem with the Aragalaya is that no one in the Aragalaya has got a clue about solving the many crisises gripping Sri Lanka. The same can be said of the NPP. The one demand of the Aragalaya is Gota go Home. Well then what? We are bankrupt. that does not sink in. Gota go home won’t bring dollars. The next problem is a global food crisis. We are the number one effected country according to the UN. Why because not only are we broke we also banned the use of fertilizer in a lunatic failed experiment in organic fertilizer. Gota going may help in this regard since he was the idiot who created this problem. Experts have been warning of a food crisis even before the Ukranian war. The elites knew that Russian sanctions will accelerate the looming food crisis like a jet engine. But they did it anyway. Such is the evil and merciless nature of our world. Now, as the climate warms and crops come under increased stress from heat the floods there is no fertilizer left to import even if we have Dollars since Russia the largest producer of Nitrogen fertilizers is banned from exporting it.

    • 0


      I believe Aragalaya”s main aim is to get rid of a mad disorganized regime. For if it continues on, (like it is still madly trying to hang onto power), it will carry on the same crazed policies of playing around with money of the Hardworking-Suffering-Lankan-Masses.

      Regime either amass it for themselves with total disregard for the common masses, and/or actually believe they are patriotic Kings by placing the common man’s hard work on alternate monetary systems. No conspiracy here : They ARE into BRICS, Chinese Port-City, MMT, and Russian style off-shore accounts. Such madness needs to be eradicated.

      That, and the normal human need to remove danger to their livelihoods for themselves and their progeny for many generations to come.

      Also, Aragalaya knows that there are other more intellectual and modern economic ways to install a better and more democratic government for the country. Hence they want all the megalomaniacal Rajapaksas and their 113 stooges to go.

    • 2

      Please take a step back! Think!
      Before the invasion, rest of the world told Russia, “there would be greater sanctions this time if the proceed on the path they were suspected of taking” – Invade Ukraine, to conquer, or border adjustment??!!
      You have left it out as immaterial and/or irrelevant?! Or, believe the Russians did not think of it??
      Or, they thought of it and thought, they will threaten them with starvation, to deter sanctions and have their own way to achieve what they want??
      Invade another Sovereign country and member of the United Nations?
      Who is the evil element in this?? Russia, Ukraine or Rest of the World?

  • 9

    On the legislative front, the need of the hour is the arrest of the entire Rajapkashe clan. Our state entities cannot do the job. Riddled with so much corruption and lackey appointments it is a lost cause. But there maybe a light at the end of this tunnel. It comes from the United States where some of the scoundrels somehow have citizenship. Basil is under serious threat of being arrested if he sets foot in the USA. Gota’s son has been brought in for questioning. Two charges seem to be the focus of the US authorities one is money laundering the other doing an arms deal with North Korea violating sanctions during the war. GR and BR were both US citizens at that time and are subject to US laws. BR is still a US citizen. The many properties he bought in the US may be confiscated. GR aslo has the Sri Lankan citizenship issue. He was still a US citizen when he won the election. Therefore his nomination is illegal and so is his appointment as president. Pressure is being put on our local law enforcement by the US government to Arrest MR and his Son as well. These are noble and just actions. They need to come to pass if Sri Lanka has any chance of recovering from this debacle. Unless Basil is locked up and I mean really locked up not the merchants ward or better still extradited to the US to stand trial and be locked up in the US jail no 21st amendment will pass.

  • 4

    “What Can Ranil Get Done?”
    With the support from ‘Kakka’, finish the job he undertook to do from his masters in 2015 after regime change to ruin the economy, increase the debt burden, sell this country and perhaps sign MCC. Because Easter Sunday terrorist attacks by Muslim terrorists backfired he could not finish the job.

    • 5

      Bat Eye
      You are shamelessly towing the same old pro-Mara line despite all the harm done by them.
      How I wish you had the balls to have come out on the 9th of May in actual support of Mara. If you had come that day, you would have been handled by the youth like Mahinda Kahandagoda, you would have shit your pants too and would have been taught an eye-opening lesson.
      All your racist/fascist nonsense would have been cured that day.
      You always speak negatively of the Tamil people, as if our Sinhala people are better, look at the mess your Rajapaksa bastards have done to our country, and Tamil nadu are gracious enough to send us alms… which we accept with open arms and a grin from ear to ear to match.
      I bet much of the Tamil nadu alms will also be stolen by your heroes.

      • 5

        Yet you will keep telling yourself one fallacy to another just to maintain the most idiotic sense of reality in your calcified little “mung atte” you have for a brain.
        How I wish the other scumbag animals with the same mindset as yourself came out that day, like soma asshole, Champa the senseless, that Reginald bastard, 14455 convict, Lester idiot and the likes.
        You all could have gone for a nice swim in Berei wewa.
        Just as the scavengers we have as leaders have no place. you and your type of animals have no place in Sri Lanka anymore. You all belong in hell.

    • 0


  • 5

    Hakeem or Rishard yet to take any minister positions. Ali Sabre quit. Muslim MPs has shown higher decency in party hopping this time. Evil Emperor Ranil has become more mule than Muslim politicians this time in showing the ass’ face and horse’s buttock. There is nothing for the Evil Emperor to do this time with his only stolen MP position. What he is about to do is what the Ceylon Masses don’t want him to undertake. His job of protecting Mahinda Rowdy will not be easy this time. He has volunteered to do it anyway. He has to hold on to this PM position until September comes and so the Resolution 40/1 can be extended with another 2 years Resolution to protect Mahinda Rowdy. I doubt he managed to hang in that long against protestors. His oil pan situation is not going to get any sympathy from the masses, because of his Yahapalanaya time. One must release that out of Yahapalanaya, Valaiththodam got 54 seats, New King (Who staged 4/21 on behalf of Royals) got 14 seats, Muslim parties and Up County parties did well. Sampanthan Aiyya took a kick under the waist. But it was Ranil who was wiped out without any seat. In other words, people held him responsible for every atrocity that took place in Yahapalanaya’s time.

  • 4

    People well recognized that it was the Evil Emperor, the mastermind behind all atrocities that took place in Yahapalanaya time. In Yahapalanaya time, he and Mangala played with Foreign Exchange, and it was the main issue that caused the price increase and inflation and made the people hate the Yahapalanaya government. The Slap Party was able to campaign that the country’s loan burden had gone up, but the growth rate had fallen much lower after 2015. Slap Party didn’t fail to take advantage of Exchange Rate Mismanagement Act (2017) though they had no idea how to correct Mangala-Ranil’s master blunder. Today Mangala-Ranil’s blunder has killed the country. Remember, after all, this was after Ravi won the Eastern Nobel prize for managing the country’s Finance (by hook or by crook). The brain under the white hair of the emperor is as empty as his Black Hat, but full of pus and crawling worms. No Rabbits are coming out of the Black hat, but many Peruchalies (swage rats) have already swarmed the Evil Emperor, seeing the opportunity of the emperor’s nudity in the parliament with no one to cover.

  • 0

    to stop the bold

  • 3

    Democratic republics are taking over the Crown and other forms of dictator countries. These days the clear cut silver lining whether their’s is Capitalist country or Socialistic government is not a concern for the people. People are advanced enough to look at and evaluate the freedom and economic affluence they are enjoying under the governments. But the problem is exiting in Ceylon. People are duped to uphold the empty religion and anti-Tamil patriotism. So they were forced to dismantle a dominion country and make a kleptocracy Royal government. If that has to change the protestors has to win this time and remember this word “AND” in the next election all the current 225 mules have to defeated too. Ranil’s entrance into the Royal government is like when the termites built the hill snake went and occupied. It is the protestors are still taking the water cannons and tear gas bombs. But Ranil is already biting on the fruit of it, only to poison the fruit.

  • 6

    All those who are responsible for the present economic crisis committed a crime against humanity because all the people in the country suffer because of their actions. Therefore, those responsible for the economic crisis should be identified, people in the country should be made aware of them and they should be punished. Who can do this?

    • 6

      A Very Good Idea, EE
      Let us start with the most recent first: The Rajapaksa Bastards…
      Hope you will be brave enough to join them at the stake, for old time’s sake.
      At least Kahandagama had the balls to come out and follow his master, for better or for worse.
      And you saw what happened to Dan Priyasad too (Mr. Eye Patch), where is all the bravado now Priyasad?
      You are here, busy making moronic comments all day (receiving a hell of thumbs down like a “comments sadomasochist”), lets say you talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?
      I know you are scared shitless, I bet, had you been in Sri Lanka, you will be cowering under your bed like a little bitch.

      • 0

        Human Touch,
        “Let us start with the most recent first: The Rajapaksa Bastards…”
        Why not with Ranil’s ‘Yahapalana’ Government that turned out to be a ‘Jadapalana’ Government that robbed the Central Bank and kept on borrowing by issuing ISBs at very high interest rates that created the debt crisis, What did they do with that money? Part was used to import all kinds of things including kites, Vesak lanterns, National Flags, Buddhist Flags and even ‘Kankun’ because there is commission from importers. No record of what happened to the rest. Bashkara Lingam who is a notorious crook was with Ranil.

    • 4

      Dear EE.
      Why the change of heart against your support of the lily-white Rajapakse clan when you say;
      ……those responsible for the economic crisis should be identified, people in the country should be made aware of them and they should be punished…..
      Surely they are 95% responsible for 2 main disasters : 1. Fertlilizer Ban
      and 2. Keeping $ @ Rs.202 cost 5.5 billion $s – the entire FE reserves.
      See: https://www.sundaytimes.lk/220529/business-times/5-5-bln-spent-to-defend-rupee-483713.html.

    • 0

      “Therefore, those responsible for the economic crisis should be identified, people in the country should be made aware of them and they should be punished. Who can do this?”
      Dumb as a Devil, you could contribute a lot in this instance, for Starters?!
      Unfortunately, you need to “Find the REVERSE gear”, to ensure you identify them, rather than hovering around in the misty skies?
      What is the required IMPETUS?!
      New Pay Master??!!

  • 7

    Phew! Prof KD ……… your mind is like a cluster bomb spewing ideas every which way …….. wish they were a few well directed rifle shots ….. but not a la Texas either :))

    Foibles of a brilliant mind!

    Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

    Our life is frittered away by detail ……. Simplify, simplify. — H D Thoreau

    Wish you focused more on coy virgins ……. a higher chance of bearing fruit ……… than Ranil’s Lanka running like clockwork ……..

    My knowledge of virgins is sparse ……. my Lankan upbringing was a highly stricture-ed straightjacket of Christian/Protestant/Catholic/Buddhist morality. ………. So the few virgins that came my way, I left them as such.

    Native Vedda is the male counterpart of a coy virgin …….. but the patron saint of virgins, Old Codger, will tell ye that virgins will thank a man who leaves them untarnished.

    But those are not my virgins ……… one I reconnected with, years later ……. the first thing she told me was “You dumb jackass, I was waiting for you to seize the day.”

    Such is life! ……… And you think Sri Lanka has problems!

    • 2

      “but the patron saint of virgins, Old Codger, will tell ye that virgins will thank a man who leaves them untarnished.”
      Ah, but I do know a couple of virgins who wouldn’t mind being tarnished. But they’re older than Prof. KD, and even less ravishingly beautiful.

  • 3

    Ranil should not be allowed to pass 21a because:
    • He is a caretaker PM who has no mandate of the People.
    • He was rejected by his own party supporters.
    • He entered the Parliament from the backdoor via national list.
    • We have a caretaker Government with a caretaker PM.

    • 5

      I didn’t see you complaining when Basil entered via the back door and went on to ruin the country.

    • 7

      Eagle Eye Dumbo

      Without the votes of 113 or 150 crooks Ranil cannot pass 21A.
      There still exists a democratic process in the parliament.

      Why do you still remain a dump ass?

    • 2

      Poor EE,
      Ten people have already DISLIKED your comment, although it makes four valid observations.
      Nobody has yet “liked” your comment, probably because you troll so much; Even I’m not making an effort to improve your score.
      However, Ranil is making an effort to dominate the Parliament, and even seems to be planning to take over from Gota. I’ve provided a link, above, to his ten-minute address to the nation, which he thinks he now has control over.

      • 0

        “Ten people have already DISLIKED your comment,…”
        So, why your sss is itching?

    • 6

      Potta Eye,
      Ranil passed a similar 19A when he got over half a million preference votes and a 100% people endorsed government in 2015. And the idiots like you campaigned against that and brought in a man of your carbon copy to the highest seat in 2019. And pushed the country reeling towards the receivership at the mercy of Tamil Nadu people to feed utterly wasted souls like you. How do you like eating Tamil Nadu parippu and rice to keep your body alive these days??

    • 1

      Good morning.
      Whom do you suggest, do this??!!
      Personae with a dignified, “LITTERARUM HUMANARUM DOCTOR”; DHumLitt; HLD????!!!!
      Certainly recommend him with much accolade!
      No other could make Sri Lanka anymore worse off!!!

  • 11

    “Petrol and gas shortages may ease and if so RW will claim credit and wolf-whistle at Sajith to come over for a cuddle and a tumble. This is not unrealistic; it is a possible two-month subplot; indeed so far he has outsmarted the SJB.”
    In the meantime, there are not-exactly-bright individuals like Sanath Jayasuriya asking why it is taking Ranil more than two weeks to fix the economy. There was another bright spark telling us that we don’t need a PM to tell us how bad the economy is.
    Still, it seems the regime has stopped spinning sunshine stories. Kanchenjunga Wijesekera’s news conference yesterday was all no-nonsense. So there are even smart young Pohottuwa members, not only Johnstons, Gammanpilas, Bandulas, Pavithras….

    • 1

      Sorry, Kanchana Wijesekara.

      • 0

        Let’s do a simplified arithmetic: Country’s growth rate for its $100B economy is below 2.5 % for the past 75 year. The $60B loan interest rate is 7%. Rabbit runs at 10MPH, Tortoise trot at 1MPH, Tortoise is one mile behind the Rabbit. Can you calculate when the tortoise is going to win the Rabbit? With all my O/L level, A/L level economics and accounting, unless the whole world gets together and throws FDI to mimic the country’s wealth at $500 B and increase the GDP growth rate to 7% Ceylon can never get out of this death trap. Only other way is to write off all the local and foreign loans and restart a new Vietnam, without any help. Either method is only for persons who have something hanging underneath, like Lee, nothing for naive fox Ranil, the Evil Emperor.

      • 0

        oc, I listened, and I agree.
        Another guy who who has been doing his best to play straight, and for a long time now, is Janaka Ratnayake, who has to make decisions about power cuts.
        He’s not an engineer but seems to listen to the professionals who work for him, while speaking his mind to the politicians.

  • 10

    What Can Ranil Get Done?

    He can speak english and beg for loans and somebody has to pay in future and thank for all what the world loaned us. This year he will keep on, Thanking and no other answer made, but, thanks, And thanks, and ever thanks.” to world. Magic stick is not working because there is no truth and honesty and openness.
    Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn. Agriculture.

    • 2

      Part I)
      “Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn. AGRICULTURE.”
      This is No joking matter? Life and death substance!!
      How does one do AGRICULTURE, when the “Mahamolakaru”, first decreed, ’It has to Organic fertiliser farming or Nothing?
      That was utter and total failure, which took 2.5 years to analyse and comprehend – sadly their primary education or ‘Elementary School’ as per New world nomenclature, one is more familiar – accepted his folly, apologised and tried to Move-On??!!
      Move-on? Did you say?? My Foot!!! Yes it is “bogged in the Cow Dung and leafy Asian Muck” imported?
      By this time the world has Moved-On themselves – didn’t wait for Sri Lanka – the rest of the world woke up Post Covid, rushing to regain lost ground and back in business themselves, the demand for Chemical Fertiliser was high!? The need to provide food and produce to the world!! Important!!
      In the meantime, Russia, decided to invade Ukraine, the worlds’ second largest producer of chemical fertiliser and wheat producer!! “Double whammy” and in addition, Ukraine invasion and resultant embargo by the free world, made the oil prices to shoot up beyond belief!! Chemical Fertiliser is
      Petrochemical by product and

      • 0

        Everyone is speaking that on October there will be shortage of Rice (Suffering Period)
        Now if someone can wake up to provide fertilizer to come back from crisis and provide energy to farmers. Agriculture is can job that can be done. Like oil and Gas we don’t have there is enough of grass cow farming a seeable harvest? If it poultry you have to buy food at least you can have milk for break first gee, butter can be got done. Even fishing you need petrol, so cow farming is the best , Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. Not government is distributing fertilizer mixed with stones, 50 pound calf will be a 300-pound cow in six months.

    • 1

      (Part II)
      that cost too, whilst new
      No fresh shipments forthcoming even if you find the magical (call it magical, because only a Magic, whether black, brown or white immaterial) is the only way to find them in ‘this stone age’
      So my advise is that we all “cross our fingers and twiddle our thumbs” and wait patiently and await an outcome for Ranil Magic to work??!!
      At least, it seems to be working in “FITS AND STARTS”, with the Indians thankfully, – Tamilnadu State – had shipped out some fertiliser for our Rice Farmers for the forthcoming season, believe Yala!?
      There is nothing much that could be done, in the circumstances, sadly we and our government, well elected by the emancipated 6.9 million whiz kids (not sure!) voters!!
      Our only hope is that the educated knowledgeable participants would persist and the desired outcome by them granted, which would mean, IMF/WB would make available the Grant relief!!??
      In the meantime all the best of luck with your attempted agriculture project, hopefully helps SL??!!

    • 2

      “He can speak English”
      That’s for sure!
      Can also confirm that his intonation is better, when he says ‘KAKKA’ which is a distinct ‘PLUS’ point!!
      Donors may understand him better?!
      The loan and grant amount may increase and sent direct in its entirety to CBSL, rather than being diverted part funds to Santa Monica principality!!!
      Winner all the way??!!

  • 0

    Would or Will Premier Ranil.W. pull the chestnuts out of the fire on behalf of the Rajapaksas is the leading question of Prof.David. Leading questions by Counsel in Court are to elicit certain answers……….

    Frankly, not being an optimist in these times, I reckon that it would be easier for Ranil.W to win the Wimbledon Championship…………….

  • 1

    RW will be able to regain the public confidence if he can
    —>get the Rajapaksas out of politics and make them face the Judiciary for the crimes they have committed
    —>get the new constitution that is agreeable to ALL concerned (especially TAMILS)
    —>get AKD & Rasamanickam to be a Co-pilots in getting the country out of the deep trouble
    —>stop discrimination of minorities
    —> REDUCE the expenses on Defence
    —> greatly bring the number of Security Forces in North and East of SL

  • 0

    RBH89 Agree moreover , Ranil can if genunine,

    Not interfere or delay with investigations and decisions of court finding on the thieves !
    No honestly with dishonest agendas.
    West and east and IMF hit man excuses are laguhable from pathetic guys who pitch tents in west and give blame shifting double talk here.

    No one is begging Sri lanka to take a loan…… hilarious !

  • 2

    Look at the historical figures of SL’s budget deficit and external borrowing. It had gone worse since 1983. Why? Because of the war against Tamils. Had you solved the Tamils’ issue in 1956, SL would have been a country richer than and better than Singapore. But all political and economic analysts hide this fact because of the Mahavamsa attitude. SL will continue to suffer until you burn Mahavamsa. It is not a country that was blessed by Lord Buddha as British made you believe but a country cursed by the ALMIGHTY. Perish with you Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism

  • 2

    “What can get Ranil Done”? Nothing, except to push this country to further danger levels so that no one could ever think of resurrecting it for another five years. “The Rajapakse Regime” is bent on doing it and Ranil W has been the “CHOSEN” devil to accomplish that “Dream”.

  • 2

    Dear KD
    Unless there is a major paradigm shift in Sri Lanka’s governance/politics. Nothing will change.
    We will continue to appear to the world with our begging bowl and continue to have the mindset 3rd or 4th class humans.
    A change at the top, which is fueled by awakened masses is the only chance to right all the wrongs, since independence.
    Until such time, the politicians and the rich will continue squeezing the masses tighter and tighter till we have nothing more to give.
    Our rich should have been competing with the world instead of squeezing the poor.
    Luckily, the new generation, who are much more enlightened, than the likes of Eagle Eye and co who were the majority in the past.
    EE and co are so downtrodden and subservient or enslaved, if you will, stewing in their ignorance, they have accepted slavery as a way of life for eternity.
    However, now that we have, what was never a possibility in the past, we need to grab it diligently and dispose of the individuals (and their Lackeys), who has been cheating us from the start.
    I say skin them…
    We deserve a fresh start.

  • 6

    Ranil is the symbol of everything we hate.

    A man who was rejected and defeated at the last elections is now talking to us as PM on principles of good government and economic management !

    Any loans we may get is not because he wars a tie and coat. This country would have got the assistance of IMF, India China anyway. As usual Ranil and his dozen or so supporters will say loans are coming because he asked for them in English !

    When Ranil was PM legally he needed loans to to save the Hambantota port. No one gave him money. ranil stopped the work on the Port city project. The country ended up paying a penalty. As soon as he became PM he gave all public servants a pay rise of Rs 10,000. During 2015-2019 all economic indicators went down, including direct investments.All his ministers, Ravi, Malik, Maropone, Daya Guruge, Kiriella, Sagala, Vajira were just like him, conmen. As PM Ranil enjoyed all the perks including a much increased budget . Now he is talking of austerity !

    Even the country’s misfortune is exploited by this unprincipled , utterly callous rascal to become PM.

    The time of these old Boys of Royal college and so called “big’ families is over. They have all failed the country.

    • 5

      “investments.All his ministers, Ravi, Malik, Maropone, Daya Guruge, Kiriella, Sagala, Vajira were just like him, conmen.”
      Haven’t you forgotten your favourite objection, “gay”?

  • 2

    There is a news item that more than One Billion Rupees has been allocated to renovate the official residence of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, which is currently located in Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07. – It is doubtful what the remittances sent abroad for the essential needs of the public are being spent on. Again corruption. If this true how can the country’s economy be rebuilt. Also why not reduce the number of soldiers in the Northern Province to 25,000 from 100,000. After all, with which country Sri Lanka is waging war. Ranil should focus his attention on these matters also.

  • 6

    Ranil talks of abolishing the President (presidency) .Gotabaya made him PM !

    What did ranil do 20 years ago when Chandrika wanted to abolish the presidency ?

    Like this man’s greed for the PM job then he thought he could be president then ! A greedy unprincipled man will rot to death, insulted by everyone.

  • 3

    “What Can Ranil Get Done?”
    What does Ranil want done? That should be the question. Everyone with any common sense knows that it was Ranil and Wijadasa Rajapaksa that were the main characters that protected the Rajapakasa’s during the yahapalana govt.
    Going back to the original question, nothing for the population other than the 1% that is in the inner circle of the politicians. Wijedasa Rajapaksa is a worse curse for Sri Lanka than Ranil who is only a puppet with no power other than what Basil is willing to give.

    • 1

      “….Everyone with any common sense knows that it was Ranil and Wijadasa Rajapaksa that were the main characters that protected the Rajapakasa’s during the yahapalana govt……”

      Bert dont you see that the ‘investments’ they made some times back are giving them very healthy returns and reaping well and alive now?? :))

      “……Everyone with any common sense knows that…..”

      We dont!! Honestly we DO NOT have!! Look at those who still promote Ranil to save the country while a #1 rogue family is STILL in control!! If we had at least half the people with ‘that sense’ since 1948, the country wouldn’t be begging money from Bangladesh and Tamil Nadu for parippu and rice to feed its people in 2022!!!

  • 5

    “Tamil Nadu has flagged-off ship-loads of rice, milk-powder and medicines and Delhi flagged-off mercy-tankers of petroleum/oil. “
    Stalin has already announced his post delivery price tag for its ‘humane generosity’:
    1. Return Kachchaitivu to Tamilnadu. (That was made public even before the food was swallowed by anyone.)
    2. Let our boats raid the northern seas un-hinderd (That is in private. The TNA will fall for it immediately and Ranil will probably signal the navy to silence its guns.)

    • 5

      Your anti- Tamil, anti-Tamil Nadu , anti, Indian and pro-China, pro-Rajapaksa propaganda are well documented here. Did Stalin say that “let our boats raid in the northern seas un-hindered”?

      • 2

        Have you checked on what is happening in the northern waters? The number of Indian bandit boats has increased substantially.
        Stalin’s aim is to buy the silence of the South; the leaders of the North he can take for granted.
        No comments on Kachchaitivuu?
        Whatever I am, I am not a racist and I do not tell lies.

  • 4

    ” The left contingent elected to parliament at the next election will be large; “
    We had a similar situation well over half a century ago.
    It cannot deliver anything ‘seriously Left’ through parliament.
    I hope that it will apply the lessons of 50+ years ago to its practice.

    • 2

      Karma is a B itch. The Sinhalese fought a 30 year war because it dint want its own minority governing themselves. In the process killed tens of thousands of its own population including women and children. Committed the worst crimes against humanity.
      Irrespective of what religion you follow there is a price to pay. Now collectively pay the piper.
      Forget about the lesson from 50 years ago, open your eyes and look around. China and India are governing Sorry Lanka by proxy.

  • 10

    “Tamil Nadu has flagged-off ship-loads of rice, milk-powder and medicines”

    It is intellectually dishonest for high-caliber academics to make spurious claims. Most rice in India is not produced in Tamil Nadu, it is 10th on the list: https://www.mapsofindia.com/top-ten/india-crops/rice.html. Kumar David should also specify the amount and the motivation for what he claims are “ship-loads.” Anyway, these are not even donations, they are part of a $1 billion USD agreement made with India:

    “India, the world’s biggest rice exporter, last month agreed to provide the $1bn credit line to help ease crippling shortages of essential items, including fuel, food and medicine.”

    So Sri Lanka has to pay back this $1 billion (in full). Whoever is selling this rice is making a profit. It is purely business, not charity. The “generosity” (if any) lies in the financing. Also, regarding TN, it is in a dispute with Sri Lanka over Katchatheevu.

    • 14

      Lester the liar,
      Why do you have this compulsion to lie in support of your agenda?

      “Anyway, these are not even donations, they are part of a $1 billion USD agreement made with India:”
      Here is the motivation and the amount of aid:
      “It is intellectually dishonest for high-caliber academics to make spurious claims”
      Of course, you will now start talking about rainfall in Tamilnadu to cover up. As is expected from a wannabe fake academic of no calibre at all.

      • 12

        Old Thosa,

        Thanks for confirming my original point. According to your link, there is $16 million in humanitarian aid but only $5.6 million is from TN. The real aid comes from a $3.6 billion loan from India: “Separately, India has provided a $3.5 billion economic assistance in the form of loans and buyers’ credit ..” So TN is providing 0.16% of aid to Sri Lanka. Stick to your three-wheeler business before trying to argue. Basic maths is not your forte.

        • 6

          Lester the Jester,
          Good morning.
          Not interested to enlighten those professional and academics churned out by the SL higher education system!
          However, must point out it seems that your claim of 0.16% Tamilnadu, contribution is confusing?
          A. “there is $16 million in humanitarian aid but only $5.6 million is from TN” that reflects 5.6/16*100 = 35% contribution
          B. “Separately, India has provided a $3.5 billion economic assistance in the form of loans and buyers’ credit”, which reflects 5.6/3500*100 = 0.1556% contribution
          C. “The real aid comes from a $3.6 billion loan from India”, same as above! 0.1556%
          Item A, refers to only humanitarian aid (not clear already delivered or pending/in process)
          Item B, refers to Total Assistance offered and accepted, in process but not activated/executed)
          Same applies to C above.
          So your 0.16%, seems to reflect the percentage contribution pertaining to B & C above and not A above, which is clearly pertains to the Humanitarian Aid component from India!!??
          B & C are total aid/grant committed and not completely used!!?
          I am unable to understand the relevance of these computations as they seem to be comparing Apples with Oranges!!!

          • 4

            “I am unable to understand the relevance of these computations as they seem to be comparing Apples with Oranges!!!”
            You’re not the only one. Lester has invented an entirely new field, Lying Maths.

        • 4

          Lester the liar,
          “there is $16 million in humanitarian aid”.
          Who said anything about TN?
          YOU got caught lying again. YOU said “these are not donations”.
          It’s not my fault if your education didn’t include English comprehension.
          Go ahead, what about the rainfall in TN?

            • 2

              Old Thosa,

              Terror supporters have been claiming Sri Lanka is dependent on TN for rice. This is nonsense. Most of this donated rice goes to Tamil areas. Sri Lanka has taken out heavy loans to buy food and fuel. Your goal is to spread LTTE propaganda, as that is the extent of your intellect, however Kumar David as an academic should be held to a higher standard.

              • 3

                Lester the Jester to nutter

                “Terror supporters have been claiming Sri Lanka is dependent on TN for rice.”

                Even the anti Tamil Nadu war criminals (like you) do agree Sinhalese also benefit from Stalin’s handouts.

                Aren’t you ashamed of yourself being a beggar and a liar, or begging liar?

                Your truth is as good as Trump’s other truths.
                Alas we have a liar who is at par with an Amertican president.

                • 1

                  Tiger Vedda,

                  You must have graduated behind Codger in the government school. Although in your case, I would be surprised if you made it past year 5.

                  “VCK founder Thirumavalavan welcomed Chief Minister M. K. Stalin’s announcement that Tamil Nadu government would extend help to Sri Lankan Tamils by distributing rice, pulses, milk products and medicines.”

                  Ask Stalin bugger to keep his “donations.” No one asked him in the first place.

                  • 2

                    Lester the liar,
                    “Ask Stalin bugger to keep his “donations.” No one asked him in the first place.”
                    Who cares what some idiot refugee in the West thinks? The food is for Sri Lankans, not foreign dimwits who live on welfare anyway. Foreign dimwits simply cannot stand the idea of Tamils exporting food to a “3000 year old hydraulic civilization “
                    Especially one which invented hydro-electricity.

              • 6

                Lying Lester,
                ” Terror supporters have been claiming Sri Lanka is dependent on TN for rice. This is nonsense. Most of this donated rice goes to Tamil areas.”
                So you are saying Tamil areas aren’t part of Sri Lanka?
                Didn’t you say “Anyway, these are not even donations, they are part of a $1 billion USD agreement made with India:”
                At least be consistent, even if you are a congenital incompetent. It is so embarrassing to read your juvenile logic. Do the Rajapaksas pay you for such stuff? They must be dumber than I thought.

                • 1

                  According to Vaddukodai Resolution, Tamils form a “distinct nation.” That is what your hero SJV told the followers. Anyway, if this useless donation is only going to Tamil areas, it means only 10 out of every 100 people in the country are recipients. Yessir!

    • 3

      What came from Tamil Nadu was donations.

  • 14

    “Gotabaya’s imbecile fertiliser dogma has brought the country to the threshold of starvation.”

    If people were really starving, the riots would be much worse. The Army would be unable to control the protestors. One can see people eating and drinking even at these protests. The real issue is actually energy. Food can be grown or substitutes can be found. Energy is needed for agricultural machinery as well as transportation and cooling.

    “To get back to RW. Ok I am prepared to grant that he is not a crook”

    He has been bribing Muslim ministers for decades. He was involved in the bond scam alongside Arjuna Mahendran. There is a reason why RW never quits politics, despite decades of personal failure.

    • 5

      “He has been bribing Muslim ministers for decades”
      One should not forget, MaRa did it from 2006 to 2014 with impunity?

    • 6

      Lying Lester,
      “If people were really starving, the riots would be much worse”
      Aren’t you the guy that claimed, a few months ago, that there is plenty of milk powder in the country, and rice is short because Dudley Sirisena is hoarding it? Didn’t you claim that your glorious Ranaviru Generals would soon produce all the hidden sugar, flour, salt, soap, etc?

      • 2

        You are the liar, not me. Quote me directly, not from TamilNet. This is what I said.

        1. Fertilizer ban doesn’t make a difference, since fertilizer prices have increased by 30% anyway. Farmers would be unable to afford fertilizer regardless of ban or no ban. Successfully switching to organic fertilizer (compost, manure, etc.) would have actually solved this problem.

        2. Protests should be against China, since 30% of Sri Lankan GDP comes from tourism (demolished by COVID-19).

        3. The only sustainable path for Sri Lanka is industrialization, similar to East Asia.

        4. Sri Lanka should consider selling land in the North and East to China to pay off debt.

        5. The probability of starvation in a tropical country where 34% of the people are obese or overweight is highly unlikely.

        If Sri Lanka is able to industrialize, it can pursue nuclear energy in the future, which will take care of the energy problem, regardless of global warming.

        • 4

          Lying Lester
          “Quote me directly, not from TamilNet.”
          What about all the fertilizer, sugar, milk, that the ranaviruses were supposed to uncover? They are just as incompetent as the Rajapaksas. And the ones like you who voted for them.”
          “The probability of starvation in a tropical country where 34% of the people are obese or overweight is unlikely” https://globalnutritionreport.org/resources/nutrition-profiles/asia/southern-asia/sri-lanka/
          17% of children under 5 are malnourished.
          Lying again.

          • 1

            Who is talking about malnutrition? What is the reason for malnutrition? Is it lack of food or choice of food?

            ” In some cases, children who are obese who are malnourished because they are consuming the wrong types of foods – foods that are calorie dense, but nutritionally poor. It is called “hidden hunger” and it robs billions of people the opportunity to reach their full potential.

            With hidden hunger, officially known as micronutrient deficiency, people eat enough calories, but fail to get essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. It’s a well-recognized issue in developing countries, where organizations like the World Food Programme and many others work tirelessly to ensure that people – particularly young children – get the essential nutrition they need to reach their full physical and cognitive potential.”

            As I said, these topics are beyond your comprehension. Find another tourist for the three-wheeler. Yessir!

        • 5

          Lying Lester
          “Fertilizer ban doesn’t make a difference, since fertilizer prices have increased by 30% anyway. Farmers would be unable to afford fertilizer regardless of ban or no ban.”
          How come the farmers in Tamilnadu produce enough even for export under the same conditions, less rainfall, and without a much-ballyhooed 3000 year old hydraulic system, which you talk about very often?
          The difference is in the farmers. Tamil farmers should be allowed to take over and farm all the Mahaweli areas. Tamils and Muslims already produce most of the country’s economic output. Let them take 100% of agriculture too.

          • 1

            Who cares about Smelly Nadu? If you like it that much, go and live there. I am a believer in Malthus. Poor people reproduce geometrically, while the food supply increases arithmetically. Fewer people means less strain on limited resources. Tamils are contributing very little to the country’s economic output, in fact they are responsible for diminished GDP growth over a 30 year period because the Diaspora supported suicide terrorism.

            • 4

              Liar Lester,
              “Who cares about Smelly Nadu? If you like it that much, go and live there.”
              Got caught lying again. You have no sensible answer. How soooo pathetic for one who claims an “education “.

              • 1

                Looks like you lost the argument again. You don’t even know the difference between “malnutrition” and “starvation.” Noosir!

                • 2

                  Lester the twister,
                  So now you admit that TN donated 40,000 tons of rice? I wonder why, if people aren’t starving.

            • 2

              What an idiot this lester should be/ Tamil Nadu is reported to be the primary source today supplying saline to Rajapakse bankruptcy aka srilanka as of today while other donor nations such as Ethiopia and Congo republic are getting ready/ knowing the truth these ballige puthas to continue with their ultra stu6boast/ should be connected with their pathological reasons/
              Get well soon Lester☹🐃☹🐃☹🐃☹🐃☹🐃☹🐃☹

              • 0

                Mr. Leela, remember to include “gems” from your hero CBK. Talk about the real ballige puthas who tried to sell the country to terrorists.

                • 3

                  You the kind of cheap ones are smeared fully as your senses would remain unturn for the rest of life. So no point of wasting my valuable time with you Lester.

                  Only man that could praise you on CT would be ultra racist EAGLY EYE.

                  Now as a man who could provide us with some links, please get back to us with some supportive proof materials to the following questions.
                  Did RW sell out the land ? If yes which were the land properties that he sold out ?

                  Did not GOTA and Thirisana of the nation- MARA sell out colombo properties ?
                  Did CBK sell out the state lands ? if yes when and what were the lands ? Please provide us with the links.
                  In fact, Mr RW had no other choice but to decide to give HAMBANTOTA harbour back to China on a lease.

                  Those who stand against that LEASE should come with the options that he had at the moment…
                  However, Rajakshe back media mafia networks spread that handling as ” selling out the harbour”. So as they did it with SO CALLED BOND SCAM, putting the entire blame on RW…. RW was scapegoated – and Rajapakshes earned the good name.
                  Unfortunately, the FAKE good name did not last 2.5 years since BPs grabed power…

        • 0

          “Fertilizer ban doesn’t make a difference, since fertilizer prices have increased by 30% anyway. “
          There was an issue of availability and the distribution of an unfamiliar form of fertilizer imported from India.
          I will not waste my time on the rest of the comments.

      • 4

        old codger

        “Didn’t you claim that your glorious Ranaviru Generals would soon produce all the hidden sugar, flour, salt, soap, etc?”

        Does it matter if we do not have sufficient rice? Like the Pakistani Army Shavendra, Kamala and their fellow generals could produce varieties of cornflakes, cakes, noodles and they are even capable of making people disappear without trace in no time.

        The Army has a good track record on disappearances.
        Famine what famine?

        • 1


          “The Army has a good track record on disappearances.”

          How did you manage to escape? Did you lend your white flag to Nadesan?

    • 3

      (Part I)
      Good evening.
      1. a folly,
      2. bad strategy or
      3. misdirection/mismanagement
      is exposed or made public, it is countered by a diversionary tactic or an excuse!! Standard SL way!
      However, there should be methodology and system
      a. a meticulous process and
      b. plan to implement that and
      c. it needs extensive planning
      d. This entails, period of at least 5 to 7 years analysis of organic fertiliser optimisation analysis!
      e. Then transition for it to succeed by a comparative study of crop identification for transition!!
      f. Obtaining alternate organic fertiliser sourcing, sustainable supplies, for projected demand!
      This plan by Gothabaya was devoid of any of those!! Just similar to ordering a Pizza for dinner on the phone from “Domino’s” or “Pizza Hut”
      That is “cannot do methodology” and has come ‘crashing down’ along with country’s economy; affected staple food Rice production to meet local demand, Export crops (Tea) production, (2nd largest foreign exchange earner).
      Also add to the mix of allowing the CBSL to defend the USD 1= SL Rs. 203 mythology!!! Spent USD 5.4 Billion exercise!!

    • 2

      (Part II)
      That USD 5.4 Billion, would have been God send in these trouble times??!! Alleviate starvation (Food and Fuel supplies – Gas)!!??
      Well Gota might say, that MR’s responsibility – Finance Minister, which is not tenable and not acceptable by the suffering masses. Cabral and St. should have been on a tight Leash,not allowed to rampage as lone wolves in a chicken Pen!!
      Gota is the Boss responsibility for Good and Bad!!
      Similar to the Easter Sunday bombing blaming th then PM who didn’t have the Defence ministry under him and then Defence Minister (cum EP) was absconding in Thirupathy and Singapore!!??
      Defence officials reportedly told not to take orders from PM of Deputy Defence (Reports as exposed in the presidential commission evidence)
      Maithripala Gamarala is claiming that is not his fault, because as usual he is reading the constitution and the criminal procedure code (Sinhala Translation from the back page to the front!!)
      Probably still following the “Pollonnaruwa, Chola Kingdom edict of 1000+ years ago!!! Responsible at least partly, if not entirely, 300 killed Easter 2019!
      Buck stops with the president!! That’s why is elected to exalted office by sovereign people!!
      If not, they are inept and unsuitable?!

      • 2

        Both President and PM are responsible as people in charge of government.
        Ranil had certain rights and responsibilities as Prime Minister.
        His sulking that he was not invited to meetings was poor performance.
        There are too many who knew that something was up. Did none bother to tell Ranil? Or was it that his disinterest discouraged them?

    • 3

      Lester the clow of all times,
      Would it be okay for you to continue this way ? You may feel that ours are a nation filled only with – SLPP supporters…. … no wrong…. there are people that would respect MORALs and ETHICs yet in this country.

      Their doctored statitics buried the ground realities of the destitute in this country, displaying their numbers being favourable to promote us a ” upper mid income earning nation”: All these were manipulated as was the case with so called bond scam being thrown to RW, though the real architects of the scam origin was introduced by BP Mahindaya and his condom supporter Cabral. With both being marginalized as of today, what we add here should be the truth. People were shamelessly abused by Rajapakshes to a manner a woman who was rescued not allowing her from drowing was then raped and murdered later on….. that is exactly what Mahindaya did for this nation, aiming at his political survival. So the fury of the people is beyond control. That is why such riots demolished all those pvt properties that were built by the loot or illegally collected state funds.

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