2 May, 2024


When The People And Leadership ‘Are Friends’

By Rajpal Abeynayake – The state run Daily News Editorial – Saturday, August 17, 2013 –

Those who operate in the cesspits of the journalistic world, maintaining websites that are for the most part repositories of what in Sri Lanka we refer to as ‘raw filth’, have tried to tell us what we can or should do as commentators, opinion-makers and media practitioners. As they say, that will be the day when the law can be laid down to us by ex-ambassadors hurting at their most recent job loss, and their hurrah boy squads in the morally depraved terrorist Tamil Tiger rump.

Editor Rajpal Abeynayake

There is simply more to life than what the Tamil Tiger rump wants — and that’s to put things mildly and in a way that can be understood by any pathetic narcissist, be it ex-ambassador or otherwise.

‘It would be a cold day in hell’, as they say, before the Tamil Tiger rump and the new champions of regime destabilization could start laying down the law on what we write, and how we respond to con-artists that try to interpret what our contributors write in a way that suits their desire for another grievous calamity in Sri Lanka, such as July ’83, for instance.

This is a new era. Nobody is cowed by con-artists, ‘andayas’ and/or the other detritus of society that’s left behind in an unprecedented national effort to make Sri Lanka the best example yet in the world, of post-war economic success.

The most important aspect of this economic upsurge is the fact that people identify with this post-war project, despite the stupendously cynical efforts of the Tamil Tiger rump and the frustrated con-artists back home in Sri Lanka that are their joined at hip twins. That’s why they came in their millions, literally, to see for themselves the South Terminal of the Colombo port recently, this project being one of the most representative of the government’s efforts at transforming the economy in a way that fires the imagination of citizen, investor and observer of events alike.

What the Tiger rump and their handmaidens and cheer squads cannot reconcile to is the fact that there is a paradigm shift in the Lankan condition. The same old tired tactics of calumny, vilification, race bating etc., do not work any more in this nation.

The people feel so liberated that they have begun to work with their heads down, but their spirits up. There is also a symbiosis — a friendship if you will! — between the masses and the regime, which is a rarity in politics, be it in Sri Lanka or anywhere in the world.

There is a time when people begin to feel in their gut that they have found leadership, and that they are, plainly put, fond of that leadership. Such a time has come in Sri Lanka, and it is at such a time that no force can really come between the leaders on the one hand, and the re-energized masses on the other.

Though ‘friends’ may sound facetious, caricature-like even, friends will be the best way to describe leadership, and the masses, when it is dawn in this brand new day in Sri Lanka.

That is why what’s seen as calamities by the disruptive elements are never seen remotely as such, by the people. That’s why the people of Rathupaswela sat down with the President, and hammered out an agreement despite the Cassandras saying that Weliweriya was the ‘beginning of the end.’

Never again would con-artists, mountebanks, the self-aggrandizing and the plain boorish be able to lay down their own law on how things are done, in this country. Nobody who is part of the project to make Sri Lanka a brave nation of possibility, can be bamboozled by sanctimonious claims such as ‘this would have never happened in the past.’

There are those who, for instance, purport to tell us how journalism should be practiced. A polite no thank you to this deracinated, unimaginative wedded-to-the-herd coterie of losers. Nobody will bamboozle us any more. Opinionated, pompous buffoons so full of themselves who think they can teach us either journalism or ethics, are on the one hand the most venal and self-serving at bottom – and on the other, the most hilariously misled about the scope and effectiveness of their own capabilities.

However, in a free country, they are free to stew in the juices of their own monumental delusions.

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  • 0

    Cant this man mention the names without farting around?

    • 0

      He is not used to do so ..

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    [Edited out]

  • 0

    Dear Rajpal

    Can you please tell us about the duty of the Central Environment Agency with respect to the water problem in Weliweriya?

  • 0

    Now expect the usual pathetic cesspit ‘attacks’ against Rajpal Abeyhnayake from the losers. You’ve read one string of those, you’ve read them all! HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Here goes:

  • 0

    What this Puny guy doing in Phuket instead of white washing his Govt masters or dashing to Geneva to fight with Macrae ?

    He is happy to note that the Water issue is resolved with face to face meeting with Mahinda but what price they had to pay for such a meeting??

    World has seen what price Northern Tamils paid after listening to Sinhale lies abt Humanitarian liberation of tamils & one more warning about the carnage about the next operation this time in South against tamils would only enhance the vigil of International Community.

    After all, Prevention is better than cure & Precaution is the need of hour to prevent another carnage of Tamils in South.

  • 0

    This guy is crazy, he can’t even stand erect, but keeps talking rubbish. He is definitely a propaganda bafoon of the Rajapakse mahathuruni.

    Hitler knew the value of propaganda, but Napoleon went one step further – He became the propagandist himself. Their propaganda worked for quite some time, but they couldn’t fool the people all the time. Then came their downfall.

    This guy reminds me of the master propagandist for Saddam Husein, Tariq Ali.

    Beware though, the gullible masses can get carried away by these pipers for their masters, like what happened in Germany and France!

  • 0

    This is an editorial of a national newspaper???????

    My sympathies to the nation.

    • 0

      Oh YAA;

      When The People And Leadership ‘Are Friends’, like Mullai waikal, Rathupaswala
      And Making a RIDE In a Three Wheeler with Some Thai Pros,
      You will feel,
      that You are at the top of the world,
      Because Every thing is taken care and paid by the Regime for henchmen, at the taxpayers expense.
      What Editorial/ Editor Of a “DONKEY’s Noise”.

  • 0

    Really Rajpal.

    Hate to see or hear from some of the old alma mater who are on show in the recent past. M—k-, Yo—–a and of course you.

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    Please check the link below.


    Are these not similar to what one got to see in Simbabwe, former Garapis regime or any other brutal regimes known to everyone.

    Why cant he just send one other minister to open these event ? Has not he got more valuable thing to do than making round trips to open this that that ?

    I have not seen that western democratically elected leaders are busy with this kind of activities. These are just red herrings to manipulate the village masses.

    Simply noat acceptable.

  • 0

    Among a host of murderous buffoons, Rajpal A is probably prince!
    He is BEYOND a caricature of a Goebbels of Sri Lanka though it must be admitted his venom is probably beyond a cobra and viper combined. HE IS THE TRUE FACE OF RAJAPASSA “CIVILIZATION.”

  • 0

    The “Tiger rump” is at fault!
    It has come down south from the north to terrorise the minds of simple citizens!
    Abeynayake is resurrecting it.
    Ex-ambasssdors are warned!
    This Daily Noise editor cannot tolerate/state the truth which is the duty of journalists.

    • 0

      Please, please ….. he has to bend over backwards to appease his

      But we hardly expected him to give wet dreams to other eminent writers.

  • 0

    dont worry Rajpal you will also loose your job very soon and join the jobless catagory

    • 0

      Remind this son-of-a …. that MR sacked him from Lakehouse once before and probably will again. Then he can lock himself up in a 5-star hotel room (paid for by someone else) as he promised to at the Galle Literary Festival sometime ago. He can then “write the definitive Sri Lankan novel.” If he needs to starve to do this he can get expert advice from Wimal Weerawansa, that other “friend of the people” about how to do this.
      Rajpal gives jackasses a very bad name!

  • 0

    When The People And Leadership ‘Are Friends’
    At that time all the politicians become poor and the people have quality life
    This is not going to happen in Sri Lanka for next 100 years because it is already exist second and third generation
    And you are also enjoying with your vacation in Thailand

  • 0

    This kind of editorial…..”That’s why they came in their millions, literally, to see for themselves the South Terminal of the Colombo port recently, this project being one of the most representative of the government’s efforts a…” was read with the Hambantota Habour
    and the Airport too. Everone knows what happened since.

  • 0

    A Thomian kissing the arse of a despotic regime. Shame on you Rajpal.
    You are not only a disgrace to your Alma Mater but to the noble profession of journalism.

    • 0

      well said well said!

  • 0

    I have long suspected Rajpal to be bit off. Now we know that he’s completely barmy.

  • 0

    He’s [Edited out]. Literally and metaphorically.

  • 0

    “Hang all the Thomians on the Kaju Puhulang Tree/// as we go marching along…”, so it goes. In addition to Rajpal there are many to be hung on that Kaju Puhulan Tree. Who are they? GLP, Kumar Welgama, Lakshman Seneviratne, RajivaW, Dayan and his uncle Neville de Silva, Asitha Perera, and the Rajapakse Trio among others.

    • 0

      Maybe under a different category. Dayan was a Josephian, unlike his father (Royal), uncles(Royal and St Thomas’)and paternal grandfather(Trinity).

      • 0

        these schools produced nothing but world famous war criminals…

        • 0

          jmuthu,what has happened to your friend Dr.narendran?MIA

        • 0

          But what about Richmond College Galle ? It has produced most unbearable politician to this country – He is the Mahinda Jayapakshe.

          I am not sure, this Mahinda was a student of that college, because I am well aware the college has produced valuable personalities to the country and the world.

  • 0

    Whom this Rajpal, another Rajapakse Gan Kabaraya’s Puppeteer trying to hoodwink.

    Has he forgoten that it was Rajapakse Comedy Master who played comedy show with International community using Dr.Dayan and his Trio who helped Sri Lanka win UNHRC vote, later dumped them when they forced him to implement LLRC and 13th amendment.

    Has he forgotten that it was Rajapakses who are sleeping with Tiger masters KP, Karuna and Daya Master after screwing LTTE VP and later stealing his Gold, jewlrey, cash and other assets.

    Has he forgotten that Rajapakse show off Puppet master who gave 150 Million US Dollars to Uganda in their water projects while Genociding Weliweriya natieves when they asked for drinking water.

    This Rajpal scum bug is just another paid puppeteer of the Hambanthota Gan Kabaraya who monopolised the whole Sri Lanka media after eliminating all the valuable, honest and patriot writers, reporters and journalists. You are one of the Rajapakse ass cleaners. Nothing more.

    Yes,tell me what is the humbug Rajapakse developments you are talking about……

    Building Airports without Passengers, harbours without ships, building hotels when Tourism is down 20%, harbour expansions when container traffic is down 40% and exports down by 30%, building the 13th airport in Kandy cutting and chopping 300 acres of trees and agriculture land. Who is going to use these airports when people could travel all over Sri Lanka within four hours.
    Giving our Land, forests, mineral sands and the ocean to China free of charge to do whatever they want…….while our poor fishermen are struggling to catch fish.

    What is your puppeteer development you are talking about……..opening more Massage Parlours, Night clubs, Brothel houses, Casino and Kudu joints…….are these the development you are talking about. Yes this is your Maharaja Show off master hoodwinking the International community with a fake 6.5% annual growth.

    Hope you herd about the very famous Andarae……..

    you and your Hambanthota Gan Kabaraya Puppet Master Keep on feeding Punnakku to Villege Gamaralas……while tap dancing to the tune of Rajapakse Gangnam style.

    But not to us the CT readers.

  • 0

    On the Tamil side, those who took Taraki Sivaram seriously need to remember that Rajpal Abenayake and Chandraprema were the kind of friends he had; maybe they weren’t exactly “friends” but only drinking bosom buddies. But one has to wonder, with “friends” like these….

  • 0

    Pls visit the page ,CT’s

    northern Sinhaliztion -important new message included among the comments

  • 0

    Non sense. Full of non-sense. Probably payed by the Government. Waste of time to read this type of articles.

  • 0

    Quoting from yours:

    “The people feel so liberated that they have begun to work with their heads down, but their spirits up. There is also a symbiosis — a friendship if you will! — between the masses and the regime, which is a rarity in politics, be it in Sri Lanka or anywhere in the world”

    Do you think that People feel so liberated ?

    Instead many see it the other way around – that people are scared to open their mouths. Even seniors like CBK has expressed this many a times. Today, people ´s mind sets are locked by state brutal acts such as sending disspaear by using their whitevanning and all other middle age punishments, moreover the incident in Weliweriya branded this clearer to the world, that MR administration has not respect to democratic values.

    So symbiosis is only politicians and police to cover the crimes perpetrated with the approval of MR and his supporters. As references, anyone can consider recent crime investigations that ended up with biased verdicts. Not forgetting also the impeachment process against the former CJ of the nation -Dr. SB:

  • 0

    Rajpal Abeynayake was earlier the editor of the Sunday Observer. One morning when he came to work MR had sacked him. Why ?Because he had made a unfavourable comment about the Lord.Rajpal had two hours to pack his bags. Now this same guy has come back as editor of the Daliy News and prasing his lord and master MR ! You readers should check on rajpals earlier role as editor observer and how it ended on a sorry note. It will tell you who this Rajpal Abeynayake really is !

  • 0

    Look at the Lilliputian Gigolo in Phuket.
    Millions coming to see Colombo Port? My foot!!
    Office workers cannot even get their buses
    on time. How many buses and trains would it take
    to bring million people in three days after
    the opening?

    You crazy idiot. You are a disgrace to your mother,
    your school and every thing decent. Shame on you.

    The tongue twisting jargon that you have learnt
    are being used destructively. Little wonder you are
    a good for nothing, puny idiot craving to be counted.

  • 0


    Thanks for posting your photo and You look and sound like a man who has just landed from another planet having lost your way. You are suffering from Rocket lag so have a hot bath relax and read history and things will begin to fall into place.
    Once you have caught up with the news which are centuries old you will see the following.

    1) As they say, that will be the day when the law can be laid down to us by ex-ambassadors hurting at their most recent job loss, and their hurrah boy squads in the morally depraved terrorist Tamil Tiger rump.

    The LTTE rump as you call them are and were never morally depraved as unlike your soldier brothers they were never involved in any Immoral Activities other than fight against tyranny perpertatred on innocent and defenceless Tamils by your lot.

    2)There is simply more to life than what the Tamil Tiger rump wants — and that’s to put things mildly and in a way that can be understood by any pathetic narcissist, be it ex-ambassador or otherwise.

    Yeah man you are right there is more to life than what rump wants and that is:
    Ruling by Terror
    These are the characteriistics and the hallmark of your Masters who are at the helm.

    3)It would be a cold day in hell’, as they say, before the Tamil Tiger rump and the new champions of regime destabilization could start laying down the law on what we write, and how we respond to con-artists that try to interpret what our contributors write in a way that suits their desire for another grievous calamity in Sri Lanka, such as July ’83, for instance.

    The Law on what you write in Sinhala Lanka is written and enforced by Thugs and if you are in doubt ask Lasanthas widow.
    Who are these new champions of Regime Destabilisation?
    Would they be the thugs headed by MR wielding knives and pick axe and enforce Law and Order.
    Would they be the PCS who impeach the Chief Justice without any shred of evidence.
    Would they be the killers of Lasantha and other Journalsists who live under fear in Lawless Sri Lanka

    4)There is a time when people begin to feel in their gut that they have found leadership, and that they are, plainly put, fond of that leadership. Such a time has come in Sri Lanka, and it is at such a time that no force can really come between the leaders on the one hand, and the re-energized masses on the other.

    You must be out of your mind man the Leadership that y0u are taliking about has been totally humiliated and brought down to earth( you may have seen them on your way into mother earth). Just consider tne following
    1) Gotha and the other Hawkish morons said that Mrs.Pillai would not be allowed in to the Country. Man she is coming and guess what Gotha is going to give a report on the Security Situation. This amounts to an employee preparing a report to the boss.
    2) The Weak man in the party GL going to India to invite the master and do you know even the head of the Commonwealth “Her Majesty” has not been invited personally.
    3) The purpose of the visit is to be told of the Terms and Conditions of the masters participation and advance notice was given if any one is in any doubt.

    There are many other humilations this lot have been subjected to but they have no dignity left so they will hang on to power because they are protected by Thugs. But the day when they will all be put on a plane kicking and screaming and taken to the Hauge is not far off and I am sure even an idiot like you can work this one out.

    However, in a free country, they are free to stew in the juices of their own monumental delusions.
    DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE. But who can blame you you are deluded
    and that is why you are calling Sinhala Lanka a Free Country.


  • 0

    Rajpal in his latest editorial in the SO is urging our northern folks to vote wisely.
    There is a catch to it though!

    • 0


      I am sure you are much cleverer than this. It is an open threat plain and simple.
      Vote for MR and his Thugs or will all be wiped out.

  • 0

    The rantings of a disgraceful slipper sucker of a runt, who insults the intelligence of the contributors to this website.No wonder his trash sheet the “Daily noise” which spews out lies is nothing but a unabashed propaganda arm of a despicable familial dictatorship.Hope this well known drunk is put in his place where he belongs , The gutter.

  • 0

    “Never again would con-artists, mountebanks, the self-aggrandizing and the plain boorish be able to lay down their own law on how things are done, in this country.”

    What about shameless,non ethical,miserable, wannabe journalists, carving for attention and selling their souls for a mess of pottage ?

    You will hang along with all of those who contributed to the rape, pillage and prostitution of our beloved motherland.

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