3 May, 2024


Will Vatican Fall Under The Sri Lankan Politics?

By R. Jeevan

I don’t deny the fact that Defence Secretary Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa met Pope Francis. But, the meeting did not take place as it was exaggerated in Sri Lankan media. You may know Pope Francis has attracted a lot of support from all around the world for his simplicity and his newness in his leadership. Thousands and thousands of people flock to see the Pope every Wednesday and Sunday. Every Wednesday, according to the long Papal tradition the Pope holds a “General audience” to the faithful at St. Peter’s square. Nearly 100.000 faithful participates prayerfully during this General Audience which is known as “Wednesday Catechism” in which Pope as the supreme leader of the Church takes time to educate and instruct the faithful on particular themes that are more relevant to the Christian life. Usually when people in diplomatic levels and dignitaries of states (mainly those who are Catholics or believers in the Church) request to meet Pope they are invited to take part in these audiences. Before the audience Pope takes more than a half an hour to greet the pilgrims in the “Piazza”. Then he holds his catechism in different languages which lasts an hour and at the end of the audience he gives his Apostolic blessing and concludes the Audience. Usually Bishops and Cardinals greet the Pope immediately after the audience. Pope Francis takes time to greet and bless the special invitees too. When he greets special invitees and Bishops they usually offer the Pontiff with souvenirs. But he is strictly avoids any formal encounters.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Mr. Gotabaya and his delegation was such a “special participants” for the weekly “General Audience” on the 20th of November, 2013 as the Sri Lankan Opposition leader Mr. Ranil Wickiramesinghe met Pope Benedict XVI in January this year. Any Vatican officials or diplomats was unaware of such presence as these matters fall directly under the head of the Papal household. The photo which was released to the media portrays that Mr and Mrs Gotabaya Rajapaksa handing over a souvenir to the Pope which Pope receives with much affection at his return to the Papal apartments after his General audience.

Vatican Tradition

The Pontiff usually meets heads of states. Pope Francis encourages himself in meeting important personalities too. Apart from the Pope, Secretary of State, or the Prime Minister is in charge of any diplomatic relation. There are nine Congregations (Ministries) and twelve Pontifical councils (commissions) which are headed by Cardinals and Archbishops and they look into the different interests of the Vatican State and the Catholic Church. They all work together and share information for a constructive outcome. There many officials who work in these offices in Vatican are called “Monsignors”. Monsignors, representing different departments and councils  meet different people and are always available to welcome anyone irrespective of their faith and holds low level meetings.

So it is evident that Mr. Gotabaya has met some Monsignors who work in different departments (there are three Sri Lankan Monsignors who work in Vatican departments) and through them he had made an invitation to the Pope to visit Sri Lanka. It is not always assured that their request will reach the Pope or even the  Secretary of State as they directly handle the issues through their “Apostolic Nunciature” (Embassies of Vatican).

But Vatican officials were well aware of an extra attempt by the Sri Lankan government to send a delegation which would meet Pope and make the official invitation for the Pontiff’s visit to Sri Lanka. But Vatican had categorically denied this request stating the traditional aspect which clearly says that the Pope meets officially only the heads of states.

Vatican on Sri Lanka…

Among all the countries in the world,  Vatican is the only state which is clearly aware of what happened in Sri Lanka and what is happening there right now. Even during the peak of war in 2009 when United Nations and many other organizations pulled out their members from the war zone, Catholic Church was present there and witnessed the massacre and even the Catholic priests and religious were victimized. Church organizations are the first ones to open internationally the debate on “war crimes”. Even now many high level Church organizations which are directly connected to Vatican, keep them in the forefront publicly and secretly  to fight for justice and peace in Sri Lanka.  The officials of the Vatican office for  Justice and Peace headed by veteran Cardinal Peter Turkson, are well aware of the ground situation. This commission legally bound to advise the Pope and other offices regarding  the developments in Justice and Peace all around the world. Even Vatican has its officials working in the United Nations. This was evident when President Mahinda Rajapaksa was questioned during his last visit to Rome in June 2012, by the officials of the State department. So it would be highly wrong to say that Vatican is unaware of the ground situations in Sri Lanka. But due to diplomatic reasons Vatican keeps secrecy and work diligently.

With the arrival of Pope Francis in Vatican things have changed unexpectedly. More than diplomacy Vatican gives priority to humanity. Pope Francis openly speaks of many issues that were unspoken in the Church before. The Pope who is very much interested in restoring human dignity and giving propriety to humanity is for sure concerned very much regarding the countries that are accused of human rights violations. The present Pontiff is without any doubt well aware of the situation in Sri Lanka. When he was the Archbishop in the capital of Argentina he had ample opportunities to follow the recent developments in Sri Lanka, as there was a strong sentiment for Sri Lankan Tamils unlike many other countries in Latin America. When he met a Sri Lankan recently he has affectionately inquired about the present situation in Sri Lanka and especially regarding the  reconciliation process.

Will the Pope Visit to Sri Lanka…

Recent developments in Vatican obviously speak of a Pope’s possible visit to Asia next year. As a leader interested in inter-religious dialogue and building good relationship with different faith and communities Pope’s visit may include India, Thailand, Philippines and Sri Lanka. Following the recent disaster in Philippines one can predict an earlier visit to this biggest Catholic country in Asia. His visit to India depends on the political and the practical aspects, while Thailand has already extended an open invitation to Pope Francis. His visit to Sri Lanka is highly contemplated due to many reasons. Anyhow despite the human rights record in Sri Lanka, Pope is looking forward to visit Sri Lanka mainly to visit the victims of war in the North and East and to shine a light upon the situation there. We can suggest that he may visit to our Lady of Madhu Shrine which stands as a symbol of unity and at the same time as the symbol of the long conflict. The olden Diocese of Jaffna is hoping that the Pope’s visit to Mullaitivu would be a fruitful and meaningful one. Anyhow unanimously the Sri Lankan Catholic Church would facilitate such a visit to north to strengthen its effort to promote reconciliation. Possibly, the visit may take place at the middle of next year. Already Sri Lankan Cardinal Malcom Ranjith has made an invitation to the Pope for the opening of the Asian Catholic University in the Archdiocese of Colombo. Another attempt is being made to invite him for the first ever canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz whose cause of canonization is seriously processed in Vatican.  Though the Pope’s visit is almost confirmed yet the diplomatic factors would decide on when and how the visit will take place. Already Tamils and other Sri Lankans in exile have joined hands against the present government while the government is looking for all possible means to show off his colors and escape from the allegations. In this backdrop the Sri Lankan government has made this showcase to portray a good name in front of the International community by inviting Pope Francis, the much loved leader around the world. But clearly its initial efforts have failed. We will have to wait and see how the things will take place in the future. Will the Vatican too fall under the Sri Lankan politics?

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  • 0

    They probably invited him for a publicity stunt to have him say what a wonderful place Sri RajaPakistan is. :)
    If the Pope visits Jaffna, the RajaPassas’ will be fuming.:D

    • 0

      Anything good that comes externally to the country must be a publicity stunt then too right?
      Obviously those that are not Catholic will consider this to be a stunt and is a bit tacky for that to even be mentioned.
      Though I do think he would be shocked if he knew that 4WDs are a status symbol in particular Colombo 7 while the rest of the world considers them environmental killers!

      • 0

        Pope Francis would indeed be shocked when he discovers that Kurunduwatte Tractors have now become the preferred mode of transportation in our miracle of asia.

    • 0

      On the contrary Percy,

      MR will join in the visit to Jaffna and through his friends in the local meedjia will make sure great pictures of the Holy Father and Percy are beamed into every home in the land. Just like last week when the whole country rejoiced at our Percy and his fragrant Mrs shaking hands with old pal Charles and Camilla (who had been sent by HM Queen herself).
      Our Magilin said ‘do you think these foreigners would have come if our Mahinda is that evil?

    • 0

      R Jeervan,

      The Popes used to accept indulgences from rich folks to get to heaven.

      Somarama, the Sinhala Buddhist Monk, who killed the Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranaike, became a Christian before he was hanged to get to Heaven.

      So, Gota Rajapaksa, went to Pope to pay Indulgences, and to be saved from Hellfire for AL the Crimes, White Vans and War Crimes committed by Gota and his family.

      After all, this is the Catholic Tradition and belief.

      Catholic Indulgences Explained


      Uploaded on Nov 10, 2011
      Why do Catholics believe in indulgences? Do they pardon sin?

    • 0

      If the Holy See reject the invitation of the Rajapaksas….I shall die of a heart attack. Mind you the Catholic Church paid in millions to the Nazis to safe guard the interests of the Catholic Church in Poland while serving a blind eye on the agonies of the Jew in Poland during the second world war.

  • 0

    I can remember,in 1995, Chandrika was trying to bring Nelson Mandela to the Independence day celebrations to show the world that she is for peace as Mendela got the Nobel peace award on hat year.In 1995 she declared full scale war against Tamils.Maras attempt is also the same. He wants to counter the war crime campaign by using the image of the Pope.This is also a attempt to deduce the pressure that may emerge at the March HR conference.Mara is a person who is capable to mislead and sell any one for his own benefit. He has already sold Load Buddha for this purpose. Dear Pope, be careful you may fall to in the trap of MARA the King of Sori Lanka ……………..?

  • 0

    ‘Will the Vatican too fall under the Sri Lankan politics?’. What a ridiculous question to ask.

    Pope Francis may well visit Sri Lanka in the same way as the late Pope John Paul II did and before him, very briefly, Pope Paul VI. And if Pope Francis does visit the island, you can be sure he will not be playing politics and that he will be careful to ensure that he does not offend or appear to favour any particular section of people. Like Prince Charles demonstrated most recently you can visit the country and conduct yourself with acceptance without getting involved in the island’s politics.

    • 0

      Yeah, but I have told him to play politics in hidden manner so nobody can understand and they ll say I bless you.

      It’s just another my marketing plan.

      And guy referred by bellow URL help me for that.

      Amenna Ganda :D


  • 0

    Has an invitation gone out to the Dalai Lama too?

    • 0

      If Chinese say OK, MaRa/GoRa will invite Dalai Lama too.


  • 0

    I respect Pope Fransisis and have read about Saint Fransisis as well.
    However, Dalai Lama is (one of) the most respected spiritual leaders in the world in recent times. None of other spiritual leaders was able to talk and assist common people like Dalai Lama is doing in recent time.

    The point I like to make is Dalai Lama never visited Siri Lanka or never invited to Siri Lanka. How sad and how pathetic our Bhuddist leaders are! ! ..
    . MR uses his poweres to show Pope to his Christian wife every year , now MiniMaru Gothaya start visiting Pope too.., Dalai Lama is living in India from 1959 as refugee ..
    Kumar Sangakkara is a few Siri Lankan who was wise enough to visit him, lot of SL AthiGarua, Mahanayakes, this lord, that lord type SL Moda Monks never ever visited him or invited him…

    • 0

      You cannot invite the Dalai Lama without antagonising the Chinese. Will MR be game enough to do that?

  • 0

    Good piece Jeevan. I hope he visits Srilanka, to Madhu n M’Tivu. His visit to Colombo is obvious.

  • 0

    Vatican was accused of money scandal, sex scandal and now ready for a war crime scandal?

    • 0

      Thiru, take it easy man, lets all move the ball forward.

  • 0

    Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith who has provided ample evidence of his blatant sycophancy to the Rajapassas would have arranged this audience. The hierarchies of the Christian churches in Sri Lanka, particularly the current Anglican and RC hierarchies, were NEVER known for their devotion to human rights, certainly not the Vatican. After all the Pope of the time was a friend of Hitler and the present Pope looked the other way when the Argentinian junta was torturing and disappearing thousands of people in his home country. Even Gota the Goon is small fry in that company!

    • 0

      what a load of dog poo.
      go get a life xozo

  • 0

    There is no way that the Pope will fall under the influence of the Govt of Sri Lanka. The Pope being the spiritual head of the Roman Catholic faith and being a man of God is not within the sphere of influence of ordinary beings or material wealth.

    If the Pope visits Sri Lanka it will be to convey the message of the Bible and bring solace to the suffering not to listen to stories, take sides or make judgement. The message of all religons is very clear for those would care to understand.

    • 0

      I’ m almost to fire him.

  • 0

    Pope can visit Jaffna to check on S,J,Emmanuels suicide Martyr’s families are doing…….
    Pope can visit Mannar to investigate Rayappu stealing Mother Mary’s statue from Madhu taking it to the Wanni……

    Pope also could meet the Sinhala clergy traitors who signed in favour of US resolution in Geneva.

  • 0

    Who knows, Pope might visit Srilanka and request for an international investigation.


  • 0

    The Pope is unaware of the comlexities of third world countries. He goes only by information what his advisors provide. He has the whole world of Catholics to look after and this is no easy task.

    If Pope decides to visit Sri Lanka at the invitation of DC Rajapaksa then it would be his standing as Head of Catholic church.

    He would at the most wave his Papal hand and pray for peace. And that is as far as he would go.

  • 0

    Srilanka could by buy anyone if they want until the mission is completed.
    Recently a conservative MP in UK revealed that he was offered anything he wants when he visits Srilanka. It could be anything , money ,sex, holiday anything. Once been to Srilaka and received the gift they spoke for Srilanka in the parliament. Therefore it would be a matter of time to find out what the pope wants. Then he would visit Srilanka to receive the gift and speak for Srilanka.
    It would be a ridicule to talk about human right and fairness in this stone age. The evidence was the attendance to CHOGM in Srilanka, attended by Prince Charles and Camila. I would not be surprised the pope will visit Srilanka and would say what Murali and Auistralian Prime minister and of course the gift received conservative MPs says.

  • 0

    This Pope is a true Christian, he opened the church doors even for gays and lesbians.

    • 0

      ‘ For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.

      Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them

      a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to


      They will turn their ears from the truth and turn aside to myths.’

      (2.Timothy 4. Holy Bible)

      ‘They exchanged the Truth of God for a lie…because of this, God

      gave them up to shameful lusts.Even their women exchanged natural

      relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned

      natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one

      another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received

      in themselves the due penalty for their perversion… He gave them

      over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.

      Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such

      things deserve death… they approve of those that practice them.’

      (Romans.Ch.1.Holy Bible)

  • 0

    Would Reverend Emmanuel try to excommunicate the Pope?.

  • 0

    Thank you Jeevan for enlightening those interested in the implications of a so called invitation to His Holiness the Pope.

  • 0

    Pope is a spiritual leader. But any how Sri Lankan government is capable of turning a spiritual leader in to a politician as it is doing with BBS.
    I will appreciate if Pope visits Sri Lanka and organizes his visit as he wants and not by giving into government’s agenda.

    I also doubt why Mr. Gota was not joined by the Sri Lankan Catholics there in Rome. He might have invited them, but as they know the truth they could have refused or Cardinal might have told not to involve with this international criminal.

    Reliable sources suggest that Fr. SJ was present in Rome when Gota was there. Did he meet him???? No surprise KP would have arranged to visit his God Father too… Real politicians…

  • 0

    Are Leaders / Heads of State morally guilty by ‘association’ with criminals and racists?

  • 0

    Now pope is visiting SL and north and east , buggers hurry up and collect Rs 20 for each tamil women come forward and cry in front of Pope, as they did in front of Navi Pillai and D Cameron

  • 0

    Do you think that Pope will participate in your petty politics. Whoever wrote this is a dreamer. Dream on…..you will get your wish. So, sad that in the name of religion whoever trying to politicize faith. There is a Cardinal in Sri Lanka, I am sure he has more say than any of these petty journalists who are not worthy of calling belonging to any faith due to the evils in their hearts – separatism and destruction.

    • 0

      william refer this article to see how your cardinal has a say…

      In Sri Lanka evrything is politicized. If you want to survive here you must be a politician… Politician of the Rajapaksa regime. See the BBS, and many other groups politicizing the faith. Woe to you who scandalize the journalists who bring out the truth… Really you must be a goon of pro-Rajapaksa clan…

  • 0

    Gothas visit to the Vatican was a side sshow to divert the attention. He went to that region to deposit his LOOT in Bank there. But little does he know that the CIA are keeping a close watch on him including phone tapping of him and his brother MR

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