2 May, 2024


Video: How Does Sri Lanka Answer For Its Human Rights Records?

After 26 years of bloody civil war, how does Sri Lanka answer for its human rights records?

Despite government claims of peace, torture and abductions continue to be used to stifle ethnic and political dissent, Aljazeera reports.


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  • 6

    I am sure that Colman and Roberts would say this is all lies LOL

  • 8

    Padraig Colman & Michael Roberts are the Thomson & Thompson of the MARA regime. Two bumbling old fools who sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver.


    • 2

      Colman doesn’t want to have the same experience as G Dobbs, the famed organizer of the Galle Literary festival so toeing the line of the regime is better and after all Coleman is NO Dobbs in his contribution to SL.

    • 0

      oh my god, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. That must be the best thing you have ever said on this platform. That Coleman or O’Leary or whatever his name is, has succeeded in using his ‘Caucasianness’ to get close to this media outlet and that, and every now and then, comes up with trash like “in my Irishman’s view….etc. etc.” to evoke the politics of Northern Ireland – as if being an Irishman (from County Cork in the south of Ireland at that) makes him an authority on Irish politics.

      Roberts, in fairness, is a Peradeniya product, and good scholar, but has earned a negative reputation in his efforts to come up with a kind of neocon discourse that justifies human suffering.
      I am all for a nuanced view that brings the LTTE/Govt atrocities into light, and critically looks at the orientation of Colombo’s policy on Tamil secessionist violence and the post-war security/surveillance society (esp. in the north), but it is total bollocks to use the mask of objective analysis to engage in a sinister justification of mass human suffering. Look at the line of analysis of anything these two blokes have written, and you will unmistakably see their inclination to justify the policies of the rajapaska regime.

  • 0

    13 day bride!!!!

    • 0

      For how long did your[Edited out]

  • 4

    National or International, the Jokers are using unsuccessfully the same, threat, assault, disappearances and murder.

  • 6

    The Wickrematunge family im sure knows exactly who asasinated lasantha wickrematunge.
    Lal Wickrematunge came under questioning and received a lot of backlash when he chose to sell shares in his paper to the rajapakss and alleged killers.
    the asasination of lasantha wickrematunge has really scared sri lanka’s name around the world.
    One has to think why his killers are not prosecuted?was lasantha wickrematunge not one of the president’s closest friends?
    did president mahinda rajapaksa not say many times they were good friends?
    then why havent his killers been found?
    its been years now.
    obviously they are behind it and the wickrematunge family im sure must also think so even if the paper is now involved with an ally of the government

    • 0

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    • 5

      So was after Barath was gunned down. MR had even shed crocidile kind of tears saying that Baratha left us… Bartatha was said to be one of his closest confidiantes. I really don t know how the brains of these buggers work. Either they are irrepairably violent by birth or just IRCs by nature.

    • 2

      Ask current LakeHouse chairman Bandula Padmakumara. He knows every thing about this murder.

  • 6

    Hathurusinghe shows not an iota of sympathy for the raped, tortured and the disappeared and just laughs off when asked to comment. The laugh of an evil bastard whose military men are doing the raping, the torture and the killings. Deny everything seems to be the motto of this government and its military. Remember zero casualty claim that was persisted with for about four years?

    • 0

      Only thing is there are countries that follow the know how of Sri Lanka. They use what Sri Lanka used to protect it’s territorial integrity and the sabotage by Sinhala – terrorists who helped LTTE in Sri Lanka.

      • 3

        exactly, that is why the dalada maligawa buddhist monk is in a lovely home at London given by the UK. Go fetch.

      • 3

        If you were not unconcious, at the time, you listened to the man in Uniform sitting before the interviewer- you should have heard that interviewer himself had met few women whose husband or family ones were abducted not during the war time but after the war is no longer there (this is an evidence rulers to react). There were also women that have been raped by soldiers (DNA technology can help invetigations to clear out if they make whole hearted effort to give fair justice), but got abortioned not being able to face further. These issues should be investigated by the govt. The man in Uniform to ignore and ridicule out the grave incidents – disagreeing that no single incident has been reported since war is over – is not acceptable by any average minded person. After watching the video, I as a sinhalese, but cant say that Army may have NOT been abusing those folks in the nothern soils even today. Those raped victims should be examined closely in order to provide them with justice. In Eruope, where I am located – the rapists will get years long imprisonments during which some psycho therapies for the sake of their future.

      • 1

        Your answers are – like koheda yanne malle pol -as usual. I wonder whether you are a human being – or robotic homo sapiens ?

    • 4

      There are times we have to consider the meaning of the names of the particular individuals. Hathurusinghe´s case is a good example to that. As the name literally say- this man is a HATHUREK – enemy minded of any civil society. Hathurusinghe can be translated into – lionizing against enemies. As a civilised person, he could have listened to the interviewer peacefully, because he cant know whether soldiers may have perpetrated those crimes. Seriousness is far from the man – that is an enbarrasement to all civlised folks.

  • 0

    Wonder what that Colman would say about Lasantha !!!

    • 0

      probably what the infamous rajapaksas say that its an international conspiracy or that its tiger propaganda or the unp did it to make them look bad.

  • 0

    those were the good days

  • 1

    keep an eye on these shits , they will do anything to revive the dead LTTE . and keep a strong military presence in Jaffna always . Never take the current peace for granted . The white pigs will not help us if a war starts again .They didnt when there were bombs going off everywhere and they wont in the future .

    Dont worry about the UNHRC there is not a thing they can do other than pass resolutions , without the security council . So keep your real friends close like China and Russia . Screw the Sanctimonious murderers of the west and the USA .

    • 1

      “|”So keep your real friends close like China and Russia “|”

      Villager, you never get it into your pol addi head.
      China has rejected the scrounger Lanka in word and deed for the next decade. Didn’t you see how Shiranti felt out of place with the nightingale civil major general Peng. Xi is like a Mandela and has paid for his fathers opinion about Mouse Tse Tung. Xi is business and you have none to offer that is why your borrowings are below the Chinese minimum OD $10 billion. Brazil has enough rubber and market and the Chinese don’t use Lankan spices which are for the western market but in another form eg. cinnamon bark not true cinnamon.Even with all the oil contracts China gave in to Sudan division without loosing.

      There are no friendly nations only business don’t play dido faith modaya.

      Know when to stop encouraging bestiality or you die like animals.

      Putin has more than he bargained for on his head that he does not need a base there like the one and only Syria. Even though Putin was loosing a $60 billion existing contracts in Iraq he approved it.

  • 0


    The youtube video is no longer available. The uploader has closed his account.

    I am beginning to worry about his/her fate.

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