3 May, 2024


Saboteurs Try To Disrupt Sobitha’s SI Campaign: Sobitha Must Reaffirm His Stand

By Kumar David

Prof Kumar David

Prof Kumar David

Maduluwawe Sobitha hamuduruwo has made his stand absolutely clear: “I will be a Single Issue (SI) presidential candidate for the purpose of abolishing the Executive Presidency (EP) within six months of election. Then I will quit; let the people elect their next government on the new constitutional basis which will be put in place within the six months”. The second point Hamuduruwo has emphasised is that since he has no governmental ambitions, since he has no greed for power, and since he is doing this only as public service and not for personal gain, he hopes that he can be supported by everybody. He hopes to be a National Common Candidate (NCC) exclusively for the stated SI objective, if the nation wants him to do this service.

Now I have got information from reliable sources, two of them within Hamuduruwo’s inner circle that a group of saboteurs led by an ex-JVP person has infiltrated and is attempting to undermine all three core principles of the SI-NCC concept. First, this group is doing all it can to seduce the inner circle to give up the SI concept and instead include broad governmental programmes in the campaign. Then comes the evil part; why does Hamuduruwo need a broad governmental programme if he is going back to the pansala in six months? The evil objective of these saboteurs is to undermine the morality of the campaign and spread distrust that Hamuduruwo will try to hang on to power. This leads to the third pillar of the SI-NCC edifice that they are attempting to disrupt, the NCC part. They strategy is to sabotage the common candidate element. What is the logic of a common candidate strategy if the objective is not a Single Issue strategy to get rid of the Executive Presidency, but an underhand plot to form a government and hang on to power for six years? Why should others – the UNP, the JVP, Muslims, Tamils – lend their support to this subterfuge? If you want to enjoy the presidency for six more years, or god knows how many more terms, declare that openly and don’t hide under SI camouflage, they will say.

SobithaIt is obvious that these disruptors have been inserted into Hamuduruwo’s circle to act as agents of outside forces who are desperate to discredit the now fast growing campaign. It is a long way from the days when I first started on a lonely road to clarify and develop the concepts. Now the SI movement is picking up fast, it is gaining strength and developing its own momentum, and the-powers-that-be know that they can’t stop it. So what’s the best thing to do? They reckon “get inside and discredit it by creating doubts about its moral honesty”. Sabotage it from the inside by sowing moral doubts! I have no information regarding the source of disruption hence I make no allegations. Logically it could be any state institution or political party that is supportive of the Executive Presidential system.

As the person who initiated, pushed, argued for popularise the SI-NCC strategy from two years ago I have been assailed by two types of criticism; firstly, can the candidate win by getting everybody together, and secondly, can we trust the person to do as he says, that is, make the essential constitutional changes and then abdicate? The second issue is a matter of concern to many people, no to a huge number of people, who have become cynical because of the lies of Chandrika and Mahinda. Both promised TWICE to abolish EP, both lied TWICE. I find it entirely natural that people are cynical and unwilling to be taken for fools a fifth time.

The only way this has been countered is by Hamuduruwo’s sterling reputation as a man of his word and by his unequivocal clarity about doing the job and then getting out. Hamuduruwo has made his position absolutely clear in public and never wavered. So what the saboteurs are trying to do, get in on the inside and muddy the waters. Fortunately this news has leaked out through unexpected channels. I do not know Hamuduruwo personally and am not interested in whispering warnings in his ear. Warnings have to be open and public. All of us members of the public and insightful persons, who worked quite hard to develop this campaign in the public and political domain to this take-off stage, are the real owners of the issue.

The immediate thing that Hamuduruwo has to do is clearly reiterate his stand again and again and again before the saboteurs get to work spreading poison, innuendoes and rumours. Trust me, there are media moguls by the dozen who will pounce upon, twist and distort every “leak” released by “sources”. All this must be nipped in the bud and Hamuduruwo needs to keep reiterating his stand because those who sent in the agents are not going to stop doing their dirty work.

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  • 2

    Perhaps Kumar David needs to find out the other sides of his initiative.

    Saving Buddhism and Sri Lanka

    [Edited out]

    We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

    • 7

      C Wije
      We don’t want the likes of Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Buddhism in our country. He is not saving it but destroying Buddhism in Sri Lanka.

      We Buddhist in Sri Lanka are able to see clearly whats happening.
      Thank you

    • 1

      The only reason why noone needs to worry about this ‘push’ is because only Kumar David isbehind it.

      The man has not won anyting in his entire life and this push for Sobhita is going to add to the list.

    • 1

      Chee. Wijeyawickrema;

      Perhaps You should find out What is the result will be of your ulterior initiatives.
      To save looters and Kudu dealers???.
      to save Sinhala Buddhism and Sri lanka????.
      Or help USA Passport holders, Cardboard heroes who hit own Chest to cheat fooloish people?????,
      Who have given oaths to Serve America, Kneeling and Praying “GOD SAVE AMERICA”.

      Nice Bunch of Hyenas.
      “Saviours of BUDDHISM AND THE NATION”.

      [Even cats will be Witness party to Pot of curd].

  • 23

    Dear Kumar David,

    “Maduluwawe Sobitha hamuduruwo has made his stand absolutely clear: “I will be a Single Issue (SI) presidential candidate for the purpose of abolishing the Executive Presidency (EP) within six months of election.”

    More Sri Lankans can trust Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Hamuduruwo than any other today. He is a true Buddhist, follows the Buddha Dhamma that is universal and tolerates humanity, unlike the Mahanama racists and blood suckers.

    If he can fix the problem in 6 months, it will be great. Afterwards, he can put honest people to run, with supervision on the sides. Sri Lanka needs him now.

    Jayawewa! Jayawewa! Jayawewa!

    • 6

      But he needs to explain how he can carry out his promise without a 2/3 majority in parliament.

      • 0

        Out of power all current UPFA and Mahinda supporters would be jumping the boat in a bee line to support and Mahinda would be the first to support scrapping the Presidential system if power is lost.

      • 0

        Mahinda and his band wagon would be the first to support after losing, if they are still with him after losing. Of course they all would go in a beeline to greener fields and most of them have already learned from UPFA JUMP OUT FROM DEAD CARCASS. Yet they all with new winner and first would be Lemonpuff Wansa to followed by Dr. silva the Kelaniya fool

        • 0

          Their support for Hamuduruwo will depend on what he can give them. As he can’t give them anything they will run rings round him and he will quit in disgust or join them.

          Actually, it is not the EP that is the main problem of the nation, it is that there are no upright politicians. Abolishing the EP will only make it a little more difficult for one set of thieves to replace the other. But they will manage somehow!!

          • 0

            Series,it is more important when you don’t have decent politicians,not to give more power to them.All of them lick the presidents arse because they know he has so much power that if they are in his good books they can get away with anything they do.

            Have you heard of the presidents ‘ape miniha’concept.Lick my arse and everything will be okay.If against me remember lasantha.

      • 1

        When he is elected he will automatically have his 2/3 majority on his SI promise to rid the office of President from the constitution for which people would have voted.
        There would be no need for Sobita to offer any explanation and an Independent Judiciary,Police Commission,Abolition of the 18th Amendment etc., will result as a matter of course.

    • 2

      As far as Tamils are concerned this abolishing of executive presidency does not give any salvation:

      The Mahavamsa-Mahanama chinthanya will still persist and ethnic or religious hatred of the Sinhala Buddhists towards ‘others’ is not going to change.

      We need an external catalyst to effect change with a shock.

      So long as this Mahavamsa madness is not treated Tamils and ‘others’ will suffer.

      • 1

        You monkeys cant understand the greatness of Mahawamsa. So you keep barking at it you Mlechcha parayas.

        All the [Edited out] on your side will also be chased back to where they coame from very soon.

      • 0

        “As far as Tamils are concerned this abolishing of executive presidency does not give any salvation:”

        Thiru,the future of the tamils is intrinsically connected to the future of the sinhalese.We either go up together or down together.

    • 1

      Have this stupid anti-Sinhala and anti-Buddhist bugger Amaraya ever bothered to check Ven Sobitha’s views and feelings on Mahawamsa?

      • 0

        [Edited out]

        We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

    • 2

      Yes, unequivocally people´s only hope for a better hope lies on great rev sir Maduluwawe Sobitha thero – :)))) he makes it very clear his contest would only to abolish the draconian constitution that almost ruined the nation.

      • 0

        People´s only hope for a better future lies on the hand of Rev. Sobitha.

  • 2

    You will soon regret supporting this Sinhala racist monk.

    He shows he is against the Rajafucksas but at a crucial time he will join in!

    • 0

      He can’t be a bigger racist than you.Since you hate him then he is not.

  • 2

    Well said Kumar. Bensen

  • 0

    There seems to be a sudden loss of appetite for the Presidiential Election. Maybe it will be decided based on the results of the PC elections. The regime is troubled and in trouble. What they sow they will reap. There is no easy way out for them. Ven Sobhitha should not depend too much on new found friends and allies. His character and word will suffice.

  • 1

    Is this real?

    Is Hamuduruwo going to abolish or demolish the Constitution?.

    Who are the supporting cast for the Harmuduwo for this contest to carry out the demolition?.

    Following this demolition has he got a plan or should I say logistics and man power in place to look after the health, safety and security of the great majority of the inhabitant population who are now living peacefully, and earn a few bob to put the food on the table?.

    Would NGOs, specially Christian NGOs LTTE sympathizers,and the UNP Christian faction leaders be part of the man power behind the Hamuduruwo before and after the demolition job?.

    Sorry after the demolition specially , because the Harmuduwo will be in Aramaya after six months and attempting to attain Nirwana..

    Very interesting scenario.

    It will a nightmare for any Advertising Agency trying to sell this Harmuduruwo to to our Sinhala Buddhist proletariat, when they have their own harmuduros looking after them well through the BBS JHU and others.

  • 2

    This particular Cheevara Dhari should be a realistic buddhist at one point.

    At that moment, all these anti – buddhists, that includes Kumar David too,will lose.

  • 2

    Executive Presidency itself is not that bad for the country. But the problem is people who get elected to the post abuse its powers to have personal gain. Except for DBW, all the others manipulated it for personal benefits. MR and his clan is the most corrupt & even CBK is not so corrupt as the present one. Now the only option we have is to abolish it. Only person we can trust to abolish it is Maduluwawe Sobitha hamuduruwo. If any other mortal being with greed will never abolish it for sure. People of this country deserve an honest, transparent and efficient government. Presently what have we got? Crooks, Thugs, and downright Idiots. Some of the White Elephants of MR regime are Mattala Airport, Hambantota Port, Norochcholai Coal Power plant, Mihin Lanka, Ashantha de Mel’s Hedging deal etc etc…….Sri Lanka, it’s time to chase these fellows and elect an honest person.

  • 2

    With due respect to Prof.Kumar David,there is one hitch in this great exercise.Dr.Jayampathy Wickremaratne in a recent article on the Single Issue[Si] candidate,envisages a scenario where if this gathers momentum MR could very well take the Wind off the Sails by abolishing the EP for which he has a 2/3rd majority.Besides,we would see the entire opposition voting with him.There is a 50-50 chance.

    • 3

      That’s no problem, that’s fine. If Rajapakse can be stampeded into abolishing the Executive Presidency so much the better.

      It saves us six months and the Single Issue campaign. It is also convenient since he already has the 2/3 so it save the trouble of dissolving a recalcitrant parliament and establishing a new assembly.

      • 0

        golding,also sobitha can then start on another single issue and 6 months campaign such as a full implementation of the 17th amendment in order to eradicate corruption and improve transparency.

  • 2

    Average man in Sri Lanka is not stupid as many a dumb commentator here tend to think. By far the majority of them understand that it is the sheer determination of MR that brought them peace and tranquillity that four Presidents and one executive Prime Minister could not bring about for thirty years. Primarily, it is for that reason people have voted MR and his government at all elections after the war. Only stupid and one track minded would say gilmarts and other tricks won him election after election.

    True, People know MR and his government has a lot of shortcomings. But why should they believe EP is the root cause for such ills or believe the government to come under a prime minister would be any better. Remember! Executive Prime Minister RanilW had neither an effective nor a lilywhite government in 2001-4. LTTE continued to kill selected people. He could neither proceed with so-called peace or wage a war.

    Today, Executive actions are people friendly. Peace loving majority people by far are not affected by the alleged dictatorial powers of the Executive Presidency. No wonder people are bothered about dictatorial powers of EP. Only a selected few who want to take democracy for an ass is concerned by executive powers of the President. People know if not for such powers the war may not have won and human bombs would still be blasting our buses, trains and public places. People also understand that MR could never have cobbled a strong enough coalition to defeat the terrorist LTTE without the powers of EP.

    Mass of the people believe MR is a benevolent executive. Mass believe their livelihood has improved under MR as never before. Only those without eyes do not perceive it. Look at the crowd that flocked to dayata kirula and how they embraced MR wherever he strolled. Thee are not stage managed acts. That means; people appreciate the Executive Presidency and EP gives political stability for Sri Lanka.

    When President Chandrika called for a snap election in 2001, the UNP had defeated her government decisively. Consequently, all powerful Executive President has become a lame duck and Prime Minister has become the all-powerful Executive. The fact that RanilW lost the subsequent election cannot be attributed to the power of the Executive President. It is RanilW’s harsh economic policies and sham peace deal lost him the election. In 2007, President Rajapake’s government was almost defeated by the combined opposition even while the war was at a winning streak. So who says EP cannot be defeated?

    It is obvious then, not just the Executive President can be made a lame duck President but his government can be defeated if that is the will of the majority of the people of Sri Lanka. But right now, MR is popular among the mass and they want him to be the EP. For such reasons ‘Sobitha’s Single Issue’ is a no issue for the majority people in Sri Lanka. Its an issue alright for those who have a grudge against MR or who have their own agenda like this professori.

    In a very unlikely case of Ven Sobitha being selected as the common opposition candidate, the hypothetical voting pattern in his favour will be no different to that of Fonseka but quantity vice I bet he would get much less. Why?

    Majority Sinhala Buddhist will soon learn Sobitha has surrounded himself with all types of anti-national cliques who seek to destabilize Sri-Lanka. They would not want Sri Lanka to be like the Arab spring countries.

  • 0


    You seem excited about using Sobie to knock MR. This too is bound to fail.
    If Sobie Contests he will get less votes than even SF. Sinhala people are indebted to MR for eradicating the LTTE menace

  • 0

    Can he obtain a 2/3 majority in parliament?Can he archive a Independent Judiciary?Police commission? Abolish the 18th amendment? or will he hand over the reins to the kinds of Pattali and crowd of the so called Urumaya when he is elected?, who will eventually decimate the minorities and the country as a whole ,keeping Chandrika Wandering around dazed.All these in a short period of six months.Just hoodwinking the foolish peasants of Sri-Lanka,Dream on!

  • 1

    If Shobitha Hamuduruwo’s single purpose ideals are sabotaged then he will have no other alternative but to stay in power for more than six months to clean the field. A Buddhist priest becoming a President with multiple platforms is another pitfall for Sri Lanka. But single purpose President, even if he is a Buddhist monk is good for the country.

  • 0

    Triumph of the Sinhala Buddhist voter – 1931, 1956 & 2014
    C. Wijeyawickrema, LL.B., Ph.D.
    Erase Sri Lanka’s Sinhala Buddhist foundation
    Two recent phenomena indicate the new recognition of Sri Lanka as the country of the Sinhala Buddhists (and poor Sinhala Christians). One is the decision by a collection of Marxists, Christians and Eelamist (13A +) local and foreign agents to promote a Buddhist monk as a single issue presidential common candidate to defeat the all-powerful MahindaR. The other is the decision by MahindaR himself to deploy JHU (Udaya Gammanpila) as the main party to handle the WPPC election in March (65% of people in Colombo are minorities and its hinterland is Sinhala Buddhist (SBs)). These two decisions have deeper meanings and are ironically, so intertwined.
    Sobhita Thero Saranam Gachchami
    Rosie Senanayaka presents the UNP theory that the Sinhala Buddhist foundation of Sri Lankan society should be erased (so far UNP did not deny or opposed this view). Another Christian, Dayan Jayatilleke presents the same view from a Marxist-Cuban angle. The Cardinal says this differently, by promoting a Tamil homeland in the island. All of them shouted opposing Buddhist monks getting into politics. But then suddenly, kabaragoya became a talagoya, a secret and open process took place to use (or abuse) Ven. Maduluwave Sobhita as a single issue presidential candidate. If the statement alleged to have made by Ven. M to a Tamil newspaper is correct he could end up as a repeat of the Sarath Fonseka drama; good soldier, bad-mouth politician vs. monk with a patriotic history, but bad sponsors.
    Interfaith-pluralism president
    In 2005 MahindaR won by a razor thin margin because of the Sinhala Buddhist (SBs) vote. His own SLFP was mostly against him. SBs did not vote for him to discriminate against minorities. All what they expected was to be a reasonable president to all citizens. But this does not mean that SBs expected him to be an active sympathizer of the interfaith (Palli Nikaya) or the agents of pluralism. He and his PM became prisoners to these two new colonial mechanisms (his government is actually an ex-UNPers government), and SBs were wondering what was going on. A president elected by SBs is not reasonable if he invites Pope to visit Sri Lanka, because Pope’s mission is to Christianize Asia/Sri Lanka. All he needs to do is let Vatican and the Cardinal handle those deals themselves. It appears that touting minority vote (Muslim, Christian) is his priority rather than doing what is reasonable and just for the country. SBs got so dissatisfied that they were ready to act as their own police, because the president was not willing to pass at least minimally, laws to prevent unethical conversion or illegal church/mosque erection.
    Aanduwa Saranam Gachchaami
    Sinhala Buddhist majority was the suffering segment of Sri Lanka since Don Juan Dharmapala, became the only Catholic king (1551-1597) in Sri Lanka. But those who came to power after 1948 have forgotten this fact and thought that only a minority community could be a discrimination-prone material. This was why DS Senananayaka, on the advice of Sir Ivor Jennings, told the Buddhist delegation that there was no Fourth Refuge in Buddhism called Aanduwa Saranam Gachchami. With the bahubootha JRJ thing and the EP job that made all those who held it go lunatic (except DB Wijetunga), MahindaR has been acting lately as if he was another Rajasinghe II, ignoring Buddhist monks and SBs. For example, the Sinhala Ravaya had to force him to consider importing beef for the Christian and Muslim market as a reasonable solution to the gava ghatana pinkam that Alevi Moulana was talking about. Allowing Pakistani Christians and Maldives Muslims to immigrate to Sri Lanka were never heard of in Sri Lankan history! His decision to use JHU, which is also losing face among the SBs because it (JHU) could not get anything done by the MR government, is an indication that MR got the message that he cannot ignore SBs anymore. So ironically, the reverse of what DSS said in 1950 is now taking place in 2014.
    SBs are like the proverbial kind-hearted woman
    The reason for this change of heart by the Christian-Marxists and MR respectively, were strategic reactions. Both got rattled by the meteoric rise of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) that began just two years ago. All what BBS tells is “come and discuss with us, we have issues.” With this approach, BBS showed to the country that not a single discriminatory law enacted before 1948 injuriously affecting SBs were removed or modified by the fake SB ruling party crowds, blue or green. Instead, what they did actually harmed SBs. Take the destruction of Vidyodaya and Vidyalankara Pirivenas or Poya-pre poya weekend holiday joke or nationalization of schools that killed Buddhist schools while Muslim and Christian schools could thrive. So BBS has made it clear that the bogus SB politicians of green or blue can no longer take SBs as milk cows to come to power and then discard. One Cardinal has become more powerful than ten Mahanayakas.
    BBS is a movement that came to fill the vacuum created by the elimination of Ven. Gangodawila Soma. What Ven. S said that will happen to SBs has happened and politicians even the JVP used pirith nuul to benefit from Ven. S’s dowry. Today one can gauge how corrupt a politician by the thickness or width of the pirith nuuls on his wrist. BBS exposed this game. What Ven. S said was what the Anagarika Dhramapala predicted in the 1940s as the fate of SBs. This means BBS has a leading role to play in SB politics in Sri Lanka. Thus when it says that if a monk contests presidential election without a Cardinal behind the scene, it will support him, all kinds of politicians including MR needs to pay attention. If SBs of the UNP, SLFP, JHU, MEP get together including even SBs in JVP, nobody can touch that force. Even Sarath Fonseka could join this force, if he gives up revenge against MR or GR. The country is more important than a politician in power on a temporary basis. The only basis that MR had as a winner of the war is degraded so much with mismanagement that what had happened to Winston Churchill can very well happen to MR. It was RanilW, Ravi K and L Kiriella who will never receive pardon from SBs for what they said about the war, and the 13A plus path MR is now following can end his war capital. The question is whether SBs unite to save the country and save MR as a side issue. Unless the moral decay taking place is not stopped there will not be a Sri Lanka for the SBs.
    Razor blades to monkeys -1931
    The status given to SBs by their enemies (one can call it the Anti-Mahavamsa movement) and the recognition of the power of SBs by MR in 2014 had precedents in the past, for example in 1931 and 1956. The respective SB leaders at that did not realize it or did not have power or faced sabotage by the Christian black-white power within the government machinery. A discussion of those two past episodes can be useful to understand how easy or difficult the task ahead. In 1931 SBs were compared to monkeys with razor blades, not qualified to use votes intelligently. Ironically in 1956, in Sir John’s words, those who were climbing coconut trees got elected as MPs. He even kicked M.S Themis in the butt.
    In 1931 SBs got power for the first time after 1815 (imagine that the Tamil kings were never considered as Hindu Tamil kings. Only their wives were Hindus). Since 1832 communal representation gave Tamils and Sinhalese equal membership and the Sinhala member, for 70 years or so, was from a Christian family. So much so he opposed making Vesak a public holiday stating that one week of holiday for the Christmas was enough for all! Even the colonial governor was embarrassed. Since voting right was based on property, income or education Tamils always had an advantage because colonial master preferred them (next to Burghers) and American mission schools began in Jaffna and Batticaloa a few years after 1815. Sinhala Buddhists, on the other hand, had to wait until the 1880s for the arrival of Col. Olcott, the first white Buddhist in the world, to begin a program of English medium Buddhist schools.
    By 1923 Tamil leaders realized that they were not going to be the future ruling class of Ceylon, and vehemently opposed the territorial representation based on universal suffrage. With Madras influence a movement began to ask for a separate country. Tamils, Christians and even so-called Buddhist leaders opposed universal suffrage, the only exception being A. E. Gunasinha, the labor leader. If one looks at the list of state councillors’ elected in 1931 or 1936 it is clear that except for one or two all happened to be black-whites and feudal remnants that got enriched by spying for the colonial master. These people had two first names, one Christian for the office, one Buddhist for the kitchen. This black-white Sinhala-Tamil crowd opposed any people-oriented welfare measure including the free education proposal. Anagaraika Dharmapala was branded a radical and efforts by Ven. Kalukondayawe Pragnasaara with his Crime eradication and village development movement were sabotaged. The Marxists were anti-Buddhist another set of black-whites. With no Buddhist leader the period from 1931 to 1956 was a time of SBs suffering under the Christian control, not knowing that was what was going on. It was a period that Tamils realized they cannot run the affairs of the island protecting their colonial privileges,
    Ape Aanduwa in 1956
    SBs got a second opportunity in 1956, and during a short period of April 1956-September 1959 so many things had happened to create a political resurgence of SBs in Sri Lanka. SWRD was only a midwife of this silent revolution which was led by the Vidyalankara monks. The control of the country by a small crowd of English-speaking Christians was challenged, but G. P. Malalsekera, L.H. Mettananda or F.R. Jayasuriya were no match in the face of black-white power. These forces used JR Jayawardena (UNP-Christian) and NM Perera (Marxist-anti Buddhist) to sabotage the empowerment of SBs. Buddhists monks got highly demoralized when anti-SB forces used two monks as cat’s paws to kill SWRD. The killing of SWRD (first attempt was to give him a glass of milk with cobra venom which CPde Silva drank) was by the same forces that floated a police-navy coup in 1962 or the Lake House coup of bribing ministers and MPs in 1964. In the world scene Burma faced a coup and Patrice Lumumba in Congo was murdered.
    When police officers prevented villagers to enter the parliament chamber, SWRD told them, “Let them come in.” This and the people sitting in police jeeps telling these are our jeeps- our money, some police officers who joined the 1962 Coup got offended as reported in a later book on the mindset of the coup officers. By sitting in the speaker’s chair in 1956, people had a feeling of “our government” for the first time after 1551. The inability of the SB leaders and monks to prevent the attempt by black-white Christian powers to divert a Buddhist-Christian conflict into a Sinhala-Tamil language fight was severe blow to SBs that they could not recover ever since. SBs became pawns in the hands of cunning politicians who used the SB label just to come to power and doing things such as constitution-making to stay in power. Each party leader thought that her/his party was check-mating the opposition party in this game. But UNP learned the worst lesson in this regard with its bahobootha thing. MR has used the bahubootha thing to kill UNP like what Parakramabahu the Great did in the past. That king was great in invading even India and Malaysia but he killed all his local opponents to stay in power and thus ended the kingdom itself with no leader to rule the country after his death!
    Ven. Gangodawila Soma’s dowry – 2014
    There was a time in Sri Lanka after 1978 that a Buddhist was afraid or ashamed to say he was a Buddhist, and Ven. Soma came to rescue SBs from that world. He said he had nothing to lose if he was killed. Politician men and women were so scared of death from those in power or from Prabakaran. He gave hope to SBs and his Buddhist approach demonstrated how Christian and Muslim extremist activities will destroy SBsin the island. He was actually proving what the Anagarika Dhramapala said in the past. Ven Soma became a real threat to Colombo black-white political crowd when he said he will contest to become the president of the country and he was killed by a Christian plot.
    After his murder Mrs. Chandrika and JVP tried to benefit from his death-dowry. SU/JHU was another beneficiary. But it was MahindaR who finally hit the pot of gold. He never said “this war was not winnable,” but he was always for a negotiated settlement. He was forced by GotabhayaR and the Buddhist monks such as Ven. Elle Gunwansa and the younger monk Galabodaatte Gnanasaara to end Prabakaran. Ven. EG was even at the battle front boosting the morale of soldiers. Ven. GG was confronting Kumar Rupasinghe and Mervyn Silva in Colombo attacking their peace facades in Colombo when soldiers were fighting to open the Mavil Aru anicut.
    But after the end of the war MahindaR made so many mistakes in handling Tamil separatism. He got surrounded by his former enemies and yes men. Prabakaran could have got his Eelam via 13A if he was smart. Now MR has given it to Wigneswaran and TNA as if MR is given a mandate by people to do so. After the war he was expected to make Sri Lanka a happy place for its people, but there is no difference between what he is doing and what UNP had done. The country is rapidly becoming a corrupt, morally decaying pit surrounded by a few impressive-looking roads and constructions. For example, the capital city of Sri Lanka should have been taken to somewhere inside a triangle of A’Pura, Vavuniya and Trinco. He should have thought of empowering people at GSN level. A new constitution was needed. There is not a single item of daily life or state craft that is not a mess. Basic administrative, managerial, accountability rules are violated and already symptoms of sickness are appearing of a Chicago style criminal corrupt society.
    The SBs were the most affected by this decay and as JHU was failing to deliver a new movement arose called the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS). Who is opposing BBS is a good way to understand how relevant BBS has become in dealing with Sri Lanka’s present plight. If domestic matters are handled in a Buddhist way Sri Lanka has nothing to fear about Navin Pillay or Michelle Sisson or David Cameron. Sri Lanka will not get another MR and MR can help Sri Lanka if he can get rid of yes men and tap the talents available in plenty.
    The recent disclosure by Sarath Fonseka’s media coordinator Sanjeeva Smarasinghe that at his third meeting with her Mrs. Chandrika told SF that only she can defeat MR, makes it more appropriate that BBS support a monk as a candidate for president, because SBs cannot depend on MR or UNP for justice for the mother Lanka. The removal of any incentive that helps separatists must be priority number one. Prevention of further moral decay, eradicate corruption, crime and inefficiency in the country should become a new war in Sri Lanka. See a simple example of how what should not be a problem has become a problem in Sri Lanka. I know a poor mother of two small girls who has to find a school for her elder daughter because she is in grade five. This is near Horana. She has to pay Rs.10, 000 to get the child admitted to a school. She talks about English medium too. What is this lunacy in the country? Who created this; Rajiva Wijesinha or CBK- friend, Tara de Mel? All what Sri Lanka need is teaching English as a compulsory subject from grade 3 by teachers who know how to teach English as a foreign language. Let them learn history and chemistry in Sinhala or Tamil, but give them a working knowledge in English. How many ministers, officers and millions of dollars wasted on this English craze? So what is there to talk about Dengue or Kidney failure? For the country these are the bread and butter issues, not Geneva March.

  • 3

    The Rajapaksas have got scared by the stand taken by Sobhitha thera because of his “sterling reputation as a man of his word and by his unequivocal clarity about doing the job and then getting out”. So the Rajapaksas have started using their agents such as Galagodaaththe Gnanasara to do the dirty work by spreading rumours like “Sobhitha thera has started a “Palli Nikaya” (Church Sect) with the help of a Cardinal” to become the common candidate. However, who is going to listen to Gnanasara the Drunkard.

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