3 May, 2024


Hate Incidents Report: What Is To Come For Muslims In Sri Lanka Are Ominous – Muslim Secretariat

The Secretariat for Muslims has released a compilation of hate incidents where Sri Lankan Muslims have been victimized, during the first five months of 2014 – listing out a total of 80 instances of threats, attacks and harassments etc.



The SFM releasing the compilation and a media release on the list that includes threats, attempts to attack, attacks, harassments, violence, provocations etc against Muslims has stated that an observation of their records, particularly on the incidents prior to the Aluthgama violence indicates clear signs on the fact that what is to come are ‘ominous’.

They have pointed out that it has been two months since the anti-Muslim violence erupted in Aluthgama and Beruwala and although presently media and public attention has moved from the incident, the residents of the areas affected by the conflict await the completion of housing renovations and most Muslims in other areas live in constant awareness of what happened and in fear of what else may happen in the future.

In the release, they have noted the speeches made by the General Secretary of the extremist group Bodu Bala Sena, Galagoda Atte Gnanasara where he has stated that they would ‘take matters into their own hands’ if steps are not taken to address their concerns, with a promise of violence against Muslims.

They have pointed out that the bulk of the information recorded during the time period in which they have monitored for the compilation refers largely to the BBS’ relentless campaign of press statements, interviews and mass meetings that have propagated anti-Muslim sentiments while cultivating a paranoia at the loss of Buddhist numerical supremacy.

The SFM has also expressed concern over the refusal of permitting a mother to enter a school in hijab by the school principal and the manner in which female Muslims students were humiliated by being made to remove their trousers while in schools. They have pointed out that these actions have been tacitly endorsed by the Courts, by asking the parents to consider moving their children to a different school.

Meanwhile, they have noted that these incidents reflect a deterioration of relations and the general acceptance of anti-Muslim sentiments in the public sphere while adding that the monitoring of such victimizations of Muslims will be continued by their organisation.

Read the full report here

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  • 3

    Now ISIS is in SL (Khurastan)!

    SL is known as Khurastan along with India in Muslim caliphate.

    Thank god for RSS and BBS.

    • 4

      Tamodaya you blady Moslem, only the Moslens stir hate against other communities, so that they wont be bothered by anyone. You Moslems are cunning like wolves. I hope You blady Misslimbs get a first class ticket to the Islamic State and worship your Califate. Join the Isis in the middleEast and leave Ceylon for the peaceful people.

      • 8

        What is that Scoundrel Rauf Hakeem up to? Sleeping on the Justice Job?
        Why don’t the Muslims ask him to move his ass and resign from supporting the Jarapassa regime?!

        Slowly the other rats will desert the sinking, stinking Mahinda Jarapassa ship!

      • 8

        Gota and his brain child BBS are attacking Muslims to provoke Muslim extremists to come to Sri Lanka and fight for Muslims rights.

        Then Gota’s scheme will start well and truly: Fight against Muslims terrorism. Recently he has made some noises saying Islamic terrorism is a threat to Sri Lanka.

        The story with Tamils will repeat: War will be waged against innocent Muslims in the name of fighting terrorism; genocide of Muslims may also be in the cards.

        Gota hopes to rope in Modi and the West to fight Muslims in Sri Lanka in the name of international terrorism.

        In this way the Sinhala Buddhist fascist goal of exclusive homeland for themselves will be achieved.

        Jaya sikrui to Bautha Sinhala jathiya!

        • 1

          Intolerance everywhere:

          “A poor Hindu community is facing eviction from an area in Pakistan’s garrison city of Rawalpindi where its members have lived for more than 80 years.”

          BBC news 26 aug 2014

        • 0

          Hats off to Monsieur Fillon!!!

          Prime Minister of France
          For once, a French politician has the courage to say out loud
          what the French think and sometimes cry out about.
          Interesting approach?
          Learning to live in peace and harmony ?
          Muslims who want to live under the law of the ‘Islamic Sharia’
          have recently been told to leave France in order to guard against
          possible terrorist attacks, the government has targeted radicals.
          Apparently, the Prime Minister, Francois Fillon has angered
          some French Muslims in stating:
          Take it or leave it, I am tired of this nation worrying about
          whether we are offending some individual or their culture.
          Our culture has developed with struggles and victories by millions
          of men and women who have sought freedom.
          Our official language is French, not Spanish, or Lebanese, or Arabic, or Chinese, or Japanese, or any other language.
          Therefore, if you want to be part of our society, learn the language!
          Most French people believe in God. This is not some Christian obligation,
          influence by the rightists or political pressure, but it is a fact, because men
          and women founded this nation on Christian principles, and this is clearly documented.
          It is then appropriate to display this on the walls of our schools?
          If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world
          as your home, because God is part of our culture.
          We will accept your beliefs without question.
          All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in peaceful harmony with us.

          And we offer you the opportunity to enjoy all this.
          But if you’re tired of our flag, our commitment, our Christian beliefs, or our lifestyle,
          I strongly encourage you to take advantage of another great French freedom,
          If you are not happy here then LEAVE.
          We did not force you to come here.
          You asked to be here.
          So accept the country YOU chose.

          (Perhaps if we circulate this email to the world’s citizens
          we may find a way to stand up and spread the same truths)

          …Well said Mr. Fillon!!!!!

      • 1

        Maveeran you have to learn your English first. You write “bloody” and not BLADY. Pandithaya. You should go to India, because Buddhism came to sri lanka from India before telling the muslims to go to ISIS.

        • 0

          Ado Zarook, why dont you run to Islamic State and become an Isis fight? You can worship Abu Bakkar’s test tikles.

    • 3

      It is quite obvious we find a greater influence of the Myanmar Buddhist monk Wirathu’s 969 doctrine of violence and hate speech against Muslims, now a regular phenomena in our country, more than any ISIL influences and its negative fall-outs. But that said, Tamodaya is only exposing his mindset tinged with racial hatred affected by recent events, clearly portrayed through the content in his writing. Clearly, it is intended towards denigrating Muslims and to always hold them in contempt. His affected mind will never allow him to accept Muslims living in SL as compatriots and fellow citizens, and not as a threat to his own existence. No, I guess that would be asking too much from him.

    • 10

      Once the man in Red robes (disguised) could be removed from his existence – Lanken buddhism would get back to the sober status that had been earlier.
      This man is a threat to lanken buddhism. Either he should be prisoned or sent for a Rehab not allowing the huge damage being made by his practices sofar. Society will turn to a roudy one if the hate speeches would be allowed further. If this simple thing is not manageble by MR adminsitration, how can they bring peace to the ethnic issue held in the country for decades.

      • 0

        If you want to know what is ‘hate speech’ then read the koran and Hadith.

        • 4

          If you say so, there are thousands of Jathaka kathas that could fall on the lines of Hate speeches. All these I now believe are real versions based on narrations as it was the case with Mahwamsa- edited and published some 500 years ago.

          I am a born buddhist but not belong to the category of buddhists that rob the country today. We had our own image of buddhism that practised in Srilanka. We respected buddhist monks wearing the costumes as seen on the pictures as no other reglious folks did. But today, unfortunately the practises brought by the so called thero in the picutre has almost damged its image WHILE all other highly respeted monks and reglious leaders say nothing but stay aas if they are made BENUMBED/deaf/blind. Latter is being made by Rajapakshe adminsitration and their powergreedy tactics while the monks of the kind Ghanasara play their agendas. That is in plain. All and sundry is clear about this but obvioiusly if you are ready to sacrifice with death only you can go stand to Rajapakshe brtual regime and tactics being practice abusing the buddhism by Rajapaskhe Gotabaya being behind in the sence. It is like Ammbalankgoda Rukada- THE man behind all dishoarmonies mechanisms is Gotabaya- his brother has to be in the drama being connnected to the public direclty. We have a new version of Ambalangoda Rukada thanks go to ignorants- voters across the nation.

    • 2

      Well said Tamil bro.

      Together we can destroy the ISIS threat. Already there are 2 million ISIS people in Sri Lanka.

      They run all the businesses.

      • 0

        may be very soon ISIS WILL invade Sri Lanka

    • 1

      Islamic terrorists have warned to bomb world’s largest Buddhist temple. There is a possibility ISIS + SL JIHAD can attack SL and Indian places too.

      There is a wider probability that the Islamic fundamentalist terrorism could attack Borobudur Temple in Indonesia, as how they attacked Bamiyan Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. We highly appreciate that the Indonesian authorities have taken prompt measures to tightened security in and around Borobudur temple. The BBS believe that the activities of the ISIS is not limited to middle east. Therefore, the relevant authorities should take immediate steps to tighten security in major Buddhist religious places here in Sri Lanka and in India as well.

      If SL government cannot contain the Islam threat India will have no choice but to do it India’s way in the island.

    • 0



  • 4

    Secretariat for Muslims

    “The Secretariat for Muslims has released a compilation of hate incidents where Sri Lankan Muslims have been victimized, during the first five months of 2014 – listing out a total of 80 instances of threats, attacks and harassments etc.”

    Expose, Expose and Expose

    Expose of Facebook,

    Expose on Twitter

    Expose on U-Tube

    Expose on web sites and other electronic media.

    Call a Spade, a Spade.

    Prasanna Vithanage, born 1962, w need more of them, than the Monks who run berserk.

    One such Sinhala, born in 1905, is Dr E W Adikaram.

    Well, Well, the core problem is the Para-Sinhala-”Buddhism”, Racism and Chauvinism, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. This was aided and abetted by the Dipawansa and Mahawansa. This is the Core sickness of the Para-Sinhalese “Buddhists”.

    Isn’t the Nationalist a Mental Patient?

    http://groundviews.org/2013/10/09/isnt-the-nationalist-a-mental-patient/ Reproducing historic article by Dr E W Adikaram At a time when few practice what they preach, Lankan scholar, writer and social activist Dr E W (Edward Winifred) Adikaram (1905-1985) was an illustrious exception. As a public intellectual, he had the courage of his convictions to speak out on matters of public interest — even when such views challenged widely held dogmas or went against populist trends.

    As a sceptical inquirer as well as a spiritualist, he always ‘walked his talk’. He never hesitated to take the often lonely (and sometimes bumpy) high road.

    Adikaram’s worldview was shaped by both science and the humanities. He initially offered science and mathematics at Colombo University College but later switched to Pali and Sanskrit. Having won a government scholarship, he went to England where he obtained his MA and Ph D from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. His 1933 PhD thesis titled “Early History of Buddhism in Ceylon” (published in 1946) is still considered an extraordinary body of historical research.

    Young Adikaram was a contemporary — and personal friend — of leading Ceylonese leftists like Dr N M Perera, Dr Colvin R de Silva and Leslie Gunawardana. While he shared their broad ideals of self rule and equality among humans, he did not join socialist movements as he disapproved of using any kind of force — even for the greater good. Instead, he preferred the (Gandhian) non-violent approach to political and economic independence, and chose a career in education upon return to Ceylon.

    He became a teacher — and soon, the principal – at Ananda Shastralaya, Kotte, managed at the time by the non-governmental organisation Buddhist Theosophical Society (BTS).

    Within a short period, he founded several schools including Anula Vidyalaya, Nugegoda; Ananda Sastralaya, Matugama; and Vidyakara Vidyalaya, Maharagama. He also emerged as a prominent champion of non violence, promoter of vegetarianism and a campaigner against alcohol and tobacco.

    In the mid 1940s, a chance reading of a book by Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti transformed Adikaram’s life. Krishnamurti was proclaiming a message of inward liberation by understanding the ways of one’s own mind. He rejected the rituals and paraphernalia of organised religion, and saw nationalism as a ‘fatally divisive force’.

    Isn’t the Nationalist a Mental Patient?

    By Dr E W Adikaram Are you a Sinhalese? If you are a Sinhalese, how do you know that? I have asked this question from many who call themselves Sinhalese. I have so far never received a satisfactory reply from any of them.

    I have also asked those who say that they are Tamils, Telegus, etc., as to how they know that they are Tamils, Telegus and so on. From them too, I have never received a satisfactory reply. When this question is asked, some get annoyed. Some ask back why I should ask this question when the reply is so obvious, some consider that the question is asked merely for fun. Still others reply that they have never given thought to this question. Anyway a satisfactory, a logical and an acceptable reply does not come forth from any of them.

    “I am a Sinhalese because my parents are Sinhalese.” This is the argument of many. This surely is not a reply but only shifting the question a little further, as the next immediate question would then be “How do you know that your parents are Sinhalese?” This shifting can go on further and further, but the question will not thereby be solved. “A person is Sinhalese because he speaks the Sinhalese language.”

    This is another argument that is usually adduced. But there are people of other nationalities who speak only Sinhalese because they happen to be brought up from early childhood in homes where only Sinhalese is spoken. Simply because they speak the Sinhalese language they do not thereby become Sinhalese. And also there are Sinhalese people who speak a language other than Sinhalese because they were brought up in non-Sinhalese homes.

    They are not considered non-Sinhalese simply because they cannot speak Sinhalese. It is therefore clear that one is not a Sinhalese just because he speaks Sinhalese. Similarly a person does not become an Englishman simply because he speaks English.

    If so, how can one conclusively know that a person is Sinhalese, Tamil, English, German or Japanese? There is no reply that could be given to this question. A right reply can be given only to a right question. A right reply cannot be given to this question because the question is wrong. When in truth there is no such thing as a nationality, how is it possible to give a right reply when one is asked to which nationality a person belongs?

    If you have an infant child, please examine its entire body as carefully as possible. Is there any special part of its body or mark which differentiates it as a Sinhalese child? However much you may search you will never find such a distinguishing characteristic. There are people different in colour of skin such as black, brown, white, yellow etc. That is due to the fact that their ancestors lived for thousands of years in places differing from each other in climatic and geographical conditions. But that colour does not give an indication as to what nationality a person belongs. As that child who is common to the entire human race grows up he will be given a name and will be deemed to belong to a particular race or nationality. That child who at the time is incapable of logical thinking, who cannot discern fact from non-fact and who hasn’t the ability to compare and contrast, accepts unthinkingly and unknowingly the nationality that has been thrust upon him. Having accepted it he gradually comes to believe that he belongs to that particular nationality.

    Please think over the fact that you become a Sinhalese not because you had some thing naturally Sinhalese but because of the belief created and imposed on you by the environment and society including your parents. Species of birds differ by birth from one another. Between the eagle and the dove, between the quail and the peacock there is a natural difference. Is there such a difference between the Sinhalese and the Tamil, between the Englishman and the German? So are the other animals. They have species differing from one another. There are natural characteristics that differentiate the tiger from the bear and the horse from the bull. Is there such a difference between the Japanese and the Jew or between the Chinaman and the Eskimo?

    Unlike birds and animals, all human beings in the world belong to one species only, the human species. In truth there is only one human race: what goes as Sinhalese, Tamil, English and a thousand other nationalities are only designations born out of belief and having no intrinsic significance whatsoever. If one sees things that do not exist and believes that they do exist, such a person we call a mental patient. On one occasion when I went to the mental hospital at Angoda to visit a friend who was a patient there, a person calling himself

    His Majesty Diyasena the King of the Sinhalese spoke to me and got into conversation with me. Not only did he firmly believe that he was King Diyasena but in his behaviour he even showed an affected regal demeanour. If any one told him that he was not Diyasena, he would naturally consider that person a lunatic. If we consider as insane a person who calls himself a non-existent King Diyasena, how can we consider as sane those people who call themselves Sinhalese, Tamils, English when in truth there is no such thing as a Sinhalese nation, a Tamil nation or an English nation.

    There is only one human race. We are human beings and not Sinhalese, Tamil or English. Biologically this is so. But those who are fettered with the belief that there is racial difference are incapable of seeing this fact. As the idea of nation has come into being by assuming as existent something which does not exist, nationalism has to be necessary considered a form of insanity. Not only here but in the whole world the vast majority of people are tethered with that belief, with that delusion.

    The main cause for all the wars that took place in the world in the past was this psychological aliment, namely nationalism. Even in the modern world which, due to advancement in Science, has all the opportunities for comfortable living, man has to suffer because of this disease of nationalism and its inevitable political tentacles. In big countries those who suffer from this madness contrive to bring about murder on a big scale with nuclear weapons etc. In small countries like Sri Lanka they kill human beings on a smaller scale and they hurt people’s feelings with various ridiculous mad activities such as the defacing of name boards written in languages other than their own.

    Mankind today is living in a most critical stage. Many do not understand how dangerous the present situation is. We should understand that the forces that work in the world today are different from those that existed in the past. Even a slight mistake can make the entire human species disappear from the face of the earth. We can avoid that catastrophe and survive this critical period only if we act sanely with the feeling that this is our world and not by murdering each other saying that this is our nation and our country. Shouldn’t we therefore be free of this insanity of nationalism and thereby cease to be enemies of mankind? Nationalism is not the road to peace. Truth alone will bring us peace and freedom.

    The truth is that Lanka, the land of native Veddah belongs to native Veddah, and all others are paras, Para-deshis, prangios. This include Para-Sinhala, para-Tamils, Para-Muslims. para-Portuguese, para-Dutch, Para-Malays, para-English and other paras.

    See: The Veddah Tribe.


    and Tamil-speaking Veddas of Vaharai await war recovery support


    Remember, the Native Veddah Aethho learn Para-Languages so that they can communicate with the Illegal Paras who STOLE their Land.

  • 4

    Lankan Sinhalese have less than 20 years to act before they are overwhelmed numerically by young buck Muslims, uneducated, fanatic, ready to murder all non-Moslems because their Quran says to wait in hiding and kill the Unbeliever and that in Allah’s eyes, the killing of a non-believer is an eternal pleasure.

    Lankan Sinhalese should align with their Tamil brothers and [Edited out] and defeat the Muslims who are over 95% fanatically aligned in their minds to Al Qaeda and other forms of barbaric Muslim terror groups. Every Muslim male over age 10 should be considered a Shahid (martyr for Allah and Jihad) unless they categorically state that they are Lankans first and Islam is secondary to their nationality. You will be amazed to find out not even 1% of Lankan Moslems would align with their land of birth and will treat Lanka with the utmost contempt when compared to Islam. Only a future Lanka that is part of the Caliphate of ISIS or some other barbaric state would be acceptable to the Muslims. If you do not believe me ask your Moslem friends (if you can call them that) or acquaintances and you will see what I am trying to get at here.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 5

    Muslims are playing the victims in Sri Lanka. They do so by covering the truth of Wahhabi thouheed (fundamentalist) expansion in Sri Lanka and propagating self created disputes as murderous attacks by Buddhists. Hence, the truth is otherwise.

    Just a few decades back we have not seen fundamentalists like figures in Sri Lanka. Muslim men had their press caps and women their head covered with their sari ends as their identity. In fact Sri Lanka Muslims had their own identity.

    Today, Saudi sean has replaced all that icon. However uncomfortable may be in our humid weather, ‘billa’ like figures in black are increasingly visible in our streets. They’re so covered we’re not sure whether the figure is a human or a ghost. In Kattankudy, while road markings are in Arabic, road sides are planted with date palm. Yet no Buddhist objected it. ‘Billas’ continue to roam freely and without hindrance everywhere in Sri Lanka. We don’t hear incidents like in Ferguson, US.

    Now read what’s happening all over the world and visualize the average Muslim psyche. Just to name a few, ISIS is on a killing spree in Iraq to establish a Muslim caliphate. In their march an ISIS man with London east end accent beheaded an American journalist, James Foley (prisoner) in a live act. The Brotherhood have destroyed hundreds of coptic christian churches in Egypt in the name of Allah. Jihadists from all over the world have congregated to topple Assad and and establish an islamic state in Syria. Only Allah knows how many Muslims with Sri Lanka accent are with the ISIS and other Islamists.

    What is concerned to Buddhists is that ISIS has already threatened to destroy the ‘Borobudur’, the largest Buddhist monument built in the 9th century in Indonesia through facebook. Already, Taliban have destroyed much older Bamian Buddha statues. What guarantee one has Sri Lanka Muslim Wahhabi thouheeds would not follow suit in Sri Lanka when their numbers tally?

    • 10

      Hey Banda, you still think the incidents in Aluthgama, Beruwela and Dharga Town were ‘self created disputes’ by Muslims, which were then ‘propagated as murderous attacks from Buddhists?’ Ah, so you are still in self denial mode, and still on the ‘blame it on the victims’ BBS bandwagon. The world has moved on from your time era. I don’t need to tell you that news get relayed electronically in a flash all over the internet in an instant, blow by blow commentary, whilst the local press censorship only deprived the truth from taking hold in the local population. However, it is still not too late. Anyone is free to review what really happened from mostly all of the media websites available, including news, blogs and social websites, to really check the veracity of your claims.

      Reference to other issues you have written, on the other goings on in Iraq and other Arab or ME countries, this has nothing to do with Islam as a religion, but are all politically motivated battles to gain the upper hand, and again, all that you have written becomes non-relevant to Muslims living in SL. There is absolutely no tension between them and the State, and you are just one of few others, who are inviting trouble so you can push your agenda of humiliation and subjugation of fellow Muslim civilians. You sound like you almost relish the human suffering and misery that this conflagration will entail. But if allowed to happen, it will be the beginning of the end for SL referred to as being a peaceful Buddhist country any more.

      • 1

        This fool tells us “majority of the 1.5 billion Muslims are peaceful.” She/she doesn’t know that whether it is China, Burma or where Timbuktu is the capital the cause for 90% of fights in the world today are Muslims.

        What have you been smoking? Just read the government statistics, Muslims were 8% in Sri Lanka a decade back. Today, Muslims are over 10% of Sri Lanka population. How that happened is no secret: While Tamils and Sinhalas practice birth control Muslims increased their numbers by breading like cockroaches. The same way cockroaches spread in a few weeks even a fool can see that Muslims would overwhelm Sinhala Buddhists in a few decades.

        Similar Muslim population explosion is the primary cause for riots in Myanmar. Ask a Burmese he’ll say, ‘everyone is practicing birth control but not Muslims in Burma.’ Muslims took over Rakin villages quietly to accommodate their bulging population. And Rakhines resented it and that’s the primary reason for riots. Tamils and Sinhalas take note, What has happened in Burma is happening in Sri Lanka right now.

        Europeans in general are experiencing the same Muslim game. And nationalists in France in particular are determined to change the trend. How they going to do it, we’ll have to wait till the next French nationalist Jean Marie Le pen is elected president next.

        is the population explosion by Same thing is happening here:

        • 3

          All very interesting, yet no one’s actually bothered to explain what it is that’s so bad about Muslims ‘taking over’ Sri Lanka. Surely they can do no worse in managing this country than we’ve done? Our post-independence history isn’t anything to be proud of (explains why every time national pride is involved, we need to go all the way back to before the Portuguese landed). What exactly have we achieved objectively, as a society, after ’48? Alienated two minorities in ’56 (the Burghers and the Tamils), one of whom we waged a war against for three decades, and now we’re on the way to dicking around with a third minority, with anti-christian sentiments steadily increasing as well. As a society, all we’ve done is create conflict after conflict in trying to satisfy this “hitapanko suddata puka deepu thopilata paadamak ugannanna” thing we have.

          So when you tell me we’re going to be swamped with Muslims in a few decades (unless we murder some of them and rape a few of their women) and bring up all sorts of ‘facts’ from around the world in your attempt to look like you’re being some kind of world-wise activist instead of some chauvinistic turd, I have to wonder what our legacy will be as a race. Probably something along the lines of “had a great ancient civilization that went into decline in the middle ages, succumbed to foreign powers through internal strife, gained independence and control of the island, then spent the rest of their years tearing the country apart with war after war”. The Mahavamsa is in for a sad ending.

          • 0

            Were there Christians before Portuguese pirates washed in Sri Lanka in 1505? No. Did Franciscan monks who accompanied Portuguese pirates spread Christianity in Sri Lanka peacefully? No, They killed the Tamils and Sinhalese and forced their Christianity on Hindus and Buddhists.

            As for Muslims they were traders and not settlers in Sri Lanka before the Dutch. It was king Senerath who settled Muslims in the East when they were persecuted and chased out of the Sri Lanka West Coast by the Dutch. Muslims hadn’t rampaged Sri Lanka not because they were kind and tolerant, they couldn’t do so because they hadn’t subjugated any part Sri Lanka ever. What Muslims muslims would have done to Sri Lanka had they ruled it could be visualized from what they had done in India and other countries they subjugated.

            Indonesia that was Hindu and Buddhist up to 1200 AD was forced to become Muslim. Miraculously, the ancient Buddhist temple complex called Borobudur, a world heritage in Indonesia was saved from marauding Muslims because it was abandoned and eventually covered in thick jungle canopy. Today, ISIS is threatening to demolish it just like Taliban destroyed Barmian Buddha statues. True Muslims hate monuments and cannot stand them for their prophet set example by destroying idols in Badr in 624.

            Given the slightest opportunity Muslims will do just that in Sri Lanka. I am not surprised Idiots like kp cannot comprehend it.

            • 1

              Oh look at that! It’s another one who “comprehends it” whining over the same anti-minority bullshit that their forefathers did in the ’50s.

              I’m not even going to touch on the “dead people from 500 years ago made us suffer so we must punish the christians” thing. Just too much stupid for me to handle. As for the muslim thing: we didn’t have a problem with them so far, but the way you’re going at them, they’re eventually going to retaliate, and people like you will no doubt enjoy jacking off at home to the “haha i told them!” fantasy while more village boys die in another war to satisfy the great hela ego. But not you. No no, you’ll sit at home as the great “comprehending one”, too precious for his life to be thrown away in petty wars.

            • 2

              “Were there Christians before Portuguese pirates washed in Sri Lanka in 1505?”

              Kotchi Yaako wathi,
              In 345 A.D., a Palestinian business man, Thomas Cana, along with 72 families came and settled in Kerala, thereby augmenting the Christian community. A second period of intense Latin Christian missionary activity began with the arrival of European missionaries since the discovery of sea route to India by Vasco da Gama in 1498.
              Before the reconquest Spain and Portugal were ruled by the Moros for 700 years and the currency was `pepper` therefore the Moros travelled to Kerala regularly.They showed the Spaniah/Portuguese navigation.

              Judaism was one of the first foreign religions to arrive in India in recorded history.The oldest of the Indian Jewish communities is in Cochin.[10] The traditional account is that traders from Judea arrived in the city of Cochin, Kerala, in 562 BCE, and that more Jews came as exiles from Israel in the year 70 CE. after the destruction of the Second Temple.[11] The distinct Jewish community was called Anjuvannam. The still-functioning synagogue in Mattancherry belongs to the Paradesi Jews, the descendants of Sephardim that were expelled from Spain in 1492.
              The Bnei Menashe (Hebrew: בני מנשה‎, “Sons of Menasseh”) are a group of indigenous people from India’s North-Eastern border states of Manipur and Mizoram who claim descent from one of the Lost Tribes of Israel.
              1st ever Bnei Menashe officer in IDF makes history in Israel.

              Remember the non believers will destroy the believers like in China.

        • 0



          • 4

            Ramanathan – Kotte


            Please stop tickling me.

    • 7


      Come on, the majority Sinhala/Buddhists have been playing the victim card for more than a century now. They haven’t stopped it and will continue for another century.

      Be serious.

      • 1

        Vedda, You may not know but serious deliberations are there in my Sinhala comments.

  • 2

    Yes, I notice calm on the racism front since the atrocities of Aluthgama.

    Is this the calm before the storm as some believe?

    Anyway the historical racism that is part and parcel of the Sinhala psyche is never going to abate because of rogues dressed in saffron robes. The much enforced tradition of kowtowing to anyone in authority or unquestioning faith on anyone dressed in a saffron robe has made the Sinhala people into oafs and susceptible to any form of manipulation.

    The end result is that a Clan always rules the roost with unbridled plunder and largesse while the general populace live in penury, fear and degradation.

  • 7

    There are a few non-Tamil classes in the Ezham Tamil support base. The defunct left-wing is represented by Wickrmabahu and Tissaranee Gunatilike et al.

    The other class have a close association with an “Ezham Tamil”. These closet Ezham Tamils are the most insidious between the two classes.

    Gnanasara is a closet “Ezham Tamil”. There are others like him. Some no longer in the closet like the nutjob in Queensland. Ravi Karunanayake of UNP is another.

  • 3

    When the exact same atrocities were directed against Tamils since 1956,the Muslims watched the fun. In fact the humiliation and devastation of Tamils were more intense and more prolonged. All the while the Muslims supported the perpetrators. Ministers like Badiuddin Mohamed passed Standardization laws which demanded Tamil students to score more marks than the Sinhalese students to gain admission to Universities.Even now the Muslim representatives are against International investigations against Human right violations.When will they learn to treat the others like themselves. Only Allah can save them.

    • 3

      James, Muslims are a lessor minority in numbers than Tamils in this country. What can they do to help the Tamil cause. They have their own problems to sort out and their own battles to fight. It is easy for anyone to sit and think of all the injustices going on in the rest of the world happening to them, and blame it on others for their own predicaments, just like you are doing in this instance. You are still living in the past. What happened then is gone with time and died with those who could have done something about it, but probably never did for whatever reasons we may never know. However, nothing can be achieved now by apportioning blame and holding a whole community accountable for things they had no control of in those heydays. Is there? It may be more prudent to look ahead and plan for the betterment of our lot for the future, like to bequeath something for our children, our community, our nation etc., rather than going back to live in the past.

      You finally end with – only Allah can save the Muslims. I am glad you said that. As Muslims, we don’t depend on anything nor anyone to be our Saviour, except Allah. We only need to die honorable as Muslims, believing He created us, and to Him is our return. The rest is assured and will be taken care of, both in this world and the hereafter. We don’t mince our words.

      • 1

        Marwan, We’re witnessing your type of threats daily throughout the world. In all earnest, you should ask yourself, if Allah favours Muslims why had he created non believers like Buddhists. Another point: If Allah look after Muslims, how come he allows Hamas to be annihilated by Israelis. I think it is evident that Abraham’s God favours Jews. Muslims are only good at beheading unarmed prisoners just like their prophet.

  • 4

    there are lot of black billas roaming in the streets and they are a nuisance

    • 6

      Nuisance to whom? They are only minding their own business and going about their daily chores. They are only protecting themselves from your prying eyes and preventing you from committing sin of lust on them. Is that a nuisance or a blessing?

    • 0


  • 7

    Dear Readers,

    Please be aware that TA MODAYA is a HYPOCRITE like his LEADER MARA.

    He will switch alliance and speak as if he is a Muslim when time suits to enrage the innocent readers. Please don’t be fooled by his pranks.

    These fellows will even sell their mothers and sisters for a song, if that will fatten their purse and achieve their objectives.

    We as Muslims of Sri Lanka never will and never was a party to the destruction or cessation of our BEAUTIFUL MOTHERLAND SRI LANKA.

    We would rather perish in our motherland fighting for our legitimate rights within our means not harming or hurting any community than,running away in the face of any threats coming from BBS or any other quarter for that matter.

    I am sure that justice will prevail over injustice and truth over falsehood. I am not referring here to a particular religion, but to righteousness. Right and wrong are as clear as black and white and any layman can understand judging by what is going on in our Beautiful Island.

    Truth will prevail,prevail and prevail and definitely falsehood,hypocrisy and high handedness will perish,perish and perish.

    If available information is authentic, according to blocked web sites of Sri Lanka, the RETRIBUTION has already begun for the ruling clan, who are openly supporting the harassment, threat and intimidation of the helpless minorities.

    • 1

      Tamodaya is the same as Fathima Fukshima aka Lorenzo from Lankaweb.
      He does write some rubbish to enrage and antagonise readers.
      He has successfully driven out many readers from Lankaweb with his antics and now doing the same at CT

      • 0

        What’s your real name Chandra?

        • 1

          Don’t worry Chandra,
          We know who is this Fuku and we exactly know his various Pseudonyms as well. This Mechanic fellow will be singing to us all what he knows when giving him a Royal Spa treatment.

    • 0

      Tamodaya, Hela, Banda, Fukushima, Paul, KAS Sumana, Jimsofty, Mechanic, Elakolla, Wathi, Lorenzo and with dozens of other fake names is One.

      His only agenda is using a few laptops provided by Offence Secretary to tarnish the Opposition, put Minorities & High class Sinhalese down and making racial comments wherever possible while praise Gota, Mara, JHU & BBS (they too are one though).
      Ansar – What would you do when a stray dog barking at you?

      He’ll probably be alright after the Uva elections. The surveys read Mongal looking Shashenra is at third place as of now. Harin Fernando is way ahead followed by Samantha Vidyarathna.

      Mara some how wants a victory there. UNP & JVP must be very alert.

      People in Uva say that this Regime is dead scared of Harin & Anura Dissanayake.

  • 3

    Jihadi Amaraya is attacking the Sinhala Buddhists as usual. See the cruelty of the Syrian mujahids by accessing the website below and compare it to the so-called all known violence against Muslims in Sri Lanka.


    It was Syrian jihadis beheading a Christian priest and another for aiding and abetting President Bashar Assad and his military before a cheering crowd. That’s the mentality of all Islamist whatever the sect and wherever they may be.

    • 2

      Don’t blame the Syrian Muslims. They’ve lived with Christians for over 1400 years. The beheadings are done by the ISIS Muslims, ‘the civilised’ ones who’ve come from the UK, EU, and USA. That should tell you what really is going on in the Middle East.

      • 1

        Never mind whether some of the Jihadis come from UK, EU, USA and the western world, their brain washed ideology come from a desert god allah and his truculent prophet Muhammad. That’s where the problem lies.

  • 3

    Jihadi Amaraya is attacking the Sinhala Buddhists as usual. See the cruelty of the Syrian mujahids by accessing the website below and compare it to the so-called all known violence against Muslims in Sri Lanka.


    It was Syrian jihadis beheading a Christian priest and another for aiding and abetting President Bashar Assad and his military before a cheering crowd. That’s the mentality of all Islamist whatever the sect and however moderate they are and wherever they may be.

  • 3

    A simple question and answer for readers. Q: Whoever wants to read cut and paste and repeated brag by Amaraya? A: Only his type of Jihadis.

    • 2

      Do you think anybody bothers to read PARAmasiri.?

    • 2

      ammASSiri the altar boy, stupid soul of cut – paste

      • 1

        Ela kolla should also from a Rajapakshe sperm.

        Else, he would not have reacted this way all along.

        Many of brutal criminals who re increasing majority of the country are from Rajapakshe sperms. Where they are, there are crimes. No matter all damages are to the country, but Rajapakshes should govern the nation

  • 1

    No wonder if this guy is doing a contract as Ranjeet Singh Kohli alias Rakibul Hasan Khan did to Tara Shahdeo in my country.


  • 4

    As long as Islam is there, no peace would be in the world.Amen


    • 1

      Because none of the other religion have EVER committed atrocities in the name of their faith. Never ever.

      Hilarious how this veers from ‘protecting Sinhalese from extinction’ to ‘there are Taliban camps in the East’ to ‘Sri Lankan Muslims are being radicalized to Wahhabism’ to ‘this is for global peace’. If you’re going to start another war, at least have the balls to come out and say why you’re really doing it- this massive revenge hardon we Sinhalese have had since before ’48 in the form of “hitapanko ape athata enakang bale me haththata denna wade”. It’ll be the only time any sort of bravery will be required from you, seeing as it won’t be Mr. ‘Let’s be racist while trying to look credible by posting links to random sites’ here that’ll be going to face the bullets once the shit hits the fan.

  • 2

    Are we a nation of naive fools. We were all getting on well after the war ended, there was unity and peace, until certain forces used certain idiots in this nation, to spew hatred and spread lies about Muslims. The Muslims to date have not physically started racial problems. It is a shame that a saffron robed terrorists with a diabolical agenda, has been paid, brainwashed, and trained, to start this hate campaign that is harming our country, not healing it. Who is behind this islamaphobic campaign? It is the same model as the Myanmar one, the same talking points. The Muslims are a minority here, and no threat to Buddhists. Anyone with brains, will realize it is wrong to think that one day the Muslims will be the majority. 8 percent of Muslims CANNOT become the majority. Those who have been trained to come to these websites and spew the hate and make wild claims, look like intellectually challenged fools who can’t do the maths.
    If we follow the money and the movements of the this BBS devil in saffron clothes, we will be able to see who is behind this attack on Muslims. The majority of the 1.5 billion Muslims are peaceful. Sri Lankan Muslims have not caused trouble, but attacking them might result in some kind of lash back. Is that what we want in this nation that has gone through wars and strife. There are certain idiots in this country who are unpatriotic, and will put the peace and progress of this country at risk, because they are doing the work of some evil devils, and perhaps being paid and supported by them.

    • 1


      “Are we a nation of naive fools”

      Yes you are for the past 100 or so years.

  • 1

    What most of the foolish ones like you Banda don’t understand is you are all born in Islam. Banda the ungrateful to your God, read the Holy Book before you utter foolish comments.If you can’t read you have chosen your way to hell.We pity you.

    • 0

      We’re sad you cannot comprehend a sentence enable the reader to understand it. Pity yourself!

  • 1

    reply to banda group

    “If you can’t read you have chosen your way to hell.We pity you.”

    Where is hell? Could you let me have the address.

    What did make you to think you are not heading there if there is one?

    • 3

      Vedda: Sooner or later, Wahhabi thouheeds will send you hell for taking mick out of Muslims. Then you yourself can find the address. You should know that all Jihadis do head not to Bintenna where dust await but to Allah’s heaven where one find all life pleasure for ever.

  • 0

    Veddah, We believe in our creator we don’t associate partners to our creator so the creator has promised us the heaven. For those who associate partners to the creator is the hell waiting. If you associate partners to God and die before you repent you can see the hell.Read the holy Book for description of hell and who would fall into it. To start with you can read Surah ‘mulk’ the dominion. So hurry up to wash out your sins and repent.

    • 0

      If that is your idea of heaven once we die then I can wait and keep on waiting like the pharaoh you might say.

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