3 May, 2024


I Am Sick And Tired …

By Emil van der Poorten –

Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

….of the never-ending, refrain that we “should be eternally grateful to Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family for putting an end to the Tamil Tigers and bringing Sri Lanka out of (enter your figures) years of terror.”

Let’s get this straight, in no way can Mahinda Rajapaksa or his acolytes make ANY claim to single-handedly destroying the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE, “Tigers”) and its vicious war machine.

What I am about to say is no way hindsight because I went on record in Montage Magazine (in 2007, long before the final denouement at Nanthikadal) describing what was as obvious as the nose on one’s face: the Tigers were “done” long before the war was officially ended with the wholesale butchery in that tiny North East corner of Sri Lanka and a useless loss of service lives in a stage-managed ending to a horrible conflict, meant simply to provide a crescendo of kiribath-and-kavun celebration which, in turn, was to herald the wholesale destruction of every vestige of democracy, decency and the rule of law in the name of the Second Coming of a 21st Century Dutugemunu and his hegemonic rule, parading as some particularly peculiar brand of “Sri Lankan Democracy.”

The Tigers’ supply lines had not just been disrupted, they had been completely severed by the interception and sinking of ships bringing in huge loads of explosives, armaments and other supplies essential to their war effort.  This was done thousands of miles outside Sri Lanka’s territorial waters and  was possible only because of intelligence supplied by the current “enemies of 2500 years of Sinhala Buddhist civilization,” the so-called “western democracies.”  Yes, it wasn’t China or Russia that supplied Sri Lanka with the intelligence that enabled the total destruction of the Tigers’ supply lines – it was those “western democracies” that have become, oh so handily, the whipping boys of the current bunch of self-identified geniuses parading as representatives of the “master race.”

And what of the Tiger rump that survived Nanthikadal? (A pretty substantial “rump” it was!)

The financial mastermind, the infamous “KP” who bears direct responsibility for, literally, thousands of civilian deaths from every ethnic entity in Sri Lanka is now in the bosom of the current government, allegedly due to his ability to pass on a part of the largesse that he had control of with the demise of the Tiger hierarchy on the battlefields of north-east Sri Lanka.  And in case there is any doubt as to what awaits those who butchered unarmed civilians and hundreds of policemen who’d surrendered to the Tigers, we have another of KP’s erstwhile comrades elevated to the National Legislature and given the trappings of one but the most senior functionary in the lead party of the current governing coalition.  I speak here of “Colonel” Karuna, jailed in Britain for illegal entry through use of a “diplomatic passport” issued by one of the highest in the land. And, just in case there is any doubt with regard to the  “principles” of the ruling junta in dealing with those who butchered hundreds of unarmed civilians, we have two “Masters” in positions of importance and authority and another pint-sized character whose distinguishing feature is a receding forehead which speaks volumes in the matter of intelligence who, through nothing but the exercise of monumental stupidity, succeeded in doing himself out of the job of Chief Minister of the Eastern Province to which he had ascended by virtue of “anointment.”

Hard to accept?  Bite hard and swallow, buddy, for them’s the breaks when fact needs to supersede monumental and deliberately contrived fiction in the matter of recent Sri Lankan history.

This is the government that claims to have, singlehandedly defeated “the most feared terrorist outfit in the world” and insists on its right to conduct its own investigations into its own conduct of a war in which it is accused of less-than-gentlemanly conduct!

That members of the parties opposed to the Rajapaksa Regime insist that, no matter what political differences they have with that regime, they will not permit “foreign interference” in the matter of investigations of alleged destruction of human rights in Sri Lanka speaks simply to the fact that those accusing politicians of being totally bereft of decency and elementary intelligence might not be exaggerating!  I do not recall anyone subscribing to the belief that members of the National Socialist Party of the Fatherland should have been in charge of the Nurnberg trials.  However, with our self-propelled meteoric rise to Master Race status, there is a certain twisted logic to such an approach, I suppose.

No, it is time that the recent history of the destruction of democracy in the Debacle of Asia be placed on the record.  The fact that democratic dissent can and has led to cold-blooded, gangland-style executions (as in the case of Lasantha Wickrematunge), “disappearances” as in the case of Ekneligoda or political exile in the case of too many to even begin to count in an article such as this amounts to a simple statement of fact. The intimidation of the media, what’s left of it after the purchase of most of it by government stooges utilizing “black” money or even using such purchases as a means of laundering dirty money, needs to be stopped in its tracks and then reversed. Those elements of the media that have survived by simply doing the bidding of the most corrupt and violent government in Sri Lanka’s history must be exposed for what they are – simply propagandists parading as custodians of “freedom of expression.” They must be drummed out of the profession of journalism, be it print, electronic or any other form. May I also take this opportunity to indulge in a little “side-bar?”  Some years ago, I referred to my difficulty in distinguishing monkey from organ grinder in the case of two of the most reprehensible lackeys in the practice of “journalism” in Sri Lanka. I owe them both an apology for failing to recognize the fact that they were both monkeys in the pay of Sri Lanka’s No. 1 Organ Grinder, something they have since proved by going into his direct, un-shadowed employ!

In order for the essential national catharsis to happen, we need a cleansing of the body politic without fear or attention to who’s related to whom.

We have the laws. After first having removed from the judiciary those who have been appointed to do the bidding of the Grand Vizier, engaging in corrupt and unethical practice without precedent, we need to put in places of authority and responsibility those able to carry out the law without fear or favour, thereafter commencing an absolute cleansing.  This is, truly, a sine qua non if we are ever to claim to be a civil and civilized society again.

We need to clean out our Augean Stable beginning January the 9th 2015. Not one day later!

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Latest comments

  • 7

    The credit for destroying LTTE is to be given to the Tamil diaspora supporters who discovered too late that the world does not support racists and facists.Some thing that the Sinhalese are only learning now.So credit shoukd be given to them and not to the Sinhalese King who is to be on tried in Geneva.

    • 13

      Rajapakshe Adminstration

      a) hold close ties with world recognized terrorists
      b) PROTECTS them today but not real war heroes
      c) kills own men that are close to them – not being second to North korean KIM
      d) but talks all palatalbe to the vulnerable masses (voter base – the poor of the poor)
      e)stole the funds got donated to the tsunami victims of the country
      f) handles JUDICIARY as if it is their family properties
      h) Judges are not respected no matter the wrong or right verdicts are given – what Rajaakshes believe are based on final verdict
      i) as former ministers reveal today – not just oligo percentual numbers but go to thousands when they abuse the tax payers funds
      J) Whether the voting population are aware of all these ? MORE THAN QUESTIONABLE

    • 1

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 4

      We don’t need any evidence that you are sick! Mentally trminal We suppose, but physically too it looks like.

    • 2

      Emil van der Poorten –

      “Let’s get this straight, in no way can Mahinda Rajapaksa or his acolytes make ANY claim to single-handedly destroying the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE, “Tigers”) and its vicious war machine.”

      [Edited out]

      • 4

        “Let’s get this straight, in no way can Mahinda Rajapaksa or his acolytes make ANY claim to single-handedly destroying the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE, “Tigers”) and its vicious war machine.”

        Is that because Rajapakse was the only one who asked David Miliband and Bernard Kouchner (representing the international hymie commmunity) demands to release Pirapakaran to a third country to go jump in the lake? Who else would have done that?

        We were lucky that foreign boot lickers Ranil and Chandrika was thrown out of power in 2005.

        • 5

          Koti Slayer

          “We were lucky that foreign boot lickers Ranil and Chandrika was thrown out of power in 2005.”

          Chandrika was not thrown out of power. Her term of office expired as prescribed by the constitution.

          Ranil was thrown out of office by Chandrika as instructed by Hindians.

          MR came to power thanks to VP. MR is eternally grateful VP.

          Please fact check before you start typing.

    • 4

      Kirri Yakka

      “The credit for destroying LTTE is to be given to the Tamil diaspora supporters who discovered too late that the world does not support racists and facists.”

      All praise to VP for winning the war for MR. The brain behind Mahinda’s victory was VP.

      The Sinhala/Buddhists should grateful to VP forever.

    • 3

      “Sinhalese King who is to be on tried in Geneva.”

      The Tiger rump’s and jealous fifth columns’ pipe dream!
      you will have to go to hell on 9 Jan 2015.

    • 1

      Credit should also be given to MR not every one gets invited to Geneva.

    • 0

      So many people will try to take credit for getting rid of this villain. However, no member of the Tamil Diaspora has ever apologized and taken responsibility for the unwanted destruction they did in Sri Lanka. Are you giving credit to this bunch of people for the defeat. Then why are they try to glorify Prbhakaran’s existence.
      The independence of Judiciary or anything else is not pivoted on officials appointed to the office by a President. We have seen over the years such people can be very harmful and can be easily bought over by money and other perks. In the case of Sarath Silva and Shirani Bandaranaike we have seen all. Public officials who make a name at the expense of public should not be allowed parachute to politics. They should be at least debarred to enter politics for 10 years after leaving office. They can be drafted by government in power to be their advisors.

      • 1

        “However, no member of the Tamil Diaspora has ever apologized and taken responsibility for the unwanted destruction they did in Sri Lanka.”

        BBS gave you that answer in part and they will handle it better with the Tamil Speaking Muslims of Lanka the sadistic catalyst & Modi Mooth Maro backup.

        When you hear the sound of the gecko go follow bin lardens tainted knickers in the ocean.

        for 66 years you have eaten all what was meant for 20% of the tamil speaking population of Christians & Hindus . Like your own fatwa man says”you need to be wiped out of the face of the earth” for taking the whole nation into anti-sematic mode for the days of postmans son Nasser the Pan Arab camel and robbing the citzens – by buying and selling enven though you higacked education with standards for sihal and tamil but you speak tamil at home and study in the english medium with 2nd sihala.

        Go back kallathoni to south india even the Bengalis of EU are relocating there- No Burka , No Mulla, only Swiss Balla and his troops

  • 6

    As someone said, this along with substantial infrastructure development are the only 2 trump cards they have. They have played that already ad nauseam.

    The opposition has already countered it successfully. Now the accusations of financial misappropriation and mismanagement is coming thick and fast. Other than saying “we stand for discipline”, there is complete silence on how to tackle corruption.

    There is absolutely no policies mentioned on Freedom to Information (FOI) for example to ensure transparency. Unless the govt comes back with fresh new initiatives they will fall behind.

    • 2

      “As someone said, this along with substantial infrastructure development are the only 2 trump cards they have”.

      For heaven’s sake, isn’t that enough after 30 years of suffering and destruction of infrasstructure.

      You are blinded by hatred.

      • 1

        “For heaven’s sake, isn’t that enough after 30 years of suffering and destruction of infrastructure.”

        Heavens sake?? whatever the hell that is. Infrastructure is much more than roads- City planning refer LKY’s recent novel.

        Putin has signed 2 contracts with China 1. $300 billion in October the day he announced his candidature for presidency. 2 About 2 months ago he signed another $400 billion. Both sale of gas for “infrastructure” so that they could be self sufficient in 30 years. Russia has roads and don’t need Chinese.

        He may be blinded by hatred because he learnt it the pirivana.

        You are mal informed & live by the bath parcel polla concept as you have never seen anything better or bothered to find out what is infra_structure.

  • 10

    See the bugger treats Sarath Fonseka!

    and how he makes minds to hug the most powerful terrorists !
    I have no doubt to stay in power, he would even send his wife and three boys to red light areas. This is the nature of this kind of abusive charactors.
    Alone the fact appointment – dpt secretry of SLFP to give Karuna is simply tasteless.

    • 1

      Sabji Banda,

      ” is simply tasteless.”

      perhaps you could follow the leader of “Akhanda Bharata”

      Modi Mooth Maro like the father of his BJP,.

      Satayaka Hato,

      Sarema Hato,

      ‘Pyaar ki Pungi baja kar'(killing my love)

  • 5

    CC Alliance please take note of the contents of this Article. It shows who Rajapaksa is. And why he chose to kill thousands of surrendered Tigers and helpless women and children at the end of the war. To become a hero to the Sinhalese. Please also note the SECRET befriending of KP, the Tiger Mastermind, to share massive the wealth looted by Prabakaran from Tamil civilians.

    Just translate print and distribute copies of this article to every household in Sri Lanka, including in the North and East of the country. This has the value of a thousand front page advertisements in the national newspapers.

    Ranil, Maithri, CBK, Anura, Sarath F, this is the time – use the article, it is free, it is convincing. After reading it no one can vote for Mahinda Rajapaksa.

  • 8

    Srilanken tamils should feel that they are forever betrayed by MR regime if closely study the picture of the article.

    All folks should go against Rajapakshe this time – not paving a way allowing zimbawian like dictator to be established in our beautiful island.

  • 8


    • 4



      Did you mean bla bla blaAbhaya?

      Where is he?

      Has he jumped ships?

      • 4

        Native this is the third Paul to appear. If we get enough Pauls we will start the Paul Party on CT.

        • 4


          I know you are working on your own secret agenda.

          Please publish your manifesto here in CT.

          • 2

            Native, we Pauls have no manifesto we are just a pressure group but we do have certain ideas. One is that the government in power should endeavor to provide equality of opportunity to all. Another is that Sri Lanka should be a meritocracy.
            With a name like Paul Party we will be accused of being stooges of the Vatican, mocked as Fowl Pakshaya or even Foul Pakshaya, but that cannot be helped.

            • 2

              “With a name like Paul Party”

              Aiyo what is P.P. sounds like peee or pippi!

              No problems just like

              Modi Mooth Maro party which runs the

              Sihal Buddhist State of Hindia.

              “Another is that Sri Lanka should be a meritocracy.”

              This has never happened in practice- man is a funny animal and it works the system. if it fails the world is physically large enough for him to succeed as most of us have.Even the English in England do that(when the left parties destroyed job opportunities not just grammar schools) and the Chinese Indians crave for it.

              the left parties want to become aristocrats and once there with stinking new riches they want to be like passa the king.- human race-
              waanga machan waanga valiya pathu ponga. – sihala copyright infringment on top of copyright intringment : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HtnpUP-2mo
              2500 years vultures
              Good luck but limit the vision to practical possibilities.

  • 2

    I fully agree this is the last chance for Sri Lanka to be called “Democratic”. However it is MR who runs a well oiled machine that is protected by layer-upon-layer defending it’s family monopoly on state resources, I have the feeling it too late to expect a victory through election. The state of the opposition is deplorable: remember that last years fact finding missions of the oppositions went to see the Dehiwala Zoo. Yes, you read it right. A zoo!!!

    And after the UNP opened a Twitter account for Ranil, it remained empty for months – and still not a single account has been registered at Twitter as the “official” account, let alone managed (in three languages) by someone who knows how to deal with online media. Luckily online media is not that important – a survey of a whopping 35000 samples – shows 82% support for Sirisena. No need to rally for those in the cities having access to internet and knowledge of proxies to read the news from the “free world”.

    But why not instead penetrate the rural areas? At the moment, the rallies are still mainly targeting the major cities, and colombo suburbs where Sirisena is lined up next to Chandrika, Ranil and friends.

    Without the following measures, consider the elections lost:

    1. The only way to win the election is to rally individually. So, Ranil, Chandrika, Sirisena, JHU, JVP, TNA & others supporting the CC, please wake the $#@$ up and go rally INDIVIDUALLY in rural areas. Day-by-day-by-day until it is over.

    2. Setup a system where all the counting offices are monitored 24/7, and every truck transporting vouchers is being followed from counting office to the election commissioners office.

    3. Add some young blood to the campaign. Where is Harin Fernando? Where is Hirunika?

    Wake up!

    • 6


      “I fully agree this is the last chance for Sri Lanka to be called “Democratic”.”

      I was led to believe that once the LTTE had been annihilated and Demela been defeated the country would restore democracy. It was the last chance. What has happened in between?

  • 1

    If we have to be grateful it must be to the people of Sri Lanka for bearing with fortitude all the misdemeanours of this government. Mahinda Rajapaksa has exposed his nature and character by his behaviour during his term of office. We know that he is an extremely cruel man, selfish, revengeful, pompous, swollen headed, and self serving. He is dishonest and a liar, whether compulsive or pathological or just chronic. We do not need him for a third term. In fact he must be prosecuted for corruption and put behind bars.

  • 3

    Hi CT readership please read the below:

    This is how they violate eelction laws ? Do you guys feel that they cant trace who gave the orders ?

    R’pura Depot told to show receipts for release of buses
    2014-12-15 22:08:41
    32 11 1 0 2 Google +1 print-icon
    Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya has ordered officials of the Ratnapura Bus Depot to produce the cash receipts issued for the release of 25 buses to transport people to a political rally in Panadura today.

    Earlier, election observers including People’s Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) had in writing requested Mr. Deshapriya to inquire into allegations that state buses had been used to transport people for the political rallies in the run-up to the presidential election. PAFFREL said, in another instance of the blatant abuse of state resources, 25 buses had been released from the Ratnapura Depot alone for this purpose.

    Mr. Deshapriya had asked the depot authorities to produce the cash receipts issued for the release of buses for the use of political parties, to be scrutinized by election officers.

    Transport Minister Kumara Welgama said anybody could hire buses from the Sri Lanka Central Transport Board after making the necessary payments. (Kelum Bandara)
    – See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/58977/r-pura-depot-told-to-show-receipts-for-release-of-buses#sthash.lmVlQqHO.dpuf

  • 6

    Holy Macaroni…..

    No wonder Mr Pootrten is tired after this painstaking work to exonerate the LTTE and glorify Cameron , Harper and Balkey for eliminating Prabakaran..

    Vellala Ms Sri Skadarajah, Suren Surendran, Kirubaharan and even PM Rudrakumaran couldn’t do a piece like this even in combination let alone as individuals, to white wash the Rump…

    I am a bit worried to hear Poorten is sick..

    May be he should hang up the cue and smell the roses in a retirement Village in Scarborough,

    LTTE Rump, I am sure will cough up the up front fee for a nice one bedder at least, if Poorten’s Pension Fund hasn’t appreciated much..

    And good Goat Curry,Stringers and Pittu are very cheap there too..

    • 7

      K. A. Sumanasekera:
      Never fails! Your incoherent nonsense for which the only provocation necessary is my name.
      Incidentally, you’d better check up on your Canadian geography considering I was domiciled more than 2000 miles away from probably the only part of that nation of which you seem to have any knowledge!
      Your paymasters should consider giving you with a Phd like the one they provided Vermin Silva because you, very obviously, belong in the same company, though I can’t vouch for his having been a real estate cheat!

      • 3

        “…the only provocation necessary is my name.” [Edited out]

        • 2

          because culturally across the straits – the romans continuously sailed to

          E_rode district for silk (kanchipuram) was never ransacked and all documentation from VOC Dutch (business papers/administrative) not a country then but the 1st world corporation (the 1st world still follow those principals since they are watertight)

          You are just a fraudster of all most everything tatte to toe 2_Email_2

          No imagination why so??

          try some pol thel with durian lined with perunkayam.

          poop_mail gembo!

  • 6

    Well Said.

    The down turn of LTTE started with the murder of Rajeev Gandhi. 9/11 contributed too, when USA government took a stand against all the terrorist organizations, in the aftermath of it, which I believe was one of the major reasons for the USA to start feeding SL Navy with the tracking date of the floating arsenal of LTTE. So even Osama Bin Laden can claim a stake for eliminating LTTE! Demise of Anton Balasingham was a big blow. It blew off the real “head” of the organization. Then one can’t stop questioning why MR selected General Fonseka as the commander from among many of the qualified, serving and battle harden major generals. MR new General Fonseka had a strategy and could deliver, although he was not an admire of UPFA/SLFP. So General Fonseka’s contribution too was immense. Therefore, MR and his siblings claiming that they and only they should be given the credit is pure crap.

    But Emil, problem lies in somewhere else. It is you and me. You write to a website in English and how many of the voters will read this? In the mean time, MR will get the prisoners to erect a stage in a remote town or a village, from which he will talk to the voters in their own language and sell his crap logic. In the absence of any counter idea or argument, when the most modern media that they would have access to is the state sponsored TV channels, why shouldn’t these gullible characters buy his version and vote him in? It is a tragic.

    • 3

      “Then one can’t stop questioning why MR selected General Fonseka as the commander from among many of the qualified, serving and battle harden major generals.”

      Surrounding himself with the right people at the right time -and getting rid of them when they begin to behave funnily is the President’s forte which others can’t emulate.

      • 2

        AnSell has been in the free trade zone katunayaka before Passa had a satayaka.
        (the worlds largest manufacturer of natural condoms)

        Nothing special of the meeharaka just a glorified version of the mahawamse.
        Sunila says:
        “in the aftermath of it, which I believe was one of the major reasons for the USA to start feeding SL Navy with the tracking date of the floating arsenal of LTTE.”
        Is that why November 2008 Obama became president and in 100 days received the noble peace price…not Bush of 9/11 US adm?? It’s called consultancy fees to shills in the administration by Lankan lobbyist that caused it at the appropriate time- new man in power cannot be harsh with his admin again when he is racially abused.
        You write to a website in English and how many of the voters will read this?

        you are out of touch perhaps outdated to know how a message on the net gets carried if one wants to read info- since trolls dont refer your 5 fingers are not the same size i presume. there is enough bull in books starting with mahawamse that we seive our refrences and visit, touch and believe.

        why shouldn’t these gullible characters buy his version and vote him in?

        When did you character differentiate between right and wrong and vote for the last 66 years?? The vote was classicaly Amma nathan Tatha – come create your dynasty.
        Just one question Is democracy a western concept (where Christianity means charity for all) meant for you the begging bowl nation to adopt and govern??
        You need you concept right by understanding “I” then talk of influencing vote.

  • 4

    It was during the first ephiphanic wet dreams of early 2004 that The King, realising, he was a heartbeat away from wresting the Presidency, also reached the conclusion (with a little help from a couple of world-wise siblings) that the opportunity and rewards of peace would far outstrip that scratched from fiddling in an interminable war.

    As any wag in the Union Place Salaka bar would have told you, it’s 15 mill of us against 5 mill of them (and they had not counted the mill who scarpered to greener climes). The rest was easy; build up the cannon fodder, cut off the maritime supply chain, and stuff the willing but dim tigers. Sadly for all the Tamils, including those who forked out the moolah to keep the show going, VP was rubbish at maths and could not figure out the odds against him and his rapidly diminishing band of fighters. He missed the chance to fold his hand and change tack when the gracious Ranil opened a chink in the government line. The end was the most disastrous outcome for the Tamil people. Today, they wear the mantle of the defeated. The largest ‘minority’ but dubbed losers.

    The King meanwhile, after a victory lap collecting garlands and accolades, has settled down to reaping a serious dividend from the opportunities that followed. Roads up and down the island, a harbour here, an airport there, CHOGM, annual parades, and best of all, the cuckoos in the towns and villages are talking of elevating him to god. What a story to tell the unborn generation.

    Then came the hangers-on. They gathered like flies to a lump of shit. And what a pile it was. Enough for all, except that after a time some of those same flies, fat now, but with a longing to perch at the top of the pile. The time has come now, and now comes the man. Sadly he is not the man many of us would like, but, hey, beggars can’t be choosers. Will he be able to clear out the stables? I doubt it.

    Will he be able to restore law and order? Just maybe. Will he be able to install an impartial judiciary? Again possible, but there are difficulties finding competent and impartial judges (like virgins and wise men they are in short supply)(down south we had to cancel – again – our local nativity play because of this shortage).

    But, we must cling to hope, hope that a new broom will sweep well. Well until temptation comes calling again, as it inevitable does to politicians in this thrice blessed island.

    The missus asked me what I would like for Christmas; please dearest, can I have a good crop of honest hardworking political leaders who will realise that our highest calling is to serve our country faithfully, without succumbing to avarice, and with the fearless will to kick out the bastards, the thugs and crooks, who infest our body politic.

    To Mr van der Poorten and others, a Happy Christmas and good wishes for a NEW year full of hope and fresh beginnings.

    • 2

      Very well said Mr Koha…. I do hope I bump into you one of these days at the Salaka bar so we can exchange pleasantries and perhaps solve the problems of our dear motherland over a few stiff ones!

      • 2

        `over a few stiff ones! `

        hoooo…hooo…hooo…hoo (long ear owl call)

  • 6

    Vanderpootan, You may be sick but we are not, The cancer of terrorism could not be won for many governments due to the defeatist menatality,

    It was won by the combined effort of Mahinda, Sarath Fonseka and Gotabhaya.

    It was helped by the likes of Kadiragarmar, Chandrika, India, Western Democracies(to a certain extent). The hateful comments of Tamils on Mahinda here is enough testimony to prove my point. We have issues with Mahinda’s governing style, But thanks to him ordinary people live in peace and no one get killed by suicide bombers, Do not ever try to underestimate that achievement.

    • 2

      Goonratne, not sure if you are aware of the records in Geneva that point to mass murder of civilians. I guess the Tamils are not Civilians ?

    • 6


      “It was won by the combined effort of Mahinda, Sarath Fonseka and Gotabhaya.”

      VP won the elections war for MR.

      Sinhala villagers supplied the cannon fodder.

      “But thanks to him ordinary people live in peace and no one get killed by suicide bombers.

      MR is eternally grateful to Hindians for winning the war and elections because they funded VP to prevent Tamils voting for UNP in 2005.

    • 3

      srinath gunaratne:
      Would you care to specify in what part of your paradise you’d stick the Weliveriya killings, the killing of protesting fishermen and that of workers in the Free Trade zone who didn’t want their EPF embezzled, not to mention white van disappearances and gangland slayings in broad daylight such as Lasantha’s?
      One word to describe your diatribe: RUBBISH.

    • 1


      yes we are know how mahinda gave leadership to end the war. we appreciate that. Now we have to save the country from Mahinda who had become worse than Prabhakaran in a different sense.

      country comes first not people or MR.

    • 3

      Gunda ratne, This is how you have all been brainwashed. remember Gota’s golden word, it was India’s war.

      Let me remind you the classical chronology, you may pay attention to;

      Rajiv was killed in 1991 May, In the next parliamentary election, Congress came to power with other parties support, hence was unable to take revenge for Rajiv killing,besides no one from Rajiv family was into direct politics that time.In 1999, Sonia assumed the direct leadership, and it came to power in 2003, it was the time, Bush was maniac and Manmohan had good relation with Bush, Sonia used this time to revenge for her husband killing. Mahinda and gota the goat were just tools for congress. Congress spent 4 Billion USD on this war stupid! then How it was mahida muttaal victory! Mahinda used this opportunity and consolidated knowing you fools believe it for life time

    • 1

      I heard Mahinda Rajapaksa saying that he won the war single handedly.

      Are you saying our Excellent President is a liar?

  • 3

    Nonsense. When US dropped the atomic bombs on Japan, the war had long ended. The generals and emperor just wouldn’t give in and what was to be end-of-war affairs were locked in a stalemate for both Japan and her defeaters. Same thing happened with the LTTE. The militant side was long gone, but they were using their Dalits to weep, mourn and gnash teeth to drag the Eelam fiasco on and on.

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      ramona therese fernando:
      You’d better check your facts before launching into “expertise” about the A-Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese had NOT surrendered at the time of those atrocities. However, it is an accepted historical fact that Truman dropped the bombs as a warning to the USSR with regard to what its fate could be in the event that the “communists” menaced the “democratic world,” as he and his allies stereotyped themselves. As for the rest of your statement about “dalits” etc. it might help to understand what you mean if it was written in simple English, devoid of attempts at “erudition.”

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        They had NOT surrendered, but the major military involvement of the war had been halted (like what happened with the LTTE war).

        Your speculation (which you feel is your expertise on historical fact), has no bearing on America’s involvement with the atomic bombs. Communism was a concern during the time of Vietnam, but during the 1930’s and 1940’s, the Americans had other major worries viz. the Nazis and Japanese expansion.

        All mine is simple logic, with none of your-type expertise and erudition.

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          ramona therese fernando:
          My statement constitutes b.s. “speculation?” Ever hear of Senator “Tail-Gunner” Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism during the Eisenhower era and the anti-communist hysteria even before the French lost Indo-China (all of it) at Dien Bien Phu, leave alone the US’ active involvement in that part of the world?

          A strong dose of FACT and REALITY is strongly recommended, particularly when it is patently obvious that you choose to plumb the depths of (recent) historical ignorance.

          “Better to keep your computer switched off and let people think you’re ignorant than to fire it up and confirm the fact.”

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            I ask you check up your facts and know that those conspiracy theories that you are thoroughly muddled up by were not facts at all but quasi-facts. For even if communism was a concern for the Americans, their involvement in the Japanese war was to keep the imperial/colonial structure and British Pound/US dollar from collapsing too much.

            There might have been an issue of “ok, let’s put the fear of Moses into Russians as well,” but the main reason that the atomic bombs were dropped was because of the non-compliance of Japanese generals to come to some truce and make a clean resolution.

            When the Japanese were driven back to their islands, totally defeated in military might, though un-surrendered, the Americans found it impossible to enter in and forge a surrender without the possibly of mass Hara-Kiri-style attacks on US military. And the Americans were tired.

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    You say “a new broom will sweep well”; I doubt because the persons who hold it and control it (Chandrika, Ranil et al)have a corrupted history. Sri Lankans in general hate and despise them like a ‘lump of shxt’ (your own expression) that’s why these so called ‘leaders’ did not come forward as candidates. Sri Lankans may not like MR’s certain policies but they love and adore him for what he had done so far! Sri Lankans also know that ‘governing’ a country like Sri Lanka can not be done by jokers like King Yasalalakatissa who disguised himself as his doorman (Subha)and got eventually killed by Subha. The whole drama of the common opposition candidate reminds me the drama produced by Simon Nawagattegama: Subha & Yasa.

    Every leader in the Joint Opposition are trying to hide behind someone in the same Opposition by pushing poor Mitreepala Sirisena to the Front; the poor fellow has no personality; looks like a boxing player beaten on the 1st round itself by the opponent. He takes too long to answer questions and most of the time beats around the bush! My brother in law who apparently supports him told me yesterday even the audience forgets the question that he is trying to answer to, due to his lethargic and long answers. He is already branded as the man who says he could not dance properly because the dancing floor was awkward and crooked (but the actual reason is that he does not know how to dance)! Not only you my friend, the entire Joint Opposition seems to be sick!! From a Gossip Website I heard Madame Chandrika was visited yesterday by a psychiatrist in her Colombo residence for ‘severe depression’!!! If this is true I totally agree with your state of health!!!!

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    Rajapakse’s are much more shrewd and efficient than you. If you don’t know it yet, you should realize it on the 8th of January. That is why you are poor writer and MR is the president.

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    Those who don’t know, financial misappropriation was there in all our politicians, and also taking the law into there hands. There is no difference between them. What MR has and other’s don’t is the true patriotism and huge development drive. What do Maithri, Chandrika and Ranil have to show us in their life long political carriers of so called serving the people?

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    This is the Govt DJ wants the people to back.

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    If one sees or hears anything repeated many times one definitely feels sick. Understandable.

    The writer attributes the intelligence supplied was a factor in determining the victory. One can receive many an intelligence report but it must be made use of, otherwise it is as good as not having intelligence.

    In this modern world “volte-farce” is the name of the game. Anybody having an iota of common sense would know that those who meddle with the affairs of this world DID NOT WANT either the Government of Sri Lanka or the Tigers to dominate but was doing a balancing act, thus maintaining the status quo. Towards that end assistance was given to both parties in so many ways. While the west indeed supplied the intelligence about ships, it sent to Ministers one from UK and the other from France all the way to a remote village in Sri Lanka to plead with the President for a respite. Though the writer claims that he predicted victory for the state, even he did not expect that it would end in the Nandikadal Lagoon. What happened there at the last hours can only be known to those who were there at that time. Others have to rely on media reports, probably doctored either way. Up to now people only say that their loved ones have gone missing. Investigations! War Crime Trials! They are a farce. The trial of Uhuru Kenyatta cannot proceed because there is no evidence and that reminds me of the local scenario where ultimately a man admitting that he tied himself in a tree. So if the Saddam Hussein way has to be applied then it must be some local tribunal which must do the needful. President George Bush said that Iraqi justice is cheaper than International Justice and indeed the execution of Saddam Hussein is indeed an Iraqi execution.

    The principle of “volte-farce” is used by the state too. How can mass murderers and ex-tigers be “looked after”? But it happens all over the world. The west that is after Taleban and Al-qaeda first milked and breast fed them. The origins of IS terroist is not published yet. But it is known that most of their arms are of US origin.

    The attitude of “master race” is an interesting subject. This can happen to any race as it happened in Nazi Germany and it did occur even to the so called minorities of today in Sri Lanka under the British Colonial masters. The display of authority and arrogance comes with the ooze of self respect to the extreme, looking down at others, devoid of tolerance and kindness. The classic example is that a President of the yesteryear once chided his Secretary by saying “මේ ගොවිගම බල්ලන්ට වැඩක් කරන්න දන්නේ නෑ”. (Govigama Dogs are a set of nincompoops.)

    However difficult it may be there should some decency in the country. Murder and torture of journalists should not be unsolved crimes forever. Same with any service personnel and the example of Krishanthi Kumaraswamy murder case must be followed.

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    Who is this Arm Chair Pundit?Just feeling sorry for yourself Sir??!!

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    “Sick and tired ..!” [Edited out]

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    you are [Edited out] . your dumb analysis means nothing . you and your likes would have loved it if praba and his devils were running sri lanka. [Edited out]



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    Emil van der Poorten:

    No doubt you are reminiscing the defeat of the so called Ruthless Terrorists which call Freedom Fighters to free ourselves from Sinhalese Tyranny and Brutality which preceded the birth of LTTE. We make no apologies for fighting to free ourselves.
    Menachem Begin , Yitzaq Shamir also fought terrorist wars but later became leaders of their country but had the support of US.
    GOSL didn’t win the war against the Tigers on their own. They won with the help of Traitor India who supplied Chemical weapons to Sinhala Army.

    That members of the parties opposed to the Rajapaksa Regime insist that, no matter what political differences they have with that regime, they will not permit “foreign interference” in the matter of investigations of alleged destruction of human rights in Sri Lanka speaks simply to the fact that those accusing politicians of being totally bereft of decency and elementary intelligence might not be exaggerating.

    *** The above is a load of Rhetoric and I am sure we all know what happened to Milosevic. Even though he had the backing of his Slavic Bothers ” Russia ” a Super power and the backing of his Generals they were all forced to put him on a plane to the HAGUE on a cold winter evening and he died in the Dock . I am sure MR will face the same fate win or lose.

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      In case there is any doubt, the LTTE did not do the “Tamil Cause/Need for Redress of Grievances” any good. That is simply a fact that has continued to be borne out and all the posturing by those who obviously did not suffer or continue to suffer the hellish consequences that this minority suffered will not change that simple fact.

      That you obviously have no problem with the Yitzhak Shamirs and Menachem Begins of this world only confirms where you are coming from.

      Two wrongs NEVER made a right and if that sounds like a bunch of “rhetoric,” I’m sorry.

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        Mr. Emil van der Poorten

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        Mr.Emil van der Poorten:

        I hate to disagree but I recognize from you writings that you are a man of Integrity and respect for civilised standards.
        We are the victims in this whole saga and suffered enormously at the hands of the Majority since Independence. We are not born terrorists but were turned into terrorists and the difference is that we killed to survive whereas the Majority kill for a living.
        Prabaharan offered hope where none existed and he may not have been perfect and I readily admit that he made costly mistakes but he was operating within a confined space.

        You say two wrongs don’t make a right but when it is matter of life and death what do you expect us to do when our loved ones are slaughtered on the street for simply being a Tamil.
        Sorry my friend I am no Jesus to turn the other cheek and pardon me for saying this and I am driven by grief and all I have for the Sinhala race is Utter Contempt. There are civilised and decent Sinhalese but sadly they are a tiny minority swamped in a sea of Racists which is a historical fact.

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          Kali, it is clear you are educated and have suffered at the hands of the Sinhalese. However, it does take 2 to tango. Are you suggesting that Tamils are all angels, no racists among your clan? …. is it reasonable to enter into a relationship or discussion with a majority community by claiming 1/3 of their land on a traditional homeland basis! and that too some of the best coastal lands. Do the Sinhalese prevent by local laws Tamils from buying lands in some parts of the country? Sinhalese have so far not killed Sinhalese for being moderates.
          When one chooses to fight big brother/ majority in this case one needs to bare in mind the consequences. When India dropped relief supplies violating Sri Lankas airspace it did not attack India, not a smart thing to do! To fight superior odds You can easily lose. Anyway, Finally the people the Indians came to rescue bit the hand that fed it.
          Contempt is a double edged sword so be careful when you wield it.

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    Only if we had a Statesman as our Head of State at the conclusion of the War on Terror, we would be sitting on top of the World today. Unfortunately we had a power crazy lunatic who turned our Democratic Sri Lanka to a corrupt lawless Banana Republic and along with the current leader of LTTE and other terrorists, started serving self, immediate and extended families and the criminals associated with them at the expense of the majority citizens of the Country. It is pay back time and no one want to tolerate ruling the Country by intimidation, threat, assault, disappearances and murder any more. We know the Jokers cannot survive without power as they have no where to run.

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    Good article….. yes I wonder why embrace the devil KP, Karuna and Pillayanwho have blood on their hands? Then throw out the man who led the final decisive battle. It was always clear to me that Prabhakaran was the glue that kept it all together and The Govt never had the will to finish it off, Gen Fonseka stuck to his task and almost threatened The President when caving in to pressure from afar.
    Lanka needs a change this show has become too corrupt, no law and order, unequal laws, thugs, stock market manipulators and drug dealers run the show! Even if the opposition is a rainbow coalition they cannot be so well coordinated in helping themselves, besides Ranil for his lack of Charisma has an astute feel for strategic management of the economy. The team is good the JHU are good if they can tone down their mono ethnic rhetoric ! Etc The rats wait to see which way the ship sails to jump on!!
    Change 8 years has shown in can only be more of the same……. just see how the state media is being abused! Who pays for the daily meals to 1,000’s at Presidents house? Why has the country spent 3 to 20 times the normal cost of building highways? How can this country afford to be so deep in debt….. just does not make economic sense.

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