3 May, 2024


Political Comics And The Sri Lankan Voter!

By Harishchandra Lokumanna

Harishchandra Lokumanna

Harishchandra Lokumanna

‘The political and commercial morals of the United States are not merely food for laughter, they are an entire banquet’Mark Twain in Eruption

Politics, they say is not for the faint of heart or those whose feelings are easily hurt. Politics is also not for those who feel a sense of shame or guilt. It is for those business minded who wants to reap returns even on Zero investment, irrespective of how awfully they are being perceived in public. That’s why the more seasoned political practitioners get their entire family involved in politics and even pass their ‘MP mantle’ to their next generation. We’ll never get rid of these types of comics and bullies in politics — they’re as enduring as an Ottawa winter.

In Sinhala, we call it ‘Illan Parippu Keyma’, which basically is like saying to a person ‘You asked for it’ when he gets hammered because of his own actions. This is exactly what happened to our ‘Good’ Excellency Rajapaksa who, like he did in 2010, called for an early election expecting a cake walk; but after doing so, finding his own throne shaking at its’ base. There is a very strong possibility that the throne will topple on 8th January when the people of Sri Lanka go to polls.

There are noises of desperation emerging from his royal camp. Rajapaksa is talking about giving up his throne peacefully if he loses. But His Excellency is very unlikely to let go the ‘files’ of his colleagues because his is a ‘Benevolent Dictator’ (lol). Beware! Your slip of the tongue cannot be retracted even by engaging an elephant. His heir to the throne Namal mentions about   having Mattala if Katunayake is closed after the victory (to flee!). There is contradiction all around. When Rajapaksa was saying that he should get the patent for Maithri’s Manifesto as most of his budget proposals were incorporated in that document, his party Secretary Anura P. Yapa , thunders that Maithri’s Manifesto does not have any constructive matter in it and not relevant to these times. There was also BBS (mouthpiece of Gotabaya R. and his operational arm) going into hibernation and the firebrand rogue monk Gnanasara has vanished into thin air, and heard hallucinating about his disastrous Hyde Park fiasco.

Muthuhettigama was busy showing his true colours by getting his goons to set fire to opposition propaganda stage and when those some goons were arrested, set out to saving them from Police custody

Muthuhettigama was busy showing his true colours by getting his goons to set fire to opposition propaganda stage and when those some goons were arrested, set out to saving them from Police custody

What a surprise! (was it!) Gammampila who joined Maithri,after being involved in the drafting of the JHU- Maithri MOU Agreement, suddenly thought it fit to desert his own ship and join MR’s Sinking ship on a ‘matter of principle’. No one knows what that matter of principle was . Perhaps, he will plan out another ‘Rs 100’ collection campaign to survive after the election. Meanwhile Tissa Attanayake says even his mother agreed with his decision to defect. Which mother will not be happy when her son wins a windfall and gets so much money when she very well knows that he is not worth even a fraction of it?. Again, what a Pity for Rajapaksa when he saw Amir Ali of ACMC who was offered the seat vacated by the Parliament Comedian Azwer, joining the Joint Opposition candidate Maithri ! With many defections, Rajapaksa’s 2/3rd majority has now vanished .

Meanwhile, the ‘SB Dissanayake / Bandula’-the Stupid Duo in charge of the Education of our younger generation, is keeping the nation well entertained with their sexist and vulgar jokes and adding more votes to their Master. SB was having dreams of seeing CBK being dragged on the streets stripped naked while Bandula made a broadcast about the same time, making a speech heavy with sexual innuendo.

Recently, Some Deputy Ministers have been at their best. Muthuhettigama was busy showing his true colours by getting his goons to set fire to opposition propaganda stage and when those some goons were arrested, set out to saving them from Police custody. Meanwhile, the Office in Charge of Wanduramba Police resigned his post to lodge his protest against these type of petty politicians . How about another Deputy Minister from the East Amaraweera, appealing to the wise voters to support MR as MR’s team has already amassed enough wealth to their hearts content and therefore on their next stint, there is less likelihood of them going for more ill-gotten money. Adding to this comic saga, our Exemplary Mayor of Hambantota Eraj Fernando of ‘Toy Pistol Infame’ was back in the news; this time attacking the Veediye Virodaya street drama group.

We did not hear the famous antics of Mervin Silva and his entourage much. Our Macho of Kelaniya recently resigned as the Party Organizer on his Master’s orders. When asked about rumours about joining Maithri, true to his form, he gave a raw unadulterated dose of filth to the Press. People of Sri Lanka must thank Rajapaksa for keeping this Court Jester to entertain them from time to time with sexist jokes in recent times. What a role model he is! Perhaps, after January 8th, he may go overseas in search of his Love Navi Pillay to take her hand in marriage or he may even stay back to float a security firm to look after estates and tie the trespassers to trees!

Lot of dramas on stage and comic characters on the prowl in Sri Lanka during this run-up to the elections! People of Sri Lanka are wondering how to shield their young ones from these type of psychopaths and characters verging on insanity. But do these politicians possess a sense of shame or feel guilt? Shame is a painful feeling arising from one’s awareness of dishonourable, disgraceful or ridiculous behaviour in the presence of others. It denotes awareness that others ridicule or disapprove of one’s behaviour. It differs from guilt which is a feeling of not having measured up to an internal standard. You don’t need the disapproval of others to feel guilt. In a country where those at the helm of affairs neither act in an exemplary manner nor want to discipline or reign in such nasty characters among their circle of goons, how can we expect a disciplinary and orderly society to emerge?

Why do so many politicians who smile in their posters and when an election is round the corner, have a bad reputation thereafter when in power? One reason certain is the election process itself. A life in politics is not an occupation for social introverts or those with not much money to invest in the electioneering process. Candidates for political office are often very ambitious and greedy by nature, and with ambition can come a level of moral and ethical flexibility. Some bad reputations develop because the politician has already had to compromise any number of personal beliefs in order to gain votes or popularity. There is also the adage that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They come in touch with many opportunities to earn easy money and not all can resist corrupt deals. Further, they are also constantly been approached by lobbyists, special interest groups and influential businessmen who all want them to provide favours, many of them promising generous cuts and return favours at election times. This is what we see these days.

How can our kids learn to be respectful to each other when at the very top of the tree in Temple Trees or Diyawanna Oya, people treat each other like wild animals and outside they behave in the worst forms possible? There is general agreement that the increasingly crude, juvenile, disrespectful and overly combative behaviour of many politicians from top to bottom, degrades the parliamentary process, creates an inappropriate behavioural model for our youth and causes ridicule towards our country, even in the eyes of outside world.

Parliamentarians generally seem to be badly behavedBut, should it remain so and are we completely helpless or can something be done? I believe that we initiate and expect a constructive change after the January 8th Vote, if only we follow it through with those who will occupy the top seats.

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  • 1

    Also, Namal said they have only toy helicopters and the horse they went on for a ride was in Tample Trees when Chandrika was there. BUT… Mahinda says people should not get upset about the helicopters, because he bought them for his children with HIS money. Chandrika did not live in Temple Tress.

    By the way, are Sinhalese people gutsy enough to stand up and commence a Lanka Spring, if Kurakkan Samagama rigs the election and wins, refuses to step down after a solid loss, or sets up a cough in the second week of January? I don’t see it!!!!

    • 0

      Harishchandra Lokumanna –

      “Muthuhettigama was busy showing his true colours by getting his goons to set fire to opposition propaganda stage and when those some goons were arrested, set out to saving them from Police custody”

      He requested the Goons to set fire, and he is trying to save them after deing caught in the criminal act..

      Are they the only ones?

      As a long and violent abuse of power, is generally the Means of calling the right of it in question (and in Matters too which might never have been thought of, had not the Sufferers been aggravated into the inquiry) and as the Mahinda Rajapaksa of Medamulana and his cronies hath undertaken in his own right, to support the Parliament in what he calls theirs, and as the good people of this country are grievously oppressed by the combination, they have an undoubted privilege to inquire into the pretensions of both, and equally to reject the usurpation of either.

      Common Sense (pamphlet) for the People of Sri Lanka?


    • 0

      Who is this wild pig on the picture ? Is he also a close relative of Mahinda ?

      All these men to beahve this uncivilized, who paid the way if not Mahinda ? Why Rajapakshe blood is that violent ?

  • 1

    The requirement for minimum O levels for all politicians might have helped.

    But in my view, it takes two to tango. Who is voting for these morons? Exactly, the people. Again and again.

    You find mature adult Sri Lankans thanking Mahinda for ending the war. Thank you for giving us the highway.

    The people are somehow convinced that the politicians “give” them all of this from their personal pockets.

    Perhaps it has something to do with a natural picking order with the (literally) biggest person of the local area, with the biggest house, biggest car, biggest mouth being on top of the food chain.

    I have been in plenty of African and central American countries, but everytime I come home, I realize that the biggest morons are here – in our relatively civilized island – we actually have one of the hardest-to-get-rid of political culture.

    The choice between MR and MS is not one that will lead to instant positive results, instant gratification, problems solved since the same morons are in power – with the exception of a handful around Ranil – the technocrats. No these elections are merely helping Sri Lanka to drift into a certain direction.

    Towards China and away from basically everything else versus back to where Sri Lanka used to be, a insignificant island in the proximity of a super power to be grown even further, a healthy amount of democracy inherited from it’s colonial past, and a footstep in the world economy of USA and EU.

    “Thank you Mahinda for ending the war” should have been “Thank you China for throwing us some strategic placed change, so that we could bomb the shit out of these rebels and everything else in our way to doing business with you”. China hass 1300.000.000.000 USD in the petty cash drawer for building up their empire and they got Sri Lanka for a bargain!

  • 1

    Despite all these dramas, the two andareys of the ruling party will have preferential votes exceding one hundred thousand each depicting the predicament this nation has fallen upon. Even if we consider that half of the votes would be HORA CHANDA, still the balance number of preferential votes pose a question about the mentality of this nation which has a literacy rate of ninety four percent. What does it prove. It proves the words uttered by Anagarika Dharmapala, one who taught this nation the alphabet of racism, is true. SINHALAYA MODAYA

  • 2

    Well, the answer to escaping political thugs from Sri Lanka on the eve and the day/s following the election is to set up in advance a military cordon round Sri Lankan territorial air and sea space. On the request of the winning candidate, I guess the cordon could escort back any specified vehicles carrying the runaways. I bet some capable foreign countries would be more than willing to assist the winner to implement this idea.

    BTW unfortunately it is thugs like Mutthettugama, kudu Duminda, Mervyn the Vermyn, Lanzo, Erin fernando, Pushpakumara etc that represent MRs true nature. Yes we wanted a devil to deal with the devil VP, but as Sri Lankan saying goes, the nation had bartered Ginger to receive Chillies in return. It is a pity that this man who started as the political savior of the nation, selected the national military hero to save the country at the battle fields, had become its sole owner gradually converting its people to his serfdom. Many people have warned him to move away from his destructive path, and he did not listen. The Ego was too big for him. At last people have realized his greediness and that it is time to despatch all the above yakkoos to Uthuru Kuru Divayina!

    • 1

      The basket Mutuhetti seems to have read my blog in advance. Disgraceful police inactivity. Shame of you Illangakoon; you are useless rookadaya. Disgusting!

  • 1

    After January 8th it is highly unlikely that MaRa and his entourage would leave as you surmise. MaRa is certain to revoke that he still has 2 years more on his tenure of office and the Supreme Court (his appointees) would certainly back him up with legal smoke and mirrors.

    • 0

      Yes , certainly he will try ! mark my word , it would not be for a long time , If MR tries to convince the people through his usual nonsense (International conspiracies, Diaspora bla bla ) for not vacating the office , there will be a revolution within SL then India & western world would definitely back the SL masses , MR knows his fate is sealed , best option would be a plea bargain with MY3 and retire gracefully.

  • 1

    Both sides of the election contesters are assume that Buddhist Sunhalese are fools, racists and anti Minorities. They assume that you can easily make Buddhist Sinhalese to believe whatever LIEs told. They strongly believe that Buddhist Sinhalese don’t have the brain to understand what is right and what is wrong. For example if they say that if you vote for Mithiri he will make Pirabharan as President within 30 days and Maithiri have made an agreement with Pirabharan yesterday and Sinhalese people will take this as true and vote for them. This sort of assumption is going for some time about Buddhist Sinhalese by fake Sinhalese leaders who changed their religion for money and power.

    It is time for Sinhalese to prove to these fake leaders if they are truly Buddhists, truly understand what is right and what is wrong for a good livelihood, peace and harmony with other human beings, and we are educated and we are not fools to believe no more to believe the LIES without valid evidence and analysis of the situation and reliablility of the information.

  • 1

    It is not comics as far as Gota is concerned. The 24 ex Army Officers
    recruited and the services of Shavendra ex-UN brought back does not
    indicate that MR will leave the palace peacefully. MoD has directed a
    battalion to Polonnaruwa – the centre of the Opposition, with probably
    a move to continue two years in BURMA style. Mohan P would have already
    drafted the Rule under which MR must and will continue – this is Sri
    Lanka. Even the IC will not announce Sanctions as every act will be
    “democratically” based.

    • 1

      This is a possibility that public should be prepared for ,as anything is possible with Gota at the helm of the armed forces. i think this is being taken care of as per Maithree’s and Anura Kumara’s statements that the public will take to the streets in that eventuality .It should be so. Myanmar and Pakistani experiences with the Army rule were not people-friendly

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