3 May, 2024


Avurudu Thoughts: An Unprecedented Situation

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

In a splendidly timed gift for Sinhala and Tamil New Year, Ed Miliband, the head of the British Labour Party, the Leader of the Opposition and a possible Prime Minister of the UK after the general election this year, pledged to “push’ for an international inquiry into alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka. He did so in what he chose to call a “Tamil New Year” message.

“I want to wish everyone in the Tamil community a Happy New Year…The Labour Party has always been a friend of the Tamil community and will continue to be so. And we will continue to push for the full and independent, international investigation into alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka. It is something I raised with President Sirisena when I met him. We will continue to push this forward and continue to advocate for your cause.

We, in the Labour Party, know our responsibility to the Tamil community. So let me reiterate my wishes for a Happy New Year and I look forward to working with the Tamil community, in the months and years ahead.” (We Will Continue To Push For Full & Independent Inquiry On Sri Lanka’s War Crimes: Ed Miliband, Tamil New Year video message 2015, Colombo Telegraph April 14, 2015)

Ed Miliband claims that he raised the issue with President Sirisena. Thanks for letting us in on that Ed; we didn’t know until now. We do not know what President Sirisena said in response. We do know what President Rajapaksa told Ed Miliband’s brother David, when the Foreign Secretary visited Sri Lanka in April 2009 together with his French counterpart Bernard Kouchner and demanded an end to the military offensive: “Mr. Miliband, we are no longer a British colony and we haven’t been one since 1948.” That was another leader, another time—almost another age– and Sri Lanka was another country.

So, despite Mahinda Rajapaksa’s electoral defeat and Maithripala Sirisena’s (and Ranil Wickremesinghe’s) incumbency, Ed Miliband and the Labour Party think it necessary to state that they “will continue to push for the full and independent, international investigation into alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka”, and reiterate in the same text that they will “…continue to push forward”. This clearly proves that the primary problem isn’t and wasn’t Mahinda Rajapaksa and the solution isn’t Maithripala Sirisena. The problem is the Sri Lankan victory over the Tigers, the bitter hatred that the Tamil Diaspora bears about the defeat of separatist fascism, and the weight of Tamil Diaspora votes in crucial Western societies/states.

This problem will not go away with a foreign policy of appeasement such as that practiced by Ranil-Mangala-CBK, but by a Realist strategy which twins multipolar balancing and countervailing coalition-building. This ‘Kadirgamar paradigm’ was successfully applied by us in Geneva 2007-2009, grotesquely messed up by the Rajapaksa administration in its second term, and the new government has abandoned it entirely in favor of the supine posture of a doormat.

A few weeks ago, the Bharathiya Janatha Party held its annual sessions in Bangalore, and in its resolution on foreign policy, commended Prime Minister Modi for being the first Indian PM to visit Jaffna, for his statement that Sri Lanka should go beyond the 13th amendment and for his commendation of federalism. Such publicly prescriptive behavior is hardly evidence of even-handedness or good neighborly conduct.

‘India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), in a resolution passed on India’s foreign policy, at its ongoing two-day national executive meeting in Bengaluru… said …Modi became “the first Prime Minister of Bharat to visit Jaffna…He invoked his idea of cooperative federalism and stressed upon the 13th Amendment and beyond.” (IANS news agency)

Meanwhile US Asst. Secretary for Labour and Human Rights Tom Malinowski squatted on his haunches on the Mullaitivu beach and laid a wreath as a token of the US’ mourning for victims of all communities who died in the war. Since only a few of us were born yesterday, the symbolism was not lost—and certainly not on the Tamil diaspora nationalist websites.

In the face of such blatant external tilting by the US-UK and our gargantuan neighbor, to one community on this island, who is there to speak for the majority community? Certainly not our new government which didn’t prevent, advise against or gently but clearly respond to such behavior. If one thing is more certain than any other, it is that Sri Lanka would have not been treated this way, like a doormat, if Mahinda Rajapaksa were at the helm of affairs. While our elite is happy at being the poodle of those who talk down to us, what we seem to have lost is our collective self-respect; our erect spine.

Meanwhile former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has just tossed her hat into the US Presidential ring. A ‘Wikileaked’ cable from her as US Secretary of State, dated May 4th 2009, proves that she was “leading from behind” when the UK-led EU moved a resolution against Sri Lanka in Geneva. She instructed the US Mission in Geneva actively support and assist a resolution on Sri Lanka at the UN HRC Special Sessions in 2009.

“Mission Geneva is requested to convey to the Czech Republic and other like-minded members of the HRC that the USG supports a special session on the human rights situation in Sri Lanka and related aspects of the humanitarian situation. Mission is further requested to provide assistance, as needed, to the Czech Republic in obtaining others, signatures to support holding this session…Mission is also instructed to engage with HRC members to negotiate a resolution as an outcome of this special session, if held. Department believes a special session that does not result in a resolution would be hailed as a victory by the Government of Sri Lanka. Instructions for line edits to the resolution will be provided by Department upon review of a draft.” [Cable dated 4th May 2009 from Secretary of State (United States)]

It was this resolution, endorsed, assisted and urged by Hillary Clinton as US Secretary of State which we pre-emptively defeated with one of our own, which obtained almost a two thirds vote in May 2009 at the UNHRC in Geneva.

If Hillary Clinton wins next year, we can well imagine what her position on Sri Lanka will be, and just how delighted the US based Tamil Eelam lobbyists would be.

How could it conceivably accord with our national interest, that our new government has taken its distance from our staunchest and strongest friend, China, while we are being talked down to by the West and our neighbor, who are openly tilting to the Tamil minority?

While the West and India are indicating their preferential option for the Tamil minority, the new Government in Sri Lanka has entrusted the complex, sensitive task of ethnic reconciliation precisely to a personality who is known to be close to the West and India, and who didn’t say a word in support of our armed forces or against the Tigers during the decisive last war and chose instead to sit it out in the UK and France (with an occasional conversation with the Clintons in between). I refer of course to Madame Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga.

“We now have an unprecedented situation, following the 2015 January Presidential Election, in which the elected Tamil Leadership has been invited to participate in drafting constitutional reforms to be coordinated by Jayampathi Wickramaratne and in promoting national reconciliation and resolution of the ethnic problem under the guidance of Chandrika Kumaranatunga.” (Dr. Devanesan Nesiah, The Island, April 8th, 2015)

Dr. Devanesan Nesiah is right of course: we now have an unprecedented situation. But that isn’t good news for a majority of the country’s citizens.

The West, certain top UN officials and some cosmopolitan civil society voices in Sri Lanka say that there can be no reconciliation without accountability. That flies in the face of the Good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland which had no accountability aspect. These elements also ignore the weight of international evidence, namely that there can be no reconciliation without realism.

Sri Lanka’s Northern Provincial Council is NOT a State or a proto-state. Accustomed to Prabhakaran’s Tiger Raj, the Northern Provincial Council is behaving as if it is the successor; flirting with discourse that is on a continuum, filling the same political head-space and entitled to fulfill the same function. It is being unwittingly encouraged in these dangerous delusions by the imprudent signals of our foreign friends.

At least in part, the voting volcano in the North which toppled President Rajapaksa was precisely because he was NOT neglecting the area; because he was bringing road and rail links to the North; bringing capitalist modernization in; integrating the North with the rest of the country; creating a truly national market –thereby puncturing the ghetto mentality of the North.

Given the exceedingly sensitive strategic location of the Northern Provincial Council, the Tamil political elite has to be made to prove that it can be trusted to run the province with a sense of truly national (by which I mean Sri Lankan) responsibility; mindful at all times of Sri Lanka’s security needs and strategic requirements. There must be no movement “beyond the 13th amendment”, towards federalism, “cooperative” or otherwise. To even broach the possibility of ‘building upon’ the 13th amendment—not ‘going beyond’ it–the Tamil political elite must first prove—for at least a decade–that it can be trusted with the 13th amendment.

It is clear that the Ranil-Chandrika project of a so-called National Government is meant to provide the two-thirds majority to move beyond the 13th amendment and to screen the pro-Western ‘poodle elite’ from the social consequences of macro-policy framework of Diasporization, de-nationalization and re-colonization. The UNP-SLFP ‘National Government’ is meant to be a mask for an anti-national policy direction.

Post-war ethnic reconciliation requires a moderate, responsible Tamil (sub) nationalist partner who will not be high on the delusion of being a nation entitled to political space and power equal to the majority, but will fight against all forms of discrimination and for full and equal integration, on the basis of the rights—political, social and individual–that any national minority enjoys anywhere in the world. An abiding or recurrent problem in finding counterparts for peace-building, is that while Sinhala moderates, liberals and progressives are moderates, liberals and progressives first and Sinhalese later, most Tamil moderates, liberals and progressives are Tamils first, and moderates, liberals and progressives later.

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  • 16

    This man is a Lone Ranger looking for a position as a diplomat from anyone who offers him a position. He is a dinasaur from the past and is a basically a racist and is blinded with his Ego and his delusions. ED Millanaband is a fair minded politician who wishes to find out the truth about how so many Tamil people lost their lives at the tail end of the war by entering a safe zone. People have not been accounted for and have disappeared sometimes picked up by white vans. May I suggest that this man joins his friend Rajiva and sails to the Robin Island and spend a few years do that their minds may be cleansed.

    • 1

      Yes that is a good idea.

    • 0

      Dayan Jayatilleka has indeed become predictably boring, but I will come to that later.

      I don’t want to pass judgement on Ed Miliband, but this has turned out to be the “Mother of all Gaffes” and has done a lot of harm. Please see it in its context. In the election campaign Miliband would have a guy advising him on what to say, but frankly, it seems appalling that a prospective Prime Minister of the U.K. did not check on the fact that this is known in Sri Lanka as “The Sinhala and Tamil New Year”.

      But then, an “Englishman” may just have been told that it is “The Tamil New Year”; what should he do but Google the phrase, and he finds “Puthandu” in the Wikipedia as the first entry. And so he utters what, from a Sri Lankan perspective, is this very mischievous statement. I find that on these same days the New Year is celebrated by Thais, Bengalis, Cambodians etc. All to be found in Wikipedia.

      This is the problem with knowledge today. You can get something quickly from the Internet, and you use it. The man is in an election campaign, mind! Cameron had made the same mistake in 2010, and issued a “Message”; fortunately for him, it didn’t spin out of control. Therefore, let us just forgive Miliband.

      As for us, Sri Lankans, let us try to understand how much we have in common, and try to forge this in to a “National Festival” – without necessarily changing its current name, though. Basically, all of us are either Sinhalese or Tamil speakers. Religion is a personal matter. Can those who want to call themselves Christians and Muslims just fall in to one of those two linguistic groups? English? Yes, we all need it, but can we not regard it as a useful tool, a World Language that some of us have mastered pretty well, and we ought to teach it to others as well.

      Basically, we have to work this out if we are to forge a Sri Lankan identity. I’m glad that this article by Dayan Jayatilleka (I think it in poor taste to bring his late father, Mervyn De Silva, in to the discussion), has met with such outspoken opposition from most readers. Surely, with the much wider exposure to the Worlds of Diplomacy and Scholarship than most of us have had, he could have come up with the sort of understanding of Miliband’s gaffe that I have outlined above. I’m beginning to feel that the man is almost becoming evil; he does have this talent for spinning yarns, in English, and in the Anglicised Sinhala that impresses so many, on Television, that he is doing a great deal of harm to our society. May I appeal to him to be more responsible? Surely, you must know how desperately we need reconcilliation in this country! This is not the way to go about it.

      Let me add, before somebody decides to get nasty, that I accept Ed Miliband as an Englishman. He was born in London, and his entire up-bringing has been English. Doesn’t that tell us something about how we should be regarding the Up-Country Tamils? Ever since the Miliband brothers became prominent (about fifteen years ago), I have known that his ancestry was mainly Polish. So does Dayan, I’m sure, but even today, there are things that “polite society” will not tolerate. For now, I will say no more; but let’s see if he gets more overtly “Nazi” than he has here!

  • 15

    What a hypocrite. DJ’s poisonous, racist rantings over the last few months have shown him to be Sinhalese first, and moderate, liberal and progressive later

  • 10

    DJ, you are a looser and a racist.
    1. what ist wrong in Tamils taking part in drafting the constitutional amendment? You mean they might bring in something which might give the minorities equal rights, which has been denied by the consecutive governments since 1948?
    2. Why the hell are you trying to interpret that the US-EU led resolution is against the majority? it is not, it is against the criminals and culprits who violated the international laws and not against the laymen, or you mean every Singhalese will be drawn to answer for that what the few power thursty Singhalese politicians did to opress the minorities?
    3. You mean a NPC should prove itself for at least 10 years that it will not go behind 13th amendment? what about the intentions declared by your master MR and you during your ministerial time want to go beyond 13th amendment? are these only lies? The Tamils have waited since 1958 for equal rights as citizens of Sri Lanka and they never received it and no majority government has proved to be willing to deliver it. How come that you demand it from the Tamils to prove themselves now. You remember what JR said, “if I starve the Tamils in the north, the Singhalese will be happy in the south”. I think it is the Singhala majority national government is in the line to prove that it is willing to have a united and unitary nation with equal rights to all citizens. There is no need for a Singhala nation or Tamil nation as you propagate your racism, there is only the need for a Sri Lankan nation for all the citizens.
    4. I think all your hard work is to safeguard your enormous act back in 2009 in Geneve with the only goal, that nobody point the finger at you and say DJ is a liar!
    5. Dont try to make yourself so important than you are. Sri Lanka is not the center of the universe as you are trying to enlighten the Singhala nationalist to panic them, and may even turn them against the Tamils and other minorities. Hitler did the same by blaming the Jews for all the misery in Germany, Europe and the World. And you are definitely informed what happened to that bugger with all his NAZIs.
    6. And please dont forget this: MR was kicking you at your racial ass like kicking at a stray dog after he received your service to save his and Gotas asses. Why are you still licking it? only because MS, RW and CBK do not even annoy to have a glance at you?

    • 1

      sanchay, when you talk more, the more you reveal the tamil chauvinism in you. and the specks of ltte.

      • 3


        “the more you reveal the tamil chauvinism in you. and the specks of ltte.”

        Why do you think(?) so?

    • 1

      Thank you Sir

  • 11

    How can we save the future of Lanka from venomous spiders like BBS Gnansara and Dayan De Silva?

    • 2

      Only wayout would be to introduce nozzles to the manner some fierce dogs are used to wear most of the time.

      DJ is a born malicious person.

      Ghanasara is a failure to the entire society – it seems he needs a training – a basic one how to hold public speeches decently. The man in robes is a failure in place. He definitely belongs to a jail with heavey punishments.
      Crimes commited through his hate and scare mongering public speeches are larger than any high criminals has done anything and live in prisons today.

    • 5

      thinking like the English colonists??
      you need BBS to destroy Dayan and Harsha and all the peresi koppa.

  • 15

    Dayan’s ARGUMENTS ARE SOUND whether or not he supports a particular political personality or party is besides the point. It is TRUE that the USA, UK and EU tried to save the LTTE. It is TRUE that China stood by Sri Lanka in its hour of need when the west abandoned it. It is pertinent to note that magnifying the (alleged) misdeeds of the Rajapakse administration is whitewashing the horror of the LTTE era and WHAT COULD have happened to Sri Lanka if the Government and Military did not defeat the LTTE so comprehensively. It is upto those who love the country to weigh these things and act to save the country from another ‘dark age’. The examples of Iraq and Afghanistan are still there to be seen clearly.

    • 1

      Thank you Observer. I think US,UK and EU did not try to save the Tamils. If they wanted they could have easily saved the Tamils. Chinese Power military power is nothing for their power.If China try to use atom bombs,they,US ,UK and EU would have destroyed China in a few minutes.

  • 13

    Tamils may not like his ideas, how ever Sri Lanka suffered (mostly tamils)for 33 years due to the tamil ego and west’s double standards. Only few tamis who migrated to west benefited from the fiasco and still pushing for the eelam dream while living in luxury in the west.

    Sri Lankan polity (tamil and Sinhala) always playing with fire and will end up burning its citizens. Tamils can dream and push for eelam, however Sri Lanka is a majority Sinhala country and Sinhala will always rule and minority will have its minor place in the country.

  • 1

    Parakrama,pl.remember it was Sinhalese who pushed Tamils to this extent.I remember in the fifties,when SJV carried out a peaceful satyagraha,Banda used Army to dispel the crowd.Its where the whole drama started and still has not ended.It’s a wrong notion that majority can exert their views on minority.The great statesman,LKY was right in saying that you if you open the pandora box,you can never close.He also said in many interviews,only way to siolve the the problem was both Sinhalese and Tamils to go their own ways.Please read all his interviews.it’s foolhardy to think that the majority can exert their views on Tamils cos Tamils are intelligent and they have a five thousand years history.The singapirean,foreign minister Brig.Yeo said this.The best way is to strike a balance between both demand.Give them a separate state under united Sri Lanka with a govt.appointed governor.See it it works.I am in my seventies living in Singapore and carefully reads LKY,Rajaratnam,Brig Yeo – all these speeches.These people are well learned ,wise and leaders with foresight.Unfortunately,in Sri Lanka we are yet to see people of this calibre except Colvin,NM,Peter.
    whether,it would revert back to the same will depend in the attitude of Sinhalese.Not with people like MR.WIMAL,GNASRRA ETC.Having lived in Singapore for forty years,and frequent traveller to Malaysia,I have seen the benefit of equal opportunity,Meritocracy and would love to see my mother land also benefits from that.In the absence,it it better to have two separate states within a united country.Please remember if there is going to be a war again the Tamils would not repeat the same mistake and will be better prepared with international assistance.The ball is in the Sinhalese hand and play intelligentl and wisely.Also now the economy of diaspora Tamils is much better than govt.of Sri Lanka – where Sri lankan govt.is in debt which they are struggling to pay.Thanks to the rule by MR for 8 long years where Sri Lanka has gone to a point of no return.I know this is a bitter pill but you have to swallow if you want to get better.

    • 1

      Das, what are the proofs you have to prove your point, tamils were ruling themselves before the arrival of portuguese to SL? Have you ever heard something called “vallipuram ranpatha” or prof kaarthigesu’s thesis (before he bowed down to the pressure of ltte theory) or the tombs stones that have found in jaffna? Soon after the arrival of portuguese on 15/11/1505, the first trade agreement signed with the head of the Jaffna peninsula was written in sinhala. Was it because tamils were ruling themselves before portuguese arrival as of your bogus claim?

      • 7


        “prof kaarthigesu’s thesis (before he bowed down to the pressure of ltte theory) or the tombs stones that have found in jaffna?”

        Have you read his original thesis titled “Dravidian settlements in Ceylon and the beginings of the Kingdom of Jaffna” which was accepted by the University of London in 1965, 50 years ago when man was yet to land on the moon, didn’t have nano technology, mobile phone, internet, …. and water was not found in Mars, and fellow readers didn’t know you are an ignorant.

        Now that Scientists have found material evidence of water in Mars if we go by your logic, all those scientist who didn’t believe water was available in one form or another were wrong. They believed whatever they believed based on available evidence.

        Indrapala wrote his thesis based on what was available to him in 1965. Have you read his introduction to his Thesis?

        Move on cite some new evidence to prove your case if you have one.

        “Was it because tamils were ruling themselves before portuguese arrival as of your bogus claim?”

        Admiral Zheng He’s (CHENG HO)stone slab inscription found in down south is in 3 languages — Chinese, Tamil and Persian and dated 1409. Was it because Chinese Admiral could only see/meet literate Tamils in this island and China (the stone was inscribed back in China)?

        • 1

          “Admiral Zheng He’s (CHENG HO)stone slab inscription found in down south is in 3 languages — Chinese, Tamil and Persian and dated 1409. Was it because Chinese Admiral could only see/meet literate Tamils in this island and China (the stone was inscribed back in China)? “

          Given that Tamil was never a written language even now, it is very clear that even during Admiral Zeng He’s time, LTTE Tamils were running fifth column & fabricating evidence in support of Eelaam; today they use Channel 4.

          • 6

            Edward Upali

            “Given that Tamil was never a written language even now, it is very clear that even during Admiral Zeng He’s time, LTTE Tamils were running fifth column & fabricating evidence in support of Eelaam; today they use Channel 4.”

            Good one thanks.

          • 7

            Edward Upali,
            You have bird brains of a villager. only 14% of islanders live in urban areas of the agriculture colony.

            “”Given that Tamil was never a written language even now,””
            Really stupidity is your cornerstone!!

            Know how the Chinese learnt Tamil before the rest of you.

            About the year 500, a South Indian sage named Bodhidharma (ca. 470-543) arrived in China. At the Shaolin Monastery in what is now Henan Province, Bodhidharma founded the Ch’an school of Buddhism, better known in the West by its Japanese name, Zen.

            The Story of Bodhidharma

            Bodhidharma crossing the river on a reedShaolin monks and disciples follow a unique practice among Buddhists in that they greet each other using only their right hand. This greeting is a tradition which dates back to Da Mo and his disciple, Hui Ke.

            In 495 AD, the Indian monk Ba Tuo, or Buddhabhadra, came to China teaching a form of Buddhism known as Xiao Sheng Buddhism. He was given land at the foot of Shaoshi mountain by Emperor Shao Wen and founded the Shaolin Temple on this land.

            Around the time that Ba Tuo was founding the Shaolin Temple there was an Indian prince named Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma was very intelligent and was the favorite son of the king of a region that is now part of southern India. Bodhidharma had two older brothers who feared that their father, the king, would pass them over and bequeath the kingship to Bodhidharma. In their jealousy, the two older brothers often disparaged Bodhidharma while talking with their father, hoping to turn him against their younger brother. The older brothers also attempted to assassinate Bodhidharma but Bodhidharma had very good karma and so the attempts were not successful. Despite being the favorite son of the king, Bodhidharma realized that he was not interested in a life of politics. He chose instead to study with the famous Buddhist master Prajnatara and become a Buddhist monk.

            Bodhidharma trained with his master for many years. One day he asked his master, “Master, when you pass away, where should I go? What should I do?” His master replied that he should go to Zhen Dan, which was the name for China at that time. Years later, Bodhidharma’s master passed away and Bodhidharma prepared to leave for China.
            Read more about the Tamil man and Buddhism.
            Buddhism first reached China from India roughly 2,000 years ago, during the Han Dynasty. Han Dynasty China was deeply Confucian, and Confucianism is focused on maintaining harmony and social order in the here-and-now world. Buddhism, on the other hand, emphasized entering the monastic life to seek a reality beyond reality. Confucian China was not terribly friendly to Buddhism.
            However, Buddhism found an ally in China’s other indigenous religion, Taoism. Taoist and Buddhist meditation practices and philosophies were similar in many respects, and some Chinese took an interest in Buddhism from a Taoist perspective. Early translations of Buddhist texts from Sanskrit into Chinese borrowed Taoist terminology. Still, during the Han Dynasty very few Chinese practiced Buddhism.
            Buddhism in China: Early Gains and Losses
            The Han Dynasty fell in 220, beginning a period of social and political chaos in China. The northern part of China was overrun by non-Chinese tribes, and the southern part was ruled by a succession of weak dynasties. This chaos also weakened the hold of Confucianism among the ruling class.
            In south China, a kind of “gentry Buddhism” became popular among educated Chinese that stressed learning and philosophy. The elite of Chinese society freely associated with the growing number of Buddhist monks and scholars. The dialog between Buddhism and Taoism continued,
            Read more about the land with the most Buddha statues and giants plus know it from today that martial Arts went from the Deccan Plateau of India to China

        • 1


          “Admiral Zheng He’s (CHENG HO)stone slab inscription found in down south is in 3 languages — Chinese, Tamil and Persian and dated 1409. Was it because Chinese Admiral could only see/meet literate Tamils in this island and China (the stone was inscribed back in China)?”

          Given that Tamil was never a written language, it is very clear now even during Zeng He’s time, LTTE Tamils were fabricating evidence in support of their Eelaam; nowadays they use Channel 4 to produce videos !!

          • 6

            Edward Upali go fetch before you talk like an idiot on international media when we here are seated at the best library in the world right across is the best museum in the world.

            …and it is accepted by the Indian government as a stand alone classical language equivalent to Sanskrit and Greek.

            While Pali has been set aside because it is being pilfered by religious bigots to destabilise Greater India.

  • 6

    Dear Dr. Dayan

    I see that none of the million who voted for MR are commenting here, since there are mainly anti – Mahinda comments on this forum. Well done, we know that there is a biased commentary here.

    Since most of the MR supporters cannot read English and have no access to the CT, we cannot expect more, keep going.

    It is curious that few dispute the facts you present – they cannot, so they use personal insults.

    And please reprint your article.

  • 2

    we know US and UK always behind LTTE

  • 5

    Thank you Mr Dayan for correctly analiysing the predicament Sri Lanka has got in to. Such interference must be countered by the Government using utmost support it can garner. Chandrika, Mangala and Ranil are absolute failures and Sirisena Mahinda combination is the only distant possibility to correct this situation.

  • 4

    Can someone enlighten me the difference if any between Dayan Mervin de Silva and the following : Budharahita , & Somarama of shouldn’te , Cyril Mathew of JR’S time and GoRa of Mar’s time ?

    Why Dayan Mervin de Silva never did an analysis or advocated during MaRa’s who were behind the killings of Vijay Kumaratunge , Kadirgamar, Lasantha, Raviraj and bring them to justice ?

    Dayan with his ulterior motives is now praising Kadirgamar for his foreign policies. That means CBK was given more problems by MaRa and his gangs and put pressure on CBK that Kadirgamar shouldn’t be made to become PM candidate on his own merit and on the local and international standing. By kapati means MaRa became a PM candidate in 2005.

    I hope some real patriotic Sri Lanka Sinhalese Buddhist take Dayan to task with counter arguements or take him to courts based on his concluding para.

    Even they should file charge against you for sedition for provoking racial hatred among different communities.

  • 2

    It is funny to see Tamils come in Sinhala and English names to comment here against Sri Lanka. Please go to Canada and see for yourself. You will understand who is racist. Those Tamils trying their best to expell non Tamils from their areas. Sri Lanka’s can solve their problems without any help of LTTE people. Period.

  • 1


    You are at it again – unadulterated communalism.

    However what irks me most in this piece is “While our elite is happy at being the poodle of those who talk down to us, what we seem to have lost is our collective self-respect; our erect spine.”

    What ‘self respect’ man, what ‘erect spine’. We are a country that was governed by a bunch of robber barons, murderers, thieves, liars, kudu karayas, casino kings and white van criminals. And you, who have slavishly served such blameworthy people of all, demand self respect especially from the Brits. Are you a Schizo or what??

  • 1

    Dhayan like Sinhala Intellectuals are real Modayas. After making a big marketing of Brother Prince Zero casualty with Sonia India, After for 1 1/2 years selling the old King making friendship with India Dhayan is finding out India as big and bully. He accepts, the Old King, the person he tried advice for last 1 1/2 is much more intelligent than him. So the Old King did not listen to Dhayan’s advice and make peace with Sonia India. This is indicating that biggest Lankave’s political adviser could not predict 6 years beyond, where his cheating may end up. This is not something one call as advice, this something one drive his own cart down into valley.

    America started to help Lanka and CBK by helping the LTTE’s ships. These the countries Dhayan’s enemies! It is not something about enemy or like or dislike. That is the Sinhala Intellectualism. It always excrete in the place it ate. Sir Pon. Ramanathan saved DS. DS returned it by disenfranchising and deporting the Tamils.

    Now he is talking about China. China money is now starting to reach Dhayan. Soon he will one full attach on India, even worse then Thalaivar Pirapakaran.

  • 2

    It is sad and entremely revolting to read the racist rantings and ravings by a supposedly liberal scholar. He is obssessed with the thought that anything beyond 13A will spell disaster for the majority community. It will end in the bifugaration of the island. Northing could be further from the truth. Of all people Dayan should know that if we follow democratic principles we will not talk about majority/minority continnum. Democracy is not about majority or minority, it is all about equality not in quantitave sense but in qualitative sence. Democracy is government by consent, consent of all the people in a state. It is necessary to remind him that Thamils had a Kingdom of their own from the beginning of 13th century till 1519 when it was conquered by the Portuguese. The last king of Jaffna was defeated in the battle field at Nallur. At the time of independence the Thamils stood with the majority Sinhalese becasue they were assured that “no harm will that no harm would befall the Thamils by their joining the Sinhalese in working the constitution. This was a solemn assurance from the floor of the House by the then undisputed leader of the Sinhalese, the late Rt. Hon. D.S Senanayake. The unsuspecting Thamil representatives took his word in good fath never suspecting the hidden agenda of D.S. Senanayake who was speaking about “Ceylonese” Nation. Before the ink was dry on the Independence Act, Senanayake enacted The Ceylon Citizenship Act 28 of 1948 which disfranchised 11% of the Thamils of Indian origian.
    In 1949 the Ceylon Parliament passed the Indian and Pakistani Residents (Citizenship) Act No.3 of 1949 whose outward purpose, again, was to provide means of obtaining citizenship for the Indian Thamils, but in reality the conditions imposed by the Act were such that they discriminated against the Indian Thamils. Only about 100,000 Indian Thamils qualified for citizenship under this Act.
    Later in 1949 the Ceylon Parliament passed the Ceylon (Parliamentary Elections) Amendment Act No.48 of 1949 which stripped the Indian Thamils of their voting rights. Seven of the 95 MPs elected at the 1947 general elections were Thamils of Indian origin.. Indian Thamils influenced the result in 20 other constituencies very often voting for the opposition Sinhalese leftist parties. None of the 95 MPs elected at the1952 parliamentary election were Indian Thamils.
    The Privy Council had held that this Article 29 was an entrenched clause and rendered the constitution and not Parliament sovereign. This provision together with the assurance by Rt. Hon. D.S Senanayake, made the polity of the Dominion of Ceylon a conditional polity. The condition is obviously an assurance of the ethnic majority that they will not avail themselves of the numerical superiority to discriminate against the Thamils.
    However on innumerable occasions this condition was violated and serious acts of discrimination did take place. That definitely gives the junior partner, the Thamils, the right to opt out of the polity.
    In 1963, the architect of the 1948 Constitution, Lord Soubury was moved to comment:
    “While the Commission was in Ceylon (in 1946), the speeches of certain Sinhalese politicians calling for the solidarity of the Sinhalese and threatening the suppression of the Thamils emphasised the need for constitutional safeguards on behalf of that and other minorities.. As Sir Charles Jeffries has put it… ‘the Soulbury Constitution… had entrenched in it all the protective provisions for minorities that the wit of man could devise’..
    Also Chief Justice, Sir Alexander Johnstone wrote on 1 July 1827 to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland:
    “…. I think it may safely be concluded both from them and from all the different histories which I have in my possession, that the race of people who inhabited the whole of the Northern and Eastern Provinces of the Island of Ceylon, at the period of their greatest agricultural prosperity spoke the same language, used the same written character, and had the same origin, religion, castes, laws and manners, as that race of people who at the same period inhabited the southern peninsula of India:……”
    The proceedings before the Donoughmore Commission in 1930 and the Soulbury Commission in 1946 are an eloquent testimony to the failure of attempts to create a homogenous single “Ceylonese” nation.
    Nevertheless, the Donoughmore Constitution, chose to conclude that ‘territorial representation promoted national thinking and that community based representation promoted thinking along communal lines’. More than twenty five years later in 1946, Governor Sir Andrew Caldecot and the Soulbury Commissioners, as well as the Colonial Office, thought in identical terms. They gave no explanation for dropping the clearly enunciated Devonshire formula adopted for multi-racial colonies as well as proportional representation agreed to between the Sinhalese and the Thamils.
    In international law there is what you call reversion of sovereignty. Both the 1972 and 1978 constitution were enacted without the consent of the Thamil people. Since 1972, the territorial jurisdiction of the Government of Sri Lanka does not extend to the Tamil homeland in the north and east of the island. The insistence on the ‘unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka’ is legally untenable and morally indefensible and works against the legitimate aspirations of the people of Tamil Eelam.
    However, the moderate leadership of the TNA is asking for a solution based on an undivided and united Sri Lanka where the Thamil people will enjoy maximum autonomy to manage their own affairs except defence, currency, foreign affairs, highways subjects normally assigned to the central government.
    It was the marginalization of the moderate leadership that served as the catalyst for the rise of youth power and the subsequent armed struggle. Does Dayan Jayatilleka wish a repeat of history?

  • 1

    “We now have an unprecedented situation, following the 2015 January Presidential Election, in which the elected Tamil Leadership has been invited to participate in drafting constitutional reforms to be coordinated by Jayampathi Wickramaratne and in promoting national reconciliation and resolution of the ethnic problem under the guidance of Chandrika Kumaranatunga.” (Dr. Devanesan Nesiah, The Island, April 8th, 2015)

    “Dr. Devanesan Nesiah is right of course: we now have an unprecedented situation. But that isn’t good news for a majority of the country’s citizens.”

    JR said, “if I starve the Tamils in the north, the Singhalese will be happy in the south”

    Hello DJ, do you see any similarity here?

    But there is an obvious difference: JR was making an observation about the degeneration in a society and the forces that he had to contend with.
    You who claim to be an academic and an intellectual are, on the other hand, actively promoting that very degeneration when a recovery from it seems a possibility.

    It is not possible to feel anything other than contempt for you. Mervin who you claim was your father must be relieved every time you write that you do not take his name.

    2. You speak of a remark MR is said to have made to David Milliband. Let us believe what you say.
    But do you really admire and hold up for emulation this type of game chandiya remark from a head of state? And what were the great benefits that followed for us from this bit of masterly wit?

    And you claim that you were a diplomat.

  • 0

    [Edited out] Please write instead of posting web links – CT

  • 3

    why take him seriously.During the Premadasa era when sinhala youth were being killed daily and dead bodies thrown on the roads,DJ wrote weekly coloums to government papers praising RP as the greatest ruler that SL has produced.The result was DJ was stipped and as we all know people lighted crackers(which we do not approve) on streets and villages.RP did not deserve such treatment, everyone knows ,that he had to face such situations due to following advice given by DJ and the rest.In his writings do not forget to mention the name of Kadirgamer with DJ;s views in a shuttle way to equate himself to K ,which DJ will not be able to achieve .DJ for me is the biggest pretender and the most dangerous communalist out to set the country on fire looking for a place in the shadow of MR and thereby will further destroy MR.

  • 6

    Dayan the extinct Catholic minority.

    Unfortunately I cant wish you a Happy year because yours which fell in January was not a happy one. But to the topic on hand.

    1) Ed Miliband claims that he raised the issue with President Sirisena. Thanks for letting us in on that Ed; we didn’t know until now. We do not know what President Sirisena said in response. We do know what President Rajapaksa told Ed Miliband’s brother David, when the Foreign Secretary visited Sri Lanka in April 2009 together with his French counterpart Bernard Kouchner and demanded an end to the military offensive: “Mr. Miliband, we are no longer a British colony and we haven’t been one since 1948.” That was another leader, another time—almost another age– and Sri Lanka was another country.

    *** You are damn right. You are no longer a British Colony because your current colonial masters are Closer to home. The reigning Monarch recently paid you a visit and also saw the deposed king for 15 minutes alone to tell him why he was dethroned.

    2) So, despite Mahinda Rajapaksa’s electoral defeat and Maithripala Sirisena’s (and Ranil Wickremesinghe’s) incumbency, Ed Miliband and the Labour Party think it necessary to state that they “will continue to push for the full and independent, international investigation into alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka”, and reiterate in the same text that they will “…continue to push forward”. This clearly proves that the primary problem isn’t and wasn’t Mahinda Rajapaksa and the solution isn’t Maithripala Sirisena. The problem is the Sri Lankan victory over the Tigers, the bitter hatred that the Tamil Diaspora bears about the defeat of separatist fascism, and the weight of Tamil Diaspora votes in crucial Western societies/states.

    *** The solution as you put it isn’t Maithripala Srisena which we all agree. But the problem isn’t just MR but the entire Sinhala Mind set and the hatred which is genetic. That can only be cured by a Gene Mutation. The other problem isn’t the Sri Lankan victory ( which was made possible by the Traitor India) over Tamils but the betrayal by the International Community not to probe the War Crimes. So David Miliband is right to call for an International Inquiry which will happen after September.

    3) This problem will not go away with a foreign policy of appeasement such as that practiced by Ranil-Mangala-CBK, but by a Realist strategy which twins multipolar balancing and countervailing coalition-building. This ‘Kadirgamar paradigm’ was successfully applied by us in Geneva 2007-2009, grotesquely messed up by the Rajapaksa administration in its second term, and the new government has abandoned it entirely in favor of the supine posture of a doormat.

    *** A Crime is a Crime no matter how many years have elapsed and those responsible should be and would be punished otherwise it makes a mockery of the penal system.

    4) A few weeks ago, the Bharathiya Janatha Party held its annual sessions in Bangalore, and in its resolution on foreign policy, commended Prime Minister Modi for being the first Indian PM to visit Jaffna, for his statement that Sri Lanka should go beyond the 13th amendment and for his commendation of federalism. Such publicly prescriptive behavior is hardly evidence of even-handedness or good neighborly conduct.

    ‘India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), in a resolution passed on India’s foreign policy, at its ongoing two-day national executive meeting in Bengaluru… said …Modi became “the first Prime Minister of Bharat to visit Jaffna…He invoked his idea of cooperative federalism and stressed upon the 13th Amendment and beyond.”’ (IANS news agency)

    Meanwhile US Asst. Secretary for Labour and Human Rights Tom Malinowski squatted on his haunches on the Mullaitivu beach and laid a wreath as a token of the US’ mourning for victims of all communities who died in the war. Since only a few of us were born yesterday, the symbolism was not lost—and certainly not on the Tamil diaspora nationalist websites.

    In the face of such blatant external tilting by the US-UK and our gargantuan neighbor, to one community on this island, who is there to speak for the majority community? Certainly not our new government which didn’t prevent, advise against or gently but clearly respond to such behavior. If one thing is more certain than any other, it is that Sri Lanka would have not been treated this way, like a doormat, if Mahinda Rajapaksa were at the helm of affairs. While our elite is happy at being the poodle of those who talk down to us, what we seem to have lost is our collective self-respect; our erect spine.

    Meanwhile former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has just tossed her hat into the US Presidential ring. A ‘Wikileaked’ cable from her as US Secretary of State, dated May 4th 2009, proves that she was “leading from behind” when the UK-led EU moved a resolution against Sri Lanka in Geneva. She instructed the US Mission in Geneva actively support and assist a resolution on Sri Lanka at the UN HRC Special Sessions in 2009.

    *** The above proves that the ownership of Sri Lanka has been passed to a new set of Colonial Masters.

    5) If Hillary Clinton wins next year, we can well imagine what her position on Sri Lanka will be, and just how delighted the US based Tamil Eelam lobbyists would be.

    *** It is a daunting prospect. The 7th Fleet will be anchored off Colombo harbour with the blessing of Narendra Modi to keep a check on Chinese Dinghies

    6) How could it conceivably accord with our national interest, that our new government has taken its distance from our staunchest and strongest friend, China, while we are being talked down to by the West and our neighbor, who are openly tilting to the Tamil minority?

    *** Have you not heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This is what happens if you flirt with other men when you are married ( to India ) It was a solemn vow ” not to be unfaithful and not to cheat for sexual pleasure.

    7) While the West and India are indicating their preferential option for the Tamil minority, the new Government in Sri Lanka has entrusted the complex, sensitive task of ethnic reconciliation precisely to a personality who is known to be close to the West and India, and who didn’t say a word in support of our armed forces or against the Tigers during the decisive last war and chose instead to sit it out in the UK and France (with an occasional conversation with the Clintons in between). I refer of course to Madame Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga.

    *** Although she was partially blinded by a Tiger shrapnel ( for which the Tamils are sorry) she is not at least blinded by hatred like MR and his cronies. Give her credit for that you Catholic Preacher.

    8) “We now have an unprecedented situation, following the 2015 January Presidential Election, in which the elected Tamil Leadership has been invited to participate in drafting constitutional reforms to be coordinated by Jayampathi Wickramaratne and in promoting national reconciliation and resolution of the ethnic problem under the guidance of Chandrika Kumaranatunga.

    Dr. Devanesan Nesiah is right of course: we now have an unprecedented situation. But that isn’t good news for a majority of the country’s citizens.

    *** I know the Majority Buddhists will be grateful for warning them especially when it comes from a Minority Catholic.

    9) The West, certain top UN officials and some cosmopolitan civil society voices in Sri Lanka say that there can be no reconciliation without accountability.

    *** They are just repeating what I have always stated.

    10) Given the exceedingly sensitive strategic location of the Northern Provincial Council, the Tamil political elite has to be made to prove that it can be trusted to run the province with a sense of truly national (by which I mean Sri Lankan) responsibility; mindful at all times of Sri Lanka’s security needs and strategic requirements. There must be no movement “beyond the 13th amendment”, towards federalism, “cooperative” or otherwise. To even broach the possibility of ‘building upon’ the 13th amendment—not ‘going beyond’ it–the Tamil political elite must first prove—for at least a decade–that it can be trusted with the 13th amendment.

    *** Sri Lankas Sovereigny is limited to Indias Security and only the Tamils of the North can Guarantee that.

    11) Post-war ethnic reconciliation requires a moderate, responsible Tamil (sub) nationalist partner who will not be high on the delusion of being a nation entitled to political space and power equal to the majority,

    *** I totally disagree. Post-War reconciliation requires a Vibrant NPC with an Articulate Tamil Leader who will not take orders from the Majority and will not be subservient and we can only unite as EQUALS and Not as SUBJUGATES.


  • 2

    Dr DJs analysis as usual is so so deeply flawed.

    If his hero Mr had obtained a 3rd victory sri Lanka would definitely have been in the company of the likes of Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Zimbabwe et al. In other words a pariah state instead of the much exalted failed state it is at present.

    His hero Mr would have continued to flaunt the UN war crimes inquiry resulting in the Western Poodles as he calls them ,placing blanket economic sanctions on SL. If SL earns 80-90 per cent of its earnings from aforementioned poodles how on earth are you going to pay your debts to your new Chinese colonial masters. If the West can bankrupt mighty Russia think what it can do to poor Sri Lanka.

    SL is living on a economic knife-edge at the moment and in all probability will have to sell its cultural, economic, and strategic soul to its new beat friend China. And bet your bottom dollar the Chinese will make your ex colonial masters seem like benevolent grandmothers.

    Just wait and see (HHhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

  • 1

    How low can UK politician stoop for political mileage and how disgraceful. Interferring in Sri Lankas local affairs under the guise of human rights, war crimes etc. to suppress the Majority Sinhalese. With the support of the current regime who are hell bound to bring back all terrorist ltte, diaspora and if possible take the Victory out of the Soldiers and put the old regime in jail. Whatever is brewing will be handled by the Majority Sinhalese.

    • 3


      “How low can UK politician stoop for political mileage and how disgraceful.”

      Please bear with me for I don’t understand many thing.

      Tell us is there one politician who does not stoop to beg, borrow or steal vote? Is there a politician whom you consider graceful? Why point UK politicians?

      “Interferring in Sri Lankas local affairs under the guise of human rights, war crimes etc”

      Could you tell us where powerful states opt to avoid interfering in local affairs? In Sri Lankan case those countries which supported/helped the elimination of LTTE believe this is pay back time because MR failed to do the right thing at the right time after winning the war.

      Through out the post independent history is awash with incidents of foreign interference. Those politicians and their countries now demand war crime investigation were the one’s which aided and abetted war crimes in the first place and always stood for a united country.

      Please read how Britain supported the Sinhala/Buddhist state:

      Britain’s Dirty War against Tamil People 1979-2009
      by Phil Miller

      “to suppress the Majority Sinhalese.”

      Please clarify.

      “With the support of the current regime who are hell bound to bring back all terrorist ltte, diaspora and if possible take the Victory out of the Soldiers and put the old regime in jail.”

      Ranil facilitated the demise of LTTE by bringing Solheim into the scene. That was the beginning of the end of LTTE. Chandrika was persuaded by Hindians to go for all out war on LTTE in early 2005 who also provided everything needed for winning the war.

      I can understand your loyalty to war criminals, crooks, thieves, drug smugglers, and criminals however it should not be an excuse to absolve their crimes, including attempted coup.

      “Whatever is brewing will be handled by the Majority Sinhalese.”

      Of course I have every confidence in them. Definitely they are capable of more self destruction than the the one’s we have witnessed since 1948.

      I wish you well even though you hate me.

  • 1

    Tamil lost too much lives,homes, lands,proberties,their rights. all of first they do not need road,rail links,capitalist moderation.
    Thank you Dr.

  • 5

    What’s this extremist hardcore racist Sinhala nationalist absolute hypocrite genocidal Dayan masquerading as moderate now teaching us???: ‘Do as I say don’t do as I do’!!!

    • 3


      You, the extremist hardcore racist stinking Tamil nationalist absolute hypocrite genocidal old hack masquerading as moderate, are only validating Dayan in his current meltdown mode by attacking him. You are the other side of the coin. Sinhala racists and Tamil racists are in a symbiotic relationship. You would be a miserable old zero without people like Gnanasara, Weerawansa, Gammanpila and Dayan. Be grateful they make your day.

      • 2

        Tamil cannibal on Sihala Cannibal!!

        Tamil says pure Vellala while the Pfor is is a mixed up smashed hot potato trying to cash in on 2 sari women at New Delhi for his supper- his wife is screaming the prices are rising.

        So what `off the fat old wall`, like a roman solider trying to dig gold in a coconut grove???

        If the JT’s take heed from the lesson JJ is learning and play close to their heart listening to the cries of Wiggie which is the only solace then and only then will the voice be heard at New Delhi by the new Brahmins in town not crusader Sinhalese with Johnny Walker in hand.

        __Autum leaves fall at the Foreign Office- it’s time for the sari’s to leave post.
        In a still afternoon,
        When no wind whirled them whistling to the sky,
        But thickly, silently,
        They fell, like snowflakes wiping out the noon;
        And wandered slowly thence
        For thinking of a gallant multitude
        Which now all withering lay,

      • 2

        Come on out with your real name. You must be kidding without them i would be in Casuarina Beach soaking in the Sun…Oh to be in Eelam!

        • 1

          The Chinese are the only folk with the black and white panda. When you enter negotiations in a threesome with India and China be careful to take only the nearest to white as the Chinese are fascinated by Monkey- they like the white monkey tricks of banking. good luck with your women and don’t be like Anton the black monkey with a working class non entity – be original.

  • 1

    It is not unusual that the converts show ( not in real sense) more patriotic to the clan they claim they belongs to. DJ being a Christian is just doing that. i.e claiming that he is a patriotic Sinhalese Buddhist. His communal views does not deserve any comments from any intellectuals. Let the [Edited out]

  • 1

    Excellent, Dayan. The LTTE diaspora monkeys have descended into a frenzy in the comments section, proving you’re right on point as usual :D

    • 1

      Imposter Master of masterburation David blocker jumping rooftop on Dayan oragasm.

  • 3

    Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

    He is doing a fantastic demolition job, speeding up the process of self destruction as VP did for the Tamils.

    I see no difference between Dayan (the war monger and war crime denier) and the Tamils who advocated an exclusive Tamil Ghetto in the North East.

    Quote of the day:

    More often than not, those leaders who rally the people to kill other people in the name of patriotism and nationalism are usually themselves murders, liars and thieves who through their power cause millions of others to “kill, steal and destroy.” Satan is well served by these devious tyrants.

    -Gary Amirault

    • 3

      Modi was mislead by the oxford rhetoric of south block until the yellow subs arrived the cancellation of Cochin harbour development and with it during Xi’s visit the unabated `indo chino bhai bye`incursions up north India borders – the pundit nehru broken fences.

      So its of little surprise that Xi wants to be included in any peace negotiations for Lanka along with India.

      J.T’s swear by Former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew,
      Well, they now have Nelson Mandela class Xi Jinping,

      Xi is considered to be one of the most successful members of the Crown Prince Party, a quasi-clique of politicians who are descendants of early Chinese Communist revolutionaries.

      “China Dream` Xi has a reputation of being popular with foreign dignitaries, who are intrigued by his openness and pragmatism.

      Former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, when asked about Xi, said he felt he was “a thoughtful man who has gone through many trials and tribulations.”

      [28] Lee also commented: “I would put him in the Nelson Mandela class of persons. A person with enormous emotional stability who does not allow his personal misfortunes or sufferings affect his judgment. In other words, he is impressive”.[29]

      Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson described Xi as “the kind of guy who knows how to get things over the goal line.”[30]

      Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said that Xi “has sufficient reformist, party and military background to be very much his own man.”[31]

      and for the Sinhalese.

      China watchers say his punishment will likely match that given Bo Xilai – life in prison.

      As for whether Xi’s anti-corruption drive will continue to reach higher, analyst Pantucci said, “The question for me is whether they will really continue to chase down big figures like Zhou, or if this will be the big cherry on the cake.”

      After that,” he said, “the anti-corruption drive will continue, but maybe, become more of a background story rather than the prominent center-stage piece that it is at the moment.”

  • 1

    Sinhalease are Racist first, Racist second, Racist third and Racist for ever.
    Tamils may be Tamils first but they are not Racist at any time.

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