2 May, 2024


Universalist Islam

By Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

In my last article I claimed that Islam is the most widely ecumenical of all the world religions. I was referring to the wider ecumenism which seeks to establish common ground between the world religions, a movement that has been flourishing vigorously over several decades. I suppose the underlying reason is that in the global village the adherents of different religions are thrown together more than ever before in human history, and therefore there is a need for common understanding and tolerance as never before. The wider ecumenism can also be seen as an expression of the universalist drive in the modern world.

It is in that context that my claim that Islam is the most widely ecumenical of all the world religions should have a particular interest. My basis for making that claim is that Islam is the only religion that explicitly declares that those who follow other religions will also go to heaven, provided they believe in the one true God and lead virtuous lives. That declaration is made in two places in the Koran: sura 5 verse 69 and sura 2 verse 62. The first reads as follows: “Verily those who believe and those who follow the Jewish scriptures, and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve”.

The Koran is explicit on the point that the Prophet was not making an original and unique revelation. He was merely reiterating the revelation of the one true God that had been given to humanity right down the ages, in which connection the Koran mentions no less than thirty two Prophets. Obviously therefore the revelation had been given among others to the peoples of the Indian sub-continent as well. The following question arises: What are the pointers to the fact that the revelation of the one true God had been given to Hindus and the Buddhists? The answer could be along the following lines. When a Hindu prays before a statue of Krishna or Shiva he is not indulging in idol worship or in polytheism but is worshipping the one true God of whom Krishna and Shiva are no more than representations. I believe that most Hindus would agree with that interpretation. In my own experience I have found that Hindus usually speak of God in the singular, not of Gods in the plural. As for Buddhists, they most certainly are not polytheists. They believe in Nirvana as the ultimate reality, which is conceived of in the singular as One and not as a plurality of gods.

The reader may wonder whether the claim I am making for a universalist Islam might be sound in Islamic doctrine but means little or nothing in practice, for Islam has been according to widespread notions the most exclusive and the most intolerant of all the great world religions. That certainly has been true of Islam at certain times and at certain places, more specifically of Islamic civilisation in its phases of decadence, but it is certainly not true as a generalization. The wider ecumenism of Islam was seen at its best within the Arab world under the Abbassids and outside it in India. The Mogul Emperor Akbar could be regarded as its greatest exemplar because he believed in the validity of all the religions, and even went to the extent of constructing a new universalist religion in the form of the Din Ilahi. The Islamic wider ecumenism in India had behind it the rich tradition of Sufi mysticism which had much common ground with Hindu mysticism, so much so that the great mystic poet Kabir could not decide whether he was Muslim or Hindu. I believe that we can see the wider ecumenism of India, not specifically Islamic, in full flower in Kipling’s great novel, Kim. The spirit behind Islam’s wider ecumenism can be seen at its best I think in an observation made by Sheikh Mohammed Abdu, the great Egyptian reformer of the nineteenth century: “I went to the West. There was no Islam there but there were many Muslims. I returned home to the East where there is Islam but no Muslims”. Perhaps we Muslims should declare that Angela Merkel, who shamed the entire Islamic world, is one of the greatest Muslims of our time.

If my view of a universalist Islam is doctrinally sound, how is it that Islam is widely perceived as the least universalist of all the world religions? The explanation I believe is that the Koran is replete with seemingly contradictory verses, so that varying interpretations of Islam become possible through selective readings of Koranic and other texts. Sometimes the interpretation could be determined by the ideological preconceptions and preferences of the power elite. In a seminar paper I presented a quarter of a century ago I wrote, reflecting Michel Foucault’s theories: “Knowledge confers power, but the knowledge-system does not operate in a vacuum. It is used to legitimate power, and power determines and sets the limits to knowledge”. I also quoted Mohammed Arkoun, the Algerian Emeritus Professor at the Sorbonne, as follows: “Orthodoxy – in its Sunni or Shia version – is no more than the official religion resulting from the collaboration of the majority of the ulema with the state”.

The method most often used for the construction of ideologically slanted versions of Islam has been that of abrogation, which has been a matter of controversy for a thousand years. There is apparent sanction in the Koran for abrogation because it is stated that some verses are given fuller and better versions later. The way abrogation can serve ideological purposes has been shown by the construction placed on the famous Verse of the Sword, which projects an image of Islam as an intolerant and belligerent religion. It was taken as abrogating all the verses projecting an image of Islam as a religion of peace. The fact was ignored that the verses preceding and following the Verse of the Sword make it absolutely clear that that Verse applied only to non-Muslims who had broken Treaty obligations. It provides a clear illustration of the way ideologically slanted readings of the Koran became possible through the theory of abrogation.

There are two major difficulties with the theory of abrogation. One arises out of the fact that the Koranic material is ordered not chronologically but according to length. It means that most often it has not been possible to establish with any certitude which are the earlier and later verses. The other difficulty is that abrogation postulates a God who keeps changing his mind, and that surely is inconsistent with the notion of an omniscient God. The best explanation for apparently contradictory material in the Koran is the contextual one according to which some verses are time-specific, having validity only in relation to situations that are bounded in time and space, while the other verses have an eternal validity.

The translation of the Koran published by the Saudi authorities has exegetical notes by several reputed scholars. They say nothing to the effect that the two verses according to which Christians and others who lead good lives will go to heaven have been abrogated. The emphasis is on the cardinal importance of leading virtuous lives instead of scrupulously observing the mere forms of Islam. That may have been an appropriate emphasis at one time. Today the emphasis should surely be on the universalism of Islam.

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Latest comments

  • 45

    It seems that the Colombo Telegraph has become an Islamist apologist website used for Izeth Hussein’s failed attempts at proselytisation. In the meantime, all of us are fools to have commented and keep commenting on this lunatic’s posts.

    Can we at least now kindly request CT keep posts on RELIGION OUT OF THIS WEBSITE. It is a worrying thing when half the columnists on the main page at a single time are Muslim writers who feel they have some special right to feel aggrieved, when in reality nobody cares and nobody has offended them any more than they have offended others.

    • 34

      IH you are trying very hard mate using posh words to paint Islam.
      Ecumenical? Sorry it’s a religion being hijacked by ecumenical maniacs and terrorist

      • 5

        Bagehot and Rajash

        Watch this interesting Debate.Islam, Muslims, Radicals, and other Religions.

        Ben Affleck Angrily Defends Islam Against Bill Maher/Sam Harris


        Published on Oct 6, 2014
        “Ben Affleck was quick to call out what he felt was Bill Maher’s “gross, racist, disgusting,” ideas about Islam during a heated debate.

        The “Gone Girl” star appeared on “Real Time with Bill Maher” Friday and things got heavy when the late night talk show host continued his conversation about Islam, which he started the week before.

        “You and I have been trying to make the case that liberals need to stand up for liberal principles,” Maher said to fellow panelist, author Sam Harris.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

        *Read more here from Zayda Rivera / NY Daily News


      • 2


        “IH you are trying very hard mate using posh words to paint Islam. Ecumenical? Sorry it’s a religion being hijacked by ecumenical maniacs and terrorist”

        NASA confirmed Islam is The correct religion AMAZING VIDEO


        Rajesh, Embrace the true religion because death is not far and Hell comes closer as Paradise goes out of reach.

    • 10

      Bagehot – the campaign to stop me being published by Tamil Islamophobes failed miserably. I will continue to be published and my articles will continue to elicit serious comment, of which you are not capable. So why don’t you just bajo off? – IH

      • 5

        Izeth Hussain

        “Bagehot – the campaign to stop me being published by Tamil Islamophobes failed miserably”

        Why? Why do they want you to stop publishing. What are they trying to hide?

        There are many others who want alternate Opinion.

        The Christian Church as their Index of forbidden books. the Islam followers have their forbidden books, though few.

        They all want to hide something. What is it?

        The fact that they are agents and shills of Norway, Israel and the christian fundamentalist west?

        expose, expose and expose, until the Truth is fished out.

        • 5

          Thanks Amarasiri -your question about who is behind the attacks on me is very relevant. At one time there were obviously concerted attacks on me by Tamils that went on for several months and suddenly stopped.The hidden paw I guess was Zionist or may be a Western Islamophobic group. Thereafter every article by me has provoked attacks by one or more Tamils. One of them very clearly indicated that he was being compelled to attack me. I also find it interesting that Jim Softly who specialises in broken English suddenly writes fluent English prose.There are two factors behind it all.A hidden foreign paw which has an interest in fomenting Islamophobic hatred.The other is the terrible hatred of Tamil Islamophobes who find it outrageous and unbearable that a Soni, an effing Soni, writes articles of a quality that draws encomiums, including from distinguished Tamils. – IH

          • 5

            Izeth Hussain

            Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

            It only takes simple common sense to notice these.

            1. “At one time there were obviously concerted attacks on me by Tamils that went on for several months and suddenly stopped.”

            Who said that the idiots will disappear. sometimes they disappear and sometimes they appear. It is like the seasons.

            Amarasiri is of opinion there are plenty of idiots left.

            2. “I also find it interesting that Jim Softly who specialises in broken English suddenly writes fluent English prose.”

            May be Jim softy went back to school, or Jim Softy, the First, was replaced by Jim Softy, the Second, by the Shills and paymasters.

            3. “There are two factors behind it all.A hidden foreign paw which has an interest in fomenting Islamophobic hatred.”

            It is very obvious. Those with common sense can easily spot them, However, still too many idiots, and they will not spot them, Their audience are the Idiots. For that project they seen to have recruited idiots.

            Remember, Mahinda Rajapaksa Re-election campaign was based on going after the Idiots?

      • 1

        [Edited out]

    • 5

      Bagehot, Izeth Hussein and others RE: Universalist Islam

      Izeth Hussein: “My basis for making that claim is that Islam is the only religion that explicitly declares that those who follow other religions will also go to heaven, provided they believe in the one true God and lead virtuous lives.”

      Bagehot: “In the meantime, all of us are fools to have commented and keep commenting on this lunatic’s posts. “
      “Can we at least now kindly request CT keep posts on RELIGION OUT OF THIS WEBSITE.”

      Amarasiri: No. We need to know the truth and different opinions.

      Have you asked the question how come the Muslims coexisted with other in Spain and in the Ottoman empire for well over 600 years, and now seem to have problems? They had the house of Wisdom in Baghdad, with different Nationalities and Religions. What went wrong? Revelation trumps reason and Ulama trumps the Philosophers, and Islam gradually declines, and still continues.

      The Intellectual Collapse of Islam


      They called Nicklaus Copernicus, Giardano Bruno and Galileo Galilee, lunatics, fools for proposing the Heliocentric model and an Earth that rotates and moves. Th echurch even burned Giardano Bruno at the Stake!

      Let’s see what Izeth Hussein is saying and interpreting. He claims, Islam is a Universal Religion. It certainly is one of the least racist religions. However, there are question as to its treatment of women and non-Muslims. It is certainly different from what the Satan-following Wahhabis and their clones are saying. and their ideology.

      Izeth Hussein is assigned with a very difficult mission. May Allah bless him for his fortitude and single minded devotion with very little help from his fellow Muslims, who are generally intellectually bankrupt, and follow the Satan-Wahhabies like sheep.

      The Task of Defending Islam as in the Quran, the Sira and the Hadith.

      1. Agree this is an Impossible Task given the Data and History for Izeth Hussein to Solve, when for about 500 years after Prophet Mohamed, from 630 CE to 1250 CE, the Islamic Philosopher-Scientists and the Islamic Religious “Scholars”, could not hack it out, and finally the Religious Ulama won out because of political reasons. Same with Christianity and Buddhism.

      2. This is indeed a tall order to ask Izeth Hussien, and ask sri Lankan Muslim Intellectuals who comprise only 2 million out of the 1,600 million Muslims worldwide. Amarasiri, the Egalitarian Rationalist Philosopher will try to assist him from where the Muslim Philosophers of 1000 years left off, by using modern events and Knowledge. This problem has been festering for too long and will fester for another 1,000 years, until the age of reason and enlightenment dawns on Islam and the Muslims, which they missed 1,000 years ago.

      3. Amarasiri is going to invoke the blessings from Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Foucault to solve this puzzle, because they solved the riddle of the ancients and the Christian Church ( Joshua, Revelations) in the Sun going around the Earth and the Ancient Greeks fixation with Epicycles for the planets.

      4. That may not be enough. May need all the classical mechanics, and quantum mechanics with modern physics, and uncertainty principles to take a crack at this puzzle.

      5. Amarasiri is going to invoke the blessings of the simple photon, yes, light, and electron, yes, electron that runs our phones, computers etc., thanks to Michael Faraday, bad the Nestorian Christians, and the famous or infamous, Old and new Testament as well.

      6 May be can take some lessons from Velupillai Prabakaran and Mahinda Rajapaksa as to how they gave their revelations and actions in modern times in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

      Amarasiri is postulating, an “Explanation”. It is like the observation that the Earth rotates on its own axis, tilted and orbiting the Sun. Nothing about why the Earth is rotating on its own axis to begin with, and nothing about why it is orbiting the Sun. Only that the Ancients and the Christian Church are in error.

      Please remember this is not an apology, and Amarasiri is not an Apologist for the Wahhabis and their Clones or any other, who follow the Iblis, Satan, Devil or any other belief. This is simply a rational hypotheses for a set of historical and current data.

      The postulations are many but there seems to be Duality. Is it true?

      1. The Meccan Quran was from God, the Good Guy.

      The Medina Quran was contaminated by Satan, Iblis, the Bad Guy.( Remember, Satanic Verses)

      2. The Medina Period was in a State of War, between the Muslims and others. Others were trying to annihilate the Muslims. This was survival. Infidel kill Muslims when they get hold of them, and the Muslims kill the Infidels when they get hold of them and they refuse conversion. Eye for an Eye.

      Prabakaran LTTE and and the Sri Lankan Armed forces did that to varying degrees. Actually the SL Army was worse. So were the Catholics to the Protestant during the religious wars. This was a state of war.

      3. When the Sate of War ended, this did not happen. The wars are more or less Arab Imperialism wars. Conquer and Loot. In fact the Arabs charged less taxes than the Byzantines, and many liked it.

      4. So, the time and context in which these verses were “revealed” need to be taken into account. However, it is rather unfortunate no new verses were revealed, abrogating the Medina verses, or saying that it is applicable only during a state of war. Amarasiri needs clarification from the “Religious’ Scholars here.

      Then, the question arises, are the Muslims always in a State of War, with no periods of peace? Is Islam a religion of peace or of Submission? Duality?

      5. Duality. The Photon, Electron all show duality. A wave, a particle or something else when in between. Is the Schrodinger cat dead or alive? Can Revelation or Reason tell us?

      6. Duality: Nestorian Christians say Jesus is Dual, Divine and Human.

      7. Trinity.The other Christians say Trinity. God, Son and the Holy Ghost. 1+1+1 =1: 3×1 = 1 and 1x1x1 =1, Trinity = Unity = God.

      8..What does the standard Model say, and where is the “God” Particle, the Higgs boson?

      9.. The Satan, Iblis, Devil Following Wahhabis and their Clones have a simple answer. Just take the Verses, literally, and follow. If it says kill kill, applicable to all times and environments, on Earth, on Mars and on the Moon.

      10. The Wahhabis and their clones, go one-step further. They innovate and put in their own interpretations, based on instructions from Satan, Iblis, Devil.

      Yes, the Devil is in the Details, but need more time to tie up the details.

      The 10 postulations may not be perfect, but better than the 10 Commandments of Moses, given to him by the Bush, (Not George Bush of Axis of Evil Fame/Notoriety)

      This is indeed a tall order to ask Izeth Hussien. Amarasiri, the Egalitarian Rationalist Philosopher,is simply trying to assist him given how long this problem has been festering, and the intellectual bankruptcy of the Muslim Ulama.

      The continuing Reason Vs. Revelation debate, year 2016 C.E. Version.

      • 7


        The Koran is borrowed from both Jewish and Christian Myths. These themselves are borrowed from various Egyptian creation myths (for example, the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Hymn to Ptah). I simply have no interest in listening to people who actually believe stories that were apparently spoken by an angel in Arabic and perfectly transcribed by an illiterate merchant warlord.

        That, and the abstention of the Muslim body politic as a whole to criticize the doings of ISIS, with there only being instead a few half-baked attempts at wrist-slapping.

        I also have no interest in Izzeth Hussein and his belief in fairy tales that did not happen. However, if as you feel the majority of CT readers deserve to have their time wasted by stories of fairy tales, then more power to you. Somehow, I do not get the impression that most people are of the same opinion, though.

        • 5


          “However, if as you feel the majority of CT readers deserve to have their time wasted by stories of fairy tales, then more power to you. Somehow, I do not get the impression that most people are of the same opinion, though.”

          Should Amarasiri give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are not a shill of the Norwegians, Israelis and Christian fundamentalist West. or other promoters? Yes?

          Look at the Fairy Tale Population in the world.

          1. 2,000 million Christians believe that Jesus Christ dies on the Cross for their Sins, because Adam ate the Apple from the forbidden tree, based on encouragement from Satan, and the only way for people born generations later, to redeem their “inherited: sin is through Jesus, because he was the son of God sent his Son, specifically sent for this purpose, to be crucified by the Pagan Romans, and to be resurrected, to heaven…

          There are endless such childish stories..on Christianity.

          Of course, Judaism, Islam, and Even Buddhism is not immune from such stories.

          2. since thee are 1,600 Muslims, we need to know what they believe. There are over 20 sects of Islam, with Wahhabism and its clones being the most violent.

          What made Islamic science to Rise, and what made Islamic science to decay? Islamic Philosophers? The Religious scholars Ulama, the Politicians? This impacts all the people.

          Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power


          This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology. You can watch the Full video of this Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s amazing lecture filled with fun and knowledge by clicking on the link below.

    • 6


      “Can we at least now kindly request CT keep posts on RELIGION OUT OF THIS WEBSITE.”

      No. No and No. Why?

      Most Muslims do not know Islam

      Most Sinhala Buddhists do bot know Buddhism

      Most Christians do not know Christianity.

      CT gives a Forum for Muslims to learn about Islam from non-Muslims, which they were never taught.

      CT gives a Forum for Sinhala Buddhists to learn about Buddhism from non-Buddhists, which they were never taught.

      CT gives a Forum for Christians to learn about Christianity from non-Christians, which they were never taught.

      Let’s see what they should be taught?

      Richard Dawkins Interview – Richard Dawkins Talks 9/11 On Interview – Islam on Al Jazeera TV

      In this interview, Richard speaks to a Muslim interviewer about his views on “The Evils Of Religion”, whether 9/11 was religiously-inspired or not, and even compares religion to SMALLPOX!


      In God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, he says: “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

      Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 1


      Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 2


    • 2


      “It seems that the Colombo Telegraph has become an Islamist apologist website used for Izeth Hussein’s failed attempts at proselytisation.”

      Gay Athiest Goes to Town on Islam “How you going to put a PR spin on that!”


      Too many people carry the baggage of Religion. That is why religions need exposure.

      If the Muslims and Christians follow the Quran and the Bible Literally, they are fundamentalist Terrorists. The Christians gave up that business dome time ago, but still some left.The Wahhabis, the Satan following Wahhabis, are still at it with distortions of the Quran, and their Wahhabi Innovations.

      You could skim over them, they are there, I fully attest to that. Do Christian people follow these rules or laws anymore, nope. There is the difference. As well you might be able to compare some of the scriptures to the Quran but another divergence is the New Testament. You cannot find any messages from the New Testament within the Quran. 

    • 2


      Imam Tells Gay Muslims He Should Be Killed


      Revelation Vs. Reason Debate. Ulama Vs. Common Sense

      Funny how he says it’s not open to interpretation when these scholars dress up the controversial verses in order to convert others to Islam and present it as a religion of peace. This Imam, like ISIS believes what you read in the Quran is what you must do. Simple as that. Even the quran claims to be divine and perfect so its not open to interpretation for the modern day. In a weird way, the terrorists are following true Islam. Its the ideal political tool to profit off conflict and war, just as their great prophet did.

      Not much different for Christians.

      The Christians are ahead 500 Years. Muslims need to get to the age of Reason and Enlivenment fast!

      All About the Enlightenment The Age of Reason


    • 0

      Izeth Hussain

      RE: Universalist Islam, Vs, Wahhabism

      RE:EXCLUSIVE;The Salafi Movement & The Evil Cult of Najd & Why I Left,Shaykh Yasin Qadhi


      Published on Nov 17, 2013
      Exclusive Interview Interfaith Voices
      Shaykh Yasin Qadhi Leaves The Salafi Movement & The Evil Cult of Najd

  • 35

    ‘Islam is the only religion that explicitly declares that those who follow other religions will also go to heaven, provided they believe in the one true God and lead virtuous lives’

    but punishment for apostasy is death?


    • 8

      Mr Hussain should comment on this.


    • 7

      Iseth Hussein: RE: Universalist Islam, Comment by f=ma

      Newton’s Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

      Islamic Sharia Law: Punishment for apostasy is death?

      However, was it in the Quran, or introduced after Prophet Mohamed?

      Does Islam equate Apostasy to being a Traitor. In most societies, being a Traitor is death. However, there is a difference.

      Apostasy: Crime against the Faith.
      Traitor: Crime against the State, Nation, Society.
      Since in Islam, State and Faith are inter-twinged, both, are crimes.
      These Days Different Islamic Countries interpret it differently.

      That is why the Separation of Church, Mosque and Temple is Critical. It is like capital punishment? What if the Religion is wrong? Example: Gioardano Bruno, burned at the stake in February 1,600 CE (AD) for advocating the Heliocentric Model.

      The 20 Countries with the Harshest Drug Laws in the World. Harsher than Apostasy.
      [Edited out]

      • 23

        you fail to see my point, if one denounces Islam for Christianity why would that person be executed if he is going to heaven anyways with that twisted logic?

        y’all need Science.

        never accept anything which isn’t observable or doesn’t make sense

        • 6

          f=ma , Newton’s Second Law of Motion,

          “, if one denounces Islam for Christianity why would that person be executed if he is going to heaven anyways with that twisted logic?”

          Early release to hell? Applying Logic and Reason to Faith will confuse you more. Following faith blindly, confuses you less.

          In science, you have to be a skeptic, and depend on reason, observations and supporting data. In faith, it is scriptures, revelations and belief.

          Let’s see what the historical “data” tell us, for Christianity and Islam.

          In the Old Testament:

          Let us look at Deuteronomy 13:6-9 “If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying: Let us go and worship other gods (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other, or gods of other religions), do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people.”

          Also let us look at Deuteronomy 17:3-5 “And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, …..and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die.”

          In the New Testament by Jesus and Paul:


          Note: Please pay close attention to emphasis below.

          Let us look at what Jesus said in the New Testament in context:

          Matthew 15:1-9

          1 Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked,
          2 “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”
          3 Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?
          4 For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.’
          5 But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,’
          6 he is not to ‘honor his father’ with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.
          7 You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:
          8 ” ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
          9 They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.'”

          4-Above: Jesus clearly had a problem with them not following the punishment of death for cursing the parents or any punishment of death that is commanded in the OT for this matter! In fact, Jesus himself said:

          “Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)”

          “Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: ‘The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.’ (Matthew 23:1-3)”

          1- Jesus absolutely approved and commanded the following of the OT’s Laws regarding apostates!

          2- The fact he commanded death penalty for cursing the parents clearly proves that he also approves of killing apostates as clearly shown in the OT verses above!

          IN ISLAM:

          It is from the Hadith Sahih Bukhari and Muslim

          Allah’s Apostle said, “The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims.” Sahih Bukhari 9:83:17

          ‘Abdullah (b. Mas’ud) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: It is not permissible to take the life of a Muslim who bears testimony (to the fact that there is no god but Allah, and I am the Messenger of Allah, but in one of the three cases: the married adulterer, a life for life, and the deserter of his Din (Islam), abandoning the community. Sahih Muslim 16:4152

          The hadiths says so therefore it is law.

          “For you is your religion, and for me is my religion” only applies to non-believers.

        • 6

          f=ma , Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

          “y’all need Science. never accept anything which isn’t observable or doesn’t make sense:”

          Let’s move from Newton’s Second Law of Motion to the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

          Religion is one-way, everybody going one-way. It is a non-reversible process, called irreversible process.

          Second Law allows for reversible processes, a two-way lane.

          The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative

          In thermodynamics, a change in the thermodynamic state of a system and all of its surroundings cannot be precisely restored to its initial state by infinitesimal changes in some property of the system without expenditure of energy. A system that undergoes an irreversible process may still be capable of returning to its initial state; however, the impossibility occurs in restoring the environment to its own initial conditions. An irreversible process increases the entropy of the universe. However, because entropy is a state function, the change in entropy of the system is the same whether the process is reversible or irreversible. The second law of thermodynamics can be used to determine whether a process is reversible or no

          • 11

            Amarasiri, haven’t you learnt better than to site wikipedia…

            you don’t need thermodynamics to explain religion. Religion isn’t comparable with science. Religions which claim there is a God breaks all the laws of Physics by creating energy from nothing.

            ‘Early release to hell? Applying Logic and Reason to Faith will confuse you more. Following faith blindly, confuses you less.’

            this is the same reason behind the radicalization of religions. There is no rational or moral decision making, just blindly following books return by someone thousands of years ago. IH and you are trying and will try your best to convert us to follow your beliefs; your ancestors in the colonized era joined your religions not for sanctity but more like for economic relief or persecution but we know better now.

            • 5


              “you don’t need thermodynamics to explain religion. Religion isn’t comparable with science. Religions which claim there is a God breaks all the laws of Physics by creating energy from nothing.”

              Agree fully. Religion was there well before science, reason and thermodynamics. The comment was used just to show how incompatible Religion is with science, that is based in reason, observations and data.

              Stephen Hawkins says, need Matter, Energy and Space for the creation of the Universe. The religious person says that it was the matter, energy and space from God.

              Stephen Hawking THERE IS NO GOD !! Amazing Documentary


              Yes, not compatible. They are two different sets, phases, like oil and water. Need a surface active agent, attractant, soap and you mix them, you end with an emulsion. Discrete Oil phases dispersed in water, with the surfactant at the interface. The Christians have 20,000 emulsion droplets people can latch on to, in order to get to heaven, and the Muslims, 20 or so, and the Buddhists, 10 or so. The Hindus have 330 million?

              Making the contrast with Science, reason, and show the incompatibility of religion, and the mockery of the assumptions of religion. There are many, many examples.

              Science: Reason, Observations,investigations and the Scientific Method.

              Religion: Faith, Revelations, belief, fear and reward.

              This battle was fought between the Islamic Scientists, Philosophers and the Religions scholars, Ulama, 1,000 years ago. Read about Hamid Al Ghazali, Avicenna and others, Reason Vs. Revelation.

              1. Religion: Geocentric (Joshua 10:13 o the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. ) and Science: Heliocentric.

              2. Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:4-3:24) and Evolution. Did Adam have 46 chromosomes or 48 Chromosomes?

              Ken Miller on Human Evolution

              Kenneth Miller – Evolution vs. Intelligent Design FULL
              Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

              3. The Great Flood of Noah and the Ark (chapters 6–9 in the Book of Genesis). Science says not enough water to cover the mountains, even if both polar ice caps melt.

            • 5


              After Listening to Einstein, Listen to Hawkins, and read what Spinoza says.

              This issue of God, is still an open question for many people. In the meantime, the Priests, Monks and the Ulama have a great business and lifestyle.

              This video discusses the spiritual beliefs of Prof. Albert Einstein and how they have been a subject for debate in recent years.

              Einstein on God


              Stephen Hawking on God


              God Does Not Exist – Stephen Hawking


              Stephen Hawking THERE IS NO GOD !! Amazing Documentary


              Spinozism is the monist philosophical system of Baruch Spinoza which defines “God” as a singular self-subsistent substance, with both matter and thought being attributes of such.

              In Spinozism, the concept of a personal relationship with God comes from the position that one is a part of an infinite interdependent “organism.” Spinoza argued that everything is a derivative of God, interconnected with all of existence. Although humans only experience thought and extension, what happens to one aspect of existence will still affect others. Thus, Spinozism teaches a form of determinism and ecology and supports this as a basis for morality.

            • 5


              “Amarasiri, haven’t you learnt better than to site wikipedia…”

              This is the most efficient. Saves time. There are too many idiots, and addressing the questions is time consuming. This is Altruism, but there is limit as to how may idiots can be addressed.

              By citing the Wikipedia and other sources, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Amarasiri only needs to understand what it says, so that can appropriately cite it.

              Even, then, cannot get idiots to comprehend. The idiot population is too high.

              Amarasiri does not use log tables any more, just use a calculator or a spreadsheet like excel. Very efficient.

              What is the most efficient to “Educate” idiots, with limited resources?

              1 in 4 Americans believe the sun goes Around the Earth. May be 1 in 2 in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

              1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says


      • 5

        Amarasiri – thanks for your excellent clarification.But nothing will convince the Islamophobes. – IH

    • 3


      “but punishment for apostasy is death? ” Yes for Islam and Christianity.

      Use Reason, to comprehend this issue of Apostasy. apostasy was there before Islam.

      Go with the data for both Islam and Christianity. If you count the numbers, probably the Christians killed close a million or more, where the Muslims probably killed a few hundred or perhaps a thousand.

      Does Islam equate Apostasy to being a Traitor. In most societies, being a Traitor is death. However, there is a difference.

      Apostasy: Crime against the Faith.
      Traitor: Crime against the State, Nation, Society.

      Since in Islam, State and Faith are inter-twinged, both, are crimes. These Days Different Islamic Countries interpret it differently.

      1. Christians, got out of this business some time ago, and some Islamic Countries, under the control of the Ulama and fundamentalists, still carry out this business.

      The question to ask is When will the age of reason and Enlightenment arrive for Islam and Muslims?

      According to the Islamic religious scholars, Yes. But will be carried out in Practice?

      That is where the Separation of State, Mosque, Church and Temple comes in.

      In Christian Countries, like Spain and Italy, it was trial by inquisition by torture, and death, in the old days.

      However, what is the Current situation?

      60% of the Muslims in Pakistan, Egypt and others think that Apostates should be killed. Why? Because they are brainwashed by the Ulama.

      However, only a few percent of Muslims in Turkey and Albania think so, because they are not under the control of the Ulama., and there is separation of Church, mosque and state.

      Given below is an interesting discussion on this subject by an ex-Muslim Journalist is a talk show.

      Ben Affleck Angrily Defends Islam Against Bill Maher/Sam Harris


      Published on Oct 6, 2014

      “Ben Affleck was quick to call out what he felt was Bill Maher’s “gross, racist, disgusting,” ideas about Islam during a heated debate. The “Gone Girl” star appeared on “Real Time with Bill Maher” Friday and things got heavy when the late night talk show host continued his conversation about Islam, which he started the week before.

      “You and I have been trying to make the case that liberals need to stand up for liberal principles,” Maher said to fellow panelist, author Sam Harris.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

  • 40

    Hussain, we are getting sick your attempts to paint your faith,Islam, as the most enlightened in the history of mankind. But you are failing because you simply can’t make a “silk purse out of a sow’s ear” (pardon the pun!

    No one put it more eloquently than the Hindu philosopher Swami Vivekananda wha said:

    “Now, the Muslims are the crudest and the most sectarian. Their watch-word is: there is one God (Allah), and Mohammed is His Prophet. Everything beyond that not only is bad, but must be destroyed forthwith, at a moment’s notice, every man or woman who does not exactly believe in that must be killed; everything that does not belong to this worship must be immediately broken; every book that teaches anything else must be burnt. From the Pacific to the Atlantic, for five hundred years blood ran all over the world. That is Mohammedanism.”

    “The more selfish a man, the more immoral he is. And so also with the race. That race which is bound down to itself has been the most cruel and the most wicked in the whole world. There has not been a religion that has clung to this dualism more than that founded by the Prophet of Arabia, and there has not been a religion, which has shed so much blood and been so cruel to other men. In the Koran there is the doctrine that a man who does not believe these teachings should be killed, it is a mercy to kill him! And the surest way to get to heaven, where there are beautiful houris and all sorts of sense enjoyments, is by killing these unbelievers. Think of the bloodshed there has been in consequence of such beliefs!”

    “Why religions should claim that they are not bound to abide by the standpoint of reason, no one knows. If one does not take the standard of reason, there cannot be any true judgment, even in the case of religions. One religion may ordain something very hideous. For instance, the Mohammedan religion allows Mohammedans to kill all who are not of their religion. It is clearly stated in the Koran, Kill the infidels if they do not become Mohammedans. They must be put to fire and sword. Now if we tell a Mohammedan that this is wrong, he will naturally ask, “How do you know that? How do you know it is not good? My book says it is.”

    To summarise, here are Here are the reasons why your belief is immoral and wrong:

    1. The grossly immoral life of your prophet Muhammad, the last prophet according to Islam, both in his public and personal life.[4][6]
    2. The claimed authenticity and morality of the Quran

    3. History of Muslim destruction of indigenous cultures in Africa and India by Islam.

    4. Non recognition of any kind of human rights (including the treatment of women, and religious and ethnic minorities) in the Islamic world historically and in modern Islamic nations.

    5.These factors are behind the lack of ability or willingness of Muslims to assimilate in the modern world,and other countries such as Indiaand Russia.

    No amount of propaganda will not change these truths and you are wasting your final days, in ignorance, on a lost cause.

    It is too late for you to see reason.

    • 8

      Adjutant – thanks for providing enlightenment about Swami.Vivekananda. I never suspected that he was capable of making such an ass of himself. Remember that negative things have been said about every religion. Churchill declared that Hinduism was a beastly religion and Hindus were a beastly people.I don’t agree. Auden, great poet, declared when his friend Christopher Isherwood became a Hindu, more specifically a Vedantist, “Hinduism is not a religion for gentlemen”. Again I don’t agree. – IH

      • 33

        Swami Vivekananda had said that Hinduism is a universal religion.
        Moreover, French philosopher Voltaire had also said that Hinduism is the best religion in his view. Hinduism is a philosophy, a way of life and science. It preaches non-violence by way of emphasizing the significance of Righteousness.
        We should all agree that all religions are like different flowers in a garden called earth. According to Hinduism God can be realized through various ways.

        • 5

          Ayathuray Rajasingam

          ” Swami Vivekananda had said that Hinduism is a universal religion. Moreover, French philosopher Voltaire had also said that Hinduism is the best religion in his view. Hinduism is a philosophy, a way of life and science. It preaches non-violence by way of emphasizing the significance of Righteousness.”

          Take each argument, each issue, each dispute on its own merit, reason, observations and supporting data.

          Aristotle, the Great Greek Philosopher, said 4 things. Out of the 4, only one was correct, that the Earth was spherical, because he interpreted the spherical shadow of the Earth on the Moon correctly.

          In the other 3, Aristotle was incorrect, later proved by others.

          What was the state of affairs before Hinduism?

        • 2

          Not another Rajasingham clam! On CT

      • 31

        Izeth Hussain, who has a natural talent to controversy and to provoke, is at it again. Referring to the venerated Swami Vivekananda the ageing mischief-maker disrespectfully irritates
        ” I never suspected that he was capable of making such an ass of himself…” The crude and unsophisticated Hussain had a right to express his dissent to what the Swamiji has said of Islam. But he should have used more civil and polite language. What the Swamiji said has been said of Islam, then and more now and therefore, there is no reason for Hussain’s predictable outburst.

        I know a courteous response is somewhat difficult to our friend
        particularly one concerning a religious celebrity whose learning and wisdom is respected in many countries by millions – outside his own India. That, by the way, includes millions of Muslims as well.

        Hussain is likely to respond and ask why I did not respond to his weekly verbal diarrhea. If he does, I assure him of a suitable reply.


        • 4

          Backlash – anyone but a rabid Islamophobe like you will agree that Swami Vivekenanda was extremely insulting about Islam. I commented appropriately. Look Backie boy, I write serious articles which elicit serious comment, of which you are not capable. So I cannot spare much time for you. But keep barking, Backie boy, keep barking. The IH caravan keeps moving. – IH

          • 13

            “I write serious articles which elicit serious comment…” insists
            Izeth Hussain!!! He ignores the many derisive comments to his piece in this thread alone – our own version of Don Quixote. On the other hand, one sympathises with him. The man has to write to legitimise
            a credo that is the subject of increasing global anger. That writing is what brings him his monthly stipend – from the local agents of Global Islam. I am not referring to The Island.


            • 3

              Backlash – I get no monthly stipend from anyone. Have you got any proof about that, any indication suggesting it? None whatever It’s just your Islamophobic hatred boiling over. Keep boiling Backie boy. You deserve it. – IH

  • 47

    Islam is not universal. It is not tolerant. It is not enlightened. The Quran is full of violence and hatred.

    Izeth Hussain has become an apologist for Islamic fundamentalism. Let us rely on the Quran, not on him to understand Islam. Here are a few verses.

    (i) Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme (chapter 2 verse 193).

    (ii) I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, maim them in every limb (chapter 8, verse 12)

    (iii) Believers! make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Let them find harshness in you. (chapter 9, verse 123)

    (iv) Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it. But you may hate a thing although it is good for you, and love a thing although it is bad for you. Allah knows, but you do not. (chapter 2, verse 216)

    (v) O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is one of them. (chapter 5, verse 51).

    (vi) When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads and when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take ransom from them, until war shall lay down her armor. (chapter 47, verse 4)

    (vii) Prophet! make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate (chapter 66, verse 9)

    (viii) Do not yield to the unbelievers, but fight them strenuously with this Koran. (chapter 25, verse 52).

    (ix) The unbelievers among the people of the book (i.e. Jews and Christians) and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of hell. They are the vilest of creatures (chapter 98, verse 51).

    (x) When the sacred months are over, slay the idol worshippers wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everythere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and pay the alms tax, let them go their way. Allah is forgiving and merciful. (chapter 9 verse 5)

    • 29

      Naomali Silva,

      “Islam is not universal. It is not tolerant. It is not enlightened. The Quran is full of violence and hatred.”

      True. Very true. But, so is the bible.

      This explains the endless bloodshed all over the world. In boulevards of BS run by religious fanatics.

      And yes, just like many others before him, Izeth Hussain too is beating about the bush.


    • 4

      Naomi has cherry picked some verses to portray a negative picture of Islam. I believe the writer knows that these verses are contextual but has chosen to ignore that. Muslims admit that Islam is not a pacifist religion. The enemies of Islam were straining every nerve to wipe out the nascent religion from the face of the earth. War was inevitable. The small Muslim community under the leadership of the Holy Prophet had to prepare for it. Prepare he did, under the guidance of the the Almighty. Which religious leader enunciated a Warfare code embodying moral rectitude?

      ‘Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, the first Caliph, gave these instructions to his armies: “I instruct you in ten matters: Do not kill women, children, the old, or the infirm; do not cut down fruit-bearing trees; do not destroy any town . . . ” (Malik’s Muwatta’, “Kitab al-Jihad.”)

      We are supposed to be living in civilized times. Look around how the US and its allies have conducted themselves in warfare : notwithstanding the fact that warfare was initiated based on lies and deceit.

      I quote the following verses, for the reader to ponder if Islam really promotes violence per se.

      “and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawfully.” (i.e. murder is forbidden but the death penalty imposed by the state for a crime is permitted). 6:151.

      Terrorism is above all murder and is strictly forbidden in the Qur’an.

      “… whoso kills a soul, unless it be for murder or for wreaking corruption in the land, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind; and he who saves a life, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind.” 5:53

      If the motive for terrorism is religious, it is impermissible in Islamic law. It is forbidden to attempt to impose Islam on other people. The Qur’an says,

      “There is no compulsion in religion. The right way has become distinct from error.” 2:256.

      The Quran forbids coercing people into adopting any religion. They have to willingly choose it.

      Islamic law forbids aggressive warfare. The Quran says,

      “But if the enemies incline towards peace, do you also incline towards peace. And trust in God! For He is the one who hears and knows all things.” (8:61)

      The Quran says

      “Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors.” 2:190

      In the Islamic law of war, not just any leader can declare or launch a war. It is the prerogative of the duly constituted leader of the Muslim community that engages in the war.

      Terrorism or hirabah is forbidden in Islamic law, which groups it with brigandage, highway robbery and extortion rackets– any illicit use of fear and coercion in public spaces for money or power. The principle of forbidding the spreading of terror in the land is based on the Qur’an (Surah al-Ma’ida 5:33–34).

      The Prophet Muhammad counseled doing good to those who harm you and is reported to have commanded, “Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

      The Qur’an demands of believers that they exercise justice toward people even where they have reason to be angry with them:

      And do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness.”[5:8]

      When speaking of the 7th-century situation in the Muslim city-state of Medina, which was at war with pagan Mecca, the Quran notes that the polytheists and some Arabian Jewish tribes were opposed to Islam, but then goes on to say:

      ” . . . and you will find the nearest in love to the believers [Muslims] those who say: ‘We are Christians.’ That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud.” 5:82.

      So the Quran not only does not urge Muslims to commit violence against Christians, it calls them “nearest in love” to the Muslims! The reason given is their piety, their ability to produce holy persons dedicated to God, and their lack of arrogant pride.

      Ibn Abi Qurda reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever is pleased to love Allah and His Messenger, or to be loved by Allah and His Messenger, then let him be truthful when he speaks, let him fulfill the trust to whom it is due, and let him treat well anyone who would be his neighbor.”

      And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbor that is a kinsman and the neighbor that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful. (Al Quran 4:37)

      If Islam was a religion that fundamentally advocated violence, then it will be extremely difficult to explain its incongruence with the verses of Mercy and Compassion I have cited above

      • 21

        J Deane has cherry picked verses to portray a positive picture of Islam. Deane is highly selective and omits a lot.

        Mohammed had multiple wives and sexual slaves. His youngest wife Aisha was a minor of six or nine when he seduced her. Islam was responsible for the sexual trafficking of tens of thousands of non Muslim women. It subjugated women to sexual slavery. It denied them equality.

        The Koran, Hadith, the personal life of Mohammed and the early Caliphs, and the history of modern Islam are full of murder. Mohammed represented the first instance of genocide and ethnic cleansing in recorded history when he massacred the Jews of Medina. We see the continuing killing of non Muslims today in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe and America. Look at what is happening to Iraq’s, Syria’s, Egypt’s, Nigeria’s and Pakistan’s Christians.

        I wonder whether Mohammed is the antichrist scripture talks about. Islam is but a poorly digested and half baked Judaism. Mohammed plagiarized from the Bible but always got his facts wrong. He confused Mary, the Mother of God, with Miriam, the sister of Moses.

        Hussain, Deane and Amarasiri have nothing better to do than dismiss intellectual questioners as Islamaphobes. This name calling is indeed a classic case of Islamofascism.

        • 4


          “Hussain, Deane and Amarasiri have nothing better to do than dismiss intellectual questioners as Islamaphobes. This name calling is indeed a classic case of Islamofascism.”

          This is where your comprehension is lacking.

          1. Deane, is a Satan-Following Wahhabi or its clone. Izeth Hussein and Amarasiri are not and want Wahhabi clarifications from Deane from the Quran, and he has not provided so far, because it is not defensible for the satan-following Wahhabies.

          2. Izeth Hussein is an educated Sri Lankan Muslim Philosopher, a rare breed for Sri Lankans, and an asset to get his perspectives on Islam. Amarasiri supports Izeth Hussein because most of his points are against the Wahhabies and their clones, who follow Satan, devil. However, there are many areas we differ, especially, the right claimed by the Ulama to kill apostates, just like the Christians did 500 years ago.

          3. Amarasiri is an Egalitarian, Rationalist Philosopher,(Lover of Wisdom) trying to extract any wisdom from the writers and commentators.
          Amarasiri Criticizes, Christianity, Buddhism, especially Sinhala “Buddhism”,,Judaism, Islam, Hinduism etc. , as the opportunity arises.

          Unfortunately, there are are some plants and shills, that complicate matters, but still they do come up with good counter points. Amarasiri recognizes these plants and shills, but Amarasiri’s goal is the Truth, and very altruistic.

          4. Amarasiri’s interest is getting to the truth. Dissect, and get correct answers. Is having multiple wives, by Prophet Mohamed, a disqualification to be a Prophet?

          5. “J Deane has cherry picked verses to portray a positive picture of Islam. Deane is highly selective and omits a lot”

          Agree. He still has not answered Amarasiri’s Question on the Wahhabi Abdul Wahab’s right to kill other Muslims, Shia, Sufi and Ahmedia by renaming them non-believers.

          Just Curious: Do you know any Norwegians, Israelis or the Christian fundamentalist West? They seem to be active in our Land of Native Veddah Aethho. Wonder if Rajesh, Naomali Silva, Bagehot or any other might know.

        • 1

          I do not as a rule reply to charlatans. However since the writer has produced some cheap chicanery to blacken the character of the noble character of the holy Prophet of Arabia, I will only present facts to expose him with regard to the Prophet’s marriage to Ayesha.
          In 1400 years customs of the people have changed. In the period in question it was a common practice for girls from ages 9 to 14 to be married in Europe,Asia, Africa And America. In 350 AD St. Augustine married a 10 year old. King Richard II married a 7 year old in 1400AD. Henry VIII married a 6yr old in 1500 AD. Church of England Ministers could marry 12 yr olds till 1929 in Britain. Catholic canon law permitted marrying 12 yr olds up to 1983. Till 1881 in the State of Delaware, the minimum marriageable age was 7 years and in California it was 12 yrs.
          Now it is well known how the Prophet was physically & verbally abused during his period of time. They called him phony, crazy, even a magician, but none of his worst enemies accused him of being a Paedophile.
          Hence to pontificate on morality of a bygone era without knowing the customs and traditions of that period is not only exposing a lack of scholarship, but also a contemptuous disregard for the judgement of intellectual giants of the caliber of Ghandi, Sarojini Naidu, Annie Besant, George Bernard Shaw, Goethe,Thomas Carlyle, and La Martine, to name a few, who held the character of the noble Prophet of Islam in very high esteem!
          The rest of his accusation of the Quran being plagiarized, etc, etc, does not warrant a reply as this has been discussed for centuries by people with great acumen in this field. MC appears like a toddler in comparison and his whimpering is best ignored.

          And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. 2:23

          Just to reassure and convince MC of the divine origin of the Quran and its infallibity I am attaching video references. CT Readers will welcome I am sure, similar findings in other religious scriptures, plagiarized or otherwise


      • 2


        “Naomi has cherry picked some verses to portray a negative picture of Islam. I believe the writer knows that these verses are contextual but has chosen to ignore that. Muslims admit that Islam is not a pacifist religion.”

        Cherry picking is done to promote your own Hypothesis or theology that cherry will support.

        “i) Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme (chapter 2 verse 193). “

        Yusuf Ali: Verse (2:193) And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.

        Naomi has not only Cherry picked the Verse, and did not disclose the Full Verse. This is very Dishonest in this case.

        Have not checked the others. However, you need to address each verse Naomi cites, rebut, based on your understanding if the Verse, Quran and the Circumstances of this Verse.

        Was this verse applicable ONLY during times of Hostilities, War?

        BACK to Amarasiri’s Original Question on Abdul Wahab. Can you please cite the Quranic verse that gave authority to Abdul Wahab to call another Muslim Apostate or Kuffar, three times, and then kill them, as was done in Karabala, Iraq, about 200 years ago, and what is being done by the Wahhabi-Clones, ISIS?

        Amarasiri hypothesis still says that the Wahhabies and their Clones, Salafis, Towheed, Najadis, ISIS, Biko Haram, Taliban, Deoibandi etc, are agents of the Devil, Satan, Iblis, and are recruited to mislead the Muslims so that on the day of judgement, they will go to Hell fire with Iblis, Satan, as perv Islamic theology.

        • 0

          The writer has responded to Amarasiri’s incessant question by quoting Sheik Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab himself.

          Shaikh Abdul Wahhab (RH) said:

          “And we do not declare them infidels who on account of ignorance and lack of guidance worship those idols which are built on the graves of (Shaikh) Abdul Qadir, Ahmad Badwi, and other elders like them, then how can we call them infidels who are not guilty of committing the sin of polytheism or did not come to us by migration and have not been guilty of committing any kufr.”

          On the issue of those who have abandoned worship and the issue of grave worshippers:
          Ahmad bin Nasir bin Usman Muammari Najdi (disciple of Abdul Wahhab) said before the ulema of the Haram Sharif in 1211:

          “The Shaikh did takfir of only those idolators who asked for boons from the saints and the virtuous, those who committed shirk and polytheism even after receiving full proof and clarification about the way of God. And moreover they were the first to initiate the war. It was then that the Shaikh battled with them and shed their blood. Under such circumstances the Quran, the sunnah and the ijma are all in his support.”

          Now this is an answer given by the noble Sheik himself. However if Amarasiri wants to ramble on with ‘he’ says, that ‘she’ says, that ‘Wikipidi’ says then he is welcome to find solace in his choice. However let it not be said again that Amarasiri’s question was not answered. One other request, please replace the term Wahabist clones with anti-Wahabist clones in your future epistles.

          • 6


            “Amarasiri’s Original Question on Abdul Wahab. Can you please cite the Quranic verse that gave authority to Abdul Wahab to call another Muslim Apostate or Kuffar, three times, and then kill them, as was done in Karabala, Iraq, about 200 years ago, and what is being done by the Wahhabi-Clones, ISIS? “

            1. You are citing Abdul Wahab, not a Quranic Verse.

            2. You are citing Ahmad bin Nasir bin Usman Muammari Najdi, a Wahhabi, not a Quranic Verse.

            3. Amarasiri is looking for a Quranic Verse, from Allah (swt).

            4. The Satan, Iblis is mentioned and warned by Allah (swt) over 25 times in the Quran.

            Because of your inability to provide support, and because there is a Hadith, Hadith of Najd, claiming that Satan, Iblis will come from the Najd region, and the disciple of Wahhab you cite, is Najdi, it is quite apparent that Abdul Wahhab is indeed an agent and Follower of Satan, Iblis.


            The Hadith of Najd is a famous hadith with several chains of narration about three geographical locations. While all Sunni Muslims accept the group of hadith as authentic, the exact location of the area referred to as “Najd” is disputed.

            “O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd.” I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, “There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from there appears the Horn of Satan.”

            J.Deane, remember the Satan, Iblis will be in Hell fire on the Day of Judgement, and he wants to drag as many Muslims as he can to the Hell fire along with him. So, do not allow you to be tricked by the Satan Following Wahhabies and Their clones, and end up in Hell fire.


            Abdul Wahab is a Corrupter of Islam, and follower of the Satan, Iblis. He was recruited by Iblis, Satan, Devi to mislead the Muslims. He was supported by the Imperialist British in order to topple the Ottoman Caliphate, and take over the Arab Lands, which they did with the French using the Sykes-Picot agreement.

            • 1

              Amarasiri has held sway so far as the the virtual authority on the Hadith of NAJD. He has taken liberally from sources inimical to the understanding of Islam of the pious predecessors: to the understanding of the noble scholars Ibn Taymiyah and Sheik Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab. I have reproduced the original Arabic texts, so if you have the resources to check it, you are welcome to do so. Fellow Muslim CT readers are invited to note these references to confront future misleading inferences on the misquoted Hadith that Amarasiti referred to.

              Ibn Umar reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “O Allah, bless us in our Syria. O Allah, bless us in our Yemen.” He repeated it and on the third or fourth time, they said, “O Messenger of Allah, and in our Iraq.” The Prophet said, “Verily, from there will appear upheavals and tribulations and from there will rise the horn of Satan.”

              عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ , أَنّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ , قَالَ : ” اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِي شَامِنَا , اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ فِي يَمَنِنَا ” , فَقَالَهَا مِرَارًا , فَلَمَّا كَانَ فِي الثَّالِثَةِ أَوِ الرَّابِعَةِ , قَالُوا : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَفِي عِرَاقِنَا , قَالَ : ” إِنَّ بِهَا الزَّلازِلَ , وَالْفِتَنَ , وَبِهَا يَطْلُعُ قَرْنُ الشَّيْطَانِ ” .

              1. Al-Mujjam Awasaat Tibraani, Hadith-4230
              2. Musnad-e-Bazzar,Abu-Bakr Bazzar Pg.292
              3. Musnad Abdullah-bin-Umar Trososa pg.273
              4. Silsilah Sahiha of Shaikh Al-Bani, Hadith number: 2246
              5. Hilya-Awliya of Abu-Nu’aym pg.1/144
              6. Haythami – Source: Zawaa’id – Page or number:3/308
              7. Mundhiri in At-Tarqeeb wa-Tarhib – Page or number: 2/214
              8. Tareekh Baghdad of Khatib al-Baghdadi 1:321
              9. Tareekh Damishiq of Ibn-Asakir pg.571

              Imam Ibn Hajr Asqalani the famous exponent of Sahih Bukhari, said regarding problems and troubles:This was started from Iraq which is on the side of East.[Fath ul Bari 13/13]

              Sahih Bukhari Volume 9 : Book 84 : Hadith 68 :
              حَدَّثَنَا مُوسَى بْنُ إِسْمَاعِيلَ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَاحِدِ، حَدَّثَنَا الشَّيْبَانِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا يُسَيْرُ بْنُ عَمْرٍو، قَالَ قُلْتُ لِسَهْلِ بْنِ حُنَيْفٍ هَلْ سَمِعْتَ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ فِي الْخَوَارِجِ شَيْئًا قَالَ سَمِعْتُهُ يَقُولُ ـ وَأَهْوَى بِيَدِهِ قِبَلَ الْعِرَاقِ ” يَخْرُجُ مِنْهُ قَوْمٌ يَقْرَءُونَ الْقُرْآنَ لاَ يُجَاوِزُ تَرَاقِيَهُمْ، يَمْرُقُونَ مِنَ الإِسْلاَمِ مُرُوقَ السَّهْمِ مِنَ الرَّمِيَّةِ “.

              Narrated by Yusair bin ‘Amr:I asked Sahl bin Hunaif, “Did you hear the Prophet saying anything about Al-Khawarij?” He said, “I heard him saying while pointing his hand towards Iraq. “There will appear in it (i.e, Iraq) some people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats,and they will go out from (leave) Islam as an arrow darts through the game’s body.’ “

              . فَقَالَ النَّاسُ نَعَمْ ” فَإِنَّهُ أَعْجَبَنِي حَدِيثُ تَمِيمٍ أَنَّهُ وَافَقَ الَّذِي كُنْتُ أُحَدِّثُكُمْ عَنْهُ وَعَنِ الْمَدِينَةِ وَمَكَّةَ أَلاَ إِنَّهُ فِي بَحْرِ الشَّامِ أَوْ بَحْرِ الْيَمَنِ لاَ بَلْ مِنْ قِبَلِ الْمَشْرِقِ ما هُوَ مِنقِبَلِ الْمَشْرِقِ مَا هُوَ مِنْ قِبَلِ الْمَشْرِقِ مَا هُوَ ” . وَأَوْمَأَ بِيَدِهِ إِلَى الْمَشْرِقِ . قَالَتْ فَحَفِظْتُ هَذَا مِنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم

              Behold he (Dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian sea). Nay, on the contrary, he As In the east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards the east. I (Fatima bint Qais) said: I preserved It In my mind (this narration from Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him).(Sahih Muslim Book 41, Hadith 7028)

              إِنَّهُ خَارِجٌ خَلَّةً بَيْنَ الشَّأْمِ وَالْعِرَاقِ فَعَاثَ يَمِينًا وَعَاثَ شِمَالاً يَا عِبَادَ اللَّهِ فَاثْبُتُوا

              He(Dajjal) would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left. (Sahih Muslim Book 41, Number 7015;Jami` at-TirmidhiEnglish reference : Vol. 4, Book 7, Hadith 2240;Tirmidhi Arabic reference : Book 29, Hadith 2406)

              Amarasiri look at the World Map,Saudi Arabia comes no where between Syria and Iraq.

  • 12

    I defend the right of all who believe in a ‘heaven’.

    I just hope they will allow me the right to believe that the only heaven is here on this lonely planet, a prisoner to the forces of nature.

    The ingredients for creating your own heaven are simple;
    – keep ALL life sacred
    – do no harm to living beings (and that includes animals)
    – be generous with your good fortune
    – cherish your neighbour

    Most of all, RUN when you hear noisy and vexatious clergy!

    • 24

      Spring Koha,

      May I add one more point to your list?

      -Treat other people exactly the way you want to be treated yourself

      Through your list you have started a new religion. Just like that. It is actually not that complicated like our so called “Religious Pundits” claim.

      Agree. If people follow your points very likely they will find heaven already here on earth.

      However, religious fanatics have other plans. They want to feel like chosen people. They also want free access to virgins on the side.

      That free virgins aspect seem to motivate an awful lot of my young Muslim brothers lately. Which is understandable.

      However, why wait till death & “heaven” to gain free access to sex? It is so widely available already here on earth.

      My misguided religious brothers! Look around yourselves. There is plenty of sex for everyone. So relax! Even you guys will get some. Already here on earth.


      • 5

        Ben Hurling,

        Thank You for that excellent addition.

        Treat others as you would have them treat you is an excellent starting point in our search for heaven on earth.

    • 7

      Spring Koha

      “I defend the right of all who believe in a ‘heaven’.”

      Amarasiri defends the right of all who believe in a ‘heaven’, to create their own ‘heaven” and own ‘hell’ right here on Earth, the Third Rock from the Sun, around which the Third Rock moves while rotating on its own axis, without being persecuted by others.

  • 9

    Izeth Hussain

    RE: Universalist Islam

    “It is in that context that my claim that Islam is the most widely ecumenical of all the world religions should have a particular interest. My basis for making that claim is that Islam is the only religion that explicitly declares that those who follow other religions will also go to heaven, provided they believe in the one true God and lead virtuous lives.”

    Thank you for the write up and clarification.

    So, the Wahhabies and their cones really hijacked Islam, an the vast majority of the Islamic followers have remained, except for a few brave souls kw Izeth Hussein.

    “If my view of a universalist Islam is doctrinally sound, how is it that Islam is widely perceived as the least universalist of all the world religions? The explanation I believe is that the Koran is replete with seemingly contradictory verses, so that varying interpretations of Islam become possible through selective readings of Koranic and other texts. “

    Yes. See how the ancients and the Catholic Church read the signs as the Geocentric Earth Model.

    Still 25% of the Americans, and 34% of the Europeans believe in the Geocentric Earth. It is down from 99.9999%, is the good news.

    “That may have been an appropriate emphasis at one time. Today the emphasis should surely be on the universalism of Islam.”

    Thank you for the clarifications about Islam.

    The Wahhabies and their Clones have made Islam very confusing. Perhaps that was Wahhabi Satan’s plan.

  • 14

    Izeth Hussain(PBUH) can rightfully claim the title of the last prophet.

    What a glory for this thrice blessed resplendent island. Isn’t Sri Lanka special as has always been?


    • 6


      “Isn’t Sri Lanka special as has always been?”

      Why and what is special about this island?

      • 4

        Native Vedda , RE: soma’s comment

        “Why and what is special about this island?”

        It belongs to the Native Veddah Aethho, People. They walked to claim the Land, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

        All others are Paras, who came illegally by Hora Oru, Kalla Thoni and Illegal Boats, with their Para-Languages and Para-Beliefs.

      • 6

        Come on Native, don’t you see that of all countries in the big world Sri Lanka has been blessed by Allah with the last prophet in the person of Mr Izeth Hussain overriding His earlier decision not to send any more prophets after Prophet Muhammed(PBUH). Isn’t that something to feel special about?


    • 3

      Soma – alas dear Soma, I have to disappoint you. I can’t claim Prophethood because I am doing no more than reiterating some of the tenets of the liberal Islam inspired by Jamaldin al-Afghani in the second half of the nineteenth century.I wrote a seminar paper on that subject, which was published by the Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum in 2000.I hope to summarize part of that paper in a future article. – IH

      • 3

        Izeth Hussain

        “I can’t claim Prophethood because I am doing no more than reiterating some of the tenets of the liberal Islam inspired by Jamaldin al-Afghani in the second half of the nineteenth century.”

        Very good to know and excellent.

        Looking forward to reading your seminar paper on Jamaldin al-Afghani.

        When will the age of Reason and Enlightenment reach the Muslims.?How can it be accelerated?

        bFirst, Bust the Wahhabies and their clones, just the same way LTTE and its clones were defeated.

        What will it take for the Current generation of Muslims to get back to the Islam and Muslims of the 10 th to 12th Century, CE, before the Ulama took over for political reasons. It is like Sri Lanka being held to ransom my the Sinhala Buddhist Monks, called Maha “Sangha”, the Third Gem of the Triple Gem. Read:

        President Sirisena Swears To Abide By Maha Sangha Dictates. Bowing to the Priests and Ulama for Political reasons. The President will pray to tree, tree branch, rock or brick, if the the cunning Maha Sangha requests it.


  • 27


    A suicide bomber attacked a mosque in Shiite-populated eastern Saudi Arabia during Friday prayers, killing four people before worshippers disarmed and tied up his accomplice who had fired on them.

    The state Al-Ekhbariya news channel quoted an interior ministry spokesman as saying four people died and 18 were wounded.

    An initial ministry toll said two people were killed and seven hurt in the attack at the Al-Rida mosque in Mahasen, a neighbourhood in the eastern Al-Ahsa region.

    “We started to pray, and then we were surprised to hear shooting,” said Mohammad bin Salman al-Ahmadi, 25, who was slightly injured in the attack.

    At least 24 dead, including 10 children, in Greek refugee boat sinking
    “We rushed and closed the doors. After that they shot at the door trying to break in. The suicide bomber blew himself up and the door flew open.”

    Power inside went out, leaving the mosque in darkness and filled with smoke as a second attacker “randomly” shot at worshippers, who tried to hide, Ahmadi said.

    “Eventually the worshippers attacked him and took away his gun and took off his suicide belt. We tied him up using our ‘shemaghs’ and held him till police came,” he said, referring to a traditional cloth head covering.

    Friday’s incident was the latest assault on members of the Sunni-dominated kingdom’s Shiite minority, after a string of shootings and bombings claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group.

    The interior ministry said two suicide bombers were prevented from entering the mosque by security personnel.

    “When security approached to intercept them, one of them responded by blowing himself up at the mosque entrance while an exchange of fire took place with another,” it said.

    The ministry said the second suspect was injured, and arrested with help from citizens.

    “A suicide belt was found in his possession,” it said, adding that automatic weapons were also recovered.

    • 4

      Jim softy

      “A suicide bomber attacked a mosque in Shiite-populated eastern Saudi Arabia during Friday prayers, killing four people before worshippers disarmed and tied up his accomplice who had fired on them.”

      You are describing the Satan-Following Wahhabi and their Clones supported by the Great Satan and their Cronies.

      Jim softy, by the way are you anybody’s shill or white-washer?

      LTTE Tamil Terrorists attacked a mosque in eastern Sri Lanka during Friday prayers, killing 350 people.

      Later they evicted the Tamil-speaking Muslims from Northern Sri Lanka.

      Forgotten People – The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka (English)


      Published on Jun 1, 2013
      The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka. The expulsion of the Muslims and other nations from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE forcibly expelled the 72,000 strong Muslim population from the

  • 26

    Islam is a religion (??) of peace…

    Islam is the solution for all evils in this world..

    My foot believe these

    This is why millions of so called Muslims are begging at the western frontiers for safety…
    these jokers don’t like to go to the Saudi Arabia the great great guardian of Islam..

    Yesterday Sweden has announced about the deportation of 80,000 so called muslims by special charter flight back to their holy Islamic lands where milk and honey is flowing while you pray 5 times ….well done Sweden

    1- A young lady officer at a Swedish refugee camp was killed by 15 years muslim refugee

    2-in Another refugee camp 10 Swedish police officials who were there to guard these muslims were attacked by these so called fake Muslim refugees

    How is this?

    It is clear now these Muslims are being send to Europe to kill and attack peace loving Europeans under the mask of refugees ..just a month ago these jokers were begging the infidel European states in freezing cold …

    Now another comedy is coming .”.un accompanied Muslims kids”……once these kids are given political asylum under humanitarian ( which is not in Islam ) suddenly one couple with 10 kids will appear somewhere and claim they are the parents and like to join with their kids….Western law allow this …Islamic laws will not.

    West must send back these Muslim countries to 4th century ..especially Saudi Arabia the fund master of ISIS…should go back to early 20 s ……when Sultan was living with the British charity and beg Jeddah merchants for loans to maintain his Big harem….

    With the oil price going down day by day…..Saudis oil revenue will dwindle ..and their money tied up at infidel western bank ..is again at the mercy of infidels

    Saudi Arabi `s money and pure Islam game in Maldives Islands and Malaysia …is fast driving these countries to International pariah states

    islam has no place in this modern world…..it is suitable for people living in Sahara desert …


    • 17

      You are coming to the point. The tragic events that are taking place may lead to a religious war soon, though we pray that should not occur in the best interests of mankind. The manner in which deportations by some European countries are likely to take place may lead to an inevitable religious war. Even there is a news item that in India some 30,000 ISIS recruits are ready to wage a war against India and that several houses have been monitored even in Sri Lanka. The ISIS has already infiltrated in various fields with their money power and bought some intelligent people for their evil motive of destruction. Let us wait and see the developments.

      • 12

        @ Citizen

        Do you think any of these islamic jokers have the guts to fight face to face with a regular army ??

        There are so many western military bases in Middle East but these jokers can’t even go near …

        Only thing these so called fighters can do is raping and selling Yahidi christian girls …and open fire in public places and kill people …

        Whats is happening now is encouraging muslims attack muslims …a well planned western formula …soon Iran will attack Saudi Arabia ..thought Iranians are muslims ..they are not Arabs so there is a friction among the followers of Qu ran….

        Muslims will soon reduce their population and wealth themselves wait and see ..west is moving methodically ..but these fanatics think they are great….


        • 9

          You are correct. They cannot fight a regular army. They only to bomb market places, schools and even mosques where innocent Muslims are praying. They are destroying their people only. They are also uncivilized when they sexually attack girls and women in Germany and kill volunteers of other faiths as occurred in Sweden. These countries volunteered to help these helpless Muslim migrants and what did they do in return. If they cannot accept that there are different life styles for each country, how can Islam be a universal religion.

    • 21

      Izeth Hussain deliberately insults Swami Vivekananda – quite unnecessarily here. Hussain asserts his self-imposed role as a Spokesman for Sri Lankan Muslims. Muslims all over the world are on the run. The cover of their intolerant religion “as peaceful” is exposed. Even those who come begging as refugees in Europe are showing signs as killers, rapists unworthy of humane relief. Experts in those countries refer to these violent incidents as normal cultural traits of these people. The bid for US President in the oncoming Elections, currently on, has brought to stage this question of “the new evil”

      Hussain, in the CT has denied Muslims have land conquest and political control as goals. Recent history in Batticaloa and the Eastern Province come to mind. Muslims have gradually and surreptitiously taken over. They have forcibly thrown out Tamils from many villages using thuggery from Muslim political leaders in the area. They now control the EPC. Tamil villages taken over are re-named Muslims villages and the Deeds of Tamils are destroyed by Muslim officials in the Councils. The CM is a Muslim – while Tamils are a majority in the District. This is certain recipe for future trouble.

      No wonder the Sinhalese all over the country are restless. They have the example of Maldives next door.

      Hussain rekindles unnecessary religious, racial hatred.


      • 3

        Nettabomman – no one in his right mind can deny that Swami Vivekananda was extremely insulting about Islam. I commented appropriately. – IH

        • 11

          Izeth Hussain is probably the only man I know who has called the respected Swami Vivekananda derogatorily. As to Islam, which several European leaders have called “not a religion but a sick mental condition” why is that the entire non-Islamic world today considers Islam an undesirable evil and threat to the modern world. Arguably, the description of the European leaders is far too harsh. There are some good and peaceful features and countries in Islam as well. The problem is global Islam, again in history, tries hard to force this religion down the throats of all others – by force, intimidation and at the pain of death. That may very likely be the downfall of this controversy prone “religion”


      • 8

        Swami Vivekananda, Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha are people who never advocated violence. They are people who discouraged violence and promoted forgiveness. I think Izeth Hussein should have realized this aspect. Tolerance is in the veins of Swami Vivekananda, Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha. That is why the followers of Christianity, Hinduism, Catholicism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhists are remain steadily while Muslims who practice non-tolerance are still on the run. This is not racism but facts. Islam has always proved to be a religion of conquest. Izeth Hussein should realize the significance of integration and not to remain as self-alienating community.

    • 5

      Is Izzath Hussein aware of ISIS terrorists trick to frame innocent people, when he speaks of Universalist Islam.
      Please pass around to your family and friends!
      People have been receiving calls from
      +255901130460 or any number starting from +375, +371, +381.
      One ring and hang up and if you call back it’s one of those numbers that are charged 15-30$ and they can copy your contact list in 3seconds and if you have bank or credit card details on your phone, they can copy that too.
      +375 is from Belarus From Afghanistan
      +371 is code for Latvia
      +381 is Serbia
      +563- is code of Valparaiso
      +370- is code of Vilnius
      +255- is code of Tanzania
      And these calls may be under ISIS!
      Don’t answer or call back!
      Why can’t IH address his mind on this evil issue.

      Please forward and share this very important message with your friends and family.

      Also, don’t press #90 or #09 on your Mobile.

      Please take care.

      If someone asks you to dial #09 or #90, please do not dial this.

      Please circulate urgently.

      New trick of popular terrorists to frame innocent people.

      Friend, there is a fraud company using a device that once you press #90 or #09.

      They can access your SIM card and make calls at your expense.

      • 2


        Thanks. Googled phone fraud +375


        Misleading Warning about Missed Calls From +375 and +371 Numbers Outline

        Message circulating via SMS, social media and email warns you not to return missed calls from numbers starting with +375 or +371 because you will be charged between $15 and $30 for each returned call and your contact list and financial information will be instantly stolen from your phone.

        Brief Analysis
        There are elements of truth to the warning but the information it contains is nevertheless highly misleading and inaccurate. Reports indicate that many people have been caught by a scam in which they were charged international call fees for returning a missed call from +375 or +371 phone numbers. However, this fee was reportedly much less than $15. Moreover, the claim that simply returning the calls can result in personal data being instantly stolen from the user’s phone is nonsense. It is not possible for information to be stolen from a phone in the way described.


        Telephone Scams
        ‘One Ring’ Scam

        Scam: Telephone customers return one-ring calls from foreign phone numbers and are charged hefty fees.

        TRUE: Phone scammers sometimes lure potential victims through the use of “one-ring hang-ups.”



        **High Alert** 35 Lakh Cut … Share As Soon As Possible..
        Read comment carefully one man saying that Ajish Nair “my.” but I don’t know he is saying true or not…for search his comment press Ctrl+F and type his name as “Ajish Nair” If not find then press previous comments
        Must share as soon as possible..
        Please take this very seriously. People have been receiving international calls from +375602605281 or any number starting from +375 number one ring & hang up. If you call back it’s one of those Numbers that are charged 15-30$ & they can copy ur contact list in 3 sec & if u have bank or credit card details on your phone, they can copy that too…But I don’t know abt stealing data from mobile…. But call is confirm…Because I have got it also..
        Don’t answer or call back. Please forward this to your friends and family.

  • 6


    Looking at dirty heartless racists like you no one feel sorry for what happened to your brethren in nandhikadal, why don’t you check why your brethren have ended up as refugees in Canada and Europe and breaking every law in those countries before you comment on others.

    • 10

      Moderate Man, my left foot!!! You are yet another Islamic zealot hiding under a pseudonym. When the Arab sheiks soon run out of the skimmed wealth of the rest of the world, mostly that of the poor 3rd world, the exploiting Arabs will yield to all the civilised norms of the world, including religious pluralism. Those medieval rules that kept their own women in chains are now breaking. Arab women now are driving, voting, in legislatures. Soon the Hijab and the Burqah will be in pastel colours – as one notes from the last Paris Fashion shows. Muslims kept under chains in various forms from all countries will demand the right to education. As the decades go by, these people will learn that bull of 64 damsels and a paradise forever in heaven for all Muslims that kill an “infidel” each, is nothing but centuries of bunkum. They will learn while they are kept in ignorance the children of the Arab rulers are sent to Oxford, Harvard and other Universities to train them to rule and exploit. The Islamic world will then become like Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Iran where Muslims are freer than the rest of the Wahabi world – where they are kept in bondage through false beliefs. Feel happy you are safe and sound in plural Sri Lanka. The Maldives, like Afghanistan and Iraq is going to pieces – thanks to Sharia and Wahabism.


    • 8

      @ Moderate Man

      In the West any one break the law will be dealt severely …..there is no comedy Islamic law there ok?

      Millions of Holy Qu ran followers are flocking to the west :.why the hell they can’t go to Saudi Arabia ..Qatar or U.A.E…..Why they go to Infidel west ? can you answer?

      Once they landed in the west ..they want hall ..food …cemetery mosques..sharia law ..and 5 wives…..

      Tamils going to the west are not asking special treatments like this fanatic Muslims …

      Tamils in the west never gun down locals who have fed them..

      Tamils never marry local white women for residence paper then divorce and bring their religious women ..

      Tamils are not filling western prisons like Muslims..for drug offense and murders

      Tamils are not selling drugs …in the west like muslims …He He He Islam prohibit drugs ..it is haram

      Prostitution and drugs in UK today is monopolized by Albanian muslims …

      If you don’t know the truth better keep quite…

      All Muslims in the west should be deported to their religious lands …let them pray there 6 times and go to paradise ..

      West is playing their first card with oil price more to follow to send these muslims back to 2nd century ..

      There were many religions since historical time ..but this is the only religion which justify murder…raping(child marriage )..looting as a profession….


  • 6

    Dear Izeth,

    You have written:

    “If my view of a universalist Islam is doctrinally sound, how is it that Islam is widely perceived as the least universalist of all the world religions? The explanation I believe is that the Koran is replete with seemingly contradictory verses, so that varying interpretations of Islam become possible through selective readings of Koranic and other texts.”

    I’m sure that there are many decent Muslims throughout the world. And the Islam that IH has been expounding is something that I’d like to believe is what it ought to be. I know that, unfortunately, one can’t define something in to existence. However, I shall continue to read his blogs, because what he says is constructive.

    Like “Spring Koha”, I, too, would like to limit my expectations to this world. However, spirituality is something that I see as something very real and valuable for human beings, and I must acknowledge that my concept of God is not one that I would formulate as dogmatically as even IH does.

    I see the main value of IH being that he is sincere and outspoken, and what he writes I see as helpful in understanding and reaching out to so many people whose goodness we overlook.

    Having said that, I must acknowledge that I, too, can’t help feeling that much that is evil is done by people who claim that they are Muslims. What IH has done is to show me that there is another side to Islam.

    • 3

      Sinhala Man – Thanks for your balanced and fair-minded comment. The Islam that I am expounding is the liberal Islam that was catalysed by the great Islamic reformer Jamaldin al-Afghani in the second half of the nineteenth century. That version of Islam is regarded as having had its classic statement in Ameer Ali’s The Spirit of Islam, first published in 1922.He was a scholar of Islam and a legal luminary who became the first Indian member of the Privy Council.I would place the best writings on Islam in recent decades in the tradition of liberal Islam – the writings of Mohammed Arkoun, Emeritus Professor at the Sorbonne, the late Fazlur Rahman of Chicago University, and now Abdennour Bidar who has written a brilliant book on Islam which in translation would read Islam without submission.
      I wrote a seminar paper on The Need for Ijtihad, expounding liberal Islam, which was published by the Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum in 2000. I have not the least doubt that after the present idiocy of petro-dollar Wahabism is over,it is liberalism that will prevail. – IH

    • 1

      Sinhala man
      “What IH has done is to show me that there is another side to Islam. “

      You disappoint me Sinhala man. Are you seriously saying that you have to read 15 article from IH to understand there is “another side” to Islam.

      Don’t you have any Muslim friends? Do you have Muslim neighbours or work colleagues?

      I agree only the violent side of Islam hitting the headlines.
      Why look at Islam, look at Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhism. What Sri Lanka has experienced so far since independence is the Violent Sinhala Le Buddhism, thugs in saffron robes.
      But every one who practice Buddhism all over the world knows its a peaceful religion.

      • 0


        “Lanka has experienced so far since independence is the Violent Sinhala Le Buddhism, thugs in saffron robes. But every one who practice Buddhism all over the world knows its a peaceful religion. “

        Religion is the Opium of the masses. Examples are given below.

        The World has experienced so far since Christianity was embraced by the Romans is the Violent Ant-Sematism, thugs in white robes. But every one who practice Christianity all over the world claims its a peaceful religion, but it has wiped out Native populations, adopted slavery, and aided and abetted Western imperialism.

        Lanka also experienced 450 years of Western christian occupation.

        Hitchens DEMOLISHES the Catholic Church


        In God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, says:

        “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

        Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 1


        Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 2


      • 2

        You have a point there, Rajash.

        I do have Muslim friends with whom I have discussed some aspects of Islam, and the good lives that they lead testify to their decency. Of course, I haven’t discussed the more controversial views put forward by Islamophobes.

        However, these articles have also been commented on, and one learns from the critics, as well as from the defenders of Islam, and also there is the very real need to counter the argument that the good Muslims one meets are good in spite of Islam, while there is a need for somebody to tell us why we hear so much about violence being unleashed by militant Muslims.

        However, your comment will be considered valuable by many, including me!

        • 0

          Having thought about your comment for some time, I feel that “yes, unless one gets in to a serious discussion of some sort like this, one doesn’t usually end up talking seriously about ‘religion or politics'” – they are two subjects that we were told, as children to avoid in ‘polite company’.

          Having good relations with some friends or acquaintances from other communities, and even helping them in time of need, doesn’t really help us to have “right thinking” on many important social issues. Fro example, providing shelter to Tamil families during the many race riots that we have had is fine, but we have to recognise the need for tangible political solutions, which have to be implemented through legislation – i.e. Changes to the Constitution.

  • 12

    If this author is going to heaven, I’d rather go to hell rather than listen to his delusions.

    • 3


      “If this author is going to heaven, I’d rather go to hell rather than listen to his delusions.”

      Amarasiri could not find Heaven or Hell in any of the maps, but they do show the north and South Poles.

      Can you point to a map where Amarasiri can find Heaven and Hell? Thanks.

    • 8


      No worries there are 70 virgins with fruits and flowers waiting on decorated beds for Izzeth Nanaa ( converted Tamil Hindu) in the Paradise for his articles .

      He says Islam is the best religion he he he can’t stop laughing probably he thinks CT readers are also living in 2nd century …


    • 2


      “…I’d rather go to hell rather than listen to his delusions. ”

      Do you want to change Horses? Try this one below.

      In God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, he says:

      “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

  • 8

    Izzeth Hussain,

    Please read about Jamaluddin Al Afghani properly from the following link:


    if you propound his ideology then you are also like him.

    I quote from this article for your easy reference:

    “He comes from a Shiite Azerbaijani family from the Asadabad village of Iran. There is a another village with the same name in Afghanistan. He used the name al-Afghani to hide his Iranian and Shiite origin as he was generally active within predominantly Sunni areas. He usually traveled with his Iranian passport. The Sayyidi lineage as well as the name Muhammad were appended later to prove he is Mahdi. From time to time his nationality too would change – like his headgear – depending on the time and place. (In Islam, it is believed that close to the Day of Judgment, a religious leader named “Mahdi” will come from the lineage of Prophet Muhammad.)”

    Very sad to know you are hiding your shiite identity under the Sri Lankan Moor tag.

    • 2

      Barus RE”Jamaluddin Al Afghani

      Thanks for the Link.

      “Al-Afghani’s fans generally look at his pieces published in the al-Urwah al-Wuthqa magazine he published in Paris, but disregard the letter he wrote to French philosopher Renan which is filled with clear evidences of apostasy.”

      “In this letter which he penned in French and was later translated into other languages, al-Afghani says, “all religions, in particular Islam, prevent science from advancing.” “

      “He states his hope that one day religion will be scorned against philosophy.”

      “In response to this letter, Renan wrote, “For a moment I felt as though one of those great atheist philosophers who completely escaped the preconceptions of religion came back from the dead,” showing his admiration for al-Afghani. “

      So. what is the Problem? Revelation vs. Reason?

      “all religions, in particular Islam, prevent science from advancing.” “

      That statement need to be corrected.

      All religions, when controlled by Priests, not Philosophers and Scientists, Monks and Ulama, in particular Islam, prevent science from advancing and moving forward.

      So, the Iblis, Satan Following Wahhabi and their Clones have a Problem.


      Because they follow Iblis, Satan, Devil.

    • 0


      RE: A Scientist explains why he accepted Islam…

      Do not know if he accepted Sunni Islam or Shia Islam.

      Wonder what aJamaluddin Al Afghani would have said.


      We sit and watch, astride the fence,
      but all to no avail,
      for either side, they make no sense’
      with myths they do regale,
      they tell us truth is in their book,
      for anyone to see,

    • 0


      “about Jamaluddin Al Afghani properly”

      “Shiite Azerbaijani family from the Asadabad village of Iran.”

      Correction: Sunni Azerbaijani family from the Asadabad village of Afghanistan.

      He is buried in Kabul, even though he died in Istanbul.

      Shia or Sunni? Does it matter to God? Allah is the word used for God by Arabic speaking Jews, Christians and Muslims.

      A catholic TV interview with Shaikh Yusuf Estes[part 1],talking about ALLAH


      A catholic TV interview with Shaikh Yusuf Estes[part 2],talking about Prophet Muhammad S.A.W


  • 2


    “Very sad to know you are hiding your shiite identity under the Sri Lankan Moor tag.”

    Are you a British agent deployed to destabilize the Ottoman Empire. What I mean is a Norwegian, Israeli Christian Fundamentalist West agent, to degrade the information Izzeth Hussein is spewing out?

    Or, are you a Satan Following Wahabi who does not the exposure given to the Devil, Satan, Iblis Following Wahabis.

    Why the ad Hominem attacks, and trting to say that he is Shia etc.? Who hates Shia, Sufis and Ahmedia? The Iblis, Satan following Wahhabies and their clones.

    It is possible Jamaluddin Al Afghani was enticed by the British and the Arabs to get freedom from the Turks. What did the Arabs get? The 1914 Sykes-Picot agreement, and loss of Palestine to Israel.

    The Arabs were fooled and Cheated by the British and the French.

    So much for the Wahhabi idiots.

  • 3


    Your argument is hypocritical, if its okay for your brethren to go to western countries as refugees instead of Tamil Nadu or India, why the others shouldn’t, what kind of logic is that ? secondly the refugee Tamils from Sri lanka are involved in all sorts of nefarious activities in London including credit cards scams, robberies, in a big scale; looks like its you who don’t know or you’re just acting dumb.

    About the religion and the sharia law what you talk about is all crap,if you know about a subject keep quit instead of showing your ignorance. the west is more comfortable with people who follow the Abrahamic religion and a people with whom they have close association for for more than 1500 years and they share traditions which is very much similar than people from the jungle who worship stones and images created by themselves.

  • 3


    You are just uttering gibberish, you are also like some western media with vested interest who is trying to portray Islam as bad without any facts.on the contrary Islam is the fastest growing religion in the US and Europe, If Islam is bad as you try to portray, it should be the other way around.

    for your information, even in the mainstream media is the US, they are showing who is actually responsible for the current predicament in the middle east-check this out-

    Secondly, Pluralism was there in the Arab world from the 7th Century, mainly because there is no compulsion in the religion, just one example is Palestine, the Mulsims ruled this place for more than 1400 years, and until today the status quo still remains the same, not a single jew or christian was forcibly converted nor forced to do anything what the Muslims were supposed to do.

    Secondly the Arabs are not forcing anyone to come to their country to work, rather they are kind enough to allow people from countries which their own government cannot provide employment.

  • 3

    Oh dear god… could you please replace religions with philosophy and explain to people that the disciplines of science can give people more true answers. Man has lived on the planet millions of years and created gods the last ten thousand of years or so. It’s betoning more and more obvious that religions are mostly therefor some people and institutions to preserve power and they use it as means to control people and limit their was of life. Religions might be ok as long as you accept they are nothing more than fantasy games, based on old traditions.

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