2 May, 2024


“Yahapalanaya” Vs “Ohey Palayang” Government

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

I have to acknowledge my gratitude to a friend who shall remain nameless for coining the second term appearing in the title of this piece. I believe he very accurately described the dismissive attitude that our current government has adopted towards those who put it in power and its attitude towards those it claimed to represent in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

The increasing equivocation of this lot is, at least, something that our recently-deposed would-be Emperor could not be accused of. Even in the vilest acts that were performed under the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime (MR1), there was seldom the dimension of vacillation in the matter of decision-making. This was true even when those decisions were driven solely, it seemed, by the needs of shifting political expediency. In any event, MR1’s over-arching threat, terror and ruthlessness took care of any perception by the general public of anything resembling weakness or vacillation!

Apart from the political flotsam and jetsam that constitute a large part of our multi-party Cabinet, this government chose to appoint to very senior administrative and management positions those who never so much as dissented while the MR1 bunch were acting with absolute impunity. What this amounted to was best expressed by what I was told a senior member of the United National Party had said when taken to task for seemingly-endless silence during the heyday of impunity: “What to do, machang, have to put petrol in the Benz no?” That is the attitude that is in the process of being rewarded by the Maithri/Ranil (MR2) dispensation.

Then there were the senior government functionaries who, without question or apology, carried out the diktats of the MR1 dispensation. Many of these were not only unprincipled but criminal by any definition. By virtue of their “seniority” I am told and “their ability to do a good job” they have been installed or re-installed by the current government where they can do us, the great unwashed, more damage again and proceed to walk off scot-free to display their administrative skills even when, God forbid, there is a return to MR1.

At this point, let me deal with a constant excuse I hear from the apologists for those creatures who wielded considerable power and exercised it with abandon more times than I care to remember. That excuse is, over and over again, “they were only doing their job.”

Those who operated the gas chambers at Auschwitz were also “only doing their job.” Do I have to be more explicit in the matter of my opinion of these functionaries who performed the bidding, without complaint, of those pulling the levers of power during MR1?

I don’t – and I don’t see how anybody pretending to even some basic code of morality or principle – subscribe to a system of forgiveness that not only permits these people’s transgressions being going unpunished but permits and encourages their elevation to positions of influence and power to do more of the same, in what amounts to a gesture of approval.

Franz Kafka, where are you when we need you most?!

The early indications of the stage being set for these individuals to crawl out of the woodwork was the elevation of those previously loyal to Ranil Wickremesinghe who had very effectively kept themselves out of any likelihood of being caught in the line of fire during the MR1 years, being placed in positions of authority and importance. Even attending the same school as our Prime Minister, now considered as providing the key to power, hardly even begins to explain what is happening around us.

Make no mistake: there is no way that any senior functionary in the dictatorship that was deposed a little more than a year ago, wasn’t a participant in the violence and corruption that dominated a decade of Sri Lankan politics. (Do I have to trot out the Auschwitz symbol again?)

Many of those who have recently emerged, after the dust has settled on the MR1 regime did more than pull the levers of our own version of the gas chambers. They were active participants at the decision-making table and made little secret of why they were doing so: to provide support to MR1 who repaid them quite handsomely.

That our current rulers have chosen to elevate such creatures to positions where they can make decisions of importance that effect the everyday lives of all of us is beyond credibility. It is simply obscene!

While all this is going on, you have what is allegedly Sri Lanka’s principle English language daily, hosting and making enormously popular a series of gossip snippets about the shenanigans of some of these people, ensuring, of course, that none but the “inner circles” might be able to accurately identify who the miscreants are in each vignette! After all, you wouldn’t want the hoi polloi to find out who is using their money to chase some high-priced call girl or attend some private hospital that specializes in the reversal of the effects of an overdose of aphrodisiac, would you? Not if you valued your government advertising revenues!

The rot began with the obscenity of a “national government” which was little but a bunch of recycled political has-beens who had, immediately preceding their new elevation, been kicked out by the voters of this country. It is evident that, at that point of time, the stage was set for the re-installation of people in positions of power and authority who should have been consigned to the dustbin of Sri Lankan history. One can but express the forlorn hope that it might still not be too late for us to rid ourselves of this pestilence and establish something resembling principle and decency in what used to be called the “Swivel Service” and those heading all kinds of important entities expected to provide very important services to the citizens of Sri Lanka.

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  • 8

    Is it Viagra or is it Cialis which prompted Poorten to punch this piece.

    The hoi polloi wouldn’t know even if this Poorten.s kick ass English Rag put the names of the ” patients” in Capital letters.

    That is another story.

    Back to the Yahapalanaya, jetsam seems to wield more power than the floatsam .

    Look at the latest Economics numbers.

    Growth rate last year was barely 5 % , In fact only 4.8 according to the Analysts.

    Balance of payments are in dire straights.,

    Bodhi Sira is going to beg Ms Merkel and her ancestors the Austrians for a bail out.

    While Yahapalana Batalanada PM is praying in Chettiyar Temple in Madurai.

    The way the country is heading South, Poorten’s mates will have to go even without Kraft Cheese ,on the menu this X Mas , let alone imported Roast Turkey with Oregano and Basil.

    BTW wonder who will accompany Bodhi this time for a photo shoot with Ms Merkel?,,

    • 13

      KASmaalam K.A Sumanasekera

      “Is it Viagra or is it Cialis which prompted Poorten to punch this piece.”

      You are a very very very stupid man.

      He is a Durian planter.

      Here is the Malay saying “When the durians fall, the sarongs go up”.

      What are you talking about?

      My advice to you is, fact check before you start knocking the key board.

      By the way, do you use Viagra or Cialis for the purpose of self actualisation? Its an expensive exercise.

      • 4

        Native told you, this sinhala Buddhist brain in their trousers…You cant change it man. Sex mad idiots.

      • 6

        “Its an expensive exercise”.
        No doubt, you are speaking with experience here NV?

      • 5

        Dear Native,
        You always very cruel to this poor thing, Mr. Sumanasekara. Pl have some respect. You represent very tiny potion of SL people (I mean level of your intellect, not the pedigree) whereas, very unfortunately, Mr Sumanasekara sounds like he is representing the vast majority…

    • 8

      I don’t want to be as unkind as all the others in the matter of your imbecilities, but do you really have to keep on providing readers of CT with your incomprehensible verbal diarrhea?

      • 4

        Be my guest Mr Poorten and join the rest..No sweat mate..

        Your mate, Native Vadda says Durian is ace.

        What is your experience, especially when you have the first pick of the crop..

        May be I should seriously think of hiring a cart to sell Durian Juice to my Vellala neighbors, on their way back from the Power walk along Marine Drive.

        I see the poor souls drinking buckets of that green stuff from the Dalit carts selling Kola Kanda,,(Green congi or is it Kunji).

        My Elders tell me only one particular type of Leaves does the trick, but it is hard to get.

        May be the vellalas are taken for a ride there by the Dalits for a change.

        Like your Yahapalana President is doing to you lot..

  • 5

    “Is it Viagra or is it Cialis”

    Depends on how your feeling? :)

    [Growth rate last year was barely 5 % , In fact only 4.8 according to the Analysts.]

    Growth rate is based on GDP and GDP is based on all product and services. In the previous govt it also included all the funds stolen through corruption. Therefore its natural to see a downward slide when you check corruption.

    • 6

      @Burt, please don’t encourage this stupid fellow KAS to have kids. We don’t need more of these idiots running around there. Then again there is not one woman stupid enough to copulate with this beast. So no worries, you can encourage him and we can watch the fun.

      • 4

        Hey ,,I bet you wouldn’t try, unless you get a free sample in the mail box like the free Shamppoo and Washing Powder .

        Even then I doubt whether you know what to do with it..

        But you have done all right,to live in luxury compliments of the hard working Tax Payers in the West.

        After starting life in Srialnaka selling Goni Bothal to our poor Sinhala Buddhists.

        • 4

          Kandiah Arasaratnam Sumanasekeram, last year alone I paid over $30k in taxes and I am really happy I can do that, live a peaceful life without being harassed by your coolie cousins from Hambantota. You bootlicker is the one who licked the crumbs off the Parapaksa dining table and spoke for him and continue to speak for him. Disgusting bugger, go and jump in a septic pit and stay there. I cannot believe 2 people copulated and produced a human waste like you.

          • 2

            Have they canceled the Tax Exemption for LTTE Charities..

            • 1

              KAS the [Edited out] They have all the LTTE buggers working for them.

    • 2


      Congrats mate..At least you tried to answer a Bread & Butter Issue facing our Dalits, instead of “Ohey Palayang under Yahapalanaya”.

      BTW, Did your read Economics at Uni?..

  • 4

    So what else is new, Emil?

    Flogging that dead beast just may awaken some to the realities we are facing, but don’t count on the perpetrators being affected whilst they proceed with ‘business as usual’!

    This is what appears to be the tragedy of our polity.

  • 2

    Seems that most of last years MR2 supporters and a bit disgruntled now. That’s really sad ! How the worm has turned !

    I recall everyone wholeheartedly supported them in January last and got on the Yahapalanaya Bandwagon without any kind of reality-check. No one checked the wheel alignment, oil level or whether the tank is full. Turns out the wheels are wobbly, the tank is on ‘reserve’ and most of the passengers are outside, pushing.

    Mostly done for hatred of MR1, rather than any rational evaluation of whether MR2 could deliver !

    Now you have to live with it I guess (along with the rest of us).

  • 5

    It is the same shit with a different set of flies!!!

  • 2

    ‘Ohey Palayan’ – Appropriate description of the state of the nation, never before experienced! Another one, if permitted, ‘Mey Koy Yanne – Raigam Paray’!

  • 2

    Judging from all the Viagra and Cialis talk, it seems all here are on single track while the country is falling apart into dementia and schizophrenia.
    This is a sad situation that has taken the unsuspecting and naive Sri Lankan Colombian-generated so-called “multiculture” into a spin they dreamt could take a gamble on. And what a gamble it is going to be when all the pieces fall apart and Humpty Dumpty would never be pieced together again.
    RW must indeed be in some level of desperation to visit Kovils in TN…. coconuts notwithstanding. And doing an about-turn on “internationals in the Accountability investigation” must have been whispered in his ear as the escape clause, together with all the promises re Sampur etc. etc.
    Where is the new Captain steering this ship???? Straight into the rocks!!!

  • 2


    “Where is the new Captain steering this ship?”

    Definitely not towards Hambantota harbour (though the rock in the middle of the harbour had been blasted off some months ago).

    • 1

      Native Vedda:

      RW is so eager to please the Indians that he is steering the “ship” straight into the rocks that stand around the “Hanuman’s Bridge”, in order to provide them a ready walkway across the Straits….
      and save them the trouble of having to build that tunnel/bridge.

      • 3


        If you remove your head from where it is and open your eyes you may lear something, though I am not optimistic.

        You should read the latest proposals:

        Trans-Eurasian Belt Development would span half globe’s circumference
        Would link western edge of Russia to the Bering Strait and then Alaska
        Joining road networks in Europe and Asia, would link UK to United States
        Russian Academy of Science put forward plan to President Vladimir Putin


        Beijing to the US by train: China outlines plans to connect world by high speed rail network


        UN resolution rekindles interest in a bridge linking Morocco to Spain
        13 July 2013

        China may build rail tunnel under Mount Everest, state media reports
        Construction project is believed to be under consideration and is part of proposed extension to link China with Nepal by rail


        Why the ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative Matters for the EU
        China’s grand initiative represents all sorts of opportunities for Europe.


        A freight train bringing 82 containers of Christmas decorations and plastic trinkets to Madrid from the city of Yiwu, famed for its booming “small commodities market”, has belatedly returned home at the weekend with an appetising cargo of jamón, olive oil and red wine for China’s chorizo-munching classes.



        If you are too scared to travel through a tunnel under the sea please stay at home. If you want to continue being a racist ignore the bridge.

        The Trans-Asian Railway and Highways were proposed by UN in 1950s as part of connecting continents and countries. You are rest assured this is not RW’s baby.

        On the other hand, RW first proposed Hambantota harbour, airport, hub in his 2005 manifesto well before MR even dreamt of it. Then it clicked Clan saw the big big very big opportunity for charging commissions, commissions, commissions and more commissions.

        You need to go around the world and see how, why, where, what … things are being made/done. By the way, you don’t even have to move your bum, if you use google wisely.

        • 1

          Dear Native,

          How did you miss that biggest ass project ever in England, totally financed by the Yuan..

          So that your mate Cameron can say, let there be light for the Poms going forward, and take credit for it.

          The sad part however is the generations of Poms will be paying back the Chinese with British pounds.

          Unless Cameron and his mates can do a Syria on China. before the Debts mature.

          • 2

            KASmaalam K.A Sumanasekera

            Stupid Le

            “How did you miss that biggest ass project ever in England, totally financed by the Yuan..”

            The issue that is being discussed is Bridge connectivity between India and this island. Sadly you are still taking malt or suffering from hangover.

            I don’t think Cameron needs you to negotiate the projects with China.

            “The sad part however is the generations of Poms will be paying back the Chinese with British pounds.”

            Who is going to repay China all those stolen monies from projects that cost 50% more than it should have?

            Sober up, come back, read comments, then start typing.

        • 3

          Native Vedda says:
          “If you are too scared to travel through a tunnel under the sea please stay at home. If you want to continue being a racist ignore the bridge… …….You need to go around the world and see how, why, where, what … things are being made/done. By the way, you don’t even have to move your bum, if you use google wisely. “
          For your info –
          1. I have travelled the CHANNEL TUNNEL UK/Paris in a Bullet train without any qualms. And traversed long Bridges. All it would take is an earthquake or another tsunami coupled with inferior Indian construction! Besides, both tunnel and bridge would have disastrous environmental consequences.
          2. I am NOT a racist.
          3. I learn from History, and Sri Lanka’s history vis-a-vis India has LESSONS for this country, both Political and Economic, which your RW refuses to learn with HIS BLINKERS ON. RW has ONLY SHORT TERM ECONOMIC SOLUTIONS in mind, and thus far, are disastrous (CentralBank fiasco and Lanka going Cayman Isl. way), coupled with NO UNDERSTANDING OR RESPECT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES.
          4. Finally: Spare yourself educating me about Google. Guess your Google voyages have taught you a lot about the REAL world!

        • 0

          ..not to mention Volkswagen factory somewhere in up country by the Germans…

  • 0

    Sir I also want real good governance and all these useless politicians kicked out. However I am more optimistic than you, I think. I’ll tell you why.

    The government of today and the MR government of yesteryear and most of the previous governments were corrupt, overly large and racist simply due to a broken system. That system being defined and enabled by the constitution.

    The government leadership, specifically Ranil I think, knows his push for a new constitution.

    To shrink this government in size and bring them to heel under the law would be counter productive. It would rather, very simply, hasten the PM and those closest to him who can effect genuine constitutional change out of power and destroy at the very onset the main objective I have stated.

    Therefore we must wait. We will see what the new constitution looks like. I personally hope it will define a government that is as small as possible. Once the constitution is voted in, then by normal systematic process each and every bit of unnecessary blubber can be trimmed off.

    Start from the top…work your way down. We are nearly there so have hope.

    • 0

      Thank you for that well thought out response. All I can say is that I hope you are right.
      In the meantime, as I’ve said before, we need to keep holding this lot’s feet to the fire!

      • 0

        Sir, thank you for the reply. An edit to my first comment – but perhaps you worked it out:

        “The government leadership, specifically Ranil I think, knows this, and hence the push for a new constitution.”

        As mentioned it is my wish that this government be reduced to what is as small as possible. A small government would minimize corruption and abuse. But how small can a government truly become?

        To this end, and in the overall context of constitution making, I personally have been promoting as much as I can the short essay written by Frederic Bastiat in 1850, titled “The Law”. The English translation of which is freely available on the internet.

        I believe that this essay lays clear to the layman in very simple and logical terms what a government should and should not do, and why.

        Your comments on the essay, i.e. if you have the time, is much appreciated.

  • 2

    CountryFirst poses a pertinent and interesting question,,

    Why Batalanada Ranil is going ( or gone ) to Chettiyar Temple in Vaiko Land, when he could have prayed at the mega Temple in Elaharan and Pirahaparan Land. ..

    I know breaking one hundred thousand coconuts wouldn’t go without notice of the Hindu Deity in part of the World.

    But Nalloor which has been TNA claimed traditional Tamil Native land since Buddha landed in Nagadeepa , is no small change.

    Although Nalloor prayers costs only one LKR.

    Is it the reason why our Yahapalana PM went to Chettiyar Temple..

    Or are the Deity there more powerful than our locals even at Nallor, and have more clout in making and breaking our Srilankan Governments just like Modi’s new Indian Regime?.

    CF is right,

    I mean our Yahapalan PM who is the UNP Christian Faction Leader who represent the Colombo Elite and the Anglicans big time, putting holy ash on the forehead with a pottu to save his ass is mind boggling.

    Is Batalanada Ranil scared of the Coconuts ?

    Or is it the thousands of Bodhi Poojas which our Dalits hold in the villages?.

    Because Batalanada PM wants to control the Dalit Monks with his his Bikku Punishment Penal Code.

    Or has it got something to do with the New Mahnda Party which has 5.6 Million votes already in the bag?…

    Or is it Mangalan?.

    Wonder what the Yahapalana President will do?

  • 1


    Your friend must have very astute political savvy. Is he/ she an adviser or a CEO in the present regime ?

    • 0

      Don Quixote:
      I believe in giving credit where credit is due and, as tempted as I was to pretend that I coined the “Ohey Palayang” bit, my conscience kicked in. Besides, the guy who coined the term stands up there with the best in terms of decency, even if we don’t agree on EVERYTHING!

  • 0

    We do know by supporting the CC sampanthar let the Old King out of the trap. The UNP coup on the January 8th,2015 was claimed to save the Old King from the UN electric Chair. But the New King who threatened the old King as he has a file on him is repeatedly claiming the he saved the Old King from the electric chair. After all it is the New King who said in the recent SLFP meeting that if the Old King start a New Party he the New King will show his “weda”. I am not sure what that means, after all I don’t know Sinhala; but I would assume that the New King may put the Old King on the UN electric chair to sit and shiver.Yet who saved the Old King from the lectric will be a contest with additional claimants like the State Secretary Kerry and UNHRC High Commissioner Prince Zeid too.

    While all these great, famous, honest gentlemen are competing to save the Old King, that crony is trying to get back to the limelight and trapped back.

    What is true is Yahapalanaya is not bad than the Mahinda Citanta or Mahinda Chitanta is not worse than Yahapalanaya.

  • 4

    Whilst our bureaucracy may have similarities with the bureaucracy of Kafka’s Castle, I also think Sri Lanka’s public servants fall within the description Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn gives in his book, Cancer Ward. I forget the exact passage, but Solzhenitsyn describes a provincial Communist Party meeting during Stalin’s time. After the speech of the party secretary, the delegates keep clapping and no one wants to be the first to stop clapping for the fear of being identified as one who is least enthusiastic about the Party! It is hilarious. But in the brutality of Stalin’s reign (the latter part) even such a clapping incident could turn out to be a matter of exile or death.

    It was the same for bureaucrats under Rajapakse regime – although not so harsh. A public servant who challenges the whim of Rajapakse or his siblings or his progeny could very well kiss goodbye to perks and the gravy train. Premadasa ran a similar administration, based on fear.

    It all boils down first to SWRD, and later Sirima, making the Public Service subservient to the arbitrary whims of political masters.

    If Sri Lanka is ever to develop an independent and dynamic bureaucracy, we must reinstitute its independence, restore merit based recruitment and promotions, and allow the public service to keep the ship of state on a steady course in the stormy world of politics.

    • 0

      As always, Ken Dharmapala has neatly summarised the state of play in our present day ‘civil service’. Gone are the days when our mandarins were the crème de la crème. Yes, the the descent started, about the time of SWRD and his ape-aanduwa. Men and women who would say what is what, and not let ‘here today gone tomorrow politicians’ run away with their flights of fancy. Over the years, all the way down to the forelock-tugging minion, ‘thinking’ about what to do, about who would be offended, whether it would lead to being side-lined. In short, walking on eggshells. The present-day SLAS is a shadow of its predecessor. Recruitment on merit? Now there’s a novel idea!

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