2 May, 2024


FR Filed Against Yoshitha’s Arrest

A Fundamental Rights petition was filed today at the Supreme Court against the arrest and detention of Yoshitha Rajapaksa and three others.

YoshithaThe petition claimed that the arrest had no basis, and the fundamental rights of Rajapaksa and three others have been violated. The respondents were; Inspector General of Police and officers of the Financial Criminal Investigation Department.

Yoshitha, the son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and four others including Nishantha Ranatunga and Rohan Welivita are in remand for allegedly committing money laundering at the Carlton Sports Network (CSN), where Yoshitha reportedly was the Chairman.

Rajapaksa, who is a Navy Lieutenant has also been suspended by the Sri Lanka Navy.

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  • 6

    Pathetic FCID will tarnish the image of all the good cops who are doing a decent job in the society.

    • 45

      Patriot the pathetic

      “Pathetic FCID will tarnish the image of all the good cops who are doing a decent job in the society.”

      The cops have been doing a decent job in the society only after January 2015. Thanks for recognising the obvious.

      • 20


        a brat who is not worth a penny owning a multi million business, you think we are fools. FCID is doing the correct thing after MR destroyed the reputation of the police

    • 15

      Yoshitha’s dad visited London to celebrate his sons naval certification in London.

      He came with a bandwagon of state officials at state expenses to his private function. He did not have any have official meetings with the British govt. But security was provided to avoid any embarrassment if any incident taking place.

      Any investigation must include his dad and mum for abusing state resources so blatantly for their own glory.

  • 45

    Two fake lawyers a fake navy officer and the LA petrol shed pump jockeys Gota and Basil?

  • 28

    This is a good “Test Case”. Now the courts have to make a decision on whose RIGHTS are SUPREME. Is it going to be “Peoples’ Rights” SUPREME or “Individual Fundamental Rights”. Let us wait and see.

    • 23

      Speaking of “Test Cases” one wonders if all under FCID will just be that. We have had no break-through yet on “corruption charges”. Two
      Cases are going to more than “Tests”: a) B35/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re ownership of Marriot Hotel in Dubai with N.Lokuwitharne and M.Rajapakse ( Rs. 48 to 190 million) b) B/663/15 at Fort M.C. on Bank of Ceylon, Seychelles by M. Rajapakse & family.

  • 30

    Then any murderer could get away with this type ‘fundamental rights’ petitions. What about the fundamental rights of their victims? These fellows while enjoying their family rule never ever thought the day will come when they will be answerable for all the criminal acts they did under cover of immunity, impunity and secrecy and now they are trying all their stunts to escape justice.

    I hope justice will prevail and courts will not be a place to provide these criminals a refuge at the expense of their victims by such bogus fundamental rights claims.

    Courts should send a strong message that politicians do not have special privileges of the Law more than an ordinary citizen!

    • 12

      Out of 21 million citizens why is Yoshitha arrested and locked up as a suspect? Because he is innocent? What is the great fundamental right of his that is violated? Did not Thajudeen have a right to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS?

      • 3

        Further more did not his infant child have the right to have the Dad alive and around for many years?

        The family must face the just consequences for their brash, arrogant actions taking the law unto themselves during their rule – they were in a lala land thinking their power would pass from generation to generation through some kind of a birth rite!!!

    • 1

      We should commend the Sripavan Courts for appearing to be neutral, in some instances having the guts to stand firm (the Kaduwela Magistrate) and take positions based on law, its application regardless of persons with no semblance of bias, vendetta or being pawns of politicians with little or no learning. At last it appears the separation of the executive, legislative and judiciary in a functioning democracy is appearing to be coming alive in SL!!!!!

  • 18

    or, no, what is fundamental right, is it only available in MR’s dictionary, is it a singalese word, if this is fundamental right violation, what name for the incidents happened for last 35 years and happened to Lasantha or Egniliagoda etc.. What you call denying peoples land and jobs etc. – or is Tamils should not talk about fundamental rights. God will have answers for all these questions and we have to wait for the answer from God.

  • 18

    Basil Rajapakse made a strong statement against the supreme court that it should not deviate from Government thinking and its judgements should not conflict with the Government.

    So will Basil be happy if courts takes into account his Golden advise?

    These guys still do not repent on what they did and feel sorry. They are congenital criminals and never will they reform. They should be locked up in a dark cell through out their lives for the crimes they all committed as a family thinking they will never lose power hiding under own rule suppressing all evidences, threatening and buying officers, and rewarding heavily as favours done for their dirty work.

    • 5

      A little correction to my posting to avoid confusion, Basil Rajapakse made this statement against the supreme court during the period he was a powerful minister under the his dictatorial rule soon after Shirani Bandaranayake, Chief Justice passed a verdict unfavourable to the government.

      I hope he still agrees with his own views he help then on verdicts of judicial courts.

  • 11

    The Guilt of a father will turn any crook lawyers to speak for his family. He’s planning to drag the case as much as he can HOPING HE CAN LET LOSE HIS CRIMINAL SON AND THE OTHERS WHEN HE RETURNS TO POWER.

    Dream on man. You have all the treasure buried somewhere to pay up to release your son.


  • 10

    Filing FR case will not work and it is all a big drama set up by the lawyers to earn lot of money which the father has enough to part with. In the end the justice will prevail and criminals will be convicted and only people who gain will be Rajapakse’s lawyers who had found a suitable ‘victim’ to enrich themselves.

    • 3

      Well ill gotten gains never stay with you!!! You will never get to have a peaceful sleep until all ill gotten, robbed wealth is depleted through such wasteful drama!

  • 18

    MR and his family paid total disregard to the fundamental rights of every other person whom they targetted. Now they are trying seek remedy through legal provisions they themselves flouted.

    • 6

      spot on.

    • 5


      Exactly, these criminal family just because they managed to come to power did not spare even the judiciary and Basil Rajapakse when he was Minister interfered with Courts by making a strong statement against the supreme court that it should not deviate from Government thinking and its judgements should not conflict with the Government.

      This is the level of interference the judiciary was subjected to and we know how the then Government ridiculed the Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake for making a judgement against the Government and hauled her in a very humiliating manner for an inquiry by select committee of Parliamentarians which comprised of people with no proper educational qualification or status other than they are just elected MPs and finally sacked her from her post.

      Then they abused everyone’s fundamental rights, many have been killed on their orders. Now these criminals come before the same judiciary pleading for Fundamental Rights against being arrested for the abuse they committed on others.

      These fellows are incorrigible criminals and they still never repented on the hurt they inflicted on others and still continue to spread hate and their right to have done what they did. We will wait how their case turns out and people are watching and the world is watching.

      • 3

        Are you aware that one of the politicians who was in the “kangaroo committee of parliament” to investigate the former CJ – who shamelessly got slippered by his wife, ran around within his Ministerial office in the nude – caught red handed in an lewd act having recommended the removal of CJ is now holding a plum ministerial position demanding ransoms from private bus operators to renew their route permits?

        • 2


          I am aware and I know who, and his first name is Nimal

  • 1

    He is only exercising his legal right.

    Should not the law take its own course?

    One needs to be sure that there is no perverting of justice

  • 5

    This Criminal took away the Fundamental Rights of so many young, budding Sri Lankan citizens. Now he claims his FR has been violated !!!!

    Wasim Thajudeen, i wish you could walk out of your grave and ask the right questions to this criminal.

    All those corrupt practices at CSN to wash your dirty money, is a clean violation of the Fundamental Rights of this entire nation. Every penny that you received in kickbacks and recycled through this CSN TV belongs to the people of Sri Lanka.

    The atrocities and forgeries you did to call yourself a Lieutenant in the Sri Lanka Navy. Is that not an infringement on the rights of all eligible Sri Lanka Naval cadets?

    You and your family have no shame nor dignity.

  • 1

    What happened to the founding female director who has fled to Australia with her crooked husband…interpol should be after them, I hope

  • 1

    What about all the senior police officers,armed force officers, other government officials,and religious monks ,priests and leaders who are running in luxury cars and living in super luxury houses ,you need to check their income ,their children’s and relatives and close friends income and banks accounts.

    Investigate all the ex- UPFA parliamentarians and public servants ,visit their homes and take account ,or simply forgive and forget the entire Rajapakshe family and move on and develop the country.

    Everyone had a heyday then and robbed the Country left ,right and center.

    When will Ranil stop giving to-many Portfolios uncle John ,as it is he can not even talk and walk , Tourism is ruined , it should have been given to Rosey a celebrity by appointing her from the national list, Ranil is totally bias .he has failed

  • 1

    We are sympathy for Yoshita Rajpakse been political victims of US and Indian RAW policies of democracy.

    Needless to say that Foreign power allied with UNP -Ranil W… CBK of neo-Liberal SLFP ,the MS of UNP elected New Leader and TNA join hand with JVP, working day and night to punished MR family by End War footing politics in Island since 2009 May.

    Their aim and target on MR leadership and their family. Indeed UNP leadership has undertaken this political mission on behalf of MS, CBK and Sarath Fonseka as well as Indian and US vital interest to be eliminated MR family form our democratic structure and its base politics.

    This is unprecedented tragedy of Democracy been challenge since 1948 which local politics has been nexus with foreign power of US, UK and Indian in Our an island.

    We have not seen any valid reasons to be arrest and detain Yoshita R… by state of Sri Lankan enforcement authority by forceful agreement with US and Indian RAW.

    We have bitter example in Nepal Kingdom and Royal Family physically that had been totally eliminated by foreign big power is not that other than their closed nation.

  • 1

    Fundamental Rights & Human Rights petitions are filed to protect innocent citizens from criminals & money launderers….not for them to sit in remand as suspects of the biggest money laundering case at current and file petitions….what a joke…

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