3 May, 2024


Have Sri Lanka’s Decision-Makers Taken Leave Of Their Senses?

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

While the unprecedented thrashing that Sri Lanka took at the hands of England in a recent 50-50 game may not have been of earth-shaking significance in a world where the Farages, Le Pens, Boris Johnsons and Donald Trumps are exulting at Great Britain’s exit from the European Union, it is symptomatic of where our current government is taking us in the matter of sliding down the slippery slope of equivocation and unprincipled behaviour in dear old Silly Lanka.

Bearing more than a passing connection to the debacle at Edgbaston (?) is the fact that preceding that annihilation was a reported exchange between the skipper of the Sri Lankan side, Angelo Mathews, and the Chief Selector, Sanath Jayasuriya, in the matter of who should be retained on the soil of Blightly and who should be sent back to the shores of Sri Lanka.

Mathews came off second best and, while I do not know whether that fact had any significant bearing on the final outcome of the match (mismatch?) with England, it was certainly of a piece with what has recently been going on in Sri Lankan cricket.

In the matter of “coming events casting their shadows,” was Thilanga Sumathipala being placed in the apex position of Sri Lanka’s most popular sport. His previous stint in this position generated an accusation that an alleged/convicted murderer made his exit from Sri Lanka (never to return?) thanks to the provision of a visa provided by the Cricket Board under blatantly false pretences. The mainstream media of this country, at a time when saying anything even vaguely critical of the Mahinda Rajapaksa (MR1) government and its minions could result in serious bodily harm, went to bat on that one and never, to my recollection, was there so much as an excuse made for this fact, leave alone an official l rebuttal.

Guess who the Maithripala Sirisena/Ranil Wickremesinghe (MR2) government re-installs in the top job in cricket? Need I say it again? Thilanga Sumathipala!

With the return of Mr. Sumathipala one of the first events of any import in our cricket world was the return to the limelight of another of the same ilk – Sanath Jayasuriya.

In case readers’ memories are even shorter than mine, Mr. Jayasuriya was one of the early recruits to an MR1 regime swollen with the euphoria generated by the defeat of the Prabhakaran horde. Not only did he parlay this connection into an overwhelming victory in the south under the MR1 banner, he began demanding Ministerial status under his mentor! Worse yet, one of the less well kept secrets of the time is that he had a cricket career that had certainly passed its “best before” date extended on the orders of The Highest in the Land, resulting in a few more shekels in the Jayasuriya bank account at the expense of our national team carrying a “passenger” on its roster.

His return to authority and eminence was recently celebrated with he and his Minister, another opportunist turncoat named Dayasiri Jayasekara, taking, seemingly, everyone including the proverbial “mother, father and baby duck” in their immediate and extended families to enjoy a summer of cricket and frolic in England. The good news from that front which hardly offsets the bad is the fact that Jayasuriya did not, again as he had in the MR1 days, had the opportunity to inflict his execrable English on the helpless compelled to put up with the soundtrack of his television coverage of first-class cricket!

I have on previous occasions spoken of similar “logic” that led to the likes of Rajitha Senaratne being made an official spokesperson for the Ohey Palayang government. Specifically, I did scribble something on the subject of his appointing a person who went out of his way to intimidate his subordinates into silence (and one into a complete mental breakdown if truth be told) to a position of power and authority in hospital administration that could well have been filled by any number of eminent and honourable members of the medical profession who did, in fact, observe their Hippocratic Oath. Now, a dentist, the exercise of whose skills obviously doesn’t control what comes out of his oral orifice pronounces in a page one banner headline that Mahinda Rajapaksa had no responsibility whatsoever for what his siblings did in the matter of fiscal rape and pillage of our resources! Pardon me, Mr Dentist, but didn’t Mahinda Rajapaksa have control in excess of anything exercised by a feudal monarch in the matter of governance of this country and does he not, therefore, bear some responsibility, at least, for what took place under his watch? While that kind of statement constitutes stupidity, teetering on the edge of criminality, it is simply yet another bit of “insurance” being bought by yet another of the MR2 gang in the event that the MR1 horde return to power. Simplistic? I’m afraid not. This is basic, blatant logic, given the performance of several of the “insurance buyers” at the apex of our current government, ranging from big businessmen who did very well under the previous dispensation to simple hangers-on. What other explanation can even the idiots parading as “political commentators” trot out in these instances?

What we are currently observing is, to put it kindly, equivocation and a blatant surrender of principles where even the hypocrisy of pretence to good governance is being dumped in the trash can in anticipation of the return of the most repressive and violent of Royal Families.

It is becoming increasingly apparent, even to a non-believer, that divine intervention is going to be Sri Lanka’s only hope for salvation!


One cannot but wonder when Dayan Jayatilleka, Bandula Jayasekera and the rest of that particular gang are going to be restored to their previous positions of eminence under the current “good governance” regime. The latter certainly seems on track for such restoration by his imposition on TV-watchers by that eminence grise of Sri Lankan broadcasting, the (appropriately-named) Maharaja organization!

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  • 8

    Emil, thanks for another ‘telling it like it is’ post that contains truths that many of us have observed but have chosen to ignore due to the apparent indifference by the Yahapalanayas to their well-meaning critics who voted for them in the hope that they would somehow be ‘different’ to their predecessors.

    Alas, how wrong we have been proved to be! And although we go on to think that these charlatans are an improvement on what they replaced, the way things are going, let’s not hold our breath!

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 4

    EvdP has covered the topics well.

    Just to add:

    1 Governments will come and go, with their vote-catching slogans, monikers, and easy promises, but the fact remains that all our political our parties are infested with a majority of incompetents who are simply not fit for purpose. To think that decent people have to suffer the indignity of these scoundrels ‘governing’ us.

    2 OUR Cricket Board has been a plaything of successive governments ever since it became apparent that this was the one game that gave us any decent international exposure. One would have thought that its governance would be entrusted to people of competence and integrity. NOT in our Miracle of Asia.
    The jewel in our sporting crown is entrusted to a bunch of freeloaders who decent people wouldn’t touch with a barge pole.

  • 3


    The more things change,the more they stay the same.

    • 5


      “The more things change,the more they stay the same.”

      That is what we are forced to celebrate as our ancient heritage. Well we have a manufactured consent which prevent us from seeing beyond our nose.

      We are trapped in a vicious poverty circle, that is the poverty of wisdom, innovation, creativity, foresight, ……

    • 2

      I was raised on that kind of skepticism but hope like hell that there might yet be a silver lining to that particular cloud!

      • 3

        Dear Emil, this is Sri Lanka. It is more likely that every silver lining has a cloud.

    • 2

      Too many cooks and crooks are spoiling the soup!

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 6

    Comrade Poorten,
    One can take the Sri Lankan political Meeharakka’s to the water hole but nearly impossible to force the “Meeharakka” out of its persona. Whether it is Yahapalaaya, Yakko-palanaya, Gavva palanaya or Meeharak palayana, one thing certain about Sri Lankan decision makers is that they’re senseless with zero common sense. A trait we can boast to the rest of the world as being a very unique meeharakka’s in the entire universe.

  • 4

    blablAbhaya, KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera,

    Any words of wisdom?

    I am looking forward to reading your gems.

  • 1

    Did Mr Poorten play E grade Seniors on Synthetic Turf ,at Thumpane Cricket Club ?..

    • 2

      Please see previous responses to your incomprehensibilities parading as English.

      • 2

        Emil, what the heck is this idiot Sumane talking about? Every comment of his gets 1000% more thumbs down from people and nothing he writes makes any sense. This retarded rabid mongrel should be exterminated. He is a disease man.

        • 1

          Tamil from the north:
          You are being very uncharitable to our Sumaney who is such a delight because NOBODY seems to be able to match him for unadulterated gibberish.

        • 3

          Tamil from the north

          “nothing he writes makes any sense.”

          Please bear with him. He is partial to malt whisky.

  • 16

    Yes Dayan Jayatilleka and Bandula jayasekera share one common thing, both were amateur diplomats under MR and their supervising minister was Sajin Vass Gunawardena ! ! !

    That was an era when everything was turned upside down, east became west, west became east.Right and wrong depended on your family connections !

    Both were high ego characters who thought that the sun shone from their posteriors.

    Both being media men ( english mainly) were experts in propagating themselves in subtle ways,sometimes praising their own wisdom in their own writing

    As diplomats both played a hilarious role. Dayan thought he was staging a Cuban revolution at diplomatic gatherings going on endlessly about old books he had read.The crazy man when he was becoming a liability, was finally recalled by MR.

    Bandula jayasekera of no known profession was a kind of master whatever trade,once went to Pakistan as a media man to cover a story and got assaulted by our Ambassador who was hosting him there, (who was ex-army) for being a cad.

    When he was appointed to the lake House by MR, the fellow had bodyguards from the army because he claimed that as a patriot he was under threat !

    When MR made him a diplomat Bandula went around all the western countries, Canada, USA and Australia,enjoyed the good life, and even found an European wife.When ever he returned home to campaign for MR (now a public servant in the diplomatic service! !) he used to stay at 5 star hotels in Colombo and got the tax payer to pay for it.

    After MR lost Bandula returned home (without the wife but with PR status in Australia) and began a morning show at the Maharaja channel. In this program there is a new Bandula, always trying to make points about honesty, fair play etc.

    These were the stars of the MR regime.

    • 2

      Harry Hatton:
      That’s interesting stuff, particularly about Bandula Jayasekera who, I am informed has been cultivating at least one person bearing the same last name as yours truly!
      A while back, in the glory days of the Bandulas down under and elsewhere, I was sent a rather threatening SMS message which, I was informed by an Aussie friend, emanated not far from Mr. J!
      My hope is that one of these days, I encounter the author of that message to ascertain whether they are still interested in doing whatever they intended to do to someone close to the 4-score point of life!

    • 4

      harry hatton

      Here is a news item on our former diplomat:

      Mackwoods Plantation Employees Level Rs. 1.1 Billion Tea Scam Charges Against Dr. Chris Nonis

      Aggrieved Employees Of Agalawatte Plantations PLC (known as APL) of Mackwoods Group are charging Chris Nonis and his lawyer sister Shelendra Nonis Ranaweera for siphoning out Rs 1.134 Billion rupees (about US Dollars 7.7 Million) from the listed company Agalawatte Plantations PLC reportedly to United Kingdom.

      Read more:
      Sunday, 03 July 2016

  • 7

    The Maharaja Organization is hell bent in destroying Ranil and the UNP. DJ, GOMIN, CHANDRA, SATANA, Doing the bidding for Jarapaksa and Co.

  • 2

    Here when the country is going to Hell with Tiger-Terrorists taking over our financial systems, cricket is being talked about in riddles !

    • 5

      Oi Ramona,

      Kohayde yanne….just be thankful that capable people are coming forward (at last) to do something that you and your ilk found challenging. You did a service to the country the day your chose to go into exile and serve the white mastah.

      Oh yes, crickit lovely crickit, relax it’s a riddle to us all; especially in these hard times.

      • 3

        Spring K – best is to ignore this cow’s dung, which she insists on spreading in CT’s comments section (as no doubt you and many others have already noticed).

        And what is worse than commenting on her stupidity, is to try to make sense in followup comments to her, as she will revel in displaying her mulish obstinacy with more irrelevant crap.

        Thanks goodness no one here takes her seriously!

        • 3


          “Thanks goodness no one here takes her seriously!”

          Media is incomplete without cartoons and jokes.

          Without K A Sumanasekera, ramona grandma therese fernando, ballah, jim softy dimwit, sachoo the stupid II, Nuisance the stupid II, IH, HLD M, somass, Sinhala Banda, Irathinavalli, Dayan, …….
          lal looooos, sathya, Ramuuuuuu, Peter Pan, Maveeran, …. etc CT is just another political journal.

          I thank CT for bringing all these people together which makes all of us less stressful, bit fun, …. they exhibit how they make fool of themselves.

    • 0

      Why not visit the 28th Srilankan Cricket Festival on next Sunday 10th July where 31 OBA teams are battling it out, and enjoy Srilankan food and music in London a foreign land.
      Venue: Hainault Recreation grounds, Forest Road, Ilford, Essex IG6 3HJ.
      *You have to pay £6 for entrance per person and £6 for car park.

    • 0

      “ramona therese fernando “

      “Here when the country is going to Hell with Tiger-Terrorists taking over our financial systems,”

      Kotchi Cyril Mathew and Tatte Fascist sinhala buddhist said exactly the same in July 1983 and set Colombo on Fire and looted to send Lanaka back 50 years.

      You still eat bath guli how sad.

      Margaret Thatcher — ‘The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.’

      Salli No
      So every `other` is a tiger and you the beggar Grunting plus Howling at the Moon.

    • 0

      Ramona,you are sick in the mind.This accusation of yours lacks class.I expected to you to mumble about lions mating women which provided me with some mirth, but this is very low.

      _ You have no class ramona.

  • 9

    ramona therese a wing nut like you couldn’t even figure out the difference between $19,0000 Vs., $19,000,000,000 but you have popped your ugly head to talk about the LTTE controlling the financial system. We saw your hero who controlled the economy with his highly educated brother Basil few years ago. So shut up and f*&* off stupid.

    • 4

      Tamil from the north:
      Now, now, that is NOT a nice thing to say to our Ramona Therese. I WAS TAUGHT NEVER TO BE UNKIND TO LUNATICS and would recommend a similar philosophy to you.

      • 4

        Mr Poorten,

        Did you pay protection money to LTTE Boys?..

        Or just sent the Tamil Hero Mr Pirahaparan some Durian during Ramadan?…

        • 2

          Check previous responses.
          There must be an explanation for your standing on your head with no underwear under your sarong.

        • 2

          KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

          “Or just sent the Tamil Hero Mr Pirahaparan some Durian during Ramadan?”

          Have you ever tried Durian up in you ****?

        • 2

          KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

          “Or just sent the Tamil Hero Mr Pirahaparan some Durian during Ramadan?”

          Have you ever tried Durian up in your a***?

          • 0

            Dear Native,

            I thought you are a straight guy , unlike some of your Yahapalana dudes..

            I know they use a few weird thing , but Durian ?..

            Mr Poorten will be disgusted..

            BTW, How did you find it?…

            • 2

              KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

              “Mr Poorten will be disgusted..”

              He is already disgusted with your typing. What more could change his mind one way or another?

              “BTW, How did you find it?…”

              Once a man was threaten with a huge jack fruit for stealing it. Come to think of it were you the one who was above to be shoved with one huge fruit? By the way this happened in the deep, deep, deep South.

        • 0

          [Edited out]

    • 0

      Vellala from Scarborough..

      Our Dalits wouldn’t know that Sign in the front , let alone accuracy in counting or writing them big numbers.

      It was all Crorres (Korti not Koti ) before your Velalala mate from Singapore taught us how to count in Billions..

      So take it easy, Okay…..

      • 2

        KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

        The money we lost in various deals from 2006 to 2015 including hedging were due to lack of numeracy on the part of Ajith Nivard Cabraal and staff members of Central Bank.

        I think it sounds about right.

  • 2

    Tamil from the north…ok….that was a bit harsh about the Tiger-Terrorists (although it might contain some element of truth)……..and you seem a very amiable guy.

    Nowadays it’s no longer about Tiger-terrorists. Yahapalanaya is all about forming consensus with even contentious groups…..and have come up with this formula which they are trying to implement:

    I.E. to disregard and put aside heritage (of all races), and work with city elite, and only city elite of all races (ancient Lankan folk-tunes turned into opera). Cut-and-dried failing system of America, who destroyed her ancient Native farmland with GMO’s and built mega metropolises and industrial sites, will be implemented. And the nearest place to latch on to make it successful is of course…..India!@%

    Crooked financial systems will be legitimized. They’d say that the current financial system that is based on Lankan right as a sovereign nation is outdated. Therefore, financial skewing is not criminal, but necessary for the regional efficacy.

    And Tamils are most willing to help implement (we didn’t get our rights based on ancient prophesies, but this is another way to alliance with our glorious Tamil heritage in Mother India….we’d take a break from fighting for heritage rights and let Mother India take care of Dravidian heritage).

    Neo-Lankan society will be born out of old failing Western structures, that even the British don’t want anymore. Buddhism will take on a natural demise.

    • 1


      You made my day….

      • 3

        KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

        “Ramona.. You made my day….”

        Did she make your day?

      • 0

        Sumane, as they say, “Birds of a feather fluck together”, so no wonder that she “made your day”.

        The two of you ‘together’ must be a sight to behold!!

    • 3

      “Yahapalanaya is all about forming consensus with even contentious groups…..”

      Its all in the virus of MR clan – KP, Karuna, ….douglas. sinhala buddhist politicians copy to see the nectar.

      half hamburger!

      did you live in a lib bokka, now that you have taken refuge in the west with sinhala buddhist shit heads??

      Scumbag, UK EU has its own trade with america and vis versa.
      But lanka plantation sector has no goods to sell except women to arabs because china is full of massage girls everywhere.- 400 million unemployed.
      India already has commonwealth and UK both have waited 9 years which EU could never do. With that US follows- Obama gave one nuclear deal to modi where Xi China is still on the waiting list and india can veto this club if China tries again.

      You are gemba and afraid of your poverty.- greed of an old woman??

    • 2

      Ramona Therese, thanks for calling me an amiable character. Hahahaha….I wonder why you write all these foolish things. KA Sumane is a mutt but what happened to you? Do you think it is nice to be racist? I grew up in Jaffna and grew up surrounded by many ill informed people and some dirty low life Tamil racists. I was taught from a very young age not to believe everything I was hearing on the streets of Jaffna by my family. My dad always told me to use my head. I hate racists amongst the Tamils and Sinhalese. It is disgusting to see people judging one firstly by whether the guy is a Tamil or Sinhalese. Look at this man’s qualifications, not only education this man was an accomplished sportsman. I have been in major league sports where I played with many Sinhalese and Burghers. I don’t regret even one day playing with them and only wish we never aged (we don’t play anymore). We in Jaffna only saw Sinhalese in military uniforms……..simply hoodlums and hooligans……….majority of them. But coming to Canada gave me an opportunity to see what my parents taught me……..the Sinhalese in general are good people but an element of them are miscreants just like the Tamils. Not all Tamils are great either. So stop living in a box, go and befriend a Tamil and have a coffee with him or her…….you will develop a different type of respect. You will change your mind once you meet a Tamil just similar experience to mine where my believes were further established to be true that many Sinhalese are just like me………dirty politicians on both sides of the divide teach you wrong things……..but God has given you a brain………use it, it will do you a lot of good.

      • 1

        Tamil from Scarborough,

        Pity your dad didn’t teach you to address people politely when you do it in English, which is the language of the Elite and the Anglicans,

        How can you have miscreants among Sinhala Canadians?..

        Unlike you lot, I thought they are all Economic Refugees,

        And with their BSc ,Bcom, BA ,MBBS and PhDs they are doing even better than their real Canadian counterparts,

        My Elders there tell me there are good Golf Courses in Toronto, where you can play 9 holes for 20 bucks.

        Why don’y you go there and whack a few balls to keep fit, if you can’t play cricket in the veterans league..

        What is the point in coming to Eelaam ,if you are not fit.

        Although your Vellala Leader and the Bedouin Prince are holding the blow torch to Batalanada Ranil’s underbelly,it will take a few more years for Batalanada to deliver it.

        So you have to keep your fitness level up .

        Unless you just want to go to Nalloor and do a bit of Voluntary work to kill time.

        But that wouldn’t be fun unlike having a game of Golf in China bay and an Ayrvedic Oil massage in Trincomalee.

      • 0

        Tamil from the north,

        No, nothing racist here(me being part Tamil)……it’s not that Comarasamy is Tamil….it’s that he first and foremost shamefully belongs to the elite club of the Royal-Thomian college heritage that hasn’t a clue about the Lankan masses who go about in busses. And this crowd will go to extraordinary lengths to preserve their status-quo.

        One of the masses should be handling money that belongs to the common man. And there are plenty of qualified candidates that need not necessarily be Sinhalese (although being Sinhalese is a crucial factor in understanding the Lankan common man money).

        Just because one can sit around and drink brandy in the international arena, hug footballs, trick, cajole and flirt with the international band of crooks, and create algorithms to skew monetary systems, doesn’t mean Lankan sovereignty will be assured.

        No, it glaringly means that that Sri Lanka is on her way to become part of the South Asian conglomerate with India as superLord. No, the more Buddhist the central bank governor, the more honorable it will be towards the little man’s money. And the more that set of international band of crooks will respect and back away from us.

        (at least in the EU, the continent was cut up into different countries. And still the British felt threatened by it.)

        • 3

          ramona grandma therese fernando

          ” No, nothing racist here(me being part Tamil)”

          Are you one of those self-hating Tamils irrespective of the half, quarter, one-third, three-quarter … Tamil?

          • 0

            1/4 Native Vedda,….., but awareness of the inalienable rights of the Sinhalese causes me to speak up (also 1/4 of them).

            • 2

              ramona therese fernando

              “but awareness of the inalienable rights of the Sinhalese causes me to speak up”

              What are their inalienable rights and where did they get them from, and legal justification for such rights.

              Perhaps from the constitution of planet Krypton (ref, DC Comics).

              Please refer to Jor-El’s Fortress of Solitude Speech in case you want some points to ponder:

              Come with me now, my son.
              As we break through the bounds of your earthly confinement traveling through time and space.
              Your powers will far exceed those of mortal men

              It is forbidden for you to interfere with human history, rather, let your leadership stir others to.
              In this next year, we shall examine the human heart.
              It is more fragile than your own.

              As we pass the flaming turmoil which is the edge of your oqn galaxy, we will enter the realm of the red
              Krypton sun: the source of your strength and nourishment and the cause of our eventual destruction.

              The planet Krypton, my son. Your home, as it were.

              This year we shall examine the various concepts of immortality
              and their basis in actual fact.
              The total accumulation of all knowledge spanning the twenty-eight known galaxies is embedded in the crystals which I have sent along with you.
              Study them well, my son. Learn from them.

              By the time you return to the confines of your galaxy, twelve of your years will have passed.
              For this reason among others, I have chosen Earth for you.

              It is now time for you to rejoin your new world and to serve its collective humanity.

              Live as one of them, Kal-El
              Discover where you strength and your power are needed
              Always hold in your heart the pride of your special heritage
              They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be
              They only lack the light to show the way
              For this reason above all, their capacity for good,
              I have sent them you, my only son.


    • 1

      Ramona, talking in riddles.Since you seem to be aligned with the socalled history of Sri lanka, why should one bother whether the descendants of Indian Prostitutes ended up by being Sinhala Buddhists or Tamil Hindus.The fact of the matter is that all of us are descendants of those prostitutes.Some of us from the littoral area might be carrying genes from VD infected caucasian womanisers.

  • 0

    Always enjoy your columns here on CT even if I may disagree at times. Love the humour. Aiyo as we say, perhaps Murali the wizard, Sanga and Mahela need to come out of retirement. So here I was in the US of A watching all the ODIs live and getting disappointed even on the days the batsmen did well. It was a depressing site. As for political interference in every sphere, it is likely to continue no Mr. Van Der Pooten? One set of clowns replaced by another in a mightier hurry to enrich themselves because it seems UNP regimes do not last long. They had been in the opposition for too long, whereas ever since CBK won in 1994, the SLFP led leaders have had a long long tenure like college professors and they had a long time to fatten their nests and collect dowries for their granddaughters. In the case of the UNPers they need to catch up and break even. Right now I see them on social media showing off their campaigns to expand membership. Really Sir, do they think all these droves queuing up to join are idealists and are joining because the UNP is some solution and genius party full of world leaders? NO, in our typical Sinhala or Lankan manner I dare say(given how the SLMC jumps from winning camp to winning camp and get plum ministries, I should not just say Sinhalese) it is always easy to find people to join the winning ruling party . It has been the phenomenon for SLFP under CBK and MR too. Droves ran to join them. Why? to curry favours. To get that “chit” to admit their kid, to get a job in a government department, to get ahead, to get a loan, to get contracts and sub contracts etc. Aiyo Aiyo.

    Keep writing Comrade Sir. As an outsider looking into my motherland where my family still lives it is a refreshing note to read your writings. I am tired of hate mongering and the Islamists attacks now. Apparently it is ok for a UNP legislator to say “maraagena marenawa” in reference to a clown in saffron robes who threatens minorities but this threat to kill and die by a muslim politician is also hate speech no? Aiyo Aiyo. In the meantime ISIS hates everyone and murders fellow muslims by the tens of thousands. Isatanbul-Turkey, Dhaka Bangladesh and Baghdad-Iraq this week. ISIS mind you sir will bring their hate fill Wahabi ideology based on Saudi doctrine to Sri Lanka and India too. So much for religious tolerance and getting along. ISIS hates everyone who is not like them. They hate the West, they hate Christians, They hate Buddhists and they are full of self loathing rage. What to do aney?

  • 1

    Dear Emil,

    It is a breadth of fresh air, and extremely heartening to see a journalist highlighting the madness which is Sri Lanka Cricket. Most of the mainstream sports journalists (pretenders) have been craftily bought over by the people in charge the same way they have bought over the political Hierarchy.

    Otherwise how can they get away flouting every rule of the Sports Law in this country. Sri Lanka is playing England in a T20 match on Tuesday and there is no official announcement on the composition of the Sri Lanka team. But, does anybody (including the so called sports journalists who are being pampered in England to keep mum) care about the dignity of the country ? It appears NOT.

    Ajith Peiris

    • 2

      Thanks for the kind words. In several countries in which English prevails even the tabloids have half decent sports writers. Ours are, without exception, available for a free drink and snacks as I’ve noticed when they show up for things like Kandy Sports Club rugby matches! In any event, I don’t know anyone who bothers with them since they are to sports journalism what Sanath Jayasuriya was to cricket commentary in English!

  • 0


    “Have Sri Lanka’s Decision-Makers Taken Leave Of Their Senses?”

    Well, our decision makers never had any sense or any mental faculty in the first place. So how can they take leave of their senses. The same goes to all Sri Lankan voters. No sense at all. They keep voting for one set of rogues or another.

  • 0

    Mr.Emil van der Poorten. I think you are a bit harsh on the Sri Lankan team thrashed by England. After all, England had returned to form after beating Zimbabwe in 2000. In a way, the demise of our team is a blessing in disguise. After their 1996 World Cup win, they could not turn a corner without tripping over a politician associating himself with the team just to share the credit.

  • 0

    I can see that the die hard “put the world right” people and a few assorted lunatics are having fun during long and boring retirement times !

    All good entertainment so more strength to all of you.

    • 0

      Don Quixote:
      You just watch us put the world right, particularly after my pacemaker goes in! In fact, I’m thinking seriously about the Rio Olympics, though training time is going to be a problem1

      • 0

        Mr Poorten,

        Why don’t you take up that Elite sport, which I play..

        With Pace maker in place, you wouldn’t need a cart ,

        Gota’s Golf Course in China Bay don’t have carts anyway. But they have able bodied Air Force boys who can hit a ball too.

        And one to pick yours when you aim them at the bush.

        And the boys will be happy with 5 bucks tip each from your Canadian Pension.

        If you are serious, I will give you a set of clubs free, although our silly Customs charged me Luxury Tax on my clubs although I bought them from Salvos.

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