2 May, 2024


The GTF Submission Is An Agenda For Failure

By Dinesh Dodamgoda

Dinesh Dodamgoda

Dinesh Dodamgoda

The Global Tamil Forum (GTF) published its submission for a new constitution last week. The submission contains counterproductive power-sharing suggestions, hypocrite statements, and an agenda for failure.

The Submission

The submission calls for institutional arrangements of inclusive decision making, partitioned decision making and predetermined decision making. Inclusive decision making mechanisms that the GFT proposes aim to share state power by including the Tamil speaking people’s will in the government by guaranteeing participation of representatives of elites from the Tamil speaking people in the making of governmental decisions. This aim is to be achieved through mandates that guarantee allocated positions in the institutions of governance (legislative, administrative, judicial and armed forces).

Partitioned decision making mechanisms demand for mandates to create a Tamil speaking ethno-linguistic region in the Northern and Eastern provinces, namely “Autonomous Tamil Region” or ATR with administrative autonomy, appropriate legislative power and the executive powers exercised by the Cabinet of Ministers. Hence the GTF implies a call for a ‘separate regional parliament’ for the Northern and the Eastern provinces.

Predetermined decision making mechanisms are to include mandates for prohibited decisions and an extraordinary amendment procedure to amend the constitutional provisions. The GTF calls for ‘vetoes’ as it suggests that the constitutionally guaranteed structures and functions of the government and the centre cannot be altered without the consent of the ATR body.

According to the above discussed decision making arrangements proposed by the GTF, the organisation wants an ethnofederal state on the basis of institutional arrangements under a power-sharing agreement. Therefore, the strategy that the GTF proposes to build sustainable peace and democracy in Sri Lanka is power-sharing.

Power-Sharing Provisions

The GTF included provisions in their submission for central power-sharing, territorial power-sharing, military power-sharing and economic power-sharing. Under the basis that the GTF named as Shared Rule, the organisation suggests to establish a second chamber to make regional/provincial representation as a mechanism to share power at the centre. In a form of government of Parliamentary democracy, a second chamber will establish a bicameral legislature in Sri Lanka. The ATR proposed by the GTF will send representatives to the proposed second chamber and the criteria for representation will be ethnicity. Hence the representatives will position themselves on the Tamil ethnic line at the centre in controlling legislative, executive, and judicial powers in the state.

In terms of territorial power sharing the GTF proposes to establish an Autonomous Tamil Region with an indication to establish a regional parliament for the Northern and Eastern provinces. Hence the GTF considers territory as a proxy for ethnicity. Furthermore, the GTF’s submission suggests to share military power as a right of the Tamil people by guaranteeing the right to due representation of the Tamil people in the armed forces. Moreover, the GTF demands to give the ATR the widest possible power to restructure the economy in respect of the public and private sectors. Hence they demand economic power-sharing provisions as well. In their suggestions, the GTF requests to make provisions to share national revenue between the central and the ATR governments, in addition to the regional generation revenue by ATR.

Power-Sharing is Counterproductive

Power-sharing strategy became popular in the 1990s and the international community attempted to include power-sharing provisions for post-civil war agreements on the basis of ethnicity. However, as Philip. G. Roeder and Donald Rothchild noted, “With little experience in promoting power-sharing arrangements in post-civil war situations and surprisingly little empirical evidence that power-sharing facilitates the consolidation of peace and democracy in ethnically divided societies in the developing world, the international community nonetheless plunged ahead with a series of experiments with power-sharing.” Both scholars went further and stated that the very same institutions that provide an attractive basis to end a conflict in an ethnically divided country are likely to hinder the consolidation of peace and democracy over the long term as dilemma emerges from the gap between the promises needed to initiate the transition and the performance necessary to consolidate peace and democracy.

Although the GTF relies on power-sharing strategy to build peace and democracy in Sri Lanka, power sharing is counterproductive and more likely to bring a recurrence of escalating conflict. One of the main weaknesses in the GTF’s proposal is that it privileges the Tamil people in creating institutions and devising policies in the ATR rather than taking into consideration rest of the dimensions in the society such as non-cultural identities. Therefore, power-sharing that the GTF proposes discriminates identities other than the ethnic Tamil identity and stands against the Laws of equality.

Furthermore, since power sharing institutions that the GTF proposes privilege the Tamil ethno-linguistic identity in the ATR, it gives powers to the Tamil elites to cultivate monopolistic identities through separate schooling, public celebration and propaganda. As a result, individuals from rest of the identities such as non-Tamils and non-cultural identities either will be discriminated or may suffer from unfair treatments.

As the power sharing privileges the leaders of Tamil speaking communities with mandated resources and powers that are not available to the leaders of other communities such as leaders of non-cultural identities, the GTF proposals threatens the establishment of a healthy pluralistic society and civil society organisations including NGOs that represent interests of non-privileged identities. Therefore, in terms of establishing and maintaining a healthy pluralistic society, the GTF submission creates obstacles.

The GTF proposals give the Tamil politicians expanded agenda control powers and means to frame agenda items as cultural conflicts. So, these politicians can reframe their demands as challenges to their allocated decision making rights and aim to gain expanded agenda control powers over various subjects such as sole control over natural resources or economic resources in the ATR. Any opposition to such demands may be interpreted by those cultural politicians as challenges to their sovereign rights. The danger is that these claims and counter claims by the Sinhalese minority in the ATR can result not only a debate over constitutional provisions, but even a civil war that threatens the peace.

Moreover, as the power sharing privileges a number of elites from the Tamil community, it concentrates state powers into their hands. The danger in this dimension of power-sharing is that it enhances those leaders’ ability to threaten the existing constitutional order as a few can impact on many of the ATR institutions and stability. Any opposition to such a move can result again even a protracted conflict or a civil war.


Although the GTF identifies ethnic Majoritarianism as the cause for problems, they proposes to establish an ATR with provisions for a regional ethnic Majoritarian administration. As one can view, ethnic Majoritarianism and Minoritarianism are two sides of the same coin. They create conflicts as they divide societies on ethnic lines. As the constructivists view, “often the politicization of ethnic identities is endogenous to the political process and in the absence of political-institutional constraints identities tend to be more fluid”. Therefore, politicised or politically privileged ethnic or religious groups tend to subsume all other groups and communities and often it creates “pathological situations” as it was in Yugoslavia and Rwanda or even in Sri Lanka in to a certain extent. Surprisingly, the GTF’s proposal is to privilege selected groups and create a majority on the basis of ethnicity.

The GTF submission states that they are for a plural, multinational state. However, as I mentioned the GTF wants to privilege the Tamil ethnic identity. Once you privilege ethnicity over other identities such as non-cultural identities, you discriminate non-ethnic, non-cultural identities. We live in a society with multiple and cross-cutting identities and ethnicity is one of them. Therefore, by proposing to privilege ethnicity how can the GTF stand for pluralism? Furthermore, the GTF calls for equality. Yet, how can they call for equality as they want to politically privilege a group only on the basis of ethnicity. Does not it infringe the Law of equality or equal liberty that the GTF wants the new constitution to respect as the GTF calls for “racial, religious and gender equality”? Moreover, as the ethnic group that the GTF proposes to privilege politically is a minority group in Sri Lanka, does not the GTF’s proposal undemocratic as well? The reason is that it stands against Westminster principles that the GTF proposes for Sri Lanka that respects the majority’s will.

An Agenda for failure

The GTF’s submission for a new constitution is an agenda for failure as its basis, power-sharing, has given rise to at least seven key problems that have thwarted the consolidation of peace and democracy. As observed by Philip G. Roeder and Donald Rothchild, power sharing limits democracy; empowers ethnic leaders even to challenge power sharing agreements; by privileging interethnic allocations for power and resources, power sharing discriminates other minorities such as non-cultural communities; even where ethnic elites are initially sincere in their commitments to power sharing, ‘the second-generation problem’ arises when ambitious, upcoming leaders with more radical demands try to replace moderates; expanded representation in power sharing causes governmental inefficiency as mechanisms such as ‘vetoes’ can end up governments in deadlocks; as power sharing institutions tend to be inflexible and unable to adopt to changing social conditions during a transition from intense conflict, it may not meet challenges posed by a post-conflict environment and result in governmental rigidity; and as it may be difficult to enforce the rules of a power sharing arrangement against opportunistic behaviour by the leaders of ethnic groups that are major parties to the agreement, power sharing may suffer from inadequate enforcement problems. These problems are directly relevant to the GTF’s proposals as well.

However, when power-sharing arrangements fail, the GTF as a proponent of power-sharing can call for two more typical, extreme solutions, namely establishing a protectorate under foreign power(s) or international organisation(s) or partitioning the state as the last resort. Yet, the proposal for a protectorate that power-sharing proponents propose is also a failure. Except for exceptional cases like Canada’s federal system that survives for nearly a century due to the exceptional role of the Judicial Committee of the British Privy Council in London that gives Canadian provinces the powers to appeal, it is proven that international protectorates will not last long. Hence partitioning the state is the ultimate solution that the GTF as a proponent of power-sharing can think of as a mechanism to build sustainable peace and democracy. Therefore, it is likely that power-sharing institutions that the GTF proposes would not build peace and democracy in Sri Lanka and may create a separate state in the Northern and Eastern provinces as the ultimate solution that the proponent of power-sharing offers.

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  • 9

    Dinesh Dodamgoda,

    The TGF is far removed from the realities on the ground in Sri Lanka. I won’t bother reading too much into what they got to say. There are Tamil political parties, real representatives of the Tamil speaking people in Sri Lanka who are fairly well qualified to find ways and means to improve the lot of the Tamil speaking people in Sri Lanka. Basically a federal system of governance should achieve a great amount of Tamil aspirations. Any other form of power sharing will be very difficult to enunciate, will lead to corrupt practices and in the end problematic when needed to apportion liability.

    However the Sinhala Buddhist bigots do not understand what federalism means and are not in a mood to listen given the comprehensive annihilation of the LTTE.

    I for one can’t see any lasting peace in the horizon with the Sinhala Buddhist Nation. Worse woes may descend if the planned pogrom against the Muslims should go ahead.

    • 12

      First Global Tamil Forum appears to be an organization of all Tamils in the world. Who are they to dictate terms to Sri lanka? If this GTF is only of Sri Lankan Tamils, they have no right to dictate terms if they are living outside SL and are not SL citizens. The GTF appears to be a bunch of losers who are scavenging diaspora money for their personal benefit. If they are really fighting for the rights of Tamils they should first move to Sri lanka and engage in politics to win the hearts of Tamils who are living in SL. It is an absolute waste of time and resources otherwise.
      It is not that the Sinhalese don’t understand Federalism it is highly unnecessary to get into such a system just because 10% of the population wants it. Also, 50% of this 10% lives outside the north. If Sri Lanka was a large country like the US or USSR or even India it would have been worthwhile to consider such a scenario.

      • 8

        At present international community wants Srilanka to accommodate legitimate rights of Tamils for self rule without division. This can be achieved if there is will among Sinhalese people for fair play. Unfortunately vast majority of Sinhalese are not willing to grant justice to Tamils. Rajapakse promised to do it but did not and was ousted after giving him six years. MS/RW government also promised to do it, but seems to be dilly dallying without openly saying no. They may be given longer time, but will not be allowed to continue cheating for long time. Due to madness of Prabaharan, government made a propaganda that they are willing to settle the problem but Tamils are not. Now that Prabaharan is eliminated, Sinhalese are being exposed as the real intransigent entity not keen to settle Tamil problem. Government is trying to wriggle out of this by making a false propaganda of LTTE resurrection. This will not work as international community is well aware of the real picture. At one stage they will intervene decisively to grant justice to Tamils as what they have done in other countries which faced similar problem. Sinhalese racists thinking that American policy on Srilanka will change after Trump takes over is stupid.

        • 6

          We have to look into the REAL reasons of the conflict and solve the issue. We will not go under just because the west or anyone has a tamil centric view.

          Federalism will never be tolerated in SL.

        • 7

          What legitimate rights do the Tamils don’t have but only the Sinhalese have? What justice are you talking about? The only justice I want is for the 30 years of Tamil terrorism that perished over 100,000 of our citizens!
          How come most Tamils are doing much better than average Sinhalese and do live in the south and continue to progress? Look at how Tamil businesses in Kandy, Colombo, Galle etc. are doing so well. What “legitimate” rights do you think these Tamil businessmen lack and how do you explain how they prosper in spite of them? Your whining of “lack of legitimate rights” for the Tamils is fake and misleading. This is a typical excuse of lazy and unproductive Tamils and diaspora like you who have no idea of problems of Sri Lanka’s Tamils. I will assure you that the Tamil “problems” are not different from that of the Sinhalese.

          • 7

            What happened in Batticaloa is a good example for all to realize.
            Can a Hindu priest scold a Sinhalese government servant in filth and threaten to kill Sinhalese openly in front of police.
            Can Tamils settle large number of Tamils to change the demographic pattern of the country to make Sinhalese a minority.
            Can Tamils place Hindu statues and construct Hindu temples without permission in any part of the country especially in Sinhala areas where there is not a single Tamil living.
            Can Tamils drive Sinhalese away, destroy their properties and change the name of a village from Sinhala to Tamil.
            Can a Tamil policemen kill a Sinhalese without reason and get away like what happened in Jaffna recently.

            Please stop being a racist and accept that there is no equality between Sinhalese and Tamils in Srilanka. Come to UK and see for yourself how there is absolute equality between Sinhalese and Tamils. This is the reason why Sinhalese racists in UK are living like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs.

            • 7

              How many Buddhist priest have acted like the one in Batticola? That is not the norm and there are rotten apples in every race and religion. I condemn this priest and demand that this thug is dealt with the law. There are close to 20 million Sinhalese in SL. You are taking the example of this one thug as inequality???
              Tamils are not bared to come settle down in any part of Sri Lanka. Their settling down in the south has been happening for a long time. Even Vigneswaran family moved to Colombo and they live without any restrictions in the south as well as thousands of other professionals and businessmen. In fact no Sinhalese resent Tamils settling down in the south. The problem is the Tamils recent Sinhalese settling down in the north. Why? Can you explain the reason?
              Tamils have their Hindu temples and christian churches all over the south where there is a need. In fact I promote Tamils moving south and living among the Sinhalese so that both races learn to respect each other.
              You talk about Jaffna killing by the police. Please read my responses to Ajith below.
              I don’t consider work of few bad apples as inequality towards Tamils. Tamils are a minority and I am sure any minority would have concerns. You said it right. That is why the Sinhalese (as a minority in the UK) lives “like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs”. That is how minorities of other countries live too and is the same in the US with the Blacks and Hispanics where they are over 30% of the population. Have you asked for your Tamil rights from the UK gov. so far?

              By the way you haven’t responded to the questions of my earlier post.

              • 2


                For the earlier question Dr Sankaralingam raised, just as the usual slippery snake you are, was simply evasive – you did not answer those questions.

                I agree, the problem is not per se the few bad apples, but the majority who keep silent and the regime makes it look like such idiots are above the law. When the majority tape their mouths, just like donkeys like you, the impunity continues and tell me why the police did not book him in immediately? Scoundrels like you need not have to preach to others. Incidentally, even if there is one bad apple in the basket, does a donkey like you knows what happens to the other apples in the basket?

                • 3

                  stupid jansee
                  You need my reply? what an idiotic minority would scold a majority government servant in filth and threaten to kill the majority openly in front of police in any country? You try this in US, UK, Saudi Arabia or any other country and watch what happens. Did you read what Sankaralinga wrote? The Sinhalese are like dogs with tails between legs when they are in the UK. Why? They are smart. They know they are a minority and they don’t have power. So they keep calm that is how minorities in every country are. If Tamils wants to be different in SL let them be. You thought I was evasive of his stupid question? you too are a moron to bring this up!
                  So you want me to raise hell of what this monk thug did? I want the legal system to take care of it. When Parayabakaran was suicide murdering Sri Lankan citizens did you and your Tamil majority keep your mouths taped or untaped? Don’t bring up stupid counter post like your buddy, Stupid Vedda.

                  • 1

                    “what an idiotic minority would scold a majority government servant in filth and threaten to kill the majority openly in front of police in any country?”

                    Idiotic or Not. Whether Majority or Minority. Who dares to treaten to kill another in front of a Police officer in a Civilised Country gets away scot free. In Sri Lanka is so supe Civilised Where Majority are free to utter death treats with impunity. Before you argue any further please acept that there is partial treatment in this Cursed Country. That Man MONKEey should have benn appehender by now and produce before Phsychiatrist arn confined to a mental Hospitel. If Found Sane Should have been Locked up and produced in front of a magistrate to decide. Rotten apples make other apples to Rot.

              • 2

                Eusense the Donkey,

                It is not the matter of norm or rotten apples in every race and religion. The question is, can any non-Sinhala-Buddhist member of the clergy (priest) scold a Sinhalese government servant in filth and threaten to kill Sinhalese openly in front of police and get away with it?

                If it happened in any civilized country, this monk would have been arrested on several charges but in a pariah state like Sri Lanka, nothing happens to him because he is a Sinhala-Buddhist and not a Hindu/Catholic/Muslim priest.

              • 1


                “How many Buddhist priest have acted like the one in Batticola? That is not the norm and there are rotten apples in every race and religion.”

                Really are you sure? Even if you are sure The So called Singhala Buddhists, Cherish these Rotten Fruits and Veneate the rooten ones. The Rotten ones are perfectly Guarded by The Poice Force. If that Rotten fruit has arrived at the scene without first informing the Police. The Fruit would have now fount itself in its propoer place the Garbage Bin. The Police are paid to preserve them.

                “Tamils are not bared to come settle down in any part of Sri Lanka. Their settling down in the south has been happening for a long time.”

                The Difference is that the Tamils are settling down on their own. Planned assimilation along the westetern coast has resulted in almost all Catholic Churches becoming Sinhala Catholic Churches. Tamil temples are not created by transporting peoples from other location with State Help and made to settle down.

                Tamil Temples are not constructed in front of Buddhist temples in the South. But Buddhist temples are geing installed in Occupied North and East. Army comes out with yarns that the present Buddist Vihare is actually a reconstruction of a rajamaha vihare that existed. Example the Mankulam Vihare. There is no evidence that a vihare existed at the site. Non of the Topographical surveys carried out by the Land Surveyors under the British found any Archiological Sites.

                If you need further examples they could be elaborated. Oly it will be too long and Boring.

                Todays current position is that every place a Cerow Shits a prospective Buddist Temple on a later date. That happens only in North and east of This Island. In Other places they become Kaputu Bo Gaha.


                el .

    • 8

      Dear Dinesh Dodangoda,
      Are you advocating forcing an unfair solution on Tamils or forcing a fair solution on Sinhalese. Please do not waste our time by coming out with such load of rubbish. Please be honest and say that Sinhalese are not prepared to share power or territory with Tamils in an effective and equitable manner. Please do not expect for any self respecting Tamils to accept a silly solution to the liking of Sinhalese. Either you do it on your own or do not be surprised that it will be forced upon the country by international community who want a fair settlement. The precondition for peace and reconciliation is justice and truth like what happened in South Africa, and I am afraid it seems to be remote in Srilanka.

      • 4

        We have to look into the REAL reasons of the conflict and solve the issue. We will not go under just because the west or anyone has a tamil centric view.

        Federalism will never be tolerated in SL.

      • 3

        What do you think we have in SL now?
        There is 13A in force, there is a Tamil CM and a Tamil alliance holding power in north. what else?

        • 3

          You are dishonest. 13th amendment is not in force in full. Your thinking is being clouded by Sinhala supremacy and racism to come out with such a blatant lie.

          Firstly territory – 13th amendment clearly states North and East will be temporarily merged subject to a referendum in the east to decide whether merger is to continue or not at a later date. This referendum clause was added to please JR who said that otherwise Sinhalese will not accept it. India acceded to it on one condition that this referendum will not be held. True to the agreement JR, Premadasa and Chandrika kept on postponing the referendum. It was Mahinda who instigated JVP to file action in court to cancel the merger. Sarath Silva who is a racist judge de-merged it. Indo-lanka accord is an agreement between two countries and one country cannot unilaterally change any clause. On this basis the courts in Srilanka had no right to decide on this matter. Also during the case the judge did not allow Tamils to make representations in favour of a merger. If Srilanka cannot be divided how can anyone advocate a division of Tamil home land.

          Secondly power – Police and land powers are enshrined clauses in the 13th amendment and were never devolved. Both are necessary for Tamils to save their home land from Sinhala racists and protect their people from Sinhala terrorists. What happened in Jaffna and Batticaloa recently will never happen if Tamils have Police power. Also there is widespread settlements of mainly Sinhalese and in some cases Muslims from out of the provinces in north and east in order to change the demographic pattern, all done illegally. This will not happen if Tamils have land powers.

          Thirdly whatever power that is devolved is being sabotaged. It is well known that governors appointed by the government are meddling in the administration not only by delaying to ratify laws passed but also refusing to comply with wishes of Tamil people. During Premadasa’s time he created assistant government agent posts and directly brought them under his control in order to undermine Provincial council control over government agents and created Pradesiya Sabhas and directly brought them under his control in order to undermine Provincial council control over local bodies. This situation is still continuing with government putting spokes into the wheel as complained by both north and east councils.

          Therefore stop being a racist and allow Tamils to live in safety and dignity in their lands of historic habitation which the 13th amendment clearly spells out which is accepted as fair by the international community. If you like to see how devolution should work successfully to linguistic areas, share Indian experience.

          • 2

            Yes it is not in full force because we dont trust you..and the current antics by TNA and the CM has given us more proof on what we have believe

            • 1

              Now you are honest in admitting that Sinhala racism is the root cause of all the problem. Please stop giving excuses to deny Tamils their right to self rule in their lands, which is accepted by international community. Very soon this will be forced on you.

              • 3

                LOL forced by whom?
                Saying we do not accept the pro LTTE CM and TNA is sinhala racism. The NGOs and liberal retards has actually convinced these tamil ethnoc supremacists that minority rule over majority is a minority right. That is the ONLY problem in this country.

    • 6

      The author has no right to outrightly say that it is a failure or success of any proposals. As far as Srilanka is concerned the unitary system that was introduced by British and handed over to the Majority Sinhalese was a complete failure and it was recognised by almost all political leadership in Srilankan, in the regional and International level. Srilanka’s ethnic distribution before unitary system was concentrated to specific regions and the linguistic &cultural differences are well established and recognised facts. We cannot bring peace and unity ignoring those facts. The Sinhalese have a fear about Tamils & Muslims, Tamils have a fear Sinhalese and Muslims, Muslims have a fear of Sinhalese and Tamils. The fear is nothing to do with number (Majority or minority) but it is about their identity, their language, their religion, their culture. In the past, the problem was not about what is written in constitution or in the law books but it is about how the political system misused what is written in the constitution or law books. For example, in 1958, People were dragged into streets and attacked by thugs and criminals. The police and military did not bother to arrest or charge those criminals because they are not willing to take action against their race. They know it is against the law but they also no they have the support of their government and even the judges won’t take actions against them. It is true that it is started with race and then extended within the race to those who are against to them. That is why thousands of Sinhalese were murdered and large scale dumping of bodies underneath the soil. How we are going to this culture?

  • 9

    A home grown solution under a majoritarian chauvinist Sinhala Buddhist system for a unitary undivided country, is never ever be possible. The solution to this long drawn ethnic suicidal problem is two separate independent Sinhala and Tamil Nations.

    No other systems will work in SL other than the Pikku Mahavamsa superiority and subjugation of Tamils.

    All Tamil political and NGO groups should unite and call upon the International Community to intervene and fully implement the UN HRC Resolution, remove the 6A, and call for a UN conducted referendum for the Tamils to decide their future destiny.

    Politics of appeasement, misleading the people, being mischievous with promises and dishonesty, has a time limit.

    Brexit and Donald J Trump have proved a point, let the people decide. Take our country back.

    Don’t waste time, don’t prolong, but resolve the problem, structural genocide is in progress under cover by this unity good government.

    • 8

      Mr Manikka

      In your solution what is the status of the Tamils(Tamil speaking people) presently living outside North and East? Will they be relocated into North and East which is the desire of the Sinhalese?


      • 6

        Dear Soma,
        Please do not write nonsense. Do not bring Tamils of recent Indian origin into the picture who constitute 90% of Tamils in South. They never lived in North or east at anytime. Tamils moved to south during British times for economic reasons, as all economic activity were in the south centered around plantation sector. My ancestors moved to south for job as it was not available in the north. Now our entire families have migrated to the west due to ethnic problem of discrimination and persecution of Tamils. If you see around the world, capital cities have a majority of minorities eg in Kuala Lumpur the majority are Chinese and Tamils and not Malays. Similarly in London, English people are in the minority. Therefore Colombo is not an exception. If you shift the power center to north and east with public jobs and economic activity moving there, Tamils will move back to North and East. You are not honest when you say that the desire of Sinhalese is to relocate Tamils into north and east, whereas the true desire of Sinhalese is to drive all Tamils out of Srilanka.

        • 6

          Dear dr GS

          One of my persistent requests here on CT is to clarify the definition of “Tamil” for whom a ‘political solution’ is sought. Specifically is it only for Hindu and Christian Tamils in the North or all Tamil speaking people in the island including those who practise Islam and those who arrived during the British. You have very clearly excluded those who arrived during the British. Thank you. Now what about those who practise Islam? Included or excluded? A very simple, unambiguous question.

          International community can then calculate the percentage of ‘Tamils’ out of the total.


      • 5


        “Will they be relocated into North and East which is the desire of the Sinhalese?”

        The successful implementation of any solution is conditional upon the relocation of Sinhala/Buddhists back to their ancestral homeland(Tamilnadu/Kerala).

        • 6

          Stupid vedda
          No end to stupidity!

        • 4

          [ The successful implementation of any solution is conditional upon the relocation of Sinhala/Buddhists back to their ancestral homeland(Tamilnadu/Kerala). ]

          A typical donkey.

          Ask British People to go back to Africa

      • 6

        Freedom of movement, freedom of expression, a secular multi-cultural, multi-religious and Tamil, Singhalese and English as the official languages, and based on meritocracy will be the hall mark of Tamil Eelam Constitution, and adhering to all international norms and standards, as stipulated in the Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter.

        All LEGITIMATE residents will be able to exercise their basic fundamental rights as equal citizens, irrespective of race, caste, creed or religion.Live and let live.

        I believe Sri Lanka would be put to shame and humiliated for centuries to come. Thanks to all the racists.

        • 7

          Good fiction!

  • 6

    Remove the military regime in the north and east, and let the normal laws of the nation prevail, with law enforcement by police only.
    Stop state colonisation and “Buddha Statue Terrorism”.
    Army doing business should be terminated.
    Implement the state languages policy and let the Northern Provincial Council function like all other PCs.
    Then there will be equality of all citizens and peace/contentment will prevail.

    P.S No indictments so far, of the five policemen involved in the deaths of the two Jaffna university students.
    This does not instil confidence in the justice system

  • 8

    Until Jaffna population recognizes that they are not above the law the troops will be stay put.

    Police shooting was due to not abiding by the law. Whether those students were Tamil or Sinhalese they would have been shot if they refused to obey orders.

    • 2

      Please stop writing lies. Police shooting was without any provocation. If the shooting was justified, why did the police claim first that it was an accident when the motorcycle they were riding went off the road as they were drunk and crashed on to a wall. When the bodies were taken to hospital why did they threaten the employees not to talk about it. But unfortunately for them bullets were discovered in one of the two bodies. Then the police changed their tune and said that they refused to stop when ordered to do and they shot them. When asked why did they not chase them apprehend them, Police said they were fleeing in a 1000 cc motor bike. Again this was a lie because the motor bike used was only 125 cc. Now the post-mortem report says that the rider was shot from the front and bullet exited through the back. How can a fleeing person be shot on the chest. Therefore this a point blank first degree murder committed by the police who are trying to cover up. Why did the police threaten relatives not to make any noise about it if it was a justified shooting. Compensation is paid to silence the relatives.

      • 3

        Why do you think the police shot him “without provocation”?? Just because they were Tamil?? From where do you get this kind of information? From asylum seekers in UK or the diaspora who has never visited SL???
        It is you who are lying. You say you live in UK but you know all the exact details of what happened! Where was it published that bullets were fired from the front? give me the link to this article. Is it from the Tamil net?
        Unless you supply credible evidence for your post you are considered a lair.
        I am waiting for your evidence.

        • 0


          So, the President who ordered an impartial inquiry is a liar. Because of the incidents, the policemen were suspended, then the IGP is liar. Everyone in this world is a liar, except a donkey like you. Go and either get your faculties rewired or knock 20 times against any wall, at least your sanity may return partially. Do you know racists don’t need a reason to shoot, what more talking about provocation. Sri Lanka is intoxicated to the core with racism, lies and thuggery.

          • 3

            You are becoming like that stupid vedda who writes nonsense in this forum! The president ordering an impartial inquiry and the policemen being suspended does not mean they are guilty. Keep in mind they are innocent until they are proven guilty. Racist Tamils like you are not the judges to decide! Let the court decide. Don’t bring up distorted and misinformation to this forum like what Sankaralingam do.
            Do policemen shoot every Tamil that roam the street? Keep in mind, there is a reason for this shooting.
            If you continue to post stupid counter posts I will have to treat you like another stupid Vedda.

        • 1

          I worked as a medico-legal officer in Jaffna during the early part of the war. All the first degree murders of non-combatant Tamils committed by security forces were swept under the carpet as either justifiable homicide or collateral damage. Cases were transferred to Colombo under racist Sinhala judges, where witnesses were threatened and witness were made to travel to Colombo in difficult transport conditions spending their money, Police presenting a picture completely different from JMO report and judges without any sense of shame taking police evidence and acquitting the criminals. The same thing will happen to this shooting incident, where case will be dragged for several years and murderers discharged. Look at what Police have told court in Colombo regarding AVA criminals. Despite there being incriminating evidence that military loyal to Mahinda is behind it, Police has filed a report that Tamil diaspora is behind it. This shows that there is institutional racism in judiciary in Srilanka and Tamils will never get justice. This is why we need international judges to inquire war crimes committed by security forces.

  • 5

    Don’t try to fool Sinhalese masses by your cowardly spreading lies and justifications for your blood thirsty fundamentalist propaganda.
    So who violated the law? What you fool say is if some one violate the law Police should shoot and kill those who violate. I don’t know which part of the law book says it. If that is lawful why the policeman was arrested? Why President promised to compensate the students?
    Why couldn’t the police shoot when the police were attacked by the so called”Aava group” in Chunnakam?

    • 6

      You seem to be the epic fool here! When you are riding a bike and there is a checkpoint and you are asked stop you stop. That is abiding by the law. These police officers did not know whether these individuals were Sinhalese, Tamil, LTTE operatives, suicide bombers, BBS idiots, above the law politicians or anybody else. What do you think I will do if I was the police officer? shoot the brains out of those criminals! It is my duty to look after the security of our citizens. We had enough of Tamil terrorism for 30 years. I will not tolerate anymore of this menace.
      Before you start whining and trying to take the side of these idiotic Tamils, advice the citizens of Jaffna to obey the law when asked to. End of story.

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        You have utterly a nonsense. If you don’t know what will you do? Shoot! That is your law. If it was the duty to kill why they did not tell the truth until the doctors postmortem? Why was still they are in remand? You mean law is to remand if you do the duty correctly? Bloody Blood thirsty Lion born Animals like you have a different law to norm. That is very clear. This is what normal Sinhalese feel about you.

  • 3

    You asked why the policemen were arrested and why the President promised to compensate the students.
    I consider this as highly unnecessary, but only a goodwill gesture towards the Tamils. In my opinion the legal system should handle it. As the first step an internal police investigation should have happened and if they find it as criminal they should proceed to prosecute them. But I will guarantee that if it reaches a court of law they will be found not guilty. This is what happens in the US with almost every shooting death of Blacks.

    Why couldn’t the police shoot when the police were attacked by the so called”Aava group” in Chunnakam?
    You need to ask that from the Police not me!

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    This Dinesh guy is [Edited out] – spreading his hands there and his tail here. At the end of the day, he is neither here nor there. His somewhat skewed logic wants to preach that he and his ancestors were sleeping since independence and he simply woke up yesterday and churns hypothesis as if Sri Lanka started its history just yesterday. The long treacherous history is there right in front of him and he is singing roses and praying beads. My dear Dinesh, it is not that Tamils do not know that it is in the genes of Sinhalese to cheat and you are just trying to do it in an innovative way. But remember, the world is not sleeping.

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