3 May, 2024


Duty Free Permit Abuse: Deputy Minister Palitha Thewarapperuma’s Brand New Duty Free Land Cruiser For Sale

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Cultural Affairs and Wayamba Development and UNP MP Palitha Thewarapperuma‘s brand new Toyota Land Cruiser is now for sale. This Land Cruiser is imported from Japan with a duty free vehicle permit, which resulted in the country losing millions of rupees in revenue.

Palitha Thewarapperuma

Palitha Thewarapperuma

According to the Sri Lanka Customs’ declaration form the actual cost of the imported vehicle is stated as Rs 9.2 million even though MP Thewarapperuma has advertised to sell it for Rs 39 million. He had only paid to government Rs 1,750.00 as Customs’ paperwork fees.

A whopping sum of Rs 33,457,500.00 is the total loss to the government as the stated amount in the customs import papers that has been waived off for this purpose.

According to Sri Lanka’s pioneering MP Monitoring Website (Manthri.lkThewarapperuma has participated 32 times in parliament and only participated 2 topics.

At least 77 MPs in Parliament have used their duty free permits to purchase luxury vehicles in 2016 alone, which has resulted in the country losing billions of rupees in revenue.

Most of the vehicles that have been imported have been Toyota Land Cruisers, Hummers, BMW’s and Mercedes Benz. In July, lawyer and rights activist Nagananda  Kodituwakku told the Supreme Court that the MPs instantly make as much as Rs. 25 million for each permit they sold, which they receive free of charge from the government.

Meanwhile issuing a statement the Friday Forum said: “The ugly practice of Parliamentarians selling duty-free vehicles, enabling them to make profits in millions of rupees, must be stopped immediately. The profits they make, in place of the taxes they have been exempted from paying, rightfully belong in state coffers. Various justifications have been given by Ministers of all governments and Members of Parliament for continuing what is an outrageous, if not illegal, practice.”

“Ironically, these justifications are now voiced at a time when a controversial tax – VAT –has been increased, and other measures are in hand to address a serious national debt crisis. These sales of vehicles imported duty free appear to be tolerated by the government as a way of providing MP’s with financial resources to fulfill their public duties. In no sense is this legitimate. Subsidies to any one – be they farmers or parliamentarians – must be authorized through the national budget that is subject to public scrutiny.” the Friday Forum further said.

Readers can compare the Engine Number and the Chassis Number of the vehicle in the advert (for sale of Toyota Land Cruiser imported on MP permit) with the same information provided in the import declaration presented for Customs purposes and the tax-waiver granted for this vehicle.

The relevant Customs Declaration presented for this vehicle is re-produced below:palitha-thewarapperumas-brand-new-toyota-land-cruiser-is-now-for-salepalitha-thewarapperumas-brand-new-toyota-land-cruiser-is-now-for-salepalitha-thewarapperumas-brand-new-toyota-land-cruiser-is-now-for-sale

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  • 8

    Palitha Thewarapperuma

    RE: Duty Free Permit Abuse: Deputy Minister Palitha Thewarapperuma’s Brand New Duty Free Land Cruiser For Sale

    Can I get a “loan” from the Mahinda Rajapaksa stolen billion to but the Brand New Duty Free Land Cruiser ?

    What does it take?

    • 14

      In the name of THEVARAPERUMAL all sounds Tamil names twisted to Sinhala Thevaraperuma .

      The whole country with twisted Tamil names to Sinhala names and fighting and KILLING BROTHERS AND SISTERS..
      what a Humbug Country , what a twisted Minded people.
      Hah ! Hah ! Hah!!
      NONE OF THEM ARE TRUE BUDDHISTS ! Just like the yellow robed DOG.

      Shame on them.

      • 10

        The epidemic of corruption by politicians of the Diyawenna Parliament of Morons is so massive and epic that the courts are paralized by the number of cases.

        Justice system under the corrupt clown Wijedasa Jarapassa has also been crippled beyond redemption it seems.

      • 5


        “The whole country with twisted Tamil names to Sinhala names and fighting and KILLING BROTHERS AND SISTERS..
        what a Humbug Country , what a twisted Minded people.”

        They are called Paras, Paradeshis, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, to whom the Land belongs. Thet Average IQ is 79. See below.

        Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations

        Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.


        • 4


          Thewaram means in Tamil Hindu deity songs similar to Christians Hymns and Buddhists Bana.
          This man with the name of Thewaraperuma had become Sinhala man , why did he not change it to Sinhala Banda??
          Beggars belief and fooling everyone with their stupid names!!
          Gamman Pillai, and so on.

    • 7

      I did not read whole the article, but I am against this guy, since he once tried to be in the middle point of the media – going through the same path of former pulligna – Rajaakshe Man -Mervin Appu.
      How dare this man challenged once those school principals that abusive manner.
      Latter reminded me with the issue how socallled euroepan educated Prof. Rajeeva Wijesinghe once held a meeting in UGC, immediately the man was posted to be the head, under current govt. There, like Therwarapperuma Rajeewa behaves no well.. even attacked the incumbent UGC head, one female professor thought appointed by former President, the people laughing of the day.
      So regardless of the education one possess, they the lanken men in politics seem to make huge blunders.
      Anyways, these men earn second chances.

      God bless highly abusive srilanka.

  • 19

    Another “yahapalana” rogue!! What the JVP said is correct, this system is beyond redemption.

  • 13

    So,handsome Palitha has participated 32 times in Parliament on 2 topics! Wonder what the topics were? But handsome Wije,who participated 40 times beat him.
    Both have imported Land Cruisers; Perhaps Amba Yaluwos[mango friends].
    Both are flying HIGH on LAND cruisers.
    Nagananda went to the Supreme Court who ruled that they can sell.True,Law is an ass as per their ruling!
    Whom to tell child?

  • 9

    Just see what the Corruption Commission says on this day light robbery of public funds by dishonest MPs.

    04th March 2015

    Nagananda Kodituwakku
    Attorney-at-Law & Solicitor

    Complaint on patent abuse of tax-free concessions by elected MPs and Ministers for private gain

    I refer to your complaint dated 11th Dec 2014 on the above matter.

    As stated in your letter, the Conditions in the tax-free permits were decided as policy of government.Therefore, any loss caused to the government due to the implementation of such government policy will not fall within in the Section 70 of the Bribery Act. Accordingly, please note that the Commission will not take further action on your complaint.


    Mrs Dilrukshi Dias Wickramasinghe , P.C.
    Director General

    Now I invite you to see what the Section 70 of the Bribery Act stipulates

    ‘Any person holding any public officer to confer a favour or benefit to himself or any person causing a loss to the Government, any such action shall fall within the Criminal Offence of Corruption with a penal sanction of 10 years jail term.

    Over to the reader to have their own view on the content of this communication.

    • 4


      Thank you for your efforts and especially the legal actions you have taken.

      I have read that you have filed a petition in the Supreme Court because of information that was not disclosed despite the RTI Act and Constitution.

      Have you received any reason for why the information has not been disclosed?

      Are you going to demand action from the RTI Commission also in addition to the Supreme Court? My understanding is that the RTI Commission can prosecute when information is not disclosed without valid reason.

      I know that the RTI Act has still not been completely implemented and that two more members are needed.

      It is in my opinion very important that you and others test how the RTI Act and RTI Commission work.

    • 2

      I hate to say this, but it’s time you came back and spend your valuble time over here with us. Sri Lanka will never ever be the same again.

    • 4


      There a lot a government can do to stop the abuse of privileges by the people’s representative in the parliament and by state functionaries.

      1. Government should impose a moratorium on sale of such vehicles imported by MPs, say 5 years. If and when the vehicle is sold before the said period, the MPs should be charged an import Tax depending on the period of ownership. The vehicle should not be transferred to the buyer until the outstanding tax is paid in advance.

      2. There are tens of thousands of car owners in this island. Some of the cars are too expensive. Where do the owners get the money to buy expensive flashy cars? If the money paid for the car is proved to be from legitimate savings, and the owners pay the right amount of Tax on their annual income, there shouldn’t be any problem. However, do they disclose all their income and pay appropriate tax? There is a way to check this.

      The Customs department or the car importers/dealers should be forced to disclose details of all sales/imports (over certain values) to the Inland Revenue. Inland Revenue should track down the buyer and audit their tax affairs at least for the previous 5/6 years.

      3. How do you propose to stop bribery in state departments? For example, the Pension department employees are thriving on extra income.

      4. There were many incidents in which security forces illegally made millions, on their own way, some very innovative and some very crude. The question is whether the assets they own are disproportionate to their income. The answer has to be found.

      5. The cash and gold that were taken away from Mullaitive have not been accounted for.

      Cleaning the state is a hard work, but doable.
      Keep up your good work.

  • 11

    Why do politicians need duty free permits? high time they are scrapped. i bought clothes for my kids online and had to pay 25k in duty. these fools are buying luxury vehicles and not paying a cent. shouldnt the same rules apply to politicians too?

    • 0

      Dev W
      This is called divide and rule where some are more equal than the others. They cleverly use the ,main religion to hide behind and hood wink the tax payers.
      We must have a secular nation as we are multiethnic and the minorities are contributing immensely to our economy.
      Therefore we giving unfair privileges to politicians and even likes of doctors to get duty-free vehicles is wrong.
      We must sincerely accept the fact that a politicians’ working life is limited to their term in the Parliament and we must address this in a realistic way by giving them a lifeline.
      Depending on the length of his term in the house, he or she must get some privileges like train warrants for the family at least 3times a year like the colonial times. Give them dedicated free accommodation in the parliamentary complex where they could save money by renting their house until retirement, So that when they retire will enjoy an additional pension pot in addition to a state pension. Better he serve his constituents the longer he will be in the job.
      We must recreate the upper house the senate to make them life peers if they have served the country honourably. Follow the British system is proper.

  • 10

    This is the clown who tried to commit suicide (all an act) because he cares so much for the people. Another corrupt thug in saintly white garb!

  • 8

    Palitha Thewarapperuma,

    Do you need cash for urgent medical treatment? I hear that Singapore has good hospitals. I am sure the judge(s) allow you to travel abroad for treatment.

  • 6

    More 100 MPs have imported cars. There is no service done by these people and they go there to make money. Car alone will give 30 million.

  • 6

    Come on guys he haven’t broke the law it’s legal the loop hole etc

    But most of them do it only because they are not sure about the 2nd term.

    They all had free ride when VP was their no one knows what’s going on.

    These crooks kept the war going on.before Maharaja we dosnt know who the CV governor is.

    I appreciate the Muslims and Tamil parliamentarian these white bleach clown and yellow robes well enough to destroy the country.

    Saviours of budha.

    Thugs murderers drugs dealers

  • 6

    Need foreign investors

    Sell your mother and sisters

    Sadly come from a desperate pervert not even a dog or cow

    Then proud to have a generation from a dying kingdom.

  • 3

    Out of the frying pan into the fire

  • 4

    So Thevere got one too,,,

    Wonder what happened to the the Yahapalan Mr Clean with the Hair Piece?.

    Has he exchanged the Car Permit for a Strand by Strand Hair transplant where Shane Warne got it done..

  • 6

    Thanks Nagananda for the info.

    So, in effect,a policy of Government supersedes Section 70 of the Bribery Act.
    I am convinced, the Law is an Ass!

  • 5


    Pl.remember Palitha has a Hair-piece on his Frontispiece.

  • 5

    This MP nearly committed sucide recently.It was all a drama with this hefty duty free thing in mind.They are all the same and that includes the 100 rupee beggar Udayan Gammanpillai.

  • 2

    Not worth discussing and commenting on the “Behaviour” and “Activities” of these ROGUES. Now 58 MPs get Rs. 200000.00 monthly deposited into their account in lieu of a vehicle to be provided. Steps are being taken to “Lease” vehicles for this purpose and the annual expenses amount to millions and the people have to pay that in return. There is also another “Publicity” campaign released via TV and electronic media, stating the cost and consequent loans taken to build Hambantotal Port and Mattala Airport that are not producing any added value to the public coffers. Having releasing those details, the people are told to FOOT that cost and thereby the Government justify the imposition of taxes. The people are now asking : Why we are told to FOOT the bill? You told us, before the election that all that money would be RECOVERED from the people who made those decisions and robbed the country. So without taking meaningful action towards recovery of robbed funds, why the Government asking us to repay those losses by way of paying taxes? Therefore taking into account of all what this Government (President, Prime Minister, Ministers and MPs) is doing, there is no use of continuing to point out and comment on the policies and practices followed as at present. Now even the Judiciary is becoming a PAIN and that too is proving to be “Incompetent” and “Unreliable”. So now the time has come to move on to make a CHANGE and towards that the PEOPLE have to be made READY and AVAILABLE.

    • 3


      Public racism and corruption are two faces of the same Sri Lankan coin.

      Both feed on each other as it happened the centralised power (impunity from crimes)was only possible through blatant racism.

  • 10

    These pariahs are a bloody curse on this beautiful country. Until people install a tough leader like Sir John K, these robbers will rob this country. All these gamaya bandas from down south should be exterminated.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 5

    Most of the comments are from Ranil’s boys it seems. Cutting other UNPs as usual . Any way can ranil take the high position ?

  • 3

    Why blame Thevarapperuma and the other MPs? They are just prostitutes dispensing their votes (cunts) for money and favour.

    Blame Sirisena and Ranil for purchasing the votes of Parliamentarians to regularly fuck the voters. In this case they also have the support of the Medamulana gang who are biding their time until they regain the lost power. Proof: not a single one of them has been criminally prosecuted for misappropriating government property.

  • 0

    Whatever said and done he is a gentlemen. The people’s man. There are 225 parliament members who they all sell the permit. There are plenty of other ministers who have become billionaires within a vey short period why not you highlight them.

  • 1

    This corrupt practice of giving preference to likes of Politicians must be stopped. People who deserve this is the hard working and tax paying business people, where they could claim an allowance from their tax liability.

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