2 May, 2024


Donald Trump: The Nationalist Messiah From The Wild West

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

If there is one slogan that swung the political pendulum and placed Donald Trump in the presidential seat it is the one that screamed : MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. It summed up in a simple and digestible pill the pre-election plight, frustrations, failures of the America’s policies – both domestic and foreign. It expressed succinctly Donald Trump’s version of American nationalism + racism. It was also his panacea for all the ills of America. In his brash style he marketed his slogan which resonated well with the disillusioned voters looking for a change. Donald Trump was the right man who came from nowhere to capture the right mood of a frustrated nation that was made to believe it was under siege by the alien enemies.

Inherent in the catchy slogan is the admission that America had failed abroad and at home. Only a failed project / adventure / history needs to be made great again. Greatness is in being at the peak. Greatness need not be revived if it had maintained its greatness of being at the peak. For instance, there is no need to add greatness to the Himalayas. Its irrefutable stature is there for all to acknowledge. It is only if it looses its pre-eminent height that greatness has to be restored, if possible. The promise of making American great again meant, in essence, that America has failed and, therefore, the need of the hour was to make it great again.

Underlying this cry was American patriotism. Trump convinced his compatriots that America, “the indispensable nation” of the world, was not great because it is infested with the Muslims, Latinos, homosexuals, the corrupt establishment, the biased media, anti-Trump women, the “rigged” electoral system and whoever else came within his sights. In short, he raised the banner for reformation and revivalism. It is a cry that went down well in the American electorate. Using this slogan he presented himself as the saviour of America to make it great again. And the Americans bought it, from coast to coast.donald-trump

His message went deep into the insecure psyche of the frustrated Americans. The exploding cities, schools, suburbia and neighbourhoods were threatening to turn the American dream into a nightmare. Terrorists both at home and abroad were targeting the certainties and values of American society driven almost to the edge. Besides, unfolding global events confirmed that America has entered the new age of decline. Apart from the irreversible rise of China, challenging American hegemony in the global arena, it is the failures of the ObamaClinton administration that energised and pumped oxygen into Trump’s slogan, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. With this slogan, Trump tapped into the roots of American nationalism, combined with a heavy dose of racism. His campaign rhetoric ruthlessly targeted the minorities making it clear that America belonged to the consolidated front of WARMs – the White American Right-wing Males. And he won!

Trump’s victory is proof of the power of grass root politics. His campaign is remarkable for stripping all the cant with which America’s image of a liberal society was clothed. He turned himself into a one-man juggernaut that ran over all those who stood in his way. Human rights, minority rights, the rigid establishment, theoretical academics, mega millions of the well-oiled Clinton machinery, and even sections of the Republican Party were swept away in Trump’s tsunami of down-to-earth politics. Not even the Tamil coconuts of Jaffna, dashed to invoke the blessings of Tamil gods, could stop the epic Odyssey of Trump that ran effervescently all the way to the White House. As an aside, it should be noted that the gods have once again rejected the Tamil fantasies in defeating Clinton. .

The Obama-Clinton administration must take full responsibility for their failure. They had dug their grave abroad more than at home. Obama had rescued the economy from one of its greatest falls and was climbing back, slowly but surely. But like all imperialist masters, they believed that America’s interests abroad can be served best by replacing the anti-American status quo with pro-American stooges. This is something they never learnt from the time CIA engineered the murder of Dinh Diem, the Catholic stooge they planted in Buddhist Vietnam. When things don’t go the American way they do not hesitate to eliminate their political mates swiftly. Or change the regime. Or buy deals like in Iran which are, at best, dicey gambles that can give some breathing space for some time.

Trump painted Hillary Clinton as the mother of all American disaster. Each time Trump went for her the crowd responded by yelling : “Lock her up!” Like her foreign policy she misread the election campaign. She was either caught napping on the job (Where the hell was she when the Libyans were killing American diplomats?), or backing the wrong horse. Example: At the critical moment when the Sri Lankan forces were on the verge of crushing the Tamil Tiger terrorists she went all out to save them by putting pressure on the GOSL. Her e-mails reveal that she was turning the screws on the IMF to stop funding GOSL. As usual she backed the wrong horse. Nor did the coloured revolutions that began in Tunisia turn out to be roses. Hilary had to pay dearly for her Libyan disaster. What has America and UK got in return for regime change in Libya?

Regime change became the standard strategy of Obama-Clinton administration. The Middle Eastern instability that is spinning out of American control today is the result of Obama-Clinton’s regime changes gone awry. Of course, it began with Bush’s messy invasion of Iraq. Obama-Clinton administration refined it, reinforced it, and pursued it to the bitter end, leaving a legacy that had dragged down America to its flat bottom. After Obama-Clinton failures there was nowhere to go except up. Trump’s slogan MAKE AMERICA GREAT captured the despair and the frustrations of the American public who saw no way out of the Americans sliding down the greasy pole.

This slogan was not confined to politics. It extended to economic nationalism too. On the one hand, it meant keeping the Mexicans, the Muslims and other selected aliens out of America. And, on the other, it meant keeping the jobs, American capital, and American investors at home. The Mexican Wall, like the Chinese Wall, became the highest symbol that was going to keep the alien hordes out of America and save the economy, ensure security and protect purity of American values threatened by aliens. The Mexican Wall became the shining symbol of Trump’s politics. It signified his willingness to do the repugnant and the unthinkable to save America. Primarily, he played on the security of Americans which, he said, was threatened on all fronts. He went all out to play his unconventional cards to beat all conventional politics of Washington. He provided his own media coverage by shooting from the hip, a la John Wayne. He took the road that was less travelled – and that made all the difference.

The commentariat see him going down the new wave of anti-globalisation movement that took Britain out of EU. The new nationalism is essentially economic, rebelling against globalisation. As in Brexit, the people are recoiling from threats to their sovereignty, identity and security. Donald Trump led a movement of economic nationalism which was anathema to even the Republican establishment. At a time when globalisation meant free flow of capital and labour across borders he led a movement to build walls. He is the new messiah of nationalist capitalism. He aims to renegotiate the borderless order of globalisation. A billionaire who built his fortune on Chinese steel, cheap Mexican labour, and cutting deals with foreigners is now planning to do a U-turn. Can he achieve his ambitious goal?

Well, the fears of UK crumbling after Brexit have vanished. Trump’s economic nationalism may prove to be the turning point to make America great again. Let’s face it, whether we like it or not, Trump’s journey from nowhere – without even his Party’s support at one stage – to the peak of political power is an astounding phenomenon. Normally it is the party that carries the party to victory. But this time round, it was Trump that carried the Party to victory. He swept the board. It was a one-man show.

The style and the substance belonged to Trump – and to him alone. It was crude, it was rough. It was blunt but the masses lapped it up as if it was manna from heaven. His message, his confident tone and his messianic attitude resonated well with the voters that took him to power. Looking back it is clear that Trump was the messiah that America was waiting for. He articulated all their frustrations and aspirations. He is the street fighter who took on the elitist establishment dressed in Emperor’s clothes and beat them hollow.

In short, the Americans have embraced him as the messiah who would take them to the promised land. His followers have implicit faith in him. By and large, they are the WARMists who are bent on taking American back to its roots. Trapped in his own creation, Trump has little room to deviate from the promises he made – all of which were defined by him. His success is due not only to his remarkable ability to define America his way but also to plot his political path on his terms. How far deep he can go from where he is now depends on the unforeseen forces that will confront Trump on his way forward and trip him. Can he, for instance, make America great again without building porous walls? Sooner or later, someone in his camp will, no doubt, remind him of the memorable lines of Robert Frost: “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, / That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, / And spills the upper boulders in the sun.”

He is bound find out that his idiosyncratic but populist answers he handed out to the cheering crowds in the campaign may not be valid when he sits down to face the nitty-gritty in his Oval Office. Translating promises into reality has been bane of all politicians. Can he, for instance, make America great again by dismantling the time-tested global alliance put together in the post-WWII decades? Can he withdraw into “Fortress America” abandoning the traditional allies to fend for themselves? Is he going to abandon the far-flung American empire, with nearly 1,000 bases girdling the globe? Doesn’t America’s greatness in the global theatre depend on the greatness of its allies?

The ideological Trump who went over the top in the campaign will have to tone down the aggressive rhetoric and, no doubt, come down to viable pragmatism.

If he shot like an arrow from the back of nowhere straight to the White House the next phase is not going to be that smooth. The hard liners he has appointed so far to his Cabinet indicate that he is gearing for the gruelling battles awaiting him round the corner. Some see him as a loose cannon. Apart from his unpredictability, he seems to be obsessed with his mission of making America great again. Therein lies the rub. In an ominous – or is it imperial? – statement he has sworn to make Mexico pay for the wall that is going to protect America. Is there a message in this for the rest of the world? He is declaring that even the long time allies will now have to pay their share if they want to be America’s friends. In Trump’s world there is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone, of course, will have to pay to make America great again. Being the hard-nosed businessman Trump’s declared policy is to demand for his pound of flesh.

Is the post-Obama world ready to pay all the way to make Trump’s America great again? Why should the world be made to pay for the self-inflicted wounds of America?

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Latest comments

  • 0

    Winning of Donald Trump is a Socialist struggle in capitalist america.

    Mainstream media, money from foreign countries and corporate businesses were electing a professional politician while irredeemable and deplorable middle class people looking for answers to their problems.

    Fortunately, as I heard, for the mainstream media, Hilary Clinton was goods that is damaged too much. So, Trump won from electoral votes.

    • 0

      “Mainstream media, money from foreign countries and corporate businesses were electing a professional politician while irredeemable
      Hey Softy,
      What you know about the politics? Do you who is Hillary? Do you know who are Democrats and who is Republicans?

      Just keep writing about only about Old Royals, man.

      By breaking 1008 coconuts to Hindu Deities, Sivajilingam defeated Hillary. By breaking 1 Million Coconuts to Hindu Deities, we have not seen what Denish and Wimal have achieved. But still there is a chance the Old Royals watching free TV, sitting on a electrically warmed chair in Hague, Netherland.

    • 0

      Europe and America got hundreds of thousands of immigrents every year. On the other hand, white folks did not want to work hard. they wanted all the luxury in the job, high pay and less work. Immigrents were willing to work for lesser pay, double the work load and jobe that they were far over qualified. Now, all the jobs are shipped overseas. China paid low salries and shipped every thing cheaper to americas and Europe. Anyway, both continents are bankrupt.

      Only blacks and latinos are doing the labour jobs and they do not provide with lot of money. So, Trump knows that.

      Anyway, that does not happen in Sri lanka. Because, Sri lankan politicians are just scum among world of politicians. I don’t think Sri lanka will ever have a messiah like that even though we except from a few different people.

      Only possible candidate is Venerable Galaboda Aththe Ghanasara, if he comes as the common candidate representing Sinhala people. But, Sri lanka not as democratic as America is.

  • 7

    Donald Trump: The Nationalist Messiah From The Wild West.

    Mahindapalan: A racist [Edited out] from Sri Lanka.


  • 4

    Sir, on reading your article, I was tempted to comment on it. I work in the Kingdom of Bahrain, benevolently ruled by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. I cannot imagine a better ruler than him. He treats all people, citizens as well as expatriates, as members of one family. If he has any fault it is that he is too kind and generous even to enemies.

    Here we have the US Naval Base, the biggest and the oldest naval base in the Middle East region. In fact, the US 5th fleet is based in Bahrain. One would imagine that, being the guests of Bahrain, that US would treat the government in a fair way.

    But no, they meddle in the internal affairs of the country. There is a mild level of sectarian violence in Bahrain, which the Bahrain government is handling in a very wise manner using only the minimum force necessary. The US government interferes in that too by meeting the opposition leaders, there activists, issuing statements that are critical of the government and supporting the opposition. The funny thing is that the opposition is funded and motivated by Iran, a country that has sworn to destroy US. US wants to control Iran but they support groups funded by Iran against regimes very friendly to US.

    I cannot understand how they can do such heinous things. US seems to be not only a bad enemy but a bad friend too.

    • 0

      “”One would imagine that, being the guests of Bahrain, that US would treat the government in a fair way. “”

      The bases are there to guard intellectual property of citizens of the world- Copy Rights, Patent Rights (these rights alone run into billions- eg 1990 India purchased the patent right to manufacture mudguards- engineering plastics at a cost of $2 billion small amount considering the cost of research)
      Sorry USA on principal pays for its base and these bases create an economy and employment- Its the same with its bases in Europe.
      USA pays to lease the land (as in the UK the landlord cannot enter without permission and if does its a criminal offence)
      Japenese & Korean women have complained (I watched this on China TV at China) that they are pregnant and the marine has left. There was no marriage etc. If the women do not lose their mind seeing movies and think life is great at US etc then they would not have fallen. For 500 years Portugese, Dutch, English, East India Company always transferred their men within 2 years because of -Samson & Delilah story.
      Its the case of poor getting seduced and then complaining about Human Rights

      Killary was using the Human Rights ploy as an election stunt- there are many cases of women being raped, murdered and displayed in nude as at SL- she turned right said Human Right to Prime Minister and when the PM replied Go look after you hubby Bill She turned left smiled and left never to come back.
      So sum it is that HR is a low down way of addressing the issue- Theresa May is a priest daughter and she was a great Home office Minister who handled human rights- Wait for Brexit to take off in March and you will see what is Human Right in the UK. You can’t have everything for always from the west and then start complaining. In the UK Human Right lawyers have become multi-millionaires over night so they had to cut legals assistance to locals with family problems.
      The white folk of the bowl explained to Trump that spreading democracy is unwise and even harmful to them while those countries do better- elections in countries without liberal values create illiberal democracies, which pose grave threats to freedom. In short a colossal financial loss for USA and its native people.
      American folk are facing many problems at home and this is not the forum to discuss it- Trump was elected to solve it- he was elected by the poor not the drug dealing blacks or the sophisticated stinking billionaires.
      From The Apprenticeship tV show he created they got to know that he pays equal to men and women employees and also pays for mother care.
      Amazon, and Soros funded Killary to destroy Trump.
      Cubano Amazon treats all his staff like robots with low pay and they are from agency. He uses the F word on them Trump does not.
      Bezos runs the $140 billion company.

      The book describes how Amazon tried to weaken the business of start-up Quidsi to put pressure on founders Marc Lore and Vinit Bharara to sell, which they finally did in late 2010.

      Bezos sees Amazon employees as an expendable resource, allowing him to make rational business decisions on how to allocate capital, where another executive might let emotion and personal relationships get in the way, Stone reports in the book excerpt.Bezos also goes on rants, known inside the company as “nutters,” when colleagues and other Amazon staff underperform — although the CEO is almost always right, according to the excerpt.

      These things might have contributed to an employee retention record that is among the worst of major tech companies, Stone writes.

      Amazon spokesman Craig Berman did not respond to an e-mail requesting comment Thursday morning.

      Bezos’ unforgiving management style is similar to that of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who was also estranged from his biological father.

      You must live and travel to understand why people do what they do before you leave you native land which is poor and has no human rights.

      LKY says the problem with the people is they like to protest then content so it does not work.so he did it the mainland chinese way with a cane in his hand- the nice Singaporeans are very happy because they all have a home which they own and job. Strict – like Jesuit priest but the outcome is they shine and the world follows.

      • 0

        Madam Tsylana, thank you for that comment. My English not good. I am a poor Philipina. I came here to work when husband went to another lady. He give me two children and I don’t get any support from him. This is the story of many Philipinas. Husband leave and go to another woman. Give no money. How they can bring up children? They go abroad.

        After coming here they find a man and live with him becoz salary low. Please not misunderstand. A lady living without man here dangerous. Many men come after her. So have to choose good man and get help. Also Love him and take care of him.

        Also there are young unmarried girls who come here to get American boy friend. Marry and go to America their target.
        What I say about base is what my friends working in base tell. They work for cleaning and housekeeping companys.

        In side base only Dollars accepted. It is like small America. As Madam say America pay. But not understand why they do things bad for Bahrain government. If opposition wins base will be closed. sure.

        So why they do this I don’t know. But one thing I am sure. Bahrain is the friendliest and best country in this area. Bahrain not so rich. but living here free and very nice.

        • 0

          But not understand why they do things bad for Bahrain government.
          But one thing I am sure. Bahrain is the friendliest and best country in this area.

          It’s a mickey mouse show.They are confident therefore they rule.
          The great big world will smile with

          But when you?re cryin’ you bring on the rain in Bahrain.
          So stop your sighin ‘be happy again
          keep on smilin Cause when you’re smilin’
          The whole world smiles with you
          Louis Armstrong.

          • 0

            Thank you Madam, you are so kind and you made my day with that comment. I am already smiling!

      • 0

        Tsylana, The previous comment is from my housekeeper Silvestra. I am sending it on her behalf because she has no money in her data account.

        Thank you for replying her. The poor thing is so excited and grateful for getting that attention from you. You have brightened up her life at least for a little while.

  • 3

    “In short, the Americans have embraced him as the messiah who would take them to the promised land.”

    It should be noted that approximately 25% of all registered voters elected Trump as president, and even limiting it only those who actually turned up to vote, Trump still received fewer overall votes than Clinton, something like a million less.

    He is in the odd position of leading a party that now has complete control of the US government, including both houses of Congress, but at the same time not having a mandate for sweeping change, as there are as many Americans who oppose everything he stands for as there are who are thrilled by his victory.

    • 2

      “”“In short, the Americans have embraced him as the messiah who would take them to the promised land.””

      The desire of power in excess caused angels to fall;

      Brexit irrespective of party the poor and coloured immigrants voted. (UK one is not permitted to even carry a pen knife and drugs on the street are sold by illegal blacks and former black convicts.- skunk marijuana and prostitution are illegal)
      Trump the poor whites voted but the 88% blacks did not vote for him Blacks sell the drugs on the streets.
      (Marijuana is legal in Dem states and 7 more Dem states were voting for legality- the issue here is the approval is given for Hemp (low quality marijuana) because of medical reasons. What is sold at these legal outlets Smelly Skunk (very high quality marijuana which is very bad as it kills). So you can imagine the blacks, who are into music, sports being outnumbered by blacks into drugs. According to Surgeon General Vivek Murthy close to $ ½ Trillion is spent by Obamacare on curing cocaine and heroin addicts and about ¼ trillion on diabetics. The established folk make money on drugs while the street dealer makes less as in any business- but it is black money. Drugs destroy a whole neighbourhood not just the consumer- people are frightened to keep open their windows because of crawlies.
      Main drawback because Trump promised to write off the $17 trillion bond debt (it means the common citizen has to pay for generations) owed to the 500 American Billionaires (counting $ 3 billion and above). How many meals can one eat with $ 1 Billion?
      Dick Cheney the fat thief of $ 80 billion from Iraq that caused Gulf war 1 like the Bush family wrote “None of these candidates” on the ballot because they hold bonds. Clinton holds bonds too and he is a beggar bugger with a charity foundation that does not have to disclose any information under freedom of information act. Ask CBK how much she asked her relative (also of JR so Ranil too) Billionaire Harry Jayawardena to donate from his Gibraltar business to Clinton Foundation??
      Trump has no bonds. His wife Melanie is a qualified architect and she pays to the disabled sportsmen’s charity for ages.

      So who is the bad animal the republican party, democratic party or the Negotiator Trump who spent his money on elections.
      Are the poor anathema or the rich or the misinformed middle class??

      Hillary Clinton and Obama are afraid of going to jail. So Obama is releasing drug dealers from federal prisons and the establishment is horse trading with Trump not to as it would be a chain reaction of all these billionaires.
      Obama is still in charge but he is not stopping the attacks on citizens- black or white.

  • 4

    [Edited out]I hope white nationalist neo-nazis make their country white and hate again by beheading this ‘turd world’ parasite as they like to call the darkies.

  • 4

    Wow! Mr. Mahindapala has had a change of heart.

    But, all his “heros” in the Coconut Thieves Collective” are absolutely over the moon. Hoping for a few bread crumbs falling off that American Psycho’s table.


  • 5

    H. L. D. Mahindapala

    RE: Donald Trump: The Nationalist Messiah From The Wild West

    Donald Trump and most of those who voted for him are Paras in America. Incidentally, those who voted for Hillary Clinton are also mostly Paras in America.

    This Para Problem has spread all over. In Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho had the Para-Sinhala and Para -Demala problems 2500 years ago. In America it is only about 500 years old. Imagine how America will be 2,000 years from Now?

    Fortunately, America has separation of Church and State, and the Bill of Rights and a functioning constitution. Lanka, occupied by Paras, lacks that.

    Well before that, due to global warming Florida will be under water.

  • 9

    “Donald Trump: The Nationalist Messiah From The Wild West”

    Nopes he is not, but from Jamaica, Queens, a neighborhood in New York City.

    • 3

      Giddyup! Giddyup! Giddyup!

      Our Don is indeed a Cowboy, an urban comboy.

      Now he is going to show us just how much a cowboy he really is.

      • 4

        Spring Koha

        “Our Don is indeed a Cowboy, an urban comboy. Now he is going to show us just how much a cowboy he really is.”

        I have heard about cowboy builders, but not urban cowboy builder. Come to think of it you are perhaps right.

        • 2

          Native Vedda

          Uncle Sam has decided its time to have a vasectomy.

          AND the God fearing of the USA have opted for it to be done by an Urban Cowboy Builder.

          Entertainment for my old age.

          • 2

            “Urban Cowboy Builde”.
            Two ambudes in a twist of jealousy.

            I never heard of Highlander Scottish Bagpipers as Urban Cowboy Builder.But as the very best of British armed forces. When the Indians knew the Highlanders were arriving they committed suicide.
            He is of Scot/German heritage and a property developer. Non of his buildings have shown cracks. Asia is full of vermin builders.
            He is the author of The Apprentice. What have the 2 of you created but write waffle. and NV the burp…??

            • 0


              Never mind sticking your nose in our amudes. I do not know of, or care a hoot about ‘achievemnets’. I am simply happy with the opportunity to exercise my freedom of expression, free speech, and I respect the right of others to do the same. So thank you for your comment, but NO thank you. Good day!

              • 2

                Spring Koha

                The are a series of serious discussions taking place around the world that a Siberian Storm is circling over Washington and it could hit establishment soon or maybe later.

                The origin/eye of the storm is being traced to Oligarch from the freezing East and linked to urban cowboy builders.

                What do you hear?

                • 0

                  Last President 2016- Baba Vanga?? PoooYa;)))

                  • 0

                    SHE’S GOT IT BABY SHE’S GOT IT. – TIGER FLAG CAN GO!!
                    ” hours ago the first Asia Sec of State Donald Trump names South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as US ambassador to the UN.

                • 0

                  Native Vedda

                  I followed the Trump Circus for several weeks, through several states, and marveled at the dudes who came out of the woodwork to follow him. They had the last laugh because enough red necks who normally would not have bothered finally came out and voted, happy for the chance to give the Establishment in D.C. a bloody nose.

                  Now, two queues are forming; one to be WITH DT and take advantage of the positions and largesse he is handing out (4000+ appointments!!!), and another second queue of those in the US and Out who are looking for the tremendous opportunities that will come up when ‘business’ starts/or ends? on Jan 20. It is going to be like the great Californian gold rush. I expect there will be an oligarch, or ten, licking their lips, and they will be there for sure, but I cannot possibly name any for fear of being pricked in the leg by a Russian umbrella tip that has been dipped in toxin. You cannot be too careful these days!

                  • 0

                    Spring Koha,
                    “”I cannot possibly name any for fear of being pricked in the leg by a Russian umbrella tip that has been dipped in toxin””

                    If you want to take offence,that’s your choice.
                    Offence is always taken, not given.

                    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)▓▓▓▓)
                    ____ (████)_(████)▓▓▓▓▓)

              • 0

                Spring Koha – fishing in the negombo lagoon. and crying for Jesus.

                “”I am simply happy with the opportunity to exercise my freedom of expression, free speech, and I respect the right of others to do the same.”2
                Now you are also aware of Manchester Guardian – C.P. Scott.

                Comment is free, but facts are sacred`
                CP Scott, 1921 Guardian editor


                You know very well in the USA to be a builder one needs a qualification and North American finishes are the best in the world. You also know the term `cowboy builder` as in TV programs- YOU ALSO TRAVEL TO USA AND UK. You also know the meaning of property developer, to be an estate agent also calls for qualifications (5 semester grilling exams) – none of these are SL or UK short course diplomas.

                Old fart, I could hit you hard and smarter but you would cry as you did before so I refrained. (You cannot complain that you do not know the language as others) confession to a priest does not make you clean in the eyes of humans.

    • 4

      Native Vedda

      “Nopes he is not, but from Jamaica, Queens, a neighborhood in New York City.”

      But they protested against him after he was elected. Do they know something others do not know?

    • 0

      Native the paid agent

      ‘A canine tail cannot be straightened even if it is kept inside a bamboo’. Matches you perfectly. You never understand what is nationalism. But keep writing gibberish. Because your fans at CT desperately need you, in order to be in their own dream world!

      • 3

        What matches you most is – flies found only on the extrements.

        You are always very supportive to highly abusive men in this country. Your Guru to leave lanka for China tomorrow, you may also be joining to the delegations Let ALONE as the condom support right ?

        Please enlighten us what motives you have in terms of such visit of a defeated man.

      • 4

        If NV is a paid agent, you guys should be number one men that are hired on the grabed funds by MR et al.

      • 3

        max moron

        If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

        • 0

          Max, the reason why some animals want you to stop digging is because, if you dig deep enough, you reach the Kalavedi urine strata.

  • 5

    All signs show things are going to get bad.

    Over 700 hate crimes in New York since the elections, minorities have been attacked, little children (especially Hispanics) of color are afraid in schools, and some have been bullied and told they will be deported, and Trump has never apologized to any man, woman, or non white person he has insulted during his divisive campaign.
    Chants of “Heil Hitler” are heard in some white supremacist gathering celebrating the Trump win.

    Trump is making America “White” again. I am sure all those colored folks who voted for him are very happy.

    • 8

      Your comments are very fascist because you are extreme left-
      Obama is still in charge but he refuses to stop the attacks.
      But when it came to wall street protesters both Hillary and Obama made them vanish – not know even today just like Gota Mahinda his friends.

      you have no proof for 700 in video but here is one I saw on 10th.

      Group of Black Thugs Attack White Chicago Man for Voting Trump.
      It seems like only yesterday the tolerant left was predicting that if Trump lost the election, he and and his supporters would refuse to accept the results. Even Sally Kohn noted the “important difference” in the civility of the democrats versus the anger of the republicans. Member when they said that? Member?

      But that’s not quite what happened now, is it?

      there are many more whites being attacked in the north
      but you must find find them on the net yourself.

      • 5

        People should not use big words without understanding what is really means. One the one hand you accuse me of being “EXTREME LEFT” yet the meaning of FACIST completely rules that accusation out.

        Meaning of Fascist:

        a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
        (often initial capital letter) a member of a fascist movement or party.
        a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.

        The Fascist eventually will be Trump whose policies are approved by extreme right wingers, and who loves and admires Putin.

        I did not specify that the hate crimes were on one side, but the percentage of hate crimes by Trump supporters far exceed those from the other side. This is all due to Trump’s rhetoric against Hispanics, Muslims, and even the disabled, unleashing all the bigots who harbored hatred for people of color.
        No leader of any nation can rule a nation successfully after promoting policies that discriminate the minority, or people of a religion different to the majority, that goes for Sri Lanka too.. Trump is going to be a huge failure, and we in Sri Lanka along with the rest of the world, will feel the effects of his failed policies. There is a huge conflict of interest already regarding his businesses, It won’t be too long before his large family slips up

        Here is CNN’s report on hate crimes:


        • 6

          2 dimensional literature is fit for the sewer.
          I know better old womans arm chair as I have touched and tasted.

          CNN is Islam today/Washington Post is a Python Wriggle wriggle and is afraid it would have to sell off.
          The guardian is begging for money.

          In the UK even over 90’s are not hard of hearing because NHS is free.

          • 1

            Missed taking your medications today? Calm down no one is taking you seriously.

            • 3

              Keep dreaming of white vans by the army that you defamed. THEY DO WHAT THEY KNOW BEST WHEN LAW SUITS ARE EXPENSIVE.

  • 7

    Gosh Mahindapala! Typical Elitist Sinhala ultra-nationalist aren’t you (which is different from the ultra-nationalism of the hard-working Lankan masses). As Sri Lanka must retain Buddhist Sinhala heritage of the masses (with the inclusion of Tamil and other minorities based on proportion) – one that you correctly promote -, isn’t it also very right for America to retain her White heritage. For if one wants to promote the humanistic truth, it has to include all of humanity. Otherwise it is reverse racism.

    But our Sinhala elite are full of such hypocrisy, that they will feign hatred and resentment towards Whites and Colonials, and take all the money they amassed from Colonial-White system, come to the West, and titillate the Whites with shows of resentment towards them, such that it is now a White-Brown cultural small-talk. All the while the masses of both countries suffer.

  • 4

    It is not the mechanics of Trump’s victory or the breadth of his promises should have been the focus. An objective reader would find the author’s salivating over Trump’s nationalistic stance some what revulsive. He seemed to have found one who is even more right of the brand of nationalism exercised in Sri Lanka. The brand of racism by Trump is so extreme that the US could end up being a Sri Lanka – nation with no permanent peace.

  • 5

    Jackass, even after your and GRs’ fake praise and appraisal, your karma and US will not allow your modaya EX Pee cum merely MP loser to sleep well and enthrone again. India too will take care.

    Don’t you even dream that Mr.Trump will allow your modaya clown to come to power.

    US has its own agenda and Trump will execute it. mind it.

    • 0

      Washington DC News- 1 hour back- Check the post if you like.
      President Obama grants clemency to 79 federal drug dealer/offenders, – Its heroin from the Muslim world. He has just crossed the 1000 mark which no other President of USA for the last 10 years has done.
      Now understand the meaning of Sri Lanka PM office having Cocaine and finally ending up at Johns Hopkins Maryland for treatment. Maryland was the place where Michelle Obama’s ancestors were brought in as slaves- its still a frightening place, there are police post every 200 meters yet if you travel after 7pm with your window shutters down the chances of getting mugged are 75%. Sri Lankans are Negroid like Obama couple so the love- Mugabe loves Lankan people inclusive of Native Veddha Indians don’t love drug dealers who bring down Asians.

    • 1

      ah hello the desperate telegu in TN? Hows life there? Telingu was banned by the fat lady…:)

      • 3

        sach the stupid II

        Nuisance is looking for you. Go find her spittoon.

  • 6

    “”Is the post-Obama world ready to pay all the way to make Trump’s America great again? Why should the world be made to pay for the self-inflicted wounds of America?

    Why should white Australia pay a fascist journalist a pension when he has not worked there for 30 years and paid taxes?? Why don’t you go back to Sri Lanka??

    you know nothing about Trump nor did you listen to BBC radio 2 days back to know how he touched the heart of the grass root with his The Apprentice show while the establishment failed.
    The establishment is like you all waffle, waffle burp, burp …in revolving doors.
    Miserable what have you created in your life? He is a self made Billionaire, daughter Ivanka owner of 666 building ($1.3 billion) a close friend of Chelsea Clinton is a billionaire in her own right.

    Take care even at Europe they are deporting immigrants who hold EU passports.
    Human rights is not for monkeys any more- hard times

  • 7

    Dear HLDM,
    Politics in all Countries are not alike. America is a Country made up of all immigrants and is only about 200 years old. The Country’s Constitution has evolved swiftly in favor of all Americans, minority and majority. There is racism but no President will be able to inflict racial disharmony or foolish enough to use racism to divide the Country. President elect Trump will never reverse the progress of America even if he has wrongly used racism in his early days of campaign. There cannot be bad politics in America because of the evolution of its solid Constitution covering for all minorities. In America minorities don’t have to listen to the majority and majority cannot control the minority in the sense of your meaning of Democracy. In America Democracy is Democracy for minorities as well as for the majority. Please read the History and the Constitution of America for you to understand better about America. It is very bad for a well informed Journalist to compare racism in other Countries where minorities are oppressed openly and condemned by international community with the wrongful campaign of a beginner politician who has evolved fast to fall in line with all his predecessors to be a successful President of America. What is the reason you have to put the cart before the horse and equate America with down trodden racism of another Country. Just wait at least until mid January 2017 to see if anything of your thoughts will materialize after the new President is inaugurated.

  • 5

    Good to see HLDM graduating from Sri Lankan politics to Super Power politics.

    Hope you will write more about Global politics and leave Sri Lanka alone!

  • 4

    Uncle Sam opts for a vasectomy, and they choose a builder to do the job.

    We need an informed explanation of the events in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, and what do we get? HLDM….Duh!!

  • 3

    After Trump’s victory both GoRa and DJ were over the moon and expressed their support for majoritarian supremacy. Before 600 years whites were not majority in North America.
    DJ justified his Sinhala Buddhist Supremacy by equating Rajapakse regime to incoming Trump regime.

    It looks like HLDM has proven with the above analysis that he is relatively more civilised than GoRa & Bros,and DJ.

    • 3

      “”After Trump’s victory both GoRa and DJ were over the moon and expressed their support for majoritarian supremacy.””
      He is not Catholic but Presbyterian and does not let the church sit on his head. But GoRa and DJ are confident because the rest of the island are incompetent to move because they are glued in ideology and stupidity. if there is one man who would attempt then it would be Basil as Trump has just invested at Bombay.
      Please don’t use human rights as it is a blunt weapon that is despised- that socialist bogey is almost buried.
      Your leader of the opposition is no different from the rest of politicians- a parasite lawyer.- what did he tell the wrongly jailed prisoner who was released??
      In short you are scum get lost- Tamil National Alliance – TNA= Time Not Available or Tamil Relief Organisation= Time Ran Out. While he lives with money, fame and power- the poor humbug Sumanthiran who bought himself to Colombo 7 like his god VasuDeva

      “”Before 600 years whites were not majority in North America.””
      Have you been to their reservations and observed what their culture was like??
      They were not nomads but lived as tribes quarreling among others.
      If they were there without invasion they would still be in the stone age – the first horses were taken by the Spaniards.

      Journalist and scum who run behind ambulance argues that British rule was disastrous for India,
      Kochi Shashi Tharoor the journalist son was criticised by the likes of former
      Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh for ignoring contributions such as
      constitutional democracy, free press, rule of law and the English language.
      (aren’t you craving for it or have taken refuge in the west(white rule) to have it and of course the money that comes with it??)

  • 1

    Mahindapala – [Edited out]

  • 1

    H. L. D. Mahindapala- Y
    ou are born a liar and a bigot writing for your extra supper from Mahinda Rajapakse. Trump does not need SL or MR1 or MR2. But India will do you.
    America has other issues to handle which we are discussing in a Forum of Fulbright professors and Professors of EU right now- education- with or without automation and robots.

    “”He is bound find out that his idiosyncratic but populist answers he handed out to the cheering crowds in the campaign may not be valid when he sits down to face the nitty-gritty in his Oval Office. Translating promises into reality has been bane of all politicians. Can he, for instance, make America great again by dismantling the time-tested global alliance put together in the post-WWII decades? Can he withdraw into “Fortress America” abandoning the traditional allies to fend for themselves? Is he going to abandon the far-flung American empire, with nearly 1,000 bases girdling the globe? Doesn’t America’s greatness in the global theater depend on the greatness of its allies?””
    The ideological Trump who went over the top in the campaign will have to tone down the aggressive rhetoric and, no doubt, come down to viable pragmatism.””

    You are the fascist egg head and a disgrace- You should be locked up or deported.

    There are 930 bases to care for (intellectual property of citizens of the world)Copy Rights, Patent Rights and security of nations.
    He said USA does not need Base on Land or Sea like China or Russia because its power is in the sky- the ultimate weapon in any war (go read stupid)
    Putin recently said that only a stupid mad man would fight NATO.
    While China and Russia are submarines but when a submarine with Russians sinks Putin finally begged of Tony Blair for Robot to rescue Russian people.(UK are traditionally the ruler of the seas). If any country wanted a base then they must pay for it- right now even japan does not pay) FYI: there are only 7 marines at Diego Garcia which is the most sophisticated nuclear base in the region- Sinhalese and Filipino orderlies work there. NATO – USA spends $800 billion and always balances the budget while the rest rarely pay the small due of less than 0.5% of GDP.This is the same case with United Nations. UNESCO France (socialist beggars con men) is crying for America to fund it with $3 billion. Russia your Karl Marx idea is laughing at the beggars.

    Trump does not own any bonds. There never were friends in WW2- USA funded them all when Europe fought. Closer to home- Why has New Zealand withdrawn its own security and air power? So who is responsible if they get hit?
    UK has a special relationship and it understands it pretty well than some immigrant knows.When Hitler bombed London america never entered but gave billions of Aid to UK, russia, china.
    Why did Japanese PM be the first to meet Trump?? Yolu are just a street hawker talking of foreign affairs with the attitude of 3rd world beggar.

    Trump lost most of the American economy (the rich) in this election. He received the votes of the honest and poor.
    USA citizens owe it’s over 500 billionaires $ 17 trillion because they alone hold the bonds. Trump promised to write it off- How many ham burgers can a billionaire bond holder eat with his money??
    Trump has 38 states now against 12 states (one lost due to horse trading) It is same as SL 2/3 majority to rewrite a constitution or amend it. Neither Bush nor Obama had 2/3.
    Even the poor people of the most advanced nation understand Badagini not Literature and its creators who only consume resources.
    Remember humanitarian Cath Nobel the double gold medalist (maths and economics) from oxford and JNU? Her last article on CT was Lanka- Badagini.

    North Korea has a literacy of 100% and are ranked 4th in the world. Of 3 children – 1 eats and 2 don’t (no right to vote)
    USA Literacy: 99.0% position in the world 45 (with right to vote)
    UK Literacy: 99.0% position in the world 44 (with right to vote)
    Sri Lanka Literacy: 92.6% position in the world 129 (with right to vote)
    So what does it prove when there is no economic embargo – SL is unique as it begs are con men boasters always at war and blaming the world?
    Should Lanka not be made into another North Korea which Lankans support? Or the sweat shop for giant neighbour India?? Democracy smiling isn’t it??

  • 0

    HLDM argues elegantly and passionately in putting forth his line of argument. However, if he tries to portray Hilary Clinton was hopelessly trounced, I am afraid he leaves a yawning gap in his narrative. Credit was not given to Clinton winning the popular vote by 1.32 million votes. She gained 62,523,126 popular votes nation wide. Trump ended up second with 61,201,031. The more important Electoral College system won the day for Trump which the “Economist” described as a “bizarre system”
    Once more academic America is reviewing their system of chosing their President through this complex system. Then there was the political manouvering of Republican-appointed FBI Director James Comey just a few days before Election day. Clinton was to complain that resulted in her victory being stolen. The fact is, from the beginning of the primaries, Trump conspired to rob the elections by shock therapy. He did not have any plans to honour any of his major promises that drew undecided voters to him. His flip flops are already seen in the Mexican Wall, Obamacare, NATO relations, ties with China, Japan and many more. Within the next month before he takes over, there could well be many more.

    The American electorate did not trust Trump before the elections. They are now proved right by the early results in the primaries. Trump is thrusting the country towards unprecedented post-election turmoil and disorder. Just about the only major area in which he won votes was in the current climate of fear of the growing Islamic threat that has seen historical patterns of voting in the UK, Germany, France and most of Western Europe.


  • 2

    Hey Mahindapala, you called your Uncle and Aunt as Dad and Mom, how deep you going to think and write a article for a average human being.

  • 0

    Reading all the above comments, it is clear that many in Sri Lanka were living it up on the Clinton Foundation gravy train / Soros’ blood money and now fear that their days are numbered!!!

  • 0

    It’s Democracy. Take sides and fight. No one is right.

    • 0

      and what is left is like villagers taking control of Colombo- > colombo telegraph- 90% of comments are from villagers. Is that democracy or animal kingdom??

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    We need not be afraid of the Trump Presidency. He has already flip-flopped on many of his dangerous campaign rhetorics and before long he would flip-flop on the remainder too, such as the database of Muslims and banning all Muslim migrants, and deporting all undocumented Mexicans to keeping Obamacare and the Iran Nuclear Treaty etc. I am glad his main aim had been to scam the bigots and he truly did. What puzzles me are his appointees such as Bannon, Flynn and Session to his cabinet. I am pleased he hasn’t found a place for the other deplorable Giuliani as yet. Maybe these are just payback for supporting Trump and he’d probably and hopefully sack them if they cross the line in accordance with their beliefs.

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