3 May, 2024


Is Sri Lanka Drifting Towards “Duterte-ism?”

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

The title of this might seem to suggest something significantly divorced by the so-called “Yahapalanaya” philosophy which is alleged, by at least a significant part of the English media, as having arrived or is in the process of doing so.

However, many of the same people who are chanting hosannas to this “arrival” were only too happy to see Gotabaya Rajapaksa “cleanse” parts of Colombo that were “contaminated” by poorer parts of the population (primarily Muslims), destroy trees with historic associations in the city of Colombo, replacing them with a sub-species of Iron Wood (Mesua ferrea) which is NOT the same as the Diya na which is our national tree. Together with this “cleansing” came the construction of expensive walkways meant to delight the eye where less costly paths which didn’t put life and limb at risk would have sufficed. Of course the same people chose to ignore the manner in which garbage was dumped right in the middle of poorer communities in and around the city of Colombo in order to improve the “better neighbourhoods” of Colombo. Simply put, massive cultural damage, the deprival of some people’s legitimate right to live productive lives, the creation of dengue mosquito havens etc. were considered fair exchange for more svelte figures, most of them of middle age and middle-income or better.

At the same time as the “beautification of Colombo” was occurring, the number of identical incidents where people in police custody chose, despite their being manacled, to jump off boats taking them to places where they had allegedly hidden caches of explosives or weapons in (unsuccessful) attempts to swim ashore, the number who chose, again while manacled, to grab the weapons whose location they had just shown to the defenders of law and order in whose custody they were at the time increased exponentially. The fact that those responsible for reporting these incidents to the media chose to repeat almost identical narratives each time didn’t seem to raise the suspicion of the readers of print publications or those watching TV newscasts on which these tales were told.

The middle-class reaction, by and large, was “good riddance of bad rubbish.” If it took extra-judicial action to rid our land of “2500 Years of Sinhala Buddhist civilization” of such vermin it was a little hiccup that could and should be accepted.

The response of those witnessing all of this irresponsible and criminal behaviour by those supposedly responsible to ensure just the opposite was not dissimilar to the legendary conduct of ostriches when confronted with peril. This is simply not acceptable in any country claiming to be civilized. You accept such exceptions and they are soon transformed into the rule. As simple as that!

That is what has happened in our case.

The fact that 99% of the population was not aware of even the existence of those who were, while in police custody, shot in the act of trying to retrieve weapons from a cache to which they’d led the cops or jumped overboard while handcuffed etc. etc is a simple fact.

How can you say “good riddance of bad rubbish” when you have no idea of even who the “rubbish” was?

Given these facts, I will not apologise for the following narrative which was provided by a friend.

Adjacent to his boundary wall was a tree that was leaning very threateningly towards his (my friend’s) home with the reality that when it fell over it would do extensive damage to my friend’s home and garden. He sought the owner of the tree without success, tried to engage the local law enforcement folk in his quest without success either and was drawing blank after blank because no one in the neighbourhood knew who the owner of the vacant building-lot was.

Then, one day he mentioned his futile quest to a three-wheeler driver who was taking him shopping and who also lived in the neighbourhood. The man laughed outright and said, “Sir, didn’t you know that that the owner of that land was abducted (“ussala” in Sinhala slang) a while back and that’s why no one knows of his whereabouts?” Mystery solved but the implications appear pretty obvious: if you accept that it is “all right” for people to disappear or be “disappeared,” aren’t the consequences of a wider public accepting that “reality” more than a bit scary? What happens when the public at large – 99% of which may not even know that you exist – accept a similar story about you “as the reality?” Isn’t it, simplistically put, that you were “probably a drug-dealer or something” and had it coming to you? The foregoing is not wild conjecture but a simple conclusion arrived at from the examination of simple facts. Message received? I certainly hope so!
Extra-judicial conduct of any kind is simply unacceptable in any society having any pretensions to being civilized leave alone practicing civility in governance.

While many of the middle class, in particular, want to pretend that the exercise of unchallenged power is a thing of the past, there is little evidence of that conduct being prevented from returning either under this regime or, particularly, if the previous Rajapaksa one returns.

Duterte and his extra-judicial executions in the Philippines are not the historical aberration that many would have us believe. It emerged out of a situation of near-anarchy in the matter of law enforcement which the more affluent countenanced because they had the (private) means to protect themselves, much as was the case in a Sri Lanka drowning in armed conflict of one description or another for many years. The Philippine public was fed up with law enforcement that went through the motions and permitted violent criminality. That laxity was not dissimilar to that of Sri Lanka where many people not in the seats of power and particularly those who were seen as dissidents, were at risk while the affluent and influential were protected in a variety of ways.

In desperation, Filipinos and Filipinas turned to a man who promised “cleansing” and proceeded to do so with gay abandon, probably killing off a few of the “bad guys” while killing off many who seriously disagreed with him and his politics. His cap of “public protector” was simply waiting to be worn, complete with bullet-proofing from public examination!

If we are not to follow the Duterte model, there needs to be tangible proof in the form of legislation, if need be, to make it a capital crime to exercise extra-judicial authority. There have to be dire consequences, prescribed in the laws of this land for any who attempt to subvert the law. This hasn’t happened and is not likely to do so until there is massive pressure exerted on those exercising authority over us to do so.

Even those accused of the most heinous crimes MUST be afforded due process of law. Nothing short of this will suffice and every one of us with pretensions to be civilized human beings has a responsibility to exert every sinew to achieve such an objective.

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  • 7

    Emil van der Poorten

    RE: Is Sri Lanka Drifting Towards “Duterte-ism?”

    1. “However, many of the same people who are chanting hosannas to this “arrival” were only too happy to see Gotabaya Rajapaksa “cleanse” parts of Colombo that were “contaminated” by poorer parts of the population (primarily Muslims), destroy trees with historic associations in the city of Colombo, replacing them with a sub-species of Iron Wood (Mesua ferrea) which is NOT the same as the Diya na which is our national tree. Together with this “cleansing” came the construction of expensive walkways meant to delight the eye where less costly paths which didn’t put life and limb at risk would have sufficed. Of course the same people chose to ignore the manner in which garbage was dumped right in the middle of poorer communities in and around the city of Colombo in order to improve the “better neighbourhoods” of Colombo. Simply put, massive cultural damage, the deprival of some people’s legitimate right to live productive lives, the creation of dengue mosquito havens etc. were considered fair exchange for more svelte figures, most of them of middle age and middle-income or better.”

    2. “The fact that those responsible for reporting these incidents to the media chose to repeat almost identical narratives each time didn’t seem to raise the suspicion of the readers of print publications or those watching TV newscasts on which these tales were told.”

    3. “The middle-class reaction, by and large, was “good riddance of bad rubbish.” If it took extra-judicial action to rid our land of “2500 Years of Sinhala Buddhist civilization” of such vermin it was a little hiccup that could and should be accepted.”

    4.”This is simply not acceptable in any country claiming to be civilized. You accept such exceptions and they are soon transformed into the rule. As simple as that!”

    “That is what has happened in our case.”

    Thanks for the write-up.

    This is called Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” civilization in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. Other Paras have similar versions of their so-called civilization.

    The Paras have been a disaster to the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. The disaster continues with “Yahapalanaya”, the so-called “Good Governance” of the Paras.

    • 6

      I really dont thnk that lanken in general would be into Duete-ism, Gota-ism, Gadafi-ism, SHussaine-ism since the past few elections proved it already.

      Last time having visited the country shortyl before the PE elections, I felt, JVPrs were the best since their election slogans and forthcoming, fearless arguments revealing about the high profile breaches then being carried out by Rajaapkshe Fanily.
      Based on the pure principles that one would at once feel, I was too pro-Jvp PRINCIPLEs than being contra to them
      But election result outcome showed totally unexpected results not allowing JVPrs to succeed at least 5 seats in Parliaments. Did anyone of us those who stood against corruption ever this to be the election results ? NO.

      However, lanken average are no yet forgotten the manner JVPrs in general how they brutally killed over 50k of youth in late 80ties in the country. I am as one who then escaped the life just because my decisions to continue being abroad, I feel today, extrajudicial killings will never forgive the kind of criminals: Nor would the people ever into the promotion of any leader that will have the potential to do so.
      Gota is said to have done some work in terms of colombo beautifcation. But dont you guys think anyone with a millitary disipline would not have the same potential to do so ? That is one part of his good achievements. But what brings his overall profile is no second a to a dictator of VERY rare sort, who would never see mercy in terms of human rights.
      Needless to say, even if the current regime is on a snail move in terms of serving justice as highly promised in election pledges, but Human Rights to the eyes of IC should have been improved to the levels, that the obeservers judge today even GSP + must be blessed back to the nation. Fisheman trade issue to be lifted, UNHRC dilutions of their intitial rigorous steps… and several more even if lanken Media seem to be blocking them reaching the average masses.
      I beleive, we the curent govt can achieve lot more if they also do lot more tangible performance interms of serving the justice.
      Now with all the primafacie evidences keep coming former President s son to have withrawan over 500 million dollars from his deposits in DUBAI BANK – while heading to Australia last month – the govt seems to have all the sufficient information to put the in jail perhaps forever even if the former would continue fooling the very same nation to have grabed a dollar from anyone.

      • 1

        Emil Dude, nice one! THANK YOU keep up your good work

        One big difference between current Jarapalanaya and Duarte :

        Duarte has told the Americans to ‘go to hell’ and is leaning towards China, but bond scam artist Ranil Wickramasinghe is running behind US will all his might!

      • 0

        I know quite a few middle class people who were prepared to vote for the JVP until such time as Anura Kumara D. who, very close to the date of the election, held Rohana Wijeweera in the highest esteem while on national TV. The level of reformation of the JVP was then judged insufficient to warrant them voting for the reds.

        With not a single Rajapaksa crony brought to justice, and quite a few of them shamelessly absorbed into the present cabinet, perhaps we may have no choice but to hold our noses and cast a vote for the JVP at the next election. What other option do we really have?

    • 3

      We talk about lanken politics.

      Today me being near to Cologne, Germany, I am telling you, Germans put all the blame on regional minister of NRW,for the terror indident lately took the lives of a dozen or so – accusing the minister further – it was a mistake that he did not adequately take actions against teh amok runner – Anis Amera (an asylum seeker from Tunisia).
      Most likely the mnister will have to resign in the days to come.
      Compare to the politics being played in Srilanka,
      I feel, there is not even 1/1000 of the enforcement of law and order which Germans and other negibouring coutries are subjected to be applying in Srilanka.
      It is high time, professonals and particularly Law professionasl to ask why the law seems tobe far from being applied in the war torn Island Srilanka.

  • 10

    Is Sri Lanka Drifting Towards “Duterte-ism?”

    Mr. Pooten:

    you talk prejudiced Racist. Obama invaded countries and destroyed so many lives. Why did not you take that as example. Instead, you were cheap to take duarte as example. why ?

    • 5

      Jim softly:
      What do you expect an article of this kind to do: cover everything from soup to nuts in the matter of violence and extra-judicial conduct, every one from Attila the Hun to Adolf Schickelgruber and after?
      If you choose to defend the indefensible, at least don’t draw red herrings across the trail.

      • 6

        I still believe the fractions of the society that like Jimsofty, Ksumanasekara, Sach, MAX, Eusense the like are on a decline today, since the efforts being made by many good programmes are outreaching masses. Masses that are the easy targets and prey of any evils.

        • 6

          Sam Fernando

          You forgot Taraki, somass, sirinath.gunaratnam, sarojini, vas, thirishu, ……………………..

          They will ensure there would be new crops of racists produced every year …

          • 3

            I never thought THRISU too would belong to the same category ? I am so dissappointed. Give the GMO order to Monstanto to create new human beings to habitat the island. Else, I dont know any other way out to keep more hopes with the stupid folks.

        • 2

          Mr. Fernando,
          You list my name here. You haven’t responded to any of my posts anywhere in this forum. Your conclusion whatever it may be, appears to have been made privately. It would have had some value if you countered any of my posts. Do not hesitate to counter and show me the right path in the future as you claim to be from a different (superior?) fraction of the society!

          • 2


            “You list my name here. You haven’t responded to any of my posts anywhere in this forum.”

            No one wants to trouble you at this old age. You are dozing off please go to sleep.

            Send in sachooo the stupid II

            On the other hand, sachooo is too busy looking for your padikkama.

          • 1

            Getting back to the days of MR election propaganda, I have been following your posts AND I do know very well who you are. Yours have been no different to the blind folded men such as the list given above.
            We truly know that your nature of people are the mess in this country not allowing balanced views to be passed to the average.
            Just because of that only MR et al earned 5.8 million votes last time, But not that has fallen down to all depths by today.
            We dont belong to superior, but just the right side of the society, being unbiased to politicians, but not forgetting to call a spade a spade where it is due. And for your note, I am not living in the country, but I am well alert on lanken issues (forthe last 3 decades), even more than the average down there are supposed tobe.

            • 2

              Your writings show you are wrong in every assumption you have made about me! Why not respond to any of my posts. You will have a better idea then. Your ranting about MR shows who you are rather than anything else.
              So, what made you think you belong to the “right side” of the society?? Another indication of your intellect!

      • 4

        I really like your thoughts. This is a good article no doubt about that. Not many even wrote much about the tendency. However, I really dont think lankens would support anyone easily.

        1) In the days of JVPers within the CBK govt, there had been rumours.. that JVPrs are marching forward as no other parties as a third force of the country: They then had considersable number of MPs and ministers to that time. However recent elections, rejected them not even sending – a half dozen to the parliament

        2)BBS as a buddhist moovement, but being attracted by all radical so called sinhala buddhist that stand specially against lanken islamic groups, were rejected in the last election – cornering them to 20K voter base

        Message being sent by PEOPLE is they would never vote for a person who has millitary style performances. No matter colombo would stay stinky, average folks would not care about that but just stay not voting for the kind of facists. Else, people would always want JVPers to stand against corruption.
        I believe in this coutnry, if any smaller parties would not join hand with grand parties, they will not be given the chance to work for the people. JVPrs sbhould finally get it.
        The shock wave THE FOLKS across the country faced in late 80ties was even worst than monster Tsunami waves in 2004.
        The innocient masses whose sons were brutally killed by the insurgency carried out by JVPrs in 89- 90 or so seem to be no ready yet to give JVPrs a second chance.
        IT IS JUST THE MENTALITY OF THIS NATION. I mean the majority of folks will never forgive JVPs for the mistake done by them in 80ties.

      • 3

        “everything from soup to nuts in the matter of violence and extra-judicial conduct, every one from Attila the Hun to Adolf Schickelgruber and after?”

        Hi Poorten;

        You are incapable of doing anything meaningful or presenting any logic applicable to the land of “Sinhala-Buddhists”. You have been using your vulgar thoughts and convoluted English language skills to demean and desecrate our religion in the past.

        There is no difference between you and Duterte. Both are street-smart fellows. That is why you have read Duterte very well.

        • 2

          Bruno Mars:
          It does seem like your pseudonymous last name suggests where you are from.
          Were you referring to yourself when you made the accusation that went, “demean and desecrate our religion in the past?” If you have the tense should be changed because that is precisely what the likes of you continue to do in this land.

      • 2

        Dear Emil,

        I share your fear. Totally. Danger of Dutertism/Gotaism in SL very real. It is not something we should take lightly.

        Many stupid idiots see Gota as the “real deal”. A fact, cunning Coconut Thieves’ Collective is already manipulating to exploit in 2020.

        I am amazed by the sheer number of fools in SL, who see Trump, Brexit, Duterte & Gota as solutions to our country’s deep-rooted, complicated problems.

        Jim Softy, Sumane et al are all symptoms of a much deeper social problem in our stupid nation:
        1. Millions feel no civic responsibility
        2. Millions lack proper civic knowledge

        This is a huge threat to Sri Lanka’s already, utterly flawed democracy. A situation we must take seriously.

        I am thankful to Softy, Sumane etc. for letting us know about the existence of this danger to our common future.

        We need to look at alternatives to counter this threat before too late.

        We must defeat the emergence of idiots looking for quick-fixes ideologically, in advance.

        Unfortuantely Yahapalanaya monkeys suck at both.


        • 2

          Ben Hurling:
          Thank you for that.
          I hope you’ll join with me in hoping that there could be a decent future for Sri Lankans if those of decency and honesty rally together.

      • 2

        Bombing of Libya and destruction of the most equitable country in Africa was in direct contravention of uN mandate.

        Drone killings all over the World.

        Obama is a thug of the first order, cloaked in hypocrisy and liberal talk.

        Duarte is a peacenik in comparison.


  • 8

    Welcome back Emil.
    Find it difficult to understand what you are on about. I think you are saying that we must bring good governance but not take draconian measures to achieve it like in the Philippines?
    Yes we must bring justice and law and order to the country, clean up various departments of the government and have honest politicians?

  • 5

    Mr. Pooten:

    what do you have to say about following. Are you ganging upto bully rebels ?

    The executive order allows the President to use national emergency resources to fight the threat, such as enforcing sanctions against the country.

    The United States declared a national emergency to deal with perceived “threats” in Cuba and Venezuela on Friday, along with Iran, Libya, Ukraine, Zimbabwe and countries Washington claims “support terrorism.” The declarations effectively extend for another year economic sanctions already in place.

    President Barack Obama warned that one of the main national security threats to the U.S. is mass undocumented immigration from Cuba, days after he ended the “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” policy, which granted residency to Cubans who arrived in the U.S. without visas, reported Sputnik.

    Obama used an executive order in March 2015 to declare that the situation in Venezuela has “not improved.” He cited human rights violations, persecution of political dissenters and restrictions on the freedom of the press.

    When a national emergency was declared against Venezuela in 2015, Obama also ordered sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials, saying they would be banned from traveling to the United States and any and all assets and properties belonging to them would be frozen.

    • 4

      Jim softly:
      I’d suggest you start a herring hatchery for a continuing supply of red herrings.

      • 2

        No red herrings, fairly lucidly stated observations/facts.

        Can either
        a)call them false (with evidence hopefully)
        b)or Justify the inappropriate comparison.

    • 3

      Jim Softly!

      Why don’t you take the trouble to spell Mr van der Poorten’s name correctly; or are you deliberately mis-spelling it?

      • 1

        Manel Fonseka:
        I think you need to give such as “Jim Softly” the benefit of that particular doubt, given his stupidity/illiteracy!

    • 3

      “The executive order allows the President to use national emergency resources to fight the threat, such as enforcing sanctions against the country. The United States declared a national emergency to deal with perceived “threats” in Cuba and Venezuela on Friday, along with Iran, Libya, Ukraine, Zimbabwe and countries Washington claims “support terrorism.”

      Your whole passage is lifted from the website Telesur.net. Do not display borrowed feathers. Do you not have the intelligence to write your own red herrings at least?

      • 2

        Old Codger:
        Please be thankful for small mercies.
        This fellow put down something that was, at least, grammatical because he lifted it from another source, typically, not making the attribution traditional for such behaviour among the civil and civilized.

  • 5

    Is Sri Lanka Drifting Towards “Duterte-ism?”

    Yes, it is drifting more and more into fascism.

    You have the home grown Gota-ism, why import alien -isms?

    • 3

      Basically Emil van der Poorten’s essay did not touch the ground reality. He too white washing his Sinhala Friends. Apparently Duterte implementing Lanakwe’s white van cleaning mechanism.

      People(not Tamils) expected to get out of White Vans. Death is speared now. But the F Word CID operates on the same principle. All the murderers are protected. Earlier, Old King said he let Dulanjalee to go. Now UNP thieves let go by Ranil and SLFP thieves let go by New King. New King has declared Armed forces can not make crime. This is modeled on JR’s EP. Even though EU like IC give high pressure the MMDA is not changed, PTA is not removed, No anti hate speech bill…

      Tamils case is worse. Army still controlling the North through dogger governor. Lands are not released. Arrested one are not released. Students shot without any connection dugs. Nobody there to see why rehabilitated youth are dying. Sinhala Jury convicts Tamils and acquit Sinhalese.

      His heading should have been.
      Is Duterte Drifting Towards “Sri Lankaism?

  • 5

    Drift or no drift, the average Sinhala Buddhist will be blamed for everything, won’t he Thiru?

    • 6

      Without a doubt our country needs someone with a backbone like Duterte to get rid of unpatriotic scum like Taraki (remember him, must be still asleep at Battaramulla) and all other US embassy agents.

      Duterte is cleaning up the Phillippines of drug dealing scum who will clog up the prison and legal systems if he is to deal with them the conventional way. What he is doing is more efficient and brings in quick results.

      His cutting ties with the US is also good because the Philippinos deserve independence of the hymie scum who have got hold of America.

      So, suck your big toe and go to sleep.

    • 2


      “Drift or no drift, the average Sinhala Buddhist will be blamed for everything, won’t he Thiru?”

      Rightly so, for electing crooks after crooks since 1948 to ruin this island.

      Did the crooks import Free rice from the Moon? Now it seems you can import plastic rice from China.

  • 4

    I am no admirer of Duterte, or for the matter of any US president that I have come across in my lifetime.

    Do we have all the facts on Duterte and the reality of the Philippines, or are we going by mainstream media headlines mostly?
    The reason why some leaders are attacked in the media has more to do with what their actions mean for US interests in their regions than what they mean to the people of their countries.

    I am certain that MR would have been forgiven many a sin had he only cooperated better with the US, the way the murderous regimes of Israel, Saudi Arabia etc do.

    • 2

      Eloquently stated.
      With Trump’s Presidency the fortunes of the ordinary Lankan’s fortunes would have diminished to Nadir while that of the ruling MaRa Royal family reached the Zenith to dizzy heights.
      What a crass miscalculation in MARa opting for election two years before before time depending on soothsayers?
      He must be having morbid nightmares of regret now.
      An example how fate plays it’s hand in mysterious ways.

    • 1


      “I am no admirer of Duterte, or for the matter of any US president that I have come across in my lifetime.”

      Are you an admirer of VP and Pol Pot?

  • 2

    ” Together with this “cleansing” came the construction of expensive walkways meant to delight the eye where less costly paths which didn’t put life and limb at risk would have sufficed. Of course the same people chose to ignore the manner in which garbage was dumped”

    I have always suspected that the much-hyped Dengue campaign has more to do with keeping an eye on householders than with eradicating dengue. Otherwise, how is it that Kerala in India,( which has a similar climate to Sri Lanka, more garbage, and no zealous PHI’s or policemen) has only a third of the dengue cases?
    Perhaps you would look into this?

  • 1


    Surely Duterte is only doing something similar to what our governments did during the infestation of vermin in 1971, and then again later in 1987-89. Eradicate! Eradicate! Eradicate! was the clarion call of the time as I remember. Mind you the vermin ‘asked for it’.

    Now, apropos ‘there needs to be tangible proof in the form of legislation, if need be, to make it a capital crime to exercise extra-judicial authority.’ Pray, when did the law stop any of our determined players from taking ‘necessary’ action. Not in the last 50 years anyway.

    Duterte has repeated that his action stems from the inability of his forces of ‘law and order’ to deliver. Now that rings a bell here, does it not?

    EvdP, we have two, maybe three ‘Duterte’s’ waiting, biding their time. Given half a chance………

    Take care out there.

  • 0

    “Duterte-ism?” is the worst form of dictatorship – democratic dictatorship at that. Lankans will never ever tolerate a Duterte to rule but an Ergodan type is possible.

    Duterte is taking on the church but Ergodan is straying into fundamental Islam

  • 3

    Mr Pootin,

    It is not Duterte mate,

    It is Batalanada Ranil and his Cronies whom we must be worried about, according to the Yahapalana Prez Bodhi Sira …

    LKR 5 Billion every Six months to FIL & SIL Family Trust.

    250 Acres of Kurunagala Land to Selvanayagam from VW Bogus Ltd.

    Now 100 Acres from Horana to Lokuwithane at LKR 100 per Acre..

    These are the deals which we know .. What about the ones which we don’t, like the 15,000mAcres from Hambantota?,

    Your mate Kirra’s Holy Tooth ( Dalada ) Expressway ,with less lanes and more dosh for the contractors.

    Bodhi Sira is trying to shut the stables after the geldings have bolted.

    BTW, Do you read Sunday Times?..

    • 3

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “It is Batalanada Ranil and his Cronies whom we must be worried about, according to the Yahapalana Prez Bodhi Sira …”

      Maybe maybe not.

      I am worried about you, actually your stability of your mind. How come you continue to destabilise yourself?

      What can we do for you?

      • 2

        Dear native,

        You don’t have to worry about me mate..I am like your other UNP Idol Keselwatta Preme..

        My parents didn’t have even Lavaria to sell , But I made it.

        Preme might have stashed away something for the Kid. But he never ripped off the Tax Payers to enrich his mates..

        But being from Dalit stock, he didn’t have mates in high places like Bond Merchants and Selvanayagams and Lokuvithanes.

        If you need any help just tell me. If it is for medication needs I can certainly help..

        But not for depression..

        • 0

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          “But he never ripped off the Tax Payers to enrich his mates..”

          How did foreigners make deal with him?

          For example, foreign paper suppliers had to deal with him and offered him more than usual commission.

          Some of the files were missing at the time. His trusted lieutenants made sure they were never found.

    • 1

      Not you, again!
      Why do you ask whether I read the Sunday Times? Given your illiteracy, I might condescend to reading it over the phone to you if you don’t call “collect.”

      • 2

        Mr poortin
        Your responses to other posters here are empty and shows low intellect like that of vedda.

        • 0

          Your comments say it all, pretense to “intelligence” included.
          Have to admit that you and your kind do produce entertainment, even if at the lowest level.

  • 1

    China put lot of money in 2015 January election. But Biriyani and arrack normally doesn’t reach minorities. It was a minor loss for China. If not, by now, Hangbangtota and Colombo Pong Cing might become submarines farms. Entire Lankawe computers would have stopped function on Operating Systems, but would be booting up on Trojan Horses. Minorities saved the day though Sinhalese unanimously voted to Old Royals. Chinese does not have the art of controlling the election. Further Lankawe go alternatively to and from DS Palanaya, SWRD Chitanta, Dudley’s, Sirimavo Chitanata, JR Palanaya, Richard P. Palanaya and Percy Chitanta, Albert son’s Palanaya.

    Philippine’s knees were broken without any Palanaya or Chitanta by Marcopakse. When the Philippines beauty queen Imeldaranthi was leaving the country she was having 3000 pairs of shoes. That is country still limping. It had just won the ICC case against China. But China eyed on Duterte and has him won. When the people are desperate for leadership that happens even if it is black widow, it is only the urgency of the moment; it’s not all China’s election technology. Now, after Myanmar and Lankawe, the empty highways and spectators-less stadiums will become the feature of Philippines.

    Now this guy needs all Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Seychelles, Belarus banks to bank on his new China’s relationship. The dragon has difficulty to possess Myanmar fully. No use of possessing Pakistan. It had a minor slip on Lankawe. But Philippine is an amazing victory. Duterte will come back to terms with America only when he wants to buy the Imeldaranthi’s bungalow in Hawaii. International Order is only thief and police kids’ game.

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    UNP is no stranger to Duterte model, In late 80s, 50,000 youths were burned on tyres! Uncle Sam and Elzebeth Anty was happy to watch!
    Gota’s work is child play compared to UNP achievements!

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      You should be like – kapuwath nil – type born idiot, if I may formulate so. Today UNP leaders are moderate. Their young politicians are no corrupt just because they want see a tangible change in the system only, they join themsevles to lanken politics.

      Just because your stupidity is no different to that of DRAMA queen Wimal Buruwasnse, you must not behave this way.

      What Gotas work ?

      Gota was instrumental to colombo beautification – that woudl have been done by any millitary disiplined men easily, but the afterhmath is people even today, cry for their rights. Some people have been driven away from their former livelyhoods providing them with smaller

      Let s see at teh end of the term (in 2020). I will come to you and discuss with you even if I am no UNPer but totally ANTI-Rajapakshe idiots.

    • 1

      Well said Srinath,

      An uncle of one of my mates was also cremated on a Tire Pyre while he was still alive.

      It was done by this same UNP, who now wants to give us Bread , Butter & Bacon and a happy ending , with the help of the Diaspora and the West.

      Yahapalana PM was a rookie Minister then, according to my elders.

      And the poor uncle was well passed his youth. He was in his latte 50s.And he was no JVP but a loyal member of the SLFP.

      Wonder whether Bodhi Sira, the self claimed sole owner of the SLFP investigate those atrocities of the 80s .

      And at least pay some compo to the relatives from the Funds which Batalanada and his mates have allocated to pay the LTTE.

    • 3


      “UNP is no stranger to Duterte model, In late 80s, 50,000 youths were burned on tyres!”

      You bloody liar,
      Sri Lanka respects human rights because it’s a Sinhala/Buddhist country well known for its compassionate leaders.

      In 1971 the western media reported the loss of 18,000 youth due to the brutality of government forces. It was also a blatant lie.

      Are you working for foreign government/LTTE rump to tarnish the image of this island? Are you part of the Diaspora which bent on harming this thrice blessed island?

      You are a traitor.

      How dare you accuse the state of Sri Lanka?

      Hope this would be the last time I hear this from you.

      • 1

        Dear Native,

        Hold your horses mate..

        Next to your Idol Pirahaparan, it is Batalanada Ramnil’s new buddy and partner JVP is the outfit who sacrificed the largest flock of youth to be tortured and killed.

        JVP in fact beat Pirahaparan in numbers and the suffering which brought on innocent naive kids of our rural Sinhala Buddhist Mums and Dads.

        Pirahaparan’s boys killed as many or more Government soldiers while in the process of getting killed.

        Our Sinhala Youth didn’t know how to even hold a Galkatas.

        But they had sharpened HBs pushed into their brains through the ears, by the UNP Police.

        And then thrown in to Ocean or burnt on a stack of Tyres.

        And UNP Yahapalana PM ‘and the beloved Aunty Madam are the culprits.

        Now those JVP B***** are sucking the formers B**** for 25 Lakhs.

        Disgusting …man….

    • 1

      Where did you get your number. First one is from 20 to 40 and the second is 60 to 80. A possible total can go upto 120. Your number 50 is less than half of the total.

      Then again Brother Prince’s real record is Zero Casualty. Because he did not wanted to waste tyres to all 145,000 are missing. This is not counted with the 20,000 Sinhala rapist army missing in action. All the missing are bulldozed.

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    Sri Lanka is drifting aimlessly. like a rudderless boat. No qualified Captain or qualified crew to steer the ship.

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      Some countries are showing weakness that they are not civilized or elevated in humanitarianism to be self governed by democracy. Lankawe’s history after Britain is nothing but an orphan steal and eat and for that hacked and chopped by the local Panchayat’s(China – India) quazi justice. Lanaka very badly needs back Britain. If Britain agrees to come back, that days will the genuine and absolute liberation day, in modern history of Lankawe, for the civilians from the “day and night ever roaming and lurking Hygenaic, White Van politicians.

      Unfortunately America fought out Japan from Philippine. So they don’t have something like that Lankawe can dream of Britain coming back. America kept Marcos in power to discourage China funding the rebel and take over the country. But now it is gone to China.

      Lankawe had Sirimacos. She robbed the country as much as possible. The JR, Richard. P and Chandrika. Corrupted Chandrika matched Aquino. I am not sure who were the Philippine’s JR and Richard P. Now Philippine has got Duterte, the Marcopakse.

      If you look at the both countries, they at the same evolutionary Path. These countries are not on the range where sun shine on the earth.

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    Why is it that Duterteism is getting popular all over the world? Because of the traditional way is dead slow. Sooner or later Sri Lanka will take to Duterteism administered by local thugs because the implementation of the law is absolutely slow. Worst of all is the inordinate delay in our Courts system.

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      “Why is it that Duterteism is getting popular all over the world?”

      The political class has been lying so they are getting a kick up their backside.

      Less than a 1% of Lankans read CT? Durian!

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