3 May, 2024


Wimal Supporters In Britain Threaten To Beat Up Tamils

By TU Senan

TU Senan

On 18 March, to mark the UN international anti-racism day, trade unions in Britain supported a demonstration held in London. Tamil-speaking people also took part in this demonstration with a sizable contingent. In addition to putting forward slogans against racism, they also demanded rights for refugees such as an end to deportations, closure of the detention prison centres, etc.

Significantly, they also demanded that the health service in Britain remain a public service free at the point of use. This is a decisive step by the Tamil community living in Britain towards linking up with the struggles of the working class in Britain.

In a desperate attempt to prevent such solidarity a few members of the racist organisation English Defence League (EDL) turned up with British flags. This small number was held back by the police. But to the surprise of everyone a few also turned up with the Sri Lankan flag. With slogans such as “one nation, one country” they mirrored the EDL in their outlook and behaviour. They were standing alone. But to any onlookers’ amazement they started to abuse Tamil protesters in filthy racist language including shouting “go home – you are a terrorist”. They shouted that they are all Sri Lankans.

It was clear that they came to provoke the Tamil protesters. The news that the Tamil Solidarity campaign is organising to take part in this demo was very well circulated in social media. These racists had organised to try to oppose Tamil working class and young people taking part in the anti-racist protest. When a few protesters pointed out the bankruptcy and danger of their slogan and questioned why they were there, their answer was to shout aggressively that they have a right to be in Britain but ‘Tamil terrorists’ do not. Protesters could not believe what they were hearing from Sri Lankan flag holders. There was a threat of physical attack amid the pure chauvinist filth they shouted. Anti-racist protesters in Britain for the first time learnt about the character of Sinhala chauvinism.

They also displayed hand-written signs demanding the release of Wimal Weerawansa. They shouted that the Ranil-Maithri government is a selling out the country to imperialism. It was clear that the Wimal faction of the former JVP is now mobilising with the same technique as the racist BBS (a racist Buddhist organisation).

The JVP for a long time pretended to be on the ‘left’ with some Marxist rhetoric. Then splits in the JVP and the formation of the Frontline Socialist Party exposed the long-time bankrupt policies and stand of the JVP. The current JVP may claim that they have separated themselves from the Wimal faction. However they have so far made no attempt whatsoever to change any of their old stance, particularly on the national question. The lesson also need to be learnt by the FSP, if they are to help  build a united struggle they must come out clearly about their position on national question and how they differs from old JVP’s position.

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  • 16

    Tamils in UK should be able to deal with these punks without state sponsored terrorists unlike in Sri Lanka.

    • 3


      “Tamils in UK should be able to deal with these punks without state sponsored terrorists unlike in Sri Lanka.”

      My friend the old codger tells me that unlike in Australia the Sinhala/Buddhists keep themselves to themselves, mostly avoid confrontation, when they are outnumbered by Tamils and outsmarted by Tamil stupidity.

      He found it fascinating whenever he was on a few occasions surrounded by Sinhala/Buddhist little islanders, they recited in their own words selected verses from Mahawamsa, Indrapala’s 1966 thesis, …. though they have never read those books.

      They according to my friend loved to talk about LTTE atrocities (rightly so) however they were reluctant to accept state sponsored terrorism.

      According to my friend the few Sinhala lefties whom he met on rare occasions, believed that the LTTE was a necessary evil but over a period of time it could/would shed its stripes. The LTTE was the only military organisation which could break the state monopoly on power so that they (the Sinhala Lefties) could/would build the state anew.

      Basically the logic behind their position was that they wanted the stupid LTTE to fight and die so that the so called Sinhala lefties could take over the country.

      Don’t you think the position of the Sinhala Left is also smart ass patriotism, like the good old days when Dayan the war monger tagged along the EPRLF?

      • 11

        Sinhala racists in UK are mortally scared of Tamils because their is no state support for them to unleash violence on Tamils as in Srilanka. They only try to attack Tamils who demonstrate in a non-violent manner knowing very well that they will not respond back. This is a ploy to provoke them and then say that they are not peaceful. In UK there is a level playing field and no Sinhala racist can lay his hand on a Tamil without falling foul of the law. Do not be worried by these incidents as Sinhala racists in UK are largely living like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs.

        • 1

          Cool story, bro :D

  • 23

    JVP is fundamentaly a racist terrorist organization. Wimal weerawanse is a hardcore fundamentalist and terrorist. Mahinda who backed JVP anD Gotapaya who backed BBS are fundamentalist terrorists. Sadly, the historical LSSP leaders like Vasudeva and Vitharana and controversial Dayan Jeyatilake, GL Peries have become racists, fundamentalists and allies of corruption. They have now grouped under Joint Opposition to destroy democracy and create a dictatorship under white van terrorist Gotapaya.

  • 4

    Are you sure, it is by those few people and not by the british Secret Serivce who does not want Tamils and refugees asking so many things free. they can not use white british people, instead they sent their hired Sri lankans who engaged in a different way.

    Becuse, they hav nort done anything Racist except sabotaging your protest.

    • 10

      sinhalase are seeking asylum all over the world pretending to be Tamils. Even the couple who helped Snowden are sinhalese and they asked asylum in canada. 95% sinhalese who asked for asylum claimed that they are tamils. sinhalese like cockroaches, they are everywhere, even in tamil nadu.

  • 11


    Were you there?

    “their answer was to shout aggressively that they have a right to be in Britain but ‘Tamil terrorists’ do not.”

    I am told lot of stupid Tamils voted for Brexit out of patriotism and love of Union Jack. Now it is the turn of the jack-ass Sinhala/Buddhists to demonstrate their loyalty to their old colonial masters.

    There isn’t much difference between the people of Tiger Le and Sinha Le, both carry/wave their respective horrible flags.

  • 7

    Whoa!…….’they have a right to be in Britain’?…you’ve got to laugh.

    These motley jokers are the dregs that give us all a bad name. Says much for British tolerance (and shortsightedness) that they let this scum in.

    Can’t see us tolerating foreigners washing their dirty linen around Lipton Circus and the Parliament grounds in Battaramulla; can you?

    • 8

      Spring Koha

      If these protesters were truly Wimal Sangili Karrupan’s supporters, don’t you think they have demonstrated their smart patriotism proposed by Wimal’s comrade in arms Dayan the war monger?

      Are those smart ass patriots eligible to claim benefits/job seekers allowance? Is the UK Border Control aware of their presence in UK?

      Would these smart ass patriots care to explain what they meant by ““one nation, one country”?

      It appears they haven’t met a separatist Scott yet.

  • 3

    TU Senan

    RE: Wimal Supporters In Britain Threaten To Beat Up Tamils

    “In a desperate attempt to prevent such solidarity a few members of the racist organisation English Defence League (EDL) turned up with British flags. This small number was held back by the police. But to the surprise of everyone a few also turned up with the Sri Lankan flag. With slogans such as “one nation, one country” they mirrored the EDL in their outlook and behaviour. They were standing alone. But to any onlookers’ amazement they started to abuse Tamil protesters in filthy racist language including shouting “go home – you are a terrorist”. They shouted that they are all Sri Lanka”

    Quite interesting!

    Para-Sinhala calling Para-Tamils, and the Para-Sinhala are for racism.

    When the Para-Sinhala came to the Land of Native Veddah Aetho. illegally, they showed their racism towards, the Native Veddah Aethho. The n the Para-Tamils came and the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils showed their racism to each other, and it appears that it continues, based on recent history.

    Both the Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamils, as well the other Paras such as Para-Muslims, Para-Malays, Para-Portuguese etc. are Paras, in the Land f Native Veddah Aethho.


    Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations

    Journal of Human Genetics 59, 28-36 (January 2014) | doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112

    Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.


    • 0

      Amarasiri alias rabadulla or paraya

      read this first and tell us what is indian data base


      tell us why early settlers came here instead of inhabitant going to India. what was the reason behind that. why was it not possible people going to india when sumatra toba volcano eruption that took place around seventy five thousand years ago. why why why. do you have any scientific explanation Mr. paraya or rabadulla.

      tell us Your DNA test results more. who did it who have given them authority to do that. places where blood sample collected,. cemeteries dug to collect old people’s bones in order to extract DNA sample. to which community those cemeteries belongs to . name the relatives who have given consent to do that digging. tell us details of similar test carried out in Indian subcontinent. has the Indian center given authority to collect data to make these so called indian data base. if yes when. under whose premiership.

  • 3

    you have been doing doing this type of agitations for decades against Sinhalese in London.. now it is their turn. you excised your rights. let them exercise theirs.

  • 5

    The AKD JVP section is hunting with the hounds and running with the hares.
    There are two other factions of the JVP, the Wimal W section and the FSP Gunaratne(m) section.
    All three are in competition with each other to throw dust and confuse the people.
    But the people are aware that all of them also have a tenuous linkage with what is known as the JO.
    These three tendencies of the JVP cannot be classified as fish or fowl and will blink out eventually as a historical but an impotent political aberration in SL’s history.

    • 2

      There is chauvinism in the JVP and its two offshoots.
      But one cannot lump them together.
      WW & Co were weaned from the JVP by MR, and was plain opportunist.
      The JVP having got into electoral politics has painted itself into a corner.
      The FLSP was a political break which was brewing within for a while. but there is confusion in its ideology, but a struggle is on within.

  • 1

    The JVP has completely divorced itself from the likes of Wimal Weerawansa and it’s thinking on various issues in Sri Lanka has changed. Will the writer please clarify what he refers to as the ‘National Question’.

    • 3

      “Will the writer please clarify what he refers to as the NationalQuestion”?
      That request itself is a perfect vindication of my point about why the three tendencies of the JVP being neither fish no fowl but a secret net work entity of the JO and it’s ilk Gnasarra’s BB’s..

  • 8

    The moda racist sinhalayas yet again embarrassed themselves trying to show their patriotism on foriegn soil! Living in Britain and supporting wimal weerawansa?? Has living in a developed country where many honorable and honest politicians reside taught you nothing? And yet these ‘patriots’ (modayas) show their animalistic lion heritage for wimal, in a foriegn country LOL!

    I couldn’t stop laughing at the part where these third class fellows claimed that they have a right to live in Britain but the Tamils don’t! Aren’t the British the eternal enemy of the Sinhalese? Isn’t that where the term ‘para sudda’ comes from and is generously used? And of all people these are supporters of wimal, who thinks the suddas are always conspiring against mother Lanka coz the suddas are that jobless!

    Good thing these modayas didn’t show their colours in an arab country orelse they would have gotten their balls handed to them in a ‘silli silli bag’.

    Mata nanga mewa ahala pukeng hinna yanne machang!

  • 0

    Can anybody spare this Senan guy a comb and a razor? Its not that he looks like he just got out of bed and was rudely dragged backwards through a hedge….no thats not it at all. Its just that he is writng BS as we all know
    [Edited out]

  • 5

    The personal success of Wimal Weerawansa that propelled him from insignificant penury as a mediocre journalist to his current status as a businessman-multi billionaire is an indictment of the sick condition of Lankan politics. Is it surprising the majority of MP’s have not even passed the much devalued GCE(OL) – and they are Legislators!!!! Not just the Flag but the entire political structure must be overhauled. But is it an
    earthly possibility with the Buddhist higher priesthood and the politicised army in the political forefront?
    I am afraid Sri Lanka will slip into the Zimbabwe path eventually leading to China and India to battle out
    for supremacy of the island. Both Sinhalese and Tamils will lose out with Tamils eventually getting something.


  • 1

    Typical Tamil Eelamist nutjobs! wherever you Eelamists go you become pests and leeches on native people.

    British barbaric colonialists looted island of Sinhalé (Sri Lanka) for 150 years, they killed millions of Sinhalese, British colonialists dumped millions of Tamil Coolies in Sinhalé (Sri Lanka) which is the cause of still on going Tamils problem in SL.

    Anyway, Sinhalese, Tamils, Africans, Australian aborigines, New Zealand Maoris, native Canadians, Native Americans, etc are all have the absolute right claim Briton.

    • 10

      Johnny boy

      “wherever you Eelamists go you become pests and leeches on native people.”

      Since when did the Eelamists start carrying the horrible Lion flag?

      ” British barbaric colonialists looted island of Sinhalé (Sri Lanka) for 150 years,”

      Is that why the Sinhala/Buddhists racists revenge Tamils in periodic riots by looting and burning down their businesses and homes? So the Sinhala/Buddhists unleash their bottled up colonial anger on Tamils in order to avenge the British barbaric colonialists.

      We know for sure you are a stupid racist which need no further proof.

      • 0

        “Since when did the Eelamists start carrying the horrible Lion flag?”
        -Since Native Redda started commenting.

        Protecting your country, faith, values, culture, civilization, customs, etc from threats is definitely not Racism.

        Racism is when white man hates black man!

    • 6


      You write a lot of tosh! I travel far and wide, and I have found that if anybody has become a ‘pest and leech’ on their hosts, it is the never-do-well opportunist yakkoos with little knowledge of the language or customs who go to the ‘old mother country’ to do the jobs that the native British will not touch. Our Tamil brethren had to leave their homeland to escape the barbaric marauding yakkos (like you?). They have proved to be an asset to the new communities they have assimilated into. A case of Sri Lanka’s loss is ——- gain.

      The ‘barbaric British’ walked into Sri Lanka with the help of many helpful natives (like Maha Mudlayar Solomon Bandaranaike and other grandees who kept the likes of you quiet and acquiescent in return for goodies). The ‘barbaric British’ built roads and railways, and introduced us to proper schooling for all including teaching us their language (I know, I was taught by English Methodist missionaries). Their biggest crime was to teach us to play cricket.

      Because layabouts (like you?) were scratching their ‘proverbials’ and doing bugger-all all day, they had to import labour to work the estates that produced the national wealth for the last 150 years.
      Yes, there was a time we ‘native’ people ‘had a right to go to Britain, the mother country’ but that all ended when they left and cut their ties to us. We got our independence but did not understand the responsibilities that go with freedom.

      There you go John! (I just hope I haven’t wasted my time.)

      • 0

        “Yes, there was a time we ‘native’ people ‘had a right to go to Britain, the mother country’ but that all ended when they left and cut their ties to us. We got our independence but did not understand the responsibilities that go with freedom. “

        is that the way it works with the Indians, Pakistanis, Kenyans, Nigerians, Ugandans, South African Indians and all the rest from the ex-colonies who also “Got Independence but did not understand the responsibilities”

        I mean, there’s an awful lot of them in the UK..These misguided natives ..

        Was it all a waste of time ??? Empire ? The Raj ? The Colonies ? Divide and Rule ? The Sun never Setting ? G&T’s before lunch ? Jallianwala Bagh ? Uva-Welessa ?

        Tell me It isn’t so !!!

        Or was it that after WW2, they were so cash strapped, exhausted and simply lost appetite for empire and besides, there was nothing more they could take from us that made economic sense anyway ?

        Spring, Is Britain still your “Mother Country” ? Portraits of George VI and Elizabeth II adorn your wall ? Land of Hope & Glory still playing on the gramophone? Union Jack bravely fluttering from the pole in the garden ?

  • 7

    I’ve been reading about the past violence against Tamil since the island’s independence. There’s a wealth of reports and literature on this. The pattern of organised violence against Tamils show that the Sinhalese are an extremely cruel race of people and their high alcohol assumption rate probably makes it worse. Mahavamsa ideological intoxication is probably worse, though. Now they’ve taken their illiberal mentality to civilised countries where rule of law and civil rights are respected. They can’t use their death squad to silence Tamil dissent. But they are exposing themselves to the world their true violent nature.

    Few years ago there was a photograph circulating on social media of a little Tamil girl being kicked by an adult Sinhala male. This was from a boycott protest in London, UK. The Tamil Guardian reports the incident:
    “Tamil activists campaigning for a boycott of Sri Lankan cricket were punched and assaulted by Sri Lankan cricket fans, outside the Oval cricket stadium in London today. Shortly after 9pm when the Australia v Sri Lanka cricket match drew to a close, hundreds of Sri Lankan fans surrounded the handful of Tamil campaigners present and began to chant racist slogans such as “F*** Tamils!” Groups of Sri Lankan fans began to grab placards from the Tamil activists, including from a young boy who looked no older than 10. As the assaults escalated, several Tamil activists were punched, including one elderly gentleman. One young Tamil man was dragged by the Sri Lankan cricket fans on the floor…”

    In response, Sinhala viewers, in agreement with the attacker, made angry hate comments calling for the little girl to be stripped naked, raped and killed. In other words, these grown adults, not street thugs, who would have daughters of their own and who would be your everyday next door neighbours, called for the bloodthirsty abuse of a little harmless girl just because she was a Tamil who protested Sinhala war crimes; it was as if they wanted to replicate what their so-called war heroes had done to Tamil girls like Isaipriya just a few years prior.
    The incident not only exposes the racism of Sinhalese but also the illiberal mindset of their native country where Tamil political dissent is suppressed through state brutality. After all Sri Lanka is one of the worst violators of freedom of speech and freedom of the press in particular. The mob was perhaps simply following in the footsteps of their forefathers who attacked Tamil Satyagraha protesters from the 50s-70s.

    • 0

      Cool story, bro :D

  • 7

    Deport all Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists from Western countries ruled by rule of law and respect for minority and civil liberties. Since these nationalists oppose a pluralistic society and insist on Sinhala-Buddhist domination and support authoritarian regime that represses political dissent through state terror, it’s clear they don’t respect the Enlightenment values of the free world therefore should be treated with the same suspicion as Jihadists and barred from entering and possibly undermining those cherished values of freedom, equality and justice.

  • 0

    We Thamizh and our tales :D

  • 0


    So you are a member of the minority community, that explains about you ignorance. You should be forgiven for being taught by missionaries, those missionaries brain washed you, you were never taught true history.

    – Sinhalese did not ask British colonialist to come to Sri Lanka, so why would genuinely morally superior Sinhalese work under morally inferior then barbaric British colonialists?

    – British colonialist built couple of rail road and road to transport their ill-gotten wealth.

    – British colonialist shipped their all ill gotten wealth back to Briton with out leaving a penny in Sri Lanka.

    – During Malaria out break they did nothing. Google Suriaya Mal Movement!

    -During their 150 year of stay, they butchered millions of Native Sinhalese, they made millions of Native Sinhalese landless, they destroyed Sinhala values and culture, they opened bar all over the island.

    – The worst thing they did was dumped millions of coolies( Tamil and Muslim) in Sri Lanka and they fed those coolies with lies, myths and fantasies about never existed “Tamil historical Home Land” nonsense.

    – And the list goes on.

    Yes, British have done lots of good things to the world, but that don’t give them excuses for their absolute barbaric atrocities they committed in Sinhale (Sri Lanka).

    Now, Spring Koha, get real.

    • 0

      We Thamizh are yearning for the massas to come back and reclaim their rightful place – so We Thamizh may reclaim ours (under the table, licking the massas’ boots and begging for scraps) :D

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