2 May, 2024


Ravi Karunanayake Must Go: Paikiasothy

Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has called upon Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake to take the principled step of resigning from ministerial office forthwith, and to cooperate fully with on-going and any future investigations.

Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu

Issuing a statement he said: “Without prejudice to the proceedings of the Commission of Inquiry to investigate and inquire into the issuance of Treasury Bonds, CPA finds the Minister’s testimony not only entirely implausible, but also deeply damaging to the credibility and reputation of the institutions of government. This is especially so for a government elected on a platform of good governance and anti-corruption. We firmly believe that this is a view shared by the majority of our fellow citizens, who are dismayed by the persistence of corruption and the current government’s woefully inadequate measures to address it.”

We publish below the statement in full:

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has followed recent media reports of the proceedings of the Commission of Inquiry to investigate the issuance of Treasury Bonds with increasing concern. The reported allegations of financial misconduct and conflicts of interest are extremely serious and their political consequences graver. Whatever the outcome of the Commission’s proceedings, the allegations are of sufficient gravity to require the immediate resignation of Ravi Karunanayake MP, the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“The media reports of the on-going hearings of the Commission of Inquiry to investigate and inquire into the issuance of Treasury Bonds during the period of 1st February 2015 to 31st March 2016, (CoI), reveal that Mr Karunanayake is implicated in financial transactions with Mr Arjun Aloysius, a central figure in the high-profile and questionable issuance of bonds by the Central Bank. Witness testimony to the CoI states that a luxury apartment in Colombo was taken on lease by Mr. Aloysius and/or his representatives, and paid for on behalf of Karunanayake, who was then Minister of Finance, and his family. In recorded testimony given to the CoI on 2nd August 2017, Minister Karunanayake noted that it was his wife and daughter who found and procured this apartment and that he personally “knew nothing” about how the apartment he and his family resided in for nine months was paid for and procured.

“Without prejudice to the proceedings of the CoI, CPA finds the Minister’s testimony not only entirely implausible, but also deeply damaging to the credibility and reputation of the institutions of government. This is especially so for a government elected on a platform of good governance and anti-corruption. We firmly believe that this is a view shared by the majority of our fellow citizens, who are dismayed by the persistence of corruption and the current government’s woefully inadequate measures to address it.

“CPA wishes to remind the government of its central promise to eradicate corruption at all levels of government and to hold to account anyone who is complicit without fear or favour. We call upon Minister Karunanayake to take the principled step of resigning from ministerial office forthwith, and to cooperate fully with on-going and any future investigations. We believe this is an essential prerequisite for restoring public confidence in the government’s commitment to its mandate, and we reiterate that the failure to do so will seriously impede the realisation of every other aspect of the government’s reform agenda.

“Given the hope and expectation raised in 2015 regarding the restoration of good governance and the rule of law, the failure of Minister Karunanayake to resign, and the failure of the government to ensure his resignation, will risk unfavourable comparison with its predecessors. More critically, it will erode the credibility of our public institutions and processes in the eyes of citizens, and fatally undermine broader reforms.”

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Latest comments

  • 17

    If NGOs can make political decisions, why do we need elections?

    • 29

      Dr. Saravanamuttu; Ranil Wickramasinghe must GO, first! there should be a retirement age of 55 for all politicians who are living too long in this generation and blocking younger and honest people.
      It is a JOKE that a corrupt liar like Ranil Wickramasinghe is parading 40 years of corrupt and intellectually bankrupt politics in the Miracle of Modyas today while Mahinda Jarapassa his partner in crime is hoping to be back! Both must share a prison cell for bringing SL political culture to the lower depths.
      Ranil is dancing to the tunes of the United States deep state’s Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Fake Economic Development experts who pretend that there is no corruption in Sri Lanka while promoting corrupt Diaspora Sri Lankans Like Kanage of ICTA and Mahendran, and Ranjan Hullugalle of Perpetual treasuries. IMF’s Christine Lagard played footsie with Ravi and Ranil not so long ago!.
      Ravi K. was appointed by Ranil Wickramasinghe. They buried any investigation into Sri Lankans named in the Panama Papers leaks. Pakistan is less corrupt than Sri Lanka!

      • 14

        Right on Kalu!
        Ranil Wickramasinghe with MR, has INSTITUTIONALIZED CORRUPTION and LEGALIZED politicians stealing from the people of Sri Lanka in the name of ‘Parliamentary Privileges’ including duty free car permits for super luxury vehicles and houses cor corrupt politicians to get their support. Ranil loves to prat about “Parliamentary Privileges for the ultra-corrupt..This political culture of legalizing corruption, promoted by fake experts from US as well to further US and interests in Sri Lanka also via IMF and Keep their man Ranil in power, must end.
        For the Institutionalization of Corruption Ranil gets Fake Development US experts in this age of post-factual news and development disaster projects.

        • 4

          Dodo, its of no use now what Rajapakse did then. Yahapalana guys promised to fight corruption, nepotism etc. etc. They promised good governance and they too have failed. So they too should go away without giving excuses !

          • 3

            Wadepiya He is a sworn Watti Amma Viper kanuva from muslim sector. You guys don’t study and use fancy talk to touch breaks.

        • 0

          spot on Kalu.
          people in SL have been taken for a ride by fake politicians since independence.
          liberal democracy does not auger well for countries like SL; the mind set is not ready yet; the reasons are many.
          what SL needs is a “Chinese” form of governance.It’s time for a revolution.

      • 8

        Why should Ranil go ?

        He has not mediated in the deal even if Media men supportive to vicious politics have been painting the picture in favour of former allies.

        If not Ranil, srilanka would have been cornered by today.

        Ballige putha et al, looted the country as no other leaders did. So the international relations were simlar to that of Zimbabwe by end of 2014. All these are facts.
        But iwthin the country, he has still been enjoying himself and his family.
        Buddhist clergy is taken as human shields for them to get back to power
        Saitm issuee even if they have been the architechts of the state unapproved institution, they stand against them today.
        Mattala and H habours have been made white elephants.
        So are the others.
        They have abused as no others, but them to be treated with heroes IS a work of media mafia cemented in the country.


        God bless srilanka. !

      • 11


        Please jog my memory when did the last time members of any party resigned on principle or being jailed for illegal activity, corruption, theft, murder, war crimes, nepotism, …. since 1956?

        Why just blame MR and RW? Is it because of the scale?

    • 8

      Another typical SL big shot who used NGO money for personal entertainment, that is simple as eating with friends at high end restaurant and reimburse that money from NGO, and caught in public now calling resignation from another crook from his own creed . This is the problem in SL, 90% of us cheating others and we cheat ourselves…

    • 3

      Fathima, you are fucked up!

    • 5

      Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu types:

      “Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake to take the principled step of resigning from ministerial office forthwith, and to cooperate fully with on-going and any future investigations.”

      If he was a principled man he would not have got into this mess in the first place, owned up, paid back whatever he owed the state with interest, resigned, requested an appropriate jail sentence, …………. quit politics altogether and apologized to whatever he has done in the past.
      Oh what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive.
      – Sir Walter Scott (Marmion, 1808)
      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekere, what do you learn from the above quote?

    • 7

      Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu
      He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. – Jesus’ in John 8:7
      Please note I am not a born again Christian.

    • 5

      Its INGO a CIA jingo paid for by EU-UN and this above all is not obliged by Freedom Of Information Act and Tax rules anywhere in the world.
      Shame he escaped the white van he was dreaming about.

  • 11

    CPA is the organization which did not like to be transparent about their spendings and earnings. Now, they talk about RK. What is the reason ?

  • 14

    Paikiasothy is getting worried that RK’s corruption case might hamper the plan to get his Federal Constitution passed by two third from this Parliament. JRJ made a blunder by giving the responsibility of drafting the constitution to A.J.Wilson. JRJ’s nephew has done a similar blunder by handing over the responsibility of drafting the constitution to Paikiasothy and the NGO crooks paid by western countries. This is like handing over the chicken farm to the fox.

    Sampanthn has told Ranil’s future depends on solving the national question. What bloody national question? There is no national question, only a question created by Wellala Tamil politicians for their survival. Now more than 50% of the Tamils live in the south with Sinhalese. After 1983, there has not been any violence against Tamils despite the attempts by LTTE Tamil Terrorists to create a backlash by bombing Dalada Maligawa and attacking Sri Maha Bodhi. I heard in the radio PM saying ‘The country ended the war but there was no peace.’ What a bloody liar. President Rajapakse ended the war and brought peace to Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims. Now PM is trying to get the credit for bringing peace by given a Federal solution to please Wellala Tamil politicians. Is he eyeing for Nobel Prize for Peace? I won’t be surprised if hypocrites in western countries do that.

    • 8

      Eagle Oye, Ravi must go, no doubt, but where will that put all the Ballige Puthas of MARA clan who have robbed, plundered and murdered our country and it’s citizens.

      I am told that, more the noose tightens on Ravi, THE MORE MARA IS SHITTING IN HIS PANTS. That includes the MORE THAN 40 THIEVES of the JO Robbers.

      Is it True Eagle Oye ? I am sure you are not one of them.

      • 1

        Ansar ,

        Handling Ravi could be followed by one of Rajapaksha
        associates ! MARA group might have started shitting
        in their pants now seeing the possibility of unbelievable
        is going to happen among the UNP itself . MARA , all
        these days screamed that there are more crooks in the
        YAHAPALANAYA and when a strong guy from the
        yahapalanaya guides them to AUNTY’s house , MARA
        gang is going to shut up and fall in line ! In the coming
        weeks there could be fire crackers . Let us just wait
        and watch !

  • 17

    No two words about it.

    The rogue minister must go. That is the only route available for every parliamentarian to survive. The confidence of citizens on Parliament of Sri Lanka is shaken. This charlatan has survived under many ruses and the protection of RW. He must go.

    • 4


      “The rogue minister must go.”

      Alright agreed he must go.
      It is important the president appoints Basil Rajapaksa in his place. He has a long record of serving the people of this island. He started as an under study to Gamini Dissanayake (the richest man in South Asia according to JR) and served this island in various capacity.
      When the going get tough he goes to USA.

      • 3

        Native V

        it was and is, obvious to the people that , Basil and Rajapaksa clique stole and plundered more billions than the rogue RK. Only difference is no trace was left due to the due the cover-up diligent fulfilled by Rajapaksa minions in the Financial Institutions and the civil service. Therefore I doubt that RK can escape to the USA.

  • 11

    That “Ravi . . . Must Go” is so obvious that one has t ask oneself why an article of this nature becomes even necessary; but thanks for telling us so in such clear terms.

    The credibility of all those who belong to the Establishment has eroded so much that we all now know that guys will keep saying that nothing has been proved, however obvious it is to all of us that there are mutual cover-ups at every level. Unfortunately, what it also means is that the public also have become so cynical that they will not even consider sticking their necks out on any issue.

    Does this Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu article signal that at long last there will be a definite attempt by people who are untainted by THIS SORT of corruption will, at long last, start saying the things that they must. Yes, I mean that; for long we have derided the NGOs for not REALLY exposing the politicians of all sorts. Will this prove the beginning of a move to counter cover-ups so naked that it becomes impossible for us to even consider speaking out on a range of matters. I, too, am beginning to feel that there is little pint OUR talking about things that we know to be happening, because all others who are in control will chorus otherwise.

    One thing that can be said is that the media are still free: thanks at least for that!

  • 12

    It is now very clear Government institutions are only for the powerful to milk, rob and protect them and Not to serve the people. They are so called as serving the people only as an eyewash and a cover for the misdeeds these politicos enjoy. We a small country have a mega cabinet for what purpose? All to give benefits for the politicos whitewashed through parliament.

    The politicos with the the immunity they enjoy had robed the country dry and still call them patriotic. something drastic should happen to stop this day light robbery.

  • 3

    What ever it is, at this occasion we need to say Yes to CPA.

  • 3

    WELL….the current GoSL has been trying to push the bond deals for a long time, trying and testing them to the ultimate limit…..and that included penthouses at the last resort, till the bonds looked clean. Didn’t work. There goes there Dravidian regional enterprise. Ravi Karunanayake- so like Scaramoochi. All must be caught and sacked; Arjun, Mahendran, Indrajit, Ranil…..Paikiasothy.

    • 2

      I was just thinking whether Therese Fernando is from the Aryan stock that looted N North India or the Dravidians from S India.

      • 0


    • 3

      ramona grandma therese fernando

      “All must be caught and sacked; Arjun, Mahendran, Indrajit, Ranil…..Paikiasothy.”

      And bring back Aryan MR, GR, BR, NR, WW, JO, ………………………………… and rest of the clan and cronies.

      • 0


        Oh, no, no, no………. if only MR, GR, BR NR, WW, JO would admit that Sinhalese are a Dravidian Nation on par with the Thamil.***********Indeed, the only way to unite the nation once and for all, is for everyone to be proud of the Dravidian gene…………But MR, GR, BR NR, WW, JO together with Ranil-Sirisena duo, are still talking about Bengali genes –grown men, mind you. It’s on the official website of the Lankan embassies worldwide. What a howling shame!…………………MR-GR-BR-NR-WW-JO want to be Aryan, but will condescend to allow the Thamil to mix with them, for sake of national unity***********Ranil-Sirisena on the other hand, want to divide the two in the 2/3 : 1/3 ratio, so both races can be separate and claim whatever they want (mostly for Sinhalese to retain the Aryan identity). Tamils don’t care, and will have a field day with things, liaisoning with the Dravidian brotherhood of South India. And Ranil-Sirisena will sell outright to China to secure the Sinhala side……………We need new, rational and grown-up blood in Lankan politics I tell you!

        • 1

          “”We need new, rational and grown-up blood in Lankan politics I tell you!””
          boat woman go home home and become a cannibal not hannibal.

      • 1

        Hey Native V;

        Think outside the box; none in the present Parliament or the kith and kin or the siblings of the of the present parliamentarians including Sira and clan do not fit to come to power again. Never never again.

  • 2

    This is rich coming from a chap who spent donations to entertain himself and had the audacity to claim there was no misuse of funds. Do these fellows have such thick skins that they forgot the sense of shame their mothers surely taught them?

  • 2

    Question is where should he go. Should he go to prison? Why do common thieves who steal a purse or two go to jail, while politicians who steal millions of public money are allowed to enjoy their spoils?

  • 0

    I am opinion that all the Parliamentarians who think they are above board must resign. I don’t think any body would as all are in the same boat. Their corruption vary only in degree .

  • 2

    Hey look who’s talking “Wadi Bana”
    Did Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) have one thought when he was in the midst of financial irregularities ???
    See Clombo Telegraph articles



  • 1

    Deal Dasa didn’t go on the issue of Avant Garde. He was directly involved in saving the Old Royals out of it. The accusation on Ravi on this matter is he accepted a Luxury house from Tamils. (I do not know the value of the house in ratio to the $18B – May be one in 100 million?). So this is going to be flaring & fiery headings on Colombo media for a long while. Kathirgamar – Old Royals history of sacrifice to Sinhala Imperialism will be repeated in Mahendran -New Royals by revenging Mahendran by UNP, with the help Mr. Sothy like Tamil UNPyers.

    Mahendran did not tell to the presidential commission or COPE that he acted on the PM’s instructions. That is how the Tamils are. But Ravi will soon, if he get trouble by laptop media, put the head of Mahendran and Aloysius in the guillotine and get of this mess.

    There is news that Ranil ordered to investigate the embassy that disturbed the parliament approving the sale of Hangbangtota Port (is that Indian Embassy?). Now China has given laptops to the 8th graders in the parliament free. Once upon a time in the land of Lankawe, media personnel got free computers to write Chitanta or got killed. Now the 8th graders from Yahapalanaya are in the same web they wove to Media personnel. I wonder, like media personnel, if any 8th graders are going to be removed if they do not vote for Hangbangtota or other Chinese projects.

  • 2

    Only one minister – M.D.H.Jayawardene – has resigned on a matter of principle, in the past.

    RK will not resign.

  • 0

    Hey Boy, when will you release your CPA expense accounts and sources of your funding? How much did you get under the table from the US Embassy? Where is your transparency boy?

    • 2

      Why only US Embassy ??? What about other countries like England, Germany etc.

  • 2

    Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu
    Your suggestion is a bit too trigger-happy.
    The prosecution must prove RK’s guilt and more importantly, RK must have a chance to prove his innocence.
    The air is intense. So RK must go on compulsory leave and the case fast-tracked – literally.
    Hopefully several other skeletons in the expensive Imelda/Jayalalitha type wardrobes will get identified and buried.

  • 1

    To take a principled stand of Resigning in a situation such as this, one must have
    personal integrity. Ravi K has no such thing. The bagful of multi-millions is very
    likely from Drug-trafficking and from the Luxury Car-sale industry – with both of which this greedy super-ambitious man played hanky panky. He is also the
    protector of the local mafia dealing with drugs, crime, extortion, kidnapping etc.,
    Some of his hench-aiyas are army deserters. Remember the case he was involved
    with in shooting where someone died at Blumendhal Road, Kotahena. That was one
    of the gangs that cover this “much respected Accountant coming from a Big family”
    Someone called upon the Accountants Association to de-list him for bringing the profession to disrepute. Will this ever happen? This should have happened when
    he swindled a foreign-investor (Rajaratnam) of US$3 mln.

    What a greedy crook?


  • 1

    RK is unfit to be a FM or in Parliament and should join the Alzheimer’s daycare centre before he forgets his wife and child.

    • 1

      At Airport Garden Hotel his hora wife checks into a room. An hour later,Haha palanaya walks into the room.

  • 0

    Dr P.Saravamutta talk of “power of reconciliation” by CBK’s Federalist agenda that he may be seeking position Minister of Foreign Affairs?
    That is his policy of Alternatives to be wider laid foundation for Tamil Home land in South Soil?
    There are many policy and decision makers in an Island Dr P. Sarvarmutte is one of them?
    How are they power -full of King makers in governances that concern of –Sri lanka?
    Where is country, nation and People ‘s Sovereignty lay on ?
    Needless to say many centers are in by function and operated in State whiting State—-Island?

  • 0

    Paikiyasothy wants Ravi to resign as there is job waiting for him at his INGO>

    So… Pakiyasothy too is a wheeler dealewr……..

  • 1

    MARA & CO keep charging that Yahapalanaya is after them on a
    revenge mission . Catching someone from within the My3Ranil
    combo could ideally save yahapalana face from that charge .
    And even Ranil will have one less competitor for UNP’s next
    top man in line after him . One less headache ! It could all be
    seen as NEW MEN that Ranil and My3 are spring cleaning
    their party of old rubbish from both sides and preparing for a
    new journey with fresh bloods !! This could be the picture Ranil
    My3 combo now want on their frame for people to buy at any
    of next elections . RK has already made everything easy for
    others by declaring ” I don’t know anything about my family
    property .”

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