3 May, 2024


Sri Lanka’s Judiciary In Its Finest Hour 

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

“We must never forget that the only real source of power we as judges can tap is the respect of the people.” -Justice Thurgood Marshall

Momentus Judicial Decision

What a delight to see our judiciary having come so far away from the days of Mahinda Rajapaksa rule; cleansed from the apalling spell and smell of Sarath N de Silva and Mohan Peiris! The nation feels relieved that a dangerously developing nightmare has been put to an end.  Sure, the decison isn’t complete and we have to wait for December. Yet, the command to suspend the dissolution is itself something considerable to celebrate. We get to expect that whatever happens in December will be for  for our society’s good health and that the rule of law will come to stay as the very bedrock of our peoples’ freedom. We are out of a bad, bad dream! Our judiciary has proved itself, true to public expectation, as the peoples’ last bulwark of freedom.  Who says the yahapalanaya revolution didn’t achieve anything? Can one imagine anything more substantial than the realization that we have achieved something so important and so momentus for a decent and civilised society?

It is necessary to recapitulate in order to apprecitate to what point the Supreme Court decision has brought  Sri Lankans.

Rape of Justice

Under the Mahinda Rajapakse  decade Sri Lanka was developing Hitler’s justice. The Chief Justice who cast a qualification on the Divineguma Bill of powerful power broker and Minister, Basil Rajapakse, was impeached with scant respect for legal norms and qualms. Mahinda installed another man on the disgrace line as her successor. That line originated with Sarath Nanda Silva, former Chief Justice who began the destruction of a once great tradition of high quality justice that Sri Lanka enjoyed.
People showed their evident displeasure in 2015 when the draconian regime defined by murder, theft, and a franchised system of corruption was overthrown by the vote. That vote was from  6.2 million people. One of the considerable achievements of the new yahapalanaya government was to restore judicary’s independence. This cannot be honestly denied. 

Yahapalanaya Weakness

With justice restored the rule of law began to function, once again. That functioned so relentlessly that those of the defeated regime who had serious charges of corruption and criminality were afforded  a very patient “due process,” to defend themselves. This was both a strength of yahapalanya and its weakness. It had been a weakness because it rendered adequate space for the “horu,” or rogues to try and break up the new government. I think a fair criticism of the yahapalanaya government is that  it should have set up the Special High Courts immediately after they got into reins of office; not wait until three whole years had passed.

Wisdom lost!

Regroup and Attack

The space offered was gratefully accepted by Mahinda Rajapakse, his family, and his cohorts to regroup and to attack. The yahapalanaya government to date suffered from that tactical lapse. The defeated forces managed to skilfully play mindgames on their official enemy, President Sirisena, and persuade the latter to do his second great  U-turn. Sirisena who tried to conjure up a strong SLFP, faulted and failed to do so. We see all those SLFP’ers crossing over to Mahinda’s new political party, the Pohottuwa. The SLFP is dead. Will that great conservative tradition set up by SWRD Bandaranaike to counter the Grand Old Party in a beautiful two-party democracy be cremated? That is the question.

Edifice of Illusion

With  successful communication, Mahinda  managed to create the delusionary perception among people that he, single-handed, had “won back the country.” On the edifice of that illusion Mahinda and his men worked to abuse every institution in the island. Those who fail to understand the events of today haven’t comprehended one thing, namely, that Mahinda Rajapakse grew among musclemen or ‘Chandiyas,’ and that that culture is reflected in his persona.  Mahinda is far removed from the educated and cultured classes. He is not in sync with anything that is intellectual. As a Minister he achieved nothing. As a president he browbeated his way to an undeserved collective praise. That is the power of media communication.

Recent Political Atrocities

If you think I am biased, just reflect on the recent political atrocities that a Mahinda-led evil force have created: They get Sirisena to sack the Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, in sharp violation of the constitution. That was the first mutilation of the constitution. Ranil still lives in Temple Trees claiming he never was dispossessed from his position. The political marauders and chandiyas have taken away all Ranil’s security thus generating an ironic laugh among us who recall how Ranil had afforded even Gota a full complement of security after the  lost the election. The next browbeating was when these marauders got Sirisena to appoint Mahinda Rajapakse as the replacement for Ranil. The man who lost the election replaced the man who won the election!  The third violation of the constitution was when parliament was prorogued for as long as a month for no official reason. We all knew this was done to enable the marauding junta to rope in cross-overs by bribery and portfolios. Gossip was high when stories spread about huge monetary rewards being offered for a cross-over. On a daily basis, new ‘ministers,’ were appointed to “fill vacancies,” created by “sackings.” Many of the new Ministers were among those under bail over serious court cases. This made the new cabinet smell like bad fish. Ministers like Professor GL Peiris and Sarath Amunugama who know better, simply went with the flow of the mob. How easy it is to lose your soul and honour!  Life is so cheap!

Being thugs, it was easy for the new outfit to force out existing ministers and occupy the latter’s seats. The key government electronic and printed media was seized by the junta marauders by the use fo physical feats. Thugs lost no time in capturing Rupavahini and Lake House immediately.

Led by the Speaker, Karu Jayasuriya who played an honourable role, the UNP and the rest of the parties demanded that a vote be taken to legitimise the new  PM. Despite heavy lobbying the junta boys couldn’t get the required numbers. This led to the forth violation of the constitution- when parliament was dissolved.

Dangerous Movement

It doesn’t need much brain matter to realize that Sri Lanka  was experiencing a revival of arbitrary rule- opertaing, as it did,  outside the gamut of the constitution. The country was dangerously heading to lawlessness by stealthy and crooked acts of the the junta led by Sirisena and Mahinda. The latter kept defending themselves with holy rhetoric. Once the framework of the constitution were broken and ruling thugs take the law unto their hands  a new parallel universe of arbitrary rule by whim and fancy gets set in motion. The eventual destiny can only be speculated upon with total apprehension and fear. In the meantime, international support was being withdrawn and the Lankan economy was falling.

Conclusion: Connecting to our Judiciary

My narrative connects with the brave and independent act of the Supreme Court at this point. As Ranil Wickremesinghe stated soon after the judgment, judges of our Supreme Court  had been under severe pressure form the junta. On can imagine! Having withstood all that our judges have won the respect of the people. What a glorious status to be in! The true power-base of the judiciary is public respect.

The Hon. Michael Kirby, a fellow Justice from the here in Australia  said: “A judge without independence is a charade wrapped inside a farce inside an oppression.” Justice Kirby went on: “The alternative to the rule of law is the rule of power, which is typically arbitrary, self-interested and subject to influences which may have nothing to do with the applicable law or the factual merits of the dispute. Without the rule of law and the assurance that comes from independent decision makers, it is obvious that equality before the law will not exist.”

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  • 43

    Shyamon, I shudder at the thought of what if MR,s girl friend (the lady judge what ever her name is) was nominated to CJ according to the original plan. With MR. the game is never over yet. A crook never stop his devious acts until people decide to put a full stop. A thief will never stop until he is found out and punished (even then their perverted character does not change, that is what research is showing). For years under MR the judiciary was used as a pawn. Politician and their evil behaviors are expected but people like Sarath and Mohan are the greatest evils to society. These men have raped their own profession,abused power and position, lied, did wrong to common man, received bribes, functioned as proxies for crooked politicians, unethical , immoral scums who are much worser than those serving in prison for high crimes.

    • 23

      “We see all those SLFP’ers crossing over to Mahinda’s new political party, the Pohottuwa. The SLFP is dead. Will that great conservative tradition set up by SWRD Bandaranaike to counter the Grand Old Party in a beautiful two-party democracy be cremated? That is the question.”

      This is a classic move by the Rajapakses to sideline Sirisena and his “beloved SLFP ……… so when SLPP wins most of the seats ……… Sirisena has to relinquish his candidacy for president-2020 to one of the Rajapakses.

      Don’t think Sirisena is very smart. :))

      • 18

        nimal fernando

        “Don’t think Sirisena is very smart. :))”

        You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

        He has more tricks up his …………

        • 10

          NV – “He has more tricks up his……….” Pardon me, you mean the bastard has more tricks up his rear!

          • 3


            You know exactly what I meant.

        • 2

          N V
          Patholaya is a politician like all other previous political leaders in S L”s past full of podi-tricks.
          The gullible voter is the problem; very volatile emotionally and influenced by the “Mahanayakas” and the like.

    • 19

      Cannot agree for more., yes those MaRa bitches need to be monitored when there is a full bench in December when the cases come up.

      One of those lady judges daughter got a brand new Mercedes as a wedding gift from MaRA.

      Not to forget, like most of the judges got some deluxe hampher during Xmas kind courtesy of MaRA and that is a bribe and influence for rest of us.

      then for Medamulana Meeharakas ?

      • 1

        My inquiries yield results suggesting that CJ, Nalin P. is excellent. Have elaborated elsewhere.

        • 1

          My dear SINHALA Man,

          I hope you had great times in Malaysia.

          I was appalled having watched the video coming in about the criminal behavoiurs of Rajakashes loyalists in the parliament yesterday. Why Mahinda Rajaakshe himself enjoyed it as an ONLOOKER is beyond my comphrehension.

          And the fact that Hon Karu Jayasooriya ‘ s performance was seen as highly professional and I was proud of him at the moment, he fearlessly entered the chamber and continued his tasks amidst various physical attacks made on him.

          Can Rajakshe continue wearing his NATIONAL SUIT and hand his pink colour LOIN cloth around his neck further ?
          Why people in this country have become that violent today ? I have been out of the country for many decades and fail to know the reasoning. Not just going by their acts, but most added their comments are still DIE HARD supporters of Rajapakshe.
          Shame on those in same age group as Dineh and Wasidewa to continue fuelling those rascal parlaimentarians. What should have gone through their heads to continue so ?

          I have no doubt, that Ranjana R and Palitha T had no knives brought from home to go for it precalculated. They may have picked up those knives being found on office tables to protect themselves. THat is also their rights if they are being attacked they shoud defend themselves. Right ?

          Please reveal whatever you can to protect our democray.

          I pray further President to face all the wisdom to come out of the pit he is fallen to date. but he cut his neck by himself…

    • 11

      You are absolutely correct. Original plan was to name the “Lady Judge Gedara Yana Gaman” – Eva Wanasundara. It didn’t work because of constitutional Council. If this case gone before Judge Gedara Yana Gaman there would have been a different Judgement. She headed Gota’s Fundamental Right petition and it drags until today. 4 Judges rescued from the case.

    • 0

      I agree with you more.

      But having read comments here and other forums, I am in the view people behaves as if they have been vaccinated with ” Rajakashe germs”:

      No matter even if 70 year olds were brutally attacked by throwing hard materials on them, these puunakku eaters seem to be continuing with their blindness.

      WHo on the earth would voluntarily support THUGS ?

      Rajakshe could take control over all these rascal attacks by commanding them ” that should be the way”; but never ever uttered a single word agains them instead he just fuelled so that those uneducated rascals continue their burtalities infront of the cameras yesterday.

      Now UNO would have to change their mind again, if Parliamentaiian would attack their rival politicians or thought bearers, these very same men could easily use CHEMICAL weapons against the TAMIL civlians and rebells during the war.

      I am ashamed to call sinhalaya. I really do. I will do whatever can to get these racals cornered .. I swear to do so. Please you too,, please react pro actively.

      Greetings Switzerland.

  • 25

    Having withstood all that our judges have won the respect of the people. What a glorious status to be in! The true power-base of the judiciary is public respect.
    Shyamon, not only the respect of the Sri Lankans but the judges got the respect of the entire planet.

    • 20

      Yes indeed we can be proud of lanken judiciary.

      Now the world will understand that MS-Ranil UNITY government to have restored justice system in place … finally save the democracy in this country.

      Now next should be to impeach the president and a new president to be appointed ASAP.

      Also not to forget all those SP and others who brokered purchase of MPs without any shame should be jailed for the next 7 years going by prevailing justice system.

  • 24

    It is indeed a pity that a situation has arisen where we have to ‘congratulate’ the Judiciary when they do the right thing. This simply reflect the fact that hitherto we have been living in a Dark World, devoid of justice and fair play. Nevertheless, one must agree that’ one swallow do-sent make a summer.’ There are are numerous pending cases like Thajudeens, Sunday Leader and various FR petitions. Even some of the FR petitions are pending for over two years, I understand.

  • 8

    “Who says the yahapalanaya revolution didn’t achieve anything? Can one imagine anything more substantial than the realization that we have achieved something so important and so momentus for a decent and civilised society?”
    For guys like you who are squatting in land grabbed from Native people, this may be a great achievement. But for ordinary folks struggling to meet their ends in the farm, factory, construction site this is nothing. Central Bank robbery fattened the wallets of few guys but not a single cent went to ordinary folks. The ‘Royal Samanala Gang’ consisting of Aranil, Acharith, Amalik, Apashkaralingam and Amahendran who took vital decisions regarding the economy had no idea at all how the other half lived. These guys were only interested in pleasing the pay masters of ‘Regime Change’.
    These guys established Special Courts to fast track cases like distributing Sil Redi, misuse of funds to build Rajapakse memorial etc but did nothing to fast track the cases of ordinary folks dragging on for ages. Billions were wasted to bulldoze a Federal Constitution to please Tamil Diaspora and Wellala politicians. The list can go on…..

  • 16

    Yes. SJ. I too felt very happy to see the supremacy of judiciary is protected. it is a great … to see more of it. MR is fooled by MS. Sri Lankan politics.

  • 6

    On 7th December, if the SC says President has not violated the constitution, the guys who say ‘Sri Lanka’s Judiciary in its Finest Hour’ will turn around and say ‘Sri Lanka’s Judiciary in its Darkest Hour’. Let us wait and see.

  • 17

    The Sri Lanka Judiciary (at least a good section of it) seems to come of age: objective, faithful to the letter and spirit of the law and unmindful of the consequences, the threats and intimidations of their political bosses or the violent mobs! Yesterday in Sri Lanka the judiciary was vibrant in its landmark order stayed both Gazette notifications issued by the President proroguing and dissolving Parliament. This has come as a shot in the arm for democracy in Sri Lanka, for the pluralistic and secular fabric of the country and above all, they augur well for the future of Sri Lanka.

    Most mainstream media in Sri Lanka today is either co-opted or corporatized. Therefore, the final analysis, is that the Sri Lankans still look up to the Judiciary for protection of their rights and freedom and specially to safeguard the secular and pluralistic sanctity of the Constitution. Given also the current political scenario in the country today, the Judiciary will be the only bastion of hope, truth and justice for many. In this historic past week, our refrain without doubt needs to be “Hail Sri Lankan Judiciary!”

  • 3

    The decision that President’s acts are in line with the constitution is foregone conclusion on the 07th Dec 2018 and let us see how Shyaman Jayasinghe and many others supporting Don Juan Dhamapala alias Portugisi karaya alias Samanalaya alias Mastermind of Bank robbery will talk about judiciary.

    • 8

      Nimal Tissass Wijethunga

      Now you seem an expert on Constitutional matters.
      I envy you.
      Do you know what you are talking about?

      • 2

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      • 3

        NV – You are a genius. “Tissass”, “Somass” etc. etc. You generally get a thumbs up on all your comments. Keep it up.

        • 1


          The Assgiriya said day before yesterday, among other stupid things,
          Western countries should not infringe on Sri Lanka’s internal matters,

          He further went on to say “it was now possible to save many resources that were about to be surrendered to the foreign countries”
          What he meant was Dr Mahinda should be allowed to save it for and on behalf of his clan. You remember Basil collected all those empty used shells after the war and exported it to ……………. (Exclusive: Basil And Pushpa Used Salawa Central Armoury To Earn Big Bucks – JUNE 11, 2016 AUTHOR: COLOMBO TELEGRAPH)

          Assgiria also said ““Western forces had become displeased over the sudden political change happened in Sri Lanka without their knowledge and we have to confront strong foreign forces such as the USA, India and Europe and therefore we should not engage clashes over minor matters within the country,” Minister Udaya Gammanpila said.”

          This man should be told if the state, government, parties …………rulers don’t treat their people well the foreigners will take the opportunity to grope Assgiria’s mother, grandmother, sisters, aunts, mistress if any, daughters if any, ………………

          After listening to these primates (prelates) for years we should have all become saffronistas, not only live a life of comforts but unleash anything and everything that comes out of mouth and ………… without any inhibition.

          Poor Buddha the awakened one.

    • 6

      Whoever whatever is said and done, any leaders tenure you have to count with corruption more or less,

      But the mountains of high profile crimes that Mr Madamulana and his 40 thieves have deliberately committed are thousand times more than those of Mr Wickramasinghe govt.
      So therefore, I dont think that Wickramasinghe to be treated the way uneducated Sirisena did it.
      It could be done going by constitution.
      Sorry, I have to remove the prefix of SIRISENA considering all the unexpected came into being due to his lack of knoweldge or greediness to power or anything else (more likely for pathological reasons), however, he should not be the leader of srilanka a day longer than parliament is called on next.
      OVER 150 have to vote for his impeachment.
      He should rather be treated in hospital bed.
      All the wastages deliberately made for those so called extra vaganza ceremonies during last 3 weeks should be collected from their own pockets. People of this country must not pay a ct to cover them any more.
      We need RIGOROUS law enforcement to protect this nation from the kind of politicians.
      That SB Dhisanayaka et al should be jailed wihtout delay, for brockering of buying OPPOSITION MPs on huge sums.

  • 3

    Simon is an idiot.

    What bollocks? What is the decision here? To suspend the dissolution until the court has time to consider the petitions against it. They have not made a decision on the bloody case!

    If this is the finest hour of our justice system, all the deferrals we have would have made ours the best system in the world a long time ago.

  • 4

    Hold your breath. Still it is only a “STAY” order., but a “Victory” for the Parliament to be summoned as per the Gazette Notification. That “Summoning” of the Parliament and passing of the “Motion of No Confidence” is a “Message” to the Judiciary. The case has to be “Argued” and “Assessed”, as per the “Stay Order” on three days. In the meantime Mr. Siripala de Silva has asked for a “Full Bench”. WHY? Is it another type of “No Confidence” on the “Three Member Bench”? Then again, another “GURA” of Parliamentary Affairs, the son of “Boralugoda Sinhaya” turned “Lick Spittle” of MR – Dinesh Gunawardena has said : “We are not accepting the majority decision of Parliament”. Another, “Reject” by the People, but brought to life by the “Mad Man” – The President , Amaraweera says: “Let us wait and see what the President is going to do next”. With all these scenes, you will observe that the “Re-establishment” of the path to Democracy is still “Muddied” with aging and stinking night soil. Now the only HOPE is to look towards the JUDICIARY to clear the PATH TO DEMOCRACY.

  • 6

    Brilliant analysis. Well expressed

    • 2

      Chandrani, when did your dick fall off?

    • 5

      A well-written article. Thank you Mr.Syamon J.

  • 4

    Poor Eagle and Nimal, keep dreaming. Did you check the last count where more than 120 MP have signed the NCM against your beloved crook. Now you will see some of them hoping from SLPP to UNP lead coalition. The ones who are with MR are there for self gain and not because of love and affection.

  • 3

    Native Veddah alias Angoda Veddah alias Kala veddah,

    I know very well what I am talking or writing and it is very clear that you do not know hat are your questions.

    • 1

      Nimal Tissass Wijethunga

      You know what?

    • 0

      I thought President Gamarala should be examined by Mulleriyawa SOONER than later.


      There is a saying – SARAMA USSALA MUHUNA PISADAMA GATHTHA SIRISENA… meaning he just wiped out his facer using his sarong not knowing that jocky is totally uncovered and displayed to the world.

      THe kind of idiots to be the president of this country – is possilble if literacy rate is similar to that of Pakistan.

  • 4

    Shyamon Jayasinghe sees ~ “Sri Lanka’s Judiciary In Its Finest Hour”
    “No no”, Shyamon, the finest millisecond was the midnight when Sarath N Silva reached 65 – the mandatory age of retirement.

  • 7

    Interesting read. As you have alluded in the article, it’s only a Stay Order, and who knows what will happen with the final Order. So, shouldn’t pop the champagne just yet.
    Agree with Anaga’s comment that it reflects the current sad situation with the judiciary and the country for that matter that this had to be called the judiciary’s finest moment, when this (i.e delivering impartial justice) should have been their job anyway. Hope this is a turning point in the judiciary.

  • 3

    For a moment, I thought SJ is writing about his homeland Australia. Don’t we all love the expatriate patriots who enjoy the dole, jobs, safety, relatively crime free, non sexist western christian nations rather than nations of unsaved hindoos, buddhists and mussalmen etc? They are such brilliant experts about Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    Wow, shyamon Jayasinghe, after a long time, is having a full orgasm. [Edited out]Remember, Ranil Came to be PM through the back door. At that time, no one was complaining. Then within 50 days he emptied the Banks. EU and USA want us to fulfil GSP in order to send out CHEAP goods to their people. [edited out]

  • 1

    Don’t know why Mr Sham is so ecstatic?
    All they had to do was send the Vellala Kid Abraham and and the one time Dalit boy Anura to the SC and make a Plea.

    And Mr Sham’s enemy Rajapaksa was kicked out in 24 Hours..-

    Can’t understand why Dr Ranil was holed up in Temple Trees for 3 Weeks. with the Samanala Brigade making noises to reach the whole world.
    May be the Tucker is better there there than at Srikotha….

    • 1

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “And Mr Sham’s enemy Rajapaksa was kicked out in 24 Hours..-“

      He should not have been let in hold jobs in the first place.
      It was your stupid brethren VP who made it possible for him.

      Is Bandula the president’s travelling companion?

  • 1

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  • 0

    SJ is a good writer and can write volumes. I would keep my fingers crossed. A two fold order was given, namely, leave to proceed was granted and a stay order. The official document giving the order is not privy to us for a conclusion with respect to the nature of the stay order. If by any chance the judges at the conclusion of the hearing in December declare that the the publication of the gazette was in order, will SJ yet standby what he has written praising the current judges? I, for one, has learned the hard way who and what politicians are. I keep on telling that both MY3 and RW has deceived and defrauded me into voting for that combine in 2015. They not only failed to act as a team but lost the common touch and failed even to take the necessary remedial measures even after the LG elections. In my opinion SJ should focus on measures with regard to strengthening the sovereign right of the people rather than on the choice of people’s representatives.

  • 0

    JD/Sumane/Born dead/ Still Birth, At least Shyamon seems to be having one (orgasm) you buggers are IMPOTENT. Even between you people cannot stimulate each other, only grief/support groups for you. Poor soles.Feeling Pity.

  • 0

    Hi Symon,

    I think that you might write some thing different when the court deliver the decision after 7 December, 2018. Any way, you were a manager in the past, as you know that when you do a normal managerial job, it is required to get a performance evaluation report. Then why RW and Yahapalanya is reluctant to go to elections. If they have done a good job, RW and his team will get a good Evaluation Report from the public. I am “Andakaippu” on this matter.

    Not only that you know in Australia you will have parliamentary elections every three years, but poor Sri Lankan suckers has to wait almost five years to provide that report card because of this crooked constitution. Some says these constitutional conditions were approved without the supreme court clearance during the “Karaka Saba” or working committee stages.
    I sometimes think that your style of democracy is two sided one for poor Sri Lankan appuhamy suckers. The other super examples you take from the British or Aussies. Why they are not consistent?

  • 2


    It my be the finest hour when the Supreme Court was able to rule on the legality of the appointment by MS . But Judgment is onething and Implementing it is another as we have seen. MS ( CROOK & an IDIOT) has just said that his decision cannot be challenged and that there is no need for MR to show a Majority in Parliament.

    This is what you call Sinahala Lankas democracy. JUNGLE JUSTICE.
    Fighting has only just started with one taken to Hospital. MR was a street fighter in Hambanthotta and he is not going to take it lying down. He has to be floored by BIG BROTHER.

  • 0

    lets wait for the final decision of the finest on the 7th.
    KALI… Ranil too could not show a majority in Jan/2015.

  • 0

    An excellent analysis of the deteriorating judicial system in Sri Lanka pathetically contributed to by Sarath Silva and Mohan Pieris aided and abetted by JRJayewardena and the Rajapaksas. Let us hope that it it would be restored to its former position , Bensen

  • 0

    Native Veddaha alias Angoda Veddah alias Kala veddah,

    Do you know what?

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