2 May, 2024


All 225 Must Go! Navin D’s Lone Call For Sanity Is A ‘Voice From The Future’ – Why Are Others Mute?

By Vishwamithra

“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Finally, we heard a saner, saner than usual, voice in the midst of national insanity. It was an honest voice in a riotous cacophony of dishonesty; an urgent message in a country searching for immediate action and an apolitical behavior in a political world. Honesty is a very rare commodity in the political marketplace today. When the general public is demanding honesty of their elected representatives, it is precisely what they aren’t getting today, honesty. 

On a grey Thursday morning, June 6, 2019, inside the galleries of the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH), Navin Dissanayake, the current Minster of Plantation Industries enunciated an uncommon truth. His body language signified the apparent discomfort and frustration that he was going through. His diction, both Sinhalese and English, was perfect; it was simple and to the point and the assembly that he addressed could not have been more suited to the occasion and more valid in the national context- young graduates of the National Institute of Plantation Management (NIPM). And his honesty was devastating. What echoed inside the walled room rendered relevance and validity to what most of the Ministers in our Cabinet may have been experiencing, yet not willing to go where Navin Dissanayake dared to go.   

As a matter of fact, as a keen observer of national politics and its innumerable challenges to the country, the writer, having secured an invitation to the event, could not help but be shocked, not only at the gravity of the substance of his speech but more so at the very ease with which he delivered it. One thing was sure. He was standing in the shadow of a great legacy: Gamini Dissanayake, Navin’s father, was known to be fearless in the face of great political danger. When the subject of disenfranchisement of Mrs. Bandaranaike was being discussed in the Cabinet of J R Jayewardene in August, 1980, Gamini Dissanayake was the lone voice in there, not to defend Sirimavo’s indefensible acts of dishonesty regarding the abuse of power in terms of the Land Reform Law of 1975 (Laws Nos. 1 of 1972, 39 of 1975. 1. This Law may be cited as the Land Reform Law. (b) to take over agricultural land owned by any person in excess of the ceiling), but the punishment that was accrued to that abuse of power.

It is one thing to be convinced of an obvious authenticity of a truism; but totally another realm of possibilities that open up when one has the courage of conviction to express oneself so candidly and with thorough humility. 

It is not a very common practice for politicians to challenge the obvious; not a very cozy thought for politicians to be palpably comfortable in the company of daring, fresh-thinking and independent minds. This is the mix of politicians into which almost all politicians of the ‘common man’ genre have been thrusted. Defiance of policies and decisions reached and rhetorically communicated by leadership becomes not only hard and seldom, it would be adversely interpreted by the very leadership whose such decisions and policies are so challenged. However, in the longer and larger interest of the political party, the district one represents and the country at large, at least a few wrong and flawed decisions and policies could be challenged. To challenge a delicate issue such as ethnic disputes, ethnic violence and unpalatable resolutions that are deemed to be taken by any responsible government, any elected representative would think hard and only in the narrow and slim interests of his or her personal advancement. 

Measured against such a demanding circumstance, any articulation of independent thought becomes a luxury which an ordinary politician cannot manage to pay for. Any which way the Easter Sunday Massacres that occurred on May 21, 2019 are being interpreted and analyzed, the potentiality of mass retaliation by our Sinhalese Buddhist brethren cannot be understated. This is an ideal circumstance in which one’s patriotism is not only tested; an expertly distorted version of patriotism opens out for mass embrace. Each and every Islam devotee becomes a target of anger, hatred and vengeance. The ethnic violence that erupted in 1983 July might not be fresh in the minds of our people, yet the inner psyche of our people has not changed, nor has it been able adapt to changing world order of accommodation and reconciliation. Ethnic issues are still among the chief elements that a narrow-minded politician would abuse in order to get reelected to power.

The measured manner in which Navin Dissanayake styled the context of the whole issue of the Easter Sunday Massacre, the general status of the Muslim community in the country and its contribution towards the uplift of our societal standards was simply marvelous. First he delved into the lyricist who wrote the theme song for the Ministry of Plantation Industries; the lyricist is a Muslim man whose familiarity with the vernacular seems to be beyond a well-educated Sinhalese pundit. After revealing the lyricist’s identity, Navin asked a simple question of the audience: Is this lyricist not a patriotic Sri Lankan? Are we to question his patriotism, simply based on his ethnic profile? These are very simple yet absolutely pertinent inquiries one must make if one is really interested in arriving at a serious resolution to a serious issue.

Maintaining a sane voice and publicly venting out such ‘sanity’ in an insanely racially-charged society could be a decisively disadvantageous position. But leadership of man is made up of such serious and disadvantageous elements. That may be why, when found himself to be utterly betrayed by his own Hindu kinsmen during India’s Freedom Struggle, along desolate paths in Indian villages, Gandhi used sing Tagore’s song unto himself: “If they not answer thy call, walk alone, walk alone”. 

Leadership is a lonely dwelling; its unsavory servings are seldom served at ceremonial openings; its frequent demands on the character of the occupant are more to the advantage of his or her subjects rather than to him or herself. Yet all politics being pursuit of power, the decisive element that differentiates boys from men is ‘timing’ of the diverse moves one makes. Boys, more often than not, make more noise when men whisper their wants and demands. Boys go back into the past, promise a travel back to an age gone by and assure of this ‘… era’ and that ‘… era’, while men ask his followers to look forward and stride even harder.

When Navin Dissanayake, emphasized the demands of the current circumstances and asked his audience to think more rationally and treat all men and women in a balanced fashion and when he specifically mentioned the numerous sacrifices the Muslim community has made in order to be one with the greater Ceylonese family, he did not talk about the losses and gains suffered by both communities. Navin referred to the enduring sense of patriotism of a minority group in the community as an integral component of a larger wheel of destiny. 

He did not defend Islam; he defended patriotism.

Navin Dissanayake might find himself alone in the current national crisis; but he will never be lonely. Emerging generations in the country hopefully will have more to do with their own problems and issues that are devoid of ethno-religious tensions. Their economic issues should take precedence over ethnic and religious irritants; whether backed by internationally-funded terrorist organizations or not, they should be treated with utmost care with a view to maintaining a dynamic equilibrium amongst all ethnic denominations. Religion must be treated as exclusively a personal commitment of man to a set of beliefs and values whose application matters more than the dust-ridden ideologies. Public exposure of religious adherences is ugly; its obscenities have, as history has shown us, claimed lives of children. Who is responsible for such gross violations? Who is responsible for man’s inhumanity to man?

It is easier to write about these nuanced dos and don’ts in a piece of newspaper column; it’s much harder to put into practice these lofty ideals in today’s marketplace of power-politics. Nevertheless, one must write about them. In such a dilemma-ridden context, discipline is of crucial import. Consequences of a breakdown in the discipline of mind will eventually lead to irrepressible violence, when unleashed, becomes a cause to anther more sinister and diabolical effect. That is why Navin’s oration at the NIPM-Award Ceremony on that grey morning of June 6, 2019, consists of a booming message of a ‘voice from the future’.

The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com   

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  • 4

    Navin Dissanayake for Next Prime Minister!
    That is after the Position of President is Abolished!
    Sri Lanka does not need two Conflicting Heads of Government!

    • 7

      What bulls**t is this article?
      Navin Dissanayake who laughed at the dead of Easter Sunday victims and later came up with some cock and bull story?
      Navin Dissanayake who is protecting Bathiudeen?
      Navin Dissanayake who has never fought for the UNP in a single significant etion in a TV debate?
      The only person more imbecilic and stupid and mentally chalengethat Navin Dissanayake is Sajith Premadasa.
      Entitled fools getting paid rubbish writers to write serenades.
      Is CT mad to carry these “opinion pieces” which is actually propaganda?
      Also is this writer mistaking Navin D with Gandhi or something?

      • 4

        Navin’s father Gamini was associated in bringing down the Jaffna Library by fire. A great determined Man indeed.

        • 1

          Approximately a little over 225 died at the bomb blast it is said and the people shed tears. How would they have reacted if the 225 were all parliamentarians. I am sure the people would have lit crackers thus helping the manufacturers who are badly down at the moment, I understand.
          People of Srilanka are sinners and they get what they deserve.

    • 5

      Navin Dissanayae is trying to give some oxygen to his long dead political career through paid articles by Vishwamithra.
      What crap is this.
      Navin Dissanayake betrayed the UNP and engineered its downfall.
      Navin’s political career is more dead than his father.
      The 8 minutes spent reading this crap article are 8 minutes I will never get back.
      Utter waste.

    • 2


      “Navin Dissanayake for Next Prime Minister!”

      Good idea.
      He proved his worth by typing a few letters in English to his father’s former colonial masters in the UK in support of throat slitting Priyankara.

      He would make a good prime minister after reading all those books and ola manuscripts his father looted (the ones not burned) from Jaffna library.

      He would also make a good prime minister as his father looted large scale funds from the state sufficient to keep the family rich for many generations hopefully Navin Nayake can be expected to keep his hands clean and off the nation’s kitty.

      He will make a good prime minister hopefully his father’s thugs and their descendants are still loyal to Nayake family.

      Navin Nayake has the ability to prevent payment of minimum wages to the estate workers by any means necessary thus making the mudalalis very happy and contented.

      Therefore you should support Navin Nayake.

      • 2


        One more thing,
        Navin Nayake and his father in law are hoppers too, both jumped ships when the going got tough in the UNP and sailed back casually, a trait highly appreciated by crooks in this crooked island.

  • 10

    Our Supreme court has done a lot of damage to the country when they let Ranil and his government continue for one more year basing on 19 amendment.

    If we had a general election last year all this disaster would have been avoided. Which system can legitimately say no to an election ?

    The 19 amendment was not there when Sirisena and this parliament was elected . It was brought in subsequently.So they could have held an election if the supreme court said so. They said no to an election and see where the country is today !

    Judges are no different to the other citizens. One judge had a daughter who worked in PMs office. Politicians come for all their private functions. Many judges enjoy trips overseas sponsored by Western countries and NGOs. Sometimes their spouses and children are also benefited. Mohan Peiris the former CJ had a wife who practised from the judges house while he was a judge.There are many like that. They don’t forego a single benefit but tell us how to do things !

    • 0

      Spot on.
      The country needs a whole new set of young judges. Period.

  • 7

    Phew! What lavish praise!

    Is Vishwamithra a pseudonym of Navin Dissanayake himself who is serenaded in this piece?
    Or was the writer mistakenly thinking of Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill?

  • 1

    Vishwa, Is Shiranee Dissanayake, who has written an article today titled “enough is enough ” is anyway related to Navin. In your opinion how genuine are they compared to the rest of the families we have already seen. We had Senanayakas, Bandas, RW/JR, Rajapaksas and now you are prescribing one more. Is it a campaign for the next common candidate ??? I think Shiranee,s reply to you is on her title. “enough is enough”.

  • 5

    226 with the one at the top of the dung heap

  • 4

    Why is CT carrying these sort of inane, pointless, coreless dirt? What is the point of this article? What is the point of this writer?

  • 5

    So transparently commissioned by Navin Dissanayake himself! He can buy any journalist with his father’s billions!

  • 2

    No. You go. And please dont return!

  • 3

    Vishwamithra is very very distressed. His admiration of Navin D is last straw but should be kept to himself.
    Vishwa says {“All 225 Must Go!”}
    But…..but…..Navin is one of them.
    Vishwa {“.. Navin D’s Lone Call For Sanity Is A ‘Voice From The Future’…”}
    Our future is very very bleak. Maybe Navin yearns for the ‘past’. How past is ‘past’? The era before the infamous ‘divide’ based on language/religion?
    Vishwa points out that Navin at a recent function revealed that the theme song of his ministry was by a vernacular patriotic Muslim lyricist. But Navin D was quiet when Gnanasara and his bussed in goons delivered/displayed BBS-Buddhist violence on Aluthgama Muslims in 2014.
    So {“… Why Are Others Mute?”}
    ‘Others’ and Navin do not want to talk about Gnanasara.
    To cut a long story short: We Have to select one from a Rouge’s Gallery. ‘Trying one’ is obviously not on.
    We MUST give RW a chance. RW might not be very bright but he has tenacity.

    • 1


      “Voice From The Future”

      No, Navin Nayake is very much the continuation of the past.

      1. He writes letters to his colonial masters in order to defend an alleged war criminal who is once again a potential threat to people.
      2. He never acknowledged nor apologised for his father’s criminal/racist past as he has been cashing in from his father’s reputation.
      3. He has not accounted for the stolen books, manuscripts, …. from Jaffna Library and his father’s wealth. Well Navin Nayake could return both to the people.
      4. Being the minister responsible for Plantation, he is unable to alleviate the long suffering life of plantation workers.

      I am yet to see Navin Nayake’s contribution both theoretical and practical to this island, region or to the world at large.
      I am yet to see other political brat’s contribution both theoretical and practical to this island, region or to the world at large, Namal Baby, Keselwatta kid Sajith Premadasa, …..

  • 4

    Ranil slaves don’t just attack Navin in this auto mode. Please realise that Navin has placed himself among those who should go. This is something this disaster Ranil, who has ruined UNP, will never do.

    • 0

      So what is stopping Navin from going then?

      • 1


        “So what is stopping Navin from going then?”

        Navin Nayake himself.

  • 0

    Did Navin Dissanayaka sell his Yahapalana Car Permit and banked the 30 Mil.
    If he did I don’t think he is entitled to this Patriotism Tag.

    To me that is the ultimate test to categorize our Politikkas in Kotte .

    On a bit more serious note, UNP Heavy , Yahapalana Minister said his Missus had 40,000 Acres of Land in Balangoda .
    And Kira himself apparently had many more thousands in Kandy.
    That was his response, when a Journo asked him about Santhosams from HighWays
    Did their ancestors buy those Lands?.-

    Did Kirra sell his Car Permit?.

    I thought Whiskey Madam’s mom only killed our Anura Kumar’s ancestors just like Dr Ranil’s previous boss did in Batalanda.

    Now I know the Old Lady has done something good by taking over those Lands..
    But who own those Lands now .
    If it is the Plantation Corporation it is not fair.

    TNA has got back tens of thousands of Acres of Land in the North which the Government apparently took over from the LTTE Tigers.

    Shouldn’t our inhabitants in the South and the rest demand that those Hundreds of Thousands of acres of land from Kiriellas, and even Dissanayakas be given back to them at least in 2 Acre Blocks per Family to alleviate their poverty and lack of shelter?

    If this Dissanayaka hasn’t sold his Car permit and comes out with a proposal to give the Lands back to our Inhabitants even I may tick him at the Election..

    • 1

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “On a bit more serious note, UNP Heavy , Yahapalana Minister said his Missus had 40,000 Acres of Land in Balangoda .”

      Was he ever been married to the weeping widow?
      She and her husband were one of the largest landowners (a proper gentry) in this island.

      “If this Dissanayaka hasn’t sold his Car permit and comes out with a proposal to give the Lands back to our Inhabitants even I may tick him at the Election..”

      What about the apple orchard that his dad owned in Australia?

      • 0

        Dear Native,
        Which part of Australia mate, Tell us the Location.
        Our Diaspora Pensioner Dudes can go there on Outings for the Elders of the Government funded grants program….
        Mr Shaymon will be thrilled..

        • 1


          Watch Hisbulla is being grilled by your kola patte mates:

          This man can materialise sugar from sand grain.

          Ask Basil who was the chief b***s carrier to Dutta Gamani.

          • 0

            Dear Native,
            I was just about to tell you about Hezbulla and your mate Abraham.
            How come Abraham is getting done , first by our Rathnasiri and then by Hezbulla by asking stupid questions at the PSC…

            Please tell us the location of that Orchard?.
            Because my people who will never get a chance to catch a flight to Melbourne and it is nearly 70% of the population think all Diaspora Dudes have Apple Orchards..
            Are you and your mate Shaymon into Farming , Native.

            • 1

              KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

              “Please tell us the location of that Orchard?.”

              First of all you should ask Basil who was the official b***s carrier to Dutta Gamani. Now you seem closer to his son Navin Nayake who is a letter writer to his former colonial masters is another good source of information about the apple orchard.
              In 1983 even JR was irritated by Dutta Gamani’s income streams. He told London Telegraph during his candid interviews one of his pet minister had become richest person in South Asia.

              Is Gota going to contest the next presidential elections given his heart condition?
              By the way has the Singapore medical team found his heart?

            • 1

              KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

              Rathnasiri thought only those who wore Burqa was a threat to national security. Abraham had to point out to him the suicide bomber was wearing denim? How stupid was it?

              Seriously is it the state’s policy that it recruited the most stupid persons to the all government jobs given that voters chose the most crooked candidate to the parliament and elected offices?

  • 0

    propaganda at its best.nauseating.next article she will say that navin’s fart smells nice too.

    • 0


      It isnt a ‘she’ for sure. You are up the wrong tree.

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