3 May, 2024


Saving Gota

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Nearly two months have passed since Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) was elected to the presidency. Although it is too soon to make any informed judgement on his administration, his achievements so far, in improving efficiency and productivity in public administration are credit worthy. His own preference for making his office less pompous and ceremonial is an example to be followed by every holder of public office, including the Prime Minster and cabinet of ministers. His tight control over public purse has saved millions of precious dollars, which should make it at least little easier the imponderable task of balancing the national budget. The country actually needs not balanced but surplus budgets for years to come. Yet, with his simplicity and discipline, GR is proving to be a workaholic and a hard taskmaster.

The more efficient and productive the public sector becomes stiffer will be competition from the private sector. Together, the twosectors can pull the country and its economy to a higher level. A clean government with an internationally competitive private sector is the best combination a country should look for. GR seems to understand this. Needless to say, this is one of the secrets behind Singapore’s success. 

All this are positive signs for good governance in the long run. However, there had been some populist measures like ad hoc reduction in taxes and tariffs apparently to reduce the cost of living, but without giving any consideration to the negative impact those measures would have on the revenue side of public finance. Until now, no countervailing measures to enhance government revenue have been announced, except to repeat the neoliberal mantra of the debunked ‘trickledown effect’. The argument is that tax and tariff reductions would stimulate economic activities, promote growth and income, and would eventually improve the revenue side of public finance. The time lag between fiscal stimulus and economic growth is fairly long, and in an open economy adverse impacts of international turbulence and uncertainties will certainly affect domestic growth expectations. Besides, the problem with the trickledown theory is that the so called trickling does not go right down to the bottom layers of society, but stops short somewhere at the upper middle level. This may be the reason why PGR announced programs of food security to low income families by providing essential food items. This measure of public subsidy, although to be welcome, will be costly given the parlous state of government revenue.  With all this, where is the expected reduction in cost of living? Let the president go to the street and ask the shoppers. 

In actual fact, when one looks at these populist measures one would see that PGR’s stimulus was not targeted directly at the economy and cost of living, but more importantly at the forthcoming General Election in which he wants SLPP to achieve victory with two-third majority. There is more politics than economics in this stimulus. Herein lies the darker side of GR’s presidency. 

It is now public knowledge and GR himself has accepted that his victory last year was entirely made possible by the overwhelming support he received from Sinhala Buddhists. However, behind this mass of Sinhala Buddhists was an army of supremacist foot soldiers under the command of militant members of the Sangha, who campaigned with communal hatred and religious zealotry to get GR elected so that they could achieve their Buddhist Valhalla. GR is indebted to this army and commanders, and he wants to see that they work with the same gusto to achieve victory with a two-third majority for SLPP at the next General Election. GR, because of political necessity, has become a virtual prisoner of this group. What do these supremacists want?   

The political agenda of the supremacists goes far beyond protecting Sri Lanka’s unitary state, its sovereignty and constitution. The role of a militant clergy is totally outside the historic mission of bhikkus in this country, who in the past worked with the monarchs to ensure virtuosity in governance, without destroying the plural makeup of Sri Lankan society. Buddhism flourished as a result and the country prospered. These supremacists instead are essentially anti-democratic and anti-pluralist, and aspires to convert Sri Lanka into a homogenised nation with one religion, one culture, one law, and if possible, one race, all woven round their politicised Buddhism.

To achieve this objective they need an all-powerful president, protected by a loyal security machinery, a Prime Minister with less powers and a cabinet of ministers to carry out presidential orders.  It is always easier to manipulate one person than to deal with an entire cabinet of ministers and members of their party. Hence, the need to change the constitution and do away with the 19th amendment. That could be done only with a two-third majority vote in the parliament, which the current care taker government does not have. Hence, the crucial importance of the coming General Election. With a two-third majority in parliament and with one brother as Prime Minister, the supremacist’s agenda would walk through easily for implementation. The big question is, does GR realise the hidden danger in this pernicious agenda and his own future if he fails to go along with supremacist demands.    

For instance, GR’s rejection of power sharing with minorities by implementing the 13th amendment, which he agreed to do in front of the Indian Prime Minister in Delhi, but backed down after returning home and argued that the “majority” was unwilling, shows PGR’s sad predicament. He did not say that he was not willing but the so called “majority”, and hiding behind that majority is the powerful supremacist minority. It is this minority that also wants the national anthem sung only in Sinhala, and it is this minority that demands all madrasas be closed. When the government decided to register the madrasas, militant bhikkus were up in arms criticising that move and demanded nothing less than total closure. GR is well and truly trapped into the supremacist net and once they secure him his desired two-third majority at the General Election they will have a stranglehold on the President. That is where the danger lies to the country and GR.         

Supremacists’ relentless attack on the minorities cannot go on for ever without provoking retaliation. It appears that even after a thirty year civil war and last year’s Easter massacre of colossal magnitude, both costing the country incalculable losses, these supremacists have not learnt their lessons.  This may be the reason why GR has strengthened the security forces and its intelligence branch, through purge, promotions and recruitment. The decision to employ 100,000 young men and women from poor families also appears to have a military tinge. His deployment of the military to all districts, in the name of turning ‘swordsmen into ploughmen’, is the soft face of militarizing the country. He has to do this because he realises the danger of domestic convulsions arising out of supremacists’ reckless demands and lawless behaviour. If this continues unchecked the country will have no alternative but to become a police state, and that is not going to bring GR’s “prosperity and splendour”, but misery and mayhem.  

What if GR rejects the supremacists? SWRD tried to do that in 1957 and paid with his life. Does the country want that history to repeat? SWRD was socialist minded and was not a born racist. He wanted to take the country on a new direction and took the cause of Sinhala language and Buddhism purely to win an election, and brought in the clergy to campaign for his victory.  “Here were the best election agents any politician could wish for – 12,000 men whose words were holy to over 5,000,000 people, campaigning for the down fall of the Government, zealously and, what is more gratis”, wrote the veteran journalist, Tarzie Vittachi (Emergency ’58: The Story of the Ceylon Riots”, London, 1958, p. 19). Once he took the genie out of the bottle he could not put it back.  Similarly, with a military background, an exposure to life in the democratic melting pot of USA, and with some grasp of how the Asian Tigers over the last few decades became economic power houses, Gota also wants to take Sri Lanka in a new direction for “prosperity and splendour”. He has plenty of constructive ideas and some of them have been translated into action already. However, like SWRD, political necessity has made Gota also to fall into the hands of supremacists. He should be saved from their clutches, and the best way to save him is to deny the two-third majority he is looking for. Mother Lanka should feed her baby not with what the baby wants, but with what she thinks is best for the baby.       

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  • 6

    Thanks Dr. Ali. There is an international and geopolitical dimension to the political churning in Lanka at this time. Recall that SWRD Bandaranaiyake was assassinated by a saffron clad hit man during the Cold War era, when socialism and communism was spreading in Asia and Africa and the US and CIA feared nationalism leaders like Patrice Lumumba in Congo and SWRD in Sri Lanka. CIA was using and weaponizing Islam and Buddhism to fight the spread of socialism and nationalism in Asia and Africa.
    The CIA coup had already happened in Iran 1950s against the democratically elected Mossadeqhe govt. which was nationalizing Iran’s Oil fields from the US-UK-French oil companies.
    SWRD was nationalizing the Sri Lanka plantation economy and other British colonial assests the US feared the sweep of Socialism in South and Southesast Asia. “The “Domino Theory”. This is why SWRD was killed by a guy wearing Saffron robes at the time when CIA was weaponizing and using Buddhism and Islam to fight socialism and communism in Southeast and Central Asia.
    Please read the book “Cold War Monks” Buddhism and America’s Secret Strategy in Southeast Asia” Yale UP 2017 and how the CIA and Asia Foundation used Buddhism for regime change. The same thing is happening now with US citizen Gota on the one hand and US puppet Bondscam Ranil on the other, clinging to power..

    • 4

      Indeed, yes the history of the American Cold War in South Asia remains to be written. As well, the CIA assassinations against nationalist leaders in Asia , Africa and Middle East who were fighting Euro-American colonialism has yet to be written. The investigation of the assassination of SWRD was a cover up by Scotland Yard of the CIA aspect.
      Just like after the Easter bombings in Lanka that were staged and funded by CIA and its Saudi partners but the investigation has revealed nothing because of the cover up by corrupt local politicians and foreign “intelligence agencies, the SWRD assassination was investigated by Scotland Yard and covered up with all sorts of theories about Buddharakita and his lover etc.
      Now as the US empire with its 800 military bases globally crumbles and China emerges as the Superpower, USA is increasingly a Rogue State as the assassination of General Sulaimani shows.US wants regime chance in Iran and uses the ISIL and Islamic Terrror groups like AL Shababrb in Somalia which it owns and operates with France to spread Sunni-Shia conflict and resource grab in Middleeast and loot Africa. US and NATO are now moving into the Indian Ocean to fight China and Iran.

      • 1


        The new Great Game, by US-Europe vs. China, in the Asian theater.

        The old Great Game was the Middle East and Afghanistan between the Imperial British Empire and the Imperial Russian Empire.

        TheMCC is an attempt to get Sri Lanka in the US-Europe orbit.

        Will the Paras, mean IQ 79, comprehend these geopolitics?

        Do they only care about prostration to the Para-monks, who hi jacked Buddhism ,expecting to get to the elusive Nibbana, no Paras has reached yet?

    • 2

      Dr. Ameer Ali,

      “The political agenda of the supremacists goes far beyond protecting Sri Lanka’s unitary state, its sovereignty and constitution. The role of a militant clergy is totally outside the historic mission of bhikkus in this country, who in the past worked with the monarchs to ensure virtuosity in governance, without destroying the plural makeup of Sri Lankan society. Buddhism flourished as a result and the country prospered. These supremacists instead are essentially anti-democratic and anti-pluralist, and aspires to convert Sri Lanka into a homogenised nation with one religion, one culture, one law, and if possible, one race, all woven round their politicised Buddhism.”

      Thanks for your article.

      There are several possibilities.

      1.) PGR gets 2/3 , majority and implements the Para-Supremists agenda, by using the Para- supremists ,
      2.) Or, PGR does not get the 2/3 majority, and spoils the Para/ supremists agenda, bit retains a majority in the parliament, and 19A stands,

      3.) Or, PGR does not get s majority and cannot form a government.

      Only, outcomes 2 and 3 will, clip the wings of the Para- supremists.

      The monks took over Buddhism to establish their hegemony, by naming themselves as the 3rd Gem of the Triple Gem.

      The Para-Supremists, who claim to follow Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhism”, aka Buddha-agama, Buddha’s Religion, wants to establish their hegemony, distort Buddhism and insult the Buddha, using redefined Buddhagama, where the imbecile populace, mean IQ 79, prostrates.

      • 2

        This guy who has learnt Buddhism from a book written by a son of a Dravida Kallathoni who embraced Christianity to humiliate and ridicule Sinhala Buddhists coming to tell us to reform Buddhism and not to pay respect to Buddhist monks. Sinhalayo have a cultural heritage closely knit with Buddhism going back to 2500 years. Who the hell is this NGO sucker to tell what Buddhist monks and Sinhala Buddhists should do. Please mind your business and get lost. It is very unlikely that he will do that because his pay check depends on humiliating and ridiculing Buddhist Monks and Sinhala Buddhists.

        • 2

          Eagle Eye and his hatreds:

          Are thousand times more poisonous and dangerous than that of GERMAN right activists line up behind AFD.

          I thought our people would have been much more human. But whever I read the comments being repeated one 80 year old man – living and having found safer pastures in DOWN under, I become very allergic, and helpless and very ashamed.

          These men, what have they learnt wihtin their life LONG such as 8 decades ?

          If Australian govt cornered them in that continent, putting them in an isolated islet- offering them TO HUMAN experiments – as the HITLER mission did it with Nuremberg trial- what would these guys utter about the treatements being made on them ?

          Paradoxially, BALLIGE puthas are incapable of grasping it yet, if we the SINHALAYA would treat our fellow MINORITIES with stepmother like, how would they the innocient srilankens feel it ?

          I am very ashamed to be SINHALAYA when thinking about YOU the kind of ULTRA racists Eagle ballige putho…

          Give us a break please !!!!

  • 8

    Sinhalese and other Kaffirs of Lanka are only 20 years away from the ultimate Taqqia manifestation that will bring a Moslem Head of State to Lanka by popular vote. The Jihadi fanatics of the most virulent kind, the ISIS branch of the fanatics could not wait patiently until then and wanted the 72 virgins quick, and hence the Easter Sunday massacre. GR must listen to the monks, and the Catholic clergy, and very quickly act to arrest the situation by enforcing strong measures such as taxes on illegal Moslem business practices, marriage laws, child rape, and ensure that Moslems are forced to pay massive taxes for having more than 2 children. This should be called a demographic balance tax and cultural preservation tax. Kaffir women who give birth to 3 or more children should be assured of State support for the children, and such families should be given priority in every area, – employment, education, access to schools, access to land, etc. Every business must be taxed a cultural preservation tax, which should be used to uplift the rural Kaffir population. Strict laws against Moslem schools that teach anything other than a very sanitized Koran should be enforced. Those who teach Jihadi Koran material should be imprisoned and their property redistributed to Kaffirs. Severe penalties should be enforced on any desecration of traditional Kaffir monuments, cultural sites, burial mounds, etc. A database of fanatic Jihadis should be compiled that includes genetic data, facial recognition data, etc. so that the perpetrators of crimes against humanity such as Easter Sunday monsters can be easily identified before they unleash terror.

    If above measure and much harsher measures are NOT used by GR all will be lost. In our lifetime, by 2040, Lanka will have a Moslem leader, and by 2050 or latest 2060 it will declare itself an Islamic Republic. This is inevitable and India will be surrounded by Moslem fanatic countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Moslem Lanka. India cannot afford that and Modi must support GR to prevent this catastrophe.

    • 10

      T.here goes theVenomous Islamaphobe Gay Chambers with his usual BS.

      CT, why do you waste your valuable space on this Vicious Hate Monger?

      • 11

        He must have a pathetic life. Maybe some Muslim woman rejected him, so he is like a festering wound, or maybe he had racist parents, who taught him to hate and be venomous. Whatever it is he must hate himself and feel like a loser, considering he gets a lot of down votes.

        • 4

          ” Maybe some Muslim woman rejected him”.
          No, it was a Muslim woman protecting her child from molestation.

        • 2

          “maybe he had racist parents,”

          Does this apply to racist Malabar Wellala Demalu as well?

        • 1


          He suffers from p***s envy.

    • 9

      This Jay Chamber,
      “by 2040, Lanka will have a Moslem leader” – He..he..Now the prez election is over and targets achieved. You no longer can sell hotcakes, sorry. From now on, either you keep quiet or help Prez GR by at least cleaning Beira lakes. Aren’t they better options than counting bars for inciting communal violence?
      NB: Modi is really supporting every world leader giving practical lessons what not to do by destroying Indian economy, peace and India’s name for promoting Hindu supremacy.

  • 9

    Amir Ali leaving the so called Buddhist Fascists what about the fake Arab converted Islamic Wahhabi fanatics in the east , whose ancestors , fleeing from Portuguese persecution , arrived in the ancient Hindu Eelam Tamil east as refugees a few centuries ago but now funded by certain Gulf Arab nations , brainwashed by unscrupulous Wahhabi fanatics and by selfish local power hungry politicians, are trying to use all sorts methods to destroy the ancient Tamil Hindu character of the east, including forced conversion of poor Tamil Hindus. You are from the east. People living in glass houses should not throw stones.

    • 7

      Siva Sankaran Sharma:
      “forced conversion of poor Tamil Hindus”

      I have a serious question on above note honestly: There are poor people in all communities, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and Christians. Why if it is poor & Tamil only other community’s religious fanatics approach to convert them? This has been the case for centuries now. Why don’t the opposite fanatics approach the poor Muslims, Sinhalese or Christians (at least the figures are not that bad to claim “that affected our census” in Tamils’ case?

      Don’t you think that you got to look at this in a different angle now, sir?

    • 2

      Siva Sankaran Sharma,
      “…ancient Hindu Eelam Tamil east”

      How much ancient is this Hindu Elam Tamil East?

      I told this guy several times that there are no Tamils in Sinhale. What we got in Sinhale are Demalu who are the descendants of slaves brought from Hindusthan by colonial parasites. Can tell the truth to the don key but cannot force the don key to accept the truth.

    • 4

      Oh Siva, Siva. Why do you keep posting Venomous, Anti-Muslim Hate Messages which are nothing but Vicious LIES?

      I understand that the ealamist Tamils find it hard to forget that it is the Muslims of the East who spoilt the Ealam dream. But, how long are you going to continue your Hate campaign against the Muslims of the East with Diabolical Lies? Don’t forget Muslims will continue to live in the East till the end and the Tamils have No choice but to live with the Muslims in peace and harmony like good neighbours. Instead of accepting the Reality. you seem Hell bent on destroying peaceful co-existence of the Tamil speaking people of the East with your BASELESS LIES.

      I am simply shocked to read the article you referred to from the swarjyamag website. I find it hard to understand how Vigneswaran, a retired Supreme Court Judge, can repeat Vicious LIES propagated by ruthless ealamist Tamils.

      He has stated that “Muslims had burned over 300 villages of Tamils” in the East. Can he, or any ealamist Tamil for that matter, provide the name of at least One village so burnt?

      It is REALLY the Muslims who SUFFERED at the hands of the Tamils with hundreds being brutally murdered in Mosques while at Prayer in Kattankudy and Eravur and dozens of returning Haj Pilgrims mercilessly killed while passing through a Tamil village close to Kalmunai.

      And there is the Unparalleled Ethnic Cleansing and BRUTAL Eviction of the entire Muslim Population of the North in 1990 on a few hours’ notice. These unfortunate Muslims are yet to return to their homes more than 10 years after the end of the War.

      The least that ealamist Tamils can do is to STOP their Disgusting Hate Propaganda based on Vicious LIES so that the Muslims and Tamils can live together in peace and harmony in the near future.

      • 2

        Listen Islamic extremists . The LTTE never did anything or harmed the Muslims in the north and east for a long time and considered them part of the Tamil people. On the contrary the island’s Tamil Muslims( they are not Moors there is very little Arab or anything else in them. They are ethnic immigrant Indian Tamil converts to Islam , with a few hundred families having a distant male Arab ancestor. You can scream shout and abuse me but this is a fact) in the name of Islam and a fake Arab origin have been betraying and backstabbing the island’s non Muslim Tamils , by joining the Sinhalese from the time of independence to . discriminate them. marginalise them and commit genocide and war crimes on them. I can write pages and pages on what they had done to the Tamils, Cry here if anything happens to them but very silent about what they did or still doing. Even the so called Easter attacks were mainly targeting Christian Tamils and not Sinhalese but It was the Tamils who were restrained but the Sinhalese who attacked you , as they can. Muslims ministers. politicians organised Muslim mobs to attack Tamil homes and businesses down south during state sponsored pogroms against the Tamils. It was a Muslim Minister , of recent Tamil Nadu immigrant origin, who at the request of anti Tamil JR Jayawardene sent Muslim thugs and hooligans to Kalmunai in the east to start problems between the Tamils and Muslim Tamils who arrived in the east as refugees. Then Muslim home guards heavily armed by the Sri Lankan armed forces , started to attack hundreds of Hindu Tamil villages over 300 , largely in the Amparai and Batticaloa areas. In the Kattankudi area all Hindu Tamils were ethnically cleansed the local Hindu temple destroyed and converted to beef stall. The Sinhalese police were seen helping the Muslims. Tamils are the indigenous population of the east.

        • 2

          Despite urging from Karuna and other eastern LTTE cadres for the LTTE to retaliate and attack Muslims in the North for what was happening to the Hindu Tamils in the east, Pirapakaran was patient and did not take any action until the Muslims were caught spying on a large scale for the Sri Lankan armed forces and large amounts of arms that were supplied to the Muslims by the Sri Lankan armed forces to create problems being stored inside mosques. The Muslims are a microscopic community in the north only around 60000 in a huge sea of around 1.2 million Sri Lankan Tamils( Hindu and Christian). Other than in the Mannar district , where they made up around 30% of the population . They were nothing in all other districts. In Jaffna their number was 12000. However with these arms and the support of the Sri Lankan armed forces , they could have created havoc in the north too, especially in Mannar. All this stories about 300000 Muslims chased off is a lie , created by certain Muslim organisations and extremists , in 2009 , thinking that the Tamils were weak , so with the help of the anti Tamil Rajapakses and certain Gulf Arab nations funds , they can colonise the north and create large Islamic Wahabi/Slafist. enclaves , that face South India. It is only after this the LTTE chased them away from the north , taking into what happened to the Tamils down south and in the east at the hands of these traitorous , treacherous Muslims ( Tamils by ethnicity but Tamil haters in the name of Islam) . The LTTE did not want a repeat of what happened in the east to happen in the north. They never harmed or killed any Muslim but asked them to leave . Around 60000 Muslims the most were affected in the north , however hundreds of thousands of Hindu Tamils were affected and ethnically in the east and are still being persecuted by Islamic fanatics.

        • 1

          Siva Sankaran Sharma,
          “Tamils are the indigenous population of the east.”

          BS! Please read my reply to your previous comment.

    • 3

      Siva Shankaran Rama,

      Just curious.

      Did your daughter runaway with a handsome Muslim boy?

      If so, that was her life and that was her decision. May be she was an egalitarian and got disgusted with all that caste discrimination you practice. The Buddha talked about it, 2,600 years ago and Ambedkar, the Indian Dalit, talked about it and converted a million Dalis to Buddhism, not Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhism”, Buddha-Agama, they practice in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho., where the imbeciles prostrate to the monks.

      Time to grow up.

      • 2

        Who the fack ar you third rate to involve my daughter. Instead of condemning these forced conversions to Islam of poor eastern Tamil Hindus by Islamic fanatics like what happened in ISIS controlled areas , you have started to attack me and my family. Third rate bugger. You Sinhalese just turned a blind eye to Islamic extremism and Arabisation in the Tamil areas , especially in the east thinking that this affects the Tamils and can use this to contain them. Look what happened. They will start these forced conversions of poor Tamil Hindus in the east and then move to poor Sinhalese Buddhists in the rest of the island, staring with Amparai. Gomarankadawela and then Polonaruwa. Monaragela where lots of poor Sinhalese live.

        • 3

          Siva Sankaran Sharma: Why you think if someone is poor they can easily be converted to Islam or any other religion? Later on, if you give more money they will come back to Hinduism. Is there a value in getting these people into any religion? As it is native Muslims of SL are a useless lot, imagine other useless additions to it
          Some maids do the same; they are Muslims in the middle-east especially in front of their bosses & the families they work for. They get every benefit out of it, once back in SL, they’re in the front row to attack Muslims in any communal violence, he..he. I love it, and that is the best response to these idiotic converters.
          Anyway, truth be told Mr. Siva Sakkara Sherma, the native Tamils concept innovated is a diabolical lie, your forefathers were brought to look after tobacco farms by colonial masters.

          • 3

            You are an apologist for Islamic extremism. I have given you details of Muslim ethnic cleansing of Hindu Tamil villages in the eastern province many times but deliberately keep on asking for details of these again and again. just like the way Soma keeps on repeating the same lies , you keep on denying Muslim atrocities on the island’s Tamils and attack any one who brings this anyone’s attention , as you are an Islamic extremist and condone it and see nothing wrong with forced conversions . So poor Asian housmaids maids forced to convert to Islam by their Arab employers is fine for you and a big joke , as when they return they can reconvert back to their original religion. May these house maids can but not a poor Tamil Hindu female who has now been forced to convert to Islam and become the third or fourth wife of her old Muslim employer or a poor Tamil Hindu family forced to convert to Islam by the Muslim money lender. This may be all a joke and source of fun to you but not for us. Understood . Now piss off

            • 0

              Siva Sankaran Sharma:
              If your religion doesn’t allow a poor, low caste girl to use a well that her fellow classmate uses, not allow her to use the main entrance to enter a house, not allow her to sit in chair in a school, thrash her for entering to places reserved for high caste, and not even give her blood when her life is in danger (list can go endless) -When you treat those poor low caste people worse than animals, DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY NEED TO BE CONVERTED FORCEFULLY?
              Most of your poor people converted to other religions to escape from your casteism on their own will. Instead of pointing fingers at others, you must be ashamed of your own casteism that mistreats, discriminates & segregates human-being for no fault of them but the religion. It is time, you too do some research on other religions …

        • 3

          Siva Shankaran Sharma,

          Is it true?

          You have poor general knowledge.

          What is the cause? Go to the root cause. Read Aristotle.

          Buddha wanted the caste system out, to dismantle the priests.

          The monks hijacked Buddhism and established monk Buddhism, established their hegemony, and got the imbeciles to prostrate to them, to get to the elusive Nibbana. Suckers,

          ISIS are clones of Wahhabism, who follow the Devil, per prescient Hadith of Najd. Just google.
          It is all about establishing their version of hegemony. The Wahhabi clones ISIS, hates Sufis, Shia and Ahmedia Muslims more than they dislike the Hindus, Buddhist and Christians, because they expose their following if the Devil, Satan.

          That is is why ISIS kills Sufis, Shia and Ahmedia Muslims, while they try to convert the others to Wahhabism, forced or not.

          According to the Quran, there is no compulsion in religion.Who says that the ISIS follows Islam? Wahhabis?

          Know your facts. Is Sinhala “Buddhism” , Buddhism?

          Read Buddhism Betrayed by Dr. Stanley Thambiah,
          Chicago University Press, 1992, for Your edification.

          PS. Did your daughter run away with a handsome Muslim boy? Yes or No? Just curious.

      • 4

        Amarasiri there is nothing wrong is a Hindu or Christian Tamil converting to Islam , if they are convinced it is the true religion and the only way to salvation. However there is everything wrong when wealthy Muslim money lenders and business men,now flushed with funds from the Arabian Gulf and other Islamic nations, trick and force poor Tamil peasants to convert from Hinduism to Islam , as they have no other way, to pay the high interest, loans or mortgage on their lands that they owe to these Muslim load sharks , businessess and money lenders. They are using the utter destitution of these poor Hindu Tamils to forcibly convert them to Islam This is a crime and should be punished , we are not living in medieval times. A good looking or any young Hindu Tamil female will only go to work or be allowed to work by her family , for a Muslim establishment, shop or business in east Sri Lanka , only as a last resort, when the family has no other way to survive. In eastern Sri Lanka, generally native Hindu as well as Christian Tamils tend to avoid Muslims and try have very little contact with them. They even try their best to not to enter Muslim villages but try skirting them to go to another village. If these young Tamil women have come to work for these Muslim businesses or shops , this means this is their last resort for survival , not only for themselves but for their families. They are more or less destitute. These older married Muslim business men flushed with lots of funds from sources , whom everybody knows from where, taking advantage of these poor young Tami Hindu female employees and their plight and forcing them to become their third or fourth wives and convert to Islam ,

        • 3

          The government should enquire into these sorts criminal behaviour. In a civilised democratic country.. These men would have been taken to court and charged but it will never happen here , as the victims are poor Hindu Tamils , who are now fair game for Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists and Converted Dravidian South Indian immigrant Wahhabis . These eastern Muslims should realise that they are ethnic Tamils too, especially these Muslims originating from the north and east and are there in the east thanks to the eastern Hindu Tamils who gave them refuge a centuries ago , when they had to flee Portuguese persecution ,. The Sinhalese did not want them in their lands.

        • 3

          Islam doesn’t permit “enforcing religion or its belief” on anyone; not even under duress just because one has lent money to any individual of any religion (him/her). If a Muslim is lending money for interest he/she is committing a major sin, such individuals should be identified to be “named & shamed”. Inform the Masjid congregation Chief in the area, they will try to rehabilitate him failing which marginalise him, such Haramis, whom we Muslims call colloquially “Vatti Moosas” should not be allowed to operate.

        • 1


          Did a million Dalits convert from Hinduism to Buddhism because Democrats thru were bribed? They converted because they were discriminated because they were low caste Hindus per Hinduism. Just read about Dr. Anbedkar’s writings.

          How did the European colonialists, the Para-Portuguese, the Para-Dutch and Para-English manage to convert some of the Para-Hindus and Para-Buddhism to Catholicism and Christianity! Did the Hindus and Buddhists truly believed that they needed to be saved from Hell-Fire, and that Nirvana and Nibbana are illusions? Was it lands , Title and less discrimination?

          People have to survive. If the the monks, priests and the Ulama have the hegemony, control the rulers, then the subjects are essentially slaves, to various degrees.

          Have any Hindus, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim it any other believer achieved/hot to Nirvana, Nibbana, Heaven or Hell? If you know, please let us all know.

          • 2

            Dalits converting to Hinduism and Islam around 2500 years ago or a 1000 years ago, have nothing to do with what is happening now. This not 2500 years ago or 1000 years ago or even the last century , for these sorts of things to happen. They are happening now in Sri Lanka , with the authorities giving overt/covert support or turning a blind eye , as the victims are all poor, destitute Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus. This is a disgrace. These nasty eastern Wahhabi/Salafist Muslims , are only doing this to the Tamil , as they know that they can get away. They will never dare to do this with the Sinhalese , as they know what the repercussions will be. Just rumors with regards to Muslims giving contraceptive pills to Sinhalese , with their food in Muslim owner eateries, itself created a riot and a state sponsored pogrom against them. Imagine the repercussions, if some Muslim money lender or businessman, ever had converted or tried to convert by force , a poor Sinhalese family , who could not pay their loan, to Islam, or if a Muslim shop owner , had forced his young female Sinhalese employee to convert to Islam and then made her his third or fourth wife? There will be island wide anti Muslim , riots , looting. killings and large scale massacres . Islamic extremists like GHK and many others will be humbly apologising here and everywhere. On the contrary see how they arrogantly abuse and taunt the Tamils , when they bring these incidents to the public attention.

            • 2

              Recently there was an incident in Vavuniya ., where the son of a Muslim shop owner , had mercilessly beaten a poor female Tamil Hindu employee , who accidently broke a glass object. The passing public had to intervene and also forced the police to intervene and arrest this horrible young man. Would he have done this if the employee was a young Sinhalese or Muslim female? The answer is no, as he would have known what the repercussions will be for his community and his shop. He did this to this poor young Tamil female employee, as he knew he can get away with this and his scorn and hatred for Tamils. This in a Tamil majority area. Imagine the plight of Tamil Hindus and Muslim majority coastal Amparai , where many of these forced conversions are taking place. He did not reckon with the fact that the Tamil public , who are also the customers in his shop will intervene. The arrogance

            • 0

              ” These nasty eastern Wahhabi/Salafist Muslims , are only doing this to the Tamil , as they know that they can get away. They will never dare to do this with the Sinhalese”
              When Brahmin priests do not permit them to enter the temple, when the ‘upper’ castes tell them to sit separately, whether in common gatherings or in the temple and not even touch them or if touched by mistake wash their hands – do you think someone has to force them hate their own religion?
              Why are you blaming the saviors of Tamil Dalits or the untouchables when your casteism is the main reason these oppressed & ill-treated poor people look to dignify their lives??? Now you’re worried only about your electoral representation shrinking and not concerning these people getting some recognized life? How can you fight Sinhalese oppressing Tamils who themselves oppress their own people under the caste system??? If you’re angry, call me an extremist, no worries, but I talked the truth.

              • 1

                Keep on repeating the same lies , Tamils oppressing themselves, ETC, converted fake Arab , Tamil Dravidian immigrant from South India. Please give examples of where Tamil Dalits are barred from entering any temple anywhere in Sri Lanka. The answer is no. For your information , there are hardly any Dalit or untouchable castes amongst Sri Lankan Tamils. Yes we are worried about poor Tamil Hindus being forcibly converted to Islam , in Muslims majority areas along coastal Amparai. You are rejoicing and instead of condemning this , are trying to give feeble excuses about , Tamil Dalits being saved from oppression. There are hardly any Tamil Dalits around these areas , there are poor Tamil farmers. You are just a low life Islamic extremist and an apologist for Islamic extremism. Like all typical South Indian origin Thullukans will run behind the Sinhalese and run down your fellow non Muslim Tamils in the name of Islam.

        • 2

          The Muslims and Sinhalese know that the Tamils are now defenceless with no one to protect them after the demise of the LTTE. The west and India who helped the Sinhalese to defeat the LTTE , should have forced the Sinhalese to keep their word , for the west and India’s help, that a just federal solution with land and police rights would be given to the Tamils , if they helped the Sinhalese to defeat the LTTE. The Sri Lankan government and the Sinhalese , as usual broken their promise and the west and India , are not doing anything only mouthing platitudes about Tamil rights, whist the Sinhalese and these fake Arab immigrant Dravidian Tamil converted Muslims from South India, are trampling on Tamil rights , as they know they can. Go to the east and see how flushed the Muslims and their organisations , with Gulf Arab donations and aid .

  • 8

    President Gotabhaya skyrocketed to the top job by people’s popular vote – Sri Lanka’s first ever achievement, we knew he would win when he launched his Wiyath Maga. He is gaining popularity & respect among world leaders. Those who spoke ill about him until 17th Nov. 2019 are now trying to find a way to rush straight to lick his boots, they know his boots have suddenly become palatable.

    This comment could trigger negative votes, but the truth had to be told.

    • 4

      Those boots were bought in the US, where his family resides, and helps with the money laundering. Truth? That’s not truth that is a heap of Cow Dung.

      • 1


        No matter whether it is US or Korean; it is ‘Prez Gota’s Boots’ on the ground in Sri Lanka approved by 6.9m citizens. BTW, Cow Dung is a useful stuff ask your great grand mother if she is still alive as to how she used it to apply on the Winnower in the good olden days, decades ago in our country humble home floors were ‘GOM’ented instead of cemented then – now the trend is different.

        As for money laundering better not to talk, because if you know the nitty gritties of doing it, you wouldn’t talk a word about it, you know what I mean…..

    • 3

      Ilyas Rumy,

      ” Those who spoke ill about him until 17th Nov. 2019 are now trying to find a way to rush straight to lick his boots”

      If GR gives a chance, Muslims will be the first ones to do the licking and get things done for their families and friends, and continue doing all illegal activities and start to open Kottu rotty stalls in the middle of all busy roads in Muslim areas, agree?
      It is just that GR keeps them at a distance these Muslims deserve.

      • 1


        Looks like you are using a Muslim name but not a real Muslim; anyhow

        I am talking from a platform of a Sri Lankan citizen, religion doesn’t matter, anyone reading your comment would see your deep seated hatred towards a religion. Come on man, in illegal activities others have already beaten and overtaken Muslims, two weeks ago a Sinhala minor employee at KIA was used to smuggle kilos of gold but was nabbed & even Kottu Roty is not a Muslim monopoly even Sinhalese restaurants are serving Kottu now-a days.

        Do not use the same yardstick to measure every Muslim from out of your pre-conceived toxic thoughts, I don’t care which Muslim is going to lick whose boots; but remember Prez Gota has his own loyalist Muslims. Lastly people like you will never contribute to Sanghindiyaawa which is the need of the hour.

  • 2

    Dear Jay Chambers,

    Can you please explain to the other readers, who does this word ” Kaffir” refer to.

  • 0

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  • 1

    There are so many family ties for this government and for that reason; it would go out of hand and all family friends will get high posts soon. That will be end of democracy in SL.
    I think qualified people should be given post in important career

  • 3

    You ended the article thus “Mother Lanka should feed her baby not with what the baby wants, but with what she thinks is best for the baby. “
    Exactly, that’s what PGR is doing today! Please take note and remember very well that Mother Lanka is now being represented by PGR, who has rejected the myth of ‘kingmakers’. Hereafter Mother Lanka won’t tolerate any representation from ‘kingmakers’ and the new Constitution should not leave any room to elect any ‘kingmakers’. We are all equal citizens and kingmakers should set aside their minority mentality to enter the new path of prosperity! They are not minorities but an inseparable section of the majority.
    That’s the way forward and there won’t be any change to this strict policy of governance! That’s what the Mother wants and that’s the best for the baby at this hour!

  • 0

    I have been alarmed to see the involvement of clergy (primarily buddhist monks, but not exclusively) in the opening ceremonies of new ministries or at assumption of duties by a new minister. This is a new tradition that seems to have started in this millenium, indicative of the sway of the buddhist monks in the work of the government.

    It is a harbinger to their over-bearing involvement in the lives of the average citizen, and should not be tolerated.

    Does Gota have the balls to challenge it?

    • 2

      sinhalese buddhist,
      “Does Gota have the balls to challenge it?”

      If you are a Sinhala Buddhist you should know that this is a Buddhist country belong to Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. We follow our traditions and try to revive them. Why should Gota challenge them. If Gota challenge, Sinhalayo will not hesitate to send him home and invite our ‘Ranaviruwo’ to take over.

  • 3

    “Supremacists’ relentless attack on the minorities cannot go on for ever without provoking retaliation.”

    What retaliation are you referring to? Tamils are dealing with the defeat of a 30 year war. They are unsure of the next move, but don’t have the capacity left for any armed struggle. Muslims are well-off economically, even more so than the ordinary Sinhalese. I don’t think Muslims will risk a military confrontation with the majority community at this point. If it happens, the whole world will side with the Sri Lankan Government, as Islamic militancy is one of the major threats to world peace. At this juncture, the best thing for Muslims to do is be patient. They are on track to replace Tamils as the dominant minority. With demographic and economic power, they can play a positive role in Sri Lanka’s future, alongside the majority community.

    • 0

      “If it happens, the whole world will side with the Sri Lankan Government, as Islamic militancy is one of the major threats to world peace”
      Do you think that ‘whole world’ is full of Modayas to believe whatever said in racist media? No way. Take incidents that happened in the past and in recent past in SL against minority; where did the ‘whole world’ & HR point the fingers at? They know who is what, very well.

  • 2

    Dr. Ali, you sounds more like your brother of Bin laden the terrorists.
    Your writing about our president has a religious hatred undertone.
    Before, you talk about your race, please treat your women with dignify and give them some freedom and not treat them as faceless nameless nannies.
    You are an outright racist.

  • 3

    Ameer Ali

    Assuming that that the SLPP gets a 2/3rd majority in the coming Elections, to think that the Constitution will be amended to make the President All powerful by removing 19A is very naive. This is to totally forget the fact that there is One Man without whose backing GR couldn’t even dream of becoming the President. And that man is ,needless to say, GR ‘s older brother MR.

    MR is No ordinary man. He has his own ideas and plans and would NEVER want to play second fiddle to any one, leave alone his own brother. Don’t forget that the Final Word on any serious political issue rests with MR and NOT with GR or anybody else. That being the case, one has to be Really NAIVE to imagine that MR would support any Constitutional Amendment that will trim his powers as PM by removing 19A..

    MR, the consummate politician he is, knows fully well when and how to play his cards. He will let GR say and do whatever he wants till the Elections are over. After that, he will play his hands and run the show. Neither GR, nor the Buddhist Supremacists nor any other person/s will be able to do anything without MR’s Approval. Wait and see.

  • 5

    Ameer Ali

    Saving Gotha

    Nearly two months have passed since Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) was elected to the presidency. Although it is too soon to make any informed judgement on his administration, his achievements so far, in improving efficiency and productivity in public administration are credit worthy.

    *** What is the difficulty Judging a CRIMINIAL . He is guilty as charged . Saving him at home is a simple task. The majority voted to save him eventhough they knew he will be a liabilty and the country will be plunged into darkness and indeed the Country is facing hard choices. Major Projects have been cancelled due to shortage of Investment.
    To divert attention Info Lanka is working overtime putting out false information such as

    1) UN Cordinator is delighted with the Development Programmes. What Info Lanka should have said is he is ECSTATIC .
    2) Sri Lanka has taken a centre stage with the arrival of envoys from USA , China & Russia to talk to the President . What a laugh. India wasnt invited or chose not to come. The question is who are these Envoys and what was discussed. Every Country knows without Indias blesseing nothing moves in Sri Lanka.. Gothas intended visit to China was cancelled.

    The Majority should wake up to reality that Sri Lanka is stuck with a Lame Duck President. We hear that Chandraperuma is going to rescue Sri Lanka at the UN. Another Stand Up Comedian

  • 2

    New brooms sweep well. what about the numerous skeletons both metaphorical and literal in his cupboards.Bensen

  • 1

    Does this guy have information on what Wahabi Muslims are planning to do?

    ‘Once bitten twice shy’. May be ‘Para’ Demala and Wahabi Muslim extremists do not learn lessons from past blunders. If these extremists play hell and try to sabotage what President Gotabhaya is trying to achieve, Sinhalayo will teach both these communities a good lesson by ruining their economic activities. They should take note of what happened after the terrorist attack in April. Sinhalayo can survive without Demalu and Muslims but Demalu and Muslims cannot survive without Sinhalayo. That is the bitter truth.

  • 1

    The only way to save Gota is to raise billions by spice monopoly and farmer exploitation, get a family trained in terrorism and get them to blow themselves up.
    Then Gota will be able to show his colours by defending the country against those Thambi ass holes.

  • 3

    Heading should be saving Sri Lanka.

    Frankly it is too late. I have always said electing Gotha will further erode Sri Lankas Sovereignty and the chicken has come home to roos. India has demanded and got what she wanted. Permanent military presence ( sugar coated as Closer Military ties) to counter Chinese Influence. Military attche had talks with Gotha last Sunday . Now everynone knows why Gotha cancelled his visit to China on the orders of India .
    Gotha thus far and no further

  • 1

    Native Sinhalayo say:
    Two Third! Two Third!

    ‘Para’ Demalu and ‘Para’ Muslims say:
    No Two Third! No Two Third!

    • 0

      Eagle Eye – You’re talking about circumcision, right?

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