2 May, 2024


Our Heritage Is Kandyan Law; Not Roman Dutch Law As Rathana Thero Thinks

By Harsha Gunasena

Harsha Gunasena

There were four bills presented by Private Members to the Parliament on January 8, 2020 (One Bill is to be presented) which were already advertised in the gazette. They were to repeal the Kandyan Marriage and Divorce Act No 44 of 1952; to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act No 13 of 1951; to amend the Marriages (General) Ordinance No. 19 of 1907; to amend the Marriages Registration Ordinance; and to introduce a minimum age of marriage in Sri Lanka. First three were/will be presented to the parliament by Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thero M.P. and the other two were presented by Dr.(Mrs.) Thusitha Wijemanna M.P.

In Sri Lanka the Common law applicable to marriage and divorce is based on the Roman Dutch law. This Common law is in the Marriages (General) Ordinance No. 19 of 1907. In addition to that there is Kandyan Marriage and Divorce Act No 44 of 1952 applicable for the people living in the Kandyan Districts. For the Muslims in Sri Lanka the applicable law is Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act No 13 of 1951 (MMDA). The intention of the proposed amendments is that to make Roman Dutch law is only law applicable to marriage and divorce in Sri Lanka and to make the minimum age for marriage is 18years.

Minimum age of the marriage

According to Section 23 of MMDA , a marriage contracted by a Muslim girl who has not attained the age of twelve years shall not be registered under this Act unless the Quasi for the area in which the girl resides has, after such inquiry as he may deem necessary, authorized the registration of marriage.

According to Section 15 of Marriage Registrations Ordinance 19 of 1907, lawful age of marriage, in relation to a male was 16 years and in relation to a female was 12 years and if a female was a daughter of European or Burgher parents, the minimum age was 14 years. It was amended by Act No 18 of 1995 raising the minimum age of both male and female to 18 years irrespective of the ethnicity.

According to Section 66 of the Marriage and Divorce (Kandyan) Act 44 of 1952, lawful age of marriage, in relation to a male was 16 years and in relation to a female was 12 years. This was amended by Act No 19 of 1995 raising the minimum age of both male and female to 18 years.

Therefore, not only the Muslims but also all the others thought in the same line in relation to the minimum age of the marriage. All the others, other than Muslims changed it. The Muslim community should also fall in line with the changing environment. 

Kandyan Law

At the time of the arrival of the western invaders to Sri Lanka, the marriage and divorce practices and the relevant law was very liberal. According to Niti Nighanduwa which was believed to be written between 1769 and 1815 at Senkadagalapura, either the husband or the wife can disengage from the marriage bond. There were no barriers for disengagement. However, there were consequences. At the marriage the ownership of the properties of the husband and wife were kept separately with them. The wealth earned by both would be divided equally at the time of disengagement. If the disengagement of the marriage is executed by one party, then that party does not have any right of the assets of the other party. Niti Nighanduwa gives a detailed account of the family law prevalent during that time. Liberal nature of that law was confirmed by Robert Knox in his book.

According to Section 32, the dissolution of the marriage can be granted on any of the following grounds.

  • Adultery by the wife after marriage
  • Adultery by the husband coupled with incest or gross cruelty
  • Complete and continued desertion by the wife for two years
  • Complete and continued desertion by the husband for two years
  • Inability to live happily together, of which actual separation from bed and board for a period of one year shall be the test
  • Mutual consent 

These provisions although are liberal tried to impose conditions to the  provisions in  Niti Nighanduwa.

Roman Dutch Law

Colonial masters imposed a different law based on Roman Dutch Law on marriages and divorces for the people who lived outside of the Kandyan districts. These people were influenced and “cultured” by their colonial masters over centuries. Marriage was viewed as a sacred act by the Christians. Christian marriage is a union between a man and a woman, instituted and ordained by God, for the lifelong relationship between one man as husband and one woman as wife. This expectation of the lifelong relationship was being reflected in the Roman Dutch divorce law.

According to Section 19 of Marriage Registrations Ordinance 19 of 1907, No marriage shall be dissolved during the lifetime of the parties except by judgement of divorce a vinculo matrimonii pronounced in some competent court. Such judgement shall be founded either on the ground of adultery subsequent to marriage or of malicious desertion or of incurable impotency at the time of such marriage.

This is legalization of the will of the God. This conservative law was based on the Victorian culture prevailed in Europe at that time. Present divorce laws in the Europe are very liberal and are in line of the Kandyan law. Present Sinhala society is also in the process of absorbing old Kandyan values of marriages and divorces.  Rathana Thero and his ideological group of Sinhala Buddhism are unknowingly trying to uphold a law which is based on colonial Christian values while trying to abandon a law which is based on Sinhala Buddhist heritage and the values. What an irony. 

If Rathana Thero wants to uphold Sinhala Buddhist culture, what he should do is to repeal the Marriage Registrations Ordinance 19 of 1907 and make the Marriage and Divorce (Kandyan) Act 44 of 1952 the Common law of sri Lanka in relation to marriage and divorce.  

Muslim Law

In Sri Lanka the amendments to MMDA were discussed. Muslim women were agitating against the provisions of the Act for more than 30 years. Successive governments appointed different committees. Committee headed by Justice Saleem Marsoof was appointed in 2009 and the report was issued in July 2019. Although Muslim Parliamentarians agreed to 14 recommendations, it is reported that All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) was against these recommendations. 

Muslim women request that the minimum age of marriage for all Muslims must be 18 years without any exceptions; women should be eligible to be appointed as Quazis, as Members of the Board of Quazis, Marriage Registrars, and Assessors (jurors); the MMDA must apply uniformly to all Muslims without causing disadvantage to persons based on sect or madhab; signature or thumbprint of bride and groom is mandatory in all official marriage documentation to signify consent; registration should be required for legal validity of marriage; adult Muslim women are entitled to equal autonomy and need not require the ‘permission’ by law of any male relative or Quazi to enter into a marriage;  Talaaq (divorce) and Faskh (annulment) rights between women and men must be equal; Procedures for divorce initiated by men and women must be the same, including appeal process ; and to revise the Quazi court system to ensure a competent system with improved access to justice for women and men.

These are very reasonable demands. Civil Society in Sri Lanka is also opposing to MMDA in the same lines namely discrimination against children and women. However nationalistic Sinhala Buddhists opposed to MMDA on the grounds that Sri Lanka should have only one law and there should not be different laws for different ethnicities. Therefore, the opposition to MMDA by the Muslim women and the Civil Society and the opposition to the same by the nationalistic Sinhala Buddhists are coming from different reasons and from different backgrounds. The latter, although comes with the frontline of one country- one law in the pretext of unification, is in fact targeting discrimination on the Muslims.  


Law reflects the culture of the people. Muslims in Sri Lanka over centuries preserved their cultural identity while mixing with the other communities. 

In her book, The Muslims of Sri Lanka- one thousand years of ethnic harmony 900-1915, Lorna Dewaraja stated as follows.

“…This is striking example of the policy of live and let live characteristic of Sinhala society at that time. Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists were voluntary participants in the festivities of the Embekke devala and none of those groups lost their cultural identity in the process”

Law makers  should never interfere with Muslim  law which is based on their cultural heritage. People should oppose the Muslim law  if there are any violations of human rights or any discrimination against the weak in the name of such culture and laws. If Rathana Thero wants to have a one law for marriage and divorce, he should draft a new law applicable to the current society eliminating the destructive aspects of Roman Dutch law. 

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Latest comments

  • 29

    Rathana is a lawyer not a Buddhist monk who knows nothing.

    • 20

      Harsha Gunasena,

      “If Rathana Thero wants to uphold Sinhala Buddhist culture, what he should do is to repeal the Marriage Registrations Ordinance 19 of 1907 and make the Marriage and Divorce (Kandyan) Act 44 of 1952 the Common law of sri Lanka in relation to marriage and divorce. “

      What does a “Buddhist “ monk know about marriage? They have never been married to a women. The closest encounter they had was as children, before they were handed over to the Temple at age 7, to be child monks , and undergo the Monk training in their backs from the senior monks.

      Now the old Kandyan Law allows for polyandry, a women having multiple husbands. The MMDA, allows for Multiple wives.

      So, let’s amend both, with a new Sri Lankan Law, that combines the old Kandyan Law and the MMDA, updated, to accommodate the carnal stress and virality distribution of those who are married by:

      1. Minimum age 18 for both boys and girls.

      2. A women can have up to 4 husbands.( solves the inadequacies of the Man problem)

      3. A man can have up to 4 wives.
      (Solves the inadequacies of the women problem).

      4. Men and women can hold positions solely based on qualifications, not on sex.

      This will give social status of being married to women and men, who otherwise would not have been married, and have an occasional outlet for the cravings of nature.

      Will this new Law make the Ulama and the monks go berserk ?

      • 18

        Tamils say that their heritage is Thesavalamai (law of the land) and not Kandyan Law as Harsha Gunasena thinks. According to archaeological findings Dravidians were living in this land before the advent of the Sinhala race, and had a glorious civilization including their legal system. In this instant Rathana Thero was correct in not tabling a bill to abolish Thesavalamai.

        • 7

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
          Demalu in Yapanaya adopted ‘Thesawalamai’ which is a Malabar Customary Law because they were brought to this country from Malabar region. Demalu in Yapanaya are descendants of those slaves brought from Malabar. The colonial parasites called them ‘Malabar’ until a guy called Ponnambalam Arunachalam involved in preparing the Census Report in 1911 changed the term ‘Malabar’ to ‘Ceylon Tamils’. After that Malabar Demalu pretend as CeylonTamils and try to show that they are different from Demalu in tea plantations who are called ‘Indian Tamils’. The truth is all demalu are from India.

          What happened to that glorious civilization? Vanished in to thin air without leaving any traces. What bloody archeological findings? There are absolutely no archeological evidences to support existence of Tamils in Sinhale. Demalu in Sinhale are either descendants of slaves from Hindusthan or people who entered Sinhale illegally (Kallathoni).

          • 6

            Eagle shit, I am sick and tired of your Demalu and Malabar bashings. What evidence you have got to say the Tamils were slaves to your grass-eating fu…g modaya’s. It was never the case, your sinhala ass…le were slave to Tamils until the number dependent democracy stupid illiterate grass eaters got the power by default. Who are first kallathonis to this country? your lion king and his thugs are first kallathonis to this country. If the tamils were slaves from hindustan then what the fu…k are you guys? your thug lion king is also from there. The fact, not the truth, as you claim you thugs and the tamils are descendents from India, keep this in your stupid mind if you have got one.

        • 11

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,

          “Tamils say that their heritage is Thesavalamai “

          Tamils better say “Thesavalamai is not only a heritage, but a privilege given to Vellalars to enslave the Covias, Nalluas, Palluasprivileges & other low-castes”, like MMDA allowing 12 year old girls to get married.

          • 3

            Apart of your racist prejudice you have also displaced your ignorance about Thesavalamai Law when you say that it encourages caste difference.
            Any one whether he be a Sinhalese or Muslim or of any other race as long as he/she is a SriLankan is free to buy land in the North.
            The said law mainly applies to adjoining land owners in the North.
            If one owner wishes to sell his land, the said law obliges him to first offer the preference to the adjoining land owner.
            The seller sets the price.
            If the adjoining land owner cannot afford then the seller is free to sell his land to any buyer who can pay the price the owner has set. That is all.
            It is just as any commercial transaction.

            The only defect in the Thesavalamai Law is that it is prejudicial to married Tamil women. She is not free to even sell her dowry land in the North or anywhere in the island without the permission and consent of her husband.

            There are instances of an unfaithful husband holding his wife to ransom from selling her property until she seeks the assistance of court for a divorce.

            • 0

              Please read as ‘displayed’.

            • 3

              Uthungan – So, is that all you know about Thesawalamai? Or, do you pretend so?
              Please learn bit more about Thesawalamai and reply to my comment.

              • 0

                Why would I bother to learn what you don’t know about Thesavalamai?
                I am not offering to buy the land you are pretending to have.

          • 4

            South Indian Origin fake Arab Thullukan , we all know that you are a Thamizh hating Islamic fundamentalist and extremist. Sri Lankan Thullukans are largely descended from converted immigrant Indian Thamizh low castes Eg: Pallan Paraiyan, Nadar, and other similar castes . Some of their converted low caste great grandmas and grandmas played around with Afghan, Arab and North Indian Muslim peckers , for a bag of rice or a sack of potatoes to feed their huge low caste converted Islamic brood, resulting in a little bit of Arab. Afghan and north Indian Islamic blood in them. Compliments of a bag of rice or sack of potato., which they now claim as their exclusive ancestry, as they are ashamed of their actual converted low caste/untouchable Thamizh ancestry from South India. This is why despite speaking Thamizh and following Thamizh customs (at least until 20 years ago , until they decided to imitate the Arabs lock stock and barrel , again for Gulf Dirhams , not for a sack of rice or a bag of dates) they hate Thamizh , Thamizh people especially the upper caste variety and will join anyone to destroy their own Thamizh language , culture and heritage in the name of Islam and their imagined Arab ancestry , that a few of them partially have , thanks to a bag of rice and a sack of potato. You are very good example of this. Now start screeching and insulting me Thullukan. Yo u are very good at it. Denying Muslim atrocities against Thamizh and justifying this under various lame excuses.
            Only Muslim people in the world who in the name of Islam deny their actual ethnicity and heritage , for perceived political and economic benefits and claim to be something else. Not only that but fa r worse , to prove a point will join with anyone to destroy their own heritage, language and ethnicity.

            • 3

              Pandi Kutty,

              “despite speaking Thamizh and following Thamizh customs (at least until 20 years ago , until they decided to imitate the Arabs lock stock and barrel”

              Sorry, never though my comment would ignite you this much. Thankfully, you sound funny when upset. Anyway, here is my version of above quote:
              “despite speaking Thamizh Nadu language, and following Thamizh Nadu customs (with all the Thamizh Nadu attitude, looks, shapes & even body odor), so called, ‘Jaffna Tamils’ always talk about a funny theory that they are a unique creature found only in SL”. What??? Cool down.
              Only difference I personally see is that Tamil Nadu people are creative and talented compared to people who fight for another Tamil Nadu in SL :=(

              • 5

                Body odour? Oh you mean Attar that is used by most Thullukans to hide their smelly body odour, as most of them do not wash regularly. Do you also use it? Thamizh Nadu is in South India, your ancestral homeland and the homeland of your low caste converted Thullukan community. We are not interested in in Thamizh Nadu as it is not ours , it is yours . Thamizh Eelzham is in Sri Lanka and is our ancient land , that we lost , thanks to the European colonisers, especially the British. We are fighting to regain our land, Thamizh Eezham. Whereas you refugee , immigrant , low caste fake Arab converted Dravidian Thamizh Thullkans from South India( present day Thamizh Nadu) are trying your best to steal Eezham Thamizh lands in Sri Lanka and create pathetic fake Arab Wahhabi/Salafist Isis homeland in eastern Sri Lanka and if possible along the north west Mannar region too. We have a very ancient history in the island , that is recorded, however there is no history of you Thullukans in the island , until you low caste Dravidian South Indian converts arrived in the island a few centuries ago, after being kicked out of your South Indian homeland, begging for refuge from the Eezham Thamizh.. Now trying to steal our lands in the name of Islam and an imagined Arab ancestry , with large amounts of money obtained from Porikistan and your Gulf Arab masters. who are funding your Arabisation and I
                Islamasition project. Constantly running down Thamizh . Remember you are also a Thamizh and a low caste converted one at that. Just because your ancestors converted to Islam does not mean you are an Arab or their donkey , Camel or slave , to run down your own heritage and ethnicity in the name of Islam.

                • 2

                  Pandi Kutti,

                  “We are not interested in in Thamizh Nadu as it is not ours , it is yours . Thamizh Eelzham is in Sri Lanka and is our ancient land”

                  Funny, it is like a tiger saying he has no idea about his stripes or a leopard saying the same with his spots. You can invest your credit card skimming money from Canada, Australia or other EU on faking history or squeezing in some new faked pages to SL history as now it is a public secret that you do that. But your language, your culture, your arts, your looks, your odor, your dressing, your oily hair-styles, food and more stand proof that you’re part of TN, and belong to that part of India. What are you going to do about it?

                  IS, Boko Haram, Taliban and Al-Qaeda are terrorist organizations. So is the LTTE. Why do you see only LTTE which also killed the innocent and destroyed SL as your savior? Why the countries who granted asylum when you landed there on fishing boats, still blacklist LTTE if they’re your saviors?

                  You were brought by the Dutch as slaves to help their tobacco fields when it was a lucrative business. If you have 2500 years of history in SL, where are the people now? For the god’s sake please tell me where you have hidden them…please, please.

                  • 2

                    You are not a Muslim but a low life Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist, pretending to be a Muslim and posting offensive anti Tamil garbage , to deliberately create a rift between the Tamils and the Tamil Muslims. Read all your comments typical pro Sinhalese Buddhist lies propaganda and misinformation. Fack off

        • 2

          Those Dravidians are modern Sinhalese. Present day Tamils are from slaves from South India brought by Europeans. They took these Tamil slaves to many countries. SL is just one. Malaysia, Singapore, Fiji, Nigeria, South Africa, Burma, etc.

          Ever wondered why Sinhalese have a nation of their own (where they do their totally insane things) but Tamils don’t have one? The old master-slave thing continues. :(

          • 5

            SO you admit the Sinhalese are Dravidians , which means they are Tamil. The ancient history of the Sri Lankan or Eelam Tamils is well recorded . They have a far older history in the island than the Sinhalese , who in reality are largely descended from immigrant Indian Tamil low castes and again largely ruled by the descendants of Indian Tamil aristocrats , now both calling themselves Sinhalese Aryans and beating and dancing to the anti Tamil drums. It is a very well recorded fact and history , that around half the island’s so called Sinhalese speakers are descended from recently migrated low caste or untouchable Indian Tamil slave and indentured labour , who were imported into the island by their hundreds of thousands, by the Portuguese and later the Dutch and settled along the western and south western and southern littorals. to work in the huge southern spice estates and other menial service work. Their Sinhalised descendants are now the so called Sinhalese Karawa, Salagama, Durawa, Hunu, Berewa . Sinhalese racist Wimal Weerawanse , now looudly beating the anti Tamil drum ( Bera or Para Melam. the Sinhalese word for drum Bera is derived from the Tamil drum Parai or Para Melam that Pariahs traditionally useuse )is from these community ., and many other castes. Other than a few thousand hardly any of these imported Indian Tamil low castes were hardly settled in the Tamil areas by the Portuguese or Dutch. They were exclusively recruited to work in the Sinhalese south and all their descendants became Sinhalese. The few thousand who came to the Tamil areas got assimilated into the low Nalavar caste( Nadar in South India) . The rest of the Sinhalese are a mixture of indigenous Dravidian peasant Yakka not the ruling elite Naga who are largely the ancestors of the Sri Lankan Tamils., and Indian immigrants and invaders ancient to medieval , some from NE India but mostly from the Tamil country . This is why the Sinhalese DNA is 70% Indian Tamil.

            • 2

              Sri Lankan Tamils only share a 17%DNA with Indian Tamils , compared to the 70% DNA the Sinhalese share with Indian Tamils. This proves who is largely descended from Indian Tamil immigrants and invaders. Low and high born. You can keep on lying , your government , Archeological department and other Sinhalese organisations , can keep on twisting and concocting history and myths but DNA never lies but proves who you really are and the Sinhalese are nothing but Dravidian Tamils , largely of the Indian variety , who have corrupted their Tamil language with the Pali and Sanskrit of Buddhism , to create a new language and identity called Sinhalese . The word Sinhalese itself has nothing to do with lions or North Indian immigrants, which was again another fairy tale concocted by Mahanama to create a different origin , for the converted Tamil Buddhists in the island , to see that they will not reconvert to Hinduism , that happened in the NE of the island and that they will never again identify themselves , with their Hindu brothers and sisters , living in the north and east of the island or across the sea in the Indian mainland . The word Sinhala is the Pali/Prakrit corruption of one of the ancient Tamil words for the island. Chingkallam meaning the red or copper coloured land. Cheppu or Chikappu( meaning copper or red) + Alam( piece of land generally adjoining the sea, eg’ Cheralam/Keralam, Puttalam. Puthumaathalam etc) = Chingkallam. The ancient Dravididian Tamil or semi/proto Tamil speaking Naga and Yakka of the island were called Chingkallavar or Eezhava or Eelavar ( from another ancient Tamil word for the island Eelam or Eezham meaning land of toddy or metal) . Chingkallam became Sinhala and Eelam became Hela , when it got Prakritized.

          • 1

            Yes, GATAM. Yes, these people came for watering tobacco plants. Finally most of them have become land owners.

        • 0

          No. In the Article I did not discuss about Tamils and their marriages because it was not relevant. Thesawalami law deals with matrimonial rights and inheritance of property and not with the marriage. As far as the marriage is concerned people who are under Thesawalami law are also governed by Roman Dutch law.

      • 2

        Dear Amarasiri

        Conspicuous by their absence in your note abive are the usual para para para terminology and the IQ issue with which you have been unceasingly obssessed ever since one remembers.

        Just wished to know whether you have seen the light or is it a mere mental aberration? ???

        • 9

          Justice and Fairplay

          “Conspicuous by their absence in your note abive are the usual para para para terminology and the IQ issue with which you have been unceasingly obssessed ever since one remembers.”

          It is about busting the myths of many Paras and their relative general intelligence.

          The Para is implied, and it may not always be necessary, to be explicit every time. However, with some Paras, implicit is insufficient. and Para- must be explicitly stated, for example with Eagle Confused Eye. Besides CT has a limit of 300 words, and if there is not much space, Para will go .

          The IQ issue, mean IQ of 79, is also implicit, but not necessary to be always explicit, when the contents make sense.

          The Earth rotating on its axis and orbiting the Sun is implicit for those who know, even though it may not be the case for the Paras and low mean IQ 79’s.

          • 1

            Dear Amarasiri

            Sorry, no insult intended. Mine was just an attempt at some light humour.

            Keep up your good work.

            • 3

              Just foreplay, it’s okay. Next time when you attempt any ‘light humour’, please add a little salt & a lot of pepper on it?

      • 7

        Let s give a training about masturbation to Madagoda Abhayathissa ballige putha.
        See, how intelligently these doctors explain it. But child molesters cum cheewa mudalalis .. argue here.

    • 7

      Harsha Gunesena,

      “Muslim women request that the minimum age of marriage for all Muslims must be 18 years without any exceptions; women should be eligible to be appointed as Quazis, as Members of the Board of Quazis, Marriage Registrars, and Assessors (jurors); the MMDA must apply uniformly to all Muslims without causing disadvantage to persons based on sect or madhab; signature or thumbprint of bride and groom is mandatory in all official marriage documentation to signify consent; registration should be required for legal validity of marriage; adult Muslim women are entitled to equal autonomy and need not require the ‘permission’ by law of any male relative or Quazi to enter into a marriage; Talaaq (divorce) and Faskh (annulment) rights between women and men must be equal; Procedures for divorce initiated by men and women must be the same, including appeal process ; and to revise the Quazi court system to ensure a competent system with improved access to justice for women and men.“

      The Muslim women know best about the inadequacies of MMDA.

      For the Ulama and the Muslim men, women are chattels, things, “Badu”, to be traded, and followed by the traditions and culture, but now the world outside is changing.


      Stay Daughter: Do not Study, Do not go to school, do not take a job, stay inside the house until you are married off.

      Stay, Daughter’ – A memoir of Muslim girlhood by Yasmin Azad launched.

      • 2

        Harsha Gunasena,

        The Muslim women know best about the inadequacies of MMDA, as they have been the victims, a life denied.

        Laws that make child brides powerless


        Whilst in Sri Lanka, the General Marriage Ordinance (GMRO) states that the minimum age for marriage is 18; girls as young as 12 can get married under the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA). Whilst the Penal Code also states that the age of consent for sexual intercourse is 16 years of age, it exempts married Muslim girls between the ages of 12- 16. Due to this, Sri Lankan Muslim girls are married off before the age of 18 due to various reasons.

        Read on the impact it has on Muslim girls.

        Stay Daughter, until you are married off. This is what our traditions require us to do.

        • 2

          Harsha Gunasena,

          The MMDAis based on the All Male Ulama interpretation.


          Prophet Muhammad envisioned a just and peaceful society. With a mass peace movement, he achieved this goal during his life. He hated war and always preferred a peace treaty with his opponents, even if it was not favorable to his and his followers’ interests. He established his first peace sanctuary in the city of Madinah without any war whatsoever. While he did fight to defend that peace sanctuary, it is critical to note that the total time of actual fighting defending his people was not more than six days in his life of 63 years. He struggled to secure a peace that ensured justice and liberation for all people, especially for those most marginalized and oppressed.

    • 8

      Let s line up to hang this abusive CHEEWARA DARIYA, fake monk by his balls. Then only we can see better a future. Just being staganated – like a frog in a well, this man hidden behind the sivuru has been ruining this nation.

      He has no principle at all, The kind of monks are no worth. If he is bold, then ask ballige putha Rajaapkseh to amenda the constitution in favour of the betterment of the nation.

      We must not fall back to the levels we had then been. We have fought a war, there we should have learnt something. Ballige puthas with or whithout ROBEs should be made clear, we are srilanken under one srilanka. .. that we should all promote.

      Just becasue some fractions in the society are made to think that WE THE SINHALAYA should be kept above the law, we should not worship them. THis country belong to all that are born to this nation.

      No matter that ULTRA racists of MAHINDA PALA nature would have been repeating with his WELLALA caste stanzas, …. the intelligent people should not follow them.

      May all gods be with us CLEAN srilankens to rebuild this torn nation.

    • 5

      Please check the link below..

      Can we SINHALAya be ever proud of our nation ?
      Father rapes own daughter today. Then the born children are pushed to homes for children.
      Monks, behave like MONKEYs. ….
      This monk in this video is telling the bitte TRUTH.

    • 1

      This is HILARIOUS. Who told him about the Roman Dutch Law ? May be Julius Caesar himself. This idiot of a monk has no scruples and has brought disgrace to his own religion. May be he does not know that he is on this earth to preach Lord Buddha’s preaching and not to scream about Roman Dutch Law. By the way does he he know what the Romans did ? Wish someone would tell him that Julius Caesar was a step son of Ravanna. He might drop dead at this/

  • 9

    Why only Kandyan Divorce laws be adopted by the country we want Eka gey keama (Polyandry) also reimplemented once again

    • 3

      Conch shell,

      “Eka gey kaema”
      for women and men, both ways, and the monks and Ulama will go berserk.

    • 2

      Jackson Anthony is supposedly shooting such a film with the story line EKA GEY KAMA

      • 2

        Roman Leslie,

        Jacksonn Anthony ( Para) must shoot a film, EKA WALE SELLAMA.

  • 17

    Lets introduce a law so that ATHANA METHANA NATANA RATHANA -the abusive monk7MONKEY or the like could continue their child monk molestation in temple/male prostitute camps.

    Today over 60% of temples across the country are proved to be more similar to those male pros camps at the costal lines of the island. Late 80ties I happened to visit EUrope for the first time, to that time, Srilanka was known to the germans and other europeans – number one gay paradise. Those beach boys that sold their backsides on cheaper rates became upper hand of those areas. Negambo, Hikkaduawa, Unawatuna, colombo and the like areas were well known to my europeans colleagues and they were dreaming of coming to lanka for that matter alone.
    Thailand’s Pataya is also equally known to many in Europe for easy sex business.

    We talk high yet today but not having done the little to control our problems

    1) No means Saffron Clad monks should be put above the law – there are good monks which would make up not more than 20%, but they are timid and would not come out of their caccoons so as the case with university dons would stay on their long slumber mode.
    2) Today, the people are speechless – and helpless too. If they would open their mouth – the persecution – sponsored by Rajakashe underground network would get their away from their way. That is how Rajakshe rascals rule this nation

    3) Not many in SL are knowledgble about their own politics. They would do anything not thinking twice. That has lot do with the conditioned mind set, that vicious politicians influenced in their life – for such a long time. No matter, the situation would stay further s ” beggar’s wound”, power greedy, egocentric, uneducated, selfish politicians would rather work on their pocket fillinng tactics than anything else. Society is made for their breeding.

  • 8

    anyway their should be one sri lankan law for everyone,other wise might as well have seperate countries,one for kandyans,one for non kandyans,one for tamils,one for muslims.

    ps.heritage is immaterial.we need one common law that suits the times and 21st century forward.

    • 6

      No no, Shankar, lanken slaves would agree with one law to Rajakashes and one another to others. Like or not you cant disagree because ballige puthas in temples would commend it at once. Those men hidden behind SIVURU … are born idiots they are born to ruin this nation.
      Either the monks that have turned out to be monkies should be beheaded legal means or bring rigorous law reforms to this nation.

  • 8

    “All should come under one law! No laws based on ethnicity or religion!

    Except for us, we’re special”

    This is precisely why minorities in this country don’t trust the majority. It’s always about “one nation” until it comes to the majority,, and suddenly exceptions have to be made because of colonialism, or some other such whiny excuse.

    Either have one law, or let yh MMDA also exist. Because you can’t ask for the abolishment of one without the other.

    This is the same rhetoric from some folk who claim to possess the enlightened viewpoint that religious/ethnicity based schools are bad. What they really mean is, they don’t want their own ethnic/religious schools shut, just everyone else’s.

    I’m getting tired of being part of this hypocrisy, and so are quite a few others. THIS is what people mean when they say they’re ashamed to be Sinhala. We’re not talking about achievements or history, we’re talking about this bald faced hypocrisy in modern day politics.

  • 9

    You are correct. I doubt whether these bills have any chance of passing in the parliament. All Rathana is doing is to bring back racism into the parliamentary election. We all know that monks like Rathana are not real disciples of Buddhism[ rather, they are artificial Buddhists who don’t even understand what the true Buddhism is. As a matter of fact, it is these types monks that pose bigger threats to Buddhism than the competitive religions.

    All Buddhists know in their bones that Buddha never requested royal patronage for his cause. It is well known that he even accepted temples from wealthy with reluctance. And yet, modern SL monks demand the Gvt to take over their duty of protecting Buddhism. The truth is that what they are demanding is not the protection for Buddhism; it is their properties including “nindagam” & businesses! I strongly believe that it is high-time for Buddhist to stand up & reject these artificial monks.

    • 1

      D.P and Harsha,

      “The truth is that what they are demanding is not the protection for Buddhism; it is their properties including “nindagam” & businesses! I strongly believe that it is high-time for Buddhist to stand up & reject these artificial monks.”

      Before the advent of Buddhism around 250 BCE, there were no monks, and no Monk hegemony. Then the monks acquired lands, and power. They got about 10 percent of the fertile lands as Nindagam for the maintenance of the monks, and those who worked in those Lands were essentially subjects and slaves.

      Religious and ethnolinguistic changes

      The Buddhist monasteries and temples had been beneficiaries of the hydraulic system of the Dry Zone. Lands, taxes, and water dues were assigned to temples. In addition, the temples had accumulated assets by making their own investments in land and by excavating their own tanks. With the changes in irrigation and agricultural practices, however, these sources of revenue declined. Kings continued their patronage of Buddhism, but their wealth and power diminished. Nobles and commoners were not rich enough to make substantial benefactions. The great monasteries of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa were disbanded. New institutions arose in and around the capitals of Dambadeniya, Kurunegala, Gampola, Rayigama, and Kotte, but they were not of the size or stature of their predecessors in the Dry Zone. The absence of strong political authority also affected the unity and coherence of the monastic organization itself. In this period there was a greater incidence of indiscipline and schism than before, and kings were called upon frequently to purge the sangha (monkhood) of undesirable elements.

  • 10

    What does Rathana knows about marriage? He was never married and no idea what marriage is.

    He seems to know-all, remember, about medical issues (Dr. Shafi).

    But, he has forgotten about Buddhism!

    We need a law to confine Buddhist monks to temples, that’s what we REALLY need.


    • 2

      Goraka, this waste of a life bugger of a so-called Buddhist is often seeking young apprentice monks who have nothing better than dance to his whim and fancy, these youngers are at his beck and call all 24 hours of the day and have to sleep on his bed in their birthday attire.
      he also casts aside his holy robes and is often seen in mufti [ casual dress ] in the company of ladies of any age, size, and vintage.
      his favorite saying is beggars cannot be choosers.
      he is absolutely right.
      I have a Kandyan long-standing friend Janaka. k. who openly admit that they the so-called aristocratic noses in the air Kandyan menfolk over the centuries openly bartered their women and sex oozing young men to the British, Portuguese and the Dutch who were taking turns ruling this once upon time pleasurable paradise till the racist shitting sitting on their midget of a brain ruined it for the worst ever despicable status quo since 1956 from where an economic, moral or any type of discovery is only a chee barai wet dream.
      the prophecy in me has correctly predicted this in 1958 when the first racial riots took place in this blissful isle.
      how right I was.
      cheers, R. J., the one & only ?.

    • 1


      We need a law to make it illegal to prostrate to monks, and display stupidity by the imbeciles.

      Besides, prostration to imbecile monks makes the prostrating imbeciles more stupid by the Prostration Effect.

  • 9

    If Ratane wants to talk of MMDA first he should circumcise himself. Then talk for Muslims.

  • 11

    What does this donkey Rathana knows about marriage. He has never worked in his life other than live off hardworking peoples’ blood, sweat and tears.

  • 10

    The founding Prime Minister of Singapore Late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew made it an edict; if the clergy wants to dabble in politics they must hang up their cossacks, robes or priestly attire and join in like everybody else. It must be either and not both. Srilanka must make it into the law books.

  • 14

    These gamaya buffoons orange saree want to re-write the law based on a violent version of a philosophy they practice? Yes, this uneducated gas station attendant will make this a new law of the country and drive out all foreign investments and tourism out the door.

  • 6

    All these “kahakada brigade” (no disrespect to our pious Buddhist priests who follow the Buddha’s message) should thrown into the sea like the bandit prince Vijaya was expelled from West Bengal. The other day I heard the way the cheevaradharee Medagoda Abeythissa talked about “Hathe Potha” with a panel who are qualified about the subject. It was disgusting. Aren’t they ashamed to behave like this? They are exactly behaving like Mullahs in Saudi Arabia. Only difference is these kahakadayas do not carry a cane to beat up the people. very soon after the general elections they may do that too. Who ever who can leave the country this is the high time. No hope.

  • 0

    This how Sri Lankan reconciliation, democracy, ethnic harmony. This Bhikku is trying to say LET US HAVE ONE LAW FOR THE WHOLE COUNTRY. IT looks in order to stay away from YOU RACIST, SINHALA BUDDHIST SUPREMACIST, he was saying, let us forget our culture too and have ROMAN-DUTCH LAW. Now patriots say that is also bad. Just think about any western country giving up their own laws or protestants or catholics giving up their Bible and accepting Sales catalogue of another church.
    These comments are all hatred, jealousy, sinhala buddhist oppression and suppression

  • 0

    Democracy in Sri Lanka. Sinhala- Buddhist Supremacists people can not have their own laws in their own country. Sri Lankan Democracy is minority say must come first. Where should they go to ask their own. 30% enforces their say on 70%. If not they go to UNHCR and the international community comes even to watch the parliamentary sessions. They may go to Yapa patuna ans may are you doing OK. but not to Little Saudi arabia in Kathankudi.

    • 6

      @JD bugger, what the heck are you blabbering? Nothing you have written here makes any bloody sense. Are you high on meth?

  • 3

    Tamil from the North: You said in your comment: “Yes, this uneducated gas station attendant will make this new la….” This week on Tuesday, the TV programme “Satana” had invited Prof. Tissa Vitharana, one time a Minister and now the Governor of the NCP. In discissing matters he (Prof. Vitharana) referred to GR – the present President and said: “GR is an SPECIALIST in IT”. Now I am confused. Is Prof. Vitharana correct and you are wrong?

    • 5


      I can confirm Gota was employed by an IT firm in the US. What I cannot tell you is his position at the firm, what I cannot confirm is whether he was a SPECIALIST in IT or data entry clerk, or he was scanning documents for further processing.

      Does it matter?

      • 0

        Native ,

        There are millions working in the Mideast , Europe , US , Japan and
        S.Korea .All of them and their relatives say they work in such and
        such country but for Mideast they say ‘ he/she is abroad ‘ work
        skipped and the country skipped . I knew a man with zero knowledge
        in English , worked in the US embassy in Rome and had a photo taken
        with the visiting president of the US , a minor staff photo . He never
        said anything of his job in the embassy and always maintained ‘ I
        work in the US embassy . You need to know only a few things like
        one’s not only proficiency but also fluency of a country’s language , to
        determine the nature of the job he can handle. Countries like Srilanka
        speak written English through their native linguistic styles .

        • 1


          Thanks you for your sermon on difficulties with foreign employment.

          “You need to know only a few things like one’s not only proficiency but also fluency of a country’s language , to determine the nature of the job he can handle.”

          Are you implying I am unemployed here and now and will never be able to find employment in English speaking countries?

          • 0

            Native ,

            ” Are you implying ………………………………….? ” Honestly I do read you
            and thumb up most of them and my reckoning is you are already
            enjoying your after- work benefits . Anyway , thanks for attending
            my sermon !

    • 3

      Douglas, fixing a computer at Loyola College in the states does not make one an intellect. Prof. Vitharana can have his opinion but I have mine. Recently this man who is in the highest office released a mass murderer who murdered small children in the north from prison, you truly have to have no regard for the law to release an animal from prison. Karuna amman who massacred surrendered cops is a close confidante of this fellow. To me, I could not care whether you are Tamil or Sinhalese, but what I care is the rule of law. When the Rajapaksas were in charge the previous time, the country was an absolute mess. Sajith a moderate did not get voted in but this brute was voted in. You asked me a valid question, for that I have given an answer.

  • 3

    Reports say that in Mainland China , the age of consent for sex is 14 and in South
    Korea it is 13 . That’s in Asia . And in some parts of Europe , Norway, Finland and
    Belgium 14 is considered able to do sex .In South America , Peru,Bolivia ,Brazil and
    Paraguay , the age of consent is 14 . Just few countries out of many with ages
    lower than 18 including some states of the US that have even lower than these
    limits. My issue now with this very matured Island Paradise owned by Monks like
    this is , what was the marriage registry before Almeida spotted the country in 1505 ?
    I don’t want to describe it indecently but the truth is , children didn’t know their
    fathers ! Formal registration of Birth , Death and marriage was introduced in
    England and Wales in 1837 and it took another forty years to make registration of
    birth compulsory . These fellows in yellow robes who have made Hatred their supper ,
    striving desperately hard to kill off what was built for centuries , in the name of a
    religion that is vanishing from them on hourly basis .

  • 7

    Idiot Thero!

  • 2

    OK Rathana
    Then legalise two brothers sharing one wife.
    “Eka geyi kaama” This was allowed under Kandyan Law

    • 3

      Wimpy Kid

      “Then legalise two brothers sharing one wife.”

      Good idea though there is a problem, how one could divide the woman’s week between the two. Man needs the woman when he is the mood. If both need her at the same time, how does the Kandyan Law arbitrate between them or for that matter the Mahawamsa?
      Would you invite the local member of the saffron brigade?

      Children born to the woman may cause problem. In order to confirm paternity the state need to set up efficient DNA testing labs. If the lab found neither of the men are the real father, will the Kandyan law provide police the necessary powers to investigate the member of saffron brigade?

      • 2

        Native Vedda,

        “If both need her at the same time, how does the Kandyan Law arbitrate between them or for that matter the Mahawamsa?”

        There are many temples, with young Samanera, child monks, undergoing Monk training. The experienced senior Monk hands over a child Monk to satisfy the cravings of nature of the husbands waiting their turns.

      • 1

        This law dosen’t work if the two brothers and their wife don’t have a good undestanding.

    • 2

      Wimpy Kid,

      Not only two, three, four, five , six or more, how many bothers they had.

      A busy and well-cared for wife!

  • 0

    Both Christianity and Islam wanted their religion specific marriage laws. They both Theistic religions, wanted to multiply their devotees. But, Buddhism is a Humanistic religion and it is not unfair to any one. Sri Lanka should write a set of marriage laws common to every body and enact that. Should be ready to defend it any where they want., most specifically must be very humane.

    • 1

      Ok OK no need of any law.

      Do what ever you like with Gota and Ratana

  • 2

    We take the trouble to analyze the bills presented on changes to marriage laws in prevailing in the country. We say that what the presenters should have done etc. This is an area where it should be dealt with dispassionately and not bringing things out of the blue. A real poser in terms of policy and principles is do we as a nation give the pride of place to customs of various communities or to safety of individuals as propounded by medical experts? What is interesting is that by mid February the current Parliament is four and a half years old, giving the President the discretion to dissolve it and in all probability it would be done. So why did these presenters present these bills at this juncture knowing very well that their “efforts” would be completely wasteful? My answer is that it is a show off. Venerable Athuraliye Rathana (AR), in particular, is targeting a particular audience to win their pleasure, confidence or whatever you call it. He has done that. I have not forgotten that the fast on to death by him moved the Government of the day to effect resignations of Governors and Ministers of a particular ethnicity. We are trying to look intellectually at a POLITICAL STUNT.

  • 1

    Rev, Ratana Thero besides being a very good priest is also a dutiful father and devoted husband . He will not say anything wrong. Bensen

  • 1

    Native Vedda: It matters a lot, because the 6,9 million that include all these “Professors”; “Mahachariyas” and all at “Viyathmaga” and “Eliya” think this man is a “God Sent” to .”Digitize” the entire Government Machinery and make Sri Lanka the “Paradise” on earth. If not do you think, Prof. Witharana to have referred to GR as a “Maha Vidwatha” (Specialist) in IT.

  • 2

    The Kandyan law only pertains to the Kandyan Sinhalese not even the low country Sinhalese. Definitely not the Tamils or Tamil Muslims of the island. The indigenous Sri Lankan Tamils originating from the north and Trincomallee district, the lands that were part of the Tamil kingdom of Jaffna, come under Thesavalamai , which is the traditional law of these Tamils. The law is personal in nature thus it applicable mostly for property, inheritance, and marriage. The Thesawalamai is the personal law of the Tamil inhabitants of the Northern Province and Trincomalee. It applies to them wherever they are and to their movable and immovable property wherever situated in Sri Lanka. For the purpose of deciding on the rights of inheritance to the estate of a deceased husband, the time of his death is the relevant time and not the time of marriage.
    Mukkuva laws is the traditional law of Tamil inhabitants of Batticaloa and Amparai districts, of Sri Lanka, who were ruled by the eastern Tamil Vannimai Chiefs. It was codified by the Dutch during their colonial rule in 1707. The Law in its present form applies to most Tamils in eastern Sri Lanka. The law is personal in nature, thus it is applicable mostly for property and marriage. Professor Harsha Gunasena forgot to mention these two laws that is the heritage of the Indigenous Sri Lankan Tamils.
    The Kandyan law is the heritage of the Kandyan Sinhalese who make up around 1/3 of the Sinhalese population approximately and not anyone else’s heritage. Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists are now trying to twist history and trying to impose this law on to everyone not just the Kandyan Sinhalese.

    • 1

      Tamils were invading armies always hell bent in destroying the great Sinhala Budhidst culture that runs for more than 2500 years.

      The ruins in Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa are proof of this.

      The Jaffna Tamils are the decendants of these invaders.

      It is high time that you invaders stop twisting the truth and integrate with the Sri Lankan society.

      • 1

        Polonarruwa was founded by the Tamil Cholas and not the Sinhalese and the so called invading Tamil armies from South India were really not invading but were invited by your so called Sinhalese monarchs , who themselves belonged to various South Indian dynasties , most of them Pandian and some Kalinga. They were constantly calling on their South Indian relatives , to invade and settle sibling rivalry or other disputes , with regards who is the rightful king. All these South Indian Tamil kings were their grandfathers, cousins, father in law or brother in law, and they constantly needed their help , settle scores between various local rivals to the throne. 90% of these invading Tamil armies , who settled in the island became Sinhalese and were hardly assimilated into the Jaffna Tamil identity, This is why the Sinhalese share a 70% DNA with Indian Tamils , as all these so called Tamil invaders and immigrants from South India became Sinhalese Silva is a typical Sinhalese Karawa name and the Karawa are all descended from recent immigrant Tamil fisher folk from South India. Here is an example of one of these South Indian Tamil invader castes taking on a Sinhalese identity. You stop twisting the truth. Lots of South Indian (Tamil)settlers were invited by the early kings in the island to settle the manpower shortage.

        • 1

          Most Tamils are more educated in the actual history of the island , than most Sinhalese , who have been brainwashed by the Mahawamsa fairy tale comic book. 90% of the Sinhalese Karawa , Salagama, Durawa, Bereawa and many Sinhalese upper castes and aristocracy will never be aware that they are descended from recently Indian Tamil immigrants but think they are all Aryans. Just like the Sri Lankan Muslims have been brainwashed to think that they are all descended from Arabs or some other west Asian people when 99%^ of them a descended from largely low caste Indian Tamil converts. Real history distorted by brainwashing the masses by the elite and clergy

          • 1

            Dont talk bull shit
            you people are fabricating history.

            You are mainly farmers who are trying to project your self as high cast.

            The Sinhala buddhist identity is unique it has nothing to do with Tamils.

            The Sinhalese are the superiour race it was demonstrated by the total annihilation of the LTTE.

            The Sinhalese will never allow the Tamils to dominate this land.

            The Mahawamsa is the book that inspiered the Sinhalese to move forward aginst Tamil threats. The Tamil agenda to dominate this island is nothing new.

            The Mahawamsa will always be a guiding light to the Sinhalese.

            The Muslims have a distinct identity they don’t have to hold pooja to Tamil Retards.

            And Siva you are not even a proper Tamil.

            So shut up and go back to where you came from.

    • 0

      In the Article I discussed about marriage. Thesawalami law deals with matrimonial rights and inheritance and not with the marriage. As far as the marriage is concerned people who are under Thesawalami law are also governed by Roman Dutch law.

  • 2

    It is time these pompous saffron robed jokers, were put in their place, and not given the attention they are desperate for. The laws in the lands must be for all, the same laws, and not influenced by any type of clergy. Aren’t they supposed to be peaceful, humble, and want unity for this land? I doubt Lord Buddha behaved like a thug, raising his arm and showing his ugly armpits this way.
    Reject militants and extremists from ALL religions.

  • 1

    Kandyan Law allows Polyandry (one women two husbands)others don’t allow.
    Rathna is an expert on having sex with other people’s wifes. He must have had time with Shafi case, so many women getting pregnant after attending his strikes.

    • 1

      once again, the expert has and has been able to make a bull’s eye hit on the target’s ???.
      this good looking flea-ridden many casanovas of a worthless to live on earth mongrel who boasted to me a few days ago that he swings both ways. his favorite and frequent haunts are the Galle Face green and the Viharamahadevi Park.
      by this whilst giggling meant that he bi-sexual goes for young men and women of any age and vintage.
      even great grandmothers are not spared by this part-time robed so-called monk, his cannibalize nature is shown by his doings.
      how disgusting, these Buddhist hora monks are a disgrace to the hallucination of a myth where I am certain that the docile peace-loving the late magnificent Lord Buddha must be turning and twisting in his all 24 hours and his groans/moans have been heard by many of his holy followers who lovingly visit his tomb.
      cheers in shame at the antics of these so-called robing and disrobing monks and the rest of the followers of glorified myth.
      cheers in genuine sadness, as I am a follower and live according to the preachings and precepts of the great Lord Buddha.
      R. J., the one only

    • 1

      It allows both Polyandry and Polygamy . Ever heard of Kandyan Hospitality? Where the guest not only enjoys food and lodgings but even the women of the house

  • 0

    Who decides must make it into the law books. Self help proposal or with Binding Authority

    To be a monk is to have time to exercise for your change and good Mind (health-giving). And after that to help with the transformation and healing of other people. Brain cells create ideas. Stress kills brain cells. Stress is not a good idea. These chronic speeches given by this monk is full of stress

  • 1

    Ok OK no need of any law.

    Do what ever you like with Gota and Ratana

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