2 May, 2024


MR’s Role, 13A & The Constitutional Changes 

By Dayan Jayatilleka 

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

If all power and decision-making are vested in one person, even if that person has originally been elected, then that political order is defined in classical (Aristotelian) terms as “the rule of one man”, a “tyranny”. In modern times this is defined as a dictatorship, especially if the ubiquity of the military is an aspect of that person’s rule, as in Sri Lanka today. Other terms, also deriving from political thought and philosophy can be used: ‘absolutism’, ‘autocracy’, ‘despotism’. 

Substituting the 19th amendment with the 20th  is not merely throwing the baby out with the bathwater, it is doing so and substituting ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ or a baby by Daenerys Targaryen—one of the wee dragons that used to sit on her shoulder in Game of Thrones. 

The 20th amendment creates an absolutist Presidency. The new Constitution will construct an absolutist State. 

Sri Lanka may be on a trajectory of transition from a quintessentially open democratic political system of long-standing, to an Asiatic absolutism with the provenance and patronage of a rival political system. Our Constitution-makers may change the category we belong to in any typology of regimes and classification of states. Just as one is classed ‘Brahman’ or ‘Vasala’ (‘outcasts’) by one’s actions, we must avoid policies and practices, associations and actions—including sheer mimicry—which may place us in the category of ‘The New Despotism’ (John Keane, Harvard University Press, 2020). 

The main problem with the 19th amendment was not sourced in the legislation but in the illegitimacy of the political context: The Leader of the Opposition (from 2015 until 2019) was the TNA leader who commanded only a minority of seats in the Opposition benches. Everything that was born in that Parliament was of questionable legitimacy as far as the Sinhala majority was concerned.  

There were problems intrinsic to 19A too. They could easily have been rectified by ‘keyhole’ laser surgery. Power pivoted too far from the elected President towards the PM elected on a more parochial basis. That could have been corrected. Even the inclusion of unaccountable ‘civil society’, discredited in the eyes of the people, could have been excised from the Constitutional Council. The Ministry of Defense could have been vested once again in the President. The power of the President to dissolve parliament could have been restored to a point between the original one year and the amended four years.

There was dysfunctionality on the national security front indirectly due to 19A, but it is a lie that the Independent Commissions as such, including the Constitutional Council, were an impediment to national security. If they were, how did President Mahinda Rajapaksa win the war with the 17th amendment in place, when earlier Presidents could not, even when untrammeled by the 17th amendment? 

Instead of a rebalance through re-set, the 19th amendment has been decapitated and disposed of. The 20th amendment is indicative of the “spirit of the laws”, the logic of the coming Constitution.

Under the 20th amendment, the legislature, where the elected representatives of the people – apart from the President–are, is reduced to a role a role that is purely one of making recommendations. The Prime Minister has a purely consultative role, and that too entirely at the President’s discretion. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, with little to no experience in politics and less than a year on the job, obviously sees no need to seek the advice of or even act in consultation with Mahinda Rajapaksa, arguably the most experienced politician in Asia—but only to consult him if he, President Gotabaya, is in the mood. And of course, the President can remove the PM at any time. 

Isn’t it ironic that MR had more powers as PM during his 52 days under President Sirisena than he will after 20A? “The powers of a peon” was Premadasa’s famously bitter description of the Prime Ministership. The 20th amendment reduces Mahinda Rajapaksa’s powers to that or to the ornamental role of Sirimavo Bandaranaike as Prime Minister in 1994. 

The 20rh amendment is a battering-ram whose purpose is a power-shift: an overnight  shift of authority and loyalty from this Prime Minister and this Parliament to this President; and within this Parliament and this SLPP, from Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and from the parliamentarians of the old center-left, populist-nationalist MR bloc, to the Viyathmaga-Eliya-Yuthukama-ex military axis. 

The President can instantly appoint a Cabinet composed entirely of his ultranationalist supporters, without a word to the PM. He can even have a snap election, dictate the nominations and pick another PM. The entire composition and complexion of the Government Parliamentary Group and Cabinet can change; be militarized. The 20th amendment is or makes for a constitutional ‘Night of the Long Knives’ (when the Blackshirts liquidated the Brownshirts). 

20A is not a mere reversion to the original JR Jayewardene Constitution of 1978. What is happening today belongs in a different category. 

Firstly, society has evolved since 1978 partly due to the great transformation set in train by the Open economy which was the real reason for the Jayewardene Constitution. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has renounced the Open economy and strongly advocates a policy of self-sufficiency and import bans. 

Secondly, the need for an overcentralized presidency having lapsed, its downside having been experienced and documented in the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the second Insurrection (the Youth Commission), the political order evolved through reforms – 17A and 19A—a model which strengthened the separation of powers and was closer to the Presidency in democracies.  

Thirdly, the political order is larger than the Constitution. The Jayewardene political order/model did not have anything like the studding of the state administration with ex-military and serving military officers, which under President Gotabaya constitute a new tier and stratum in the model of state. Nor was the Defense Ministry an octopus under President Jayewardene, grabbing and swallowing civilian institutions and functions (e.g. Home Affairs).

Fourthly, the Jayewardene model rested upon proportional representation which is a more accurately democratic mirror of a pluralist society than the new electoral system the Pohottuwa intends to introduce.

Fifthly, President Jayewardene never entrenched a family or clan-based oligarchy in and through his political model. 

Why would the regime require an entirely new Constitution? An indication lies in the Presidential nomination of Milinda Moragoda as High Commissioner with Cabinet rank to Delhi, the statements by State Minister for Provincial Councils, Rear-Admiral Sarath Weerasekara, and the inclusion of Prof GH (‘Gerry’) Pieris in the 9-person team to draft a new Constitution. All three have one thing in common: pronounced hawkishness on devolution and the Provincial Councils. 

Before the Presidential and Parliamentary elections, Milinda Moragoda, decades-long supporter of the US Republican Right (a Newt Gingrich fan and acquaintance of Paul Manafort) and Pathfinder boss, issued calls to all candidates to pledge the abolition of Provincial Councils. 

Just recently, Rear-Admiral Weerasekara reiterated his opposition to any legislative function/capacity for Provincial Councils, attacking the 13th amendment and the role of India, arguing that India had not fulfilled its obligations and therefore Sri Lanka was not bound by the Indo-Lanka Accord.  

Prof. Gerald Pieris has long been a hardliner on devolution, opposing the Provincial Councils root-and-branch, arguing for district-level devolution and brushing off the idea that India’s view should or could be of any consequence. 

Addressing a two-day workshop organized by the GMOA, President Rajapaksa declared that Education was a subject that should be vested exclusively in the center, not shared with the Provincial Councils.

The 13th amendment was the first structural reform to open space in the hyper-centralist Jayewardene Constitution. The new Constitution will eviscerate the core of the 13th amendment. That gutting, accompanied by a new electoral system which loads the dice, will leave the minorities marginalized at both center (Parliament) and periphery. Nandikadal-2009 was a historic triumph over fascistic separatist-terrorism, but a politico-constitutional Nandikadal-2020 inflicted upon the minorities would be a tragedy.

The Three ‘E’s are interlinked: the ethnic, the economic and the external. Mahinda Rajapaksa used the Open Economy to excellent effect and in his postwar second term, the Lankan economy registered the second highest growth-rate in Asia which was the fastest growing region in the world, with Sri Lanka second only to China. Mahinda, Chamal and Basil Rajapaksa well know that the policy of import substitution/‘self-sufficiency’ of Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s administration wrecked the popularity of the 1970-’77 coalition and swept it out of office. 

Why then does President Gotabaya persist in this economic policy with all the zeal of a Maoist advocating the Great Leap Forward and steel-smelting in backyard furnaces? Is there a causative connection between his economic strategy and his model for the postwar Northeast, in which the Provincial Councils are divested of power over land, and in the name of “agrarian self-sufficiency” a policy of National Security Minister Lalith Athulathmudali (modelled on Israel) is revived—that of settling military and ex-military families in Northern and Eastern lands, “creating facts on the ground”, altering the very demography of (in the terminology of the 1987 Accord) “the areas of historical habitation of Sri Lanka’s Tamil-speaking people”?

A recent critique of the 13th amendment by the author of ‘Gota’s War’, confidante of the book’s hero, signals the line that Colombo will take with Delhi on the issue of devolution. Disentangled, the arguments amount to the following: the 13th amendment was modeled on the Indian system, but that system is unsuitable as a template for us because of the vast differences in scale. In any case the Indian system has better safeguards than ours does. The Indian Supreme Court once gave an interpretation on the issue of land in a manner far better than the formula in the 13th amendment. Chief Justice Mohan Pieris gave a ruling (2013) on the subject of provincial land, that ought to be the gold standard. That’s the message. It’s not coherent or convincing.

The question of power-sharing/ethnic autonomy has been around since the Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact of 1957 (if not the Communist Party’s and its Trade Union Federation’s submissions to the Soulbury Commission). Furthermore, it isn’t true that the Indian model was the sole template for Provincial devolution. In mid-1986, returning from a risky visit to the North, socialist leader Vijaya Kumaratunga wrote to President Jayewardene urging the summoning of an all-parties roundtable to hammer out a political solution to the ethnic problem. President Jayewardene summoned the Political Parties Conference (June-July 1986). 

The detailed framework agreed upon is contained in a stubby booklet issued by the Government Press. The chief drafters on behalf of the left were Dr Colvin R de Silva, the architect of the first Republican Constitution of 1972, and Communist leader Pieter Keuneman. The consensus arrived at was precisely for devolution of power to Provincial Councils. As PPC delegates DEW Gunasekara and Vasudeva Nanayakkara can attest, India played no role and hardly figured, while the B-C Pact did. 

When the Indo-Lanka Accord was finally signed and the 13th amendment presented in Parliament by Prime Minister Ranasinghe Premadasa  — who opposed the Accord and the Indian military presence but not provincial devolution as contained in 13A—there was only one difference between those texts (1987) and the JRJ-Vijaya-Colvin-Pieter proposals (1986), namely the temporary merger of the Northern and Eastern provinces.       

The Indian role since the G. Parthasarathy mission was not to impose the Indian model but to bridge the gap between the Sinhala and Tamil positions. The Indian Constitution came in as an obvious reference point for the pragmatic reason of “the geopolitics of emotion” (Dominique Moisi). In order to have Tamil Nadu on-board, it was necessary for Delhi to demonstrate that it had succeeded in obtaining for the Tamils of Sri Lanka a power-sharing agreement approximate/comparable to that enjoyed by the Tamils of Tamil Nadu.

Cherry-picking argumentation that the Indian Constitution has greater safeguards and powers for the center than does the Lankan 13th amendment is misleading and mischievous, because it ignores the realities that India is a quasi-federal state, the constituent units are linguistic states, the Indian Constitution is secular, and the (neutral) English-language has a much greater administrative/higher educational role than in Sri Lanka. 

India will have to decide whether to risk a degree of the confidence it enjoys within one of its ‘grand strategic’ soft power assets, the 120 million strong ‘global Tamil’ community (including Tamil Nadu) by permitting the unilateral rewriting of the 13th amendment in violation of the Indo-Lanka Accord, thereby consigning the Sri Lankan Tamils and their destiny to the tender mercies of Sinhala supremacism or leaving them with no choice but to seek the intercession of an extra-regional power.

From a geopolitical, International Relations perspective, Indian retrenchment/abdication in the face of Colombo’s unilateralism on the issue of the Accord and the Provincial Councils, which “the Government of India promises to underwrite and guarantee” (1987), will politically and demographically weaken the community of ‘ethnic-kin’ abutting India’s southern cone state, Tamil Nadu, losing Delhi a countervailing sphere of influence in the north of this neighboring island astride vital sea-lanes to the south of the subcontinent—the benefit of which retrenchment/abdication will accrue to the rival power exerting pressure on its Northern tier. 

The US has imposed sanctions on Chinese companies which built the artificial islands in the South China Sea, and are engaged in our Port City project. The new report from the US Department of Defense to Congress on China in the Indo-Pacific region, mentions Sri Lanka (three times) as a location that China is probably looking at for military logistical facilities as part of its ongoing military expansion. 

Finally, what is decisive is how the matter will be perceived by Delhi in relation to its domestic geopolitics over the long-term, and more pressingly, the strategic dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region. The thickening strategic convergence of India, the US, Japan, Australia, Vietnam (and Germany) aimed at deterring/countervailing/containing China will be a factor. Here, in the Indian Ocean, in which we are an island, the balance of forces is overwhelmingly in favor of the Indo-US partnership. 

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  • 9

    Dayan, as for addressing security concerns of India and settling Tamil demands for autonomy, if Sri Lanka is to come unscathed, it had to follow what JR did. He completely surrendered to India getting all forces inimical to India out of the country. By this he not only prevented ignominy by invasion and subjugation by India but also making India to became soft on him, agreeing to is request to dilute the solution envisaged by India regarding autonomy to Tamils (temporary merger of north and east and maintaining unitary status giving room for manipulation). This government has two options, either surrendering fully to India, expelling China out of the country, for which leverage may be given by India of ignoring what they plan to scuttle existing autonomy to Tamils (not completely getting rid of autonomy) OR refusing to surrender fully expelling China and face the music. They cannot have both (either you are with us or you are against us policy) and India does not trust Sri Lanka assurance of no military threat by Chinese presence in Sri Lanka as USA has clearly marked Sri Lanka a strategic location for Chinese military design. JR was a brilliant tactician who listened to USA advice and saved the country.

    • 2

      The tales of GS about the Pallava navy conquering the Far East seem slightly more credible than this.

      • 3

        Do not display your stupidity. Prof. Hussainmiya, Sri Lankan Malay historian attached to Brunei University has researched and written about Pallava empire in south-east Asia with seat of rule in Pallambang in Sumatra. Pallavas are credited for building Buddhist and Hindu complexes like Borobudur and Prambanan in Indonesia and Buddhist and Hindu complexes like Angkor and Battambang in Cambodia.

      • 1

        Why go to Palllava, Cola etc.?

        Look at the current deployment and posture.

        No body wants direct war in their own soil, and all are happy with proxy war fought in someone else’s soil or land.

    • 2

      There is no Chinese or Indian presence in Sri Lanka.
      It is in the imagination of Tamil racist donkeys on CT.
      Once there was IPKF for a brief period, that’s all.


      • 1

        Soma you are the biggest donkey to say that there is no Chinese or Indian presence in Sri Lanka. All labour force employed by Chinese companies are either their prisoners or members of armed forces. Hambantota harbour is full of them and soon it will be the same in Colombo port city. As for India there are several Indian companies and individuals doing business in Sri Lanka. Several hawkers and astrologers from India roaming in Jaffna have been identified as agents of RAW. It is common for countries to send their spies to work in their companies and institutions abroad. Not only India and China but other countries like USA, UK, Pakistan and some others too have their spies working in Sri Lanka. It is well known that Pakistan intelligence service ISI is active in the east with approval of SL government in promoting Islamic extremism to create problems to Tamils. It is coming to light how successive SL governments had armed and funded Islamic extremism in the east, and refused to take action against the members as well as their sponsors. That Sri Lanka has become a battle ground for foreign forces is evident, which you are denying like an ostrich.

      • 0

        I believe there is 3-D landed real estate piece (i.e. air and sea space) in port city to which no one apart from Government of China authorised Chinese person can be present, and excluded person includes president of Sori Sinhala Lanka too.

        So, no one who are people working in that piece of real estate. Only Government of China know about it.

        • 1

          Colombo port city is divided into three sectors of 20 hectares, 170 hectares and 210 hectares. Mahinda signed the agreement with China where he gave 20 hectares to China, lease in perpetuity, 170 hectares to China on 99 year lease and only balance 210 hectares for Sri Lanka. Due to public outcry, Yahapalanays re-negotiated the deal giving 20 hectares to China on 99 year lease, 170 hectares to China on 45 year lease and retaining the balance 210 hectares as before. It is this 20 hectares that China is using for military purposes into which SL president cannot enter and SL aircraft cannot overfly and SL navy cannot land their ships. Now all plans are going to crash after USA embargo on Chinese company doing the construction of port city, due to which no country either friendly with USA or frightened of USA will invest making it another white elephant. With India deepening Cochin harbour to berth large container ships which will cater to transshipment cargo to south India and building a new port in south Nicobar to cater to transshipment cargo to east Indian ports, Colombo Harbour is finished.

          • 0

            All leases, in effect, are structured to be perpetual by giving China to have final say over extension or renewal of the leases.

            In Hambantote, it is absolutely clear, and in port city it is some what obscure.

  • 9

    What happened all of a sudden you become the savior of minorities.
    Are you getting Provincial minstership in North/East under the patronage of India again

    • 2

      I too raised this question. But I could not find any answers to that.

      May be DJ has now come to sense. He has been inconsistent over the past few years just because he is totally against Mr Wickramasinghe.
      DJ even sat with Wimal BP Weerawanse protesting some good steps of the previous govt.
      However, his voice became thinner after he was posted to RUSSIA as the ambssador. Now for some reasons, he has taken our side standing against the current men, which I think is a good step though.
      I think our sinhala race- they bear some genes, about which the genetists are not yet known to. That may be the very reason.

  • 7

    Dayan Jayatilleka
    the war monger and war crime denier types

    “Here, in the Indian Ocean, in which we are an island, the balance of forces is overwhelmingly in favor of the Indo-US partnership. “

    Since winning the war with LTTE, this island had become a formidable continent.
    The Hindians have always been in favour of a strategic partnership with Yankees. Their first strategic defence cooperation Malabar-I started in May 1992.
    Where you been for the past 28 years?

    What a nonsense.

  • 3

    20A is temporarily dead due to MR’s influence.

    The Saudi-US partnership is stronger than the Indo-US partnership. It is the most successful model for US involvement in SL. USA never enters into any mutual defence agreement (like NATO) with a country that has border disputes and wars along the border!

    Indo-US partnership is a one-way thing. USA does not defend Indian interests.

    India has no use of 13A today as Trincomalee is out of control of India. Worse. Trincomalee is under a Muslim controlled provincial council.

    • 1

      “USA never enters into any mutual defence agreement (like NATO) with a country that has border disputes and wars along the border!”
      Are you sure, G?
      There was one with Pakistan long ago.
      Recently the U.S.-Greece Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement was updated in January 2020.

      • 2

        Yes; but only until USA got its stuff. They it got out! Look at Pakistan after that!

  • 8

    A sound analysis of the political reality in Sri Lanka. Every indication is that India would get another opportunity to drop ‘parippu’, again!

    • 4

      This time it will not be parippu drop in Jaffna, but kavung drop in Colombo. Sinhalese have shown that they are intransigent with belligerent utterances and bellicose stances. Unlike in 1987, USA has given free hand to India to deal with Sri Lanka. Chinese gonibilla threat is not going to work. India does not trust Sri Lanka anymore. India wants total dominance in Indian ocean and will scuttle any attempt by China to deny it. If Sri Lanka does not toe the line, there will be no other option than to use Tamils.

      • 3

        Bitter sweet dreams, GS.

  • 14

    Rear-Admiral Weerasekera has lack of knowledge on the 13th Amendment which is a bi-product of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord. If he alleges that India had not fulfilled its obligations, I pity his knowledge. He should know who were obstacles for the smooth functioning of the 13th Amendment. Why can’t he openly mention that adequate land powers should be granted to the Provinces. Can he give any reasons why Police powers and land powers were not given to the Provinces. Is he not aware that the Provincial Council system will bring about mutual understand within all communities and also improve the economic growth. How is it that this type of system works successfully in India, Switzerland, Canada, Malaysia, USA, etc. India has laid the foundation, It is for Sri Lanka to build the structure and not to find fault with India. When Sri Lanka can have dealing with China that threatens the Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, I don’t find any reason to blame India for not fulfilling its obligations. Has he forgotten how Sri Lanka’s Army was saved by India from the LTTE?

    • 4

      According to the sub-committee report on Power Sharing prepared by the Constitution Drafting committee low caste people in Yapanaya have told not to give Land and Police powers to NPC. Malabar Vellala Demalu want land and police powers to keep low caste people under their control.
      Demalu in North and East are occupying land where Sinhala Kingdoms Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa existed. ‘Para’ Demala invaders from Hindusthan destroyed those Kingdoms forcing Sinhalayo to retreat to safer areas. During Portuguese rule they brought Dravida slaves and dumped them in Yapanaya. During British rule descendants of these slaves were settled in coastal areas in Eastern coast.
      Should not give land powers to Demalu who are occupying Sinhala land. If land powers are given to PCs, the Government will never be able to settle landless people from South where there is a severe shortage of land in North and East where land is abundant.

      “Can he give any reasons why Police powers and land powers were not given to the Provinces.”

      • 3

        Eagle Eye,
        I don’t find any reason why you call low caste people and Malabar Vellala. Why don’t you look at the as humans. Do you know that Sinhala language began to develop after the 7th century. Even the Sinhalese are from Dravidians. I think you are trying to evade the question. What is wrong if land and police powers are given to the Provinces. Why don’t you look both at the Sinhalese & Tamils as humans. As it is why don’t you settle the Chinese loan first before completely cede South Sri Lanka to China. I only ask you give the land and police powers to the Provinces and they will settle the loan to China and drive them out completely from Sri Lanka. Otherwise you will see the Buddhist places of worship & monasteries will destroyed by China and you will have to embrace Communalism. Remember the ancient inhabitants of this is land were Tamils.

        • 2

          Have you not thought it fit to object to equally bad or even worse caste-based insults against Muslims and at times the Sinhalese that occur frequently on these pages.
          You are a regular, and will not need me to name names.
          BTW, people here (but for a few Tamil racists with similar obsessions as you) are a little too clever not to fall for your China scare mongering.

          • 3

            I am not against the Muslims. But I am against some evil ideologies being exaggerated by some terrorist countries & terrorist organizations. Just imagine the punishment given to women and how charges are levelled at them. Women are also human and they should have freedom. We should not forget that a mother’s love is divine. We have to give due respect for them. Please remember one of my daughter-in-laws is a Pakistani lady. She is very broad-minded. Likewise I have some Muslim friends for some of whom I have appeared in Courts and won the case. Now what do you want to say about Saharan in Sri Lanka. Even I am against the LTTE who have crossed the line of being freedom fighters.

    • 2


      “Rear-Admiral Weerasekera has lack of knowledge …………………………………… If he alleges that India had not fulfilled its obligations, I pity his knowledge. “

      Are you saying SJ could do a better job than Rear-Admiral Sarath Weerasekera?

  • 11

    13A WAS INTRODUCED TO GIVE SOME POWER DEVOLUTION TO TAMILS IN NORTH-EAST.At the end it did not give the expected power to tamils.but it gave power and position to muslims and singalyas to use it as stepping stone to go to parliament.whether the 13th is there or not make any difference to tamils but help some to become members and enjoy the benefit coming from that,but no use to ordinary tamil man.this system is an eye wash as far as tamils are concerned.

    • 6

      As far as Sinhalayo are concerned PCs are a White Elephant forced on Sri Lanka by India. It is an utter waste of tax payers’ money.
      Only thing that happened with PCs is it decentralized corruption. Sinhala politicians who got elected and enjoyed the perks and made money also want PC elections. Without PCs, things have moved without any problem.

      • 3

        Mahindapala, provincial councils were not forced by India, but it was the making of Sri Lanka. Original proposal by India was for two or three regional councils one of which would be the merged north and east. JR did not want a large Tamil dominated council and stuck to province as the unit of devolution. India agreed with clauses that north and east will be merged temporarily with a referendum in east after one year for continuation of merger, but that referendum could be postponed indefinitely by the president. In order for it to be uniform, provision was made that two adjoining provinces could merge into one with consent. So it was JR who had complicated the matter by extending devolution to the whole country. This is what Mahinda is now proposing to have three councils such as Maya, Pihiti and Ruhuna. Why not have councils as what existed prior to European conquest – Jaffna, Kandy and Kotte or to the original siv-hela of four divisions, of which three were Dravidian and one Veddha. According to archaeological and genetic findings, Tamil demand of homeland made of north and east with mutual adjustment of boundary is fair.

        • 3

          Dr GS,

          I have no idea him being MAHINDAPALA or his clone, but the bugger will not see it right even if he dies tomorrow.
          It is very unfortunate the kind of men (Eagle evels) seem not seeing the little even if they have lived over 7 or more decades.

          • 3

            Read the article written by Mahindapala in last Sunday Observer. It is same style of Vellala bashing and other blabbering you find under Eagle Eye comments.

            • 2

              Dear Dr JS,

              can you please send me the link of the article ?

              This I need to be clear… some say that eagle evil cant be Mahindapala.
              Old Codger@

              Please answer to this. Thank you.

        • 1

          “Original proposal by India was for two or three regional councils one of which would be the merged north and east. JR did not want a large Tamil dominated council and stuck to province as the unit of devolution. India agreed with clauses that north and east will be merged temporarily with a referendum in east after one year for continuation of merger.”– GS
          Now, who is smarter?
          JR got India to sell its clients down the river.
          Yet there was something worth rescuing in 13A, which the LTTE screwed up right royally.

        • 4

          “According to archaeological and genetic findings, Tamil demand of homeland made of north and east with mutual adjustment of boundary is fair.”
          I am the only Sinhalese on this forum who supports this proposal for a separate Homeland for Tamils (All Tamil speaking people scattered across the island irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival )
          My only hope is that Tamil political masters will acknowledge that the rest of the island must be the Sinhala Homeland. I mean ALL those Tamils presently living outside North East must be relocated into the proposed Tamil Homeland.
          Fair, isn’t it?
          Will you carry this message to your Tamil friends?


        • 3


          Did the jaffna kingdom include any part of present day East?

          • 2

            Jaffna kingdom included Trincomalee district north of Mahaveli, which area fell under Portuguese when they over ran Jaffna kingdom. This is why when Robert Knox landed in Trincomalee nothing happened to him, and it was only when he crossed Mahaveli river into Kandyan territory that he was taken prisoner. Jaffna kingdom also included northern Anuradhapura district and coastal Puttalam district up to Chilaw. There are several Tamil villages and Hindu temples lying buried in those parts of Anuradhapura district which the government does not want to be excavated. In the rest of eastern province which was under Kandyan kingdom, the first inhabitants are Veddhas who lived from Mutur to Kumana and have become Tamilised and are the rightful owners. Also stone inscriptions of 2000 years old excavated show that Tamils had been living in the province. No stone inscription in Sinhala of that antiquity has been unearthed so far in the east showing that Tamils were living there before Sinhalese. However Veddahs in interior areas like Inginiyagala and Lahugala have become Sinhalised. (CONTD)

            • 2

              (CONTD) Though eastern province south of Mahaveli river was under Kandyan kingdom, it quite rightly belongs to Tamilised Veddhas the original people and other Tamils who are the first immigrants. Present day eastern province is not the same as it was at the time of independence. Mahaoya and Padiyatalawa revenue districts were detached from Uva and linked to east in order to create new Sinhala majority Amparai district. If you remove Gomarankadawela AGA division from Trinomalee district and attach it to North-central province and remove entire Amparai electorate and Lahugala AGA division from Amparai district and attach to UVA province, by which arrangement 80% of Sinhalese are moved out, the balance eastern province could be linked to northern province. Therefore Tamil homeland claim of redrawn eastern province with boundaries of Jaffna kingdom including Puttalam electorate, minus parts of Anuradhapura district is absolutely fair which could be substantiated by archaeological means.
              Indo-Lanka accord of 1987 correctly designates it.

              • 2

                Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
                What you write is rubbish.
                When Portuguese came to occupy Yapa Patuna, King Senerath sent a Sinhala Army to fight against Portuguese because Yapa Patuna was part of the Kingdom of Kandy.
                It is a pity that Sinhala politicians who agreed to give citizenship to descendants of Dravida slaves brought by colonial parasites from Hindusthan and abandoned in Sinhale did not lay down a condition that they should pass a test on History of Sinhale before granting citizenship by Registration. Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo are citizens by ‘Descent’.

                • 1

                  Eagle Eye BP Ultra Racists

                  Your days are numbered. Please try to grasp LET alone the basics in the short time before you.
                  You the kind of ULTRA racists would have to suffer a lot. I wonder why Australians let you in that country.
                  Homo sapiens are all the same – and they are no that much different in genetics (98% of the genome are almost the same, while 2% make it you are human or subhuman) from sub humans such as Bonaboos and Chimapansies.


                • 2

                  Please don’t misinterpret the historical facts with your rubbish. Please go back and read about the Portuguese invasion and about the Jaffna, Kandy and Kotte kingdoms.
                  When the Portuguese invaded the Jaffna Kingdom and was engaged in a fierce battle with the Jaffna king Cankili II, King Senarat of Kandy sent an Army (as an extra force) to fight against the Portuguese because the upcountry kandyan kingdom and the Northern Jaffna kingdom were longtime allies against the low country Kotte Kingdom. King Senarat, the Buddhist King of Kandy even gave his two sons Prince Kumarasingha and Prince Vijayapala in marriage to the daughters of the Singai Aryan dynasty of the Jaffna Hindu Kingdom establishing a strong relationship between the two kingdoms (Kandy and Jaffna).
                  The upcountry Kandyan Sinhala royalty always thought it is better to marry from Tamil royalty than from the low country Sinhala kingdom. This thinking was not confined to the royalty but was common to almost all the high caste groups. Even until recently, such thinking existed in spite of Sinhala vs Tamil national clashes.

                • 2

                  Mahindapala, do not distort history. Jaffna kingdom was independent of Kandy Kingdom at the time Portuguese attacked Jaffna. Unable to withstand the assault, Jaffna king requested help from Kandy King which was obliged. Unfortunately Kandyan troops also were defeated and Jaffna kingdom fell. Just because Pandyans sent their army to fight against Cholas on the request of Polonnaruwa king, does it mean that Polonnaruwa was part of Pandyan kingdom. It has been shown by archaeology and genetics that Veddhas and Dravidians are the original inhabitants and that Sinhalese are in fact Tamils who mixed with other ethnic groups to take a new identity, like Malayalese. Therefore it was Tamils who contributed to the development of Sinhalese as separate ethnic group. Sinhalese who were subservient nation to Pandyans, which situation disrupted by European colonialists will be restored soon.

      • 2

        Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

        “As far as Sinhalayo are concerned PCs are a White Elephant forced on Sri Lanka by India. It is an utter waste of tax payers’ money.”
        Stupid man/woman/it
        isn’t it the very reason your “Sinhalayos” want to retain it?

        It’s been almost 33 years since Hindia caught STRONGMAN JR by his b***s and got him devolve/decentralise powers to the provinces. Nothing was done to reverse it even by the crook/war criminal brothers during the 10 years of their misrule.

  • 13

    MR should add another name to the many that he has acquired so far.
    It shou8ld be Alibaba mahindnapuka 13th amendment bullshitting rajapuka.
    He has been taking the world especially India for many a ride along with the others who have been presidents to date.
    As soon as these moron parasites get their sordid 20th amendment passed, I am sure that he along with his brother the Kalla kallathoni president will definitely make up more fairy tales to hoodwink further India and the whole wide democratic world with more and more fairy tales saying we will do this and that to meet the shortcomings being endured by the minorities especially the Tamil speaking people.
    Like India, if the eastern, northern, southern and the western provinces are allowed to look after their own day to day affairs including the running of their own law enforcement agencies/judiciary this country can get rid of the widespread corruption along with family band sim i mean getting rid of the corrupt criminal megalomaniac uncouth unsavoury RAJAPUKA mongrels who are making the peasants to die of starvation and they are being led astray bu continuous lie after lie.
    The successful running of the northern and eastern judiciary along with the police during the tenure of the Tamil Tigers is a great example to be adopted.

    • 1

      During your Thlaivar was on the throne the only ambition of a Tamil mother was to send her children to the South.
      To do that she had to sell her jewellery and property for bribing Thalaivar administration.


      • 1


        “During your Thlaivar was on the throne the only ambition of a Tamil mother was to send her children to the South.”

        Actually their journey didn’t end in the South. South is supposed to be the transit point, if they are lucky, if army, navy, police did receive enough santhosam, they could proceed otherwise they are detained until parents sell their jewellery, land, borrow, ………….. Even the Navy Chief is implicated in this ransom business. The old kidnappers are back in business, being promoted for the services they rendered for themselves during MR’s misrule,

        “To do that she had to sell her jewellery and property for bribing Thalaivar administration.”

        You maybe right however beyond Vavuniya it was under your war criminals’ rule, rates were completely different, brokers were different, …..

        What did Gota/MR do with the cash and jewellery stolen from your brethren VP’s central bank?

  • 7

    What is happening after November 2019 would remind the (intelligent) people former Chief Justice, Sarath N Silva’s in/famous statement. “I sent a man to presidency: whom should have sent to prison”. This is what Maithripala S and Ranil W must be now saying to themselves not publicly, as they know saying it in public would be too dangerous under present circumstances.

    • 5

      RohanaW: In my opinion MY3 & Ranil must be saying: “Thank GOD, for our luck we managed to bring GR & MR, as President and PM respectively. If by any unforeseen circumstance that scoundrel “AKD” became the President, we and all of our cohorts would have been made to perish in Jail”. Now, we have got back our lives and let us hold “Bodi Puja” at least once a month at Gangaramaya.

      • 5

        Great Comment my dear Simon !

        Please watch the video below


      • 1

        Bro Simon,
        See how Thakkadiya MR is wearing a wrislet these days showing his strong affinity to supertitioius beliefs.
        Looking at him the way he moves, many among SLPP supporters starting the kind of WRISLETs. That says almost everything about the stupidity levels of SRILANKEN people.

  • 7

    looks like that MR got trapped in his own trap , those who know the character of MR knows that the 20 th amendment is surely his own creation so that keep power and every misleads may put on the shoulders of GRs who has zero knowable in SL politics and afterwards has absolute immunity. The hang man is his other brother BR, this proofs why all of a sudden GR meeting his “viyathmaga ” buddies as he is in a dam desperate situation and looking for an exit. MR is a master in this subject and this time he has over judge himself.

  • 2

    Dear Dayan Thank you.

    1. The balance of power in Indian Ocean/geo political prospective has changed since WW2 many times and will continue to change.
    2. Post colonial issues were exploited by all to “land us” where we are is also part of the Geo political agenda how they have managed developing countries ever since and we have many failed states because of this reason alone you may have studied too??.
    3. Where Soviet Union failed and China succeeded not through military means but something no other Nations have done that is Economical means to fulfil the aspirations of the developing countries which they have been starved of for decades by the powerful/developed whilst all their resources (including Human Resources) were squandered??.
    4. Who is pushing the Chinese to militarise everything they do for their survival?? is a well known history is it not??
    5. The entire Western companies moved to China to benefit themselves/make themselves relevant to the world and to survive such was Chinas might in effecting change and delivering progress to their people and to others too??.
    6. India can not feed its population means they have to go through the Indo US current order they are all seeking in Indian Ocean today?? When Late Hon JRJ was in power we said India did not like him so the Tamil Militancy was funded??

    • 1

      7. Having raised valuable historical points the conclusion in my elects is for “One Nation One law” and total sovereignty is what the current GOSL is doing applying lessons learned??

      • 2

        therefore 13th Never had and never will have any relevance to a Sri Lankan “National Narratives” ever and was an obstacle introduced/imposed just to “legalise everything that was illegal” since 1970 through FP/ITAK/TULF folly selling the Nation at the expense our Mother Lankan Children when their “democratic bid” did not work??
        This democratic bid is termed “Ratha Pottu Mafia FP/ITAK/TULF/TN/TNA killing Fields in Jaffna a Tamil crime on Tamils” pending investigations?? a Foreign government sponsored violence yet to be investigated??
        This is not an ethnic problem but a mafia event that GOSL did not apply law and oder in 1970 onwards?? if you thinking Tamils should be further disenfranchised and sodomised and eliminated from SL please continue the Mafia request as a legitimate discussion point applying all the political science knowledge you could muster is like “covering a whole pumpkin with a grain of rice” we Tamils watch this misery unfold as the sacrificial cathodes losing all who we are as people??
        Next level of your argument for North and East merger just a final nail in the coffin so the Extreme racist Sinhalese elements will not be charged with removing/dealing with the minority misery a North vs East conflict that will be seeded for the same old harvest we are all familiar??

        • 2

          The point I am making Dayan is when the previous admin in power you were commenting on similar articles one way and the current admin in place you make a different case….all pointing to deterring the innocent Tamils who had nothing to do with all the violence that was committed on their name rather the fare share fell on them too.

          Dare I say this is the only admin that can ever bring prosperity to SL in a sustainable way away from the free market enterprises that has ruined our planet beyond recognition. The foundation that has been layed here through self sufficiency with home grown mindset that is also part of the Buddhism concept too is a life saviour if one knows how to read the past very well and look forward to a bright future.

          United we stand over and beyond all the wrongs that has taken place in the past is also a sign of thinking and progressive people too. Best way to pay tribute to all the lies lost since Independence too.

    • 6

      Tiagarajah venogopal
      Once again incoherent rubbish is pouring out of you. Haven’t you seen your GP yet. Please see him ASAP. I am writing this out of concern for your kids.

      • 3

        Dear Umberto
        Further hindrance from the 13th Amendment with similar NPC admin up North have to be avoided for the following reasons too.

        I will further say it was the only first time since Independence that a foreign Nation like China has shown interest in our Strategic position that also address our National needs currently that is to make up for the lost time in development. Therefore win win situation for 2 parties. Earlier it has always been one sided/lob sided.

        India should treat this event positively as China can also help India to reduce their population growth which is not so sustainable for this region as a loving neighbour from all around. Once the Chinese show liking to Indian curries the trade should pick up very fast too.

        Therefore glimmer of hope for the fishing stocks left for SL use where the sea will not be polluted beyond habitable status for the sea creatures ….whatever ends up in the ocean from Mainland India including nuclear power plant waste and the ever so busy park strait and the seas we share with India and the rest of the world passing traffic in the shipping lanes can be further improved by India/China joint venture Maritime environmental protection plan we SL should initiate peace and prosperity to all around the world too.

        • 2

          Alternatively allow/lease Jaffna to Indians and see how this help the TNA future kingdoms/city planning/diversity.

          • 2

            This will also help North and South Vietnam, North and South Sudan, North and South Korean style situation as part of the Geo Political future & ports for the worlds Navy’s/War ships and just a matter of deciding how much of the east will be carved out for the North merger?

            Should Tringo stay down south then we can drench the park strait and create deep ports in KKS too. Very many Thailand style cities will crop up giving great opportunities to Jaffna and Tamil Nadu children to service the foreign armed forces. Possibilities are endless from the 13 forever.

            Should also give employment opportunities to all the Tamils children around the world specially Singapore/Malaysia/Western too in the same service industry in Jaffna will Bring property to Tamil language in ways we never imagined. Just visit port cities servicing the armed forces around the world should help the NPC to do the city planning with bars and clubs etc will “blow” the minds.

            • 2

              Specially now Thailand/Philippines are all cleaning up their historical act and their cities the same need new places for the next adventure. So Vaddukottai resolution is a worldly phenomenon not limited to liberation of Tamil language alone would you not agree??

              Not to worry about the SL Indians/Muslims and the Sinhalese focus on the possibilities of the businesses to come…the entertainment industry/drug industry/film making industry a great Hindu paradigm and the heavenly future.

      • 1

        Dear Umberto

        My Fathers school has a “writing on the wall” for many decades……..says……”be honest to yourself” period.

        Very liberating for the burdened mind of many bad deeds……..you and few others have done enough bad deed in the CT forum itself trying to hurt me/threaten me with your words……..I pity you all. I got what I wanted is our responses in writing that we all experienced in Jaffna in 70’s the world will get to see what it was like in “Ratha Pottu Days”.

  • 5

    Dayan Jayathilake,

    I very much like to add to the thrust of your argument with a historical perspective.

    The idea of devolution originated with the Donoughmore Commission report.

    The Donoughmore Commissioners felt a need for an intermediate tier between the center and the local authorities and consequently they had recommended provincial Councils.
    The State Council accepted the proposal and the task was assigned to SWRD Bandraranaike to prepare necessary legislation.

    The intervening Second World War and political turmoil during this period had prevented any further action in this regard.

    But SWRD had not forgotten but included establishment of Regional Councils in the election manifesto of MEP in 1956.

    After his resounding victory with Sinhala only as his rallying cry, he repeated his pledge to establish Regional Councils replacing Kachcheri system in the first throne speech in 1956 and continued his advocacy..

    Up to this time, it was not a controversial proposal,but the moment it was included in the Bandaranaike proposal all hell broke out.

    The concept of Provincial Councils is a local concept and India has nothing to do with it.

    • 5

      Provinces are a creation of British rule for their administrative purposes. Before Europeans colonized Sinhale the country was divided into three regions; Ruhunu, Maya, Pihiti. We should reintroduce that system.

      • 2

        Mahindapala do not distort truth. When European colonized Ceylon the land was divided into Jaffna, Kotte and Kandy. Why take history at the middle, either it should be current or at the beginning. Provinces were creation of British for administrative convenience. That is why lands belonging to Jaffna kingdom had been included in eastern (Trincomalee district north of mahaveli , north-central (areas north of Anuradhapura) and north-western (coastal area of Puttalam district). Also present eastern province is not the same as what was at independence. Revenue districts of Mahaoya and Padiyatalawa were detached from Uva and attached to East to create new Sinhala majority Amparai district. So please state facts correctly and not try to twist them to suit your agenda. Archaeological and genetic evidence show that there were only two ethnic groups Veddhas and Dravidians existed in the land in pre-historic times. Sinhalese are nothing but Tamils who had mixed with other ethnic groups and taken a new identity like Malayalees. If the concept of Siv-Hela is correct, then three of them belonged to Dravidians and one to Veddhas.

        • 3

          ” Sinhalese are nothing but Tamils who had mixed with other ethnic groups and taken a new identity like Malayalees”

          You tamils can come up with all kinds of rubbish.. The fact is this land is linked to sinhala , just like Karantaka is with Kannada and Andra is with Telegu, Maharashtra is with Marathis.

          “Archaeological and genetic evidence show that there were only two ethnic groups Veddhas and Dravidians existed in the land in pre-historic times.”

          The original tribes in the country were dravidians, who later evolved into sinhala with the arrival of people from India.

          If you are saying the original Dravidians are tamils, why cant you take it up at an internation forum.
          You call for an international investigation on War crimes, shows the same kind of interest to call for an investigation on the ownership of Lanka.

          • 1

            The best is for SL government to summon an international forum in Colombo on that subject. Urn burial sites considered hall mark of Dravidian civilization have been unearthed in several places, last two being at Ibbankatuwa near Galewela in 1990 and at Devalapola near Minuwangoda in 2016. There cannot be a cemetery without Human settlements around. Ask SL government why they covered the whole thing up without doing excavation around the sites to look for civilization. Recent excavation in Rakhigarhi (part of Indus valley) showed that DNA of a 5000 year old skeleton matched DNA of only Irular tribe in Tamil Nadu, which together with findings that only 11% of North Indians had gene of Iranian pastoralists, have put off Aryan invasion myth. Several potsherds found in northern province, last two at Nanattan school play ground and at Mallavi near Killinochchi were similar to those found in Tamil Nadu suggesting that the same people lived on both sides of the divide. Archaeological survey in Wilpattu jungle and areas along Aruvi Aru (Malwattu Oya) will prove the Tamil claim.

          • 1

            RAVI PERERA
            The Sinhala Speaking Demela

            “You tamils can come up with all kinds of rubbish.. The fact is this land is linked to sinhala , just like Karantaka is with Kannada and Andra is with Telegu, Maharashtra is with Marathis.”

            Don’t be stupid.
            Hindians are now attempting to rewrite history (Formed 16-member committee to study ancient Indian culture: Union Minister Prahlad Patel)
            Sinhala/Buddhists have tried and failed since the advent of the public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala.

            Next time around when you cross the street to meet your handlers you should request them to include Sri Lanka in its 16 member committee. You do not have a separate history from the one Modi is promoting now and Gota and Mahinda have set up their own Task Forces (the purpose not known, apart from selling antics).

            Hang in there until Hindutva’s foot soldiers arrive in this island just like the monkey army in the ancient times. Now they wear Khaki Shorts, white shirts, hat, boots, ..stick …….. Go learn Ramayana, Mahabarata, Skantha Purana, …..

        • 1

          Dr GS,
          Both Mahindapala and his CLONE – Eagle Eye may have been raped by a tamil student group – at the time they got their basic degrees at Peradeniya.

          Their wording restrict to Vellala, the origin of tamils and muslims and so called SINHALA buddhism. These men in their day today life, would not respect anything.
          I ll bet you guys, if a student would work for a master thesis focusing on racial attitudes of some srilankens

          • 0

            Then we will find lot more inside stories of sinhala racism in this country.

      • 1

        Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

        “Provinces are a creation of British rule for their administrative purposes.”

        So were the roads, Railways, Airports, Estates, modern armed forces, parliament, food, clothe, cinema, english language, science subjects, medicine, engineering, machines, ……………………………………………………

        Before the European colonisation you were wearing amude showing both sides of the bumps and most of the time your b***s are bulging outside the amude, no butter, bread, cornflakes, ….. Whisky, ….

        Why don’t you go back to your ancient times?

  • 7

    India dropped Tamils as the bargaining tool long ago. India is no longer interested in 13A.

    Now it is time for a Hindi-Sinhala agreement of nation to nation bypassing minorities on both sides.

    • 2


      Jaffna Tamils needs were bypassed a very long time ago wheather 13 or 13++ or 13+++++ comes along not is the missing argument here. One would even say Jaffna Tamils needs were never in the equation after the Mafia killings of Tamils by Tamils to silence their vision/mission and chicles democratically a long time ago.

      We are being duped by many was proven beyond reasonable doubt after the NPC trial period……connected all the dubious crowds and delivered nothing.

      All you see in Jaffna is delivered by the GOSL and the armed forces. But story telling that the so called FP/TULF/TNA article writers say the expertise are being held back (meaning the Tamil diaspora from Singapore/Malaysia/western world/Tamil Nadu) until a political solution is reached……..such is life we have to accept the fate. Because there is no one to speak for the Tamil man and woman who refused to take up Armes even to defend themselves from this evil.

    • 0

      Even it did, if needed it will bring it to the fore.

      The Sinhalese created the conditions for intervention, though Hindia had actively contributed in the last violent phase of genocide, which you proudly claims that it was you( the Sinhalese) created 89,000 war widows.

      It is Hindia fought with LTTE whilst you Sinhalese were busy creating war widows.

  • 4

    America, who has partners in South China sea is looking for India and Lankawe to corporate with it in Indian Ocean. India may not fully go against China, because, beyond northern border issue, India’s dream to become a permanent member in UN. So India goes with a soft approach to China. India so far not sternly demanded China to back off from Galvan valley captured places or it has restarted yet the road it was constructing. Two Ministers blamed for India’s failed policies with China. PM Nehru’s time Krishna Menon and PM Manmohan Singh time K.A. Anthony (Both are Malayalees, handled China just like Sonia’s time Malayalees in Lankawe). Further in Sonia’s time many ministers were bought by China and they ignored America’s warning of String of Perl Strategy. China thawed India’s latter concern it as only Belt and Road or new Silk Route. India was willing to accept the explanation. In that condition India will not interfere in China’s relationship with Lankawe. So far it has not taken any stand on that. Mrs. Gandhi was looking for solution of Bangladesh for Tamil Eelam. She did not fear either Pakistan leaning more to China nor Lankawe fully surrendering to China if Tamil Eelam is split. But latter this became a concern for India and America.

  • 4

    Anti-Tamil Thero is dying hard to stop Tamils going beyond 13A. So he is mixing 20A with new constitution. There is joke said in Tamil “Already you are calling me Neengal, so it looks like soon you are going to call me Nee”. There is no connection between 13A and 20A. 20A is being brought to strengthen King’s hand. 20A is not a prefatory to abolish 13A in the new constitution, if that ever happens to come. With Tamil National parties, the opinion differs whether 13A should go or not. TNA want to keep 13A. But it is not calling for 13+. It wants (internal) self-determination with 13A- a Federal form. TPNF is in the opinion that once country two states. That is not 13A. Same with TNPF too. Thero (and probably his past boss Varathar) may want to stay in the non-implementable 13A. For long time Tamils parties’ lawyers have said 13A is basically direst administration of EP on North East by his agents called Governors. But a much better situation exists in all other seven; a semi-provincial administration also was there. So 13A achieved only what was opposite to expected, North East did not get devolution they asked for but, other got it which they don’t’ wanted. Tricky Thero is want Tamils get into the 20A for his fancies, instead for their problems.

  • 3

    Vaalaiththodam Sr Made Tamils to fight get India out of Lankawe. It is the same game Thero is playing. Tamil don’t care what the Royals are doing. Royals are monsters, the witch crafter Lankawe communists created. Let them take care of them. But Thero never can push Old King into Tamils. We will work on International Investigation until he sleeps on UN electric Chair.

  • 2

    Some Tamil Nadu Diaspora people are still living in the 1980s!

  • 0

    Dr.DJ – “,….that of settling military and ex-military families in Northern and Eastern lands, “creating facts on the ground”, altering the very demography of (in the terminology of the 1987 Accord) “the areas of historical habitation of Sri Lanka’s Tamil-speaking people”?….”

    did this really come from the mouth of Dr D.J?

    but I need to make a correction.

    entire Ceylon was historical habitation of Tamil-speaking people at one time

  • 0


    “In order to have Tamil Nadu on-board, it was necessary for Delhi to demonstrate that it had succeeded in obtaining for the Tamils of Sri Lanka a power-sharing agreement approximate/comparable to that enjoyed by the Tamils of Tamil Nadu.”

    Neither the crushing of the LTTE nor the pro-China tilt in Colombo has changed this basic long term equation. Even senior BJP leaders in Northern India support this view.

    This means that SL Tamils should get something like the quasi-federalism in India, going beyond the 13th.

    • 1


      There seems to be some rekindled activities on the part of outsiders in the last three weeks. The unsophisticated lumbun variety on both sides of the divide live in their own imaginary world/universe.

      On the other hand middle class does not want to acknowledge the real issues that have been hurting the ordinary people at much basic level. They also live in an imaginary world hoping that nothing will derail their progress (defined by themselves).

      We can see how the country is preparing itself to hit bottom.

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