3 May, 2024


Relaxation Of Covid Restrictions Be Adding Fuel To The Fire: Association Of Medical Specialists

“Relaxation of Covid restrictions in our opinion be adding “fuel to the fire”. With such relaxations reaching the general public, who are already complacent in obeying guidelines, will invariably start behaving like “free birds” aggravating the crisis further,” says the Association of Medical Specialists.

Issuing a statement today the Association of Medical Specialists said “We are quite disappointed and saddened by the silence of professionals who act in advisory and advocacy capacity for lack of courage to inform the decision makers of the TRUTH and REALITIES of the ground situation. We are almost certain that these advisors are very well aware of the current grim situation in the health sector.”

We publish below the statement in full:

With the delta variant being commonly detected, the number of patients and more disturbingly exponential rise in the number of oxygen dependent patients, our capacity to accommodate them has virtually reached its tipping point.

With the increasing demand for oxygen, it will be a matter of few days to exceed the supply and hence resultant deaths due to lack of oxygen or more importantly due to the lack of oxygen delivery mechanism to the patient’s bedside. This crisis will be equally applicable to both public and private sectors.

In this backdrop, further relaxation of Covid restrictions in our opinion be adding “fuel to the fire”. With such relaxations reaching the general public, who are already complacent in obeying guidelines, will invariably start behaving like “free birds” aggravating the crisis further.

We, as a professional body feel it is our prime responsibility to alert and warn the decision makers of the current grim situation. In our opinion, relaxation should have commenced once we’ve achieved vaccination targets along with declining number of Covid-19 daily cases, may be in four to eight weeks from now.

With declining economic performance indicators, we are quite aware of the urgency the government has in getting the economy back on track. However, impatient and hurried decisions to open the country up will invariably delay any expected economic growth due to surging Covid-19 related mortality and morbidity. As medical specialists, we strongly believe that economists and others have to be alive in the first place to develop the economy and no tourist will come to our country unless and until we are a reasonably safe place with regards to current pandemic.

We are quite disappointed and saddened by the silence of professionals who act in advisory and advocacy capacity for lack of courage to inform the decision makers of the TRUTH and REALITIES of the ground situation. We are almost certain that these advisors are very well aware of the current grim situation in the health sector.

Therefore, we are compelled to request the government to revisit their Covid-19 restriction protocols in the wake of surging numbers, specially with this deadly delta variant.

As scientific, practical and pragmatic professionals, we strongly believe that we have to have an intact nation to revive the economy.

We certainly understand the importance of livelihoods provided the lives are saved. We wish to conclude with a well-known medical quote – “It is better to have a living problem than a dead certainty”.

Dr LakKumar Fernando                                                               Dr R Gnanasekeram
President-AMS                                                                             General Secretary-AMS 

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  • 8

    lack of courage to inform the decision makers of the TRUTH and REALITIES of the ground situation
    I agree! The ground reality is that covid is a hoax and many dont have the courage to state this truth openly.

    • 13

      Total ignorance of the incumbent leadership let innocient people be caught by COVID DEVIL dead sofar. Even tribal leaders would have done it better. 🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃

      • 5

        Please watch

        Let alone today, University experts should wake up from their long slumber. Current leadership is runining this country today. They dont care little about the gravity of the problems being faced by innocient people. Not a single act these men have achieved since they returned to power. Only that they just live up their propensities, after grabing the power. Why should many in this country become § mottapala las§….???? 🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃

        • 0

          What sort of Bullshit organization is this AMS outfit that’s promoting the Covid-19 hoax to destroy education, society and economy in the Global South as part of Euro-American” Global Reset” to reboot the Crashing US empire with its trillions of dollars of debt.

          There is massive evidence now that Covid-19 virus was produced in US Bio-warfare labs including Fort Detrick that hold a number of Patents for Covid- virus and vaccines products issues before it was heard of in March 2020!
          BCG vaccine protects countries in the global South. The Covid-19 project is bioware project to promoted GLOBAL GOVERNANCE and SURVEILLANCE and RE-COLONIZE the GLobal South while attacking China and emerging economies with lockdowns, travel restrictions and trade disruption. It is a crime against Humanity and the US War Machine and its Corporate Criminals and Hedge Fund fronts like Black Rocks, Gates, etc.

          • 0

            Please see this important link and interview, which though technical, provides the truth and history about US patents for Covid-19 and mRNA Vaccines, including , Grain of Function Research that invented Covid-19 VIRUS AND VACCINE as part of a business cycle and Crime against Humanity of the US NATO Deepstate and corporate interests:
            Dr. Reiner Fullemich interveiw with David Martin:


    • 15

      Dear Humble,
      I wonder what your background is to call such a worldwide catastrophe a hoax.
      My humble opinion is that you are being moronic.

      • 3

        Much of the catastrophe comprises the lock down and badly run down public health services.
        The virus has harmed some vulnerable sections of the population, who could have been saved by timely action including medication.
        Vaccines could have helped in many instances, but some countries have been hoarding vaccines while Big Pharma is blocking mass production by refusing to relax patent right.

    • 9

      Let COVID be a hoax. Then what are people being treated for? The heck of it?
      There is a problem; and public is kept in the dark about important information that it should know. I agree.
      Data shows that COVID-19 is not the killer that it was made out to be. I agree.
      It has not been claimed to have infected typically more than 10% of any country even with minimal avoidance measures. (Sweden is a good example.)
      But it infects and some people are seriously vulnerable.
      Many are worried. You cannot dismiss worry lightly with “They are having a hoax”.
      Lockdown can do more harm than good I agree. But should we not think of a way to avoid the suffering and death of even a few that are vulnerable?
      To declare the disease, however mild, as a hoax gets nobody anywhere.
      What answer do you have to address a problem as perceived by many, not without reason?
      Even to prove it to be a hoax you have to get across to people.
      Use a language that gets across, a language that matches the experience of people, that is if you like to be listened to.

    • 0

      Humble: Many do not actually still know that this IS a hoax, to speak out but the Indian Bar Association has made a start to it by filing a complaint against the Gates Foundation for genocide.

      • 4

        Be cautious: “the Indian Bar Association” is not a body representing the profession as a whole.
        I am, however, glad that questions are raised in a global climate where dissent has been brutally suppressed and dissenters blacklisted.
        But let us ensure that arguments are scientific and logical.
        Only today the SL government announced that most COVID-19 deaths are with COVID-19 and not by COVID-19.
        Also it is known that most of the dead except the very old and frail had serious co-morbidities.
        They should have been protected.
        Had these things been explained to the public by qualified medical personnel very early, when we risked very little, perhaps a better strategy than the harsh and ineffective lock-downs could have been evolved with consensus of the population.

        • 1

          Totally agree with you . prof. lockdowns are for fools who want to destroy livelyhoods.

          • 2

            Properly held LOCKDOWNs saved their people.
            Best examples are from Europe – Germany.
            A ,man who became a refugee in the US, though all the truths are before him, but the bugger does not seem to know since Biden is in office, the numbers improved drastically.

            • 0

              Hello leelasbugger

              Did Biden do a lockdown? I guess there is no point talking to refugees with little or no education.

              • 4

                a14455 / August 6, 2021

                No point of talking about LOCKDOWNs prior to Biden, but new adminitration handled it properly. You the kind of low lives would not care about the facts.
                Experts in US would teach you it. Get well soon PISSU ballahs.

                • 0


                  The only thing Biden did was to vaccinate, that is the same that Sri Lanka is doing. lockdowns made sense before there were vaccines. they are only don’t by fools now. No American expert is asking for lockdowns like our stupid Medical associations.

                  Most people think that the 1919 Spanish flu was also a coronavirus. and at this point, it is the same virus that causes the common cold.

                  use your brain when writing and forget your hatred of specific individuals .

                  • 6

                    isten BP listen !
                    a14455 / August 6, 2021

                    To whom those who have been brainwashed by Rajapakshe Mlechcha politics@

                    Srilanka is not new to vaccination programs. Some european countries are though new to such regular vaccinations. WHO had already listed srilanka as one of the front running countries where such programs are very successful. Even each and every hospital in rural corners are well aware of such adminstrations, and they have their own staffs to do the job. Unnecessary involvment of millitary since day one is the biggest mistake.This proved well the political maturity of SRILANKEN president ???? However, totally ignorant, stupid men in leadership has not the slightest clue – meaning „ fingerspitzgefühl -sure instinct“ about SRILANKEN politics.
                    If anyone with some sanity would please look back, at the time the brutal war was at its heights, even fierce rebells and their leaders set a date for nothern community to allow regular vaccinations.
                    With this being the ground reality of SRILANKA as a nation, current stupid leadership to place millitary leaders above, underestimating the country‘s health ministerial authorities is obviously the biggest mistake.
                    Current leadership is the stupidiest since independence.

                    We should be shameful to have allowed the kind of bastards to lead this nation. Consequently, there is a conflict between millitory men and health officials.

                  • 3

                    a14455 / August 6, 2021

                    The problem is PISSU BALLOS in leaderships are stupid men that donot know the difference VACCINATIONs and Kali Amma controlled – Concoctions. Remember ?
                    We should all be shamedul to have allowed the kind of alleged high criminals to give a lead to this nation at the time, the nation is caught by a pandemic.
                    Also be informed, it is wrong to COMPARE the facts about US with that of a begging nation of our nature.
                    My wish is, all Rajakashes and their kith and be destroyed by COVID devil, leaving the nation from their clutches. If any deaths would be heard from them, would be the blessing this nation to see it forward. Mahinda s DAYS are numbers. People s hatreds are more than appeared to be.

                    • 3

                      a14455 / August 6, 2021

                      The problem is PISSU BALLOS in leadership are stupid men that donot know the difference BETWEEN VACCINATIONs and Kali Amma controlled – Concoctions. Remember ?
                      We should all be shameful to have allowed the kind of alleged high criminals lead to this nation at a crtical time whilst the nation is caught by a pandemic.
                      Also be informed and clear that it is wrong to COMPARE the facts about US with that of a begging nation of our nature. As a refugee living in the US cant know this… there we have some understanding about you.
                      My wish is TO hear any good news based on Rajakashes and their kith and being fatally caught by COVID devil, leaving the nation from their clutches. As poisonous snakes are always dangerous, these men should go out of srilanken politics.

                      If any deaths would be heard from them, would be the timely blessing for this nation to see it forward.

                      Mahinda s DAYS are numbers. People s hatreds are more than appeared to be.

              • 0

                If I am to call bugger, your criminals you worship from dawn to dusk should have no terms to address with .
                a14455 / August 6, 2021
                You the kind of back pleasers, caused criminals to be back and ruin this nation.

    • 2

      Humble don’t be a fool. Get vaccinated before it is too late.

      • 3

        srilankens in general would let them be treated with vaccinations, if a tiny portion would not allow. The numbers in Europe are like 30% or little more that would not respect vaccinations.
        However, developing nations have proved to be successful with vaccinations for several decades. Europeans and North americans are not familiar with the vaccinations of BCG or the like.

    • 2

      Our brother MP Sumanthiran articulates it as no others. Hat off to him.

      Signs of white vans are in making ……. entire world is watching.


    • 2


      Hello …
      These criminals have been runining our motherland.

    • 0

      “The Mortuary of National Hospital, Colombo is currently faced with a dilemma concerning the disposal of its dead”

  • 5

    We, as a professional body feel it is our prime responsibility
    And it is my duty from the most high to warn all freemasons to stop perpetrating this hoax, repent to god and leave those masonic lodges.

  • 8

    Relaxation of Covid Restrictions Be Adding Fuel To The Fire: Association Of Medical Specialists

    Doctors is the one who face the patient if there advice not respected then they will avoid attention like the teachers strike, Hospitals are full if Oxygen runs out then who will attend If india and Malaysia went out of control struggled to put things on right path we have there experience to put things on right path straight away without struggle.

    People with vision should timely decide timely decision is the best doctor about Covid Restriction

  • 23

    “disappointed by the silence of the professionals” !!!

    The question is, “why are they silent” ?
    The answer may be that they are afraid/even terrified, of the prevailing undeclared “military dictatorship” which is all powerful.

    • 13

      The professional is also intimidated by the dominant ideology.
      Big Pharma increasingly writes the text for the profession.

      • 6

        Who is the Big Pharma increasingly writes the text for the profession?

        • 1

          You will find out if you do a Google search.

          • 0

            Excellent response?

    • 8

      Not even University dons and their information based on facts go to the people. Grassroots level are consistently misled from dawn to dusk. In the end people are blamed not having respected the social distancing rules. Military had failed to to the job regarding control of total ignorants of social distancing rules. 🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃

    • 4


      Problem is that main stream media is the biggest mafia net work in srilanka, they dont want public be provided with facts and truths of anything. Above all TV channels that mislead the nation from dawn to dusk, pleaes be vigilent
      They invite to low level men to their discussion rounds keeping away the professionals and experts in any fields.
      Dr Padeniiya or the like dominant backlickers are interviwed regarding Organic/Inorganic fertilizeer/manure issue can you imagine ?
      These are public secret as of today. Not virologists but GMOA idiots were repeatedly interviewed for the facts based information regarding ” contagious disease control”. Can anybody of srilanken professinals challenge these GMOA men ? or have anyone of them done it sofar ? NO… the reasoning behind that is they are made silent by MAIN STREAM LOCAL MEDIA…. media is run by hidden men supporting to Rajapkashes. Fake public perception is their life line to survive their mlechcha politics.


  • 13

    This is the strategy he had it in the last pace of Mullivaikkal if lucky survive or that may be the fate.
    Same here what the health and science he do what’s he wanted to do.he got trump card of 20A…wonder where is Sangam ,Ranjith…..even the teachers March and March but this rowdy gives a toss.Sangam may start to see the colours now.the pick pocket kariya comes through the back door and min of finance,even doesn’t surprise if Dumida would be a PM/law and order min,shame on Ali and the rest of Muslims in the govnt still holding on the rope while allowing for cremation and denying for burials,even the WHO recommend scientifically.

    • 14

      Wonder where is Gunarathinam gone he musseled up said they finished off the LTTE this virus is nothing for them.it was year ago and was very low.
      I don’t have medi knowledge if positive why do they take them to hospitals do they have medicine to cure,if they stay at home they will be looked after by their families, and gives advice what do’s and not do”s unless they have really needs medical attention then hospital.

  • 13

    People have to face the consequences to know whether its true or not. Unfortunate that children are now victims and they may not even get a vaccine. If government decides to force schools reopen it will be a man made disaster. Lady Ridgeway warned not having beds. Apparently 70 kids are currently treated in house and daily 15 new cases are reported.

    • 5

      One has to do with one’s resources.
      What matters is if there have been serious adverse consequences.

  • 11

    We are no experts in this pandemic. A military man (and suspected war criminal) leads the effort to control this, and if qualified medical experts around the world cannot still gauge this, how can he?
    Nations are desperate to open up and revive their economy, but anyone who can think rationally should look at others who have done so, and who have regretted their hurry to do so, as the pandemic numbers surged after that. Our government must try to learn lessons from others in all aspects of running the country, although their record shows they cannot.

  • 2

    The rulers and the ruled.

    Not just their own tribe but also the other two tribes will pay a dear price for this foolish government decision.

    Still want to be ruled by Sinhalese rulers?

  • 4

    The persons who profit from this hoax will do everything possible to let things get out of hand.

  • 5

    With a lesser number of population, governing would be easy. This may be Govt’s policy

  • 2

    This man is the incarnation of Kekille Rajjuruwo

  • 7

    1) For those who say Covid is hoax or conspiracy, try avoiding taking vaccine so that deserving people may get it. 2) For people who say vaccinated people can get infected so what is the point of getting , true cancer is never cured but kept under remission and in some it can relapse so why treat at all ?? 3) people like Dinuk, Anthropologist who talk about nexus between Big pharma and doctors, yes cardiac stents are produced by them too and why not avoid and go for indigenous treatment which may be all free. 4) Non medicos who say Covid is mild, yes there may be a small percentage who actually die in road traffic accident, so why not try standing in the middle of highway and get hit. 5) What is happening in Lanka is not all about lack of resources. Mostly man made, stage managed by politicians, not being transparent, people with no knowledge handling containment , public provided with distorted facts and fake information.6) other than vaccine it is mainly taking precautions, cleaning hands, avoid touching face , wearing mask and maintaining social distance are the proven measures. These doesn’t cost much when compared to one day stay in I.C.U It is difficult to maintain such measures when government itself is not transparent.

    • 6

      I’ve said little for the past four days or so. I think that we, the regular readers, know one another; we know whom to trust, whom to distrust, and who were among the 6.9 fools were who have brought things to this pass.
      chiv, I know that you’ve been visiting many countries – to do what you can to relieve the distress that is to be seen worldwide. Thanks for for following with concern what is happening in the land of your birth.
      The problems are worldwide, not confined to this island of ours, which so many thought was one that Nature had made the most idyllic of all. However, it is now clear that what is bad worldwide has been exacerbated by one of the most evil and inept governments on this planet. I don’t think that we have knowingly contributed to this mess.
      Let us draw what comfort we can from knowing that, but be ready to perish any moment.
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 5

    I thought most of the Thaddias had their jabs in the 1St instances but now big mouth pieces of govnt Ganampillai,Mahinanandan,Soorawansa……gone for self isolation at this Gota’s crucial moment and left the battle with Rambukwellam,Gota should send his squad to check the 3 musketeers whether the jab is effective or not,people are loosing confidence in all aspects.

  • 5

    I just finished reading SL heading for worst medical TSUNAMI , says todays DM. If interested read but do not miss the comments. It is hilarious to read the argument between commentators “who to blame ????” Some say India for Indian delta variant and others China because Delta is muted variant of original Chinese Virus. I did not see a single comment questioning our own government. Apparently in Colombo 2/3 of patient admitted are oxygen dependent ,which alone is a dire warning.

    • 1

      Come on man , any one can write these BS articles. Honestly the solution is to give the vaccines and take precautions and go ahead with opeing the country.
      the likelyhood of people who are vaccianated dying is very very low. and you know this being a medical professional.

      The countries that try the lockdown will fail like new Zealand,Australia or even Japan. There is no solution with lockdowns. These Drs are fools.

      • 3

        a14455 / August 5, 2021

        lOCK DOWN should have been in April. or little earlier. Germany did it.. and several other european country did it successful. That clown from US kept it away for his stupidity…. is the best example for srilankens to consider. Trump will have to face it sooner than later.
        Anyway, bitch s sons in our leadership were fooled by Pani beema. This is common to any low level men that have not hte basic knolwedge about viral infections. We saw how YOUR KIND of men and women lined up to collect that pani beema…. among them, there were LOCAL GRADUATED MBBS holders and other graduates. That says all about srilanken mentality.

        Remember how speaker, minister of health, and other ballige puthas enjoyed by drinking that – concoction made by Dammika Bandara ?
        I know ultra fools of your nature, would not see it beyond, but the truth as it is, a large number of innocient people could have been saved, if criminals in power did their job not being political.
        To me and others with some sanity, would never forgive Rajapakshes for their mess. They are mlechcha by every means. No other leaders in the region would be comparable to that of Rajapkashes. Rajapkshes will be punished by Karma sooner than later.

    • 3

      The comments in the Daily Mirror are an indication of the intellectual quality of the editors who moderate the comments, and the commenters themselves. Compare this childish stuff with even the comments section of the Indian Express. And we Sri Lankans are so proud of our “literacy”.

      • 2

        The DM was never a patch on its parent the Times of Ceylon.

  • 6

    Long ago, President Premadasa appointed an estate school teacher as Minister of Health.
    She was clueless about health matters.
    The present minister seems unable to make decisions, as the Covid eradication exercise has been handed over to the army.
    Army men/women do not understand health matters.
    Health personnel dislike taking orders from the military.
    This is the problem.

    • 3


      “The present minister seems unable to make decisions, as the Covid eradication exercise has been handed over to the army.”

      There are too many people poking their nose in Health matters.
      Namal Baby, Shavendra, Wimal, Chana Masala Jeyasumana, Bandula Gunawardena, ……. every Tom Dick and Harry are making contradictory statements on everything related to health except the Health Minister.

      Whom do you listen?

  • 2

    What’s the qualifications we have for prez,finance min…….don’t just speculate named the teacher who served as health min under late Premadasa ,we had grama sevaka as prez too

  • 2

    People are praising the Army for better handling of Vaccination Centres. While MOH offices and Hospitals manage their centers with a few of their staff and volunteers, Army deploy hundreds – that is the difference. But most of the times everywhere you get long queues.

    • 4


      “While MOH offices and Hospitals manage their centers with a few of their staff and volunteers, Army deploy hundreds – that is the difference. “

      If you are not a Sinhala/Buddhist make sure you don’t show your back side to the army men, they tend to insert their needle right through your back side.

  • 2

    [Edited out] Please be relevant!

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

    For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 3

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

      • 4

        Thanks, LM,
        The question is whether or not this video is relevant to a discussion of this article.

        • 7

          Dear SM,
          I thank CT for publishing it.
          .A dozen of Mr Pethiagoda could open the eyes of the silent masses: You dont necessarily wear degree titles, but some are born intellingent/wise. Best examples are providing with the kind of great men of mother land. I hat off to this gentlmen.
          Unfortunately, eyes of some men in our hell, also while wearing degree titles on their foreheads are cemented for no good reasons.
          This nation is filled with fools … head nodders to the very same manner mercy cows would do… I dont think I insulted those innocient animals
          දැනුවත්භාවය වැඩි දියුණු කිරීම තුළින් යහපත් අනාගතයක් බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමු
          விழிப்புணர்வை மேம்படுத்துவதன் மூலம் சிறந்த எதிர்காலத்தை நம்புவோம்
          let s hope a better future through improving the awareness

    • 7

      I really dont know why CT moderators block Mr SM s posts these days ?
      This is very unfair.

  • 0

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    • 6

      a14455 / August 5, 2021
      Thanks for making it short, yours can only please MEDAMULANA rascals.

  • 6

    I never said lockdown was the solution to curtail spread. In Lanka as well India , it was all done in reverse order. Lockdown was more of electoral advantage than flatening curve. If at all international travel should have been restricted at a early stage and not complete lock down ,that too briefly until more information was available and strategies were in place. Only during peaks where a pause was needed to reassess and replenish supplies a brief lockdown would have been of help. Whereas Lanka and India locked down from very first month thinking of solving and not slowing. Economy is in shambles now and a lockdown even if needed is not an option anymore.

    • 5

      To certain degree lockdown has worsened the infectivity in countries like India and Lanka. With a brief fall in count government and public become more complacent, stop testing, aviod vaccine ( in India) and ignore protocols.

      • 4

        Here we go. Two major hospitals, Ratnapura G.H and Karapitiya teaching hospital have declared emergency which itself is a rare occurrence in Lankan medical history. Still govt tries to minimize it by stating these are common and normal protocols during MASS CASUALTY ? These hospitals have no more beds and warned of running out supplies mainly oxygen. Yet yesterday alone 150 new patients showed up in Karapitiya. Months ago, I mentioned about possible crisis in up country due to crowded dwellings, adverse weather/rain and lack of medical access. Pavithra says there were almost 600 deaths in last 10 days. Since Mr.Sircular influenced the count from 100 to 15 the numbers keep going up and yesterday count reached almost 90. Now Mr. Sircular may have to intervene again to bring it down to what is acceptable to him < 10.

        • 3

          chiv, Not only Ratnapura and Karapitiya, but even Lanka H hired a hotel in Colpetty to keep additional patients this week. Embilipitiya closed. Why not let medicine be done by medicals and police and armed forces do what they can do. That was the reason to have so many governing departments and not be a family show robbing the nation. Or else why have 225 instead of a few. Each department needs its own trained expertise. If a patient collapses, can an army person know how to proceed on his own. Reality not history.

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