3 May, 2024


COVID-19 – We Are On The Edge: Association Of Medical Specialists

With the delta variant claiming to be most prevalent all over the country, we have almost reached our maximum health care capacity in almost all of our health care facilities throughout the country. State morgues have already exceeded their storage capacity. The situation is equally grim even if one has financial means as the private sector is also stretched to it’s limit. Daily death toll is ever increasing and we currently record one of the highest COVID-19 death rates in the world. The number of patients, and more disturbingly there is a daily exponential rise in the number of oxygen dependent patients. Our capacity to accommodate Covid-19 patients has virtually reached its tipping point.

Expansion to this present capacity has been also achieved by sacrificing facilities available for non Covid-19 medical and surgical patients. With the demand for increasing number of beds, oxygen and trained personnel it will be a matter of few days to reach catastrophic dimensions. This will claim lives of COVID-19 as well as patients with other diseases and conditions who require urgent treatment who would otherwise have survived.

Against this backdrop we, the Association of Medical Specialists are of the opinion that much tougher movement restrictions should be imposed sooner than later as there is no time left for complacency. Without such measures, we strongly believe that the health care system will have little breathing space to optimise the care extended to critical Covid as well as non Covid patients.

We, as an apolitical professional body feel it is our prime responsibility to alert and warn the relevant authorities ONCE AGAIN of the grim situation not only as law abiding citizens but also as key stakeholders in the national health care delivery system.

In our opinion, the measures to be taken could even amount to a rigorously implemented curfew as this may be the only successful means of curtailing people’s movement in a country like ours. With declining economic performance indicators and the hardships of daily wage earners, we are quite aware of the urgency the government has in getting the economy back on track. However, disregarding the ground realities will invariably stall economic progress due to surging Covid-19 related mortality and morbidity and uncertainty and fear created in the global arena.

Therefore, we are compelled to urge the government to revisit its Covid-19 restriction protocols in the wake of surging numbers of critical patients and deaths.

Even though we have the best vaccination drive in the world (at present), we don’t expect the current vaccination drive to have an impact on the present wave of the epidemic which is playing havoc in our country. 

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


Dr LakKumar Fernando                                                               Dr R Gnanasekeram
President-AMS                                                                             General Secretary-AMS

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  • 4

    ‘We are concerned with some people leaving comments exposing our lies and speaking the truth that covid is a hoax. So we want to keep spamming the internet in the hopes of drowning out their voices’ – Association of freemasonic doctors

    • 13

      Let alone today, people in this country should be clear, that current leadership are total uneducated bastards. Polburuwas never thought that people would fall dead this much. Gotabaya would have been good to be the hang man, but not the leader of 22 million nation. However, people were misled by media giants for their come back. Now the consequences are before the nation.

      They not only stood against the people, but kept the responsible health ministerial experts away from their duties.

      As a result FAKE DOCTOR SHAVINDRA SILVA led millitary men ruined it as nothing can help give a life to those fell dead all these few weeks alone. Now every 15 minutes the numbers that die in this country are 2-3.

        • 5

          AMS is funded by Pfizer and other big Pharmaceutical companies and its so called doctors get free jaunts overseas from WHO.
          May to September is the time of monsson seasonal flu in Sri Lanka and people die of Dengue and Influenza, but now PCR and anti-gene testing and Covid-19 vaccines is big business, so now everyone who dies of flu, dengue, heart attack, CKD are all said to have died of Covid-19.
          The Covid-19 hoax is promoted by this group of corrupt doctors who are in the pay of big Pharamaceutical companies.
          They want WHO postings

          • 7

            Retard, do not underestimate professionals. They do have the ability to differentiate Covid from Dengue/flu, CKD and heart attack. Why would people in big pharma pay look for WHO posting when WHO it self will be looking for postings in big pharma soon.

            • 6

              You reckon Dinuk has got herself vaccinated despite all this brave talk?

              • 4

                OC ofcourse I do. These are the worst kind who enjoy all the privileges and then go about spreading fake news and discourage others from getting the same benefits. Soon we may have treatment for Covid but never for people like this retard.

      • 12

        Shavendra Silva yesterday publicly criticized Ranil for a statement he made. Since when has an Army Commander been allowed to personally respond to criticism of the Army? That is the responsibility of the civilian Defence secretary. This is the clearest indication that we are under a military junta.

        • 4

          We are now used to a culture where every minion thinks that it is his right and responsibility to issue statements on behalf of his organization on any subject of his choice.
          People do not want to be left out.
          The purpose of naming spokespersons for different branches of government is lost therefore.
          Shavendra S’s breach of protocol is more in that fashion I dare say.
          The prospect of an army take-over has slightly dimmed since the boost that its image received from its ‘exemplary handling’ of the COVID-19 infection.
          Breach of protocol is more a sign of lack of discipline than assertion of power.

          • 3

            Just remembered that the Defence Secretary isn’t quite a civilian either.

        • 0

          OC refer to Dr. Sudarshini, s comment yesterday. She said ” I have my own opinion but decision makers come up with protocols.”.

    • 2

      What is the ethnic breakdown of the COVID dead?

      M 0,947
      T 0,583
      S 3,934

      Total 5,464

      Covid has already killed 3 years’ war dead in the S tribe.
      Covid has already killed more than the war dead in the M tribe.
      Surprisingly Covid dead in the T tribe is very low compared to war dead and others.

  • 8

    AMS consultants feel the responsibility of true reality in hospitals. Communities know the reality of frustrating difficulties and helplessness in this global plague. Politicians like to feel and speak like gods and we really appreciate the current vaccination drive delayed by pani and pots till health minister got covid. Healthcare workers of every category are giving sacrificially of their very best exhausted. Forces and police thank you. All citizens by compulsion need to cooperate with severe restrictions knowing that this wave can be overcome by their lifestyle irrespective of the commands of leaders who may differ. Finally for those who have faith in an almighty creator god, suggestion is to bind this mutating pestilence under his name, blood and authority casting out infirm spirits Mat.16, commanding the spike head S to be pierced by its own arrows Habak.3, and let his fire burn to ashes genetic viral material Ez.28. for complete healing.

    • 3

      David, why would we want to thwart God’s will?

      • 2

        Svenson, God is also the healer creator and sickness is not his will but the consequence of rebellion against him in karmic generational sins. Some worship demon gods and hence give them the destroying power of fallen Lucifer. Since God does not interfere with the free will he has given to man even to do extreme evil deeds, he does not interfere unless except for humans who accept his will of health and are healed by divine intervention. That is why in many religions, amulets are tied on bodies. His will is health. Demonic karmic sins bring disease. We have the choice which side we want to be in, until God’s final binding of satan. Humans were to reproduce after their kind, but now animal DNA inhuman hybrids cannot be restored as God did not create them like all his humans.

        • 3

          How does “karmic generational sins” fit into this God v. Anti-god, Heaven.v Hell scheme of things.
          Has Hinduism finally penetrated your faith?
          Wait for the day they they genetically modify both God and his partner Lucifer.

          • 1

            SJ, To answer your question, the ten commandments say worship of other gods is forbidden as iniquity (sins of ancestors) is passed down generations.Exodus 20,5 Even diabetes and HBP passes down. Lucifer a fallen angelic spirit being had iniquity trading and deceiving angels to worship him instead of god to this day. Spirits cant be genetically modified for good and restored by creator god. We being humans with double strand DNA get iniquity from our ancestors and also our own sins but when in faith receive the sacrifice of sinless Christ on our behalf, we get divine exchange of our sins for his forgiving sinlessnes, our diseases and sicknesses for his healing , our poverty for his riches, our lack for his provisions, our weaknesses for his protection, our wars for his peace etc. Religions have this reality of dualism of good and bad, but there is only one experiential reality of truth eventually and finally.

            • 3

              Worship of other gods may be forbidden in Christianity, but there are always work-arounds to satisfy the faithful. All the saints are gods, otherwise why have images of them? The Virgin Mary was promoted to the status of chief goddess not that long ago.

              • 0

                old codger, Thank you for your suggestion. Not looking for work-arounds, but desiring for intentional intimate relationship first given to Adam but lost through disobedient sin and restored through the sacrificial payment by Jesus as the only way. Want to be in his presence, of a loving and merciful Father God, as a son of his kingdom family with an inheritance and destiny like Adam walking and talking with God.

            • 2

              If God Almighty could not handle a fallen angel, what faith can one have in his might.
              You may know this one from Mark Twain:
              “Adam was but human– this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple’s sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was in not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent.”
              Wonder why God did not get the idea.
              Seriously, the God Almighty of monotheistic religions is a tyrannical concept. Atheism is boring and agnosticism is escapist.
              Give polytheism try. It is a healthy option and humanity has done very well with it for millennia.

              • 0

                SJ, Sorry I don’t believe all what all humans say including Mark Twain or even in religions saying in their own personal opinions without any authority. Polytheism recommended by you is also forbidden by Almighty God who made no mistake about serpents. In fact the rod Moses took to Pharaoh turned to a snake and ate up all the magicians rods turning to snakes representing snake goddess they worshipped. Exodus 7,12 God created long bodied Lucifer, but cast out with unrepentant iniquity as fallen satan who still long bodied and craving worship misleads humans. Jesus as man overcame satan through sacrificial payment for forgiveness of man’s sins .Col.2,14 .Finality is when resurrected Jesus returns.

                • 2

                  dtg, God created the World and Man knowing in advance that Adam would sin and his plan would fail. That is not giving free will, that is going ahead despite knowing that failure is certain. Why bother?

                  • 0

                    Paul, God had one plan which neither human sin nor satan’s fall could buckle. Rev.13,8 says Jesus agreed to be the sacrifice for sin for all humans before the foundation of the world, so that humans who use their free will and turn to him as the price paid, would be sin free. God knew everything in advance and how he would get back the humans he created, not forcing them but allowing them free will to come back to Father. Entire bible written by 40 authors over 1600 years as a single story written in advance prophetically. History has happened exactly as God has shown would happen. He knows the end from the beginning. Little more to complete prophecy with a great savior full of love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness to relate to, as kingdom family with destiny and inheritance.

                    • 1

                      “that humans who use their free will and turn to him as the price paid, would be sin free. God knew everything in advance “
                      Isn’t that illogical?
                      If God knew everything in advance, it was pre- ordained,.and there is no question of free will.

                    • 0

                      old codger, If you question God’s foreknowledge, please ask him in prayer and he will answer you positive or negative. If you question free will, we all have it. If you question preordination, it was his plan to rescue those who turn to him, preordained before man was created. Preordination is not predestination. Regarding logic, Isa 55,9 says his thoughts are higher

                    • 1

                      dtg all this is based on a big assumption, that there is a God in the first place. A few years ago the head of the Anglican church admitted he doubted God’s existence https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29255318
                      He then tried to extricate himself saying “The extraordinary thing about being a Christian is that God is faithful even when we are not” but that also assumes God’s existence.
                      Where was God/Jesus/Mohammed/Maha Brahma during the holocaust? Where were they when hundreds of Yazidi Christian girls were kidnapped for sexual slavery in Iraq? My Roman Catholic cousin lost her Driving Licence. She prayed to St Anthony and found it and claims it was his doing. I asked her “If you lost a leg, would you pray for another one?” “You wouldn’t bother because you know it will never happen.”

                    • 2


                      By any chance you belong to any born again sect/cult?
                      Please read “Mass suicide at Jonestown” and Jim Jones.

  • 15

    The association of medical specialists must revisit the theory of political will. Politicians (not statesmen) invariably take the route that preserves their status quo intact, rather than public welfare. If one considers the various wars waged by countries worldwide, no consideration has ever been made, for civilian deaths, often by the millions, but the prevalence of the will of the aggressor. In other words, a few people’s ego and projection of power prevails over what is good for the vast majority of ordinary people at large, who always suffer the consequences.

    • 6


      This was controlled brilliance by Rohan Pethiyagoda – a relative of yours?
      True, it was submitted by me on the morning of 5th August, but being 72 minutes in Sinhala the moderators may not have been able to evaluate it, and so twice rejected it on grounds of irrelevance. When it finally got in, on the 6th evening (appeared just before midnight) no one was visiting that blog. Its relevance was immediately recognised by the only comment on it.
      Let me hope that this exposure of “Dr Padeniya” in quiet, rational Sinhala is seen here by many.
      That article appeared on the 3rd of August, so no more comments can be made there.
      This is what we should all attempt to do: dissect each of the “Triple-Paksa” stooges, one at a time – in Sinhalese. But next comes the challenge of dissemination.
      Panini Edirisinhe

    • 0

      Paul, When you stand before God one day, you will know he is real. Until then you could assume whatever you will. We are responsible only for ourselves.

    • 0

      Native Vedda, Suicide is the biggest sin as there is no time to even repent after that. God gave life and it is satan who destroys with death

  • 1

    With the delta variant dominant Successful means of curtailing people’s movement NOW with declining economic performance indicators and the hardships of NOW rather than putting the death rate high then the decline and hardship in economic more high later do something now rather than late, A stich in time may save nine

    • 5

      Yesterday one politician put it bluntly “for citizens question is death by Covid or starvation???

  • 6

    According to Lankan doctors numbers will double soon. But it’s not just about Covid alone 1) lack of supply mainly oxygen will cause catastrophe. 2) People with other medical/ non covid emergencies too will suffer due to overburdened health system. 3) 2500 new patients are seeking help daily. In that 2/3 are oxygen dependent.This number is expected to go up to 5000 soon. 4) Lanka in total has 800,000 beds ,among 33,000 allocated to Covid are filled. 5) The grave mistake committed, was to delay vaccine procurement and then to initiate after community acquired infection. 6) That too using primarily Chinese vaccine which are < 70% (the other Chinese vaccine is <50%) effective against the original Covid 19 and not yet studied against Delta variant. 7) Since Mr.Sircular intervened and changed numbers from 100 to 15 the mortality has gone up again to reach 111. What does it tell, now that he cannot hide it anymore. 8) Question is how true are those numbers reported most of last year, daily infection in two digits and total death below 10 ?? 9) Every country had a graph where significant up rise eventually followed by flattening, whereas Lanka had a simple flat line throughout the year. 10) Overall the death to infection ratio seems to be high which in turn is not a good sign.

    • 9

      In Wuhan after vaccinating entire population today hit 7 months high of Delta + infection. People may claim the numbers are going up in other Western countries too. True, reason is 1/3 of population in country like U.S refused vaccine for political reasons. Infection is very high among those not vaccinated and children (yet to receive). Also among infected , severity and need for hospitalizations are much less when compared to not vaccinated.

      • 3

        Would not absolute numbers (desirably for country or relevant region in instances per million) for infection and mortality rates make comparisons meaningful in both space and time?
        Are predominantly the un-vaccinated getting infected in the US?
        This is a 9th Aug news story:
        “Research into a July COVID-19 outbreak during high tourist season in Provincetown, Massachusetts, found that about three-quarters of 469 people had already been vaccinated and had contracted breakthrough infections.”
        I do not dispute that un-vaccinated are vulnerable to infection and even death.
        That is a risk they may be taking knowingly, but can we get away with blaming them for re-infection of the vaccinated?
        The global picture is a little more complex for simple explanations I fear.

        • 5

          The global picture may be complex (like Wuhan) but the virus doesn’t realize it . Anyway Lankan picture is pretty simple and not that complex.

          • 4

            SJ , What is your point. Why dont you show us some meaningful compsrison to show Lanka is unscathed by Covid as claimed by you. You mean Provincetown figures represent the whole U.S. Not just in U.S, right now it is those who are not vaccinated are highly vulnerable to get inflected and succumb to Covid, provided the vaccine is not made in China.

        • 6

          SJ, here are some absolute numbers for you to compare. In the Seychelles, Mongolia, Chile and Bahrain 50 to 75 % population have been fully inoculated with China Vaccine, out pacing the U.S according to “our world in data”, a vaccine data tracking project. All four ranked among the top ten countries with the worst Covid breakthrough outbreaks as recently as last week .And all four countries used Chinese made vaccines Sinopharm and Sinovac. If the vaccines are sufficiently good we should NOT see this pattern said Jin Dongyan virologist at the uni of HK. Israel provided Pfizer and has second highest vaccination rates in the world after Seychelles. The number of new daily confirmed breakthrough cases per million in Israel is now around 4.9 and in Seychelles > 716 cases.

          • 1

            Cool down.
            I asked for absolute numbers for your data because you were comparing things.
            There should be a logical basis to compare data.
            The news story contradicted your claim and I reported it for information.
            Glad that you do not contest it.

            • 4

              Prof KIA logical basis is PROVINCETOWN dosent represent whole U. S. Florida as a state is facing outbreak because majority in Republican controlled state did not receive vaccine. Ranil won and Sajith lost election is that the logical basis you sre applying??

              • 4

                KP, you are right in saying what may be effective in few is not applicable to whole infected population. If things are that easy we would have not been in this situation in the first place. Right now the only proven measures we have are vaccination and precautions. In Micro Biology there are in vitro , in vivo research studies and then we have the approved recommendations. Situation in Lanka is much more worse than I thought. Apparently what ever government told were not true. They mentioned about procuring lab/ testing kits , treatment accessories, ventilation machines and many others in preparation for this outbreak which they never did. It was all a cover up to fool the 6.9 million. Due to lack of foreign reserves govt did not purchase any. I hear few treating staff have succumbed and thousands are infected.

        • 4

          SJ , What is your point. Why dont you show us some meaningful compsrison to show Lanka is unscathed by Covid as claimed by you. You mean Provincetown figures represent the whole U.S. Not just in U.S, right now it is those who are not vaccinated are highly vulnerable to get inflected and succumb to Covid, provided the vaccine is not made in China.

  • 10

    “I am the only hero’. “I know everything”.” I will do whatever I want”.
    These are the words used by our President. We have selected or elected 150 followers to accept these and his words only. 75% of the Buddhist people thought these words are trustworthy and better than Lord Buddha and we have got a king forever. This is not the first time. In 1978, they believed the same with JRJ. In 1994, they believed the same with Chandrika.
    Is it not enough evidence? Are we going behind the Kings and Queens? Think!

    • 4

      Are the Sinhalese alone in that business?
      Did not Tamils believe in their super heroes since 1956 to 2009? Some still believe in superman who passed away?

      • 2

        Yes, Sinhalese alone in the business of electing and selecting the Prime Ministers, Presidents, not Tamils. Tamils never elected a family to run the business.
        There is nothing wrong in believing super man who passed away but some still believe that they are still super human?

  • 7

    “….we have the best vaccination drive in the world (at present)…”
    That’s truly a bold claim but I am not sure of its basis.

    • 4

      Be fair.
      The vaccination drive here has been commended by WHO as well.
      (But we are in the junior league. The big players have mostly completed their programmes)
      Things went wrong elsewhere to allow a surge in infection.
      Infection itself is not a big problem, but death by COVID-19 is a serious problem.
      Good management would have saved many deaths WITH COVID-19 and all deaths BY COVID-19

      • 8

        Since the Delta surge WHO has lost it’s credibility. They seem to be lost and clueless. Most countries are coming up with their own strategies and management. Many are already questioning ” WHO , is who ??

        • 2

          WHO was blocking other options, especially medicinal. India took a commendable stand to try Ivermectin and succeed in controlling the disease in several states. But there is little global publicity.
          There is effort to bully South America where many countries have tried it a little after Australia, and unfortunately some people are self prescribing,which is not a clever thing to do..

      • 4

        Be fair. To make such an erroneous claim is not fair on the countries that have performed better than Sri Lanka (for whatever reasons). More importantly, why mislead your own citizens with such a far-fetched claim?

        Surely, the claim could have been moderated to:
        ““….we have one of the best vaccination drives in the world (at present)…”

        • 3

          KP there are many such claims last year it was safest country to live , third in top 10 , even recently Namal claimed first in Asia to eradicate and now as SJ claims best vaccination drive in the world.. What is the point of vaccinating after the infection had spread beyond control that too with least effective vaccine, paying more money and not yet studied against Delta variant.

      • 3

        Prof SJ, could you please explain “good management would have saved many deaths with Covid-19 and ALL ?? deaths by Covid – 19. (there is only one all or none law in Physiology, which I am aware of )

      • 1

        You say: “Good management would have saved ALL deaths by COVID-19.”
        As John McEnroe screamed all those 40 years ago (June 1981) “You cannot be serious man”!

  • 5

    With the start of the global pandemic around March 2020, SL was not badly affected as some countries, such as, Spain & Italy, where dead bodies were piling up. In these countries, various forms of ‘lock downs’ were introduced to minimise social contact in an attempt to slow down the spreading of the virus. SL went further by enforcing a total curfew continuously for 5 weeks which should have, theoretically, eliminated the virus as the incubation period is considered 2 weeks. The GMOA appeared to be taking credit with its President even glibly stating on TV how successfully they were handling the crisis while other countries were struggling. Then, there were other pundits, from ayurvedic doctors to self acclaimed experts, giving their 2 cents worth, while epidemiologists & virologists seemed to be side-lined but it was GR, who was acclaimed as the undisputed hero by the govt. & the people for his decisive action. The pandemic may not be over yet but while the rest of the world is coming to grips with the situation & easing the lockdowns, SL is still in a worse situation. Now that the reality has unfolded, how did SL get it so wrong & is there anybody taking responsibility for the failure?

  • 6

    The second wave was attributed to Indian workers but they did not come on a boat in the middle of the night. Still, the pandemic was considered limited to pockets & the Health Minister sought divine intervention by pouring holy water into rivers while a snake oil merchant’s divine concoction was even endorsed by govt. Many, particularly, the poor, suffered enormous hardships under a draconian curfew, with curfew breakers beaten up & held in crowded cells, ignoring the very reason for the curfew, even police & military barracks did not comply with the safety rules & those residents were allowed to visit their villages with the potential of spreading the disease.

    The govt. did not learn from the experiences of other countries & not prepare for a worst case scenario with adequate budgetary allocation for funding necessary infrastructure (temporary field hospitals & equipment, provision of oxygen/stock piling , etc) & the purchase of vaccinations. Even the vaccines which were donated were not being systematically rolled out, yet the Health Minister has the audacity to claim that ” we have the best vaccination drive in the world”. SL has been fumbling in the dark from the very beginning & this govt. has to take responsibility for all those unnecessary COVID deaths & the misery the people had to endure because of inept handling of the crisis.

    • 4

      I agree that the has been serious mishandling and “this govt. has to take responsibility for all those unnecessary COVID deaths”
      When will the British Prime Minister and several European heads of state fulfill their obligation by taking responsibility?

      • 4


        Boris J has been accused of mishandling the pandemic & Health Secretary Hancock had to resign for breaking COVID rules of intimate contact outside family (not because of having an affair). A majority who died had other complications & thousands of old people die in winter, even without COVID implications. In the developed world, there are disaster management committees, such as, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies in UK, which takes over in a crisis with the politicians only endorsing their advise in public. Johnson is accused of late imposing of the SAGE recommendations.
        My point is that many in SL suffered unnecessarily from a long draconian curfew, only to be followed by a laisez faire approach, suggesting the govt. had no idea of handling the crisis, particularly, with a dumb Health Minister resorting to divine intervention to stop the pandemic. SL did not learn from the problems of other countries but prided for doing better until the same happened to us, yet, still seem to be in a muddle with no COVID & post COVID strategy.

        • 2

          Has BJ taken responsibility? The mortality rate in UK is one of the worst in Europe.
          BJ should have stepped down, regardless of what Hancock had to say about him.
          I am not defending the SL govt. I just reminded you that there has been a bigger tragedy in the UK. But none is willing to be answerable.
          There are countries where people have been fired for such mishandling.

          • 2

            You said “A majority who died had other complications & thousands of old people die in winter, even without COVID implications”.
            I agree.
            But the Bishops of the Church of St Corona would have got you burned on the stakes had you dared to say this some months ago.
            While it is true that only a small part of the ‘with COVID-19 deaths’ are by COVID-19, the excess death figures for UK are appalling. It seems that there were too many ‘with COVID-19’ deaths that could have been avoided. Someone has to take responsibility.
            Will you accept the same excuse you offer for UK for deaths in Sri Lanka? I see no reason why you should not.

          • 2


            I am not defending Boris J, nor the UK govt. Boris has been accused by the media for his bungling, as well as, for awarding lucrative contracts to cronies, bypassing normal procedure, which are being investigated. Boris has apologised in the past for the deaths but has stopped short of taking sole responsibility, however, he has scored brownie points in getting the vaccinations out early & over 75% of the adult population were vaccinated in record time. There are also vaccination sceptics in UK as well & those effected now are mostly the non vaccinated, while those vaccinated but tested positive have only mild symptoms. Unlike in SL, the pandemic was aggressive at the beginning but has been controlled gradually, while it is the opposite in SL. At least Boris & Co. had a strategy & faced the challengers without expecting divine intervention. In addition, the hardships during the lockdown were relatively minor compared to the sufferings of the average citizens of SL. This is the reason for my disgust with the man who was hailed as the nation’s saviour & his bunch of cronies, starting with the backward Health Minister & the useless Minister for Pandemics.
            The UK public will decide on the next PM but the health secretary had to step down for breaking covid rules, a relatively minor offense compared to blunders & incompetence of the SL ministers.

        • 1

          Raju-UK, Boris J did much more than ‘mishandle the pandemic’. While the Delta variant was spreading fast he delayed lockdown for three weeks hoping to travel to India to sign a trade agreement. Grandstanding and thumbing his nose at the EU after Brexit were more important to him than the lives of the people. He would easily fit into Sri Lankan politics.

          • 1


            Boris J would never have become the PM if not for the Brexit. Just like Trump promising to make America great, Boris promised to get Brexit done. The Brexiteers (like the 6.9m who voted for GR on such promises of splendour), elected BJ just to to that. Whether Brexit was a prudent move, posterity will tell but for better or worse, it was done as promised. However, as the joker, he is, it is unlikely BJ will be re-elected at the next election. Unlike Trump, BJ is unable to claim election fraud in UK & his political career may end, whereas, in SL, the Rajapakse dynasty will continue. (Esto per petua, as the Hon. Pussvedilla would say}.

    • 3

      KP, you are right in saying what may be effective in few is not applicable to whole infected population. If things are that easy we would have not been in this situation in the first place. Right now the only proven measures we have are vaccination and precautions. In Micro Biology there are in vitro , in vivo research studies and then we have the approved recommendations. Situation in Lanka is much more worse than I thought. Apparently what ever government told were not true. They mentioned about procuring lab/ testing kits , treatment accessories, ventilation machines and many others in preparation for this outbreak which they never did. It was all a cover up to fool the 6.9 million. Due to lack of foreign reserves govt did not purchase any. I hear few treating staff have succumbed and thousands are infected.

  • 3

    Look closely at the photo in the article.
    The people in it are supposed to the islands ruling classes.
    Notice how several of them are not wearing masks?
    That is how it always is with them. Just virtue signalling and hypocrisy.
    I guarantee many of them wont take the real covid vaccine either.
    They will get injected with saline or vitamins and lie they took it.
    That includes many of these criminal doctors who are freemasons also.

    • 1

      “the islands ruling classes”? Are they?
      There is just one doctor with the mask in hand.
      Another has lowered it to say something.
      All others are masked.

  • 8

    Shavendra Silva was the worst choice to be appointed in charge of people’s lives. He already is suspected of ordering SL troops to fire into civilians in the North, and seemed to have no regard for human lives. He is considered a war criminal by many.

    How can a military man, with absolutely NO qualifications, experience, nor knowledge, in the medical field, be in charge of a terrible pandemic, which even the western countries are struggling to deal with? Don’t we have qualified medical experts in Sri Lanka? Gota should have immediately appointed a panel of our best medical experts to spearhead this effort. Our banana republic must be the laughing stock around the word. A corrupt family in charge of most of our economy, and cronies, felons, murderers, and thugs, ruling the roost. How can other nations have trust or faith in our country, when we have these clowns running the show?

    The Rajapaksa’s have failed this country, by politicizing a pandemic, and putting their morally and ethically challenged cronies in charge of everything, even our lives. Now look at the chaos and utter mess around the country. It is bloody hell.

    • 2

      I noticed SJ stating ” people are scared to death ” quite a few times. I am not sure in what context but definitely they should be scared of getting killed by their own government. Only if SJ, Dinuk, Princeton anthropologist and Humble were in charge of Covid pandemic management ???

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