2 May, 2024


Regime Perishes And JVP Stumbles

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

It makes me chuckle that the streets have taken up my chant “Go, Gota, Go!” of a few weeks ago with gusto, but these are not times for trivial jollity. Gota and Basil have as yet not emplaned for California to resume employment at petrol-stations but when you read these words maybe they will be merrily winging their way home at the cost of first-class air-tickets paid by you and I. OK, if so, GRoBR! This, like all unexpected turns in history comes with its own slew of surprises. Surprise number one is that they managed to hang on for so long. Surprise number two, it was a spontaneous cross-class, multi-ethnic, omni-faith uprising of the people that threw them out. Unfortunately, though the discourses of the main political influencers in the country (JVP-NPP, Sajith-SJB and the TNA) reached no further than their own little bubbles; “Unborn tomorrow, dead yesterday”. Surprise number three, the TNA with excruciating exactitude in timing reset the negotiating clock – backwards. Just when the mass was moving in the opposite direction. And fourth a surprise, a curious shambolic in the JVP; our revolutionary comrades have been caught with their pants down. I will return to that anon.

It is said that the Rajapaksa’s are too power hungry to abdicate though Gota has from time to time made “I am fed up and will go if you don’t want me” comments. It seemed the most likely scenario was that Gota would dig in with the help of the military while Basil scoured the earth for alms to hand out concessions to the hungry masses before lightning struck the regime. But short-range predictions are hazardous in stormy seas. It is now reliably being said that the Attorney General has been consulted about the succession if Gota throws in the towel (consulted by whom is not said). The complication is that Mahinda may be debarred from taking over even in an acting capacity because of the two-term limit.

Gota’s plea for an all-party love-in has been brusquely spurned. Ali Sabry resigned as Finance Minister within a day having seen that the ship is sinking. The lawyers in BASL seem not to know whether they are coming or going. The army boss swears to uphold the constitution – isn’t that to be taken for granted – but Defence Secretary Kamal Gunaratne issues a thinly veiled threat against protesters. Treasury Secretary S.R. Atygalle resigned in the middle of the carnage, Cabraal has been kicked out, fond Nandalal Weerasinghe, a decent economist, has put his head in the noose, and to cap it all SLPP MP Nimal Lanza threatened the regime. (“More than 50 Members of Parliament representing the ruling party are prepared to function independently in Parliament . . . it is very reasonable for the people to ask the government to go home”). Eventually 42 quit and loss of parliamentary majority is unescapable soon. Any reasonable person will conclude that the government is belly-up. A self-respecting president would quit, but these are extraordinary times and the Rajapaksas are extraordinary people.

The way things have panned out a putsch – an extra parliamentary power grab – now seems will not be attempted and if any Mad-Paksa tries an adventure it will bring millions on the streets. The people’s protest movement is all sided; the big business class, scores of academics, ordinary Johns and Janes, Catholic and Buddhist clergy, and people who can draft placards in Sinhala and English (why no Tamil so far?) of all ages. Putin and Gotha must share the same horoscope certifying a black-eye, bloody nose and fractured ribs in the month of March 2022. The latter’s exit however will be sooner than the Russian’s, but no less unceremonious.

Don’t be complacent, there’s lots more to do. There are two guiding principles for everybody in the People’s Movement:

* The task is not world revolution, socialism or some millennial goal; it is defence of democracy followed by not much delayed dissolution of parliament and fresh elections.

* It is an ‘all-are-welcome’ mobilisation across parties, communities and ideologies.

The second point is controversial, let me explain. What about pro-SLPP types prepared to throw in their lot with the first point but come the next election they intend to campaign on a different programme, say support a residual Rajapaksa rump? What about Tamils who think devolution is essential and Sinhalese who reckon otherwise, or socialists and neo-liberals? I say the People’s Movement at this time must be open to all who endorse the first point.

Of course, I will not cease to be a Marxist, you can go to church or do your sadu, sadu in a temple, a third person may or may not wish to repeal the executive presidency and a fourth have views on private fee-loving universities. No problem so long as all sign up on point one; a straightforward minimum. When we have crossed this barrier feel free to go your way to socialism, capitalism or any -ism. If the regime falls quickly, we can be quickly past this hurdle and back to our bad old sectarian Lankan ways; but when the house is on fire let us focus on putting out the blaze. Does this require us to shut up on issues about which we have differences? Of course not, but be careful not to distract from the primary task; restoring democracy and holding free and fair elections a.s.a.p.

Elections? What elections, presidential, parliamentary, both? I do not conceal that I wish to see the executive presidency (EP) abolished and hope the tide set free when Gota cuts and runs will bury EP under waves of opprobrium. However, that depends on the inclinations in society and in lobbies, parties and events as they unfold post-Gota. There are constitutional processes (referendum?) to be followed. We are not imagining a revolution but a return to constitutional democracy. Some comradely friends may wish to lynch me, but come on chaps, politics is the art of the possible.

I will conclude by diverting to another matter, irritation at the behaviour of the JVP-NPP. The spontaneous outpouring of the masses last week took the comrades by surprise. They had indeed been warned by many including this humble columnist. For months we (many) alerted the leaders to mounting anger in the population and the need for defensive all-party preparations to counter likely state repression. The first has happened but the comrades were busy enjoying a relaxing siesta. Invariably I was ignored, the only two responses I had about a month or two ago were “We don’t think it is likely; if it happens, we will respond at the time” and “Isn’t it necessary to prepare without making it public?”. They have now been caught with their pants way down below their knees.

I quote from a columnist last week.


The JVP has also “cautioned against protest campaigns that cannot be traced back to a recognizable and accountable organiser or group.” While acknowledging “the people’s right to organize their own protests against Sri Lanka’s worsening economic crisis,” the JVP has warned of “dangers lurking in a protest movement that has no accountability.”


The JVP is talking from the outside, it is admitting that it unaware of what’s going on and who is involved! The country is in turmoil, we are experiencing the biggest spontaneous mass eruption since the 1953 Hartal (communal riots excepted) and the biggest left party is in effect saying “Who! What! We don’t know what’s going on or who is involved!”. Yes, comrades you were outsiders to the spontaneous explosion of mass anger. Yes indeed, the violence of angry mobs is also leading to excesses but if mass anger is leaderless, undirected and without a programme this what always happens. It is also the excuse that the regime needs to initiate repression.

If the JVP ever were to wake up, it could attempt to throw itself among the masses, give them direction, exercise control, eradicate mob violence, expel agents-provocateurs, coordinate with other groups and see Lanka through to the reassertion of democracy. To allege or imply from the outside that an uprising of this intensity is inspired by conspiratorial forces is outrageous. The job of the JVP should have been to be in the thick of it, lead it, expose conspirators and agents-provocateurs – of course there are will be some in a movement of this size and intensity. I don’t need to say more; everybody gets the point. In July 1917 when the Petrograd workers went on the streets in a spontaneous though premature confrontation with the State this is exactly what Lenin, who was as astonished as the JVP is today, did. He threw the Party into the movement, took control, managed its direction and prevented it from bashing its head against a wall.

Some political parties and individuals (Champika for example) have published election or presidential manifestoes. I am aware of interest groups, gatherings of academics etc who are drafting programmes. They must be clear about why they are doing this. It may be to grow themselves into long-term focus groups on specific issues (education, health, fighting corruption) or to influence entities such as parties or the government. Botha are fine and the efforts must be brought to fruition in their proper time. It is necessary right now however, to liaise with the near uprising in the country for the immediate objectives of restoring democracy and ensuring quick, free and fair elections.

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  • 8

    Kumar David claims he invented the chant of Go Gota Go! Kumar Welgama in parliament claims HE invented the chant Go Gota Go! Which Kumar is telling the truth? Will we ever know?

    • 13

      what matters is not who invented it… but the youth*s power is becoming very stronger by hour. Their slongans would not leave any space to Rajapakshe hoodwinking machines.. They will be the force who will decide our future for the entire nation. THey dont seem care about RELGIION, RACE OR ANY OTHER FACTORs that their parents, relatives and elders were busy with. They only want LAW AND ORDER be above so that a stable politics can be the consequence.
      That is a big hope to island nation mistread by sons of bitches born to Medamulana.


      I dont know about others, I am dreaming to see TRIPOLI style last end of Rajapakshe tyranny…. drains and corners will be waiting to punish them soon.

      • 1

        Then, Leela’s bro, you will have to keep dreaming for the rest of your life, as we have. For nothing will change, and I guarantee the Rajapaksa’s will remain in power, with a Rajapaksa in the cabinet even if we revisit this conversation in 100 years time. Please do not be fooled by these transitory protests, for other than being a waste of energy it changes nothing in our nation of short memories and stooges. Suba Anagathayak.

        • 11

          Walter “William” Bagehot: You say “nothing will change”. Here are some “Changes” brought by the “Protests”. (1) The entire Cabinet Resigned. (2) All “225” MPs were condemned and rejected. (3) The CB Governor, Secretary to the Treasury resigned. (4) Qualified and Fitting persons have been brought to the CB (5) Loss of Faith on “Occult” and “Mysticism” (Gnana Akka) (6) All Political Parties “Sidelined” (7) The “Saffron Clothed” Brigade of GR axed (8) All Ethenic Communities and Religious Faith people were brought “TOGETHER” (9) United as “Sri Lankans” (10) The “Autonomous” and “Dictatorial” Presidential System “CHALLENGED” and called “TO GO HOME” – (11) Unanimous call – both Nationally & Internationally to “RETURN THE LOOT TO US”. Join us to enjoy a “Suba Anagathayak”.

          • 2

            Thank you for your wildly optimistic but utopian response.
            (1) The entire Cabinet Resigned. – So what? Zero outcome, we are no further along than a month ago. Gota didn’t go home.
            2) All “225” MPs were condemned and rejected. – Yeah, right. Did you have a referendum of the population to determine that?
            3) The CB Governor, Secretary to the Treasury resigned. – replaced by two Rajapaksa stooges Nandalal (oversaw countless scams relating to money changing, bonds, and was right hand man of both Cabraal and Mahendran before Coomaraswamy put him in his place). Have you forgotten his performance during the Bond inquiry? Siriwardena is a Cabraal shill and puppet.
            4) Qualified and Fitting persons have been brought to the CB – The qualified new Gov has stated he has fullest confidence in the monetary board comprising Ranee Jayamaha and Sanjeewa Jayawardena, both of whom are Rajapaksa stooges and were responsible (along with Kumarasinghe) for the devastating steps taken by the CBSL the past two years.
            5) Loss of faith in occultism – No. It was a loss of faith in Gnana Akka. There will be enough jokers to fill her place.
            6. All political parties sidelined – By who? A few thousand rich kids of Colombo who lost access to social media during power cuts?

            • 1

              Continuing due to character limit
              7The “Saffron Clothed” Brigade axed – Not a chance as long as Buddhism remains enshrined in the constitution
              (8) All Ethenic Communities and Religious Faith people were brought “TOGETHER” (9) United as “Sri Lankans” – for a moment. Don’t expect it to last once life goes on. Already the cause is being subverted by the LTTE lobby and others (10) The “Autonomous” and “Dictatorial” Presidential System “CHALLENGED” and called “TO GO HOME” – So? Have they gone? Will they go? Nonsense. AS I speak someone is being sworn in as a state minister.
              (11) Unanimous call – both Nationally & Internationally to “RETURN THE LOOT TO US”. – No doubt the loot that we didn’t recover from Jayawardena, Gamini, Athulathmudali, and Premadasa having never been returned it is just going to materialise from Rajapaksa.

              Get real, and keep dreaming. Suba Anagathayak

      • 4

        Leela’s entire life premise is based on the extinction of Rajapakse. I like to see the reaction of Leela if Rajapakse stays. Sri Lankans are stubborn people. So far Gotha has the support of the military. Social media seems to be against Rajapakse, but unlike Putin, he did not invade another country, so there is no diplomatic ire yet.

        • 8

          Lester the gesterer,
          Please wait and see, how we will round up them soon. Days are numbered.
          All what I have predicted from the day one became evident today. I dont need to exchange with you or the kind of simple simons that would do the role of toilet papers for the rascals. My elders made me very clear, Weerakatiya cattle thieves would ruin this nation oneday. Today everyone s eye cant believe, the predictions of my elders became the reality. However, entire world and at least 50% of ones worked against them are clear, but you the kind of slaves would take some more time. Get well soon !

          • 2


            You said on another thread that CBK is a better fit than MaRa. That shows you were “born late.” Under CBK, there were plenty of power cuts and emergency regulation. One could hardly drive through Colombo without being checked. Suicide bombs were also common. Everyone who was there at that time remembers Central Bank or Dehiwela or buses being blown up. Highways and roads were in bad shape as CBK did not invest in any development projects. Beggars were everywhere. Worst part is, CBK was losing the war because her of her stupid uncle, Ratwatte. All territories which Gotha, as Defense Minister, recaptured without any effort.

            MaRa/Gotha WON the war. Built monuments to war heroes on top of land Ratwatte ran away from. Beautified Colombo. Built super highways with Chinese money. The city was safe until Moda Ranil became PM again. Now, people are protesting (mistakenly) against Gotha because of a Chinese pandemic and failure to buy toxic Chinese fertilizers. The people will wake up quickly if there is another terror attack. Wait for next “RaJa -ya” reincarnation.

            • 5

              Lester the Rajapaksa slave,
              “The people will wake up quickly if there is another terror attack.”
              Organised by the Rajapaksas, of course. Maybe Parsee terrorists next time, eh?

    • 8

      Dear Walter ‘William’ Bagehot,
      I’m quite sure that neither would give a damn. Why?
      They are both guys who have been very successful in obscuring the fact that both studied in the same “prestigious” school as I was in – for two years only.
      Kumar David because he has a world reputation as a scientist (where he uses a slight variation of his name); Kumar Welgama because he is so immensely wealthy, although he is probably quite sincere in saying that he is for socialism.
      But “Yours truly” who is a VishramikaGambadaIngirisiIskoleMahatthya” and is neither famous nor rich, shouts it out from his roof top in Bandarawela.
      Panini Edirisinhe (116 words)

  • 2

    Surprising that CT published an article even mildly critical of the JVP.

    • 3

      CT has other serious taboo topics. JVP is nothing.
      The surprise is that the author is singing a different tune on the JVP.
      Not long ago he pounced on the mildest critic of the JVP.

  • 7

    Many thanks, Kumar.
    I’m resonding as fast as possible. I actually saw this article in the Island when trying to see what the newspapers were saying. Then looked for this on CT.
    I participated in an NPP protest rally yesterday (Sunday, the 9th), in Badulla (20 miles from my home). Made it to the Bandarawela town on my rickety old motor-bike, then bussed to Badulla and back. At least a thousnd there; we were given that customary sheet with slogans, and I shouted lustily with my exceptionally loud voice. Tamil was used by Vidyarathna; there were placards in Tamil. People like me don’t sometimes observe accurately because I don’t think on racial lines.
    I didn’t try to do too much; details later. Took some selfie other photographs. Before leaving home I had put some CT comments in to the article by Liyanage ot Amarakeerthi.
    I’m old; you’re older. We dare not stretch ourselves too much with physical activity. Handicapped by power outages and collapsing UPSes. But fewer power cuts is what I feel. I’ve resurrected the notebook computer, but the problem is that the only realistic access is when electricity is on. Also spell-check doesn’t work on it. That’s technical, not uderstood by me. Through fibre optic landline connection. The fifty year old landphone is NEVER used; you don’t know the number.

    • 7

      Checked, and found spelling errors after putting it on the Hard Disk on this notebook. Not many. First line: should have been “responding”, and last line shouldn’t have been “landphone”, although I put that in deliberately. Few Lankans would know that to be not British English; our one-time masters would say “landline”.
      This article is a fine example of Kumar’s writing at its best; economical and eloquent, but at first reading I found Kumar saying “you and I” where I think it should have been “you and me”. Does it matter. Yes, to petty minds that refuse to focus on the message.
      I have also found that this comment was exceeding the limit. The only way that I know of checking length is copying on to a document on the HDD of a computer. “Open Office” has now told me that I had used 226 words in my previous comment. “Open Office”? Will expand, later, if any are puzzled.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

  • 7

    JVP has no role to play.it faces a dead end. It is not their making, but the geo-political situation debars them.
    The worsening economic crisis could only be addressed within a neo-liberal world, backed by the west that includes India, USA and EU and international funding agencies like IMF, World Bank and ADB and of course with Japan.
    We have to be realistic! Hard times are ahead, even democracy should await for a short time until the situation stabilizes.
    The neo-liberal capitalism is going to triumph in Sri Lanka whether we like it or not.
    For all those who are socialist inclined it is a sorry reality, but remember one step backwards is for two steps forward in the future!

  • 6

    “why no Tamil so far?” asks Kumar David.

    Isn’t it obvious to you that they have protested for seven decades against Sinhalese dominated rulers starting with the Sathyakraham in Colombo in 1956 demanding their legitimate rights? For the last seventy years they have protested and even forgot for their rights in vain.

    Do you think the Sinhalese people, the Buddhist bhikku racists, or the Sinhalese leaders will agree to give their rights?

    Will the Sinhalese ever demand that their alleged war criminals (including Gota) be prosecuted in a tribunal to provide justice to the kith and kin of the hundreds of Tamils who surrendered at the end of the war?

    Sinhalese society is only fighting for their own survival. If Gota says that he will give land in Tamil territories to every Sinhala Buddhist adult tomorrow, will they continue their struggle? Images of the Buddha are already in place in these territories to welcome Sinhalese Buddhists. Hasn’t it occurred to the cunning foxes of the Rajapakse clan to use this trump card to win over the protestors?

    Did any Sinhalese protest on the streets of Colombo or elsewhere when many thousands of Tamils and killed in the last part of the war in Vanni?

  • 5

    corrections … fought for their rights.

    ….Tamils were starved and killed in the last part of the war in Vanni?

  • 6

    In the dialogues of Plato, the founding father of Greek Philosophy – Socrates – is portrayed as hugely pessimistic about the whole business of democracy. … Socrates’s point is that voting in an election is a skill, not a random intuition. And like any skill, it needs to be taught systematically to people.

    Sri Lanka might end up in another color revolution just like what happened to Arab Spring.

    I will refrain from speculating about the future of Sri Lanka: Anything can happen

    • 8

      Thiru you are 100% correct.

    • 5

      Tamils always get double jeopardy deals.
      1. If Sinhalese get a good government for Sinhalese, like JR time, Tamils suffer.
      2. If the country got bad government, like Siri Ma O or Royals or Yahapalanaya, Tamils are on the top of thelist to suffer.
      One can understand the nature of the problem and decide what deal Tamils should make with Sinhalese for peaceful life, hereafter, for Sinhalese and Tamils.

    • 0

      What were Thales and Socrates? Theatre script writers?

  • 4

    I am proud to see, that our youth continues their protest marches, also this morning at 7 am, they are still before president s office.

  • 4

    If Gota resigns, under the present rules MR would replace him as President. Frying pans and fires.

    • 4

      I am surprised that nobody even considered this prospect in his/her long comments.

    • 6

      no for sure, .Mahinda looks as if he cant move from A to B without aid… so how can he replace Gota.
      Believe or not, like or not, their days are numbered, protesting youth and their power will not allow Gota and his brother Mafia boss to continue in politics next days.
      With IMF talks to be begun tomorrow, the country will be thrown to a critical state.
      So, the world is watching – they will not want island nation to fall from frying to fires.

  • 6

    Thamizh people do not listen to this author’s rhetoric and keep away from these protests as this has nothing to do with us. It is a Chingkalla protest,. as they are now suffering under the rule of this war-criminal racist psychopath whom they adored and voted for in their millions, as they supported his racist killings and war crimes against the island’s Thamizh. Kept quiet even the so-called Southern Chingkalla Catholic and Protestant churches, when he and all the former regimes, were committing structural genocide against the Thamizh, denying us language rights, higher education, employment, stealing or lands, destroying Hindu temples, or forcibly converting them to Buddhist, setting Chingkallams on stolen and ethnically cleansed Thamizh lands. Deliberately killing over 145000 of us in May 2009 and committing horrific war crimes, torture, and rapes on our people. They praised him and his racist armed forces that are still occupying our homeland like a foreign occupation force and making life hell for us. Called them Golden heroes or something stupid and voted him and his war criminal brother, kith kin, and racist friends again to continue this torture on the Thamizh. They thought they will get Paradise on earth whilst making life hell for us and steal whatever little we have left from us.

    • 6

      Now instead of the promised Paradise, there is only hell and they are crying in agony and want us to join us. The racist Chingkalla armed forces will not attack or kill them or do anything to them as they are fellow Chingkallams but vent their frustration and show their racist colours if Thamizh protests in the north and east and shoot and kill them in their thousands. They have already done this and will not hesitate. Even their racist psychopathic will order this, as it may bring him joy and divert the attention of the largely racist Chingkallams and state Thamizh LTTE terrorist behind all this. These ungrateful Chingkallams once they get their Gas, food, medicines, and whatever from the west, China, Russia, or most probably India, will forget everything and again show their true racist colours again. Racism is oozed into their blood, now pretending to be nice and reasonable as they have suffered and are starving but still have not learnt a lesson that is their racism and their racist politicians and religious clergy, Buddhist, Catholic and Protestant, who have brought the country to this level. Looks like this Professor does not care about the Thamizh only about his leftist Marxist leanings and the largely racist Chingkalla electorate. Chingkallams have to learn the hard way that racism and voting and supporting racists and war criminal rogues do not work in the long run.

      • 6

        Ceylon or Sri Lanka only became a showcase British colony, as the British pumped a lot of money from the other colonies here and created a good life and after independence, the Chingkallams wanted this to continue with no hard work or adequate revenue and marginalised the Thamizh who were capable of this. Made one lot stateless and forcibly deported most of them to India and chased another million natives Thamizh to the west and did not allow them to prosper. Constantly destroying and stealing everything they made or owned, through their hard work. Still doing the same thing and trying to steal what little they own now.

    • 0

      “It is a Chingkalla protest,”

      You are right. As soon as you wave your “Tiger Flag”, the “protest” will turn to something else. Some of these “new generation” Sinhalese protestors did not experience Tamil Tiger suicide terror bombings at banks or on trains. They think after Gotha is gone, the island will turn into a Western paradise. They think he is another Putin. A few more generations of Rajapakse are needed to weed out the separatist rot. I see these Diaspora buggers still on social media whining about Tamils.

      • 2

        However, like a rat that has abandoned the sinking ship, you are now living in some western paradise, most probably received asylum under false pretenses. However, like most Chingkalla diaspora in the west enjoy the good life there, but in the name of Chingkalla Buddhist Fascism, support opportunists, rogues, swindlers, psychopathic racists, and war criminal politicians and leaders back home, marginalization of the island’s Thamizh speakers and state-sponsored Chingkalla racism back home, as their effects and aftermath does not affect you or your family. The Rajapakses fit all these descriptions and are the worst racists and war criminals, so you love them. Speaks volumes about you and what sort of person you really are. You do not really care what happens to the country or to your former fellow countrymen, whether they live , starve or just exist, many of them your fellow Chinkallams, as long as the Thamizh are marginalized and dispossed, everything is fine for you, as it will not affect you and you can enjoy this safely from a distance.

  • 2

    ” Regime Perishes And JVP Stumbles “ Immature nursery rhymes and Cradle songs,good only for to put babies to sleep, not politics. Unfit for the contemporary time and absolutely irrelevant for the suffering Langkang people incurring. Prof. KD should try something better than this for it to be useful for the direction lost masses. Please set example for the writers and commentators. That will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks a lot

  • 6

    Surprise # 1: They managed to hang on for so long.
    The government managed to keep shortages going for even longer. So the surprise diminishes in significance.
    Surprise # 2: It was a spontaneous cross-class, multi-ethnic, omni-faith uprising of the people.
    Not quite yet. It is dominated by sections of the middle class– not that the rest are thrilled with the government, but they are not as willing to take to the street.
    Surprise # 3: The TNA with excruciating exactitude in timing reset the negotiating clock – backwards.
    The TNA has not lost anything in the deal. They can claim that they have been reasonable and always willing to talk with an open mind.
    The author is notorious for paring people based on trivia: once long ago Mahinda and Chavez, and now Gota and Putin.
    No wonder his sums go wrong consistently as they did with betting on the Yahapalanaya and then betting on the JVP.

  • 1

    Prof Kum chides at the JVP for not joining the protesters. Amongst many reasons there can be for their “inaction”, one can be that if they contribute towards the protest and some other Kleptocrats benefit out of it by getting the political power then wouldn’t the JVP not a part of the merely changing from one set of Kleptocrats to another, thus aiding itself in a National Crime? Another reason could be that if as a result of being part of the protest or uprising, knowing very well that any fellow cannot alleviate the suffering of the people for a long time and they getting the power wouldn’t the same wave of uprising turn against them? THANK GOD there is no serious violence for an IPKF to step in.

  • 3

    The slogan I liked is not
    “You Fuckxd the wrong Generation.”
    This time its the young generation.!
    Young generation of all religion , caste , class are fed up.They see no future for them. They have realised that the Rajapaksa clan is a corrupt lot. They have realised that Tamils or Muslims or Christians are not their enemies. They have realised that Rajapkasas are diving the country and thriving on racism.

    On Galle Face Green opposite the Presidential Secretariat and in the Independence Square young Sinhala youths are respecting and helping young Muslims to break their fast.Buddhist Theroes are being chased away from the protest to keep it secular and non political
    Gota tried to be clever and declared a long public holiday for Ramadan, Easter and ST New Year. No power cut was announced for the holiday period, dollar was released to unload diesel from the ships that were left stranded on the high seas off Colombo.
    Gota was hoping public will go away and enjoy the festive season and protesters will go away and everything will die down. Apparently Gana Akka told him.!!

    • 5

      But No. The young generation have turned Galle Face Green in to a camping site. Mobile Toilets, Pop up kitchen, supply of water bottles, snacks, Tents, music even first aid facilities.
      They are Not going home Until Gota Goes Home
      They are staying put opposite the Presidential secretariat
      Not just Gota but the entire Rajapaksas
      Gota Fxxxed the wrong generation.!!

      • 0

        R, I wonder who is footing the bills– certainly not Gota or Basil.
        Any clue?

        • 1

          I heard its the Tamil Diaspora.
          .and what more they are not sending the funds through the banking channels but through the undiyal system :)

          • 0

            Whatever you heard, that question is serious and cannot be dodged flippantly.

  • 3

    why is the there is no edit facility in CT to edit one own typo once its posted?

    • 3

      In days of dipping pen and ink, people made fewer mistakes because it takes a lot of trouble to correct.
      Then came the Biro and Tippex.
      Now it is easy to correct. Typos proliferate and quite a few slip through.
      Try fitting an old Remington typewriter keyboard to the computer.
      It will slow you down so that you write less with even less mistakes.

  • 2

    All politicians in Sri Lanka are dishonest, disinterested in serving the people ,who elected them to parliament. Thats why they are protesting day and night through- out the country for change in the system!

    • 2

      “All politicians in Sri Lanka are dishonest, disinterested in serving the people ,who elected them to parliament. “
      Including the Tamil politicians without exception or excuse?

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