15 February, 2025


GR Presidency A Colossal Liability

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Nationwide public demonstrations continue. The strategic long holiday declaration for New Year celebrations with the intention of dampening protestors’ tenacity is not going to work, because there is hardly anything to celebrate with shortage of victuals, valueless rupee, long queues for essentials and frequent power cuts. To the protestors’ credit demonstrations so far had remained largely peaceful although their patience has limits, and more importantly, they are devoid of any ethnic or religious exclusivity. A sinister attempt to colour the protests with a Muslim extremist brush had failed in Mirihana. This is of historic significance in the context of Sri Lanka’s seven decades old ethno-nationalism. It is pleasing to see fasting Muslim women openly participating in and addressing public rallies. The entire community should join this national protest. The one slogan that reverberates in all demonstrations is, “Gota Go Home”. The government, having lost its two-third majority already, and facing the possibility of losing even a working majority, is in a hopeless position to put together a more capable cabinet of ministers than the ones resigned, and ended up in reshuffling the portfolios once again. In short, for the first time in the history of this country, there is a dysfunctional government.

To make matters worse, a monomaniac president is digging his heels in and refuses to stand down, while his legislators in parliament are shamefully backing him. Like street thugs they are even challenging the opposition for a fight. One government member childishly challenged the leaders of two opposition parties to take up the finance portfolio for six months and prove their expertise. With such parliamentarians what could one expect from this rubble of a government? Why then GR is refusing to go? Obviously, he seems to be relying on the support of two strategic pillars, the military and monastery. Of the two, whether the military with six armoured regiments would be ready to confront the unarmed but determined masses and unleash acts of terror upon them is doubtful. An incident that was reported from Kurunegala a couple of days ago referring to a young demonstrator who was able to convince an armed security officer and moved him to tears, when he reasoned out to the officer why he and his colleagues were protesting, reveals an important and fundamental truth. After all, even military men and police officers are humans with families and relatives, many of whom face the same misery and agony as the protestors do. When tens of thousands of such unarmed civilians flood the streets would security forces obey orders and massacre them? It is unlikely, because these demonstrators are neither insurrectionists nor separatists, but innocent victims of a corrupt political system that had deprived them of a decent living. They are agitating for a new Sri Lanka, free of corruption, nepotism, injustice, discrimination and inequities – evils that had ruined this nation for over seventy years. In addition, there is also the psychology of large numbers. It is easier to bomb from the sky and kill hundreds of thousands than to face that same number face to face on ground and fire directly at them.

A second incident tells that the monastery also may turn against the regime if demonstrations continue unabated. This was when a Buddhist monk wanted to join the demonstrators at Battaramulla. He was politely and respectfully requested to keep away, because protestors wanted their struggle to remain secular. This is a healthy sign which should convince the Sangha that the current generation of youngsters do not want religious elements to hijack its epochal mission. No wonder that the usual suspects like the Gnanasaras and Rathana Theras were conspicuous by their absence from the battleground. In sum, the two strategic pillars on which GR hoping to rely for support look wobbly.

There is no denying the fact that the immediate issue confronting the nation is the economy. The damage done to it on multiple fronts especially over the last two years would take more than the IMF initiated remedies to repair. The Speaker of Parliament’s desperate plea to members in the opposition to suggest remedial measures to put the economy in order is pointless under the prevailing political set up. In the meantime, the newly appointed Governor of CBSL, Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe (NW), is on a thankless mission but seems to be on the right track. He has already reversed the monetary policies of his two predecessors. His decision to raise interest rates by 75 basis points is historic but absolutely essential. And more importantly, he has promised to restore the independence of CSBL which, under his predecessors was virtually mortgaged to the whims and fancies of a President who had no clue as to how an economy should be managed. NW is also calling for new fiscal measures to increase public revenue without cutting expenditure on welfare. This demands an interim budget. Yet, in spite of NM’s monetary measures and expected IMF assistance it would take more than macroeconomic stability to revive the economy and create a growth momentum. NW underscored this difficulty when he said that political crisis and social unrest must end to ensure greater stability. This is imperative, but cannot happen unless the current president and the corrupt government are removed in whatever order. Otherwise, there would be obstacles to the efforts of reformers and some of the reforms could be sabotaged by vested interests that stand to gain from status quo.

Moreover, the $3 billion immediate injection into government coffers which the new Finance Minister is calling for has to come partly from IMF and partly from capital surplus friendly countries such as those from the Middle East. In actual fact, the country needs more than that amount to overcome its immediate needs, and it has to come in a mixed bag of outright grants and below market rate long term loans. But with controversial human rights record and bungled foreign policies whether the ethno-religious majoritarian GR regime would be able to invoke Arab generosity, despite a Muslim Finance Minister, is highly unlikely.

Thus, the era of economic and social reforms should start on a new political plane. The removal of GR and abolition of the executive presidency are sine qua non, because they have become a colossal liability for domestic peace, economic revival and international support. Until that happens peaceful demonstrations and public protests would and should continue. The opposition, including the Tamil and Muslim parties, should not in the meantime work to betray the demonstrators by compromising with GR and negotiating for an interim government in which a few of them could become ministers. What the country needs today is a fundamental and systemic change to overhaul its democratic structure that had been emptied of its substance over seventy-four long years.

*Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business and Governance, Murdoch University. Western Australia

Latest comments

  • 24

    The only good thing that seem to come out from the current economic disaster is that the community, irrespective of ethnicity, coming together & the non-inclusion of saffron robes in a bid to reform the country from all its ills. I hope the misguided people have now realised the Sinhala Buddhist rhetoric trumped by self serving politicians has been the root cause of this catastrophe & the elimination of Tamil terrorists is not an excuse to be blind to massive corruption, mismanagement & abuse of power.
    It is obvious that none of the current politicians are capable of re-organising the country, therefore, has to be from the civil society & I hope the entire current bunch of politicians, preferably, since 2000 (since the birth of the new millennium), should be investigated & that includes cronies as well. A herculean task but we need a complete sweep, all traces of the cancer has to be eliminated. The misery, hardships & suffering of citizens brought about by these yobs should not go unpunished & the stolen wealth of the country recovered, at least, much as possible.

    • 21

      Dr Ali,
      the news I could not believe was the defeat of Pakistan premier Imaran Khan this morning. So what talks about Gota, who did not nothing but to got all his criminal friends exonerated from their ongoing court cases. That was their primary aim for their comeback. Nothing not even thrivial issues of the day was settled by President GR – he could be good at doing such services to the family and friends, but not good even to be a school prefect.

    • 13

      No Option but Gota should go.

      This simple thing should be clear to them atleat today. All what they did was- getting their crime investigations which were filed agains thtem, exonerated…. apart from that.. nothing was gained for the benefit of the nation.

      Some would say, to some extent, they maanged COVID. that is against untruth. They were too late to protect the people. And for the jabs, they did not expend that much…. not because of that,… reserves sunk because ballige puthas did not know how to manage it. This happens when people are blind… that we said it all in Nov 2019.

      Now from the former election commissioner, Mahinda Deshapriya to the last person of Rajapkshe family should be punished so that people can feel, that they can start from the beginning.
      We should give damn about the health problem of MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHE who is the mafia leader of all the high crimes in this beautiful country.
      . They came to protest the nation, but now they have to protest their families.

      At least today, the very same people to have realizezd the truths about the MEDAMUDLANA mentality is really a good thing. Thanks goto the youth of this country.


      • 9

        Dear LM: “Gota should go”. No doubt. If he doesn’t go what must be done? Do you have any proposals? You already know Gota has said many times “I will not go”.

        So how can we make him go? I have stated my proposal in a comment down below. Please read it. My proposal is “REDUCE” this bastard to “DUST” by “REPEALING” the “20A” and bring in what was in the previous “19A” with much more provisions to make him a “SERVANT” of the Legislature. This is the time to do it, because there will be a “2/3rd” majority to do that. Of course, that motion must be drafted in such a way to avoid the requirement of a “Referendum”. If that happens “GOTA” will “GO”.

        • 2

          Dear Simon,
          Thank you for your commet.
          Gota is not the person who would want to oppose it. it should be his brother MAFIA boss. Gota is just a puppet similar to Ambalangoda Rukada, all these are known to us today than prior to PE; but being controlled by BP Mahinda Rajakashes. Mahinda s real face is not yet clear to even his abusive wife Shiranthi.
          There are options. you have added them clearly than anyone else.. but with the IMF bail out, SL will have to go through the following.
          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHeaV1mMEtI I think you have already added them. Believe or not, like or not, he will have to step down..that will be our next news. .. not just he .. but BP Mahinda and all bearing RAJAPAK´SHE padada surname …..
          EU leaders are warning, that srilanka s future will be in a mess if protest would turn to be violent as had been in 89.

        • 4

          Please listen watch the video below. .
          Why people waited until this huge mess is done – not just politicians, but your KADAMANDIYA people and all that ignored it, should be made accoutable for the mess.

    • 7

      Maybe Tamils fighting state-sponsored Sinhalese oppression and marginalization from the time of independence is terrorism for the Sinhalese but not for us. To us the Sinhalese lad Sri Lankan state and its Sinhalese army and police that committed so many atrocities and war crimes against the island’s Tamil population are terrorists. Tamil protesting and fighting against state-sponsored anti-Tamil racism and violence and oppression against them is terrorism for the Sinhalese and even supported this oppression that led to the war

      • 10

        However, Sinhalese crowds now protesting against the government, due to the economic downturn are not terrorists but ordinary citizens protesting for their rights. Similarly, a military official making threatening gestures against Tamil protestors in London, against human rights abuses by the government against the Tamils is deemed a patriotic and brave act by most Sinhalese. Was praised for standing up to the Tamil terrorists and even given a promotion. However, when a similar incident happened yesterday and a high-ranking government supporter did the same against the Sinhalese protestors it was widely condemned. Again one rule of Tamils and another rule for Sinhalese. When will you people learn?

        • 4

          Dear Siva Sankaran Sharma,
          Your comment has just appeared, and I gave it an immediate “LIKE”.
          Now it’s you who have to do some work. Please go back to articles on what happened then; I mean when that horrible army guy made that throat-cutting gesture. See what I have said, and please get back to me.
          Thanks for reminding me that there are those fellows also who must be punished. Don’t start executing them, though. We must stop these endless cycles of meaningless violence.
          I’m seventy-three, and one of my chief concerns now is to keep living so that after the Rajapaksas are gone (that is inevitable, although the details of how the family members go is of little concern to me); after that let us not go on witch hunts of all minor offenders. I will get back to you with some observations on the reign of terror after the French Revolution.
          Now, if I start sounding like a guy of some significance, let me tell you that I’m living like a poor villager, but don’t have the typical mind-set of the racist Sinhalese.
          For the record, I don’t like Tamil racists, either; although you comment regularly, I don’t have a clear picture of how your comments have been going.

    • 5

      Dear Dr Ali,
      I appologize for my previous comments.
      All of them were added instantly before reading your current article. Thanks for the valuable analysis.
      Yes it is a real big progress to see muslim women being very active in ongoing protests in Colombo.
      Everyone with some sanity has to agree with you “The removal of GR and abolition of the executive presidency are sine qua non, because they have become a colossal liability for domestic peace, economic revival and international support”

      If Gotabaya to continue – then the guy that a hand-mixed pancea against COVID infections – by name Dhammika Paniya maker should be well appropriate to be the president of srilanken highest office for pharmacology.

  • 9

    According to the “intellectual” posts of EE who has been strangely silent now? those against GOTA RATPACKse were merely DEFEATED!!!! persons. Accordingly, per EE logic it seems that the millions of sinhalas who are protesting against the RATPACKses are all defeated!! persons. I agree they have been DEFEATED by the RATPACKses by the RATPACKSES CORRUPTION, resulting form LTTE!
    PIRABAHARAN may god bless him must be laughing !!!!!!

  • 10

    Yes normally solutions can be tackled from the bottom up. But here it has come to a stage when the top has to be tackled down like in rugby. Otherwise, a monomaniac president digging in his heels in and refusing to stand down, while his legislators in parliament are shamefully backing him, will never solve the problem.
    But my fear is that the longer he stays, the country will end up terminally bankrupt and unreclaimable by anyone, or else even end in anarchy.

  • 9

    My opinion is no good person should take ant position in current government to rescue Sri Lanka as long as Rajapakse family is in power.
    It is wrong move by Dr Nandalal to take position of central bank governorship. Any good work he will do only prolong survival of corrupted regimen.
    Also people should ask all foreign missions to not to give any financial support to Sri Lanka unless Rajpakses leave the power and parliament is dissolved.
    India is trying buy our assets while siphoning money to Rajapakse regimen shamefully.
    You can’t create better country without sacrifices made by the people

    • 4

      By and large, I agree with you, Jack, but not on some details.
      You could start by telling us whether you live in Lanka or abroad. I ask because if you know, at first hand, the suffering that we are already undergoing, you wouldn’t talk so glibly of the need for us to make sacrifices.
      That the Rajapaksas will go is inevitable. We must now launch on mitigating the suffering of those who will live on in Lanka.
      Today (oh, dear, I see that it has become “tomorrow” for me already – 00.18 – that means “midnight- eighteen”). Anyway, yesterday, I purchased 200 grams of butter marked at Rs 525/=. Actually I was given it for Rs 500/=. It was only Rs 220/= when Gota cheated his way in, after an election conducted well by Jeevan Hoole and his likes.
      Thanks to people like Dr Nandalal Weerasinghe. Pensions were paid yesterday.
      This is not good news for us!

      • 1

        Dear SM,
        Call no man good until he is dead – apology to Solon/Croesus.
        …….Thanks to people like Dr Nandalal Weerasinghe. Pensions were paid yesterday…….
        Sorry I cannot fully agree with you as he was in tow with Cabraal and also, later the attorney appearing for Arjuna Aloysius had informed the Court that the Presidential Commission which had examined the bond issue had recommended that Nandalal Weerasinghe and Ananda Silva also should be responsible for the Central Bank bond scam.
        Jan 24, 2019

        • 0

          My view,
          Thank you. You are spot on.
          Even Dr Wijewardhana( media s darling for the last few months) was with or in the same panels, where Cabral and Medamulana MAFIA boss were CBG and minister of finance respectively Remember ? Even if he is trying to be in good books today. Even paying passivity all along, leaving crimes be commited is a high crime. So I have no respect to anyone that held office in CB since 2005.

  • 9

    Ameer Ali , I am very confident TNA will not join Rajapaksas in any interim government. But I cannot say the same with Muslim parties. Upto now only one Muslim MP Musharaf has decided to sit independent. Today GR is meeting the 41 who supposedly left for further deal making. I even doubt TNA will join interim government without Rajapaksas unless and until some form of reconciliation is guaranteed for Tamils to meaningfully help in recovery.

    • 14

      The Muslim leaders have been a damn disgrace to this country, and their own people.
      No Muslim leader spoke out for, or stood by, the Muslims, when the overweight saffron robed terrorist went around and spread hate speeches, and instigated racist Sinhala mobs, to attack Muslims, their homes, businesses, and Mosques, doing the bidding of the racist Rajapaksas, to divide the country and get the support of the Sinhala Buddhist people. In fact the best speech condemning the attacks on Muslim came from a Tamil leader in Parliament.

    • 5

      I think the TNA and the Muslim parties should join Gota’s government. That will put the final nail in his credibility as the Great Saviour of the Sinhalayo, the hero who said he doesn’t need minority support.
      Go for it, TNA!

      • 4

        In parliament, Sumanthiran asked the government to go. Two weeks ago after meeting Gota, he said, government promised to address the concerns and demands of Tamils. Why should you ask a government which is prepared to settle problems of Tamils to go. Is this not sheer hypocrisy. This why I say that Sumanthiran is a crook. He is Ranil’s lackey and does what he is asked to do. What Tamils should do, is to allow Rajapakses to continue and ruin the country completely, thus increasing bargaining power of Tamils. Tamils who have endured economic embargo with shortages for 20 years, should bear with this to gain victory.

        • 3

          I say Gnana,

          “What Tamils should do, is to allow Rajapakses to continue and ruin the country completely, thus increasing bargaining power of Tamils”

          Good luck with you on this man. No matter what happens, your barganing power will be decided by India. Rajive Gandhis Ghost is sure to help your barganing power.

          • 3

            Ravi Perera, Good luck to you man. The way things are very soon Lanka will follow instructions from India. Lanka is now surviving on Indian loans, Indian rice, Indian fuel and Indian medicines. Why not become Indian state ??

            • 4

              Obviously you are one of those ignorant, who takes immense pleasure watching at your neighbor’s gutted house unaware of your’s catching fire.

          • 4

            RAVI PERERA
            The Sinhala Speaking Demela

            “No matter what happens, your barganing power will be decided by India.”

            Eureka!, Eureka!, Eureka!
            How long did it take you to get this fact sink in your head? It must have been a hard work for you.

            If Hindia decides Gnana’s bargaining power, does it mean Sinhala/Buddhists and their Armed Forces do not have the power to prevent your brethren dividing the island?

            If Hindia determines state of Sri Lanka’s security/fate then why worry about Tamils/Muslims having their devolved powers in North East? Do you think this is a difficult question for you.

      • 4

        old codger

        “That will put the final nail in his credibility as the Great Saviour of the Sinhalayo, the hero who said he doesn’t need minority support.”

        Definitely the Noisy Stupid (Our Leader Prabaharan) Diaspora will crucify Sambandan and Sumanthiran alive. The next moment Mavai Senathirajah will asset his right to his throne.

  • 3

    The “SLOGAN” of the “Peoples’ Protest” is framed on “GO HOME GOTA” mooted by a band of “Social Media” outlets. It is going on and on. Surprisingly, fewer slogans are on the “Demand” for fuel, electricity, milk powder, food, cost of living, etc. What I mean is much more prominence is for “GO HOME GOTA” combined with “GIVE US WHAT YOU ROBBED”.

    Now “GOTA” has said: ” I WILL NOT GO” and it has been emphatically stated in Parliament by none other than the “Government Whip” – Johnston Fernando supported by the “Back Bencher” led by MP- Tissa Kuttiarachchi.

    Then in this situation, what has to be done to meet the “Demand” – “GO HOME GOTA”. Two options: (1) Bring an Impeachment Motion in Parliament that MP Kiriella has already announced. (2) Bring a Motion in Parliament to “Repeal” the “20A” and replace it with the previous “19A” with further provision to make the President a “SERVANT” – RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE to Parliament. In this (1) will not and will never work. Number (2) is the BEST OPTION and will receive the required “2/3rd”.

    The “BIG” question here: Why is the Opposition or the “Independent” (11 parties) NOT DOING IT? Why the “PROTESTORS” are not “DEMANDING” it? Any answers?

    • 2

      To be expected, Simon.
      Now is the time for us to show maturity.
      You don’t know that Kiriella’s wife, Charmaine, was in Primary School with me, a little senior. Sweet girl, and I understand that she has a smart daughter. I have met neither the daughter, nor “Lucky”; that’s what his family call him.
      Her only surviving brother, Philip, was my classmate, in three schools for a period of twelve years at least. The eldest in the family, Roger passed away aged about thirty. Philip is now an American, and we correspond. I have deliberately suppressed their surname. It won’t be difficult for people to find out, but few will.
      In 2015, or 2016, Charmaine had a long, arranged, chat with me. She wanted me to work for them. I’m sure that they have their good qualities, and when I met Charmaine a few times around 1972, before she married, I also realised her charm and capabilities. I wisely turned down the job offer, although I’m as poor as a church mouse. Hell! Wrong figure of speech; I don’t often go to church.
      Study this to find out details:

    • 1

      PART TWO
      These people are out of touch with realities, although Lucky abandoned Ranil at the right time. Now it is up to us to face up to the challenges that the inevitable annihilation of the Rajapaksas will bring. I have just given a dressing down to the NPP activist who took me to Badulla yesterday. This is something that I have to spell out in greater detail.
      Many of our villagers have the nasty habit of humiliating the defeated. The euphemism for post-regime change violence is “settling scores”. Show no compunction for the Rajapaksas, but don’t humiliate their hot-headed henchmen.
      This has happened far too often in the past, and unless we intervene early we may not be able to rein in our own activists.
      I’m sure that you will understand and take this seriously, but not all will, so please help me sustain this discussion.

      Panini Edirisinhe.

    • 4

      Beloved Simon,
      thanks very much for making it very clear with the options before us.
      Whoever whatever being said and done, there will be no other options but Gota and his brother should go home sooner than later. There are also a number of WHATSUP messages being spread- listing their investments of MARA et al in Uganda.

      Longer they would not move an inch – people s nature could change – in the days to come… violent protests will be inevitable. Not just Gota and Half Dead Mahinda, but anyone with surname Rajapakshes are like the below saying as it depicts.

      Have you heard of the saying “like a red rag to a bull”? It means to be something that causes anger or annoyance. This saying is based on the practice of bullfighting, which involves a Matador (the bullfighter) waving a Muleta (a red cape) in front of a bull.

      that fits like a glove to RAJAPAKSHE poltics – as it develops these days.

  • 3

    The best way to do this is get rid of the currnt government that is 160 of them. Public should pick eminent apolitical
    people from all work of life, all communities to form a group who will inturn help in picking the right people for the job. This can be among them or from existing one ( 75 MP) or even from outside who is capable of doing the job. For Interim government to work amendments should be brought giving collective power to the cabinet and not just to any individual. President should go and PM a leader but with equal power , where everyone will have a say

  • 6

    Look at the result of 74 years of state-sponsored Sinhalese racism and oppression, opportunism by the island’s Muslims, and marginalization of the island’s Tamils and the horrific war crimes that were committed against them.


  • 0

    Every Sri Lankan politician is a colossal liability.
    As the first measure to prevent and combat unprecedented corruption among politicians, a new legislation that requires filing income taxes by tax-exempted politicians, including the President and the PM, should be introduced. Politicians can still enjoy tax exemptions but they should be held responsible for declaring all their income and the source/s.
    Sri Lankans had the habit of helping each other. May it be due to natural disasters or other catastrophes, our people rally to donate essential items to the needy. Unfortunately, I didn’t see it this time. While power-hungry Sri Lankan politicians do nothing, China has distributed bags of dry rations worth Rs. 5,000 among 10,000 people. (courtesy: “Ada” newspaper)
    Tens of thousands of middle-class youth joined protests in Colombo and suburbs. Instead of placards, I wish they brought a bag of essential items to be donated to the needy. Those who need support are either still waiting in line to buy daily needs or suffer in silence.
    The protesters should ask themselves, “people have so many grievances, how do we go beyond our slogans?” The answer is having a clear vision. All SUCCESSFUL revolutions had clear visions.

    • 6

      Champa s double acting hurts us all.

      How can every srilanken politician be comparable with mass murderer Rajapakshes ?

      Did all predecessors kill the people or cause anxities to the degree the Pakshes are upto ?This is the reason why I repeat yours is pathological Champa. Please give us a break.

      We are proud of our youth voices today- that works as a postive hormone that heal our wounds. Their only slogan is Gota Go Home. Basta.

      • 0

        What double acting? I never shared your opinion nor I was part of your ‘team’. I am not under obligation to anybody. I take decisions based on my own judgement.
        ‘Gota go home’! What is next? The ‘unusual harmony’ is to abolish the Executive Presidency and rob the rights of the majority Sinhalese to elect a leader at their choice. I know why this time period was chosen for countrywide protests. I saw the same in 2018. Sinhalese will ultimately realize that they were taken for a ride AGAIN.

        • 3

          It is now evident that we dont wear the same spectacles/ nor we inherit similar genetics. Yet today u prove ly have no brains to call a spade a spade but we did it from the day one. U were promoting rascals and lower lives such as Buruwanse painting the picture in favour of Rajapakshism.
          U cant defend urself CT archives are the proof.
          This is the reason why I believe youths and their protests are a blessing to the nation.

        • 3

          It is now evident that we dont wear the same spectacles/ nor we inherit similar genetics. Yet today u prove ly have no brains to call a spade a spade but we did it from the day one. U were promoting rascals and lower lives such as Buruwanse painting the picture in favour of Rajapakshism.
          U cant defend urself CT archives are the proof.
          This is the reason why I believe youths and their protests are a blessing to the nation.

  • 9

    Yes, there is no doubt that GR’s Presidency is a colossal liability not only to the country but also to the Rajapakse family. However, I am still of the opinion that it’s Mahinda Rajapakse who continuously pulled and is pulling the rug under Gota through his golayas in the Parliament and the senior government officials who are loyal to him (Mahinda’s Deep State).
    Mahinda has been the PM since 2005 and prior to that, he was in various cabinets since 1997. These cabinets are the ones that were responsible collectively for the decisions that were made. As a long-term cabinet minister and as the PM he should take more responsibility for the present economic situation than Basil or Gota. Mahinda has also been pocketing out the funds from various sources through bribes since he became the PM and during Tsunami times. He also wasted government borrowed money on self-satisfying projects where he got large kickbacks. Even today he is pulling the rug under Gota to ensure that Namal Baby gets the top seat in the country.
    Ranil and Maithripala Sirisena are also equally responsible for today’s financial crisis. Although Mr. Clean Ranil projected he is a clean person but he is also a Crook. He indirectly or directly facilitated the Central Bank robbery, although technically it’s not a robbery it’s a white-collar crime.

  • 5

    US should revoke his citizenship

    • 3

      cugan: US should never have revoked his citizenship. Instead, while being a citizen he should have been brought before justice for the “CRIMES” he committed while holding the post of Secretary, Ministry of Defense, and is a US citizen. Did you see how the US handled that case against Jaliya Wickramasuriya the ex-Ambassador of S/L – COUSIN of Mahinda Rajapakse? He will be sentenced in July and sure to go to jail.

      What made the US treat GOTA differently? Wasn’t it a “Hidden Agenda”? In my opinion, it was.

      • 3


        ” US should never have revoked his citizenship. Instead, while being a citizen he should have been brought before justice for the “CRIMES” he committed while holding the post of Secretary, Ministry of Defense, and is a US citizen.”

        No body knows if his US citizenship has been withdrawn. In a recent interview with Media, former Election Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya told he hadn’t seen the renunciation certificate from US.
        Please refer to this article:
        Was the last presidential election a fraud?
        By Victor Ivan

        What are you trying to do?
        Are you indeed trying to clean the state?
        Are trying to clean election process?
        Are you trying clean ….
        Are you trying to ….

        I can’t believe you.

        • 1

          “” US should never have revoked his citizenship. Instead, while being a citizen he should have been brought before justice for the “CRIMES” he committed while holding the post of Secretary, Ministry of Defense, and is a US citizen.”

          What will you do if you find some of your assets in the portfolio are just dead weight?

          Keeping him an charging him although is the right thing it will be a cost to USA as well as a bad relationship with the Sinhala Bauda State of Sri Lanka. You got to think of the time frame. “Wada Karana Viruwa” and the country voted him whole sale.
          I said before he was elected and have been saying since then that he is not competent to run a 7 Elevel let alone a country.

        • 1

          NV: Your last few questions and ending with ” I can’t believe you?. I really couldn’t understand what you are trying to get from me.

          I doubt Gota’s renunciation of US citizenship and it is on that basis that he should be dealt with for the “Crimes” he has committed in Sri Lanka. I gave one example of that Rajapakse’s cousin Jaliya Wickramasuriya who was charged in the US for fraud and is due to be sentenced to prison in July.

          I also know that the Elections Chief in S/L is in deep trouble over this matter. A case is due in S/L courts and one of the Commissioners has already given an “Affidavit” stating that he was prevented from examining that “Renunciation” document. With that “Cleaning” going through all the “Rajapakses” must languish in Jail not anywhere else. That is the “Cleaning” I want to do.

          • 1


            “With that “Cleaning” going through all the “Rajapakses” must languish in Jail not anywhere else. That is the “Cleaning” I want to do.”

            Though I appreciate your intention but I was trying to express my surprise that being born and bred in this land you still hope the people could break this state and build it afresh.

            The entire polity, state, its functionaries, saffronistas, …. and people are greedy and corrupt.

            However when I see protesters through out the island I am cautiously optimistic while worried about their safety. This state does not hesitate to use overwhelming force “Shock and Awe” as this island has witnessed since 1971, with the blessing of International Community.

            Kamala and the Surgeon general are itching for a fight. Probably that is why they are not in the media now.

            We can only wish the protesters.
            By the way protesters should keep the politicians and Saffronistas away from protest sites, including GO GOTA GAMA.

    • 2

      Dont you know it has already been done? – but well after he became the President. How come his US citizenship became a barrier when he BECAME THE President and he withdrew, NOT at the time of nominations?? The answer is, that privilege was given to him courtesy Mahinda Deshapriya!! He as the Commissioner of Elections purposely did not check the status of citizenship of candidates for the highest office in the country. In other words, even Robert Mugabe could have come here and contested the Presidency!! You believe there been no deals exchanged under the table to show such ignorance?? Even the “clean” JVP did not object to Gota’s US citizenship at the nomination day!!

  • 2

    In my estimate , nothing has still completely slipped out of the hands of S L P P .
    They are a bunch of Crooks fully depending on Crooking for survival . I have read
    many news reports where Father , Mother , Son had been involved in Killing their
    own breed and family members involving A/L student , going on Shop-Lifting .
    This is the type of country we are living and any body of common sense should be
    able to understand very much more than what we are made to watch these days
    can happen among the majority of Crooks in Parliament . Those who left the Govt ,
    how much time will they require to jump back to their old positions ? Best example ,
    just turn to “Hitan” Sira ! Again some common sense ! There are some medicines
    that lose the power over time with repeated use , some pain killers for example !
    Unless some tough measures are taken both inside and outside parliament by both
    the Legislators and by the General Public , MARA and GORA are not likely to budge
    an inch ! A serious situation !

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    Political crisis and social unrest are conjoined twins only a surgeon could separate.
    Does Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe have the theater under his command to carry out this major surgery … .

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      Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe could include Dr. Ameer Ali to strengthen his surgical staff.

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        Nathan Aiya, why do you say that – do you think Dr Ali is an expert in economics ? Dr Ali s articles are real good ones sofar compared to that of our Dr DJ and Sumith Chaminda (sinhala articles).

        I listened to a panel discussion telecasted by PACHAWAHINI – Derana TV lately… you may also watch it if you are interested in


        There, Dr Weerasinghe was making it clear, that CBG Cabral misled the govt. Now Cabral should be the one to be one on the very top of the list of scapegoats.

        • 2

          Dear leelagemalli,
          I share some personal information. I am old enough to be your dad.
          Ameer Ali specialised in Economics during my time at Peradeniya.
          He is an Economics scholar.
          CT says: Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business and Governance,
          Murdoch University. Western Australia.

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            Dear Mr Nathan,
            Thanks very much for clearing my doubts. Let s hope the best in terms of giving some saline to current situation in our motherland, applying the experties of Dr Weerasinghe et al. I think it is too late to do wonders, because Cabral destrolyed almost everything from where he was stopped by 2015. Who to be blamed if not Medamulana Rascals ?
            Btw, to my days (late 80ties), no muslim mates were at Pera or can be the numbers should be very less in Engineering and Science faculties. Looking back my close friends were nothern srilankens and Nepalese. I had no Champa or the like (ones that promoted only radical sinhala buddhist cutlture) within my close circles.

            Be blessed,

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    This man Gota , according to Wikepedia , worked as a System Integrator in the US .
    According to Experts about the Nature of the Job : ” System Integrators earn their
    keep by solving their clients’ Automation problems. They provide the time , Talents
    and technology required to turn a plan into a completed project .BUT No Matter
    How Skilled they may be at designing , implementing and testing Industrial
    Automation system , Integrators CAN DO NOTHING OF VALUE UNTIL THEY KNOW
    WHAT THEIR KLIENTS EXPECT. ” The Bold ones fits in perfectly to All RAJAS !

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    The sinhala armed forces brass went on a radar buying internatioinal jaunt to buy a radar finance by UK and specifications that only the UK system complied with. When they went to Israel the israelis (starnge that these mfs complain about racism at them) said show the “monkeys” some vacuum cleanre and tell them it is the radar system and then it was shown to the sinhala army brass and then they departed [In book written by an ex Mossad operative] . EXACTLY now the sinhala brass / RATPACKSES in government as the Israelis termed are “MONKEYS”!!!

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    One of my greatest amusements at the moment is to watch on you tube SoRI cant pay LoANsKA situation and think KARMA happening. The other interesting news that I watched is an indian news item that said that effectively Hindustan is controlling three islands in the North. Also except for the seas around Hambantotalport given to the chinese who have refused to give any more loans to the RATPAKses to loot and are demanding payment of 1 billion USD loan repayment, tHindustan has been given access and monitoring rights in the seas surrounding Sori cant pay LoANsKA, EE? What say you Hindustan is in the North and in the seas of ori cant pay LoANsKAand will effectively CREEP!!!! more into the North

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    Watched a you tube of a sinhala girl saying that the LTTE were wanting to save the sinhala peoples from Gota and the other RATPACKses and it would have been better if the LTTE had killed them than live in the current situation in sinhala land!!!!

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