2 May, 2024


Pohottuwa – A Cooperative Of Looters; Parliament Can Knock It Down

By Sarath de Alwis

Sarath de Alwis

When Nanda Malini and Professor Sunil Ariyaratne appeared in the protest site, I decided that it is a real literate revolution. They tried to awaken the intelligentsia in the late eighties. They did not quite succeed. I am fortunate to have lived to watch them inspire the young, four decades later.

Ironies of history must be recorded. Mahinda Rajapaksa is on the wrong side of the barricade. Vasudeva has tripped in his somersault. According to DEW, when Vasu last saw NM the savant had advised the fraudulent fire brand – ‘You must read more’.

The intelligentsia of the land have woken up. The young girl carrying a poster in English ‘We are not extremists; we are extremely tired’ attested to the inclusivity of the movement which I would call a very literate revolution.

The young protestors demand a change. They reject politics as usual. Will parliamentarians meeting on 19th April accede to the public demand and engage in some unusual politics?

Politicians are designed to lie to themselves. So doing the unusual will need unusual courage.

Parliament will meet on 19th April. It must take a decisive direction towards dismantling the kleptocracy built by the ‘Rajapaksa family” since the end of the civil war in 2009.

That will not be easy. It has many stake holders. The Lotus Bud symbol must not be underestimated. It has powerful brand value. It represents a ‘Cooperative of Looters.’

The protest has made a difference. In the public psyche, the Great Redeemer of the land has turned in to a ‘Naaki Mynah’.

The self-maintenance mechanism of the ruling family’s dubious devotion to the ‘Ape Hamuduwane’ establishment stands exposed as obscene bunkum.

The ‘Aluth Avurudu’ ‘Raban Sural’ of the creative young have irretrievably humiliated the ‘Medamulana Mafiosi.’

Removing Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa is not only possible but doable.

‘GOTABAYA Presents to you a Reconstructed Country’ was the grand promise. For good measure it was embroidered with the assurance of Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor.

He has delivered a land reduced to beggary with a future frighteningly bleak. His ‘vistas of prosperity’ have turned in to ‘calamity’ here and now.

The man has the skin of a rhinoceros. His nonchalance amidst the crisis is unbelievable.

His ‘Aluth Avurudu’ message is all about a global economic crisis. He does not explain why he made Nivard Cabraal the governor of the central bank to succeed the neolithic academic – his first discovery in the science of wealth after winning the presidency.

His ‘Avurudu’ message to the nation doesn’t explain why under his watch inflation hit the roof, farmers failed, and the people have run out of fuel and cooking gas.

As late as 17th March he was supremely content to watch Nivard Cabraal performing his insane trapeze act with the sanguinity that would have amazed Saint Augustine.

When those who saw the looming crisis warned him, he was supremely confident in his asininity.

“Governor Cabraal enjoys my fullest confidence and trust and has been a tower of strength in responding to the grave economic challenges faced by the country”

So, this ‘grave economic crisis faced by the country’ is nothing but a spinoff of a ‘global crisis.’

The fake hero is false to the past. He is false to the present. He will be false to the future. He cannot heal the deep wounds inflicted on us. A false leader who strives to deflect blame will not do us any good.

A true hero will accept responsibility. That is halfway on the path of recovery.

The young people in the protest are moved by an idealism of their own. We can only endeavor to understand them.

They expect everybody to tell them the downright truth. The President and the Prime Minster seem focused on muddying the water, drowning questions in rivers of words, and trying to make us forget what the real issue is about.

The President’s ‘Avurudu Message’ demonstrates that, deflecting maters is his idea of telling the people the truth.

I agree with comrade Tilvin Silva. It is time to infuse some political realism into the idealism at the promenade opposite the President’s office.

The ruling clique will not fade away quietly. They must be persuaded to step down.

The literate revolution must now move from the symbolic to the strategic. It now needs a leadership. I do not know from where it will come. But it must come.

As historian Simon Schama points out all revolutions are acts of forcing change. It must make events happen. The ‘Brothers’ are hoping that it will turn in to a carnival. That the youth will get tired.

My own son who majored in political science seems to think that the carnival sense at Galle Face is disconnected from the genuine anger of the multitude in the countryside who have run out of food fuel and gas.

Some genuine anger comes out despite the singing and chanting. The carnival like atmosphere has kept them going over the holidays. That is progress.

That said, the ‘popular energy’ as Professor Simon Schama says must ultimately be redirected towards a concrete political objective. It must change the institution of power that promised prosperity and delivered beggary.

Parliament must disappoint the ‘Brothers’ who are hoping that the young who spit on their ‘Shangri-La’ will go into history as an amphitheater of failed revolutionary energy.

Parliament must now demonstrate that all 225 are not subscribers to a ‘Looters Cooperative.’

‘GOTABAYA Presents to you a Reconstructed Country’ was the grand promise.

For good measure it was embroidered with the assurance of

Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor.

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  • 30

    The only ability Gota has is his penchant for mass killing with impunity provided by the state.

    People wanted a Hitler out of Gota, so they got him! Now they want him out but he won’t go in a hurry. Will he end up like Hitler?

    • 24

      RATA RAKINA VIRUWA is now called a THIEF in Sri Lanka and leading cities around the world.

      What a disgrace for Sri Lankans. They elected a man accused of war crimes, does not have a proper education and don’t have a clue about the economy.

      Only personnel around him were family an military and he put them into state institutions and everyone is at a loss.

      GOTABAYA will go down in Sri Lankan history as the most incompetent looser Sri Lanka has produced.

    • 2

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    • 4

      “People wanted a Hitler out of Gota”
      They sure did!!
      Did any one of those 6.9 million, ever know the comprehensive “attributes” of Adolf Hitler, including the Mahanayaka’s???? No doubt well read by local standards, but about recent world history – Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Louis the XIV, Louis the XV, or less, even of Marie Leczinska, the last Queen of France, prompting the revolution and dethronement of the King, attributing famously, “People should Eat Cake if they cannot afford bread”!!!
      Literacy (widespread) is a basic NEED and Numeracy a basic WANT to find true emancipation in life in this world!!!
      For this to happen, one needs enlightenment to a wide range of linguistic talents not only limited to the native 2 languages and probably languages providing deep cultural insight as Pali and Sanskrit!!!
      They need wide exposure to medieval world Languages and present international languages, such as English, Spanish, French and German!!
      ‘Blind leading the Blind’ and “frog in a well” attitude, we have the current scenario and redemption now seems very elusive, short of a bloody revolution like that of the one birthing the French Republic!!

  • 27

    If the people of this country fail to realise the truth that almost all the parliamentarians and the Presidents we elected in the past are ruined the country and they are the real looters. We have failed in our duty to elect good people to govern the country again and again because we were in the dark or we were kept in the dark. First we have to come out from the dark to the light to understand what mistakes we made in the past. We never worried about their behaviour, actions or economic policies but only worried about ourselves, our religion, our language, our race, our family but not about others, others religion, others language, others family. This mentality made our politicians to divide us, made hatred with others, hatred others religion etc. We ignored when they misused power, law and justice and when they looted our economy. If we get it right, they can’t loot us.

  • 22

    Dear Sarath
    The looters of the land have no plans whatsoever to find a solution to the state of affairs and parliament is inactive
    Come April 19 when it suppose to meet
    What’s the government’s agenda or its master plan??. IT IS PATENLY OBVIOUS that they have no plans to resolve the dire state of the nation.
    A bankrupt pariah state.The opposition is at cross roads.
    The proposed NCM by Sajith and partners cannot succeed, because they have not command the required magical number 113.
    It astonishing that with all the failures
    of the ruling junta, the opposition is still unable muster the said number to defeat the government in parliament.
    It’s a dire situation for 22 million inhabitants

  • 23

    How can parliament knock it down, when it is full of looters on both sides. Can you name a single MP who is free of swindling, bribery,appropriation of lands and tax fraud. How many MPs can account for the wealth they have amassed. Even the politicians outside the parliament who are waiting to cash in are corrupt. In addition there are murderers and criminals in parliament who have evaded the law due to government patronage. This is why the protesters want all 225 to be kicked out.

  • 21

    I have a lot of respect for this writer. However, having opened his article with the duo of Nanda Malini and Sunil Ariaratne, who consciously did such a lot of damage to the youth of our country through the Pawana concerts, openly Sinhala supremecists songs, songs about crushing the minorities under the soldier’s boot, etc., before later realising that this approach might not make them the most money and switching their approach, I can only surmise that either old age has finally caught up with him, or, like most ‘elites’ he has no idea about Sinhala language and culture. And therein lies the reason the system never changes – Colombo, as usual, completely out of touch.

    • 1

      Walter ‘William’ Bagehot,
      Can you please tell us some of these “Sinhala supremecists songs, songs about crushing the minorities under the soldier’s boot”

    • 2

      Dear Walter ‘William’ Bagehot,

      You’ve got a good point there. Since I live in the backwoods of Uva, I understand some things, but only by fits and starts. There are hugh gaps in my knowledge. So, I know next to nothing of Nanda Malini and Sunil Ariaratne.
      However, I’m glad to note that you, nevertheless, have great respect for Sarath de Silva; he writes with total honesty, and doesn’t really resent our criticisms of this sort.
      This is how it is seen from India:


      I, too, am very worried that very little thought is given to what we do once we rid ourselves of these Rajapaksas. I agree that getting rid of them must be our priority.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

      • 3

        “nevertheless, have great respect for Sarath de Silva; he writes with total honesty, and doesn’t really resent our criticisms”
        You must be tired, Panini. S de S was and still is one of the most truly despicable characters on our stage.
        OK, I suppose you meant Sarath de Alwis.

  • 10

    So well written! We can only hope and pray that people like AKD, Sajith, Gamanpila, Werawansa, and the many others, can overturn this cabal of Crooks that is holding the money of the hardworking-suffering-Lankan-Masses…..Ranil and Harsha at the helm (of the Crooks)! From international bodies waiting to prosecute them, to cartels waiting to torture and blow them up, Motherland is being held at hostage by these high-level Crooks!

    • 7


      “We can only hope & pray that people like…Gamanpila, Werawansa…..” !!!

      At a pinch, I.might nod to Sajith, but G & W! WOW! Certainly not!

      Or was that a slip of the …. finger, Ramona?

      • 1


        Oh well….we have to encourage the all the same. Previous crooks who have seen the light must be forgiven if Motherland is to be saved.

        (maybe G & W’s crookery are not that bad that they are willing to work for the honor of the nation. Maybe they are being incredibly brave in spite of the R-Mafia’ threats to hold their feet to the fire. Ali Sabry tried, but is incredibly frightened).

        • 2

          Dear RTF,
          Forgiveness sounds fine, if “they have seen the light”. That imagery is vague. forgiveness is possible only if there is true repentance.
          I think that if they truly repented, they would leave politics entirely. If they come back, there will be many who’d turn so cynical that they’d totally give up on all politics.
          We desperately need to find ways in which show the voters how to make the most of their votes by casting them strategically. Few know that three preferences can be expressed for the Presidential Elections. It’s things like that that the voter must be familiar with, and we must equip them to vote.
          Btw, Are you thinking of forgiving all the Rajapaksas as well?

          • 0


            We need their votes for the no-confidence, impeachment and referendum.

      • 1

        Manel Akka,
        I am in full agreement with you. G & W behave today as if they are reborn.


        Good luck to SRILANKENS !

      • 1

        Manel Fonseka,
        “I.might nod to Sajith,”

        Popularly know among Sinhalayo as ‘Nidan Hora’ who vandalized ancient Sinhala Buddhist heritage sites when his father was the President and swindled billions from the Central Cultural Fund when he was in the ‘Yahapalana?’ Government.

    • 2

      ramona therese fernando,
      “Ranil and Harsha at the helm (of the Crooks)!”

      You forgot to mention Queen of Crooks, Chandrika aka ‘Chaura Regina.’

      • 0

        We need their votes for the no confidence, impeachment and referendum.

    • 1

      Dear RTF,
      Forgiveness sounds fine, if “they have seen the light”. That imagery is vague. forgiveness is possible only if there is true repentance.
      I think that if they truly repented, they would leave politics entirely. If they come back, there will be many who’d turn so cynical that they’d totally give up on all politics.
      We desperately need to find ways in which show the voters how to make the most of their votes by casting them strategically. Few know that three preferences can be expressed for the Presidential Elections. It’s things like that that the voter must be familiar with, and we must equip them to vote.
      Btw, Are you thinking of forgiving all the Rajapaksas as well?

  • 17

    Very soon not later than 19th April all guys who danced and ate kiribath on the streets of Colombo and other parts on 17th may 2009 is going to taste the same medicine GOTHAPAIYA Gave to tamils.YOU ALL ARE GOING TO SEE WHAT TOOK PLACE IN MULLIVAIKAL AND NANTHIKADAL SOON IN GALLEFACE GREEN AND GOTHAGAMA WILL BE RENAMED THINAMEN SQUARE-JAYAWEEWA

  • 11

    “He does not explain why he made Nivard Cabraal the governor of the central bank”


    How can you miss the elephant in the room …….. the icing on the cake?

    Changing the constitution to bring in the economic czar we couldn’t do without : the 7 combined brain power of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Alfred Marshall, John Maynard Keynes, Milton Friedman, Paul Volker, Nouriel Roubini …… good ol’ Basil?

    • 10

      Nimal, thanks to those protesters, whatever the outcome in Lanka, Rajapaksas are now truly naked and exposed to the whole world. Everyone who reads about Lankan bankruptcy wants to know more about the Mafia family.

      • 1

        “Rajapaksas are now truly naked and exposed to the whole world.”

        That is what the guys suffering from ‘Defeat-Syndrome’ want and those who are keen to erase Eelam war victory want.

        • 6

          Evil, don’t try to be funny at your age. I am not sure there is such term but you seems to suffer from BLACKOUT syndrome. Living on welfare sucking some strangers blood, when you have your “promised land of prosperity and splendor.” Rajapaksas are stealing from public funds and you in abroad, stealing from their public fund.

  • 10

    Sarath, I strongly believe there is international pressure on Rajapaksas not to take military action, suppress protest or cause violence. If not Rajapaksas would have already let loose. We already see every move to do so is soon followed by backing down, 1) PTA /emergency 2) arrest and jail protesters 3) try forcibly removing tents occupying in Colombo and now mushrooming in other parts of country. 4) HR visiting GalleFace Green yesterday 5) HR warning, suppressing lawful nonviolent protest by govt is considered HR violation. 5) the tents removed yesterday were handed back to protesters within 24 hours.

  • 4

    …………………The man has the skin of a rhinoceros. His nonchalance amidst the crisis is unbelievable………..writes Sarath.
    Frankly, this may give a clue to the mans personality.
    maybe for a man who presided over so many murders this protest is chicken feed…….

    NM must have seen through Vasu many many years ago.
    Vasu thought or made others to think that he was a Leftist.
    He ends his great political career as the Left Ball of Wimal Weerawansa……………….

    • 2

      Good morning.
      That has been evident from the 2nd attempted revolution of 1988, when the saviour was expounding his theory on marxism and western imperialist colonists!!
      He is then attached well and hopefully remain as such for the remaining period of his political history!!

  • 4

    They have failed the people and the country. They have lost all credibility, and people will never have any faith that their best interests will be taken care by the most crooked family, that have the power in this land. Nandasena’s poor judgement, policies, and decisions, have hurt this country to the point that it is almost impossible to reverse them. They spent more time getting huge commissions, getting ill gotten gains, filling their pockets, buying expensive assets around the world, and having a jolly good time. Now the people are paying the price. Sri Lanka deserves better than this.

  • 0

    The intelligentsia of the land have woken up
    It is a positive first step.
    The second is to take off those ridiculous zombie masks and stop following illegal
    mandates relating to the fake pandemic.
    Third is to identify all freemasons and have them punished according to their rank and deeds.
    Then ban all of them from having any influential positions in society.
    This will require some divine assistance, as it will be hard to identify each and every freemason, as many of them hide among us, and many are even attending the protests playing ‘controlled opposition’ roles.

  • 1

    “Pohottuwa – A Cooperative Of Looters…”

    How about UNP. Oh yes, they are not looters, they are bank robbers.

  • 2

    Once again, well written and laid out article of this author.
    very commendable.

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