2 May, 2024


We Know Where We Are Sitting – But Don’t Need “Consultants” To Find Answers

By Kusal Perera

Kusal Perera

You are sitting on an illegal Constitution – You have no standing to lecture us !” I am told by Ms. Usha S. Sri Skanda Rajah. Thank you Madam ! May I now ask, “What standing has a person sitting under the Canadian Constitution, to lecture us living here in Sri Lanka ?” Is it your standing now as a citizen of the First World ? Sorry madam, that counts absolutely nothing for me. I would instead listen to anything a Tamil person in the Vanni has to say. Or to anything a Tamil person still called a SL “refugee” in the Chengalpattu camp would have to say on the issue of separation and their fate.

That clearly said, let me say, I ventured into this discussion with a fervent hope, there would be Sri Lankan citizens (Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim) who’d want to discuss the issue of a separate State as against any other alternative as a permanent solution to the political conflict. Unfortunately, no SL Tamil or Muslim, nor a Sinhalese living here in SL joined in the discussion. I was compelled therefore to waste my time with those who have very remote and ancient links to Sri Lanka now living in Toronto, New York, or London in first world comfort and those emotive souls from Chennai and Bangalore. With those who think, it is their decision that SL Tamils have to follow. Far worse is their belief, the Sinhala citizens don’t have to be party to any decision on the SL Tamil conflict.

Sadly, they don’t even know what’s happening here. At least the Chair of the TGTE Senate (who ever who appointed it) proves she is that. She does not know that the LSSP is a constituent party of the Rajapaksa regime from day one, when she says SL would need a thousand venerable monks like Samitha Thero to ignite a thousand lights of wisdom !  She sees in Samitha Thero, much wisdom that could ignite a debate on making SL a secular State. Unfortunately for her, at the next elections too, Samitha Thero and his LSSP that will never leave this Rajapaksa regime, will be asking the people to vote MR and his government to power. Ms. Sri Skanda Rajah does not know, President Rajapaksa often have better quotes on unity, secularism, justice and even peace than Samitha Thero, she could have quoted. That’s how much these “run away souls” know of present day SL and its politics.

Does it serve any sane purpose therefore to continue this debate, with those who have no right to tell us Sri Lankans, what we should do here in Sri Lanka ? I would leave them to themselves to steam off their vengeance and satisfy their egos, from those far away comfort zones. We have a bleeding conflict to find answers for. People here need permanent answers to their devastated lives, not romantic, elusive dreams to sit on for another 20 years, as designed by Tamil “Consultants” from afar.

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    “I would instead listen to anything a Tamil person in the Vanni has to say. Or to anything a Tamil person still called a SL “refugee” in the Chengalpattu camp would have to say on the issue of separation and their fate.”
    Does the Tamil people in Vanni have access to Colombo Telegraph?
    Are the Vanni people allowed to say their views freely without any initmidation, threats,…?

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      Who financed the LTTE to destroy even the semblance of democratic rights the Tamil people had before its rise? Who helped install the LTTE as the sole representative and muzzle the voice of Tamils in Sri Lanka? Who denied free speech in the Tamil diaspora? Who preempted the diaspora Tamils from freely participating in the politics of their host countries and develop a new democratic and pluralist political culture? Instead who transplanted the LTTE fascist political culture from back home in the diaspora in order to control their votes and deliver them en bloc to corrupt politicians in return for allowing them to use the resources of these host countries to promote terrorist killings in Sri Lanka?

      Kusal, these “Tamil consultants from afar” who betrayed their country of origin by perpetuating lies in order to be in the “comfort zone” can’t hold a candle to you in identifying and articulating the true concerns of the Tamil people who actually count – the ones who were in the battle zone. Please don’t feel intimidated by these elusive wannabes, and continue your valuable work.

      • 0

        This is waht kusal wrote:
        “I would instead listen to anything a Tamil person in the Vanni has to say. Or to anything a Tamil person still called a SL “refugee” in the Chengalpattu camp would have to say on the issue of separation and their fate.”
        You are trying to defend Kusal and failed to answer the questions:
        Does the Tamil people in Vanni have access to Colombo Telegraph?
        Are the Vanni people allowed to say their views freely without any initmidation, threats,…?

        Rajapkse family and the collaborators are betraying the Sinhalease, Tamils and the world.

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        As a person born in SL like you, she has every right to opine, and it is people like Kushal, just because they stay in SL can not advocate that displaced people have no right to claim. This shows the arrogance of the Kushal. How does it matter if a displaced person is in chengal pattu or canada? Is that because Kushal cannot enjoy a life of canada and suffer autocratic regime?

        They were displaced due to state driven violence. Moreover, Rambler, you seems to be pulling a dead LTTE in every discussion as you cannot argue something with current events.

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        I am going to share a “deeply-guarded” secret with you. Please don’t let the others in SL know about this. Do you know who financed and armed the LTTE to chase the IPKF from SL? It was the late President Premadasa Ranasinghe. How come so many of us know this but you didn’t?

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    Do you really think that the Tamils living in Sri lanka have a voice and freedom to engage in such discussions and express their political aspirations on a public forum.

    Diaspora Tamil community is an inseparable part of Tamil community and have equal stakes in this conflict.At present they only have the voice and freedom to talk on Tamil issues. Moreover living beyond the reach of white vans.

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    Did you listen to the voice of the Tamils when SWRD tore up the pact he signed? Did you listen to the Tamils when Dudley tore up the pact he signed? How many signed agreements have been broken by the majoritarian GOSL? Unfortunately not only did you tear up agreements, you beta the Tamil and killed them for speaking up – I am not a Tamil but saw what you did in 58,77,83 and so on. Its people like you that created the Diaspora that is now speaking? Are you listening to the Tamil voices of the TNA or is is only Karuna and KP you listen to, and assuage your conscience? Read David Balacker who fought in the SL army and listen to what he has to say for a change. It might just help us save our nation.

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    You dont have to wait for people to say or consultants to advise. If you can do what is right and just for the minorities that would go a long way to satisfy the people concerned. Unfortunately that is not the case.

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    Please continue to express your opinions. As much as the views and opinions of Usha and others have to heard, the contrary views and opinions have to be also heard. This should be a continuing but healthy dialogue . Contrary opinions should be respected, while being debated.

    Several Tamil websites are projecting the voice of the war-affected. Articles, such as your’s are frequently translated and published in these websites. A contrary opinion exists among the Tamils and I consider it to be significantly large. The primary concern of the Tamils who have been affected by the prolonged conflict and wars and who continue to live in this country is recovery.

    However, political solutions are desirable, to reassure the Tamils that the past will not return to haunt them. Poltical solutions will help win their hearts and minds. Political solutions will also help exorcise the past and the new sins being crafted, from the body politic of this country.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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      I bet in your life time or even after decade nothing will happen in SL? Then what choices you have if SL govt continue to neglect the rights as they had done for last 4 years..

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        What do you think we should do? Remember also that India has intervened once and the international community once ( under the last peace accord), but things got only worse! Remember in addition, who the ‘other’ party was in the strategy to undermine both!


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          First SL should take initiative to talk to all representative of diaspora( Lankan tamils living as refugee) along with regional leaders of Tamil parties in lanka and see a amicable political solution. When family is in trouble the head should initiate, similarly the president has to convene a all party meeting and see the best possibility acceptable to everyone. As per your words, if majority of Tamils is willing to be with SL like TN with India, then two states can be carved with federal structure with equal rights to everyone.

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    Dear Kusal,
    I respect u a lot. Please answer Anpu, newton and leon views. Do you really beleive tamils live in srilanka free people? Please give me an answer???

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    This is the first time I am reading an article (a rebuttal to Ms. Usha S. Sri Skanda Rajah) written by Mr. Kusal Perera. Whoever this gentleman is, what he has written here is absolutely hilarious.

    First of all, this forum is mainly for people of Sri Lankan origin to discuss matters pertaining to Sri Lanka irrespective of whether you live in Sri Lanka or in any other part of the world and irrespective of whether you still have the Sri Lankan citizenship or not. Talking about the Western constitutions in this forum without any relevance (the issue is all about SL) I think is not very sensible.

    Secondly, if one is to read between the lines, when he says, citizen of the First World counts absolutely nothing for me, don’t you think there is something deep in it. The western countries not only accepted us as refugees and gave us shelter but they also gave us citizenship and equal rights which the “civilized” Sri Lankan government denied to those upcountry Tamils who toiled in Tea Estates and served the country for more than a century.

    He says, he would instead listen to anything a Tamil person in the Vanni has to say. The Tamil people’s voice in Sri Lanka whether it is Vanni or any other part is suppressed and sealed. Does he really think that they can or will talk freely and that too with a Sinhalese? He says, he is willing even to talk to a SL “refugee” in the Chengalpattu camp but not to one in Toronto, why?

    For him the Tamil Diaspora is the “runaway souls”. Why did they run? Who made them run? Has he forgotten all that?

    Dear Mr. Kusal,
    The traditional Tamil homeland in Sri Lanka is always our mother land whether we live in Toronto or Timbuktu and our voice (Tamil Diaspora) is as important as the Tamil voice in Vanni or Chengalpattu camp.

    You may have tried everything possible to oppress, suppress and finally annihilate the Eelam Tamil Nation from Sri Lanka but now with the Diaspora it is not possible. We are now a part and parcel of the future Tamil struggle for freedom. Your article very clearly exhibits your pain in dealing with the Tamil Diaspora that none other than the Sinhalese created by attacking the innocent Tamils and making them “runaway souls”.

    I am sure Ms. Usha S. Sri Skanda Rajah will give you a fitting response.

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      A fitting reply to a racist article!

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    What sense Kusal is talking about, are you dumb deaf or blind to reality, if the people of North speak up they will be abducted, what happened to Lalith & Kugan, can anyone speak to Tamil refugees without intelligence officers monitoring.

    Can any political party conduct their activities in the north.

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    “What standing has a person sitting under the Canadian Constitution, to lecture us living here in Sri Lanka ?” What a stupid question. Kusal appears to be living inside a well. When there is human rights violations or any other illegal action by a government, any one can question. With global trading at its height no country can live in isolation. People all over the world, irrespective in which country they live, they use goods and services provided by another country. Similarly Sri Lankan goods are sold all over the world. If Sri Lanka does not adhere to proper human rights conditions and does not follow the rule of law then there is a possibility that the goods of Sri Lanka can be banned all over the world. For this reason alone any one in any other part of the world can question the illegal activities in Sri Lanka. Kusal has to climb out of his well.

  • 0

    When journalist have the freedom of the ass to counter any point, they
    make use of lavishly.

    Who created the Diaspora? Will not the tamil diaspora speak up for their
    community, and even more forcefully, when people like Kusal bark up the
    wrong tree?

    Of course you dont^t need Consultants to lecture you, but you bow down to US reprimand and warning given in public as per their constitution!

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    “Sadly, they don’t even know what’s happening here.” – what is happening in Sri Lanka is TAMIL GENOCIDE which started in 1948.

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    We cannot expect much from a man who is not aware of what is happening in the North_East of Sri Lanka which is a traditional homeland for Tamil speaking People. The North-East Tamil people are surrounded by a Sinhala army (Which is raised in a racial environment). Even god comes and tells Tamils to speak the truth Tamils will never open their mouth to talk in SriLanka.One side of the current regime talks about unity while other side of the regime hold a sword towards Tamils. In their terms, unity is genocide of Tamils and Muslims. Within six decades Sinhala state have halved the Tamil population and destroyed their wealth completely. You are developing North-East to replace those places with Sinhala. It is true that you don’t need consultants to tell you how to rule the Lion nation. You have your own style of White Van diplomacy to deal with your problems.

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    I agree with Kusal Perera political demands should come within but i don’t agree at all diaspora, TN, Bangalore are not stakeholders and barred to make inputs even if it is perverted, at the end politics is the art of possible

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    Dear Kusul
    please keep writing, then only some even educated Sinhalese would understand what is happening in Srilanka.
    It seems a billion dollar joke , saying that Tamils in Vanni or refugees could speak freely.

    freedom of speech in that country? how many Tamils were massacred by Sinhales police in Weerasingam hall in Jaffna during the Tamil research conference?.( many years before even LTTE)

    How the sinhalese thugs and cabinet minister were celebrating while the invaluable books were in flame in Jaffna library?

    How many times the Saturday review editor was in prison?
    I knew many tamil students were tortured and jailed for writing something on the wall,

    it is pointless writing about what happened and happening to journalists in that country. Obviously this include many foreign journalist. not only any journalist but to the extent EXCLUDE ANY WITNESSES , ordinary witnesses away from the crime site. FREEDOM of SPEECH?

    but please keep writing, then only we could share our views which could be impossible for people in Tamil area without sacrificing their lives

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    “That clearly said, let me say, I ventured into this discussion with a fervent hope, there would be Sri Lankan citizens (Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim) who’d want to discuss the issue of a separate State as against any other alternative as a permanent solution to the political conflict.”

    If a Tamil or any other person of any prominence tried to argue on behalf of a seperate state, white vans would come for them or they would be vilified in the government media as LTTE terrorists…that is why no locals come forward to debate. It’s that simple.

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      Hopefully the post-Rajapakse government will be a liberal one. The military should be reduced by 2/3, defense spending cut by 100%, and a political solution along the lines of federalism given to address Tamil political grievances. It can be done; the Sinhalese are ready for someone like Ranil. Recall that Ranil was good on the diplomatic and economic fronts. Sri Lanka is not Saudi Arabia; it has had liberal values for 2500 years.

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        Comedy of the century!!

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    This is something outside the perview of your presentation. But I venture to ask you the question:

    Are you the person who wrote to the Speaker of Sri Lanka Parliament and wanted to know the the names and members of that Assembly who have submitted their “Declaration of Assest and Liablities” as per the Consstitution? Have you got an answer and if not what is the present status of that inquiry?

    Can you relply please.

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    Kusal if you assault and torture your wife day in and day out she will howl out loudly for help and your neighbours within a hearing distance of your home are all going to hear it and one day one of them is going to tap at your door to enquire what is going on.This is what the good lady from Toronto has done.If you cannot come to a settlement with your wife she will naturally ask for a divorce.This parallel is the Sinhalese Tamil problem that is vexing this little island today.So why get flustered lose your cool and throw toys out of the pram.Having read your previous contributions in this forum this is uncharacteristic of yourself.

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      Come on Kusal answer him..of course i am tamil from north east of srilanka, up to u to decide u want me a part of your life…

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      A husband-wife relationship is based on 50 – 50.
      But Sinhala-Tamil relationship (population wise) is 70 – 10.
      The problem is the 10% Tamils want to separate like a wife with almost 35% after trying to beat the crap out of the husband and failing miserably.

      • 0

        The so-called husband has been ill treating and raping the wife for over 6 decades in recent time after the wife helped the husband to buy the house partly with her dowry money after the husband was thrown in jail for rioting against Muslims. Whatever the percentages the basic fact is that both are humans with basic though more than animalistic-human needs. By belonging to a majority or minority it does not vary or differ in the real bio-physiological needs and wants.

        The majority enjoyed more sex and proliferated and now through the BBS wants it enshrined in law to have more sexual by-products as humans. Democracy being a game of numbers it has been subjugating all minorities with a deluded mahavamsa belief system that gives the Baudha-Singhala ruling elite a more easy and comfy life style by plundering subjugating of late its own people as well as the minorities from independence and from time to time like AliBaba and the present 100 thieves.

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        Outsider concedes that a husband wife relationship should be 50-50.
        But if the husband insists that the wife should only cook and he will eat all what she cooks because he has a huge appetite as he is 70 feet tall and expects that the wife should starve as she is 10feet (Sinhala Tamil population wise) he cannot have it all his way especially if he beats the crap out of her.So she cannot be faulted for ending the relationship and seek a divorce.

        • 0

          in-rider & Uthungan

          The problem is the wife has been sleeping with the powerful neighbour and some white foreigners and she thinks with their help she can bamboozle her husband to give away more than what is due to her. Now she is trying to grab 1/3 of the house as her separate residence saying she doesn’t want to sleep with the husband anymore. The husband says, “If you don’t want to sleep with me, that’s fine with me. We can separate and you can go away to your lovers. I don’t care. But if you want to continue to stay in the house you cannot occupy 1/3 of the house as your separate residence and bring in your lovers. But we can share the space in a fair manner in keeping with our 70 – 10 claim we have over the property. You don’t have to sleep with me if you don’t like, but you can’t bring in your lovers either as you and I jointly own this property.”

          How’s that for a deal?

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            Your allegorical reasoning is thoroughly flawed more than the usually inherent limitations of public talk that it is mostly simplistic and confused. The neighbour you refer to is the ancestor and progenitor of this so-called couple of yours. The neighbour out of humanitarian and self serving concerns tried to help the couple but was rejected by some from couples friends and relatives and had to pay a heavy price.

            This very same neighbour under the tutelage of the IC may have to intervene again to be rid of the present Ali-Baba and 100 thieves ruling the roost in SL that is affecting the peace not only of the neighbour but the whole of the conscience of the civilised freedom loving IC. Go read this Sri Lanka’s Authoritarian Turn: The Need for International Action Asia Report N°243 | 20 February 2013.

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            “How’s that for a deal?” Sadly no deal!
            Traditional land was never sold under Tesewalamai law and that is to their plus point. You see the army colonizing because there was no marriage on the ground to say we lived together.
            As far as the Brits handing it over when they were battered bruised and beaten is just the paper with no value today. See falklands and gibralter are different the folk want the brits. If India can have Andaman and Nicobar why not its own lanka back.Ravana

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    Kusal should continue to write, whether we agree with Kusal or not. He brings an important dimension to the discussion.

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    When I read the initial piece by Kusal Perera my take was that he was opening up for serious debate the subject of how to find a just and equitable solution to the problem. The response was a load of invective and abuse. Even Kusal has caught the bug. What is obvious is that there is a lot of hurt and hate. When your kith and kin are killed, many, many, who were innocent, and when there is no solution by the government, who in fact is exacerbating the problem, there is great frustration and anger. When a writer, a Sinhalese tries to open the subject there is an upsurge of resentment. The Tamil people are too bitter to ponder on a solution other than a separate country. I myself gave a point of view which Kusal himself did not notice. I think it is better to leave the subject for the moment. A serious subject such as this cannot be resolved in a blog. Sadly, nor can it be discussed sensibly. It is disappointing that the Sinhala and Tamil liberal is always hammered by the extremists from both sides.How long are we going to wait to douse the fire?

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    How can Wanni people talk to Kusul, when they are totally muzzled by the TNA now acting on the orders of the Diaspora , TGTE and the GTF.

    M.P. Sritharan promised to get the IC soon to create a homeland, even as late as a few days ago according to their main Web Page report from Jaffna.

    TNA delivered two victories in Geneva to their IC through bogus allegations and accusations.

    After each victory more and more inhabitants joined Rajapaksa camp.

    Why ?.

    Because they fear that TNA may invite even Seemon for the Maraveer celebrations when Sambandan or Sumanathiran gets autonomy to rule the North.

    They also fear that the once card carrying members of the LTTE, who are now holding these Senator roles and the PM and Cabinet positions will use Sambandan,s self ruling territory to create the greater Eelaam.

    Seems Kusul has stared taking his reality pills.

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      I will canvass that Sumane be the chief guest at any Sambandam-Sumanthiran meeting to prevent stones being thrown!!

      You are really a noted sinhala-mutt in these columns.

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    Kusala, what is your rationale for deciding that this lady Usha” has no right to tell us Sri Lankans what we should do here in Sri Lanka?

    I would not have been surprised if that statement smacking of arrogance and petty-mindedness had come from Modawansa or Udeni Gamepora. Usha is yet another Tamil driven to seek refuge in a foreign land. As someone born and bred in this country and as someone who has been a victim of communal violence, she has every right to express her opinion on all affairs relating to this country and the grievances of the people of her community in particular. Besides, any human being anywhere in the world for that matter has a right to share concern about the injustice meted out to a fellow human being transcending the territorial, ethnic, religious and other barriers.I agree with what you say about Samita Thera and the LSSP. They have have sold their souls for personal gain.

    Judging by the politically significant events that have been playing out in this country, I feel that the Tamils and even the Muslims for that matter, are justified in thinking that they cannot look forward to living with dignity and a sense of security as equal citizens in this country! As for Muslims, it looks that even when one of them is killed in an obvious act of ethnic violence, the other members of the community may agree to reach an amicable settlement with the killers!

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    Today the one and only one voice that the SL Tamils have is from the Tamil refugees/Diaspora (run away souls) living in the First World countries. These countries have given us everything including the best education and allowed us to take our freedom struggle globally. Today our struggle has progressed from a domestic language problem (1956) to an International issue discussed in Geneva.

    Whether you like it or not, the Tamil Diaspora, the so called “LTTE Rump” in your language is not only very actively working on the next phase of our struggle (definitely no violence) but also will be taking it to even higher levels.

    It is useless talking to people whose voice is sealed by your government, if you have some genuine interest you have to speak to those who can speak, that is the so called “runaway souls”.

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    Dear Mr Kusal,

    Repeal Article 6, have freedom of speech and expression, De militarised the North & East, have a protection mechanism for the Tamils in SL, then call for a UN conducted referendum, we will then all speak with one voice.

    Senator Usha and the Tamil Diaspora are talking on behalf of the 40 000 killed, for the 89 000 widows, for the 60 000 orphans, for the 146 000 still missing, for the 50 000 IDPs still refused entry into their own homes and lands, and for the voiceless in the Vanni and other regions.

    Why are you and your country bleeding now, if you have won the war.

    We are the sons & daughters of the soil – No other option or debate Tamil Eelam

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    @Kusal. Your arguments that the Tamil diaspora has no voice in the discussion of a political settlement is nothing but pathetic and stupid.

    Whether you like it or not the Tamil diaspora not only of Sri Lankan origin but all other origin totaling over 80 million have been dragged into the conflict and disputes in Sri Lanka. Like Rajapakses say, this is not an internal problem but an international problem internationalized by the Tamil diaspora and thanks to the war crimes in 2009. There is no turning back.

    Since you have no answer to Usha’s arguments you are now crying like a cry baby that Tamils who do not have a Sri Lankan passport have no right to talk about the Tamils or expose the tyranny of the Rajapakse GOSL..

    How damn stupid?

    What passport the Defense Secretary and his brother Minister Basil have?
    Former Army Commander General Fonseka is a permanent resident of the USA and comes under full jurisdiction of the USA and the IRS.
    Former Justice Minister Milinda Moragoda is a US born US citizen.

    The above 4 were key players during the 2009 war and the operation of the concentration camps for the 310,000 Tamils.

    But you say Tamils with the foreign passport have no right to write or speak on issues?

    Nothing but preposterous!!!!!

    I hope you find a permanent job in the field of journalism or any other job in Sri Lanka.
    Good Luck and Best Wishes.

    Donald Gnanakone
    Tamils For Justice.

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      @ Donald,

      Job in journalism.. rather he can be spokesperson for rajapakhse.. he fits into that role perfectly.

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      Well said Mr. Gnanakone!

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    Do not be stupid Kusal. If we do not need consultants, do you think we need uneducated parliamentary select committee?

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    The writer is aware that anything he says contrary to government’s thinking could end the way many journalist did. The repetition ‘they don’t even know what’s happening here’ is an echo of what the president and many ministers want the world to believe. At least, that is what the government thought of the atrocities perpetrated during the 2009 war. But, what the world knew today was that; like in previous occasions, a journalist has been attacked by hooligans and is in hospital and no one has been charged on this and previous accounts.

    Any Sri Lankan journalist worth their salt would know of the constitutional ban on talking about secession be in Vanni or Chengalpattu camp. No small wonder that “… no SL Tamil or Muslim, nor a Sinhalese living here in SL joined in the discussion”. Many, who failed to find a solution to a problem created by the British Colebrooke-Cameron Commission would be dying to know of “other alternatives as a permanent solution to the political conflict” the writer speaks of. Until the Tamils in Sri Lanka can openly express their own political views without fear of persecution, it is up to the Tamil Diaspora internationally to represent them.

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    We Know Where We Are Sitting – But Don’t Need “Consultants” To Find Answers…as we could sit somewhere…………
    As for the Consultants, they aint got any seat to sit at all.

    Its a pity. Is’nt it ?

    Kusal could you find this lady a seat?

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    This is what is the actual current regime mentality. They just don’t want to accept the fact that anyone has the right to talk about what is going on anywhere in the world. It is because, Srilankan minded people, for many decades took right of human being in Srilanka in their own hand rather in the hand of law.

    In reality, anyone talking anything against the regime or members of the regime is not safe. Anyone writing anything against the same is not safe. Minority in Srilanka are living like slaves and they don’t have the write to take it up with their own representatives of parliament even. Even democratically selected parties are not safe.

    People from all over the world will continue to raise their voice and Srilankan regime will not have an option but to bow down to the International law, sooner or later.

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