3 May, 2024


Weliweriya Shooting, Family Bandyism And The Presidential System

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

Presidency, of course is the problem! We are all concerned about the day to day happenings in the country, not so much of the Deraniyagala killing, but mostly of the Weliweriya shooting at present. The latter has overtaken by the former. But we should not lose sight of the larger picture and the key structural issues behind our predicament, if we need to genuinely seek solutions to our problems. Only passing comments on structural issues, either way, might not be sufficient. What we are facing is a systemic crisis without any exaggeration.

The President has not come up with any apology or even a statement after the brutal Weliweriya shooting. After all he is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces (not his brother!) in addition to being the Head of State and the Head of Government. It is unlikely that he would, except perhaps through his Secretary. That is the ‘immunity’ he enjoys under the Presidential Constitution. This is not to say that a statement or even an apology would ameliorate the situation.

‘Family bandyism’ of the Rajapaksas or MR’s split personality (smile and thuggery) might explain the specific nature of the regime, but not the generic character of the regime-system. Anyway, his personality has changed a lot after becoming the President and particularly after the end of the war. Perhaps it has lot to do with the happenings at the last stages of the war. There appears to be a serious deterioration in the ethical and moral premises of the regime and the personality.

The way the regime operates today is not so much different to the regimes operated under the presidential system previously, with some variations, except that the present situation is much worse than before. We are familiar with the way the situation of the ethnic pogrom against the Tamils was handled in July 1983 under JR Jayewardene regime. That propelled the beginning of the brutal war for two and a half decades. We are also familiar with the way the second insurrection was quelled in 1989/90 under the Premadasa regime not to speak of other atrocities. Of course the uprising had to be suppressed but not the killings of Wijeweera or others after taken into custody. The Matale grave yard is supposed to belong to that period. It is only recently that some security personnel of the former President CBK finally were convicted harassing and assaulting two prominent artists those days. Perhaps only sane President was DB Wijetunga for a brief period! But even he was insane in his utterances like denying any ethnic conflict in the country.

Are those just questions of personalities? I don’t think so. I would argue that the presidential system was primarily responsible of course along with the personalities involved. Parliamentary systems also could become degenerated and Prime Ministers also could act like authoritarian Presidents. Margaret Thatcher might be the best recent past example. But that is not a structural condition. It is also possible that ‘family bandyism’ exists even under a parliamentary system unless other measures are not taken and unless the political culture is changed. That is also our past experience before 1978.

Parliamentarianism and Presidentialism are not polar opposites. But there is a fundamental difference in terms of representative democracy and that matters most for accountability, transparency, responsibility and finally for democracy itself. We use representative democracy because direct democracy is not practical and also perhaps people are not interested. In a parliamentary democracy people elect a general assembly called Parliament for primarily legislative purposes and an executive emerges or selected within that which is again responsible for that Parliament. This is the best system.

The executive is crucial in the state structure, whether parliamentary or presidential, because it is the body which guides and directs the bureaucracy and the armed forces which can easily trample on people’s human rights and whose services (in the case of bureaucracy) are crucial in delivering or not delivering necessary services to the people including ‘clean water’ in the case of Weliweriya!

The judiciary could be structurally independent in both systems; however the tendency to trample on the judiciary is high (or almost certain in some countries) under the presidential system than in a parliamentary democracy. Sri Lanka is a clear example for both.

In a presidential system, there are two (confusing) electoral processes. One is to elect a Parliament primarily for legislative purposes. Then there is another process to elect a President for executive purposes directly by the people. Superficially, this may appear more democratic, but that is not the case. The distance between the people and the President is so vast and not punctuated by intermediary process. A President’s responsibility to Parliament is only nominal if at all. This is the dangerous aspect of a presidential system which can easily create authoritarianism or much worse as he/she controls the military and the bureaucracy. I am only outlining the barebones in this article.

In a parliamentary system, the executive functions are pinned down to extensive procedures and these procedures are effective unless there is something basically wrong in party politics. In a presidential system there may be some procedures (i.e. COPE in Sri Lanka) but those procedures may or may not be effective. Most Presidents might be laughing at them.

The main point is that there are inbuilt structural reasons for any presidential system to become authoritarian unless there are strong constitutional traditions in a country. This is the very reason why even the US presidential system was criticised by Woodrow Wilson although he didn’t make any attempt to change it! Presidential system in the US was an evolution, but when it was introduced in other countries the very purpose was to have a strong government or a strongly ruler disregarding the rule of law and human rights. The following was what JR Jayewardene said about democratic freedoms and rule of law when he argued for a presidential system in the country (Selected Speeches, 1944-1973, p. 91).

A democratic system of Government includes what are termed democratic freedoms, the freedom to vote, freedom of opposition, freedom of speech and writing, and the rule of law, among other freedoms. Do these freedoms alone satisfy the people? I do not think so.

Usually there is no denial on the part of anyone who believes or defends a presidential system that there would be a democratic deficit as a result of a presidential system. In the case of Sri Lanka, however, this deficit is colossal. The shooting at Weliweriya and the Presidential system are interlinked. As the popular saying goes, ‘there is no point in shouting that the snake is biting (kanavo, kanavo!),’ if you put the fellow inside your sarong.

There is another constitutional factor relevant to Weliweriya shooting. Who is the Member of Parliament for the Weliweriya area? What was he doing? No one can answer this question I believe. In the previous representative system, it belonged to the Gampaha seat and it was SD Bandaranaike who represented the people in the area in Parliament in 1977. Those days there was a close connection between the people and the parliamentary representative and in any local issue, the MP intervened or mediated. This has almost completely disappeared to the thin air under the present Presidential Constitution. I recollect during my young days in the Moratuwa electorate how close and how responsible the MPs behaved with the people. This is the same where I live now in Australia, the electorate called the Green Way. In Sri Lanka, this has changed to create an authoritarian system even MPs divorced from the people not to speak of the President.

When the presidential system was introduced to Sri Lanka it was mainly defended on the basis of an economic argument. I happened to interview President Jayewardene in April 1993 and he opined that it was also created to defend the country from possible separatism that time. He said that there was a call to ‘do a de Gaulle.’ But the experience has proved otherwise. The country became ripped apart after the introduction of the presidential system. One may argue whether this is a direct result or not. It may be true that the presidential system perhaps facilitated the defeating of the LTTE quickly, but at a particular cost to democracy. The saying goes that ‘when you fall into the pit you have to come out from the same opening.’

President Rajapaksa has gone beyond de Galle or Jayewardene. In fact he has virtually ‘done a Mugabe’ with the 18th Amendment. With the massive military and the bureaucracy under his beck and call he hopes to continue to be the ruler of this country like President Mugabe in Zimbabwe unless it is stopped through a broad and a strong opposition through democratic campaigning. What is important is to end the vicious cycle of violence and violations by terminating the presidential system by an authentic parliamentary system with a fair system of devolution of power.

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    Don’t worry the family bring it to control with the justice system

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      The Forces and the LTTE fought each other, before MR commenced the so called Propaganda War in Jan 2007. During the propaganda war Jan 2007 to May 2009 there was no real fighting between the Forces and the LTTE. This could be established if the a list of the War dead for the thirty months is obtained for a cross check with the families. The truth is the LTTE buried all their heavy weaponry and retreated for the Forces to take over the land mass including their stronghold Kilinochchi. Then they converged on a beach front with the promise of a way out offered by the Americans and the Indians. In the end Gota unleashed the Forces to decimate all who remained with VP, with the full knowledge of the Americans and the Indians. Since then both America and India have been trying to cover MR at the UN lest the truth will be out. The Americans in 2009 used individuals like Dayan Jayatilake as cats paw to let Sri Lanka off the hook. Then when evidence of mass killings started to surface from various quarters, as Chanel 4, accusing the MR regime of War Crimes, the Americans with the Indians craftily brought in watered down Resolutions allowing the heat to die down. Now the Americans are gradually doing the mopping up exercises as the masses in this country and the Tamil Diaspora are fast losing the grip on everything and the issue becoming stale.

      Otherwise could one be serious that if VP fought a War that he will bury heavy weapons and abandon his bunker in the stronghold Kilinochchi and expose himself on a beachfront with nowhere to hide? Come on use your common sense. VP led the LTTE for thirty years with the full support from the Americans and the Indians and have successfully carried out assaults in the heart of the HSZ in Colombo with 100% success. With such success behind, will VP bury the heavy artillery and expose himself and his cadre to be annihilated on a beach front????? The very forces that created and nurtured the LTTE and VP got MR to eliminate the lot, keeping KP, Karuna and Pillayen behind for another operation, God only knows for what, as said by the CJ himself.

      • 0

        Basil Rajapassa is effectively KING of Gampaha as the SLFP “organizer and fixer” for Gampaha elections.
        Laksiri, like any political scientist, You focus too much on constitutional solutions and tinkering and NOT enough on the rot in the POLITICAL CULTURE, POLITICAL PARTIES and unethical POLITICIANS of Lanka.
        Even a perfect constitution will NOT help in this context, since it will be distorted by corrupt politicians and regime stooges. Having a new constitution is only a quarter of the problem. The real problem is MONEY POLITICS and unethical and corrupt to the core political culture being the dominant culture in the Debacle of Asia. As such COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS are needed and there is no short cut. VOTER EDUCATION should be the first principle – teaching people to vote for decent politicians. So I hope you will publish your work in SInhala..

    • 0

      Rajapassa is GOD of Lanka and gods do not apologize! The Rajapassa brothers are building a DEEP STATE or state within a state by cultivating select officials in the judiciary, military, administration and business. Military dictatorship with a facade of democracy is paranoid Gots’s end game but he is too unsubtle and crude in his mode of operations and finally will be taken out by the members of the military..
      Sri Lanka today needs a third force since as the author rightly points out the CRISIS is SYSTEMIC and STRUCTUTRAL – with POLITICIANS, POLITICAL PARITIES and POLITICAL CULTURE being the most rotten and corrupt. Politicians within the UNP and SLFP the main parties AT THIS TIME are the worst and democratic institutions in crisis..
      Ironically, given the abysmal level of voter education in Lanka the third force will have to be a Chandrika bandaranaiayake-Sarath Fonseks and Mangala combo – more dubious political-military actors to turn the tide around. T

    • 0

      How long can this lawlessness and criminality go on?

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        Used to be for two terms but now, unlimited :)

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    It is very clear why police powers should be given to the provincial councils. Let us all fight for it.

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      Rajapaske further proved that they are most brutal leaders sofar.

      Nobody would take this record from them. Now Gampaha people would realize that CBK was more human than these pissu ballos (RABID DOGS) are. It is no secret Mervin and the other idiotic ministers got elected/selected to ruling politics in CBK^s terms but they did not have powers to behave then under her RULE. Today, those scum can shamelessly make any comments with the patronage of the incumbent UNEDUCATED president- Mahinda Rajapakse.

      On these video that telecasted the episodes of Weliweriya protest – those villagers impartially add what they saw – how the uneducated soldiers physically assualted the young boys <——These are facts for anyone to see – the levels of HR development since the day UN resolution is imposed.

    • 0

      All the LTTE cadres should be recruited to the Police too. they are already trained.

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        Jim Softly, Thanks for the suggestion. To add to what you say I think all PCs must have their Police and Land Powers, not only NPC. You cannot have discrimination can you?

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    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There is no doubt that the Executive Presidiency has wreaked havoc and will continue to do so. It is as unhindered as a boulder rolling down a mountanside.

    The puerile and weak opposition and our leap frogging politicians devoid of principles, have contributed to the situation in no small manner. Yet it is one hope. Hope for the hopeless such as RW to see reason and mobilise the talent in the UNP.

    The other hope is that the responsible members of the UPFA and SLFP convince the President to implement constitutional reform, abolish the executive presidiency and end this cycle of malgovernance.

    If he wishes he can do this in stages by allowing free and fair elections and gradually removing the controls placed on democratic governance. This would avoid any drastic transformation in the future which is bound to happen if this state of anarchy continues.

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      Safa, RW is useless because we keep blaming him for not winning an election while not supporting him. We want RW to be like a thug. Its a wrong call. RW is a gentleman who still believes in fairness and democracy. When we dont vote for him how on earth one can expect him to win?
      Dr. Laksiri, yet another good write up. Intellectuals like Dr. Laksiri Fernando must form a FORUM and go a bit further and make awareness programs among people. When opportunistic traitors like Dayasiri jokers jumping from party to to party how can the people have faith in the UNP or any opposition. JVP is doing absolutely nothing to chase this regime away although they are good in organizing rallies. All are interested in their secret agendas. True patriots must come forward to unite the UNP and topple this regime. Its high time that people from every community to think wisely for the last time.

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    Presidential system or not, tampering with democracy started since independence: Removal of legal protection for minorities, which is essential to any democracy was one of the first casualties.

    Altering the demography by D S Senanayake onwards. Removal of citizenship rights of a community, and subsequent exiling of estate Tamils. Language discrimination, educational discrimination, discrimination in minority participation in the armed forces, in government service, and the list goes on. Surely, all these undermined democracy cumulatively. One can add to these shortfalls.

    All these are happening in both prime ministerial and presidential systems. May be under presidential system it got worse, but we have no way of proving it retrospectively.

    Majoritarianism is a major problem as far as the ethnic and religious problems are concerned: Authoritarianism superposed on it to make matters worse.

    How to extract the country from this mess? Nobody knows!

    • 0

      You know it but pretends not to know. If you live in the Northern Province vote for the UPFA and join the majority. You will then not feel authoritarianism because you will not be among the minorities.

    • 0

      Don’t bring out this now hackeneyed:
      “Altering the demography by D S Senanayake” stuff. Our Tamil families moved south in a massive way especially during and after the world War II. THat was the demographic altering facilitated by Senanayake’s period. I live in Dehiwalai but not my older generation. (Mr. Loganathan, appointed to the Bank of Ceylon by the senanayakes, gave housing loans to the Tamils, albeit only to the right caste). Mr. D. S. Senanayake was a very sensible man who paved ethnic harmony. He made sure that the irrigation schemes (Galoya, Padaviya etc) were all headed by boards where the top men were tamils like Mr kanagasundaram and others. Look at Senanayake’s appointees to see how may Tamils were put to top positions with trust in them by him. They determined colonization policy. he even stated that he has distance himself from it all when the ITAK falsely accused him.

      It was SJV Chelvanayagam , EMVNaganathan et al who sowed the seeds of ethnic dissension. The ITAK (ArasuKadchi) was at first regarded as an extremist, racist party, and indeed it was. It lost handsomely in 1952. But with the rise of the Banadaranaikes, the Sinhalese-provoked Sathyagarahs of the ITAK, these were returned with violence from the Sinhala goons, and made the ITAK martyrs and “main stream”, although indeed the ITAK wanted to polarize the two ethnic groups and cause division.

      All kinds of canards let out by the ITAK have now become mainstream beliefs of many Tamils who do not know political history. See:

      Senanayakes (both D. S. and Dudley) were gentlemen who had a very far sighted non-communal policy. The ITAK was a racist party that finally morphed into the vaddukkodai TULF that Seanator Thriruchelan predicted would cause grate harm to the tamils. Indeed, the Vaddukkodai TULF, with its support for “killer boys” soon spawned Prabhakaran. The later decimated more Tamils than any sinhalese army in history (according to an article that appeared in JBSJeyaraj’ columns and written by Rasalingam: http://federalidea.com/focus/archives/201

      • 0

        A load of rubbish.

    • 0




      We really fully agree with your statement
      Majoritarianism is a major problem as far as the ethnic and religious problems are concerned: Authoritarianism superposed on it to make matters worse.

      Yes you are right…………..Now it has become a CURSE on LANKA.

  • 0

    Power currupts absulute power madnes

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    The President has not come up with any apology or even a statement after the brutal Weliweriya shooting. After all he is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces (not his brother!) in addition to being the Head of State and the Head of Government.

    Laksiri, why are you telling lies, President MR paid over Rs. 5 million for the Free Trade Zone dead protestor. Paid over Rs. ten million for the Fisherman protest dead and so many others who were killed by his Rana Wiruwos. Now he will pay everyone who dies in this Weliweriya incident also. Only thing is the payment is by Cheque and delivered to them when they go beyond. The families will not get anything because it is not they who died. Did you get your Rs.2500/- increment, MR promised as a salary increase for the years you provided your advice to this scum bag?

  • 0

    Ranil will never terminate the presidential system and neither will anyone else…

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    The Third Weliweriya victim has succumbed to Army shooting.

    Army has used Hi-powered, hi-caliber Guns and hi-caliber Bullets to shoot at Protesters. Most of them have died of a single bullet.

    It’s time both Local and International community investigate and Bring justice to victims.

    It’s time to Impeach both Defense Minister and Defense Secretary.

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    All Sri Lankans should realise the underlying environmental problem also:
    Killed Tamil youth of postal department was an environmentalist, 1 January 2011, http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=33311

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    There was a Smiling cobra no 2 [ thamil selvam] betrayed to Sri Lankan tamils.

    SMILING COBRA NO 1 ?????????????????? betraying to all sri lankans.

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    Postwar 2009,Katunayake,Chilaw,Derniyagala,Weliveriya, Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow

    “Violence begets Violence”, “Those who take to the sword, die by it”, “What goes up must come around”— these are synonyms said by grate wise people. Ever since the North –East war ended in 2009,one of the blatant allegations against the SL Government and its security forces was that Thousands of innocent people died in this conflict and nobody has taken responsibility or neither brought anyone to account.
    If a Nation is guilty in killing its own people innocently in any given conflict and does not make account for it, it only relies on its stubborn brutality and never learns it’s lessons the given way or even the hard way, only brutality in its wisdom continues, what we experienced with the bullets of Police, Thugs and Security forces, in Katunayake,Chilaw,Daraniyagala and now Weliveriya for unarmed citizens protesting for their rights for better wages, help for the Fisheries industry, sanity in their villagers to prevail from ongoing thugery or for un-contaminated water, lies, is in blind eyes and deaf ears of Authorities. If this is the way that authorities in the government behave, then we are not far from a country of sheer anarchy and chaos that builds up to a regime that governs with repression and oppression.

    It is wise for President Rajapakse and His Government to turn around now and Build up a Nation that lives Reconciled to one another, be it Authority and Subjects, Rich or Poor, Superior Race or inferior, Majority or minority, Whatever Religion One may belong to, it is still opportune time to work for True Reconciliation, Justice and Peace.

    Real Peace loving citizens and religious leaders are waiting with a right hand of fellowship stretched out with love, please do accept it gladly.

    • 0

      It is good presentation of last such events.
      In this Weliwariya situation UPFA government behaviour is well planned activity. MR have the Arab spring in his back of mind. The action was to stop all these risings nipped in the bud.

  • 0

    Why are you all silent about the tamil-UNP love affairs?

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    I like the reference to Rajapaksa having a split personality – smiles and thuggery.

    How very true. It is a shame that the people fall for his smile and forget about his thuggery.

    • 0


      You mean the Gangnam style Comedy show Joker. I don’t think any sane person will fall to this Butcher beard looking joker.

      Yes we had a Ranaviru Army atleast until Gen.Sarath Fonseka was in charge.

      But now all those best ones were sent on early retirement and now we have a Jokers Buffalo Solja Army.

      Watch this Video.


      Now we have Buffalo CJ, Buffalo Police, Buffalo Parliament and Buffalo Army Solja.

      Next PC elections will decide if we have a Buffalo Voters.

  • 0

    The President does no wrong! So,why should he apologise to anybody?

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    whom are you appealing to mr fernando. you think mr and his parliament full of cronies would bring the feudal presidential system to an end when they are using it to commit atrocities and to strip the country of its assets for personal use?

  • 0

    ha ha
    this laksiri who holds a phd with a thesis in human rights was boutique going for mahinda and family some time ago
    later he did not get wahat he wanted- migrated to austrealia
    and now spiliing baila all over- sando

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    It’s a bi-polar top that Lanka has,7 deaths any top resignations? …to be later promoted…bi-bolar indeed.

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    Whilst much has been written about this incident, we need to see action by the combined opposition (who are paid to do their job of holding Government to account) and the civil society. I aske
    1)Has Ranil called the MR / Gota / Army Commander / IGP for an explanation, if so what was the response. Let’s hear it / publish it.
    2) Have other religious leaders called the MR/Gota for explanations, let’s hear it / publish it.
    3) Has there been a case filed by those legal luminaries who were very active when the former CJ was sacked, there are 15 injured and 3 dead, surely the way to bring things to focus is the imminent lawyers to get together and petition the courts for an investigation, offer the families free legal representation in a coroners hearing etc etc
    4)Where is HRW or AI, do they only write reports that are dictated by the West?
    We need action now…

  • 0

    I sent troops to Wellweriya

    In reply to the above question asked by Ashan Paranahewa This is what is reported in TOP STORY printed in Ceylon Today 2013-08-05 02:00:00

    General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera, said it was under his guidance that the Defence Ministry deployed military troops to Weliweriya last Thursday.

    “It was I who sent them there after observing the situation in the area. Though the demand by the villagers was extremely justifiable when observing the situation, I figured that things could turn bad as the villagers were politically misled by a group.

    The protest they were planning to hold was not properly guided or organized. Therefore, I contacted the officials of the Ministry of Defence and emphasized the need to beef up security in the area,” Ven. Thera said.

    He made this statement when Ceylon Today contacted him, querying why the BBS failed to intervene in the issue faced by the people of Rathupaswala, whose supply of drinking water had been contaminated with chemical disposals from a factory in the locality.

    “I called the officials and told them about the problem. In fact, I said that this is a serious issue and the matter should be resolved without delay as parties with vested political interests could blow the issue out of proportion. Only those who do not have a clue about what we are doing would ask why we are being silent while the people are suffering,” Gnanasara Thera said.

    He however acknowledged the fact that, area residents were shot by the military personnel.
    “If the residents behaved accordingly and attempted to negotiate politely, things would not have turned this bad. They provoked the military personnel and we can’t blame the military entirely for the situation,” he added, while at the same time, expressing his dismay on the final outcome of the events related to the incident.

    The protest led by the villagers of Weliweriya and the surrounding areas last Thursday resulted in the area turning into a mini battle field.

    Jamal – August 5, 2013
    10:33 am

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    Dr. Laksiri Fernando,

    First of all as an academic doctor, you should be able to read and evaluate upto some extent from the photos of facial, body language, behaviour, temperamant and the voice of DS Gotabaya Rajapakse whether he is normal person or a gone crazy person.

    There are ample Video clips on DS available in Youtube, and as a doctor you could evaluate upto some extent his mental and psychological status.

    Here’s few of them.

    Please give us some of your opinion on the psychological status of DS after seeing these video clips. Perhaps you could get some opinion from one of your psychiatric doctor friend.

    Also you should know that the fingers are directed at DS on Matale Mass Murder graves. There’s still investigations are going on.

    Also he was in excile in USA during the hight of war for 14 years and came to Sri Lanka only after his brother Mahinda Rajapakse won the Presidential election to take over the defense secretary post.

    He is also accused as a war criminal for murdering 40,000 innocent tamil civilians along with accussed white flag murderer.

    He is also a White van abductor murder suspect including Lasantha wickrematunge and Pradeep Ekneligoda.

    Also he is the main suspect who organised Welikada Prison massacre who murdered 27 unarmed prisoners.
    Please read following web.


    And now the fingers are pointing at him as the master mind conspirator behind Weliweriya Massacre Genocide. Please read following web.


    All the above are interlinkd pointing finger towards the Lunatic crazy Psycho nut case who deserve to be in a Psychiatric Hospital taking psychiatric treatment.

    Do you think as Sri Lankans we should still allow a Mad crazy Lunatic
    Psycho nut case who should be taking Psychiatric treatments, to be kept still a DS anymore, and allow him carry out another Massacre.

    Ever since Weliweriya Genocide Massacre, none of the Rajapakse Brothers ever came on Public media or TV to give the citizen their opinion.

    This itself give a clue on their Guilt of the planned murder.

    Please give us your opinion on the above and let us know as to what action could be taken to prevent another Rajapakse Mass Murder Genocide Massacre.

  • 0

    Now we have it from the horses mouth as to who requested the army to be brought in. Non other than Gnanasara who plays the Ahinsaka Thapasaya role and his followers who engaged in fasts unto death. In a video clip Mervin Siva on a telephone call refers to them as BBS monks. The Govt are fools to listen to such recalcitrant monks. Having sold a dead rat to the Govt Gnanasara now pontificates on the involvement of hidden forces.

    Increasingly we have the BBS SR monks playing the role of instigators to violence. They observe dasa sil while their followers are encouraged to rampage and attack others. The tragic consequences of such policies are now evident for all to see. Monks should confine their activities to their places worship and eschew politics and other wordly affairs.

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    The real problem in Weliweriya is water is pumped out of Sinhala areas around Kelani River, Labugama, Kalatuwawa and Abmabathalai and sent to Tamil areas in Wellawatte, Kotahena, etc.

    This problem has to be resolved before people take matters into their own hands.

    • 0

      Make your mind up before commenting.
      The water is and was contaminated, and according to your comment the water has been diverted to Tamil areas of Wellawatte, Kotehena? which incidentally has many non tamils living.
      which particular problem you want to resolve?

      It’s quite amazing that the rump LTTE diaspora has picked you as a dumb ass to infiltrate LW as Lorenzo to take the gullible at LW for a ride.
      Good luck and its quite amusing to read

    • 0


      You have got plenty of supply back from Tamil ( Colombo) Eelam

      Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water,
      Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water
      Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water
      Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water
      Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water

  • 0

    Laksiri, without sounding patronising, I wish to congratulate you your well elucidated article. The only flaw I find is that you are doing so from the green pastures of NSW rather than somewhere in our own green island. You are no better, if I may say so, than the megaphone interferers of the Tamil Diaspora who are now indulging in tossing in their ideas etc from afar. Should you wish to play a part and influence the shaping of our new society here in SL, give up the cosy life you now enjoy and return here to help us in this gargantuan task. We need people like you, with honesty and good sense to be at the forefront of this battle. Think about it;Keep well.

    • 0

      Spring Chicken,

      Listen you and I will only tell you once more. Every Sri Lankan has the right to speak out against Thugs like yourself from wherever they are. And the Diaspora you are talking about have been paying your bills.
      Some voluntarily ( Sinhalese ) but some by force ( Tamils). If you want to silence the Expatriates refund all the money you bankrupt.

  • 0


    MR was a born Thug and leopard never changes it spots.

    But he struck it lucky and still basking in the glory of defeating the so called terrorists ( We call freedom fighters from Tyranny) and you are not going to dislodge him easily because he aided and abetted by Thugs and Criminals who share the same values.
    But the Chicken has come home roost and your race now has to form a Liberation Movement to Liberate your country from tyranny and you may have to join forces.

    History has a habit of repeating itself and wish you the very best in your task ahead.


    Can you explain the following
    The way the regime operates today is not so much different to the regimes operated under the presidential system previously, with some variations, except that the present situation is much worse than before.
    If the way the regime operates is not so much different to the regimes previously how can it be much worse. I think what you meant say was it much worse because MR is operating is operating the system with callous disregard for common decency and respect for the rule of law because he is a Thug.

    We are familiar with the way the situation of the ethnic pogrom against the Tamils was handled in July 1983 under JR Jayewardene regime. That propelled the beginning of the brutal war for two and a half decades. We are also familiar with the way the second insurrection was quelled in 1989/90 under the Premadasa regime not to speak of other atrocities. Of course the uprising had to be suppressed but not the killings of Wijeweera or others after taken into custody.
    These are war crimes

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    This is a dangerous trend.Not only executive presidency,the associates MR regime has are detrimental for our existence.I am sure they are adviced by Chinese authorities how to be in power for by undemocratic means.This looks like a warning shot to me.If people arise in future either democraticaly or whatever mean,this clan is ready to unleash unprecedented terror to safegaurd their power base.They will not care even if the whole country become a blood bath.This murderous clan are going to be a real curse for us and there wont be a peaceful exit from them for sure.The curse of Muliawaikkal is coming after us and unless we appreciate the agony face by thousands of poor Tamil people ,Sinhala nation will be cursed for a long period of time.

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    This is not the real Army but criminals in Uniform who infiltrated the Forces with the blessings of the corrupt Family to protect them and silence those who oppose or expose the corrupt Family who believe our Mother Lanka is their personal property.

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