13 February, 2025


75 Years – What Have They Done? It Is A Paradise Misplaced

By Elmo Jayawardena

Captain Elmo Jayawardena

Our island was called Lanka in pre-King Vijaya times. Valmiki’s immortal Ramayanaya had King Ravana ruling the land from the city of Lankapura. That was almost four thousand years ago. The Arab traders termed it Jaziratul-Yaqut, island of rubies. Some called it Serendib, some Ceilan, from which the Portuguese picked Ceilao and the European mapmakers coined Ceylon. Many were the names from the many that came. Bar none, everyone agreed and noted in their chronicles that this

Island was indeed the complete Paradise.

We never created it. Let’s be honest about that part. We simply inherited. The gods from their celestial dome, in their infinite kindness, gifted this Paradise to us, the beautiful island of Lanka, to the people of Sri Lanka.

The privilege of being born to such a serendipitous place can only be  expressed if one could take away the corruption that has besieged us all since independence. We need to look through the veils of racial and religious disharmony that obscure the overwhelming beauty that lies beyond. The purity of the land still remains, vastly unspoiled. The occupants of Paradise, still smile, despite the battering they had received from the time they were reborn after the colonials left. Mother Lanka dawdles, whilst her sons and daughters drowse in ignorance, an ominous prelude to the torrential disasters that loom in the near horizon.

Times are sad and the question is paramount in any mind that carries an iota of sanity. “75 years, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?” The sum total of the misfortunes that the majority of the proletariat suffer is directly related to the bad governance of the country. It is not the vegetable seller that is responsible nor the fisherman or the cobbler. It is neither the schoolteacher nor the clerical battalion. None of these Lilliputian shareholders of Paradise are responsible for the doom that is staring at us in gloom. Who is directly responsible for this megalomaniacal catastrophe? It must be the gods, not the ones from Mount Olympus but the ones from Diyawanna Oya. Everyone who sits in those 225 thrones, whether they were proposers or opposers or the ones who raised their hands in agreement or those who sinned in silence abstaining from their sworn duty. They are all responsible for raping this land.  

The ‘misplacing of Paradise’ is directly related to Diyawanna Oya. It is from there the fountains of corruption gush out from every orifice to drown the trampled denizens of Paradise.

And now they want to celebrate 75 years of independent ruination?

Galle Face gave birth to the Aragalaya. It was not born to racial or religious parents, not to political surrogate fathers or international stepmothers. Hired ‘andabera karayo’ (announcing tom tom beaters) and unethical scribes may attempt to blacken the purity of the protest that raised its head when living in Paradise became unbearable. But such camouflage will not eradicate the deep-felt anger that has soaked the ordinary man, woman and child who walked to Galle Face to give life to the Aragalaya.

Their participation in the protest had nothing to do with politics. There may have been a thief or two in the jury, but the majority came because they could not breathe any more. The suffocation of the common man and woman who were down to their knees is what made them gather at the Galle Face Green.

The mighty may assume the Aragalaya has fizzled out. Many were arrested and some were jailed. The political pack was re-shuffled and puppeteers looking for those willing to dance were gifted high pedestals. Nothing changed at Diyawanna Oya. It is still the same stage, only some actors are different. Mother Lanka weeps at the perpetual mockery. The once bubbling Aragalaya breathes softly like a slow-burning fuse. It is the idea that remains, and ideas do not die, nor can they be eradicated. 

When the sun goes down and the pavements become bedchambers for the super poor who pray for the rains to hold till morning.

Little children hear the music of the ‘Choon Paan’ tuk tuk and wonder when they can afford a ‘kimbula bunis’ again.

Schools re-open, book lists are out but where is the money to buy?

Hospitals have no drugs; power cuts are a daily torment, and they talk about extending the dark hours.

Tourists trickle in while Srilankans of all races and religions are queuing in hoards to jump ship and vanish to wherever they can. 

These are no fairy tales of my redundant imagination. They are the stories of Paradise. The day-to-day events play sad and silent along with the cacophony of achievements and flash-pan plans to celebrate 75 years of independence. Don’t tell me the suffering is isolated, oh no, not by a long shot. They are the unheard, the ignored and the expendables of the displaced congregation of Paradise. The ‘boast of heraldry’ is loud and clear, so is the ‘pomp of power’ announcing to the world and beyond the inflated paths of progress. The air is filled with milk and honey stories and rainbow visions for the morrow. But isn’t there a big question mark? Isn’t there some serious filtering needed to seek and give room to the truth?

I am not talking of March provincial elections or who is joining hands with whom to ruin the country more. Politics do not interest me. I’m like the kids that run after the ‘Choon Paan’ tuk tuk with empty pockets. Hope is there but with hardly any reality. Just totally confused between right and wrong and where lies the light or is it only a long dark tunnel? I’m writing of the core expectation, the very basics that humans search for. We need peace and honest governance, the pursuit of happiness to which we are all entitled, like the simple ‘Kimbula Bunis’ the kids crave for. This is what Paradise should be made of, which unfortunately is missing. Yes, our Paradise is mired in a total political mess at present devoid of any reasonable and practical answers.

Everyone is trying to go abroad. Why do all these people leave Mother Lanka? Something must have gone wrong in the system. The exodus only began after we were reborn as an independent nation. Ludowyke and Van Sanden in the sixties, Somasundaram and Gunesekara in the eighties the entire ‘jimband’ from the turn of the century. Hence, the blame is not with the colonials and their international shackles. It is ours and ours alone, lying firmly in the Pontius hands of the custodians who were chosen to charter our future. Isn’t it crystal clear today that the political leadership we voted for and sent to Diyawanna Oya has failed miserably in their delivery?

Let’s get back to the theme of the hour, the forthcoming independence celebration. I wonder what we are celebrating after 75 years of ruling by the sons and daughters of mother paradise. Is it the egg that is 75 rupees or the half kilo of dhal selling at 300 or the loaf of bread at 180? Maybe the 170 for the Sunlight soap has to be celebrated and the red onions at 720 a kilo. The coconut is over 100 rupees and a mere 400 gram packet of Rathi milk powder is 1,200 rupees.

No wonder the children are almost starving, and the parents roll onto a reed-mat after a hard day’s work on empty stomachs.

Yet we are celebrating independence to tell the world how great our Paradise is. Never mind the begging bowl we carry internationally; on 4th morning the marching multitudes and the rolling armour must be on display. The cost of the aerial circus will be astounding. There will be at least 4 sets of different aeroplanes flying in formation over the heads of gods and demigods sitting under VVIP shade at the Galle Face green which is the scene of celebration.

You have to practice flying these air-displays. From a week before the 4th you will hear their engines roar from Kalutara to Katunayake. The jets shrieking, training for the fly-pass, will shatter the clear blue skies and disturb every student writing the ‘A’ level exams in that area. The F-7 fighter-jets in this aero-ballet burn 40 liters of fuel a minute at low levels. And we the minions of Paradise loiter in snaking ques down below with our QR codes to get 20 liters of fuel for one week. If I call it a mockery, that will be gross flattery. Need to mint a new word to describe this folly. 

Do I have to say any more? We the majority may be struggling for the crumbs that fall off the table, but the show must go on. After all it is independence, and it must be celebrated. 

There are some solid silver lines too in our 75-year-old dark cloud. The free education is a wonderful achievement and so is the free health care scheme. Yes, at present the hospitals may struggle with the lack of drugs, but the system is there to help and heal any patient. The credit goes to the powers that were in a bygone era. There are other consolations too, one cannot be totally paranoid. Factory jobs are there for those without a trade. Stitching for Marks and Spencer and the likes help thousands to keep their home fires burning.

Some no-skills Paradisians pawn their souls to go abroad as domestics and for minor employment. They are the local Dick Whittingtons charging into the unknown, exploited at every toll gate. They slave in alien third-class status to send pitifully earned dollars to their loved ones to survive in Paradise. Wasn’t it their brothers and fathers who fought and died in the 30-year war to save their motherland? 

Seventy-five years have gone by from the day of independence. The blameless blame, the nameless suffer and the shameless go on, rough-shodding their way to erode and annihilate Paradise. No need to further elaborate, the reasons are obvious. Some things are best left unsaid. Let me be the coward and let discretion become the better part of my limited attempts at journalism.

Call me a fool if it pleases you and I will accept it. But let me trickle some sanity to your thoughts. Just to kindle an interest. Totally non-political. I cannot and do not separate the villain from the venerated. The line is too thin, and the facts are wildly scattered. The truth certainly is in masquerade.

The Lankan Paradise is not lost, at least, not yet. It is certainly misplaced. That much can be clearly seen, lest one be blind. What happens in the end to things that are misplaced? They never get found and as time goes by, they will go permanently missing. 

Ours is a Paradise misplaced. Let us all valiantly search for answers, it is not too late. Let us collectively find ourselves and our land, before it vanishes beyond the limits and becomes a Paradise Lost

Latest comments

  • 18

    EJ, We still see some aspects of our paradise visible, which means there is still some hope left if the robbers of our national assets can be dipped in the Diyawanna. Aragalaya was not politics, but simply the consequence of the poverty after robberies, expressed by those who were citizens robbed and lost . Ranil became president quite unexpectedly due to aragalaya. Also other groups infiltrated and misused aragalaya’s unique manifestation. Let us be patient to watch the higher authorities finally release the unexpected verdicts to restore paradise.

    • 7

      Washington’s Economic Hit Man, President Ranil Rajapakse came to power in last year promising 15 hours of power cuts and Famine in fertile tropical Sri Lanka. The island has lost Economic Sovereignty, and energy Security to the Washington Twins – IMF and World Bank – and the project to Stage Famine and 15 hour power cuts in Lanka is unfolding with Bio-Warfare.
      The Fall Army (Sena Catapiler) is destroying crops and food security and so too the Coconut White Fly the coconut plantations The lumpy Skin disease targeted cattle in the Eastern Province who died in December, and now the paddy harvest has some other bio-war pest attacking it. So, like the first ever Staged Default last year, this year of 75 years of Independence will see Famine for the first time in SL. This is full on Economic Proxy War by the West on China and the rise of Asia. Meanwhile, the IMF Firesale of strategics assets, lands, marine areas to BlackRock’s front company Adani, telecom, transport and electricity and energy are being targetted… This is Dollar Debt colonialism with a Human Rights and reconcilliation face mask which the western funded NGOs and Human Rights whores gyrate to!

    • 10

      “EJ, We still see some aspects of our paradise visible, which means there is still some hope left if the robbers of our national assets can be dipped in the Diyawanna.”

      How long it is going to reach that “still hope” ? People still have hope on the robbers to make this country “Paradise” and to runaway from this island. People are going to vote agani for the same old robbers. Our President challenged the People I will put all “aragalaya” in jail, will you have power to remove me from the power? Where are those people now who marched to Colombo in May 2022?

    • 16

      “75 Years – What Have They Done?”

      Got rich! ………. You know as well as I. ……. Penniless paupers have become billionaires.

      Left, Right or Centre ….. Democrat, Communist, Socialist, Liberal (neo or whatnot) or dictator, the ruling-class have looked after themselves very well: and still do. …….. Give credit where credit is due: don’t be churlish.

      My only regret and disappointment is, I can’t join the ruling-class; if I could, I’ll be singing a different tune.

      I don’t much like or care for the working-class: they smell of sweat. …….. Not like arriving in an aircon-ed car fresh and nice ………. perfumed to the gills.

      Now, let me go look for my lamp ……. walk the streets of Colombo in the midday sun looking for a honest man. ……… Native better hide.

    • 7


      MaRa the most abusive man of this falling nation who ruined this nation, takes every advantage of every moment to send the message across the country.

      It is not the MPs and their properties that should be demolished but the Abhayaramaya- to have paved the way for the Rajapaksa’s mobilisation.- again and again…. this MURUTHETTUWA man in robes should be made responsible for all the mess.

      . He is against the 13th amendment. Their abberated mindset would never see it right.
      Such Sangharatna should be rejected by all.

  • 13

    The Independence Day no longer has a meaning. Srilanka has been sold to the Chinese lock, stock and barrel. When the Sethu Samudra becomes a reality, Srilanka will be another Gulag of the Chinese.

    • 12

      Your creativity is amazing: “When the Sethu Samudra becomes a reality, Srilanka will be another Gulag of the Chinese.”
      So India will facilitate China to make this island its ‘Gulag’.

      • 3

        When are you going to put on your thinking Hat, just in case you have one?

        • 7

          A normal human being should not need any gadget to use the brains properly.
          Perhaps, unlike you, your ‘thinking hat’ thinks.
          That may be the outcome of your being a loyal slave and the hat belonging to your master.

          • 2

            SJ. Someone said “idle mind is a Devil’s Workshop’.

            • 2

              Someone must have told you this after reading you.
              How is the master race?

              • 2

                …and your Thinking Hat?

          • 7

            SJ. How can you be a slave to the Chincopaths, even to be their lap dog to bark at a great personality like highly venerated and revered His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Take a stock of the ex-colonies of Britain and training camps (concentration camps) run by the Chinese for the Tibetan and Riegur populations. Are you so dumb to appreciate that you are addressing a sophisticated readership of CT?

            • 3

              Can I ask you another absurd question to answer yours?
              When did you stop brutally assaulting your wife?

              • 4

                What A scum-bag????

    • 12


      “Srilanka has been sold to the Chinese lock, stock and barrel.”

      If that is the case why the hell our crooks are sitting in all party conference and talking in circle, particularly Gevindu?
      ඊයේ පක්ෂ නායකයෝ ක්‍රෝධයෙන් වෛරයෙන් එලියට එන්න හේතු වූ සම්පූර්ණ වීඩියෝව මෙන්න..
      Here is the full video that caused the party leaders to come out with anger and hatred yesterday..

      Was it nimal fernando who wrote the script for Gevindu and Weerasekera?
      What does saffron Athuraliye Rathana want, another state commission, Job for his saffron boys?

      • 6

        Sarath W., has not been made knowledgeable as to greater distance present shoulder fired RPG could attain!!?? True as Rajitha says, the southern airports and security establishments are susceptible to attack than the ones in the northeast!!??
        Sarath if he could not subscribe to his thoughts and sustain it, he may not a political base to stand-on!!!
        Govindu’s argument or reasoning as to why “RW should not proceed with this “Project” has been demolished to smithereens and left in a heap of Rubbish/Rubble!! Just because RW is supposed to be a person installed to complete GR’s balance term and (presumably) no mandate to be credible, Then, it goes w/o saying that he had no mandate to allow fertiliser imports and desert Organic agriculture!!!?? The country have such moronic, idiots as Law makers elected by further 6.9 million morons!!!
        These lawmakers are inept, lacking intelligence and intellect posing off as they are most knowledgeable in this country!!
        Inept idiots are the cause of the downfall of this esteemed land!!!
        The most un-educated, un-emancipated narrow minded individuals! SO HOW COULD THE COUNTRY MOVE ON TO BCOME PROSPEROUS!! THE LAWMAKERS BECOME PROSPEROUS INSTEAD!!

      • 10

        I don’t even know who Gevindu is! If you don’t like him ……..must be a swell guy!!

        Have a listen ……. most of it is a load of BS ……. but he brings up some interesting facts ….. you’ll like it; he says China’s days are numbered …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWWWIoI5l_w

        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anWyMsFKvfo ……. give up sniffing Ranil ……… gotta know the world, Man! …… bought shares of gold-companies …… now up almost 50%

  • 30

    For 75 years government after government, not only robbed our wealth but resources, people’s lives, future, reputation, hopes, beauty / environment, peace, unity, racial tolerance, basic needs like education and health, independence, democracy, constitution, civil services ( for which we were known for) , law and order ………leaving the nation totally bankrupt . Who enabled these A.Holes , are none other than our own immoral racist citizens. .

    • 8

      75 years of robbery?
      Was DSS the first robber?

      • 7

        Were you born between 1948 and March 1952 ???

        • 2

          You forgot the month for 1948.
          If I was, will that clear DSS?

    • 11


      Please listen to a speech made by Dr. Indrajit Coomarasamy “”Reviving the Northern Economy in Sri Lanka””

      Hopefully Mahanayake Theras would listen to this speech.

      • 7

        Native, Mahanayake theras collectively wrote a letter to Ranil demanding to station thousands of our jobless forces, in North and East, to protect Sinhala Buddhism at any cost. I do not blame Captain for not mentioning them in “our grand SHAM of things”.

        • 5

          Native, thanks for that link. Please see today’s DM article “Monetary policies have proved to be damp squibs” says IMF, Executive Director Dr. K.V.Subramanian, who also served as India’s former chief financial / economic advisor. According to him, as both conventional and non conventional monetary policies that are based on money multiplier concept, or that releasing bank reserves will lead to lending are proved to be ineffective” (based on evidence from the U.S and India). According to him post great financial crisis, CB’s have failed to stimulate growth. Interesting article.

      • 3

        Dear Native,
        Many thanks for the link to Indrajith’s speech. He refers there to Mangala Samaraweera’s framework for developing the North of Lanka.
        I’ve got as far as this:
        Unfortunately, that’s not even a PDF – it’s a .jpg. How does one get that open?
        Something equally important is this 170 minute video, mostly in Sinhalese:
        NPP BANKS & FINANCE FORUM | බැංකු හා මූල්‍ය ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ වෘත්තිකයින්ගේ හමුව | NPP Srilanka 2023.01.28
        I won’t try to say much here. I was impressed that AKD knows all about the risks inherent in tempting local Commercial Banks to purchase rupee Treasury Bonds at high interest rates. I hope that this will be discussed by the likes of old codger.
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

      • 2

        AKD has been in Minuwangoda on the 29th:
        A 66 minute speech; an emphasis on cancelling on unnecessary perks for past leaders. Plans outlined for recovering state property within Lanka. A call for National Unity and for higher standards of conduct. I’m sure that few of us will have the time to listen to ALL these electoral conventions. Déjà vu is setting in even for me! It would be a service to all if other readers would point out new issues that are being raised in these stump speeches.
        A fuller coverage with other speakers – 2 hours 55 minutes. The quality is not as good here:
        Btw, the total number of contestants on March 9th (from all parties: 82,000).
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444v)

      • 1

        Thanks for the link. Somehow I missed it

  • 7

    Who are the spoilers, have the celebration with milk rice and crackers
    This writer failed to hi lite the core problems ,does everyone equal on this land,they have pride constitution to adapt “foremost “and to “foster”not all the people Sinhala Buddhist, not tamil Buddhist or Punjabi
    How many atrocities for the people of own citizens
    Needs more Pali uni all over country. King Ashoka persuade the wrong people, you could have as many as chthiya but real Buddhism ……..
    Make Ganarasa as next Prez

    • 5


      • 4

        I wonder how one ponders a mouthful!
        One either swallows, spits, or chokes on it.

        • 5

          If it was the first, would have purged, second option, make sure none known are around, hoping it doesn’t land on their head-pot and the 3rd and most important as always, the last – you would heve not heard the matter thereafter – STOIC SILENCE!!!??

          • 0

            “If it was the first, would have purged”
            Is that your view of the mouthful you referred to?
            Not very complementary though.

  • 13

    Elmo Jayawardena

    ” Valmiki’s immortal Ramayanaya had King Ravana ruling the land from the city of Lankapura. That was almost four thousand years ago. The Arab traders termed it Jaziratul-Yaqut, island of rubies. Some called it Serendib, some Ceilan, from which the Portuguese picked Ceilao and the European mapmakers coined Ceylon”

    However, the entire island being known as EELAM from time immemorial, been missed it out by an oversight perhaps.
    Never mind.

    • 4

      True. Most probably missed by EJ, oversight!!
      Migration before and after the continental shelf movement on a continuous basis over centuries and there are voluminous, historical and religious stories in Tamil Literature and Hinduism and reference to this island as Eelam!! None doubts!
      Writing articles, especially, EMOTIVE ISSUE, it’s no doubt, overlooked subtleties in the account!
      Now that it has been noticed, Not heinous crime and certainly PARDONABLE!!??
      Wish to conclude by complementing EJ on significant contribution and critic of monumental spend on 75th anniversary, in “trying times this nation and people are going through”!! It’s MONSTROUS monumental disaster THAT WAS NEVER WANTED BY Sri Lankans!!!
      GOVERNANCE EXCEL when they have the capacity and intelligence to listen to the SOVEREIGN people, the citizens of the country and electorate!! All others could be EXCISED!!??
      Both dates are indicative of the CHARLOTON ways of the elected legislature of the country, SYSTEMATICALLY and CONSCIOUS CONTINUITY dismantling the safeguards, CHECKS AND BALANCES, incorporated in the very liberal SOULBURY CONSTITUTION AND ORDER-IN-COUNCIL 1948, CONSEQUENT ACCESSION TO DOMINION STATUS BY CEYLON!!

    • 2

      “…entire island being known as EELAM from time immemorial,”
      One stupid claim to match another.

      • 5

        China’s man in Sri Lanka
        At this age many do not have access to information although technology has made many things much easier to access.

        “One stupid claim to match another.”


        • 0

          So you endorse “…entire island being known as EELAM from time immemorial,”
          Is it the glass ball again or your failure to see the one you sought in the room?
          Take care of your health– all round.
          Remember, I care for you very much.

    • 8

      Elmo Jayawardena

      In case you did not have access to information on EELAM.
      DR SIVA THIAGARAJAH has published a paper on that subject and the detail is as follows:

      Can be accessed from:

      • 3

        China’s man in Sri Lanka

        Where is China’s man in Sri Lanka hiding now?

        • 3

          China’s man in Sri Lanka
          needs to read the following article published by Prof Karthigesu Sivathamby:
          Getting to know the Sri LankanTamils – part 2: What do the terms ‘Eelam’ and ‘Ilankai’ mean?



    • 1

      Even Hindian The Indian PM Narendra Modi , was proudly boasting that Tamil is the oldest language of the World and as an Indian, the land of the birth of Tamil language,mhe is proud of it and all Indians should be proud of it.
      Not a single Sri Lankan Politician is yet to accept this

  • 18

    Celebrating 75 years of poverty.
    I grew up during Mrs B’s austerity period. I still remember the entire family having to save sugar for months to make a birthday cake & all family members, including little me, waiting in queues for our weekly rations & inedible bread. A change in 1978 gave some hope but corruption & cronyism which had been subtle, became blatant, increasing exponentially. Now we are back to the terrible days of Mrs B or even worse. I hope all those responsible, those who have departed & those still living, have a special place in hell where they can rot.

    • 6

      “I grew up during Mrs B’s austerity period.”
      I was a working young fellow at the time. What interested me was the micro-mini skirts that young ladies wore. I don’t know whether the cause was fashion or a shortage of cloth.

      • 10

        “Everyone who sits in those 225 thrones, whether they were proposers or opposers or the ones who raised their hands in agreement or those who sinned in silence abstaining from their sworn duty. They are all responsible for raping this land.”
        I would say that all the people who repeatedly voted for fake saviours are equally responsible.

        • 3

          How cane we blame ourselves?
          It is always another.

          • 2

            Mao’s Man in Sri Lanka

            DR SIVA THIAGARAJAH has published a paper on that subject and the detail is as follows:

            Can be accessed from:

            Why don’t you visit above link and start learning for the first time in your life.
            Don’t think you are always right.
            You don’t have to be always stupidly arrogant.
            Keep learning, as Red Book does not contain latest information.

      • 5

        I was employed in 1970 and I too enjoyed going to fort instead of Union place or Slave Island for Lunch, especially Parking the car down York St or Bailie St and walk to Chatham Street for Chinese or Pagoda tearooms!!!
        the first time outside a cinema I saw the ‘Buria’ Navel Exposition of “Saree Adorned” young dames!!??
        The group of 4 or 5 used profusely, thank Sirimavo and T. B. Ilangaratna curtailing the width of the saree due to shortage!!
        These shocking & delirious thoughts enabled us forget or go un-noticed the hike in the price of Lunch in the restaurants down Chatham and finally settled down to Taprobane where they remained at Rs 8.0 then Rs 10.00 for a long-time!!
        I believe until 1978!!!

        • 5

          A graduate engineer earned less than 500 rupees a month then.
          I had 50 cent rice packets for lunch. A pound loaf of bread was 35 cents.
          Paying 8 bucks for lunch in 1970! Lucky man! (There was no basmati then, was it suduru samba?)
          BTW, to my knowledge, the sari fabric width did not change in a long time. The length getting shorter I will believe.
          The ladies have been growing noticeably taller and saris are worn to sweep the floor, to the pleasure of buriya watchers.

          • 2

            True enough it wasn’t Basmati, but white rice with fish or meat with 3 vegetables (1 being Parippu)!! Not fancy lunch, definitely palatable and served in a plate c/w fork and spoon and laid on white table cloth!! This was the case in Fountain Cafe, the restaurant (forget the name) next to BoC branch, Union Place and those in Chatham street – quality and quantity variation applied!!! This was 1971-72 (Sirimavo won 22nd May 1970), effects of it percolated after July/August 1970, except blocking FE remittances for further education on the day or 2 after election results confirmed and cabinet announced!!! Agree that government graduate salary in 1970 was Rs 465.00 +/- 25 rupees in 1970!!!?? I was lucky enough to be in the private sector.

            • 1

              Did I not say “lucky man!”
              BTW, the 50 cent rice packet was most palatable and nobody ever complained about either quality or quantity. (Some females used to share a packet so that the cost was 25 cents each.)
              Had you known it, you may have saved Rs 7.50 per meal initially and Rs 9.50 later on.

          • 4

            Honestly, SJ & Mahila!
            You are getting increasingly naughty! Well, here’s one of your Chinese wenches showing her “buriya“.
            She usually displays her legs (nimal fernando’s obsession),
            But sometimes they cannot be seen at all:

            However, here it is made clear that cloth is not meant to be wasted. So much of it saved here:
            You need to watch only the first two minutes there.

        • 4

          Either you or your parents must have been pretty rich! A car to park in Chatham St. and paying a whole day’s wages for lunch !
          I personally lived òn the 25 cts “paan baagey” with parippu. Rice or manioc on alternate days. If I was in the mood for luxury, there were harbour workers selling their lunch packets for 50 cts.

          • 4

            Dear OC,
            What makes a person rich?
            Enriched with knowledge because of right and wrong or not ?. It is incomparable and thousand times valuable than material-based richness.
            According to me, you are richer in your balanced opinions than others in CT. I see something unique in you there than everyone else in CT.
            You are clearly richer than others there, period.

          • 2

            The harbour lunch packets were worth about as much as that of Taprobane.

            • 0


          • 1

            Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello OC. I sure have found my erstwhile mate. Hug and hug and hug.

          • 0

            (Part I)
            Yes, was extravagant in that sense!!
            It did happen if I recall on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, initially!! after about a month or two, all got over the fascination of the “sights and sites” and reverted back to Port bath from Bailie street after doing whatever one is expected to do at fort Customs, Port, Bank and go back to office and be content with the Port Bath, which was of good quality!!! 125-150 Gms of Chicken, Fish (not Salayas) or Meat, boiled egg and 3 vegetables and at times pickle (Malay)!!!
            Well, OC it takes a little while to wear the fascination off, to realise it is hitting the Hip-Pocket!!!??
            After 2.5 – 3 years working in the backwaters of SL, admiring the waterfall and those bathing in that siphoned water, being in CHATHAM ST., and old light house was fantasy unmatched!! Like a new TOY to a child!!!
            It’s just the case of realising, after a spell of time, we were expending more that our earnings, only when it hit the purse!!!

          • 1

            (Part II)
            JUST LIKE SRI LANKA AND o CBSL/SECRETARY MINISTRY OF FINANCE REALISING THE 75 PLUS YEARS OF NEGATIVE BUDGET FINANCING HAS REDUCED SL TO PENUARY AND BANKRUPTCY AND POLITICIANS PROMISING RICE FROM THE MOON AND DISNEYLAND IN COLOMBO OR HAMBANTOTA!!!!????????? THE SAME SYNDROME!!?? Hope you aren’t contemplating thoughts of “EXCUSING AND PARDONING” all the politicians from DSS to RW!!! No way!!! The People/Electorate and Politicians should have realised the ‘FOLLY’ of deficit budgeting should have realised the negative macro-economic damage at least after 1970’S, Dr NMP’s (London School of Economics) TIME!!! THEY DID NOT ANDWERE IN FOOLS’ PARADISE!?

            • 1

              “Hope you aren’t contemplating thoughts of “EXCUSING AND PARDONING” all the politicians from DSS to RW!!!”
              No, but we must remember who elected them. As it says in some book, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.

      • 2

        Both is my humble submission!!

      • 4

        Skirts started to shorten even before the elections of 1970, perhaps in anticipation.

        • 3

          Perhaps that fact was missed by me because though was fortunate to be in the proximity of LC and Metho during school time, was not fortunate to reside to be around that locality later in the day, as were some very fortunate individuals!!!?? Had to be content with Good “Shepherds” as saviours. after school hours!! Mini and Micro Mini came in there after lot of afterthought, if you may so call it!!??

          • 0

            I thought the schools did not compromise on the length of the uniforms.
            (How do you define proximity? The schools are least 700 m apart as the crow flies and 1 km by road.)

            • 0

              10 minutes to walk during Lunch

            • 0

              You are unfortunate that you couldn’t observe the students of Colombo girls’ schools…🙂

        • 4

          China’s man in Sri lanka types
          “Skirts started to shorten even before the elections of 1970, perhaps in anticipation.”

          .Blame UNP.

          • 1

            Easiest “DOG” to beat, given any and all BAD syndrome by THE LEFT OF CENTRE SL PARTIES, not at all providing exclusivity to, “China’s man in Sri Lanka types”!!!! Also be innovative, whilst damning the neo colonist, Imperialist and Reactionary western powers led by USA, claim as an election promise to bring Rice from the Moon, after the hated US astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and returned with samples of the “Moon surface”!!!??? Promising unlimited availability of Rice, if elected!!!??
            Accolades are necessary and when it’s due!!! PLUS! PLUS! W/O DOUBT!!!???
            Worst part is the foolhardy Sri Lankan electorate then, gave them 2/3 Majority in parliament – first time since independence in 1948!!! Significantly, to note, the 1st generation voters after WWII!?
            Same scenario replicated in 2020 50 years almost later, expecting Vistas of prosperity and Splendour and not published action of organic agriculture causing Rice and export crop failure!!? Coupled with Covid, resulted in disaster and deprivation!! Viyathmaga innovation soured!!??

      • 3

        Not everyone wore such “mini skirts” back then. My father has 10 brothers and sisters. Most of their children (my cousin sisters and brothers) scattered around the world after leaving the country for higher education. As many of them told me, they never wore “mini skirts”.
        So the mini skirt was worn not because of a lack of fabric.
        I think our people should learn to be patient. SINHALA buddhist should finally turn out to be ” real buddhists”.True teachings of buddha could change everything to the positive manner.
        But today, they don’t care about anything, but get very emotional before anyone casts their vote in elections.
        Countries that have been under dictatorships for a long time have proven today that it is easier for them to implement democratic governance: look at Poland, Bulgaria, the Baltic nations, etc. I have many colleagues from those countries.

      • 3

        ““I grew up during Mrs B’s austerity period.”
        I was a working young fellow at the time. What interested me was the micro-mini skirts that young ladies wore. I don’t know whether the cause was fashion or a shortage of cloth.”

        I envy you guys ……. you would’ve walked with dinosaurs!

        Poor Native has to queue up for Jurassic Park.

    • 4

      Do uou remember the Queen of France who said “If they do not have bread let them eat cake”?
      The change in 1978 brought the country to its present sorry state.
      We borrowed and borrowed and borrowed to feed a swelling consumerist insanity.

      • 1

        Now we have Valentine’s day and Halloween to celebrate too. Plus, I noticed some Buddhist temples putting on special poojas to celebrate Jesus Christ’s 2023rd anniversary.

        • 3

          Those who believe in reincarnation may even claim that JC was the next birth of GB.

          • 2

            by deduction was Prophet Mohamed reincarnation of GB!!!??

            • 0

              I did no claim any such thing, but yours is a nice thought.
              I wish that it occurs to some of the chief priests so that they will celebrate Prophet Mohamad’s (PBUH) birthday.

              • 1

                And perhaps give out free wattalappam.

      • 3

        Dear SJ,
        I get the point you’re making about bread and cake, and agree with it, but the fact is that Marie Antoinette never said those words. I once gave fairly lengthy quotes to make the point, but it was edited out.
        So, please search, yourself, for places where that story is convincingly rebutted.

    • 3

      Dear Raj,
      I disagree, that 75 years were wasted and nothing gained. If you go back then, you will see how poor our people are. They were so subjugated… they were so slalves like that their backbones were damaged by the colonial masters.

      dont you think that democracy in country should be introduced once a country is lifted by socialism to some extent ?
      Human development should be given the precedence before them being exposed or connected with better systems.
      In our hell, yet today, even among those that are assumed to be educated, for example teachers, engineers, doctors and other graduates, they, most of them dont set example to the uneducated, being caught by ” sinhala-buddhism racism”: So, the majority uneducated people, how would they learn it ?

      As one who live in Europe, you might have noticed, those countries liberated from USSR in 1989 onwards, found much easier to go in the path of democracy than many in asian continent.

      • 4

        As one who live in Europe, you might have noticed, those countries liberated from USSR in 1989 onwards, found much easier to go in the path of democracy than many in asian continent.

        Looking back, I beleive today, to a country and nation, whose some levels are achieved through dictator rules, could better digest democratic governance in favour of the masses every where.
        Poland, Bulgaria, Tzech republic, other baltic countries, russia, white russia and all digest democratic rule today much better than so called older democracies in Asia.

        I think in a country of our nature filled with cultural stumbling blocks, we should have social-democratic governance atleast for a period of 5 years, until infrastructure is achieved across the island, also by being able to enforcement of rule of lalw in compliance with the paragraph, unlike it is being applied today. Those who dont adhere to laws, would never respect them. They just wanted to escape showing their economic weaknesses. Then the authorities dont impose laws, but let them escape rather.

        • 1

          Whilst I agree, that countries which were under dictatorship, are likely to embrace democracy, much easily and faster!! True and I agree!!
          What I disagree is the SL was a country abiding by democratic principles!!!
          No. They didn’t have democracy, but more of Dictatorship!!!
          The hard fact is even after that ruthless rule in 2005 to 2014, which was ended by people voting at a free elections, the SB’s and saffron clad were clamouring for a Hitler in 2019 as they were enjoying it!!!?? Of Course they did it seems with such yearning the electorate gave the aspirants 2/3majority to complete their task!!? The elected did carryout in full measure and we now have this disaster in our hands – Deprivation, Disaster and Famine!!!
          All those who yelled and called for such action, were not the “Commoner Gardner” type, but privileged, ensconced in Power or high-ups of religious bodies!!? These guys are shielded from the aftereffects, unlike the poor and aged!!!
          At this rate, how could this country progress or achieve Vistas of prosperity and Splendour??
          When you take 1 step forward which is then followed by 2 steps backwards!!!??

          • 0

            Mahila, It has a lot to do with the Sri Lankan mentality.

            They try to escape easily from law and order through bribery. Minor or major corruption activities have developed within Sri Lankan systems or perhaps within the entire South Asian region. That is seen like their blood group. Unique to them.
            Their inability to strictly enforce law and order, whose norms they do not tolerate, is a hindrance.
            I watched a German documentary LAST weekend, a pick pocketer was sentenced to 2-3 years in prison, and former President Sirisena or those who were clearly accused of the Easter disaster are not summoned by the courts for investigation? How can any sane person accept this? ? Nor have they interrogated Mahinda s wife yet for the complicit of that Jamal Khashogi style Wasim Thajudeen s misterious murder….. where are we living ?


            • 0

              They will not respect anything. See how they drive on the road. Tourists described to me their unique experience of land road buses from Kataragama to Colombo. I also found that the speed of those buses was beyond controllable. There is no law and order against them either. A bus driver on a long-distance public bus behaves like a “mayor” in front of the passengers. When will they grow up? why cant law and order trame them ?
              As the young German explained it like nighmareishly, public transport drivers could not believe their eyes how they behaved on the roads. According to him, human security has no place in Sri Lanka. He has traveled all over the world, but according to him, Sri Lanka’s roads are unsafe and need to be drastically improved.


              • 0

                A young male nurse (from Germany) has spent 3 months in Sri Lanka (a form of self-experience of Sri Lankan culture) and has returned abroad with a backpack.
                From KKS to deWUNDARA and being able to travel across the country, he has more experience about Sri Lanka than I have ever gathered. He has talked to the rural people and got to know their mindset and daily life. However, on my flight back to Europe, he criticized Sri Lanka because, although naturally beautiful, a civilized nation does not follow law and order.
                According to him, politics in Sri Lanka is a mess. He claimed that Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is fake. He himself has seen the animals being hurt by having their legs tied with sharp chains that can cause fatal injuries. According to him, Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country on paper only. I had no choice but to shake my head… saying that Srilanka is another developing nation, i nodded my head.

  • 10

    Mr. Jayawardena,

    You have written a moving article, but in placing the blame on the politicians, you are ignoring the foundational problems with giving the Buddhist clergy too much power, or the Anagarika Dharmapala mindset of the people, and the role of the voters in electing the politicians who, in the search for power, instigated all sorts of violence, racist and otherwise.

    While corruption was rampant as well, it wasn’t central to the country’s decline. India and Bangladesh have found ways to grow despite similar corruption.

    What the Sri Lankans, particularly the Sinhalese, need is a leader who develops a clear agenda for turning things around, and that inevitably includes telling the people something like this: “I am on a mission to save the country from destroying itself and impoverishing everyone. I won’t tolerate any racism or corruption. Stop your blame game, irrationality and victimhood, and get on with the program.” Finding ethnic reconciliation by addressing accountability for war crimes, and other issues like land alienation in the North-East or reparations, are all part of this process; a needed reset before the country can turn itself around.

    • 5

      “While corruption was rampant as well, it wasn’t central to the country’s decline.”
      Exactly. Many people seem to think that the Rajapaksas or whoever have zillions salted away abroad. In that case, why are they hanging on here? One must grant that even crooks are rational. Literacy in this country seems far ahead of numeracy.

      • 2

        Those who complain about paying 225 MPs and want an LG election don’t seem to know that 82000 LG members must also be paid after they get elected.

        • 1

          Watch your words.
          There is already suspicion that you are part of Ranil’s conspiracy to withhold LG elections.

      • 0

        That is thru…

      • 1

        Going by comments here, do you really think that literacy is significantly far ahead of anything, including commonsense?

        • 1

          Literacy doesn’t give its possessor the ability to think, in many cases.

          • 1

            Talking about literacy, did you see the unholy prime time fuss made over kids who passed the grade 5 exam a few days ago?
            Has anyone ever found out what the kids who did well 20 years ago are doing now, compared with the ones who didn’t?

            • 0

              Prof. CLV Jayatilleke in his last assignment as Chairman, NEC produced a report on school education which among others made the following recommendations:
              Abolish the Grade 5 examination as an all island activity.
              Curtail school years by one.
              Let students proceed to GCE-a.l. without a break following the GCE-o.l. exam.
              Reduce examination load on children.
              Examinations only measure one’s ability to answer examinations. they have nothing to do with knowledge or learning.
              Most of the useful learning happens outside school.
              Many great GCE a.l. performers have fallen way behind those with ‘mediocre’ results.
              An important aspect of the point you raised is that all the fuss abut performance at Grade 5 has a negative influence on all children. The ‘winners’ are under pressure to keep ‘winning’ and when that does not happen, they become tragic misfits.
              The teachers and parents need lessons on the purpose of education.

              • 0

                “The teachers and parents need lessons on the purpose of education.”
                But, for that they need to be aware that being a NASA rocket scientist or a heart surgeon (as a couple of kids seem to think) is not the highest achievement, and that being a master electrician or farmer is just as fulfilling.

            • 1

              According to the reports, despite passing the 5th grade examination, not even 5% of them have entered higher education and become full bright scholars.

              The kind of exam results put them above from the begining on… and that will affect on the child growth. .One of my nephews ended up becoming a loser even if he was given proper education by his parents.

              Didn’t I tell you CT readers earlier, I met junior lecturers (just BSc holders with a class) who were blessed with postgraduate studies in Europe. As I heard from the librarians, some of these PG students stole books from the library and hid them from their fellow students, their envy and jealousy overflowed, but they were all Sinhala Buddhists.

              Assuming these men completed their Masters theses and PhD theses and returned to their home country, would they ever become role models? If someone grew up in their child’s development in a Sinhala Buddhist environment from the age of 3-16, all that is embedded in them is bound within them like a trunk and an outer covering.

              • 0

                “As I heard from the librarians, some of these PG students stole books from the library”
                That tactic won’t work nowadays, don’t you think? You can get a PDF of anything.

  • 4

    we lost the paradise because of communalism.At least now on let us start to value people who are contributing to the country instead of getting racist and hammering and chasing them away.

    • 5

      Yes Shankar,
      We lost it without being able to develop our thought patterns. See how many of the university staff work without being able to find unity wihtin them.

      University rankings move backward, but they stay like SIGIRIYA rock standing on the way…
      .. Universities and industries are not yet linked as is the case in any developed world….. there are no systems either to bring them together.

      … how many people work in unity inside the schools?
      .. see how many villages are left that are left desolate because they are unable to compromise for their own good?

      Sri Lanka is a natural paradise compared to other tropical countries..
      .. However, how much cultivable land remain empty? why ? Are the people born physically handicapped ?

    • 4

      This motherly dog (see below) is an example to the world and other four and two -legged animals of how to live in peace while caring for each other, what our Sinhala Buddhist monks can hardly achieve.

      We are all the same. If we are born on this earth we should all be given equal rights. If Europeans treated us as second citizens, I wouldn’t stay in Europe for a minute.

  • 4

    There is One, and only One party to vote for.
    This party does not belong to the Ranil-Rajapaksa conglomerate that placed $53-billion of the Hardworking-Suffering-Lankan-Masses on off-shore accounts for the boom or bust cycle of global markets, such that it is virtually impossible to get back, or is not allowed to get back unless the Secession and India-Merge key in as main factors.
    This Party does not belong to the Ranil via Rajapaksa-Adani-and-co. group of companies attempting the India-merge to force-work the USD 53-billion in some magical way via India ; country secession the key deal.
    This Party will be THE unifier. USD 53-billion will be gotten back through them + extra IMF deals due to their tenacity to catch the top-level crooks. Or if the USD 53-billion has been busted, will work with the common Lankan Masses to FINALLY bring up the Motherland from the core of her being (if we are going to suffer for the next two generations, it’s better that we do so with a common pool of money, and not work as Taxed-Slaves for the 1%- billionaire set).
    World does not give a hoot for our Independence Celebrations. World will applaud Mother-Lanka when we finally innovate our financial codes, and eliminate our country megalomania and corruption.

    • 5

      I am not one who sticks to or limit the thought process only to the past, but comfortable to include the emerging factors and changing landscape in arriving at a conclusion!
      You may be right in your esteemed proposition as to NPP!!!??? My concern is as to whether the constituent – and in my view the major constituent of NPP – has changed their concepts and views and greater emancipation in their thought process and outlook as to Sri Lankans aspirations and Sri Lanka, vis-a-vis especially 1987/89 todate, which is important and major factor in this decision!!!??
      Definitely, there seems to be superficial changes for better, but still doubtful as to core policies, which makes some (with whom have had the occasion exchange ideas) in the wider community, as to whether this change is a political move, to regain mass electability!!! Meaning the strategy may be to change after election!!! Hope not and categorical reassurances in this regard, from the likes of AKD, LK, Tilvin Silva and Herath would be welcome to assuage such ill-feelings towards NPP!! Not mentioned, Harini A, not because she is insignificant, but she has no “Bad Baggage” of the past to contend with!??

      • 2

        “Definitely, there seems to be superficial changes for better, but still doubtful as to core policies, which makes some (with whom have had the occasion exchange ideas) in the wider community, as to whether this change is a political move, to regain mass electability!!!”
        You are right in doubting. Over time, the JVP has dropped its talk of bloody revolution, planting manioc instead of tea, etc etc. It has a more user-friendly face now. It even organizes seminars for businessmen at 5 star hotels. Political parties can be corrupt only when they are in power. Who knows what crooks or thugs have crept into the JVP?
        Perhaps it deserves to get elected at the LG polls, so we can assess its performance.

        • 0

          Old Codger,

          Even if some typically Lankan crooks and thieves enter the JVP-politics, their update-modern-Marxist-ideologies will be a far, far, cry in the opposite direction (the good direction), compared to the typically Lankan crooks and thieves in the ape-embarrassing-capitalistic ones like the SLPP, UNP, et. al. Common man’s sustenance is assured.

    • 2

      That is called Democracy, Mahila. NPP waits for common consensus before formulating country plans. NPP is for opening up minds, hearts, and intellect of the Countrymen and getting together a robust, democratic plan of action that spells System Change. Slogans are geared towards each individual person and family. Simple and effective. They evolve with the times.

      This is quite unlike the present and former incumbents’ plan for glory of the motherland that the masses of gullible fools sucked up so readily in avid anticipation….. election results most probably rigged. Just look what happened to their Vistas of Prosperity! And now ol’ Ranil is clapping people in chains and agony to fulfill the Billionaires’ Vistas drive – Country Secession, India-Merge, and Land-Bridge included.

  • 7

    This country will have no progress until this curse is removed from Sri Lankan politics.

    The three Chief Incumbents sending a letter to the President has informed that it is appropriate to maintain the army camps in the vicinity of the temples in the Northern and Eastern provinces.

    • 10

      The three Chief Incumbents sending a letter to the President has informed that it is appropriate to maintain the army camps in the vicinity of the temples in the Northern and Eastern provinces!?
      When will somebody remind these exalted excellencies that They have not yet been elected to govern this country!!!???

      • 3

        These are the ones told Gota to be Hitler then persuade super 69 had crackers and kites with kiri bath
        Now this fellow stuck in this Modays paradise, he got chance to be US citizen the lottery ,he lost that too no way he can touch that soil self imprisonment

      • 3

        13th amendment is wrong at this time. Country is in a severely weakend state, and Tamil diaspora holds huge amounts of wealth. All the military training and air displays that America and foreign countries are giving us at this time are going to be showcased at the Independence celebrations. The North and East are given their own share of training. We are being prepared for war and secession.

    • 1


      the monks have done enough damage to the country since the time they got the banda -chelva pact torn up by banda. They never learn do they.Taxpayers should stop funding them so lavishly.Lord bhuddha asked people togive alms willingly,not by taxes.

  • 4

    75 Years – What Have They Done? It Is A Paradise Misplaced

    Aragalaya choice of the people arranging the misplace paradise until then Keep reading for thoughts on the corruption we see all around us daily The President is not Choice of people is never voluntarily given but to cover up the fraud by the oppressor it must be demanded by the oppressed, and call for reset is done by the people government is not revolutionizing and what are their unique skills, Our world is transforming too fast and the system hasn’t been able to keep up.

  • 6

    Elmo Jayawardane: You say: “God gifted this Paradise to the Sri Lankan people”. For that, we are thankful to God.

    But why that same “GOD” neither could give nor forget to give a “GIFT” of “GOOD PEOPLE” to Administer that “Paradise”? Look at what those “CROOKS” have done to the “Paradise” for the last 75 years. Where was “GOD”? We HOPE and PRAY that “GOD” will come back and “REDEEM” us from this “CURSE”.

    • 3

      Simon Mahaththayo,
      The answer to your question is simple, 99% of people in Sri Lanka are not good people. They are like poisonous reptiles. Sinhala Buddhism is the outer cover of the book, and you will find everything that enriches hatred, envy, hatred, hatred, which is completely against the true teachings of Buddhism and true Buddhism.

      So how to choose good leaders from the majority of slaves? If you expect it to happen – you can wait for pigs to fly.

      The country is naturally beautiful, like a paradise, but the people and their thinking nature……exceeds hatred / envy / envy / malice. … You know all these as facts.. If you haven’t already, please don’t show your bazaar to the people….

  • 4

    Not “what have they done” instead it should have been “what have we done”? It is the so called more than 90% literate electorate elected all these “thugs, drug peddlers, frauds, rapist, money launderers, and half-baked educated illiterate, as MPs to the so called parliament. All these bastards got into the parliament in name of Sinhala-Buddhist” chauvinism and ruined the paradise into paupers land of paradise. These fellows were backed by the Mahanaayakkes of all creeds. Unless and until these Mahawamsa mind set theros are educated to change their mind set, there will be no end for further ruination of the country. These theros can only change the s called more than 90% of the literate electors. We need another Sir John Kottelwale to keep these theros out of politics and send them for re-education of real Buddhist philosophy.

    • 5

      You cannot remedy these outcomes by r-educating one sector or the other?? ALL ARE CORRUPT, WITH NO EXCEPTIONS AND ALL NEEDS RE-EDUCATION!!!??
      This needs massive effort and would take a long time – 20+ years least!
      Momentous task!!
      Electorate corrupted by ¼ bottle gal, Chicken Biryani cash Rs. 5000 to hand before voting, Luxury Benz cars (V8) for clergy – insufficient to go by Toyota Yari(remove front passenger seat for additional leg room), MP’s and Ministers have their hands in all sorts of contracts – greed and aggrandisement is the name of the game!!!
      None following Lord Buddha’s precepts, including specially, these emancipated Sinhala Buddhist!?
      This is no reality in this generation!!!
      Holocaust of some form to remove all the scum of this earth – especially SL variety!!??

    • 2

      well said

  • 2

    What we lacked was good governance.How do we rectify that.We must copy other similar type countries which have good governance starting with singapore and moving up towards larger countries tha singapore such as switzerland,netherland and taiwan.

  • 8

    If the author is wondering why an Independence Day celebration is being held this time round also, while the nation starves and an entire future generation is malnourished and intellectually stunted as a result, there is a simple answer. That MF the president Ranil Raja poxer has to bask in the glory of very expensive fly-pasts and idiotic servicemen saluting him at his red-carpeted pedestal before he is wiped out along with all his enablers and the bureaucratic and industrial classes that benefit from such a MF and cabal in power. The elections will be a turning point in the nation where the poor sods who were born in a Paradise live a life of hell will start calling the shots, which will hopefully culminate in a massive popular revolution that will see the last of this parasitic, rotten to the core vermin gone forever.

    • 1

      We should wonder why such celebrations are held at all.
      In fairness, if EW decided not to hold the celebrations, the very same people who criticize holding will as vociferously criticize not holding.
      Right now it is just RW who the issue and not what he does or does not.
      Why cannot we propose alternatives to controversial decisions instead of cursing all the time?

      • 0

        LP , I fully agree. It’s nothing but hypocrisy and BS. Haven’t we heard and seen enough. See today’s news money allocated for President, PM and Cabinet office expenses called “special funding ” ( what’s special???) for this year is more or less same if not more compared to last year. To maintain Gotha cost 3 Billion and now Ranil 4 Billion. Mara 1.5 Billion Dinesh 1 Billion. Same with Cabinet members. Expenses include holiday and fuel payments. The alternate to Bankrupt festivities will be just hoisting the flag. Will anyone consider???? Remember during the peak of crisis Mara having full course meals in Italy and Namal indulging water sports.all under pretext of attending conferences

  • 3

    This is the problem with this thesis.
    1- it assumes while while were were under the hegemony of the westerners this country was a paradise . It may have been for some English speaking pets of the English but it was hell for majority. A good example is my family where my grand parents and great grandparents were as poor as dirt but successive generations improved themselves.
    2- Why do we blame governments for the problems we have today. Do we as people have no responsibility to our own well being and development.
    3 The countries that developed them selves developed due to the hard work of individuals. not governments . ( other than western colonialists who had the benefits of the riches they stole) The Thais or the Chinese or the Malays don’t wait on their governments grow their countries. They do so by their own hard work. Sri Lankans on the other hand sit their fat butts on the ground and wait for the next appointed government.

    4 if you ask most out siders who visit the country they still call it a paradise. but our own sit on their asses and wait for the Rajaya to do something. and spend all their time talking politics..

    • 5

      a14455 / January 29, 2023

      It is truly a paradise for tourists. Even for me, seeing pictures of the country makes me jealous, especially in the harsh winter weather of Europe.
      But humans are like poisonous reptiles. Talk to your circles and clarify your doubts. I have done it over and over again. Most of the people you think you trust won’t respect you if you live outside the country. Even your brothers and sisters will not respect your thoughts and mind if you start advising them as if you have seen a better world.

      The need of the hour is to feed them the truths about our lives and rebuild the nation.Even teachers are not knowledgeable enough for today s world. So how can they teach well to the students ? Social media spread sorcery and astrolgy making the masses even stupdier….
      There are many reports that our people as farmers lack knowledge. It is very bad as an agriculatural nation. Had they been rich in knowledge, all the vacant lands around them could have been put to better use for the needs of the country. We Sri Lankans could have maintained our self sufficiency in our needs long ago.. if people’s thoughts and minds were right.

  • 2

    “Wasn’t it their brothers and fathers who fought and died in the 30-year war to save their motherland? “

    It is only a proud hangover left with the Sinhala Buddhists who were programmed in the name of “Saving the Sovereignty.” At this time of the earth’s history, all countries united in many different, multiple, beardless unions, and refusing to recognize any importance for the age-old idea of “sovereignty,” which is a flourishing billion-dollar business in Langkang, for politicians. The latest classic example is, while Germany is fearing for its borders, many democratic countries got together and forced it to save Ukraine’s borders. Finally, Germany came out of its cocoon and agreed to support Ukraine militarily.

    Three years ago, when the Evil Emperor was willing to give up power to Royals, to achieve this, the Tamil churches bombing were organized by all members of UNP-SLFP factions & with many Muslims ministers and a Cardinal.

  • 2

    In 2015, Sinhala Buddhists, India, America, Sampanthan Aiyya, CBK, Madulawe Sobitha Thero joined together to implement a regime change, that was infusing excessive ethylene to force the young vegetable to fruit. Sinhala Buddhists had not tasted any real fruit by then. They were not ready to bend and understand the notion of what a country is. Of course, in 2019, 6.9M was ready to oust out Evil’s and beg on Royals’ feet “Pichchai Vendam Nayai Pidi”, (Please, I beg you, no alms, but stop the dog (Yahapalanaya Aanduwa). It is going to tear me off) the main reason was the desperate situation of the economy which the New King and Evil Emperor had destroyed by their tug of war with each other and by their many robberies, starting from the Central Bank Burglary. The dollar exchange rate was jetting to hit 300. Evil could not borrow from any country. UNHCR was so concerned about Evil’s attitude that he was not ready to recognize its authority or concerns. At last, sensing the atmosphere of the country, Evil did not stand for the EP election. Voluntarily resigned the parliament, after the EP election, 1 year before the date, to waste people’s money on election unnecessarily.

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    But sadly, in that soaking shower of themes and ideas, there was no subject for Royals to select for their election propaganda. The motto they brought for the election was “save the sovereignty of the country”. That was, instead of guiding the mouth to bark, Royals were guiding the tail to wag. Of course, this time it was about Muslims, whose contribution to the successful 30 years’ war victory, refused to accept SBs but vilified them as the new enemies for another new, 30 years’ war and a victory, for the Sinhala Buddhists political survivability.

    Watching this through the askew filtering the political prism of CT, we wrote here in CT “Save the citizens to save the nation, save the nation to save sovereignty”. By the Everest proposition of misunderstanding what a country is, after coming to power with two years of 2/3 majority, royals ran out to a country where there was no visa to go.

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    Here are some kids now showing superior understanding of what a country is & when it needs their sacrifices. Then, why are those who are unwilling to recognize the kids’ true heroism, bring here the Modaya Generation who were employed by the crooks as cats’ paws? What is true heroism? Who has the refined, nuanced mental capacity to identify & recognize it in an encouraging manner to build a better world for everybody? Is that “Fighting Gota’s War, perishing them, perishing their families, perishing their leader Gota, geocoding their perceived enemy’s race and the country , or is it finding the truth and chasing that bastard, from the country’s top seat? Why do these authors slip to talk about the cats’ paws whenever they set out to talk about the true heroes? Is this a tricky game, misdirecting the new generation to their father’s Path? May these kids’ parents and forebears might have followed the path of rowdy Vijaya, but never in the history of Ceylon, did that so-called animal, Vijaya, visited this Island. That bestiality is appearing exclusively only in Mahavamsa.

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    Paradise was never donated to anybody by any ascetic, renunciatory person like Buddha. It is built here on earth by Singaporeans like angelical bees living on earth. Please free Ceylon, for the country to become a paradise in future at least from the imaginary curses of Kuveni, by not propping up merciless rapists, murderers and war criminals as heroes who sacrificed their lives to make it as paradise,

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    The essayist has an eye for history.
    Many years ago,somewhere in early 90s , I remember reading an article in the CDN authored by Capt.Elmo Jayawardena when he was a Pilot with AirLanka.. In that article he mentions his visit to the memorial to Ellepola a onetime chieftain of the Kandyan Kingdom before it fell to the British in 1815. The memorial was in Mauritius where he was banished by the British. The cleanliness of the area around the memorial with fresh flowers placed on a daily basis prompted him to ask the question who was the person in that distant land paying his or her respect for Ellepola. After all he was a part and part of the History of the Kandyan Kingdom.

    As for the lament of Elmo the British handed over the country to a den of Thieves.
    Perhaps they were unable to fathom the in-built corruption in the veins of those who took to politics in the latter years.
    What on earth are we celebrating after 75 years of running the country down to zero.?

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    Perhaps I should have used the term ruining the country to zero…………and not running …….
    None of those in our Parliament are Athletes.

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    What the author needs to understand is that the leaders come from the people, the citizenry, the problem is similar to a traffic jam, we are also part of the problem; unless we change the country will never change.

    Its similar to a badly run company, the cost is double the income, and every year the deficit is bridged with borrowings and further borrowings by issuing sovereign bonds and taking loans thus pushing the country and the future generation to a gaping hole. and this happens whilst providing free education which the state can’t afford and producing graduates-doctors and engineers to benefit the western countries, who get educated graduates to fill their vacancies at no cost to them.

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    It was a Paradise in the beholder’s eye even before it was Ceylon ! It looks the
    word ‘ Paradise’ is borrowed from Persia for ‘Garden’. If we manage to take
    away , religion , race and politics just for a moment , The Paradise still exists !
    The Tyrants who didn’t see any difference between a Paradise and a Hell
    didn’t have the right amount of resources to completely destroy it ! The irony is ,
    it was still for the outsider that the place was a Paradise !

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      I always dream about my country more whenever my colleagues and other European citizens, come with their positive assessments.


      -But the difference is we grew up in that hell, religion, culture and traditions, so we as srilanken expats see things differently.

      Earlier I thought we should help our poor again and again, however, our people s lethargy and non-hardworking nature dont bring them forward.

      They sit infront of TVs every evening to watch TELEDRAMAS rather than focusing on any awareness programs.
      ….. The truth is that whenever I go back to the country, what are the experiences at airports, banks, markets, dispensaries, ticket counters, supermarkets. ? , I am more disappointed than the previous trip to the country. This has become many times worse today as the dire conditions faced by people today are incomparable to ever before. I mean not only today but 10 years ago.

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    We find that the article was written for the Sinhala people only and not for SL as a whole. The writer mentions, “Wasn’t it their brothers and fathers who fought and died in the 30-year war to save their motherland? ” (bottom of the 4th para in the page before the last page) Question to the writer is, “Save the motherland from whom?” What the writer meant was that, those who died in the war, did so, in order to save their motherland from the LTTE. But, the writer didn’t realize that the LTTE, in fact, fought for the legitimate rights of the suppressed Tamils in the N & E, whose rights were denied and suppressed by all of the Sinhala Governments that were in power. LTTE didn’t fight the war to invade the South? So what the writer is talking about? – utter nonsense! It appears to be a damned racist article.

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    So now 75 years have gone by. The new rulers (Majoritarian Sinhala Buddhist) have made their citizens to fear each other causing ETHNIC frictions. The rulers could have learnt something from the way Singapore was being developed. Meritocracy and a corruption free governance had brought about prosperity. We could hope some sense will get into them and bring about the CHANGE that the PEOPLE are craving for!
    Dissolve the Parliament
    Bring in New Constitution
    Prevent Clergy participation in Politics
    Bring in Judiciary that is not manipulated by rulers and Attorney General an independent one

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